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'1-'79 Wi'~{ 'f~;f., 1.....;'"(j.tt.tt '~~l. {",i;~ . I" 'C'j,;, '.\".~,,' 1('C;,. \f~t~~~; , /.' ~ :;~~~~w~~~~c~~~~~~~.~~u~~~.;~~c__~;~~.~~~~~~ CITY G O~,TInSSlm: IJlEETING j,1.~rch 26, 1952 '~L; ..~:,t ...~..,.,.,...,~ .: >:::K;1~:~:':\@\'/,i;,.:':'5 ~~~ "";:';i"l)j"q~ 'X ;iiN~i;{/:~ . ,",,, ,,"..<"-';t. . . 'f,.::- .;'./.2//.~. " . ';',? ,.;. :.'~:'>i~ :":':,1.':):'.. . . ,. { ">",'?:;!~:~;:f>"::;"" " >'.' ,.??,,~~I !'~.~:'. .;~~:'~. '".:.;:i:~:.":;, , A' : ".' .,.," .... ':-;~~'j'~(;',?,.:.:, Tbe.. City Comrni:':islon of tl1 '9 C i L Y of CleFlr....nt8r met in spe(; ial se ssion at City Hall) Wedne~d3Y) M~rch 26, 1952) ~t 12:15 r.~. with the ro]lQwjn~ mombers present: Herbert rit. hrown Will. E. Crown, Jr. H'1rbert ),1. n 1,'ln ton Jack Russell r:j:,yor-Co:n;r!"i. ~,sj Oller GOrll,:.ls,,; '1 or~er Co:ril,d ~3S i oner CO:(I"1i :-.;:' i Oller . t t ~ \. ) ~-3 t~!l ., : ATTEST: ;-;:r' . '? 1-1 () ~:; e '\ r ~.~~ri C K 1. . . w r~r . J 0 (111 Ch8:, nut r,~r' . Cla:ir Drt If is l/lr" . J. r~ . Keller i ':lr . c. i\ . Fet '3rson G'1:15rmr,r') ':01.1nt.y COlll'nis:..don Court,~' CO:Il,:Ji ssioncr CO'.!!': t Y ;\.t t orney SUIt.., C'Jla1t~- '''nter System C~Uyty Director of Public ~~rks " \ I. . , '" \ ';;1. ~:~..:::.., I t~, 1 l' ,1" .::',; . I: ~;,,;. }~>.:,; ; '...:.,', .,",: . I : """".. / : " I .....r. :": ,'. ..." I >.'.,. -.' ~'. .. " '." -'''' , . ," '. . .". ';:~'.\~<' : ' g~\~,~~f~~~ ~~;~ ., ;~t~" :}3rJi:md D. Lynn Co,:lI:! 1 :3~,j ')!1er ;d Sf) f,j'es8nt \-"l'~r'::: F. C. :.::iddlnt,on C II ;:"-I::i. ~.:. F ! d 11 LIs G. T. j'~CC1;lIfl:rl:,\ C i t Y : ~ ') n:1;j e r Ci ty :\t torney Chief of r')lice The l,i')yor call(~d t..lle !I1t;(~thl:'~ t,(1 )rr~er ar'll 'unclr": th;lt the R,:!::, ,lution 8.dopted j'.lontl'.-IY, i.i.;!rcll ?lj) V:'.);2, l'eJ:tl',ivG to the :")r0.h"s\~ of '..!;It=~!r frorfl t.he Fir.ell~ls Count,y lV~lter S~'5t(~m :l.:td rnet '.>'it.ll obJectLm:;.; froil! tht~ GnlJnt,y of'.i'idn]3. The followin!'; County officia13 were IT(~Sl~rlt f"r trl") rur: 088 cd' lr(::sc~rt.i.l1:~ L11c:i.r vievFs: l"lr. ]),wis, C::)Unty ".V,'Jrr!ey, ~?~;.jt8d j..1'1":~, r~ry !Le~,)luti:.H; to L..:: ~qrr'0v(-!d by fin:1ncing as.:)!:ts '.'/(')uld :;!j'le to 1.)(; lr; accord \-!lth t");::, f')r!i": ',If; 'illhnir,ted llY th'3 C,:)unty. It 'Has the orinj on of the Cit.y :d.tornE;:' .1r.14 trH.: !li8mbers af Pv: SitY~CPll!113s:tan that some of the \'i'ord::, used in t":'t~ r~C'Lll!ty I::, R~-~/~lut:inn ','Fer~'.o,n1"i':'l')US) "JJleJ tl13tthe Ile."'Jluti'.)n S;-Lt)uld, in :io;ne m~ml~~r, IJr'o'.rjrJE-: L'J"1t the City ;)f Cle"lr",';ater wnuld in r.o ':."1)' be obli::;ated for the ,raYlTl\:mt of ~1.ny ir:r:]CJr,t,=d!:(~ss 'Jl the lT8sent G()lJrt:; ~."'Jt,cr ~;y:;,ter,l Dr =<.ny operating cost exceI't ;-n: t:1>: '::!ddj.ti.')T;'ll i>.lcility. The Cr}1.mty :,tt0rney sUO:;'~t:::;tf:d th:lt th..? Citj" dr.:-~ft a rle\.! R'):..Johltion int.he ,.mrding of th,,;; rropDsed County Resolution ~'..r.d'l,;(l c;'I::1~.r:i.cjti ',)l~S i'.'hieh ':iould ,J'3fine the \'ford "sY3tern" ;.~3 ulc'-:'.nin::; r.i',I" 1i118 '3:.:tl'(li l"': fY'C)m th.:: v:ell fiel..!' L~) tlie c':mr:~ction \.rj th the .sxistin,::; C')ur.::'~' ~::..ter ~yst(;!il !ind cllso cL::fir.in:; the- !ru:ar;ir>; of !~oreratint~ eXI',=nsesll. Commi3sioner Cco\"m r:iQvcct thqt t"1.':! ?cs"~lutiJn bel dr3':;r. :l~) '':im..::ncled, 'JT:d the rr0per off'; c i ~, 18 'O'~ ''1' t'!. ""l~l' z pu., ,. f") <=: " ''In.; j' (:: r1r''-' rt ,...P J' ~. '." "" R.. .,r, 1" t l' .....r. j-,n t'rle f'"lv ou""tv (v' O"JT~; s S l' on _...... ..A.o.;1 v........4.....,. _ ""'_ >..JI..,-L ......;...J ............ '-__ ...}..l. --' l'-' ......,..._ ., ...J. ..... .J J....... .!_l... 'J and l1<=lVe the City "ttorney I.r"2sent t.lle 2~3oluti()n 7Jt the r.ext r:J:etin,o; of t'he City COl/lmis6ion. The rn~tion "It/as second('d by CO::I;ili~.;sj oner Russell '3nd carried U!l:'Irdmously. There bein..': no l'ur:~l';er bush'.ess to COni.s before the BOfn'l,1, the meeti Y1~ was adjourned. ~~ "'~_. _. _ , _ - ' �%'! . czT� r,�r��zs�z�r; rfr��zr;� , T�;.�rch a6; �9�'� �'YYe G��,! Comtna.,;sa.on of th� �it;,r 7f' �lear�r��Ger ., c �, ^ . ; i•i , m�t in .�r�e.ial seswaon '�� Csty Ha11, �,erin�:�c��y, T•i�rclz 26� 1952, �i: 1?_.�.5 �.a�i. wa.th the fo1l�t�ring msmhers �xesent: Herbert Ni. lii°aUrn T,,ayoi•-Comm? ssa aner iNm. �. Gr�wn, Jr. �ommisai.oner }'e rbert I�I. �S� �ntan G�rnt��issi�ner Jael� Russel]. Caa��iri? ssioner _ - :it;sent : G:���.and U. Lynn �ornrraiss�.bner Fsls�' rr�sent were: F. C. ?•iidsiletc�n Ca�i��T �ian��er ' Ghas. i�1. F?�illar� , Cit� Attorney _ G, T. i�1cGl�irun� :�hief a�' �nlice The tZ�}ror calle�3 the taeetin; to �r�1er a,-�nouncir_; that �Yie R�s�luti�n ado ted iLI�n��,y, i�i�rch 21�s 1�52, relative to the j�ur�h=+se o� crater t'rarr, �he Pir.ellas County 'T�ter 3��stem had rnet; �rritri objecti�ns ir�m the �ou�tv af.£icials. The .£ol�o�rairr; Gounty ofia ci�ls cver� rr�sent fnr trie r,�r; �se �r l�resert�:r. � t��ir vie-r�s r ' i:r. �:. H�sey ;'yTzek �h:,.irmar, Count;;� Ce�rfissi�n _ I�,r. Johz� Chesnu� ��rar.t;� Co.a:aisUi�ner T.i^. Clair Davis Ccurty �ittarney ;�ir. �. K. Keller �u�t.., C���antzr .�:�ter System , i�r. G, A. Feter�on G��art;� �irect2x �f Pu�lie '�'�ri�s i•:r, Davis, G�unt3= t:utorr.ay, s�ate�l t-.ti?t _ry Fesalu�ion to � e aF�ro.=er� hy fin�ncir_ _ a��rts :•r�ul�? '_:ave to be ir, accor� t�:iUh t'�z fnrm as s,zk�miLi,e�. by the G�unt��. It v:�s t�z� o�inian of ti-�E Cit3r A�torr.�;r �rc� the rnambers of t:�e �i�,• 3orn�nissi�n tha�G some �f' b?�e ti:�or�3s useel in t:ie Cc�ur�tyts kes.clu�ion arera_ a,r.���i���us, �nd th�.t the �e;.��uti�r, fa7uld, zn �o�ne rnann�r, pr�,vide t�i�t the Ci.t3 �i Cleart,rater �.��u'_d ir. �o ;,•�;� ue ��li;�ted � _ tr the ��yment of ar,y in�e�;��dr.rss ��' the resant �vua��z, �`��Er SzT . � w v s�;er� or �n�r a�eratin� cost excP��t �n tiiv� ��l�:ition�l faai.lit��, Tk�an �ounty :ittorney� su;rest�� th�t tne GiL3� dra�'i, a r:eir R�s�lu�Gior. in �k�� r:or3ir?j _^_ , of ti�� ;:ro�osed County P�esolutiien ar_d �:�d q�M1�z�cat�.�ns ��hicl� vT�uld dAf_;.r,-e �he �ror�l „scs��m" �3s ine�n:�.n- t�'r�e Iir•e e;�t.n�.zn; fnor� th? t�:all field �a tr.e conrPctzor_ c:=it?� the exis�inv �aun , T.=:ter 3ystem and �lso dufinin; t�ie meanir:� of 'ia�ar�tin� N�¢�ses'�, Cammi.�s�.�rer Crou,�n rte�v�d Ghat t�zz �esolution be d.rav.�r. as amen��d, and the'Fraper o�'�'zcials be atitn4rizPd Lo submiG (a draft 4f) th� Res�lwt�,�n te the uour.t�= �c�±�r�assian 3I2Cj. �1�VB ��"'�c"' �iS.'G'i* :zt�fJT'II^-.,t' ,� _ CZU�10T1 3t'. �1?8 T?8X'G .T:pG�171� Q�' �f39 {�'1'G�J � , , �r..sent r�.e Res Cenm�is�ao�. The r:���ion was seconde� L�y Co�arai.ss�.ener �iussell and carried uranim�usly. Thene bein; �i� .fur�°rter 1�usiz:Ess t� come la'eiorz uhe Boa?���, �he meetirJ w.as adiourn�d. , T�qaynr-�c�mmissi�n . �— :�TTrST : ' _ � Cit;r fi ditor and lerk , , �