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lJecenhel' 20, 1951
'11110 City GOl'U,li:J:Jion of the City 01' Glearwuter net in Special Sonsion at Clty
Hollon li1riday, lJecelnber 28th, /It 7:30 Pli, with the followinf~ r,lcr,lbtu's nl'P-l-Ipnt:
HorbtH't 1.1. Brown
,Toe THrne r
Jrnrbn rt 111. BJx n ton
011 1'lo11c1 lJ. Lynn
Ida yor-Co1.lIlhJ ::doner
Cmuli lJ :3i 011 01'
GOI,1111 (J s1 oue l'
GOl'Irili 13 8 j one I'
l ..
f. '
,'. j
A lJ30nt :
Thollu II H. IHu <de, .Tr.
GOl'l]i us i one l'
Al[)o prnaent:
1". C. l'liddleton
G. E. \hl pe
~. Licl~ton
Oeor[~e T. J.lcG1m :rda
Oi toy j'lulJul:er
C1 ty 11 tt orney
City Enginoer
Chief of Pol ice
l\:eetin[~ \IllS culled to order by IrLJ"Vor bl'own. It \iutl decided by consent that
approvinF~ of 1:1in1 ItO II for l)e cPor:! bel' B, lJ~e m:lucr 14, 1~: 00 110 on, llnd De celilber 14,
7: 30 PI..I, ond VecePll.Hlr 15th, 1w deferred untjl the next meetin[; of the Conmiflnion..
. :,.1::.'
,. 1..1J\',.,,:
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Bids for paintinl~ anc rO))81rin/; GIC91'v/l:lter dr-u\JiJridp;e \"!ere brOl1f;ht before the
Corlnlission. Cit~T 1,jonBvep strltec1 thHt there \"Jcre two lli<ls, un follows:
K. O. J<'incl1, Cleurvlutcr
Cornell Construction CorlpEm~T, Llt. Pntersburg
Steel which woule! 11&1 ve to l)e rep}8CIJU w01lld Le 150 per 11)., in acldition to price
quotecl by Cornell Construct ~.0n COl1pany; i1' mlcli t iona 1 stee 1 is neeclec1 it would be
ful'nisheu oy K. 0.. li'inch UOl:Jpony (It 50~~ per' lb.. This steel covers thot which is not
now li;Jted, end vlhieh it nay be fn1tlld necesoa ry to relllDce durin(~ the procenfl of
constrnc tion. Bid s MH'e 1"0 ferl'ecl by con sen t tn Ci t~T Bnr,inecr for his report la te l'
in the meeting.
Proposed use of r;Tlmleipal d oek in front ot' the Bud i tOl'l1ll.1 \'W B brou~~ht to the
l:lttentioll 0:.' the COl:il.iLwiol1. l,lu~ror Jjl~C.'\;:l :3uf:;:;e:ltet. th.t tJlis natt;cI' ue aefel'J'ed
until the first l'lp.otiI11; in ,TbIl11111'Y, since Courllissionel' Hlael: \I9S alJSent, onel since
there \Jill be bJO ne\J l:IOlllwl'S or the COT:ll:lission at th8t tl11e, anti th!::lt they \vil1 be
tIle ones who Vlill havn to cope \J1tll the pro)lleId. COl:i!lli:wloner Blanton rerlinded the
COlll,lisf3ion that this J.l~.Itt;(:r \Ill S :.l1ll;lJ03eCl to hf;lve been ::-efey'recl tCl a Con;r,littee to
c1ete)"')~ine VJllOt U:'3fl \1f:lS I~oinl: to Ill:.: l,;t,(le of' this fHc:.lity ~llK: tlwt report was to hove
l)een lJro1.1ght 119C): to t:hin l,wetinr. Ire said thut s~,nce COl:I:,issionel' Blad:: is not
hepe, l1DweV(~r, thnt }w !1C:JitnteCl to 1:0 into the l.lEitttn'. He soid he felt that report
should be l'l[lde (l t the next l1eetinf~, [In(! tho t the job Sl1011lcl be finished up a t the
nex.t Ineeting - tJmt there \Jl11 be :>Or-leone dis}lleasecl "\,hatever i3 done, out. t:lat that
is no reason to defer uction. },Layor brown ~l[;\icl that the first meeting of' the year
i8 llsually short, us it is held onl:; to install tho new r,lenbo1'S of the Cotn:li:wion.
CorlluiS3ionor Tllrn(~r suid tl"wt he cUd not !,jj,nd 1"\acin{~ issues, but that he did t'eol
that thflre is onl:t one 1:10re l:leetinlS to 1';0, ond thl.lt regurc.i1eus of' Yllwt their oec:..sion
is, the 8iele that is decided fJl-\si!lst will feel that it is an injustice.. uncl the new
COl.!rlission will ha ve to 1i VB wi t:l \/h8 tev(~ l' :Ji tUfl tion is creEl ted, vhen pnrhapa t;he ir
ideas \"J0ulcl hove been (jj,ffel'ent, or perhaps they l'1ir~ht even have to llndo whatever
dec is10n wir;ht be l:lade fl t this tir'le. COl'lllisG ioner Bltmton felt that UOl1T:lisR loner
Turner's reasoninr was logical, and that he thollf,;ht El s );I11Ch old business a s possible
ShO"t1ld have been cleaned 11P so that the old slate could be vlipecl c1eon.. but that he
did not feel stronrol;r t:lbOl1t it one \"I~y nr th(~ other. It \'18S decided hy consent that
this natter be deferred, and plElcen on the 8/-:encia for the secoml rer~ular r:1eetinp, in
,T81111El ry.
Appraisal GOr.Jl'littee's report VJBS f,;iven by Cor:l1iS~lioner ~~1trner, who said that the
City had had /::In offer frorn the Cle[Jr\'Jt~ tar Conl3truction C0I.1pany a t the corner of'
Green\'looci Avenue and Seninole, I::ind trwt since the City has been attemptinr; to brint,
as lauch nl:ltiona1 industry in au the;T CEln that 1J~T holdinr; thls particular piece of'
lane the City would huve pro}mrt~r aVDi1uble 83 all lnc~entive to brinp; sone national
concern here. He sa 1d the c or:1puny who r:1U cle tho offer could find othe r property
w:i:t;hin that area v/h1ch VI01.11d serve its purpose3, and that ClefJrnater lnight lose a
f,ood outside business by disp03il11~ of' this l)l"'O!)lJl't~r l:I nd 1'/;;1 iling to ha ve property on
which such uunines s could be loco ted. Counis sioner Bll::l ntoll sa id th!:l t sOlne cities
are off'ering tax e:;~emptions in order to induce business, \Jhich has sone complicEltions
which I"'J31~es it rElther bad. He saiet he f'e1t it v/ou1d oe lJetter for the City, in view
of' such /::IttrHction fllsewltere to (1;0 into tbe tax exemption IlBtter as SOl;le of the other
cities have done. Mayor .Brown ~tated that it is the llo1icy of our local Government,
Chamber of' Cormwrce, County, und Stute to entice nO\1 industries to the State of'
l"lorida, 0 nd tha t he Vlolllet not \'IF.lnt to do u nythin[\ to hflrnpel"\ tiny loca 1 concern, uu t
that he did feel they would lJetter thcuselves by building a new buildinr, which some
national concern r:1ight brinp; in here. C01[1111soio11e1' Blanton s31([ tlu:lt thel'e is an
Industrial Cor.1I',littee in the Chur:lbcr of COl'Jr.wrce 'which is very active in trying to
1nd1.1Ce outside businesses to corne in here. Conuisnioner Tllrnel' !:loved that the
Clearwater Constrtl.ction CornpElny be notified that the City is not interested in selling
the property in which they are interested, at this time, with 811 explanation of 'Why
it is being reserved. COlrIr:1issioner 131Emton seconded the r,lotion, which W8S voted upon
and unanimously carried..
City Attorney reported on manurec turing concer'n in which he is intere sted. He
said that the firm has been establinhed and that it has r~sulted in a pa'Yrol1 coming
into Clearwater in excess of' ~~25, 000.00 a; month. The employment of tha t firm is ~o:tng
to inc:rease by leaps and bounds in the very near f'utnre, and he said when the day is
reached when the ar.10lmt of needed machine tools are available that 2,000 to 3,000
peop1e will be employed.. He said it is established in l>uneclin, but the t most of the
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DeCel:lber 28" 1951
et:1ployeos will probably be in Clearwater" Hnd that the Bngineering Btaff lives in
Clear\'/Uter, und thut Gleurwatcr f~~ts un l'nlch henefit frou it U3 lJImedin. Commissioner
Blanton BEl iel }w believocl resultn to Clcar\/Hter mercIwnts will he practicolly the same
as if it \'Iere in ClearwHter. COliiI:1isnioncr Lynn suid that ut one time he gave fip;ure
which the foctory Vlould prol)ably pay in :Jnlnry BO!'1e (iuJ, tlnc1 /;lsked the City Attorney
what the figure \'las. City Attorm~y : replied that he hesitAted to p:ive II 1'ir;ure" but
that it will 1)11 u pilot plant fJnd vl111 event110lly nupply ~;ontheostern States" and that
the Jnain plant will be built in the automobile center in Detroit or Ohio \'/here parts
of' autOl:lolJl1cs t-tre orif;inal1y 1l1&J11lfactured, but evcn plants sllpplyinf~ the Southeastern
stutes are I~oinl~ to lm u trr:rJcnC10l.13 offalI'. rrhe contract of one calls for 65,,000 of
theDe ports Pel' do:! foI' five years, thut 1:1, in the noture of replacement parts. 'l'he
payroll Vlill UI:lOllnt to 3cver'ul million 0011:;11"8 pel" year. U01'11'.11s:3ioner Lynn cOIUr.1ented
that Northern C it ie g h9 vc pro:Jpered :30 1.luch l.H.ICtllU3C of fu c torie s of this sort e sta-
blinhed in their cOl,l!.lUnitien. He snici every lnwlrwss which cOllld be brou[;ht in is
thut l:\uch better for the cOl:;r,run:l,ty. Mu~'or J~rovm soid tlwt Lel.ltlstel' l:lnd Shriner Bait
COlap!:lny bus r()c:elltl~r inc:or]1or(;lted itn businoss :"n l"loriclEl, and :ltorted with a payroll
of nil~ht" nO\'1 hEjIJ :Jixtnen Hnci hopes to hlJve ulJrmt forty }1eople w(I:L'kinr~ for him.
,0:,,:,1 .
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"hIl of the thirty-eir~ht particn O\minf~ bbllttln;~ property 1n soid fJrea have been
conta ctecl b~r 1',:1'. Jill brich, OUI' Hil~ht-o f- \V8~l jq~ent" uncI after vu rying tiel:ree ~ of effort
And ner~otiu t ion:1, (Ill o\'Jners u lonr~ the entire route 110 ve a greed to convey nece ssa ry
rirht-of-Vlay IBnd except tIle followinl~ five owners:
C01!!1i~~loner Blnnton reported for rif~ht-()f-\'Il:IY on hli:3HOUri l~venHe os follows:
PH rce 1 Ho. 4 Hnsnell Hendricks, OHner
Pa rce 1 No. 21 .T. li. Lo ve , n..mer
}J[) rcel Ho. i~3 Valla s t; incla ir, Owner
1)0 rc e 1 No. 25 ~)m:nlel B. Jang, O\'mer
Pu rc e 1 !Jo. 8G Dulla s Young, Owner
',., ..
"Because the mmeJ"'s of the l;IhovCl-nar,led p~ll'ce13 huve refllsed to sir;n on the
grounds that they were ent:i,tlp-c1 to special compensution for dm'la/~es for various
rOHsons ~rOllr Connittee has had tVIO (isinterestecl Hppraisers view the several parcels
and appraise the c1nmer:e, if any, the owne1'S T1if~ht be entitlod to. He attach thereto
appraisal report or i'incHnf~3 of snit! apprrliners.
"The Cor.l!llittee hUB had nplendicl cOolwrution 1'1"011 the vast 1'.1u,;ority of the o\":ners
and I,ir. J~tlbrich has done fin excellent .iob" and we very hiFrhly cOTmlend him for his v/ork.
"\"Ie now ask that parcels of land" the owner of which refuses to convey, be
ir:n,lediu te ly phI ced in the lwnc! s of the County h ttorne:r for c omle11111U tion p:t'oceedinr~s;
th(;l t the u ppru isers and I\ll'. l~ brich ue p8 io for the ir service s upon pre senta t ion of
their bill a1'ter havinr; been a'i1j)l'Ovecl b71 this UOhlJittee 811cl that this COltll:littee be
cUsclwl'f:ecl, fiS \"10 feel that our \mrl: in cO!l})leted and that uny l\trther a<:tion is to
be in the nEl ture of condeWl1L, tion rroceedinf:s \'~hich is uO;fond the scope or the \";ork
of this Corrn-li ttOCl to handle. "\/e \'/~ 811 to expre tlS our sincere a pprec ia tion to the
many pronerty OWne1'8 \'I}IO }![1VC ~iven us such fine coopel'a tion; also thank llir. \h-.ire and
X.lr. Kabrich, t: S \lell 03 our County Lirector of l'ublic \Ior]:s, lire Peterson, \"/ho ha s
given this Gor'u'1ittefl and the City of ClefJrv/[ltep fine and un:ltintinr~ work on this and
other pro.1ects which vitnlly affect progress of our City.
",.".. ..."~,,... ",:.....,,",".1
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He :3pec tfully nubwi tted,
/s/llerhert I.l. Blenton
/ s/ .T oe r.l,'UJ'!1 e 1"
I.li~sollri j~vornle }:;,xtension UO!U";lltteelt
CQ!;nnissloner Bhmton then reaCl the Apnr8 iser':3 repopt H S foll('\'~s:
"We, the llndersif~nnc1 anpruinc:rs, each beinF", B dlll~,r l'cf,;lstered real estate ()roker,
and a 11CmlJer of the Gleflr\'lat€~T' Board of Realtors, ellch havinF~ I)een enr;ar:ed in the
real c8ta te busine flS in thin vicinity .for s nUIl1ler 0 f ;reH ra and fHI.'lll io 1" with rea 1
estute wInes and conditions flffectin{-'; values in this :,}reo,
"After viewinf; the foJ.10\'!inl~ roul esttlte ebuttillg Missouri Avenue Bnd carefully
consic1erinp; the present value" and the degree to which present value v:ill be deprecia-
ted or effected by \"/8Y of' special t!ul1lar::e by l'e8son of' bring l\iissouri Avenue rif.~ht-of-
way a crOB S a port ion 0 f ~;a id p)"'Orf~ rty, Vie are 0,1.' the opini on thE! t the s pe c ia 1 Ctnma r;e
is the ar,1Ount he:t'ein set oPPotdte eDeh of the follmlin/: }1!:lrcels, respectively:
"PDrcel 1126, O\mnr l.1011Hs Yonng
P~l rce 1 '11'.:.5, Owner ~~H;1llel B. lang
Parcel #23, ~mer Lul18s Sinclair
110 special ciar:lage
110 special dm,lage
110 ~pecial d~lIllage, provided 3 larf,e
ODl: sand 2 :3r!1l1l tree s a re not mole sted.
Ho specinl cJamap;es, provided laree
Pine a nc1 08 J{ tr(!e s not !;lOle sted .
No ~pec i~l clarnu ge B.
P~lrcel #4, O\lnep HllBSell Hendricl:s
Parcel il~n, Owner ,T. D. Love
/lss/.1 HOIlCrt 1,1. 1110rri80n
Carl Po lner
Coml:lissioner Blunton uaid that IIiI'. Kabrich had reported that he hnd been [Jack to
see 1111". Hendricks twice and that he still refused to convey" insisting that it be
put in a deed that the trees not b€'l r101t:sted, or in a contract signed by the City.
Since the Sta te is tmilding the road he sa id he did not see how the City could 8i ve
a guaranty that the trees would not be !rlolested. He said he felt it was sor.:ethinr;
that he and the County Attorney would have to WO~{ out, and if they cannot ~et
together, the proceedings would have to ~o throur,h tlnd be abided by. He said h0
ctld not believe the Ceunty or 1.11". J'illbrich conld do an~rthing further wha tsoever.
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December ~8, 1951
ilIa YOI' Drown B sked hoVl fa l' he ha s r;otten Vii th the right-of-way. COI:lIl1islJioner
Blanton replied thut it vws all the w07f to Court Street - South to the City limits.
He sl:licl thore ore not deec1n in the office on ull of' these. He Imid it is a rnatter
of on Of~rec.~ len t between the Oi t~T A t torne~r, County A ttornoy, H net thA property owners.
He sa icl tho t they hu ve not El F~reed to PLlY lln=rhocl~r lHlytll1ng, but thu t 111'3. Gheml}erla in,
who owns 3~'SO fent in the City, in~Jintn on the repl(.1cinf~ of th:tl'ty trees which are
f\oing to huve to cone n1lt \'I:1.th =rOlllll\ troen u t :;';l.tlO eoch, ",h10h \'Iill lwve to be aet
ont by I,i:r. nussell .Tono:l, u f~rove r;U.Hl. llluyor Brown u[)bHl how :lOon the County CBn be
furninhed wi th deed ~l. C 1 ty J\ t torne~T )'op1iod tllll t t;)lel'fl 'NU 11 the Chunbcrlo 1n deed to
ohtllin, fwd tlwt .Tohn ~. lJ.'u~rlol', .Jre, \'/1th \'I)10)'} he }lucl lwcl convorsatton, Vlould
execute cleed t:lnd lwve It :lent to Ida offiee 1>y '.j1nnncloy norning. lIe 1191d that Mra.
Cht:lJrluer1ain is 1nnintilW tllut t]'ee3 1>0 )'eplucod. ~he 0130 ina:i.:lted that the City
set them out line! cure for thcH,1 L1llrin/~ the criticnl ntnr;e. He [,wiCl that he had told
her tlll:lt the Clt~r cOl11e! not 1J(~ in fJonitjon of' l'ul~3itw 011 orelnge J..~rove and that 011
the City cOlJld do wlluld lH! to }1t1Y fo!' fir-:lt c1uun tl'fHJO und thut they would huve to
set find cure for thou. Jlo ~iUicl thut sho in (:0I11nl~ over on \/ednosduy vnd that she
had lHILmred l'ir. lilllJrieh thl:lt she unci the U1ty htt;ol'ne~, would l)e t:lb1e to [~flt together
on the nattcl'. IliuY01' BrO\tn auld thut he lLUc1 tuUwc! './ith 1.ir. Peterson, GOI11'1ty Public
\lorl~s Director, unci tlwt he hl:ld l11f'orl'lo<l h1r:l tlwt U:J tjoon lI~J tho rigl1t-of'-wuy is
COl'1pleted the~T uro l'eudy to let the contl'fict on the 'whole .lou, und DS soon 93 they
get the rir;ht-of-\'lf.l7[ the .100 \lil1 be clone 1Jlllediutel;r. He :micl that J)robably the
Hir:ht-of-WllY Ar;ent c()llld he nut to v:orl{ on the llext section 01' l.lisaonri Avenue frCJJI
COHrt Street to the :tnterflCct:LOTl Ht Cleveland St:pect. City Attorney atutecl that
the Ci t? u lrem17T !Ill n n()~Jt of tlli s ril~ht-of-\vay. 0011111 :In ionnr Blanton felt tha t
since the two u(-!nlW,l':J of the COlil'1i~J:;j.()n ure l'etjrin/~ thu t pO:3si1>ly the whole Cor,iI1l1ttee
should be cllsclwr{;ocl unel !:I ne\1 one llppnintecl uftel~ the first of the yefJr. City
Attorney [wid thut in uucilt10n to the tvlO <.loeds he had ),lentionecl thut there are sotue
people ~'/ho ure out of to\'1Jl - for in:Jtunce, the heir:J ()f the eBtate vlith \vhich Mrs.
Helen Heber is connected. He ~lfjic.i all D/';:roeuent haa ;')0811 l'el:.lcl1ed by the City and the
11eirn, ancl that the deed is I;oin/~ the r011l1cl:J to lw executed, LInd that there is one
other deed \',hich lw s been nent Horth for execlltlon v/hich 11a n not been returned.
Conl:li:wioner B1nnton nresented bill for Hil~ht-of-\lay M;ent in the ar;lount of ~~750.00,
which he nvid the COlallitteo felt to l)e u fHi:r flnd Just f.llilO1mt, knowing the amount
of ,..mrl~ \'/hich lwei been clono on the joll. 00l:J.liB3ioner Lynn l:1ovecl that the Hight-of'-Way
Cor.rrnittee's report be Hcceptecl, and tllDt the Hi;':ht-of-\luy M~(mt be paic1 in the amount
of ~~750.()O for his service:l to ('Elte, an(; that Hobert l'lorl'ison and Carl Pelr.ler be paid
~?25.00 each for their ~ervices os Anprl-lisers to the City of Glenrwuter. Cor.nl1issioner
Turner seconded the not:lon, \'lhir.h \"/[IB "otecl 11')On uncl unan1J.lO'tlsly curried.
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City lil!ll1ur,er stHtecl that the purt ~:'r()J1 1,!1s:;onrl j~vnnue to Hiro:hland Avenue Right-
of'-\'1a"jT vdllue secured \lithin the next two CiD-:r:~, !:3 thel'~l has heen a COl'lr.litr.lent frorrJ.
1.il~. l'~och, and he has assurocl the City tlwt he w111 h:;lve the Hi!~ht-of-'.~[lY e1eared up
to Hillcrest Drive. On the llo!'th oieie is the ri[~ht-of-\iH:1 frOM the Gut:lo1ic Ohurch
property. '1'he plot \IF. S l't;1'errecl iJl::lcl:. to the Lllgil10cr (lnd j,lEln81",er \lithreference to
a drainage ]}l'obleu I.'1lich hos no\/ been ta].:en cure of, unci the l)lllt is ruudy to sign
~md deli vnr to the mmer. '1'he p1lt t ea r1'ie::; nec<l:1[JElry riV)ll;-of-mlY approved by the..
Engineer. Cit:, httorney ::aitl tl18t \:hen the t:eul with l.lr. Koch is closed it will
complete the p:roblcn of the Court ~treet Exten~3ilm, \::L th the exception of' the Hobison
pronerty, wh:l,ch r.1llot be conc1er.med. Ee ucldeci tlwt on plJrts of t;he project" sanitory
aewers must go in ahend of the CountY':1 \lork. COl"lllissioner 'i'llrner stHted that this
wa a c1ismwsecl with the GQtni ttee D nd Bngineer recently anc.l tha t thw;~r wondered whether
it Vias necef3s::1ry to put then c10\'/ll the nic1clle of the street, that they r.lif~ht go in
a s an ea seJ:lent on the ba ck of the street insteEicl. G i t71 J~ t tornoy COI:)J:1ented tha t he
had meant the \'/ho1e pI'o.i ec t. ll.ayor hrown H s}~ed why it Jim st be in the f.1ic(dlc of the
street. City Engineer l'eplied that a stud:r v/ould huve to 1;e Hade uuont it. He
said the Gnnnty BnF",ineer \/Ll s in to see hhl, and tlwt lJe:fore they COlllplete any final
plans that sonethin[; \Jill t't! worl:ed out for the Seller - thHt the City and Uounty will
get tor;ether on it. He added that the pl!:lCil1;:~ of it ciepencls on \'/here they run across -
whether in the nicic::.le or in tl~e purl:vlD~r. CQJ,rrl1ssioner B18nton rer'iflrked that a lRrge
portion between Cleveland Bnd 1'.iis30u1'i is hif~h and eonparatively level /,;:round, and
that the curve will take core of that. City Bnr;ineer saiel that was true of the drain-
a r;e, but tha t a 3anl tu ry sewer should be thronr;!I there l:l s 1 t will undoubted ly be
businesa property. City J\ttorney coru-,lOnted tlwt if it j_s pnt in the p8rl~\'Joy lifter
the paving is clone it will increase the cont, as the Df.W p(lvinf~ J.111St be cut into,
Corm'li soioner B1n nton re!:1arl:ed thu t l'Joth the sa ni t~l rv end storr:l 3e\'!e1' would be a c ces s-
ible to the abuttinr; property or the uren. fJoT'lJ'lin310ner LY!1l1 said that 111aybe one
part of that property coulcl b~l c1fwrecl np tlt this tine. lie said that if' the plet
is to be approved for ~t. Cece1ia it ni(~ht us vle11 be done now. HA then moved that
the pla t be a pprovec1 f'or the :)roperty a t the corner or Eill0.re st and Court Street _
the St. Cecelia Plat. OO!lliflSioner Blanton seconclcc1 the r:lotion, which VIas voted
upon ami unanimouBl~r carried.
City Manager asJ:ecl the Cor,u,lission to f,uvertise for bids on pavinl~ between
Greenwood JJ. venue lJnd l;ds souri .h. venue on Court ~tT'eot. He fHl id the t he W lJuld like
the Engineer to :Jencl in inf'ornut::on for ac.lvertin:ln/: for bids.
UD tter of rir~ht-of-\Ia~T l)et\/{~en (}recl1woocl ancJ I.liHsou1'i h. venue" and I'Lissouri
Avenue frOI:l C011rt Street HOl'th to Ule'lelancl StI'eet \'/asi)rou/~ht to the attention
of the Cor.u'ilission. 001'T.lisnion{~r Blunton fJuicj tha t the conplete ridlt-o.f-way has
not been ol)taine(~, rind that it is one 01' the prereqnisites of' the State that the
ri~ht-of-way rTIlst first be obtained. Muyor Brown asked if elevations r.ust be
obtained 1'r01:) the ~Jtote. City Enr,ineer sulci thut the ~tate and City are working
tor,ether on the corners and gracies and t:b8t the State is very cooperative with the
City. City 1:.iana[,er COllT18nted thut the City eould hO ahead und get ita part in.
Corunissioner Blanton stEltecl that their conneetion betw(;en l\;,iasou.ri Avenue and
Gulf-to-Bay we 13 dependent on the Gi ty c onnecting fl~011 (j-reen\'lood to l,li6souri A venue.
Corunissioner Ble nton !;loved tha t l)fl veJlent on Court St re(lt be tw€'! en Greenwood and
Missouri Avenue be authorized; and that the City Bngineer be authorized to go ahead
sndl make nece saary findings a nd do pr~l ir.lim! ry work prepo 1'8 tory to l:!ctvert ising fo!i.\
bids. CO!11I1liss10ner Lynn aeconded the notion, "/hieh 'ila s voted upon and unanimously
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CITY COlll',;ImnOn l~lJ~]~':UNG
~ecernber 20, 1951
carriecl. City At torne:v sto tec1 tho t on Court Street between Greenwood and 111 a Bouri
Avenu~ there ore nome [I0sessI:1ents Ylh:lch fJUBt lJe laid, LIB thepc is nor.:e property
which 11a B been ]1l1rel1a serl :'ron the coloreel people, Elnd tha t a public hearing must
be held. lIe fl8icl thnt \I)len there are B:Jse~lSr;lfmt:1 tllOl'e r.n.wt be public hearings,
tilt that he9rinl~ cannot 1m held lmtil the Enp),l1oer s,;ets this illfornution.
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I.ll;ttter of Dog Ort:inunee \lUg lJl'011ljht before t}w CoulliBSiol1. l\luyor Brown Imid
t}l(lt r:Hwtinl; 01' COIJ:l:tttee hun l,r.en held, unci l;}llIt tlle Uit:r, the Ununty Public
Health, IlIld the ~;J:lCJ~ 11.83 lJeen ul)lc to reach on u/;roeuont l'el~urdinf.i the handling o:r
thin pJ'ohlcr,l. c..:oIln1s:lioncl' blunton :;tut8U tIwt it \/UB expl'tlf.Wl;)(1 at the l.loeting
t}lUt the Ci1;;.' Illlonle] own f..l Ilhnltep uncl h~!vo f'ucllit;ieB for tf:l.J-::1nlj care of this
3jtlwt~,on, tlncl thut cv()r~rone COlweJ'np.(! \lith the l.Jtd;t(}r t1r~rcecl to thi:J in the rllectinrr,
held 0n the nu1J,io('t. It vms !Jr~reed that un Dero of /',l'ound 1)0 provided out or the
C 1 ty owned ~ort:-r n (~re B ('ut ucl,1n int l1f~ the 11 irpo1't propftl'i;;,r ntlu l' the pistol r811ge,
!)lK1 thut }10:33:11-11:-r tIle lC'l1l'; lJUildinr;s on Everinr:hol1 lJcHch 113ml us dJ'~:HJinr; l'OOl:JS
cOlllc1 1)0 r,lovod ovor tIHH'e !Jm1 11:1e(1 un u nhelter. Pllr:n.wnt to thut, h6 :;oid tlwt
}H~ /lnd lJr. E~J:eI't unct lJ:r>. Hlls:lel1 1oo1:ecl OVAI' the !H'Opel'ty, ancl thut lnll't of the
l)1lilc1il1f~, l:lncl 1;hnt 1:111 felt tl1ut it c(llllc~ lw llsecl to vel';' I~oocl acl'''[lntal-~o. He soid
tha t this l.i()rninl" lie [j nd I,l[lyor ;>rOWll \'Ieut 011t to 1~he r~rouncl a nc1 lool{Ccl over the
sitnut:l.on, bnd deteJ'llil1p.d that the E1(~re 8d,ioln1nf~ the airl)ort could and Sh0111d be
used for 1;h~tt purpose, unci tlwt it :i.s the recol1llenclution of thetr Cor,Dlllttee that
this be :Jet usi<.:e and thut })roper Orclinunc~e be drU\'ITl to t.~\ke C8re of the situation
to prevent stl"l;l';:r dOf;S frOlI rOOl,dnl: the streets, tlnel that the City \'Iork with S})CA
ill enfor(~inJ; this Ol'dinuJlce \/ld.e11 it is p1811ned t}lHt the Cit:{ dr'IlW. l\iayor Drown
s ttl ted the t Hhile he El ncl Cor ulls:lione r bltulton were ont there they ft:l t tha t the
e ntirf: 1'ort:f 1I e1""e t rH c t 0\'l11eC1 by tllFJ (;i ty shonlcJ bo :3Ul"veyed 8nd boumla ry e sta bl isheci
so tho t the:l Hill know \J)l€m they 8 re on and Ofl' Uity pror)erty unc1 \lill not be usinlj
or lw rl1in(~ other proport:T. TIle Sl1 rve y could olso include ske tched in drawiTl[~s of
the pil3tol club uncI t):.e Here to ue l1sec1 l:lS c1esir:natec1 on the 31::etch. City Attorney
sa iei he ho s be en r;i vinE; SOI'1(,) eon sicler'a tion to the nanncr in which tl1C Ordinance
r'1ir~ht 1Je tiecl in in a PT'Hct ieal r.1U nne 1" so 8 S to pepr;li t th~ C1 ty to a va il it self of
the abillties OlIe! facilities of the ~~J?nA. He :Joid that it appe!:lrs that the !.lost
pr!:l c tical WfJ~r to (~o :t t r't1 the1" tlwn \11"1 tinE'; SOl:le see tion Int 0 the Ordinance re(';a rding
contract \'li1;h th~ S}>CA tllElt tIle Cit:',T Sholtlcl I.Hltl101'ize the Cit:'l 1,1am.leer to enter into
contract with thel.l in rel:urtl to CUl'T':rinlr, out the lJrovl~i(lns of the Ordinance. Mayor
Bro\'1n said that the Cond.ttee, too, felt it should be (ione l)y contract at the option
of the nity, and that H' they feel tlUlt it is not being properly llsed it could be
taken fror" tho SPCJ1.. J!c saie! that "/11110 it j.s an active and pOh'erful organization
and J,iOnt lil{el~T to eontinue so tlm t still the life 01' any orl.-~Elnization is only as
f~ood 83 its r1Cn'r)ers. COI!T.lissione1" Bll:mton r,lovec1 that the COl,1I:1ittee's report be
a c~eptflcl, reeOJ U 1e net8 ti on:o.,. .1'ollowed, H ncJ tha t tho Ul ty lJe au thol'izecl to rriake the
survey of this property, und that t:he City Attorne;r be authorized to prepare a dor;
license ordinunce, and t;hat City kt1nflr~el' be 11llthortzect to enter into contract with
the SPCA Assoe ia t10n, :Jl11),;e c t to the H1)provul of the eit:-r Comniss ion. Cor:unis sioner
Lynn se condecJ the r.lOti on, which \;[\ n voted u!)on anCI unnniJ"l1ousl:T carried.
_....- .J
. i
City !llana(';er l"eported thl:lt it is his recor.u'.end::ltion anc"1 that of the City
Encineer to u c cept the ~id of' J:. o. ji'incl1, Cleal'wa ter, for pa intinr,: and l'epa irinB
the City drawbrid{~e. COlil.li:Jsioner rl'llrner r;'\ovec1 that the City l',lanar~er's recor.1nenda-
tion be followed, ul1d thElt bid b€1 !:1VW rded to K. o. Plnch COrilpElny for repair and
pa intinf.; of' the dra \/l-Jridce, \Iork to be done ilu led ia tely. COlJl11issioner Lynn seconded
the IJ1otion, \"lhich wa s voted upon a nc1 unaniraously eEl rriecl.
City l.ionagel' reportee) on Police cruiser lJicls. lIe said that only one 'bid was
received from Larry Dir.u.litt, Inc., :for four-door CllevroJ.et Sedan :for ~~564.13, less
trade-in ellcwnmce, for il,r.lectlf:lte cteli~lery. He sfll<1 thot he ,joined the Purchasinr;
Ar,ent and Chief of Police in recOl,\J'lenc\inr~ that this cruiser be pllrclJl:isecl.
COT'll11issioner Lynn r~ovec1 that the City i,wIlsfl:er' s recou1endation be fol1ovled, and
th8t neVi 1951 four-door Chevrolet sedan be purchased frOB Larry Dir.il11itt, Inc_,
Cloar\"Jotol', in tho Hr."lOUnt of ~~564.13, less trade-in allo\/ance, be purchased.
Cor;nnissioner r.rurnel' seconded the r:lOti on, \/hich \/a s voted upon and Unanil(iOusly
J.~atter of' liquor lieense for Er. BeE,th's restaurant on Cleveland Street Vlf:;lS
bl'OU{~ht bef'ore the COl;}'lission. Clt:r l,lunar:er said that ciil1ellSions .frotl the Church
to the build:tnr~ in c.plestj.on \J{)re DS stated, that he went over the r,leasurenentlJ as
set forth in the Cit~r Code and those get forth by l'~r. Goze a s the distance between
the two. He s ta ted tha t he a1 so :inspect eel the inside of the building. liayor
Brown fl skeet if it vm s in a c: c orc\[lnce \I:l, th the S tf.1 te la\'l in every respec t . City
1Ilanar;er replied that it \ws. COlilrnissionol" L~nm said tl1at he went to this place of
business a fevl days ago, and inspected it, and sa'\"l no rea SOll why they should not
ha ve whs t they ha ve B sJ.~Ad, u nd t.ha t he fel t the o\'me r and hi s wife h8 ve d one a very
cOTfl':'\enc1able job which \'Ii11 l)e an asset to the Cit7f. Conl'lli:lsioner Lynn moved that
Mr. Deflth's req1'est for intoxicatinr heverage license at 41C, (~levelanc1 Street be
approved. Conr,lj.ssioner ~C11rner seconded the uotion, wh:l.ch \/8S voted llpon and
unanimously CEl rriod. CmlYnissioner 'l'l1rner sa icl that the~T \/(1111(i bp. ler~a lly entitled
to the request EHlyv/a:r, and t}l!;lt there \'I0111cl bo no point in utter'lptinc to deny it.
Cor.anissioner Blanton st8ted that 1,lr. Pt::lrish \'d.shes to lJl'inr~ li1attel' before the
Cor.;mission. 1111". 1<'D riah 13 ta tec1 thu tabu ilciinr; he s been ere etec1 in the n lley between
Franklin and Court streets and that it cuts off the developl.1ent of the property back
there. He said it is a public alle~', and that he wishes to put a building thel'e,
and that he hfts a prospective tenant, but that until that ol)struction is rer,loved he
doe s not see hOYI he ca n go ahead. The prope rty is a cross the alley 1'rOIil the I.loose
Lodp;e. COl nis sioner Blanton said thu t A ttorney Ray Uhlel' has Vlri tten the City in
the past about this and had thought it was to "be on the af:enda. City Attorney
stated that the r:m tter had corne a bout l)e csuse the Moose Lodf~e wa sunde r a :raJ.se
impression as to the leeal description of the property they owned. They wanted to
extend their buildings, and thought they owned Lot 9 ~ l,lagnolia Pa l'k, arld that .
instead they own Lot 9 of Court Square Subdivision, which is a replat of :Magnolia
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Decer,lher 20, 1951
P~lrk. ,He said that the siele lines Vlere not changed by the ne\l plat, but in some
instances it shortened several of' the lots. They nsked l.lr. Butler to rilBke a survey
when they yJere re!lCly to build, applied for a penuit on I.la[~nolia Parle, and presented
the plat, which shoVls tlwt it goes all the way back. The pel~mit was issued, and
the~, Vlent aheEld with the lml1Lllnl~1 and 1,11". lT1r,lel~, in behalf of the Lodge, raised
the point, and ltpOn che~ldng, it VlaD found to be true. The Duilding Inspector was
advised to concel the perr,lit, and the Lodr,e \Ias advined that they could not proceed
with the buildin/,:. The hco~1 of the Loclf~e stated that they realil:\ed they had no
rir;ht to put the building there, unrl v/oltld have a neeti11/~ und take B0111e action und
would aclvine the City iflU!lecliutely. City Attorlley Rtuted tlwt nothing further VlaB
heBrc1 within U re8sonu1Jle period tltel'eoft(H'. lIe then wrote to the Lodge again and
told tluHrl tlwt the bllilc.lin[; \'lOule:. 1111 ve to be reuoved \Ii thin a COl.to in length of time
or mti t Vlould hElve to be filed. Notllinf~ f'nrtl1er 1m ~J been lwa rc1 from the Lodge.
City A.ttorney atatfH.l tllBt he na\'! notltim; else to do except lJring a lawsuit 91-.,ainst
ther:l to r;et thnm out of there. l.luyor hrown COlll:telltecl that l'eeords ~1101l1d be checked
before J1ermi\;~ I:lre im:mecl. Uit7r Att(Jrne~r S !.lid tlwt there ure ~ l1ul'1ber of people in
C011rt 8qmlre f>llbclivislon \'Iho IJ1'e st11l }101(:1n/: ti tle hy },iagnoliu Park deBcriptlons
and con8equel1tl~r thoro is the ~]it1H:ltion in tho Bllilcling Inf:lpector' 8 office 'Ii/hore it
is perfectly p:roper j'ol' h1r.1 to [:0 w}wt ho (.lid. l.lnyor l)l'OWn rolt 1w should have
relied on hia own pll'lt ruther than on SOI:loone else's. Cit-;-r httorne~r cOlO\'ltmted that
the:re are some inotances 110\'1 \"11Iere people ure still hoJdin{~ title by these old
descriptlon:J and VlOllld be in D po~itjon now to cO!lIe in end apply 1'01' a perrilit for
building. He ~aid 1-.11ot the repllJt is [I nur:tlJer of ym)rs nld. COlrtrtissionel~ Blanton
said thst the ])uildin{~ Inspecto1' tlhould hnve ceterr1inec1 H1JSollltely what was the
present plat of tIIO I)rOpert;(. Cor.cr..t8sioner Lynn ~laid that ho felt the City Building
Inspec tor is the one ~,ho l:Jact~} the e:r:r'or. l,wyor Lrown [30 ic1 tha t he fel t tho t the
people VJould nove their builclin{: if ~orleOlle v/ent down and tbll~ed \"Jj. th them about it,
and thst perhaps snit \'Ioul(~ not lwve to ue filed. City kJIWF~el' cOl.:l.lellted that the
building \wuld h!.lve to be completel;;, torn claVin to nove it. City Attorney said that
it is a sr.lall extension of the u'Iin lmilClinr:, tine.. not (luite 1'illished. He ~;aid that
he had heord the Loclge had oeen tlnViSeCl that the Cit:r IJ.a<l no )'i/~ht to rer,lOVO the
lnl ildi nr.:, bu t tha t he 1m s found tha tit doc s lw ve the l'i{;ht to dCl so. COTilluissioner
BIBnton COI:"T.lente<i that in view of' co)':r~snondence {~()in/., 1)er.""'ore 1Jy the City Attorney
and the Lodr;e that the City should set E.l definite tir.1e 1'01' tho lJuilcling to be 1110ved,
and if it is not novec1 de:finite DcU,on :;;hould oe taken. Property ri[",hts of people
on the opposite ~ide of the ul1ey l:.I1'e involved. COlilI'dssioner 'J.'urnc1' said that the
e rl'or 3tH l'ted '\Ii th theu, nnd if they had not thoul;ht they olmed all the vl8.y ba c}:,
and did not l-mo\J an~rthinl; about un ulle7! they \loulcl lwt hbve aSSlunecl that they had
the p:roperty, and hElve as}.:cei for tl pernit. !Ie 3ai<1 tl-wt they uPPE>l~ently felt all
the tinlA the t they ovmed it. lie 8U Ie! he COllld nnderstand when they brought in the
plut that 1\11'. Anderson ~ould h~ve :i,SS1HH't the per,uit. Llotyor Bro\"1n said that the
Bl1ildinp, Departl'1cnt lia s been [l sl~ed to 8 dhere atl:~ictl:r to the Southern ~tunc1ard
. BltildinF~ Uade in re I~a pel to lot li!le s. COl:misll ione)' rl.'urner COULlOl\tecl tho t Leo
Butle:r sllrvo-;;recl it and ~~tal:ec1 j.t ont. hi1lY01' l)rown :laicJ that the responsibility lay,
then, with l'lr. ButleY'. lJit;T liunHF;er said tllElt he has disClumed \'1ith M1". Anderson
that all plats be 01my'ed by the EnJ~ineeJ'inr~ repartl'lt~nt a:fte)' thn fir::>t of the year
before perr.lit can be issued. COllI:1iflSioner 151anton said thnt he f'elt that the
I31tildlng Department shonlci 'be 1(n<1er the Enl~ineerinr~ Department. City 1,'iBnar~er said
tha tit wpuld not ue nec(!ssa ry to hElve a heod of the Buil(1inl~ DCl)O rtment. Cor-:r,lissioner
blanton :laid that the:re cOllld be InspectorB, but no head of the DepE1rtr.lcnt, Dnd that
the ;~r:rineer:tnl~ Deportnent could be [;i ven acicii ti onnl clerical help to h:;ndle the wo rk.
Mayor JJro\"m s!3id that he WetS inclirwc1 to acrc:e. He 133icl he felt that ::lor;teone should
check SHch r:J8tte1'S from 8 technical ~3tc:mdpoint - 1~he plcJns 8!1cl plots as they come in.
GOImninsione:r 131l:wton ren&rl:ec1 thu t nore and l:!ore lmil[J inl;s \.111 118 ve to oe HPP1~ovec1
by the Engineering .ue:XlT'tr.1erlt os the Cit~r CJ'O\ls. Cor:nis:3ioIw1' Turner said he felt
that since the Cit~r is purtl;T at fault in hovinl': cOlilpounded this ),listake that he
wonclereu if it ll.,'ht not oCfer to help r6th the rellovlll of the tlCiditions whieh have
been put in the Hlley. City Attol'ne~r ~ltatec1 that he lielievcc! it \/BS only a sNall
room which \VEl s enCl"'OEl chinf.';. COrTI is [1ione l' '?urner SlI io tlw t .'J inc e the U j. ty is Jwrtly
to blE1l.1R it f}}lOUlc.1 h~lp ','ith the eX1Jonse. l,;u;for Brovln 9 skeel I.:r. 1<'ori8h the size of
the add it ion. I.lr. l"IH'j.sh ste tcd tho t the 1'001;1 exbmc1 s to the l:lic1c.lle of the alley,
is 20 01" 2f) f'eet ,/ide, and tvlO ~ltories hi/~h. City AttornA'Y cOI,U"lentecl thut :tl1 that
ca8e they have ac1c4N:! to it since they ....'ere requested to r,love it EtS it "JUS not that
size when he went clovln to S f:e it in the beginninr;. }.!UY01' JJrOlm suiCi that heat;3 uf
the l,~oose Lod138 should be contllr.tecl b>- the City lliHnager to SAe \'J1wt c;Ollld be worked
out. CO!lrllissioner 1)18nton [.~a ill tbu t he did not think thel'e \Jas anytl1.in/~ for a
GOPJllittee to cio. He 11Sid thllt the lmilcling is there ille/;all:T und tlll::lt it is up to
the Git';;T to see that it is re!.1oved. CQl;mti~;:lioner L:{nn uoved that tl1e City l.,unar;er
go out and snc if they 111'e not \I111inr~ to coOpe1'stfi \lith the City and renove the
struc tnre . Cor ilillsu ioner blu nton se conclecJ the I lOti on, which \Ja s voted upon Bud
unnninousl;T cf.ll'ried.
Consldera ti on \'!fl S {,:i von by the Gor :nis8 ion to letter fr0l.1 Pinellu 8 County Title
COtlpany "Ii th l'8ferenp.e to hl;:.es on lot IJ t the corner of .south Os(~eolH and Haven
Street, formerly used for a pDr]~inr~ lot. Tllis 18tt(~T', dated }JoverJ11ler 5th, was read
by the City Clerl{. Git~r l.ll:\n[lf~eT' ~OI1r.tente(J that th~.s })l'Operty has lJeen sold.
CotllJ1issionel' Blanton f. fl Ic1 the t the ConnisGion hu s never Bllthnrizec1 the lot for a
pDrl{in;~ lot, and that ~,ir. :Bel'nett, fonler G5.t:'I l,l~mb(':er, pe1'sonally (d.d it hir;lself.
He said no f,etion \H~; taJ.:::en :t the ttmt'l l.,r. j)e\:nett l:1Ucle his request. lIe had the
curb cut in D nd set it up B s a p~ l'kin!: lot \'-li thout first olJta ining the consent or
approval of the COlU1issl on. l,'oyor brovm reUB rl-:ec1 tlw t when the Cjo ty \'Jidened Osceola
11Ellf the lot WElS taken fJ\'IOY. GO!.Ullissioner Bl,mton stated that it "Ias used three
months only, so that the City could be r:lorall~ o1Jllr;ated onl~T for one qUl.:lrter of the
bill, end lef~all'Y not at alle Hm/ever, he ~1B.ici that the o\mer a~tecl in good 1'l-iith
re/~ardle8s of' l\lr'~ Bennett' 8 EJction, ond that he therefore felt thut three months'
rent should b(~ paid on the total bill, 01' ~~20.UO. l.layor Brown felt that from a
:moral standpoint the City ShOllld pay it. lIe m.dd he reca11ed that the l~U:ltter VJas
braup,ht up and no action taken os the City ,vus expectim; to };lake a street out of it.
COllunissioner Blanton said it was cancelled within thirty (jays, on'Y'o/ay. City Attorney
. coumented that another unfortunate part about the natter, wh:lch leaves a woral obli-
gation on the part of the City, is that a.fter the Cor.lluisniot1 refused to opprove the
plan,the company was never advised of' the fact that it WElS submitted to the City,
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CITY COl.lkLu:GOH l.iEETnm
De c m,fbe l' 28" 19~)1
ancl turnecl down. As far 83 the~! knew hiP. Bennett':1 fIctions \lOre upproved by the
Cornrnission so tl1B t n t l(~H 3t to the ex-ten t which Cou,lis [3 ioner IJlf.l nton hEld sugr;e sted
it should uo rnlic1 for the poriod of ti111e it \IUS ac:t1lf:llly used. (;Ol.rr.lissioner 'l'urner
na iel thot when the~T 81'0 ])8 iel the circu!'1:I1~!:\nce 5 nh0111d bfl 11Eldtl very cleo l' so too t
they will llnclo1'sto mI. Conti :J~31one r Lynn J;loved tho t tIle Pine11F.l S County Title
COl'l})Dny he poiel the sun of ~~~O.OO" ond that lottel' of explllllution t e sent to them
explainJnf' tJw fiction of the C01ullssion [is to \-JJI~' it i8 In-lyi11/~ the ~;i20.00" l:lncl thot
otutmlent he nent to thon for r.he boll:lnce. COJ,n:linsioner 'i'1.11'llel' s{lconded the 1:10tion"
which wu s voted llpon 011(1 1Umn h10l1 sly Cl:t rl'led.
. --- /~
~~~;;_\.'\., !
Con~dclel'Eltion of COlll'lisnion v, ~I~l [;iv811 to SftU \lu11 ut tho end of h07ral \/HY.
City j,ilHIl:lgfll" sui(, t.Jwt he IJnd the Enrint~er cllscllssecl this IJuttel'" ljll(J thut COl.UiIissloners
B1unton" B1uc]{, and Lynn hoc] !lcen c.(ln~Jlllte(!. He :alid tllllt tlw 8eH \lUl1 is ut the East
~nd of Hoya 1 \luy. lie nn iel the nrop~l't~.' m:nep \/!l0 mill:! pl~O])tn'ty on the llorth and. South
slde of Hoyul \htY ul"e pllttl11l" in u :1~D \'/u11 b7! u cm,1puny ill tJt~. Petersburg" and asked
t11(1t the Clty (lol1sicler phlcilW u ~3en \lull on ita pEtrt of tho )woperty so th&t it
wll1 conform to thn other ~JnEl vm1l. JT~l :-wid the cOl,lpunY&'[tvH the City (l proposul
on it" \'/hich )'lnt the npproval of the Ell,-j.,lwf~r unc1 the COlnd:1~lionl'l's who loarned of
it ut that thlO" Hn tl1e~r felt it w011lc! he n 'l'IorthHhi1e pr(l.1ect for the City to com-
})lete since the Cit:, is ptlyinr~ for the other i1J1prOvflr:,t'll1ts uncI \/ou1c1 l:1f.l1ce it 011 con-
form with the bnlance of the sea \.1911. If a \Vsll is not put in there an erosion
})l'obleJil is l~oinf' to lw enc()untel'ed t}:ere" he no 1el. l\ll:lyor bro\1ll (1 skeel 1f there is any
money lAft in thut budr,et iter,l. Cit;, l,"t)ml/~er replied 1~h[lt there Wl:lS noney in the
capital expenditure budget to t!:ike cure ()f it - (50 fet~t of' it. Gor:l.lissioner Blanton
moved that the City l,wnager's recor,rrdenClotion li(1 foJ.lowed" rind that sea "mIl pro.iect
be autl,ori:4ed for ~..1"U20.UO, \/ith tl1e 1'o110\/il11: npec1fieutions: ~)tandard 8 foot
slab \/lI:Ll (i" connection \lith 12" 'by 15" Cl:lp. Slal)s to he reinforced v/ith 6 vertical
iSIl roels uncI 4-3/illl rods" hOl'i,~ontu1 eap:J to be reinf'orcflc1 \/ith 4-5/B rods. Tiebacks
to be used ever-:,r lEi J't~ot, lot to be left r:pl;ieleci to Iflve1 unci Gll 1,lBllgroves hOllled
aWa y. ~?17 .ou pfl l' linel:.ll foot u pproxhll:J tely. Cou 11313 ioner I].'Hl'nnr seconded the motion
v"hic~h \"IUD voted 11]>on und 1111&nhlOus1y c:arried.
Pinellus Count~, Veterans' :Jel'"ice r(Jpo!~t for the l,Jon1~h 01' lfovember" 1951" was
given by the Cit;r l\;[~nHf'~er [is follo\./:,:
'I'ot!:ll Heceipts
Totfll l}isbursel.lEmts
~;3?n .lJO
~~370 .uu
Cor.:)'lissioner Lynn llovecl UlU t l'epfJrt of P1nel18 s COlmty V(~ter(jns' Lervice report for
the J;1onth of HO'lfl1111)er l)fJ fJcceptocL COlnJssioner rJ.'urner seconded the rllotion" '/hich
\"'8 s vot~c1 upon I:Jncl nnnniuoun1;T C:[J J'l'iec1 .
, : ,:
:. :: I
City J,il:H1Flge)"' reported on ntilit~r inpJ'(Jvel.wnta lmder ~~30(J.OO. Gor.u,lissloner
Turner l:1oved that City l,if.lllflf~er'3 report on lltility h1proveuent8 l)e upproved for
inst811at:Lon of the fo11o'ilinr utilities:
,. . .
. ,.
. , .'
. ,
300 feet of 2" r~a 3 1:10 in extens:lon on Lu lcPo 1~ 'Jemle ~?2~~0.OO
224 feet of 211 1\0 S rIEl in extp.llsion on COl'onn (1 0 :)ri ve IBO.OO
400 feet of 21t I;a s nuin e:,:tension on Eillcrest D1'ive IBO.GO
120 feet of 2" \'10 te :r 1:18 in extflns:l.nn on Ri C:1D rcl s ~)t:roet 82.00
300 feet of 211 \/a te l' 1:18 in extension on Culuner. 0t:reet 250.00
84 feet of 211 \'IU t e r nuin f L,~t~ns ion on .Tl:! S1,lin~ \Jay 65.00
Commissioner Lynn secondecl the r:1otiQn, \lhich VlUS voted l1})Oll ane! lmanilllously carried.
. .' ..
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Cor:mj,ssi~mer IJyrm ),.lOveci that Cit:r 1.18110.1,';01"3 recOllr.ltmdt1tion be foJlo\'led and that
100 feet of It~tI p:l S rrlCl in extension tosting ~r'G5 .liO on GhenUll€;O Le E1 })proved.
COI1Id:i.S s1 oner 'i'nrner secondecl the lloti on, \1111e11 \ iU 3 voted npon unci. ununinously carried.
CorUi1issioner L~nln ]'lovect tlwt City itl:illacer's recOl,1l1encl[ltion lJe followed end that
660 feet of 211 f;flS ;1Elin extension <:ostirW ~,~4[10.,)Q on Iloociruff Avenue lie ['pproved.
ConU"lissione1' Blanton seconded the notion, vlhlch VI os voted 11})On on<1 umlnil.lously carried.
City 1.l8na{;er stated tlwt in ?ineoroo1-: and Peln r':"erI'EtCe tllel'e are eiE~ht houses"
five r;8S equipped" threl~ re8dy to l)(i hool:ed llP. lIe said "they were v/fjitinr~ to see
,':hat the \iHter problem \'oulci 1le out there flllc1 tJl~t part of' the prOUle).l Ilis been
fairlJ well c:orl'octed. City Engineer said thut the drainage })l'ob1el:1 as such has
heen correcteel. }Iluyor 1)1"01'111 usl:ed that this matter be placed on the agenda for
consj,deratj,on of the COllT,lission ut the seeond 11cetim: in .T8nnarv if it is the
recomrlendution of the C01'11:LS8ion tbot the7T be token into the City. COlIll",11ssioner
Lynn sa id tha t people who ho ve a lread~r l.tovecl in ere nndoul)teclly neec1inr the l~a s
service. City J\iunaC:er suid tlll.lt tlll~:T do neflc1 it badly unci that it means revenue
for the Utility De1)8rtw:nt" and t1ll:1t they une both f';as and \Iater. City Attorney
sa id that it Vlould take fl t lea st a nonth to talw the section into the City. He
ata ted tha t there ha ve to be two fl6pa 1'8 te Ureli m.ll1Cfl s" u lerr,a 1 notice run for a
certa in period o.r tiMe" Y/hich is a t lea at ten da JS" and tha t there !:n.1 at be a certa in
length of time between passa~e of the first and second Ordinances and legal notices
on both. COl'iIlld.ssioner Lynn a nked if the VI01'1: coulc! 'be authorized on the ga s ma in"
sinp.e the City knows it is goinr; to toke this srefi into the City lir:1its. City
A ttorney sa iei 1 t is his llnCierB tanding tha t the })eople in tha t 8 rea he ve requ e sted
the City to take them in. Couniasioner Lynn f'elt thEJt the \"lOrk on the gas !,lains
could be done ahead of time. City 1,u;mHF;er stlj ted that the 'VIt. tel' 1.1etero and furnaces
are in every 1l0uae" and in three the houses ure cOl'1pletely g~3 equipped. City
Attorney naid thut he hac! I)reviously been allthori~ed to [;0 ahead and prepare neces-
sflry legal proceedinGS to bring the areo in" Hub.iect to the approval of the Engineer"
and that the COl:lrlission theref'ore need not take further action. lIe said that as
soon as the report is in" the papers can be prepared. Cit~r Bngineer said that he
would have the report in at an early c.~ate. Cor.1l'!lissioner Blunton said that if they
are goinp, to be taken in" ~l nd if the consent of a 11 the proporty owners ha s not been
obtained that perhaps if they ere given the gas they will feel like staying out.
He wondered if instellinr; the gas would mean that they ure so satisfied that they
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December 28, 1951
would not ca re to go !:lhemi und try to COl:1e into th~ City. Oi ty 1'.1/.1 nEll~ep sa id he
feels that the oVlners definitely do 'iulnt to COlr:e In. Cor:utissioner 'llurner stated
that l,ir. I.loore !:lnc1 f,ll". Hungerford bBd l:lBde the ~ltatellf'll1t in his presence thut they
want to COlrle in. GOlrU',lis:Jionel" lJlanton ,;/;dd he knew the present property owners
wunt to COIne in, but he \HH1Cle1"ed Elbout 301,le of the now ownor8. City Attorney said
that the extension could l)e ullthori~ed to 1"encier ttlrlpOral'y nOrViC(l vihich could be
cflncellecl (it tlw end of :=iix 1110ntl13 if t.he terl'itor':T 1s not tuken in 1)':1 then. City
l\lunEqr,el' rer':lll"lced that thA~r conlc! hf} ])lIt llnder (~ontrL.jct. COllllinnlonel' BlfHlton l"noved
thut the r.ity J,~!.lnnf~er'n l,eCOl:ll.1erlli!ltj,on i;e follO\'H'Hl for opprovol of installbtion of
8GO feet of 2" f~as ],luin I~:,.tellnion on 1lorth Hibistu8 ~treet ill t.he UJ:lOunt of ~~GUO.OO
nncl tlwt tel'1})orur;.' :Jervico 1)(1 I~iven, concelluble 1011; the end of' Dix wmths if this
:31l beli vi n ion lw:.J not been tu ken :I.nto tht, Ci 1;J . GOJ.lllj Iwl a]w r LYllll :Jecol1cl eel the mot ion,
which V/I.H3 votod upon I.>lld 1.U1unil,lOUH1;{ eft rrietl.
City Clerk r'eud lettol' fraIl the Cj,ty j~tt;Ol'l1e~r liuttHI lJeeeuuer
in/r, fron hi:3 ponition, us .fallm/s:
. )r1
... I ,
1 ~H)l, re uic;n-
ItI 1"e~T'et to udvis~ :rou tlwt lJeCf:lllSe of the pre:m of ny OWl peruonul Duoiness
a".fuirn I find it neceSSUT':,r that I tender to Y011 l.l'Y renif:mltion HS C:i.ty I\ttorney to
1H~C01W ef'fective Jt1nlluT':,r 1, 1~[j2, or tl:-J soon t}HH'el.l.:':'ter U:J the City C01:JI:lission can
fill thll pon:i.1;:i on.
"In tnlc' nf~ leA ve of the City's serv ic e I VI ish to tl.l}:e this oc eu sion to con(r,ra tu-
late the City COl,I!'lis:lion ond each T'1el:loer thereof on its outstanding ACCOMplislu'lents
durlnf\ the y~ar HJ51. Your prO,f;rar.1 of public i!J)l"C1Vel:lent f,nel Ci ty plull!linf~ certa inly
surpasses u1l others since the yel:lr 1025 Hnd it lLu ~l been uccoT1pli:Jhed v:ith a maximum
of {jood will of the citi~enl.l und a r;11nimur.1 of the friction usuu1ly f; ttendant to such
progrm:ls. nte selfle sa IW rv lee f:.i ven nn,; tin tinr.ly 1)71 the iTldi vidllH 1 1,lOnbe rs of the
Clty UOllll:l.ssion [,nd the ont~3t!:.lncjinf' lel.:ldepshil) lwo"ided 07' l'I&Yor' J!eroert I,;. Brown is
sOli1ethinr~ tlwt the citi~ens of Ollr (at:, ~Jho1l1cJ, Bnd I U!n :lure \/111, HppreciElte for
l,1an~r yeti 1"13 to C01:1e.
"lory \Jork \'d.th the City I lwvn enjoyed, r,nci I }1f.ll'ticltlClrly &PP1'eciute the fine
cooperotion I huve reeeiveti 1'1"011 the 1,'!:l~'op, the UOllJli::wionHrl3, the City Ml.,nager, P. C.
llidc11eton, the City Enrr,irH\el', ~). Lid:ton, unci Police Chief 0eo1'/(e r.).l. I.lcClau18 and all
the othe 1" C1 t;.r off:i.r:ern u nd eTlpl o:ree:3.
"It goes \:ithont 887,in:o t}wt I \/il1 continue to };;1.l1ntoin /;.l l:(;en interest in
the prof';reS3 of our City, Cine! to tIlls end, I, l H a }JPivute (:iti~en, flhnll b e glad
to' serve tho City (ioveT'l1l:ent in :Jny \:u;' that I el..lrt."
Uayor Dro\'Jn mlicl trwt it i:.> \Jith the ([en)) l'eJ,~ret of the entire C()l,JIJis~ion that the
letter, the contents of \/hieh the:r \Jer'e not~.j'ied of in [lClVElrH:e, i:3 r'eceived. lIe Haid
that the City 1.ttorney hl.18 eione everything he cQJ'ulfJndeci the C:Olll,lission for doing -
that he has hel])ed then to clo it. He stated tlt~lt he ce1"tain1~1 deserven a vote of'
thanl:s fr0l1 the City Cor'JrtisB~,on :;"101' his finn \/()1'1~. (;01.nis3ioner 'l'urner concurred
with I\io':{Ol' Brovm's CmlI.1nnts. COlU.t:i.sBioner l)hmtcln sf.lic~ that on his COlillnittees he
has \iOrkec1 closely \'lith the C:lty Attorne:r, und tl'wt he lws 1)ro1l.ght a \/ea1th of
experience to the City i"Jhich !:l City 1.1; i;orney c10e S not orclinarily ho ve to r,i ve . He
sta ted tha t he could pi ve of hi n tirrle, 0 nei :118 tit Vlould 118 v;.' been i! !)() ssiol e to
have r~one out [~nd hired il procticinv Attorne:,r to r:J.Vf'. \fhut he haR. lIe said tl1.at the
City Att:orney Bnc1 the Eru~ineerinf~ Dep~lrtrwnt hove done 8 r.reut deal of \lorl~ which
the average citizen Cl.0CS not },:no\'l unlens one is on a COI,1r.1ittee and sees the actual
anount of \'/orl: they h~,ve turned out. Hc';oic! ;;}lHt ho i"/ishr;ci to COl,ll,lCnd the City
Attorney llost hil~hly fa!' the Ll ble ~;er'vice lie ha s f~ i ven the C:i ty, t' nd that he felt
th!:lt the City };nr~infler ~lhonlcl 1Je inc:luciecl :.n t}~ls [0111.10. CCJl:Jlis:Jionel' T11rner stated
that it hos oeen \'/ontler.fl,l to hove I.:In rtt1:ol'ne~r IJva:tlu'le [It the City Hsll to uhom
probler,1s could be refel'red for il.u,ec1iute ~olution. lIe soicl tlu:lt there have been
years in the ])u st \"lhen h. t tOl'lle:rS \'JOllle: lib ve the idea thB t they \ler'e I.1erely r'epresen t-
ing the COl':n:i.ssion Dnd 1;}wt j,f' the Ct:nerul public \il..lllteci ini'01'11~\tioll \'d.th regard
to their' 8tHtuU on uny question tJl';7Jr he.d to 1'illcl it out for theli1sel ves if' they could.
lIe saic.~ th8t thin City J,ttor'ney 1m3 heen 1'lost li"lieJ'n1 in l'emlerinl~ of opinions where
in the }mhlic C:0111d 1'01'18 in l:n<1 "'ind Dut !;Ins\Jera to the }D'olJlel,1S in T'er;arcl to City
matters. City AttorlW7{ statec1 that \!l1en the ';01) \las placec: in the City HaIl \\l!ere
it was hlHld;,r to the DepartrHmt Heads DnCl dif"erent enployees of the Clty that he
thour;ht he \Ioulcl have [-l lot of thilWS referred to hil.l h'hich )j6!)flrtlnent Heads ought
to solve, hut tha t he 11a s no t found this to 1le true - thu t IJinety-ei[:llt Or' ninety-
nine peT'cent of the iJOrl': ~'el'erl'ed hy l.i€]")1:Jrtl:;'nt J!e~c.is i3 cti.l'{:ctl'y legal Vlorl\: l::lnd
\"lOrk which s110111c( be cione b'J' Ull ;.ttor'ney. He s13iu that it hus been possible to
stra if:hten Oll t 6 lot of forns ,,11i(',11 needed 1"e vis ion, f.j nc.l tha tit 118 s been a plea sure
workirll;: \,ljth the Clt:,{, ~md that he hf.JS neV()J~ felt iJ.1}Josed llpOll 1);! LepuptI:Jent Hoads.
Cor,u:llsnionm' Lynn ~;8ic1 that 1:111 the Cor.llisflion can c10 is aer:ept the City Attorney's
re sir"no tion \'/i th ref;ret 8 nd tha t he per~30na lly would do the S8I;lC himse1 f if he had
as Tt1l1ch r:loney ttl~d intere[~t tied IIp in I.l new enter']>l':Lse, but that the City has had
nothing lmt lOO~; cooperation frOT.l hill c1urin~' the }last year'. He then ll10vod that the
Crn,uniRsioll 1.IC~ept the letter of resil\l1fltion 'Of Hl':. \I~lre with ref';ret. COllulssioner
1310 ntnn se condec\ the l:1otion, Ylhicl1 V/f:; s voted 11))011 E\l1ct unan inously CB r1"1:Led.
City A1;torne':T stBtec1 that he has sone J1FlttOl'S whj,c.:h he would li1(e to ~~o on
\'1ith - thHt he would he r'lac~ to do theI.! as a private citizen E.illc1 \.:oulc.\ expect no
pay for c.loinf~ so. lIe Dtutocl that they includecl: 1. Extension of the County Water
System, the bacl(f';r'ol1ncl of which he is far.dliar with and that he W0111c1 c-ontinue on
with it if it is th(l \'Jill of the Corlu,lission, and that he \'/ill consult Hith the City
from til!1e to time to be Bure he is carT'yin~: out the Vlill of the City; 2. :Myrtle
Avenue Bxtflnsion, l)ccause of his eonnection 'Hi th the County ~ec.:ondary Hoed Coramittee;
3. Redrawinf, of Civil ~)e1'vice Rules, os he stated that the Cor.l!i1isnion jointly with
the Service Boo I'd dec ided tha t the re should be u pevinion of the 1"'ule s to lnake them
more practical and 1'it tholo to present needs. 'He :Juid that ho had ueen able to per-
suade a prominent and l'ctired it. t torney, Mr. ~. Ihu:uwll BOHen, a nan 01' outstanding
ability, a diplor1at and G~ntleri1an ii' he ever SO\'I one, to help hiLl go ovel' the ru1es
and revise those which app~sr to l"H~ed revisin(~ Elncl then SUblllit them 1:.ack to the City
. . '.
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Decer,lber 28, 1951
Manager, the Cm'llulssion, ~ntl the Civil L1ervice Board, with the idea of eliminating
many of the frictions which huve occ:urJ'ed in the pant in connection ...dth Civil
Service; 4. lJog Ordinance, IHI he nald he has been in on the Crlrlnnittee v/ork" and
would be Glad to follow throUf:h and draw that Ordinance re(;urelless of whether the
COMlnlsnion is able to fill tho position ir,lll1ediatel~r. He said if it 1s the will of
the GOJ.U"aission tlLB t he do the136 tbinj~s tlw t he V/ollld be [;lod to do them. Cor:missioner
Blanton Moved thllt the City j~ttorl)ey 1:0 ah~ocl "lith itel,13 listed and continue to
serve in thene cHpfleltles under cClnelltlono :3tutecl. COlllllinnioner Lynn seconded the
Illotion, which 'iJElS voted npon fomd '\U1uniwl1l.S1y l:Hrl'ied. City J~ttorneY' ~l aid that i:f
they felt thny wi:lhed to take the ~Je roLl t ters up [t t a 10 tel' !!leetin(", they could do so.
Conmissioner Lynn Hole1 he f'elt t}l(lre \-IuS no ne~c1 to do this - thut 011 uf theN
realized the tb;1M whi(~lt IHJS lJeen lJut in q,p n1l or then um1 Hlmt CJ f'int) .10lJ he has
uone ond thut ho shOllJ_d be ullovled 1;0 con~mlfl on with it. l\io~!or Brown said it would
be 0 continning proponition.
City 1l.ttorno'\T 3uirl tlu:.It there is tlle I,lDtl~cr of eonveyuncE' of t'ive lotn on
llli:wO'I.lrl' A. venue n~ce DBl to t inl~ u !{esolll tion "a cut in/; (I public u l1cy . '1'1118 He solution
VlOU road b~r the City ll.ttorne-y. G()ullj,nsionor 11111'ne1' I,10vccl Hdo])tion of the Resolution,
which V/E.l S I)cp.oncl(lcl by C:or-\l;lis:Jlon~I' L~rnn, voted upon and llrwnirlOusly c8J'J'1ed.
City Attorne'Y :ltatect that he hod two Ordinances \lhich the COlrr'lission had asked
hirrl to prepare, one BI']f~nrlin(~ cotegoriEHl of thnaters in tlw Oceupu1;ional License
Ordinance, [lm1 the ot}lor cr(~utlnf~ [1 nevI cfltef~ory of ItSpeculative Builderu, With
the eonsellt of the COl\J1lisnion he then read Ore!inanc:e Ho. 61? relatinr' to 1;hfHlters,
on its first reaelin,". COl"lm:~ssionfn' ?nrner l:1oved J1psaa~~e of Orclinurlce Ho. 617 on its
first read inl~. C O1'lmi ss loner BlfJnton see onded the I-lotion, which wa s voted 'upon and
unanimously carried. Corunissioner ~~urner l:1oved considerHtion of Ordinutlce lIo. 617
for reading h;f t:t tl~ only by 1.lnanil10Us consent. Coruil1stJioner' Lynn seconded the
I!lotj.OrI, which 1WS voted upon ane! u:r)[lnimou31~r carrieei. Ordinance lTo. 617 VIas read
by title only. COllrn13sioner Tnrnel' mClved adoption of Orclinf:1nce 110. 617 on its
second reac1inl~ b~r title only llY lln~mi1:H>1.l s consent. Cor,lmissiolle r BIB nton seconded
the 1I1otion, Y/h.ich wa ~3 voted ll})On u net unaniI,lousl:,r ca rried. COIlr.li ss ioner Tllrner
moved con siclera tion of Ord int-lrlCe IT (). 6l? on 1 ts third and final rcadinl-~ in 1 ts
entirety by unnnimous e(JnS(~llt. Cc>u:issioner BhlJ1toll seconded the uotion, "hich was
voted upon and una niraously C~ l'riecl . Orc1immc:e }[o. 61? 1H:l S re~d its third and fina 1
time in its entiret~!. Gormlissionel' (rurner I:Joved pHssage of Orclin~nce No. 617 on
its thirel f:lncl 1'ina 1 J"ea cl in,; in its entire t~r by unanhlOus' con~3ent. Coz!ml ssion~r
Lynn seconded the notion., "/hic:h V/I;l s voteel 11})On end ummhlously carried.
City Attorney thcm reud Orcljmtnce Ho. 618 on its first reuding. C01ill'Ilisoion6r
Tllrner l.loved aeloption of Ordilltlllce 110. 6lB on 5. ts first reucling. G01:I1111s sion~r
Lynn seconded tl:.e notion, v/hich v~:'; s voted upon ;:Iml l111anil-lously c arJ'ied.
There beinc no :f'urther business to come uefore the COlLuission, meetinf~ was
. ad,iourned h;' l\'~ayor Brown bt lO:23 PH.
/ ' , r')
~ 4-;;)71- ,;(j;-;!Ju.~
Mayor-CoI-1Il1issione ,-'
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December 28" 1951
Decel11ber 27" 1951
l,layor-C0l111i1iss iotH)r Horbnrt M. Brown
Comnil'lsi onor:
IToe Turner
HElrber't Blu nton" 31'.
'rhmllol fJ lI. BIu ck
nvrland D. Lynn
Cfentler,Ie11 :
" .''! .I,:
; .;,
1~ Ilpocio 1 13ecting of' the City COlu'1isoion will lHl held j"riday evenine -
})er.of,1ber :aB, Hl51" ut 7:30 1'.111. in the City Hull Auditori\Ul to consider items
on the (l ttu chell (l/~encl~.
Y011 r8 vC:! r~' truly"
/s/ Fl. G. r1iciclleton
Ci tJ 1,iuna ger
l~CM : r:g
; ,
" ,.
, .
I; ,
(. .:.,
Ap,endu - ::ipeeial hloeting of City CoulIission
}"rida:{ Bveninr, - '7: 30 P .Ili.
December ~8" 1~J51
C it:r lIa 11
1. Approvinr~ J:Iinutes of r~eetings of Dec. 14 - 12 noon" .!Jee. 14 - 7:30 P.III."
Dec. 15.
2. Openin~ of bids for:
A. Repa irinl~ and pH intj.ng Clea rwa ter Druwbridge
:; . Conn it tee's re JJort on:
A. Proposeci use of I'l1.mic 1})91 lJocl~ in front of Audi to ri U11.
B. Appraisals
G. Right-of-\/a;f cortldti~ee report 0111,iis8011ri Avenne Elnel Court Street.
D. Vag Ordinance
4. Tabulation of bids:
A. Repairinf'~ and painting Drawbridl1e
B. Police Cruiser
5. 001lll1113131on r s cons idera tion of letter f'l'OJ.1 Pine lls s County '].11 tIe Company with
ref'erence to taxes on lot [it the corner of Gouth Osceola and Haven Street -
f'orl.1erl::,' 11sed for a po rl(~_nr~ lot.
6. Oo:r.rrn.ission's approval of sea Viall at VJcst end of Royo1 \lay.
7. Pinella s County Veterans Service Report for the J:lonth of Hovenber.
8. Conslderation of public utilities ulI'ead-;f inntolled uncle)' ~;300.00.
Conslden:lt10n of public utilities
outside of City Lini ts, and a hove ~?300 .00.
10. Any i tens not on the a geneta Vlill ue considered by consent of the cor:rr,dsnion.
Ad .iournraent.
NOVSLlher 5, 1951
Mr. F. C. Niddlaton"
City 1.Ianagep"
Ci t~l of Clea r\ila te r
Clea rwa ter, }'lorida
He: That part of Lot 1, lying
\'1est of Osceola ond Lot 2,
leso W 65 feet" less street
Dear Mr. Middleton:
BY' 1e ttor" cia tect lJecenber 2D, lrl50" the C1 ty of Clea rvm ter a ccepted the offer
of the l'inellas County 'l'itle CornpE.tny to Hse the above de~3Cribecl property, located
at the Uorthwest corner of 03cooll:l Avenue and Haven Street, as a porking lot.
'Under the agree!:1ent" the City VIElS to pay the taxes" c1el:lrinr,,, etc.
We Bre enclosing the statement for the taxes for the yeal" ln51" 1n the amount
of ~~79.04. Will you please have the COIJr.llssioners al)prOVe the puyr.lent of the said
ta xe s.
Vie are Ioost ha ppy to hel}) the Ci toy elimina te the c ond1 tion that exists reeard1ng
,.the parking s1 tUB tion.
., ..
Rega rcls"
j' By: /s/ John R. Liv1n~ston
Vice-president '
l. .'. I
! /:
!'.,. ,
'.' ",
,'. ... \' ' :.,: ) ~ .,-
:,;~ ,. :...,~ ".' .: "'~ ';':. ;... ,;.'
Dece::tnbel' 28, 1951
Decmnber 13, 1951
Pinellas Uounty Veterans Dervice Officer
Clearvwter, Plorida
Tho J{oncH'Hblo Boa rd of City COl'inis::Ltonel'S
City Hall
Glearwu tm', Plorlclo
The followin,{~ is 0 report coverinr~ roceipts (Ine! dislmrnenentn in Clearwater
Veterans' Grmnty 0el'vice Offico for the month of JIo"o!.1bop, 1951:
1'inellos County............... .~(31u.OO
City of CloarHutor.....,........ fiO.oO
City of !Junod in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .OU
City of TEJrpon Uprlnl~s...".".. ~).uU
.1. h. Preec10l1, snll:lry........... .~~201.85
SecreturY':J sulary............... 125.00
Cor allovance.... ........ .... ..,. 25.00
rrolephone (.: long distonce........ 9 .62
Printin[;, ataty. o1'fico
exporwe s C~ pOB toge . . . . . .. .. .. .. 16.53
, !..'
Toto 1
~~3?n .00
~~37 (3 . 00
w}mm~s \'lilliam A. \IIEJlker is the owner of Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, and Lots 23
to 35, inclusive, of Turner Stl~eet Groves Sulldivision, as reearded in Plat Dook 15,
Par;e 91, of the pulllic records of Pinellus Count;r, l"lorida, and
i'JHJmE,.\S there 'Na s ))la ttec1 in sa id pla t of 'Eurner Street <rrove S Subdivision a
certain public alley rllnninr. llorth and S0uth between the aforesaid Lots 1 to 5,
inclusive on the east, snc1 the aforonaid Lots 23 to 35, inclusive, on the lJest, and
WIDmEAS beeuune of i to lOCH tion sa ieI public D llo~' c auld only fJe:rve the owners of
Lots 1 to 5, inclusive of said Subdivisj,on lyint~ to the Hust thereof !;Ind Lots 23 to
35 lyinp: to the \'lest thereof, and
WHEREAS it appearinf~ to the City COI,il;lission tha t na id \1111iar:1 J.... Walker oVlns
a 11 the propert~r \7hich ~ ould possibly be a ffec tod or served h;T sa id pn1)lic a lley and
that he as the owner thereof applied to the City CO!'u'I'ssion to vbcate said alley as
a public alley, and
'\JlilEH:L:AS sa ic'! }>ub1ic alley serves 110 useful purpose to the f~eneral public at
larr;e in the City of Clearwuter,
NOW '.rmmBFOHE BE IT HE:SOLVlm by the City UOr-lLission of the City of Clearwater in
meeting duly and regulal'ly EJssembled this 28th day of lJecer,lber, b..D., 1~)5l, that the
public alley n1JOve described iJe anci the salilO is hel'el)y vacBtec1 and ubandonea ElS a
public alley of the City of' Clearwater and the said City does hereby quit claim the
land occupied b~T so id public olley lmto the present ovmer of' the lands lying to the
Ea st and \lest thereof, to-wit, \/illian A. \ia lker .
ADOPTIOH 011' ~~'IIE Ji'OHEGOIJJO. HESOl;lPl'IOH \"Ia s noved, pa saed, and aclopted this 28th
day of Docer.1ber, A.D., 1951.
/s/ Herbept 1\1. Brown
l\layor-COl:nninsione r
/s/ H. G. Win~o
Ci ty Al1di tor and Clerk
--,,-,~ ---
"1" ~"',., ~ , '" . ',". ~ ", ," .' .'..:' " . ' 'l..!i\\,r~f>~'"i~".,qi:f~:~ ~!"';~"~:'?':;j:""""'.~::~~{:~I~'::t:~I:~J.~,*,r
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BB I'l' OHlJADIL:lJ BY '~IIE CI'l'Y C:Ol.lI..I~;~jlml 01" 'rIm CITY OJ<' CL]~R\lhTJm, 1.'LOIUDA:
and the eams is hereb,. amended so that the class1t1cat1on "THHATHRS" appe8r1ag
on Pages 12 and l~ 'thereot shall be amended to read a8 tollowsl
o to 400 Seats
401 'to 500 Seats
501 'to 700 Sea ta
701 'to 1000 Seata
1000 to 1500 Seats
Over 1600 Seat8
SECTION II. That all Ordinance 8 or perts ot Ordinances 1n contl1ct herewith
be and the Dame are hereb,. repealed.
SBCTION nI. !'his Ord1nanoe shall become ettect1ve 1mmed1atel,. upon 1ts
PR8sage and adoption bJ' the 01t'1 0011ll118810n or the C1t,. ot Clearwater, Plor1da.
December 28th, 1961
December 28th, 1951
, ;
December 28th. 1951
I sl Herbert 14. Brown
Gs' H. G. Wingo
1 '1 Auditor BM Clerk
. '- :'i
" Lt-
'".. l.
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, .
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.t.... \.. ':,.
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cz� cor��,Tisszorr n1L�aTzrrrr
I)ocember 28, 1951
_ Tho Ci�y ,Colrnrnis�ion of. trhe City of Clear�ia�er rnet in S � , ;
�ecial Se�sion at City
�I�11 on 2�'rida f;, TJecembPr 28th, at 7:3Q Pb;., i�ith the followin�; �sezzbers presen�;`
: I�er'�ert n1; Brown itta?/or-Carc�tiissioner
�Toe Tiirner Cor,vTtia�ioner
�Ierbert Al. 1i1��ni;on Corr�raisssoner
. ('r�ai:lancl D. ��nn Ooruniss3.oner _
_ �... Absent; '
Thomas H, Bl�ck, Jr• Cor�!iss3:oner
, Also present: :
F. C. r,iicSelleton City i,�arza�;c:r :
C. �. �1are City �{�torney
5. Lickton City En�;ineer
GeorF;e T. I,1eClarmia Chie�' of 1'olice
I�teetin�; tivas caZled to order by I;Fayor 13ro��n. It v��s decided 'o� consent
,I �hat
approvin�: of minutes for Deceraber 5, T�ecember 14, 12:00 idoon, and vecember 14,
7; 30 PIcI, and Uecertber 15t}i, be deferred until the next meetin�; o� the ror.nnission.
_ �iids i'or bainl;in�; ancl repa;irin� Clearc�ater c1r�r1�Y�ridp,�e vrere 7�r�u�-.hL be:'ore the
Cor:uni.ssion. Qitf T�ianak,er statecl �Lhat there rrere tFvo hzds, as follows:
K. 0. I�inch, Cleartivater ��£3,125.44
Gorr,ell Cc;nstruction C�rzpany, St, Petersbur� 16,332.20
S�eel tivhich tivould have to Y�e replaced. tvould be 15r per lb., in acldition to price Y
quoted by Gornell Constrtiction Corapany; ii aciditi:onal st�el is neecletl it �vould be
f'urnishea ny K. 0. Fineh Gor.lpany at 5U�/ per 1b. This steel coroers tYiat which is not
novu li�ted, �ncl yrhich it r�ay be found necessary t� re}�lace durin�; the �rocess of
construction. Bids tvere raferned by conserzt t� City �;n�ineer fur his report later
in the meetin�;,
Pro�osed use of r,�unicipal doei� in #'ront of the auclitoriurs was brou��it to the
r�ttenticaii oi' tYie Coi:u�:lis3ion, Tttayor isrotrn su��;eatet; thr�t this r�ati:er �e e[efarxea
until tYie first r.�eetin�; in Januar�, since Coxzrnissiuner fslacti� traa absent, and since ' •
there �r-,11 be t�•ro ne�J r.ner:lbers of the Gor.ir.iission at that tirse, ar_d thar they .vill be
the ones ��rho F�ill have �o cope ti-�it�z the praUlera. Cor,�issioner Dlantan rerzin�ed �he '
Cor�,zis9ion that i;Yiis r�a�ter rr�s su?�taosed 'i,o have been �eferred tc, � C�mstittee to
dc��e�zmine vrhat use ti•ras �;oin� ta be i.;t,ds oz this fac�.lit� ancl that report vras to h.ave
- been bxou�;ht back to this raeetin�;-. He said that since Gorr.issioner Blact; is not
here, hati✓evPr, thtat he Yiesita ted to t;o into tihe �iatter. He said he �'elt that report'
` shoizld be rnade at the next r,ieetin�;, an� that tlze job sholzlc� be �'inishec� ug at the
next meetin�; - th�t i:here tivi11 be sor,leone displeased yrhatever is Gone, 'k�ut; t�ai tha:t
is no raa;son to cie�er �ctian, hlayor I�rorvn said zhat the first meetiri� qf the year
is us�.iall;� shprt, as it is held onl;� to install tlae netv raer�bers of th_e Cor.�ission.
Coru:iissioner murner saic� that he dia not xaind facing issues, but that he did �eel
' �l'�at tl2ere is onl;� one more mee�in� to �o, and that re�;ard.less of �•that �heir uecision
is, the side that is decided a�ainst tvill feel that it is an injustice, and �he nev�
Cqr.mission 1^rill have to live ti�it� �vhatever situation is created, r�hen �erhaps theYr
a.deas ti�c�uld hat�e been dii'feren�, or perhans -they rn��;ht even have to undo ��hat�ver
, decision rait;ht be made at this iimQ. Gonu-iissioiler Blqntou felt t?Zat Coru:lissioner
Turner's reasonin�; tr�as lo�;ical, and that he �hou�ht as mtxch o1d brsiness as possible
shoizld have been cle�ned tip so that the old slate could be v�ipPd clean, hut that he
, d��i not feel stron�ly abo1�,-L- it qne rr�y or the other. It rras decided k�y conaenL t1?at
. _ T ns��ttei� l�e c�e�'erred, and glAced on the a�;eneia f�r the second re�;ular z�eetin� in
Ap�raisal Cor.�iittee � s repQrt qras �;iven by Cc_uliss'ioner ^urner, v�ho said that th.e
- City had haa an �ffer from the Gl.e�ar��raLer Canstructic�n CornPany at the c�rner of
, - Greei�tivood Avenize �nd .5eriinole, and 1:hat since tile Cit�v has t�een atteraptin� to brin�;
as rnucYi n�tional incluatry in as the� can that kiv holdi_n�; tnis particular piece oi
l�nd tlze �ity ��oi�l.c� have property availaY�le as an incentive to brin�; some nationai
concern here. �3e said the corapan,y tiv��o rnade the offer coulc� find other i�roperty=
zvithin that are.� vrhich vf�ulc� serve its purpases, and that Clearc�ater mi�;2it lose a
- �ood outsida business b� ciisposin� of this prapert� and iailin�; t:o have �rope;rty on '
wliich 9ttch business could be located. Cor,miisai�ner 131anton s�aid that sorae cities'
are ofierxn�; tax e.,em�tions in order to induce business, �r�iich nas <sorie cornplications
tvhiqh zr�a}ces it xather bacl. He seid he relt it wotild i�e Uetter for the �ity, in vie�v
oi such attraction else�r�here to �;o into the tas exersption r�atter as sorze of the o�he�
. cities 3zavA done. I�iayox f3ror�rn 3tated tl�at it is tlle policy of our local Governraent,
ChamY�er �fl Cormterce, Count3*, and St�te to en�Gic�+ netiv inclustraes to tihe State of
Florida f and that rie ��rould not ��rant tc� do �n,ythin�; to lzamper any local concern, trut
, tkir�t he c�id 1'ael thev �•�ould Uetter the�aelves b,y huildin�; a ne�v buildi��; �vhich' some ' ,
natio�al -con,cern �i�;ht brin�; in 3�ere. Coi�nnissioiier ]3lanton said that there is an
- Inclus�Gr•ial Cor.n•sittee in the Ch�rr.lt�er of Co�cierce wliich is vei:y active in �tryin� to
'� :incluoe outside businesses to come �n here: Cor.�riis3ioner Turrier rqoved that the
C�.e�:r�a�ater Construct9 on Company Ue nc�{;ified that tYie C?t:,� is not interested in s ellin�
= the property in tirohicxi the� are ints�r.e�tad, at this tirae, Yvith an explanation oi' �vhy
i.t �s uein� re3erveci. �onmiissioner $l�antan seconcled the r.lotion, which was voted upon
_ , _ ancl ttn�nimously carried.
_ Gity �lttorno�y reported on m�nufac�urin� concern i:i �ahich he is interested, He
aa3d' �hat the .firm has been �stahl3shed and i;hat it has restzlted in a � roll comin :;
P 'Y �
intn CZe�x�vster in excess oi' $�25,OUO.UU � montYx. The era�loyment of that #'irm is �oing
to incre�ase by ieaps and bounds in the verg near• ftiture, and rae said when the day is
, reaehed tivhen the ar.ionnt o.f needed nuchine tools aa:e �r _, _
_ a a tlable that '2, OUO to 3, 000
peo�le �vill be em�logod. f�e said, it is established in I)unedxn but that r.�ost of the -
- ,
� -
_ `,
_:_._._.:_. _ _
_ �
, i '
_z_ _3r . �p.�
cT�x con�r.�Ts�zUrr niy�L�z�rcT cz�c cor,u,x;�a�=zo�J r�i��mTrrU
• lleceir�Uer 2�, 1�51 Decernber �S, 1951
. . .. �. . � . . � . . . . � .. . . . . . �. � .. .. _ . � �� �._ � . . � � r _ �.: � � T� � .� . � , _ � . � .. . � � . . � . . . ... ' . � . , .. .. . . . . �. . . . . . . . . �. . . . _ . . . �. .
eragloyees �v�.11 pxobab_y be in Cleasti�ater, mnd tliat 1,he Ln/ inPerin stail lives in A2a' or Lrov�n aske 7
_ � t� Y cl ho� far he ha s�ot�en vtitY, the ri r - -• • .
�,ht ,.oi vra . Coumiiss one
Glearlvater and that Clearivatex .ets as nn�;ch. l�e'noi:'it ;fror,l i z o Alrani:o - � z r
, �; t ra:s llt n din. Commiasioner n replied i,hr�t it was aZl the vJr �cz Go ` _ ..
y urt S�reet Sou�Pi 'to the C �
3lanton s�id tze bel..eved e t t ,` , Hp .. it l2mits.
�, r sul s o Cleaz �ater -riercli�ants �vi11 l�e pr�etieqlly thz same neicl �lZere �ra not deecls in tha v��' • `�
. . . ;r . , . � . _ice on aZl 'of th�sc. I3e s�a3d it is
as if xt ��e_e ir� Gleartivttter. Co��.s�ioner Lynn sai.d 'that a� one tirne he �;�ve fi�;ure oE qn �aE;reerxent betv�een the -, �- a raatter
Oii,,� At,.orr�ey, County �ttorney, and the ro ert ov�
w�:ich the f�ctory vvould' prol�abl pa; in sral,�r soma d�a� �nci �sl�ed the Cit Attorne FIe aaici tha't z r . P � y ners,
Y y Y ,l, y y the� kit�ve no� af,reed to pay anJbodf �n tYiin but t'
`�hat �he fifiure v�as'. C;i;ty Attorneq : replizd i;h�t 11e hesitatQd to ive a fi,ure but who owns 33Q ''e • • y, �� �� n7rs. Chamt�Prlain, ,
€� �5 , z et in �he pity, insiet� on the replacin� of thi�t
that it v✓il1 be a�ilot plar_L Ancl vTi11 event,xall su 1 Sotzt2ze�stern Stai:ea anc� that oin to l v � � y trees ��hich are
'Y Pl� Y , €;_ �; 7a e to cqrne �ut �vith yuun�; ��ee3 at ,'1.:50 e c � �
.-- the main pl�arit will be built in the automooile: cent:er in vatruit or Ohio vahere oizt 7a Mr � a h, lthich 1�i11 have to be set
. �axts' y_. Ftussell Jones, a�rozze rnan. TIa or Brown
of sutorioUiles are ori inall mantrFactured b e c . � � aaked how s�on the Count� c
� y , u�G v n planta st�}�pl,jin�; tl�e Sol�theastern , �'urni�hed v��ith deeds. Cit Attorne re lied ✓ an be
Y ,y p that there v�as the Char.iberla:Ln dee
States are �o�.n� to be a treriendous a�fair. Tkie contract o�' one c�lls for 65 UUQ oi - obtain and �hRt :7ohn S, . d to
�_. , . , � Taylor„ J'r., r�ith vuhom he had h . _
these parts per da:y' for five geaxs, tha� is, in i.l1e nature of xeplacemen� paxt�. Tho - �xecute cleed �and hav " , �d conversation, woulcl
e it sent to his ofiice by Tue3da� i;�ornin . He s i-
payroll v�ill arnount ta sever.�:l million dol],ars per year. Gor.�a:tssiok�er L nn conmented Cliam'�erlain is in ' - , � a d tl?.at Irlrs.
,�' sistin�; t,lzat trees be replaced, SYie also inais •
that IJorthern Gities have �aroaperecl 3o r.iucY: because of �f�actories oi' ttiia sor� es�a- set them out a d , _. ted that the City
n care for them durin�; the crit�,ca1 sta�;e. Fie said tl
1�Iislied in �heir cor.�;iunsties. i�Te s�id every Uusiness wlli.ch ootild Ue brou ^Yt in 3s her tlzat the Oit cou • • F� zat re had told
E� . � ld not be in positior o� raisin, an osan e rove
� that srnzc}i bettel �or the co�unity. Aiayor f3rovrn snid thFat liel�ir��ter r�nd S7zriner Bait the C.�t- co�xlci ct � P � and that all
y o would be to �ay for first class' �Frees and t;iiat the would
Compan� has rec-ently incorporated i{:s business _n b'loriclra ancl N�Larted �Jith a a rall set and eare f.or the • • • Y have tn
� , P Y r m. FIe sald that she is cora�n� over on 1�lednesda and tih
o#' ei�ht, norv has sixtee� ancl 12o�es to r�ave ab�ut forty people ev�rkln�; ior hini. had a35ured, Tr1r. i.at�rich that she a •' Y at she
nd the City Attorne,;� 14rould be ak�le to get to�ether
on the riatter. Itiayor Bro�vn saicl thst he Ylad tall�ed vrith I�lr. Pe er
Ggr�iss3oner Blanton reported f`or ri�ht-af-tiv�,y on Rlissonri r�venue �ts follo�vss lVo�ks Director, an�l that Yre h�d in � • t son, County 1'uY�lic
_ Sormed him th�t a� soon as th.e ri�ht-of-rray is
4t completed they �,re ready ta 1et the contract on the �rhole job and as soon a'
- All oi the tY�irty-ei�ht parties o�rnin� at�iztt3n�; propex�y ,in said area 11r�ve �een �;ei: i:he ri ,ht-of-�ra �he 'oU vr' • � s they
f .y � 111 '�e done iY:��ediatel f. i3� ' saad tha t robabl- the
coi�t�acted by I+ir. Iral�rich, our Ri�;ht-of-1�Ja;� I��ent, antl a#'ter vargin� ciegrees of effort Ri�;h�-o�»1Vat A ant cotzld' be � • n �
1 E; put to t�ork on the next aection of F;iissou�i �:ven e'
and neRotiations, all o��ners slon�; the entire rou�e have a�;reed t:o convey necessa C�titrt �treet to the i e ' - � fr��
� nt rseeti�n at Gleveland Street. City kttorne� st�ted that
ri�ht-af-vray land except the follozving five owners: _ �he City �alread�r Y�s rzoat of. tlzis ra.�,ht-of-tvay. Cor�r7issioner Blanton felt L
sincn the two nE:r,lhers of the Coruniession are re�irin that �a�
� possit�l� -Ehe rul�ole Cor�ittee
Parcel P7o. 4 Et�isssll Hendricks, O�.vner should Y�e dischar�;ed and a ne��� �n� ap�pinted aft:er the first of the year. Ci�
. . .�
Parcel No. 23 Dallas Sincl i r y said that in additzon to the tvro deeds he had :aentior_ed �hat there are sonie
Parcel No. 21 J. D. Lo�✓e, Ov�ner Attorne
, _ �eaple c�ho are out of to�m - for instance, the heirs of the estate vrittz trhich birs. '
a r Otvne..
Parcel ido. 25 Sa�u�l B. I�in�;, Utivner Iielen S^Jeber is connected. He �aid an a�;reeLlent n�s veen r•aachecl b� the Cit;� and trie
Parcel Id�. 26 Da11as Yoizn�, �Or�mer heirs, and that the cleed is �;oin€; the rouncl� to be ex_ecubecl, and t�at there is one
o�her deecl v�hicli has been sent I1or�h for> execution vrhich has not' �een re�
�u rned .
��Because the o��ners of the abo•re-nar;ied 7�arcels ��qve reftised to si�;n ori the C�rmii3�ioner Hlanton ��resenteci bill for Ri �ht-o -1J t � � c.
grounds 'that the,y vvere enti-tled to special compensation zor• darr�a�es �'or variotts tiV�ich he �aid the Cor+nnittee e €' �' a f 1i�;ent in �he a�aun� oz �,750,OG,
ry . � , n f lt to.be a iair and just�arnount, knoti�rin�; i,�?e amount
reasons �Tour c,or.�izttee has ��ad ��ra clisinterested a�praisers vietv the �e�eral parcels of ��prl, ��hich ha� been done on t�e o 4'
and appraise tk�:e dama�;e if any t�e owners rrli rht t�e entitlad to. TVe att�ch tl-re e' _ � r. ,7 1a• Coruu,,sioner Lvnn rnoved that the Ri�*ht-oi-�Ja
�� i, r to Coxwl�ttee s re�ort'-be �acce ted and tha � the Ri�*ht-oz-1,'a ��ent be � �
p � � �' Y � paiel ,n tize amount
appraisal report or =indin�;s of said appraisers. of w�750.UQ i'or his services to �':ate, an4 that Robert Iuorrison and Carl Palmer be aid
i� ' '�25.00 each i'or their �ervices as h �
The Cor.mittee has hacl splendid cooperation ]'rom the vast ma 'orit of tYr.e owne T p�raisers to the Cit� of GleartivatEr. Cor.m�issioner
� y rs urnex seconded the:motion, v�hiGh czas z�oted tz�on and unanimously carripci.
and ��ir. Iia�rich has done an e;ccellent job, and y�e verg hi�lzly comriend h�m for his vtor}�. ,
i, City hi��na�;er stated that the past �ror! hiis�ouri I:ventze to u' -' •
47e norv ask tha� parcels oz land, the o�vner of y�hich refuses to convey, be of-1���y v,i11 be secured. yrithin the i��and 9veni�.e Ri�ht=
i�n:zediately pl�ced in the hands of the Count� Attorney for conclomnation roceedin -s• frir. ltoch , next t�^�o clays, as theie has be�rr a eormi_trasnt from
P �, . , and �_e has assured the City that he �vil1 have the Fii�,h�-of-�Va� cleared uts
that the �ppraisers and llir. 1�abrich be paid fo.r their services upon presentation of to Hillcrest Lrzve. On 1;he 1`iorth side ' ' -
is the ri�ht-of-titay irom the Cat!�:olic Church
- their k��11 after havin�; Ueen approved b� this Gor�,r,littee and tYia't this Corariittee be " ro er� < The lat �t�^ r - � • -� . '
aischar ed as �re feel ihat our iv r ' " • ,; • p p.� P us �eferred Uaek� to t2ie �n�ineer and r;tanager ti�3�hseference to
� � , a k is comple`tea a�d that �ny fl.a.rt�ier ac.t_on is to a cirain��e groblers ti�:hzch l2as no�a been taltzn care- - '. = •
be in the natura af condemnstion t�roceedin�;s v�rxich is beyoncl the sco e of i;he v;ork and de i - of, ancl the pl�t :3s rE.ac�� �,o ;sz�n
ii, . A ,l_ver to the o1;+ner. The plat carnies necessary ri�ht-of-�va a roued b �_ ----- --
of this Corm;littee to handle. 1de ���i sh to er>pz�esa our sincere &Ppreciation i;o the �ngineer. Gxty kttorne said t�at tiahe � ; ` * - y pp 'r
many pronerty oSvners v�Y�o have iven us such fine coo erntion• �lso thank ItIr. �farz ri' y n the dea, iv_th btr, hoch is closed it i�ill
_ , � r P� , a d cor,iplete tlle problezn o2 •the Cpurt Str�et E�;tenaion, v1�th the :exce tion of the Rob'
P�Ir. 1fal�rzch as rrell as �ur Caunt Director o� Public .JorY.� I�Iro Pe�erson ��Y�o Y�a s P ison
� 9 , , pronsrtv, �vlv_ch �mz3t Y�e conder.nled. Ne added �hat on parts ai �Lhe ro'ect s '
g;iven this Cor.u-i�ti�ee anc� the C�t,y of Clearv�ater iine and unstintin� tvork on i:his ai7d sei�ers ' - � - p J--, anitary
E� rrtust go in ahe�d o#' �Lhe Courty s saor?�. Corn�iissioner ^urner sta �ed that'this
, o�her projeczs �;ahich vi�all� aiiect pro�;ress of our Citf. tivas discussed i��itY�. the Cor�ittee , . �
and �n�ineer recently and that whe�* saondered' �vhethEr
it vras necessary to put then doysn the r.iiddle of the �traet that the z1i ht o in
I�espect?ull� �uk�rnitted, as an easei:�ent on the back of the street instead. City kttorney cor�ented trat he
haci rneant the ti^rhole projee�. l4.ayor i�rovvn as�:ec3 wh� it n.2tst be in the midd.l:� of tYie
/s/ Herbert PtI. L'lanton street. Cit;* �n�;ineer replied that a study �vould tiave io }�e nade Abo�tt ?t. Fe
�s� J'oe 1'urner saic? the Cnun-t� En�;ineer tiaas in to see 1_irn, and that Ue.iore the aor:� lete an� i
P,ligsouri tiv�nue E;;.tension Cor.m�ittee!' , plans that' someth�n�; wi11 �e 1v�r�_ed out iar tlze se�aer - that ` Y ,- p J f na1
the C_ty and Count� w�ll
�;et to�;ether on it, Ire added that the plac;�n� o�' it c?epends on Yrhere the run across -
C�r:�;lissioner B1an-ton tLen reacl the .ypnrais;er'3 report as iollevvs: �+rhether in the nindle or ir� tYte p�ark���a�'. Co�riissioner �3lanton rex�ar-e
� d tha t a lar�e
: „t ��oxtion het��een Cleveland and Ptissouri is hi�;h and coriparativel leval �round and
�le, the tzndersi�ne� anpraiaers, each bein�;, a dlzly re�istered real estate l�roker - i�hat, the curve �vi11 take c e ' Y r � ' '
� ar of that, Citf �n�;ineer said that v�as true of tr,e drain-
and a riember of the Clear�va�er Boarci of Realtors, eaeh havin�; Yseen ez��ap;ecl in the a�;e but that a san.it rt se� er , • ,•
. , a f s_ should be throti�;h ttiei e a s z� �rill undoubtedly be
real estate business in t'�.is vicinitf for a nur�her of �ear,s and faniilaas r•�ith real lnisinass ra ert . C'� t • •-� • • •
P p y _t r l�ttornev cor�.r;�enLed that i,. it is put ?n the parki�ay �fter
estate ualue3 ,and conditions af�ectin� values in this area, the pav;n� is cione it ��rill increaae the cost, as �the ne�v �avin r., st be '"
1 �; u cut into .
Cor�unissioner B1�inton rernarleed that Uoth t2ze sani�ar and szc�rm ev* � _
. �' s ei �v�uld be access:
�'k�'tex vietiving the £o�lo�iin�; re�l estate ahu'Ltin�; t,tissouri Avenue and careiullv i1�le to the ak�trtt . - - .
,, .in�; }�roper�y or the area : �oru+iissioner Lgr?n saia that ria be one
eonsiderin�; the present value, ancl the de�;ree to ��hich nrese�t value v�ill be debrecia- art o#' that ro e • • - �
P p p rty coizld be clenred up a t- this tir�e , fre saici that i f' t�.e lat
ted or affected by vl�y� of sr�ec.ial dania�e by reason of brin� i4Iiss�Ltri Avenue ri�ht-of.- is to be a� rovod f'o: S ' ' • �
> �-}� r t. Cecelia it ni�;ht as i•tell �k3e dc�ne now. He then raaved �hat
way acro:�a a portion of said ��ropertR, tKee are of the �pinion thai; the s;pecial clama e the plat 1�e a� roved " • -
a.s the amo�int herein set o osite each + '_ � , I P zor the property at the corner of F� 1lcrest ana Co�art utreet - .,- _
pp of .,he f.ollowinF, parcela,, respeativsly: the St. Cecelia Plat. Cor�raissioner E�lanton seeonded trie �otion, c�hich v�as vo:ted
upon and unanii:totisl�T e:arrieu.
uParcel �26, Otvner Lallas Youn� �to special dania�;e
_ Parcel ��5, Olvner Sa�uel �. ILin� Ifo s�ecial dar,ia�;e Cit I;lana *er as];;ed t . : � . .. .
5' F, he Cor:�riission to d c�vertiss for pids qn pav� n� betc�een
Parcel ��23, Otitner Ua11Us Sinclair - ITo ;��ecial ciar,i�a�;e, p�o:vitled 3 lar�;e Uree�ti^rootl hvenue and ltiissouri xv '- •
enue on Caurt Si,reet. He �a�c� that he �vnula like
Uaks ane! 2 sr!a11 trF:es are not rnolester�. �he �n�;ineer to senci in :ii�fo���rt�:on for advertisi�; f.or Uids.
Pbr�el ' _ f _
�4, O�aner Ru�se11 �iendri,c��s No speci�a7 damn�es, projzidec� ler�;e
Pine end �aJ� trf;es T�o� r.�Clostecl. Pb�atfer ai ri�;ht-o�-r�aSr i�et�veen GreentivQ�ci arl�i 2.�isso�tiri �,ve ;'
, riu.e, and Tlissouri
Parcel �?l, Ov�ner T. ll. Love - TvTo apecial uaniq�;e�, Avenize ,:ror,� L`�tirt Street I�Tqrtlz to Cle�ieland Street �tas t�rou ht to the '
f; attention
of the Coninission. Corimiss�.on�:r E�lanton said that i;he cor.�l�le�e rif;h�-oi'-•taa� l�as
'':`J ��� Ro�ert T�i. lriorrison not been oU�ained �nd that it is or�e ot' the :
/s� Ua:r.1 1'�a1r:�er , _ riF!;izt-of-tiv�ay r7usi.�f'irst bo obtainecl. bla or Brawneasicedtif e1e at.State_ that �he
Y v i�ns r.nzst be
ob�r�inad iroin the StAte. Cxt �n ineer s id , . . _
y �; n tlrat the �t7te and City are r�rorl�.in
- Corw�issioner nlanton said tha� Btr. E�abrich hacl rePortsd th�t he h�ad been . ' .- -�
, �Ack to to�;ether on tFie corners ancl ��racie� and tYrat tlie Sta'�� is v r> ' •'
, _ � e y coo�erative �vitYi the
see ➢�r; Hendricks tvlice and that he still ref�asecl ta conve,q j insis�in th�t it l�e C � � � �• . _
t in a ee . � 1ty. Citv I,��aza�ei cor�riented tY��t the Ga:ty eoulcl �o ahe�d and �et its art �ri.
� d d that the tr�es z�ot be mol�sted, or zn a contrnct ai ned '� tho Cit . C ` • ' , �' p -
� . , � ,Y y ormii3sxcner hlan�ozY yt�tea th�t their conTlection betiv�en lil' ''
Since tha �tate is t�izildin�; the roacl he said lie aic� not see how -� e �cr _ _ , •
issonri E�venue and
h C:it„ coizld gi:ve Ctulf. to 1�ay iJas dependent nn ttie Cit connectin � f� in F � � •
a�;ix�rr�nty that th� trees v�ould not �e mo7_ested. IIe spid tre �'el� �,t w�as �oMcthin�;
Y E, io Creenti�pod to Tutissoura kvenue.
that he and the CoLtnty Attorney Vrould have i.;o vr�rk �u-L- an , z ,.
, d i£ the f c�innot �;et Coiimissioner 131arxton r,±oved t • , ,,', •
to ether the o ee � � ; �hat ��avertan�G �n 4ourt StzeEt, betv�een Greenv✓o�d and .
E; , pr c din�,s ti+ou_d have ;to o i.hrou and be t , , • . . :
. . � �'� a �ided 1� . He �a3.d he T�tissauri �iverntie' � , � . , �;
dir� ziot 'belrad he r r • � 1ae ati�t�oiized, and that the L�t� I�n ineer bP aathorizeci t a e
e t, Count� o. S�Ir. Ital�rich coizlcl do an?rthrn fv.rtl P ✓ e•re . . . .. .-
1 � ap;� had
, - : . �; a,r uhateo r and. �ake necessary �'incia.n�,� aild do prelir.lin��ry vrosk prep�rator to t�dvertisin fa�
_ _ Y $
bids. Cor�u!tis;�ioner Lynn s�eoncied the r.,ntion, v✓rich vrr�s vo�ecl ixpon and titnttnir��usly
_� , �a,w,�,.
`" {ti _ � m>,..
�; .
j; `
+ c . I" i
, r
: � :
� „
_ r � ,,
, t
/ /1 <S
u • � . I .
_�� _ ,�_
a q�
c7:��.r cc�r;n2z�szorr nz�;�;TTrrc� cz� con,l,izu�zorl r,rL��zsJc t
_ l)ecemUer 2t3, 1�51 . Leceril7er �£3, 1951
. . . �. . . . � . . � . . . . . ' . . � � � ... . .._ . . . . r . . r .., .. . , . .. v.. . . . � . . � . .. � �. . . ., . . � � �. �. . �. . . . , . �. . .. . , . � . � ... , . . , .. .. � . : � . . . .
caxriecl. Cit �ti.oriae stated tha� nn Gourt Str.et ei.Nreen r • I'��rk. He 9a1d i,h � the •: �
� ,y e b Craenwoc�cl and h�ia9our.l a side linas were noc claan •ed b' the net✓ =
; €� 3' pla�, lnzi, 3.n sorne
Avenize t2�ere Rre some assessr.tents vrhia z i.n st be lr�3ci as the e's s r e � e ing�ances it shortenecl Se e < ,
k � , x z o� p..op rty v ral o� the 1otw. 2.Eiey asked I,1x, I3u�le t
e , e e ,, when the� t��e � . x o make a surve�
v�hich has Ue n pttrc7las d�rora tk�:e c�lar d people, flntl �hrat e�ttblic, heqr3n�; mLxst ,T re xe�c1J to blliltl a 13,ec1 fa� a er
,, , PP p,rnit on Ir1a�;nolia Park ancl resented
be held. He said that cuhen �11ere are assessments i:i'�er.e r.ntst be uUlic rzear�:nrs the �1at, whZch shoWs. that it' - ' p
P €? , �;oes all the way back. Tha perr,.it wa3 issued and
' Uut that hearin cannat be l�elc� until the Engzn�er �;e{;s t11is iilforxiata:on,. �he f v�ent 'ahead with �Lhe bua.].din � P�l - '
� €„ ancl r. Ulmer, �n behral.f of the Lodge, raised
the poirxt, �nc� �zpon checkin�„ 3�t v�as fatznd to be true. �'he 73uilclin I
- Tviatter o�' Do Oruinance ���ts 7axou ht t�efore the (;or�nisaion. T�[A or ];iro�yn sr�id advi:secl �o cance�l the er • � . � nspector vaas
� � Y , p_ mii,, ancl the Lod�;e v�as advi:ed tnat the ca . , _
. e•• Co: i ttee Y�s been helcl and that the GYi; t� e G tizt I , with i,hs builclinf y uld noti proceed
tP�at i�e tin€, of rm i , y, h. oL L y'i,tibl.Lc f,. Tlze Y�ea� of -L-he T�ocZ�e st�ted that the� reali
ea th �nd the SPCA has t�een' able to reraclz aii � reer,ient re *rardin _�he h ndli r' of ri�ht i:o nut the buil ' J zed they had no
H 7. , €; t� � a �€, � clin�; there, a.�d u��uld have a rnee�in arlci tal�e .
t' , b er,t. Coi�issionar I31 nton stated tt�.at itr u�as e�;. res ed t t e r1 e � waul�l adv.i3e t e C" ' ' � same action and
his pia 1 a p a a ka, e tin�; ,; h it� immediately. City Attorney st�ted that nothi , '
t iave cili i ` hearc� with3n a e . n� further v�as
\� that the CitS= sho�zld o�vn a shel er �nd r �a t. �s fczr tak�.n� c�are of this r asanak�le period thereai'ter. fie the'n vr -
rote zo the T,od�e again and
s t ation and that e�er one concexnecl �eith tlze i�a�ter a�reeti tc� tha3 in the r��ee in told them that the ilcii �^ . .
.� u , y F, , t � bu n�, ��ould have to be re�oved v�ithin a certazn len th of t'
lield ,pn the aub,ject. It ti��as a�;reed that �an aare oi �;round lae provided out oi' tl�e - or suit v�oulcl have to be filed. 'Idothin � fu ' � �1e
F, r�her nas been heard i'rom the I�od�e,
City o�vned �oxt, acres out acl.j�iniri�; the �3rpoit �ropert;�,r net�r �kxe pisto7. ran�e ' Cit;y Pt�orney �tated that he satv no * -
Y , , . �, . : thin�, alse to do excapt brin�; a lavrsuit a ainat
. and that possibl� the l�n�; Uualdin�;s on �vei�iz��;ham Iieach lzsed As dre;�ain�; rc�o�ns them to f�et them out of therP. I�I �
.F _ �yor I3rown cor�iented i:hat .records ahould be Ghecked
could lae �oved over there' and ��sed :as � shelter. �ursua�t to �lzat- he said thet be�'ore �ermite are issued. C � ' .^
, , � � . it,� A-�rorney s aid that there are a number of eo le in
he and Dr. Ecl�ert and Dr. Rlissell looked ovez the pioperty, and i;h�� p�,rL of the CQurt �quaxe „l�.ladivision who are sti11 ho d r , � • � �-. '
1 in�, title b,� P.�agno� ia l�ark descriptions
builc�in�;,, and tkaat all ielt that it could be izsed to uery �ood advanta�e. He said and conseqizentlg �here is the situation in the B' ' - r - •
thrab thi r orni c� he n I�t or )3ror�n tvent a it to the �roun aT l e is �erfect uilding Inspeci.or s ofi'ice wl�,ere it
s,� n., a d �y t �; cl �d ooked �v r the 1 ly propar for hirn to d,o vrhat l�e did. IlIa�or �rov�n .f'eTt he shoul
situation, and deterniined tl�.at the �ere a.d�oinin� the airpoit co�ilcl qn�l stzolild Ue relied on his own pla� rather th�n on s. � d�ave'
orleone else s. City Attor:Ze� corrn�aented that
used for that pur�nse, and that it is �he recoz�ienc?ai;i:on c�' their �onmtii:tee that there are �ome instaneea nov� r�he��s ` -
peo}�le are still holdin�; title bg these o1d
tllis be set aside and th�t proper Ordinance be drarvn to talie care of �he situation descrin-L-ion� qnd Vrould be in a osition nov� to '
to revent str� * do •s fror� roa�.?in � th� streets ancl that tlzo Cit worli with SPCA p comc; in and apply for a perrai� for _
y 7�uildin�. fIe said that the replat is a nur.iber o� gear3 �1d. Cormaisai
P � �; €> , , . onex �3lanton
in enrorain� this Urdinance ��hicYi it is planned t�iat tk�.e City dray�. Isiayor Brorvn saici thrat the .�uildin Tns ector should
� P have caetermined absolute7.,y vahat r•ras the
stateci t�at while he and Cor.u�lissioner Blanton v�ere out t1�e1,e they felt -�hnt the present plat of tlle �roperts . Cor��riissioner i- ' • • • '
entire fort� acre tract ovrned �' trle Cit shotzlcl be surve ecT and l�oundar r estat�lished .Cns�ector is the one vtho f ynn aaid that he felt the Cit� Buildzng
J y Y 'J 5 r.iacie the error. f�Iayor �Srown said that he i'elt that the
so tinat the:,; �aill knora iahen tliey are on and ofi City proper�y and irill not be usin� people vrauld xiove their• builc�in� �.f sorieone ��ent dov�n n � -- •
or harrsin � other ro ert� . The siirve could also include sl.etched in ctrati^�ii���s of and �GhAt erha s suit 1 ' , a d tal�ed ���.th t�.e�r. ahout �t,
r €� I� 1� J Y , , t� b _ r P p rcrala not have to be f:ilecl, Cit� triana�;er caz�iented ttiat the
the pistol c]:u.b ancl the acre to be �,tsed as elesl�;nateci �n the si�eteh. Gity �,ttorney uilcl�n� aoulcl have to be:cornpletel torn dov�n to r: ve " ` ,- :
: s id he h s been ivin some con:siczer tion tc� the nanne iri which the 0 din e it is a s�1a11 ex-� ' ^ •� � � zt. Cst� l3ttorne� s aid that ,
a a (; � a r r anc ension oi the ��in buil�lin�, �nri not guite finislze�. �e said that
�ni�ht b� tied in in a practical,raanner so as to ge�it the Gity to avail itself of he had heard tl�:e �od�;e hacl beet� ��viaea that the Cit `. ,-
the abil.ities arid facilii:ies of the SPC9, Iie �aid tl�at it a edrs that the rsast buildin�; but {:hat he has F • y�� no ri�;ht to rer,ove the
1�P r . , ounc� 'tliat it does have the ri€;h� to do so. Cor,�iissioner
practical way �o do it ratlzer than rrritin�; some section into the Ordinance ie�arding Blanton c�rr�enteci that in view oz corrPsronden¢e toin � e P' •
contraet critYa. "ths Si?Ch tYia't the Cit;y should aut]zorize the CiL•y r,fanr�gel to enter inta and the 'Lod e that the Cit shaul €' �� fpr., by the Gity kttorney-
,€� y d set a de�in�.te time fo� t1.�,e b�ailciin� to �e rao�ed,
contraet ti�ith ther� in re�ard to carryin�: out the provisions of tYle Orclina,nce. Afayor and if it is not rnoved definite action should be L e r ,
ak n. P_opert� rights of peoplE
Brovrn said that the Coirnnittee, too, felt i� should be done by cor_tract at tho o�tion an the op�osite sicle of the alley are involved. �on�nissiorier i e •- � �
urn r saza �hat �he
of the City, and +'ha't if �hey feel tr,a� it is not bein� pro�erly used it could be - error 3tarted iiith ther.z, and if the hacl not thou lizt t e�- � -•
,� , , J �, h � o��ne�l all ��e ,�ay t��ek,
taken �rom the SPCA. He said that vrhile i� is an active ant� pot�rerful or�,aniza�ion and 43d not knojw �,nytliin�; a;bout �n a11ey t11Pq ��oulel nat have assumed -r
and ��ost l��el to conti,nue so that still tre life of anv or�atiz�ation is onl as ' the rc� �ert� an ha r' • ` , t�at -�hey had ,
5 ., b �' P I d, d ve asl.ed for a perr.iit. ue sa?:d thai, the�q apparen�lg felt all .
�ood �s its �er:ibers. Cos:r�iissione-r B;tanton nioved i;hat the Cor,uniti;ee � s report; be trie time that they ocrned it. He said he cotild under ^ '� -
acce ted roco�r.�endatian� �ollowed }:inci that the Cit '�e aui;horized to make the plat that I�,ir. �inderson eo stancl ti�heri Ll_ey brou�ht in the
P � , t 5 �L _ ula have issued 1:12e perrai�. ItIa�ar �3ro�rn said -Ehat the
survep of this property, and trat; the City,Atto�ne,� k�e authorized to prepare a do�; Llldin�; Departrnent has been as3;ed to adhere s �S - � ���
tr .ctl,� to �he Southern u�.andard
- license ordznance and that Cit T,Rana er �e aut2zorized to enter into contract rritlz ' Bu?ld.in � Code in re r�"� - - • .
� Y � ^ . . . , �� . , _€,eici �o lot lines. Cor:�nissioner `i'urner cor�:ient'eci thaz Leo
the SPCA Association, sub;ject to the apprvval oz the C�.t� Cormnission. Commzssioner Butlt,r stlrveyed i� and staked 2t out. I+ia or is o '� _ -••
then- �vith T,1r. f3ui:ler. �%itz t.Ir= � r vrn sai.� that �k�.e resuonsibilzty lay,
Zynn secanded the zlotion, �h�eh �7as votecl u�on and �un�nim�usly carried. , ,� una�;er said tYiat he has diseussed �rith P.ir. Ar.cierson
that all plate be Okaf�ed`by the En�;ineerin� Departxnent after Lhe firat o'
bef.ore • f the year
_ Cit� Ittana,�;er reported that it is his recor.n~�enda�ion arici tha� o= tYze City per�it can be i�sued. Go��;rissinner 13lanton saic3 th�t he felt t i t
En ineer to acce t th.e t�id oi I'�. 0. riizc}z Cleardvater for aint'n n .. Builas.n Deroar�men - • Ya the
� P , , p �, �; a d re�airir�g g , t sl2uula be izn�er the En�ineerin�; De}�artrsent. Ci� t�ana er sai
the Cit drawbricl e, Coiu��issioner Lhzrner moued that the Cit Itlana .e �� - tha� ' 3.t tvnuld n � Y - , � � a
5 � , y � i s recorru�enda - , ot be nece�sar,� to have a heaci oi the Builciin�, DPpartment,, Gar��aissione '
tion be follotivedf and tnat bid be arvaraed to 31. 0. �inch Cornp�any for repair and blanton sazc� bhat tiY?.ere could Le Ins ector r
p s, intt no head of the Departrtient, and that
p�aintin� of the drati-rbrid�e, �rork to be clone iY.u�sediai;el . Cor�miis�ioner Z nn secondecl the ir_ ineeri.n ])e artr.ient c' ' -•;: • •
'Y 3� €` � P y ould be {;zven aadit_onal elericaT help to handle tih� �eork.
the in_otion, crhich tiva s voted u�on aiicl unaniz�ously carriecl. Ivlayor t3rorm saicl tha � he v�a s inclined ta a�ree . ne sa id he felt th �
a sa�eone should
check such r.�ttors from a tecYlnical standpoin� - the plans �r��. pla�s as ttiey come in.
City fdai7aF;er reportect on Police eruiser t�ids. Iie saia that only one bid v,ras Cor;,missioner i3lanton rer�arl:ed that r.�ore an�: rn re b' ' `'
o iilldln�;s ti311 Yaave to tie a roved
• receivecl frorrl Larry tiixuaii:t, Tnc. for four-door Chevrolet Sedan for '564.13 les's %y the �n,ineer-�n i�e:�artr:ient ^'- �' � -• • • ��
r $p , €'' � , 2� ^he (,ity €;roti�s. Cor.�issioner '�t�rner saic� he felt
tracle�in allovrance, Tor ix;raediate de,livery. f�e said that'he ,joined tYie Purr,hasin tha� sinC� thz Gz�� Zs sirtl �� zault in ' F • - •
? � r- � P y L hav��t�, corapounclecl tliis x7�stabe Ll�at he
Ak,ent and Chiei of Police i.n recomr:ienclin� that this cruis�r be purchr�aecl« yvo_icierec; if it r2:_c�l1t not o_fer �o fiel� rrit r�. � � •- •
� h tYie _..r7�val of tl-�., aqditions �iiich have
Corsriissioner Lynn riioved that the Ci�y ntana�;er's recor.uiendation l�e foll�v+ed, and been nuti in tl•�e alley. City kti;orne= stated that i�e t�elieveci � zr Y. i
_ that nev7 1951 four-c1o�r Chevrolet sedanbe �zrchase ' ' rooxn �vhirh �vas e" `� ,. � y?as a�l,, a s_sa_1
p d frorn I,arry Uir.un:�tt, Izlc., ncro�,ehin�, Cor.�iissioner ��rner saia t7r�t �ince t}ze Ci��r is artl
ta 17larlei it shaulcl hel uitri �11e ex ez�se. Pr:a r�3 "�� n g
Cleart�rater, in the amount o£ ��564.13, less trac�e-in allovaance, i�e pnrchased. P p yo ro n a a�ed t1r. rarish i;�e size oi
Cor,unissioner Turner secondec; the motion, �vh3eh tiras voted �.t�on ancl unaiiiriousl�y the ac3dition. r,ir. r'arisl7 steted that the rooia extends to t_e i �
r r.Lcldle o� the a11ey ,
carriect. is 20 or 25 feet »ide, anc: t�io stories �i�;h. C�t,q Attorney cozviented tYiat in that
case they ha�re acided to it since thev �Jere ret�-�es,�ed to zze�ve it as it v�as not that
I::atter of li uor license �or Iilr. I3eath's restaura t on C ev ` size r�kien ize vre ' . . . . -, . .
n n 1 elana Street vras nt c.own ta s ee it in th� be�;innrn�;. nIayor Hro�rn s�ici that heaas �i'
brou�ht before 'the Cora:iission. Cit i�iar_a er said tl�at dinensions � m e • the T,1�ose 1�od e aho i '-� , - - .
9 f� _ .�.ro th Ghurch _ �; 1ld �e cc+n�ac:ted b�r {.l�e City l�iaria�;er to see vJhat could 1�e rr�r�ed
to the build�n- in out. Gornnisaianer ylanton �atcl tk�at he did o ��
_�, '_ question l�ere as stated, that he Vrent over the r,ie�sureraexits as . n t tYiink -L-here ti�as anyt�iin� for a
eet' �'orth in the Citv Code ancl those set f.orth b5* �tr. Goza as tYie cliatance betv�een • Cormiittee to clo, Iie aaid that ti�.e builclin is �liere i * • `
v� � lle�,a31y and that it is up to
the tt�ro. He state� that he also ins�ected the insicle of the buildin�;. hTa,yor the Ci�y to see that it is rerzaved. Cot�mtis9ioner L nn �
r y v�oveci that trie City 1,_anq�;er
Bro�vn a�ked if it vaas in accordance vrith the State l�vr in every respect9 City �;o �ut anci see if �.he�r �re not t^iillina� to co� erate �a' '
, P ith the Cit� ancl rei�ove the
Dianager'repliecl that =t vras. Gormnissioner L nn said that he cJent to ' structure. Cpxrunissio e � � .�
y this place of n r 731a:ntan secondeu the siotion, trhicti t�ras voted upo� and
business a fevr da�s a�o; and inspected it, and sai+' no reason vahy the,y should not lznari5:r:ioual;T cai:ried.
have what the,y have asked, ancl that he felt the otvner and his wi�e have done a very .
corrcmendable ,�ob crhich ��i11 be an asset to t1�.e Ci��. Cor�i:i:sioner Lynn movecl tMi�t Consicierat�.on ti�ras �;iven U the Cosamission to ' " -
� ',Y letter irqra Pa.nellas County Trt1e
P'Ir. Beath s reqi.est for into�icatin� beverage license at 41fi Cleveland �treet '�e Company �aith re#'erence to tn,�es can loi� a� the co ner � �
�_ of uotiith Osceola and I�aven
approved. Coz�iissioner `.t'u:rner seconcled the r,xotion, �r�hich ti��as voted upon ancl Street, forz�erl'y usecl for a p�arl�in�; lot. T}ais letter ; d�ate 1 -
, d I overnl�er 5th, v�a s read
unanimously carried. Cor�miss:Loner Tlzrner said i;hat they v�ould t�e le�-a11 entit;led by the Cit,y Clerlt. City P,1ana er cor.miented thet t11is �
� Y . - � - • €� . . �ai operty :lza s been sold .
to the request an�aav, and i�hat there vaoulcl be no �oint in attei;l �inr to den rt. Corv�is.�ioner Eilan{,on eaici tYiai; the Cor:u�as�i � - �
� E� ,Y an ha s never �lithoi ized tha lot z or a
- p�r�cin�; lot;, anci that P,I�. E�et,he�t, ior�tes Gitf bianaF;er �ersona�l did it hirasel�.
I�e sA id no � . • . . a . �
Cor,ynissioner Blanton stated tha� Irir. F'arish ti�j.�hes to brin�; r�ai;tei before the rtion tvs s tal:en-a�t t�se time T�.r. �eiinett xaade
hrs reqlXest. He �sad tlhe
�'-, Cor,;r,�ission. %ir. Farish st�ted thet a b i di ; ; : . , r,urt� c -
u 1 n�, ha � been erected Yn the Alle f between ut in and set it llp �a s a paxkin��; lot rrithout fi�st obtainin • trie conserit or
, . �
Franklin and Court St�eets ana that it cuts off the deveZ " p • �^ roual o -1ze G • '. - , . . ,. ._
apra.nt of {,he proxyerty bac� kT� �� oz,mxisaion. r�layor �ro�m ren�r�en tnat �rhen trie Git wau�ned Usceo a
. �T 1
there. '£'ie said it is a ul�lic alle, anci that kie wishes to ut a r- hAlf �he l�t ��as talteri d^� ;. , _,
P y, p t�uildin�, {,here, ti ay. Cor,�,lissYonei I3lanton � tated tYra-G it ti�a s used i.hrea
ancl that he ha s a ros ec�ive ten�nt t i; • - ;. . . r,tanths , _ .� . � ,
i? P , bu hat until �Li1at o'�s-�rii�tion ia re�.�oved 1ze onlf, so i,hat tlae Citf could be raorally ok�,1i�,�ated oh1T Yor oxie uarter of the
clo�s not see �t . � � m. .. . � • ,, J 4
Yo hp can �,o aheacl. _�.e praperty is aeross thE al7.e� �'xont i�he Y�ioc�se 1��,11, and 1e�;411y not Afi a11. Ifior�ever he s id tIiat he • ••
.. � . , .� � ,, a � o�aner �ctecl �,n �ooc� .�dith
Lad�e . Cor i.,zsa_oner 131anton �aic� that Attorne Fia� CJ1r�ter' has v� .� ' re��ar. �1es3 o nI ,- + . . _
. y J ritLen tha City rn � �' r. Benn�.i.t s nctiox5, �ncl tYiat lie tlierefore #'e11, thut three rilonths�
the past about this ancl Y�d tYiou�e�.t i� v�ras to l�e on the ��•enda. G'� rent �holzld b�; �tici - .- �> �- , -
€> i y l�ttorne� p an the �.o{,s1 bill, .or 4�2(�,0�. I,.�tyoi F3ro�rn i'elt that from a
stated tl�at the r.iatten c �o e b ^ . _ . . : l
ad m about ecattse tne I�toase Lod.e ��as under a a].9e moral stand aini, the C;z� �hotilri t. He i �' ,
. . G f 2� Y pa�' i s�id la.e reca�le�i tha�, 1.Yie �at�Ger �ras _
imi�ei ,• _' .'• , ,
p as on as to tha le al cle�ezi tion oi' the ro ert theT ovr e� brou la:t i�� �and no �ac.tx + - .
€� 1� p � y ,/ n c1. Tliey w�antecl i,o �; 1 on {��ken as „lze (;ity tvas expeetan�, to a.�alie a street out o� it.
e te . . . l ; � , � . .. . .
x nd their bu�.lclin _s en�l tYion ht the nwned Lo� 9 I,T �- � �or�ni,ssioner t- �> -- , _ •
; ('; � Ea J , a�;no].a:a Iai�, dncl 1.Y,at I3T�an,on �Aid it tivas c�ncellad. rrit2i�n 1,Yziit c�a s an �a . Git 4t�orn�
r , . , : _ , �'' Y s `Jti Y Y - 5
instead they ov+n Lot 5 oi Court �c�ua,re Su�divisi�n r�hich is rx re = c.oiunen�Ge�l -that no{.17e un � •
, pla1, o� hia�;nolia a r i`orttinate part a��ut the r:�atter, trh�.cki leaves a iaoral obli-
, ' �;�ttion on the �ai:t of �7ie Ci�y, is �h�t �after i;11e Lor,�iis:�ion reiused to apProne the
: plbn i,he com��Any ����s naver &dvised a�" i;he fac� that; it lvas stib ' •
t �rtitteel to tkie CZt�*,
,� �
,..,.:, .._._:, _'. ......: _. _ , , �y. ,.:,..
_ _ . _, r. ...:.,
, x >-.
�'�� 1� /�
ti6- -7-
(:TT3.'' Ci?f�iTcil:,.iTQTJ RILETTNCr CI`1'Y CUIVI��T�STC�PT t4Z;I;TIItG
w T�ee�mber 2&, 19a�. December'28, 1�51
an LrnecT dovm, fts ar ' s tl�o r kne�v Isi � .� - ,
cl tti � a 5 i. �3enneti, s r�ctrions �r�re r�Z�piQvesl by �he wouTcl net� qare to �;o a}ie��i �nd tr� tp corae 3ni:o �he C3.t . s
y City TTanager said he
Gor.unission so tk1at at leasb to trie ex�e�� vrhiaii Car�zissioner 131uni;on hr�d aur`es�0a f�elq �Lllat �he ovrner� deJ'I:nitel d w -
; , f,t� , y o ant �o corne in. Cor�aisaioner Turner stated
it shoulcl be aid #'or• t11e arao�l o� time it vaas act � , ;, tT t T�� , .
1� I� ually tised. 4ox��r,lssioliei 'lurnex '�a r. IIpore and DTr. 3iun�;exford YUac� made the staterYeni; in 7iis
sai th t � ien � a ere �aic� the circ �.t e: , , , _. - - . preaence that they
d a vi h y , ? ur ���c s�lio�il.d be i.�d� very c,leqr �0 1.1i�t'� wan� to coine iti. Corrmlzs�ioner Illanton �aid-ha knevr t e
h pre�ent pro�e�t owners
the ril'. Lncie.rstax . Cor.miissyoner L nn i o e , , * ; y
� ti 1. � _�cl , y n v�� that ttae 1'.tr�ellas Gount3 �itics tivan� �o come in, t�ut he w�nclered about sorne' of i
. . s : ., _ the new ov�nera: C_ty Attorney-said
_ Compan be paid tkze s�i� oi 5�20.00 �nd i.hat lottoz of' ex lanat3.�n b e �nt to i,ha th�at tha o te . .
.�J . ' . . P � m __ x nsion crauld t�e �authorized �o rEnder te�z orar� service v�
ex la ini:n the ra eti on o�' the Coxmi3, s s�.on r� s ta wla i1; a.s t� . n� � , . . � J hxclz c ould be
p � ',Y Za ya. �, �,ho $p2U,00, �ncl 1:hat c�naelled ai� i;he en�1 0#' sir, months xf �e territor� is not taken + -
,�� statenen� be se�t to them �'ar tha Ualflnce, Coitnnissionei i e _ J in b,� then. City
.: Tii n r seconaed tiie rlot3on, hiana�;er remarkec� �hat the;� coLtild l�s �ut uncler contract. Coxuriis,s�onei B
lanton nioved
wnich �vas voted upon an.cl lxnaniiaously carri�d. i�hat tkie Gj.ty nIanraf,er's recornrnendr�tian ue' �ollov�ecl tor approval of in3tallation oi'
�� _ 86Q �eet of 21° €,as r�iain extens3on on tTc�rth'Hibiscus �treet in t e e. `
�ansideration of C�rffaissionhr�s ivan to sea �v�tll �at tke en- o R� onc� th s r h aniount oi' 4p6U0.00-
€� � a .f ,yal 1J�iy, �� i�er+zporarf service t�e �,iven, cancella�le at �;he encl o�' six nion '^ '
' Cii:y i;iana�;er saicz tha1: �e ancl the En�;in�er discu�sed �h�s xaat�er �nd th�t Goz i3.ss3.one s �tibcliv si�n ha - *• = -
ths iz this
, � x 3, s not Y�een Laken into tYac� Gzi.y, Cor��nissioner L�rnri 3econcled the �ation
Blantan, Blacic, and. Zyl�n liad Ueen nansultecl, �ie �stid �Yiat 1:lxe s:ea vrall �:s �tt the Eaa� - wnich vrag voteci upon Hna ttnanlr,tou�1 G�rried. '
end of Ro,yal tilAy. Fie said i;he pr�pert�. o�°zner :who orrns pro�Prt�r an �hE Pforth arid, Sou�h
side o," Ro al 1J& aie puttinr� in �a �e�t wall b a coxti an in Si;. J.'eter f_ Ci C ^ •- F ,
Y �" , Y P y sl�ur�;, ttncl asl.ed t,y lerY, read l,et�er Iror1 the C�1.y Fit{,orne� c�atecl �eeen7�er 27 1 ''-
that �he City consider placin� a sea wall on xts part of the progerty �o tkrat it- in€; from hzs asition �as �'011o�;rse J , 951, resign .
l� ,
1vi11 conform to the oi;her sea wall. Fie said 'tY�e eoi�ipAny � ave the C��y: a propasal
on it, rrhich xlet the approval of the En�;ineer and the Cor�n�li��3onei � rvlio learnad o� ��I re rat i�o advise � ou 1;h t be ' •
it at that tir.�e as �he� felt it tiv ulcl e tiv t w` •' ~ fl � ✓ a cause oi' the �ress of ray'oti�n personal ini:siness
,. 7 q b a or h llile �ra,7ect �'or the C�tg to com- a..fa:3rs I#'ind it necessary tlla'� I ten�ler to ou rn� resi natioil �s Citz
plete since the Cit,q is payin�; f.or the other irnprover��ents and �J�uld xnalte �t a13 con- l�acorie e ee J y � � J�+ttrorney to
fi'E tive anuar;� 1, 1952, or �s soon therea�ter as the Cit Corra~�ission can
form with the' Lalance of the 'sea v�all. I� A rv�l1 is �ot }�ui� in there an erosion .fil1 tho �osition. �
problsm is �;oin� to be enc�untered there, he sai�. DIayor �rovrn �s�cec� if tl�ere is any
moz�ey left in tha� }�ud�;et itera. City T,Iant��;er repliad thrat the�.-e was maney in the �'In tak�n�; leave o£ the Cit 's s�rvice I vaish ' •
�T to take thls occasion to con�;ratu-
capital expenditure bud�et to take cAre of i� - 60 feet of, i�:. Goruaiss3oner Blanton 1&te trhe City Gor��nis�ion and each member tFlereof on its' o
moved that �he Cii:y Ittanager� s racozmtendation 1�e followed t�nd tliai; sea vrall ro'ect durin � the R u�.gtanding accoriplishr.ients
, P_ � _ �, fsar 1951. Your pro�rara of public i?pr�uement and Cit larinin , certai
be aut�orized for y�1,020.0�, �aith �he follov�in�; s�ecifications: �tandArd £3 foot sur asses 11 othe ' -• ,`� p , �' nly
. � tt ❑ P a rs rsince the year 1925 ancl i� has been accorapli:;hed v�ith a zr�ximum
slab ���:�1 6" connaction �txth ld by 15 ca�,. Sla1�s tq be reinf�z ceci v�;.th 6 vertic�l of �ood v�ill of the c:ii;irena and a rninimur.l o" ' " .- -
��� i, . 1 the frictzon usuall� �ti,endant to such
:z rocls a�Zd 4-3�4 xods, horizontal caps to be reinfarcet� vJitlz �-5f8 rods. Tiebtteks pro�rams. The sel�les'a service r3ven unstint�nrl � the ir�`
to be usad ever�* 16 feet lot to be le,�t •r�ded �o level ancz ull r:�n rove� l�a ? • � �� '9` � i ividual r7enbers of the
� , F � tz.�ed City Corulission and the outstandin� leadership pro��ided b;r xia or Herbert P�,I, Bror�n is
ar�ay. �17.JU ��er 1i.n�a'� ioot approhis�iately. Co�r�issioner' iurner secondecl the motion sometl�int* that the citizens o C'v �•
, : f our iL„ should, 4nc1 I ari sure Vrill, appreciste i'or
FrYiich tros voted upon and unaniri�asly carried. man;/ �years to corae,
Yinellas County Veterans'' Servi:ce report zor the r,ionth o� TToverriber, 1951,, r�ras �'nZ;� �aork ti•rith the City I h�ave en'oved dnd I�articularl � f•
� � , I � dppreciate the _�ne
�;iven Uy the City Tuana�;er �s follol��s: caoperation 1 have re�siveci #'rom the 1�Iavor, `the Cormissioners, the City T�iuna��:r, F. C,
Ptiddleton, the City Ln�;ineer, S. Licki;on, �and Pol?ce Chief Geor�;e T. IticC�ar.�sa and all
T.otal Receipt,s $�37f3.��0 the o�' � Gzt,y officers and employees.
Total Tlishur:7er�ien�s i�37SeUQ
"It �;oes ,��it2�o�a.t sa�riri�; tha,t T c�ill cantinue 1;o r,�aintain a keen ii�terest in
Co�rcissioner Lynn �noved t;hat report u�' Pinellr�s Countg Vet�ra,is� �ervice report i'or the pro�;ress of �ur Ci�v and �o this end 1 €.s a riv te c' ' '
�� , , , P a ztizen, shall b e �lad
the r;ionth oi NoVem�er be accepted. Coz�miissio�er Tnrner seconc�ed the rnotion, r�hich to' ser�ve the t:ity (}ovexnrient in �zng r�a;,r that T can.
�vas voted upon and unanir�ousl;T carr;ied.
Iv'Iayor Bro�rn gaicT tha1: it is �,it� fihe deegxe�;ret oi the entiie Cor�iission tha� the
Citv hiana�er reported on titilit5* irzproveraents uncler ��3C)0.00. Cor,�niisaionei leti;e� the conte.rits of �r ' _, r� ;,• • , • . - •
. , hiah tkie,� ��e_., not_zied �f in auvance, is r ecelved. He s�id
Turner r�oved that Gity T�tana�;er!s re.port orr ntility zrnprovernents k�e ap�roved for that t1iP C;it�r kttorLie has aone ever thin he � ' -^
„ � � � coz�lendad the Gor.�,lisszon l or doing -
installation of the follot;in; iztilii,�es, -tli&t lze has l�.el�ed thei; to do i,t. -Lze statec� that he certainl� c�esexves a vote o�
�. • -_ .
�� thr�nk;:e S'ron �he City Cormlzssion i'or his fine �rorl;. Coi.slissioner ��urner cone�arred ;
300 feet of 2 �;as r�ain extension on 7'ake _�,venue y�220.00 with I�i�yar 33rotivn�5 cor,^u�ents. Gor�.��ssior_er Flarii;on saicl tliat o . C '_
n his or.uniti,ees he
124 fee� qf 2" gas raain exte��ion qn .:oronaclo T�rive 1£30.00 has �•torlcecl closely t�tith tYie C�t+- Attorna and �hat he has brou t a ue r
400 feet of 2�r � Y, gh alth ol
� s i� �;as rlain extension on ��iillcrest Drive 190.00 experience to the City tvl�.ich A City ��Li.orney does not ordinarily have to �;ive. ge
120 �eet o,, 2 taater main extn.nsion on Richards Street 82,00 stated that he c�uld �-ive of his i,irle anci >hat i�t V�oulc have b ' '
3t)0 i'eet o� 2" tvater �ain ext,ension on Galumet Street 250.00 h�a°�e � 1 eea zt possible to
�;one �ut and lzired a practicing Attornezr to ��_ve ��hat he has. He said th�t t��e.
84 f.ee�t of 2« water nain �;.�t,Pn..sian on Jasraine �;'fay 65.U0 City frttorney �ncl the En�ineerin� Dep�rtrt�nt k�_ave cione a reat deal oi �zark r�hic
� h
tho avera�e citizen cloes not l.nov� unless orze is on a Corm�,iittee anc� sees tha actual
�onnnissioner Lynn seaonded the ;�oi,ic�n, ti°rhich v�as v�ted u on �nd unanimous t' _ - � o-• � • .
P lg earried, ar�tount o_ tiaor� i.he;j h�ive turned out. t�,. �azcI ..hat he v�ish�ti to coz.u�•iens tl�e City
Attorr_ey r:aost hi�;hl� for the able' serviae he has �iveXi 'the Cit and tl�a-t re felt
Co�.missi.oner T;ynn rzoyed that Cit� T�iana�er�s recor,rner�clation be fo11o�^red and ' ; that the Cit �n ' e. � ' � -�'- �
lU0 ieet o" .'=0 ` •. • <� that y gi,n er shou_d be �nclu�ed zn this also. (:or��iissloner Turizer sta �ed
z l,� �;as main extensi�n costinp; y�o5.C�0 on Chenan�;o Ue �pproved. that it has been vr�nc�erfl7l to liave an Attorne� a ' a�� - 't ��
f vaZl le at {,lie C1�� Ha_l to cahom
Cor.mv_ssioner TtLrner seconded the r.iotion, srhich �'�as vo�ed n�on arid unanirlousl� carried. pxok�leras coulcl be referred for ir;aaediate o ` ' ��
J s lution. Tie said 4hat there have been
years in -Ghe nast ��hen I�ttor.:�e;�s �vould have tl�ie idea that -L-1?ey �aere raerel,y represent-
Cor.�rnissioner Lynn rnoved thEit City T;iana�;er�s recor�u7entl�tion be follorved and that i ihe Cor�rnis � - ' � • • r �- .�• -
` ir , �. Y , . , n�, s_on �rxcl i.hat �� the ��ner�Z pulalic tiranted in� or�ation ti�ith re�a+rd
, 660 =eet of 2 �,as r._�tin e_,tensic�n costin�; $?450.C)0 on tilooQruSS r�venue be a roved. to their status on r�n lzestion the ' • � ,
Gorrmission�r fi a • pP Y� y hacl to i'ittcl it out for tt�einselves if �,he,� could:
1 nton seeonde� tYte notion, whichK as voted upon an�l unanimously �arriec�, Iie sa3c� that th3s Gitf F+tt�r�ey has laeen isqst 1ilteral in renderin�; of opin�ons where
- ,, in the �ublic coultl c�orae in F�nd finc� ou� anslrers to �he prol�lerzs in re�arcl to City
City T,iana�;er stated i;hat in Pinebrook and Pali� Terrac;e �;hei�e are ei : t houses ma'tte , • + � , . . -
five as e z r .�� � xs Cit� Attorney st�a..ed tlar�t wahPn the �ola yaas �lacecl in the City IFa11 ��1-�ere
� qt i��ped, th..ee ready to l�e hook�ed tip. ?i� said i,Fief rvere v�aitsn€, to see' it tnras hand to the 7)e artrlent I3eads' and dif�'erent er�`lo ees o e ' r
Y P p y f th City t_�at he
ti^tl�at the t;ater problera lrould Ue out there and that part of �he �roblem lu-as been tho�,t ht 1ie v��ulcl have a lot of thin s refar ed ' ' ' � ,
�; �; r to klir� lvhich L�pdrtraent fIeads ou�;ht
#'airl� yJe11 corrected. City Lngineer saicl that the clraina fo robles,� a s c + . .. .
r , 6 P s u h has to solve, but trhat he has nov iouncl this to k�e trlte e tYiat ninety-ei�ht or ninet�-
been ce�rregtea. R,ayor �3rorm asked �;hat t;his nlatter be laec�d o t e , . • • - -
, „ � n Yi �genda for nine pereent �f the ti7c�rlt refeired by 1Jepartz�c�nt fIeacts i� c�ireetl • 1e �al vlork and
3 - �,
considPration of the Cpr.�rizsa.i.�an at the second iaeetin�; in J�nuar if it is the vvork r�hicli sl -* • A •
rec�rmnenciation af the -� ' ' •y zoulcl Ue done LS an �ttorney. _ Iie saici �l�at it 2�as b..en poasible to`
Co.nission that the f be talien into tYae Gity. Goru�issioner s�,rA3 hten otYt a 1ot o�: i'orr.zs �+hicli needed revisio t '
.€� n, a nci lta t it ha s been a plea sure
L�nn said that People cuho have alreacly rzoved in Zre 1lndolibtedl1 rieedin�; tl�e as �vorti.snCr ti^rith the Cit ancl that he s ' v'
€� > Y, h� uever felt irsposecl npo�1 b� �epartment Heads.
service.: Citf 2�,Fana�;er said that they clo neecl it badly and thrzt it rueans revenue Cor,uni,ssioner T� nn -�' ' ` •� -f
y saicl that a_ll thE Coz.r.iission csn c10 is accaut tl?e Ci�y Attorney s
for the T7tility UFpartxn�nt, ar,cl that the� u:�e both as a�cl vrater. Cit� e.- . ,' � � -
. F; f Attorney r sitnataon ��ith re�,xet anci that h,e perso�all� tiJoulct do the sar.le hinaelf i#' h� had
ssid that it ti�oulcl uake Qt least ,a raon�th i.o take �he section - - . . _ . .
3ni,o the Ci�y, Iie as r,nich rsone� aaid interest tied u�.� in a netiv en�erx�rise tntt that the Gib has 1�ad -
, y
stated thnt there liave to be tv�o se�arate Urdinances, a le�;a7, notice run for a � nothii� b�it 1�0°; co� eration f m hiY c '
�; i p ra � lurxn�; the past ,year. F�e then moved that the -
cert�in �eriocl of tirne, vdhicY-i is at least ten days, and that there rknzst �e a e Cozi�niasi 'r , - r . - *'_ .
len th of tirne b c rtain o i accepi: tkle 1eti�er of resit,,n�tic�n uf f,Tr_. 4dare ��i1.h re�;ret. Cor:u-ii? ssioner
� etvreen passa�;e of the SLr:�t and second Orclin�nGes and le�al notices , Blant�n secondaci �he rmo�ion 1ahicli �ras votecl u an an ' t �'
, p d unaniYlotisl,�_ cari ied,.
on both. Cornn�.ssioner �ynn asked if the vrorl� coulct be authorized �n the �;as r.�ain,
sirice the City knov�e it is f,oir,�; Lo take this area into i;he Citt . . _ _ _ : �
,� lirnits. City Cat;y Ai.tornPy stal,e<i that l�e h�as some r�tters tivh.�ch he 1�oulc'I lil�e to 0 on
_. . . _ . .
�'` Attorno�y said it is his nnaerstandin�; that the �eople in `tliat a rea hava re este ti'rztlz - th�� e��uld l e � , �
qu d h N a t,7.ad to do t;hers as a piivate citizeY� arid �roiild expect no
�the City to take them ina Cop�izssianer Lynn felt i:hat i:kie vrork on the ras x��ai s a or clo.i.izr so H �- ` • - • •
coulcl b� o e . r €� n p y� (, . e statecl �tiat they incluclecl. 1. Ea.tens3on of the G�unty �Ja�er
d n ahead oi iime. Gity I�ianflF,er statecl that t�hA vt�t�r rae{;ex� a` e S s e Y e U �. s.� . .. .� � - .•
are in eve t nc� .furnac s y t n, th ackE,rouncl oi` 1v,Lich kze is far.xili�x �aith and tlia�. he rvould cbntlnue on
r,� house, ancl :Ln three tlze housea are completelf �;as e ui ecl. Cit- ` ;�ith it i it is t P ' r ^ ' F' • `•
Attorne ' s icl tl�• ` • � �p � � h. 1vi1T o_ tlle Gor,�,i3ssion, and �ha� Yie rri11 consult with tlae Gity:
„ y a at iie had previ,ously beeri ttutYiori�ed to �,o akre�c� qnc� pre are neces- from i;irne to t�� to be sure he is carr in � aut the r7i11 af the Cit� • 2 � e
s�r;� lef;al proceeclin s to 'brin f th . , P , , , Y. �' . , J, . ITyrtl.
g �, e area in, su:b,�ect to the apl�rovttl oi' tY�.e Ln ririeer Aveaitae L�tension t�ecause o�' his conneetio r;�ith the G�nnt �ac nd � e:
and tlza't i;he CQn�aissid t er _ f_, , _ . '.. ; . � y o aiy Road Cor.�raitt e,
n h� eiore need i�ot tak� itiri;kier aotion. II� ��ic� i;rr��t r�s 3. T�eara��xn � o%' Civzl .>ervice Rtiles � he s��te� t e `�' ''
�, , s I hat �h Cc�rrrais3ian �ointly with
sUon as the re�ort is in the a ers ca t�e <�: .__ � , ..
, p p n prepar�d. Citf LnE,ineer spici 1.ha1, he the Servic� 13o�rrd dec3.doc1 that ther•e shauld 't�e � reviszon of �he rules to �;ial�e them
, vrould have tlie report in at an ear1R �.a i�e . C . � , . ,. _ :
, ,� or.miies�.oner T3lanton s��.d �Yiat i�' they raore prnci,ic�l and $ii, �hein to re�ent neec�s. �Ie �aid tnat he hacl l�een �'�le i:o er-
P , P
are ,;ozn�; to be ta�en in �nd if the con e , . ,
, , s nt of, a11. �he pro}�ert,� o�rner� hd� not been sueae �i rorainont and re�ir�cl I�ttor e T�tr, S. fttiissell I3oi�+en ra ' '-' i
obtained that erha � x : e _ f p n,y, , a �n of ouystanc� ng
P P i th y 2 re �;iven 1,he €,a s th� v�rill. �e Pl li�e' o` t. i. , , . . .
, , . , �J stayin�; u �a'�i_ity, �i diploriat and gentler;ian i�' �zP evei g��r ona, t,o hal�� Yi� �;o over the rale�
_ Re y�onclered i,f insi;allrn t r . . , . . . . .
- �; he �,as tir�iuld me�n that the� �re so �a-Lis.�i,ec`l �h�� �hey and re�vase those ivhic2i ra e�r ta zieec� revisa.n ; nnd �hen suY�rnit �hem k ael� to the Cit
pP f Y
, , , >.
� - _ -
,:' ;
�3� '�-�2- _ Gf ��
_ cT�.� a�r,��izsszorr ni�EmzrtG
CI'1'X' GQA�:`.TS�;IQP7 P�TH�ETING December 2£3 �.�51
, Aoaeriber 2�3, 19a1 e
_ • vec mber 2
Nianager, the Corunission, enci the Civi1 Se�vice Ei�ard, with the idoa Uf eliminatin�; Q 7, 1�5I
� . . v . � � , . . � _ . ;
mang a� tPie z�ictions � riic�i h v ocauri ea Zn tlie pa,st in cannecti'on �v�tll Gi 7i1 ' T�iayor-Goxuni�sionex Jierbert Pa, Broum
Service,� �. 1�0� qrdinsnce, as he said he �ias been in on tkie Cc�r�mli�tee �norls, ancl
: �v�uld l�e lad to follo�u tlzrou�;tz and t1rAw 'tliat Urdin�nce re ^axclles� of r�hatlzei �he . . ,
� , . _ !'�, Cottrcn�.asionor. Joe Ttirner
Cor�:liasioti is �able t:o �`ill tYie positzon izunedi�i;ely. ITe sr�id i� it 3:s the will of - �r �3er.'��rt 131an o
the Cor.anission tY!at ];ie cto thase t1•iin�a� th�at he t�roLt7.d lie �;lacl {:o do 1;hem. Coxrnn:ts9i�ner u t n, Sr.
Blanton moved that the Cii;y ki>torney :�;o a.11eqc� v��itli iter,�s lis�ed �ar,d co'iitinue to ir Thorsas }I. 131ack
seive in tla.ese ca��cit3.es- under conaitic,ns- statecl. Cor.uniasioner Lynn saconc��d the Gsrlanr� 17. T,ynn
motion, vvhich �+�as voted u�an and unaniinously carried. Ci�y .At�orne,y s aid that 3,f Gentler.xelz:
'�_.. they felt thev tv3shed to taka tlaese rt�ti:erg up ai; � latex xrleet3,n�; 1;l�ey could do so.
Comnissioner T� nn said he 'fel� tYiere tiras no nead to do tlais - i:liat �i11 oi thoni r ,. ,
y _ , A special meei,inF, of the City Coz�r.missioX� rvi1T be held rr�,da evenin �-
realized the time tivhich has t�ePn put in o.�'� all of then7 and ��tliat a iine ,7ob ho l�a's pecer�ber 2�3 1951 at • Q v1 i y f'
, , , '7.3 P.I . in �he C_ty Hal1 kuditoriura to cousider items
' done ancl th�1; 21e shoulc2 be �allovrecl t� con'�inue an tvith it. P�Ittyor }3rown s�a3c1 i't �vould ' on i;rie attachecl ��;encla.
be a contirnting proposition. _
Cii.y Attorney saici that there is the r.iattex of conveya,rloe oS fivo lots on ' Yours very trul;�, :
ftIissouri Avenue necessitAtin€; a Res�llLtion �racatin�y 'a ��ublic alleg. �'kiis Ftesolution s P. C. P,Iicidle
v�as read by ttie City At�orney. CoLmii3sioner Tlrrne�,� i�oved atloption o� �he Resaa.ution, . ` Citti ISiana er ton
' which v�a's secondeci by Cor�issioner Lfnn, voted upon and unani.x�ouslq cari3ed. �ChT. `� �'
_ , ' ' ��, _
Cit� Attorne� �tated that he hacl tr•ra �rdinances �ihich tlie Go�,miission ha�i aslsed ------------------------------------------_____---------
, h3ni t� Prepare, one_ arnendin�; c�ate�ories oi theaters in tha UccLtp�ttional T,icenae ,
Ordinance, and the other creatinp; a iletiv cate�;oru o.f, "Speculative 13u31der". 4Ji�h A enda - S ecial i�Teetin � of Cit Co. 1' '
� , p � � rm ission
the consent of the Cor.�m�ssion he thPn read Urc�inance PTo. 617 relai:in�* to thea�ers, Priday �venin - 7s30 P.fi;i.
: on its first reaclin�,, �oi;�.n;ssioner "_'tzrner m�ved �aassaze af Or�clinanoe Z;o. 617 on its December 28 1951
first rea�.�in�;. Gor.vnissioner �3lanton seconded the rnotion, whicki v�as voted �,ipon and `Cit Ha11
unanir�ously carriec�. Corunissioner Ttxrnes moved consideratioi� ai' Ordinance P1o. 617 �
�or readin� b,j titla only t�y unanirious conseut, Coz�nlissioner Lynn second�d the 1. A rovin� xairnites of ineetin s of I3 c a- • �
, PP � �; e. 1_ 12 noon, Lec. 14 - 7.30 P.t,�,,
ntotion, y�hich ��a s vated upan and un�nir�ously earriea . Orclinance Ito . 617 �wa s read Dee . 15.
by title only. Corsaissiorier Ttuner moved ado7�tion oi' Ordinance Pto, 617 on its
second reaelin� by title only by unanimous consent. Cor.nnis3ioner Rlanton seconded 2. O�enin�; of 17ids for:
t'!ze motion, r-�hich tivas voted Zz��on and unaninously carried. Cor�rsissioizei Ttxrner
noved c�nsideration of Oraiz�ance Iio. 617 on its thir�l ancl final re�din�; in its A. Repairin and aintin- Clearti�ater Urawbrid e
entirety bv unan�oits consent. Cozni�issioxier Blantoti secondecl tlie snotion, r111ich was ' �' � � �'
voted u,�on and unaninously carriecl, Ordin�ince I�To. 617 r�as read i�s third and final 3. Cor,vn3:ttee�� re�ort ans
time im %ts entiret,y. C�r�nissioner �'urner saoved passa�;e of Ordinance ATo. 617 on
its trird anc� final readin� in its enti�etf by unaninous: eonsent. Cor�nnissioner A. Proposed use of I�lunicipal �oc� in fron�G of Auditoriur�.
Lynn seconded the �otion, �hirh tin�as votecl Zi�on and unanirnously carried.
B. Agpraisals .
City Attorney than read Ordi.nanre No-, 618 on its fizst readin�. Cor�miis3ioner
T�zrner r:ioved adoption of Ordinance 210. 618 on its fir�t' reading,. Comrnissioner G. Ri ht-of �,Ta cormlittee re ort an IrI? ssouri Hvennue � ^
I��nn seconcied tY�.e �otion, v�hich was voted upon,and unanirn�usly c arried.
� � P and Court �tree�t.
v. va�; Urclir.ance
Tnere t�ein�; no further t�usiness to ccr��e betore the Cor:uaission, �ieetin� vvas
"adjaurned b�r nia��or Brown �t 1U;_23 ��:t. 4. Tabulation of Uids:
, ,
: `„�� A. Repairin� and ��aintin� Drav�brid�;e
� -�� '� � B. Police Gruiser
Tiiayor-Cornrnissione �' _
, { ,5. Coimnission's eQn�ideratian af letter fror� 1'inella's Caunt� Title C��npan� erit�
reference to taxes on lot at the corner oi South Osceo�a and Haven Street -
� forraerl� t�sed ,for a garltin�; lot.
A � TEST: -
, 6. Cor.miission's approva7_ of sea v�a11 a't 1Jest end of Royal ZJay,.
, ' 7. Pi�ellas C�unt� Veterans Service Report �.or t�e rionth of Pdoveraber.
Cit Aucli� � and Glerk 8. Consi.deration oi'
public u�ilities alre�d� in�talleci uncler y�3Q0,00.
�. Consideratiqn of public utilities - outside oi Ci�ty Liziits, and aUove �?30Q.00. '
l�. �ny i�ems not on �he a�enda tiTi11 be considared Uy consent of the cor�tission.
IJove�ber 5, � g5�
; nlr. I� . C. Iiii:dd].eton,
Cit�r riana�;er, Re,; Thet pr�r�: �� T�ot l, 1yin�
Cit�t of Clear�vater _ �Ue-st of Osceol�' a�id Lot 2,
Clearwater, k�].orida less 1V 65 iset, less street
Dear PSr. h'ticldleton;
13y letter, ci�tecl �ece�ber' 29, 195U, the Cit� n� Cleari�ater acceP'ted the o�`�er
oi the Y3nellas County Title Comp�ny to use the above described nrogerty, loca-teci
�� , ' at {:lze N�rthrJest corner ef Usceola Avenue and FTaven Street, as a parkin�; 1o�G.
_ _ Under tYie �€;reerient, the Citf v��s ta pay the taxes, clearin�;,: etc.
;Ve are er�cloyinf; the st��ement t'ox the �ases ior the year 1951, in the ar.tount
, o�' �p7�J.04. 1"Jill �ou p1.eAse 2iave the Qor,�issioYiera �pprove tlie payr�ieni; a�' the said
: , tiVe �are r��os-� happy to >lzelp the Cit�* elimin�ate the condil;ion that ax3ste xe�;ard:ing
. the parlcin�; situetYon,
: _ Re �;tt rd a � _
_ • PIi�tE:.,LAS CQlrtTX '?'ITL7�' COI�TPAI1'l -
_ T13Lt�lm .r' Liy: /s/ Tohn ft. Livin�;ston
_ Vice-���esident
' � . {,4 , .. , , . . . . . . . , . . , ... . . . , . � . . � � �. . � . � . . . . ., �. .. . . .. . . �. . .. . .. � . � . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . .. . . , ' � . , . . . . - . . . .. � .. � . .. .. . '. . . . , . . . . .
f. . . .. . �, . . . . � . . � . . . . . � . . � . . � . � . � � . � . .. ,. . �, . �.,. . ' � .. . . � � . .. . , . . . . . . � � . . . �. � � ' � .. . � � � � � . , . � � .. � . :�'. ; , . . . . � . . . �.���
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.�. , _. ,. _��.�s
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_ _ �
_ , . _ . _�
. . . . � . . . .. .� .. . . _ . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . � � . . . � . � . . . . . . ... � . � . . . . . . . . . . . ,,. .. . 0.
�.�� r'' ... . . . . . . . .. _ .. . . . . .. . . . . . ', . ' . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . � . . . , . . . . . . .. ,.. . . , . . . . . � . .. . . . ,:y
. . ., . .. . � . . .. . , � . . . . . .. .: f '..
�' � � _ � j ��� �`
,,,t �
as�T can�ras�zorr n�E�,2�zr�G , f ,
7�eaeant�er 28, 1951 _ 1 ';
_ _ lle cemt�er i 3, 1�51, ' , �! ;
ORDIN.AY7CE AMETTDIN'G ORD2NI�NGE iia. 609 5�.4&[I; �l� ��
J, A. YRLEllOI�'I I2�Q A2� �
ORAINAlYC� A�IL'2JD�N(i N0. 5$0 i1i�ING 'S73CTI�N 8 OF C
P3nellas Qoun`�y Vaterans Servioe O.f�'icer _ � EiAPTER _ ,I
Clearrvrater, Plorida . 19 OIa � COD� AF' �i-CITY 4F �i,IiARP�A'3.7'sR„ T�LQRmA �,
The �ionarablP fio&rd of L'�:ty Coiu-tisszoi�ers ' BY' Ab2LfidDTNG � CLA3STFIGATIOI9I tt'i'FiEA�i2» �.'HERE2N. �
City Hall �3E I'1' ORIIAIPJi�Ii �3' Ti� QI77Y CUI;tI�iTSSIOrd Oi+' THE CS.TY UF GT,'EAR4"1 ,' �, , I
3ECT.CO�I I. ihat Orciinarace Na. �09 bein "A3t ORDI;NAPICE ; , tiTLR, ELOR�S�. I
'.� Clear���ater, E'lorida � itEP�A.LING ORDIi�ANCE �
Gentleraen: �..• TION!►L LTCE2d3E 4itUIi7AI+10E, 3�IXTt:G THI: A3f0UNT OF CE�iTAIN OCGUPATIQ�IAL BUSfii '
AI�ID PI�OITSSIOPIRL LTCEPIS�3 T�'OR ��IT3'. ' Or' CLEARY��`1`�R F , ' �s ,�
The followin� is a report coverin rece� ts a AiAN2dEFi AND CONDZT.CQ,.dS Ok` �iEIR ISSUAIdCE• P • ,
� p nd diak�ur9emeni:s in (%],e�arttater ; , , ROVTUINC� A PF�i�AL�'i' �OR FAIT.,URE
Veterari:s � Caiznty Serv3ce �f�ice for the month of NovenUer '1J0 GOi�IPLY �RE4�ITii �iNA 'PROVIDIPi(r TIiE EF�'EGTIYE UI�TE n ;
1951: �F TfiI3 UIiDIIdA�iCI:, 'be
_ , , end t.he eaaxe is horeb� �mended ao that the c7.assiP:3c�tion "THI�AT�>Fi,s`� aPPearin ' '
Receypts Disburser.tenta
on Pages 1� aad 13 tkiereoP sha7,]. be emended to raad aa :�ol�.owras: g
Pinellas Count�...' .............w310.0U J. A. Preedam s�alar ,....... a, 0 to 400 Saats .75.{70
_ City of Clear��ater.....:........ 50.U0 Secretar �s s� y ....ti�20Z.i35 401 to 500 5eata , �q '
,Y a1a r,y . . . . . 125 . UG
1 0.00
City of �unedin.....,.....,...... 9.OU Car allolvanee ...................: 25.G0 501 to 7Q0 �eets 150.00
Citv of T�arpon Springs. ..... .... �J.UO Telenhone Ec lon�; dist�riZce. ...... , 9.62 701 to 1U00 3eat's 2Q0.00
. _'rin�;in stat 100Q ta I50Q Seats 300.Q0
�;� y. oi'fice Over 1500 Ses�s 3�Os00 .
_ exPerises �G. Z��gta�;e............. 16.53 Dr1ve-lns 250.OU
Total �37Ei.00 Tota1 ��37Q.QU SFs�TIQN II. • � �
T'hat a17. Ord.inances or ences in conflict herecrSth
be and th.e same are he�eb� repealed�parts oP drdia
RESOLUTION VACAmINCr A YUF3%IC �LLEY. S�CTI02i TII. This Ordinsnee ahall beoome aPPectias ir�ediately �zpon its
p�asage end adopt3orr by �he City Co�snnission o� the Ci�g oP C1earYrater, �'],orida. �
ti'1H�REP.S �"Jilliam A. 1Jalker is the o�ner of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive and Lots 23
to 35, inclusive, o.;_ Turner Street Groves Suladivision, as rzr,ord.ed in�Ylat 73ook 15-
Page 91, of �he public rec-ords of Pir�ellas County, t�'lorida, an� ' PASSED OrJ FIRS�' READINa December 2��ith,: 1951
TJFT�RF�S tl�ere tivas �alatted in said �l�t of Turner 5treeL Czroves " PASSi�D OId' SEGOPiD RF�#t,DING December 28th 195
��ubclivision a , 1
eer�tr�in �ublic allesr runnin€; 2?or�h and South betv✓Een tl�.e aforesaid Lots 1 to 5, 1'ASS� ON iHIRll AIdD ETNAL '
inclusive on �he eas:t, and the �aforesaid I,�ts 23 to 35, incllxaive, on the 1Jest, and ' RF�DI?dG AI�L' �DOPTI3D :Decerrtber 28� 1551
ilIi'rREAS because of its 1ocAtian said public qlle� could only serve the ov�ners of °
Zots 1 to 5, inclusive of saic� S�,ibdivision lyin�; to tize Eas� thereof ana I�ots 23 to
35 lyin� to the t�'est there�f, and ,
�9Fi�RE�S it appearing to the City Co��ission that said 1`Jilliam �1. 'JValker owns
a11 the nroper�ty cahi�h could poss?_bly be affected or served b� said public alle and __�sf $erbQx�t At. Bro4+n '
that he as the oclner tYa.ereof applied to the Citv C;or:�tnissiari to vacate said alleq as ' Elagor-Comm,isr�ioner
a public alley, and _ _ _
1JFif;R�AS said ��ubl.ic ,al.ley serves no useful purpose to tl�:e �;eneral public at A1'�'I'sSTs - _
1ar�e in the Cit� of Clearv�ater,
2TQ�� iF�;I3EF'OI�� B� IT :RLSOLVLD by the City Cor�iaeion oi the G_ � , . ' �
meeting duly an�i re �ularl assembled it,T of Clear�iater in /s/ H. G. FOin o `
, � 5 this �8th day of Uecember, A°I�., 1�J51, that the �
public alle�r above described be an�i the sar,re is rieleb vacated and b ' C3ty Auditor and G1erk :
Y a ancl�ned � s �
puUlic alley nf the Czt;* oi Clear�•aater and the said City does herebf quit claim t�s
land occupied bq said nublic alle� unto the present ovJner o� the lands lying :to the ;
East and ZJest thereof, to-ti•rit, ZJilliar�� A. �lalker,
AD�F"'IOId S�F TIiE k''OR�GOIT3G RL+'SUItT�IOTd r•ras rsoved, �assed, and aciopted this 28th
day of DecemUer, A.ti•, 1951, _ '
�s� Herbert IvI. 13rotivn
Attest: _ ,
/s� II. G. Uing� ,
City Aiiditor and C1erk
f: .. ,
_ � ' ,
, f ;
_ , ,
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, _ _ , .
;: _ ,
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