03/08/1954 ":', : '" " ,- ~"::;. . ". "" -.'./";': ",. " .". " .~,.' . .. '. .~." ,,,,'., ' '.' . '.. . ,. ..,.', ,. ,.;",. .......~\~ ~;~'''~'L!~1-':'~.L'' '''. ~~ ,,~~:~':...~';,.;. :~'.~~~.:;~_~.;",~il"'J"~'1i"; . . ,,~,. ,_,;~.;: ;;.~,; ~,.:;~;:ig.::'j~i~(t)~D;:,~~::i(tLii~ig;itl0d~~~~~6:~~~~"r~;;;~ii&!!i~J\', ...;. 391 CITY COMMISSION MEETING March g, 19.54 The City Commission ot the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, March 8, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: , ~ ,i~, "'.;~::~~.:\ ~~~;;:.;: ". :. . ..... ': ~ ':;:; ,..~,;(.~~; ..: 'j~' .: \' ,,; ~;'~ ',' y ',' , ;--./0., q. (',.....,' ,~..~.>y/ . '\ ,. ., I '.; : j I I i I I . ; John W. Bates W. E. Strang, Jr. Jack Russell *Guy L. Kennedy Commissioner Commissioner C ommis si oner Commissioner . . . , I i \ f '.., ;, '".. The meeting was called to order by the Assistant City Attorney, Mr. Driver, who announced that the Mayor was unable to be present as he was out of town. Commissioner Strang moved that Commissioner John Bates be elected Mayor pro tam for this meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unani- mously. The City Manager reported that five bids had been received for clearing and surfacing with oyster shell the parking area near Belmont Field. The bids were opened and read as follows: *Absent at first part of meeting. Came in later. Absent: Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner ~tl~~..~"",,--- ... -.""'1.'rI:Ill Also present were: F. C. Middleton B. J. Driver G. T. McClamma S. Lickton City Manager Asst. City Attorney Chief of Police City Engineer Blackburn Asphalt Paving Co., Clearwater Campbell Paving Co., Clearwater E. H. Holcomb, Jr., Clearwater Davis & Schultz~ Dunedin W. H. Armston, ~unedin $3,744.00 3,4.56.00 3,024.00 2,700.00 2,808.00 The City Manager recommended accepting the low bid if the bid is found to be in order after being checked bI the City Engineer and the City Attorney. Commissioner Russell moved that Davis & Schultz, Inc., Dunedin, Florida, be given the job for cleaning and surfacing the Belmont parking lot for the sum of $2,700.00 provided the estimate and the bids are correct so far as the City Engineer and the City Manager are concerned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. In regard to the bids for paving Franklin Street between MIrtle and Prospect Avenues, the City Manager recommended accepting the low bid of '2,790.00 from the Blackburn Asphalt Paving Company. Commissioner Strang inquired if the paving of Pierce Street in the same area would be done at the same time. Upon being informed that the Blackburn Paving Company was low bidder on both jobs, he suggested that Franklin Street be paved first since there already is some pavement on Pierce. Commissioner Strang moved that the Blackburn Paving Company be awarded the paving in Franklin Street for the sum of $2,790.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended accepting the low bid of tl,95.5.00 from the Blackburn Paving Company for paving Pierce Street between Prospect and Myrtle. Commissioner Russell moved that the Blackburn Paving Company of Clearwater be given the job for $1,955.00 for the paving or Pierce Street that being the low bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Commissioner Bates reporting for the Marina Lunchroom Lease Committee stated that Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brown had been contacted and indicated willingness to accept a lease on the basis of five years with a five year renewal option and an opportunity to meet any further bidding on the third five years if the City did not want to use the ~pace for other purposes at the end of ten years. Commissioner Kennedy came in at this time -- 1:38 P.M. Commissioner Russell asked to be excused because of a previous commitment. Commissioner Kennedy moved that after analyses o~ the three proposals received for the operation or the lunchroom on the ground floor of the Marina, the proposal of Willis F. Brown and Gl~dys I.Brown to pay the basic rental of $100.00 per month for the first two months and $150.00 per month thereafter plus a 5% over-ride on any year's gross sales in excess of $40,000.00 be accepted with the proviso that the lease stipulate that at no time will alcoholic beverages be served for consumption on the premises; the term of the lease to be for five years with an option for renewal at the same rates for a second term of five years; at the expiration of the second term, the City shall have the right to recapture the premises for any other purpose or usage, but in the event the City desires to continue the operation of the lunchroom in that location, the lessee shall have the right to continue their lease on a competitive basis with any other applicant. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. "" ~..... . ......... . ~,':JJIj:t<:0~f~f~w~~~t~r?~~l:ff,~\~!t:~?(/':"'~;'1J;r?!:?1~~t~:~:{;~;~:~f.;1t.:'~~i'~'}_~~i~~'~:~?I~{~6~'fti; -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 8, 1954- The City Manager recommended the installation ot 465 feet of two inch gas ,,' " main to run west on Franklin Street from Hillcrest Avenue, estimated cost 1385.00. Commissioner Strang moved that the utility improvement be approved according to' the Manager's recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting wa. adjourned at 1:58 P.M. Attest: ~~ ~ /,."" Mayor omm s s on '.: ., CITY COMMISST�AI MEETSNG March $, 1954 The City Commission �f tha Citq of Clearwater met in special sessi�n at City Hall, Monday, March $, 1954, ati 7.:30 P.M. with the follovring members present; John W. Bat2s Commissioner G�l. E. Strang, Jr. Comm;issioner Jack Russell Commissioner �Gup L. Kennedy Commissioner �Absent at £irst part of ineeting, Came in later. Abse�tt Herbert M. Brown A1�o present were: F. C, Middleton B. J. Driver G. T, McGl.amma S. I.ickton Mayor-Commissioner City Manager Asst. Citp Attorney Cliief of Police City En,gineer The mesting was called to order by the As�istant City Attorney, Mr. .Driver, who announced that the Mayar was unable to be pre5ert as ne was out oi` to�rn. Comra2ssioner Strang moved that Comcnissi.oner John Bates be elected Mayor pro tem for this mQeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russel.l and carrisd unani- mously. The Gity Manager reporte�� that five bids had been received for clearing and surfacing with oyster shell the park�ng area near Belmont Eie1d. The bids were opened and read as follows: Blackburn Asphalt Paving Co., Clearwater Cam.pbell Paving Co., Clearwater E. H. HolcomU, Jr., Clearwater Bavis & Schultz. punedin �rl. H. Armston, �unedin �3,744.00 3,456.00 � , 021�, 00 2,�00.00 2,$0$.00 3 "► ! The City Manager recammended accepting the low bid if the bid is found to be ia order after being checked by the City Engineer and the City Attarney. Commiasianer Russell moved that Davis &��hultz, Inc., Dunedin, Florida, be given the job £car cleaning and surfacing �the Belmant parking 1ot for the swn oi` �2,�00,00 providad the estimate and the bids are correct so far as the City EngineQr an3 the City Man�ger are concerned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Itt regard to the bids for paving Franklin Street between 1�� xtle and Prospec't Avenuss, the Ci�y j'�anager recoromended acceptiing the lov� bf d of �2,'790.-00 .�rom the Blackhurn Asphalt taving Company. Commissioner Strang inquired if the paving of Fierce Street in the same area would be dane at the same time. Upon beino informed that the Blackburn Paving Company was low bidder on both jobs, he sugges��d tha� Franklin Street be paved first since thers already is some pavement on Pierce. Comivissioner 8trang moved that th� Blackburn Paving Company be awarded the paving in Franklin Street for the sum of �2,7gQ.Qp. Mo�ion was secnndeti by �orrunissioner Russell and carr:�.ed unanimausly. Th�e Ci�Gy Manager recamnended accepting the low bxd o�' �1,955�p0 from the Blackburn Paving ^ompany for paving Pierce Street between Prospect and Myrtle. Commissioner Rusaell moved �hat the Blackburn Paving Company oi �learwater be given the job for �1,955.00 ior the paving of Pierce Street that �ieing the low bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carrisd unanimousiy� Commissione�:� Bates report:�.ng i'or the Marina Liinchroom Laase Committee stated that �+�fr. and Mrs. W. F. Brown had been contacted and indicated willir�gness to accept a lease on the basi� of five years with a five year xenewal opt3.on and an opportunity to meet any further bidding on the third iive years if th� City did not want to use the spac� ior other purposes at the end of ten yeaxs. Commissianer Kennedq cam�e in at this ti�e -- 1:3$ P.M. Cammissioner Russell asked to be excused because af a preaious commitmen�. Commissioner Kennedy moved that after analyses of the three pr�posals received fpr the operation o£ the lunchroom on the ground floor of the Marina, the proposal of Willis F. Brown and �ladys I.Brown to pay the basic rental of �100.OQ per manth for the iirst two months and �150.CO,per month thereafter plus a s1 over-ride on any yearts grosa sales in excess af �y.0,000.00 be accepted with the proviso that the lease stipulat� that at no time will al.coho].ic beverages be sex�ved �or consur,iptian on the ,pre�ises; the term of the lease to be fox five years with an aption for renewal at the same rates for a second term of five years; at tihe Expiration of the second term, the City shall have the right to recapture the premises f�� any other purpose or usage, but in the event tha City desires to continue the aperatiox� of the lux�chroom in that location, the lessee shall have the rig.�t to continue their lease on a competitive basis with any other applicant, i�otion was �ecanded bq Commissioner Strang and carried unanimr�usly. � Ci _�� CITY COMMISSION MEETING March $, 1954 The C�ty Manager recammended the installatian af 465 �feet of two inch gas maiil to run wes� on Franklin Street from Hillcrest Avenue, estima�ed cost $��$5.00. Comwissioner Strang moved that the utility improvement be approved accarding to the n7anager's recommendation. Motion was secondad by Commis�ioner Kennedy and oarried unanimausly. There being no iarLher businass vo come befare the Board, the meeting was adjaurnad at 1:5$ PeM. Attest: ity Audi and Clerk: Mayor- ommission � � � CITY C(�[NiISSICII� ME�TING March f�, 195/� Mayor-Commissianer Herbert M. Brown M"r'�h 5► i954 Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr. John W. Batces, Guy I�. Kennedy Gentlemen: The City Cammission will mest 3.n Special Session an Nlonday, March $, 1.954 at 1;30 p.m, in the City Ha11 Auditorium for the purpose �f �:iscussing �he following items: 1. Opening o£ bids for construction of sur£acing t�f Belmont Parking Lo�. 2. Awarding o� bid� for: A. Paving of Fxanklin StreeG. B. Paving o£ Pierce Street. C. Lunchroom in Clearwater Marina Building. Very truly yours, /s/ F. G. Middleton FCM:s Gity NIanager 3�3