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I,iarch 21", 1952
The City Comm:Lssi on of t:,he Gi t" of Cle;1rwater met in special session at City
Hall, ~'ionrictY, r.iarch 2h, 1952, ',it 7:30 f.N. 1t!ith the followi118 members present:
Herbert i,L Dro\"in
V!rn. ~ _ Cr' ')\m, Jr.
lil~rbert. ;,~. Bl~,ntoll
~18"yor-Commi5si oner
. . .,";,.:
\ .:~.,'> ,
1\ 1) s t~ 1'1 t~ :
;'}.....l'l,tnoJ C. LVIII",
.J,lck :t1.l;'jscJ 1
GOlnmi Sf; i oner
CO'71ni 2:3 iar ,)r
" .....,
,\1 ,iel 11"J:;~)nt, v:ere:
F. C. ;,:j'"Jdleton
J. T. ;,C(;l'i,,'!:1
o h :1 :~'. ;,~. r hi :I 1 i ~ S I .J r .
::;. 1.1 ck tr,~ n
OJ ty ::' n:~ :,;er
Chi (-~ r ~) r r n 1 ice
Ci t.v ;;;r!.~:i neer
. -'
Tl-.c :'l...yor '~q]l(~d th", !IH,,,t.in: t,) Jr(J.:::'r~. In r~G::::(,r,i to t.he 1lids r):r)(~ned ~'i,1rch 17th
~ . I "t t "1 ~. '''., d 1'" t.. h C t ,~ d d
.,'~lr j<l'lln:::;;'Fny,':"t .:,),rGc , ,U"VJ(~\'I ""ll.J..e"'~r ',tr.c :j"ly:nonJ, I... c. 1.,y "l,'lnrl,!l~r recommcn 0
acceptLn:?; -::.he 10\'1 'uid of E. H, H~,lcon,r" ~lr., Clcm'i'l':t;C?r, for :9,732.35. Commissioner
Orov-m lr,()\red that. 1;1-:1;) ;':-i!i0::Gr"S l',3C();lirr>:!\.),'lti:)n \!ith r'esrnct l:.n lettin:: the contract
,for the: ~~:\yr~;ont 3tl~~et irr;l',r')VAi"p;nt l.H'; ,';; ~T')v.~d :'lid I. lip. prl)[er Cit:, offici Clls be
~uth0ri~ed to onter into th0 nAce55~ry c1ntr~ct. ~ntton WRS seconderl by Commissioner
BL; nt nn ,'-t nd ,:::, rri. ad lu:C1n ir,j ') w.:;] :' _
, .'.,
".' ..:; '.~', ~~'/:4, .
" I. ~c~;
Re5nrclj,nc; l'rol-'0s8ls [',:'r hJ:,~;itiu.: the :~,mc;11. 1.,o;;,t 08:-;in, thf':: Ci.ty :,:;.n:)ger renorted
th.qt h~ hihl )'8c'c:i vf':d ()ti'::' de flrd.~, 1~) ff"',T' 'Jf .~) 5(';. CC I ,er nl0nt 11 for t 11(-> !':<lri n,q locr-l.tion
'y'lhich \"Jould :i.nc]ud.,,; :=:\.1!1::..;;l;ru::;tin:3 ::. 1;ui1rling ilt C:tr: 'llrc.'{i:,,;.;t8 C0~;t b'~t\Ve8n
~2G,C()0.OO ;;nd ;;,JG,CCc..CO, '/Ii t.h 'I [,''':11 Y8;1J~ l:C::lse,nd ,"'lr. 0;,t,'i(1T' .)f tcn :Ilore yeArs;
the if::',s,,:;e \":jqld '\:::,0 l'P.), t.\'{,:,s, i.r'SlJr"f'ce :;J'id 11~'ktc;cr ~)n I,he l)lJildir::~, the llUildin~
to revert to Lbl~ Cjt~,. :-,t t)--..(: (;:--;1'1 ,)f t.h,:~ ?'cnt;,l. :'(;)':i,:,d. '1:']102 otl12r two ,i.ntcrested
"::irt,ieE-> ::.Jri~ r~~"'_)i-il-t' r::rt 'l j',-r-Ci;f t-cj:"I, I~,,=,if;. Jr' vi,::'/: of 11;.-~ !';-Jct th'-:lt thr.: Citv is
.. ....) ~ -" .
,:?'j vin' u ~-, :",7 S. 0C: 'j ,:',,)r, :',h r"~ !1t frUiT, :) hlJ'~':] i n-r '/!id (~~, is nDI'1 l:'e:i !'J~ torn down .:>nd a
.:J .j.'. -" oJ
rental of ~lE~O.CJC l ,liC\l1t-,h b~' n~le'3:'in~ 3C !''')'It <_iT'::, thp. C;,:-.;.' :,:':-:n;1::~'r did not fe81
th:l:-, }H~ c(}I.ILl l'~:;COiii:,ii'.]:d ~jc.,(~;'ti,n:r t~',-, 1'l-(Ir()~~"l (If ::,'150.0C :er month ]llfl recommended
~ .~ .. II ..
th::It Lho C(Y;l;r.i.'3~jj JD ':::(l!1~;id::r th,_. '>'n~;tr\I,~t,i"'n ')[ t,b.- ')uil:iin'~ \'y the, Ci.ty '.3.nd le,-lsing
"Jarious I'~lrt,s of' thl.: :,il;''!'; 1 1,,,,,,t rnrir,:J. Cr)' ,::;1,;-.;;j ()ner ~ro',v;1 r(:';ue~ted that the Cit.y
:.1Qnrl,'~.:~r rd:''k-~ ,~n Cl.tt,,:,;rt. j',) r,1'::;('ti.':lt'~ 11 !ll:i..r.ir'lUf,l r)f ~;'.l)C.CC' '.-lit!: ::l s::,ti.sf'''ctory pro-
vi oi Cl n for :-l r-0.:rc: or. t 'i .'.:;,? '~I 'Ii c: r ,'j n f'rt ,'1:111' ,1l')lJllt, ;,md submit vir it t "~n rro[ 0 SCl] S S i~ned
by the I'eorlt~ int.l~l~,:::-;t\-'\;, ,"It" 8:;]1<;,"1 njl~~t,j!l~. II" (,rder to t::J.ind;:,tr~ t~(~ difficulty
nf Gst:.,]'1.i ~-ih:i.r.:: ',1 r."".~3L;:; r,':n' : ,~rCQr:t;J,:::e I the City ;hnG~.=>r ~i'.1~~e3ted l~;~=~.vin,l~ the bOAt
~liI'S '~nt,i.relYJut (If ',h.:; P'i);'OS:,,;] ':nn l'0ntin~ t.l1(~II! S~Jr'rn~;,lteJy for C'(-,. 00 each per
mont,h. It \-,'."Itj th(~ enr:~8)~SIIf) (\f criJ':j,')1': .),f t,he C:':)ir,iTli.qsiop t,h;:t the City I.T-:1nrtger
shoul.:1 p~ClCi'C'_~(;' '.d th t,he l!''':-:nt,l'1t.ir.H1s ;1~1tl c::d.l::' 'ilee~~i.!'l,~ vlhel' Lhe I:,rop05(}ls ,gre reA.dy
to p-l,::sent.
;~~ {~/
Fert;:dnin;~ to [,he I'urch,::,slJ of' 'tl:1tel~ fraui th,::; Ii r;':'!llq~] County '\1:3t8r 'fTorks System,
the City At~arney r8~d a Resolution ~~lerQin the City declarod its inten~ion to pur-
chi-lse Lln Cl V'~l',\~E' or 5, Gce , OCG?;'''1l1ons 'if i^!<1 te r daU.y ,[rOlf. :;he Coup t~~' s proposed new
sUlpl~' :3y~:tt~rn ;:~t net !fior'e thp.n 71rt l'er th()u~i;1nc1 ,~allonsj :1150 th~t the City ~,c;rees
to use the County \!i:~ tel' sys t::'fn ;=\ S L t2l St) If': :3c)UrGI:ol,f sUIPly for ::;, r-eriod of' 30 years,
the City to pay its I'ro,~,)rti0rHt.e ~:'h::tre, b~',s(.~d rm '-l!';i:J1.mt of' 1:later used, of the
arnual rrir~Gjl~}l and interi,;st re'illirem8r,t~.o for :31lcll ~l'ld,,'ition~l revenue certificates
as ld~lY b0 issued 1::~' thf: C,')unty C'or dr1rl:it.ionAl l::lcilitir:s, pIll::; '- rnar~in of not more
than lO~~ f'-H' l'l~ovicHn,~ 2. re88rve fund. ~'e\fer.'cJ_ of 1"J1i~ Cl'IIHlIi:)si.onr~r~3 s1l3,~ested
re\\'()rO}in'~ !)f' t,hF:~ Tlesolut,i'lni n 'jy',-leT' to :ISS'_lrij that; t,ne City \'Jould not be paving
more tha~ its rropoptioD of the ~onrl rrincir~l and intRrest" re~11ireme~ts and-that
the lO;b .for the r(.:~'('rVt; fun,l shc1uld be ltr:1i ted to the ItSe of water f'aciliti8s only,
vlhich ;:dter:'Jt~ ~orl'''; :,1JJJ (~ot'1'~:cti(lns \',f(~re r.nte.:l llY thA Cit-,y i',tt0rney. ~.jr. E.riley of
Bril(~y-Wild ':nol C')(lip~my, C(::>n::.u11~inc; :':r.,::ineers of lH,<1mi, Florida, ~ounty Commissioner
John 8hesnut ':lnd ;,:r. ::3. K. Kt:l1r;1', 'iener<tl ,)Ul"~.cTintO::)11'1ent of t.nd Count,y ".clt8r System,
1:iere }resent fot' the 1 uq Of:>(~ of ~lnswerh,r~ ~:llesti0P0 relAtiv(~ to the rrorosed contract.
I,1ayor ErO\....n su'':;,:".:.'::;ted th:lt n cl"~'lsP oei.psc~rte,-l :i.n t',hf') cont.r;.\cl~ to ret~dn t,h.~ best
City 'l'lel1s cl~) rl staJJd-b~' ,'5Urr1y in C:,~Sl"? o.f ;'1,:c:i o-:::mt to the County 'ilah~ 0r interrup-
tion of' s8rvjc8:3. ThA Cj ty ;'ttorn:.::y [.oint,Ed '.'ut. i.::.h,'t, t.h.;~ ,~doI~tion of t.he Resolution
was a I-'rt-!lj,lnin~!r~' ~3t(}1. 1 ano t:.h:1t U,,'? Gt)mmif.;~.:;j on '..dll l~~er hn,\li': t:,o :ldoj't 'J.n 0rdinance
and :tlso SUblil,i.t. Lh,::" l-ro[-o.sal 8t. ,<\ ~l',::;ci~ll el~ctj'~)n lor t.he ~.PFr()v:11 'Jf::i Dl,':1jority of'
the ,:;,u,:-'ll-l fie,] (-a~Ct:,()l^::':. Cc::nlTl is,' i ODi;r ?J :=tnton r'~ove(l tn8 3dortion of th8 Resolution
'1:3 ru,:endecl. r.iotinn '.':::~ f-,0condec1 'r:~.. Cr:.I:r:mi3:~iC'n(~r Crown 'mcl l,m:Clni~lIoUsl:' c8,rried.
The City CJt;rk r(~n.J .:\ JP.i:,t.:,r frrJi:: f',I)(~ ,\dverti ~~ir.,3 Co:nniit.tee of the Clearwi-lter
Chalilber of CO:!;I:I'~rC') l'f~';ue::iL i.n:; t.h'Jt ;::1,(0(/. OC bedloc~ted by the City (to surr1e-
ment. the ~'?,8C'O.C\C :~h'(ndy r;dsed) V') 1I,.~Jr fil::1l~C8 t,h(,; Cle;\rwater Hi:jh '::;ch:-)ol B:?r.d's
trip to ",\'l~)hin~t.on, D.C., to <'rrC':Jr jn t',he~ 'Est ~.Qr.;-,J G~ll~rry ?']0~;~)0m Fest.ivRl ?Rr8de.
Conl:nissior:.er Dl::lnton ~t Jterl he h:)ted to see'!. ITeGedent est;.'I111j shed ')f th(~ City
mak in:3 ,'lIJrroI;ri .'3tion s in~mS\'''fJ 1" to 8r,pe~{ 1:-3 II)' vari (Jus or8;mi Z ':ltions re,j'lrclle ss of
hO\'l worthy 1~hf2 rxoj~ct rn:i, ,Sh t ['8. I,:1'. ,:;.i.clnt'::' TyJ ":Jr, Ch'd n,nn of (;]1(: :';dv'3rU 3:i ne
Committee, eXI.ll;:dn(3d tlv'lt. ther8 \'.Iou1(J lIe only '::.nt':! flo~'lt i'rolil 8aeh 3t::lte and only
one band fronl e:"1,ch 3tate, t.hus Glp,:},r\'/:lter HiE;il :~;cr.l)ol JIC1d the ol'Fort,unJ ty of sendlng
the band to represent the ,3tC:-lt(~ of Florj(l:-l. St~}t.in3 f,~h::t he thou,c.::;ht th'2 publicity
gained ",'auld be \..;e 11 '/Jorth the in ves tlflf;nt, COlilloi ssion r:r Crown moved l~hr?, t the
Commission make an additional rJFrrorri:~tior:. from th. Jen~wal Fund t.o t.h!-~ !:ldvertising
budget o.f the Chamber of COlllfllerce in the amQunt or ~,l ,000.00 to b"1 used for the pur-
'pose of supplementins the expenses of spndin.::; the BAnd to Washington in April.
. Motion was seconded by COllllllibS i oner BL'Inton and c3.l'rled upanimously.
".- .~, ,~;.. .',,: '. ~, .
:' ~, .;,' .'
'... '. .".'
: .,./.......;
C ITY CO:,~;',a:):-;Im>: ;,;}~;.;TING
;\lclrch ~ll, 195~2
" ,~h
l"'l" -.
.:t~',lll...\ . ,r;
. '\i' I
, '~~~
. ~..t
.~, .
i.1r. 131:.H1ton t:.:(Jlf\'>t'-::ntc!ll ':m t1JI;~ sG;lr~i ty of ,_;j,::ns'ldvf:'rt-,i~:;j n,~ Cle~rw;:iter, north of
Cl(nr\,:._!t(n~ on Routl:l 19, a~; (~oll\I'c~r,'!d with t-,he r~urnher of f:i[fl.""tl1 ~)i~ns ;Hlv~r'~~l'3inr;
:::;t. F(:ter~;Ul\l"'L'.:. ;':1.". Bl'l}lti>l: ::1~:5() ;'1,3K!'!d \"ll,"t. hnd 1,(-'t~n rlllI',! .,jIl)llt ch;J}'l.'.:;:i.ng the
cJir'l'ct.iot1'!l ~:i.~' I:r! H<lll~;l-:' J~) ~,"; '';ulr-to-H1Y r;'lU]"!Vnr,-J rl>].,1'.) v", f.;r) IJ"-Icin!: of 11 ]'lr~(!
:n'/")v: "n Lnl' ',f :',);,> :-,i,~n iJldlc"t.in'.: !,~le .1il',,;\",i(.'r r)C (;1,)'11'\,.',1;.;:1" !'rr)l(, l,lll~ jT\tor~5ect.i(jn.
It ';::1,', :)'J,:,',;I!~;t',11,y t,~,P :;;IY';1 Vn'\l', I,l",; ::,"'!Il1r'1':'; ')f,~ ,.,lv":r1'.i::;ir.~ r,')I'l'ilit.Ln,.~ r1f ",l"1"l
eh ':':r"~l' ,If (;(l,lli'Jl:~r(:'-: n,'I:.,; :,lL': ,.;' ,'",-,t'.] 'llie-; ;,,':~"c 1..1 J"; r'< i :rlr " l"~(:'''li'I' T'cht.'j '111 1',,) the
..-J .. . _
CC':'It:l; ~~ i,)!l.
In r'~~: Ir'.l 1/1 l:c~..,ti:lt,~~,:in;~ 'r, :" ~,,-'J>':.: ~ ,'r",:: f'1"iTW1-i,-;", 111'C, Cit:, ',U'.l)rT)\,'Y l';:'j'(11'tj8d
th;:tt', tli(; T '1!'Jh()rll~ 8,-"jl.l\~' ()ff'ic!'l;,' "t'" j,l":':...'rtly i!"\"-,I'J,:l in .,.:;Li'IJ"l.in,: ,llll:H'
v:,~]l,l'-lt:i(~n (}[' .rCt~,,, t.>'~l'vj(~t~:-~ ~ -~l I'J1'~I::l Clt:,'; j r t.1'11~ ~lt,~. '~f-ln7",ir!l.1'~:'. ~',() C()~): t-\J"'~'lt',n, f',lj'wlt !..li~
'r\)Jt,:;L-q"-l ~~~ l:ll'"l! ~' l'i 1"1 ~..(} '.~!i,JJ'irl,~ f,") l!""':r.'l . :'l;L~ '.. 1;1\~\.~1 t,f) l'.L 1,:1' :\ L"':'llJ'(IJ.'il""~'
C';-:;i Jjl',y, '1I,l i r !~h,~y "0 l-.]l'jf, ']-,"'. ~<:""Il:l ),/': ; ]., 1',ll :'Uj'!'];: ;,.:1"1 :"'1" u".')'Vi.'~l:
:lll:",';l 1"(~ LC : 1t') :;i L~' 'J, It, .~ t : -,.t ~ r'.~(~ !I'J tl, I!i) lr'y n{' I' \!",t'.
. : ~
trht:! 8~t,:; .L'~.,)l.'~'t.,y r....l~')..rtt.~~..1 1:.'i" , ,1,..:., l,',l 11': r':;~11t-<)r--l:':' f\ll' 'h'IL I\:;!l~t. t~,.r
Y(:lvil:;,~l-"'r ,"'-",;l'lll', 1'111 ':1 r ,~: nrl]'~-,l', 11")1.. "111\ r-l'.,,-1~,l:i 1.~"l1Jev;i:t',l thrllll,"::' I.h,' (~e!ll."l' of
L:.... 1.: \ \~.'C)(),~ t't-:~fl ~ '-" t,~) ~>.~t....~t'~:r ,~!':'"'l't t) \,'l"t i \~ll :.~f,rtl..~L :i.:::.d 11t~',~n ~-".~c:~t:j~,i ~. y ;.,rlC Gr.Q:p11'i ::;~~i.r.>r!
J~lt"I,lh'~r 17, lS':'/;) :on:] '.h;'.:h :~, r!".'! 1"")": I,,;, l'I:'n,~ ")[ In'::r!~'<, nil ul~re::;:; by
1(~rE'ons '.1;[(' :J-'V,~ l'/!c.rf:,ly i!)r,:'h'I:.,~~rl 11.);('1'1".) J7 J'lk'~'.'I"~)] r(!f'l"t.. Tl"Yrl~ I-l'lS ..nw~ussjon
as tCl \\':--'1:', \.'1": (~il< T:,; I'>!:;; ,)!::,p iJ,jt','.-!:, """j~,1 t1,:'cr: '~(>n:l':;l,~t'i.)!: \'lith '1"C(~r,I'.:!r:ee of this
(lee(l) t.he Cit> ~:n.::inl~'f"r ::;t';lr,;r'~ fl.,"~, Lh,: ri'r.lll:,-C)r-\\I;'1yir;!',('r:~~'cted ,'1 l":lJ:d \,,.1'\ich would
1'e::\11re f,i 11in~. C'):l[;li:j,,~,)l.(~r r:1Jf;ti1!"! 1111)';','.] Lhlt the 'j:i. tjr :~t.t-,o)~n'~~~' r(~(~lJi 1'('3 the
r:TOr,.~rt}. ClVi!1<.:r::: 1/! l-l'rylu';':~ :., '~n~ Lr,.cc'~ "~ '!r':r t.h;::' ,j~""l, :'n"! \"IL','n L,l-,l\t 11~lS b/':C'fl
ncr;uL:r'ed) thnt. t.he C:; l,~' :'>n~,,:;":r :'nd t,:],." 0, i I.:' r'>:-:ir,eer )", )'(~qu.,;~:t.,~d 1-,1" ~'ll"l1Ji t tlle iT'
r'-:Cnlrlli18Y;(]:.!I',;,)PS 1:-) the Go::.,Il-i.:.;,';i,.'r' \,':it1J f,1,::' ,11'1. j,j()ti.0r: \.r1~ ~:-0r."pd(-:,.-J 1;y C0:mnj~~si()11~r
Crown ~Ind CP)T:i.ed u~J'n.;;,,}ll.s}:'.
In re5r'-lnf!'~ t() "11 51:':'111':: "rom ~1)1',:1~:. '.",i"]""'!, Cr-'\'Jn r,.:r:~rJ::T':,: tlt0' :"01i.c:i for boiler
ir'Sl)Y'.:W:C'8 :~nd f'iri2 l,.':.:U'."'l "~':-: "~', '1'> ',~-'" 2"~''i1,t.) t::l'c' r,it./ :';- I"':~er J'fc:rO:rt,erJ I,""r;t t,~lere
hav,:; (l8':1: t~\'I") : r,~.';:):;(,ls 'll,l't~..;d:' r''::cf:'j v.:~: rr] ~:~IY",,::: :!1 )r,' r.Jw,.' \'.'~ :',1;i.n t,llt; r.(~:,:t t"'lO '.'leeks.
;'.je':r'lvhlle) he :j:',,,lj'=-:.-] lj~,:.;t 8, t~;i~l'r)r"l'~' 1 ~rr1'~r "1";: :,C(~r~ j ~~:'lJfod 'Jr! 1.1'1.:, r-r,,:;'c:811t, ro1icy
un t i 1 S 11 C h 1; i rn t~ ~l S ;j d t-:: ': ; '_;:. ,) ni::; : OJ ,:> I,h~ .
Tht~ ;"~;1y('r '.\1 ~~;"""("~ {,l!"t, l.;;f} ~I"I",j~;~i'~'r- >>)"~,:i';':-~r Lh'''''~~r(lir:t-.'!i':''rd~ of :1 :.~uniGipal
JUd;];i:: to r'.'rl-:ll:~ ",'j C i."':! ,J, ~>-:-:t.'I':'!"'~:!~tf' h:1:-: r":2:i~r.,~d. i,:r. T11'-iTlton :,;t.'"tl~c1 L~l:~t, in
vial'! :..1C Lhe ~1!:> "11,:8 'Jf >:1'. Iy:")r ,lu,? 1J~.;-;::bv.:os ~)nd UH' "b;F:r,c:'2 r~,f ?'~r. r~,u:':~~el], th,"l
C,y,jijJi~:: :-, j on In,d ,'),,jr,.: \~d '1'; r:.'n~ t he:1l S ': 1"".'" :- h ',1-, 'j t \',rf..,)];] c' '(,i (h~ :' y ,'.1 rrl q ~ (Jr':; t y 0 r t llf~ v I)tes
of th._~ full Co:,!f;'lLs;,l>jI:, ,I,1vl :,:r. T~T'l' 'qo.J ~,~r. r"I':;=;.::J1J h8vir:~ 1'c>tl-; e':I'resse,'l their
prefere)~ce in '\'!rjtjn~, th,': C.:,!,r:I;;';c;':nn }",~) :1 :r,.:ec1 t.()il'dd,~ I') the 1t}i~3hes of th,~ 1l1:.1Ylrit~y
\\fhi~h \"HS t.hri')(; VOI-,(~S for ;.:1'. 1~"11 'll,:t,f:~~-I'":rc:I., ,Tr.,'!n'l t'.\,'J V,)tus f'or i:"_ /1,. D. Finch.
COlillIlissioner Bl::\r:top t.:)(;1'e;':"r'0 rr):)vcd th:,jj-, ::!'. '.J\,jt.,:',t\)'~.;t., 1;,~ i!;T,:,;nte'l to :..~8rve ~IS
;'.Tunic1.!';jl Jud,:> .:'r)[' I. h..:' t,~t}'l:Ct~ of I))"' 1'"'e,'':;1J}:,r 1:'\\10 ~'F.:,;r (-":rlll 1,,'hj.c:h bp,~,'~n on J'~nu;;ry 1,
1952, '-ilPoh,t.!ilunt to hi:: e:f('ct..i.',rt) ,',) ri.l 1::,1'.. :~,.)t'~)n \r1~) ~,~~c,)Y'rlecl 1>~1 ~,il~. Crown ;:md
carriod 1Jr:;lr,ir!,:)li~;l~'. ;,:-,;ror ~-:!'0\'Jn ;,:;j~.'ltl~:1 he Irl:1:er1 t,D ~!.rr.lh,'l.:.;:i?:e Ijh"lt the ot1-Jer t\'lO
Co~njllls7:;}.r;L.;;rs had :i,I1d'j cr\tF~,J t.hei r ; rl~rerl':'rce by \.lri U,~'r: ,::tcd~"~iilt-ml" ~mcl 1-:.1I8i1'" votes
were b~in,~ s(~nsid'cTed eV8D trl'_)Il':h thr:::' \",-::re W)t l'rec:.'::Jnt :-It Ule !:le{:ltin,~.
;I.:()t i ()D for ,::,] jo ur"r:r:i'~n t !,.,'::~ S ':l'.,d(?
B 1 C:ll~ ton i:3 n d c ~~ r r i e d 1 m '-! n '. 1'1:) II S ],: .
" . . '. ~
'.1 (l:;,! ']:1 :.1.: l')r. .,'1' 'j rr)\<','n ,
secor,(lC'd 11Y
Thc~ Coltl:7dS~~~Lr>n) n~lW ;.I,Jjn1lrJ'ed '.:::~ (~:lty C;OI,ll,Lisd, or: ':1]10 qct.in,::; '35 Tr'-1~)Le8S f0r the
Fension Pl::l!1, e,J:,iT,::wt':d th.:,:dlflL;:~>i':.'J'l.:,r ft:1,,)'y,rJ ,'}. LO'!1~:Jz, of Ll'ie Fol:ice DE",p.''1rtlilent, t.o
membershi;, in th8 h~rl~~i'Jr' fl.:::!' t'!l :1 !r;::,t',i':,r: 1:::r COf(l![!iss1.oner EJ.:'!r'ton, seconde':1 by
C O:lll:li 5 ~ i or.::T ero 1,>,n ::-: rd 1) I1=-) r j 1!I'l1; l~' 1':'1 rTi ed .
COlmniss.i. )r,er Cr'(l\'!!1 :,l(.1Vfd I,'F, ",1;: l'(J\f~'~, )f rJ~li: i~,ilfi; s,~;il)n of l,'j'll. J;lmes F'remru, of
the Folice De['rlr'tfllent, to li1'~,il~"T:'3:d.r 'i n l:,hi! F'~rsi0n Plgn; 1!l0t::,on \'j',103 sec0nded by
C 0 mild, s "i 0 n .:! r 131 :! n t, () r:"'l~ d C 8 IT i ed, I r' ~~ r j II I "u s 1 " .
- ~. - - .I
It was Irtoved by Cowrnis::;i'.1n';r Crrwm t1r1i~ the :,',tJlld 8sJ::m of J. :3. ~\'hi to?, Henry Curry
and lor:r:i.O! Janel'>, 1af)Orer::; in the lUfll:,c ~j8rv~ce Derartrnent, t.o 111,:-:rnbershir in the:
Fension Flan be ElI'rr'('Vf~d; !lI':'ti on 'ff,'lS ~0.c:l!;(L"''-} 1"~' CO'ii'I,.! :::slQr,er :::)::',')rton'~,nd c::\rrie(1
Cor:1missioner Crown :,oved t.hl": ;:1' rov'll of t.!'J<~ a,il~l15:':3';Jr, of EJdie Sullivr-m '1nd
, . c.
Alto ,;dkinson, Lr1borf~rs in l.he'}os rInd 1 ';:1 t,':!r DeFart.dJ',:lr,t, to mer.lt)f:?:rshjr j n the Pension
Plan; !!lot ion \'],:.! sse c ond(~d bye ofl!llli ~-i ,si ,-,neT ~ J ,:i r. t; on ~l r.d l~ an'.i ed. UTl8 Yi illV)U 5 ly .
,~ .t' ct ' r. .. T"}
1'10 10n '.'leiS fila e oy ..JO:di,i.lSS.lor:er L' 'lrtnn;
carr.ied unCtn :i,J(L>Jusl~' t 1-1::: t .ill':) !:'eckr:r, G 1!:rk in
arproved for Jile:il(JGrshir-' in t.he !'I-,,-. i '::rr, Fl;jn.
::;ec,v'd,?,] by Cor:mli ssi oner Crown and
j-, he Gas and '\;hlter Derartl\l8nt, be
Corruflis;:;ic)l)(~r Croi'm moved t.~lf' :1rr,rnv:--ll of t.h'.; '"dI!l:i ':"isian Jf ':',rillialll Fowel], Jr.,
l,'1eter Reader frn~ th-2'};3S ~-l.r.cl ~:!"!ter D~I';~rt!r:~nt" t.(, r~el:Jb:r~;hir in the Fension PJ.~lr',
motion 1'/;:'15 sec,nlded by Commissi0WT ;:;lnnLc,n ::IPd '~::rri,?d un:3nill1JUsly.
There being no further business to corne before the BOArd, the meeting adjourned
at 11: 00 P .1'/:.
r- " '. , ~~:"':",:,);.,
(' ..
f:, I.: ;:.
" ,.'
i.'... ..,ie ,.....' '"'..'
.~.. "----..
, ' f.:;,t:~'ifi#-.. . ~
'* 'r<"~ '~O!'-.I;.,
t ''')\.;?f/'fr~l~;t~S~::fi,<~~, ,<~,i~;.,.
..,...~ ~....--.
... ",,-I',
~',::~..,'f; . ...::..',.J~ '.r
",,1,> ~".',
March 24., 1952
"~'~-;;S~"';;;"_';~'~oi"",.~".::J.,7;~ ,:
T iI"
Iv!arch 22, 1952
4;'~ :;,' .,
\~~: '
.~.'~;: :
'r~f~~& ,
I' c" .. ,,, . " ,
j ;:>;;'\':<:~>,
': ," I,' ':'-::'. .:.~::..': :..~~',: .
r.'~ ".. .
". .,~" ;.,~:' "." . ..'.. -. ".
"'P ,. '," ":'~" . :. .
. .~. " .
f4ayor-Cowmissioner Herbert I,~. Brovm
Cormnissioners: Herbert Blant~n) 3r.) Jack Russell
Garl;:md D. Lynn) T/!. E. CrowTl, Jr.
G(~ntlemen :
i\ special llll~etint; of t.he Git:; Gr)!!,rrd.s:3j on \^Jill b~-'l held in the City Hall Audit0riurn
a.t 7:)0 P.r:t., l.~onday, r,hrch ::/,) 1~5?, fl.")r t1J(l purpose of discussin.r.:; the following
", '.
1. i~wardin:~ of bi.d:.: for ]':-1\'; 11': r-~\r''1Y:! 3treet, GuJ fvi(~w B,~u] evard anr:l B.qymont.
(BiJs \'i'2re OI1tjned r';'lrch 17th mcet,ir-:i~).
2. ;:lnnHGer'::j r(~l'ort ::-!1 :.3:11.1,]1 ::01t j.i'ldn;:~.
J. Co:;!miSf~ion':~ conf;j,i,,,r':!f-,i)f! ,)f I"!,-cllutirn: f'flrtainin,'.': tf) the purchase of
water from 1 inelLl~: r>"11nt.:' 1,\"'lLI~r ',,'nrk;: ::'y:::t.OTII.
Y ()llr5 \J.?ry t l'llly ,
FCivi: s
I c..I F C ;": i d tll e ton
/ o..J I . .
(~ i ty j':,'1l1 'i:;.,'r
~ ,
Ci t Y Ganim j,;.;.::, :i, on
City Hall
Glear~uter, Florida
~hrch 2h, 1952
At Cl joint. rrle:et.in,:r of the ..\dvertif;; LC- !>~IYU!litte8 of the Clearw.ster Chamber of
Co:"mcrc e 2..nd !!l8r,lb'~rs of t ;113 :: ItO:'1r',,") t ':r B ~lncl f)'Josters CJ.ub, the Advert i sing
Cornmittee '.:1:31-:8::': to 1:1?'ke the foll/)'.,fine: rf:roI't:
" ',!
, , 1" , f t 1"1 ,., 1 n 1 ~" ., th
Due to tile i-nLI lC.Lty V;'1..lue 0 tIll:: oJ '.':!r'::r!t<::r ~U'':l .:::c :OO.L 1'8na 3.rrenrln,~ In .e
I'~:itiornJ CherT)' bla5c:.,:)Il: !o":3ti',Hl l~~n"Jo:h' in ~':'~shin::;ton) :~J.'rj 1.. 1, 2, and 3) we have
i?Z:;.:iLr'.ed ,~md :'(CC'::I,t~:d ~~:\,=, r8;:~)"t 'Jf thp. Ean'] ;: )osters Club .::n:cl do unanilflously
reC.)J!li.:er:d that ,~l)(CC'.GC ce ':lllo'.::',ted by th(: Cit,:' t.o h'j1r def!';.y the expenses of
thi~ '::~ls'1in:ton t.rjp.
, '(,
It is the Cominittee's unjer~:;t~lndinlr rJrBt 76 b"H:d :nem1.H?r3 ir. full d!'e;,~S uniform
v!ill be in this pa.r~.cJe :lnd t!1nt su'rfici.ent l'~lnnl?rs for both the JVirgc1e ,3nd the
buses transport,:ln~ she Virc~.de viill r)', p'o'nl.r:er,tly di ::;I;layed.
The COil1:nittee WfW 1::1so :Js::"l.1red th.qt, the r;}r"d~ '.,!ill l'e l,roac1c8,st by tho K~ti.onal
n.atwork, t,";leviseti:lnrl shovmi.n the; r:t:'ws rf!,~ls thrr)u:"';hoilt th.-; eountry.
Hespectfully slll)mit.t~d,
/s/ P,'11l1 picht) Seer_
jJd\TGrtisinr; Gamlni. ttee
::: lei'lr\.!,cl t 81' Chr-.-i1ber of COir.;;ierc e
RE3:)LUTI ~:H\
;.., RF,(~OLUTI(W E;':Lf,TIF,'} TO n.'TE~\TIOF OF CITY
OF CLE,^,W'iITER; FI,~TU~)P,; TO COj\'T!{,^.r;T ',"ITH fIrET.LA3
"""I"'my FI onID ^ f:'.....n '''I''.''''1J ^ ':''j' OF '," Tr'R
'.J....IJ1\1.1., J,11. t1, .L'..I!t t'.....tn,J;h...)u !\.'.
~!n-{}~nEAS tlt8 Eoa.rd. l)f Courlty Comrnissioners of FinellAs C::)llnty, Florida,
has taken the necessary steps to jnsure its ~bjlity to ~ell 2nd deliver to the City
of Clear~~ter, Florid2) ~n artenu~t:~ surl1y of wholesome w~ter for 311 the norm~l
uses of said City and its inh8hit~nts, ard
:','1-1811;;:,\3 it is necessary thR t said BI)::t I'd of County Commis sioners be assured
of the intertion of said City in connection with the purchase by it of said water
in order thRt sgid Board of County Co~missioners c~n tqke the necessary leg~l steps
to purchase And inst91l facilities necess~ry ir. ~onnection therewith, and
i'nlEnEr\:';~ sc1id P'1ard of C olmty Comrni s ~~ 1. oners has been as sured by it s consult-
ing engineers omd fiscal advisors that it can rroduce cmd deliver said water to said
City at a cost to t.he City n0t to exceed seven and ODe-half cents (7h~) per thousand
gallons, ::\nd
V,'HEfiEAS said Board of County Commissioners, under its present com::1i.tments
to outstanding holders of revenue certificates, is re~uired to have a contract with
each municipality by it thereafter to be served in '11hich said municipality agrees to
use the County water supply as a sole source of supply and to pay rates and charges
for water thus to be purchased 2nd surplied in 811 :lmount sufficient to pay operatinp'
expenses of the system in proportion to the amount of water thus to be supplied and~
also sufficient to pay the annual principal and interest requirements ror such
additional certificates as may be required to be issued by the County in order to
establish facilities to serve said municipalities, plus a 1Tl3rgin of 10% and
1\~EREAS it is further required that said contract between such municinali-
ties and the County be approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of A such
municipality at an election called and he~d for that purpose, and
, . VffiEREAS after an investigation of the facts and benefits to be obtained
f~om entering into such a contract, it is desired to indicate the willingness of the
City., Commission of the t.:i ty of Clean.mter, Florida, so to do.
....-..~~::"! .;
: ...., ':~. ~~...,,~ ;.~\, ~,.,.:. :.~..:::'... ;.;,~,::~(t.~:;,~ :~:: ':':~:..~.::'<.~:.;: '. _ .
. _'. '.... ....' :.': ~.,,",':.., ;,. ::.'.;<.,.1.
)":::.~ .:..
,I... . '. .
!-larch 2h, 1952
NOW, THE~EFORE, BE IT RSSOLVED by the City Commission of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, in ses~jon ~uly 3nd le~al1y Rssernhled, as follows:
1. That it is to the ;l(iv:-jnt:'I'~<.? (-IDrI l'I'JI3 I, interests of the Clty of
Clearv'inter, Flori,d:-:t, nnd its inhaldtHnts ;Ind .it is the intention of thH City
Commission of the City of C108r\,\1:1ter, }i'] aridn, that ~i:)id City enter into a contract
wi th the BOD rd of County COillrni ssioners 0 f Finell;js Cn1H~t;y, Flori.dA, for t he purchase
by said City from ~ ;dd County of 8 dai1y "lver~1::'J in ;Iny ':,nr' year nfter the 8,:ecution
of s~irl contract of nDt 10S5 th~n 5,000,000 ~allon~ of w~ter.
2. Th:;lt ~:o;dc1 '>j t.,y ;:1~1'~3eS to t1~=-e th,::; Cour.ty 'dClt,or SU!lr]y <-lS its sole fJource
of supply dur:i n.!. ;.\ lel."iod af tn i rty (J 0) Y,~;lrs art er the e :~ecut i on of Sed d contract
And ~'\grues to ray for sEdd ','F-Iter"urn.1sh.HI ;\Ild rlI1'ch~'SBd, r;:ltG~; ;lnd ch,1r.l~efl in an
8!Il')Unt sufficient to p1:1:: th\~ Gity'~.; f'l'ol'ortionHt',: ~;h:'r'(!, Gnlll)>ut,\:d rm Lhe "HII0unt. of
WAter .rllrni~;':led rJnd ~,:;ulrlied k) ~:.4jd Git.y, of Lh,~ ()rerntin,:.'; ('JXr{~rI0HS of !1dditional
facilith:s poce::;s',lr'y t.o rurni~~n s'lid ',nter to rrtunici)':lli1',.1C::3, "Ind t.l10. S'1I:1e proror-
tion or lhr_' annurd. rrincipal and -jrd~(:'l'i~,;t 1"_~I!u.i rt,-~mFmt~-) for :,;;uch r)drli tionnl reV8nue
c(~rtifi:~at(~'::; rj,':j lfl.qy b8 i:isued by :-;::dd Cnur.ty for t~h,~ J'1JI'I'O~3U of e~jt'-l1111Hh:ing srlid
rtdd.itioll;:-J), fdCi.J.Lti8S, plus:'1. nnrr:in of 101, of s~dd [','11:.8:::3 <Inri L:h~lr,l..inS; TTovido'-Hi,
hO'vlever, th~t ~',.d,rl Ifl;tl",,~:i.n tili'i]} rc)t e'.{c\~8d Jni~ or :i,':'id l'.:d....-~:; ;,nel Cll;:;rcos, ;lnel satd
10% lll;\I~:~ill i;tnnuAlly ~:;h.'1.11 8i ther b(:~ :i.nve:;t(~din I,he ;\dil i.ti :'mal rAe'll it.i.os furnish-
in'!: \'Htur to t.h~J Gj t~' of Gle tr',\';d;er, Flc'1'jd"l, or :,:h'lll 1.:-: r(~funrled to the City of
C1ear\.j=-iter, Floridrl.
J. ThHt, .suell a cnntr;-1<::t, 311':\J 1 lle ~u1:.'i';; Ltud l)~' refc,r,\-.t!lhull 1'01' :-tJ>rroval to
the qurllif:i eel ele<:' L()rs of t,lie City or CleAr\"'Jtcr, Flori lb, th.: electi.on to be called
nnd ht.ld ft))" t,-.h;'jt IUrl',)se :1~ s()(~n f~S I;he ::)';1.18 rnr-lY h-l p"ict.iCrl], '::-lnd that SAid
contract ;;.nd t.ll\:l '1:';1"t~elJlt;,r,tt.~ <in th-is re,3:']uti')n 1.;'JPt:li n(;d ';chId,' n,)\' 1.,: v:tl id or
effective ucles::; the .:::2!nei 5 ;:lI'l'l"-'V':'! 'It sdd e}'o'Jr.L';,r}n by ,') 1i1"1jOl~ity or SAid
'lu::11Lf:iecl (-;lt~,,:::'. 'lr~;.
1". ]\:0 cont.l';",'ct :}h:dJ 1x~ f'l'nIl:ul::;;)t.t':r1 under' Lh i.s reso1ut~0n l';hi<::n contr:1Gt
shall ilijr-ah~ th~ 01)11:~'lt,i ')n 01' ::;F~curity ,)f I:,b~ J rf-_~~;ent bonds 01" rev,:..}1ue c.:ertificates
oul~st::lndir:~ fOJ' L,llc l'rese!lt. '.,'f; 1,-,,-::;1' s:,:>t(~m or the C:'l ty ,)f CJe8r.,\'r.tr~1') Florid8.
F/1.~;:_;Er) :;J':8 .\D:'rT~':D this 2J:t,h d-:]y of' ?':f1rch, j\.D. 1952.
.I '" / 'rl~l~"nr.,.,..,t: '1:1 '0ro"'/n
, oJ I .. - "-' ~~..... J . _ "
7:.-':1 y or -Co fr,rrli S ;:i ion t:!r
/ s/ H. G. ',.'i r.,3o
City Audit0r ~nd Clerk
11 onor ~l1]> C :i. t ',' C(lli!, ,i ;j:" i or: ers
C J.8Rrvl'::', t er, F10r id .::1.
Feb. 16, 1952
Gt~ntl,';jJler: :
As Trust.,~t?S cd' the:; City' of Cle;:"r':fClt.er Eljjl,loyeesf F'='llsion FlmrJ, y:n.l 'Ire
hereby Datifi':l': tr,~lt El"'::J<1l1 ,}. lo,'l'lX', nf i.:.ll'C! F"lic.=: DI!I'')rt.lii,~:-t, n83 h:~FJn duly
eX"iIllined flY ~l lac"], J.hY:':iici~",r! ,:TIel 1.'l8Si,'.r..;;t.?<1 by hilll "!c; I~ I!f:i1~~:;t Cl'l~;STl l'i.~1<.
Tl'\e :3t,~\,,~ elr!j]()Y'~1:' h(~,":,ln hi:: ';~'!J'!iGI'l \,;it.h t.he ~i.t',:, ':.>n JuJ.:' 21st" 1?51.
He is un.-1""l' Ii 5 ~",l:n's r.:>f ,:1::">': ::Ind !1J:et;:.,; t,1'1<: rer~lljr':!:'I\,-rlt.~; of .'lJr Cl'Jssj r-i(:.cl ~;.3rv'j ce.
It Ls hfH'eby 1'ecr.):;i,,;::I',~hd by tile ;'.'hri ;-o,:)1'y Co/mid ttne t.1l,'Jt h~ llt:l ':"J(-;c..:rted int,')
membershj;- .
V~;J'Y truly Y'lurs,
_'l.d'J.l ::;r:.r~r COil:fijj,t:.l~ee 'Jf tne E:nr1oyt';.:::s'
r (; r 3 :i:m :r\l!1 d
,'s /
'; 'I
'I '/
, ,
F::'Jl 1:::1.1112
rleJ.en I-,.lt(::rs
Die}; I-.:elson
Honorable Gity COfllmi,s .:;ion,:;rs
Clear\t!o'.1te:r, Fl:3.
Feb. 16, 1952
As Trust ees of t~-If~ Ci. ty ':If C 189 nJ:~ ter Eril[.lov~f:. Sf Fen si on Fund, you nre hereby
notjfiecl t.hat 1;.Irn. ~TallieE.~ rl~enl'U, e,f th~ rnlice' D~l);lrt'1iI~nt, h,"1~3 (),='en duly eX.'3rnined
by a local I_'hysiciar. :,mcl dosj '_~n.;ted b:" 'h.i III ,':is ~l "first. C]J15S" risk.
The above emr10yee be~~n his service with the City on JunA 21, 1951. He is
und8r 45 yeal"s of 8ge '3 nd meets t. h(~ rerluiremerts of our C 1a5si fi ed ,::;el'vi ce. It is
hereby recommended by the Ad vi sory C OlOil.l t tE:e th:." t he be,:! cCt'.JpterJ into membership.
Very truly yours,
t..dvi sory Comrni t tee of' the Employees' Pen si on Fd.
/s/ Pau1 KAne
/8/ H\::len Peters
/5/ Dick l\elson
.( "
I. .
, .
',.,",'" .
". to. ,
. '. ~.:~'~:i;.:~"
: ,..,.[.,.,', :',-" ;:.j!~;"-',,",If" ,,'p...;\, ';~~~'~ii1f~~_\
t.~,...; " ... ,:.- ,,>,,""''':1~~~'''i\V- .~~ "r::~~t:\'.t.~. {:1-i~f~)\.~~~ !':i,:~",." ~~, ..~ .~t~)~.,0\r"";;,'~~'n;::tx:~~~~..t.,~.~.;
,...., v>. .~. ... ,,' .. ." _". ..".__~.~;;~.;.i&~;"~~,;,, ,. " .' ',:;';.~;:;S:'" ,'...,,(, . ;;, ". '):J ':;~,,? . ", " "..,.,;"';,:.
" '. ,,' "'\'~'.:t''t ~t"\~1~,..,,"t"I'\!'"
, . ";u.. ;':7>;';/ ./':
;.' "'>l:(f.::,:,~/:\(
...:.......", .' .~:~.:.. ;'.,:' ;.":.:~ ~ .: \.
r,1arch 24, 1952
Mar. 17, 1952
Honora ole Ci tv COiOl!d.SS ioners
ClearvJater, Fia.
As Tru.stees or the Cit~r of CJ eari'fnter Ernr1oyees' Pension Fund, you are hereby
notified that J. B. ~:.niil~f), I'~I)lorer i.n Lh'~ rublic :,jervice Dep8rt.ment, has been duly
ex;uniw'Jd )'y d loc:j) F)ly:dGj'::in cinrl deni,':';l1~t~fjd l-,y him :;18 n "first c18ss" risk.
The <,Lov(~ ell\l'loY\:'t~ lH.::!~,'\n his ~)er"j CA '..'l1,th tIlE! C,ity on July 2, 1951. He is
UTlUt;r ~5 ye;Jr's of "j.'!,t,~ '.'nd mE~8t:; tll'~ n~nl1j r'eli1er:t~; of our Cl~ssified 3ervice. It is
herelJy recollll:I'..:l](ilVl by Lh",: Arlv i.~-;ory C()r"II,lLtr:~~ tlwt, he b~~ '':lcc8pted into mf:l\1b~!rship.
VeJr)' t.r'lll'./ :;")l1Y'S,
,\dvisnr'v C()~,;r~lj t.t\.l('~
1 "I
I s/
of the Eml'loyees' Pension Fund
F ') III r:.qne
Helen Feters
Dick Eelson
Honor:Jble City Comrni sstonert'j
Cle,grw-'-:l t t'H', 2] a.
Mar. 17, 1952
t\s Tru~:lt ee~ I) f 1. be C j ty of C Ie '1r\ov:-lter SllIl'] oyce s' p(~l1 si. on Fun,l, you are hereby
not ified that tienry Curry, L:ibon~r j n t/t,)!, rubl i c 0e~ rvic(~ Derartment, hs s been duly
examined. by Cl loc'~l rhY.'3j,(~ian .:lnd de:.,i ~ratt?d by hj:n es OJ !tfirst class" risk.
The i':Ibove ell1rloyef: begc1!1 his ::.;crvir..::e ",,'it/II the City on fl.u'~ust 17th, 1951. He
is under h5 Y(~8T',5 ~)r a:.;",: :.md 1'1eet:3 t11, re'.~\.1ir'8J:18nts of ':.'ur Cl,":ssifi.ed :3ervice. It
is h\::reb:,' recoliJfi1tJPded by t.he I\d,v:i.sr)!,~' Cr)(ltn::l tt\~tO: LhL,t he be "1.G8epted int~o membership.
VAry truly Y0~~S,
Mbjsor'.' Ccwmlitt2.p. ()f the ~mrlo:!eo;?s' Fension Fund
1 ~ /" ~ l' - "
~)' 1. 1.1, !,..,r;e
'I 'I
i Sf i{t?len Fe t~f:rs
/s/ Dick Fel.son
HOnOrEJ b 1e City COli;'l1i ssi on ers
ClearwHter, Florida
j.:arch 17, 1952
Gent lellien :
As Trustl~es of' the Cit.y of r:le"l.r';:'-'ll/!r :\:liI..lo:'-2(~Sf !-',':Dsion F1Jnd, you are hereby
notified that Alto Adkinson, L::I1>orer j n the ''};JS mid 1.':dt'2r Del'''' rtmc:nt, has been duly
examined by ~: loc-9.1 physicLm :md rJesio:!l-3ted by hi:n '38 9. "first cl'Jss" risk.
The above emrloy~e began hjs service wi~h the City on JUDe 11, 1951. He is
under h5 "ears of:lCl'e and :nef."!t~.i V',8 rec-U]r"2 :.e);t': of (,'ur Gl.'lssLfied service. It is
ei \J .:
hereby recomrner.ded hy the !\dvisory CO:I:rn,i ttee i',h'lt !1"~ be acc'-,Tterl iDto mei;1bership.
'J,~.....y trll1y :':/()Uf'::3,
M.dvi. 301'Y COllif1li t Le e or t.he EmF loyees' f"!n sion Fund
/s/ PAul ]\;.me
/s/ Ht:len Feters
/s/ Dick I\elson
Jllarch 17, 1952
Honora'ol-a G ity COi'lliliss :loners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City of Clearwater EmrJoyees' Fension Fund, you are hereby
notified that Eddie Sullivan, L~borer in the Gas and ~ater D8partment, has been
duly (~Xai"lined by a local physjci8.l' ':'I'd desi!~n'~ted by him ?s a "first class" risk.
The above emr10yee bet;Hn his service with thE; Cit.y on July 17, 1951. He is
under 45 years of age ~nd meets the requirelnent~ of ~ur Cl~ssified service. It is
hereby recol/i1ilcnded [-)y the Advi~ory 80rnlld ttel: Unt he be accepted into Inernbership.
Ver~' r,rllly :'r)ul'~.3,
r\dv isorv Co:nmi ttee of the Emrloyees' Pension Fund
/s/ Faul Kane
/s/ Helen Peters
Is/ Dick lI:elson
.'7::,:.> ;:. J.
'. .;;; ,
~. " ,
. . ,~ "" '
, """
'., ':J.> ,',
,'., ":
'<~ ",..:
, .
,: ~~lt~~~~i=:~.{:Di~;~l:'~~J'~ :~~~~.., ~j:.::~i ~3..~! I:"~'"
.1,1 .' ~'~"'_" .:' ..:';':."
. '.. ~.:, ;. :,.,;:
.;: llo'~:";'; . '~,.;. '" ,-':::. ;~;,,',",'.:: ,n'~; ,', ,..; \ ' '.:, l .'.,". _ "
. .... ~'l"';", ..'" '
" " ".,'.. " ~ \. t...:..! '. ~ 1.
, . .. .,...";d~U' :~_:~~;;~L;~~,4~1~jv~(e' .;',~
'. \.
CITY C on:',: IS SJ ON r.j~:ETIKG
March 2~, 1952
r,1Drch 17, 1952
Honor8bIc Ci.t~y COlnmissi oners
Cle:-lrHater, FIOl'idCl
f..s Trl1steos of 1;\lf~ Cjt'.), (Jf r:l''"?l!'W'd>3r ;~!III)l(.1y,!eL; [(!t':..;;,rm Fund, yrnt (~re hereby
r:atified th.'~t. ~t:ill:i",HII i'1}\.wll Jr, i,:')tnr Fe-:l,j,")r r':1r t.!p~ :;,"!8 'Ind '.'Jc4ter Der."\rtment, has
b8(:3n duJy I~X"')lniTlnd by ;j, l':H~'d I'h>i,':hn"1I'd dG~;i'-:n:1V~d l'y h'jtl} ;18 a "first c18ss" risk.
The 'Ii",-,vo ('jrll]r}YlcI?' r)':r,'!1i llis st":rvil>: \','i',lj ',:1\' l~iLy ')Tl t.JuJy 5, 1<}5]. He is under
~,5 y~artj of 'l:~1J -:.'l1d 1Il"el.: til') l""r:\J'iJ'Hlil'''nt.:" or "Itr' Cl'\::::""i fied :wrvice. It is hc-:reby
rl'~c()l:l!lll~ncl(')d lJY t;lt.: J",b-i.:50CY ~llll"IJij,tJ~(! 1','",1', h(J tJl? '1(~':(~J ted :i.nl~() :1I<:~rflb':'r:~h-jr.
" .,':
V"l'Y 1;1",'1:' :'~';JJ':_:,
,\,1'/1 ,;or)' C')I::i1li 1',t,'J8 or 1;11" Suq Joy(:~~s' r'-:-~r'si on Fund
.I ",,I FtllJ K~l IlC:
L; : i l"] I":) n r I ~ t, t." ~ s
'/'" 'I
" i n i r.t: h" 1 r, () n
, ~ '., I.
\ >, '.r~ ~ :.:. ',.
, ;1,
, ~..
i,:arch 21, 1952
'. .', ..:: ..~},", .
, :"'::'i':~;'
". . ;, ,',......
Honora1:1e City Co:nmis,=;i0ners
C le:\r\'."\ tl::r, Florid:1
: :~
~ ..,
, .~
:. , \.
J~S Tl'l,l:-;tee:~ c'f t,l1e i~i.t.y c,r Cl':",r':,"ll>Jr Emrloyees' T"ension Fund, you are herehy
notifie'J Udt Londe ~Tones, L::1,nrer in !:,1"1e Ful'11c Serviee Dep"lrtr:1Gnt, has been duly
eXCtmip'.Jrl b', c] l"c",} r,;"'SiC1'H1 'H,d ctI3::;j "T 1fJ~.1 b',- leilrt 'IS '1 "first. cl:'ss" r'i~;k.
." - .). . ) OIl
T:le Jbo'!(> C!:lc'10teI2 bC"l "elf his :c;erviec: with !'.he Cltv on ,IuIv Ci, 1951. He is
.. J. J ...:l' - v OIl"
under h5 :'l::::;r~; of ':'1':8 ::mJ Hl8et.:..~ t he rc'...11i1'8;TI,c'rt~ :)i' :)11r '~J]sfiifi8u ;3ervice. It is
hereby recorn;J18ndcd t.:y l,!le :\dlJ1snry CO'II,'JU'.t.I.:e I,h:lt he 1>0 ''lCCt~rtec1 into rn~~1bGrshir.
Very t'l'llly :":1;])'S,
:,dvis()Y'" GnJ'!mittee :.f tht-1 E1111'loyees' Fension Fund
/s~/ FHul KitTle
;' ,~,'"I
~ He, 1 en r E: t e l' S
IE; / D i C' k !I: e J ~; 0 n
Honorable City COlwni s;~ ioners
Clearwater, Florida
l>1:a r r: 1"1 21, 1952
As Trust..;(;S of t\-,= CIty of C1e:-lnvAter Em;loy'.J{~S' l'ension Fund, you are hereby
notiEied that Ann Beck~r, Clerk ir the ~as and ~ater Dersrtmen~, 11~S been duly
eXQ.mined bv :-1 local/lh"slcLn: ::]'1(1 cle~1i'Tr.:.J.te.j ;:v ~1irn a~:: 3. 'lfir~'t cl:,'ss" risk.
J 1" J ..J III
The abovG employee beg3r. her ser',-ice IFi t.h the City on 3t~1='tB;nber 12, 19~1..
She is under 45 j'ears 'Jf OtZP J.r.d meet~3 th'~ r8riUir~!:~"nts of '_'ur GlClssified Service.
It is hereby recommended by the :Idvi s()ry Cor:l!ni ttee that 311e be accepted into
Very tru1~ yours,
",vi ui sory Corwli t tt';e of the Employee s' Pension Fund
/51, Faul Kane
IS; Helen Peters
,Is, Dick Kelson
March 26, 1952
Know all persons that we the undersigned Commissioners of tho City Co~~iooiefl of the
City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, do hereby waive notice of a
Special Meeting of said City Commission to be held at the City Hall in the City of
C1ear~ater, Florida, at 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, 1952, and we do hereby
specifically waive notice set out in Section #18 of the Charter of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, and we do hereby severally consent to said meeting at time and
place before said.
/5/ Herbert M. Brown
/5/ Jack Russell
",: ;.'
/s/ Herbert Blanton
/s/ W. E. Crown, Jr.
' CTTv �p;��„Tu.;IOn'. i�1E�TZI�G
��tarch 2�� �-952 '
The Ci�4y C�mmissa.�n �f tY;e Cit a�' Clearwater e • • _ ,
Ha:1.1 1�'ionc�a i4arch 2l 1}52 at Y m t in special session aL C�,ty
� Yt N,
, 7.30 P.M. �lith tYze follo�rrin� members present:
: _ Her'�ert t�I. Brown 1�Zayor,Comma.ssiox�er :
�Tm. �. Cr�avan, Jr. Cammissi.vner
- Hert�er�G T�l. Blantan Gommissioner
_ Abs�nt: ,
Garl;�nd D. Lynn Cornmisszoner _
Jaclt RusseJ.l Gam.missi�r�r
l�l�o ��r�esant Vrere;'
F`. C . ��iiddleton Ci�y ;;an� ;er
�. T. iicCla:7raa Chief ai` Folicz
, Chas. I�:. Philli:�s, Jr. Gity l�ttorney
S. Zicktori Ci�y En;ineer
_ The �Zayor called �he meetina to order, In re�arcl ta the �aids ��ened i�larc
, _ h i7tY?
' ir,r �av�.n� P�paya Street, �uifview Ba,zlevard and Baymont, �kze �ity B,�r_a��r recott�rnended
_ accepting thE 1ow oid of �. H. H*�lcomb, Jr. , Clearvrater, for �r9, 73?. �5, Co�:missianer '
Cr�wrt moved that the %:;�nav�er�s recoinmendation v�it� ras�ect to le-�tin� the c�ntrac�
f��r the Baymont �trpet imprave��n-� be alpra,red 2nd the pro�er Git� of�icz�ls i�a
autharized bo entex in�o tY�e nec+�ssary contract. tdpi;;on w�s secondzc� tty 4�or�rnissioner
Bkanton �nrl carri�d unanir,i�usl,; .
Regardin� rroposals ior leasin� the small bc�at basin, the Qi�;r T•.ar.2ger re�or�ed
tliat he Yiad rece�.ved one definite off er of �:150. CC �er rnonth far the Riari.na lr�c�tion
�rrhich �voui.d incl.ude construetin� a bui7.dino at a� ar�roximate cost re�Ween
�2Q, QUO. 00 arcl �;3U, GCG.00, Trri th � ten � ear lease �nd �n o�tior. Qf tEn ;nnre �=ears;
. the lEssae v�*qui.d �lso pay t�xes, instzrarce and u?�keeF �n the �uxlsling, the '�uildir_r�
ta revert t� the Gi�y �t the er.d of �che rcnta� rer�oc�. Tl�e other twa inter�sted �
�arties ara fiourin� an a�ercen��.�e �•:�sis: In vi�w cif �lze facu that tl�e Gity ;s
�zvin� u�� :",'�S.00 .3 �zont;h ��nt from a t�u;ldin� rrhich is ni�ur be�n� torr_ down �nd a
rer.tal of �l$O.GQ � ina�th Uy releasinP 30 �oat y�i,r_�s, the Git}T .�;anauer di� not fae_l_
th�t 11e c�ul� recomraend ac �e; �,ir_a ti�e �r���s�l af �15Q, E)C rer month an�. reca�nm�nded
that �he �o:r.misaian cor_sider thE canstruction �f �he buildzn� `�y tha �itv �nd le�s�:ng ,
uariaus parts of the srnall boat r�arina. Gar,:rr:issir�ner Cro�v-n renue�ted ;hat the Ci-t.�
Tdanaoer mal�,w an aGternpt to r.e�oti�te a minimur,� r�f �15G.CC zvith a s��,isfaetary p�o-
, ._.
vision for a�ercer.�Ga�e �zrer a cer�ain �m�unt and submit �:mitt�n �ro:ras�ls si,gnPd
by the Feoxle int�restecl, a�. ? callecl mee�in�. Ir. order �o slimirate ,he difficult�
nf estakilishir,� a k�asi,s fc�r �ercen�a�e, the Git}� ,•.ana3er s:a;;ested 1ea_irin; the boa�
slips en�zrely out C� �i�e �r���osal and rentin� �herr separ�tel.y #'or �6.UG Each per
, month. It was �h� consensus af ��inion e� �,he �oi,;n-,issao�� t�Y�at the Gi�y i:�nager
shoul�i �r�ceec3 u�,�h �he ne�otiations and c�13 a mee;,in� w�l7er_ th� ,�rop�sals �re �eady
' ta gresent,
Fertair_in,� to �he �urch�se Q� v�ate•r from ttiie Fir.ell�s �;nurt;- '��ter ��?�x�ks :y-s�tem
the Ci�y ,:,ttorne� re�d a Resc�l�ation t.tih�x�ein �I�e Gzr,y d�claa^�d its ?nter:tior_ to Fu�- �
ch�se an avera�e of 5, ���C, d�Q �al.].ons 3f water �a.i1;= from tiz� Caun�Gy's Fronosed new
sup�l;� r,ystem at net m�re -�han `72r �er �housard �allo�s, �lso th��: th� �ity ��rees
to usz the Cn��n-�y c�r�.ter system as its sole sourc� �f su��.�ly for d�erio�. cf 3G �re�rs
t?�e City to p�y its �ro�_or�ion��.e sl�;d�.e, k�ased arz ar�ount of tratzr usect, of t'�e J '
annual princ��z� anr_l it�i,�rest re-�uirPments for s�ach additiori�l revanue ceri;ificates
as r:�� ue i5sued b5 thp C�unty f`r�r additi�nal facili�ies, plus a mar;in oi not mare
_ ' tk�an 10 a a c�r �raviding a reserve fund. wever=}1 ai tize Ccmnizssior_�rs sug�ested
rewordin� nf the Resoluu? ��r in order ta assure �hat L?i� CiUy would not �ie paving
more than its prc�ortipr_ o� tihe bond �rinci�al and intare�u re�;u�,rezner,ts and that
- the 1(7,� s or the res�rva iund should �ie limited te the use o.� i�ater f�ei.li-�ies only,
wl�ich �1t-erat_csns �nd �orrectzons caer� nc,ted b the Ci,t � uttorne �"�a
t�rile Wild �, , Y y.., y. x•Zr. �rile;� of. , _
y- _nr3 Com��ny, Cnnsiil�;in� �n��.neers of l."Iiami, F1aY: ida, C�unty �ommissioner
Jolzn Chesnut �nd �ir. S, K. I{eller, �er_eral au��rir_terdent of the �oun�t� ,:'�ter S ste:n
overe �•resent ior tlze purpose of answerin; �uesti��ns rel�tive tc the ,ro�nsed cantraet:
i2ayor B� �wza sug�ested that a cla�ase be inserte�l in tile con�r�ct Un retair_ rh� rest
Cit,y wells �s a stand-b, suFply in case of �ccident to the C�unt� �n�zr! car interru�*-
i:ian of ser�rices. Tiae Gity fi,tt�rnP3r �oin�ed vut that the �dc��tion o�' the Resolution
w�s a�:rz�zliinin�r;r ste�: and �k�at the uammission tnn 11 la�er �ave to �dopt an c�rdinarce .
and �lso subrnit the Xroposal at a speci�.l electian far tlie �p��rc�val �f � majority of
: the ^,u�lifiea el�ct�rs. Co�mis��ioner Blantor. �oved �he acl�pLian nf �he ResalL.i;ion
�s cun�nde�i. l�,o��nn t�aas segonded �c Gn�rim;ssic�ner C�*own and �in�ni�iiausl3, c�.rraed;
The Gity Gl�rl� i ead a 1e�ter �ro�i the �dverti�iil; C�iii�rci ��e� �f tlre Cle���+rater
Ghanibzr af Cociun�rce re7ltestina �hat 4j1.,�?07.0� �ie �I1oea�Ged bp �he �it3: (ta su�+,rle-
tneni; the �;;2,��10.00 a�ready x•�lised) to help iiran�e the G1ear�,ra`tzr i3iah �ch-,�l Ba:r.dts
��ir te ;;ashin,r�,tez�:, I�.C., �o ��pe�r ir. the AT�tiar_al Cherry �Toss�m Festival �-arade.
Cot�int�.ssioner �1��z�Gon stG?ted `ne k+cted to see a�r�r.ader.t esi;�3hlislzeii af thp C�:t'
_ _ ' ' � ma:cin; a�>pz,o�riations in �nsthei^ �o ap�eals l,y various drgani.z�.�Gions re�ardleGsy f
_ hot�r worttiy i�ht r�rojact mi�ht �e. Mr. �;idn�;� T�Fler, C�zaxrraan c�i i,lie �`dvertisin��
Ca;aim�.�tze, exrlained that t��Zere wnul.�l t�e on?�r one float �'ron� e�ch �t�te ard' �r.l r
, one laanci from e�.ch St�'be,: ,i�hus Clear�tiFat�=r `rIiM�� n 3
„ �clzool kiad tlie or�or�Cun:ity of sen�in�
tlae ban+i to repiesent fi.he �t�te o#' F`loric�a� St�tin� Chat 13e t11c�u�Y:t th'e rut,lici�`
�'e11Yl�f.�. irr r Y
�, ' ou1.c� Ya� v,e11 whath i�he inva�tni�nt, Go�sm�,is:iarex Croi� ni�ved that �clie
' Cot�ir�7issic7n in�k� �n a�:dit�ianal �ppropri.'�.t.inn i'�a?tx `t�i<: .:rener:�l suras�: . + „ , , ,
tr� �lie ac�ti erta.sxr�g
1�Gti���k�� �f the Gharnl�er o� Ga�r�rn�rc� xn th� amount oi ,y�1, GQO. �J0 to �� usec� ior t?�� ,ur_
. , _ �rase a� sux�il�m�izt�in; �kie � �nses �f s�nrlia�r the B�' _ .,_ , ., � ,
,, n�. �a i7ash%��tpn Yn ��r�,�..
: i�Tc��i ��n d�ra:a s�cr�r.�i�:d l�y Co��zmassi�ner F�?,.�n�.on srd <,:ax�ried txrarir�ousl. .
�_ - , _ _
�f 7 � . � .7 � ,
, _ ��_ G�Tx �O:u�aza�T-�% i�ir�TII�G
GIT� C� �.T,i.;1C�P? :•i"'"TIi�G biarch 2�. 1952
� i�i=t1^i:tl ?1.�; a.°;;� '
: r�arch 2�, 1952
�dr; Blaz��on a�snr:��.z�Gecl on t,�rF suaraa.tY� of s?.;�ns �.dvN�*ras�n� Clearw;��er, nor�Y� of �. . . ,
. y � . M�, or-Corurn�.ss�.oner Herbert S7. Br•ov�m
_ _ :,,., i�� 1A as co:�x ar��d witla �he numUer of' smalJ. si�ns t�dun��.isir. _�• y . �
Cle3itt..ter on Rot ., �' „ . _ � CQmrraa.s�a.�an�.rs, HerY�art P1arcG�n; �r., Jack l�usselJ.
�t. Fetersbur�, �;,i . B1��nt��r. a:ls� :��ked �vl��#-. 17ac� l,nen cl;an�a ;�hn�,t �h,ar�;zr�; �.,hp �, t _
� ;y , . ... xarl.and A. Lynn, tJ. E. Crr�wn., Jr. _ _
. ,, , , - _TulF-4o-R,at� £�ul��vna^cl r�l?t:�ve Go ,1.�cs_n�. nF a 1 �i �;n
d�_rc c.t�.on�l sa.;;?, ett f�-?a�e 1� at . � .�
. . , . . . ;
, _ . . . _, ,_
; �
_ ; -, �
��rr��v on tap oi �.iYa ,..,.�n :�n�?zc���zn�, �l�e �l.�xt.�..��on of Cla��w.��er �'rcam t.�it.. antei,�ec�inri. Gentlsmen:
Z� v*as su�;�est�.i t�5r �ii� � R�yoz th,�t t;�,� ��mt�ers ��f T..l�e �"�dv�rt.i>a.n, Cntn�a�it•t�t, ryf' t•.1��
_ ,, � ; ,.,,. � � ;_ .,, 'T h,.. ,.. ,„ , 'r. . ,. , . . . . . . .
Ch:xr,i�*er of Caz,uri�i ce na�a th� ��z��;�ationa ,u.�z�,,� „nd .,r �.ii� ��ack -� r,���?�nmf nd���.11 t�� fil�e A�g,ec2a1. meet,zn� af th� City Gommiss�.�n Gv211 be held in the Czty Hall guditorium
�o�:uiiis�9.Qn, at 7:30 P.N. , I�Ionclay, T�2arch 24., 1952, for th� �urpase o£ cliseussin; the .following
: itEms: _
�� �z� x��:-�rt� to ne�r.,ti�ati�ns �n 'ti�e Gel�x,l�ane fr�ncl�ise, tlle Ci�,� ".t��rn�y re��rax��ed
� , , G- ±' r�i * ":f' '. �� � �r�se�'G1v ' � v�=: :i e:� ,' �1:a. �^ r:i� Slar '
th�.t tl�e T..1.�.�liona ��, .i�y az _a.��a .�r x 1 ,.�a vul. c� n �k�m_ r., a 1,. �wa��xn�r o� bi3s Far avin� F�_a �i ;�treet �ulfview � ls t.
traluatic�n o� fxe� s�r✓ices uo �t�� GiGv; i:E' �izu Cit,• r�ntinu�s �n coa�-�er?t+�,, �ha.t .lt� � 1� , T' Y , �u vard �nd Baymon
. . (Bicis were openecl Niarch 17th meetinb).
Tel�ci_c�n�. �,,;���.ar.z, ,..; 11. br� 1tis.:�Iin;� to s�er_� =icli�:i�i.�n�'�l. i�a�n��� Go ;��� u� a. t�m}�.,��.a��. �n , ,_ ., � . ,
_ , r � ?. ���an2.�er s r�port �n �mal7. ����� �,t�rzna,
iacility =��?cl z.f th�} 4xa rhat, ,+�.�cs; sl�ould be �;ble t� sup�l,- t.E�,���x�n� �er�rz:ce _
, ^ R' ' • � • .r . . ; � • , , , _ , 3. Cor;unissi.enf s consi�ex�ti�n �:f` xe�caluti�n pertainir_� t� �he Furehase oi
an,,e,f,��.�. �� n thv C�, t, th �C a.t �s J�sare:� ky J�nt��t�. y �f _7�kt } e,a�, wa�er from Iinellas C�unty j^'�ter iior�s �y stem.
The ��;t1r :1��r,�.�;-ev �r�ser.t�;� �11;� clee� ��a i;ha ri;�a�-�C_.•,�•,�}* fc�z° t,hat �taxt� ��' _ _
ti e2viria��,r: <tvenua rur,nir� nort�� froir, rulf-���-'�1y 3olllev�rd t;'�irou�l'1 r�� cent;er oi
Yours �rer3� �ru1Y>
L�k�,�ro��a s��l�t �s a::�eter :��.rNe�, ��,h;ch strea� h�ei �aen t��_?.cated h, i,r,e Ca;�lmissi�n ��� F: C. i�iiddleton
�eF�t�r:tt�er 17, 193�r, an��. c�:Y;i��h is new n�e;����1 f�: a rt�eans c�i' in��ess .�nd e;ress by FCi�:s Ci.ty I�:an3�er
p�rsr�ns sti�i1� hava x�e�e�tly rureh,�sed rro,r�rty- ir. Laka�vc»4� r. e�lat. Tliere �nras ��� sGuss �._nn
. . �, � r, G --------------------------------------------------------
as t� ��?�av t�le ��t�. Ys res;o?:5ik��li4z�� ,aTt�uld b� in c�n:�ect��n t•r�.th .4c.p.�r.ce of �hi. -----=___�.._ _-----------�-
deed, the Cit,� �na'� neer s�atin� tha�. �he ri �i1�-of-vvay i�terse;,�scl a�nncl wl-� � ch w�ulc�
ienuire f�_11in;�. Co��raiss?ar_er Rlsntc�n n7av�� that the �it;• t�t�orni��> r �u;re the i�x�rch � Q '
• _�,e_ n a.. tiza.s c�eed � n� '� --4, �„ 52
ri aF�r�y �tim�rs' �,a nradttee a m�ar to a� ^° � tt�* ,�. � �vl�.en +��;at has k�Pen Cit;T �ammi:�sicn '
a.cn,�zr�ed, t_na� t�he G'zt,r ie"_�r.a�erj az7d Ghe �zt3� �n�in�er k�� rec�ua�ted tn sul�mi� iJlieir City �?all
r�com���e*�d�ti��r_s �� �he Go�r.�yiissior. ��;i.tia �,hi� m��:. T•iotion l,ias seconded �y Commissionar Clearw;�t{r; Floricia
Crowr. �na c-:rri��l un�ni.n�,a.sl,=. _
G�ntlet:,en :
, In res�onsa ta �n �r_�ttir;z �'rom Commissior_er Crc�znrn r�;�r�lir; t�ze ,rolic3r �or bQiler
ins�ar=�nce znd =ira ,�r,s,ar�.r.oe _ t t',a �s�s F�.ant, the Cityj i���lra�er rer;pr�ec�. that, f:here At a;jQint me�t,?n� of the �dv'ertisin.�; Comn'iittee oi the G1�aru���Er Cl��;�.�er of
tlava Leer_ vS.ro rn?:��sals alra��=r recaivec� 4_r_d u?�i��e mora ,citre ia�iG�iin the r_r,xt tz,ra weeks, Ca.,nierce ard memb�rs of tiie Cle�rt-�t�r Fand A�osters ^,].uh, the ;?dvertisin�
F .
�•ie�r_�,*hile, i�e sG�t��3 i,i�a� �. te,-��ar�ry 17ir.�ier h�s reen �esued on the ��resen� �olicy Cor�imit�ee ;��S.sr.eM �� m�ke the #'allo��rir*# rexart:
until s�zch �i�F as a dec3s��n is Friade.
„T Due to t�?e Y�,z�licit,� value �f the Clp�r���ater. ?ii.,h, S�hc�l l�ar.d aF�earir� in t1_�:e
Tlie ���aper wu ;�este� �32a� tile Comir.isszc+n ��rsic�er the appointnient of a T2unicipal T:ational Cheirv Bloss�m rewtiv�l Far�de �n '�':ashir_���n �? ri1 1 " �e
, v „ , F , 2, �n� �, �r have
Jud,�� i:o re�lae� ?iil�i�:�n J. �-,.sta;na ;rl�o has rasior_ed. i�T_r. Blanton statecl t'z�t; �n ex ..�,Wned and acc�nted t'rse re ' r�t f't e an' , n s�ers � , * ,
. r : �e o h 5 2��a B_�b an� do un�.n_:n�us15
�;zet�r �_ �ne al������e qf i�� . L•}rr_r ,�ue i,o sic�kn�as and the arserce �f I�ir. Russe�l,, the rec mi,�en�1 �hat w1 GCG,QC oe 3 1 ^���e he Git�r e:, � as= e
q w, 1 0.. _ � d�y t to h 1F d_frn, th exFenses of
Co:.,;r�isszar_ ha� a�r�ed ai::on;; themseljres that it w�ttl�� �L�ide L�v a majnrity of the vrates thzs �,�s?�in-tor_ �s�i . '
o.f ti�e iuli 'Cora.*��_s:: ion, and :�;r. L;*rn a?-td i�sr,. R�assell �Zavin; ��otl� expr�sser�. �heir `' �
: preference in ti�mitin�, the Co:i�.mission h�s a�reed to �4id2 by tl3e wishes of tk�e majprity It is tha, Committee's unl�rLt�.ndin� that 6 banrl members ir_ �'ull �rpss '
whivh lras ��ree �*�tes for i�ir. Teor �'`hit'e:�t�isG Jr, and tsn7o vntes _for ifr. A.. . Fi h. � 7 unafor?n
> > p n� vrill be in this Fara�e and that sufficient �anners for hath the �arade �nd the
Gau,tt�issi,�r_er �l�r�ton therefare maved that T�ir. ?':�iite�urst Le anpainte*� to serve as buses �rans ortin� .�.he �r2,de vrill 'op z^o�nirentl * d'ss la ed.
P � P F 3 P Y
:';fur_icipal Judge �'r�r tr�e bal�ncs of th� rE�ular two year term whieh be��n on January l,
_ 1952 a�oir.tiuent to be effectit�e �,t�ril lst. I�Iution �aas secon.deci b r 1�1r. Gro�nm a. r� T Cn,n�i e2 �l =, e �� •ri� e � ,:�+_
, FF , � n he _ tt was a so �s�ur d tha� the par��a t_l k� broa�ca�t �y the ..�,,zor�al
caxried un�a-xir��us1,-. i�i�y�r �rotan st�teci he wished �o emphasize 't;�ai; the other ��rro n�twork, telev�sed" _a.nd shown in th� revus reels thrr�u;hout the c�untrv,
Co:n;:ligsi�n�r5 harl ir_dicated i�i�?eir �reference by tvrii,ten state,nen'b and their vc�tes
were beir; ��r_s�a�red even t_hr�uyh the�r ,,zere not preaent at �he meetin�. Res sctiull
p y �ul�m�tted,
• ' �s f Paul �';;:c�t, Secr.
;��oti�r. for a.tA�?urnment .va_s �t��G L�,r Cocr�missioner Crotivn, secanded l�y Cornmissioner ;�dvertisiz?� Cor,unittee
B1an�,an and carried unanir�!�usly>.
Clear�:r�ter Cha*nber of �c?��.r�erce
The Cot�.;�ission, now adjeurred �s Ci�y Got�iu�issian and �ctin; as Tyuste�s for the --------------------------------__-__-------_--------------�,------------------__
Fension Plan, a�Frovect tha ad.�is�iar_ �f �iv�r,od r, Lomax, of the Police Departmer�, to r_, T. '
me�hersbir , n �,'r.e Fensior. F14n �n a tnrytinn by Gonunissioner Bl�n�on, secc�nded by , :�.�SQLL,TI�I�
Coii�niissi:ar.4i- Crol+rz� ar.d un�n?mnusi,* c�rried. �, R� i�II.UTI�P2 Fi�L,'�TII�:� TO I�TEI�TIOI� G'F' CITY
C�mrnissiorex �rcaUrn rne+ved t. a =-, . � � �� rr� �F GLE"�R`: "�T��, FZ(?f?I�J�, TQ C0�'iR�,�T '_,I'CH PI�:LLT �� '
h ay rrov.,l r�f t_ie �dmis,.z�n o.f ,.m. James Freniru, of " FI,�RID�. F�R rURCHniE �F ",, �
: .��UP+:TY, , HT.�R.
the Pnlice De�+�rLment, to ma.n�ersnip in �h� ��nsian Pl�i1; mr�tion ���as Seconded by
C�nurizs,:�ion�r B1�r.toz? and c�rrier� �ar_aniu�ausl;t.
?f�-i�P�i,AS ttie Poard af C,oun�y Gamraissioners of Fi_n.ell�s C�un�ST, Floriday
- '• - •, • h�s taken the n�cessary ste�s to iz�sure its ability ta sei.1 and delicer ta the City '
It w�s ino�red b3r Cnu�missior_�.c G,r, ��m that the adm� ssiox� of J. �. ?tihite, Henry Curr}• ,,.,t . Y '
., � , � _ . af Cleari.,...,er, Fl�rida, �n adeot��te su�� ly of wh�les�me v�r_.ter f�r a11: tha n�r�:al
and I.anr.ie Jones, Laborers, �n �he Public aerv,..ce �e�artrner.t, to m�mbexshi� in the -
FEnsion Pla be �.r^^r e. n'-�' , r sr i . . uses of s�id Czty and its inhabitants, �nd
n �� ov �, m��ian �t�s �econ,.lEd b, Eo�nca_ssioner Sl�.nton .�nci c�rried c3HE.R�'Au it is nacessar?�- �lzat said Roard of ^v�auntu Commissior.ers be ass�red
un�nirn�us3.5r. of the int�rticin o� said Cit in ca�anection tti�.ch the
p Furchase by it of said water
. .� �. :in orde� th�t said Boartl of Cnuntv uonimissioz�ers can t�ke the rzcess�rv le�a.l steps
C�nunzss_oner Ero�i�n -.�aved the a;, roval of th� airraxssz�n of �ddi� Sullivan. and � -, ... .�_ . � , .
„ . , . , _ ,,, ; . , . to purch�se aizd _:_nstal� facili�ses necess�ry a.> connection �l�ez ev��.th, and
r_I.to sdtcinson, ,Laroxers �n the �as �nci t at2r Departfr�erit, to r;ier�bershix in ths Fensi�n �'II�PEnS sa3:d P ard f C t'v Carramissieners l�as been assured b ius consult-
� � o oun , t m y
Pl�n; motion k�as se�onded 'c�3r Goxrcm7 ssioner t�lanton �nd aarriea unanim�usly. �ng en�ineers and fiscal advisors tha� it can ,rroduce anti deli.v�r said t�ater to sai�:
City at � co5t to �.he City nc�t to exceed sever. ar.d o�e-half cents (��¢} �er e.housand
_ i�.oti�n *.�*�.s ma�e b3F Comruissio��er L1ar.ton, sec�rde�l ��y Commissioner Gr�t�m ancl �allens, and
carriecl unanimousl�T ����� r!rrr� �ecker G erk in trie G s �,r;� a � 'c1�i�Ft�R� said ➢aard o� Gount Commissioners under its r�sent cor�.:�iUments
� , 1 a 3nd t..a^ De}.artr�ient, be Y , �'
aT?Provea for rrie�ut�ersli�_�� in �:�e Fer�ien i'ian: to outs�anding h�l�iers caf revenue eertiiic�tes, is -rec�uired �a have a cantract wi�h
_ e:�ch inuni�ipality la3r it there�f �er to be served in whic}i said vunici�ality a�rees, to
Cnmmis�i�ner G-ro'�vn racve� tliP : t e a . . , t' ,?, ��, tzse tr�e Count w�ster su rol as a sflle source of supply and tca �av rates `and ch�rges
F. - aFFrc�val of h dma:sszon �_ �11�..�m Frawe].]., Jr,, Y �'� Y
l.�eter Fceac�er f�r �h� ",as ar.c� 't.te � �ra y 1-i� e ,G . . a �. , for �v�ter �hus to be urchased and su lied in �n amaunt sufficient to'pay o,�erat?_n,
, r De�,�rt.� n, ,_ m u�her_�i� in th, Fen>>i�n F1an; � �'�
motiara uras sec�n�e�: btT G��r�n;issi `� a• d ��: �;P • ,, ex-enses of the :s startr in ra^ar�inn to t'�e' 2nzount o� water thus ta be su�plied an�
, on r�l. nLor �n Gr �..d urani,n�u�lf. � Y F r
,zlso sufficient to pay the annual princi�al 2nd interest re�uirements �or such
, _ c �. - � .. certi ic�ues s ma e r$cr ired �o e'is,�ued b the C�runtv �n �rder' �o
Tnere Yyezn� na ir�rt'��r �i�a�Yness to �a�e krei'ore the I�Crar��i, thP m�;et�,n,� ad n�zrned �.dditional i a u b ,u b y . -
at 11: t�Q p.T�:. ' J es�a�Tish f��i].iti�s to s erve said munici,�alitie�, plus a m^r�in o�' 1Q;", and
'°,'EIEREAS it is f`urLhez required tll�t sa�i�i ::antraet 'b�tween stxeh municz�ali-
' � ' _ �ies ancl C17� �oun�g t�e a�+proved by a majorit.y vote of t�?e qu�.lifi�d electars of such
_ muni�i��lzty �t an election cal.l��l:�nd held ior that �ur�ose, and
, , . .
r+TT�ST, 2�iay��-G7cfimzs5ir�'er �� ti.'I-1I3�:�A5 after an investi���iQn of the f�cts and be�iefits to �e abt:a3ned
� , £��,m enteran� ini:o s�ch a contxacG, a� is �iesired"ta inc�icate the will.zn��ess o#' the
� ' Cz Cy Caiiu;2zssioYl o.� tliu �i�Gy of Gle�ri:T�ter, F� rax�irla., so to do.
(�on'tinued )
Gity Audl'tor �n Clerk �
,,, _ _
Y _�' _ _ . . : ,
_, _
_ ... ,
� �,,
;, � �
, ,
,, _ '
. �.
� � '�
' 'a
�r _ L
< „
_ - ,� �
�, �
/ . �
( % Co " ,
' " i
��� � ;
; C�`Z'Y COi�Ti�'IZS�zQIV' N�.I'yTING CITY CJi�'I`i'�il:i�T�I�: T�IEETIT.Ct i
D��xrc11 21�, 1952 r,arch 24� �-952 1
. �.
_ (Continued ) T�iar. 1,7 �
Hc�n�r:�hXe Qi�y C�m�r,issian.ers , �.952 '
NOti�V THE:�E�'�R� R� TT I��S�LV�D b�- the Ci�: ' Cc� 1•. • - �1e•�rw$�t;er I+'1a.
, � r V nma�sa.on o� �he G�.tv of , i
Glearwater, Florida, in session �uly an� �.e;a].1y assemnled, x'�s .�ollows; _ j
1, • �eni�lemen ; _ ;
That it is to tt�e adv�n�a.�e �ncl t�ast i,ni,ares�s �� �he C�.�Sr o�'
Claarwater, Florida, and its inhal�itants��nd ,it is t��c irit�ntii�ri 9f tlYe Ci�y '
cz As Trustees oi the C' «
Commissaon of the Ci'ty oi Cle�rw�tei , Florida, ti�at Said Gity enter int-o a eontr2c�G ••, it� e�f' GlEarUra , r. , -,
not�f2era L' ,• .��r Em�:l�yees I'�ns�on rund
with �11e Board of Gouni�y Comnissior.ers �s Finel:L�s �o n�'v Fl ri ,a � ^ •P kGat J. 3. [,Ihate L r" • � . � . , Yau are h�rebT*
, , . . u,' a t' , ior tllc rua chas . : �,c,rer � n the rublrc :�ervire 1�er •
�.� exarriin�;� t,y a l�c�l ,.• • . �artr��r,t� k�as �aeen dul�
by s�zd Cz�y from s aid G�Z.u7t3r oi a dailv' aver�„ sn any o�e year a�'ter Ghe execu'Liax� , 1��T��-cl�.n and r�esir�nate z"�, -� _�r • . �
9f saia contra�t of not less than 5 Gt7Q 000 Tal:lons oi w��tax. Tne aY,av� �r€��7,0 �e be�a � � b./ Y��.n .s a first c].assf� �1sk,
•.� . r. „ , r d ,., under �� � Y ,� n his s�rvice �rY�h ti-ie City� on Ju13r �
�. That sazd Jx�y agrees �o use ti?e Cotul�G3r' wa�er s�znp7.y a.� zt,• s�l� sourc� . 5 f��rs of �;e �.nd me�ts t� re�� ; ,� , 1q51, HE is
h _,u...r�ments raf our C1�ss�.fied 3a �r' -
of suppl}F durin; a�eri:o� o#` �hirt�r (3�) }�ears after the execu�ior. of sai� ebntraet here�y recorurr�F�n�ie�'b the rtd . � . r a.ce. `Tt is
Y vzsor,� C�rmiifi.bee t�ha� he be �c�s ted i A -
and agrees -�o pay #'or said sv�ter �'urnished �ntl pui ch�sed, xa.�zs 3nd ch��r;es in �n p nto mernb..rship.
amount sixffieient �o pay the City's �ro�'?��rtionate share, ca�n�?u�r�d on t,he asn�un� of Ver� tr ' •� .
I uly ,, �urs,
watar iurn;is.�ed and sup�lied to said C�.ty, of the operating exrenses af aci�i.ticanal r":dvzs r `� �- .�
_ o y Qomm�.�,,e� r�� tY�E �,mrloJees � Fensiar_ F
facilities necessary ta furn�:sh saad Lv�t�r to munici�:,ali�ies, and the sarne pro�or- un1
, tion of the ar�nual principal and ir.terest re�uirem�nts ior such ?driit'�on�l revenue
. /s� P�ul Ifane
eartifivates as ma T b� issu�d b� said Count o-,far the /s/ Helen Peters
3 } y �i.0 �ose oi' estal�lishin�; s�a.d /s/ Dick �`;elsan
adda.tional iacilities, Flus a mar,in of lOf o£ said rates and ch�rNes; r�•ovi��cl,
ho�rotrer, that sa:i:d �ar;in shall rot exceed l0p of s�id rates �nd clz��rges, and said --------------.----------_�_-_�---�-
lQo mar�in annually shall either be invested in thP addita.onal facilitie� furnish- --_---_�_____
in, water to the C�t;r of Cle��waGer, Florida, or shall ra refuncied to the Gx'Gy af
G1.earwater, Florida. FI�naraule Ci,;� Comm�ssioners P�tar, 17, 1952
3• Tha� auc'rr a contrac� shal� laa subm�itted l�y rzferenr�urn foi^ a.p�rnval �o Cl�ar��;�i<�r� x1�,
the �ualified electors of the Ca.t;y o.f Clearuv�ter, Florida, �he ele�tion to be cal.lad
�nd hi�ld f�r tl�at ��urp�se as sac�n �s �he s�.rae may be �racta.cal, �nd that said =�x��le�;i�i;.
contract and G��e a�reements in tlzis res�7.ution contain�cl shall. n�t k+e vali,d ar
�ffective t,irless the �aFne is �r�rove�. �t said elecba.on b�; �: majt�ribY of sa:i.cl As Trustees af' +;i�ze Citv Gf Cie�. ,,
. rt�rater Erti�Iayees� P�nsi�t� r�nr�� �-eu are heree,
�ua].ified elec��ra. ' , . , ,,> , notifie�. that Henry Curry, La.barer in r,i,e Futalic ;� .. Y
, examinecl b • • , ervic� DepartmErt, ?2as been dul
L... Fva contra�t shall Le proi�iul��tea uncler i3�� s resolutaon wnic.h coni:r:�ct y a loc?:I ph��sician and �i:es, ar,at�d -�T �:, . , Y
Tize arove em�la�-ee bea�a , ;. o, hzm �.s d first e3.assTT risk.
sha11 impazr the olili�atien or securitv of ttie pre�-ent can�s �r rs�ar:ue certific��;es . f a r_ hYs ser�riee �nrit � '�
h tl e Gi4y on Au�ust 17th, 1957-. He
outstandir:� for �he ��rese�t ,�,ater svstem oi the City oi Glear:v�ter, Florida. 1s under 1�.5 ;re�r;; r�� age and tneets t17� � � � .,
FA:�a�� �:� :i�vrTu� this ?�;.th da� af T•�areiz, A.D. 1.952. �s �ere�y recorrlirer_ded b�r rhe n re.,uiremen�s �� �ur G1�ssifiP� ;�ervice. Tt
- dvzsor;- Cr�nunittee �hat Y,e be a.cr,ei t�d inta me�bershi�*.
/s f Hereert P��. Bi oNm
�T,�l y tr�al�r yo,�rs,
i;ayor-Cornmission�r . _ Acl?risqry Ca�nm.ittee +�f �Y!e E�;,z�lo�=cas i FFr.sion Fund
��ttEst : ;/s/ Pa [zl Kane .,
/��,( H. i� `.''in�o
�sf Helen Fe�,ers ,
City Audi�tar and Glerk _
�s� Dick P�'elsan
Feb, 1C�, 1Q5� Hon��rai�la Czi,$= Co��liissioners ��:arch 17z ��52
Fionorable Gity Co�mnis.:ior_�rs G�.e�r�,�a#;er� Florida
Glear��a_t;er, Floric�a
�entlarner_ •
Gentle,�.an :
tls TxustGes r�f the Git�r o.i �le M,r � , ,. .
xs TruS�aes of �he Gwty �� Cle�:rwa�er Lmglo3=ees1 Fensian FLtnd �,o • e .. . a�c.���r ��nrl ,r_ � Fa
. _ .,ns, c�: k'ur� �=au are hereb =
nati,fied tha.t albo Adkins�n LaY�ore P„a o,,,.es , 3
here�y natifi�d �hat �lkr��d :�. T,�:nax, 'of �ha Fo19_ce De,�ar�rnzi�t, has k�eenad�al . � r 1n tl�.. ,��s an �'• �- _
,, Y eWYamined b T� l�cal h�sa.cia d,.a��r De�-artr�ent, nas be�n dultr
ex�ir�ined k�y a local rhy�� c� ar_ ��nd �esi ;nat-ecl l�y i�im �� a 1�first classT! r�sl€. 3 P� n�nd desi�r.ated i�i• �im �s a�rr r, . '
T�Q �:bpve em lo� �e g -irst class risk.
Ti,e ���v� e��lo,r�e �a�an Y: i� s�rviLe �;ith �he C,ity ' on Ji:�l;r 2:f.st, la ,�, _ F J�-' be arz his s�rvice t�Tii.hY the Ci� � ,
�e ? s un��ter G.5 ,:ears oi arse a:�d meets the reruir� i ., .. -,, . un��er !�5 ,*ears of ��e and !nce . y on J zne 11, i c
-,51. He i�
, p y r ents oi �ar Glassiize�l ,,,.rv�ce. hereb recnmme � ts t'�e re�u? r=:;.�r•ts ai cur G��ssafieci serriice. T .
It �s �ereb; ; �� , " r,r G�uunit�ee L'?��.� he be �ccerted int�
Y ndeci L�y the �dv�.scar}� Cc,:nut�.ttee �r�t he be acc �'• , -� �"e
;;�embe:cshi-�, recor;u�{:�r.J�d b�= t'.ne �.�vis� a��en art� roe.aber��i�,
V�xy truly ;��urs, :Ts:�y.truly ynurs,
Advzsor�T Co�iunittee �f tl�,e Em�loy*?esT rldvisorl* Co��n�it�te� of the E?n�lo;>ees? Fersion Fund
Fers�on Fund >Ls,/ Paul ?iane
,�s,� H�Ien i-eters
�s/ F3t�1 ir:ane : ; s,� Dick I�elson
j s� ?�Ie1en 'r�ters
/sf Da.el� Nelson
-----------------------------------------------���_-_-�________--_-�-- Horora�al� C. t L G :�xarc t 17, 1Q52
-__--------- z y �xnr,�i,.sion�rs
n Feb. 16, 1952 Glear�va�e�, Florida
i-�onor�:ble �i�y Cor;,missinners
G��:dr�erater, �'Ia, �en�lemea�:
�entler:teri: As Trustees nf �1�� Ci�y� of Glear�oater �m .la ees T .
F Y Fer�sion Fund, yea are llereby
natiiied tha� r�l�lia :�ullivan, L3borEr zn ti7p Gas and 'tiat
As Trustaes of the Git,r �f Cle�rti^r�ter Eir�x,lo��es1 F�n.ion Fund �at� are p d,�
er Dnpart.aert, h�s }��en
_ notifaed th�� a+,m. Jar,ies Premr r o . .- .. ._ .. , � T� h..reby u1f cxa;,�ined �y a local 11 siaian � • , � - �
, u, �f th. F�lice ���y.aYt�ner�t, s�as oe�n du�y eVamined a p Y r_� desi�na�ed by hira as a�t.first clas�31' yi
Tt�e ..bove �r�p��v�e be�a;� has service with � C' , $k'
by a Ioca1 prtysaczar: ancl cies�i �nn-�ed :raz� hirn �s a r�first c1�:�siT r�:slc, h� z� an Jul-T 1 0 . ,
un��r 1F� 5>e2rs �f a�e � nd tn�e ��- � r S > 7, 1,51. He, zs
The an7ve ernpl�y�e be;�r, his sez~vice �,rith the r,it•, �n Jun� 2]. la�l, He ' __ 4 t. �he re�uir�ments -� . .
, •� �s hei et�y r�co�mu�naed b:ihe :�c�tr- � c,�
..ur Cl�.ss�.fied �ervice. It is
undel l�.5 ye�s ai age �nd rr,eets thP re�2;irEm?nts h,f �ur Classifie� �;�rvice. Ii; 7.,, Y �.sory Gommi'ttee tha a ;•- , ,
� he k�e _.cce�ted �n�o �,�embersha.�.
here�y� re�r�mr;renled by the 1�dv�sor;r C�m,uirte� 1:hr�,t h� �e �ce��:teci into meinY�erskaz�. Ver�� trtzl3t �r�urs; '
;ldvisary Co�nmittee oi �he EinFlovees � Fension Fund
Very �trulg vaurs, �s� Pau]. Kane
Arlvz�ory Cr�mrrit;tPe �i�' the Employees �?'�;n�ion Fct. �, s, Iiele� �e�ers
�s/ F�ul T��ne ,�s� Di.ck P:eisan '
�c� H�ler1 Peters
,./;,/ Dick I+Ielsan,
_ , �i
,. J
_ �
4 7�+
_ _ . , _, ,
��'. � , � . �� ' . .� ' _ �. . . � , . . . � . � . . � . . . . � . . .. �. . .. . . . ' . . � . ... �. � . � � � � � �� . . . .... . � . . .. .. .. . � � .. . � .. � . � , � � . . . , . .. f r ��-i:
. ' ... . . � .. . ... . � . � � ..�. ... � .. . . . � � .. .. . �.� � ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. , . .. .. . . ..� �. . . � . . � ... . . . _. . .. . .. �� ;
QITY Cf?�=�;�a;aZON �a'�,F;TTI�G .
1�iarcY� M�; :l.��2 _
_ Honorabl� C,i�� Coir,ni9.saidna `RZarch �7> 195z ; ;
' rs : : ,
_ _ CZeartaa�er, F3�ricta
As Trus�ees ef �he Citv of G1,e���w�t�< �m�loyee ts Fersidn Fund, y�ou are herel�y
, noi.ified trk�at 5t�i11iam Fat,�ell J'r, 2�',eter Re�r�ei �ar t�he G<-�s and Vv"�tex iJe�a�t;men�, ha� '
been duly examined by, a loca,l �hysici�n �nc1 desi,n�ted l��cr 2�im as a t,farst cla,ss" risl;.
� The a�ove em�la,>ee l�e�an his s�rvzc� �oitli the Gi�q on Ju1y 5, 1��1. He a:s uz�der
4•5 years o� aae �.nd uiee-�s tne re�u2rements o1' �ur C��ssified s�rvice. Ii; is llereby
?'�catn,uen�ed �3r tl�e �,�lvisory Can�ma.ttee �hat he be acce��ed into criEmt�ershi�a.
_ : V�ry �ruly= ;r�us�s, �
Advisory 'Gommi��ee of tha Pz�t�la3*��s 1 Trrsion Fund _
ls� PauZ Kane ,
ls,� Halen P�ters
: ,/s� Diak r?elsan ,
T�iare'h �]., 1:952
Honoralcl2 Cit}* Cqmm�s�ioners
C1�ar�atzr, Florida
�is ^Lr+zstaes of the �.i�y �f Cl�?rt:r3�aT Em�lcayees t' Fension FTznd, you are P�ei: zby
not�fie�. tl��t Lotlnae Jenes, G=�arer in �he FuL�1.ic ��rviee ilep�rtrirent, has been dul�T
exa,�iined b�r a l�cal �iaysician ard 3esi�r.ated by Y,im �s a'ffirst cl��ss'� risk.
T�e above �mrloy-ae b���r. his serviae wi-tl� the Cit3- on July ri, 1�51.: H� is
under 1�5 ;rears o:f a:�e ant� m�e�s t'rte xe+;itiretnerts a�' a�.zr Classified Service. rt is
h�reby reco�nanrle� lay t'ti� 4�vi�arl Co�rit��i�tee that he �e �ece��Ge�-1 i,nGo rnem�ership.
Very tx°zzl3r ;rours,
�dzrisor�r Gnm�ittee of the E>nployees+ Fenaiqn "k'und
,/s,f Fau1_ Kane
�s,t Helen Pe�ers
!s/ Dick Nelsan
. March 21, 1952 .
_ I�onQrabZe Git,r Cornmisszaners
� l,e�rh�at er ,. Florida
�e r_tler�en : :
�s ^rust�es oi tr� C:��y o� 'ClearwaUer Emr ].opnes i F�ension Fund, ,rou are h�reL�z* '
no�ifie� tlza� .�rn Beckzr, C12rlt in th� sas and ?tiTater De�artmenL-, h3s bpen duTq
examined by a iocal prx�=sician and tiesi�r.a�e� �,y hini as �`tfirst class'r ris1�.
The a�ave em�?�yeQ be��n her ssrvice utith tne Cits* on Sept�mber 12, lqcl..
�he is under ti.5 ;�aars 3f ��e �r.d meets �he re�uixer�ents oi' aur Classified Service. '
I� is hereb;� recammende� oy tiie ��;,*isory i.-otamittee tha� sh� be aecepted into
Very tru1�,� yours �
��dvzsorp Ca�nmittee of the Empl.oyees t Pension �'und
/s/ i'au1 Rane
/s�' He�en Peters
/s/ Dick T�elson
March 26}. �9'S2 _ '
Know all persons that we the unders'igned Commissioners �' +-�� �,,- n .
City Commission of �he City of Clearwater, Florida do hereb w•� ��'��� of the
, y aive notice of a
Special Meeti,ng of said City Commission to be held at the City Hall zn the Gity o£
Clearwater, Florida, at 12:1y p.m. on GJednesday, March 26, 1952;, and we do hereb
, Cpecifieally wait�e notice set out in Section �1$ o.f the Charter of the Cit of �
learwater, FI.orida, and �ve do hereby severally consent to said-meeting atytime and
.. place before said.
�s� Herbert M. ]3rnwn �s/ Jack ,Russell
Mayor-Coramissioner Commissioner
�s/ Herbert Blanton /s� W. E. Crown, Jr. _ : ,
, Commissioner Commissioner
_ _
. ,, _