09/17/1952 '. i:" ~,..~ ~;:;;;, ,~.;\~;.:;:;;:~,;;,Ji"';~:~;:i,;;{>~E;::~D:;;~~j~t~/.(~~l;:;:;:;:,~f: /' ~'''''''':'.:'' ":"t..:,,~I"'" " r. / I "l,;;,()i""'I'I'j;"" . ..,,: !,~:,H:;l'."-' ,,';, , . . ~'.",;, ,'. . ..: .......-.'..'" CrTY CQ\1MISSION MEETING September 17, 1952 The City ComrnL3sion of the Ci ty of ClearvJater met in special session at City Hall, Wednesday, ~eptel~er 17, 1952, 8t 7:)0 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert 1Vi. Brown Garl:ind D. Lynn Herbert M. Blunton VIm. E. Crown Jack Hussell r~layor-Cornmis sioner COJ:lmissioner Coltlmissioner Corrunissioner Commissioner .:.T ;..... ~~' .r, Also ~resent were: F. C. ;.'Iiddleton Chas. M. Phillips, Donald Genung Jr. City r"i:~nager Ci ty ,\t torney Asst. Chief of Foliee ,.t" . 'Iii ',i., ,~\ ;, :.\ The l'~ayor \;,'j,ilecl thi: 1fI.~etin.::; to ordr:!r, and :\nnouncoil the consideration of Mr. R. A. 1,1::\pes' offer to sell 1,0ts I, 2, ), 16, dnd Lot 15 le3s and except ehe east 8 feet, Block 7, j'lngnoli a F ;wk, to the City for use as a parking lot. 'fhe r.1ayor stated this was 0 project sponsored by the Cle~rwater Merchant's Association and that fun<is had been bud;"';eted in 'the current ye~n' for the purchHse of a parking lot. Mr. Leland Drew as a rerr~sentative of the Traffic nnd Parking Committee of the j!jerch:;ints' Associ;ltion aJdressed the COtfllnission setting forth the Committee's re:3sons for recornmendini~ tht'~ f'urch:-Jse of this proT,I2rty for use as a parking lot. Ivlr. Blanton reltlark~.:ld that he "IQuIri f'lvor the purchnse but he felt that some form of revenue should b,:~ provided i'r om l;le tel'S or a stGmp plan. Com:nissi oner Blanton moved that the City go ahead and aut.horize the Furchase of this property from Mr. Mapes at the price of $21,000.00, $3,000.00 cash and subject to a mortgage for i18,ooo.OO, payable iJ,COO.OO a year without interest; that the transaction be properly worked out betwaen the City Attorney and the attorney for Mr. Mapes, and that the proper City officials be ~uthorized to execute the contract and accept the deed. Motion \",a8 s'2conded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. .-' " -<'; , ;) , " ", ;.l: " .j;: ,'\ ,....* ':i: . . , .:l '\\/ ,,~~ ); ~-y . <'to '.'J;, ,:;-;: Cornmissionor Crown moved that the City j.lnnap;;er be authorized to put into ef fect procedures for rental of' parkinr~ spaces for the Franklin Street parking lot and the parking lot in Coachrnan Furk. i,;otion vIas seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. "'~ n .. Relati ve to t he use of propane gas ":IS an addi ti on to the public ut ili ty system, the City Manager explained th~t prop~~e ~8S could be used as a mixer with the manu- factured gas ;:md would be of b cmefi t during th~ tirHt~s of heavy d e:lIand to increase pressure and the efflGiency of the g:33 s~~rviGe. He report1d(l that I"ir. C. L. Da.vis had a r;reat deal of experience in th~: h:3nJlini~ and servicing of propane gas and he was therefore pr~Gentin~ Q contract to secure the services of Mr. Davis in a super- visory capacity and under the proposed contrRct the City will supply bottle ,sas to customers who Ctlr;not bu :.;l'.;rved by the Cit,y g"IS me.ins. Commissioner Lynn moved that the contract v..rith ;vlr. davis on the I-'ror:~'me contract ,g,nd th8 ':;ontrCict dealing vvith the City be arproved, subject to ~larific,.tion as to the main extensions. Motion vIaS seconded by Corrlfnissioner Russell and c3rried unanimously. The City Attorney pI' ";;3 ented the proposed agreement .,./i th the Feninsular Telephone Company which is sur-pIemental to the ne\v Telephone Franchise st:otting that the Telephone Company was to have an outloy of il,500,OOO.OO for capital improvements within the ne~t five y~ars, a new telephone building by 1955, new switchboards, and that the company expected to be able to serve approximately 1,500 additional users be.fore f.larch, 1953. Commis~oioner Blnnton moved that the agreement between the Telep}lone Company and the City secured by a $10,000.00 bond be approved by the Commission Rnd the proper City officials be authorized to execute it. f.1otion was seconded by Comrnis~ioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read the new Telephone Franchjse, Ordinance 625. Commissioner Blanton moved that ~he Ordinance be passed on the first rc;adino; 3S arclended. r'1otion was seconded by CO:l1rnissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. Cornmissioner Dl:ll1ton moved th at \./i th the unan irnous consent of the Commissi on that this Ordinance be considered on a second readin~ at this time by title only. Noti on \vDS seconded by Cormnissioner Crown and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read Ordinance 625 on its second r2ading by title only. Commissioner Blanton moved that the Ordinance be ra3sed on second re8.ding by title only. Motion vms seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The Clerk re~d a letter from the Ch~mber of Commerce containing a motion giving their recommendation that the City employ another water expert for a survey and that 'the Conunission submit the matter to a referendum before entering into any contract for r1. new water system. Commissioner Crown moved that the letter be accepted. Motion was seconded by Conlmissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Relative to the proposed County water contract, the City Attorney made the f'ollowing report: "The present status of the City's negotiations with the County is the same this month as it was last month after the last meeting of the City Commission and the County C cmmis~)ion <tt w'ftich time the County Commission a5reed to consult their bond atr,orneys in Chicae;o to find out whether or not from the financial viewpoint the contract with the City could be accepted. They aareed to give us that report. To this date the City has not received that report.~ The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Frank H. Latimer proposing to lease the lot iW~lediately east of the old WSUN station on Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard near the west end of' Courtney Campbell Causeway to use for a boat and bait business. By con- sent, the Commission agreed to rerer the matter to a Committee composed of the Mayor and Mr.. Blanton who will confer \rlth Mr. Latimer and the interested Bayview residents. ...,. "- ---... ";:', r" i~ . I;, '. .' " ~';'~ '; .~' ; '" -, ... r...,. '.'" :"'?cl" . (';;';';:'I~;"~:;,:':,~;,;;,;;.:",,,,;;:,:f.,i.:~:>C6(st>,, .,.'. I :." ~ / 2'.11111~!" 1"", i,\i!i,;:(~i:(~~f f , , '~:.'::/-~ '~;~~I~.;:r'::':.:::.:~"~ '::>;;,;', ".;', ": ~ .. ("~~&l:'q~f~;);jifii~~B~;~"i,;C};" L .... ...,;... , I-J:tt',r~~i:ti:,~;j h~l .,t;~ i ~l ;'~;(~I--i'):.~;f~ 7.... .. ~}~ ~,:,'{'~~~/~'~" ':!:I;:~;,~~ (il~~J~i;~i ~. " ' .... ..~; , ',~:,':( I. ~; , ..~.. lo....~. -2- CITY COl\TMISJION MEETING September 17, 1952 A letter was read by the Clerk addressed to the City I\bn(!,~er by the City Treasurer recommendin~ the transfer of the occupational license and permit to operate one cab now held by Charlie Floyd (colored) to Ro~er Isaac. Commissioner Crown moved ttlat the taxicab license and p8rmit trnnsfer from Charlie Floyd to Roger 1S<3.;lC be ar;proved. r.iotion \V '1 s seconded by Cornl:)i ss ioner Hussell and carried unanimously. " ., . ,. , .' ' ' " "fl ,..,....,~ ,;L" ,",," ,'... . - ',,: ,". :. ,,' '~f'"'iJ'" t',. The City Nanar.:er recommended the installntion of 1200 feet of two inch ~as main extens ion to s':lrve"Be ver ly He i <hts :.3ubd i vi sian at an est imated cost of ~'1860. 00. GomrniDsioner Lynn moved thnt 1200 fr-Jet of two im:h r:;as In,.dn extension in Beverly Hl':!i:;hts Ju'udi Vi~3:i on bl~ arrroved. r.lot ion '.m:; ~j0 conded by Gorlllni ss ior:er B l:mton Cl nd ci:lrried unanilrlOusly. It W:'iS recolllmendr.d by the Citv :':"n'J;;el' th<:1t 131'~C f(~et~ of lA inch';tls mc-tin be installed in .J-:.\fi;ty IbrLor at :m l;~tifll;1t.13d I;ost of ~~880.00 as :t tie in line to in- crease the prc;3suru. Go,:.Lli~;:5i()l.i.Jr Lyr.r. lflav'..::u th~t 1320 feet of l~ inch r:;as rnnin in Safety H,....rbor 'De arrroved. "lotion vns seconded by COlillnis::doner Cr'own nnd c.:1rried unanimously. The City 1.ii=Jnar;er C8collliilcmded l',118 insV.1l13.tion of 300 feet of six inch \'Jater main and one hydrant on H::rnrlen Driv'd ,.Jt an (";stir:1c:ted cost of ~I)l,3l0.00. Commissioner Lynn moved that tJ18 300 f~et of six inch wnter main and one hydrant needed on H~mden Drive be approved. Notion was s8conl,led by Commi~uioner Crown and carried unanimously. It \'J:lS recommended by the City ;'.l;;n[qer that 385 feet of vlater 1!1:=Jin ev:tensi0n out- side the City limits be insLallod near Souttl Fort Herrison ~nd Myrtle Avenue at an approximate cost of ~~.?55.00, eheck for vihich is on file. Commissioner Lynn mov~d that 385 feet of ','liJ.ter main (:xt(~nsion outside the City lil:1its be <l}.I}.Toved. 1-1otion was seconded by COlOmi~sioner Cro'lJrl and carried unanimously. :~. :.~. :\ ',:0 ';~.. ::,~ I" ., ,; ~,i' ,.~. :';' : :~'. :\ :",:. . ~:, ,: -:5 . ~.~ ;.,'} ,,,. .<~ The City ~,h,n;'J,~er recommended that 1643 feet of six inch '",~}t.er main and 1100 feet of two inch water roain be installed in Hi~hland Fines, a new subdivision outside the City limits, on the usual ffi~in extension a~reement, at an ~pproximate cost of $5,000.00, check for which is on file frolfl the de'lelorer. Commissioner Lynn moved that the 1,643 feet of six inch water main and 1100 fact of two inch water main for the Highland Fines Subdivision be approved. Motion '.'!,';]s secor.ded by Commissioner Blanton. Commi ssioners Lynn, Russe 11 and H1 :ntor. '10 ted II Aye ". CO:!JI;li, s:3ioner Cro'tm did not vote. r'lotion carried. ....i ':'~ ,{{ The City approval: Shop 5 Shop 8 Shop 7 Shop 3 Hoam 9 Shop 6 !,Lm:.:;~'dr 1 re sented six of t~he rro10sed 1'::lrini3. le:'ses for the Commission's Elsil. Ruther R. E. Lyons Louis S. l)urber Amos :}. :..lini t h Frank 'i'J. ;jh':l\'1 Albert F. no ';ers BeCiuty ~)hop ;;}165 . (JO per mo. Jewelry 125.(;0 I' " Fruit & Jift Shop 80.00 Tl II T1Ck Ie :jhop 150.00 Tl " IhcJ i 0 ~)ho P 185.00 II " !'( e cd ;~state Office 65.00 II II . H'~~ "'-'t". '~ "i.": ~ ',; Commissioner blanton moved that the City r!.cmager be authorized to lease the store rooms as enuQerated here by him, the lenses to be effective October 1st, and that the pro~er officials be authorized to execute the leHses. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unAnimously. The Clerk presented a statement from the City Attorney for $25.00 for professional services rendered in the Tel.ephone HC2riTlg. COlllrni~.isior.er Crown moved that t.he City Attorney's bill be paid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. The City M8nnger reported that he had received an offer of $400.00 from Mr. Dan Iley to purchase Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Overbrook Subdivision. Commissioner Blanton moved that the bid be received as a bctse bid and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for further bids on the rropcrty, the property to be sold to the highest bidder with the proviso that the City reserve the ri~ht to reject any and all bids. Moti on \>Jas seconded by COlllinissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. The City Nanaser stated he had received an offer of $60,000.00 to purchase the Chamber of Coo@erce Building on Cleveland Jtreet. It was sug~ested that the bid of $60,000.00 be considered as a base bid and that the property be sold at auction for the highest and best bid with the stipulation that the City Commission shall have the right to reject any and all bids. Commissioner Lynn moved that the proper officials and the City Clerk be authorized to FIRce this prorerty on sale accepting this offer as a base bid at $60,000.CO, to accept the highest bid subject to a refusal of all bids by the City, provided that the proc~eds of this sale be esrmarked or sufficient thereof to build a new addition on the City Hall and for suitable Quarters for the Chamber of Commerce. I-1otion ".\'as seconded by COlllmis::;ioner Blanton and carried unanimously. The I\l;Jyor announced that there held i}een :.-\ r':)'~uest for ~J, COO. 00 from the Clearwater Bomber Booster Club for the City to sUJ.:port the Clear\'Jater Bornbe:..n Soft-ball Toam in their 1953 program. Commissioner Lynn referred t.o a rrevious donation of $2,000.00 to the Publicity Fund for use in the Bomber rro;:;r'i:lI11. He st.:.atud that he was opposed to further contri hutions unti 1 he ,,,as more f1l1ly ,:lei vi sed il s to how these funds \"lere be ing used. COllufiissioner Blanton Cllso vo ic ed hi s disarIiroval of 0 furtr1er :~r,'=mt at this time. !-1ayor Brown, COlnmissioner Russell and Commis:oior.er CrovJn pointed out the valuable publicity the City gets from this program. Comrni5sioner Crown moved that the City Manager be authorized to allocate $3,000.00 frOln the Contin~ency Fund to the ChAmber of dommerce for use by the Bomber Booster Club. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Crown, Russell and Brmm voted "Aye" and Commissioners Lynn and Blanton voted "No". Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ~~/~~_/ ?>1ayor-Commission . :./~ ..r...._...: '" ~. ,",' . '''', ""..:'i',;;,.~ ";!),~.~r I l 1'_i:'J~1 " :>'~'~:'.:~~:;I:'\;~~.:.{'; :'.=.: ~\ 1""""",1,,;"l,',',.. " i!I''''''?~! . "-;~- .': .:; . ;';';..,', ;~:':/"r.:/;:~:""'::' ,'~<:, '. ".', . .' " . , .,,: . ~(:)'~tt~\i~JJi,]~~~;;':~:'}:'"~:,~,"':':;:':~:;""'":,;;,<..~. ." i:. ' ,; ~ ';.'. '.", '.:.,;.':, ""~ ~';;:;_1. .:'.';",.'''~"\;:''''l.~l';;~.:: d_'.~ ~~_:. . "'. " t :~ : "':'.'~ .;~ ,'..". /....",; CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 17" 1952 rvlayor-COI:lmissioner Herbert r.1. Brown Commissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr., GarlCJnd D. Lynn Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr. Clearwater, Florida September 17, 1952 Gentlemen: A Special !\leeting of the City Commission will be held on Wednesday evening, September 17, 1952, at 7:)0 p.m. in the City Hall Auditorium. This meeting will be held for the purpose of discussin~ the items listed below. FCfw1 Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton, City Manager Agenda - 0pecial i,ieeting of City Commission September 17, 1952 - 7:)0 p.m. - City Hall Auditorium 1. Gonsiderat10n of items from City Attorney's Office: A. Propane Contract. B. Telephone Agreement. C. Telephone Franchise Ordinance on its first reading. 2. Consideration of letters from: A. Ch::HnbE:;r of COlnmerce B. r.!r. Frank L8timer with reference to leasing }:roperty East of the Radio Station at Bayview for Bait ~nd Boat Business. C. Frank Abernathy, City Treasurer. 3. Purchase of property from Mr. ~apes. 4. Utility Improvement. 5. Marina Leases. 6. Any item not on a~enda wi 11 be considered \,Jith consent of Commission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Francis Middleton City r.iana,ger City of Clearwater C lear',va t er, Flol'ida September 10, 1952 Dear Mr. ~iddleton: Just as a reminder and in order that you mic;ht have something definite to present to your Cornlnis s1 on, I quote the follovring mati on from minute s of our Board of Governors meeting held on September 8. The original motion was made by Itr. Vasconi, President, Junior Ghamber of Commerce, secondeJ by Mr. Houze, elected member of our Board of Governors, and a:nended by Mr. Goza, also elected member of our Board of Governors, as follows: "The City be urged to continue its investir,ations regarding water require- ments for Clearwater and that the City consider the advisability of employ- ing another water expert to survey the local requirement and that any affirm- ative action resulting from the findings of such survey be submitted to the electorate by referendum." This motion was unanimously carried. PHF: ce Sincerely yours, /s/ Paul H. Ficht Manager-Secretary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, Gentlemen, September 9, 1952 This is an offer to lease the lot immediately east of the old W SUN station on Gulf to Bay. I plan to erect a modern building adequate for the operation of a boat and bait business. All boats and equipment will be new. Building and grounds will be maintained in perfect condition at all times. I believe this would prove an asset to the area in as much as it will not only furnish residents and visitors, with a place to obtain boats, bait, and tackle, but also beautify the property and furnish the area ''lith a clean comfort station open to the public. I will offer $50.00 (fifty dollars) per month, and would like a 20 year lease as I plan to spend considerable money in developing this property into a beautiful park area. Hoping you will give this your immediate attention as I would like to start building as soon as possible. Respectfully Yours, /s/ Frank H. Latimer (Koli-Bree Apartments 440 East Shore Drive Clearwater Beach, Florida) tINl'" _ ......"'---.-.. , ' , ' ....1 � // CIT'i COMP�IIaSION MEETIIv'G September 1%, 1g52 The City �ommission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Ha11, Wednesday, Sep�Gember l�, 1�52, at 7:30 P.1�2, y,ri�;h tlae following members present: Herbert M. Brown t�iayor-Commissioner Gar.l�,nd D, Lynn Cou�nissioner Herbe,r.t M. Hlanton L'o�missioner 49m. E. Crown Commissioner Jack Russel� Camrnissioner Also �r�esen� were; I'. C, i�fiddleton City T�,anager Chas. P•i. Phillip�, Jr. City �'�ttorney Aonald fienung Asst. Chief of Police The I�Layor called, the rneetin� to order, and annauncecl the consideration of Mr. ft• A• P°lapas' offer to sell L��s l, 2, 3, �,b, and Lot 15 less anrl except the east $ feet, Block 7, T�lagnolia Park, to the City for use as a parking lot. The Mayor statec� this was a projecL• sponsored by i;he Clearwat�r i�erchantis Association and that funds had been bucl;eted in the current vear for the purchase of a parking Zot. r�ir. Leland Drew as a reprvsentative of the Traffic and Parking Commi�tee of' �Che ��Ierchanbsf Association aldressed the Commission settin� forth the Corn.�i�tee�s reasons for recommending the purch�se of �his praperty for usz as a par?�ing lat. �r, Blanton remarked that he would favor the purchase but he felt that so?�e form of revenue should be provided from meters or a stamp Flan. Corru�nissioner Bla�ton moved bhat the City go ahead and authorize the Furchase of this property from Mr. �1$eOGOtGO e arableof �21,000.00, �3,C�00.00 cash and subject to a raort�a�e for � F Y vr3,C00.00 a year without inter�st; that the transaction be pro�erly �rorked out between the City Attorney and ths attorney for P��r. b:apes, and t;hat the Froper City officials be authorized to ekecute the contract and accept the deed. T�otion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. Commission�r Crown moved that the City i�ana�er be authorized to �ut into e�fect procedures for rental of parkin� spaces for the Frar_klin Street parking lot and the parkino lot in Coachman Fark. Aiotion was second�d by Cor.�rriissioner Lynn and carriec� unanimously. Relative to the use of pr��ane has as an addition to the public utility spstem, the City i�4ana�er explained that propar,e Tas �ould be used as a mixer with the manu- f�ctured gas and would be of benefit during the times af heavy de:�and to increase pressure and the efficiency of t he gas s�rvice. He r2ported that T•1r. C, L. Davis had a;reat deal of experience in the handling and servicin, of propane �as and he was therefore pr�sentin� a c�n�ract to secure the services of b1r. Davis in a super- Jisory capacity and under the ��roposed contract the City will supxly bot�le ;as to customers who cannot be served by the Cit3= gas �ains, Cor�rniss?oner Lynn aov�d that the contract with i�1r. �avis on the �ropane contract ar.d the contracti de �lin� t�rith the City be aX•praved, subjec� ta �larific-,tion as to the main Extensians, i�iation *r�as seconded by Commissioner Russell ar.d carried unani�nously. The City l�ttorney presented the proposed a�reer.:en� ��rit�h the Feninsular Telephone Gompany which is suFple;nental ta the new Telephone Franchise st�Ling that tl�e Tzla�hone Com�any ti�aas to have an ouLla f of �1, 5�0, �00. C�0 for canital imFrovements within the ne�t five yaars, a new tele�hone buildin� by 1955, new stivitchboa.rds, and �hat the company expec�e� to be able to serve arFroximatel3= 1,500 addi�ional users before T�Tarch, 1g53. �on:mis�ioner Blantan moved that the a�reement between the Telephone Gom�3ny and the City secured by a�10,000.Q0 bor_d be appxoved by the Cor�mission and 'the proFer Citp officials be �utnorized to execute it. i�2otion was seconded `�y Com�issioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City At�orney read the r.ew Telephone Frarchise, Ordina:nce 625. Corricnissioner Blanton Yr.oved that t�7e Ordinance be passed on the first readina �s arr�er<ciecl. i�iotion ivas seconded by Co:r,mission�r I,}Tnn and �arried lananii:�ousl3r, Coiiu:iis::ioner F�l�nton moved that with the unanirr,aus consent of the Coir�rnission �ha� this Orc�inance be considered an a second readin� at this time by title only. P��otior �v�s seconded by Comrnissionex Crown and carried unaniniousTy. The City Attoinay read Ordinance 625 on its second raadin� by �itle only. C�mmissioner Bl�nbon moved that �he Ordinance be �assed on second readin� by title only. D'lotion tiras seconded by Conni�issioner Russell and carried un�ninously. The Clerk read � letter from the Chamber of Commerce containin� a�otion �ivin� their recommencl.tinn that the �ity em�loy ai:other tvater expert for a surve3T and that the Commissinn submit the matter to a referen�.um before enterino into anv contract for � new water system. Commissioner Crodm moved that the le�Cter be accepted. 1�Totion was seconded by Conrmissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Relatiue to the proposed County water contract, the City Attorney made the following report: 1fThe presept status of the CityTs negotiations with the County is the same this month as it was last month after the last meeting of the City Commission and the County Cc�r,ma.ssion :�.t w3aich t2tne the County Commission a�reed to consult their bond attorneys in Chicago to find out whether or not from the financial viewpoint the contraet with the City could be accep�ed. They a�reed to ��ve us that xe�ort. To this d�te the City has not received that report.�� The Clerrc reacl a letter from I�Ir. Franlc H. Latirner ��ro�osin� to lease the lot itcniediately e.�st of the �lcl WuUN station on Gulf-to-Bay Boulev�rd near �he west end of Cour�ney �arnpbell Gauseway to use for a boat and bait business. By con- sent, the Co:ntnission agreed to refer the matter to a Committee composed c,f the 1layor and T�4r. Blanton who will con�`er taith Mr, L�timer and the interested Bavview residen�s. � r.�. �, f � -z- CITY COI���IS�]:ON Di��xTING Septemti�er 17, 1�52 A letter �nzs read by the Clerk addressed t� �lze Gity i�iana;�i by the City Treasurer recoinmen�in�; the transfar of the occu�ational license and permit to operate one cau now held by Charlie FloSTd (colc�red) to Ito�;e� Isaac. Commissioner Crown moved that the taxicab license and permit transfer ixom Charlie Floyd to Ro;er Tsaac be approved. I•Ioti,on Tvas seconded by Coriiraa.ssioner Russell and carried unanimousl,y. The Gity P�Iar.a�er recomniended the installation oi 12t�0 feet of two inch ;�.s main extei�sion to serve Beverly Hei�-hts wubdivisian at an estimated cost o�' ��6Q.C�Q. Cornmissioner Lynn mov�d that 1200 feeG o�' two inch ,as main extensiqn in Beverly Haiahts Su�ciivision Uz aF��roved. ;•iotion was seconded by Con�niissior.er Blanton and carried unanimouslu. It was reco,,timended by the City P�.�,n�gar tliat 132Q feet of 1,��,- inch ;�as main be installed in �afaty Harbor a� an estimated cast of �$$0.00 as a tie in line to in- crease the prc.�sure. Coz�r:iission�r Lynr. nroved that 1320 fe�t of l� incll �as niain in Safety Harbor be a�prov�d, i�To�ion �y�s Seconded by Cor;;mission�r Cro�vn and carried unanimously. The City I�iana�er re�omtuznde� t}ie install�tion of 300 fve� o�' six irch ��rater main and one hydrant on Ar,mden Driv� at an estim2ted cost of tp1,310.C�0. Commissioner Zynn r��vzd �hat the 300 feet of six inch t•rater main and one hydrant needed on Hamden Drive be agproved, I•lotion was seconded by Commissionex� Crotim and c�:rried unaniniously. It ti-ras recoramencied by �he City :iana�;er that 3$5 feet o.f i��ater main extersion out-- side the City limits l�e installeci near ]outh Fort Harrisor� and i��,rrtle avenue at an aFproximate cost of �2$5.00, check for w�iich is on file. Commissioner Lynn nioved that 3$� feet af ,vater main extei�sion outside the City limits be r�p�:roved. P•Totion was seconded by CQiau�issioner Crown and carried unanimously. The Gity ��xna;er recammer.aed that 16�.3 feat of six inch vrat�r main, �nd 7100 �eet of two inch water �ain be installed in Hi�hlar.d Fi.nes, a new subdiv:ision outside the City limits, on the usual ;:ia�n extension a�reement, at an approxin.ate cost of �5,000.0�, check for which is on file .from tr :� ��.e�reloper. Con�raissioner Lynn moved that the J,, 643 fset of six inch ivater main and llu(� feet of two inch vrater �ain for the Hi�hland Finzs Subdi�rision be approved. ;�iotion was seconded by Cornmissioner Blanton. Co�nmissioners Lyr.n, Russell and I31= nton voted '�Aye��. Coinmissioner Crown did not vote, I�iotzon carried. The �ity �iar.a�er presented six_ of the Fro�osed iiarina le�ses for the Commission's approval: Shop 5 Elsie Ruther �3eauty Shop ,�."1b5,00 per mo. 5hop $ R. E, Lyons Jewelry �z5,�p t+ �r �hop 7 Louis E, Barber Fruit & Gift Shop £30.00 T' '} Shop 3 Amos u. 5m�th Tackle 5hop 150.00 " t+ Room 9 Frank �i. �h�w Radio 5hop 1$5,G0 rr ,r 8hop 6 AlUert F. R��ers Rea1 ����tate Office 65.00 it tt Cormnissioner Blanton raoved that the City T�.anager be authorized to lease the store rooms as enunerated here by him, the laases to be effective October lst, and that the proger officials be autnorized �o execute �he leases. Motion was seconded by ' Cocr�missioner Crow�n ar_d carried unanimously. The Clerk Fresented a statement from the City Attorney for �25.G0 far professional services rendered in the Teiephone Heari�g. Cornrnissioner Crown moved that the City Attorney's bill be Faid. T�lotion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. The City .;anaosr reyorted that he had received an offer of �400.00 from Mr. Dan Iley to piarchase Lots % and $, �lock 2, Overtrook �ubdivision. Commissioner Blantan moved that the bid be received as a base bid and that the C1erk be authorized to advertise for further bids on the �ro��erty, the property to be sold to the himhest bidder �,�rith the proviso that the �ity reserve the ri;ht to reject any and a11 bids. P�Iotion was seconded bg Comrnissioner Lynr, anr� carried unania�ouslp. The City Tv.ana�er stated he had received an offer of ?p60,000.Q0 to purchase the Chan�ber of Co�erce Buildin; on Cleveland 3treet. It was sug�;ested that the bid of �,�60,OOO.GO be considered as a base bid and that the property be sold at auction ior the highest and best bid with the stipulation that the City Commission shall have the riQ�,t to reject any and all bids. Gommissioner Lynn moved that the proper officials and the City Clerk be authorized to �lace this property on sale �ccepting thzs ofier as a base bid at �;�6G,OOO.C'0, to accept the highest bid subject to a refusal of all bids by the City, provide�. that the praceeds of this sale be earmarked or sufficient t'�ereof ta bui1� a new addition on the City Hall and for suita�ale quarters ior th� Chamber of Co�nmerce, i�Iotion t�as seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously. The T1�y�r announced that thers had been a re�ues� fo?^ w3,r00.00 from the Clearwater Bot�her T�ooster Glub for the City to suFport the Clearwdter Bomber Soft-b�il Teara in �heir 1953 pro�rar�, Commissioner Lynn r�ferred to a previnus donation of w?,QG0.00 to th� Fublicity Fund for use in the BornY,er Fro;ram. He sfiatad that lie was opposed to fur�her eonti^ibutions until he was more fully advised as to how these fur.ds were beinm 7.�s�d. Cor.�u��issioner Blanton also voiced his disa�proval of a further �rant at �,his �ime. I�2ayor Bro�an, Co:mnissioner Russell ar.d Commissior.�r Grown rointed nut th� v3luable 1_�ublicity the City gets froin this program. Commission�r CroTan moved that the City i�'fan3�;er be authorized t� allocate :;r3,G00.G0 from the Contin�rency Funr� to �he Chamber of Corninarce .for use hy the Bornber Booster Club. r�Io�ion was seconded by Corrimissioner Russell. Upoi1 the vote bein� taken, Cotrnnissioners Crown, Russell and Brown voted "Aye+� ancl Commission�rs Lyr,n and Blanton voted 11Iv`or', bZobion �arried. There bein; no further business to come before the Board, the meetin; v�as adjourned. Rttest: � D �- `ity tu ii;or � Cl,erk b�d�'���%T�/J i�7ayor-Gornmission r ` CITY COT��Ia5I0N N'�ETII3G September 17, 1952 Mayor-Coiamissi�nEr Herbert P+I. Brown Commissioners; Herbert Blanton, 5r., Garland D. Lynn Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr. Gentlemen: G12arvrater, Florida SeNtember 17, 1q52 A �pecial i4ieeting oi �he City Con�mission will be h�ld on t�rednesday evenin;, :;eptember 1%, 1952, at 7;30 p.m. in �he City Hall kuditorium. This meeting will be held foi the purpose of discussin� the items listed below. FCM Very truly yours, /s� F. C, Ididdleton, �ity ::anager Agenda - S�ecial i�:eeting of City Cor,unission September 1%, 195z - 7;30 p.m. - City Hall ±�U� 1 t O?^ ]. LlTil l. �onsideration of items from City Attcrney+s Offic�: k, Pro�:ane Contract. S. Telephone :�gr�ement. C, Telephone Franchise Ordinance on its xirst reading. 2. Consideration of letters from: x. Ch4jmber of Commerce B. I�dr. Frank Latin.er with reference to leasin� �rogerty East oi th� Radio Station at Bayview for Bait and Boat Business. C. Frank 4bernathy, City Treasurer. 3. Furchase of property fron i;r. P�:apes. 4. Util�ty Im�rovement. 5. Marina Leases. 6. xny item not on ��nn1a will he consi�3ered ulith c�n�ent of Corr��riission, i�1r. F.rancis ';Si��dleton Ci�ty i��a.n��e� � City of Clear�l�ater C1aar�vater, Florida 1�aar .ir. i%�iddleton: ---------------------------------- Sept�mber 10, 1a52 Just as a reminder and in order that you mi;ht have something definite to �resent to your Gomsnission, I puote the following moti�r iront minu�es of �aur Board of Governors r�eeting held on �e�tember $. The oriPinal motion was made by P�Zr. Vasconi, President, Junior �%hamber oi Go�araerce, saconded b�* i•Ir, Houze, elected member of our 3aard of Governors, and amended by T•;r. uoza, also elected menber of our Bo�rd of Governors, as follo�rs: "The City be ur�ed to con�inue its investi�;aLi�r.s re�arding water reo,uire- ments for Clearwater and that the City consider the advisab_lii.y of employ- in� ano�her water ex�ert to survey the local. raquirement and that ar.y affirm- ative action resulting From the findin�s of such survey be �ubmitted to the electorate by referendum." This motion was unanintously carried. F'HF;ce Sincerel;,- yours, ,✓s/ Paul H. F�cht Niana ;er-Secretary September �, 19;52 HonoraUl� P•�ayor and CitSr Commissioners, Gentlemen, This is an offer to lease the lot immediately east of the o1d ti+T S U N station on Gulf to Bay. I plan to erect a mociern buildin ;�de��uate i'or the operatior. of a l�oat and bait business. A11 taoats and equipnient T,rlll be new. Building and graunds will be rr,aintained in periect condition at all times. I believe �his would prove an asst�t to the area in as much as it will not only furnish residents and visitors, with a place to abtain boats, bait, ar.d tackle, but a7.so oeautify tlae property ancl furnish the area l�rith a clean cor:fort s�ation oFen to th� puhlic. I will offer �50,00 (fifty dollars) ��er month, and t�rould like a 20 year lease as I plan to spend considerable money in developina �his property into a beauLiful paric area. Hopinb pou will give this your immed�ate attentio�a as I would like to start building as soon as possible. Respectiully Yours, �s/ Frank H. Latimer (Koli-Sree Apartments �.1�.0 �dst Shore Drive Cte�rti.�ater Beach, Florida)