06/29/1953 " .:. '~.~.t:~;::J..~.~.:,.':["""""" .,',-: ...;" ,':. :~',:"'" '. " -,",'.. <." ....,. ..1 ~.'.~.}>:; ~~;:1~':-~::. :: . .;~':,. ",-"J."':", ~::, : _'/<1;. II.'; : ~ "r . ':~j ,i;.:,..' . :.. . . ..' .~;; . .1, I. ,',h'.. :', . . ~.'. , '. ... >; ) ..~:J .~ "'-~~"" I . 'J, ..':, :~., ' . ~ . '. . \"'~~~~tii~~~, t, . \,.,:,,:.0:, "....:'.''''..n...,~ ~. , . i. ,"-, 1/-f.3 CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, June 29, 1953, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown Wm. E. Grown, Jr. Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Absent: Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner , .,.... . ,,', ,. . . /" 1,:,.' '\ J. W. Bates Commissioner ,-;" -"":,' ,. :;'. -. ;-';- "'l~~.~' ~:':'t' Also present were: F. C. Iwliddleton Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. McClarmna City Manager City Attorney Chler of Police The Mayor called the meeting to order and reported that the Commission had previously tentatively approved a budget for the City of Clearwater ror 1953-54. He stated that this budget had been advertised as required by law and the Commission was holding a Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing objections to the budget if any. The City ~ttorney read a letter from the Federation of Civic Clubs approving the adoption o~ the budget as presented. By consent, the Commission accepted the letter from the Federation o~ Civic Clubs and directed that it be made a part of the minutes and is set out in the following pages hereof. Commissioner Strang moved that the budget for 1953-54 be approved and adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that the millage be set at 7.4 mills for operating and 4.1 mills for debt service. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously. The Mayor announced the Public Hearing on the request of Mr. Lee W. Sager to have a 13'6" set back from the property line instead of the regular 25' set back on Lot 25, Block E, First Addition to Sunset Point Subdivision. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Sager stating he wished to put an addition on his house and also read a letter from the Zoning Board which recommended granting the request. The Mayor asked i~ there were any objections and there were none. Commissioner Crown moved that hardship application of r.1r. Lee W. Sager f'or a 13'6" set back from Stevenson Avenue on Lot 25, Block E, 1st Addition to Sunset Point Subdivision, be approved in accordance with the Zoning Board's recommenda- tion. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing was announced by the Mayor on the request of Mr. Floyd C. Wykoff to permit a 10 ~oot set back from the property line on Engman Street for Lot 54, Enghurst Subdivision. The City Attorney read a letter from ~~. Wykoff explaining that this lot was 50 ~eet wide and i~ he observed a 25 foot set back from the corner, the lot would be too narrow to build a house on. The City Attorney read the Zoning Board's recommendation which was that the set back line conform with that of other houses now facing Engraan Street between Sunset Drive and North Osceola Avenue. A letter was read from Mrs. Lawrence Binder, owner of' Lot 55, Enghurst Subdivision, requesting that the hearing be delayed until there was time for the adjoining property owners to get more information concerning the chRnges requested. Commissioner Crown moved that the Public Hearing on the hardship application of Mr. Floyd C. Wykoff be adjourned to the second meeting in July, July 20th. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Mayor directed that the Clerk write to Mrs. Binder stating that the hearing is being postponed. The Mayor announced a Public Henring on the request of r~. Allen E. Bennie to erect a two bedroom residence on the rear of Lot 12, Block 25, Magnolia Park Subdivision. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Bennie explaining his request. He also read the Zoning Boardls recorunendation which was that the request be granted even though the present zoning of the lot is R-2 for the Board felt that the erection of another residence would not crowd the existing duplex residence since Lot 12 is lS2 feet deep. The ~ayor asked for objections and there were none. Commissioner Strang Qoved that the application of Allen E. Bennie to construct a two bedroom house on Lot 12, Block 25, Magnolia Park Subdivision, be approved as per the recommendation of the Zoning Board and that this whole area of Block 25 be considered for rezoning to R-4 at the time of the next referendum. Commissioner Crown suggested that the motion be amended so as to cover the three blocks on the north side of Druid Road (Blocks 24, 25, 26) in the area. Upon the amendment being accepted, Com:liissioner Cr~wn seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. A Public Hearing was announ\ed by the ~layor on the request of Mr. Adam M. Mackay to permit a 20 foot set back from the property line on Douglas Avenue for the east 52 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block F, 1st Addition to Sunset Point. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Mackay pointing out that he would be unable to build on the lots with the present set back restrictions. He also read the Zoning Board's recommend~tion which was to grant Mr. Mackay's request. The Mayor asked for objections and there were none. Commissioner Crown moved that the hardship application of Mr. Mackay be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board with respect to the east 52 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, of Block F, Sunset Point 1st Addition. Motion was seconded by Cornmissioner Strang and carried unanimously. -'1Nt _~~ .... ~,!.........t'*"~~"""""""-,!!,",~:A~~""~~~lf~~.(l~V%~~tM~..:p:;:..lt~~<"":t".~"s~.~\l~'l.' ,.!"';fk.....!..,'!:;..,:.r. \~~. __., '.,~.~;:l;:;.';',:....'.: .~". i,"'..:,..=..!,,',,.....: ;,:.."'. >f.,..';~..;".....,;,'.\:...;.M."..... . _'M .....l..,.;."I. I -2- CITY COr~4ISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 The City Manager submitted a tabulation or bids and recommehded accepting the low bid of Growers Pump & Supply Company, Tampa, for one deep well turbine pump in the amount of $1,375.00. Commissioner Crown moved that the City Manager's recommendation be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. It was reported by the City Manager that rour bids had been received for liquid chlorine for the Sewage Disposal Plant estimated at from 50 to 55 tons for a year's requirement. The bids were read as follows: . I::~ l~':):~\~f;\~~;~.~~' : I . ':"1 ::- .:'~" '),I[ !;'~':f'" L..'<..!,.,....'.,l.. " r,.,.."n'U';"l" , ,""?'Jfi~~; . ("".1--,1 White Star Sales Corp., Jacksonville Jones Chemicals, Inc., Jacksonville Tesco Chemicals, Inc., Atlanta Industrial Chemical Supply Co., Tampa Per ound 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 : Commissioner Crown moved that the bids be accepted and referred to the City Manager for his study and determination as to whether or not there is any diffe~iation in the actual bidding requirements. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that four bids had been received for tires, tubes and retreads for the City fleet but due to the complicated nature of the bids, there would be little gained by reading them at the meeting. Therefore the Manager opened the bids and read the names of the companies bidding a8 ~0110ws: Bryan's Tyresole, Clearwater Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron Gulf Oil Co., Tampa Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Clearwater The Mayor invited the bidders to look over the bids if they wished. Commissioner Crown moved that the bids be accepted and referred to the City .~anager and Purchasing Agent for consideration with particular emphasis given to the ready supply of the desired sizes. Motion was seconded by Commissioner RUBsell and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported eight bids had been inch gate valves. The bids were read as follows: received for six inch and eip;ht 6" 8" ~5~20 $8;:-0.5 58.20 66.50 55.21 80.71 55.00 82..50 52.55 80.05 51.15 76.95 58.00 85.00 53.01 77.76 Darling Valve Mfg. Co. Ellis Machinery & Supply Co., Tw~pa Mueller Co., Chattanooga A. P. Smith r~g. Co., E. Orange, N.J. M & H Valve & Fitting Co., Anniston, Ala. Standard Supply Co., Clearwater R. D. Wood Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Renasellers Valve Co., Atlanta Commissioner Strang moved the bids be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and report at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by CommJsaioner Crown and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that three bids had been received for dry cleaning of Police and Fireman's uniforms but since these bids were also complicated he would give just the names of the companies bidding. He rend the names aD follows: Sanitary Cleaners, Clearwater Hart Cleaners, Clearwater Park Cleaners, Clearwater Commissioner Crown moved that the bids be accepted and referred to the City Manager for recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager presented a work order in the amount of $1,008.96 for two traffic lights, one at Cleveland and Gulf-to-Bay and one at Hi11crost and Gulf-to-Bay which are to be synchronized. Cornmiso1oner Crown moved that the work order be approved. Motion was seconded by Co~nisaionor RUBsell and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the City ManRger that 500 feet of two inch gas main extension be installed in an easement west of Comot Avenue at an ostimated cost of $350.00. Commissioner Crown moved that the City ManAgor'o recommendation be approved. iJIotion was seconded by Commtssioner Stran~ and carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended the installation of 8.50 feet of six inch water main extension to run south on Lincoln Avenue at an estimated coat or $2,897.00 which later will tie into a larger main on Missouri ^v~nue. Commissioner Strang moved that the City Manager's recommondation be acoepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. , .:. '." '.d ''''....... "'lfA~ ___.". '\ " \ ..' . . '-.: .,~ . '",. ., , . ..... . ,,~~.~,",,~,~"::c~;r;;,:~I~~ . ./-. 'll.~':~;'~, ., '7<'::> ~,;, -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 The City Manager said t.hat he would like an expression by the Commission relative to t.he relocation of a drainage sewer running diagonally acrOBS the easterly half of Block B, Oak Hills Subdivision. The City Manager stated that Mr. Harripgton 1s contemplating buying the entire block and in order to make the property available for use, he was willing to pay tho cost of materials and would give the City an easement for relocation of the sewer. He eotimated the cost of materials would be $855.00 and the labor about $1.200.00. Commissioner Crown moved that the Commission approve a work order in the approximate amount of $2,000.00 of which approximately $855.00 is to be paid by the property owner and the balance to be paid by the City for the re-routing of tho 2~ inoh storm sewer in Block B, Oak Hills Subdivision. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Chief McClamma addressed the Commission explaining that due to the tact that he could not be assured of reinstatement to his present poaition After a requested year's ieave of aQsenco. he would like the Commission to reconsider its former action and cancel his request for leave. Commissioner Crown moved that the previous action to approve the request for a leave of absence tor Chief McClamma be rescinded. Motion was seconded by Cownissioner RUBsell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read on its third and final reading Ordinance 639 which will annex Betty Lane Heigh~Subdivision, Pinebrook Highlands Subdivision and Blocks C and D of McVeig~ Subdivision. Commissioner Crown moved that Ordinance 639 be passed and adopted on its third and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City At.torney read a letter from Marshall and Rives. attorneys. offering to sell to the City for right of way purposes on Missouri Avenue. north of Court Street, the north 05. feet of Lot 1 of original Lot 5. R. H. Pangetts Subdivision, for the sum of $4.000.00. The heirs of Randolph Moore, Ru~h Brown and Andrew Scott. under th~ terms of the sale would retain ownership of the buildings and of the fruit trees which they would remove at their expense; attorneys' fees in the amount of $200.00 to be paid to Marshall and Rives by the City. By consent. the proposal was referred to a Committee composed of Commissioners Strang and Russell to investigate the matter together with the City Attorney. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 3:25 P.M. z~~ Attest: , ::~ "I" '. " P' ,..... -- _...~ ,. i , ""';~;i,~f~~:'i~~:.".,~",~".:~,~,,,;,. .,,, ,.... " ;.... .....,., . ,~ ... ,,,.. p' ... _ _. ," .. .. _. ..,.......:~ ... " ,,' _~. _. . l ..I,.: .~; ;,.'; , .' . . .;:' I ' _':. j ~ .,.. "'.~ . . . t. '.', . , :. . ".. _. I.. ' CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 " ::'~'I '. . ; :~. " . June 26, 1953 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr. W. E. Strang, Jr., John W. Bates Gentlemen: A special Commission meeting will be called Monday, June 29, 1953, at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of conducting a public hearing with reference to the 1953-54 budget for the City of Clearwater. Other items may be considered by consent of the Mayor and Commission. Very truly yours, /5/ F. C. Middleton City I>'lanager I i : ! ., :,- '. , FCM : b ': ~. . ------------------~---------------------------------~--------------------------- FEDERATION OF CIVIC CLUBS CLEARWATER, FLA. June 25th, 1953 Hon. Herbert M. Brown, and Members of the City Corr~ission Dear Sirs: The Budget Committee of the Federation of Civic Clubs, after a detailed study of the proposed budget for the City, has unanimously approved the adoption of same. The Executive Committee of the Federation of Civic Clubs has confirmed the report of the budget committee and it approves the adoption of same. Having talked with several members of our club who are not on either committee, I assure you that they join me in endorsing the proposed budget which reflects an unified effort to economize in the face of needed expansion of our city departments both as to personnel and equipment. Yours truly, /s/ U. M. Slater President, Federation of Civic Clubs of Clearwater UMS/bbs Copy to Francis Middleton, City Manager. -----------------------~~~-----------------~------------------------------------ 306 Turner Street Clearwater, Florida June 1, 1953 The Zoning and Planning Board Clearwater, Florida Dear Sirs: I am the present owner of the following described property which is known as l$4l Overbrook Avenue, Clearwater, Florida, on which is now located a house 30 feet by 12 feet and the Southeast corner of which is 12 feet from the lot line. The description of this property is as follows: All of Lot twenty-five (25) in Block "E" of FIRST ADDITION TO SUNSET POINT, according to the plat of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book five (5) on page ninety-five (95) of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida; LESS that part of said lot described as: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Lot twenty-five (25), and running thence West along its Nor'th boundary twenty-eight and four-tenth~ (28.4) feet to a concrete monument; thence South parallel to its West boundary Seventeen and thirty-two one-hundredths (17.32) feet to a concrete monument on its Southeasterly boundary; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly boundary thirty-three (33) feet to the point of beginning. It is my desire to add a bedroom, closet, screen porch and car port on the East side of the present house as shown on the attached plan. In order to do so it will be necessary ror ma to have the Southe&st corner of the car port located at a distance of thirteen feet six inches (13' 6") from the lot line on Stevenson Street and I respectfully request that you ma~e an exception to the requirement in Section 11 (2) of the Zoning law, that no building shall be permitted closer than twenty-five feet (25') from the front lot line. This pro- vision creates a hardship in my case because of the triangular shape of my lot. Will you please let me know if this request meets with your approval. Yours very truly, Encl. 1 /s/ Lee W. Sager " . ~-.~, , . .... .,. .\ 1t.W."r---. _... . '.... \, ' /. " ~ '-:"; ;1. '.. .~~ ' . i ., " .......I'~.~...;.I~.,.. ..'..":<.I..~ ....i.'....r.'~..I..:.',t....., .~'.'. " CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 June a, 1953 To: F. C. Middleton, City Manager From: O. H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board Subject: REQUEST OF LEE W. SAGER (HARDSHIP) At the regular meeting of the Zoning Board held Thursday evening, June ~, 1953, a motion was made and carried that the request of Lee W. Sager asking for a. 1.3'6" set back from the property line instead of the regular 25'0" on Lot 25, Block E, First Addition to Sunset Point Subdivision (la~l Overbrook Ave. ), be granted. The Board feels that the 13'0" setback on Stevenson Ave. is in line with present building set back. Attached herewith is a copy of Mr. Sager's request (under the hardship ruling) together with a plat plan showing the present residence and addition. -----~------------------------------------------------------~--------------~--- To the members of the Zoning Board and City Council of Clearwater: Dear Sirs: I am the owner of a vacant corner lot on the northwest corner of Sunset Drive and Engman Streets in Enghurst Subdivision. This is a bayfront lot which I purchased g or 9 years ago at a much grepter price in relation to the other lots, and on which the taxes have been considerably higher than other comparable property all these years. In other words, it is a valuable lot. I now wish to build my home and I find that a recent building ordinance states that I must build back 25 feet from both the front street and side street and 5 feet from the adjoining property line. This is a 50 foot lot and, as you can see, these restrictions allow only a narrow 20 foot strip on which to build. This would be entirely out of the question as a homesite since one would \~nt to build in keeping with other bayfront property. I am asking humbly for the old original line of 10 feet on the side street (Engman) as my building line and leave the front (Sunset Drive) as it is. The city has a 10 foot boulevard bwtween my property line and Eng[llan Street. If the original line of 10 feet were allowed, this would still give a 20 foot space between building line and street. This letter is a plea for relief from the unfortunate position in which I find myself. To say that it is working an extreme hardship on me is to put it mildly. I thank you all in advance for your consideration. To make the picture a little clearer, I have included a rough illustration. Yours sincerely, /s/ Floyd C. Wykoff l782 Gulf-to-Bay Bouievard Clearwater, Florida ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-------- To: From: Subject: F. C. Middleton, City Manager O. H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board Request of Floyd C. Wykoff (Hardship) June a, 1953 At the regular meeting of the Zoning Board, held Thursday evening, June ~, 1953, a motion was made and carried that the request of Mr. Floyd C. Wykoff asking for a 10'0" set back from the property line on Engman St. instead of the regular 25'0" on Lot 54, Enghurst Subdivision (1300 N. Sunset Drive), be granted with the following recommendation. Allow a set back line on Engman St. in line with the houses on the north side now facing Engman St. between Sunset Drive and N. Osceola Ave. and in no case be less than 10'0" from'the property line. Attached herewith is a copy of ~~. Wykoff's request (under the hardship ruling) together with a layout sho~ing location and set back lines of property. ------------------------------------------------------~---------------------~-- ~~ -. "'-.. (~'.~:~ ':: / ::',:.',':,,~:~:irr:~v~~f~~~ / '1-7 ", 'I ',"', ., .. .. '/ t,' ~. ,< ....t. ':". ~ !.'o ',". ' ., ..r"" I 'I '1 ~ j . ... j ! 1 '..-........ . \ ) , .....l..~'~ i j ! ..; .. :..~ ".,-\ . CITY C~lISs[ ON MEETING June 29, 1953 The Zoning Board o~ the City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Attention: Mr.. Oliver Anderson Re: Lot 12, Block 25, MAGNOLIA PARK SUBDIVISION Gentlemen: The undersigned is the owner of the above described lot situate at 808 East Druid Road, Clearwater, Florida. My lot is 54 feet wide and 182 feet deep. There is presently situate on said lot a two-family dwelling, commonly called a duplex. I am also the owner of Lot II which abuts Lot 12 on the East, and on this Lot 11 I presently have a wooden frame house divi.ded into two apartments and two s~all cottages. I live in one of the cottages and rent the remaining housing units for my principal source of income. I recently applied for a building permit to erect an attractive two- bedr?om home on the rear of Lot 12. At that time, I was advised by the Building Inspector that under the new zoninB law my property, which is on the North side of Druid Road, is now in an R-2 zone. Under the present zonihg law the South side of Druid Road is an R-4 zone. Because of the present zoning restriction, the Building Inspector denied me a permit to erect a two-bedroom home on the rear of Lot 12. ! " I . l' [;;'~,;t~l{~fl~i : r~"'".'.".'~ I earnestly request the Zoning Board to grant me a permit to erect a two- bedroom home on the rear of Lot 12 under the hardship provisions of the present zoning law. The home I wish to build is to be my personal home since the hou~e I presently reside in has only one bedroom and is inadequate for the needs of my wife and myself. My principal source of incom~ is the rentals from my housing units. I am gradually withdrawing from the contracting business and in the near future hope to retire, and my property and the housing units situate thereon are my on~y old age security and will be my only source of income. I further point out as extenuating circumstances for your consideration, the following: 1. My present home is inadequate for my needs and the proposed home will give my wife and myself larger living quarters and in addition permit me to rent my present house. 2. The proposed home would not crowd the existing duplex since Lot 12 is 182 feet deep. 3. Multiple dwelling units already exist on my Lot 11, and in addition on the North side of Druid Road between Myrtle Avenue and Greenwood Avenue there are more other lots that contain multiple dwellinB units as defined for a R-4 section. 4. Lot 12 is only one-half block East of Myrtle Avenue and the area West of Myrtle Avenue and East of the Seaboard Railroad Tracks is zoned for manufacturing. The South side of Druid Road is zoned as a R-4 district. In view of these factors it is respectfully submitted that an exception in my case would not have any adverse effect on the values of surrounding properties nor be out of harmony with the existing character of the neighborhood. 5. Attached hereto is a sketch showing the size of my two lots and the locations of theeocisting housing units thereon and tpe location of the proposed house I wish to build. This plan is drawn to scale. 6. I have attached hereto a statement signed by all of the property owners on the North side and South side of Druid Road between Myrtle Avenue and Greenwood Avenue indicating that they do not object to an exception being made as herein sought. PETITION 7. I attach hereto the plans and specifications for the house I seek to build. This home will be attractive and well-constructed and will not detract in any way from the neighborhood. I stand ready at your request to furnish any additiopal information that you may wish. I do earnestly request that the Zoning Board will, after inquiring into the merits of my request, recomm8nd to the Board of Adjustment and Appeal that a permit be issued to me allowing me to construct a two-bedroom home in accordance with my attached plans on the rear of Lot 12 to be situated as set forth in the attached plot plan. Respectfully submitted, ALLAN E. BENNIE ~-----------~~---~-------------------------------------------------------------~ In support of the application of Allan E. Bennie for permission to erect a two-bedroom home on the rear of Lot 12, Block 25, ~~gnolia Park Subdivision, in addition to the existing duplex we, the undersigned owners of the properties indicated oPPosite our respective signatures, hereby approve such application of Allan E. Bennie and express ourselves as not being opposed to the erection of such two-bedroom home as an exception in the existing R-2 Zone. Signed by thirteen persons ..~."...~... -. '....~'~.....~'.l....;..:-.'.. ;'~.':...~':~.i_, '_""_ CITY COMMISSION l4EETING June 29, 1953 June 8, 1953 To: From: Subject: I~. F. C. Middleton, City Manager O. H. Anderson, 5ec16. Zoning Board REQUEST OF ALLEN E. BENNIE .: ~i . , . .. , ,', . '.-:::-' .. 'j . ~~:,t...~ " . ....- ." '../ .. J <."''''''- At the regular m~eting of the Zoning Board held Thursday evening, June 4th, '53, a motion was made and carried that the request of Allen E. Bennie asking for permission under the hardship ruling to erect a two bedroom residence on the r~ar of Lot 12, Block 25, ~agnolia Park Subdivision ($0$ Druid Road), be granted. Although the present zoning of this lot is R-2 (residential) the Board feels that the erection of another single family residence would not crowd the existing duplex r8sidence since Lot 12, is 1$2 feet deep. Attached herewith is a copy of Mr. Bennie's request to~ether with a petition signed by the adjoining ~roperty owners also a survey showin~ location of proposed residence. I I . , 1 . I .' j I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearwater, Fla. April 24, 1953 ! Zoning Board and City Commissioners, City of Cl~arwater. Gentlemen: I wish to register the following complaint and respectfully request that you review the conditions as they affect the hardship imposed upon me by reason of the new zoning ordinance which became effective last December. I refer to the property I own on Douslas Avenue, the east 52 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block F, 1st. Addition to Sunset Point. For your immediate reference I am attaChing a sketch which shows the location of the property referred to. This lot, which is r~ally a strip 52 feet wide taken from the east side of Lots 1, 2 and J, has a frontage along Douglas Avenue of approximately 225 feet but a depth of only 52 feet. Ordinarilly the new zoning restrictions increasing the setback distance by 5 feet would have little effect as the depth or greater dilnension of a lot usually runs back from the street line. Howev,er in this case the reverse is true, the greater dimension being along the street. The new restriction increases the setback distance from 20 feet to 25 feet and a distance of 5 feet from the rear of lot. Witp only 52 f~et in depth to start with, this leaves only 22 feet for building purposes and is not sufficient for the: type of building planned. When I acquired the property with the intention of building thereon, the setback distance was 20 feet, which enough space to erect a home of the type desired. I also wish to point out that all the buildings now along Doughas Avenue in this vicinity are set back 20 feet and that the erection of another building at the same distance from the street, could not possibly have any adverse effect. It also could not reasonably be cited as a precedent by others seeking similar concession, because this is an unusual case and I know of only one other case in this area where the same conditions apply more or less. I might also mention that as it now stands I have suffered a big depreciation in the value of the lot; in fact it would be very difficult to sell unless this restriction is changed back to 20 feet, and I am sure it never was the intention of you gentlemen to penalize an innocent person unfairly. May I ask for your favorable consideration, Yours respectfully, /5/ Adam M. Mackay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------~- To: From: Subject: F. C. Middleton, City Manager O. H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board REQUEST OF MR. ADAM M. MACKAY (HARDSHIP) June 8, 1953 At the regular meeting of the Zoning Board held Thursday evening, June 4, 1953, a motion was made and carried that the request of Mr. Adam M. Mackay asking for a 20 foot setback from the property line instead of the 25'0" on the East 52' of Lots 1-2 and 3, Block F, 1st. Addition to Sunse~ Point (Douglas Ave.), be granted. The Board feels that a 20 foot set back is in line with the adjoining building set back. Attached herewith is a copy o~ Mr. Mackay's request under the hardship provision ~ogether with an opinion from the City Attorney, also a plat o~ the property. ------~----------------~-----~-----------------------------------------~------ ~_. ., ,'"".;", \.."I".a~"".l_:~<:;>;,.. :.,,:~: ,::~ J 'f r E.'" ""1'",";"< 0; - ;1<'...,. f}~'i:S~ i\'".1;{i"i'i11,,, , . ~ "': .:1, . . ,'" ';.:" ,..... ,.>'. .' . ,~.:" ~,. , ' .' ,'. ....' I .',.', r ! 0',:.',..':. I i I . .:. ,"~- ~iQ:i;4~~ f,-,." ,., ,,~~((,}..,.., !'Ji~~tli " '. :"f ; 1~/11~':Y ., , . . . I .. f~:~!~.f~~~;.~~:~!~~~.l~t.~;:~~');f{.:.':~:' .;,';:'. CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 29. 1953 Mr. Charles M. Phillips City Attorney Bank of Clearwater Building Clearwater. Florida Dear Sir: June 26, 1953 Our clients, Carrie Scott and Ruth Brown, who represent themselves to be the sole heirs at law of Randolph Moore, deceased, are willing to sell to the City of Clearwater the following described premises, to-wit: The North 65 feet of Lot 1 of R. H. Padgett's Sub. of original Lot 5 in Sec. 15-29-15 according to Plat Book 4, pages 32 and 41, Pinellas County, Florida, for the sum of $4,000 reserving full right to the dwelling house located thereon and certain plants, shrubbery, and fruit trees, all of which they will move at their own expense to another location. Rutp Brown lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She is here now on vacation and is due to return on July 1st. We wonder if it will be possible for the City to consider this proposition promptly in the hope that we might be able to conclude it before she leaves. Since this is in the nature of a condemnation proceeding, these owners will expect the City of Clearwater to pay our fee in the matter. We are willing under existing circumstances, to accept a fee of $200 for our services. These sellers will ~urnish the City with title insurance or other similar acceptable evidence of ownership at their expense. Thanking you for giving this your consideration and hoping that it may be copcluded before Ruth Brown leaves, we are Yours very truly, APM:hjh MARSHALL & RIVES By /s/ Alfred P. Marshall ---------------------------~--------------------------------------------~~--~---- . '.r.' '\"' . .~.'....~.:........ip... :..: "",' . .4......._~;,.....-..... . , :',' . ' ;:,.:: "',' ...,...',.> ..;; ,', ." ,'." ' :,' '..:.'1 :.,> , ~".',: \'.; .\ ';~"'l' :!-:.~..;,...-,:..;..:; -,' '., -' ,. ~, . ,_ .,; ,,; '._.,,' " ~ l . - '. .: OJiDIJfAtlCS 50. 632 AN OROIIAICS ANNEXING BETTI LANE HEIORTS SUBDIVISIOI, PlNEBROOK HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISIOH AND PART OF NaVEIGH SUBDIVISION liTO THE CORPORATE LIlU'l'S OF 1'KE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARY LINES OP TKE CITY TO INCLUDE SAID SUBDIVISIONS ACCORD- ING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIOB l71.04L FLORIDA STATUTES; AND P~OVIDING FOR 7RE EFFECTIvE DATI. WREREAS, the City Commission of the Ci~y or Clearwater. Florida, enacted Ordinance 1631 on May 18, 19.53. whicn ordinance declared the intention or the said City to annex Betty Lane Heights Subdivision, Pinebrook Highlands SubdiYielon, and part of McVeigh Subdivisiol1 into the corporate limits of the City ot Clearwater, and WREREAS, said ordinance was published once a week tor tour consecutive weeks in ~he Clearwater Sun, a newspaper pablished in the Ci~y of Clearwater, rlorida, proof of which publication is hereto attached, and WREREAS, more than thirty days nas expired since ~he enactment of Ordinance 1637, and no registered voter at the City of Clearwater, no owner or real estate in the territory to be annexed, and no person Whomsoever, has objected to such annexation or has applied to the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County, Florida, setting forth any objection to said annexation, and WHEREAS, all of the provisions of Section l7l.0~, Florida Statutes, have been complied with. BOW, THEREFORE. BE 1'1' ORDAIliED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIn OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City or Clearwater, acting by and through its City Commission by the authority and under the provisions o~ Section 171.04, Florida Statutes; hereby annexes into the corporate limits of the City or Clearwater, Florida, and redefines the boundary lines or the said City so as to include the folloWing: BETTY LANE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION. according to the map or plat thereot as recorded in Plat Book )0, Page 98 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, and PINEBROOK HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION, according to &he map or plat tbereo~ as recorded in Plat Book )0, Page 53, of the ~blic Records or P1nellas County, Florida, and Blocks C and D, and the South hale of Jasmine Way, and that portion ot the West 30 ~eet of Betty Lane lying Soutb or the center line ot Jasmine Way, and that portion ot the East 50 feet of Missouri Avenue ly~ng South ot the center line of Jasmine Way, all at and according to that certain map or plat of McVEIGH SUBDIVISION, as shown in Plat Book 30, Page 8) or the P~blic Records of Pinellas County, Florida. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED 011 FIRST READI~G June 22, 195.3 PASSED ON SECOND READING June 22, 1953 PASSED OR THIRD AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED June 29. 1953 /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner At&est: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk :,.,- ~.:. ;. ,/, : �` , C�TY COMMISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 The City Coinmiss9,on of the City of Clearwater met in special session at Ca,ty Hall, Monday, June 29, 1953, at 1;30 P.M, with the following members present: Herbert M. Brovm Wm. E. Crown, Jr. Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Absent: J. W. Bates Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. t�. Phillips, Jr. G. T,. McClamma, Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police /�� The Mayor called the meeting to order and reporbed that; the Commission had previously tentatively approved a budge� for the City of Clearwater for 1953-54. He stated that thzs bucdget had been advertised as required by law and the Cc,mmission was holding a Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing objections to the budget if any. The City Attorney read a letter from the Federiation oi Civic Clubs approving tne adoption of the budget as presented. By consent, the Co�nissian accePted the letter from the Federation of Civi6 Clubs and directed that it be made a part os" the minutes and is set out in the following pa�es hereof. Commiss3oner Strang moved i;hat the budget for 1953-54- be approved and adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carrizd unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that the millage be set at 7./� mills for operating and l�.l mills for debt service. Motion was seeor_ded by Commissionzr Crown and carried unanimously. The Mayor announced the Publ.ic Hearing on the request of P+ir. I,ee W. Sager to have a 1316rr set back from the property line instead of the regular 25+ set back on Lot 25, Block E, First Addition to Sunset Point Subdivision. The City Attorney read a letter from I�Ir. Saoer stating he wished to put an r,.�ldition on his house and also read a letter from the Zoning Board which recomme»ded grantirg the request. The Mayor askefl if there were any object7ons and there were none. Commissioner Crown moved that hardship application of Mr, Lee W. Sager for a 13tb}� set back from Stevenson AJenue on Lot 25, Block E, lst Addition to Sunset Point Subdivision, be approved in accor�ance with the Zoning Boardts recommenda- tion. Motzor� was seconded by Commissioner Strang 4nd carried unanimously, A Public Hearing was announced by the Mayor on the request of Mr. Floyd C. Wykofi to permit a 10 foot set back from the property line on Engman Street for I�ot 54, Enghurst Subdivision, The City Attorney read a Zetter from rir. Wykoff explaining that this lot was 50 feet wide and if he observed a 25 foot set back from the corner, the lot would be too narrow to build a house on. The City Attorn�y read the `Loning Board's recommendation wY-iich was that the set bac�c line conform with that of other houses now facing Engr�lan Streec between Sunset Drive and North Oscecla Avenue. A letter was read from NI'rs. Lawrence Binder, owner of Lot 55, Enghursb Subdivision, requesting that the hearing be delayed until there was time for the adjoining proparty ormers to get more information concerning the changes requested. Commissianer Crown moved that the Public Hearing on the hardship application of Mr. Floyd C, Wykoff be adjourned to the second meeuing in July, �uly 20th, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The hiayor directed that the Clerk write to Mrs. Binder stating that the hearing is being postponed. The NIayor announced a Public Hearing on the request of Mr. Allen E. Bennie to erect a two bedroom residenca on the rear of Lot 12, Block 25, Nagnolia Park Subdivision. The City Attorney read a letter from I�ir. Bennie explaining his request. He also read the Zoning Boardis recommendation which was that the request be granted even thouoh the present zoning of the lot is R-2 for the Board felt that the erection o:f another residence would not crowd the existing duplex residence since Lot 12 is 1$2 feet deep. The I�Iayor asked for objections and there wpre none. Commissioner Strang moved that the application of Al1en E, Bennie to construct a two bedroom house on Lot 12, Block 25, Magnolia Park Subdivision, be approved as per the recommendation of the Zoning Board �nd that this whole area of Block 25 be considered for rezoning to R-�. at the time of the next referendum. Commissioner CroZ,m suggested that the motion be amended so as to cover the three blocks on the north side of Druid Road �Blocks 21�., 25, 26) in the area. Upon the amendment being accepted, Com:aissiontr Crown seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. A Public Hearing �vas annouriced by the DZayar on the req_uest of Mr, Adam M. Mackay t,o permit a 20 foot set back from the property line on Douglas Avenue for the east 52 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blocic F, lst Addition to Sunset Point. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Mackay pointin� out that he would be unable to bui].d on the lots with the present set back restricticns. He also read the Zoning Boarci�s recommendation which was to grant i�Tr. Mackagts req�.zest. The Mayor askad for objections and there wsr� none. Comiaissioner Crown moved that the hardship application of Mr. Mackay 'ae approved as recommended by the Zoning Board tivith respect to the east 52 feet of Lots l, 2 and 3, oi Block F, Stmset Point lst Addition. Motzon was seconded by Commissioner 5trzng and carried unanimously. 1 , �� -2- CTTY CONL�IISSION MEETII�G June 29, 1953 The City Nianager submitted a tabulation of bids and reco�runended accep�zng the low bid of Growers Pump & Supply Company, Tampa, for one deep we11 turbine pwnp in the amount of �p1,375.00. Commis�ioner Grown moved that the Gity Managerts recommendation be approvede Motion was secoaded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanirnously. It was reported by the City Manager that four bids had been received for liquid chlorine for the Sewage Disposal Plant estimated at £rom �0 to 55 tons for a year's requirement. The bids were read as followsz Per ound White Star Sales Corp., Jacksonville Jones Chemicals, Inc., Jacksonville 6¢ Tesco Chemicals, Inc., Atlazta 6¢ Industrial Chamical Supply Co., Tampa �2¢ Commissioner Cro�m moved t17at the bids be accepted and referred to the City Manager.for his study and determination as to whether or not there i:� any differtiation in the actual bidding requirements. Motion was seconded by Co:nmissioner Russell and carried unanimouslyo The City Manager reported that four bids had been received for tires, tubes and retreads for the City f leet but due to the complicated nature oi the bids, there would be little gained by reading them at the meeting. Therefore, the Manager opened the bids and read the names of the companies bidciing as follovrs: Bryan's Tyresole, Clearwater Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., l�kron Gulf Oil Co., Tamga Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., �learwater The Mayor invited the k�idders to look over the bids if they wi.sY�ad. Gommissioner Crown moved that the bids be accapted and referred tQ the City j"lanager and Purchasing Agent for considerat?�n wii;h particular emphasis given to the ready supply of the desire� sizes. Motion was secanded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported ei�ht bids had been recezved f'or. six inch and eight inch gata valves. The bids were read as follo�rs: Darling Valve Mfg. Co. Ellis i�iachinery & Sugply Co,, Tampa TZueller Co., Chattanooga A. Y. Smith Mfg. Co., E. Orange, N.J. M& H Valv�e & Fitting Co., Anniston, Ala. Standard Supply Co., Clearwater R. D. Wood Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Rena�ellers Valve Co�, Atlanta 6,� 9�5�zo 5$.z0 55.21 55000 5z.55 51.15 5$.00 53.01 $ �, #$5.05 b$.50 80.71 �z.50 �0.05 76.95 $5.00 77.76 Commissioner Strang moved thE bids be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and report at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner Crown and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that three bids had been received for d�y cleaning of Police and Fireman's uniforms but since these bids were also complicated he would give just the names of the companies bidding. He read the names as follows: Sanitary Cleaners, Clearwater Harb Cleaners, Clearwa�er Park Cleaners, Clearwater Commissioner Crown moved that the bids be accepted and referred to the City Manager for recommendation. I�Iotion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The Ci*y ltilanager presented a work order in the amount of �1,00$.9$ for two traffic lights, one at �leveland and Gulf-to-Bay and one at Hillcrest and Gulf-to-Bay which are to be synchronizsd. Comnissioner Crown moved that the work order be approved. Moti�n was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the City NIs,nager that 500 feet of two inch gas main extension be installed in an easement west of Conet Avenue at an estimated cost of �350.00. Commissioner CroVm moved that tYie City Managerts recommendation be approved, 2�tota.on was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Manager recormnended the installation of $SO feet oi six inch water main extension to ru:� south on I,incoln Avenue ab ar_ estimated cos� of �2,$97'.00 which later v,rill tie into a larger main on Missouri Avenue. C6mmissioner Strang moved that the Qity Managerts reconuaendation be accepted. Mo�ion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. CITY COMMISSTUN I�IiETiNG dune 29, 1953 The City Manager said that he would like an expression by tk�e Gommission relative to the relocation of a drainage sewer running diagonally across the easterly half of Block B, Oak Hills Subdivision. TYxe City l�ianager stated that Mr. Harri�ngtan is contemplating buying the entire block and in order to make the praperty available for use, he was williLzg to pay the cost of materials and w�uld give the City an easement for relocation of the sewer. He estimated the cost of materials would be �$5�.00 and the labor about �1,200.00. Commissioner Crown moved that the Coramis�ion apprave a work order in the approximate amount of �2,000.-00 of which a�proximately �$55.00 is to be pazd by the property owner and the balance to be paid by the City for the re-routing of the 2y, inch storm sewer in Block B, Oak Hi11s Sul�division. Motion was seconded bp Gommissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Chief McClamma addressed the Commission explaining that due to the fact that he could not be assured of reinstatement to his present p�sition after a requested year�s leave of absence, he would like the Gommission to reconsider its former action and cancel his request for leave. Commissioner Crown moved that the previous action to approve the request for a leave of absence for Chief McClamma be rescinded. I�iotion was seconded by Commission.er Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read on its third an� final reading Urdinance 639 which will annex Betty Lane HeightsSubdivision, Pinebrook Highlands Subdivision and Blocks C a::d D of McYeigh Subdivision. Commissioner Crown moved that Ordinance 639 be passed and adopted on its third and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner S�rang and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a letter fro;nl�ia�shall and Rives, attorneys, offering to sell to the City for right of way purposes on Missouri Avenue, north of �ourt Street, the nar�h 65 feet of Lot 1 oi original Lot 5, R. H. Padgetts 5ubc�ivision, for the sum of �4,000.00. The heirs of Randolph Moore, Ru�h Brown and Andrew Scott, under the terms of the sale would retain ownership of the buildings and of the fruit trees which the3* would remove at their expense; attorneys* fees in the amount of �200.00 to bs paid to ��arshall and Rives by the Citg. By consent, the proposal was referred to a Committee eomposed of Commissioners Strang and Russe].1 to investigate the matter together with the City Attorney. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 3:25 P.M. Attest: , A City Audit and Glerk Mayor-Commission r Y CITY CONIMISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 dune 26, 1953 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. Ev Crown, Jr. W. E. �trang, Jr., John W. Bates Ger_tlemen: A special Commission meeting will be called Monday, June 29, 1953, at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Auditorium f�r the purpuse of canducting a public hearing with reference to the 1953-54 budget for the City of Clearwater. Other items may be considered by consent oi the Nayor and Commission. Very truly yours, /s/ F. G. Middleton FCM:b Cit}� Manager FEDERATION OI' CIVIC C�UBS CLEARV;ATER, FLA, June 25th, 1953 Hon, Herbert M. Brown, and Members of tne City Comcnission Dear Sirs: The Budget Committee of the Federation of Civic Clubs, after a detailed study of the proposed budget for the City, has ur.animously approved the adoption of same . The Executive Committee of the Federation of Civic Clubs has confirmed the report of the budget committee and it approves the adoption of same. Having talked with several members of our� club who are not on either committee, I assure you that i;hey join me in endorsing the proposed budget which reflects an unifzed effort t;� economize in the face of needed expansion of our city departments both as to personne7. an�: eouipment. UNIS/bbs Copy to Francis Middleton, City Manager. The Zoning �nd Planning Boaxd Cleaxwatel�, Flarida Dear Sirsc Xours truly, �s/ U. M. Slater President, Federation of Civic Clubs of Clearwater 306 Turner Street Clearwater, Florida June 1, 1953 I am the present owner oi the following described property which is kzown as 1$y.l Overbrook Avenue, Clearwater, Florida, on which is now located a house 30 feet by 12:feet and the Southeast corner of which is 12 feet from the lot line. The description of this property is as follows: All of Lot twenty�five (25} in Block '�TE�� of FIRST ADDITION TO SUNSET POINT, according to the pZat of said subdivision r•ecorded in Plat Bock five (5) on page ninety-five (95) of the Pu�ilic Records of Pinellas County, Florida; LESS that part of said lot dascribed as: Beginning at tihe most easterly corner of said Lot twenty-five (25), ana rur_ning thence West along its North boundary twenty-eight and four-tenths (2$.y.) fee� to a cancrete manument; thence South arallel to its West boundary Seventeen and thirty-two one-hund-redths �17.32) feet to a concrete monument on its Southeasterly boundary; thence Nortlzea.sterly along said Southeasterly boundary thirty-tlsree (33) feet to the point oi beginning. It is my desire to zdd a bedroom, closet, screen porch and car port on the East side oi the present house as shown on the attached plan. In order to do so it will be necessary �or me to hav� t�ae Southca5t corner of the car port located at a distance of thirteen f�et six inches (13t 6��) from the lot line on Stevenson Street and I respectfizily request that you make an exception to the requirement in Section 11 (2) of the Zoning law, that no building shall be permitted closer than twenty-£ive feet (25') from t}a� front lot line. This pro- vision creates a hardship in my case because of the triangular shape of my lot. Will you please �et me knovt if this request meets with your approval. Yours very truly, Encl. 1 /s/ Lee W. Sager �.: CITY COMMISSIUN MEETING June 29, 1953 To: F. C. Mid�leton, City Manager June $, 1953 From: 0. H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board SubjEct: R�QUEST OF LEE W. SAGER (HARDSHII') At the regular meeting of the Zoning Board held Thursday evening, June 4., 1953, a motion was made and carried that the raquest of Lee W. �e�g�r askin� for a 13T6�t set back from the property line instead of the regular 25�0�T on Lat 25, BTo�k E, First ,".c�ai�ion ta Sunset Point Subdivision (1$41 �verbrook Ave.), be g�: anted. The Eoard feels that the 13t0�� setback on Stevenson Ave, is in line with present building set back. Attached herewith is a copy of Mr, SagerTs request (under the hards'nip rulino) together with a plat plan showing the present residenc� and addition. To the members of the Zoning Boarci and ^.itp Council of Clearwater: Dear Sirs: I am the owner of a vacant corner lot on the northwest corner oi` Sunsat Drive and Engman Streets in Enghurst Subdivision. This is a bayfront lot which I purchased $ nr 9 years ago at a much �reater price in relation to the other lots, and on which the taxes have been considerably higher than other comparable property all th�se years. In other words, it is a valuable lot. I now wish to build my heme and i find that a recent building ordinance states tha� I must build back 25 feet from both the front streei; and side street and 5 feet from the adjoining pxoperty line. This is a 50 foot lot and, as you can �ee, these restri.ctions allow only a narrovr 20 foot strip on which to build, This would be entirely out of the question as a homesite since one would want to bui:ld in keeping t�aith other bayfront property. I am askino humbly for the old original line of 10 feet on the side st:reet (Engman) as my building line and leave the front (Sunset Drive) as it is. �he city has a 10 foat boulevard bwtween my property line and Engman Street. If the original line of 10 feet were allovred, this vrould still give a 20 foot space batween building line and stree�. This letter is a plea for relief from the unfortunate position in which I f?nd myself. To say that it is working an extreme hardship on me is to put it mildly. I thank you al:l in advance for your consideration. To make the picture a little clearer, I have included a rough illustration. Yours sincerely, �s� Floyd C . L�lykoff 17g2 Gulf-to-Bay goulevard Clearwater, Florida -----------------------------------------------------�------------------� June $, 1953 To: F. C. P�Iiddleton, City Manager From: 0. H. Anderson, SecTy, Zoning Board Subject: Request of F1oyd G. Wyicoff (Hardship) At the regular meeting r�f the Zoning Board, held Thursday evening, June 4, 1953, a niotion was made and carried that the request of i�ir. Floyd C. ZJykoff asking for a 10f0�' set back from th e property line on Engman St. instead of the regular 25'�" on Lot 51�, Enghurst Subdivision (1300 N. Sunset Drive), be granted with the followi.ng recommendation. A11.ow a set back line on Engman St. in 1.ine +vith the houses on the north side now facing Engman St, between Sunset Drive and n. Osceola Ave. and �n no case be less than 10�0�� frcm'the property line. Attached herewith is a copy of Mr. Wykoffts re�uest (under the hardship ruling) together with a layout showing location and set back lines of property. 'i; r CITY C�fISS,'.ON MEETING dune 2g, 1953 The Zoning Board of the Ci�y af Clearwater Clearwater, Fl,orida Attention: Mr. Oliver P.nder•son Re: Lqt 12, BZock 25, MAGNOLTA PARK SUBIlIVTSTON GentZemen: The undersigned is the owner of the above described lot situate a� $Of3 East Druid Road, Glearwater, Florida. Pdy lot is 5t�:fzet wide and 1$2 feet deep, There is presently situate on said lot a two-fami:ly dwelling, commonly called a duplex. I am also the owrier of Lot 11 which abuts Lot 12 on the East, and on this Lot 31 I presently have a wooden frame house dzvided into two apartme�ts and two small cot�ages. r live in ons of the cottages and rent the remaining housing units f or my principal source of inc�me. T iecently applied for a bu;lding permit to erect an attractive �wo- bedroom home an the rear o.f Lot 12. At that time, T was advised by the Building Insgector tha� under the new zoning law my property, which is on the 'Nortlz side of Druid Road, is now in an R-2 zone. Under the presen� zor�ing law the South side of Druid Ftoad is an H-4 zone. 9ecause of the present zoning restrictiong the Building Tnspector denied me a permit to erect a two-bedroom home on the rear of Lot 12. I earnestly request the Zoning Board to �rant me a permit to erec�G a two- bedroom hom2 on the rear of Lot 12 under the hardship provisions of the present zoning laSv. The home I wish to build is to be my personal home since the house I pre�ently reside in has or�ly one bedroom and is inadequate for the needs of my wiie and myself. My principal source of income is �he rentals from my housing units. I am brac3ually witY�drawing fro�n the aontracting business and in thE near future hape to retire, and my property and the housing units situate thereon are my only old age security and wilZ be my only source o� zncome. I further point out as extenuating circumstances fnr your consideration, the following: 1. iKy present home is inadequate fpr my needs and �he proposed home w-ill give my wife and myself larger living quarters and in addition permit me to rent my present hause. 2. The proposed hom� would not crowd the exis�ing duplex since Lot 12 is 1$2 feet deep. 3. Nlultiple dwelling units already exist an my Lot 11, and in addition on the North side of Druid Road between Myrtle Avenue and Greenwoad Avenue thers are more other lo�s that contain mul�iple dwelling units as defined £or a H-4 section. 4. Lot 12 is only one-half block East of i+7yrtle Avenue and the area West of i�tyrtle Avenue and East of the Seaboard Railroad Tracks :is zoned for manufacturing. 1^he South side of Druid Road is zoned as a R-1� district. Ir, view of these factors i� is respectfully submitted that an exception in my case would not have any adverse effect on the values of surrounding properties nor be aut of harmony with the exisizng eharacter of the nei�hborheod. 5. Attached hereto is a sketch showing the size o�' my two 7.ats and the locations of the e�cisting housing units thereon and the location oi the proposed house I wish to build. Tnis plan is drawn to scale. 6. T have attached hereto a statement signed by all of the propert;� owners on the North side and Sauth side of Druzd Road between i�Iyrtle Avenue and Greenwood Avenue indicating that they do not object to an exception being made as herein sough�. 7. I attach hereto che plans and specifications for the house I seek to �iuild. This home uri11 be attractive and we11-constructed and will not detract in any way from the neighbarhoad. I star.d rea�.y at your request to furr.ish any additio�al information that yau may wish. I do earnestly request that the Zoning Board will, afi:er inquiring into the raerits of my reques�, reaommend to the Board of Adjustment and Appeal that a permit be issued �o me allow.ing me to construct a two-bedroom home in accordance with my attached plans on the rear of Lot 12 to be situated as set fbrth in the attached plot p1an. Respectfully submitted, �1LLAN E . BENNTE PETITION in support of tlZe application of Allan E. Bennie f or permission to erect a two-Uedroom home on �he rear o£ Lot 12, Block 25, 1�Tagnolia Park 5ubdivision, in a@c3ition to the exis�ing duplex we, the undersigned owners of the properta.es indicai;ed opposita our respective signatures, hereby approve such applica�ion of A11an E. Bennie and exprass onrse].ves as not bezng opposed to the erectian oi such two-bedroom home as an exception in the existing P'-2 Zone. Si�ned by thirteen persons ��� G�TY COMNtIBSTQN r�ETTNG June 29, 1953 To: I�ir. F. G. I�Ii.dcileton, City Manager From: 0. H. Anderson, Sec�6. Zoning Aoard Subject: R�RUE�� OF ALLEN E. BENNI� 3une �, 1953 At the regular meeting of. the Zoning Board held Thursday eyening, June 4th, �53, a motion was ��iade and carried that the request of AlZen E. Bennie askzng �or perrnisszon under the hardship rulin� to erect a twa b edroom residence on t,he rear nf Lot 12, Bloc� 25, i��:agno7.ia Park Subdivision ($0$ Druid Road), he granted. Although the present zoning of this lot is :R-2 (residential) the Board fesls that the .erection of another single family residence would not crowd the exis�ting duplex residence since Lot 12, i.� 1$2 feet d.eep. Abtached herewith is a copy of Mr, $ennie's request tog�ther with a petition si�ned by the adjoinin� �;roperty owners also a survey showin� location o.f proposed residence. Zoning Board and City Commissioners, Ci�y of Clearwater. Gentleman: Ci,earwater, F1a. April 24, 1953 I wish to registar the a'ollowin� complaint and respectfully request that you review the conditions as they affect the hardship zmposed upon me by reason o#' the new zoning ordinance whieh became effec�ive last December. I refer to the property I own on Dou;las Avenue, the east 52 feet of I,ots 1, snd 3, Block F, lst. Additien to Sunset Point� �'or your immediate reference i am attachi.ng a sketch which shows the locati�n of the property referred to. This lot, which is really a strip 52 feet wide taken from the east side of Lots l, 2 and 3, has a frontage along Dou;las �ivenue of approximately 225 fe�t but a depth of �nly 52 feet. Ox�dinarilly the new zonin� restrictions increasir_g the setback distar�ce by 5 feet would hava little e#'fect �s the depth or greatar dimension of a lot usually runs back from the street line. Howeger in this case the re�terse is true, the greater dimension being alonp the street. The ne�r restriction increases the setback distance from 20 feet to 25 feet and a distance of 5 feet from the rear oi lot. Vr'ith only 52 faet in depth to start with, this leaves on1� 22 fee� .fur building purposes and is not sufiicier�t for the�type of building planned. j'�hen I acquired the property with the intention of building �hereon, the sethack distance was 20 feet, which enough space to erect a home of the type desired. I also wish to point ou� that all the buildings now alang Doughas Avenue in this vicinity are set back 20 feet and that t�ie erection oF anothsr building at the same dis�ance from the stre�t, could not possibly have any adverse effect. It also could not reasonably be c�.ted as a precedent bp others seeking similar concession, L�cause this is an unusual case and I know of only one other case i;� this area Gahere the s�.me conditions apply more or less. - I might also mention that as it now stands I have suffer�d a big depraciation in the value ^f the 1ot; in fact it would be very difficult to sell unless this restriction zs changed back to 20 feet, and I am sure it never was the inten�ion o� you gentlemen to penaliza an innocent person unfairly. May I ask for your favorable considera�ion, Yours respectfully, /s� Adam hI, iviackay June �, I953 To: F. C. Middleton, City 1�ianager From: 0. H. Anderson, Sec�y. Zoning Board Subject: REQUEST OF MR. ADAI�I M. NACKAY (HARDSHIP) At the regular meeting ai' the Zoning Board held Thursday evening, June /�, 1953, a motion was made and carrisd that the request of Mr. Adam M. 1�Sackay asking for a 20 fcat setback from the property li.ne instead of the 2$�0« on the East 52t of Lots 1�2 and 3, Block F, ls�. Addition to Suizset Paint (Douglas Ave.), be graaited. The Hoard feels that a 20 foot set back is in line with the adjoining building set back. Attached herewith is a copy of NIr, r4ackay's request under the hardship provision �agether wzth an opinion frc�m the City Attorney, a7so a pl.at of the property. � ,. CITY COMNIISSION MEETING June 29, 1953 Nir. Charles b'I, Phillips City A�torney Bank of Clearwater Building Glearwater, Florida Dear Sir: dune 26, 1953 Our clients, Carrie Sco�t and Ruth Brown, wha represent themselves to be the sole heirs at law of Randolph Moore, deceased, are willing to sell to the City of Clearwater the following described premises, to-wii:; The North 65 ieet of Lot 1 af R. H, Padgettfs Sub. of' original Lot 5 in Sec. 15-29-15 accordino to Plat Book !�, pages 32 and �.1, Pinellas County, I'2ori�ia, for the sum of ��.,OGO reservzng ,full right to the dwel].ing house locaL-ed bherecn and certazn p�.ants, shrubbery, and fruit traes, all of which they will move at their own expense to another location. Rut� Brown lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She is here now on vacation and is due to reiux�n on July lst, llie wonder if it will be passible for the City to consider this proposition promptly in the hope �hat we might be able to conclude it b�fore she leaves. Since this is in the na�ure of a condemnation proceeding, these owners wi11 expect the City of Clearwater to pay our fse in the matter. 4tre are willing under existing circumstances, to 3ccept a fee oi �200 for our services. These se�:lers will furnish the City with titie insurar�ce or other similar acceptable evidence of ownership at their expense. Thanking you for giving this your consideration and hoping that it may b� co�icluded before Ftuth Brown leav�s, we are APM:hjh 1'ours very truly, MARSHALL &c RIVES By /s� Al:ired P. MarshalT / ,�'�D oxnzerti�rcr xo. b�� AN ORDINAMCE �iNiVEXIPiG BET`TY ZAPIE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISIOId, PSbIE�R00K HIGHLA�IDS Si3BDI4'ISIDN A�dD PART L�F 2�cVE5IG�i StIBDZVISI01� IN�O �Ii� G08,PORATE LTI�ISTS Ok' �'Hi�; CITY OF C�EAR�IATER, FI,ORIDA, AND RED�FINING THE $OU�tDARY LIiVES t?F Tfi� CITY �'Q IT3�I,Ul?E SAID SBBDIVZSIOR3S ACCORD- II�G TQ TE�IE PRpPISIONS OF SECTTOId 172,01�, rLORIDA STATUT�S; AND P�i01TIDING FOR �HE �k'FECTIVE DATE. WH�RERS, the City Cammission oi the Ci�y of �learwater, Flori@a, enacted Ordinance �637 on May 1$, 19�3, .,vhich ordinanGe dec�ared the iiL�ention oi the said City to annax Betty I,aae iseights 5ubi3ivis3nn, Pinebroak Highl�nds Subdi�.r3,sion, and p�rt of NIc'�eigh Subdivision ;into the corporate Zimits af the City vf Clearwater, and �`JH�REAS, said ordinan.c� was published once a week ior four con�ecutive caaeks irz the C1�arwater Sun, a newsp�per publis�ied in the City o#' Clear4�ater, F'lorida, proof oi �rhich puUiication is hereto attached, and WHEREAS, mc�se than thirty days has expired six�ce the �x�actment of Ordinance �637, and no Aegistered voter of the Gi�g o.f Clearwater, no ocuner of re�I. as�ate in the terr3tory to be annexed, and no person whomsoever, has ohj'ected to such annexatioz� or has applied tm the Circui� Court of ti-ie Sixth Juc�icial Circuit in an�t.far Pine].tas Coun�y, F`Iorida, setting forth any objection to said annexation, and WHEREAS, all of the provisions of Section 17L Ol�, Florida Statutess, have been complied with� NOWy THEREFOl?E, BE IT �$BAIIVED BY THE CITY GQIt�iTSSION OF THE CITY OF' CLEfH�1t4TEk�, �`LORZD�1: See�ian Z. The Ci�y of Clearwater, acting by and througn its Citp Cammission by the authority and under the prdvisions of Section 171.Oty, Florida S�tatutes; hereby annexes into �he corporate �zmits of the City of Clearwater, F�,oric�a, and redeFines the boundary lines of the said Citg so aa to include the i'ollowi.ng: BETTY LANE AEIGflTS St3BDIVISI �JN, a.ccording to tl�e map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Sook 3�,, Page 9$ oi the Puolic Records o£ Pinellas County, Florida, and PINEHRQOK HFGHI,A�iDS SUBDi�tISTOPd, acc%� ding to the ma or p3at thereo� as recorded in Plat BoQk 30A Page S"s, of the Public �ecords of Pinellas Connty, Florida, and Blocks C and D, and the South hal;f o£ Jasmin� Ways and that pertion of the YJest 30 ieet of Betty Lane lying South o� the center line of Jasmine T�tay, and that portion of �ht3 East 5Q� feet of MissGuri �lvenue lying South o#` the cent�r' line of J�,smine Way, a]].:l. of and accarding to tha�G cex�tain map or plat of McVEIC�H SIiBD�VISI0F3, as shawn in Plat Book 3a, Fagz $3 of �tze Publia Records of Pinell�s �owzty, Florida. Section 2. This Ordinance shaJ1 become effective immeciia�ely upon its passage. PASSED ON �IRST Ei�kDING PASSED ON SECO23A R�ADTNG Jun� 22, 1953 June 22, 1953 PASS�D OI� THSRD AND FINAL A.�AI�ING ANU A.UQP�ED June 29� 19�3 lsf Herbe;rt M. Brown A�teat: �ayor-C�ommzssioner /s/ H. G. Wingo Gity Audator and �].erk