03/10/1952 " )j';:;C':~'!~' :::~.," ," 1:;::r~~!;t~~2~N';~~""""""" '. '. . ,,'...' ;Jt/ '..,. "..",'", "~ ~" ~ :'~!~~~\~~t)~~;~;;id(~ :C'. ~ .. ".. ".. .J,,". ..... '1 ;:~..:~f:(:q;~l:"'1 ..'C:'! ,f; i:t-" . # , ;,:"!'\';i.;.\~,:/~},,:., , " ,! , \'. :,: " I ! \ i l..~, r , I ; ! 1 I 1 i ,I 1 I ~ J :~ ~ '; ! '~.I l.~" '. ....,.,:..r 0 . ..........,..".:.,.....:..'..;.. ",.:",'. CITY CQi"lMIS3IOI( MEETING March la, 1952 " " '.. ." '>,~,,,,"i,,,"',;;;:,:i,,,"'.'.,,~::/.:5i~."1ll!f;; :" ... . ': ~,.:. .: l,::;"<'.'~;,.'<: ,.., '-. J;'.~ ;~':':;'.::.::, .:-'.: r.:;:.~< . f . r ;" \., t I /" ~ ~ .. r, f' I, t i I t r The Ci ty COll1mission of the City of Cle!\rw:~ter lIlOt in special session at City Hall, Monday, 1v18rch la, 1952, :.~t 7:JO F.I.j. with t.he following mombers present: Harbert M. Brown Herbert M. Blanton Wm. E. Crown, Jr. J8ck Russell fl18 yor-COfillll.l ssi oner COllllll1 s::;i on(~r COllllld s~)ioner CO:lirni S:j l.on<'>r ,....bsent: G,:.trland D. Lynn C Olll!ll is::: loner ;\lso Frt;~;t~nt VIer!'): F. C. j,; Lddleton '}. T. ;:,cCl,~Jjllrr.c; Ch'l]"] I~E, J':. Fhi IIi rs :.J. l:id:ton Gjty j,i:m:lr':;Cl' Cldef of Foljce C-;-i ty .:,I,Lol'nl:y City En:3i nf:i'!l' i . I , The j.i::lyor ca11(-d the 1Il0etin!r, to :.'rddl'. Tilt:: G.i Cy ;,i;tr:'l~er !'t::rorted that he had a l_rr-'r'osrll frolO Ro,'~I;-)1' L;i)t/l~I,c'rd ]n;-,ur:-lrl(~l-) Gr)lIq :'lllY 1.1) rurn:ish general li8bility in::.;ur:n1C(~ Lo the C-ity. Tile eLty ;\!-,torney ex;~Vlin(~d U]l~ C.ity's need for insurance due to its rr.lpid ...;")wth c1ul ''';'i-''',') ')11,'.:. 1 L,:,,~. :;1 Ct~ r;ltes on such in:::ur8nce are str.Jndarcl wi th all cOlflp;:m:i e:;;, there ':I1wld be no ,leI vantCI;:H to lH~ gained by advertising for bids. i-ir. Eouchnrd \'lrIS l're~:;ent ,1 nd UI'nn inquil-y by CO~illlli ssionr:,r Crown, he stated th;:it it \'If'IS not ros~;i1)](-: to lurr:h~l0P li:'11illtyinsllr:-lr'Cp i'l:l_th r.t deductible clause, th<'jt t.l\l:: l:(lI!1!.;'lnv lU.id r',11!)t~-',1 l-,]ll'j li.-ir'i,-Ium !re':durn rn~;:,ihln \'Jitho1J.G ('_~xperience records. J. '" ,. L' \ The total C()st of t.t18 rre,;;ilJlil '.;r~uld .\:.~ :;,CJ,:nc.co rE~r Y'.;,C\l'. In reply to a question, j.tr. l"oucJwrd ~t,:1t,::,.1 th;'lt the : !Ili(~~' ':.'(\1.11 J ~i\l(~ t.he City '~olnl'lete COV8r'.lg;e on 811 ':: '-( lcul'] tl'3d c' nd ')r '..1rknown 11(-1 Zen'c];; ::'; to l'cr:3on"ll 01' rro reI' ty d.qnF'l[;E's. He stated th;~t eXllerit~nc"~ CI'I-')dit,s \'loulc1 'lccUlTlul:,te if thl''l Cit"l., n"~ord V!:~s~oorJ ;;md could be :':l}.'l-'li..Hi. the seeond ye<-ir on :':1 }oJ 1J7 .i ssund t"JY any C;"lr:1!1Y. Corn[:1i~3f.ioner BlAnton rn()v~cl that t.hE-: City of Cle;.Jr','i:~t.er hlJ.reby el:ter into a contract ano the proper officials of the CH.y of Cl(~.'lrv.J:-!tl~r 'ue :_!ncl the~' '3re hereby ',wthorized :::Jnri in~3tructed to enter into :l contr"ct \.,j th The-=: Tr,l\Ti li:,rs Ir)::~llr':mce CO:f,[:my of Ihrt.ford, Connecticut, indel,mifvinr t11e Citv of Cl';'~n'~lte:' ',!r"~"i.r.'3t luss and l:i.:-~l:,j l.lty beCCluse of bodily injury and troI""Tty (~l;l;jj;l,~(~, :.l...~(~ordir.,,:'''''t.o tlH~ bind..?!' schedule 3.nd let.ter of 1.13rch 7, 19 5~~, '3utrni t. tell by The Tr:-! vI,l(~r~ In S 1)r'Hi ee GOlnl'any of !1.-1 rtford., Connecticut, through jts ::\:r'mt., Hu'!er !;':)u.;hJrd,~tjv'J.rin:r :~ll krown 'md unknovm h;::jz:lrds Hnd other compre- 1~8nsi'~e liabl1.i.t.y in the f')ce :lllIou~t of :t'JOO,C\CC.CO for each r-erson ann each accident resultir:: i!1 bodjly injury, ;:m(l f;?5,COO.CO ]()r each :tccident re0ult.iTI'~ in property dclInafre vlith '-l fIlAximuJ!l li'cll!ility ~'lnrl .q ffice,:t:il<)unt of ;~lC'O,OOO.CO for a,(~rre.:?;ate liabil- ity ~nd '.l f;:cc :1111Oun-::' of ~;lOC,COO.CC 1,)1" ~\J~:rc,!:flt...:; lL.:,hility)of each accident., for tho \nnual I-remium of C6,280.00, 'me! further c)ccordi.n,(~ to a contract to be presented to and arproved by the C~ty :.:-'nrlg...:r of the City of l;learwater, Florid<=t, with the effective date of i.\;\rch t:" 1952. j.'\otion ',',fl'IS seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried 'In.J.nifflously. .. f i-. ~ ,.,'.' '::,~;~\ .,":'"f' "iii, .' .~'f:.~~~4}I!" \~:~~>.. 'i:(,i...;~ ~.;. ~ The Mayor stated thAt }:, had contact.ed Mr. Don CochrRn, Sr., and Mr. Guy F. Clark <-.\TIel th-'3t thl:;Y were vvilJini-: to ;serve':ts ;nt:~mber::; of the Plumbing Contractors EX2:nining Board. Commissioner Blanton moved that the i:;<=tyor's apJ.'ointment of Donald Cochr:~.n to the Flumb:i.n,':: Board be :>.pproved 'oy the Ci ty COlluuission, and also the reappoint.ment. of ;";1"'. Guy C 1ark to the rl umbing BO;"lrd. l.loti on \.rn s seconded by Commissioner Crown and c~lrried un~min~ously. The j,jayor stated that I.'1i th the arrroval of the City Commission that he vlould arpoint l,lr. J. K. Batstone and ;,Ir. CleveLmd Insco as mer'1bers of the Zonin~ Board. Commissioner Blanton moved thRt t he ~':'3yor' s '=lr pointmen t of I.k. Bat stone and ]\11'. Insco be confirmed by the City Commission. Fiotion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The Mayor recommended t.he re-arrointlnent of the followin~ persons as members of the Library Board, Mr. Taver Bayly, ~lrs. E. L. Pe~rce, Reverend A. T. Cornwell and the :Jppointment of Mr. Lee L. Baker and I,lrs. 'I','inifred Stoutarnire to the Library Board. COfnmissioner Crown moved that the Mayor's appointment of the named individuals be approved. IlloLlon '1::-t5 seconded by. Commissioner Blanton .qnd carried unanimously. Mayor Brown ::lppointed 801limissioners Blanton ar:r:l Crown to serve on the Land Appraisal Committee. The Clerk read a letter 3ddressed to the Cjt.y U~naEer by the Harpham Insurance Agency, Inc., re~ative to the renewal of the Hartford Boiler and Machinery policy at a premium of ~J+, 5GO.00, and vii th a recomrnendati on thA.t the City t8ke out a fire insurance policy, the preml urn of \'lhich \V ould be ~',4, JOO. 00. The City Mc:mA.ger pointed out that in the event of a boiler explosion at the G~s Plant, the City would have no coverage under the boiler insurance rolicy if a fire resulted from an explosion. It was his recommendation that the City r-urchase both boiler and fire insurance. Commissioner CrO\1ffi moved that the City T.1Anae;er be authorized to inquire into the availab~lity of boiler and fire insurance on the G9S P18nt, to secure proposals from other companies writing this type of in~urance, and to accept the best bid offered. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. A letter addressed to the City Manager was read by the City Clerk, quoting prices on the Gray Audograph recordEr from The Lanier Company of Tampa, Florida. The City M,?nager pointed out the. advantages of having such a machine and recommended its purchase. Commissioner Russell moved that the City purchase the Audograph machine for recording various meetings. at $414.55, plus service at $2J.00 per year, and an additional microphone to stand out on the floor, and that the records be kept on file indefinitely. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Crown and carried unanimously. -..... t1,,' .~....:_,.... ... ..\':;:r;',..:::.-\;:;.:.:;~::~:> ", , .:. ..:.'~~~:r?:gt.~~;~~{~l~~~~~~j~.i~~}it~~~~J ii;;;;,;::,;.;L,; ....~ ,", , , ';r,' ,~,.:',", . .'~:~~~ :;,.. ,::, ".. , I' ;.hl Y1 r ," ~,~:.! " , f:, ~~ ;):1 . .-:;. ;~ ,. , )J, -J ,', "~ ~'. . :~~ ~.. "," .'~ .~,:.,..,"l:::..'l'".~':'~.~:':, , . , " - ' .."'~, ~ ." . . '.'~' .;,'~ '." .,,',' '-, ,.,", ~ ...'; " .:: J':; -; , ~ -2- CITY CO~~IS3ION MEETING March 10, 1952 - 'f ee,4 The Clerk read a report ::,<Idressed to the CO!llmission by the City Attorney and the City IJI;lnager rela ti ve to the request {)f r-ir. Ralrh Ri chnrd s, attorney f'or I,Irs. Dorothy Yoch, for a settlement of certain i,nprnvement certif'icRte~ 8~Hinst her property. The r8port stated that since this matter was a question of policy for the Commission, the COHlIl1:lttee \vas 1fI.:1k.in,~ no recoIl1ll!endat~j on. It was the consensus of opinion ClTW.ITI\?; t~he Comtnissionnrs tlFlt p;rantin3 such a rW:l1~st vlould r e::mlt in establish- ing an unue:sirable precedellt :since a nu:rlher of the propt~rty owners h.qve paid the full amount of principal plus interest to d:lte DC pnyrnent. Commissioner Blanton moved that the applicati on be denied ::md t hc'l.t the Ci ty not m:-lke ;my corn} romi se or eli scount. riiotion I^I;~S seconded by Commissioner Cro':m awl carried 11Nmin,o\1s1y. '," . ~: ~ ,) I." i."., ; .,', ; 'I'., ;. I \ The f.i;;iyor rec OIIl:i1I.md cd Lh" 1', th e ~:')nin ~ Ordin:mce j\llI(mdlller, t '....hi ch .crt i led to be ratified by 1:.11..; .~lt.:ct()rs :It t;le lnst iiece,i1t)f~r l~lt;ction :1T'd th\~ Zoning I\I'~1.p b('~ turned over t.o the Zonin;,j EO'lrd .r0l~ jt~:; st1l'1y "lpd r'ecO!',mcm,Lt.ions, ilnd then forw;lrd it to the Feder.:1tion of I.~ivi(; \';lut,Ci for ::;tudy :l1~d re]'ort bnck to the Z'lI1inr~ Bo')rcl for a final rC}lort to tilE' CO:'lIilis~;d on. C')fIlmis ion,!r Gro\'1l"J l:iOved that the: re['ort. of tho L.;onin~ Committee be :!C~:crted, !-InrI 1-,II~Jt this 1:lntter U(~ referred to the Z')nin~ Board for its consideration, nne! thereC1fter [',)1' it (I:'(lninr~ lio!3rti) to submIt the Ulccltter to the l<'ederation of Civic Cll_lb~; f0r COilliilcnt ;Ind the subrnis:'3ion of ;) cQlllprehens:i ve recOlI1l1l\3ncla Lion t 111!reOll to the C ol!1rnis ~jion. ?Iior, j on \. {IS S eeo nele d by COInlfli ssi oner Rus;,;ell :Hld C ',lrrieJ un:jJ'1 b,'JIll; ly . " . ~ The Ci ty 1\1. torr. ey rej''Jrt ed thC:1.t IH'! "lould 18 ewe for Tnmra, Tue sday Illornin.g, i.larch 11th, at 9:JO ;\.j.i., to C011ff:r 't,'ith tbe hmh'sular 'reIer-hone Company officials, F.l.nd a s ked for allY Sll:_::.::,'2sti ons or ri:"c olllmen da t:i ODS by the Commi S8 ion. Cornmis si oner Cro,...n sugsest8d thi?,t he take up 'r."i th t ht~ Telephow:; ':0mr,any the mat tel' of using tele- phone cable lin(~ ~ for synchroni z.i n{~ truffie Ii ':ihts. The r':'lyor ;';11"; ~ested tl)':J,t he see that all present privileges new held by the City 3re incorporated into any new 3gree- went "lith the 'relerhone CO:l,pmy. The City ~\'i-"'lFl~er stateJ that he had furnished the City Attorney vii th a list of items to be ret,'linf;d in the agreement wi th the Telephone Company :,1r;d L1 li.st of ':lddi tj on,'ll i te~ns to be reruested. .:,. j".:} ATTEST: r~~A~ / The 1;:[-!yor inquired ::':f..; to v:h::.t 1~ro.':.res5 had been ;,;:l.de in prop8ring specifi cations and costs on tho ~rojeet for ext~nelin~ Frosrect Avenue. The City M8nager stated that the project h~d be8n held up due to q par~ of the right-of-way beins obstructed by the building occupied by the ~jn~ Ic~ Cream CompRny, and that he had hoped the Commission would consider C1bandonir!~ thAt., F'lrt of GIln rrojcct between CJevel;:l.l1d and Laurr.l .3treets. The :.;ayor stated th Rt t hf! Cori"dnif;si on \\'<''15 ::\. \'iare of the limited r:i. c.;ht- of-wR.Y at tlv; Ume the rroject \'.'as instit.uted ~'!n.j that t.h(O; ri :r,ht-of-way that the City now has should 1.1'2 i:nrrov.:~d. Relative to the wirlenin~ of Ewin~ ~v~,nue from 30 feet to 60 feet, Commissioner Blanton said trl.Clt", ir. hi s orinion, the ! ~'of>erty in Go.:;chm:.jn Hei6hts \-:gS not of suffi- cient vEl.lue today to \'.':'lrrant an exch ''1nge of UtA r-ror-erty for the imI-'l'ovement Ij en R.nd that there should be some ::\0 justment lTIride \.,rhel'eby t.ho f-TO]:.erty owner should be:.:1.r at least a l'ortion of the imrjrovt::ment r.ost. The City r.:.'JnAe;er su ~ ~ested that e,lch side pay one-third and tha City Fay the remninin~ third of the cost. Commissioner Blanton stated that since the purchasers of some of the property werE ~oin~ to spend approxi- mately ~'200, 000. CO in develOI,in '3 th eir rrofert y, it ,-:ould be more er;ui table if o\Jlll1er- ship on each side lays one-fourth of the cost, in add ition to .zivin;; t8n feet for right-of -w,~y, and tilt? Ci ty tlF~ remai nine; half. Commi ssioner Crown agreed with j.1r. Blanton. Comlllissioner Bl "lnton :::;u~::;ested th,?t th~J City ~,1[mA.~er brin~ back a report to the next I:leetin::s ,om the 'pro~ress beinr~ mAde in dismantling the 01::1 Everinl':;ham pavilion. The City r>i-"1nnger said he could rel'ort nov.' that the instructions hsd already been t;iven 1'01' deliiolition of' the;; builcling. Mr. Blanton suggested thnt the City acquire a small piece of property st the intersection of Osceola Avenue 3nd 1eor~:ia Street for the rurpose of reducing the abrupt curve at that po:i.nt. He also SU~~~5ted thRt the City En~ineer and the City ~il8.nager estimate l.:,h8 co~t of e:z:tendi n~ !-iyrtle ;\venue through to Seminole Street. There bein~ no further business to come before the Bonrd, the meeting adjourned lit 9: 42 P. r.l. ~ Clerk ....... l~ . "'........-..,. ;'[, (A) One Audograph (B) One additional microphone (C) Transcribing accessories Foot Control Head Set ~<337. 55 31.00 25.00 21.00 ~41l". 5 5 4'-~s . l' .' '" ..: . ' .'~ \1, '. :,,~'. :,";.... ,..,.., ~...1-'L:'/:.t:'~:.. ,;... , , .". ',:'. . '..:, ...: : .'..~ ,.,. ,,1:. '.'.f" ,~,' _, CITY COm.~I:JSION MEETING March 10, 1952 ~' ::;t. '.' ;;y,:. ; "~i~ ,jr~~!;~l ,..\:.jt,~t ,1....\;. .... ."', ',' f ')t~,'tf'M \[)l ~1.~',:i~':'~~i:1:"~' ~ .~." ::>~:' :.',':.:~_ f,"'" : , h""'-";j';""""\~""'" "',' ..I ,:.::i: ,..1' ~l ,. fJIarch 8, 1952 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert N. Brown Commissioners: Herbert Blanton, Sr. Garland D. lJynn J ~)c k Russell W. E. Crown, Jr. Gentlell1en: A special rneetin::, of t.he City Co IIm:if\sion \-!:i 11 be h.:ld in the City Auditorium at 7:30 p.r~. !-1onday, T,IRrch 10, 1952, for the J.'url'ose of considerina.; the following items: 1. Nc:ln'll?::~r'tl l'eI:orti I,,.-:i.th reference to InsurRnce. 2. Request to !,uJ'chase ^udio:~rHJlh j;lachine. J. Re~Qrt with r''2ference t.n Tm}'l'ovolflcnt Certl fi C:'=ltes for i~rs. '"foch. 4. An:OQintlll~mt of 3 II1elJlber for l'luml1lrlg Ex:.:t.11ination Bo.lrd. 5. Any other j i'.ems not ':m t;hn 'Igen:!:-t \\'111 be con::.)t dered by consent of t.he COllllnission. t. FCM: s / s / F. C. ;.1} d d1 e to n City :Jianaeer t . " ~ . i " .' " Yours vary truly, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 28, 1952 r.1r. Francis r.addloton, City; ,anager City of Gle~rwater Clearwater, Florida Dear Franci s : Re: Renewal of Hartf'ord Boiler and ;.:i:lchinery Policy, Due MRrch 23, 1952 Foll()w1.n,~ uI.: the convers'~ti on in :,"our offi ce wi th jl~r. VO.s;8 s of the above company, I am enclosing herewith binder prorerly executed by H~rt~ord Steam Boiler covering all the equipment as heretofore covered. This will suffice to protect the City until comp10te ir.spection service has been rendered and all it-er'-Is prorerly chl~cked before the new type f'olicy i tsel.f is issued, which gives automatic coverq~e thr0u~hol]t the year on all properties ~nd equipment in conrection with the ~as rl~nt, with an audit at the end of the year to take up any specific items not rrevious1y mentioned. If t here are any questions on th is Ifj"tter, ple3se c all me. In bringing up renewal of one of our other fi re company explosion policies for r.larch, they made in1uiry this week throu~h their special agent as to the immediate possi- bility of extendin~ the covera~e to include fire. Obviously with such a low explosion premium, they are in a hazardous spot with no fire to support it in the event there was some doubt 9.S to \',ha t rni;,,;ht cause a disr-lstrous loss rtt the ~2S plant. I advised that this additional covera~e W1S contemplated and should be included very shortly. They would like, if possible, to make this extension in coverage by the renewal dat.e of the explosion policy, If.lhich is about the middle of next month. Yours v8ry truly, HBH:rng Ene. H .t'\RFHAM INSUR/'NCE P"Gf.NCY, INC. By /5/ Harold B. Harpham February 28, 1952 Mr. Middleton. City Manager City Hall Clearwater, Fla. Dear Sir: In reply to your request f'or prices on the Gray Audograph, we are pleased to quote you the following prices; ,. '" Records are v13.50 per hundred. We have a maintenance service policy that you call take advantage of at the low cost of only $23.00 per year. To consist of not less than 3 inspections per year, and to include cleaning, adjusting and oiling, plus interim service calls and parts that may be necessary. If we can be of any further service, please do not hesitate to call on us at any time. ,'. Respectfully yours, The Lanier Company /8/ H. E. Lenoir Sales Representative _._-~~. CITY CO~~ISSION MEETING March 10, 1952 '. ...j':j,.?)i~?)?'~.(;'.:";:.:' +"~:,=,.<':: . . . . . ". : . .. ~"" ::. '. ,.", ,'.-" , ,.<,:." .;,'):~ ! ,:' ~.;# . .' ,... . ;,. '. ....,..., ..:. ,,~.l,' .- .' . ", -t :'~;:'<..:.. :'.\.'; l.":,::.'~"> ""'!~~~:~I,'ti~~;t~l(~ii;.z.;t,:,g-;;;"~#"&/:Sii;;;;tJ:0Ali~i1fi1lf&::(iijL"i!&~\j~ilWid";~$',;,";;"1d&:::i'~';"'.i'r;'".." Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Cornmissioners: Herbert Bl;:mton, Sr. Garland D. Lynn Jack Russell W. E. Crown, Jr. March 7, 1952 Gentlemen: r.1r. F. C~ Middleton, City f-1anager, and I make this report to you in accordance with your instructions of Monday, March 3, 1952. This report has resard to the following improvement certificates ossessed aeainst the property of Mrs. Dorothy Yoch: Certificate t~o . 177~2 in the mnoun t. o,f t22S.00 Certi fi c:,ite No. 1774.3 in the amount of 190.00 Certificate No. 1774~ :in t.he amount of 190.00 Certificdte 1\0. 17752 in the amount of 5Q5.00 ~1,203.00 We have confel'red with :':r. RRlph Richards, attorney for I'lrs. Yoch, and find that the basis of her comrrornise offer in an amount less than the full amount of the indebtedness, is that the assessment constitutes a h~rdshir, ,qnd that while she did not attend the Public Hearing on the assessment, she has talked with various offi- cials of the City of Gle.lrwRter, from time to tillle, and feels that her position should not be jeopardized by the ~elay in time Erom the time of the assessment to this date. lv1r. Richards offered to f1Y the: full f''ice amount of the certificates if the City \ATould waiviJ the interest. The interest to February 25, 1952, is $360.90. This requested waiver of interest would be on the same basis to wit; that Mrs. Yoch feels that she should not be penalized for interest rurning during a period when she was attemptin~ to negotiAte an adjustment with the City Commission. The decision of this matter is a m:1tter of policy to be decided by the Commission; therefore, Mr. Middleton and I conscientiously have no orinion regarding the advisa- bility of the compromise settlement by w~iver of interest. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Charles M. Phillips, Jr. City Attorney /s/ F. C. Middleton Ci ty I.janager CMP:d .' " . " . , . ; .",' . ,.', t•,' _, � _ � �� , CTTY 'COi�'I�'�1I��T�iA; T�iF���TING P�,arch 10, 1952 The C:ity Cornmissa.on of' ths Ca,t of C]:sar ; , _ _ H�l�, idonclay, T�Iarch 1Q l 2 Y t�r�ter met in s�eaa.al s�ssion at City , , 95 ,�t 7:30 P.P�F. with the following members present: , , _ Her�bert M. Brown M�yox-Caminissic�ner ' _ , HQrbert I�T. Blantan G�mmissioner _ Jack�Russell� Jr. �ommissioner Gammiss�oner , Absen�: .... Garland D. L nn _ y CaYr�missi.Qz'ier _ , x1.so �r�sent wer�. F. G. b;i�:dleton Ci�y S•1ana�er , �. T. f1cC�arnma Gnief of Palice Ch�r�les i�i. Fh:illips Ga.ty �.t�orney� .�. Liekton Gity Ln;in�er _ _ The 3'�iayor called ths meetxn; to order. The rity Tw.�r_ager ��p�rted �hat he a r�ro�osal irom Ro;er �3ouchard Insurance Uorn� a,ny to furnish gen�ara� �• had xnsuranee �o the G�,ty. The City �lttorney explained the Cityts iaeeci far�insurance _ due to i�s ra�aid browth 2.r:c p�•ya.n�;7n�, ?ii� '�1•;�;t �ir:ce rates on such insur�r_ce , stanclarrl with a11 compani�s, thera ��lould be no �dvant��e to be � are for bids. i�ir. BaucIlard was present anc� ur�on in uir� " €,ained by advertisir_g; that it w�-�s not I�ossible to q T bY �o�nmisszaner Crgwn, he sta`�ed that tl�e c�n7rany hatl qunted thecminienum�breznium1�s� ible �aitho�'-�ar�uc�ible cl�use, : , , Th� �ota1 cos� of �r*e �re�nium i�rould be ;;6, 2�?C.OQ �er 3 R u� ekFei ienee rec�rds. I✓Ir, rouchard statec� that the Folict� ,l�ar. In reply to a�uestion, c�lculat�� ��nd �x ur.known hazards �.sWtolperson�l�orr�rorsQt�Tl�;������r�oe �r_ all tha� exx�eri�rce creciits vroulc� accunulate if the bit� t o� He �ta�ed a�yplied the second year on a olir = r s rerord wa; ��o�l an� �r u1d be F� ..y issued by �ny c��;:an5=. Com.:�i�sianer Rlar�or_ moved tlZat the City of Clearwa�er hereb}r erter a.nt� a contrac� ar.d -��e �*roper �fiieYals af the City of Clear�ra�er be �nd the� �re hereby authorized an� ins�ruc�el to enter 1a.ni:o a contr�c� w�ith The Tr�v�l�rs In�urance Com�any �f H�rtford, Gonr.ecticut, nd2ruYSf�yan�ropertytdam��e3e�rH.�?ter a air_st I^sa �nd 1?at�il�ty �,ec�use o.� taodi].y in ur ancl. �: acc�rdina to tlle binder schedule ar.d letter of i��rch 7, 9, u mitted by The Tx�vrlers Inst�ranee Com�anp of Fi�rtfard, �onnecticu�, through �-�S a�pn't, Ro;er Bouchard, eaverin� a11 kr,oym,and unknovrn nazards ancl other compre- hensive iiability ir_ zhe f�ce amaunt o#' �304,OG�i.00 ior eaeh xerson and eac}i accident resultin� in bodily injurv, ancl .�'?5, G�O.Op i�r ��ch accident resal�in;; S:n Frogerty . • dama�e with a maxzmu,n li�bi].itv and a face �mount rsf �100 � . . , .. .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . . lt'ijT i a co-T E--'t� ir i` x� r',n nnn nn � r 'sr � _.�1�. �'iQ f'OT` �R';.v�t24'a�G,', ZZ3b1���.- � � . � �-_���---r��s--�-� ; e-�-�, '�-izx- ��o£ each aceident, for `"- the �nnual �rema.um of wb, 2$p.00, ar,d turther accc�rdin; to a coni.ract t �o be presen�ed • �o an�. a�proved by the City %�a.na�er of the Ci�y of Clearwater, Florida, urith the , e�faotive date o.f i•Zarch 6, 1952.� T�lotio� tiw=?s secpnd�d by Go7�mzssioner Russell 2nd carxied unar�iniously. The T�iayor stated that he had contacteel t�r. Don Cechra:r_, Sr. , and T;r. iuy F. C1ark ana that th�y were willinp; to serve 3s me�bers gf the Plumb�ng Contractors Exarining Board. Commissioner Blanton moved that �thz i�:ayor�s apFaintment of D�na1d Cochr.�n to thz Plumbin� �oard be a�graved by the Gity Cou�mission, and z,Iso the reapgozntman� of i��r. isuy Glark to the F1umL-ing Board. i�ioi,ion tras secondec� by Cornm�.ssioner Crown and carried unanimously. a�i,oint�i�Tr�yJ� K��$atstone withY the a�proval oi` the Eity Gammission that he Syould and tlr. Cl,eveland Insco as meMbers of the Zonine Board. Cornmissior_er Blantan mo�ued that the I��yor�s ar�ointmen� of is, B�,ts�one and i�Ir. Insco ba con�'irmed by the Gity Commission. I�%iot�.on v�tas :seconded by Commissioner R�;ssell and carried unanimously. The i�iayor recotnmendeu the -re-a�poirtment of the following persons as members of , tlle Libr�ry Board, N1r. Tauer Bayly, Rirs. E. L. �earce, ?teverer_d A. T. Cornwell and bhe ��poantm�nt of T�?r. Lee L. �aker and i�Irs. T�:inifred Stou�amire �o the Librar r Board. _ Commissianer Crown moved that the "rIa or�s a r 3 � 3' FPQintment o�. 'Ghe named individuals �e , a�proved. i�iotian t�:as seconded byCommissioner 3lanton and �,arried un�nimously. i�iayor Brown appainted �ommissioners Hlanton and Crown to serve on the Zand , �PPraisal Committee. The Glerk read a letter addressed to �he City Iu.anager b� the Harpharri Insuranee i�oency, Inc., rela�ive to the renewal of the Hartford B'oiler and �lachiner oli:c at � pratnium of �4, 5��.00, ar_d *.�uith a rscommendation that the City take out�a f' Y ou�utha�Gein�they' �he Fxemium �f wh:�ch zvould b� �4,3Q0.40. The Citv Ni�r_ager pointed - � �ven� of a boiler exploszon at fi,he Gas Plant, the City would have no covera;e uncler the boiler insurance �olicy �f � fire resulted from an ex losion T� �ras his recommendation ttzat the Ci.ty �urehase �oth boiler and fire insurance � Cc�mmissinner Crown moved �haG the City 'T.TanaF�r tae authorized ta xnc�uire ant� the _ ava�.laba.lity� of boiler and fire insurance an the Gas Plan� i,o secure r _ _ irom o�her companies writin.g this ty�e of ir�suran�e and t� � � oposals _ • a.fiered. yiotion was sP . � o a ce�t the best bid , ..conded by �ommissioner Russell and carried unanimously, � le�ter addressed to tha Ci�;y r,�nager was raad b the Cit Cle, � Y y i k, �uoting prices on the Gray Audogr�,ph recorder froni �he Lanier Company of Tampa, Flori;da. The CitZr T��:na;er pointed ottt �he �dvanta�as oi Yia�ring such a machin i�Cs purchase. Gommissioner Russel.l moved that the C'' � and recommended ` for xecording vaxious meet3;n s at � l ?�Y �urchase the Audograph machine g �� �.55, plus service a� �23.00 p�r year, �.nd an �ddition�7, microghone ta stand ou� on the floor, and that the records be ke ' a.ndPfin�.tely. NT��a.gn was seconded b- Cammissio e, Pt on file _ a' n r brown and carriEd unan�.Mo�s1y. ,;. , , -�- �.�t�,,�'. czTx co��uzzssTort r��Tzn� ��� NIarch 10, 1�52 CT�Y COi�AT"w"TQr; lui�ETING ' March ].0, 1�52 ' Tha Glerk reae� a re�ort acidressed �o tl�e Cotttmission Uy t11e Cit A�tor e the Ci�g I�I��nager relati:Je to th� request o� I�2r. Ral��h Richards a�tyr � y and Dai othy Xoeh, for a settle • ..� o ney �ot^ NirS, i�fa p..G . . T�tarch $ y x ommasszoner Herbert M. Brown '�9�2° �ent af certaan am�r�vement cert�fia��e� ��;.3inst her � ., properGy. T,he repnrt st�ted `that sinCe 't is ommxsSiQr�ers; e- h matter was a quest'ioiz a� polie �or �he N rbext Blantan, Sr; Comm�ssion, the Committee tv�s maka.n; no recommend�ti�n, Tt �y Garland D. L nn w�s �he consens�.s o� Jae y opinion am�ane� the Cc.mmissioners tk�at grantin; such a�e�ues� t•tould r eaul� ' ' k T�ussell ' ing an und�sirab].e precedent since a number of the rn �rt �r e �-n estab].zsh- W. E. Crown Jr. F p y o n rs have pai.d the �u7;1 y amount af pri,ncipal p1Lis interes� to date of pa}Tment. Commissa.oner Blanton move'el the application be denied �nd that th� City not mak� any com romise ��at nentlenaen: t�iati,on was seconded by Gommissioner Crotivn and carried unanimousl�r, :°� discqun�t. �_ ' A s�ecxal nreetin� oi the City Go�nmission wi 1 r . . _ `' 7.3� F.r�` 1 be hGld �.n �he Cit �udxtori The r•7ayor reconuiier�ded that the Zona.n� Qrdina ce a. N'tonda T�iarch 10 . y � at ' � n Atnendnien� whicli failed �a l�e y� � 195�, for the purpos� �f conss:derinF the ' . . rati.fied b5r �he el.ectors at tl�e last l�eeember e_lection and the 2onzn Ma �ie �u e a following items. over to the Zoning Bo�rd for its study and recommendat' n,• � p �n � 1. Mana�er's re ort wi.�Gh refe ' �o s, and then farw�rd i� to 2, e � renae to Insurance. �.he Federa�ion of Civic Club� ior study and xe�nrt bacic tn the • N. quest to purehase Audio r�.. h Niac • �oning �o�rcl fbr a 3. Re ort with r i'e ��' h�ne. final report to �he Commission. Commissioner Crown tnoved �ha�t the �' e rence t� Im rovement Ge '' re�+ort o.f t;ha 4.. A ointment F , xt�-�'�c�tes for T�'Irs. Yoch. 2oning Committe� be acceptred, ar�d that uhis matter be re#'erred to t s ' p�' of ��ember for Plumba.n �xamin ' la Zoning Boar'd $. Any other items � ation Board. fqr its consideration, an� thereafter �'or it (�onin Bo�rd ' not �n the a�enda • � ) to submst �lze matter to � will be considered by cpnsent of the the Federation �f Ciuic Clubs :£or commen� and the submission of a com rehensive Coininission. recommenda�ion thereon �c� the Commission. Nio�ion ��as s econded by CQmmissioner Russell and carried unanin�ously. Yaurs very trnly, _ The Cit� �ttorne� re�orted that he would leave �'or Tam a T • u�. C. L�1id le i��arch 11th, at 9:3� x.�i. to confer ' . 1� � uesday morn�n;, FCM: s � � d ton � �,*ith the Peninsular T'ele�hone Company officials, City '�ianager and asked �or any suggestions or xeeommendations by the Gommissi;on. Comm3,ssioner Crown sug,ested i,hat he take up with 'the Telephone Corn an' t11e -----�--------'------------ _ ----�----------------------------------- P Y ma�ter o#' using tele- ---------------- phone cable lines �'or synchroni2ing traffic li,�hts. The T�Iavar su�,;ested tiz�t he see that all present privileg�s now hald b3� the City are incorpoxated into an • e y new agree- P�Zr. Francis i��idclleGan, City i:anaaer � bruary 2$, 1952 ment with the Telephone Company. The City �i�nager state� that he had i'urnished Ghe City o�' Clearwa.i�er � City :�t�orney v�rith a list of iteins to be retained in the agreeme�t with the Tele�hone Cqmpany and a Zist of additional items to Ue requested. _ Clearwater, Florida Tne '_�2a.yor inquired �s to , Hinat pro�ress had been nade in preparing speci,fications p��r �ranca�s. and costs on the pr�ject for extending Fraspect Avenue. The City 1�7anauer stated th the groject had been held up @ue to a part of the rir�ht- f- � �� Re: Renewal of Hartford Boiler �nd P�Tachiner P' 0 o uay bein� obstracGed by y aliey, 'Due I�larch 23, 19�2 the building occupied by the ?;ring Ice Cream Company, anri that he had hoped ;11e Cemmission would consider aiaando_�ing te�at par� of Gre Followin� u�; the convers�i;i�n in zrour office with TJIr. P projeet between Glevel:and and I am erzclosin� hexet•it ' Vooes of the above comp�;ny Lzura �treets, The :�Iayor stated that the Coinmission �as aware o • o � h 1�inder properl executed b- H • •' f the limited ri�ht- all'tYie equipment as hei:etof y y artford Steam Boiler cover?rg of'-way at the time the project Sras instituted and i'ha� the ri�ht-of-way that the City Q�'e covered, - now has shoul3 be irnproved. . , This will su�'fice to protert the City until complete ir_spection service �tzlatzve i,o the widenin� of Ewing A�cnue from O fee rendered and �.11 i�ems pro�erl cheGked be" �s been 3 t to.60 feet, Commissioner which ives aut ' y zore �he z�ew type x%olicy itself i� issued �lanton said ttza� ir_ his opinion, the Froperty in Caachman Heiahts w � ; _ omat�,c covexa;e thr�u�hout the ear on al� ' - ' cient value today to warran� an ex�hanPe af t � as not of suffi- zn connectlon w�.th the �as la t Y - Properties 3,nd equzpment he property for the im�rotrement lien and •• • � � n, with an 2udit at �Ghe end of the year to �akz u that there should.be some adjustment made ithereb tlie any spetific 2tems'not previously mentioned. P ' least a�ortior_ of the improvemznt cost. The Cit I�ianarerestmrr�wner shoul.d bear at • pay one-third and tk�e Cit . Y g u�,ested tnat each side ' If �there' are an.y questions on this � y pay the remainin� third of the cost, Commission�r Blanton m�ter, please call me, stated that since Ehe pua�chasers of som� bf the propexty vrere �oinR to s end : mately �;2aC,000,00 in developin� their ro ert ' = P appraxi- In bringing up renewal of one of our other ' • •• . P P Y, it would be more e uitable if o�mer- the made in ui iire company explosion policzes for Nrarch ship on aach side �ays one-fourth of the cost in �dd' ' �• q Y q ry this week throu�h their snecial �e - • • • s , �tion to �,ivin� ten feet for bility oi extendin� the - � a '• � a� ni� as to the immediate possi- right-of-ivap, ancl the Gi,ty the remainin half, Commi : " covei a�e �to ir_clude fire. ObtTi . . � ssioner Orown agreed v��ith Mr, premium; they'are in,a hazardous spot wi�Gh no fire � ously with such a Iovr explosxon Blantcan, o suppor� it in the event �hsre was some doubt as to what mi�ht cause a disastrous lass at i,he ;as glant, Cotnmissioner B�an�on sug�ested that the Gity Manager brins� back • next r.ieeting on th� grogress beinP mad ' • � , a x��ort �to �h� I advised that this additional co e� • v ra,�e was cor_temFlated and should be included ver � e in dismantling the o1d Everiiz�ham pavilion. shoitly.' They would like if � • - . Y The City 1tx�nager said he could report now that the instru�ti s ,. possible, to malce th�.s extension in e�� - on had already been renewal da�e of the ex loszon • ov..rade by �he �i-Jen .for demolition of the buildino. � policY, whsch is abou� the middle of next morth. Mr, Blarzton suggested that �he C'ity acquire a small ' Yours v�ry trul piece Q#' property at the Y, �ntersectian of Osceola avenue and �eo�gia 5tr�et i'or the pur�pose of �educi abrupt curve at that point. He also su�gested that the Cit � ng the HBHsmg HARPHANi ZI�;URAIvCE AGLIv'Cy INC. �,ianager estimate the c�st of extendin,� P�Tyrtle A.venue �hrough t��SeminoledStreet1tY Enc. By /s� Harald B. Hargham ^1he,_�e beins • ---------=------------=----- no further business to come be.�ore the Board, the mee�in ad• -------y------------------------------`------- � at 9:li.2 P.P1. ' ' b Journed __------- : I�Ir� i�liddleton. City Manager Fe�ruarp 2�, 1952 City Hall yC1.e�rwater, Fl.a, � � � : ATTEST: Mayor Canvnisszon.,r Dear Sir: • _ In reply �o y�our. request i�r prices on the �ray Audogragli, we are �eased t quote you Ghe following prices; p ° City Ruditor a Glerk tA) One I�udograph k�37.55 _ (B) One additional microphone 31.00 , (C) Transcribin,� accessories , _ Foot Control 25.Q0 Head Set 21.00 ; ' �4i�:. 55 Records are v�113.50 per hundred. We have a maint:enance servic2 policy tllat you aan take advanta e oi` at t low cost of onl � he Y�23.00 per year, To consist e�f r.ot less i;han 3 inspections per year, and'�o include cleanin�, adjusting and oilin�;, �lus interim service calls ' , and parts �hat may be necessary. I�' we can be of any fui°thsr service, please >do nat hesi�ate to call on us at anq time.' _ _ Resper,tfull$r yours; _ - _ _ _ _ _ s H, er Company T�e/�ani ' �. Lenoir HEL�cnv1 S�les Rek�resentative _ . _ , _. _ _ . ..., ,� ,... . . ...... _ _ - _ _ � ,� _ _ _ _ __ _ , �,,... � : �. _ _ "�, , .. F �, �; . :, , _ _ , ' �" ' , _ i ; ,,, : � , � . ,! � , : ,� CITY COI�ISSTQ�I I�7EETZNG � ; ;i March 1C1, 1952 i _ i � Marcli 7, 1.952, _ _ I N,ayox-Gommissioner Herbert M. Brown _ ; � Commissioners; Herbert Blanton, Sr, i Garland D. Lynn _ i Jack Russell , ; ' ; ' �,t. E. Crawn, Jr. _ � ' Gzntleme�: _ � ; ' T+Ir, F. C. Midd.leton, City Manager, and I mal�e tl�is report to you in accordance wi�h your in_structions of Monday, i�iarch 3, 1952. This report has re;ard to the , following improvement certificates assessed a�air_st �he proper�y of 1�'irs. DoroGhy Yoch : Certificate No. 1774-2 in �Ghe amoun� of �22$.QO _ _ , : Certificate No. 17743 in the amount of 190.v� _ _ , Cerbificate No. 177�4- in the amount of 190.OQ Certif'icat� No. 17752 in the amount of 595.00 , `1,2Q3.00 jtie have conferred with it:r. Ral�h Richards, attorney for NTrs. Yach, and find ' that the basis oi her comgromise offer zn an amoun� ].ess than the full amouizt of the indebtedness, is that the assessment constitutes'a hardshi�, and -Ghat tvhile she did not attend the Fublic Hearing on the assessment, sk�e has talked with various offi- cials af bhe City of Clearwater, f'rom time to time, and ieels that hei position ' should nat be jeopardized by the delay in time from the tim,e o£ the assessment to this date. Nir. Richaxds offered to gay the full face amount of the certificates if the City would waive the interest. The in�erest to February 25, 1.952, is �360.�0. This requested waivar of interest woul�l be on tlze same basis to wit; �l�at Mrs. Yoch � feels that she should not be penalized �or interest rurning during a period when slie was attemptin� to negotiate an adjustment with the Qity Commission. ' The decision of this matter is a m3tter of policy to be decided by the Gommission; ' therefore, Mr. Niiddleton and I conscientiously have no opinion regardin� tihe �dvisa- bilits of tne compromise settleme�it by vraivar of interest. Respectfully �uY�mittecl, : ' �s/ Charles M. Phill:ips, Jr., . City At�o^ney /s� F. C. r�iiddleton Ct7P;;d' City 1Sanager � _ . , �a : _ , i , � , j _ , +I � 1; � 4 `� ..::�. � � . „ _._ _ ._ � _ . _ _ ._ . ,: . .._ _ _... . . i �;