01/28/1952 "':;.. ~.,.', '. , - '. - ""C~T~ C OWlISS IO n l,i~mTnlG " ... . ...."""'~,.;<"';..:."''';,,"'';,..i,ii:,:;;~~&i'{,;;:~r~~'''I~ h. 11 ~~. M~~~~ Y : Ol~l~~=;;n 2~: i~;:~:;~Y ~~:gl;~;;: t: ~ t;~e~h~n f~l'~~~~~r. 8~\=:1~~~ 8 0 ~r~ ;:~t :;r~~~~~: '-~ ':.", ,,;........).:' ;:~;~ Heroert I.i. Brown Ga 1"1 u nd 1;. L~r nn !Ic:rlJCll't 1.l. Blanton \lilllm.1 1~. Cl~OWll~ Jr. J(l c}.~ Hn :we 11 I,layor- emu-,lin :lione r (; oJ:Jni :313 io no r c; Ollillll n s lone I' (; 01'll;1i:3 alone r C Olllilis ~Ji()ne 1" "b(?) , , , , , , , . 'f:', '.: , '. . '..p.:JIo%c" n" ,', t 'l;,:",,,j;;~ I, l\lno prosent: 1". C. Jd(ldJeton Georf~e '1'. LcC1n1:J~H Charles 1.;. Ph~l.lllp:), .Jr. s. Licl~ton City ll[lnfJF~Or Chie f of j'ol ic e Cit:i' h ttorn()~T G i ty Enr~ ine or I -.j " -:. \: The Irleotin/~ \Iun cull,!Jl: to ('J'ciep by the lll:.lyor. By llnun1nolls consent of the Cou',1l8a ion, the e onB it: erll t:l ()n of the u pnointr:o nt or 0 I,iun1c ipul .Tlldr~o wo c dofe rred . 'l'he CIty lltlno/:er opened biciB j'np ~31II)~\1;;.tnf~ H OO\Jer PU1::11 to tlLG sewer ~ine of Ol(HI1'vJI)-r;c:r bCl:lcll. Only two LJi(iG \J<:J18 received tl:J 1'oll()\'/s: Yoej;;un llro:-J. Pm:l)) Co., Chieu 1;0 1<'n irlwnlcs-l..orne COl,ipnn~' ~~5, 060 .uO 1,059.00 It \Jas r,lovecl 1J'J' (;cn J1liiJoiollel' L~rl1n~ ~()(:(JndeC b~/ Cm 3:11,,:32.01101' Crown und unun1moualy r.u1':riecl that the ll1([:3 l)G y'el'e:rreci tu Ute cat::, 11l,nLl/~el' ror ntlt(ly anci roport. The Cl ty };p n~lf~Ol~ Et nnottl1eed tllll t thpt:e bid [J }~LlC! [Jeen rcce 1 vecl for sup))lyinr; a 1;~ ton truel: f01' the Puhllc lftI11t1en }.Je])~.J~t!.lcnt un 1'0110\'1:,: ~~l , 257 . B 9 1,350.69 1,6~6.64 I..a rry l)1r."1,1 it t Eenncd:r c.:: ~t 1'::' cl:la ncl Ort.Hlr~o :JtHtE~ 1,otoI' Co. It Wt;lS the G:i.t;r LE'dl~r~(lr':3 recOl!~16ncit.lt:ion tlwt tLe lor: bit! 1)8 socepted. COloil1issioner Lynn l.1oved tho t the C:, ty !'.(l n~ll;r:)r' a 1'0 C t)l"j}endt.t~ 5,on be follovleel Blld tha t the lJid of LEi!'r:! lJlrn:litt in tJ~e E:r1cnmL of ~;1,,~~UI.H9 be f.1CCOJltccl. ~'j'lC noU.on \I8S Beconded by G Ol"ll.lis n 10ne I' HUG:w 11 El ncl C!l :;:'1' ied 11n8 n il;OU 81:' . The City bElm:lFn:r~ re(]1H)~}te(J allt1l(1)~it:r for J)l[lcinrr un ort"ler for 0 year's sU':)ply o:f water rIoters, the. I',eters to -~Jf) shi]lTJeci ot t.he l'utc of allOut ~~5 per nonth as re- quireel. Ee otElted that in order to stlJnc1~'r(~izp. the I.eterfl [l11cl also to provide eor.l- petition that ti~e Cit:r obtain bj,c1s f'ror,~ t\'IO cor,:ptmiefl, the I!eptune l:eter GOl;Jpan:r of NeVI Yorl:, ana the Budger Lf-:te:r C()!.~Y'~l11"y oJ' ~)lliJ,t:i(elphi8. It V1HS novec1 hy 001;]'1issioner Crown that the ,G:i.t~r hnnof;er'L\ rCCOlr~()m:nt::,()n be t:lpnrovec\ ulId pllrchose of \'!nter meters be Buthorized. 'l'he l..otion \JL1~; soconciecl b~r CorJ':lis~;ioner Inanton end carried 1l11onimously. 'rlle Vi ty LOl'Wl;er presented tl ;:;tn tm.ent fron t}lf; l"lorico LeHr~ue of I,Iun1eipalities for r.1orlbersl'Jip (lues for J.~,~i2 in the 81;lUltnt of ~r';SOO.U(/. It r;8S 1I0ved l):l Covmiasioner Lynn, seeollded by Coulissio:rh~r Crown und l.1lwn:i.llously eUI'l'ieu that the pa~n'lent of the dues in the l"lcriciu Lea;;u8 of Lunicilwlities l)e aplJrOv8c;. I,P11e }.,[;j YOI' il !l!lOunced t}18 t 018 next i tell of the tl/;t)l'1(:FJ '\1()1l1(~ 1Je e onsic1era t ion of Ordinance GIB on ita third and fiLbl l'eaclinc.. r.:.'he C1 t.y Att02"ney rovd Ordinance 618 in full. IJ11rinr~ tho Ciacur3s::'oll of the Ol'ainnnce, U11 alllenc~l,:ent \hlS m.l(\;F~ested to the effect that the Ordinonco ~l1oulci not a!)J)l;T to u lnlilc1.er llsinF; Uw ;3ervices of D licensed ceneral contractor. It WDS Loved LJ~r C01~'::::':3sion(~1' Lynn tl1at ur(t1)1nnee (jJ.d ue passed on its third untl finul J"eudinr; as a!:J()r,(~ecl. fl';IO Lotion '/t.l::3 [3econc!eCl by COl:missioner Blanton and curried nnaniliously. The 01 t~r j~ t tornG~r pre sellte(1 H n on!inD !lee now lxdnl.' llsed in ',Ie :It }Jc 11:1 lIeu ell. \'/1'1ic11 ref;u1utes the il'll)POvenents in nev: su1)(livi~3ion3. hy eOl1a~nt, the City httorney was authorized to Ur!:lW an ol'c1imlllco sett:tnc up requ:i,l~e1Jellts fur the approvDl of pla ts in collabol'ution ,'lith the l..u;:rol" ond the Cit~t Enl~ineer. On the 1'1otJon by COTTlisRioner Lvnn vihlch \'W.:J necolKlOcl b"lT COl':rnisclioner Russell and 1lDnnir,lOU1J1:y cc:lrried~ the rc))ort 01' the T'inelhls Ccnmty ~ervlce Officer for the month of' }Jecenbel' V!as 8ccepted. The City 1,:anGgp.1' st8ted thElt 8 aicle tl~a(:1-:: of 550 lineal feet was noeded at the GaD Plant for the unloa(linf~ of' sewer' :linen~ \It;lter and (,:as pipe::; and other r,1Dterials that the Clty buys in carlond lot~3. Ee stntec1 that the fa: ImJinr; bids had been re- ce i vecl frol:! the 1'::1 i1 1'08 c1 c ()J,jpD 11 Ie s : Atlvntic C08~lt Line -- ~,l3,~)D'J.?O, and 811 alt81'11ate lJid of ~,,5~086.90, \'/h10h bid provide(i for l..Dte1'isls of sUI,crior qtlJilit-;r. SealJOurd hir Line -- llQce :::111 of'fer to pay ~(3,l()4.uO to\lo.rcl the installation o:f the side tr8cl:, the Uity to pay ~~2,?46.50. Th.e City l.ial1ugcr auid the ~euboard Air Line hie! \nlB COl.lpOl'ative to the alternate bid re eei ved frOlI the Atlantic C08 at Line. lIe rec01:n:wncted that the Geo bOH rd I s bid be accepted. It was Illoved by Cor.nisoioner Crovlll t.J:wt tile City l!Hnager' a recOl;'u;lendotion concorrninr; the bid of the tieobof.lrci Air Line in the DI101.mt of ~?~!,7'16.50 be 8ccepted. The l:'lotion wa s see onded by G01l1nis oj.one 1" RUDse 11 and CH rriec} unanil.10UDly. A tentative plat o:f OQk Acres #5 VlDS discussed. By consont, aPP1'oval of the plat was deferred until the City Engineer can inventi~ate the clrainaee situation in the subdivision and report. 'l'he City Engineer stated that he would have a repopt ready for the next Cor.nnission meoting. " , '.... - . .. , : " ::: ":;', '.~ ::~ '~':''':':l' , " \',., ' f I l. 1 I --. . " ..... ~. .:.;,\.",)/,:...:::'/,::~,' '"S'i~~f~ '. ;...... ..)~:~.:~:-,:'~.: ' \;{0J!~JliL0i~;,~:,/,';i. ,,; ,:,: . ,. . . . ' .,' ,~. . > .,:.;.~.;.'~><'~': '.s:. ~ ;,!'~.'.-:'" :.:..:."~~~1, 'I 2- '1 -~- C IS:;.~ COLl.i I;:);.,) :LOlf I\iEBTIlW .Tanuary 20, 1\j52 B~r con:Jont, the D]Jprovul (jf the p1[1t of bevol'l:,' lioif~htu 0111xliv:i.nion \JUS ueferl'ed. The I.,o:ror nUI~I~c:3toc1 tLe Tlutter be rofflrrec1 to the (;lty l'll-lml!~Ol', the (at~r Enl~inAel' ond tho Cit:r J~ttorllO;' JPr 1'Ul't}:Ol' ntud~! ' relating to' 3U feet of ~,'llJ'nor Dtreet. :~J'_ ,I; '/.t. el, rrhe Ci t~' Clerk l'()~d 0 ])e t 11;:1 on 1,:,' OWn01':3 (1 l' proptn.t:v on bu:r E~J plunucle, l'eque sting the f):'tonnioJ) 01' ~H;lli';nr'" :H~\':Ol' f:Jeilltie~l CrOll the C01'nul' ()f VerlJOlHJ ~tI'eet ncrthnard Dl('nc J\o~' 1~:Jpl!lnudl.;. rl'h~ petiU,on 110re 1;1-.e n1/',nu1.11l'e of' nino proport;r o\'ll1el'G. Uor.1- l:.i:nliolior Dlonton l'lovocl t1wt the City L~lnuf~er tinct tho City Enf~inoer bo inntrllcted to prepuro un CBt1ru,,lt;H of ('(J~3t Hl1d to opnt8et. 1H'Ope1't;,' mmeru to [leO if thoy Ol'e willinG to cleJJosit the noce:':J81'Y f'uncln In uc.'lvunco. 'l'ho notion \'lflB ~J{)e(Jncled by GOllr.linsioner Lynn, voted l1pon tilld u!1u!1il'loll:Jl;r carl'loct. " .( '.' .:} ,I Tho City Clerk reul1 n report frOl'l tIle C1t:, Llln:i(~(lr unci tho C.lty End.neor l'Glutive to Ule udn:t as ion or l'!.,111'1 '.i.'C l'PU en ~jl lJCll v :1.:;i on into the Ci t;\' of elml r\'fU tor. COldUi ssioner Lynn lIc>vec1 tllUt t;}lll Clt~: hL1'.ol'ney he In:Jtrllctelt to !'T'oe{)(~d in Jlrc}JurinF~ the data lwee:J~3Qr'y for tul'lni: Pi,ll: rl'erl':::lCe into 1'.110 cOl'])orute l~d1i1'.u of the City of Cleurwuter, the llutu to inelll(ilt tho Cit:! J.t;J1tll~(~1"t1 ropol't I.1nd Pf;CO).lIltlll(,utlon. rl'}lO laotion \'IU:.1 seconued by (;olJ;l~wiol1()l' (;1'0\'/11 und c~Jrl'ied 1UW1LLu(,U:ll~r. '. ,'t, , ~ ': -; r.::'he Cit7f LUlll:-lf~l:l' ~lHl)l,'. Lteel !l Hn:lOlllt::,on tlJut woule! requ::'re certl.lin L)rOporty owners to cleun tholl' lct:J of \JI)Uc": 3 unli l;rn Dt1. It \W s 1 iovod lJ:r CO! J 1i~l[Jiollor Lynn tho 1'. the HesoJntion be !l(!Pl1tcd. 'l'~\e lio1.inn \lfJ[j :,econc!od h~/ Co:rl1iUHionor }Hunton and cl31'rlod , l! n::m1w)U Ii l:r . ..\ The C:i.ty LDlwr':el' roported t.lwt 1.'.1:..0 li,'~lt3 on tllO CIJUSO\'UJ~r Bl'id,:cs have deteriorated to the point \'Ihere the:.; I'equire replucoJ;(:nt. 1],']le po [)[I 11)11:i.1;";;' of l'oplucilW tho concrete poles \'lith nocltlrn u1unitlltl.l })oh!s VltlS diseu:J:jecl. l.l!'. Ort of the ~lectrical Depnrtl:lent est11'18toci t1w CODt of repluc:iw' ])0],(\3 an the crElwur:tL~t:e ut ~t~,G3B.U(j; on the brid[;e at the vrest enu of the CU11f1G\l!iY ~)1,ti3U.UU. COl,Uli~l:Jionor LYllll lloved thut the Cit7 l,H:in9[~er's report be Dcceptod [In(i the I,Dttel' 1)(:; tllrned eVLl!' to l) eOI:I:littoc for :3tucl:! and report. The r:!otion \';u~3 seconc[eci 1)7' COlrn:i.:l::l01'fJl' Htwsell linG cH!'l'ied ununir.iousl~T. The l,tUJ01' aPl'ointt:~d COlJ1:is3:~.()nOrs L7'im, Blanton [lnc1 Hll:wcll to ser've on this corTI';littee .for Cl:llUle\'la;r 1il"11t:Ln[;. '1'he Cit~r 1,lam!(~eJ' ropOl'ted f.I tOI.11)orn17 tY'~d'fic: 111:11t hDd been installecl et tho intersect:! on of Haute 1';) ~Hld (,ulf to H07T :\rml(~vHP(!. !:e suiel this lidlt had been oJ1provec1 by 1.:1'. Le\Ji~3, the Chief Ene'inecr of lJifltr'ict One in the Strite nond Dep(;lrtment. He' also reported that to] lJr-ht hael been in:,t€\lled nt IiDnciala~r .i..venue unel Cuusev/sy Boulev8rc1 Inlu vr()1lldlJo ))llt in 0))o1'81'.10n as soon as the s\'/itc11 fll'l'i"ol-J fro:r.1 the factory; tlwt Hor}: wos nmr I;einl' l:one on the tru 1'1'ic lii'ht ut the intoruection of' Osceola and Cleveland .:.itreet. lie recOl:u811ciee: tl18t in:.itullution of (;I tr~.li'flc li!~I::.t at .Parl-c titreet and lllyrtlo i'.venue be (~ej:'erl"et..l l.tntll sHcll tiH8 U fl :-1 nnre thorollr:h traffic survey may be r,lflde. '1'l1e 1,J8yor l"1811tionec.i the nencJ of u l11"ht:;;t Grof;lJ\'l()od i\,venue and Court street. C02,rr.lis oione l' Cre)\1ll :nw -;(; 3teci tlw t t}\C C it:.' )Jl.lr:,me ,,':'u rtLel' the pOD si lJil i t~T of synchroni z- in[" the truffle lir:hts. S,'he Clty 1.ILll1U,I;Cl":J 1"O]Jo1't liEU] ucee:;)teltlJ'jT m:nni1nou3 consent. The Cit:T LLl1tl{~Cl' )'oqlle:lted the anthorit~t to auverti:w [l pnl)lic lleorin[:, on the r:1uttel' of inprover:ont of' Lu;rllont ;jt:reot und l)u))a;ru. It lWS !joveu u:" UouI:1:Losionel' Blu nton tl18 t thu Gi ty l..o m,wer lie Ull thnrized to ~Id 'Iert ise for a public lles rinf'; to be held at the second l'cr:;lllur !;lcotlnc in J,I~lJrllary. 1..otj,on \'Inn neconded b~' Con:lis::3ioner Hnnse 11 [;l nd llrwnhlOusl~r eLl r)'ied. ~'he Cit:! Enr-ineer' re})ol"ted tJwt the \JOrk In Lnmlula;r lTnit 7}5 \'/uS about V/10 com- pleted. He reCplestec.: the eXT)Emcitllre of ~,r'5UU.()U to re:mrfuee one half of' one L)lock on 1,1l:lndo18Y j~vellUe bet\feen G1oarwut(}l' .street und .Tuanitu \.I:J~r. COJin:i.asioner L:rnn moved thot the City l~llr~ineep':3 l'eqllent .for 8ntLor:i.ty to ~pcnd an 8dt~itiollal ~r'[iUU.UO be approved. '1'11e notion \/1:1:.3 socemded hy COl.:r,!:i.:J:Jiol1Cl' Crovln ami Gorriocl. 'rhe Cit;! l.Lnaf~eJ' req11o:ltOl.1 tll/;lt he ue uHth01'1zoel to tlclvertL~e for bids and adver- tise a Public Fen rinr for p8 VillF: une: sellers on Court ~)1'.reet frol'l nree11\'lOod to }<,iissouri Avem1e. Cor,nh18iolW1' .JJ1unton l,:oved tlwt tL,e City j"on!:H~or be Eluthorized to advertise for 8 Public Fe~J ?"inr~ [J t the :18 cond ref'ulu r C01 J:l:tD:J ion };()8 tilW, In };'olJr1w ry. ~:he r:wtion Via s seconded by Conlisn ionel' L~r!m and ca rriee'! lm:.:J!lil:ollsly. The Gity Cler1<: l'eacl a report ::;UiJl,dttAC: to tIle City LHm!f~er by the City Enl~ineer relative to the propofJecl con::;tr'1wtiol1 0:;' t}1f~ r. 10e\'lo 11-: on I::T1"tle J~venue 'between Cleveland street bnd .TefJ'ol"(IS Street. TIle report in fJet out in t2:0 follo....rinl~ pages of these minutes ond l':.ade tl p3rt tl:ereof. It \,'[;13 Lovell i)y Cond:.wioner Lynn thnt a Jmblic 11oorin{; be tl1ltl1orizod 1'01" t::he first re/;1ilul' lIE:nti~11' ill k-.irc1,. and the City Ilwnager be autllOl'i2eu to 8dvertise for uios on thiB :Jil:ewJ11( pl'o,ject. 'l1}1f: notion \iSS seconded by CO2 1'li::lEl lone l' 1Jlontol1 Hnd Ct: r1':tcci unun iuou~l;,'. ~'he Cit~! .i~lwlneel" mfm,;ittoll!:.l plut SLNlil1l; :';llr~j'{~:3teel c}lt:,\~1f~es in ~treet Tl91::t:S. It vrus l':loved b~' Cm],1i:wiOller LYlll" tLut the Lcsol~ttion relative to eIlUllces in :.Jtreet nm:tes l)e odopteci Ellld the Lap ~mbl.litteci i;c J,.ocle t:lle officiul [ltreet nOLin/; I:laP of the Cit~T. The l.1otion ViaS seconuoel b;r C01~I'1if~:::LO!lC2' blnnton ::dllt lUl/;.ll1i];011s1:r l:tlrried. The Clty Lantlf~er 1'8])orted th~lt }it: hue: U11tLoY'izoci the follO\:inr; gns and Vlater },19in extensions costine l~;ss than ~~3uU.OU: A. B. C. D. 84' of 21\ vietor' r.:liin extE:nnion all Court ::.it. 252' of' 2" v/oter l.ll:lin extension on lli:wol.lri ll.ve. 120' of' 2ft \JuteI' }'':.8in extension on Cuslcr i~ve. 300' of' Ifjll gas r.1fl in extension on UUsel.lent south between Duncan unci .Jupitor. 220' of' 2" gas Imin extension on HicllBrcls Dtreet 320' of' 2i" wHter, l':lain oxtension on Druid TId. 100' of' 2" r,as li1Elin extonsion on IUchards st. gOt of 2" water main extension on Belleair st. 220.00 185.00 265.00 70.00 80..00 Est. l!;Ht. l~:)t. ~~80 . 00 225.00 90.00 of Drew ~t. Est. :Est. Est. Est. Est. '" .! . ,.~ . E. F. G. H. Oornmissiol'ler Blanton moved that the Co sand watcl' main extensions tlo:.3ir.;nated "A" to "H" incIusivebo approved. COJ::nn1ss1oner Lynn seconded the motion und it cfJrried Unanili10usly.' -q"'""'.wn-....., ,,-j,. t ' t \ .. r . Ii I, !. ~ t ! i [, ! I. , 'I , i , I \ t i '. ".,t, ',,. .;,~:: ... ,;,;";::))i~}~\ . ";. .:!; '.; ::'~:~"'~':.:" '\., \ :. ,~:,:.';.:'~~<~:.\~:' 1 k " ._ .;';~.,,!, ,.;., ~q;:~.:~~,;~ . '.~ . . ... ..,~... ~..... ...._~f./!':<A..t...\:;...~l.....~j:.'*...~. ..._..~#t~~_...:.~,' . ... . '-I 3 0 .\;;:.~~!.;~~; . f~tY~:(f~1m;. ' ,>. f"l;' ,,"',.>O'i. V I ;i' fit\~~;~j( 11)'.i:';;;\\)Jf;~t . :, "-' .... I, \, ; I ! I i ! i i ... .' ~,,:.~.:..: '" ': " ~. .: :'~" . -3.. CITY (;Ol,J,.I.:WI01~ I\I~g:;"lJJG tTurnwry 213, 19S8 On n I,lotion by GOl.mi~lSionel~ Lynn \'Ihich \'/[l~l ~l:HlondtH.l 1J-:r COl.;r'1imJioner blanton fHld cor'I'ieel, 10[iO' of ]:~'i" 1';03 wain e;':.ten3ion 011 Venus Avollue at un nntillf.lted c:o:Jt of V?UO.UO r/fliJ sPl)rovod. It \W:1 I'loved 1JY CmJl,11DBio!lel' liJ!ltl 01.1 t S 1<10 the city 111.11 t s ll() u p])rl) vc (i : U.u t t'>(l fu1J 0\1 inl; \1:'1 tUl' 1 ILl in oxtcnni 01'10 'lUO' of :~Il Wlt\~~. I'Din t.;y~.( '\,l~,',)n on JIJ"'I,:d;ul'i Houd lUU' of :~Il \l!J\~t'1' Lull1 n:'d..cn~l~on Oll Lf..lCOJ..Ilul' CUI of ~~lt \d.:tUl' l:llin n~~ter~:LlnJl ('11 LUCUld;\')' EDt. l~ st. J~ :J t . ~~::::no. uO r/U .UO 35.D() A. B. G. l,:, (JorT!:i.n:l:i.nr'fll' :\lnl1ton /Inri lI)lclll '1(1 te L>O .1.1W tu l{e)1 , ell l'I'ied 'l'he I':otion \m8 llnnnil1ollnl~I . ~le <,:ul1Cl 01: rrLu CIty (;]01'1,: roue U Lel.n)'::ll<t1\1, ['I'llll f-,111! !'llnl'll oj' CIIUllty UCJln:!.::;~lion(jl"8 invltlnc HelIlJl)r:1 of the Glt;r (;orJ'\.L~'1:3i()1I to [,0 1'Il'I!:Jt)J1t; [It Uw (;(l1.l)lt;: COlilli3~li()llCJr'S' cOllference nt lU:()U A.L., r~'1)e:!uu::, ,TIJ1'111Ul';-l ~;;), l\;fj~~, l'~:I'lI;'(:111I~ L1:e 1l~1O of tho Pil\ollu~ lntel'- nutionul J..i!'port l);T t;}w hrl..Y .h:i.l' J"Ol'ce. COlJ d :,Wi())lOr i<lulltO!1 l.lOvcc.1 thut the Gity LlInC\/~f!l', C:I,t:r httornc~r, tlnu ~dl:T oUt':r:J \lho <:/)n t>l'rOI1I~O to (iO :10, uttt;lld thin Iloetine. 1.0tiol1 \IU:J neeondod J)~' Gotll:L::wiunel' 1;rnll unt! r.ul'l'ied. 'l'}w 1..1..1;10::' cu:J.ecl ::::tt<'lltion to tlt~~ ,"uet U1~lt the Jo'1C'l'1chl Hullpouci and Utilities COlniB~ll()J1 \'Ioulcl )lbVf1 [, P1tlJlic ~:()E1r::,nl:, J,lel)l'uor:r l~~, l~J!)~;, in the Circuit Cnnrt Roor.l, JIllln'DOl'OHI") I :~ollnt;r COllrt l!(J1UiO, 'J.'[:!..nu 1 011 Uw jlr~t::'U,U)1 of U\e 1)"nil1flH1DP Telephone C()LP~illY '('el!' pel'l.i:i_fl~J:tOI1 to inCl"nUt;E; it~ r'ub:n. It \>/IUJ ilOVtlci ])~r Cornin:3ioner Lynn that the City J.;nlw,:~flr flnd tlll''l.Clt;r Attorrwy lH) pl'013ent t.1; the 11(~otin[~ to reprpnent the City on the 'l'elopholle C()liT1~lll:r ~l l'Elte houl'ln/'.. '::'Jte llot;lol1 \'Ins aecol1ele(i by Gm'J111~sioner Bussell, })nc: lP)()n the Vot8 1)8inl' tul.:en, c[)rl'led 1l11UniIH)lUJly. I].'}le City I\ttorney p1"n::wnted tl det'lCl f]'Oll h,roJ.d Hobinson to the Cit~l on Lot 20, B1ocJ~ :i.J, C08clu:ml. }1ulf'hts ~~1l1)(livlsion~ :'01' [l (:on::1ciorut:ton of :,~n,!)()o.OO. It was L,OVOCl by COl,r.tis~Ji()Tler' JHnntnn tllat the !1H1'cl;8LJ8 bo (~(1nmu:J:8tect ll})On the receipt of a properly 6;.:ecutell cienci. Lotion '.~u S f)(--:eondod b;'T Goul:i.suionor Lynn, und upon the vote 'twine tol:en, CH rriocl lllIUIl.hlOll~;ly. CO:Tli~',slol:el' Bltillton, U:i l;,,'~::il'lll:Ul::"; C()l'~[iellt of Ule GOl1'lj:~~jion, roue! t.he 1'011owing propureci 8tn tel ient: "Inwn the W:ltteJ' (If' 1;118 use of tLc iH'!VJ .l,.:;.;J.'in1,1 vnc: tl1lditopilu:1 coc}c cane IIp for decision l[~1-:lt :rear lonr~ llof'ore 1;lle 1,.nri118 Yec}lt j)u:l1n 'ilua finished, it was the f:eneral con~;E:ll:]ll:J of the Cmniss:!.on 't:'-IElt till c:oTiJ:erciul ;)octs then U:1inl:. 1;}le City Dock be moved to the kJrina, inclndinc the ;joo F'evcr \lhOll :1 t:J leose e;':pirecl in December. There was no other plan or t!i01Wht in the Line::::; 01' the COlJiin:.L!.()1J c;:presfJOci at that time. "The o1;he1' 'l)e'~1 t mmerfl I,,('ved to tLe ],.!:1!'ln:J \;1 thc.nt C01 !}:Jlainin[;, in the oelief the 8eo pevc l' \'loulcl GOLlO ove l' \lLOll its le~j ~;e e.x~ireq; lill t 1111". LI:7fel~S, 1-:noVJ inf~ hi sleD se expired :ill lJec:on1JE.lr, [It \lhieh tine he \'JuS ::i(~hed111ecl to [';0 to the Larina aloll[; \'lith the other 1)ODtIlen, be{~F.\l1 (wl'ly ill the f{;jll to H.ineUVel' to rE:l;!.Jin ~lt the City Doc]!:. I :have [l hi/:h rerDrd for 1.:1". il('~Tf:rs, one: J: c.in not L'luLe lLin tor \ll:lntin[~ to r'er:l8in ot the City l)()ck, uee8use it (~ertr.d,nl:,r doe:) r",ive hh: 8 r')~e[jt ~J(ivantfoWe ovor the other boatmen. "I ~~ave the l.iotter a lot of t}'lCl]l'ht ::lIrinr~ tlt~;t ti1 e, und lltl'Je seriously studied it, weighing in l~lY llinci \'Jhat I felt \'Jould 'oe h~~lt for the Cit~r ~ln a \,i}lO] e" tnldn~~ into consideration 0 lonr; rnnf~e ~~lnn For (;evelcpirw the !.8inl[lnd \:ntt:rf'ront for the use of plee S11re c ru ft . "Last l,;onc:oy nir':ht I stnted t1wt Ii;! c:onS:L(iOJ'8tiOll ilUS for w}tat I discerned to he the Cit~l' 3 best intorest arid \183 llot [l hatter of' hel))inr~ or hnrtinf'; 1.11". Leyer or any of the 0 tIle r COn1G rc i[-\ 1 IJ m\ t1;1E:n . Il'l'he uction of the COlJ.li~3:ion \/on not tnl(en 'rlit1wllt seriolls eonsideration', as sta ted edi toril:llly in the GleEl r\JH tf1r ~lJD, ~)11mia:/. 'i'}w Conrnlssioners each he ve given the 3uhject l.illCh thon{;ht unci i>t1tCt:r, previous to the j..onct371 nif)tt C0l1nission llIeeting, and then listened to a pprnxiMJ te 17! 2;: hourn d inC11 ~Hlion pro Dnd c: on, I~i vin[~ everyone pre sen tan opportul1 it -:T to 'Ue hea I'd . "The nbove ncntioncd editorial st8teuent \Jn~1 untTtlte Gnu nnfuir. in l:lY decision, it "'as un 81"1'01" cf .)1 df~r~ent; '.ve are 011 hur,mn. If I Via S Vi rone; "It \'las editoriall:! nt~ltecl in YOflterc1n;r's .sun tlwt (I quote) 'Del:locrac~r uied last Moncia~r ni("ht in the couneil }'0011 of Glc9r\'ltJter's City E81l. BHt this \'JSlS no natural dea th. She wa s wiJl,'nlly Hnd orllt811','T l.lurcle1'ed b7r c: Olilllisni onol'S bln nton, Lynn and TIns soll . ' "The truth i3 tlwt del:lOcracv survived Elnd livcCl throur;l1 0118 of the nost shsllleful and unserupnlous del'Jonstrations ~ver puJ,led in our pel.lcefui <..:ity. it lived because you had COl,1!'1issioncr~ \'/llO reuained caln Bnd firr.l flncl refused to be stam})eded by some 75 a{,;i to ted, booinr; 8nc: hiss ing pe ople j.n the uudionc:e, r:IH ny of' v/hor:1 'wore ne i ther qualified electors nor propert-:T owners; sone nere not e ven le[~ol residents of Clearwater. 'l'he booinc and hissing \'ID[3 cone beforo Llction m:ts token by the Commissioners which showed an n(~itated nt8te of Ilincl. In foet, it \'IOS so nois:y that Attorney Finch Wa s una ble to finish pre sentin[~ hiD a r!~Lu::ent to the Cor%1is s ion. "If that is whot they call deI:locrncy, it is d8l-10Cracy or the minority, not by the rna.10rity. Clearwater has approxh:tately 20,,000 inhabitants; it has 6832 qualified electors. It has 4839 qualified electors Hho are taxpoyers, und it has an additional large number of property owners. "I deem it to be my duty to serve the best interest of all the citizens. This '" " , ; . .' r.: ..' ~ ~!~rffi.~~:(?.'\-:::~\:;~:f(<::.iHY'c":C'~~'i:;::~.: ,: I :.... _.1 . . ,{.! ; :;.~ . .: ..,~ . ..If;.... -4- CITY COhllllIf;~:lIOn ME1;'TIHO Jam,tB l'Y 28, 1952 I have always done to the uest or my .i1ldg1llent. My decision and vote Elxpressed my honest" sincere convictj.ons, arrived at after lonl; hours of study that oornetilTlos stretched for into the weo hours of the night. liThe Youn(~bl()od lea so, re l'er1'ec1 to in the .Ta mwry 23rd iSfJUO 0 l' the Sun, \10 s made before 1.il'. Lynn Elnd I took of rico IJ[; City COl1ninsioncl"D. I lmve novCl' di::3Cll:lSed any pha se of thi8 subJect "lith 1..1'. YOllnf~blood or u n~1 of' the othol:' lJoa tl,lOn. 'The further :Jtate!Uent in tho Stm, inth;l/;l tine a IVl'eviolls ll11dor~itHl1Clinf:' \lith 1.11.". Y()un[~blood is alao false nnd unfair. ~~hero \'IDS no pr.rtionol victory U:J eluililod in the CleorHater Sun (I q\lOte), '1:<'01" two of the Cit~r GO!'!;lisHiotlors, }jcl'bol't Blunto!1 and Gury Lynn, it WI) S a po )'f3 0 ntJ 1 v ie tory in which the tllX!1CJ. yo rs pIa yed no pu rt . ' "I }Jove 110t '1'ohbed the poople' , II,. lIB ve not 'Bold influol1ce' , .I. "I have not 'fixed tux c u :~ 0 s I , a ~'3 stotecJ in the ~Ul1 tJ,r tl ~un roportHr. ... "I hDve lived tn Clou1'\"JuteY' I.lince it WDS a nere villuCe of 1100 people. I have hacl 0 })Hrt in fllHl }18v(J bee n 1:I po rt of the prOf;renH the t hU:3 r,lade 1 t the u ttrac t1 ve tonrint cit-:r it is today. I 81:1 a pArt of' GlcFlrw8 tel' and GlofJT'\'luter is a po rt of' me. In of'ferirw to 30l"Ve El:1 Ci ty Coril';1i~}flioner, I (Ihl :30 purely f1'or,l a !1).lbl io spil"i t stand- point, not for (lny F~8in I eould [~et flllt of it, nor :for ~m~r special interest. I have given liberally 0:::' l.1y tirae and served to the best of 11Y al>ility, endeavoring to be fair and il.1pllrtiuI to the best intere~Jt of 011 the citizens. I hove not nlayed politics; I have not toadied to Bny r:l'OUp or special interest; I hElve J~one straif!,ht (IOW1] the line (~ivin.r~ honest :HJrvice" 1:.111d us a result I have been l:lBliciously attacked by the Sun in an Eltteupt to c~jscredit me und 'ruin l'IY reputution un an honest citizen. III 1r,!'I:'\llt the ~l.ln l]!lH a perfect l'i,.;ht to ciiaa[;ree with ue or an~r ofi'icial 8ct or decision, but it does not l1~ve t.11e l~il:ht to pl'int l1ntrue :lml 1.1& liciol.ls staternents and innuendon. "'l'he se fl:llse f;I net l.ln,1ust insinuations and clwrges hurled at 1.iC by the only de i1y newspaper in GleFJrw!;lter h~ve }lUrt 1:1e tind hurt deeply, but as lOlle as 1 nerve 011 the Cor'!),llission the:r will not dete)' 1:10 fro1.1 13pea1<inr; unct voting 1:'11 convictions and perform- ing my duty us (rod has clven 1.1e the y;isdm.l to ciiscern ri{:ht Hnc1 \'/rone. In justice to the COl$Jissionf1l's '1>,110 voted in the ~1fJ'irm9tive lllonday n1nht, I reCtltest that the Cleorw~teX' 31m Du1Jllnh this statement in its entiret,r." , . l,leeting v:a B ud.i onrnec.l ut 11: 40 P .hi. ~,~ ATTEST: '.': ';', '." " . .':, ;:,t~. .: . ;~... '. ~.~. '. - t,: ";:/ \.~. ~. ,;. , ~:,'; I<'*~' ...' .1't~ l~ .\.' :."..;:~:,t;:'}:<;::.~~..: ~.t:\~f:~'~:,'~~~~~~it> ',; '.' :.'....,.:.... ,:,~:;,L,~::,;i:,,~../:~.~.2.:.~;,:.:;~~i~~~ddi~~~~~~~T~iI~_~~~,~~%~{;~;,L~,;;,.;'i;iii~ Lf' 3'2 "'" C In COl.1l-lISS lOll !\'lEBTING January 2e, 1952 January 25, 1052 '-, ! :.f~~". ""N'~!:l)l ' / ?tl~iiiI11),'~~~ ';"i:.';i:ti:f,j~'?' '\$I' ~ ;- Mayol"..Commissioner IIerllept I..r. Brown COl1mlnDioners: HElrlJcrt bluntol1, Sr. (i~lrlflncl ]J. Lynn .Ttwl( ]01 /J se 11 \/fll. E. Crown, .Tr. Gentlernon: The City COl,nnlnllion will 17;oet 1n apecinl sfw:lion lloncls';'f t1vf-ll'11ng - Jonnory 28, HJ52 - 7:30 P.;.l., in tho C:tty Hull Huclitol'Jum, to conaiLle1' itOl,)S on the attached acendu. YO\1.rH vel':' truly, l~CU : n~ /:~I 1''. G. LiLltlleton () 1 t:v 1..u nu .1 ~tJ l' ..,..........,1 . ......"..," , ,I , ~...: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agenda - Speciul Lf:etinr~ of CIty COlniBslon .Tan. 20,1952 - Cit:r Hull - '7:30 P.1>i. 1. Caur.dsnion's con~jicleratj,on of oPlwinhlflnt of l-runicipal .rudge. 2. ()pflnin[~ of lJ:Ld3 for .'3e\Jtwo punpIJ. 3. 'llnln.1Htlon of bids for Jwlf-ton trnck fo!"' 1-11011c lltility Vopt. 4. Cit~ llanal~tJrl S l'eport on \;llte'J' ),:etnra. 5. COluninsionls upprovl.ll of 1,1101'1da LOUt~lW of l.lunicipulity ((l..es for 1U52. 6. Ordinance I/Glfl - 3peCl11ative 111l11<iinr; - third ~H1d finul re~j(ling. ? Discn:wion of terns of un orc! innnco rcr,1l1u tinr: pu1l1ie hlprovewonts in neVi subdiviflion. 8. Pinellus G()Unt~T \'etGl'an :Jorv:tne Offi('orl n l'O})Ort for li10nth of December, 1951. 9.. City l\lOnflf~(:rl n }'8COlJ,ondution und report (In ~]lcle trocJ<: fit the Eunicipal Gas Plant. 10. COl:1l11is~donls consideration or' proposEld slllJcl:tv~_sion pllJts: A. }i'or the 81)provHl of lfnJt 115, O!:lk J~cI'es ;,;111jciivls~.on, presented b:'T (Hadys Duncan. B. For 1;he Hpprovul of plDt of Beverl;;.' !:eir:hts Snbdivision, presented by Leo Jmtler. 11. Public Improvcnent Itens: A. Peti tj,O!l for e~,~ten:J:Lon of 3unitop:r SUHC:r' J'ror'l corner of Verbena Street northw!:lrd Lllonl~ i)u'J" Esplanade. B. CO!I1,liusionls cons1clerotion of udllia:Jion of Pl'.l1l'1 Torrace 8ubc1ivision into Cit~r of Clel.ll'\'iater and roport fI'011 City Lflnaf~er and City Engineer. C. Hesolution reque:3tinr: property o\'mcr~l to 1.10\'1 their lots of \'/oeds and 1'ra ss. D. City l"~lnul';er' s report on new li,ht1nr~ 3J~3tCJ,l for COl.lseway. B. 1\i[ln81~el'ts repol't on tr[lffic ll[;hts und requc:Jt for traffic lil"Jlt at corner of J.lyrtle A venue and P8 1'1-: ~trp.et. P. Cit7.f Lnnar~er Dl1ti City Enr:ineerl s r8}Jort on i:-tP1'OVel.ent of Bo.Yl'iont street and Papaya ~treet. l.;undalay G. C1 t:r ii:nf~lneerl s report on the ])1"'0 ('; re 13S of \'lor}: in 1f11i t if5tSnbdi visi on. H. City 1,;unu.l;erl s l'ert11e~lt for l)erl,;:,ssion to ~dvel"tise for bids to pave Court Street fraI'! (rrcen\"/ood to Llssouri j~ venue. I. City lil;1narerl S repol't on siciewulk projec:t on }..yptle J.ve. fpOl.l Cleveland o t re e t to .T e .f l' 0 I'd s ,:j t . J. City C01imission'o &pprovol of a street Hbl,iinl~ iwp. 12. Utility In})l'OVellentu for UOlr,l1s~lion's approval. 13. Any itcns not on the 81\endEl, Vlill he consitiel'8d u-;: consent of the COllir.lission. "-. .,' ." .'. , .,' : ~~. .Tu nua ry 16, 1 ~52 The Honora ole Bm' rd of C1 t;'T COl;:nj sni oners, City llel1, Clear\u:lte:r', },'lcrida Gentlemen: The follow 111/: is l:l re port co va l">inf: the race irl1; sand clishurSel:1ents in Clea rWD tel' Ve tcranu County Gervice Office for the LlOnth of lJecer.lbcl', HJ51: Heceipts DislJUrse1ilEmt s IJine J.l[1 S G~lunt;r C:L t;f 01.' Clea r\1H tel' Ci t~r of IJltl1eclin City of Tu l'non Spriw"s .T. A. Pl'cecioJ.1, sulury........ .~201.16 Secrotl:.l1'yl s UU1~11'Y..'..."..'. .125.00 Cur allo\:ance.................. 25.()O Telephone (~ long distance...... 8.93 1>ri11tin(,;, ntuty., office expenses und poatElge 17.91 ~378.00 :;~310 .00 50.Uu O~()O 9.UO ~~3'/ 8 .00 Yours truly, ,TAP/D. Is/ J. A. Preedom Oounty SGrvice Officer ,~ ' Lo t s 6 t~ [3 Block A. Brce~e Hill Snb. Hequest Ho. A-235 December 18, 1951 ~ . ...;;~{if:;~~;;~~"j0",'"'~""'C"" ..,..."..".... ,'. \. . .~..~", .~ ,,' . ~\\~; .,. ;i,'.......":... . '.' .' : ~ , . ,,",: ,:.': .:'~\. ,:::..,\~, l;:;#.~:'':, :.~,.'.\:~:'''~ :,~;.. ;;..;. .... ',..._.......~ ,.;......t i:..... ,........... ". '.;... ,..~...";'. ~ ...~ ','. ,'. C;ITY (JOl.J'~i~WIOH I.l~E'l'IJI(J Jumw ry 28, 195~ l'ETITIOH . 1 . '. ..' , <'; . ,;..,- r. . .'. ...........i ,';'jJi'~cD r1'11('1 1!onora ble Ili/lyor and C1 ty Con:1is ni on City of Clearwater Cle/;ll~\ILl tel', ]<'lcri<.lB t .Ttt nUt, ry 16, 1952 1, l f I !. . ,~ " , . '. .'" '\' ' ", .",,):~::~::' . 4 ,. ',,::' ' ., ".\ ". ,.~ -' :':'~,:> i~~';:~ ~ r;\' f .'" ," , ,,'j.- t1entlel,;on: . '1'," . :,~ . ...; ") J ~/e, the l.tl1del"sif;ned llJ'onOJ'ty owner', 1Hn~eby })ntition for the extens:lon of Sanitary Sower fac:i.1itien fl'Ol'! the C(lrnel" 01' Ve!'uenu :,jtl'net llorthwLl1'd ulon!: B!JY EsplBnade: , ~.. ~ "~~ :.iiV;ned uy nine })poport:r O1imel'u. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorol)ln l,:[l~r()r !:Jnd G:lt;' COl.!:lisnion City of ClellT'\!Hter Clearml t81', j.l}ol'ic;tt Oentleuen: . :'>:. .> " ".". At a npoe181 ~3e:Jsion or the G1ty COlJilission, Deem,lboI' ~n, H~5~~, tlle Cit~r l.mnsger and the Cit:ll~nf;infler \,'oro directed to J.al:e U l'eport l'elevullt to the admission of PAlm rrerr!:lce ::..i\lbctivi~ion, iJnit 1, into the (:it;.-' of Clenr\lfttor. '1'he City Lun!lrr-r und the City l::nJ~in8er 111.l<.le a tllOrOU!;h innpection of' this subel i visi on. IrItis G1.1bc: i vision is 8i tun tod in the nortlme st cornel~ of Section 11, hll'1ec1ieteJ.y \/C:3t of tbo lJinebroo1: Sllhdiv5.nt0n. It 1s uervecl by city sevvers, city V18ter and eit7T r;fIS. 'l'he sn1Jc:ivin:1.on 2.8 'well 18;rec1 out, :Jropcy'l:r he9utifiod and it is felt that tldn sn'oclivisj.cm W0111el ue an ~l:;[wt to t118 city. Tho folloVlinl~ (~iscre!)fHlcie~ Hero Doted: 1. 'l'he IloVeJ.1ellt is 2'1 f(;et, v.'llich :1.:3 les3 thfln the ninhn,u,l requirements as set fortll u:-r ~lpeeii'ict-t tions of the Oi ty En[~in(-;el'3 Office. 2. 'l'he J)[lVOl;,ent vms probed and }wobirw 1~ove8.1ed thHt tllere in a [) inch shell lnlse, \Ihol'el)'y city specificAtion:3 require a 6 inch shell base. 3. '1'he draina[;e of this sllbdivision ),3 "GoVlClrd un artificial lHlw which is inclicvtecl on encloBed plbt us PUll:l rlerr[:,cf; .i.'l:l1'1~; hOrJever, due to the fact tltt:lt t.JiEJre is no curl) Elrounci tLi.s ltd:E:, severe ero[]ion is t[lkin~~ plnce tJ lODI: the :nllll: of' tltis In ke. I1WSl,fi\Ch os t~ll~J'e \'Iill 1)0 no pnrldni", proule!:ls in thi:1 :mlJclivislon it is felt that the 27 foot ])8VOLicnt ''ifill be sufficient for this area. It is recOHlOnc:ecl t}lUt the tl(il,li:;sion of this sul>c.:Lviflion be upprove<.l, provided the t the clevc~ lO})t:r C 011:1 t;PllC t s I:H1'L ~\ rem nd tile l:JLe to prOV;';llt further era sian unci al so constl'uet 1:1 el.lrlJ on the l1urth /Jncl south sideu of l'f1ll':l 'l1errr..ce Drivo. it is sucgested that tho c1evelopfJl' (,Jdhere~J to the :JpeciJ.'icaticns of the C1t:f Elll:inoel's Office US to streets ancl cil'uJn!I;;e for :':111:' ~'l1ture u((,itiol1n to the ~:;u1)(iivision (Unit 2, Pall':l Terrace Snhciivision), [1:3 it in felt that Unit 8, hill:. ':.:'errHce :Ju'tJdivision \/ill ue aU!.J:i.tted into the Uit~r of Cleur\n.d~(Jl". Hespectf'1.l1ly :m1:ndtteci, /s) P. C;. hiciclleton City L[lmlf~er lilCH: 8L: J;i cc: Mr. C. E. \hlre Ci ty A ttorne~l /s/ S. Lickton City En[;ineer HJ.::80Ll1'l'IO}1 \1HhHi!Ji.S: it llOS heen cletc:rl,lined by the City (;Ol.luission ot' the City of Clearwater, lilloriclR, that tll8 !)J"O~)Ol'ty (le~;cribod ',;elo\'l should 1)e cleaned of '\'leeds, cross and/or underurush, and tlwt ~li'te!' ten (10) C;~IY3 notice uncl foilllre of the owner thereot' to do so, the City should eleun such pro :)f'~l'ty and ('.lw l'ge the CO:Jts thereof a f;u iust the respective property. NOr! 'l'lIEHEF'OHE B:;~ is: HE.:.;OLVED by the Clt-;,' (;ou1'.I138ion of the City ot' Glearw!:lter, li'10rid8, t1wt t1le foll(,win/: c1esC'l'iiJecl property, :Jituute in svid Uity, shall be cleaned ot' weeds, rr8 :10 and/or und(-:rbrush ,'/itldn ten (10) d8YS after notiee in writinc to the owners thereof to cio so a nd tho t upon fa ihtre to COl:1ply with. 09 iet notiee" the City sha 11 pe rfOrI:l sueh clenninc a nd charge the co st s there of [lE~/:iinut the re specti ve properties in occorclance "lith ~ection 12U of the Cl~urter at' the City of CleBr\iwter, os O!!lended. Property OVlner Marigold L. 1Javis Box 30BB ClearwBter, Fla. Descrintion , Movling Es t 1mB te .: <) 00 1 't~l. . e a c 1 .' ! ';'; I (Continued on next page) ,'. .... ',.~. ";" ,".:: ' \.' , ..__..._~ .... ~ ' ---- ~ ", .:{~triJ;' .. ". ;"',~'" ,-;',' ;"'l.').~r~;""""::'::: ,5,.;",:,:>~/$.":frl',:,\;; ;:;,.~ .'. j tj; j ,.~,~ l" ::';I,' ,,<> , ,.., t,.".. ' " """"" , ' ,"~ '''''''':'~*K\li~~;r\R~';~';;~,Jz~C'''',"""',,",,M"~'C'Ci''C> """',~"',",,""";S:di;,,""i!!:i,;";';,,,;... ", :'.~"..,"".~,..~ ."';'i,,, c:";,,,,;,ill;ci';;;;;~j~~i" ..'i' ClfJ.Y COhil..iIS~ION 1.lEB'l'INU .TD ntw ry 2B, 1952 mmoLtrrrrOH (Continued) ., " Property ()wnel" Mr. .John Hosm.ml1 3?Ol 11.\1. 36th Ave. I.~iumi, lillorida . Description / Hequest No. LowinF~ Estimate Lot 2B, BluffvieVl t)1 lud:t vi s ion A - ~ 36 ~;3. 00 Mr. Thos. H. Hackney 1803 ])0111;10 a 1~ ve . Ulea rwn tel', lilla. Lo t:J 6 l~: 7 Hloel: 13 lila irv levl Sub. A-~~3r/ ~~~ .00 GOGh Goron, Inc. Box ~~46 CICHI rV1Q te r, 1,110. J.o t s 1, 2 , 3 h '1 Hloc:k B 1.'8 irvio\'1 Ll'llb. A-~~3n ~1~J.l)O each ). ~:~ ,', ',: )IL;," '", ,;':"'.' PAnmm AlilJ AlJOprrEV BY r~'l1E Clty Connisslon of the Cit~r of r:loDrwuter, PIoride, this ~]9th clay or Jom19ry, A.D., ID5:~. ',:,: .~; :1, < I,': ":. ' ) ,~' " ',;' ':':,: ... ~ ' ~ ':; ,;' . :,r / sl Ho rl)('!l't 1.1. Brown 1\;0 yor-UOnl\iS~lioncr Attest: /s/ H. U. \l1ngo Oi ty Audi tor and (Herk " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lire 1<'. O. I.l1(ldleton Cit~r I.tanager, Oi t:T of Olo[lr\''Ia tel' Cle /';I 1'\'10 t er', li'1 0 rid [I .TonUElry ~5, 1952 De~r !.ir'. 1,iiG(Ueton: As directed by the City UOr:Jmission, the plum. for the eonntr'llction of a sidewalk on the east sj,de 01' 1.I7frtle Avenne from C1evel::Hlc1 :.Jtreot to C'urner Stroot and f'rom Turner street to .Te fforcl s Stre et El re he rel>y 3ulnli t ted. Youp attention is in'll ted to the snnplel1ont~.I1'Y dravling of' the blod: bet\mon Cleveland 0treet oncl PEl rl: Street. Pleflse note tlw t the pre Bent }>8 ver~lent on th,e eRst siele extends to the pro1)Crt','T line of t:le exintinr. i)l1ildin,js. A \'/uIle cannot be con- strlletec1 In this hloe1-: l1nle88 the pllvOT'wnt \'/idtl1 is l'educm1 five feet to accornnodate this improvenent. It is mwr:e n teel th:J t tho 8 i ty 8 cqnire necen flur:-! 1"ir::ht of' via yeast of' the existing curb to allo\'l for the ill}1rOVt;Hiont in thin bloel{. Your attent~,on is Blso i11'l1 tell to the Bloc}: bet....Jonn l)url~ Street en(l Pierc:e Street. A sideVlalk ha s been eonstru~tee: in this block, therefore it is 11l1necessory .for 1;he property owners in this block to be notified of the pllllI1c hOEl r:ln!~ and to pay for their proru ta sha re of the co s t of' this irlprover'le nt . Your attention is invited to the fact that in the l)loel~ betv/oen Chestnut Street and Turne r Stl"e et the re are t\-,o buildin{~s \'/hich [; 1'e enc roaching on ci t:l' property and in order to build tltC pr(lpo~)od naIl:, ~;uit8bln flrrflllr~eLents llhoulcl be z:....ade .for these buildh1l':s. The e stirlH tec1 cost of the conn trnction of the side\'181k f'ror1 Piere e street to Turner street is approxir~18tel:r ;:;3200.00 und the estil1ated cost of' the proposed sidewall{ fror.l Turner ~areet to .Te~"forc1s 3tJ"eet is approxil1vtely ~,A,5UO.OU. The estimated cost per front foot is a pproxir:lute1y ~,,2 .uu. It is SHtt,/;osted tlwt a public he[,.;rin/:: lie helci on this il.lprovel,lent ir1uediH tely in order that the warl:: no;/ "tJe expedited. fie spe et1'ull;T ~lU.bl.li ttod, EJ lGD1EEHIlTrr lJ~P 111 ~'l1{1~J '11 SL: .j j cc: Mr. Phillips, eit;! Attorney / s/ 0. J.Jic1-:ton Oi ty .i:~nf~ineer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,': ',,::".1 ," ,~, '.';:: ... ~ ~ , -:. ~:. ~ "<~ .". PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND READING PASSED ON THIRD AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED December 2$, 1951 January 7, 1952 January 28, 1952 ,~,; : I", '"l,'" f!l);,;,;',;~,:,i;~~rfiif~t't . , :":' . ;",<".' , '.' ~" 1.;'" ':'.",J'.:':".>: .. ::.:;:~ \:;. .".'~ :" ".: , . ~~ . ,'". . .., , '. . .'." . ORDINANCE NO. 618 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS OF OF "SPECULATIVE BUILDER"; PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF PERSONS, FIRMS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION OF "SPECULATIVE BUILDER" WITHIN THE CITY OF CLEARWhTER, FLORIDA; FIlING THE AMOUNT OF THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID BY "SPECULATIVE BUILDERS" WITHIN THE CITY OF CLEARWATE~. FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE NANRER AND CONDITION OF 'mE ISSUANCE OF SUCH LICENSES. PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. ". I , ;,: ,..:. '!':,' ',i' i' ,', ., ;, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CL'ft OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION I. DEFINITION. - Any and all persons. firms, or corporations Who shall, within the territorial limits of the City of Clearwater, Florida. undertake to erect, construct, or build any building or structure or buildings or structures, without retaining the services of a licensed general contractor, for the purpose of selling or offering the same for sale at a profit, are hereby defined and held to be "SPECULATIVE BUILDERS" within the meaning of this Ordinance. SECTION II. No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in or manage the business or occupation of "SPECULATIVE BUILDER" within the City of Clearwater, Florida, unless a City license shall be issued to each such person or persons on receipt of the amount hereinafter stated, which receipt shall be signed by the City Treasurer and Tax Collector, and shall have the City seal affixed thereto. SECTION III. On and after the effective date of this Ordinance on Annual Occupational License tax in the amount of $100.00 shall be assessed and collected from any and all persons, firms and corporations who shall within the territorial limits of the City of Clearwater. Florida. engage in the business or occupation ot "SPECULATIVE BUILDER" as defined in this Ordinance. SECTION IV. The License tax hereby ordained for the fiscal year 1951-52 shall be due and payable within ten days after the effective date of this Ordinance, and all other License taxes hereby ordained shall be due and payable on the first day ot October ot each year and if not paid within 30 days after the due date thereof. the same shall be considered in default and subject to a 5~ penalty, and it shall be and is pereby made the duty of the City Manager to make Affidavit for the arrest of any person failing or refusing to pay the same. and to cause such person to be brought before the Municipal Court for trial. SECTION V. The right to revoke any License issued under the provisions of this Ordinance for cause is reserved to the City of Clearwater, and said revocation shal be made at the direction of the City Commission. SECTION VI. PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. - Proof of the building and selling of buildings and offering for sale within the City of Clearwater, Florida, of two or more buildings or structures within anyone License year of said City without retaining the services of a licensed general contractor shall be deemed to be ,prima facie evidence that the person, firm, or corporation so doing is engaged in the business or occupation of "SPECULATIVE BUILDER " within the meaning of this Ordinance. SECTION VII. Any person or persons, firms, or corporations or associations that shall carry on or conduct the business or occupation of "SPECULATIVE BUILDER" for which a license is hereby required, without first obtaini~ such license, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than $200.00 or be imprisoned for not more than 60 days or both. SECTION VIII. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IX. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and its publication by title as is provided by law. ~. " ,f -t '. ~ ;' ',.' .:."' 'I! .~ ,\,,:' :~\.~< ;::;,.';.~.!;, . i.,:' .: I . -'1 .~ " '. ~ , , "'" ' . "" '~ . " " " . . ~ . ~."' /s/ HERBERT M. BROWN Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: /s/ H. G. WINGO City Auditor and Clerk . "..... h,o ":'~r";' ~.-""","""r: '''':~~'' ;:;"~"'..... ,~,:v~,...n;:'I{,~)"}'~~,~:, .t',u.i;)~.~;-:..,,"1Tf".,;.... ",1'1, ":"...vw..,.....~ "'~.f~;........ "'r,?' '.( ,.., ___w.;..~ t� . . . � .. .. �� � . �. �. . . . . � . . . . . � � . . . . � . ... . . . . . . . , , .. . . . . '. . �. � . � .. . . . � . � � , 1 ,��,�, . .. � . . . , . . . . . . � ^ : . . . . . . . . . � . .. . . .. . . . .. . . , .. . : . .. � � � I � � � .. . . . .� CIT'l. CUT�I�,iI5S'��i� �;t��TZN'� ,,. January 2�3, 1952 � , { , �'k�e Ci:tr Gc��nrnission of the City cir Cle�rwater rnet fin special se-saion at City Ha11 on I�Tond�y, ,3ar�uary 2€�, 1952, �i; 7:$0 P.i�1., viith the fo]�7;ovr�n�; rlembers �aresenti ��nrberl: l,i. Iirowr� P,tayor-Corunissioner Garl�and 77. T�ynn , Cor.�i:3sioner TIext�ert 1�I. T3lanton Corr�zissioner ` ;Jilli�ar,z L. Cxown, Jr. Corm;zis�ioner _ - �'�tek Ru�se11 ' Cox�anis�ioner �l�o �aresent. c�eorFe �1. t�tcF;1,a��ma Chief of Pol.ice Char].es %;. Pi�.illipo, .Tx. City httorney ' S . Zic�:ton City� En�;ineer ' The meetin�; saas c�allecl to order by �he T.iayer. I3S unanimaus e�nsen� of ihe � Coz.ir,li3�ion, �he cona�.derati�n of {;re apno3ntx�ent of a T,1un3cipal Jtzd�;e t�ras deferred. The C3ty Liana�;er apene�i bids for �up�lyin�; a setiver pus..p to tl�e sewer line of C1ear��ater beaeYi. Or�ly two bids tirere rece�ved aa �ollovrs: ��oex�an i3roa. 1'uinp Co., Ghie�a�� 4;�5,060.U0 i k'airbanks-I�rorse Coiapnng 1,�55.i70 It �Jas r.lovecl by Cor�,ii�eioner T,�*nn, se<:ondeii la� Cor�:zie��U�er Croti�rn a'nd unani�ously ' carrieCl i:Yiat ttze nicls l�e referred to tlie Cit� lianager for study az�a re�ort. . The Gity Piana�;er announcec� that three bids hacl been recsived �'ar supplying a l;r ton trizcic i'or tYte 1'ublic Itti].tties I�epurtraez�t as follows: : T,axrSr Dir.riitt L l 257.$9 _ ' t? � ��ennec;?� �. Stricklana 1, 35J.69 � Uran�;e State P:iotar Co, I,F26.64 It 1'1�1S the Git� T,:anat;er�s recorm:zendat_on ttint the lo��: t�icl '�e accepted. Cor��ssioner ' - L;ynn rsc,ved �Iia t the C j t f i,.ana F;er � s rec prvz�n4u t� on be follorreci and that i;ne � ic� a:i I�rrf 3)ir:±riit� in �le azlotin-� a? yj1,257.H9 be a�cep�ed. "_'ne iaotia� s;as seconded b� Coz�r:issioner F�usseZl and cArried unanirzougl;;•. ^ The City P,iana�*er re��,uested authnrit�r �'or nlaczn�: an order for a �ear�s su:�ply oz water r.�eters, the raetei:s to be �hippe� at the rate of about 25 ���r rtani�l? as re- ' - c�uired. I�e stated that in order to stanclardize the r:eters and also to prova.de co�- petition that the Ci�E,q obtain bids fror.: t�'vo cox.panies, the IJeptune T.:eter Cc�rapan� oi �. .-_ 21e��� Yor1:, and �he i3ac��er T..e�ez Coxinaiig o�' Phi].ade7phia . Tt yras raovPd hN Cor�rissioner Crov�n tYiat the .Cit�r I;i€anare� �„ reGor,�:endat_an be approved ancl purchase �z t�*ater metiers be autharizeci. mhe r.:o:tion ti•Jas seconded b� Gora�isaioner Iilanton �nd carried tinan�.raousl�. . _ Tize G3ty i,i€ana�;er preaentecl a statar;en� f'roxn tY�e N'loriaa I,ea��te nf Isiunicipalities for raerrberahip ctues �pr 1�52 in Ythe ai:iount pi" 5,,30�.UG. It t�as r,�ove� b� CoT�uissianer � Zynn, secancleci b� Cor�iissionzr Grov�n and ur�anir�ously carriecl that tlie pays�lent of the � _ dues in the �+'lcrir'a Leay;ue caf laznici�alzLies �e ati�rove�. ' ' T%e I.i�;�ar az�r�ounced tI�.�t the next itai; af the arene<a r�rnulu be considera �zon o.i ' Urci�nance fi18 on i�cs thi�d anc� fil�al reaciin{;. �i'k�e Gi�y A�torney read Urci�nai�ce 6I8 in ' ' fri7.1.. liurin�; tlte �.iqetzasiol� oi' t1�e Orainance, an anienc�x.Ent ti��as st2,€;4resteci to 4he esfect t}zat the Urdinance sltould not a;3pl� to a builder �tsin� the aerviae.s oy � 3?censed ,,r,enPra:< ec�ntxaetor. Tt tivas r.:oved b;� Cor.��z�asioner T��nn �l�a-� c?rclinance 6�c3 be p�ssed on its t�iirti �tnU'final read3:n� as az7endec�, `1'2ie ird-��on e�as seconde<i b�= C�rsiissioner �31�ni;on ar��i carried unanixloizsly. , I'11e Cit;� Attorne�,� preser�tecl an orciinance noti^� i�ein� tzsecl in �Jes-t i'�lrs �seacfi val2icr� re;,ulates tY�e irii�rover.:ents in neir subciivisions. f3� coilsen�, t��e Cit� Attoriley tvas' autiiorizecl to cira�v an orainance se'�tin� up reqlzixerzen�s for the ap�-roval oi p1Ats in coT1r�Y�ora�ion ri3th the L�a;ror and tlle Gity i�n�Yneer. Un the rAoticin by Gox�iissioner I;ynn �v�xich tiv�s secon�3ed bn Gor�:lissioner Ruasell ancl tin�nimously carried, t�.e re�ort ot tlie Pinel7.as Cozint?� Service 0;'�icer ior the r�tonth , of ]�ec�rakaer vlas accapted. The City n:ai�a�;er st�ated that a si�1e tr�xr.k of 550 lineal �'aet zvras nec-c�ed �t the Ga� Plant f.ar the unloaci3.n�; oi set��er ?�i?�es, water and �;as �ipes and other r�aterials that tlie City k�u;*s in carload lats. FIe s�ated t2iat tlie fo� 1c��rir.�; bida had bae:n re- : _ ceived fro�i t?�e railroad coi�paniest A�lan�Gic Goast Line _:_ �g,S��9.7iJ, and an al�ernate Yaid oi' tiv5,U86.90, _ �^�hich bid providecl �'or r;,aterials a.f su�erior quslitg. � , Se�bo�rd i�ir Zine -- raacie an oifer to Pa�* y�3,1;U�.UO to�rarci �he inst�llatiion _ ' af �i�e sicie i;rAcl., the City ta PaY `v�ti,746.40,. Ttie City I,ir�n��;oi^ ��id tlse �e�%o�ard Air Li�a t�zu svas corap�arative to t31e alternate bid _ ret:eived iron tY�e ktl�ntic Coast' T,ine. iie iecoi�iei�cied �tiat the Settlioarclis bid be aco�;ptecl . Tt wae r�loved b;� Cors�isgioner Cror�n tYaat the Cit;T I�,i�na�;er� s recoz:�iandation � c�ncerninF; , the k�id of t�ie �e�abaard Air Line' in the ar,iount of y�2,7��5.50 be nccepted. _ `.t'lie rxotian 1va� qecoi�tletl by Co.unausa.oner Russell aricl c<�rried unariir.louslg, A�erita�xve ��lat o� Uak Acres �5 �ia� cziscussed. By consent, ap;�roval of the plat _ v��as de�'e.^recl �Xnti1 tlle City t�n�;ineer c�:i investi�;ttto tha eiraii�a�;� situation in the stzbcliVisz�n ancl report. 7'la.e Ci��*,Ln�;ine(er st�ateci that lae Fuotzld have a re ort iead P 5 for �he �Ye.Lt Cormi3.ssion r.�eetin�,. ' _ ' :j ' ' :� : _.�_ . � �_ ._.�:..v a!r _ _ � Z% � 3� -2., ��_ CX�l'S' GOi1,i`1a3iU�`I IaI;uETT,2diT C:Y`xY �OT,;�,:TuSTb13 I�i7.:L+"R�11dU January 2a, 195� ' _ �'akilaar� ��5, 15�2 , , . s, • • ; . , " e , o �ieverl� ie� k1 s u7ik�ct2vza�.oii tiz�ts cie�'orred. t � , , . : . . B;� cansen�, the :a��iovAl �f til� ��l�t � ,, � �; � _ )n a iaot,ion k�J G,oxunis��onor Lynn v�h�.ch vra� secondecl U+ Co�.�issione +� -z 1',� r� tt Ln �i ear an r �.�r . J r kilanton and - _ Thz r�.a os �u -'E:sted �Yie rta�ter t�e ref`erred to tYxe G1�,f ana(,ez, �Ghe C�. � �, _n d aarx3etl, 1�5� oi 1 � ���3 zn�in ex�ena3_an on 'Ve - y ��: , . , . ,. . , ; , . � r < ' nus 1�vanue at an e�t�saatad cost of the C�.t� Attorney �or furtlaer studv relatring to 3� fee� of 3uzner Street. y�7UU.UU ri, ,s ap�rov�cl. �. � . . . � ' , .. . . �. . . : . ..� �_ � y .... � . , . , ' , . . � � _ . � . , . r . . .. .. . . . . . � � . � . . � . . . , .. . ,. . . . . . . . . , v e c� � ert on �ci= �;s �l�nade re ti.estin i � ., . : �c • : . . ., , . : Tre Cii,y �ler� iesd a pet�,tic�n Uy o� n z s f I ro�� v ,� I , �1 �, � ��s �novccl "t�� Cornl.�.s� oner. ti�nn i�Niat i,Yze s�l].oi�inf; vr�ter z,ain ext��eion� tha e�:trensioi7 of s��nitar�* setiver f�acilities fr�r� �the cox�ex �f Verk�ena Si;ree� northw�ard otztsicie the pit;� 1�.r,lzts t,e a7alaravec:; al�ii� �3a?,� '�spl�i�iade. The pel;itinn boxe the si�;na�uxe oi' nir�e iara�er�y o��ners. Cr�r'i- , �_.., . � _. _ . r� • ; • - a A . 4U� � o� 2 u , e , • _r . . � _ �1i�sioner- IIlanton movad tha:� the Cit� P ana�e.r and tl�e G�ty LngZz�eer be insi.ri�cted to z7�� r rLain e�:-�r,,x.�,�on on kx�r.is�ori Roari �,st. ?,2�3U.QU re are an estiriate o� cost and to c�n�ac� propert;� oz�rners to see xi' thay �are will�n� 1�. ].,S)Q� of 2�' v�nt�:r r:,ai�a extens�on an Y,iacor�ber Y, y` P P _ � .Gst. '7U.OG -�-= to �eposit tlae nece�sar,y :E'unds in �dvanee, Y'1�e rnation was se;candec� '�,y C�r.vnissioner C. , 6U� of. ;2�� 11�ter raain c;;.ten33�n on P.�aaor:iber �st,. 35.U� Lynn, voted upon and unanirmously carried. The xn�-�ion iv�� secancleci by Corv�isaiarier �3lanton anci u��on vote bein�; t�ken r,arried, _ The Gity Clerk read a report fror�i �he Cit,T 1tilana�er ttnd the G�.ty En�;ineer xc�lr�tive _ �zn�nir,xouslsl. _ ' to tYie adraissian of Palra Terrace St�hdivisian into the City af Gleasva�er. Goi•��issicn�r ' e t the Cit Attorne be instriicted to roceed i� re �arin the data �l�ie Cit Clexl� read a raesic�rAx�c�uz1 �r r,� �" , • • • •- Lynn mov d tlza y y P P 1 F� Y o i t__e .�oard of Cr�unty Gozn�zssioners znvita.n� ecess r- or tak.in Pal� '1'errace into i:Yza cor or�ts li�iits of tEie Cit o� Clearvrater rner;il�er� o#' the Cit G�nmisssion to t�e nresent t t � �' r n a y f � P Y , r � J . _ a he �ounty Gar�:�iasioners conferer_ce the cia�a to include tlie Cit I.i�ana�;er�s report ar�d xecor.vienaa�Lion. Tkie matinn vJas a� J.U;UU k.1.�., .�txescia;r, Januar 29 19�� r��ardin_• t�,e use af the i a-' - Y � Y � , , E� P n ilas Inter se'co dec3 b Cora:iissioner �rown anc� earriecl unani?:Zous7.y. na�ic�n�l 4irpor� b� _i:he Ars:a� �ir l�orce. Uox�i3sio er " • _ n 5 J .l z n I�lanton i.,avect tha� the Git� I,iai�a�rer, City �,tt:orn�Y, and �.,n�r atYiers i��ho can arran�;e tQ da �o, att�ncl ��iis r,eeting. '�he Cit� T,iana�;er sub�_�L�;ed a�iesolntion that l�voulcl xec�uire cert�in propexty' owners iiptian ��7aU seconciecl b�* Cor�r;ii.ssioner L�nn anct cnrriec�. to clean tl�.eir lets ai' �'veecis ancl �;rass, Tt ��as r:roved lay Cor.y:liasioner Lynn thAt tlie Resol,ution be a�lo ted. The iaQtion t^ras seconciPd b;� Cor.maissioner �3lanton and carried �'rie T,ia� or ca2leci �:ti:eniiqn �� the �'ar.t tY�xat t e E� ' ' '••' ` P ,l h _lcrida Railroad anci L�ilizies Coru�issiazz vraulcl lrave a PubTic �IFarin�;; k'ei�ruar� l�, 1952, in �:h.e Circui� Ccurt Hoo�, tananirnously, I�ill�'t�oi��u�;h Count f{;ourt i�ause, �Par:pa,, oX� tYie et;i-�ion of �Yze Peninsular �'e • e G a ,id �e ' e si,ei�io a�ed Cor.i �nv for r . . ; � �.ephane ^Yie Git�v Iianaf,er reporte�'t tlzat the lit;�its on th ausevay i3i �* s hav d r p.,, pe xaziaszon to �.ncraase _ts ;rates. I� lvas x�ovecl l�y Gor.:xnissioner Lyr.n that ' - to the aint tivYiere t}2ey rec{ui:re replaceuent. The passibili�� oz replaciz��; the concrete �he Git� I.i�n��;er and t�ze CitR �,t-torne Y�e l�xesent at the r:�eet3n to e ' ' P _, , J Y _ g r�resent the City ' poles »itY± �or�ei�n alur�ini�� poles rras uiscussed, I;ir. Urt of the .�lectrical liepartrlent 'an the Tel.ephone Corr,Panf s-rate hearin�,. y,rie u�otion rtas seconded 7n• Corxnissiener estirated the cast of replac�n�; poles on the drar�tarid�;e at 5�2,638.00; an the '�rid�;e at Russe:i.l, and tit�on Lhe vote bein� tayen, aarraecZ i1r;�anir;iousi : � t11e .ves� encl of �ttx.e Gause4ray y�1;63U.U0. 4ar.u:li�sioner Lyiin r.1o��ed �hai� tkze Cii;y ltana�er�s � re�ort be acceptecl and �he s�ai;�er be turned oeer to a car.�iittee i`or et�,tct,y and report. Tk�e Cit f�ttorney nrenented � dee�t frorz �3arold Rabinson ta �he Cit-Fr on Lot 20 _ m r� . , e de bT Cor.�is �i�ner Russels arid carried unanir:iousl . �locl� L GaacYu� n Ii i,ht �, . i. � . . -. �, , .� _ o _he _.otion tiras s con d � _ ,, _ Y , a �€, s�ubd.iv.<�ion, _or a cansaderation oi yr�3,5t3U,0U, l� w�s r,�oved bg Gora:tissioner ulanton tYiat the nurchase Ue consur,n�ated unan tYze receipt o.f' a �'he P,;a�or ap�ointed �ai.uniss'� oners T,;rnn, �3lanton ana Htz�sell �o serve on t17is ,progerly executecl deecS. I.iot_on �+�ss seconded by Car.�i�sianer T��nn, and ltpon tr�e vote cor:��iittee �or Causetiva� limhtint;. k3eix��; ta3:en, carrieci un�nirnotzsl;�. "_'he City iciana�;er re�;ortet� a teri�orar;7 traffic ;4i�;xit had been'instqllecl at the , Gor�ii�s?oner I3lanton, �;� lznnnix�ous eqr��er_� csi` t�?e Cpr:�ission, read i;he �ollor�in interseetzon of Ro�ute 19 anci Gulf ta Ba,y i�otzlevard. He saici this 1i��ht had been prepared sLateilent; � an�rovecl b,y i1r. Le�rie, the Chiei Entrineer a,f I)istriet Une in the St�ate Roac� I�epartrnent. �e also reportecl that a 1i�;hti haci Ueen inNtalled at fiai�dalay L�venue and GauseYray �t'4J�ien' �he rsa�ter caf, tihe use oi' t�ie ner•r i,.arina ar� auciitoriuY:i c;ack carie ii �'or P , Boulevard and vrrnzld Ue put 3n o�oration as soan as the Uwitch arrives from the iactory; clecision last �rear 1on#; befare tY�e i,�ariria �acht �Sa3in vras finished, i-� was the eneral _ . . . . .. . .. . . . . '��].At S�O�I'}: 1"7f35 .Z1�.07� 1;E1ri .� 40118 0�21- 'CiT2 ���Z' .fS:16 1.1 ".�l't a� ��'�1�.8 1ritET'82C't10T1� �0� �.HC80�Z:a a17C1 ... . . . . . � . .. '. C�O1�.S271�811Fi O� 't�'!E �CQT:11"�11:58��0 � �11 �'� . • . ..'- .. . : �s � . ... . . . . . �. �; a F n_ a all cor�rierci�]. lio�ts �hen usin� the Cit1 Dac2� be r,loved Gleveland Street. Tie recotu�:endeci that installation of a i:raffie' � i�;ht at Park Street to t'.�ie l�larina inelt�:din c the �ea Fever r,�hen iEs lease exbireci i17 Lecersber. ' x E _ Tnere tivas and P�iyrtle hvenue �e dezerred until such t�me as a L�ore thorou�;h traffic survey may be no atYie� nlan or t�irnze;i<t in r.YLe �.inds aT �he Car�i? �sion e:�nresseci at that time. r.��a@e. Tk�.e T,:ayor �zentioned til�.e need of a Ti�;ht at Greenvraod l�venue and Court S�reet. . �. , . . . . . ._. . . Y. . ... . .. � - .. ,r,� �, �. � � . .. . . . �. . ._ � . . � . . �. . � . � �. IPn . . y, . .. , _ . . t �T . . t .. . . . . .. . . �or,��iss2oner Cro`�n su�_,estecT that tY�.e Gity purslze .i11it12e_ i,he possiUility of 3�nchroniz lhe o-�he_ bc��t o�iners r�nved to �he u,arYna tira�izou� cor.�nla�,r�in4J in ��e beliei �he . ., . . . . . , � _ ' <, . . in�; tne trai'fic li�hts, ifie GitST T,1ana�;er � s re�c�r-� ua,s acceptec� by unani7nous con3entr. , Sea rever ti.ouicl cor.ie over arllen �-cs lease ex�axred, Uut Iur, l,.e, ers knoj�in h� s lease ,l , � expii�eci in Lecerzt�er, at vFhich �ir:�e �ie c�as schedulEd to €,o to the f,;arina alonc, �rith t'r�.e _ The Cit�` I.;Una�;er reqttie�ted tY�s aut2iorit;. to_,advextise a pttblic Yxearing pn the cat7xer 13oatxien, be{;�n ear�y in �he fa11 to raAneuver to reraain a� �he Cit UocI�. T have �na�ter oi iri�ro�erzent of �ia�*mont �1;reet and �'a a a. Ii; v�a� �ovecl t� Cor,�misaionel a hir*,11 re �ard for P•ir, icp ers and :i ci o L� r�e 7 r � � . ,, P y 'Jr �, ',�T , a r� t _a h�� for ti ant_n� to r• er•7ain at the Ci�y Blanton tk3:rat 'the City i�,iana�^er Ue authorizEd �a advertise ior a puUlie IZesrin�; to 'he �oc�:, l.�ecatzse it certainlv ctoes �-;ive hinz a�reat ar.zvarta e over tr�e other bo trre . � _ . � a a n - �eld at tYie secana re�ular meetin€; in Febru�ry. T�:otic�n ti�ae seconaed b� Cox��isaioner Russell �nd unanir:iously carried. �rT �^Ave trhe rs�atter a 1ot oi' tr,out-h� c�txrin�^ iY�at tiz:E, ancl h�ue seriousl�* st-aciied it, Z^yei�hin�; in rsv r:lind v�liat T�'e1� s°�totild 'oe l�esi for t�se Citu� as a S:Yrai_e, -Gakin�; into T�e C�t� �n;ineer re ort$d that t;ha raork in i�iandala TJni� -`5 ti��is about 9 l0 com- conslderat3bn tt lon�' ran e lan for cieve"!o in t e r^ i� tis' r J €" P Y r� / , �' 7� P �' h .a }.lan� ater�'ront _or the use o�' ' �leted, Fe reUuestec� �?�.� expenuiture of 5�5U0.00 to re3u.r.face one half of one bloc� on pleastlra rrai't. T;iandAlay .4venLte bet��een Cloar�vater Street and Juanita �IAy. Coimiissioner ;,y�n rnoveci that t11e Gizy Ln�ineer's rec�ue3t �ur �utha:riLy to spend an a�iciitional 5t5UU.U() be ��Las� r.,an�ia� ni€�Yit T s�atea t17.�t z:�r r,onsideratzorl ��as for c�hat I diseerned ta be ' approved. The xxotxon �;�ss seconcied by Cor,�nissioner Grov�n and carrzed. ' txie Git�*'s bPs-� in�erasi; ar:d t�as not a rr.ati:er az helbing or hil��in�; t�tr. l::e er or an T Y of �t�e at�ier cor�.lercia3 boatr:len. , T�e City T..�na�;er requested t7zat he l�e autYsorized ta adverti3e for bids and adver- ti�e a Public Fiearin�* ;.�r navin_ anc� setaers on Gourt �tre C'T � , 't�l'he actian oi the Cos�i'ss•o 5•r �.. . . �- � , _ �; , et fr�ra reentJood to Afissouri i i n as not talten ��i�nout seriolzs consldera�.�on , as �venue, Go�isaioner Blantan r.zoved that the Cit �.cana;er be au�Lhorized to adver�ise ' :�1:ai�eu edi{,ariall Yn the L`leartivater aixn �undaR .`Tlie Cazyniss�ondrs each Y��e iven '�J f; , .o , '� ,. � � .l . , � ,. . �. i'or � Pul�lic �earin�; at the secon� r��;itl,ar Corrniasion rleetin. i,n Pebruar . Th� motion �he 9uli, .,c,�t r.nzcli t�rou ,kit �nc� stud �rev�.ous to �he T.xoncia ni .ht Cors��ssion x.eetin �' Y 7 F.. .l, � � €., . . �� Vras seconded by Cor�;iiss5:�ner T��r,n and carri�d unanir.:olzsl�,. and tl�en listened t� approxir��tel� 2,z k�.ours �iscuyaioz7 pro anc� con, r;iv�.n�; eJeryor�e _ presenl; an opporttxnit;T to 't�e 2ieard. �he City Glerk reaci a report subxiyttPr? to the City t..ana€,er bz,� tYie Citg �n�*ineer relative to tne ro osed constr^action ay' tris �ide1�� *t' � �' tie abo e �;a . . .� '- . � � � _ _ p � alk :on i.�,�rt_e �Svenue Y�etween Clevelancl T v i ntianad ec�itorial sta�er:.ient Cr�s nntrue c,nd unzair. Tf I tiias tirrong Street anci Jefforus 5treet. The report is set out in the follo��in� Pa�es of these ' in ray decislon, it t�+as ar, error o� jrcl�;r.ent; :ue are alI hw�ian. riinutes and x^zde a part tziereo�'. It vras rr�oved t�� Cor,ff,zissioner Lynn th�at a�uUlic hearin�; be autl�.oxized �ar tne first r� i�lar r.i�et3n�• in Liarclx an�l the Citt lli ^� "2�G t�ras ecl7tori 11� se t,cl in este cl 's S n t t �e � er.; �-� . � , ,� �na�e� 7�e a ,� �a e �F r�y u ha ( T quo ) � ocr�c� c�_ed las� atit�iorizea to s��vertzse i'or bids on this �icietivalk ro `eet. T e riot' ' � t�tonc � ir2 t' e c �' " .�' ,� `: �' • , p ) h aon �as ssconded by ia,� n� x in th .o�nc.il roc�iri of G1esr��atei s City f_a11. I�ut t�ls vas no natural Cormiissioner }slanton ancl carried unarciraou�l;�. deat}i. �he zvas rtillr'�ty1y ancl br����Jly r.iu.rdered Uv �'onunissioners �Ianton, Lynn and FZussall. � 'j'he Ci+� �xaE:ine,er �u'�x:1il;ted �a plat shocrin�:; ali�;�;ested chanF,es in �tx�et zia�.e�. It _ r�1as rlou�d bzY G : ' ��' � _ . , . n�, . a , ,, ormsis�ioner T,ynn t_,a�L the Ftegolution relative �a chanc,es zn �tree'� naraea l}ie trnLth i., tr�t dei�locracy stitrvived rznd liveci throu�;li orie af tine �ost shaiaefnl bE ado tez� and the r�-,a subi:iit�ed �,e r„�dc tYie offic:i�l stre�t nar�in - Y, � and irnscrit ulons deri t, i.o �� e . .� R ` -� P P �, 7a� of tkae Cit�r,. _ � ons iat ns epei �ull d in oux ��eacetul cit�. Lt 1_vecl Uecause Th� motion �ras seconczcu b Cor.ffnis:�?nnex B1an-�on and unanizz��.zsi carried, �u tad Cor:mz:�ssioner.q G�rh e ' e ' e ' '� �' y' 7 o r iaain d ca1� anc� i'irxm ancl r�i3ed to be st�ink�ecied by some , ', 75 a£Sita'tecl, booin�; and ]�issin�; peo��le 3n tha �audiezzce, r.�any of ti��h�� tvere neither _.,, The Gitt I,�ana .er re �or�ted tYiat Yie i7��i a t ior .ze e ti•�- �,, . • e• , ,, , , • ,� �; � _ u 1 i d th fn11n ln�, €,a� an�. rra�ax r.aaln �ual�.ied electors nor proiaerty o�vn�rs, soi:ie ti�ere not e ven 7e�,a1 iesidents af extensions c�st;in�; less than 4�3C)U.OQ; C1oAr�vater, TIZe br��inl; ancT taissi��; tnAs �one }aefore ae'�ion }vas taken b �he Go�;m�issioners Y . _; : urha,ah �ltiav�ed an a[;it�ated �t;ate hi' x.iind. in f.�act, it �-aas so rois,y th�t Attorney Finch A. $4' o� 2�'' x�ater r,;ain a.tension an Cattr� St, �st, y,��Q.UO ,�vqs i�n�abla �o finislz �respz��in�; his ar�;ur.:ent to tha Gomnission. B. 252� of 2t6 vrater z.�ain ext�:nsion on Tiis�e�ixxi E�ve. Lst. 225.C�U , C: I2UJ of �1t c� er raa' , . , , , � i�_ _' ' r�t , in eat�nsion ozx Gaaler t� xe. „�3i„ ,1U.UU .L�' ihat is �vYr�t the,r c:a11, c�erzocrr�cy, it is deraocraeg at' the mii�orit,q, nat Uy the D. 30U� 'of T���� r s r�:�in exten i � ;, . , ..� . . ; . , . . . _ ,, �,a . s on can ear�er._eni, 3ou-�li �f. Lrev� ut. ma �ora�y. Clea�ra�ter has ra��proxirnately 20,Ot7� intiat�it�ii�ts, it r�as 6E332 qualif.ied Yrettireen 3nzncan ar�d Ju�iter, L3�. ��U.OU elector�. It lz�s 4£339 ualifieci elec�ors 1�ho are t�x �vers' �ncl it laas an adclitional � � . , _ �, 22�J! of ��' �;a3 rrain �:xtension on Fticha�cis utr�et Ls�. 1�35,00 lar�e numtaor oi pro��rty ownerg. E'> 320� of 24e� �,�ater r�ain e,�tensian on llri.:id Ficl. }�st. �65.UU G. 1b0t oi' 2�� as 7na n exte �s` : ,, _ n . �', � r ion on Ei.�cl�ards Nt. Ls,{„ 7(7.�0 I deen i� to Ue i.iy dut tp serve tkie best 3.nterest o�' all the cit�,zens. This _ � H.'' 90+ o� 2'�''v�a�er.'rrairt prtensiorl on i,eZleair St; �;�t. E30.U0 Cpmrni�sianer i3lan�ton rn ve ;; � ,. . `: i�'rt .�p irl��� , o d ti�-� tl_g f;�s antl ��at.,r i�!�in er.teiz�inna cle,��.�;tzat�cl A - inclusive be �pproved. Cor�la�ioner ]:,�nn �eannu�cl tY�e r�iotion az�Cl it c�rx:i,Ca ixri�tnirnatzaly. _ � : _ _ _ _ _ _.._ . ,. _ : , �_ _. _ _ : _ _ _ , : _ _ _ _ _ ,.i ,, ;, j .,, t. ;, :. i , � � > �� , , � . if ' � . _ ' i ��� : �32 ' � CTtI'X' GC)I�fI,i:ESSTVPT I�IL+'�Ti1JG � _4_ January ?$, J.352 , CITX GUA�ViT;;::,TOTd I�t�rT�SJf'r '; Januai�y 2t3, �.952 J�nuarr� 25, 1952 ' I have altvays .dUna to the '�est of rny jiide;iia�nt. nTy dec3s3.o7 a�c1 vote expresae� ir�y . . . . :_ �' I�ia oi-C�rmnisai�i�er e b , _ ` honest, sincere convictions, arrzved at after loxi�; Yiours af. �tudy �Lk�fl�L spri�e�3mes Y �i � er� td. t3rat�n stretchecl �'ai into the wee hours of '�Yie ni ht. , _ , • �' • Car:un.L��a.oners: T�erb�rt Islatito�, Sr. ' "The You:i�;l�lood lease, re�'�rred to a.n tha Jan�lary �3r�t 3ssue of the'uun, yJAs inade Garlaracl �. Lynn ' befaxe I��r, Ly�zn ancl T taok oifice as Gity Caram�ssioner3. T tiave nevor cliacuased an�' Jacl� Tiu�sell ` pYiase of this �itbjact ��rith T�ir. Youn�;bload ar any of tt�,e other boatr,len. �Ptte f1lrtYiex : �^lra. �;,' Crown, ,Jr, ; ata�ement in th<< Stzn, intinatin�; a�previoizs i.�nder�tandin�;� �rith l,ir. 'Xoun€;blood is _ ' , ": --- �lso ialse and uriz"air: There was no �aersonpl victory as claint�d in �Lhe Clearruater --. C=en�le7nen: - _ _ 5un (T qtiio�e), ,�b'�r �vro of the City Cox}.uiissioners, Fierbert 131ai1ton ancl Uary Lgnn, it rvas a ersonal vietorv in �vhich tlie ta�pa,yers plaged no part.-� The �ity Conmiiss3�n vuill meet ir_ s ecial ses�ion Islc�nd z e e - P P a,� v n in� - Ja niaa r;� 26 , ` 1.�J52 - 7s3U P.Pi., in tkze Gi�y H�all auditoritizr,�, to consider i�er�s on the attaeh�cl i uI have no� � rolabed tk�e F�eaple �, ' a�;enda . Yotzrs ver�r truly, ; u� have not �sold influence�, : �s� k'. C. �..iddle-�on _' . "I laave not ��ia:ed tax cUses�o _ ' 1�Cni:�;� Ci�y l,.ana�;er as stated in the Sun bS= ��un reporter. ----------------------------- 'hI h�ve lived �:n Clearr°rater since it t�vas a r.iere ti:i1la�;e of 1100 peo�le. T have fi�enda - Special P,i�etin�; of City :Goz�mii�sion had a gar� in anci have been a prart af �he pra�;ress tha� tlas r.iade 3t �;he attractive :Tan. 28, 1952 - Cit;� Ha1J. -"�':3� Y.Zi. Lauiist aity it is todag. I ar,i a par� of G1;e�r��r9ter �nd C1Par����ztAr 9.s a nart of ine. ' In q�ferin�; to sarve as Gity Cormiissioner I ci3d so pure � fror,l a public s irit s�a1�d- 1,' Ca��lisaipn� a considerat? c�n o�' a� ointr.�tent o�" t�i i' ' , .Y _ P 1 P un cin�l 1't�r1�e , point, not �o�j any �;ain z could t;e� caut of it, nor i'or any special ir�tere�-�. I have 2. Openin� of bids for sev✓a�;e punps. , �;iven liberally Qi ziy tine and servecl to the bes� of ��T abili.ty, endeavorin�; to be 3. TAbulat3.on o#' bids ior lialf-ton truck f:or Fubl:ic Utilit� �e t. fair and irspartial to the best interest o�' all the citizens. I have not nlayed �. City T:1ana�;er�s repor� on ti�ater rieters. � � _ politics; T have no� taadied to an� �;roup ar special intereat; I have ��one straiF;ht '5. Corrmiiasion�s approval af E�lorida Lea�ue of I�lunicipalit dues for 1y52, . y doti�n the line �;ivinf; 1lonest service9 and as a result I have Ueen naaliciousl� attacked 6. Ordinance 7'�618 - Speculatzve �iuil.dina - thisd anci f.ir_al reaciin�: by the Sun in an attea.ipt to uiscredit me and ruin my repLitation as an hanest citizen. 7. viscus�ion o� terxis a� �n orainance re�ulatin ui�lic ira <ro� e, � � P �' i rients i� netir _ suhdi��ision. "I p�rant t2�e 5u� has a perfect rif;�lt to ciisa�;ree cuith z.ie or anf oS.'ficial aet or S. 1'inellas Coiint� tZeteran :.isrvice Ozficer�3 xenort �or r;�onth of Iiece�iber 9 1 51. decision, but i� does not hane tY�e ri�ht to print llntrue anci i:�aliciotts stater�ients aricl 9. C�.ty I,t�na�;�r's reeorr:,endation arid repoxt on side traek �rt the P.:unic_ al Uas P7:an�. P • 10. Uarmniss�.�nts conaideration of pronosed sttbdiv�sion pla�ss a�nnuendos, Fi. For tl�e approval o� Tt�it y�5, (�ak �cres Subdivision, presented b;� (rlact s!"nznean. �rThese ialae anct unjus� irisinuati�ns and char�;es hurled a't rae 'by the onl� daily Bo b'or the a��rova� oi plat of Beverl? He:�;hts ��ibdiv�sion reser � ' newws,��aper in Clearti��ater haz�e hurt rze and hur+: deeplJ, '�ut as lon�; as I serve on the' f3lztlex, `' : * p -�E� b� I,e� Corpiissiqn the�,� ti�ill not detsr rae zror,i speal�in� and �ot�:n�; r,1� convictions and pe�fosm- 11. Publ3c Improvezlent Items; in�; z�y dlity as Crod has given rze t��e r�isdozl to discern ri�,ht and tirron�. In jus'tice to . A. `l'�tition for e.,tension os sani�ar,y se4;er from corner �� V rben e e a S�re t the Gor�iis:,ioners who voteci in �h.e aiiirr.tative T�londa;� ni�;ht, T rec��.zesi that the i�orthtv�rd along Ba5 �;splanacle. Clear�vdter Sun piiblish tliis sta�erc�enti in its entiret�r.'� - �. Cor�iiysion�s consideration of'ad�ission o� Pa7.in Terrace Subdivisian into , Ci�y of Clearcaa�e� and report f'rar�2 City B;ana�;er and CitJ Lngineer. I�ieetiing r-ras adjaurned at 11:4� P.iti[. C. Resplutibn reques�ir_�; prnpert;� o�aners to rso�r their lats oi ti•reeds an� €-rass. _ I), City T,lana�;er�s report on nev� 1iR'i�tin� s�s�e� ?or GausEyaay. �. nIttn�t�;er�s report on ir�fric 1i�hts and request zor tra.��'ic lie•,'nt at corner ' ' � , m of' I�Yyrtle kvenue and Par� 5treet. � F'. Cit� T;iana�;er and Ci�y En�;ineer�s report on ir;prover�ent of I�i�;*r.ont Street and Hiayor-Cor�is3io e Papa'�a Street. T;;andalaq G. Ci�y �nF;ineer's repo�^t on the pro�;ress oi �rorl� ?n Z�nit ��51SiibdiviSion. Ii. Cit Y�:ian� aer � s re �iest for _ ' • p � ' - A�mESTc Stree�L �'rora Ur�enti�ood -�a T.issouri�yvenize�vertise �'or b;ids to ave Gour T. Cit,y i;ana�;er�s report on sir'.err�lk ,project �n T;��xtle �ve. frors Cleveland ; Street to Jeifarda 5-t. J. ' C?ty Cor�nissian's appraval o� a Street 27az;in�; iiap. 12. T7tility Ir�prt�ver.tents for Coxri_saion's approval. , G�t� Audito� an� erk 13. Any iteris ngt on i:11e a�;�ncia, ti�ill l�e c�nsidere�l L�,r cun�ent of t?xe L"or.n;�issian. �anuary 1E, 1952 T.he Honora}�le �io�xd �i Ci�;� Cor��lissioners, _ C3i;V Hall, , _ ' Clear���ater, k'lrrida, ' (rentlen�enr TY1e fo7loti��n� i� a re�ort covarin�; the recei�;ts and ciisburser;ents in G1ea'rtiva�er Veteran� Cc�ii�ity �arvice U,r_fice far �he rionth of Aecezxb�:r, 1951s , _ Re ce ipt s Disburseiaents , Yine?laq Cc�tlnty ti�31�.c30 J. !�. Yroedi�sn, sazary......,..�2U1.16 � �it�r nS G1ear�a�ter 5U.UU Secretary�s s�y�iy .............125r�0 , Git�r ,oi' littne�iin 9,t1U Ctar e31c�r�tance.... .......... 25.Ut� .... I Gity oi' �ar��on Sl�rin�;s 9.c�U Telei,il�ane �:: lan�; riisi;aiice:..... Sa93 � 1'rintinE;,: stat;�y., oifice _ ' exj�enses and posta�;e �7.91 _ w�;�78 . Q0 �378 . i�0 ' :_,� . Yours tru1,Y, _ , ' _ /s� � . � . i'reeaoin Gaunt;� :iervice Of�'icer ,TAP/il . . . . . A .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ' . ' . .. . . . . . . .. .. ' . .. � . . . . . . . . . . . . : . � � .. . �� . . . �. . . .. . . �. . . . .. . �. . � .. . � . � . .. . . . � . <y:i �.. . . � . � . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . , .. � . .. . . . ' . . . �I . . „` . . . . .. . . �� . . .. . . . . . . .. . . � � . - . . .. .. � . � � . ' . . . . .. . . . , . . .. . . . �. . �- :. ; I .�. ,.... , .,�_. ....�... ....._.. _........._. ��i:.,........�.,. � _ _ _ __ _ .�. _ _w��:,,�,.. . `�33 ..�.:. �`�� �z�.� c:a�,r,,�.��iczz� t:1z�:���zr�� (;1TY UOL,:f'ti�S]:�Id T�[i��,�'xTi('r ' �7c�nuar;� 2E�, 1�352 Jazyt�e�r�; f:$, ].�35� _ RESb1�1TT.T�3JT ( Contintied j ' ,, 1'ropert;y �`r�ner, �i7escriptiaz� , rRe�lzest No. l�,iotivin�; Es�i�:zate I �T IT TOTT Denen.bex lz3 1951 1,ir� Jaxin Has�raa�, T,ot 2F3, T�lufi'vievr A-L36 N��,'�0 _ � 37(31 i1.1J. 36th Ave. Sttbclivision The �anar�ble P�i�iyor and City CormzissiQn , T;�3.am3., i�larida , _ , Citv of CleAr�'rai;er 'I�Ir. Thc�s. Ii. I�ackne, Lota 6 i. 7 k-�37 ��:�U eacYi: � Clearu:p�er, Flc�rida y y� - 1�3(J�i I�otz►;las �ive. Tilocl; 33 h Ger�tle�;ena . CloartvAt;ex, I�1�. 1!aixviev� Sub. '. � , r , � •: . : , C�oror,t Tnc . La �s 1 2 3 Fz 4 A-Z38 4h2 .60 e eh �3e„ �Y�,e undexsi�,ned pi opart;, ovaner, �iz�eby pe�itlaz� i'or' tlxe ex�e�siaza o�' uaxx2taiy , , e y� a Sewer .facilities frori tl�e corner of �,'erberaa'S�reat rlortnw�,rc1 aJ.anay I3r�y S�spla�adoc l3ox `u'�k� Block' I3 Glearrvatex, f�la. ��i�vievi 3ub, S i�ne3 by nine �a'roper`tY oc�i�e z�. . YASSEI� AI]Iy AUOi^1EU B'3' 1�TE City Corr¢nassion oi' the City of C;learvrater, Flrarida, ___�_------------------��.._..----�---�----------------------�----..------------=----�- th�.s 2S�h ciay af J'amtar,yr A.7�., 1952. : Janua:rf 1Fi, �.952 /s� Fiexber� T«. �ro�m _ Hanorai�],e 1:ra�or and C�t�* Cox�:�ission i,ia�or-Corrnn2s3ianer C? tv o£ Clears��te�� Attest e Cleaxtira�er, l�lor3c:a /9� iI. U. �'I�n€,o Uer_�lei,,en: t;i�� Auc:.i�4o1 ancl Ulerlt . C ` '" il �e " 9 2 t e Cit i',.�n er ^------------^�_----------------------------------------------------------------------• �t a s�ecial se;�sipn of �he ity Gor�iassioil, acer,� r u�3, 1 5 a h �r a�; anci �he Cit�,� En�;ineer �rere uirectaci 'to z:a��e a repor� xelevaxzt to 1;he admissi.on of Fa�ri serrace �uYaclivisiozi, i7nit I, into t.�Ye t;it;,^ of C1e�r��at�r. :Tanl�ary 25, 1�52 _ Tir. �'. C. I,�idclleton T1�.e Cit�r P,:atla�er and the C�ty �n�;ineer 1.iatle a thorou�;li ins�ection of this City I,lan�a�;er., Gi�y af Clearwater � sta.bdivis�.on. This atabcliv'ision is situated in tkie north�vest corner of Section ].1, Clearl�rater, T.�lc�rida ir�iediatelg uest af �lze Pinei:roa3: SuUdi�risic.�. Tt is 3arvecl k�y cit'y se�vera, city ' _ _ r�a�er and cit,t �;�s, The st�l�ciivision �s �rell lavec� ouu, nro�aerl,r beautii'iod and it Dear I:ir� T,iicld]_eton: is felt that �Ghis subdivision �•roulci `pe �n aeset to tkie cit,r, ' As tlirected �;� the Cit;� Garunission, the �lan� for tYr.e cons�'y1�vi:��n of a side�ralk Ttze _r^o�.lor�in�; ct�screnancies were noted: qn �the east a�.de os Ta;,rrtle Yvenue irom C�eveland atreet -to "_'urnex r'�reet and from �'ttrr�er Street to Je�fords Street are hereb� subniitted. 1. i2ie paves�ier�t is 27 ieet, r'�liich is less than the minimum requirements as s�t �ort�� b�� specii?cations af ihe City En�;ineers U�'�'ice, Yaur attontion ig i.nviteci to the sunplortentary clxaSain� of the i��oek- be�tireen _ 2. T�:e pavei,ient c�as pro}�ed and prel�in�; reuealed that �tierP is q 5 inch sh�ll Glevelancl Street �nd P�rk Street. Ylease n�te t�at tY�e pxeaent ��avexnent on the east base, ��kr.erei�� cit�r speciiications require a G inch sh�11 'baee, side ex-�encls to the �ronerty line of tne existinE^, b��ildin�;s. k c+all� cannot be con- _ ` 3. The draina�;e of tYl.is subdivision is �oti�arci an artificial lake which is strY�cted �.n �4his k�1oc1; lanless the pavernent �`�ic�th is red�eed �'ive feet to accormiociate ir.:iicaLed on encic�secl plat as 1'al.r,� i'er�ace �ar1�; Yiorrever, clue to t11e �'act ti�is i�nprover.�ent. It is st��:�;ested that the city acc�u_re necessar;,r r-fiht of vtaV east t1Lat tY��ere �s no eurb arouizr� this la}.e, severe ero3ion i� takin� ��lace of �z'�:e existin� curb to allosr for tY;.e iriprovei�ent in thi� block. alon€; -G}se ban� of this 1�1�e . � . . . > ^ ` � - 'i:our a�tent�on �s �lso invztecl tq �he Block betweer ParY Suxeet and Pieree Stre��G, ` � ' � e: n t�.:i �ttbctivision it is fel� tha� A sidevrallt ha� been conatructsci in tY�i�s bloci� therei'ore it is unneeessarz* for �he �na sin�cYi a s t3�iere ��.�1,1 be no parkln�, probl ris i 7 s s the 29 i'oot paverient c�il1 be sufi'icient i'pr this arza . - - pronerty o?�vvners in tlzis block to be hotified of the pukrlie hearin�; and toJgay i or t�eir grorata staare of t�xe cost o� this ir,iprovex.ient. It is recor�ienae�t ttiat the ad��;is�ian of tfiis subdivisioi� "�e e�p�ove�l„ �rovic�ed tY�at t�ie u.evelo e� canstructs curb arotXlact tl�,e l�zke �o reverlt fixrther erosipn �r_d also - `Tdur attentioi� is invited i;o t��e zact tha � in the blacY bei;vreen Ghestnut Street P � constru.c� curb or the north at�ci south sides of rali;� Terrace Urive. :L� as su rasted ancl "i'urner Street there are tti�o builclin�;s �•�hi:ch are encroachzn� on ci�� progerty and a �[� . , � . , . � _ L s c3 be �n de or the se th�t i;he cleueloper aciYieres to the ��recafications of the Gity LnF;ineers Office as �to �.n order to bitild tr�e �ro�o�ed �ral�, suitr�v�e arrar�;ex�en�s ��oul a �' streets and drazna,,e for dn� future �cic�it�ons to tiie siibciYvisioiz (1Jnit Z, Palr:1 meirace bi�ildiri�;s. Sti�ciivision), as it i� f�1t tliat TJni� 2, Yalra ierrace aubdivision ti�i11 l�e aur:ii�tecl into �he City of Clearvrater, Tha estiraateci cost of the consz�uction or^ the side�aalk frar� Pierce 5tree� �o Respeeti'�zlly sul�raittecl, `1'tlrnex Street. is apprnxir,iatel;� ��32GU.OU anci tl�e estir:�ted cost of the nloposed sideslslk frorl Turner Street to Jeffarc3s �ti�eet is appro�:is.�te1;� u4,5Ud.�i7. '�lie es�i�ated cost _ fs� n. C. T�iiciclleton per i'ront foot is appraxir.iatelY 5��.�1�. Cit3r I,iann�;ei It �s slt�f;estec� txiat a pul�lie herarinE; be helci on tris improver,�ent ir^s.iediately in �sf 5. Lic�tnn or�lar that tlle 1rJ�rk r.zA�,� be e�:peclited. �+'CI:I.SL;, jj City �n�;ineer Respec��illv , sub�aitted, c c: P.1r . C. E.?!a re LrIC. � i3�ERLTic:r 1sLgltFt'PLiI�� T Cit�* Attorney �s� S . I,ieti.ton _ __ SI�: j j City Ln£cineer ---------------------------------------- -----_---_____- __�--- ____-----.,____.._�____ ae: `Iilr.. Phi112ps, City Attarne�r H�S UI�U � T9N , -_ __. '"�S: i�E has �eez� clet�rx�rine�i b� the C3,�"y Oor.�:ri�sion of �the Cit� of Clearvrater, 1�'3.orida,��Lh�� �Yie Arop�r�� aeacrit�eci nelovr should be cleanecl af v�eecls; �;rass and�or ur�derLrush; and bhat a�`ter ten (1(�) 4ays notiee'and failure af t�ie ovailer i:hereof tb _ do so, the Czt;� shou.lc� clettn �uch �ra:c�ertr ancl eh€�r�,e tYie cost� thor�of aF;r�inst the , respaetive pro��ertr, , 13U'vJ m��Rrl?ORL Bk: �T RLSOI,V:�D by tfie Ci-�;� Car:�r.ai:saian c�f:. i:he Gitf oi Cler�r.Y�ater, F'larica, thttt tY�e fp1lc;�vi�€: t]e�criUecl �iroperi�y, �it;tita�Ge in �t�id Cit�y, �hall be cleanecl of. v�eects-, F*ra�s and�or u�ctexUrush v�ithin te� (lOj ciays afUer ndtic� in vrri�in�; to �he ., , o�-rners thereo� to de sa anci �hat upon �'a�lure to coznplq �ait2i �a�.d nc�1:3.ce, -�he Ci�� ` sYiall perforrl such clean'in�; a;�c1 cYiar�,e the costs thereof �+�ain�t the respectivc _ ` _ properties in racenrdance vrith Section 12�3 �f tYce Ct�rter o;f '�Yie Git;� of Cler�rq�r�ater, E18 l�716YICZEC7.' ' ' Propert,y Ov�nex' 'veseription fteqit�st i7o. T�Iorainx; L`Stu,i��e ATari�;old L. Lnuis Lr�ts 6 Y� Ei �;-235 ,;�F:eUU each , , , �3�x 30f3E3 : iSlock A. Clearrrater, b'la. 13reefe Ii3:11 �uli. ' (Cani;inueu on nex� pa�;e) ;_ _ , � ,: . ; _ . � _ � � n�... , ., _ . , . . , _ .,_. � ,�..__ ..�„.., ,�..�.,� _. ; , , ' � 3 � ; j : �'.��; _ CITx CONIMISSION'MEETING t . January 2$, 1952 OR1�IhANCE N0.-61$ � AN ORDINF�IyCE DEFI?�ING TiiE OCCIIPATION OR BUSINESS OF OF �tSPECUI,ATZVE BUIL17ERn; FROVIDIt�G FUR THE LICENSIY�G RE50LUTTQN � OF PERSQNS, FIRF�IS khD C08PORA.TIOPIS �I3GAGED TH THE _ ' I BUSINESS OR OCCUPATI�N OF ttSPECULA�TIUE BUILDERR ' ' Pate a uniform 'and ermanent s'stem of r WITHIN `rHF �IT'I OF GLEARP7ATER FI,ORIDA• FIXING THE IaTIiEREAS it is deemed desirable to promulb : p Y T , i , er Florida anc� to ive ermanent names AiyIOTIRT OF' THE' OCCUPATIODiAI, ZIGEIVSE 'TAX TO :BE PAID BY street naming within the C'ity of Clearwat , , g P ee s resentl �xistin within the Git of Cleartaater, Florida; and f'SPECULATIVE BUZLDERS„ WITHIN THE CITY OF'GLEARWATFR, to the str t p y g 3' FLQRIDA; PROVTDING I�OR THE IviANNER �ND CONDITIOP� OF T'HE .: e re a d ISSUANCE OF SUCIi LICENSES• PRQQID�NG A PENAI.�TX FOR , �t�t-IEt�EAS a map giving permanent names to said streets has been pr pa d n , ' ee f the Cit Co��nission of the Cit of Clearwater Florida " ,, F�ILURE TO CONfPLY TiiEREWT2'H; AI3D PROVIDINv THE EFFECTIVE formulated by a Commi�t o y Y , r �. '�' and said map has been approved, by tk:'e City Engineer and the City Manager of the City ' AATE OF TIiIS OftDTNAI�CE. of Clearwater, Florida, and , B� TT ORDAINED BY THE CTTY COr'�1IISSION 'OF THE CITY OF CLEtiRV��TER, �LORIDA: `. Zt�IERE�B said street-namin� map has come up for the consideration of the Citv ' �' ' 2$th -' f J nuar 1' SEGTTOId I. UEFINITION. - Any and a1:1 �rsons firms or cor orations Yrh s _ Commission of the Gity of Clearwater, Florida, this da,�,o a y, 952, ,. , , ,, P � , P o hall, within the terr'itorial liuu,ts of the CiLy of Glearwater,, Florila, undertake t:a , ' ted erect, construet or build an buildin or structure or buildinQs NOW THEREFORE BE TT RES�L4ED that the street-naming map prepared, promulga . ..� ; Y _g o or structures, ' ved as afoiesaid be and the same is hereb a roved and is hereby without retaZning the services of a licensed general contractor, for the iur ose and al?Pro Y PP h . P P ' '' s reet-namin ma for the Cit of Clearwater Florida _ oF selling or offering the same for saie at a prafit, are hereb defined and held' designated as the official t g P Y � .� to be ttSPECULATTVE BUILpERSt� within the meanin of bhis Ordina ce and all streets set'out thereon shall have, bear and be called by the respective g n _ names set out on said map., SECT30N I�. l�o person, firm, or corporation shall engage in or mana e the � DONE AI�'D RESOLVED this 2$th da3T of January, 1952. , business or occupation of "SPECULATI�E BUILDERTi'within the C'ity of Clearwater, Florida, unless a City license shall be :issued to each such person or persons on receipt of the �nount hereinafter stated, yrhich receipt sha11 be signed by the � City 'Preasurer and Tax Collector, and shall have the City seal affixed theretoe �s/ HERBERT M. BROAfit �ECTTON III. On and after the effective date of this Ordinance on Annual Mayor-Co�issioner Occu�ationaZ I,icense tax in the amount af �100.Op shall be assessed and collected _ irom any and a�l persons, firms and corporations who shall within the territorial � � li�its 6f the City o£ Clear�,rater, Florida, engage in the business or oacupation of ATTEST; s «SPECULATIV� BUIL�ERtt as defined in �his Ordinance. /s/ H. G. G�r'II�GO SECT�ON I�7. �he I,icense tax hereby ardained for the fiscal year 1951-5?_ shall be due and payabl� wi�hin ten days after the effective date of this Ordinanc� and City �uditor and Clzrk , all othe� I.icense tar.es heraby ordained shall be due and payable on the first day . of Qctober of each gear and ii not paid within 30 days ai`ter the 3ue date thereof, the same shall be considered in default and subject to a 5� penalty, and it shall be and is hereby made the dutp of the City Manager to make Affidavit for the arrest of any person fa.i3�ing or xefusing �o pay the same, and to eause such person to be brought before thc: �Zunicipal Court for trial. , SECTION V, The right to revoke 'any License issued under the provasions oi this Ordinance for cause is x•eserved to the'City of Glearwater, and said revocation shal be made at the direction of the Gity Cor�ission. - SECTiON VI e PRIniA FACIE BYIDEI�CE. - Proof of ihe bui?_ding and selling of buildings and oifering far sale within the City of CTeartrater, T'lorida,' of ti,ro or more bu3.ldings or s�ructures within any one I,i.cense year of said City 1vithout retaining the seryxces oi a licensed general contractor shall be deemed to be : prima �'acie evidence that the person, firm, or corporation so doing is engaged in the business or cccupation of RSPECUyATIV� BUILDER � within �he �eaning of this t5rdi nanc e , _ SEGTIQAi VII. Any person or persons, fi:rms,, or corpaAations or associations that shall carry on or con�uct the bus,iness or occupati.on �f �fSPEC'JLRTIVE BUII,DER^ ' for which a license is her.eby required, without first obtaining suci� license, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than �200.00 or be imprisc�ned for no� morp than C�Q daXs or bo�h. SECTION VTII. All Orciinanc,es and parts of'Urdinances in conilict herewith are hereby repealed. . . . .. . . � ... . . . . 4 . . .. . .. . . . . . . � � , SECTT�I� I�. This Ordinance shall become effective immediaLely upon it-s passage ' � and adoption by the City Commission of the.City oi Clearwater, Florida, and ita publicati�n by title as is provided by law. PASBFD ON FIRST READTNG , December 2$, 1951 P�'�SS�� OPJ SECORTD READING January 7, 1952: PASSEb OIu THX&D AN➢ FINAi, RE.ADII�G , _ AND ADQPTED' January 2$, 1952 � ; � �s/ HERBERT �'i. BRak'N` � , Mayor�Commissioner , ATTEST: ' � , �s/ H. G. 1r7INGQ , �ity Auditor and Clerk