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September 10, 1953
The Ci~y Commission o~ the City ot Clearwater met in special session a~ City
Hall, Thursday, September 10, 1953, at 12:00 noon with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
wm. E. CroWD, Jr.
Jack Russell
John W. Bates
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Also present were:
F. c. Middle~on
Chas. M. Phillips
G. T. McClalllU
S. Lick~on
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who announced that the meeting
had been called for the purpose of restoring to the list at qualified voters any
names that nave been omitted. The Clerk reported that there had been no reque8~s
for changes. Commissioner Crown moved that the list of qualitied electors 88
submitted by the Supervisor of Registration tor the Special Election to be held
September 15th be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried
The City Manager explained that in tabulating the bids for street lights for
Mandalay Avenue an error was discovered in the price at one item, and when this was
done correctly, it made a total bid of ta,631.79, making Westinghouse the low bidder.
The City Manager recommended accepting the Westinghouse bid. Commissioner Crown
moved that the City Managerts recommendation with respect to awarding the bid to
Westinghous~.Electric tor $81631.79 be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Strang and carried unanimous y. .
In regard to the paving and resurfacing of Mandalay from Causeway Boulevard
to Acacia Street, the City Manager recommended accepting the bid of the low bidder,
Burton Walker Construction Company, at $45,30).00. Commissioner Crown moved that
the Manager's recommendation to award the bid for the paving and resurfacing ot
Mandalay to Burton Walker at a price of $45,303.00 be approved and the contract so
awarded. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come betore the Board, the meeting was
y Udito~ Clerk
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September 10, 1953
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr.
John W. Bates, W. E. Strang, Jr.
September 9, 1953
The City Commission will meet in Special Session in the City Hall Auditorium at
12:00 noon on Thursday, September 10, 1953, for the purpose of considering the
Restoring omitted names to the list of qualified voters.
Tabulation ot bids tor street lighting and paving ot Mandalay Boulevard
between Acacia Street and Causeway Boulevard.
Very. truly yours,
lsl F. C. Middleton
City Manager
.," .
.. :. ,,',
" " . ......' ~. :;-;... '! ..;
September 10, 1953
Ths� City Commissiori of the City of Clearwater met in special SE$S1L,L1 at City
Hall, Thursday, September 10, 1953, at 12:00 noon with the folloering me�nbErs present:
Herbert M. Brovm
Wm. E, Crown, Jr.
Jack Russell
John W. Bates
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Rlso present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips
G. T. lyicClamma
S. Licktori
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
�ity Engineer
The meeti.ng was called to order by the Mayor who anriounced that �he meeting
had been called foz� the purpose of restoring to the list of qualified voters any
names that have been omitted. The Clerk reported that there had been no requests
for changes. Commiss�oner Crown moved that the lis� of qualified electors as
submitted by the Supervisor of Registration for the Special Election to be held
September 1.5th be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried
The City'Manager explained that in tabuiating the bids for street lights for
Mandalay Avenue an erre�r was discovered in the price of' one item, and when this was
done corre�tly, it made a total bid of $$,631.79, making Westinghouse the low bidder.
The City Manager recommended accepting the Westinghouse bid. Commissic+ner Crown
moved that the City Manager's recommendation wi.th respect to awarding the bid to
Westinghouse;Electric for ,�$,631.79 be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Strang and carried unanimouslq.
In regard to the paving and resurfacing of Mancialay from Causeway Boulev�•lyd
ta Acacia Street, the City Nianager recommended accepting the bid of the low bi.dder,
Burton Walker Construction Company, at �1�5,303.00, Commissioner Crown moved that
the ManagerBs recommendation to award the bid for the paving and resurfacing oi
Mandalay to Burton Walker at a price of �45,303.00 be approved and the contract so
awarded. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell anc3 carried unanimously.
There being no furthex business to come before the Board, �he meeting was
Mayor- ommissioner
Ci y Auditor d Clerk
�' .<<_ '
September ].0, 1953
Sep�Gember 9: 1953
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert 1�2. Brown
Commissieners: Jack Russell, �+T. E. Crt+wn, Jr.
John W. Bates, W. E. Strang, Jr.
The City Commission will meet in Special Session in.the City Ha11 Audit;orium a�
12;00 noon on Thursday, Sep�ember 10, 1953, for the purpose of considering the
fo lloiving ;
1. Restoring omitted names to the list of qual.ified voters.
2. Tabula�ion of bids for street lighting and paving of Ma�dalay' Boulevard
bstween Acacia S�reet and Causeway Boulevard.
Very truly your�,
/s� F. C. Middleton
�'CM:s �i�y Nanager
� '.