The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Monday, June 9, 1952, at 7:)0 P.M. with the following members present:
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June 9, 1952
. . i
Herbert M. Brown
Wm. E. Crown, Jr.
Herbert M. Blanton
Garland D. Lynn
Jack Russell
COlllmi ss ioner
Cornmi sstoner
Cornrnissi oner
Also present were:
F. c. t.1iddleton
G. T. r.lcClarnma
C. M. Phjllips, Jr.
S. Lickton
City Mt'lnager
Chief of Police
Cit.)r Attorney
City Engineer
'. -- -..-.
The Mayor callAd the meetin~ to order and announced that Item l-C concerning
the Ordinance cont,rolline si ze of under~;round gasoline storage tanks was placed on
the agenda in error as the motion at the meeting of June 2nd deferred the matter
until t~ ne~t regulnr meetinG. By consent, the Commission agreed to defer the
item until the next re~ular meeting, June 16th.
The MRyor stated that there was one item not included on the agenda which
because of the time element involved was urgent and suegested that it be considered
at this time wi th the consent of the Commission. He explained that it was the
request o~ Mr. William R. Gunby for a le~se on the City park property, formerly
used by WSUN radio station, adjacent to the west entrance to Courtney Carrpbell
Ca\.tseway. He stat ed r.lr. Gunby needed a c ont ingen t le ase on R certain piece of
property in order to file an application with the Federal Co~nunications Commission
in Washington, D.C., by July 1st for a television station for the Clearwater area.
Mr. Gunby was present to answer questions concerning the lease and stated that if
conditions worked out as favorably as he anticipated, he expected to have the station
operating by February, 1953. The City Attorney read the proposed le~se to the
Commi ssi on. Duri.ng the disc uss ion, it was suggested by Commissioner Blanton that
the lease should require the name of Clearwater to be part of the call letters of
the station, and in the event of an assignment of the lease, the agreement shall be
binding upon the assignees. Mr. Gunby agreed to this provision. The members of the
Commission suggested various other amendments which were noted by the City Attorney.
Commissioner Crown moved that the portion of the site previously used by Station WSUN
be leased to Mr~ W. R. Gunby ~nct Associates in accordance with the terms of the lease
submitted to the City Attorney subject to the changes specified vdth respect to:
Section A. Cancellation of the lease if no Hction is forthcoming within one
year on the aFplication;
Section 8. That the station ~o on the air as a Clearwater, Florida, station;
Subject Eurther to the approval of the terms of this lease by the City Attorney;
Providing further that the St~ of $600.00 be raid to the City to be applied to
the last year's rent.
Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion. In summing up the motion, the Mayor suggested
the following change or amendment:
That Mr. Gunby shall have the first three years rent free; that he will upon
the signing of the lease pay ~600.00 in cash to the City Treasurer; in the event
that this property (agreement) 90es on for the term of two years -- one ye,ar to get
his permit and one yeAr to eet ,the station) in operation, if he does not go into
operation, the $600.00 will ue forfeited; if he does GO into operation, he will have
the $600_00 to apply on his fourth year as rent, which will be paid in advance, and
he will begin his fi~th year by paying ~50.00 a month rent; if Mr. Gunby's applica-
tion is denied wi.thin six months of Ju~y 1st, he will not forfeit the $600.00. if
the application is denied after the six months' period, he will forfeit the $600.00.
Commissioner Crown accepted the amendment. Upon the vote being taken, the motion
was carried unanimously.
. '. . .'. .
The City Attorney read a Resolution from the County regarding the Missouri
Avenue right-o~-way prepared by Mr. Leon Whitehurst, Assistant to the County Attorney,
in which it was requested that land descriptions as carried in the City's Resolution
of March 4, 1952, be corrected. On being questioned, the City Engineer stated that
the descriptions as set forth in the Resolution submitted by the County had been
checked by his office and found to be correct; Commissioner Blanton moved that the
Resolution be adopted and passed and that the City Attorney be instructed to deliver
same to the County Cornrnission and urge that they take immediate action Tuesday
morning while they are in session. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and
carried unanimously.
The Mayor suggested that the C~ty Attorney prepare a Resolution setting out
the fact that the City is now engaged in the process of paving the final link of
Court Street between Greenwood and Missouri Avenue which was the City's commitment
with the County and the State Highway Commission and that the Resolution express
the desire of the City Commission for the early completion of the jllissouri Avenue-
Court Street project. Cor.unissioner Blanton moved the adoption of t he Resolution as
stated and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw the Resolution relative to
the completion of the Court Street project. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Crown and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 621 amending Section 3 of Ordinance 592,
relating to snipe or sandwich signs, which would permit placement of the signs at
point of purchase. Several amendments were suggested by the 00mmissioners and were
noted by the City Attorney. Commissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance No. 621 be
passed on its first reading as amended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown
and carried unanimously.
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June 9, 1952
Conunissioner Russell moved that the Commission consider Ordinance 621 on its
second readine by title only by unanimous consent. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read Ordinance 621
by title only. Commissioner BlAnton moved that Ordinance 621 be passed on its second
reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried
Commissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance 621 be considered on its third and
final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 621 in f'ull. Commissioner Lynn moved the adoption
of Ordinance 621 as amended on its third and final reading. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Russell and cArried unanimously.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 622 in regArd to the rental and use of the
boat slips and docking space located across from the Municipal Auditorium and owned
by the City of Clearwater. Durine the discussion by the Commission, members of the
Commission suggested varioufi amendmonts and changes which were noted by the City
Attorney. Commissioner Crown moved that Ordinance 6~2 ns amended be passed on its
first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously.
Commissioner BlAnton moved th::J.t Ordinance No. 622 as amended be considered on
its second reading by title only by unnnimous oonsent. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read Ordinance 622
by title only. Commissioner Blanton moved th~t Ordinance 622 as amended be adopted
on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell
and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney suggested and it was moved by Commissioner Lynn that a
formal motion be made as a matter of record so that the City Manager could negotiate
relative to the concessions on and adjacent to the dock area and that the City
Attorney be authorized to make the premises available for rental. Commissioner
Blanton suggested any lease or agreement made be subject to revocation at any time
the City should want to take possession for the purpose of making any improvements
in the area. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown 2nd carried unanimously.
The City Manager presented the proposed contract from the Alabama By-Products
Corporation for this year beginning May 1, 1952, and ending April 30, 1953, and
stated that the coal and coke to be purchased wnild be for the gas plant for gas
manufacturing purposes. The City Manager su~gested that it be presented to the .
City Attorney for his approval, although it is the S~1e one that has been in force
for the past fifteen years ~.th the same company. Commissioner Crown moved that
the proper officials be authorized to enter into a contract with the Alabama
By-Products Corporation and that this contract be examined thoroughly by the City
Attorney for his approval and acted on immediately by the City Manager. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
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The City Manager presented a Resolution which would require that thirteen lots
be cleared of weeds and underbrush. Commissioner Lynn moved that the Resolution
be adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
The Clerk read a letter from Attorney Ralph Richards asking that the Commission
approve and accept a ten foot e~sement across Lot 17, Palm Bluff Subdivision, for
the installation of a storm sewer which would serve the property of Lyman W. Young
and William A. Stanton. Commissioner Lynn moved that the City Manager and the
proper officials be authorized to enter into an agreement \\rith Lyman vl. Youn~ on an
easement which "Jill in turn authorize the City to install the proper drainage sewer
upon completion (of the contract) and approval by the City Attorney. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
The City ~lanager reported on the request of Mr. E. R. Turner and Mr. H. C.
Brasfield to open Lincoln Avenue north of Cleveland to Grove Street. He stated
that he and the Engineer would like the Commission to give permisfd on for t hem to
advertise this matter in the paper and have a preliminary meeting with the affected
property owners to explain the project and give them estimated costs. Commissioner
Blanton moved that the City Manager and the City Engineer be authorized to contact
the people who own property on that street and get their sentiments with regards
to opening and paving (of the street). Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell
and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crown moved that the City Manager and the City Engineer be
commended for their method of carrying out the informal discussion of the Skycrest
drainage project and for their splendid and efficient work. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously.
The Clerk read a Resolution from the Florida State liloose Association commend-
ing the City officials, Police Department, and the people of Clearwater on their
hospitable and cooperative attitude to the Moose Association in their fifth annual
convention held in Clearwater. Commissioner Lynn moved that the Commission acknow-
ledge the letter from the Moose and accept it as a very fine gesture on their part
and invite the entire Moose convention back to this City at any time they feel that
they would like to come back. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission from the Peerless-Florida
Company of Clearwater in which the company commended the City for their prompt
payment of their accounts. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge receipt of the
letter. The Mayor suggested that the City ~~nager and the Assistant Purchasing
Agent, Gerald Weimer, be commended for the efficient manner in which they handled
the City accounts and prompt payment of bills.
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June 9, 1952
In regard to the bids for a Gas Compressor for the Gas Plant opened at the
meeting of May 5th, the City Man~ger recommended the low bid of $4,877.00 for the
Gas Compressor only by the Pennsylvania Compressor Company be accepted.
Commj.ssioner Lynn moved that the City r-1.anager' s recommendation be accepted and
followed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
The City Manager reported that he had additional bids on the electric motor
for the gas compressor from Westinp,house, Graybar and Raybro Electric Companies
and would recommend the low bid of t.he Westi,nehouse Electric Company of $2,502.00
for the motor and starter. Commissioner Lynn moved that the City Manager's
recommendation be followed to purchase the Westinghouse motor for the price of
$2,502.00. 'fhe mot.ion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The City hanl1ger reported that for the past five years the City had been unable
to purchase storage tanks for gas storaee in outlyine sections. He reported that
Mr. Weimer had located four used tanks, 8 feet in diameter, 40 feet in length with
5/8 inch shell head, which could be purchased for $1,850.00 each or a total of
$7,400.00 delivered on loc2tion. He stated that Mr. W. A. Adler, the owner,
would ~ive these tanks a hydrostatic test and an inspector from the Hartford
Insurance Company in Miami would be present at these tests. The City Attorney
gave his opinion that it would not be a violntion of the law to buy used material
without advertising for bids. Commissioner Lynn moved that the City Ml1nager's
request to purchase four tanks from Mr. W. A. Adler of Miami, Florida, at the price
of $1,850.00 each be approved, delivered in Clearwater at $7,400.00 total, these
tanks to comply with the size and rating so listed in this letter or proposition
that we have from Mr. Adler. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried
Regarding the bids for 300 sign posts for the Traffic Department, the City
Manager recommended that the bid of the Hunt Company, Huntington, West Virginia,
in the amount of $672.00 be accepted. Commissioner Lynn moved that the City Manager's
recommendation be followed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
Commissioner Blanton suggested that the City adopt a street sign post for the
downtown area on the principal thoroughf8.res similar to the signs used in various
cities. The Chief of Police was instructed to make a survey to see how many signs
the City would need for the downtown area and present a sample at the meeting next
Monday night, June 16th.
The City l~i"mager recommended that the bid in the amount of $1,738.85 for twelve
hydrants and seven gate valves from the r4 &. H Valve and Fitting Company of Anniston,
Alabama, be approved. Commissioner Crown moved that the City Manager's recommenda-
tion be followed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimoUSly.
Regarding utility improvements, the City l.'ianager recommended that a six inch
water main be extended 245 feet north from Third Street on Hamilton Drive at an
estimated cost of $750.00. Commissioner Lynn moved that the City Manager's recom-
mendation of 245 feet of six inch water main extension at the estimated cost of
$'750.00 be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
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June 9, 1952
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland D. Lynn
Jack Russell, W. E. Crown, Jr.
Clearwater, Florida
June 6, 1952
There will be a special Commission Meeting held in the City Hall Auditorium at
7:30 p.m. Monday night, June 9, 1952 for the purpose of considering the following
Comoission's Consideration of:
A. Resolution with reference to Missouri Avenue rieht of way property.
B. Change in Sign Ordinance #592, Section #3.
C. Ordinance controllin~ size of underground Gasoline Storage Tanks.
D. Ordinance regarding the rental and use of the boat slips and docking
space located across from the Municipal Auditorium and owned by the
City of Clearwater.
E. A.B.C. Coke and Coal Company contract for the ensuing year.
F. Lot Mowing applications.
G. Letter from Attorney Ralph Richards with reference to Storm Sewer
Easement on Lymand Young's property.
H. Request to open Lincoln Avenue, north of Cleveland Street, to Grove
Street. Just east of Seacrow Drive-in.
Commission's Acknowledgement of:
A. , Resolution from Moose Lodge Association.
B. Letter from Peerless Florida Company, Inc.
Commission's Consideration to purchase the following items:
A. Gas Compressor and Stora~e Tanks.
B. Sign Post for Traffic Department.
C. Fire Hydrants and Gate Valves.
Utility Improvements.
Any item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the Commission
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
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FCM: s
WHEREAS the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, has heretofore
passed a resolution relative to the widening of Missouri Avenue within the city
limits of the City of Clearwater, said resolution having been passed and adopted
on the fourth day of March, A. D. 1952, and
WHEREAS it has come to the attention of the City of Clearwater that the list
of Farcels of l~d set out in a schedule that was prepared and appended to the
aforesaid resolution, \men delivered to the County of Pinellas, did not include
certain tracts of land necessary to be included, and included certain tracts that
should have been omitted, and it being deemed desirable and necessary to correct
this si tuation,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city commission of the City of Clearwater,
in session duly and regularly assembled, that a new schedule be prepared and appended
to this resolution, and upon passage by this body, be delivered to the County of
Pinellas in order that the condemnation suit, as set forth in the resolution o~
March ~, 1952, as aforesaid, may be expedited.
It is expressly understood that this resolution does not derrogate or amend any
portion of the resolution passed by this body on March 4, 1952, other than the
correction of the parcel descriptions which have heretofore been delivered to the
County of Pinellas.
PASSED AND ADOPTED This the 9th day of June , 1952.
ls/ Herbert roi. Brown
l'4.ayor - Commissioner
/s/ H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and Clerk
PARCEL NO. 4: The East 10 ft. of Lots 17 and 19, Block "J" Lakeview Heights
Subdivision, as recorded in plat book 13, page 5 of the public records
of Pinellas County, Florida.
Russell C. Hendricks and Lenora E. Hendricks, his wife, Owners.
PARCEL NO. 5: The East 10 ft. of Lot 18, Block "JrI Lakeview Heights Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 13, page 5 o~ the public records of Pinellas
County, Florida.
Russel C. Hendricks and Lenore E. Hendricks, his wife, Owners.
PARGEL NO.8: The Eas1? 10 ft. of Lot 22, Block "J" Lakeview Heights Subdivision,
as recorded 1n plat book 13, page 5 o~ the public records of Pinellas
County, Flori da.
Mrs. Minnie Deuell, Borough of Lawrenceville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania,
(Continued next page)
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June 9, 1952
(Conti nued)
PARCEL NO. 13: The East 10 ft. of Lot 15, Block "En Lakeview Heights Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 13, page 5, o~ the public records of Pinellas County,
Flori da.
Dunedin Isles Homes, Inc., a Florida corporation, Dunedin, Florida, Mortgagee.
PARCEL NO. lLr: The East 10 ft. of Lot 4, Block "E" Lakeview Heights Subdivision,
accordi ng to map thereof, recorded in plat book 13, at page 5 of the public
records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Dunedin Isles Homes, Inc., a Floricta Corporation, the Mortgagee.
PARCEL NO. 19: 'rhe East 10 ft. of Lot 6, Block "F" Carolina Terrace Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, of the public records of Pinellas County,
Flori da.
Alice M. Edmondson and John W. Edmondson, husband and Wife, the owners.
PARCEL NO. 20: The East 10 ft. of Lots 4 and 5, Block IIF" Carolina Terrace Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, public records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Guy T. Ledgerwood and Myrtle T. Ledgerwood, his wife, the owners; Norman
Petersen and Ida r.1. Petersen, r,10rtgagees.
PARCEL NO. 21: The East 10 f't. of Lot 13, Block "c" Carolina Terrace Subdivision, as
recorded in plat book 12, page 15, public records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Joseph Daniel Love and Leila Ruth Love, husband and wife, the owners; John
Edmondson and Alice M. Edmondson, his wi~e, the mortgagees.
PARCEL NO. 23: The East 10 f't. of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block "C" Carolina Terrace
Subdivision, as recorded in plat book 12, page 15 of the public records o~
Pinellas County, Florida:
Owner, Oweda Sinclair.
PARCEL NO. 24: The East 10 f't. of Lot $, Block "Clf Carolina Terrace Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, public records o~ Pinellas County, Florida.
Ernest E. Whitacre and Mary B. ~~itacre, his wife, the mortgagees. ,
PARCEL NO. 25: The east 10 ft. of Lots 6 and 7, Block "C" Carolina Terrace Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, public records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Samuel B. King and Frieda King, his wife, the owners; Harold B. Richardson and
Georgena C. Richardson, his wife, Mortgagees.
PARCEL NO. 26: The East 10 ft. of Lots 4 and 5, Block "C" Carolina Terrace Subdivision
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, public records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Dallas Young and Charlotte young, husband and wife, Owners.
PARCEL NO. 30: The East 20 ft. of Lot 1, A. H. Duncan Subdivision, as recorded in
plat book 5, page 26, public records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Clearwater Small Loan Co., a Florida corporation, Mortgagee.
PARCEL NO. 3$: The East 50 ft. of following described property: Begin 430 ft. south
of the Northeast corner of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter, run west 210 ft. South 210 ft., east 2l0'ftj thence North
210 ft. to point of beginning, Secti on 27, township 29 South, Range 15 East.
Dewey E. Funk and Emma Le10la Funk, his wife, the owners.
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WHEREAS: it has been determined by the City Commission of the City o~ Clearwater,
Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or
underbrush, and that a~ter ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner thereof
to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the' costs thereof against
the respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City, shall be
cleaned o~ weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in
writing to the owners thereof' to do so and that upon failure to comply with said
notice, the City shall perform such c leaning and charge the costs thereof against
the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter o~ the City
o~ Clearwater, as amended.
Property Owner
Mrs. Theodore C. Kent
Grange Hall
University o~ Conn.
Storrs, Conn.
Reql.lest No.
Mom n~ Est.
Lot 11, Block B
Crest Lake Sub.
Clay Robinson
Lancaster, Ohio
Albert E. Oliver
540 Orgyle Drive
Falls Church, Va.
Helen Storrs Manss
963 Bruce Avenue
Clearwater, Fla.
Lot 3, Block C
Lot 5, Block C
Lot 5, Block 58
r.'lan dal ay Sub.
William V. Miller
7425 Jeffrey Avenue
Chicago, Ill.
Allen B. C. Mitchell
c/o Lloyd Phillips
Davey-McMullen Bldg.
Clearwater, Fla.
Lot 14, Block C
Hillcrest #2
Lot 14, Block G
Boulevard Heights
(Continued next page)
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Property Owner
Mr. Peter Mellas
3428 Grand Blvd.
E. Chicago, Ind.
Mr. F. Arthur Hall
Clearwater, Fla.
June 9, 1952
Lots 15 and 16
Block G
Boulevard Heights
Lot 15, Block C
Boulevard Pines
A-248 2.50 ' , --
A-249 2.50
\,~ ..
A-250 2.00
. ;
Request No.
Mowing Est.
Mr. Trace N. Delamater
1006 S. Greenwood
Clearwater, Fla.
Robert H. Uiser, Sr.
486 Franklin St.
Clearwater, Fla.
Lot 16, Block C
Boulevard Pines
Lots 1 & 2, Block E
Navajo Park
Bessie I. Stewart
Safety Harbor, Fla.
Irene Macdonly
114 N. Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, Fla.
Virginia T. Dann
458 Scotland St.
Dunedin, Fla.
PASSED AND ADOFTED BY THE City COllllTIission of the City of Clearwater, Florida,
this 9th day of June, A.D. 1952.
Lots 3 & 4, Block E
t-iavajo Park
Lot 14, Block A
Feale Park
A-25l 2.00
, ,
,J ,.;...
A-252 3.00
Lot 18, Block 68
/s/ H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and Clerk
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
Mr. Francis Middleton
City Manager .
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Francis:-
May 20th, 1952
I represent 111r'. Lyman W. Young ana Mr. \~illiam A. Stanton ''lho 'reside adjacent
to each other. Mr. Young is sellin~ a part of his property to Mr. Stanton, and it
was agreed bet'tleen them that a ten foot easement would be given to the City for the
installation of a storm sewer which, as I understand it, will drain a portion of
Mr. Young's property and a portion of f.lr. Stanton's property. You may be familiar
with this situation, and at any rate Mr. Lickton is familiar with it.
I enclose herewi th a grant of easement duly executed by Mr. and Mrs. Young.
If you find this in proper order I presume you will pass it along to Mr. Lickton
and direct him to proceed with the installation of the storm sewer. I will
appreciate it if you ''fill advi.se me when you have given your approval and instructed
Mr. Lickton to proceed with the sewer, as I then want to go ahead and complete the
transaction between Mr. Young and Mr. Stanton. '
cc Mr. William A. Stanton
1208 Sunset Drive
Clearwater, Florida
Witp best regards, I am,
Very truly yours,
/s/ Ralph Richards
~~EREAS, the city officials, the police department and the people of Clearwater,
have shown a very hospitable and cooperative attitude to the Florida State Moose
Association in their fifth annual convention in their fair city, and
\~EREAS, such a spirit has made the occasion so much more enjoyable for the
delegates and members,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That we the officers and members of the Loyal
Order of Moose State Association do hereby express to the officials, the police
department and citizens of Clearwater our deepest gratitude for this cooperation
and hospitality, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Mayor of
Clearwater, copies be released to the press of said city, and permanetly inscribed
upon the minutes of the State Association.
This resolution adopted by the Florida State Moose Association on the 18th
day of May, A. D. 1952.
Spencer H. McAlester
President State Moose Association
H. Blaine Peacock
Chairman Resolution Committee
M. B. Hoff'man
State Moose Association
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June 9, 1952
May 27, 1952
City of Clearwater Florida
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Sir s :
It is a pleasure to do business with you.
We don't often write letters like this, but it occurred to me that
inclined to think that we take your prompt payment of Invoices for
would be easy to do so, because we have that "Comfortablo" feeling
go out to you, knowing that they will be discounted.
The good management shown by your prompt payments and in other transactions with
you, make you a valued customer. We appreciate our pleasant relationship and hope
to be given the privilege of supplyin~ your plumbing supplies for years to come.
you might be
granted. It
when Invoices
Thank you.
With best regards,
/s/ L. B. McDonald
General r4.anager
~~~REAs,the City Commisslon:of the City of Clearwater,Florida has hereto-
fore passed a Resolution relative to the widening of Missouri Avenue within
the,"City Limits of the city of Clearwater ,said Resolution having been passed and
adopted on the 4th day of March ,A.D.1952,and
~~REAS ,the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,Florida has heretofore
passed a supple~ntal Resolution relative to the same subject,said supplemental
Resolution having~V~ssed and adopted on the 9th duy of June,A.D.1952, and
VlliEREAS,the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,FloriQa, desires that
the project of widening Missouri Avenue be completed at the earliest possible
date so a s to serve the best interests of the citizens of the City of C learwCiter
~~REAs,although the City Conwission of the City of Clearwater feels that
the officials of the City of Clearwater have done everything within their power
to diligently promulgate the early completion of this project, the City Commission
of the City of Clearwater desires that all persons and bodies connected ~ith the
City of Clearwater do everything within their povler to further assist the County
of Pinellas in the accomplishment of this project.
NOW,THEREFORE ,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwat~
in session duly and :rreg~arly-" assembled that a copy of this Resolution be
delivered to the County of Pinellas to express its willingness to continue to
cooperate with the said County of Pinellas, and that the County of Pinellas be
and the same is hereby requested to communicate with the City Commission of the
City of Clearwater in writing to advise the said City Commission of the progress
of the af.oresaid project to date.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of June, A.D.1952
Herbert M.Brown.
City Auditor and Clerk.
SECTION 1. That the following words be added to Section :3 of
Ordinance No.592, of the City of Clearwater,F.Lorida and that said words
be added at the end of said Section :3 of Ordinance No.592 to wit:~ except
when said signs are located upon private property at the point of Purchase~
SECTION II.This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and upon its
publication by ~ title as is provided by law, whichever is the latter.
C1'ty AUdl~or and Clerk.
{:<, ...
j, ,
-:".- ) ~I
5 � `j
June 9, 1952
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Monday, June 9, 195z, at 7;30 P,M, v�rith the follovting members present:
Herbert M. Brown
Wm. E, Crown, Jr.
Herbert M, Blanton
Garland D. Lynn
Jack Russell
klso pr esent were:
F, C, bTiddleton
G. T. N1cClamma
C. M. Phillips,
S. Lickton
Cornmissi oner
City Manager
Chief of Police
Jr. City Attorney
City Engineer
The I�2ayor called the meetin� to order and announced that Itera 1--C conaerning
the Ordinance controlling size o�' underground gasoline storage tanks was placed on
the agenda in error as the motion at the meeting pf �une 2nd deferred the matter
until the next re;ular meeting. By consent, the Cornmission agreed to dsfer tha
item until the nex� regular rieeting, June 16th.
The Mayor stated that there was one item not included on the agenda which
because of the time element involved was urgent and su;gested that it be considered
at this tiMe with the consent of the Commission. He explained that it was the
request of Mr. Glilliam R. Gunby for a lease on the City park property, formerly
used bq WSUN radio sbation, adjacent to the idest entrance to Courtney G�mpbell
Causeway. He stated I�Tr. Gunby needed a contingent lease on a certain piece of
property in order to file an application with the Feder�]. Communications Commission
in Washin�ton, D.C., by July lst for a television station for the Clearwater area.
Mr. Gunby was pr esent �o answer questions concerning the lease and stated that ii
condi�ions worked out as �avorably as he anticipated, lie expscted to have the statior_
operatin� by February, 1953. The City Attorney rea� the proposed lease to the
Commission. During the discussion, it was suggested by Commissioner Blanton that
the lease should require the name af Clearwater to be part of the call letLers of
the station, and in the event of an assi�nment of the lease, the agreement shall be
binding upen the assignees. I+�ro Gunby agreed to this provision, The members oi the
Commission suggested various other amendments which t�rere not ed by the City 9ttorne}*,
Comrnissioner Croivn moved that the portion of the site previously used b3> Station WSUN
be leased to Nir. ��T. R. Gunby and 9ssociates zn accordance with tne terms of the lease
su�mitted to the City Attorney subject to the chanoes specified with respect to:
Sect�on k. Cancellation of the lease if no action is forthcomin� withir_ one
�*ear on the a�plication;
Se�tion B. That the station �o on the air as a Clearwater, Florida, station;
Subject further to �he epproval of the terms of this leaae by the Cit1• �1t�orney;
Providing further that the sum of �600eC`0 be paid to the City to be a�plied to
the last yearTs rent.
Gommissioner Lynn seconded ths moti�n. In summing up the raotion, the Mayor suggested
the �'ollo�ving change or amendment :
That N;r, Gunby shall have the first three years rent free; that he will upon
the si�ning o�' the lease pag y,60U.00 in cash to Lhe Oity Treasurer; in the event
�hat t}iis progerty (agreement) �oes on for the term of two years -- one ysar �o get
his permit and one }�ear to �et �the statian) in ogeration, i� he does not go into
opera.�ion, �Che �600.00 will be forfeited; if he does go inta oper�tion, he will have
tt�e �600.00 to apply on his fourth year as rent, which will be paid in advanc�, and
he will begin his fifth year by paying �50.00 a mQnth rer.t; if Mr. Gunby�s applica-
tion is denied within six months of July lst, he vaill not forfEit �ha �6Q0.00; i£
the application is denied after the six monthsT period, he wi1.l. forieit t�e ,�600.00.
Commissioner Crown accepted �he amend�aent. Upon the vote bein�; taken, the mo�ion
was carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read a Resolution from the County regarding the Aiissouri
Avenue right-of-way prepared by Nr. Leon Vdhi�ehurst, Assistant to the Caunty Attorney,
in which it was requested that land descrigtions as carried in the Citpfs Resolution
of March 1�, 19,52, be corrected. On being qu�stioned, the Citiy Engineer stated that
the descriptions as set forth in the Resolution submitted by the County had been
checked by his office and found to be correct: Commissioner Blanton moved that the
Res�lution be adopted and passed and that the City Attorney b e �nstructel to deliver
same to the County Commission anc� urge that they take immediate action Tuesday
morning while they are in session. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cro�,m and
carried unanimously.
The iK�yor su�gested t;xat the City Attorney prepare a Resolution setting out
the fact that the City is now engaged in the �rocess of gavin� the final link of
Court Street between Greenwood and NIissouri AvenuE which was th� City+s commitment
witn the County ar.d the State Highway Commissio:� and that the Resolution express
the desire of the City Comtnission for the early complztion of the rsissouri Avenue-
Court Street project. Cor.unissioner Blanton moved the a doption of t he Resolution as
stated and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw the Resolution relative to
tk�e completion oi' tlle Court Street �roject. P�iotion was seconded by Commissioner
Crown and carried unanimousZy.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 621 amending Section 3 of Ordinance 59?,
relating to snipe or sand�,rnch signs, which would permit placement of tlie signs at
point o#' purchase, Several amendments were suggested by the Commissioners and were
noted by the Ci�}r Attorney. Ce�nmissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance No. 621 be
passed on its tirsb reading as amended. Moi.ion was seconded by Commissioner Crown
and carried unanimously,
June 9, 1g52
Commissioner Russell mc�ved that the Commission consider Ordinance 621 on its
second readin� by title only by unanimous consent. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Blanton and carried unanimously. The City Atborney read Ordinance 621
by title only. Cornmissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance 621 be passed on its second
reading by tit].e only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner L'ynn and cariied
Commissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance 621 be considered on its thi.rd and
final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanamously.
� The City �lttorney read Ordinance 621 in ful1. Commissioner Lynn moved the adoption
of Ordinance 621 as amended on its thixd and f inal reading. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Russell and carrier? unanimously.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 622 in regard to the rental and use of the
boat slips and docking space locateti across from the T'[unicipal Auditorium and ov,n�ed
by the City of Clearwater. During the discussion by the Cummission, members of the
Commission suggested various amendments and changes which were noted by the City
Attorney. Commissioner Crown moved that Ordinance 622 as amended be passed on its
first reading. Moti�n was seconded by Commissioner Bl��on and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance Na. 622 as amended be considered on
its second reading by title only by unanimous co nsent, Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Russell and carried unanimous'!y. The City Attorney read Ordinance 622
by title only. Commissioner Blanton moved that Ordinance 622 as amended be �dopted
on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell
and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney suggested and it Htas moved by Commissioner Lynn that a
formal motion be made as a matter of record so that the City Manager could negotiate
relative to the concessions �sn and adjacent to the dock area and that the City
9ttornzy be authorized. to make the premises available for rental. Commissioner
Blanton suggested any lease or agreemer�t made be subject to revocation at any time
the City should Evant to take possession for the purp�se of m'akin� any improvements
in the area. Moticn was seconde3 by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
The City Manager presented the proposed contract from the Alabama By-P�oducts
Corporation for thia year beginning I�ay l, 195?, and ending April 30, 1953, and
stated that the coal and coke to be purchased kould be for the gas plant for gas
nianufacturing purposes. Thz City bSanager sug;ested that it be presented to the ,
City Attorney for his approval, although it is the same one that has been in force
�'or the pasti iifteen }rears with the same company. Commissioner Crown moved that •
the proper officials be authorized to enter into a contract with the Alabama
By-Froducts Gorporation and that this contract be examined thorou�hly by �he City
Attarney for his approval and acted on inmer�iately by the City Manager. Motion
was seconded by Cornmissioner Russell �nd carried unanimously.
The City P�anager presented a Resolution which would require that thirtieen lots
be clearzd oi weeds and underbrush, Commissioner Lyr.n moved that the Resolution
be adopted. Iylotion was second�d by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
The Clerk read a lstter :rom Attorney Ralph Richards asking that the Commi,ssion
approve and accept a ten foot easement across Lot 17, Palm Bluff Subdivision, for
the installation o�' a storm sewer which would serve the property of Zyman 4V. Young
and 54illiam A. Stanton� Commissioner Lpnn moved that �he City Nlanager and the
proper officia?s be authorized to enter into an agreement with Lyman V�'. Young on an
easemen� which v,rill in turn authorize the Ci�Gy to install the praper drainage sewer
upon completion (of the contracf;) and approval by the City Attorney, Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Craw� and carried unanimously.
The City T�ianager reported on the request of Mr. E. R� Tur•ner and Mre H. C,
Brasfield to open Lincoln Avenue north of Cleveland to Grove Street. He stated
that he and the Enginaer would iike the Commission to give permission for them to
advertise this matter in the paper and haire a preliminary meeting with the affected
pro�erty owners to explain the project and give them estimated costs, Commissioner
Blanton moved that the City i�fanager and i;he City Engineer be authorized to contact
the pevple who own property on that street and ge� their sentiments with regards
to opening and paving (of the street}. Niotion was seconded by Commissioner Rus,�ell
and aarried un�:nimously.
Commissioner Crown moved that the City Nanager and the City Engineer be
commended for their method of carrying out the informal discussion of the Skycrest
drain�ge project and for their splendid and efficient wark. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Blanton and carried u:nanimouslyo
The Clerk re2d a Resalution from the Florida State Moose Association commen,d-
ing the City offic�als, Police Department, and the people of Clearw�ater on their
hospitable and cooperative attitude to the l�Soose Association in their fifth annual
convention held in Clearwater, Commissioner Lynn moved �hat the Commission acknQw-
ledge the letter from the Moose and accept it as a very fine gesture on their part
and invite the entire Moose conuention bacl� to this City at any time they feel tha_t
they i�rould like to come back. rQotion was seconded by Commissioner Blanten and carried
Tha Glerk read a letter addressed to the Commission irom the Peerless-Flora_da
Company of Clearwater in which the cornpany commended th� City for their prompt
payment of their accounts, The Clerk was znstructed to acknowledge receipt of the
letter. The I��Iayor suggested tha.t the City I�lanager and the Assistant Purchasing
Agen�, Gerald Weimer, be commended for the efficient mariner in which they handZed
the Civy accounts and grampt payment of bills.
� ��
June g, 1952
In regard tn the bids for a Gas Gompressor for the Gas Plant opened at the
meeting of May 5th, t;he City i�fanager r�commended ths low bid r�f ��.,$77,p0 for the
Gas Compressor only by L•he Pennsylvania Compressor Company be accepted.
�ommissioner Lynn moved �ha� �he City Nanagerts recommendation oe accepted and
followed. NTotion tnras seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously,
The City Manager reported that he had additional Uids on the electric motor
for the gas compressor from Westinghouse, Graybar and Raybro Elec�ric Companies
and would recornrnend th� lcv�� bid of the Westinghous� Electric Company Qf �2,502.OG
for the mo�or and starter. Commissioner Lynn moved tha-t the City Sfanager�s
recomraendation be foll.owed to purchase the 't�Jestinghouse motor for tl?e price of
�V2,5�2.00. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The City i�lanager reported that ior the past fis;e years the City had been unable
to ptirchase storage tanks for gas stora�e in outlying sections. He reported that
Mr. itdeimer had ].ocated four used tan?cs� $ feet in diameter, t�0 feet in length with
5�$ inch shell head, which could �ae purchased for �l,$50.00 each or a total of
�7,�.00.00 de].ivered on loc�tion. He statEd that Mr. W. A. l�dler, the owner,
would give these tanks a hydrostatic test and an inspector from the Hartford
Inswrance Gompany in b'fiami w�uld be preser_t at �hese tests. The City Attorney
gave Y�is opinion that it would not be a violatinn of the law to buy used material
without advertising far bids. Commissi.oner Lynn moved that the City Ti�nager's
r�equest to purchase four tanks from i+'tr. W. A. Adler of Miami; Florida, at the price
of �l,$50.00 each be approved, delivered in. C].earwater at �'%,L�Q0,00 tatal, these
tanks to c�mply with the size and rating so listed in �his let�er or propositior_
that we have from I�Sr. Adler. TZotion was seconded by Cornmzssioner Crown and carried
Regardir_g the bids for 300 sign posts for the Traffic Departmznt, the City
IKanager recommended that the bid of the Hunt Company, Huntington, West Virginia,
in the amuunt of jpb']2.00 be accepted. CommiGsioner Lynn moved that the Citp I�Ianager's
rec�mmendation be followed. P�Zotion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
Commissioner Blanton suggested thai, the City adopt a street sigr_ post for the
downtown area on the principal thorou;hfares similar to the sigr.s used in various
citiEs. The Chief of Police was instructed tr� make a survey to see how many si.gns
the City would. n�ed for the downtown area and present a sample at the meeting next
Monday night, June 16th.
The City i'��anager recommended that the bid in the �noun� of �1, 73$. $5 for ttvelt�e
hydrants and s even �ate valves from the M& H Valve and FiLting Company of Anniston,
Alabama, be a�proved. Commissioner Crown moved that the Gity i�ianagzrts recommenda-
tion be followed, ifotion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried unanimously.
Regarding utility improvements, the City ,,iana.ger recoramended that a six inch
water main be extended 21i.5 feet north from Third 3treet on �iamilton Drive at an
estimated cost �f �p750.00. Commissioner Lynn moved that the Citg 2;anager�s recom-
mendation of 21�5 feet of six inch water main extension at the estima�Ged cost of
�750.00 be approvad. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Grown and carried
There bein� no further business to cone befors the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:10 P.M,
� �
Citg Au itor a Clerk
PZayor-Commissio r
June 9, 19�2
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M� Brown
Commissiqners: Herbert Blanbon, Sr., Garland D. Lynn
Jack Russell, W. E. Crawn, Jr.
Clearwa�ex, Florida
June 6, 1952
� � �
Tilere will be a special Commission Rleeting heln in the City Hall Auditorium at
7:30 p.m< Monday night, June 9, 1952 for the purpose of aonsidering the iollowing
1. Commissionis Consideration of:
A. Resolution with reierer_ce to Missouri Avenue right of vray property.
B. Change in Sign Ordinance #5Q2, Section #3•
C. Ordinance controllin� size of underground Gasoline Storage Tanks.
D, Ordinance regarding the rental ancl use of the boat slips and docicing
space located across from the Municipal Auditorium and owned by the
Czt;r of Clearwater.
E. A.B.�. Goke and Coal Company contract for the ensuing }�ear.
F. Lot Mowing applications.
G. Letter froru Attorney Ralph RicY:ards with reference to Storm Sewer
Easement on Lymand YoungTs property.
H. Request to cpen Lincoln avenue, r.ozth of Cleveland Street, to Grove
Street. Just east of Seacr�cv Zrive-in.
2. Gommissionts Acknowledgement of:
A. . Re:so�ution from Moose Lodge Associatior_.
B. Letter from Peerless Florida Co�ripany, Inc.
3. Commission's Consideration to purchase the followin� items:
A. Gas Compressor and Storage Tanks.
B. Sign Post for Traffic Department.
C. Fire HSrdrants and Gate Qalves.
�.. Utzlity Impi:ovements.
5. Any item not on the a�enda will be considered uri�h the consent of the Commission
Very truly yours,
/s� F. C. Middleton
City Manager
uBEREAS the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, has heretiofore
passed a resolution relative to the rvidenino of Missouri Avenue within the city
lir�its of the City of Clearwater, s�id r�s�lution having been passed and adopted
on the fourth day o�'��Iarch, A. D. 1952, and
WHEREAS it has come to the attention of the City of Clearkrater that the list
af parcels of' land se� out in a schedule that was prepared and appended to the
aforesaid resolution, when delivered to the County of Pinellas, did not include
certain tracts of land necess�ry to be include�?, and inclucied certain tracts that
should have been emitted, and it being deemed desirable and necessary L-o iorrect
thi s si tuati on,
�TOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Lhe city commission af the City of Clearwater,
in session �iuly and reo larl� assembled, that a new schedule be prepared and appended
to this resolution, ar.d upon passage by this bod�r, be delivered to the County of
Pinellas in order that the condemna�ion suit, as se� forth in the resolution of
March 1�., 1952, as aforesaid, may be expedited.
It is expressly undersi;ood that th�s resolution does not derrogate or amend any
portion of the resolution passea by thzs oody on Niarch 1�., 1952, other than the
correction af the parcel descriptions which have heretofore been delivered to the
Cour_ty of Pinellas.
PASSED AND ADOPTED This the 9th day of June , 195z.
/s/ H. G. Win�o
Cit;� Auditor and Cierk
/s/ Herbert M. Bro wn
Mayor - Commissioner
PARGEL N0. 4� The East 10 ft. of Lo�s 17 and 19, Block '�J�f Lakeview Heights
Subcli vision, as r�corded in plat book 13, page 5 of the puUlic records
of Pinellas Gounty, Florida.
Russell C, Hendricks and Lenora E, Hendricks, his wife, Owners.
PARCEL N0. 5: The East 10 ft, of Lot 1$, 31ock x�J�� Lakevietiv Heights Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 13, page 5 of the public records of Pinel].as
County, Fl�rida.
Russel C. Hendricks and Lenore E, Hendricks, his wife, Owners.
PARGEL N0. $: The East 10 ft, of Lot 22, Block "J�� Lakeview Heights Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 13, page 5 of the publi� records of Pinellas
County, Florida.
Mrs. Minnie neuell, Borough of I,awrenceville, Tioga �ounty, Pennsylvania,
(Continued next page)
d..��' � j
June 9, 1952
PARCEL N0. 1: The �ast 10 ft. �f Lot 15, Block tTE�T Lakeview Hei�hts Subdivision,
as recorded in plat �ook 13, page 5, of the pubL c records of Pinellas County,
Dunedin TsZ�s Hames, Inc., a Florida corporation, Dunedin, Florlda, Mortgagee.
PARCEL N0, 14: The �ast 10 ft, of Lot 4.i B1ock 'tE+� Lakeview Heights Subdivision,
according to map thereof, recorded in �lat book 13, at page 5 of the public
records of Pinellas County, F1orS.da.
Dunedin IG1e � Homes, Inc ., a Florida Corporatior�, the i�[ortgagee.
PARCEI, N0. 19: P'lie East 10 ft, of Lot 6, Block ��F�T Carolina Terrace Subdi�rlsion,
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, of the public records of Pinellas County,
Alice M, Edmondson and John Ul. Edmondson, husband and Wife, the owners.
PARCEL N0, 20: The East 10 ft. of Lots 1� and 5, Block iTF�� Caro],ina Terrace Subdzvision,
as recorded in plat baok 12, page 15, public records oi Pi;nellas County, Florida.
Guy T. Ledgerwood and Nyrtle T. Ledgervrood, his wiie, the owner�s; Norman
Petersen and Ida M. Petersen, Mor�gagees,
PP.RCEL NQ, 21: The East 1Q ft, of Lot 13, Block '�C�t Caro].ina Terrace Subdivision, as
recorded in plat book 12� page 15, �ublic records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Joseph Dani�l Love and Leila Ruth Love, husband and wife, the owners; John
Edmondson and alice �. Edmondson, :zis wife, the mortgagees.
PARGEL RTO, 23: The East 10 ft, of Lot$ 9, 10 and 11, 31ock ttCt� Carolina Terrace
Subdivision, as recorded in plat book 12, page 15 of t�e public records of
Pinellas County, Florida:
Owner, Oweda Sincl�ir.
PARCEL N0. 24; The East 10 ft. of Lot $, Block ��C�t Garolina Terrace S�.zbdivision,
as recorded in pla.t book 12, page 15, public recor ds of Pinellas County, Florida.
Ernest E. Whitacre and Prary B. Whitaca-e, his wife, the mortga;ees.
PARCEL N0. 2�: The e�st 10 ft. of Lots 6 and '7, Block 'tC'r Carolina Terrace Subdivision,
as recorded in plat book 12, paos 15, puUlic records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Samuel B. King and Frieda King, his wife,, the owners; Harold B. Richardson and
Georgena C. Richardson, his wiie, it'Iortganees.
PARCEL N0. 26: The East 10 ft. of Lots l� and 5: Block 17CTt Carolina Terrace Subdivision
as recorded in plat book 12, page 15, public records of Pinellas County, Florida.
Dallas Young and CYiarlotte young, husband and wife, Ow:zers.
PARCEL NOe 30; The �ast 20 it, oi Lot l, A. H. Duncan Subdivision, as recorded in
plat book 5, page 26, public records oi Finellas County, Florida.
Clearwater Small Loan Co., a Florida corporation, Mortgagee.
PAkCEL N0, 3$: The East 50 ft. of following described property; Be�in �.30 it, sou�h
of the Northeast corner of the Aiorth hali of the Southeast Guar�er of the
Nor�hwest quarter, run west 210 f�, South 210 ft., easG 210 ft; thence I�Torth
210 ft, to point oT beginning, Section 27, township 29 South, Range 15 East.
Dewey E, Funk and Emrna L•elola Funk, his wife, the owners.
WHEREAS: it has been detPrmined by the City Commission of the City of Clearvrater,
Flor•ida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weeds, grass and�or
underbrush, and that after -Gen (10) days notice and failure of the owner �hereof
to da so, the City should c1 ean such property and charge •the costs thereof aga�ns�
the respective property.
NOW THEREFQRE BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci�y Commission of the City oi Clearwater,
Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City, shall be
clean�d of weeds, grass and`or underbrush within ten (10) days after not;ce in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said
notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against
the respective propertizs in accardance with Section 12$ of the Charter of the Gity
of �learwater, as amendedo
Propertv Owner
Mrs, Theodore C. Kent
Grange Hall
Univer si ty of Conn.
Storrs, Conn.
Clay Robinson
Lancaster, Ohia
Albert E. Oliver
540 Orgyle Drive
Falls Church, Va.
Helen Stvrrs t�ianss
963 Bruce Avenue
Clearwat2r, Fla,
W'illiam V. T�tiller
74.25 Jeffrey Avenue
Chicago, I11.
Al1en B. C. T�Iitchell
c/o Lloyd Phillips
Davey-McMullen F�ldg.
Clearwater, F1a.
Lot 11, Block B
Crest Lake S�ab.
Lot 3, Block C
Lot 5, Block C
Lot 5, Block 5$
i'�andalay Sub.
Zot 14, Block C
Hillcrest #2
Lot ll�, i3lock G
Boulevard Heights
Request No.
I�Zourin� Es�.
(Continued next page)
S' � �
CI`P� Ct,��uiIS5I0N MEE`�TNG
June g, 195�
Property Owner Descri�ion Requsst No. Mowixi� Est,
�ir. Petzr Mellas I�ots 15 aizd 16 A-21�7 2.00
342� Grand Blvd. Block G
E� Chicago� Ind. Boulevard Heights
Mr. F. Arthur Hall Lot �5, B].ock C A-21�� 2.50
Clea�water, Fla. Boulevard Pines
t�r. Trace N. Delamater Lot 16, Bl.ock C �-21�.9 2, 50
1006 S. Greenwood Boulevard Pines
Clearwater, Fla.
Robert H. Uiser, 5r. Lots 1 8c 2, Block E A-250 2.00
1�$6 F'ranklin St. Nava,jo Park
Clearwater, Fla.
Bessie I. Stewart Lots 3& 1�, Block E A-251 2.00
Safety �larbor, Fla. �Vavaja Park
Irana I�'Iacdonly Lot l.ti., Blo�lc A A-252 3.OD
11�. N. Osceol.a Avenue Peale �ark
Glearwater, Fla.
Virgir�ia T. Dann Lot 1$, Block 6$ A-253 3.00
li.5$ 5cotland St, i��andalay
Dunedin, F1a.
P�SSED ,�I�� AD�FTED BY �HE Ci;y Conunission of the �itg �f �lea.rwater, Florida,
this 9�ii day of dune, A.D. 195?,
ls/ r-I, G. ?�tiinQo
CiGy Auditor and Glark
Mr. Francis I�iiddleton
City T�ianager
Clearvsater, �'lorida
llear Francis:-
�s/ Herbert N1. Brown
ti1a}ror-C�mmissioner �—
May 20th, 195z
I represent vir. Lyman Gt�, Young an��. Mr. Will:�am 4. �ta�ton erho reside adjacent
ta each othsr. Nr. Young is sell.in� a gart of his progerty to I�ir. Stanton, and it
Vras agreed bet���een them Lhat a ten faot easemer�t would be given �o the City for the
znsta3lation of a storm se�ver. kihich, as I understand it, wi11 drain a p�rtxon of
P��r. Young1s property and a portion of 1�1r, Stantonrs property. You may be familiar
wittl this situatian, and at any rate P�r. Li�kton is iamiliar with i�.
I Enclose herar�r�th a grant of easement duly executed by NIr. and b7rs. Young.
If you find this in proper order I presume you ;�ri11 pass it along to Mr. Licktan
and clirect him to proceed vri.th the insta?lation o#' the storm sewer. I wi11
appreciate it if you will advise me when you have aiven your approval and instrticted
Mr. Lickton to proceed with the sewer, as I then want to go ahead and complete the
transaction between Mr. Youn; and Nir. Stantori.
ec Mr. William A. Stanton
120$ Sunset Drive
Clearwater, �'lorida
With best reg�rds, I ar.n,
Very txuly yo��zrs,
/s/ Ralph Richards
;ti'HERE�S, the city officials, the police dep�rtment and the people of Clearwater,
have shown a very hosiitable and cooperative attitude to the Florida State Moose
Association in their fi�'th annual conver.tion in �heir fair ci�y, and
tvx�r�,as, such a s�irit has made the occasion so much more enjoyable f or the
delegates and members,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT R�SOLVED That we the ofiicers and members of �Ghe Loyal
Order of RZoose State Associat ion do herPhv express to the official,s, the police
department �nd citizens of Clearwater our deepest �ratitu�e for this cooperation
and hospitality, and
BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED that a co�y oi this resolution he sent �o the Niayor of
Cleaz•waL-er, copies be rele�sed to the press o� said city, and permanet].y inscribed
upon the min�x�es oi the State Association.
This resolution adopted by the F�orida State T�Ioose Assaaia�ion on the 1$th
day of May, A. D. 1952.
/s/ Spencer H. McAlester
President State Moase Association
ATTEST: P�1. B. Hofi"man /s/ H. Bl�ine Peacack
Secretary Chairman Resol.ution Committee
State 2400se Associatian
June 9, 195z
City of C1earH�ater Florida
GZearwater, Florida
May 27, 1952
Dear Sirs:
l� is a pleasure to do business svith yau.
We don't often write letters like this, but it occurred ta me that you might be
inclined to think that �rre -Gake your prompt payment of Invoices for granted. It
would be easy �o do so, because we have that itComfortable�� feelin; when Invoices
go out to you, knowi.np; that they will be discounted.
The gooc� management shown by your prompt payments an d in other transactions with
pou, make you a valued cusbomer. We appreciate our �leasant relationship and hope
to be given the pri vilege o� supplyin� your plumbing suppl.ies for years to come.
Thanl� you.
With best regards,
�s/ L. B. McAonald
I,VM�se General T�ianager
"dfiER�AS,the City �on�ission:o� the City o£ Gleaxwater,Florida has hereto-
fore passed a Ftesolution relative to the vridening o� Missouri �venue within
the City Zimits o� the �ity.o� Clearu�ater,said Resolution having been pasaed and
'°pted on the {�th day of M$rch ,A.D.1952,and
T;r�;REAS ,the Gity Commission �� the City of Clearvaater,Florid� has hexeto�ore
passed a supplembental Resolution relative to the same suhjeet,said supp�.eme�ta3.
Resolution having,��°�ssed and adopted on the 9th day oY June,A.D,1�52, and
FdfiEi`ZEAS,the Cit� Commission oi' the City oi C1ear�tater,Flori4a, deszres t�at
the projeet of �videning Missouri Avenue be completed at the earliest possible
date so as to serve the best interests oi' the citizens of the City of Glearv�ater
�S��EAS,alt;hough the City Commission of the City of Clearwater feels that
the ofYioials o� the Cit� oP Glearv�ater have done everythin� v�ithin their power
to diligently promulgate the early completion of this project,the City Commission
o�' the City oP Clearwater desires ti�at all persons and bodies connected v�ith the
City of Cleaxwrzter do everything withi}� their povrer to further assist the Count�
o�' Pinell.as in the accomplishment of this project,
1�TOW,THERi!,'FORE ,BE IT RESOZVED by the City Commisszon oP the City o� Clear�aat�
in sesaion duly and �e:gulaxlg�, assembled tha� a copy oi this Resolation he
delivered to the County of Pinellas to exprsss its willingness to continue to
cooparate with the said County of pinellas, and that the Coun�y of Pinellas be
and the same is hereby requested to communicate with the City Commission of the
City of Clearwater in v�ritin� to advise the said Czty Commission of the progress
oi the aforesaid project to date.
P�SSLD AND ADOPTED this 9�h day o� June, A.D.1952
�erber� �,i,Broyan.
H. G. �Nin�o
City �udi'tor and Clerk.
ORDIPiANCE N'0. 621,
SECTIOIS 1. That the fallow ing words be added to Section 3 of
drdinance Noe592, Q� the �ity of C1eGrwater,F1 orida and that saio'.��ords
be added at the end af said Section 3 of Ordinance No.592 ta wit;'P except
when said signs axe located upon private propexty at the point o�' Purchase:
SECTTON II.'�his Ordinance shall take eifect izpon its passage and. ut�on its
publication by �a title as is provided by laK, whichev'er is the lat�ber.
RFt�DING AND ADOPTED J'une 9th.1g52.
H.G tiYin o
Ci� y Audi�'or and Clerk.