04/26/1954 f .," , ~;l~)~~j1,;f,'J "':..,:','<'::Oc-';,,:'. 1 ':t~..'; .r,>:'.:;::'::" '"I '\;'.\.",.' il " ~ "'~ , ~"''''''-'''<. ,.' t .'.-" } " I J i I I l I 1 i ,~ . , " ,', ,".,..... "\:",..,' ".::) , ,. ~i~,iE:,;:, :: .~t~,,\. ".' '-':~~i:~~i~': .'...." ,;'. ~'" ,:::::":'/-'\::{:::'~,::~'fr " , . :.. .; ..., ~. ,":1 CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, April 26, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown John W. Bates Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Guy L. Kennedy Mayor-Con~isBioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M. PhillIps, Jr. G. T. McClarruna S. LIckton City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police City Engineer .. '<<,.. The Mayor called the meetillg to order and announced that Mr. Rtllph Richards wished to address the Commission concerning the size of the proposed Negro Swimming Pool. Mr. Richards stated that the original plans were for a larger pool and a wading pool and asked the Commission if the size of the pool could be extended to the 25 meter length and a wading pool included provided he is able to raise the necessary funds. Commjssioner Bates commented that A.A.U. swimming meets could not be held in an Olympic-size pool. Co~nissloner Strang suggested that it might be possible to increase the size by widening it and keeping the 25 yard length. Mr. Richards said that the contractor, pw. R. M. Thompson, Jr., had estimated it would take approximately $3,000.00 more to increase the size of the pool and $4,400.00 to build the wading pool. Commissioner Bates moved that the Commission approve the increase in size of the pool and the addition of a wading pool with Mr. Richards and his friends providing the additional funds to do so. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Tne Mayor suggested that as soon as a decision is reached as to whether to enlarge it that Mr. Richards let the City Manager know so that he can send a memo concerning it to the Commissioners. The City Manager reported that the Country Club Estates Subdivision has a drainage problem at the corner of Missouri and Seminole. He said there is a storm sewer that runs east to Betty Lane, north on Betty Lane to Palmetto, then east on Palmetto to Stevenson Creek. He stated there is a bottleneck at Palmetto as the existing sewer does not admit the water. The City Engineer and Mr. Paul Kane having checked over the situation recommend that the sewer on Seminole be extended due east across the Golf Course to Stevenson Creek in order to get release o~ the excess water in that area. Commissioner Bates moved that the Commission approve a work order or whatever is necessary in the amount of $1,150.00 to install this drainage. :;'Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried,unanimously. j~,i1!!~~\ t ~ ..')\~:~.> '.:> .,i~ :'; Ii' "/';: ' L . t I 'f' . ~ I ~, , ~ , ,'. .. t ' ,: ,."', " ~ ' , :",:':'.~~':\~,' 'f: ' ,';:~;;Y\ , 1~ ." " ~' .,... Commissioner Bates inquired what progress the Recreation Board was making in securing a supervisor for the Youth Maritime Center. The City Manager reported that Mr. Eddie Moore had two qualified people in mind who will graduate ~rom college in June and he will make recommendations through the Civil Service Board. The Mayor suggested directing the Recreational Department to determine the advisability of proceeding with an interim project in developing some sort of program and thought perhaps they could get a provisional employee for a short period. By consent, the Commission agreed with the Mayor'S suggestion. {J ~~ ~f -1~ ~ ... ~. ~ J~ ~'t ~ !: ~t ~~ ~J ~~ 1J' (~ ~" ''be i ~ ~Q ~ The City Manager stated that the Clerk had reported that the records do not show that Mr. Ben Evans and Mr. John Henry Logan were appointed last year to the Recreation Board ~ 1 a awe v~v.- t1&:l.J11 t: !:][~irc bext ~~Etl> in 19s.!; (l!~lHtI~".:'"':'1"~~ B:wtJ1 Lt..u.), l~::;~. if Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Russell reported that several people had asked why Clearwater does not have a Little League baseball team. He said Dunedin was preparing to have one and also Largo. He thought there was a $200.00 fee and estimated it would cost about $300.00 for unifornls. He suggested some civic organization might back the project. The Mayor suggested the matter be referred to the Recreation Board for consideration. CommiSSioner Kennedy moved that this subject be referred to the Recreation Board and that the Board be informed that it has been discussed here and is looked upon with favor by the Commission and we recommend that the Recreation Board make a study of it to see if it is expedient to enter a Clearwater team in the Little League program. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The r~yor directed the Clerk to inform the Recreation Board of the Commission's action. Commissioner Russell commented that since Clearwater is making an effort to attract conventions it will be necessary to have the Municipal Auditorium ready to use as a meeting place. He inquired if an estimate had been received for fixing the ceiling of the Auditorium. The City Manager said that he had given the estimate from the acoustical engineer to Mr. Moore and requested him to discuss the matter with Mr. Moloney and the Electrical Department as the lighting would have to be changed also. Commissioner Strang suggested sending a copy of the report from the acoustical engineer to each Commissioner. The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the benefited properties for the installation of sanitary sewer on Pierce Street 350 feet west from Highland Avenue. The Mayor inquired if there was anyone in the audience wishing to prote~t the assessment and there were no protests. Commissioner Strang moved that the Assessment Resolution for approximately 350 feet of sanitary sewer ~n Pierce Street be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. "",~ __,"~\0i.4.-, ~ I """,N' !),iJ!"~;;i{t~;:" 1'1 <,...., ". ~, ;: ::.i' . , ~:',!;~ '. .- ., "',' J~!;~;\b::f.~L:I!~:~.~i'\~:.~:;~:~'r\,:.:: i...< _~.:, . < ~~~.JI.&;~I-~....!f~.I'~I'~i:...lo.." _ .'..' ,tj~w~~tl{;1 , , ,', 1 \:',I ""j, '~: '~ , ,- ~\) ! '\"..:...,',~ , , .'".',' ,I 'I ; I I ! \ 1 I , i i , "'. ' > ",;'; I -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 A Resolution was read by the City Attorney assessing the five foot concrete sidewalk on the east side of Greenwood Avenue from Palm Bluff Street to Marshall Street against the benefited property. The Mayor inquired if there were any protests from anyone in the audience and there were none. ~ommiBsioner Russell moved the Assessment Resolution for sidewallc on Greenwood Avenue from Palm Bluff to Marshall be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried tmanirnousl:l. Commissioner Russell inquired as to what progress wac being made on the sidewalk for Sem1nole Street from Myrtle to Garden. The City Engineer reported that there was :Jt1.l1 one easement for right-of-way to be secured. The Mayor said that if a Public Hearing was required, it would be possible to schedule the Public Hearing was requ:1 red, it "'ould be possllJlc to schedule the Public Hearing and ask for b:tds to be returned at the same meeting. "', .1 'I '/ ',~' I , l f ;\ I t. M . The C:t ty Manager presented a list of via ter main extensions that had been made under $300.00 each, totalling $2,160.00, and a list of ~as main extensions aloo less than $300.00 each, totalling $2,045.00. These lists are set out in the followin~ pages of these minutes and by rererence made a part hereof. Commissioner strang moved that these utl1ity improvements of water main extensions in the amount of $2,160.00 and gas main extensiolls in the amount of' $2,045.00 be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russel) and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that the Mandalay paving project was ready to assess and he wished to present for the Commission's approval an outline of the method for assessine in accordance with the minutes of the Public Hearing on May 4, 1953. The City En&lneer outlined the following proposed system for assessment: "" ,). .... ' ;;\ij;;~~;. : ,::~'::'~\~Kj~;~:\ ; '..' t \ .,..t.\(l'!;., , .;~li~i,<" ; Resurfacing to be paid by the City. Widening to be assessed to the property owners. Drainage to be assessed to the property owners except portions previously acsessed for other drainage projects such as Mar:tanne, Baymont, Papaya and Mandalay Un:tt 5. Curbing to be assessed to the property owners except it is not to be re-as~essed where good curbing had to be moved. Side\'lalks: 1. New sidewalk to be assessed to property owners. 2. Good sidewalk that had to be removed because of change in grade not to be assessed to property owners. Sidewalk which the owners were not satisfied with but the Engineer considered good. Property owners agreed to pay for new sidewalk. By consent, the Commission [l,pproved the schedule as set up by the Engineer. The Mayor called attention to the fact that since Mandalay had been opened to traffic a number of small pockets have formed where the street had been resurfaced. Commissioner Strang recommended that every effort ShOl11d be made to fix the one block where the water stands. The Mayor sugGested that the City Engineer see if the twelve or fourteen little pockets can be rilled in. The City Engineer reported that \'lhen the Charles Street sewer was put in, 1 t eliminated two septic tanks formerly a part of the system and brought the sewage down to a septic tank(located at North Washington Avenue and the north shore or Stevenson Creek) which in turn Goes into the outfall line into the Bay. However at that time the over-all plan was to take this septic tank, convert it into a lift station and take the sewage back to the Disposal Plant. The State Board of Health would not approve the ~irst plan until they were assured that this other plan would go through. He asked app~oval of the Commission to convert the septic tank into a lift station at an estimated cost of $12,000.00 including $3,000.00 worth of pipe now in stock. Upon inquiry as to whether the line across the creek would be lowered, the City Engineer replied that i~ this line were lowered, there was a gas pipe line and a water line which cross underneath the sewer line and they would also have to be lowered. He thought it would make the cost of the job considerably more expensive. Commissioner strang moved that the City build a pumping station at Washington Avenue for the sum of approximately $9,000.00 and that 'we use $3,000.00 worth of pipe that we have on hand bringing the total project to approximately $12,000.00. Motion was seconded by COlrunissioner Russell and carr:ted unanimously. In reference to the agenda item IIInstructions on Water Bonds", the City Manager explained that he meant to include consideration of acceptance of Mr. Harold Briley'S report on future plans for the water distribution system'and instructions on whether or not the Commission wished to go ahead w1.th the program of water revenue bonds. Commissioner Strang commented that it was a very good report and should prove to be a great help to the City Manager in making all ~uture extensions and he would recommend accepting the report at this time. The Mayor was of the opinion that the report would be invaluable to the Commission but thought it would be well before considering the revenue certificate question to have another report from the County and to have an executive meeting to study the report and make some definite ~"ecomrnen- dations. By consent, it was agreed to call an executive session to consider the water report. The City Manager reported that the City had received the signed copies of the interim water contract from the County and also the thirty year contract with the County. The Mayor suggested that the City Attorney verify the copies before having them filed by the Clerk. Commissioner Kenned:)' moved that it be recorded in the Minutes that these contracts signed by the County had been received and referred to the Legal Department for verification be~ore being turned over to the City Clerk for filing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. .~- ~.......- ...' , . ,'. I."::.... I, ". !11~~~t;~,;i:.il ,.~, ....1.. : . ..t.', " .,", '. ,..,.... ,.... ,'..-:'.;..'<,':.......' :.... ';.. ;,,' -3- CITY COMMISSION ~mETING April 26, 1954 The City r~na~er submitted to the City Commission a request from Mr. Richard B. Siple for a discount or abatement of an old lien Lor pav~ng Druid Road on property in Section 21-29-15 owned by Mary S. Boardman, together with a request ~rom Mr. James Hyman ror some abatement on liens for paving San Remo Avenue against Lots 24 and 25: Block A, Hi.ghland Grove Subdivision. By consentJ' these items were referred to the Tax Settlement Committee for its recommendation. The Mayor read a letter from r~. Hobert W. Wilson, Secretary of the Special Events Committee of the Chamber o~ Commerce, rcquestin3 approval of ~ayment of $200.00 to Marion F. Shaml)auGh, Fac ul ty Advisor to the Clearwater Exchange Group, to cover expenses for a banquet to be siven for Exchange Club delegates from Wyandotte, Michigan. Commissioner stranG moved that the Special Events Committee be authorized to expend $200.00 for the banQuet to entertain the Exchange students from Wyandotte, Michigan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The Mayor read a request from the Clty TreaGurer to trans.fer $35,000.00 from the Cicarette Tax Fund to the Colored Swimming Pool Construction Account whicll account contains $19,000.00 of prevlouo]y contributed funds. The recommendation ~fas made on the basis of a $h9,200.00 contract with R. M. Thompson Company which contract does not cover enelneerine, equipment and other expenses. Commissioner Bates moved the transfer of the fund~ be authorlzcd. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The Clty Attorney reportea t.hat the City had received not~ce from the Board of' Count;,;' Conuni ssioners of three Public Hearings: one was an application to construct a dock on Lot 9, Bayrdde Subdivision 112 j another was to construe t a dock on Lot 27, B~yside Subdivision #2; the third was to construct seawalls for boat basin, dredge and ~111 in Clearwater Harbor submitted by M. F. W. W'eidemeyer. He said all the hearings were set for TuesdaYJ May 11th, at 2:30 P.M. By consent, the City Attorney was instructed to be present to protest on behal~ or the City the Weidemeyer application for fill on the i<lest side of' Edge\'fater Drive. The Mayor commented that there would be no objection to the applications for docks in Bayside Subdivision #2 since the dock line of thirty reet was established by:plat restriction. The CJty Attorney requested that the Commission consider Dr. R. H. Center's request for a deed of correction on Lot 25, Padgett's Estates Subdivis~on, stating that the original deed from the City to Dr. Center had called for Lot 25 less the east 70 feet for street rleht-of-way and it had been found that this did not give Dr. Center the lL~O reet as had been shown on the plat. The deed of correction would describe the property as the west 140 feet of Lot 25 and the additional property as described in the new deed would come from the right-o~-way or Lincoln Avenue. Conmissioner Strang moved that this corrected deed on Lot 25.1 Padgett's Estates, to Dr. Center be issued and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commiss~oner Russell and carried unanimously. 1 I j I I I, . '. ,.:\,::r,>,:,.. ; "i~.,....~:\\ I~,:!'." ;,:::~..}~, ~ f..;t" "~i{t):~"-:' The City Attorney reported that the suit of the State Road Department versus the City of CleaM~ater relatiVe to the ownership or lands lying south of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard in Section 16-29-16, had been settled out of court and presented a statement for $500.00 for legal services. Commissioner Bates moved that the bilI be paid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Cornmission~ the meeting was adjourned at 3:35 P.M. z~ Attest: &~and Clerk """ tC" -. '''' ., ", .,y...~, "', . .... ,,_' \. "o';'~~':~" (Continued) ~ :.~c ,", ~\:. , , t" ~%!}!lflt" . t,(,t(0' {, <,'.j':,- ~. .. II t~ '. k:' " ~' -, . . ~ ,. f -'.' '-:, ,', ',' "'-(:,i\':~;",, "".1 ,.;". ;', : ~ . .;:", ..: I ..'. '.' J :,.l, , (~.~~~j.::'!~I.';.. . , .,'.;::;~~..,,:Ll\L~;~;;;i,;3jfi~~t"" .:(....',;, -,,3.,: kf.:....,:.i.." 1 C[TY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 April 23 J 1 95J.j. Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr. John W. Bates, Guy L. Kennedy "'~ '~ . , ...". , ""o\k.'" . "",(j '\~,;;~;:i '. ' ,";.1 Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday April 26, 1954 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Extension of Storm Sewer on Seminole St. through Golf Course. Appointment of two Recreation Board Members. Assessment Resolution for Sanitary Sewer in PIerce St. from Highland Ave. west for 320 feet. Assessment Resolution for sidewalk improvement in Greenwood Ave. from Palm Bluff to Marshall. Utility Improvements. Instructions on assessing Mandalay Project. Sewer pumping station at Washington Ave. Instructions on Water Bonds. Any item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the Commission. 5. 6. ~: 9. FCM:s Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton City Manager RESOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on June 15 A. D. 1953, the City Commission or the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS 1 pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as rollows: Construct approximately 350 feet of 8 inch sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Pierce Street from the present existing sanitary sewer in Highland Avenue to a point approximately 320 feet west of the west line of Highland Avenue. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions or the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS 1 certain parcel~ of real estate abutting said improvements have been benerited by said improvements and the pro rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements in Pierce Street from the present existing sanitary sewer in Highland Avenue to a point approximately 320 feet west of the west line of Highland Avenue be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties abutting said sanitary sewer improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the following proportions or the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. ASSESSMENT Pierce Street Sanitary Sewer from Highland Avenue West 320 Feet Total Cost: $795.70 Cost per Front Foot: $1.60- Owner Property Boulevard Hts. Subd. Front Ft. Amount Gerald R. Custer 1645 Drew Street Clearwater, Florida Robert Kunnen 1482 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida Robert Kunnen Block A Lot 3 50 $79 .89 Lot,,4., 50 79.89 Larry O. Price 1478 Pierce Street Clearwater 1 Florida East 51 of Lot 5 West 451 of Lot 5 5 45 7.99 71.90 ---ot.<---';'.. C. J. Thurnau Lot 22 50 79.89 North 100' of Lot 23 50 79.89 North 100' of Lot 24 50 79.89 TOTALS 49<5 $795.70 " '.', "Mllt'rr~;,.,"-,ii, , , _ ,"'""'~'j="":'~~ ,l.,'\i~t~,,'f)v\r.,,:.'j../P'/~'::"lt4h.~f: ,.,,' ~ ,,:- ',',!:i:~'.?. ~\i~:\.~:~<?;);.t J..~"._" ;;;,~;~,:,,:~L2,;;::;~;:tj:t~i~f,~bJj~Er1f~~~~~~) " ~'i ~, .', ")1:'" "', j' ," ,~, .;;. .' ,", -"" <" ::, ,t, :,' .' . - ,'.'~' -'1;;-.', A.;: J.f57 , ~\'; '1 , ~ 1 ~ j '~ 1 1 , ! OWner CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 (Continued) Property Front Ft. Lot 6 less West 5' 45 Amount Frank E. Baker 1476 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida $71.90 , ",', Gene Howe 1471 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida West 5' of Lot 6 5 Block D Lot 20 50 7.99 I f' l; t ! i ! ! /, , , Bruno A. Menzen 1472 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida East 48' of Lot 7 48 76.69 Bruno A. Menzen 79.89 1", , C. J. Thurnau 1479 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida Lot 21 50 79.89 [4c~i~i~f ' "."',,..,',~ tlllil~~' );~ C. J. Thurnau C. J. Thurnau 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of April A. D. 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IlliSOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on December 7 A. D. 1953, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct a five foot concrete sidewalk four inches thick on the east side of Greenwood Avenue from the north curb line of Palm Bluff Street to the south curb line of Marshall Street. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting said improvements have been benefited by said improvements and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvement in Greenwood Avenue from the north curb line of Palm Bluff Street to the south curb line of ~~rshall Street be and the same is hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties facing and abutting said sidewalk improvement are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvement in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. (Continued) ;.......10.......---. "'~~~i~j;ri~i~~,,;:;";~:" . :. ','./" , ., '. " ...',.......~...~. .....u,.,.-..,. ... .._' '""";"_";;S~~~';ill~:~;:;:J;D,'~~~"'~~~,~~,~ .,-,'. '.: ;~~. ~." ,,;",; ;. .;:. ". ',. _.. ~,:.:,..' ~ I.. CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 (Continued) ASSESSMENT GREENWOOD AVENUE SIDEWALK PALM BLUFF STREET TO MARSHALL STREET Total Cost: $1,798.06 Cost per front foot: $1.79 John Lewis 1409 Pennsylvania Avenue Clearwater, Florida Carl Wil1bright Lot 16 1325 North Greenwood Avenue Clearwater, Florida .",.",LC]) f"., ..::.~~ ~;ttW i~l l~J'~ OWNER Walter J. Aytch 310 North Garden Avenue Clearwater, Florida Wal ter J. Aytch Bessie Brown Gibson 1129 East Cleveland St. Clearwater, Florida C. C. Rutledge 803 Alabama Clearwater, Florida Booker T. T?ylor, et al, 704 Seminole Street Clearwater, Florida Booker T. Taylor, et ale Fannie Wa.l1s 1016 Engman Clearwater, Florida Fannie Walls Bessie Evans Gibson 1129 East Cleveland St. Clearwater, Florida Bessie Evans Gibson C. E. Jackson, Jr. 850 Mandalay Avenue Clearwater, Florida James M. Jackson 1045 Sedeeva Street Clearwater, Florida Elias Shellman 1319 North Greenwood AVe. Clearwater, Florida Carl Wil1bright Jame sM. Jackson 1045 Sedeeva Street Clearwater, Florida James M. Jackson Wilson H. Valentine 409 Cleveland Street Clearwater, Florida Wilson H. Valentine ~, Property Greenwood Park No. 2 Block F Lot 35 Footage Amount 46 $82.42 Lot 34 Lot 33 45 45 80.63 80.63 Lot 32 45.5 8l.53 Block E Lot 35 46 82.42 Lot 34 Lot 33 45 45 80.63 80.63 Lot 32 45.5 81.53 Block D Lot 35 46 82.42 Lot 31+ Lot 33 80.63 80.63 45 45 Lot 32 26.5 47.48 Greenwood Park Subd. Block C Lot H~ 46 82.42 Lot 17 20.62 11.5 45 80.63 Lot 15 Block B Lot lC3 45.5 81.53 13 23.30 L.ot 17 Lot 16 45 45 80.63 80.63 Lot 15 45.5 81..53 (Continued) ,. .. . ' ,'.' ,. .- . ',...'.._.. .', . ,., _ 501;\f~~t~':' " ''..:.:t',;' ".: , .'".',J;;{t". ,~ :., ',; < ~~c,: . .') '..'.. " , .'..j :' , f:.'( / Rww/dd Very truly yours~ /s/ Robert W. Wilson Secretary Special Events Committee ,; /.~: '70 ,>-: , .- '.~ . ':"': i' .:.::. ~.' '. .~.,;.; 'I! " .;. ~"t _ .". ;'">."1 ,," :".;~~, :':J:" /, ,....i....':.~;~~,;~ :...., ~,~.J <~- . ,",;. .", '~.'<" ", Lf 5'- 9 CITY COMMISSION MEETING Aprj.1 26, 1954 (Continued) , l~~~r~f~\:L' ';);";r:~,,;~;j ",,,~ j' ,. "~,I -,,",, "~""'Io~~..,:/J i/-, \: ;,';",~}:.g" '(~~t~ l . ,.,.~ Owner Property Footage Amount Greenwood Park Subd. Block A Board of Public Instruction Lot 18 46 82.42 Haven street Clearwater, Florida Pinellas Co. School Property Board of Public Instruction Lot 17 45 80.63 Pinellas Co. School Property Board of Public Instruction Lot 16 45 80.63 Pinellas Co. School Property Board of Public Instruction Lot 15 45.5 81.53 Pinellas Co. School Property Totals 1,003.5 $1,798.06 . ! i' I . , .'t " , '" ,', ".. I' ", ;, I "" 1",-;' ~ .. ," 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereo~, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates o~ indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certifj.cates shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum against the foregoing properties ~or the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of April A. D. 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner , " , " Attest: Isl H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 23, 1954 Mr. Francis C. Middleton, City Manager City Hall Clearwater, Florida Re: Special Events Committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Dear Mr. ~ddleton: The Special Events Committee has been requested by Marion F. Shambaugh, Faculty Advisor to the Exchange Group~ for $200.00 with which to give a banquet in honor of the delegates sent to Clearwater from Wyandotte, Michigan. The Committee feels that since the Clearwater delegation that was sent to Wyandotte received such a wonderful reception we in turn should give a nice reception in Clearwater. We were advised that all expenses, other than the banquet~ such as transportation, housing and entertainment~ are furnished by individuals so that the only obligations the city should meet is that we properly honor them with a banquet. The Committee, there~ore, recommends that a $200.00 disbursement be made to Marion F. Shambaugh for the banquet to be held on April 26, 1954. We do recommend that a final accounting be made as the request is based on an estimate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 22, 1954 To: From: Subject: Mr. Middleton~ City Manager Frank Abernathy,Treasurer Funds ror Colored Swimming Pool Would you please ask the Commission to approve a trans~er o~ $35,000.00 in cash from the Cigarette Tax Fund (which balance is currently $66,000.00) to the Colored Swimming Pool C9nstructj.on Account, which account contains $19,000.00 of previously reported ~unds. This recommendation is made on the basis of a contract awarded at the Comnlission meeting of April 19th for $49,200.00, which amount obviously does not cover engineering, equipment and other expenses which are sure to arise. FA :mh " ;- "., --- ?j ~() , ,~' '" ",;,q , , ", , ' "'. ",',. ",', .":"', ":;,:': ":";":;'~i'(~:~~:;~;,;\:::\::';:~:,~,:::.i:~;;~::::;~:::;!i~;JC.,:~,~::'~:J~~~!m~y~~~~~rr; , " ",', ,"'. ',' , , " ,',.,"',.c....","''''''.l.::S~\~,&:;i'>:l~'fIlff~4.:iJ.~~''~~IJ;'m~ '~:"";~' :,...I\;::.:.i.....:\.....7J','.-.,.~;:,...:r.:.r,,'~~:::.L:.:..:.;..:...o.....~.:.~~...:..:..~.:../~i.:..,..:-'..;..;:..:.:,,;.~~:t:-.:.~;.-~~;.i...!M,;.;~~~ tt~l..', - . .. . '...~,' i CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 April 23, 1954 Francis Middleton, Manager City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Dear Sir: This is official notification to you of pUblic hearing to be held before the Board of County Commissioners, Clearwater, Florida at 2:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1954. This hearing covers application for a permit to construct dock on Lot 9, Bayside Subdivision #2 in Clearwater Harbor, submitted by J. E. McVey, 308 N. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater, Florida. CAP me r Very truly yours, /s/ C. A. Peterson Director of Public Works -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Francis Middleton, Manager City of Clearwater Clearwater, Fla. April 23, 1954 Dear Sir: This is official notification to you of public hearing to be held before the Board of County Commissioners, Clearwater, Florida at 2:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1954. This hearing covers application for a permit to construct dock on Lot 27, Bayside Subdivision #2 in Clearwater Harbor, submitted by E. C. Haden~ 2601 Center Ridge Rd. West Lake, Ohio. CAP me r Very truly yours, /s/ C. A. Peterson Director of Public Works ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Middleton~ Manager City of Clearwater Clearwater, Fla. April 23, 1954 Dear Sir: This is official notification to you of public hearing to be held before the Board of County Commissioners~ Clearwater, Florida at 2:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1954. This hearing covers application for a permit to construct seawalls for ,boat basin, dredge and fill in Clearwater Harbor, submitted by M. F. W. Weidemeyer, 1432 Court St., Clearwater, Fla. Very truly yours, /s/ C. A. Peterson Director of Public Works CAP me l' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER MAINS 1. 200' of 2" Water Main from Eldridge St., south along easement between Railroad and Oakwood Subdivision and serve two connections. (Approximately $195.00) Will serve one other lot. 400' of 2" Water Main to run east on McKinley St. from Corona Ave. to tie in Dead Ends and serve two connections. (ApprOXimately $300.00) Will serve four, possibly more, other lots. 190' of 2" Water Main to run north on Missouri Ave. to tie in at Woodlawn St. and serve one connection. (ApprOXimate cost $150.00) Will serve three other lots. 126' of 2" Water Main to run east on Brightwater Drive and serve one connection. (ApprOXimate cost $110.00) Will serve five other lots. 105r of 2" Water ~~in to run south on Tioga Ave. from end of present main, south of South St. and serve one connection. (ApprOXimate cost $75.00) Will serve five other lots. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Continued) . '*,...\ ,--, --_....... ,<:' '~-, ,;:1 "J~: } ~"I ~:1 '_ '..-'. , " \. I , '" ff~l~~~~~~( '....... " -'I:. ,..:' I.. ,.... ,'.; I, ::-:::, . t ," I !, ,:'"" f " J ..' \ ," "'. I' ...' "'., ", I - .. " ' , ....,." f'..., .... .: ~ '~;. ...~.;~ .,:..:....',.:;:: ~,";'.. CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 (Continued) 6. 126' of" 2" Water Main to run south on Apache Trail to serve Lots 5, 61 and 71 Block A., south of Nakomis St. and serve three connections. (Approximate cost $95.00) Will serve one other lot. , , I 400' of' 2" Water Main to run south from end of' present main on Druid Rd., down Sherman McVeigh Drive and west on Jasmine Way and serve one connection. (Approximately $300.00) Will serve three other lots. ~OO' of" 211 Water Main to extend down Jasmine Wayt. west to Public Alley and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $2~5.00) Will serve eleven other lots. 300' of" 211 Water Main to run west on Court St. to serve Mr. Chipello on Lot 2 and serve just the one connection. (Approximate cost $225.00). Will serve three other lots. 10. 200' of 2" Water Main to run south on Harbor Drive from end of present main south of Fairmont St. (This was done at an approximate cost of $145.00 to take present main off of private property) 7. 8. 9. 11. 380' of 2" Water Main to run south on Hobart Ave. from Ridgewood St. to serve Lot 8 on the east side of Hobart for the one connection. (Approximate cost of $280.00) Will serve ten other lots. Total $2,160.00 GAS MAINS 1. 200' of 211 Gas Main to run east on Maple St. from end of present 211 main near Mariva Ave. and serve two connections. (Approximate cost $155.00) Will serve three other lots. 2. 290' of 211 Gas Main to run north on Corona Ave. from Drew St. from present 211 Main and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $220.00) Will serve one other lot. 3. 400' of 211 Gas Main to run south in easement from Ktinbot'l Drive betl'leen Pegasus and Corona and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $275.00) Will serve seven other lots. 216' of 211 Gas Main to run west on Harding from end of present main at Wilson Ave. and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $160.00) Will serve five other lots. 4. .. '~'~'''',;;:. <:::.', . . .'~ ':.';.' 5. 247' of 2" Gas Main to run south on Arcturas from present main on Rainbow Drive. and serve one connection to lot 3. Approximate cost $205.00) Will serve five other lots. 225' of 2'1 Gas Main to run east on Marianne St. from Mandalay Blvd. to easement east of Mandalay and then north to lot 2l~ and serve one connection. (ApproXimate cost $180.00) Will serve four other lots. 3601 of 2" Gas Main to run east on Smallwood Circle from Glenwood Ave. to serve Lot 99 for one connection. (Approximate cost $265.00) Will serve three other lots. 6. 7. 8. 261' of 2" Gas Main to run south from end of present main in easement east of Venus, crossing Cleveland St. to Lot 2, Block C serving the one connection. (Approximate cost $120.00) Will serve two other lots. 150' of 2" Gas Main to run north on Missouri Ave. from end of present main. This is running toward Woodlawn St. and will serve one connection. (Approximate cost $110.00) Will serve four other lots. 200' of' 211 Gas Main on Engman St. from present main east of Greenwood Ave. and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $135.00) Will serve nine other lots. 9. 10. 11. 300' of' 211 Gas Main to run north from Rainbow Drive, in easement east of Aurora Ave. and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $175.00) Will serve seven additional lots. 84' of Ii" Gas Main to run east of Lynhurst St. from end of present main east or Edgewater Drive and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $45.00) Will serve one other lots. Total $2,045.00 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Il! ~,.,....-_. ----~ . ~~I ;, c ~' ~' '" I' ~ I .. t:' , .' I ( r l~ r ~: , r , .. . I " . i' " ~, ~ " .. ..;.' ; . .., CITY COMMISSTON MEETING April 26, 1g54 The Gity Commission of the City o£ Clearwater me� 3.n special sessi4n at City Ha�.l, Monday, April 26, 195�: at 1s30 P,M, with the following members present: Herbert M. Srown John W. Bates Jack Rusaell W. E. Strang, Jr. Guy L, Kennedy Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M, Phillipa, Jr. G. T. MeClamma S. L�ckton Mayor-Comm3ssioner Commissioner Commissionex Commissioner Commissioner City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police City Engineer The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that Mr, R�1oh Richards wished to addreas the Commission coneerning the size of the proposed Negro Swimmin� Paol. Mr. Richards stated that th� original plans were for a larger pool and a wading pool and asked the Commission if the size of the �ool could be extended to the 25 meter l.ength and a wading pool included provided k�e is able �o raise the necessary funds. Commissioner Bates commer_�ed that A.A.U, swimming meets could not be held in an Olympic-size pool. Commissioner Stxang suggested tha� it might be possible to increase the size by Nridening it and keeping the 25 yard length. Mr. Richards said that the contractor, Mr. R. M. T.hompson, Jr., had e�timated it would take approximately �3,000.00 more to increase the size of' the pool and �4,400.d0 to build the wading pool. Comsnissioner Bates maved that �he Commission anprove �he increase in size of' the pool and the &ddition of a wading pool with Mr. Richards and his friends providing the additional �unds to do so, Motion was seconded b� Commissioner Russe�.l and carried unanimously. The Mayc�r suggested that as soon a.s a decision is reac'ried as to whether to enlarge it that Mr. Richards let the Cit;� Manager know so th�.t he can send a memo concerning i� to the Corrunissioners, The City Manager reported that the Country C1L,b Estates Subdivision has a drainage problem at �he corner of Missouri and Seminole. He said there is a storm sewer that runs east to Betty Lane, north on Betiy Lane to Pa1me�Eto, then east on Palmetto to Stevenson Creek. He stated there is a bottl.eneck at P,�.].metto as the existing sewer does not admit the water. The City Engineer and Mr. Paul. Kane having checked over the sitivation recommend that the sewer on Seminole be extended due east across the Go1f Course to Stevenson Creek in order to get release of the excess water in �ha� area, Commissioner Bates moved that the Commission approve a worl� order or whatever is necessary in the amount ef $1,150,00 to install this drainage.=-Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried.unanimously. The City Manager stated that the �lerk had reported that the records da no� show that Nir. Ben Evans and Mr. John Henr,y Logan were apDointed �.ast year to the �iec�eation Board - a „� � = (�,�„�,� �� sa _, .�1�Iot3on was seeonded by Comm,issioner Russell and carriad unanimously. Commissioner Bate� inguired what progress the Recreation Board was making in securing a supex�visor for the Youth Maritime Center. The Qity Manager reportied that Mr, Eddie Moore had two qualified peaple in mind who vrill graduate from colleoe in June and he will make reco:nmendations through ths Civil Service Bqard. The Mayor suggested directing the Reereational Department to deiermine the advisability oi' proceeding with an interim pro,�ect in developing s�m� sort of program and thought perhaps they could get a provisional employee for a short period, By consent, thE Commission agreed with the Mayoris suggestion. Commissioner Ftussell reparted that several people had asked why Clearwater does not have a Little League baseball team. He said Dun.edin was preparing to have one and also Largo. He thought there was a�200.Q0 fee and estimated it would cost about �300.00 ior uniforms. He suggested som� civic organization might back the project, The Mayor suggested ihe mattsr be referred to the Recreation Board for consideration. Commissioner Kennedy r,�.oved that this subject be referred to the Recreation Board and that Lhe Board be informed that it has been discussed here and is looked upon with favor by the Cammission and we recommend that the Recreation Buard make a study Qf it to see if it is expedient to enter a Clearwater team in the Litt].e League program. Moti.on was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Mayor directed the Clerk to infos�m i:he Recreation Board of the Commissior��s ac�3on. Gommissioner Russell commented that since Clearwater is making an effort to attract conventions it will be necessary to have the Municipal Auditoriwn ready �o use as a meeting place. He inquired if an estimate had been received for fixing the ceiling of the Auditorium. Tl�e Gity Manager said that he had given �he estimate from the acoustical engineer to Mr. Moore and requested kiim to discuss the matter with Mr, Moloney and the Electrical Department as the lighting woul� h.ave to be changed also. Commissioner Strang suggested sending a cop� of the report from the acoustical engineer to �ach Commissioner. The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the benefited properties for the installation of sanitary sewer on P3�eroe Streeti 350 feet west from Highland Avenue. The Mayor inquired if there was ariyone in the audience wishing to protes.t the assessment a�� there �K�re no protests. Gommissioner Strang moved that the Assessment Resolution for approximat�sly 350 feet of sanitary sewer in Pierce Street be passed and adopted and the proper offioials be authorized to sign it, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. -2- CITY COMMISSION P�ETI�TG A�ril 26, 1.g54 A Resolution was read by the Ci�y Attorney assessing the five foot concre�e sidewalk on the east side of Greenwood Avenue �'rom PaTm Bluff Street to Marshal]. Street agains� the benefited �roperty. The Mayor inquired if there were any protests �'rom anyone in the audience a�d there t�rere nane. ;:ommissioner Russell znoved the Assessment Resolution �£or r>idetvallc oiz Greenwood Avenue fr�am Palm Bluff to Marshal.l be approved and the proper officials be authorized to Ex�cute it. Mo�ion was seconded �y Cornmissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Cpmmissioner Russell inquired as to what progress was bein� made on the sidewalk for Seminole Street fron M�rrtle to Garden. The City Engineer reported that there was still one easPment for x�ight-oi'-�vay to be secured. The Mayor sai�l that if a Public Hearing was required, it wauld be possible to schedule the Public Hearin� was raquired, it would be possible ta schedule the Publlc Hearin� and ask for bids to be returned a� tha same meeting. 2`he City Manager presented a list of taater main extensions that had been made under $300.OQ ea�h, totalling $2,160.00, and a list of �as main e,xtensions also less than �3Q0.00 each, totalling $2,04�.Q0, These li�ts are set ou� in the fol.lowing pages of these minutes and by reference made a part hereof. Commissioner Strang moved that these utility improvement� of water main extens3oi-�s in the amount of �2,1.60.00 and gas main extensions in the amount oi �2,045.00 b� approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. TY?e City PZanager reported thaz the Mandalay paving project was ready to assess and he ��iished to present ior the Gommission's approval an outline of the metroc� for assessing in accordance with the minutes of the Public Hear�n� on May 4, 1��3. The �ity Engineer outlined the foll�wing proposed system for assessment; Resurfacing �o be paid by the City. Wi�lening to be assessed to the property owners. Drainage to be assessed to the property owners except portions previously assessed for other drainaoe projeets such as Marianne, Baymon�, Papaya and Mandalay Unit 5. Curbing to be assessed ic the pronerty owners except it :is not to be re-assessed where goad curbing had to be moJed. Sidewalks: 1. Neiv s3dewalk �o be assessed to property owners. �. Goofl sidewalk that _�ad to be removed because of change in grade not to be assessed to property owners. 3. Sidewalk 4vhich the otvners vrere not satisfied with b�.zt the Engineer considered good. Proper�y owners agreed to pay for new sidewalk. By consert, the Commission approved the schedule as set up by the Engineer. 'Phe Mayor aalled attention to the fact that since Mandalay had been opened to trai'fic a number of small pockets have iormed where the street had laeen resurfaced, Commissioner. Strark; r�commended that every effbrt should be made to f�x the one block �vhere the water stands. The Mayor suggested that the City Engineer see if the twelve or fourteen little pockeis can be filled in. The City Engineer reported that when the Gharles Street sewer was put in, it eliminated tc�ro septic tanks formerly a par� of the syStem and brought the sewage down to a septic tank(loca�ed at North Washington Avenue and the north "s?�ore of Stevenson Creek) which in t�rn goes into the outfall line inte the Ba.y, However at that tim� the over-all plarx�aas to take this septic tank, convert it into a lift station and take the sewage back to the Dispasal Plant. The State Board o�' Health would not anprove the first plan until they were assured �hat this ather plan V�oul.d gd through. He asked approval af the Commission to convert the septic tank into a].ift station at an estimated cost of $�2,000.00 includino $3,000.00 worth of �ipe now in stocic. Upon inquiry as to tahether the line across the creek urould be lowered, the City Engineer reAlied that if t�is line were lowered, th�re was a gas pipe line and a�rrater line which cross under�eath the sewer line and they would also have to b� lowered, He tho��ght it would make the cost of the job considerably more expensive. Gommissioner Strang moved that the City build a pumping stat:Lon at Washin;ton Avenue for the sum of appr.ar,imately $g,000.00 and tha� we use �3,000,00 4vorth of pipe that we have on hand bringing the tctal proj�et to approximately �12,000.00. T�fotion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. In rei'erence to the ag�nda i�em "Instructions on Water Bonds", the City Manager explained that he meant to include consideration of acceptance of Mr. Harold Briley'"s report on future plan.s for the v�ater diatribution system and instructions on whether �r not the Commissian Urished. ta �o ahead with the pro�ram of water revenue bonds. Commissioner Strang commeni:nd �hat it vr�,s a very good renort and shou�d prove to be a greaf. help to the Cit�riylauager in ma�ing all fu�ure extensions and he would recommend accepting the report at this time. The IVla,yor was of the opinion that the report would be invalu�ble to the Commission but tYiou�ht it would be well before consa.der3n; the revenue certificate question to Yzave another report frorn the Coun�y 2.nd to have an executive meetino io study the report; and make some defir.i�e l�ecoznmen- dations. Bsr consent, it tFrati agreed to cal� an executive �ess�on t� con�ider the water report. The City Nf�nager reported tha� the Ci'.i;y haci �eceived the signed copie� of the interim water contract from �the Cot�nty anr, also the tlxirty year contract with. the County. The Mayor suggested that the Gi�y Attorney verify the copies bsfo�e havin� �hem filed b;� �he Clerk. Camm:issianer Kennecly moved �hat it be recorded i� �he Mirutes �Ehat these contracts ,�igned by the Coun.ty had been received and referred to the I�ebai Department for verification before being turned ovAr t� the C3.ty C].erk f'or filing, Mo�ion vras seconded by Commiss�oner Russell and carr:Led unan-.�.m�usly. �_ _� .. :s:r'_,t. _ ���' �"" Cz� cqMM2ss2oN r-1EE'�ID1G Apr`�.1 26s 1.954 The C3.ty Mana�er submitted to the Gity Commissiors a. requea� from Mr . Fiichard B. S�.ple #'or a discount or abatement of an o7d lien for paving Druid Road on property :in Sect�.on 21-29-15 owned by Niary S, i�oardman, together with a reque:;t ;from Mr , �Tames Hyman fax� some ababement on liens for pavin� San Remo Avenue �.gainst Lots 24 and 25, Bloek A, Highland Grove Subdivision, By consent, th�se i�ems were referred to �he Tax SE�ttlemant Cammittee for i�a recommendation. The Mayor re�.d a�etter from N[r, Robert W. GJilspn, Secretary of the Special Events Com.mittee of' the Chamber of' Commerce, requestin� appro�-a1 of payment of �200,00 to Marion F. Sh�.mbaugh, Faculty Advisor to the Clearwater Exchange Group, ta cover expensea for a banquet to be given for Fxchange Club delegates fxom Wyandat�e, Miehigan. Commissionex� Strang moved that the Special. Events �ommittee be authori�ed ta expend $�00.00 ior �he banquet to entertain the Exchange students from Wyandotte, Michiga�. Mot�.on was seconded by Commissloner I{ennedy and carried unanimously. The Ma,yor read a requeot from the City Treasurer to transfex� $35,00�.00 irom the Ci�arette Tax �'und to the Colored Swimming Poo1 Construetion Account which account conta3ns $].9,000.00 of previously contribu�ed funds. The recommendation was made orz the basis of a�49,200.U0 contract with R. i'�I. Thompson Company t�rhich contract does not cover engineering, equipment and other exper�ses. Commissioner Bates moved the transfex of the funds be authorized. Mo�ion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and ca�xied unanimously. The Clty Attorney reported that �he City had receiued notice from the Board of County Commission.ers oi thre�: PLiblic Hearings: one was ar application to construct a dock on Lot 9, Bayside Sub�.ivision ,�2; ano�her was to construct a doek on Loti 27, Bayside 5ubdivision �}2; the third was to cons�ruct seavralls �'or boat basin, dredge and fi11 in Clearwater Har�or submi�tted by NF, �'. W, Weidemeyer. He said all the hearings werz set for 7.`u.esdays May Lth, at 2:30 P.I�I. �y consent, the Gity Attorney was instructed to be present to protest on behalf or the City the Weidemeyer applica�ion for fi1l on the west side af Edgewater Drive. The Ma,yor commented that there would be no objection to the applications for docks in Ba.yside Subdivision y'�2 since the dock �ine oz thirty zeet was established by:glat restrictian. a'he City Attorney requested that the Gommission consider IM. R. H. Center�s request for a deed of correctior_ on Zn't 2�, Pa�gett's �states Subdivision, stating that the ori�inal deed from the City to Dr. CenLer had called for Lot 25 less th.e east 70 feet for s�ree� rioht-of-way and it had been found that this did not oive Dr. Cen�er the 140 fee� as had beer_ shown on the plat. The deed of correct.j�n would describe tY�e p�cperty as the ��ast 140 feet of Lat 25 and i;he additi onal proper i y as described in the new ueed *rt�»'_•d come �rom tY?e right-of-way of Lincoln Avenue. Commissioner Strang moved ti2at this corrected deed on Lot 25, Padgett's Estates, to Dr. Cen�Cer be 3ssued and the proper officials be authorized �o sign it. Motion cvas secondeci by Commissioner Russell and carri�d unanimously. The City Attorney reported that the suit o.f the State Road .�epartment versus �he City oi' Clearwater rela�ive to the ownership of lands lyino sauth of Gulf-ta-Bay Boalevard in Section 16-29-16, had been settleci out oi court and presEnted a statement for �500.00 for legal services. Comr,iissioner Bates moved that the bill �e paid. Motion was second�d by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously, There bein� no fur�her business �o come before the Commiss�on, the mee��no t�ras adjourned at 3 �35 p.IK. Attest: Q City Auda.t � and Clerk � � Mayor-Commission r CTTY CQMMISSIQN MEETiN� Apr'3.1 26� 195� April 23, i95�+ Mayor-Cor.m�issioner Herbert h7. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, t�. E. Strang, Jr. John W. 3ates, Guy L. Kennedy Ger�tlemen : The City Commission will meet i� Special S�ssion on Monday April �6, 195�} at 1:3o p.m. in the City Hall Audit�rium for the pur�ose of discussing the follo�vin� items: FCM:s 1. Extension of Storm Setver Qn 5eminole St, through Colf Course. 2. Appointment of' two Recreation Board Members. 3. Assessmen� Resolution for Sanitary Sewer in Pi.erce St. from fiighland Ave. west fcx 320 feet, 4. Assessment Resolution for sidewalk improvement in Greenwoocl Ave. from Palm Bluff to Nlarshall. 5, Utility Improvements. 6. Instructions on assessing Ms<ndalay Projeat� 7. Sewer piunping station at Wash�:l2zqton Ave. $. Ins+:,ructians on Water Eonds. 9. Any item not on the agenda will be cansidered with �he consen.t of the Commission. Very truly yours, /s/ F'. C. Middleton City Manager RESOLUTION U7F3EREAS, after Public Hearing on �'une 15 A. D. Zg53, the City Commiss3,on of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that cextain work and improvements hereinaf�ter described snould be done and made, an� WHE��EAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct approximately 350 feet of 8 inch sanitary sewer ar,d appurtenances in Pierce Street from the present existing sanitary sewer in Highland Avenue �o a point approxima�ely 32� feet west of the west line of Highland Avenue. WI�REAS, under ths provisions o�"_' Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall havE been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost ther�of against the properties abutting said improvements so ma.de, �.nd WHEREAS, cert�.in parcels of rsal estate abutting said im�rovements have been benefited by said improvements and the pro rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, TEiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Ci�y of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows; 1. That the above described improvements in Pierce 5treet from the present existin� sanitary sewer in Highland Avenue to a point approximately 32Q feet west of the west line of Highland Avenue be and the same are hereby acce�ted and approved as havin� been com�leted, 2. That the following described proper�ies abut�ing sai� sanitary sewer improvemezits are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the following proportions of �he cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with �he iollowing schedule. ASSESSMENT P�.eree Stree� Sanitary Sevaer �rom Highland Avenue We�t 320 Feet Total Cost: $795•70 Gost per Front Foot: $1.60- _ Owner Property Front Ft. Amount Boulevard Hts. Subd. Gerald R. Custer 1645 Drew Street Clearwater, Florida Robert Kunnen 1�F82 Pisrce Street Clearwater, Florida Robert Kunnen Larry 0. Price 1478 Pierce Street Clearvrater, Florida Block A I,ot 3 Lot .4_ East 5' of Lo� 5 West 45� of Lot 5 50 $79.g9 50 79•89 5 7.99 �+5 '1. go ( Cont�.nued ) Owne� Frank E. Baker 1476 P3.erce Street Clearwater, Florida Bruno A. Menzen 1�F72 Pierce Street ClearwatPr, Florida Bruno A. Menzen Gens Howe 1�71 Piex�ce Street C1ea�water, Florida C. J. Thurnau 1479 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida CITY CQMMISSI013 MEETII3G apr�i 26, i954 (Continued) PropertY Lot 6 less West 5� East 48� of Lot 7 West 5� of Lot 6 Block D Lot 20 Lot 21 Front Ft. Amount �-5 $71. 90 48 76,6g 5 7.�9 50 'i9.S9 5� 79.89 C. J. Thurn�.0 Lot 22 5p 79 � g9 C. J. Thu.rnau North 100' of Lot 23 5� 79•�9 C. J. Thurnau North 100� of Lot 24 50 7�,$9 TOTALS -Tgg— �7�5.jp 3. That i�' said assessments herein made are not paid within thirt� (30) days from the date hereoi', the City Tre�.surer is hereb�T directed to i5sue and sell certificates of lndebte-.,.ess under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the ra�e oi 8� per annum against the fo�egoing properties f�r the assessments herein made immecliately upon the expirati.nn of the foregoing thirty-�.ay period. PASSED AND :1DOPTED this 26th day of April A. D. 1954. /s� Herbert M, Brown Mayor�Commissioner Attest : fsf x. G. Gringo City Auditor and Clerk RES�LUTION WIiEREAS, after Public Hearing r�n December 7 A. D. 1953, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined thati cer•tain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WI�REAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct a fiv� foot conerete sidewalk four inches thick on the eas� side of Greenwood Avenue from the narth curb line of Palm Bluff Street to the south curb line of Marshall Street. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the Gity Charter, after said improvements shall have been completefl, the City Commi�sion shall assess the cost thereof agaYnst the properties fa�ing and abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain pareels of real estate facing and abutting said improttements havz been benefited by said improvexnents and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said pareels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of ihe City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as fcllovrs: 1. That the above describeci improvemsnt in Greenwood Avenue from the north curb line oi' Pa]m Bluff Street ta thz south curb line of M�.rshall Street be and the same 3.s hereby accepted and apgroved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties facing and abutting said sidewalk impravement are hereby deemed to have been henefited by said improvement in the following proportions of the cost tkiereof and the same are hereby assesaed in accordance with the folloWing schedule. {Continued} p <• � � OWNER CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 195� (Continued) ASSESSMEDTT GREENWOOD AVENUE SIDEWALIt PALM BLUFF STREET TO MARSHALL STREET Total Coat: $1,79$•06 Cost psr front foot: $1.79 Property Footage Greenwood Park No. 2 B1ock F �6 Walter J. Aj�tch Lot 35 310 North Garden Avenue Clearwater, Florida Walter J. Aytch Bessie Brown Gibson 112g East Cleveland St. Clearwater, Florida C. C. Rutledge 803 Alabama Clearwater, Florida Booker T. Tsylor, et a1 704 Seminole Street Clearwater, F�orida Booker T. Taylor, et al Fannie Walls 1016 Engman Clearwater, Florida Fannie Walls Bessie Evans Cribson 1129 Eas� Cleveland St. Clearwater, Florida Bessie Evans Gibson C. E. Jackson, Jr. $50 Mandalay Avenue Clearwater, Florida James M. Jackson 1045 Sedeeva Street Clearwater, Florida Lot 34 I�ot 33 Lot 32 Blocls E Lot 35 Lot 34 Lot 33 Lot 32 Block 1� Lot 35 Lot 31� L�t 33 Lot 32 Greenwood Park Subd. Block C Elias Shellman Lo�- 1319 North Greenvrood Ave. Clearwater, Florida John Lewis Lot 17 1409 Pennsylvania Avenue Clearwater, Fiorida Carl Willbrigh� Lot 16 1325 North Greenwood Avenue Clear��iater, Florida ' Carl GT311bright Lot 15 James M. Jackson 1045 Sedeeva Street Clearwater, Florida James M� Jackson Wilson H. Valentine 40g Cleveland Street Clearwa�er, Florida. Wilson H. Valen�ine Block B Lot 18- Lot 17 Lot 16 Lot 15 �5 �+5 �'F,5 �+6 45 45 45.5 46 �+5 45 26.5 46 11.5 �+5 �+5.5 13 45 �+5 �+5.5 Amount $82.42 80.63 80.63 81.53 82.42 80.63 80.63 81.53 82.42 80.63 80.63 4`7 . 4�3 82.42 �0.62 80.63 81.53 23.30 80.63 F3o . 63 81.53 (Continued) ��� GTTY COMMISSIOIJ MEETING April 26, 195�+ (Continued) Owner Property Greenwood Park Subd. BYock A Board of Public Instruction Lot 18 Haven Street. C7.earwater, Florida P:Lnellas Co. School Property Board of' Public Instruction Lot 17 Pinellas Co. School Property Board of Public Instruct3on Lot 16 Pinellas Co. School Property Footage 46 45 45 Amoun-t 82.L�� 80.63 80.63 � Board of Public ?nstruction Lot 15 45.5 �31.53 Pinellas Co. School Property Totals 1,003.5 $1,798°U6 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the Gity Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and se11 certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which cer�ificates shall bear interest at the rate of 8� per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26�� day of April A. D, 195�+. �s/ Iierber$ M. Brown Mayor-Commissianer Attest: �s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk April 23, 1954 Mr. Francis C. Middleton, City Manager City Hall Clearwater, Florida Re: Special Events Committee of the Junior Chatnber of Commerce Dear Mr. Middleton: The Special Events Committee has been requested by Marion F. Shambaugh, Facul�y Advisor to the Exchaz�ge Group, for �200.00 with which to give a banquet in. honor of the delegates sent -Eo ClearTNater from Wyandotte, Michigan. The Commi�tee feel.s that since the Clearwater delegation tha� was sent to Wyandotte received such a prondErful reception we in turn should give a nice rece�ticn in Clearwater. We were advised that all expenses, other than the banquet, such as transportation, housing and enterta3.nment, are furnished by individuals so that i;he o�l.y obligations the c2ty should meet is that we properly nonor them with a banquet. The Committee, therefore, recommends that a$200,00 disbursement be macle to Marion F. Shambaugh for the banquet to be held on April 26, 1954. We do recommend that a final accounting be made as the request is based on an estimate. Very truly yours, �s� Robert W. Wilson Secretary RWW�'dd Special Ever_ts Cor.unittee April 22, 1954 To: Mr, Middleton, City Nanager From: Frank Abernatlzy,Treasurer Sub�ect: Fi,tnds for Colored Swimming Pool Woulcl you please ask the Commission to approve a �ransfer of 35,00�.00 in cash from the Cigarette Tax Fund (which balance is currently 66,000.00) to the Colored Swimming Pool Constructior_ Account, which account canzains �19,000.00 of previously reported funds. This recommendation is made on the basis of a contract awarfled at the Commission meeting of April lgth for $49,200.00, which amount obviously does not cover en�ineering, equipmen.t and other expenses which a.re sure to arise. FA:mh CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1954 Fr.ancis Middleton, Manager City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida Dear Sir: April 23, 1954 ' This is official notification to you of public hearing to be held before the Board of County Commissioners, Clearwater, Florida at 2:30 P.M, on Tuesday, � May llth, 1954• This hearing covers application for a permit to construct dock on Lot 9, Bayside Subdivision �2 ir_ Clearwater Harbor, submitted by J. E, McVey, 308 N. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater, Florida. CAP me r Francis M3ddleton, Manager Qity of Clearwater Clearwater, F�a. Dear Sir : Very truly yours, ��� C. A. Peterson Director of Public Works April 23, 195�+ This is official notification to you of public hearing to be lzeld before the Board of County Commissioners, Clearwater, Florida at 2:30 P.M, on. Tuesday, May llth, 195�+• 'P_his hearing covers application for a permit to construct dock on Lot 27, Bays9.de Subdivision #2 in Clearwater Harbor, submitted by E. C. Haden, 2601 Center Ridge Rd. �+1est La.ke, Ohio. CAP me r Frar_cis Midd�eton, Mana�er City of Clearwater Clearwater, Fla. Very truly yours, �s� C. A. Peterson Director of Public Works Apri1 23, 195�+ Dear Sir: This is official notification to you of public hearing to be held before the Board of County Commissioners, Clearwater, Florida at 2:30 P.M, on Tuesday, May llth, �g5�+. This hearing covers applicaticn ior a permit to construct seawalls for boat basin, dredge and iill in Clearwater Harbor, submitted by M. F. W. Weidemeyer, 1432 Court St., Clearwater, Fla. CAP me r Very truly yours, /s/ C, A. Peterson Director of Public Works WATER MAINS 200' of 2° Water Main from Eldridge St., south along easement between Railroad and Oak�rood Subdi�ision and sexve �two connect�ons. (Approximately �1p5.00) Will serve one other ].ot. 400' of 2" Water Main to run east; on MeKinley St. from Corona Ave, to tie in Dead EndU and serve two connections. (Approximately $300.00) Will serve four, possibly more, other lots. 1g0' of 2" Water Main to run north on Missouri Ave. to tie in at 4Joodl�,wn St, and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $150.00) Will servc; three other lots. 126� of 2" Water Main. to run east on Brightwater Drive and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $110.00) Will serve iive other 1ote, 105' of 2° Water Main to run south on Tioga Ave, from end of present rnain, south of South St. and serve one connection. (Approxinate cost $75.00) 4Jill serve five other lots. (Continued) 6. 7• 8. 9• 10. 11. CZTY COMMISSION MEETING Apz�l 26, 1g54 {Continued) 126' of z" Water Main to run south on Apache Trail to serve Lots 5, o, and 7, Block A,, s�uth of Nakamis St. and serve three connections. (Approximate cost $95,OQ) Will serve one other lot. �F00' of 2" 4dater Main to run south from end of present main on Druid Rd., down Sherman McVeigh`. Drive and west on Jasmine Way and serve one connection. (Approximately $300.00) Will serve three other lots. 400" of 2" Water Main to extend down Jasmine Way, west to Public Alley and serve one connection, (Approximate cost $285.00) Will serve eleven other lots. 300' of 2" Water Main to run wes� on Court St. to serve Mr. Chipello on Lot 2 and serve just tfi�� one conn.ection. (Approximate cost $225,00). Wi11 serve three other lots. 200' of 2" Water Main to run south on Harbor Drive from end of present main sou�h of Fairmont St. (This was done at an approximate cost of $145.00 to take present main off of private property) 380� of 2" Water Main to run south on Hobart Ave, from Ridgetvood St. to serve Lot 8 on the east side of Hobart for the one connection. (Approximate cost of $280.00) Wiil serve ten other lots. Total �2,160.00 GAS P�lAINS l. 200' of 2" Gas Main to run east on Maple St, frrm end of present 2" main near M�riva Ave, and serve two connections. (Approximate cost $155.00) TAill serve three other lots. 2. 3• 4. 5. 6, 7• 8. 9• 10. 290' of 2" Gas Main to rvn north on Corona Ave. from Drew St. from pr•esent 2" Ma.in and serve one connection. (Approximate uout $220.00) Will serve one other lot. 400' of 2" Gas Main to run sauth in easement from R3inbow Drive bett,reP� Pegasus and Corona and serve one connection, (Approximate �ost $275.00) Will serve seven other lots. 216' of 2" Gas Main to run west on Harding from end of present main at W31son Ave. and serve one �onnection. (Approximate cost $160.00} Y1ill serve five other lots. 247' of 2° Gas Main to run. south on ?scturas irom present main on Rainhow Driv2. and serve one conneci,ion to lot 3. Approximate cost $205.00) Will serve five other lots. 225' of 2" Gas Main to run east on Nlarianne St. from Mandalay Blvd, to ease�ent east of Mandalay and then north to lot 24 and serve one connec�ion. (Approximate cost �1F50.00) Will serve four other lots. 360' of 2" Gas Main to run east on Smallwood Circle from Glenwood Ave. to serve Lot 99 for one connection. (Approximate cost $265.00) Will serve three other lots. 261' o� 2" Gas Main to run south from end of present main in easement east oi Venus, crossing Cleveland St. to Lot 2, Block C serving the one connectlon. (Approximate cost �1�0.00) Will serve t:vo other lots. 150' of 2" Gas Main to run north on Missouri Ave. from end of present main. Th�s is running t�ward Woodlawn St. and will serve one connection. (Approximate eost $110.00) Will serve iour other lots. 200' of 2" Gas Main on Engman St. from present main east of Greenwood P.ve, and serve one connection. (Approximate cost $135.00} G7i11 serve nine other lots. 11. 300' of 2" Gas Ma.in to run ncrth from Rainbow Drive, in easement east of Aurora Ave. and serve one connection. (Approximate cost �175.00) Will serve seven addiiional lots. 12. 84' of l�" Gas Main �o run east of Lynhurst St. from end of present main east of Edgewater Drive and serve one conn�ction. (Approximate co.t �45.00) Will serve one other lots. ---------------------------------------------------Total-------�2,045-00--- � �� �