. '
December 11, 1952
Tbe City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Thursday, December 11, 1952, at 12:15 P.M. with the following members 'present:
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Herbert M. Brown
WD. E. Crown, Jr.
Herbert M. Blanton
Jack Russell
Garland D. Lynn
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr.
G. T. McClamma
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
The Mayor called the meeting to order stating that the purpose of the meeting
was to restore to the list of qualified electors any names Which might have been
erroneously stricken or omitted from the same. There being no request for any
change in the list, Commissioner Crown moved that the list as submitted by the City
Clerk be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried
The City Clerk submitted the following list o~ persons for appointment as
additional inspectors to serve in the Municipal Election, Tuesday, December 16,
1952, at the North Garden Avenue Fire Station:
Mrs. Harold L. Conger, 625 Minnesota Drive.
Mrs. Raymond E. Cline, 1011 N. Fort Harrison Avenue
Mrs. Charlotte E. Mochel, 1856 N. Washington Ave.
Mrs. Alton P. Bowers, 1001 E. Pine Street
Mrs. Ethel V. Godley, 905 Pinellss Street
Mr. William Maull, Masonic Temple
Mrs. T. C. Wilson, 1011 Seminole Street
Mrs. Carrie Detrick. 609 Marshall Street
It was moved by Commissioner Crown that the persons named be appointed as .
inspectors. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned.
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, ,
CITY CaooSSION MEETING ..... ......':':e;1Jt~;:1;
December 11, 1952 , ,',;",-
December 10, 1952
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissi~ners: Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland D. Lynn
W. E. Crown, Jr., Jack Russell
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater will meet in special session
on Thursday, December 11, 1952, at City Hall Auditorium at 12:15 p.m., to review
the list of qualified voters for the City Election to be held Tuesday, December 16,
At this meeting the Commission will take steps to have the list corrected
it it should appear that any name has been improperly added or omitted.
Sincerely yours
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
FOM: s
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland D. Lynn
W. E. Crown, Jr., Jack Russell
December 16, 1952
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater will meet in special ,session
on Wednesday, December 17, 1952, at City Hall Auditorium at 1:30 p.m. for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the City Election being held on December 16,
FCN: s
Sincerely yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
, "
December 11, i95z
The City Commission of the City of CZearwater met in specia7. sesszc�n at City
Ha11, Thursday, December 11, 1952, at 12:I.5 P.M. with the following members pres�nt:
HerbPrt M, Brown
Wm. E. Crawn, Jr.
H�rbert M. Blanton
Jack Russell
Garland D. Lynn
Also present were:
Fo C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips, Jre
G. T. McClamma
Mayor—Commissioner '
Ci�y Manager
Ci�y Attorney
Chief of Police
Ths Mayor called Ghe mee�ing to order stating t1�at the purpose of Lhe �aeeting
was to restore to the list of qualified electors any names which migh� have been
erroneously stricken or omitted from the same. Ther� being no request ior ar�y
change in the list, Commissioner Crown moveci that the list as submitted by the City
Clerk be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carr�ed
The City Clerk submi��e� �kz� followin� list of persons for appointrrvnt as
additional inspectors to serve in the Municipal Election, Tuesday, December 16,
1952, at the North Garden Avenue Fire Station:
Mrs. Harold L. L'onger, 625 Minnesota Driv�.
Mrs. Raymond E. Cline, 1011 I3. Fort Harrison Aeenue
Mrs. Charlotte E. Mochel, 1�56 N. Washington Ave.
Mr^s. Alton P. Bowers, 1Q01 E. Pine Street
Mrs. Ethel V. Godley, 905 Pinellas Street
Mr. William Mau11, Masonic Temple
Mrs, T, G, Wilson, 1011 Seminole Street
Mrs. Carrie Detrick, 609 Marshall Street
It was moved by Commissioner Qra�n that the persons named be appointed as
inspectors. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blantan ar�d carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come beiore the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned.
a or- omm ssion
O.- -
City Audit and Clerk
� ��
December 11, 1q5�
December 10, 1952
Mayor-Commissioner Herber� M, Brown
Cammissivners; Herhert Bl.anton, Sr., Garland I�. Lynn
W. E. Crown, Jr., Jack Russel].
The Ci�y Gommission of the Gity of Clearwater will meet in special session
on Thursday, December 11, 1952, at Citg Hall Auditorium at 12:15 p.m., to rsview
the lis� of gualified vaters for the City Elzction to be held Tuesc�ay, December 16,
1952• �
At this meeting the Commissian Hrill take steps to have the list corrected
if it should. appear t:�at any name has been improperly added or omitted.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ F. C. Midcil�ton
FCM; s City I�ianager
D�rember 16, 1A52
Mayor-Cominissioner Herbert bI. Brown '
Cammissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland D. Lynn
W. E. Crov�n, Jr., Jack Russell
The Gity Gommission of the City oi Glearwater w�.11 meet in s�ecial session
on Wednesday, December 17, 1��52, �t City Hal.l Auditorium at 1:30 p.m, for the
purpose oi canvassing the results of �he City Election being held an December 16,
Sincerely youx•s,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
�'CM:s City Manager