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Ncvember 9, 1953
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Monday, November 9, 1953, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
W. E. Crown, Jr.
Jack Russell
John W. Bates
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Also present were:
G. B. Weimer*
Chas. M. Phillips
G. T. McClamma
S. Lickton
Acting City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
*Due to a medical appointment, the City Manager was unable to attend
and Mr. Weimer met with the Commission as the City Manager's representative.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who announced that the first item
on the agenda would be the Commission's consideration of the new proposal to pur-
chase water from Pinellas County. He reported that at a recent joint meeting with
the County Cou~ission the County submitted a suggested basis of agreement between
Pinellas County and the City of Clear\~ater on a supply of water. He stated they
offered water to the City on the basis of a thirty year contract at five cents
per one thousand gallons and would supply the wvter at several points out along
their transmission main; namely, at Drew Street, Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Druid
Road. He reported that it was the opinion of the City Commission that a Committee
Should be appointed to work with them in working out what would be considered a
satisfactory contract that we could discuss. The City Attorney reported that at
the meeting the other day the mutual auestion arose as to whether or not the
improvements could be financed on the basis of five cents a thousand gallons. Mr.
Harold D. Briley of Briley, Wild & Associates, Consulting Engineers, said that in
order to assist the County in their negotiations through their fiscal agent with
prospective bond purchasers in New York and Chicago, they would like you to include
in the motion words to the effect tnat the five cent rate is agreeable to the City.
The Mayor suggested that a Committee be appoirlted to check into this whole thing
with the County, their attorneys, their bond attorneys, and also look into the
rate subject considerably more; further, to call in our fiscal agent to examine
the proposal. Commissioner Russell pointed out that the City would need an
additional supply of water this spring and summer and the cost of drilling four or
five wells would be $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 but the County reported that they
could supply from their interim well field a million and a half gallons of water
daily which the City will n~ed. Commissioner Bates moved that the City Commission
go on record as approving in principle the purchase of w3ter from the County at a
rate not to exceed five cents per thousand gallons, provided the other details
can be worked out to our mutual satisfaction including the financing by the County
and other items and that the Mayor appoint a Committee to work with the County
towards this end. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unani-
The Mayor said he would like to consider and consult with the Commissioners
as to the members to be on the Committee, therefore, he would appoint it later.
The Mayor announced that the Commission has given careful consideration to the
two proposals for construction of a swimming pool on the present Chamber o~ Commerce
site on Clearwater Beach, one from Messrs. Smith and Coon and one from Messrs.
Kleinmann and McKernan. He said the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce
had requested that they be consulted about the time of turning over the premises
in case the Commission awards the swimming pool contract. The Mayor said he had
appointed a Committee o~ Mr. Crown, Mr. Middleton, and Mr. Bates to check into
certain financial aspects of the two bids. Comrrdssioner Crown reported for the
Committee that the Committee had analyzed and discuss~d these bids at length, and
while the proposals were almost of equal merit, the bid by Messrs. Smith and Coon
had the advantage that if continued inflation and growth of the Beach should result
in a more advanced income than we can now possibly look forward toJtheir bid would
produce a more substantial income for the City. There~ore, the Committee recommends
that the Commission accept the Smith and Coon proposal for the following reason:
1. Although their first lower bracket bid (A) is almost the same, the Band
C proposals bring it to a considerably higher rental.
Mr. Harold Paul Fox, resident and property owner on Clearwater Beach, addressed
the Commission stating that he was opposed to the proposed twenty-five year lease
on the grounds that it tied the hands of the municipality for such a great length
of time and that the City could not exercise the right of recovery to take back
the proper~y if some future Commission wished to use the property in some other
manner. The Mayor replied that the City did have the right of recovery for muni-
cipal purposes, cited two examples on the Beach where this had been done, and
pointed out that, in addition to this lease, these people are furnishing to the
City at no cost whatever public restrooms with an attendant on duty at all times.
He assured Mr. Fox that a provision of the lease would include the right to
recover ~or the City for municipal purposes with amortization of the cost to reim-
burse the lessees. Mr. Fox withdrew his objection. Mr. G. T. McKernan addressed
the Commission saying it was his opinion that the fact that the Commission had
permitted the bids to be amended had in effect permitted the other bidder to base
his revisions on his (Mr. McKernan's) original bid. Commissioner Crown moved
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November 9, 1953
that the City work out an a~reeable lease, following the usual form ~or leases
of City property and following the proposal of Mr. Amos Smith and Mr. William
Coon for the erection of a swimming pool and related facilities in what is known
as the Beach Chamber of Commerce building plot; the effective date of the lease
to be worked out in agreement with the Chamber ot Commerce. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
The Mayor appointed Commissioners Crown, Bates and himself to serve on a
Cownittee to work on this lease with the City Attorney.
The City Attorney requested instructions as to whether anything should be
included in the lease concerning the permit granted to Mr. Hopkins to rent beach
umbrellas, etc., and said he had received a request from Mr. Hopkins to preserve
the dignity of his permit so that he would still be allowed to have that concession
without conflict with this lease. The Mayor replied that Mr. Hopkins had no
written permit, that he was operatin8 on a day-to-day basis at the will of the
Commission, and suggested that the Commission take the matter up at a later date.
By consent, the Commission agreed that no instructions would be in the lease
concerning this service.
The Mayor asked Commissioner Crown to take the Chair as he had to make an
important telephone call.
The Acting City Manager recommended accepting the low bid or $1 98).00 trom
Farnham Brass Works of Cleveland, Ohio, for brass products. Commissioner Strang
moved that the low bid of Farnham Brass Works for the sum of tl,983.00 be accepted.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
In regard to the bids for concrete pipe opened at the last meeting, the City
Manager recommended accepting the low bid of Sherman Concrete Company of Tampa.
Commissioner Russell moved that the City Manager's recommendation be accepted
and that the Sherman Concrete Pipe Company be given the bid for concrete pipe
at $545.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bids for paving the road from Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard to the
Skycrest Disposal Plant, the City Manager recommended accepting the low bid ot
44,937.00 from E. H. Holcomb, Jr., contractor. Commissioner Strang moved that the
low bid or E. H. Holcomb, Jr., for $4,937.00 be approved according to the City
Manager's recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
The Mayor returned at this time and again took the Chair.
Regarding street specifications, Commissioner Bates suggested that tl~ City
adopt some of the State Road specifications in same details to get a load bearing
test on the base or the sub-base so if there were any soft spots in a road, they
can be wiped out to make it acceptable; also, perhaps by the use of stone, a
better road could be made at substantially the same cost. He inquired if the
Commission would be willing to consider building streets of slightly more cost
with the idea of getting a better street which would require less maintenance.
He suggested that the Engineer be given instructions to see if be cannot come
up with a better grade road at a moderately higher price. Commissioner Strang
suggested that when sewers or other utilities are installed cutting across the
City streets that the bond to repair the streets properly be given a limit or
one year. The Mayor suggested that the City Attorney contact the Florida League
of Municipalities and find out what other cities are doing about street patching,
to build up a file on the materials, specifications, etc., that different towns
have for their streets and to go into it from the standpoint of enforcing our
new law relative to plats and subdivisions (Ordinance 632). By consent, these
instructions were given to the City Attorney.
Commissioner Crown inquired about the Jupiter Street widening and resurfacing
project which had been completed but not assessed because the job was not satis-
ractory. The City Engineer said that Burton Walker Company, the contractors,
would fix the street but they were waiting for it to dry out. At the Mayor's
suggestion, the City Attorney is to check into this with the Engineer, and if he
deems it necessary to take some legal action against these people to advise the
Commission on it.
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The City Engineer presented a proposed plan and sketch for the development
or the Stevenson Creek property to the Commission for its approval. The Mayor
summarized the findings of the Commission as approving the plan in essence with
these addenda:
1. The possibility that the main figure to the east could possibly be
extended a bit further out so it could g:l.ve a balance of the dredging
over what it fills;
2. That the sidewalks as indicated on the sketch, the seawall and the small
pier would be constructed by the developer; (according to City specifi-
). That the sewer laterals would be installed by the developer; that the
sewerage from that area would be brough~ back to the main plant and 1~
would do away with using the present septic tank located in the area
as a septic tank and change it into a pumping station 'which would be
built by the City, the developer to pay his prorata share;
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November 9, 1953
*, That the streets would be put in according to the City specifications
in accordance with the diagram as shown here, sticking basically to that plan;
the specifications for the seawall, street and the pier to be obtained from the
City Engineer's office; and that we authorize the property to be let out for bid
,subject to the Comrniss1on's final approval; the development to be finished within
a reasonable time, the completion date to be decided by the Commission.
Commissioner Crown moved that the City accept bids December 7th on the Stevenson
Creek underwater property in substantially the form outlined by the Mayor
immediately prior and hereto. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and
carried unanimously.
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The City Attorney advised the Commission that it would be necessary to expend
approximately $2,800.00 to secure a deed from the Internal Improvement Board and
clear the title to the Stevenson Creek 3ubmerged land. Commissioner Russell moved
that the City ~1anctger and the City Attorney be given authority to pay $2,800.00
for thirteen and a fraction acres of land of the Sunset-Stevenson Creek project
just purchased r.rom the State. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates and
carried unanimously.
The City Attorney presented a re~uest from the Atlas Bench Company to put
their benches on transit stops where there is no objection. The Mayor said the
project is sponsored by the Merchants Association who are raising the money to
put up the benches. He said the matter should be deferred and that he would
contact the Merchants' Association regarding it.
The Mayor announced that the Commission had been talking to various consulting
engineers regarding the expansion of the water distribution system, the need of a
study of street improvements, the sanitary system and the storm sewer system. He
said that due to new subdivisions being developed the sanitary sewer facilities
need to be greatly eXfBnded. Commissioner Bates said a study of our sewerage and
water systems was very badly needed as a guide for renovation of the sewer system
and the water system. The Commission took under consideration a proposal from
Briley,. Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers, of Daytona Beach, Florida,
which included a preliminary report on the following:
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Water Supply Distribution
Storm Sewers
Sewage Collection System,
Treatment Facilities
and Storage
Stations and
~ o~ one per cent of the estimated
cost of recommended improvements
Street Improvement Project
Conmissioner Crown objected to percentages based on ultimate
projects and inquired as to what provisions could be made for
contract in event the City should find it advisable to employ
ing firm at any time prior to the completion of the contract.
agreed that the contract would provide:
"Termination Agreement. It is mutually agreed by both parties that if due
to an Act of God, a National Emergency or for any reason over which either party
has no control, it becomes necessary to cancel this contract, then a settlement
will be made by the Owner with the Engineers in proportion to the amount of the
work completed; in addition, the Owner may cancel this contract at any time after
the preliminary engineering re~orts have been rendered and paid for, for a
consideration o~ One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars to be paid to the Engineers for
such cancellation."
completion of the
cancellation of the
some other engineer-
It was mutually
Commissioner Bates moved that the proper City officials be authorized to execute
an agreement as amended on the basis as outlined with the understanding that we
have some provision so that we are not ultimately tied up to the construction
phase of it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
COlrnnissioner Strang moved that the firm of Briley, Wild and Associates
under this contract go ahead with Items A, Band C in this contract immediately
with the emphasis on Item A which is our water distribution system. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
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November 9, 1953
November 6, 1953
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr.
John W. Bates, W. E. Strang, Jr.
The City Commission will meet in Special Session in the City Hall Auditorium at
1:30 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 1953, for the purpose of considering the
following items:
Commission's consideration of proposal to purchase water from the County.
Awarding Lease of Swimming Pool Project, Clearwater Beach.
Awarding Bids for:
A. Water Works Brass Goods.
B. Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe.
C. Paving Street to Skycrest Sewage Plant.
Approving of plan for Stevenson Creek Project north of Calumet Street.
Any item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
Nove�tbsx 9, 1953
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Mnnday, Novemher 9, 1953, at I:30 P.M. rvith the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
W� �= C�Qvrn, Jr.
Jack Russell
John Gl. Bates
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Also present were:
G. B. Weimer�
Ghas. M. Phillips
G. T. McClamma
S. Lickton
Mayor-C ommi ssiorier
Acting City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
�Due to a medical appointment, the City Manager was unable to attend
anci Mr, Weimer met with the Gommission as the City Manag�r�s representative.
The meeting was called to order by the viayor who announced that the first item
on the agenda would be the Commission's consideration of the new proposal to pur-
chase water from Pinellas County. He reported that at a recent joint meeting with
the County Commission the County submitted a suggested basis of agreement between
Pinellas County and the City of Clearwater on a s�.�pply of water. H� stated they
offered water to the City on the basis of a thirty year contract at five cents
per one thousand gallons and would supply the water at severai Points out along
their transraission main; namely, at Drew Street, Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Druid.
Road. He reported that it was the opinion of the City Commission that a Committee
should be appointed to work with them in working out what t�rould be considered a
satisfactory contract that we could discuss. The City Attorney reported that at
the meeting the pther day the mutual question arose as to whether or not the
i�provernents could be financed on the basis of five cents a thousand gallons. Mr.
Harold D. Briley of Briley, Wild & Associates, Consulting Engineer.., said that in
order to assist the County in their negotiatzons �hrough their fi�cal agent with
prospective bond purchasers in New York and Chicago, they wouZri like you to include
in the motion words to the effect tnat the five cent rate is agreeable to the Citp.
7'he Mayor suggested that a Committee be appointed to check into this whole thing
wi�h the County, their aLtorneys, their bond attorneys, and also look into the
rate subject considerably more; further, to call in our fiscal agent to examine
the proposal. Commissioner Russell pointed out that the City would need an
additional supply of water this spring 3nd summEr and t,he cost of drilling four or
five wells would be �25,000.00 to �30,000.00 but the County reported that they
could supply from their interim well field a million and a half gallons of water
dai�y which the City will need. Commissioner Bates moved that the City Commission
go on record as approving in principle the purchase of w�ter from the County at a
rate not to exceed five cents per thousand gallons, provided the other details
can be worked out to our mutual satisfaction including the financing by the Count}*
and other items and that the I�Iayor appoint a CommiLtee to work with the County
towards this end. i�Iotion was seconded bp Commissioner Russell and carried unani-
The Mayor said he would like ta consider and consult with the Conmissioners
as �o the members to be on t�:e Committee, therefore, he would appoint it later.
The Mayor announced that the Commission has given careful consideration to the
two proposals for construction of a swimming pool on the present Chamber of Commerce
site on Clearwater Beach, one from Messrs. Smith aild Coon and one from Messrs.
Kleinmann and McKernan. He �aid the Executive Commit�ee of the Chamber of Commerce
had requested that thsy be consulted about the time of turnin� over the premises
in case the Commission awards the swimming pool contract. The Mayor said he had
appointed a Committee of Mr. Crown, Mr. Middleton, and Mr. B:�tes to check i�tto
certain financial aspects of the two bids. Commissioner Crown reported ior the
Committee tnat the Cammittee had analyzed and disaussed these bids at length, and
while the proposals were almost of equal merit, the bid by RZsssrs. Smith and Coon
had the advantage that if continued inflation and growth of the Beach should result
in a more advanced income than we can now possibly look forward to,their bid would
produce a more substantial incorae for the City. Trerefore, Lhe Committee recomm�nds
that the Commission accept the Smith and Coon proposal for the following reason:
1. AZthnugh their first lower bracket bid (A) is almost the same, the B and
C proposals bring it to a considerably hzgher rental.
Mr. Harold Paul Fox, resident and propert� o�mer on Clearwater Beach, addressed
the Commission stating that he was opposed to the proposed tv�enty-five year lease
on the grounds that it ti�d �he hands of the municipality for such a great length
of time and that the Gity could not exercise the right of recovery to take back
the property iA some future Commission wished to use the property in some other
manner. The I�Iayor repl�ed that the City did have the right of recovery for muni-
cipal purposes, cited two examples on the Beach where this had been done, and
pointed out that, in addition to this lease, these people are furnishing to the
Gity at no cost whatever public restroor�s ��rith an attendant on duty at all times.
He assured Pdr. Fox that a provision of the lease would include the right to
reaover for tYze City for municipal purposes with amortization of the cost to reim-
burse the lessees. Mr. Fox withdrew his objection. Mr. G. T. McKernan addressed
the Commission saying it was his opinion that the fact that the Gommission had
permitted the bids to be amended had in efiect permitted the other bidder to base
his revisians on his (Mr. NlcKernan's) original bid. Ct�mmissioner Crown moved
� ��
November 9, 1953
tHat the City �aork out an agreeable lease, following the usual form for leases
o� Gity property and following the proposal oi Mr. Amos Smith and Mr. William
Coon for the erection of a swimming pool and related facilit3es 3n svhat is known
as the Beach Ghamber of �ommerce building p1Gt; the effective date of the lease
to be worked out in agreement with the Chamber of Commerce. Mntion was seconded
by Commissioner Strang and carr3ed unanimously.
The Pdayor appointed Commissioners Crown, Bates and himself to serve on a
Committee to work on this lease with the City Attorney.
The City Aitorney requ�stad instructions as to whether anything should be
included in the lease concerning the permit granted to Mr. Hopkins to rent beaeh�
umbreil�s, etc., and said he had received a request from Mr. Hopkins to preserv�
the�dignity o� his par�a.t so bhat he would still be allowed to have that concession
without conflict with this lease. Ths Mayor replied that Mr„ Hopkins had no
written permit, that he was operating on a day-to-day basis at the will of the
Commission, and suggested that the Commission take tk�e matter up at a later date.
By consent, tha Commission agreed that no instructions wou3.d be in the Z�ase
concerning this service.
The Mayor asked Commissioner Crown to take the Chair as he had to make an
important telephone ca11.
The Acting Gity Man�3ger recommended accepting the low bid og �1�9$3.00 from
Farnham Brass Wor�ks of Cl�veland, Ohio, for brass products. Commissioner Strang
m�ved that the 1ow bid of Farnham Brzss Works fox the sum of $�1,9$3.00 be accepted.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russel.l and carried. unanimously.
In regard to the bids f�. concrete pipe opened at the last mee�ing, the City
Manag�r recommended acceptzng the low bid of Sherman Goncrete Company of Tampa.
Commissioner Russell moved that the City Manager's reccsmmendation be acceptied
and that the Sherman Concrete Pipe Company be given #;h� bid for concrete pipe
at $545.00. Motion was �econded by Comnissioner Str-ang and carried unanimouslyo
Regarding the bids for paving tlie road from Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard to the
Skycrest Disposal Plant, the City Manager recommenrled accepting the low bid of
��+,937.00 from �. H. Hdlcomb, Jr., contractor, Commissioner Strang moved that the
low bid of �. H. Holcomb, Jr., for �4,937.00 be a�pzoved according to the City
Manageras recommendation. Motior� was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
The Mayor returned at this time and again took the Ghair.
�tsgarding street specifications, Commiss3,.oner Bates suggested that t he City
adopt some of the State ::oad specifications i.n some details to get a laad bearing
test on the base or the sub-base so if there were any soft spots in a road, they
can l�e wiped out to make it acceptable; als��, perhaps by the use of ston�e, a
better road could be made at substantially the same cost. He inquired ig the
Commission would be willing to consider bv.ilding stre�ts oi slightly more cost
with the idea of g�tting a better street �ahich would require less maintenance.
He suggested that the Engineer be giv�n instructions to see if he cannot come
up �ith a better grade roa�l �t a moderately higher price. Commissioner Strang
suggested that when sewers or other �stilities are installed cut�ing across the
City streets that the bond to repair the streets properly be given a limit of
o�►e ye�r. The Mayor suggested that �he Citp Attorney contact the Florida League
of hiunicipalities and find o�t what other cities are dming about street patching,
to build up a file on the materials, specifications, etc,, that different towns
have for their streets and to go irto it fsom the standpoint oi enforcing our
new law relatiee to plats and subdivisions (Ordinance 632). B�� consent, these
instructions were given to the City Attorney.
Commissioner Crown inquired about the Jupiter Street widening and resurfacing
project which had been completed but aot assessed because the job was no� satis-
factory> The City Engineer sai�i that Burton Walker Cqmpany, the contractors,
would fix the street but �hey were waiting for it to dry ou�. A� the Mayarts
suggestion, the City Attorney is to check in�o this wi�h the Engineer, and if he
deems it necessary to take some Zegal action against these people to advise the
l:ommission on it,
Th�e City Engineer presented a proposed plan and sketch for the development
of' the Stevenson Creek property to the Commission for its approval, Ttie Mayor
summaxize3 the findings of the Commission as approving the plan in essence with
these addenda:
l. The possibility that the main figure to the east could possibly be
extended a bit further out so it could give a balance of the dredgi:ng
over what it fills;
2. That the sidevralk.s as indicated on the sketch, the seawall and the small.
piar would be cor�structed by the developer; (according to Ci�y specifi-
3. That the sewer l.aterals would be installed by the developer; that the
sew�rage from that area would be brought back to the main p�.an� and it
would do awap �aith using the presen� septic tank loc�ted i� the area
as a septic tank and change it into a p�amping station which would be
built by the City, the devel.oper to pay his prorata share;
November 9, 1953
!�, That the streets would be put in according to ti:� City speci£ications
in accordance with the diagram as shown here, stick3ng basically to that plan;
the specifications for the seawall, street and the pier to be obtained from the
City Engineeris offiae; and that we authorize the property to be ],et out fcr bid
subject to the Commission's final approval; the development to be finished within
a reasonable time, the completion date tQ be decided by the Commission.
Commissioner Crown moved that the Gity accept bids December 7th on the Stevanson
Creek underwater property in substantially the form outlined by the A'fayor
immediately prior and hereto. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner Russel7_ and
carried unanimously.
The City Attorney advised the Commission that it would be n�cessary to expend
approximately �2,$00.00 to secure a deed from the Internal Improvement Board and
clear the title to the Stevenson Creek submerged land. Commissioner Russell moved
that the City ►'lanager and the City Attorney be given authority to pay �2,$00.00
' for thirteen and a fraction acres of land of the Sunset-Stevenson Creek project
just purchased f'rom the State. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates and
- carried unaninously,
. The City Attorney presented a request from the Atlas Bench Company to put
their benches on transit stops where there is no objection. The Mayor said the
project is sponsored by the Merchants Association who are raising the money to
put up the benches. He said the matter should be dei'erred and that he wrould
contact the Merchants' Association regarding it.
The Mayor announced that the Commission had been talking to various consulting
engineers regarding the expan5ion of the water distribution system, the ne�d oi a
study of street improvements, the sanitary system and the storm sewei system. He
said that due to new subdivisiors being developed the sanitary sewer faailities
need to be greatly expanded. Commissioner Bates said a study of our sewerage and
water systems was very badly needed as a guide for renovation of the sewer system
and the water system. Tk�,r Commission took under consideration a proposal from
Briley�; Wild and Assoc�aies, Consulting Engineers, of Daytona Beach, Florida,
which included a preliminary report on the followi:ng:
A. Ulater Supply Distribution and Storage �3,500.00
B. Storm Sewers 500.00
C. Sewage Collec�ion System, Pumpino Stations and
Treatment Facilities -- � of one per cant of the estimated
� cost of recommended impravements
D. Street Improvement Project 2,500.00
Comrnission�r Crown objected to percentages based on ultimate cnmpletion of the
projects and inquired as to what provisions could be made ibr cancellation of the
: contract in event the City should find it advisable to employ some other en��neer-
ing firm at any time prior to the completion of the contract. It was mutually
agreed that the contract would provide:
��Termination Agreement, It is mutually agreed by both parties that if due
to an Act of God, a National Emergency or for any reason over which e�ther r�arty
has no control, it becomes necessary to cancel this contract, then a settle,nent
will be made by the Qwner with the Engineers in proportion to the amour.t of the
work completed; in addition, the bwner may cancel this contract at any time after
the preliminary engineerir.g reports have been rendered and paid for, for a.
consideration of One Thousand (�1,000.00) Dollars to bP paid to tne Engineers fcr
such cancellation,r'
Commissioner Bates moved that the propEr City officials be authorizecl to execute
an agreement as amended on the basis as outlined with the understanding that we
have some prevision so that we are not ultimately tied up to the construction
phase of it. Motion was seconded by Corr;missioner Crown and carried unanimously..
Commissioner Strang moved. that the firm of Briley, Wild and Associates
under this contract go ahead with Items A, B and G in this cantract immeciiateZy
with the emphasis on Item A which is our �rater distribution system. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Russell and c arried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
�djourned at 4:15 P,M.
Ci �•Aud tor nd Clerk
`'�� l
Mayor-Commissi n
� ��
2. %.3
November 9, 1953
November 6, 1953
Mayor-Commisgioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr.
John W. Bates, W. E. Strang, Jr.
The City Commission will meet in Special Session in the City Hall Auaitorium at
1:30 p.m. on i�onday, November 9, 195�, for the purpose af considering the
follo�ving items;
1. Gommission's consid�ration of proposal to purchase watez° from the County.
2, Awarding Lease of 5wimmin� Pool. Project, Clearwater Beach.
3. Awarding Bids ior:
A. Water Works Brass Goods.
B. Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe.
G, Paving Street to Skycres� Sewage Plant.
i�. Approving of plan for Stevenson Greek Praject north of Calumet Street.
5, Any item not on the agenda will be aonsidered with the consent of the
Commis sion.
Very truly yourst
/s/ F. C, Middleton
FGM:s City Manager
. '. v .
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