06/30/1954 ;;~w~::;;~~jiii;:~"'l'~~"'" ,. " ,,' f~. ""~i{I.\J~ ',. 'i i ',,:~~1;~';.f~.t:':.~:...,., t ", ' ,.,' ;. ..;).;,....{" .', " , '. '," ---~ '1',' r. .jjo',.J,. \ . . ..Y '..,' )1 ;, ". .< '.:~ ~~, ,.,'; '..J .~ . -, ,\ 'I :'j :, J~ ;;} " ,g . ~1 {~. . 'I , /~ ::~. jj " .;~ , ~I, ':'f. ~~~;'6-/'(ii~~..t;'::;:... .. . :'.."'," CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 30, 1954 ". ..... The City Commission of the City of Clear\'later met irt'spec~C1.1. session at City Hall, Wednesday, June 30, 1954, at 12:15 p.m. with the following members present: . '. .:.- If ..' ":.'."'." ,; ; : '" >;;'::;~;..::.. ,', ; ,.:-' ", ':. .,' . ,,' " . ,', " :' '" . . , " ' 11 ' ' ',.. r .' .. , ( I. I ,j'-Vf-. Herbert M. Brown John W. Bates Guy L. Kennedy Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Also present were: Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ,. F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. fJIcClamma S. Lickton Ci ty Manager City Attorney Chief of Police City Engineer The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting was to hear any objections to the adoption of the proposed City Budget. Mr. U. M. Slater, President of the Federation of Civic Clubs, informed the Commission that he had conferred with various civic clubs and that they all had expI'essed their ?pproval of the budget. The Mayor inquired if there were any objections to the budget and there were none. Commissioner Russell moved that the Public Hearing having been duly constituted and held and there being no objections to the budget as presented that said budget be adopted ~or the fiscal year 1954-55 and that the millages set out in the budget Resolution be levied; to wit, a tax of 8.4 mills on all non-exempt real and personal property in the City for operating purposes and a tax of 3.8 mills on all~ real and personal property within the City for debt service. Motion was seronded by Commissioner Bates and carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented Ordinance 648 concerning examining and licensing of general contractors and suggested that the Commission consider its re-enactment as the former enactment of the Ordinance had been probably ineffective since Judge Bird of the Circuit Court had rendered an opinion that the proper method o~ publication of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater was publication within five days after passage as required by the City Charter. The City Attorney read Ordinance 648 on its first reading. Commissioner strang requested that he be excused from voting since he held a general contractors' license. Commissioner Russell moved that Ordinance 648 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Bates, Russell, Kennedy, and Brown voted "Aye". Commissioner strang did not vote. Motion c~arried. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordinance 648 be considered on its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read Ordinance 648 on its second reading by title only. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordinance 648 be passed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Bates, Russell, Kennedy, and Brown voted "Aye". Commissioner strang did not vote. Motion carried. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordinance 648 be considered on alL three readings at one meeting by unanimous consent. Motion was semnded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read Ordinance 648 on its third reading. Commissioner Kennedy moved that Ordinance 648 be passed on its third and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Bates, Russell, Kennedy, and Brown voted "Aye". Commissioner Strang did not vote. Motion carried. The City Manager reported that it would be necessary to order some additional valves and fittings for tie-ins at cross sections for part of the project of improvements to the water distribution system which are being installed by Lawrence and Rutledge, contractors, in order to do a complete job and make it a little cheaper now. He asked the City Attorney i~ it would be proper to order these additional valves at an estimated cost of $763.50 as an extension to the original bid from M & H Valve Company as that bid had been submitted less than 30 days previously. The City Attorney was of the opinion that it would be proper since those bids were made on unit prices and an opportunity for competition was given at that time. Commissioner strang moved that the M & H Valve Company contract be extended according to the City Manager~s recommendation in the amount ,of $763.50 if they will hold the same unit prices that they did less than 30 days ago. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Bates reporting for the Committee investigating the request of Mr. Jack Moss for the City to vacate a small triangular 'tract in Eldorado Avenue lying east of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Mandalay Subdivision, stated that \:. .. ~. .; 'f ..': ,:'." ;. t .,' >ii~\~~~\ ~~";'.;~ ~;>:'" -1- Ie' --........, . ,~~" ." ,.:..... ....,... . ...~.'f " "' i" to',,;. . "..;..',.".,.... .'" " ~;-~; .. -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 30, 1954 the Committee had been ready to reoommend vaoating the pieoe of land to Mr. Moss but in the meantime had been informed by the City Attorney that there was some quest1~n about the right-of-way for the lights on which the Oity would like Mr. Moss's cooperation. Therefore, the Committee reoommended that this matter be placed in the hands of the City Manager and the City Attorney to see if this cannot be a oooperative enterprise on both sides. The discussion brought out the faot that the portion of Eldorado Avenue lying south of Acaoia street had been vacated by a Resolution of the City Commission (dated April 21, 1930). By consent, the Commission approved the Committee's recommendation. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m. 7~- -- a 0 - s oner - - ATTEST: : :_2_.' '., . . " , :.. ."")' .:,: :.. ," ~ . J ';~f1:;r'~~'fi~,'~~~'i;':W~:W(:. i.;'r','},":' ,;' . . ':'.;'~;f~~~tJ~~~~At~~l~~i&~j~~.!~~Wi~~;~~;~~itci;;:~~~~~}~~tj~~~~~~...,. CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 30, 1954 , ,,:~,:',nj:~}?f1~~~;i" " '.' ,"::'~,~: .:.' " WAIVER OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Know all persona that we the undersigned Commissioners of the City Comm1sB~on of the City of Clearwater, Florida, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meeting of said City Commission which was held at the City Hall in the City of Clearwater, Florida, at 12:15 P.M., Wednesday, June 30, 1954, and we do hereby specifically waive notice set out in Section 18 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and we do hereby severally oonsent to said meeting at time and place before aaid. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown /s/ Jack Russell Commissioner Jaok Russell /s( John W. Bates Commissioner John W. Bates /s/ W. E. strang~ Jr. Commissioner W. E. strang, Jr. /s( G. L. Kennedy Commissioner Guy L. Kennedy ". , .4,.,:, , ;".. ':,,--. , . ..' , '; '.'''' '"~ .~.."... ......, ," ,..,.. .... i"..: ,; "' CITY COMMISSIOPI MEETING June 39, 7.954 The City Commission. of the �ity of Clearwater met in special session at City Hal1, Wednesday, Jtane 30, 1g54, at 12:15 p.m, t�rith the f.ollowing members present: Herberf, M. Brown John W. Batea Guy L, Kennedy Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr, Also present were: F, C. Middleton Chas. M. Phil.lips, Jr. G. T. MeClamma S. Liekton Ma;�or-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Ci�y Manager City Attorney Chief of Police City Engineer The Maynr called ihe meeting to order and announced that tne purpose of the mee�Eing was to hear any objectiona to the adop-�ion of the proposed City Budget. Mr. U, M, Slater, President of the Federation of Civic Clubs, informed the Commiasion that he had conferred with various civic clubs and that they all had expre�sed their approva7. of the budget, The Mayor inquired if there were any ob�ectinns ta the budget and there were none. Commissioner Russell moved that the Publ.ic Hearino having been duly consti�uted and held and there being no objections to the budget as presented that sa3d budget; be adopted for the fiseal year 195�-55 and that the millagea se� out in the budget Resolution be levied; to wit, a tax of 8,4 mills on all �on-exempt real and personal property in the City for ope�ating purposes and a tax oz 3.$ mills on a1T� real and pereonal property within �he City for debt service. Motion was seo�nded by Commissioner Bates and carried unanimously. ^1he City Attorney presentecl Ordinance $48 concerning examining and licensin� of general contractors and suggested that the Commission consider its re-etiaetment as the former enactment of the Ordinance had been probably ineffeetive s�!nce Ju.dge Bird of the Circui� Court had rsndered an opir.3on that �he proper method. of publica:tian of Ord3nances o£ the City of ClearwatE:r was publication within .five days after passage as requ3red by the City Chari;er. The City Attorney read Ordinar�ce 648 on its first reading, Commissioner Strang requested that he be excused .from voting since he held a general contractors� Iicense. Commissioner Russell moved that Ordinance 648 be passed on its firs� reading. Niot�.on was seconded by Gommissinner Kennedy. Upon the votP being taken, Commissioners Bates, Russell, I{ennedy, and Brown voted "Aye". Commissioner Strang did not vote, Motion e�arried. Commisai�ner Bates moved that Ordinance 648 be considered on its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russe].1 and carried unanimously. The City Attcrney read Ordinance 648 on its second reading by title only. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordinance 648 be passed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell. Upon the vote being taken, Commissionere Bates, Russell, Kennedy, and Brov�m voted "Aye". Commissioner Strang did xiot vote. Motioiz carried. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordin��.ce 648 be co:�sidered on all:.three �eadings at one meeting by unanimous cor.sent. Motion was sem nded by Commissio�:er Russell and carried unanim�usly. The City Attorney read Qrdinanee 648 on its third read3ng, Commissioner gennedy moved that Ordinance 648 be passed on its third and final reading, Motion r,vas seconded by Commissioner Bates. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Bates, Russell, Kennedy, and Brown voted "Aye". Commis„ioner Strang did not vote. Motion carried. The City Mana�er rexr,rted tinat it would be necessary �o order some additional valve� and fittings for tie-ins at cross sections for part of the project of improvements to the water distribution system tivhich are being installed by Lawrence and Rutledge, con�ractors, in order to do a complete job arxd make it a little cheaper no�v. He asked the City Attorney if it would be proper to order these additional valves at an estimated cflst of $763,50 as an extension to the original bid from M& H Valve Company as that bid had been submitted less than 30 days previously. The City Attorney was of the opinion that it would be proper'since those bids were made on unit prices and an opportun3ty for competition ivas given at that time, Comm3asioner S�trang moved tha� the M& H Valve Company contract be extended accordir� to the City Manager"s recommendation in the amount,of �763,50 if they will hold the same unit prices that they did less than 30 t�ays ago. Motion was seconded by �ommissioner Russell and carried unanimously, Commissioner Bates reporting for the Commit�ee investigating the request oi Mr. Jack Moss for the City to vac�te a small trian�ular tract in E1d'orado Avenue lying east of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Mandalay Subdivision, stated that -1- � 0 CITY COMMISSION MEETING ' June 30, 195�+ the Committee had been ready to recommend vacating the piece of land to Mr. Moss but in the meantime had been informed by the City Attorney that there was some question about the ri�ht-of-way for �he lights on �vhich the City would like Mr. Moss's cocperation. Therefc,re, the Gommittee recommended that this matter be �laced in the h�nds oP the City Manager and the City Attorney to s�e if this cannot be a cooperative enterprise on both sides. The diseussion brought out the fact that the portion of Eldorado Avenue lying south of Acacia Street had been vacated by a Resolution of the 'City Commission (dated April 21, 1930). By consent, the Commission approued the Committee's recommendation, There b�ing no further bUsi2zess to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m. ATTEST; �' � i y u i and C er � -2- � ����� � . o' , 't: . - ■ ���� CITX CQI�dMISSION MEETING June 3�, 195� WATV�R OF SPECIAL COMMISSION P�ETING ICnow a11 persona that we the undera3gned �om,missioners of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, d� hereby waive r_ot3ce of a Special Mesting os said City Commission which was held at the Ci�y Hall in the City of Clearvrater, Florida, a� 12:15 P.M., Wednesday, June 30, 1954, and vae do hereby sbecifically waiv� notice set out in Section 18 of the Charter �r the City of Clearwater, Florida, and we do Yiereby severally consent to said mee�ing at time and place before said. la� Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown /sl Jar.k Russell Commissioner Jack Russell lsl John Y7. B�,tes Commissioner John W. Bates ls/ W, E. Strang, J'r, /s/ G. L. Kennedy Commissioner W. E. Strang, Jr. Commi�sioner Guy I,, Kannedy 1 r:!