05/24/1954 .;" .'.,..' t .f c', , 1 r, ~ l~}{::\r ,..c",",'ccl,:"",~C\ , Y'::;::,":;>"::;', J ':.J ,i~),"''''i,~:,,;';-,i:~}' "~~;';).'. ':~/::,~t'>,!.'.:'" ," '. ~ \:~~;!~:'~ \:;c'.;....;. ,.' ';, \~':':: . ..,.; ~'S.. '?: ; \<.:....'.,';.: \ t t." I 'I ::"- '": ~ '~ ',' ".: \.. , ',> ,'t,' :.' 1 , ,I . . '.:~ ;. .) c'c t.' : ' ,c ."".. ~. ,','"-', : , .... "..."............,.... . .."" ,: ,..'::~L;,.\~:~:~~~,~:t;:~::.,'.~./;~:;J:;::i~,~/}l;;~~A,j;.;lG&~,~::~;J~~,s{.~{:&):t;~}Jlr~Jt:hi~;~ .', :I,~~' :;, ~"~' .:.~.~ 'r~.~~~:'~.'~;~~~,~~:~.;.. ~C;O . CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24, 1954 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, May 24, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown .Tack Russell Guy L. Kennedy W. E. strang. Jr. Absent: John W. Bates Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. McClamma S. Lickton City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police 01 ty Engineer The Mayor called the meeting to order. Regarding the bids for radio equipment for the Police Department, the C~ty Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $6,208.43 from Motorola, Inc., Tampa. Commissioner Russell moved that the City Manager's recommendation be accepted. ~ot10n was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The City Manager requested that Item lB, Report from Manager with reference to Power Lawn Mower, and Item lC, Garbage Truck & Body for Public Service Dept., be deferred. The City Manager presented a tabulation of the bids ~or one carload of two inch galvanized pipe and reported that since the bid of Industrial Supply Company of Tampa provided for firm price and truck delivery, he recommended accepting the1r bid of $3,605.28 as being the best and lowest bid. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the City Manager's recommendation be approved and the contract for the pipe be awarded to the Industrial Supply Company of Tampa on the bid of .3277531 or a total of $3,605.28. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a letter from Alley, Rehbaum & Capes, Inc., Offering to sell to the City a strip of land 83.3 feet wide fronting on North Osceola Avenue running from Osceola west to Clearwater Bay, now owned by the Clearwater Conservatory of Music, under the following terms: purchase price $45,000.00; down payment $2,000.00; first yearly payment $4,000.00; second yearly payment $4,000.00; balance of $35,000.00 to be paid at the end of the third year, or they would accept a cash price of $43,000.00. The letter also included an offer to sell the Bacon property, a strip of land 33.3 feet wide lying between the City's Library property and the Bay, under the following terms: a total cash price of $16,000.00 or a down payment of $1,600.00; ~irst yearly payment $1,600.00; second yearly payment $1,600.00; balance of $11,200.00 to be paid at the end of the third year. By consent, the Mayor was requested to appoint a Committee to contact these people and bring back a report to the Commission. The Mayor appointed Commissioners Kennedy and Strang on the Committee. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Guss Wilder withdrawing his offer to sell Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 20, Gould & E~ng's Second Addition, to the City for a parking lot and stating that they intended to hold the property and establish a private parking lot there. The City Manager requested an expression from the City Commission as to what the requirements should be for an approval of the plat of Marantha Subdivision as proposed by William A. Walker and ~ngelo Carapelli. Discussion developed the fact that the plat was not acceptable in its present form as Turner Street as proposed on the plat would not be co-terminus with the existing Turner Street and that the plat does not propose a right-o~-way from Greenwood through to ~issouri Avenue. It was suggested that an effort be made to secure dedication of the south half of Turner Street from the owners o~ the property lying south of the proposed subdivision, Simon and Fannie Marks and Rose K. Secchiari. By consent, the City Manager was instructed to contact Mr. Marks and Mr. Walker and their representatives and get them together in a conference to try to decide the ~uture of that right-of-way and if the results are satisfactory bring them to the Commission for action. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Floyd T. Christian, Superintendent o~ Schools, which requested that assessment ~n the amount of $325.21 against the Board of Public Instruction for the Greenwood Avenue sidewalk be waived. No action was taken by the Commission. The City Attorney requested the Commission to authorize the appropriate officials to execute a deed from the City to the County ~or the east side of Grand Avenue between Druid and Oulf-to-~y Boulevard. He explained that negotiations were about completed to receive a deed for the balance of the right-or-way from Mr. F. J. Mann. He reported that the County also would like to have a quit-claim deed for the 50 foot right-of-way to Hercules Avenue from Oulf-to-Bay Boulevard north to Drew Street. The reason was that if the road ever became a State road, the State Road Department requires in addition to dedication a quit-claim deed to the right-of-way. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the City grant to the Count of Pinellae a ~uit-claim deed for right-of-way purposes to the needed'r1ght-of-way on Grand Avenue between Druid Road and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard when that right-ot-way is reoe1ved by the City and to the fifty foot dedicated strip within the City limits in Skyorest Unit 8 for Hercules AVenue between Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Drew Street on the north and that the appropr~ate officials be authorized to execute the ,deeds and deliver them. Mot1on was seconded by Commissioner strang and carried . unanimously. =-- . -dJ~~/:X" ,:;::;:r:'; i :.'~.~.;r,<.': :'. }. :..........:.' ,I' ;'1 r f ti t~: I; ~: , r r. .,' ,., l"):~'1!'1 c,..,;.~~/c ,:::l'i!'~~:L/',. i "_ ';'..1 i.:. ~ Ii., " '.":.. ...;.:...... .,,' , ., \ '. : " . .1 " J . -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24, 1954 The City Attorney presented to the Commission a request from the operators of the Small Boat Marina, Mr. Simon Marks and Mr. Stewart GOlding, for the City Commission's ratification of a sub-lease between Messrs. Marks and Golding and Mr. Frank Phot1adis and Mr. Peter Moungrides for a room in the Small Boat Marina Building for the operation of a lunchroom and for the sale of beer to take out and also for consumption on the premises. The City Attorney stated that ASBistant City Attorney Driver had advised Messrs. Marks and Golding and Mr. Lloyd Phillips, attorney for Mr. Photiadis, by letter on April 22nd that a sub-lease for the operation of a restaurant and sale of beer and wine was a violation of the terms of the lease for the Small Boat Marina. Mr. Lloyd Marks, attorney, on behalf of Marks and Golding, stated that although there had been a sign on the window stating that the place would sell beer, the store had not been open for business. Mr. Lloyd Phillips was present and addressed the Commission on behalf of Mr. Photiadis. The City Attorney's opinion on the provisions of the lease first, that the City and the lessee should try to get together on these sub-leases; and Becond~ that the original lease did contemplate that the shops siould not be competitive with the businesses in the Marina Building. The City A~torney stated that the usual procedure in the handling of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages was that a license was first secured from the state Beverage Department which investigates the applicant's request and whether or not the area 1s zoned for the sale of alcoholic beverages; upon receipt of notice rrom the State Department that the application has been approved, the County issues its license and ~he City issues a license upon presentation of a license from the County. He explained that a license had been issued by mistake in the absence of the City Treasurer for sale of beer at this location contrary to the City Commission's policy. Commissioner Strang suggested that Mr. Marks state his request in detail. In response, Mr. Marks stated that the lessee would like to sub-lease a storeroom for the purpose of selling beer on and off the premises and operating a restaurant or lunchroom to be used principally for selling cooked fish, that it was proposed to sell draft beer for consumption on the premises and bottle beer for consumption orf the premises, and that they would sell box lunches, prepared sandwiches, etc. Commissioner Russell moved that permission for this sub-lease for operation of a lunchroom and for the sale of beer be refused for two reasons: I Paragraph 3 of the lease reads "and such other businesses as lesBor may from time to time designate, the lessor hereby agrees not to allow any business to be operated in competition with the foregoing specifically named businesses during the term of this lease on the property described as Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13, of City Park Subdivj,sion, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 37, in the public records of Pinellas County, Florida," (which means the Big Boat Marina); paragraph 6 of the lease reads "the lessees may not assign this lease with- out written consent of the Lessor but may sub-let pODtions of the improve- ment to businesses which do not compete with any businesses located in the main Marina building"; (We have recently made an agreement with some people for a Coffee Shop in the big Marina which was supposed to be a coffee shop and lunchroom to serve lunchboKes to boats, etc. This sub-lease I feel would be in direct competition with the Coffee Shop in the Big Boat Merina.) and that Occupational License #2480 for these premises sold by a.misunderstanding to the purchaser, Mr. Moungrides, be revoked and that the amount paid therefor be refunded to Mr. Moungrides. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. Mrs. Rachel B. Davis, of the W.C.T.U. and Reverend R. E. Coleman for the Upper Pinellas Ministers Association commended the Commission on their decision. 1. 2. The City Manager reported that the installation of a six inch water line from Cincinnati parkway on Drew Street east to the new subdivision - Skycrest Terrace, at a cost of $1,160.00. Commissioner Strang moved that the utility improvement as ~ecommended by the City Manager be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended the installation of a six inch line and two short 2 inch lines in Salls Subdivision outside the City off existing lines, at an estimated cost of $1,550.00, check for which is on file from the developer. Commissioner Strang moved that the utility improvements in Salls Subdivision as recommended by the City Manager be accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Regarding the Ball Park validation proceedings, the City Attorney reported that he had a conference wlth Mr. Spragins, the City'S Fiscal Agent and his attorney in New York City, Mr. John Mitchell, and had been informed that Mr. Mitchell would be ready on Wednesday to give his opinion. He thought it might be necessary to call a special meeting next week to consider some minor changes in the Ball Park OI'dinance. By consent, it was decided that the Attorney should present the opinion at the Executive Meeting on Thursday and at that time it would be decided if a special meeting were necessary. The City Attorney read a letter from the Board of Directors of the Morton Plant Hospital requesting the paving of Water Avenue from Jeffords to Pinellas Street, as there is a bottleneck of traffic from the hospital's parking lot in a.nd out of the entrance from Jeffords Street. By consent, the City Engineer was instructed to survey the situation and report back at the next meeting. Commissioner Kennedy suggested that the City Engineer also study the possibility of widening Jeffords Street from Fort Harrison to Druid Road. -,..-..,. "'?'" - "':'J,-,-._....~tr~.......~;j...-~.....r~'l'~"I')l>'~.....J - l ~ -, .,.1", ,{. ~1'~U~j~\;~ . . 1,'; ---:i c, ,'" ,/!s".! .~)I;t'.~~.' ;~> 1 ~~i::,>>", 'fr '" i',:::':;r:~;}~, y. .-,'. ,;1:' i"'~.:',,,, . ,., ~..':~: '::: ""'::'':,,:::. t. , :, .,...' ' ~ , \ ' '; \ " '. tfrj 'I , -'l . ~: : '; :' " . \ ,.':' /"..-"l :. , ,I: - " : ~ .'_ ,,_',:.~2~ "!:i~~J~,t,::~~:::{q;:!~~~~::'t!~~~?::~~'::.::ii,::::t~:~:~~t.t~~'~~J:~;Jj~:.':~;~~f;:f.::1~~Ji~~~~" . . .'. , ~ '. ',"" ' '. .;' -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24~ 1954 A letter from the Y.W.C.A. was read whioh stated that since the present building is no longer adequate they were planning to ereot a new building on unplatted Blook ~, Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision, and would like some finanoial help from the City. By consent, the Mayor was requested to appoint a Committee to meet with representat1ves from the Y.W.C.A. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Russell and himself to serve on that Committee. The City Manager pointed out that copies of letters had been given to the Commissioners conoern1ng pUblic Hear1ngs being held by the County Commission and emphasized espeo1ally the one to be held on Tuesday, June 1st, at 2:00 P.M., whioh was oonoerned with setting up a program for a permanent water supply at which time matters pertaining thereto wo~ld be discussed by the County Commission. The Mayor suggested that the City Attorney, members of the Water Committee and any other Commissioners who so desired attend this hearing. The City Manager reporting for the Committee appointed to work on the dredge proposition stated that they have a definite proposal from a dredging company to do the work in Stevenson Creek and that Commissioner Russell will be furnished with the figures for a definite report at the next meeting. There being no further b~siness to oome before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 P.M. ~~ yor- omm ss Attest: c. . .. ,. , '. VI ,\"iI:'" ..,. ~.'" r;.<J', ......:, ...." \... n' \. , l~.~.,...';' .....:...~."... ". . ;.....; ~;; ~ .' .;~~,:... ":""'''\'~~ ~r ~r :~:: . ,..\. "~. ..:..:... ,: :. ,_" :. .' :.j....,;\._~... .~~.~~};:.;..;;'..,' 1-113 CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24, 1954 May 21, 1954 Mayor-Cormniasioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr. John W. Bates, Guy L. Kennedy Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday, May 24, 1954, at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Aud~torium for the purpose of disoussing the following items: 5. 6. 7. Awarding of bids for: A. Radio Equipment for Police Dept. B. Report from Manager with referenoe to Power Lawn Mower. C. Garbage Truck & Body for Publio Serv~oe Dept. D. Car of 2" Pipe. Letter from Clearwater Conservatory of Musio with reference to purchasing property.. Committee's report with reference to purohasing property from GUBB Wilder on Park street for a parking lot. Request from W. A. Walker and Angelo Carapelli for approval of Plat for Maranatha Subdivision. (Turner st. from Greenwood Ave. east to Missouri Ave. ) Letter from Supt. of Public Instruction with reference to sidewalk assessment. Utility Improvements. kny other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the Commission. ~:' :.: .'>,t?t:,., , " . j' '. '5:: . :,.:/{., ~'. .>'.'; . I.' . . ii' f!'C, V i' f. " . t~ I 'c , " 1. 2. 3. 4. .. I., ; '. , .;. :., <~ l~'., ." >~ :.-' ~ .~ ;~~.'..':.:.~<~;j. .:-- Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton City Manager -------------------------------------------------------~----------------~-~--------- Apr~l 22nd, 1954 Board of City Commdssioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: We submit the following proposition for the purchase by you of the property now owned by the Clearwater Conservatory or Mus~o loeated at 114 N. Osceola Avenue and more fully shown on the attaohed plat. Proposition A- Purchase price Down payment 1st yearly payment 2nd yearly J(ayment balance of ~35JOOO $45,000. 2,000. 4,000. 4,000. to be paid at the end of the third year. It is oontemplated that until such time as the City ac~u~res possession of the property the Conservatory will have the privilege o~ using the building until such time as the City should need it for their own use, it being wnderstood that the Conservatory shall pay all expenses relating to the upkeep of the property, such as Fire Insurance premiums and any expenses required to keep the building and its equipment in good condition. Proposition B If the City desires to purchase the property at once, the Conservatory will accept a cash price or $43,000.00. There is a mortgage with a presently outstanding balance or $18,508.26 bearing interest at 6% per annum which the City can assume. Possession can be given within 90 days rrom the date or notice by the City to that erfect. The Bacon property which adjoins the Conservatory on the south can be purchased by the City at a cash prioe or $16,000. Should the City desire to acquire the property on a time basis, the owner is willing to sellon the rollowing payments; Down payment 1st yearly payment 2nd yearly payment $1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 The balance of $11,200.00 to be paid at the end of the third year. On all deferred payments the owner will require an additional interest charge of 6% per annum, payable semi-annually on all unpaid balances. Sincerely yours, Alley, Rehbaum & Capes, Inc. By Isl Lillian Bigger , c;"tl'itiBitil!12;~J;;~~W~~{ii;;-;;: L,~Lt~l~_~:~}r';J;;L"';~,,;,,:,,,;,_, ,':;' . ~:, .~~; ~.',',; .",:: :~.~~.; :k;~ ~'~~'~:~~:/.'~ ;;~., ;..-.::..ti.:~~ ,~':~:#-~' i~.;. :'\ :'j~~L..~, ~~.~':. .' 0':" k ~'<, _ 4 91'- CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24, 1954 Ma.y 6, 1954 Oc...,,~ ,..'"' ',' '. "~"~:';i,.;, ",'i "'<~';;: . ,;,~ Mr. Francis Middleton, City Manager City of Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Middleton: We received the attached bill today in the amount of $325.21 for sidewalks in Palm Bluff to Marshall Street, connecting our Curtis Elementary School. There i8 no question that these sidewalks will definitely benefit the school system and be a safety measure in helping the children in walking to and from school, and we appreciate the City'S having them installed. I do wish to request, because of the arrangement between the City and the Board of Public Instruction on matters of playground activities, ball parks, roads and streets~ that this bill be waived by the City. In consideration of this the Board will certainly cooperate with the City in other arrangements that have to be jointly carried out. If the bill cannot be waived, return it and it will be presented for payment. Sincerely yours, Isl Floyd T. Christian Superintendent of Public Instruction pjo enclosure THE MORTON F. PLANT HOSPITAL Clearwater, Florida May 17, 1954 City Commissioners City of C!earwater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: The Board of Directors of Morton F. Plant Hospital wish to go on record as requesting the paving of Water Street from Jeffords through to Pinellas. We have already mentioned this matter to Commissioner Kennedy and we were pleased to get his report that the City Engineer had already looked into the matter, however, we have learned from him that more work is involved than we at first realized, and this letter is written merely as formal notification of our request so that the matter may receive your consideration as warranted. The portion of the street that is already paved has, for a period of year, served as a parking lot for the visitors and friends of patients in our Hospital, but now, with the facilities of Morton F. Plant Hospital expanded in keeping with the City'S growth, we find that each visiting hour presents a rather serious traffic tie-up. We believe that the present bottle neck of traffic in and out of the entrance from Jeffords street would be very much alleviated if the street continues on through to P1nelaas and we trust that you will give this matter your favorable consideration. JBM/mr Yours sincerely, BOARD OF DIRECTORS West Coast Hospital Association BY Is/ John B. Messinger Secretary . -----------------------------~------------------------------------------------------ Clearwater, Florida. May 20, 1 9 5 4 . Hon. Herbert M. Erown III Kenwood Avenue Clearwater, Florida. Re - Young Womens Christian Association Building Project Dear Mr. Erown:- We are sure you know that the Young Womens Christian Association serves as a youth center for our Community - both boys and girls participating in its weekly! activities. You may not know that, in addition to what the Y.W.C.A. stands for, during the past year of 1953 there was a total of 7,441 regular program participants; that the ~. W. C. A. offers adult programs as well, and, that all these are well attended by our Winter visitors. These activities are manned by volunteer workers, with the exception of the Executive Direotor and House Director. No City employees are required, and operating expenses come from the Community Fund. The present Y. W. C. A. center - buildings, equipment, facilities, etc. - have been hardly adequate to care for what is being done. With Clearwater growing so rapidly and the Y. W. C. A.'s opportunity for service being correspondingly increased, the Officers and Directors have decided the time has come to expand, and to have a new Y. W. C. A. BUilding. (Continued) ._._-.--f~ , , . ;;, . it ,; :' !"" c - . I~~ .' :,:.,.(', /: ".,. oc .' . '.' . " '( G" [' !: \0 , t , . :'; ",' f.>:~..,.':~ '.- -'. " ":, ", :'2.f,'i:r:5:~ . : . ~. ..>.<:\)~../:~ ',_1.': ,'., .:' . .... " " "~":!=:::'~"t1It:~1&L~~t:~Z~,;, CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24, 1954 (Sontinued) The Association at present is paying for a fine piece of property whioh is located near the New Cleveland Shopping Center, and feels it to be an ideal looation for the new Y. W. C. A. The Young Womens Christian Association wants to make this building program a Civio Community project, and would like your interest and help as well as that of the City Commissioners, personally and Offioially. No publio drive for funds is oontemplated. We are hoping for finanoial aid from the City. We will welcome the opportunity for our representatives to consult with you and the Commissioners, individually or at one of your Meetings, so that we may work together toward the suocess of a program of mutual interest and real need. Awaiting hearing from you at your earliest convenience, Very truly yours, 1st Mrs. W. S. Zschach, President /s/ Mrs. Carl B. New, Chairman Building Committee. J..1. l' .\ ...ii, .'. .. . ,I ',' , .c ---~--------------------------------------------------~-----~----------------------- � � � CZTi' COMMISSION MEETING May 2�}, 1954 The City Commission of the Cit�> of Clearwater met in special session at City Ha11, Monday, May 24, 1954, at 1:30 F.M, w3th the following members present: Herbert M, Brown Jack Russell Guy L. Kennedy W. E. Strang, Jr. "` Absent: J�hn W. Bates , Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, �r. G. T. McClamma S. Lickton Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Mana.ger City Attorney Chief af Police City Engineer The Mayor called the meeting to order. Re�arding the bids for radio equipment $for the Police Department, the City Manager recommended acceptir� the low bid of 6,208.43 fxom Motorola, inc., Tampa. Commissioner Russell moved that the City Manager�s recommendation be accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The City Manager requested �hat Ttem 1B, Report f�om Manager with reference to Poti;Ar Lawn Mower, and Item 1C, Garbage Truck & Body for Public Ser�rice Dept., be deferred. The City Manager presented a tabulation of the bids for nne carload of two inch galvanized pipe and reported that since the bid oi Industrial Supply Company of ,.ampa provided for firm price and truck delivery, he recommended accepting their bid of $3,605.28 as being the best and lowest bid. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the City Manager�s recommendation be approved and the contract for the pipe be awarded to the Industria]. Supply Company of Tampa on the bid of .327753i or a total of $3,605.28. Motion was aeconded by Commissioner Strang and carriEd un.animously. The City Attorney read a letter from A11ey, Rehbaum & Capes, Inc., offering to se11 to the City a strip of land 83.3 £eet wide fronting on North Osceola Avenue r�:nning from Oseeola wes� ta Clearwater Bay, now awned by the Clearwater Conservatory oi Music, under the t'ollow:Lng terms: purchase price $1+5,000.00; down payment $2,000.00; first yearly payment $4,000.00, second yearly payment $4,000,00; balance of �35,000.00 to be paid at the end of the third year, or they would accept a casn price af' $�3,000.00. The letter also included an offer to sell the Bacon property, a strip of 7:and.33•3 feet wide lyin$ between the City�s Librarq property and the Bay, ur,d�r the following terms: a total cash price of $16,000.00 or a down a p yment of y�1,6QQ.00; first yearly payment $1,600.00; second yearly payment �1,60U.c�0; balance of $11,20Q.00 to be paid at the end oi the third year, By consent, the Mayor was requested to appoi;�t a Committee to contact these people and bring back a report to the Commission. TY�e Mayor appointed Commiss�.oners Kennedy and Strang on the Committee. The City Attorney read a letter from NIr. Guss Wilder withdrawing his offer to sell Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Black 20, Gould & E�1*ino's Second Addition, to the City for a parking lot and stating �hat they intended to hold the pr��perty and establish a private parking lot there. The City Manager r�quested an express3on from the City Commission as to what the requirement5 should be for an ap�roval of the pla� of Marantha Subdivision as proposed by Wi113am A. Walker and An�elo Carapelli. Discussion deve:Loped the fact that the plat was not acoeptable in its present; form as Turner Street: as proposed on the plat would not be co-terminus with +;he e:isting Turner Street and that the plat does not propose a right-of-way from Gresn;�ood through to Missouri Avenue. It was sug�ested that aii effort be made to secure dedication of the sout�h half of Turner Street from thP owners of the property lying south of the proposed subdivision, Simon and Fannis Marks and' Rose K. Secchiari. By consent, the City Manager was instructed to contact Mr. Marks and Mr, Walker and their representatives and get them toge�kier in a conference to try to decide the fu�ure of that right-o�'-way and if the resul�s are satisfaatory bring them to the Commiss3on for action. The City Attorney read a let�er from Mr, Floyd T. Chris�ian, Superintendent of Schools, which reque�ted that assessment-�.n the amount of $3�5.21 against �he Boarc� of Public Instruct3on fer the Green�*ood Avenue sidewalk be waived. No action was �aken by the Commisaion. " The City Attorneq requested the Commission to authorize the appropriate officials to execute a deed from the City to the County for the eas� side of Grand Avenue between Druid and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard, He expZained that negotiations were about completed to receive a deed for the balance of the right-of-way £rom Mr, F. J. Mann. He rep�rteci that the County also would like to have a quit-claim deed £or the 5� foab right-of-way to Hercules Avenus from Gulf-to Bay B�ulevard north to Drew Str�et. The reason was that if the road ever became a State road, the State Road Department xequires in add3:Lion to dedication a quit-claim deed to the r3ght-of-way. Commiss�.oner Kennedy moved that the City grant to the Count of Pinellas a quit-claim deed for right-of-way �iurposes to the needed�right-of-way on Grand A`vanue between Druid Road and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevarcl when that right-of-wr�.y is received by the Gity and to the fift� foot dedicated strip withi.n the City limits in Skycrest Untt 8 for Hereules Avenue between Gu1f-to-Ba3* Boulevard and Drew Stree�G on �he north and that the appropriate pfficials be au�horized to ex�cute the deeds ancl deliver them, Motion was seconded by Commissioner S�rang and carried unanimously, -2 - CITY COMMISSION MEETTNG May 24, 1954 The City Attarney presented to the Commission a request from the operators of the Small Boat Marina, Mr, Simon Marks and Mr. Stewart Golding, for �he c;ity Commission's ra�ification of a sub-lease between Messrs, Marks and Goldin� and Mr. Frank Photiadis and Mr. Peter Moungrides for a room in the Smal�. Boat Marina Bullding f'or th2 operation of a lunchroom and for the sale of beer. to take out and also for consumption on th� przm�;ses, '�he City Attorney stated that Assistant City Attorney priver had advised Messrs. Marks and Golding and Mr. Lloyd Phillips, a�torney for Mr. Photiadis, by letter on April �2nd tY!at a sub-lease for the operation of a reataurr�.nt and sale of beer and wine was a violation of the terms of the lease for the Small Boat Marina. Mr. Lloyd Piarks, attorney, on behalf of Marks and Goldin�, state� that al�hougk� there h�d been a sign on the window stating that the place would sell beer, the atore had not bsen open for business. Mr. Lloyd Phil,lips was present and addressed the Commission on t�ehal.f of Mr. Pho�iadis. The City At�arney�s opinion on the provisions of the lease first, that the City and the lessee should �ry to get together on these aub-leuses; and second, that the original lease did contemplate that the shops sl�ould not be compet3tive with the businesses in the Marina Building. Th� City Attorney sta�ed that the usual procedure in the handling of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages was that a license was first secured from the State Beverage Department which investigates the applicant�s request and whether or not the area is zoned for the sale of alcoholic heverages; upon receipt of notice from the State Department that the application has been approved, the County issues its license and�the City issues a zicens� upon presen�ation af a license from the County. He explained that a license had been issued by mistake in the absence of the C3ty Treasurer for sale of beer at this location contrary to the City Commission'� policy. Commissioner Strang suggested �ha� Mr, Marks state his requeat in detail. In response, Mr. Marks s�ated that the lessee would like to sub-lease a storeroom far the purpose af selling beer on and off the premises and operating; a restaurant or lunchroom to be used principally for selling cooked fish, that it was propesed to sell draft beer for cdnsumption on the premises and bottic be�r for consumption off the premises, and that they would sell box lunches, prepared sandwiches, etc, Commissioner Russell moved that permission.for this sub-lease for operation of a lunchroom and for the sale of beer be refused for �wo reasons-: 1. Paragraph 3 af the leass reads "and such o�her businesaes as lessor may from time to tiime designate, the lessor hereby agrees not to allow any business to be operated in competition with the foregoing spec3.fically named businesses during t�Z� term of this lease on the property described as Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13,. of` City Park Subdivision, according to the mag or plat ihereof as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 37, in the public records of Pinellas County, Florida," (which means the Big Boati Ma.rina); 2. Paragraph 6 of the lease reads "the lessees may not assign this lease with- out wr3t�en consent of the Lessor but may sub-let pt�Dtions of the impr�ve- ment t� businesses which do not compete with any businesses located in the main Marina building", (We have recently made an agreement with some people for a Coffee Shop in the big Marina vrhich was supposed to be a coffee shop and lunchroom to serve Iunchbo$es to boats, etc. This sub-lease I feeT would be in direct competition with the Coffee Shop in the Big Boat Marina.) and that Occupational License �2480 for these premises sold by a:.misunderstanding to the purehaser, Mr. Moungrides, be revoked and that �he amount paid tY�erefor be refunded to Mr. Moungrides. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. Mrs. Rachel B. Davis, oF the W.C.T.U, and Reverend R. E. Coleman for the `Upper Pinellas I��nisiers Association commended the Commisaior. on their decision. The City Manager reported that i;he installation of a six inoh water line from Gincinnati Parkway on Drew Street east to the ne�v subdivision - Skycrest merrace, at a cost of $1,160.00. Commissioner Strang moved that the utility improvPment as recomme�ded by the City Manager be approved. Motion wae seconded by Comrnissioner Russell and carried unanirr�ously. The Gity Manager recommended the instal"lation of a six inch line and two short 2 inch 1.ines in Sa11s Subdivision outside the Ci.ty off existing lines, at an estimat�d eost oi $1,5�0.00, check for which ia on file from the developer. Commissioner Strang moved that the utility improvemen�s in Salls Subdivision as recommended by the City Manager be accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ruasell and carried unanimously. Regarding the Ball Park validation proceedin�s, the City Attrorney reported that he had a conference with Mr. Spragins, the City�s Fiscal A�ent and hie attorney in New York City, Mr. John Mitchell, and had been informed bhat Mr. Mitchell would be ready on Wednesday to give his opinion. He thought it might be necessary to ca11 a specia7. meeting next week to consider some m3nor changes in the Ball Park Ordinance. By consent, it was decided that the Attarn;ey should present the opinion at the Executive P4eeting on Thursday and at that time it would be decided if a special meeting vrere necessary. The City Attorney read a 7.etter from the Board of Directdrs of th� Morton Plant Hospital requesting the paving of Wa�er Avenue from Jef.fords to Pinellas Street, as there is a bottleneek of traf£ic from the hospital�s park3ng lot in and out of the entrance from Je�fords Street. By conaent, the City Engineer was instructecl to survey the situation and report back at the next meeting. Commissioner KennedST suggested that the C�.ty Engineer also study the possibility of widening Jeffords Street from Fort Ha�rison to Druid Road. �9 � -3 - CITY COMMIS�T!3N MEE'PII3G May 24, 1954 A letter fram the X.W.C,A, was read wh3.ch sta�ed 'chat since the present building is no longer adequate they were planning to erect a new building on unplatted Block �, Hibiscus Gardens Sabdivision, and would like some financial help from the City. By consent, the Mayor was requested to appoint a Commitfiee to meet Wi�h representatives fr�m the Y.W.C,A. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Russell and himself to serve on that Committee. The City Manager pointed out that copies of letters 2iad been given to the Commissioners concerning Public Hearings being held by the Coiznty Commiasion and emphasized especia].1y the one to be held on Tu�sday, June lst, at 2:OG P.M., wnich was cancarned wtth settin� up a program for a permanent water supply at Which time mattera pertaining thereto would be discuased ry the County Commission. The Mayor suggeste8 that the Gity Attorney, members of the Water Committee and any other Commiseionerg who so desired attend this hearing, Th� City Manager reporting far the Committee appointed t� work on the dredge proposition stated that they have a definite proposal irom a dredging company to do the work in Stevenson Creek and that Commissioner Russell will be ftzrnished with the fi�ures £or a de£inite report at the next meeting. There being no further bus3ness to came before the Commission, the meeting was adjaurned at 3:50 P,M. Attest: � ` ' o y Au or er i M yor- omm ss o � CITY COMMISSTON MEETING May 24, 1954 May 21, 1g54 Mayor-Cornmissioner Iierbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E, Strang, Jr. John W. Bates, Guy L. Rennedy Gentlemen: The C3ty Commission wi11 meet in Special �ession on Monday, May 2�F, 1954, at 1:3p p.m, in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing the followin� items: T. A�rarding of bids for: A. Ra,d3o Equipment for Police Dept. B. Report Prom Manager with rAference to Power Lawn Mower. G, Garbage Truck F� Bady for Yublic Service Dept. D. Car of 2" Pip�. 2. Letter from Clearwater Conservatory of Music with reference to purchasing property. 3, Committee's repori;jaith reference to purchasing property from Gu��s Wilder on Park Street for a parking lot. �+. Request from W. A. Wallcer and Angelo Cara�elli for a;�proval of Plat for Marana�ha Subdivision. (Turner St. £rom Greernvood Ave. east to Missouri Av�e . ) 5, Letter from Supt, oi' Public Instruction with reference to sidetivalk assessment. 6. Utility Imp�ovements. 7, Any other item not on the agenda will be co?�sidered with the consent of the Commission. Very truly yours, ls� �'. C, Middleton City Manager Board af City �ommissioners Clearwatex�, Florida Gentlemen: April 22nd, 1q5�+ We submi� the following proposition for the purehase by yc?u of the property now owned by the Cl.ear�ater C�nservatory of �usic located at 11�+ N. �lsceo].a Avenue and more full�* shown on �he attached plat. Proposition A- PurchasE price $45,QQQ. Dowm payment 2,000. lst yearly payment 4,000. 2nd year].y ayment 4,000. balance of �35,000 to be pa3d at the end of the third year. It is cantemp].ated �hat tzntil such �i>ime as the City acquirea possession of the property the Canservator� wilY have the privilege of using the building unt11 such t'ime as the City should need it for their own use, it being understood that the Con�ervatory shall pay all expenses relating to the upkeep of the property, stzch as Fire Insurance premiums and an;� expenses required to keep the buiiding and its equipment in good condition. Propoeition B " If the City desires to purchase the property at once, the Conservatory will accept a cash price of $43,000.00. There is a mortgage with a presently outstanding balance of �18,508.26 bearing interest at 6q per annurr. which the City can assume. Possession can be given within 90 days from the date of notice hy the City to that effect. The Bacon property vrhich adjoins the Conservatory on the south can be purchased by the City at a cash price of $16,000. Should the City desire to acquire the property on a time basis, the owner is wi.11ing to sell on the following payments; Down payr,ient � l, 60f , 00 lst yearly payment 1,600.00 2nd yearly payment 1,600.00 The Ualance of $11,200.00 to ae paid at the end of the third year. On all deferred payments the owner will require an additional intes�est charge of 6� per annum, gayable s�mi-arinually on all unpaid balances. Sincerely yours, Alley, Rehbaum & Capes, Inc, By /s/ Lillian Bigger � 0 � �� CITi' COMMTSSION' MEETiN'G May 24, ig54 Mr. Francis Middleton, City Manager City of Clearwater, �'lorida D�ar Mr. Middleton: Niay 6, 195�+ 47e received the attached bill today in the amount of $325.21 fer sidewalks in Pa?m Bluff to Marshall Street, connecting our Curtis Elementary Sc:�gol. There is no quest3.on th�t these sidewalka will definitely beneflt the school system and be a safety measure irl helping the children in walking to and frnm school, and Fve appreciate the C�'ty�s having them installed. I do wiah to request, because oi the arrangement between the City a.n� the Board of �ublic Inatruction on matters ot' pla�ground act3.vities, ball parks, roads and streets, that this bil]. be waived by the City. In consideration o£ this the Board wi1Z certainly cooperate with the City in other arrangements that ha��Te to be join�ly car�ied out. If the bill cannot be waived, return it and it will be presented for payment. P�Q encloaure C3ty Commissioners City of C3earwater Clearwater, Flori�a Gentlemen: Sincerely yours, fsr Floyd T. Christian Superintendexit of Pub].ic Instruction THE MpRTON �'. PLANT HOSPITAL Clearwater, F�.orida May 17, 195� The Board uf Direetors of Morton �`. Plant Hospital wish to go on record as requesting the paving of Watez- Street from Jeffards through to Pinellas, We have already mentione�l this matter to Commis�ioner Kennedy and we were pleased to get his report that the City E:�ineer had already loeked into the matter, how2ver, we have learned from h3m that more work is involved than we at f`irst realized, 2nd this letter is written merely as formal notification �f our requeet so that the matter may receive your consideration as warranted, The portion of the street that is alre�dy paved has, for a periqd of year, served as a parking lot for the visitors and fr3ends of patients 3n our Hospital, hut now, with the i�.cilities of Morton F. Plan� Hosp�.tal expanded in keeping with the City�s growth, we find that each visiting hour presents a rather serious traffic tie-up, We believe tha� 'the present bottle neck of tr.affic 3,n and out of the entrance irom Jeffords street wo�?18 be very much a?1.eviated if the street continues on throu�r to Pinel�as and we trust that you will give this matter your favorable consideration. Yours sincerely, BOARD OF DIRECTORS West Goast Hospital Assaciation JBDI mr BY /s/ John B, Messinger � Secre ary Hon. HPrbert M. Brown 111 Kenwood Avenue Clearwater, Florida. �ear Mr, nrown:- C].earTaater, Florida. May 2Q, 1 g 5 4 , Re - Young Womens Christian Association Building Project We are sure you lmow that the Young Womens Chris�ian Association serves as a youth car��er for our Community - both boys and girls participating in its weekly' activit3es. You may not know that, in addition to what th� Y.W.C.A. stands for, during the past year of 1953 there Was a total of 7,4�1 regular pragram partic�pants; that the Y`. W. C. A, offers adult programs as well, and, that all these are iae11 attended by our Winter viaitors. Thes� activities are manned by volunteer workers, wit;h the exception of the Executive Director and House Director. No City employees are required, anci operating expenses come from the Commtu�ity Fund. The present Y. W. C. A, center - bu3ldinga, equipment, facilities, etc. - have been hardly adequate to care for what is bein,� done. With Qlearwater grovring so rapidlJ and the X. W. C. A.'s opportunity for service bein� corresp�ndingly increa�ed, the Offic�ra arid Directors have decided the �ime has come �o expand, and to have a new Y. ti�. C. A, Building. (Continued) CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 24, 1954 (Gontinued) The Associat3or_ at present is paying for a fine plece of property which is loca�ed near the New Cleveland Shopping Center, and feels it to be an ideal location for the new Y. W. C. P., °a•he Young Wornens Christian Associatiori wan�s to make this building program a G3vic Community project, and would like your interest and help as well as that of the _ City Commissioner3, persanaZly and Offic3.ally. No public drive for funds is contemplatec�. We are hoping for financial aid from the City. We will welcome the opportunity for our representatives bo consult With you and the Cammissioners, individually or at one of your Meetin�s, so that we may work together toward the success of a program of mutual interest and real need. Awaiting hearing from you �.t your earlieat �onven3ence, Very truly yours, lsl Mrs. W. S. Zschaeh, President js/ Nirs. Carl D. New, Chairman Building Cpnunittee. 0