09/08/1952 CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 8, 1952 'rhe City Commission of the Ci.ty of Clearwater met in special session a t City Hall I~londay, September 8, 1952, at 12:15 P.~l. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown Wen. E. Crown, Jr. Herbert M. B13nton Jack Russell r-1ayor-Commissioner Commissioner COlflmissioner Co.l1r:lissioner { . . ,,~ 0',.:.:..,..1 A ,I, Absent: Garland D. Lynn CO.ilildss j oner Also ITe~l~nt wure: ~ ---..... :.1' , '.,' F. C. r":iddlet on Chas. M. Fhillips, Jr. Gf.:lor~e j,1cClalii,aa City h:mar>;er City I\t torney Chief of I-olice ;, I ,j I .I ,I 'J 1'he i.layor callod the r:1(:letinn; to order ,')nd ;.tnnouneed that the residents of Skycrest 0ub{li vision had ~\sked the City C0I1111i3si on to pClSS a He:,ol1tti on asking the continuance of city mail delivary in the Skycrest area rather than the contemplated chan~e to rural delivery by the Post Office Department. The Mayor stated ttlat such Resolution had been prepared by the City Attorney. At this point Nr. Harold Phelps addressed the Commission stating that the representatives of Skycrest had held a meeting with Miss Sue Barco, Postmaster, and Congressman Chester B. McMullen and had been successful in working out a satisfacbory solution to t~e problem whereby there would be no change in the present method of delivery unless so requested by the r0sidents. Mr. Phelps also reported that they had been advised that postal rules provided that once city mail delivery had been started that it could not be discontinued ~nd thRt any str8et which is 50% or more occupied is entitled to ci ty delivery. 'rherefore, he felt t hat it would not be neces- sary for the Commission to take any action at this time re~arding Skycrest but he did recolnmend, however, that serious consideration be ~;ven to the future developments vdthin the City to avoid a similar situation. 14r. J. H. PaswH.ters addressed the COJr.rrl1ssion briefly expressing his 3I-preciation of the COlrll,1i ssi on f s interest in the matter. The llla)'or ::Jug ~ested t hc.,t since the i::!i:1ediate need had been met that no action be taken at this time by consent. In re~grd to the re~uest for ~20,OOO.OO to be used in the construction of a National Guard Armory in Clearwater, the City h8nnger reIiorted th~t there was no money in the General Fund available for this purpose but tile amount could be loaned from the Utility Dey:artment Fund ,;i thout interest to be paid back over 3. reriod of two or three years. l\lajor Clifford j.icKay \-Jas rresent for the rurr-,ose of Clnsiverin,n; questions and partie ipated in the discussion. COI:l1llis::;ioner CrO\vr; moved that the Ci ty Attorney be authorized to prepare a Resolution pledgin~ ~20,CGO.GO of City of Cle~rwAter funds to be used in conjunction with ~20,OOO.OO pled~ed by the County of Pinellas and approxi- mately $90,000.00 to be sun;lied by the Federal Government for the construction of the Clear\vater Arlllory Buil.Jing on land formerly deeded by the Ci ty of Clearvmter to the National Guard, such buildin,~ to be availahle for municipal aueli toriulIJ purposes upon its completion; it being u~deI'stood thAt buijdin~ pl~ns wiJI be approved by the City of Clearwater before tho actual delivering of said funds; that tile proper City officials be authorized to execute this Resolution; that it is further understood that the charge for the use of the Armory Building for any civic f.'urpose (directly or indirectly) will be merely a cost to defray utility expenses. M,:)t~ion \"~as seconded by COllimissioner Rusbell and carried unanimously. '''.:t1 " ....~ :i~ ~>,;i ,; . ",\ : :.; " -, " :'~ '.';,1 , '~1 J ': I .~ , ,I. ..tJ " :(. g .'~I'~ , ."'l . ~~ , .. , " ,: .{ J . ';1 ", . ,i} The City Manager presented a complete report on all types of insurance carried by the City, settin,~ out the name of the ar;ent and the RInOunt of t he annual premium paid to 8ach agent. It was noted that nineteen local agencies are participatin~ in the City's fire insurance program. Regardin;:; the l:JorklllEm' s Compensation Insurance, the C ity i~lanagt3r referred the Commission to hi s rec omrnendation at the If,eeting of September 2nd at which time he stated that since the Workmen's Compensation Insurance by State law was not biddable, he recommended that it be di vided betvleen the companies different years and this year su~~ested ~iving it to the Mutual Insurance Agency of Clearwater represented by Mr. Ross Durant. After discussion, it was moved by COll@issioner Russell that Chesnut & Lee be awarded the Workmen's Comr-ensation Insurance, the decision b3ing predicated upon ttle prospective dividend based on company earnings of l2~% of the premium, which dividend has no bearing upon our local policy loss ratio as stated in their bid and further explained in their letter attached to the bid. Motion was seconded by Corrunissioner Crovm and carried unanimously. COll1missioner Crown moved that the Mayor be authorized to appoint an Insurance Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously. The City Manager presented the bids on Police and Fire Department uniforms which had been tabulated as follows: Boh Johnson Uniform Co., Jacksonville $2,665.65 Martin's Uniforms, Tampa 2,462.09 Sani tary Cleaners, Clearh'ater 2,964.40 Hart Cleaners, Clearwater 2,872.20 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc., Miami 2,409.54 The City Manager recommended with the advice of the Police Chief and the Fire Chief that the bid of Martin's Uniforms of Tampa be accepted. Commissioner Russell moved that the City i-1anager' s recoIl@endation to accept the bid of I'lartin' s Uniforms at $2,462.09 for uniforms for the Fire Department and the Police Department be followed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. -z;~~ 'I$..,loo~ ;,,:' "h~~_....~. .1 .. / '-0 ! i: ~: I'... ' , ' ~. it, " ," ~.: . ..;.t'~'~".:.' ,;.':~'};:\\ . ,.j".... /.~~-:;?~.;>:..:~;,~...:'.~r " ',: ,...... j".;'."*,," ',-~ i .<:' I:' . -:.' . " ",~' ,,' ,...~ ..'\ '.; ,,~;;'. ., : .: :' ...\ :...'; ,~. ~,';"";:.':. ~',~,:: ..".: .....~. ,~:. . .' _." .._~' " ~,f ','. ". .:..' T ,... ,'.. :'j.~ :,,'~ .' "" ,. . .. " ....., .~'"-"""'~_d.,"""'"ic~{"'"k0iL0;;i;u;;.;SJ.'~11~~I~{~)':;r '.. L 6(; t\:"'''''''I'~;''~'' CITY CO~MISSION MEETING September $, 1952 ',' '" , ..". Clearwater, Florida September 5, 1952 "'.': '... ,~ :'" , .,' '. , :'~ ". :i r.layor-Corrunissioner Herbert M. Bro\-m Commissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland D. Lynn Jack Russell, I...,. E. CrO\vn, Jr. Gentlemen: . " :"1..:. ,.>0 ',,~,\, ..' .{ ~..' "" " ,.,.,.:j l.~,.;" .~~ ,./. 'J !: i; 'rhere will be a special Commission r.lecting held in the City Hall Auditorium at 12:15 p.m., Monday, September B, 1952, for th~ purpose of considering the i'ollo'V/ing items. :' 1. 2. 3. Awardi ng Worklllcns' Co:nF-cn;:; 1t ion In:3urancc. I\L'nn;:;cr's l'cport on N,'Oltional Guard reclu8st for buildi ng appropriation. Reoolution ~lsking for the continuance of City Mail rtclivery in 3kycrest Area rather than the contemrlated change to rural delivery by the Post Office Dc~nrtment. -\ h .~ :; ~~ .l. ~1 ,r ~~ " FCM:s Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton C it Y ~w1an ager I I, . "", ", '., " . .',.' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION '. \VHEREAS, the Florida Armory Board has rer'juested the City of Clearwate" to expend the SU1TI of $20,000.00 for the purpose of securing the building of a National Guard Armory within the City of Clearwater, Florida, said Armory to be constructed at an approximate cost of $130,000.00, and wHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Pinellas has resolved to appropriate and e;cpend a like sum for the same purpose, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that such an armory be constructed in the City of Clear\1ater, and WHEREAS, the Florida Armory Board by and through Colonel Ralph W. Cooper, Jr., has agreed with the City as follows: 1. That the plans and specifications of the Armory will be submitted to the City of Cle~rwatcr for approval beforo the beginning of the construction of said Armory. 2. That the said Armory when constructed will be available for use by the City of Clearwater at least one ni~ht e3ch week without charge. 3. That the said Armory will be made available to persons and organizations for use 1'01' the purpose of direct or indirect civic activity for a charge equal to an amount necessary to defray only the use of utilities during said use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the swn of $20,000.00 be and the same is hereby pledged and allocated as a portion toward the building of a National Guard Armory in Clearwater, Florida, and the said sum shall be remitted to the Tre3surer of the State of Florida for this purpose when said remission is appropriate; provided, however, that the remission of the foregoing funds is absolutely contingent upon the remission of a like amount to the Treasurer of the State of Florida by the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County, and the agreement of appropriate representatives of the United States of America to furnish the additional funds necessary for the completion of the National Guard Armory, and is further contingent upon the entry of the Florida Armory Board into a valid and binding contract \dth a contractor for the construction of said National Guard Armory according to plans and specifications approved by the City of Clearwater. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September A.D., 1952. /s/ Herbert 1.1. Brown folIa YOI' -C ornmis si oner ~~ ~! Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk ' � a ,� CITY C0�7MI53ION �EETING • September $, 1952 The Ci�y Commission of �,he City of Clearwater met in s ecia ' • Monday, September $, 1952, at 12:15 P.P4. with ths follo •n � 1 sessionat Ca.ty Hall v�n. g rne�nbers present ; Wmrb�ertC�,. Brown Maynx-CommissionEr _ � own, Jr. Commissioner _ _ Q Herbert M. Bl�nton _ Commissioner Jack Russell Cornmiss�oner : Ahsen�: _ , Garland p, Lyzzn Commissioner Also present were: F. C. Ntiddleton City i�ianager Ch�s. PQ. PYii"llips, Jr. City Attorney Ge.or,�e TdcClat�ma Chief of Police ti , The I�Iayor called �he raeetin� to order and announced that the residents of Sk. crest , Subdivision had asIsed the City Commission to pass a'Kesolution askina the c � ? ontinuance of city mail delivzry in the Skyerest area rather tfian the contemplated change to rural ' delivery by the Fost Office Department. The �fayor statecl that such Resolution had been prepared by the City Attorney, kt this point Mr. Harold Phelps addressed the Commission stating that the representatives nf Skycrest had held a meeting with Miss Sue Barco; Postmaster, and Congressman Chester B. McI�1u11enLand had been successful in workin� out a sati�fac�ory s�lution �n �lt�e problem ?vhereoy �here would be no change in the present method of delivery unless so requested by' the r�sidents, Mr. Phelps also reporte�3 that , they had been a�ivised Lllat rostal rules provided that once ci�y mail delivery had been started that it could not be discontinued and that any street which is 50°Jo or more ' occupied is enta.tled to ci�y delivery, Therefore, he felt that it would not be neces- sary for the Commission tc� take any action at this time re�arding Skycrest but he did recommend, hov�ever., tha� serious c'onsidera�Gion be g:iven to�the future dev�lopments within the City to avoid a similar situation. NIr, �. H. Paswaters addressed the Goramissiorx briefly expressino his a�preciation of the Coramission�s interest in the matter. The t+iayor sug;e5ted that si.nce the immediate neecl had been met that no action be taken at this time by consent. In reQard to the request for �20,000;00 to be used in the construution of a . Iv'ational Guard Armo�y in Cleart�rater, the G'ity I�ianager reported that Lherz was no money in the General Fund avail�ble for this pur�ose but the amount could be loanecl from the Utility De�artment Funa r:�.thou� interest No be paid back over a period of two or three years. ` IYTajor Cli�ford i�icKay was �resent for the pur�ose of answerir.g questians and participated in the discussion. Gommissioner Crown moved that the City !�ttorney be `"' authorized to prepare a Resolution pledgi�g �20,4�0.GO of Gity of Clzarwater funds to � '� be used in cor_junction wi.�th ,;�2Ci, 000. 00 pledged lay the County ef Pinellas and approxi- mately,�90,OOQ.00 to be su�plied by the Federal �overnment for the construaiion of the : _ Clearwater Arrnory Building on lar_d farmerly deeded by the Gity of Clearwai,er to the Idationa�. Guard such buildin; to be available for municipal auditorium purposes unon its completion; it being understood that building plans h�ill be aFgroved l�y the City of Clearura'ter bafare the actual. �eliverin� of said funds; that the proper; City officials �e authori�ed to execute this Resolution; that it is further undzrstood that the charge , for the t:se of the Armory Building for an}T civic �ur�ose (directly or indirectly) will be merely a cost �;o deiray utility expenses. Ms�tion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and ca•rried unanimously. The City ivlanager presented a complete report on all types of insurance carr;ed by the City, settinb out the name of the agent and the a�nount of the annual premium paid to c�ach agent, Tt was noted that nineteen local agencies are partiaipatin; in the Cit ts fire znsur�nce g ,g ;, �s Gompensatian Insurance, the Y ' pro ram. Re ardin the Workmen City iianager referred the Commiss_on to his recommendation at tlze meeting of September 2nd at which t;ime he s�ated that since the Workments Cpmpensation Insur�nce by St'ate lavr was not biddable, he recommended that it be divided between the companzes different years and �this y�ar su,oested givinp it to t;he 35utual Insurance Agency of Cl;earti,=ater , re�resented by Mr, Ross Durant. A#'ter discussi�n, it was moved by Commissioner Russell that Chesnut 8c Lee be awarded the Workmen�s Compensation Insuranee, the decisiont�eing pxedicated upon the prospective dividend based on company earnings of 122% of the premium, which dividend has no bearing upon our local policy loss ratio as stated in their bid and further explained in Lheir letter attached to the bid, riotion was seconded by Corrunissioner Crown and aarried unanimously. � Commissioner Crown moved �hat the l�iayor be authorized to appoint an Insurance Advisory Committee. �otion was seconded by Gommissianer Blanton and carried. unanimQusly. �he City Manager presented the bids on Police �nd Fire Departrnent uniforms which had been i;abulat�d as follows: , , _ Bob Jahnson Uniiorm Co., Jacksonville 2 66 0 _ Martin's Uniforms, Tampa �2� 62.09 Sanitary Cleaners, Clearwater ��964•4Q , Ha�t Cleanexs, Clearwater 2,$72.20 Donald S. Lavi�ne, Inc., 1�liami 2,4�9.54 _ The City rdanager recommended with the advice of �he Police Ghies" and the Fire �hief that the bid of inartin+s Uniforms oi' Tampa be accepted-. Commissioner Russell moi�ed " that Che City i�ianager � s recommendation to accept the bid of T�Zartin �s 'Uniforms at �2,4.62.09 for uniforms for �}ie Fire Department and the Police Department be follovred. NIotian vtas seconded by Commissioner Grown and carried unanimously, There bein no ' further busin�ss to com� before the Board; the meeting was adjourned, � Attes • ayor-GommS.ss ner � ' : Ci'ty Audito, and Clerk _ �; _ _ , -� , : � c5 � _ .. CTTX CON7MISSTQN I�IEETINv _ _ ' Septemlaex �, 195� Cleaxwater, Florida September 5s 195'� Tti7ayar-Commissi�nzr Herbert M. Bro�vn Coffunissioners: Herber4 81�nton, Sr,, Garl.and b. Lynn' _ : , ' Jack Russell, W. �.'Crown, Jr. uentlemena There will be a sper.ial Commission N�eeting held in tlze City Hall Auditqxium at _. 12:,15 p.m. , tionday, Sep�ember $, 1952, �'pr the purpose of considering the i'ollowing items.. : . 1. Ai�rarding WorkmensT Qompensa�ion Insnrance. 2. D3�nager's xeport on Natio��al Guard request for building appropriation. 3. Resolution asking for the continuanc� of City T�Zail delivery in Skycres� ' Area ra�her than the contemplated change to rural delivery by the Pos� Office bepartment. _ _ Uery truly y�ux�s fs� F. C. �fiddleton , FChT; s City ;�anager RESOLUTION y�IFREAS; the Florida Armory Board has reruested the Clty of Clearwater to ' ' ' expend the sum af �20, OQO. 00 i'or the purpose of securing the building of a National Guard Armory within the City of Glearwater, Florida, said Armory to be constructed at an ap�rohimate cost of �130,fl00.00, and R'HEREa�, the Board oi Cctinty Commissioners of the Coun�ty of Pinellas has resolvP� to appropriate and expend a like sum for the same purposej and WHEREAS, it is desirable that such �n aranory be construc�zd in the City of Clearwater, and WHEREAS; the Florida Armory F�oard by and thraugh Colonel Ralph W. C�oper Jr. has agreed tiv3,th the �ity as folloNrs: , ' `` 1. That the pl�ns and sge�ifications of the Armory will be surmitted to the Gity of Clearwater for approval before Lhe baginning of the consi:raction of said tlrmory, ti. That the said Armory when constructed will be available for use by the City of Clearwater,at least on� nzght each week without charge. 3. That �he said nrmcry will be made available to persons and organizations ' for use for the purpose of direct or indirect civic activity for a charg2 equal to - . an amour�t n�cessary to deiray only the use of utilities during said use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R�SOLUED by the City Gommission of' the Ci�y of Cl.earwater, rlorida, in session duly and regularly asszmbled as followst l. That the sum of �320,000.00 bs and Ghe same is here�y pledged and allocated as a portion toward the buildin� oi a National Guard Armory in Clearwater, Florida, and the said su� shall be remitted to the Treasurer of the State of Florida for this purpose when said remission is appropriate; provid.ed,. however, that the remission of the foregoing funds is absalu�ely contingent upon the remission'of a like amoun'� to ' � the Treasurer of the State of Florida by the Board of' �ounty Commissioners of ` Pinellas Coun�y, and the agree,nent of appropri�te regresentatives of the Uni�ed States oi �imerica to furnish the additional funds necessary for �he completiun nf the National Guard Armory, and is further contingent upon the entry of the Florida Armory Board into a valid and bindin� contract with a contraetor for the construction ' of said National Guard Armory aeeording to plans and specifications approved by the City of Glearwater. P�SSED AIvD ADOPTED this $th day of September A.D,� 1y52, ' �S� H�rbert M. �rown ' _ _ Mayor-Commissioner AtLest; , /s� H. G. Wingo _ _ City Auditor and Cierk _ _ f , .. 4 ..� .... .._ .._ . :.: ._ .. .._.. . ... _.�...... ,�. ��� . ��_., .. y�