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June 27, 1952
The City COllunission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at Ci.ty
Hall. Friday, June 27, 1952, at 7:)0 P.M. with the following members present:
,'.~; .:::.',~.::.~~:':< ;;.~::: 't: .,
r 'f..,: /:.~. ,1",' t
Herbert M. Brown
Wrn. E. Crown, Jr.
G9.rland D. Lynn
C omrni tL3ioner
. ,'I.',
.' . ~
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. f)(:W;',.':d:.,,)
HerlJp.rt !,i. 31'Jnt.on
Jack HusseJl
Corrlln:l f,sj om~r
Also rr(~:;;ent W(~l'(':
F. C. !:drJdll~ton
ChRS. M. Fhillivs, Jr.
G. 'r. ~lcC] .1. l:I':}!J
Sidney Lickton
Ci t.y j!I'~nn,~:er
Cj ty l~ttorney
Chief of Pol:i~e
Cif~~' En'~ineer
The mee1",:i n ~ ','I}:-t5 ('~111ed to Or(1""r by thp l:,ayor \-.'ho annc.l1.mc0d that the purpose
of th(: IIl'H.;ting -,'!as to h:)ld ~J Public HC!lrin;~ on the proposer! 1952-1953 budGet whi,ch
had been adv,.>rtised'JGcQrdinr.o; to law. The j'irlyor :lsked i.f any of the Co:nmissioners
proposed any changes or if tllere W'~re :my objections to the budget. as published.
!vir. C. I,. Darling ilddrf'ssed 1jhe Commi STl an, comr:lilllt'omti n:~ the present Commission
on the pro~ress made in this administration. The Mayor pointed out that a saving
of one-hal.f mil in taxes was beine effected by the new budget. The Mayor read a
letter from COll1rnissioner Blanton ;lrJdre~~;ed to th(~ City Commission which stated
that he "/ould be unall1'.' t',., nt.ter.d the Cnmmifisj on meetinr; bec;:nwe hE) \'lo1l1d be out
of town but that he o.:t p'overl the l,~ldGct in it.s fj nal form. The r.l;-;yor report.ed that
Commi S5 ioner Russe 11 he fore "'oi ry rJn '1 sr\0rt vac8. t ion stR.ted th;:,t he vIa s in fAvor
. J J
of the bud,~et as present.f3d by the Ci ty ;\1'mrlger. COlnmissioner Lynn moved that the
budget for the year 1952-1953 st-:>r1(l 25 'tdorted. i.:otton "tlas seconded by
COlllmis~3ioner Crown and carried urlO1niw)Usly.
, ".~
The City j,lClnager presented':l re(~ue::'t from the City Treasurer to transfer
$75,000.00 Ci~arette Tax Fund for the e5t~blishment of the Improvement and
Assessment Fund ",hich is to be used far ~,1~se3sment projects in the future and
recommended that the tr[-lnsfer be m8de. Comrni ;;;sioner Lynn moved that the City
Treasurer's request to transfer $75,000.00 af Ci~8rQtt~ Tax Fund to the Improvement
and Assessment Fund be c.lJ:.:proved. Motion h'ClS seconded by Commissioner Crown and
carried unanimously.
. The City Manager reconmended th8t the re~uest of the City Treasurer to transfer
$50,000.00 of the Utility Revenue Fund, as provided in the budget to the General
Fund be approved, the money to be used to supplement any additional expense on
construction of the new Pier at Clearwater Beach. Commissioner Crown moved that
the request for the transfer of $50,000.00 to the General Fund be approved. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unaf' i,mously.
The City M~nager called attention to the savings effected by the purchase of
the half-track, street-sweeper, and other mechanical equipment.
It was reported by the City Manager that the application concerning improve-
ments to the Seminole Pier would be sent to the Army En8ineers and the State
Internal Improvement Board as soon as drawings are completed by the City Engineer's
office and that it would take 8pproximately thirty days after the application is
made because the notice of application for permit has to be advertised.
The City Manager reported that ~r. R. J. Clark has agreed to purchase a tract
of city-owned property on Seminole Street just east of the land he originally
offered to purchase, and Mr. D. E. Lame has agreed to pay $3,000.00 to purchase the
city-owned property at the corner of Greenwood and Seminole, the sales to be com-
pleted as soon as the replat of that district is ready for filing.
In connection with the above-the-ground water survey to be made by Dr. A. P.
Black, the City Manager reported that he found it was possible to have a complete
underground survey mRde by the Utility Department in a short time. He stated that
the \'1ell would be drilled by Mr. A. O. Dunlap, an expert well-driller, under the
supervision of Mr. O. H. Downing of the "!ater Department, one hundred fifty feet due
east of Hobart Lake along the extended southerly line of the lake, and a report
would be made by Mr. Downing to the Commissioners as soon as the findings were com-
plete; also, the water from the new well would be sent to Tampa for analysis and a
qualitative report would be submitted to the Commission at the same time. He
announced that Mr. Thomas H. Black had made a verbal offer to allow the City to
drill a well on any lot on his property east of Highland and south of Sunset Point
Drive, that Mr. Black would dedicate whichever lot was selected to the City for park
purposes at no cost to the City, and that there was another 80 acre tract southeast
of his land that he could obtain permission for the City to drill on if so desired.
The City Manager requested permission to take a )0 day vacation due to the fact
that he did not have any last year. Commissioner Lynn moved that the City Manager's
request for a vacation be granted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and
carried unanimously. .
, ~'" ,
It was recommended by the City Manager that Mr. Gerald Weimer be appointed Acting
City Manager in his absence. Commissioner Crown moved that Mr. Gerald Weimer be '"
appointed as Acting City Manager in the absence of Mr. Middleton. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come
before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.
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Sincerely yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
June 27, 1952
'~'. .'
. ',t.
June 27, 1952
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr.
Garland D. Lynn
Jack Russell
W. E. Crown, Jr.
A~enda Meeting.
There will be a Special Meetin~ of the City Commissioner's of the City of
Clearwater at 7:)0 P.M. tonir-;ht, June 27, 1952 in the City Hall Auditorium
the purpose of conductine a Publi.c hearing with reference to the 1952-1953
Budget for the City of Clearwater.
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June 27, 1952
City Commission,
City of Clearwater, Florida.
Fellow Commissioners:
It will be impossible for me to attend the Commission meeting Friday night,
as I will be out of town.
This is to assure you that I aprrove the budget in its final form as it \rll1
be rresented at this meeting.
/s/ Herbert Blanton
June 27, 1952
Ths Ci�y Cocnmission of the City of Clearwater m�t in special session at Ci.ty
Hall, Friday, June 27, 1952, at 7:30 P.�S. ti�rith the i'ollawing mernber.., presen�:
Herbert M. Brovm
Wm. E. Crovan, Jr.
Garland D. Lynn
Hprbert ?�i. Blanton
Jack Russell
F1so rresc.i:; were:
F. C. I�liddleton
Chas. T�I. Phillips,
G. T, i�cClamma
Sidney Lick�on
City i�3nager
Jr. Ci�y Attorney
Ghief of Foli�e
C�.t,T Er;ineer
,� s�
The meetin; ��v�� called to or�er b;r t�e T�;ayor v:ha a±�no�.zrced that the purrose
of the m�:Pting �^�as to holcl a Fublic Hearing on the proposed 1Q52-1953 bud;et whicY+
had heer_ a�v�rtise� accordin; to law. The P�,ayor asked if an;� of �he Comraissior�ers
proposed any ck�ar.�es or if there �rere any objections to the bud�et as published.
Nr. C. L. Darlin� ac�dressed the Commis.=.?an, complimentin� the present Commission
on ths pr.agress made in this administ-ration. The ,Zayor poin�ed out that a saving
of one-half mil in taxes was being effected by the new bud�et, The I�,a,Tor read a
letter from Cotnrnissioner Blar.tar. �cldressed t� tne City Commission whieh stated
that he t•rn�yld be unabie t�� atter.d the Commission meetin� beca,�se lze ;��o,�1c1 be out
of tovm but that he �rrroved the �:udget in its f��al rarm. The ,4=yor re�or�ed �hat
Cor:imissioner Russell before goir.R or_ � shor� �;acati�n stated tha.t he T,•as in iavor
cf the bud;et as gresented ry the Gity ��'i�nager. Commissicnpr Lynn m�ved tlaat t_h_e
budget for the year 1952-1953 stanr3 �s �d�pted. .�:o�ion :��as sec�ancied by
Commissioner Crorm and Garried un�nim�usly.
s The City I•Tana�er gxesented a r.e�uest from the City Treasurer to trarsfer
„�75,000,00 Ci�arebte Tax Fund fr�r the establishrnent of the I�rinrovement and
�sses.�ment I'unci t�:�liich is bo be �ased for ��sP�sment pro jects in the future ancl
recommended t�at the �ransfer be made: Camr�i.-sior.Er Lynn moved �hat the Ci��T
Treasurer's re�uest to transfer ?�%5,t,�00.c;C of Ci�aret�e Ta.x Fund to the Improtiemer_t
and e":ssessment Fund be approved. :�Zotion tkas seconded by CDmmissioner Cro�m ?nd
carried unariimously,
The City l�ianager recommended that the rec,ue�t of the City Treasurer to trar_sier
�"S�,�GO,OC� of the Litility Revenue Fund, as pxovided in the eudPe� ta the G¢neral
Fund be a�proved, the money to be used to supplernent any additional ex_pense on
construc�ian of the new P�.er at Clearvrater Beach. Cornmissiorter Crown moved that
i.he request for thE transf�r of $�50,OQ0,00 to the General Fur_d be approved. ;�;o�ion
was seconded by Commissioner Lyrn and carried ur_at�i!:�ous�y.
The City T�;�nager called attention to the sa•rir_;s effected by tl�e purchase of
the half-track, street-sweeper, anc�. other mechanical equipmer_t.
It was reported by the City ;•I�na�er tra� the apglicatian concerr.ing improve-
ments to the Seminole Pie� would be sent ta the Army En�ineers and the State
Internal Improvement Board as soan as drawings are completed by the City Engineer's
ofiice and th�t it wauld take approximately thirty t�ays a�ter the application is
made because the notice of applicatior_ for permit has �to oe adverti�ed.
The City Manager reported that A2r. R. J. Cla.rk has a,reed to purchase a tract
of city-owned propertp an Seminole S�reet jusi, east af �he land he originally
orfered to purchase, and �Zr. D. E. Lame has ajreed to pay �3,000.00 to purchase tl�e
city-owned property at the coralar of Greenwood and Seminole, the sales to be com-
pleted as soon as the replat of that district is ready for filing.
In connection with the abo�'z-the-�round :,�ater survev to be raade b;� Dr. A, P.
Black, the City Mana;er re�oited that he found it was possible to have a complete
underground surtiey made by the Utility Department in a short time. He stated that
the well would be drilled by Mr. A. Oo Dunlap, an expert well-driller, under the
supervision of Mr. 0. H, Downing of the ��'ater Department, one hundred fifty feet due
east of Hobart Lake alono the extended southerly line of the lake, and a re�ort
ti�rould be made by NIr. Downing to the Commissioners as sa�:n as Lhe findings F�ere com-
plete; also, the ��vater from the netiv �aell would be sent to Tampa for analyszs and a
qualitative report would be submitted to tl-�e Ccmmission at th� same time, He
announced ;hat NZr. Thomas H. B�ack had made a verbal offer �o allow the City to
dri1.1 a well on any lot on his property east of Highland and south of Sunilet Point
Brive, that Nr. Black would dedica�e tivhichever lot was selected to the City for park
purposes at no cost to the City, and that there was another $0 acre tract southeast
of his land that he could obtair_ permission far the City to drill on if so desire�.
The City I�ianager requested permission to take a 30 day vac:ation due to the fact
�hat he did not have any last year. Commzssioner Lynn moved that the City T�Zanager�s
request for a vacation be ,a,ranted. Motion was sec�nded by Cor:�iissioner ^urown and
carried unanimously.
It was recommended by the �ity NTanager that Mr. Geral� Weimer be appointed Acting
City T�ianager in his absence. Commissioner Crown moved tY;at NIr. Gerald �yeimer be
a�pointed as Acting City 2�Zanager in the absence of l�ir, i�Tic4dleton. Motion was sec�nded
by Commissioner Lynn and carried �nanimously. There i�ein�; no further business to come
before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.
. � �
1� Mayor- ommissior i
ity Audit and Cl.erk
June 27, �952
June 27, I952
Mayor-Gommissioner Herlaert i�'I. Brown
Commissioners: H�rber� Slanton, Sr.
Garland D. Lynn
Jack Russell
W. �. Crotm, Jr.
- Agenda Meetzng.
There will be a Special Nleeting of tha City Commissioner1s of the City of
Clearwater at 7;3� P.M. tonigl7t, �Tune 27, 1952 in the City Hall AuditoriLun for
the pur�ose of conducting a Public hearing with reference to the 195z-1.953
Budget for �he City of Clearwater,
Sincerel}* yours,
�s� F. C . NTiddleton
hg; ss City i��a;zager
June 27, 1a52
Gity Comrcission,
Gity �f Clearwater, Florida.
Fellow Commissioners:
It will be impossible for me ta attend the Conimission meeting Friday ni�ht,
as I�rill �e out of town.
This is to 3ssure Sou th?t I ap�rove the budaet in its final form as it will
be �resented at this meeting.
�s� Herbert Blanton