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July 20, 1954
The City Cowmission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at
City Hall, 'ruesday, July 20,1954 at 2:00 p.m. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
John W. Bates
G. L. Kennedy
Jack Russell
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Commis s ione r
F. C. r4i ddleton ""d.".d__"4_~_.. .....--...*
Chas. ~. Phillips, Jr.
Capt. W. D. Booth
S. Lickton
R. Wendall Spragins
Frank Abernathy
Ci ty i~lan()ger
City Attorney
Police DepArtment
City Engineer
City Fiscal Agent
Ci ty 'rreasurer
f' ,"'
~ I,' .
t ... ~ :':,:,
l ....
Also present were:
; ..
The Mayor called the meeting to order and informed those present that the
purpose of the meeting was to open bids and to consider the sale of $400,000.00
in Recreation Revenue Certificates. In response to a question by the Mayor, Mr.
Spragins stated that neither he nor his firm had any interest in the submitting
of bids or in the buying of the bonds either directly or indirectly. Six bids
were opened as follows:
Watkins-!w1orrow & Company, Birmingham, Alabama
$394,080.00 and accrued interest to date of delivery
Interest rate on bonds - 1955 to 1961 - 2.75%
1962 to 1974 - 3 %
1975 to 1984 - 3.25%
Average interest rate - 3.238%
Interest Paid - #263,657.50 plus discount
Stubbs, Smith & Lombardo, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama
t:f'400,OOO.OO and accrued interest from date of certifi.cates to delivery
Interest Rate on bonds - 1955 to 1967 - 3 %
1968 to 1975 3.25%
1976 to 1984 - 3.5%
Average Interest - 3.3739%
Pierce, Carson and Wu1bern, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida
Interest rate on bonds
Average Interest
- 1955
- 3.229913%
to 1965 2.75%
to 1976 - 3 %
to 1984 - 3.25%
Equitable Securities Corporation, Nashville, Tennessee
Interest Rate - 1955 to 1984 - 3.25%
Average Interest Rate - 3.32643%
First National Bank, Clearvm ter, Florida, as 86ent for
Robinson-Humrhreys, Atlanta, Georgia
Interest Rate - 1955 to 1959 - 4 %
1960 to 1969 3.75%
1970 to 1984 3 %
Average Interest - 3.1289%
LeedYl Wheeler & Alleman, Orlando, Florida
Interest Rate - Entire Issue - 3.75%
The Mayor announced a thirty minute recess to permit tabulation of the bids by the
City's Fiscal Agent and the City Treasurer.
Having tabulated the bids, Mr. Spra~ins, Fiscal Agent, reported the bid or
Robinson-Humphreys Company as being the best bid. The City rrreasurer agreed and
joined in the recommendation that the bid be awarded to Robinson-Humphr~ys Conlpany
subject to the Supreme Court's confirming the validation of the certificates. Mr.
Spragins, in response to a question, stated that his firm was taking the risks of
preparing and printing the issue prior to the Supreme Coprt'g decision.
Commissioner Bates moved that this bond issue of $400,000.00 be awarded to R6binson-
Humphreys Company of Atlanta, Georgia, theirs being the best and lowest bid, at a
premium of ~26.00 with the following interest rate, 1955 to 1959 - 4%; 1960 to
1969 - 3.75%; 1970 to 1984 - 3%; with the understanding that the sale is subject
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July 20, 1954
to the provisions stated in the advertisement dated July 6, 1954; subject to
the Supreme Court's approval of the Certificates, and the average ~ntereBt
rate being 3.1289%. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meet1ng
was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
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JUly 20, 1954
July 19, 1954
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell
W. E. Strang, Jr.
John W. Bates
Guy L. Kenned y
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on. Tuesday, JUly 20, 1954
at 2:00 p.m. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of opening bids for
the sale of Clearwat~r Recreation Revenue Certificates.
Very truly yours,
Is( F. C. Middleton
F. C. Middleton
City Manager
;- '
July 20, 1954
The City Commission o.� the City pf Clearwater met in Special Session at
City Hall, '�uesday, July 2p, lg5�r at 2:00 p.m, with the following members present;
Herbert Pd. Brown
Jahn W. Bates
G. L. Kennedy
Jack Russell
'"" . VT. E. St;'rang, Jr.
Also present were:
F. C. P2iddleton
Chas. i�1. Phillips,
Capt. W. D. �ooth
S. Lickton
R. Wendall Spragins
Fxank Abernathy
Mayor-C ornmis si oner
C ommis s ione r
City itiIanager
Jr. City Attorr_py
Folice Depar�ment
City Enginesr
Czty Fiscal Agent
City Treasurer
The :�Iayor called the mesting to order and informed those present that the
purpose of the meeting was to open bids and to consider the sale ef ��.00,000.00
in Recreation Revenue Certi#'icates. In rssponse to a question by the �aypr, Mr.
Spragins stated that neither he nor his firm had any interest in the submitting
of bids or in the buying of the �onds either directly or indirectly. Six bid�
were opened as follows:
Watkins�Morrow 8c Company, i�irmin�ham, Alabama
�394,0$0.00 and accrued interest to date of delivery
Tnterest rate on bonds - 1955 to 1961 _ 2,75�
1962 to 197t� - 3 �
1975 to lg$�. - 3.z5�
Average interest r�te - 3.�3$0
Interest Paid - �263,657,50 plus discount
Stubbs, Smith, R•.Lombaxdo, Inc., Sirmingham, Alabama
�I�OC,00Q.00 and accrued interest from date of certificates to delivery
Int�rest Rate on bonds - 1955 to 1967 - 3 %
196� to 1975 - 3,25%
197b to 19$�: - 3•5�
Average Interest - 3.3739�
Pie�rce, Carson and Wulbern, Ina., Jacksonville, Florida
�a392 , 000 . 00
Interest rate on bonds - 1955 to 1965 - 2.75�
1g66 to 1975 - 3 j
1977 to 19$4 - 3.z5o
Avera;e Interest - 3.2z99i3�o
Equitable Securities Cor�oration, I�ashville, Tennessee
Interest Rate w 1g5� to l�?$4 - 3.25�
Average Tnterest Rate - 3.3264-30
First Natioilal Bank, Glearwaber, Fl�rida, as a;ent for
Robinsorf-Humghreys, Atlanta, Georgia
�1�00, 026. 00
Interest Rate - 1955 to 1959 -�r �
19bo to 1969 - 3.75h
197G to 1�$t� - 3 �
Average Interes� - 3.1?$90
Leedy V,lheeler & Alleman, Orlando, Florida
Interest ftate - Entzre Issue - 3.'75%
The Mayor announced a thirty minute recess to permit tabulation of the bids by the
City's Fiscal Agent and the City Treasurer.
Aaving tabulated the bids, ti�r. 5pragins, Fiscal A�ent, reported the bid of
Robinson�Humphreys Company as being the best bid. The City Treasurer aoreed and
joiner3 in the recammendation that the bid be aU�axded to Robinson-Hunphreys Company
subject; to the Sixpreme Court's confirming the validatic�n of the certificates, Mr,
SPragins, in responsa to a nuestion, statied that his f�s� was taking the risks of
preparing and printing the issue prior to thE Supreme Court�s decisien.
Cotcunissioner Bates moved tha� this bqnd issue of �:�.00, 000.00 be awarded to Robinsori-
Humphreys Company of Atlanta, Georgia, theirs being the best and lowest bid, at a
premium of �26.00 with the following interest rate, 1455 to 1959 - 4�; 1960 to
1969 - 3.75%; 1970 to 15$li. - 3�� witlz the understanding that the sa7.e is subject
July 2Q, 1954
-2 -
ta the provisions statea in the advertisement dated July 6, 1954; su�ject �o
the Supreme Court�s approval of the Certificates, and the average interest
rate being 3.i28g�. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
There being no furth�r business to come before the Board, the meeting
was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
� ,
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,� G� ,�J_,
July 20, 7,954
Ju1y 19, 195�+
Mayor-Comm3asioner Herbert M. Brown
Commisaioners: Jack Russel�.
W. E. Strang, Jx.
Jol�n W. Bates
Guy L. Kennedy
Gen�7.emen :
The City Commission urill. meet in Special Session on.Tuesday, J'uly 20, 195U�
at 2:00 p.m, in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of opening bids f'or
the sale of Clearwater Recreation Revenue Certificates�
Very truly yours,
fsl F. C, P�Iiddleton
F. C. Middleton
City Manager
I'CM : s
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