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The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in spacial session at City
Hall, Friday, May 16, 1952, at $:15 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Blanton Commissioner
Wm. E. Crown, Jr. Commissioner
Jack Russell Commissioner
Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner
Garland D. Lynn Commissioner
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton City Manager
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. City Attorney
S. Lickton City Engineer
Prior to the formal opening of the meeting, Commissioner Blanton, the City
Manager and the City Engineer conducted an informal hearing. The City Engineer
explained the plans for the proposed sanitary sewer system and the auxiliary sewage
disposal plant in the Skycrest area, stating that it was planned to assess the
benefited property on a front foot basis for the sewer pipe installation, estimated
cost X2.15 per front foot. He stated the cost of the disposal plant would be
assessed at an estimated x.001 per square foot and explained that this low price
was possible because the County School Board had agreed to pay X20,000.00 toward the
cost of the plant. He said the plant had been designed to take care of the entire
Skycrest area.
After the arrival of Commissioners Crown and Russell, the meeting was called
to order by the City Attorney. Commissioner Blanton moved that Commissioner Crown
be appointed as Mayor pro tem in the absence of Mayor Brown. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Russell and carried. Acting Mayor Crown expressed his regret at
the lateness of the meeting and explained that he and Commissioner Russell had
previous commitments, that Commissioner Lynn was out of town and unable to attend,
and that the Mayor was filling a speaking engagement and would come in later in the
The Acting Mayor asked if there were any objections to the proposed improvement.
Mr. A. T. Cooper inquired as to whether corner lots would be penalized on account of
double frontage and was told that they would not be. In response to an inquiry, the
City Engineer said it was not planned to charge for any connections made while the
sewer was under construction. There being no objections, Commissioner Blanton moved
that the Commission proceed to authorize this improvement for this sewer project as
outlined by the City Engineer as shown on the drawings and that the proper City
officials be authorized to advertise for bids and to enter into a contract with the
owners of property which lies outside of the City limits of the City of Clearwater
to come into this project on approximately the same basis as those properties within
the City limits of the City of Clearwater, The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Russell. Mayor Brown came in at this point and voted on the question. The motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Blanton moved that the City Manager and the Engineering Department
be instructed to proceed to have properly marked those streets the names of which
were changed recently by Resolution. On being informed by the City Manager that
this was being done, Commissioner Blanton withdrew his motion.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
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May '], 1952
Tr,e City Comrnission of the City of Clearwater met in sgecial session at City
Ha11? �1Jednesday, May 7, 1952, �t �:30 P.M. with the fo7.lowing mernbers pxesent:
Herbert M. }3rown
4�'m. E. Crown, Jr.
Herbert M. Blanton
Jack Russell
Garland D. T.ynn
Also present were;
F. C. biiddleton
G. T, bZcClamma
Chas. Ni. Fhillips, Jr.
S. Lickton
City Mar.ager
Cizief oi Police
City At�orney
City Engineer
The meating was called to order hy the �'tayor. The Clerk read a letter addressed
to the Cornmission by Nir. William bT. Goza, Jr., on behalf of hir. David Brown, request-
ing that the Commission assist him in obtainin� electri.c�.l power for his bui�ding
site an D;orth Fort Harrison Ai�enue in Venetian Foint. The City t�iana�er explained
tk�at �he current franchise with the Florida Fo.ver Company stiFulated that they were
not to ,o ouerhead *�ith lines on l�orth Fer� Harrison .�venue. Mr, D. I Aide of the
Florida Fo�ver Company stated that t,he un�ier;round cab'le far this service would cost
approximately yr3,200.00 which would make the cest prohibitive and �hat the company
�rrould not be able to secure m�terials for such a cabl� line before 1953. Commissioner
Blanton moved that the Florida Fower Company be ;iven a temporary permit for overhea.d
lines from Ven�tian Drive to the north end of. the R-2 zone in Venetian Point along
Fort Harrison Avenue not to exceed tvrelve months. Motior was seconded `py Commissioner
Crown and carried unanimously.
Tha Cit,T nlanager reported that he had received several inquiries r^rom persons
desiring to . nt property in the new I�iarina Buildin; and asked that he be instructed
by the Commission as to the am�unt oi rentals to be charged and �he types of business
desired. Commissioner Cro�an mo�red that the City Manager be insLructed to work out
a schedule of proposed leases to be executed on the T�iarina Buildin; spaces and to
report such completed recommendations to the Cornmission. T�Iotion was seconded by
Co;nmissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The City Pnana�er re�oried on the bids for the installatic�n oi tanks and pumps
for the sale of Qasoline and diesel fuel at the i�,arina. _�s a result of a check wi�h
the boa�men at the i�iarina c�hich shoived their �,reference, �he City :�Tanager and the
H3rbormaster recomtnenc;ed the �roposal of the rJrange State Oil Company which oave a
discount of one cent per ;allon �n prevailing tank �,va�on Frices for a period of s;x
years. Commissioner Crown moved that the Cit� ?,ana;er's recommendation be followed
and that the bid of the Oran,c�,e State �il ComF�ny for the providing of aasoline
facilities and diesel fuel at the tiiarina for a period of six years in accordance
i�rith �heir proposdl be accepted, T�iotion v.�as seconded by Commissioner Russeil and
carrisd unanimvusly.
Regarciing the bids opened at the meetin; of i�iay StY: for the construction of a
concrete curb on Pine Street ann Turner ,�treet from Hillcrest Drive to Ezrergreen
rlvenue, ti�se City I�I �na�;er and the City EnPineer recommended acce,rtir.� the l��v ?�,_' d of
Burton-Walker Construction Compar.y, Ylant Cit;*. Corrimissioner Grown moved that the
City i�,an.�;er's arld the City En!7;ineerts recommendation o� the 1oHr bid fram the �
Burton-Uialker GomFany at �2,279.50 k�e accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Russell and carried unanin�ously.
- Ix� regard to che bids orened at the meeting of i�iay 5th for the construction of
the Court �treet Extension from Green�•rood �venus to Niissouri txvenue, tha City Manager
recommanded acceptin� the bid of the C�mpUell Paving Com,r•any, Clearhater, at
�11,1$5.05, as the best bid as Mr. E. H. Holcomb, Jr., the low bidder, had not com-
pleted the last contract awarded him within the specified time. Commissioner
Blanton moved the City N�ar.ager�s recommenc;atior h� iollowed and the contrac�'t aharded
to the Gampbell Paving Company for paving Gourt Street from Greenwood Avtnae tio
idissouri AtT�nue in accordance with the bid tabulati.on. T'iotion was seconded by
Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously.
Mr. Leo But],er presented the plats of Bayside '�3 Subdivision and Columbia ��
Subdivision for arproval b;* the Commission. Conunissioner Blanton moved that the
Commission approve the plats of Bayside Subdi�rision �3 and Columbia Su�division �5
as pre5ent�d, i�7otion ivas seconded by Gommissior_er Grown and carried unanimous�y.
m� - Sn discussing the parlc area immediately west of �'later Lat One in City Fark
Subdivision, it was observed that the possible future use oi this area as a street
would create dif.ficulty in ielation to building set-baeks in the immediate area.
Mr. Crown left �he meeting �.rior t� the motion bein�;:nade. Ccrnmissioner nlanton
moved that the gark shown westerly of iv'ater Lot 1 along C�ronado Drive in Citg Park
Subdivision be and the same is hereby designated as a garkin� area vrithou�c I.osing
or chan�ing its character as a Fublic �ark and that the City .�ttornsy hereb,y Ue
authorized �nd ir,structed to pre�are an a�propriate Reso7ution to this effect and
the proper offici�,ls of the City of Clearvra.ter, Florida, �re ?�ereby authorized and
instructed to execute said Resolutic�n provided however that said Resoluti�n shall
not pieclude the City from extendin�; the sea wall in this area along the line
established by the present sea wall. NIotion tivas seconded by Commissioner Russell
and c��xriad unanimously.
May 7, 1952
The Cl.erk reported tha� the City nad sold to A4r. Henry Lockett on �Tovember 14.,
l�li.g, �he east 50 feet of the wes� 6G0 feet of the north 1�;5 feei; of the south 205
feet of Tract '�D", New Country Club Addition, �l�at the d�ed conveyina; the property
to Nir. Lockett contained �he stipulation that t�Ir. Lockett was ta erect the building
of masonry construction within a period of one year. He said Mr. Lockett claimed
that he had been unarla to coinpiy with the sti�ulation due to 'the shortage of
building mat;erials, that TZr. Lockett had applied for tiCle insurance and tha� his
apglication had not been apFroved d�ue to the fact that the stipulation had not been
complied wi.th. Mr. Lockett has stated that he still intends to build the building
and is requesting that the City release him from the terms of the stipulation.
Conunissionex• Blanton moved that the City Attorney be authorized to advise Mro
Zockatt that ii' he wi11 convey this property back to the City that the City will
�then re-convey it back to hi,m u.rith the restrietion that he comglete a building
thereon within six months irom the date of deed and that upon his iailure to do so,
the property to revert to the City and he should forfeit all ri;�hts bo it. NIotior.
was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carr�ied unanimously.
The City i47an�ger requested approval of' the followin� water main extensions to
subdivisions outside the �ity on the usual refunding cont;_act� the original cost
to be covexed by the subdivision dev�lopers:
��2 inch water main for subdivision near the corner of Missouri Avenue and
Belleair 5traet, estimated cost �75Q•00.
2 inch water main to serve a sutadivision off Lakeviev� Road, estimated cost
of �1,765.00.
6 inch water raain to serve Bonaire Hills Subdivision, estimated cosc �1,2l�O.OQ"
Commissioner Blanton moved that the extension of utilities as enumerated by the
City i•Tanager be approved. Tiotion uras seconded by Cammissioner Russell and c�rried
unanimous ly.
The City i�ianager reported that it �,vas impossible to keep the ne;v standpipe in
in Crest I�ake Park �ull at all times and that due to present consumption and a
limited supgly of water, the proper pressure could n�t be maintained. He xequested
that the Commission authorize the drilling of a new well in this area and that an
appropriatior be �ade to cover this item, estimated cost of t�7hich is �4,200.00.
Commissioner B1an-�on moved that tne City i�lanager be authorized to proceed to drill
another �vell in the Crest Lake as•ea and authorize an appropriation not to exceed
�4,500.00. �fotion was seconded lay Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The Mayor presented a statement from City Attorney Charles M. Phillips for
his fee in the case of the eviction suit filed a�ainst Cap�ain Ttim. Je T�Ieyer.
Cor,unissioner Russell moved that the bill be paic.. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Blanton and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:32 P.M.
� �� �
;�layor-C ommi s si o
�°.TTEST :
C�.ty A ditor and erk
� See Paragraph 1, Page 522, Minutes of May 26, 1952
T� See Paragraph 2, Page 522, Minutes of May 26, 1952
May 7, 1952
Mayor-Corrunas�ioner Herbert M. Brovm
Commissioners. Herber� B].anton, Sr., Garl�nd D. Lynn.
Jack Russell, W. E. Crowr_, Jr.
Clear�aater, Florida
2�ay 7, 1952
There will be a special Commission i�ieetino held in �he City Ha11 Auditorium at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday night, May 7, 1952 for the purpose of considering the following
l. Renting of space in the New Marina Building.
2, I�Ianager's repart with reference to Marine �;asaline and dissel fuel at
the Marina.
3. Awarding bids that were opened at ;�fay 5th Commission :�Ieetin�.
!�. Approving subdivisions, Bayside �3 and Columbia ;�5.
5. Leti;er from ��Ir. Henry Lockett with reference to property he purchassd
from �he City.
6. Utility Improvement;s.
']� Letter from T�Iarshall and Rives with reference to G�lf Inn, Clearv�ater
FGi�i : s
The Honorable City Cor�mission
Clearcn�ater, Flo-rida
Very truly yours,
�s� F. C, i.iddleton
City P�fanager
2�iay 6, 1952
We represent Nlr�. David Brown, owner of land on North Ft, Harrison Avenue,
Clearwater, Florida, in the filled-in portion between said avenue and Uenetian
Foint Subdivision.
T1r, Brosvn recentl3r obtained from the office oi the City Building Inspector
a permit to erect a motel court on that property.
Mr. Brown novt finds that sa?d property, although within the City limits, is.
without electrical pov�er service.
It is requesLed that the City Commission take the necessary steps to assuxe
the furnishing of electrical power to the premises.
Hand Delivery
Yours respectfully,
�s� William i�i. GoLa, Jr.
May 16, 1g52
The Ci�y Commission of the City of Clearwater mQ� in special session at Gity
Hall, Friday, May 16, 1952, at $:15 P.M, with'the iollowing members present;
Herbert M. Blanton
Wm. E. Crown, Jr.
Jack R.ussell
Herbert M. Brown
Garland D. Lynn
Also �p.ressnt were :
F. C. Middleton
Chas, hZ. Phillips, Jr.
S. Lickton
City Manager
Ci�y Attorney
C3ty Engineer
� ��
Priar to the formal opening of the meeting, Commissioner Blanton, the City
Manager and the City Engineer conducted an informal hearing, The City Engineer
explained the plans for ths proposed sanitary sewer syst�m and the auxiliary sewage
disposal plant in the Skycrest area, sGating that it was planned to assess the
benefited property on a front foot basis for the sewer pipe installation, estimated
cost �2.15 per front foot. He stated the cost of the di�posal plant would be
assessed at an estimated �.GO1 per square foat and explained that this low price
was possible because the County Scho�l Board had agreed to pay �20,000.00 toward the
cost of the plant, He said the plant had been designed to take care of the entire
Skycrest area.
After the arrival of Commissioners Crown and Russell, the meeting was called
to order by the City Attorney. Commissioner Blanton maved that Commission�r Crown
be appoi.nted as Mayur pro tem in the absence oi Mayor Brown. The motian was seconded
by Commissioner Russell and caz^ried. Actin� Mayor Crovm expressed his regre�G at
the lateness of the meeting and explained tha� he and Gommissioner Russell had
previous commitments, that Gommissioner Lynn was out of town ancl unable to attend,
and that the Maypr was filling a speaking engagement and would come in later in the
The Acting Mayor asked if there were any objections to the proposed improvemen�.
Mr. A. T. Cooper inquired as to whether corner lots would be penalized on account of
double frontage and was to3d tha� they would not be. In response to an a.nquiry, the
City Engineer said it was not planned to charge for any connections made while the
sewe� was under construction. There being no objections, Commissianer BTanton moved
that the Cor�mission proceed to authorize thz.s improvement for this sewer project as
outlined by the City Engineer as shown on the drawings and that the proper Citp
officials be authorized to advertise for bids and to enter into a contract with the
owners of propertp which lies outside of ths City limits of the City of Clearwatei
to come into this project or. approximately the same basis as those properties within
the Citp limits of the City of Glearwater, The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Russell. Mayor Brown came in at this point and voted on the question. The motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Blanton moved that the City Manager and the Engineering Department
be instructed to proceed to have properly marked those streets the names of which
were changed recently by Resolution. On being informed by the City Manager that
th:is was being done, Commissxoner Blanton withdre�* his motion,
There being no fur�ther business to come before the Board, the meeting was
Mayor-Commissi� r
City itor and C rk