12/20/1951 "l :. " ',':::"., :. ':~f~"'.l,....~(t,;:~::'1~~~~1jf/ , I..'. . ,<~ ..' '.' J.,. 'v,'-'-';'..: .; .... "',.< ;. . '" , ' .' .'. . . .' '.' ,; '. I ... u ;';, -:. .:~,",:.~ ~;:;~~:;;~.;,:;i:;;;~;.::i,~~J,;:.,,~j;~k,: ~l::;::':'::~':~';;:;~"i~'~~;'\i.;~.:::.i('-'i';~u:-,;Li;i;tj~\;;l;~;~,?:t. '" .~.;, .'., " ~ 39L(- CITY COl.U,USSIOH MEE'llING December 20, 1951 'l\he City CorTdssion of th.e City of Glear\/atc1" met in Special ~ession at City Hall on Thursday, De cer,lbor 20th, 8 t 8: 00 1'1..1, \'/'i ththe following uembers present: ~ I' \.. I,;; ........ 1 I I I I He rbe rt 1.1. Brown .Toe Turner Berbo rt }.i. Blant on Thonu s If. BIB cl:, .Tr. Gnrland D. Lynn 1I1a yor-Cor:lIlliss ioner Con1111ssioner Corill1li s s1 onel' Cor:rr.11ssione l' Cornn1ssioner .... ".,'~ >.. .':: ' 1/:\::' Ausent: Hone Also pre sent: P. C. hii<.tcilet on C. E. \ffi),8 Oeo1"/;e '1'. 1,icC1E:-\ulH Ci ty !l18na[~er at ty A tt orney Chief of Police l'leeting was Cl.lllecl to order by 1.iuyor UrC1\'m. j I ! Mayor Brown st!:tte{1 that pul)lic hearil1/; (loferl'Bd until tonight for Barbour- I.lol"'row Subdivision would he continued Ht this tine. lIe said that a petition has been presented to the Gor!J~li3sion that the City huve lJids \withdrawn and work deferred llntil the tOlll'ist season is over. Corn!1i3~11onel' Lynn said that he has talked to quite a few people on the Beach, and feels that they are .;ustified in their request, and that he favors the postponenent of work on this ir,lprOVel.lent. He said they are all in favor of" the irnprovenent but do want to wl::lit. lIe then Illoved that the Git~~ Attorney and City }~na~er be instructed to reject tl~ bids received on this project and that the v/orlc ue postponed until between t11e 1st and 15th of" April. This motion was seconded uy Cor,missioner Blanton, voted upon, and unanir:Jously earried. Cor:naissioner Lynn stated that havinf~ this project de:ferred would r'lake a great deal of' di ":ference in the ::.ncomes of propert~r O\-"ners during the sea son. Cor'-Jrnissioner Blacl<: asked if it woul(] be r'lOre f'eBsible to l:'e<:onsiclel' the il.lproveuent later as an entirely new l,la tte r. Iila;ror Brown su iCL it \Jould have to be re-acl vertised and a new public hearing called. Cormlissioner Lynn cOl.nentecl that the Enr;ineer's data could be 11sed later. 1,la~Tor Brown said thot the pl'oject would stand as it is except for new figures. !.Ir. lCerekes, property owner, stated that the season starts on January 1st, and that the construction will interfere ",it}) business activities there. He said that at any time after April 1st they Vlould be "lad to have it. lIe corilr.1ented that Tilf:lter1als neces~mr~r for the work shrHlld be acrp. ired at the ])l'ice they are now a s they nJa y be highe r in t he future. City Clerk read app11cbtion for license to sell intoxicating liquors from Donald Beath, v.ho proposes to operate a restaurant culled "Town House" at the loca- tion of the ol,d hll)rine (Trille, 4lG Cleveland street. Conrilissioner Blanton stated that he did not believe there has been liq1 01' ~old at thut location in the past. 1111'. Williaro1 Goza, Attol'ney for I.ir. beath, ~tEltec1 thl:lt City Code, Chapter 15, pro- vides that a place way 1)e licellsed if it is not within 200 feet of l:l church. He st!lted that he had had Leo Butler, Civil BngintJer, survey the distance betv/een the proposed TOVln House I:lnd the Ct, 1 vu ry Ba pti ~lt Ghl1rch~ :following the shorte at route of ordinary pede::;trian travel from nearest point o:f the ':(0\'111 1:ouse to the nearest point of the Baptist Chl\rch. He said It is r:le&rl~r outside the distance specified - 220 feet from the corner by goin~; a~ross and down the street, 145 feet over the minimum requirements. JIe ~laic..i that llr. Beath vias Ci-eneral J.lfmager for the Charles Restaurants at Toronto, Canada, and does not plun to LElve any sign on the front of the building to re fer to liquor being served, tha t he he shad thEl inte rial' l'edecol'a ted rl10st a tt ra cti vel:r, ,thE! t theJ'e is 4,000 squa re feet of' floor space, 110 oance floOl', a carpeted floor, with a small bar, that the 11..1s1ne83 is priu8rily a restaurant business, which he said he \/08 sure would be a distinct unset to ClearVluter', and that liquor will he served tllainly in connection \lith dinners. lIe added thl:lt state and County licenses have beensecurecl and paid :for. City Attorney stated that the Cor1l'l1ission is in position to exercise its discretion in denying this rifSht, but that in doing so their only accornplishnent under the fjtate liquor law am the Supreme Court clec isi on rende red in a MiElui ca se is to for fe it the ~~750 .00 license which the City w01l1lt otherwise be entitled to collect. lIe said that if the City denies it on any other l'er~11la tion than trult sh.oml in the City Code the license fee is paid to the StHte. He then quotec1 frolil the HiaHi case as follows: "Ci ty of llliaI'li Vs. Jachinko ~~2 So 2cl 627, f.~ t H30 "OrdinBnce Ho. 2161 of the Cit:r of Hibmi, insofBr as it attempts to ex.ercise any power ovel those Wl10 obta in ~ta te a nd County license s to enp;age in the businesses defined in tl~ State Devera~e L~w, Ch8pters 561 and 562 F.S.A., is. invalid; except those provislons w}'.ich (1) regulate the hours of business, and (2) regulDte the locotion of places of business~ and (3) proscribe sanitary l"egula- tions for such plB ee s of busine ~"S. It City Attorney further stated that the State IJevel'age WW j~oes into certain regula- tions Hith reference to locution '\'/11icll [Jre ruther hro[ld. '1'l1e Cities can regulDte location with reference to churches and schools and out::;ic1e of" that they can regulate no further. C01;11111ss ioner Blanton cor,rr;lented that if the l"estanl'ant had been wi thin 150 feet of the mmrch the City could deny it and stop it, but that under the present set-up they cannot be stopped fron c1oir1~ uusiness in sueh a location. Mr. Goza said that they hael more than COl.lplied vlit11 the Ordinance, and are not trying to do other than conduct a decent business. Mayor Brown said it undoubtedly would be passed on favorably, but that he (lid thinl~ the City lIlHnager should render a report" together with the Gi ty Attorney, to let the Cornr.lission knoVl exactly ",hat the situation is" .iust as an investigation. Cox'.i!uif3sioner Lynn asl~ed why there has never been a liquor license there before, and that he felt the mmers were hasty in going to the State and County before coning to the City. 1111'. Goze stated that the ~.. plf~.--" ;"' """f'''';.!;~' -....,.:....-:----.. .....: . .:. .. ....~- '... ,', ; '~@~~~i~V;~~.:;:'::;1~i~~;:,\:,~,.:" .: C,:;". ;J.'.. :,~,'.' .:. .:,;" . , . ~.:'. . ..",;" ). . ........,;." ',;... :..:......'. ;. 3,.9"$' . .~~ .(, ',ft '.:7 '~ .... '~ -2- CllY Cml}'\IS~;IOIJ I,llmTIHG December 20, 1951 first thing the~r did was check City Orclinances, and \"(1I:1ile they did not see any of the Cm'U'lIissioners T'egflrdinf~ the rlUtter, the law is settled, and he said that he wished to nal<:e the request that it he p/;~sf3ecl on at this w'leting. 11ayor Brown cOlrlI1ented the t neither the Sto te or COllnt'jr authorized their licen ses without inveotiHation. 111". Gozo said that if that wus the pleusure of the COlIUllisslon they would be r,lt:lCi to cor.1ply VI i th it, ('lven th 011{') 1 the ovmers are Ilost anxious to open their business. Corrnllissioner U.f1G1c 1.10ved that the l'-latter be referred to the City r,ianacer and City A ttorne~r for report bucJe ut tlw ne;~t c.:ol:ll'ilission r:Jeetiug, in order not to inconvenience 111". and 1,lrs. boo th u Il~r !.lore than is ne ce nSH ry. Cor:unissioner Turner seconded the notion, which V/[J S voted upon und unanir.1O\u3ly cu rried. Mr. 13eoth stotod that he hod invested :;;;40,000.00 in lr,prOVAl.1811ts, hael his cooking staff already in, 8nd the root of the euployoes cOI,ling in the day after Cl1riotznso, and that it will he Cl r;rnot exponse to him to have thut r,lon~1 erllplo~rees on his payroll and not be able to operate. Ho :llIi<1 his f.:outirw copucity \'Iould be obout 205" that there will bo aecollllodotionn for Vl.ll'lOllA civic tind other f;roupa" umI that the restaurant feature of it will he the 110in fe!:lture - that thero are no r.tirrors, and that the bur looks like somAthin/~ u uilJ.iono:l,re wOllld hElvO in his oVln hone. COil1missioner 1\l1rne1' conrtontoel thut thel'e Bre 1,lOny ref~lllflr 1101'S in town, but that from the description it sounds !;10 tl,()1W.ll it \'/~ll to U nice l'ent01.lront oervinr; liquors with 111efllo. ;!'. .:....""..}. . . . :.,'): :~~. I 1. ',I " ~ DisCU3Si on VIn S in1 tiu tee) on propono 1 0 pro nented for the pureha ne of ~325, 000.00 Yucht Un sin He venue Certi fico to s - Serie s 1~15l, of the City of Gleu rVlo tel", to consider aWl:lrding I.HUlle to the highest bidcior. Mr. Hunlu,'ller suid he "/ould like to leave a bid \'lith tho CorJ'11ssion other thon thut which IH~ loft \'l1th the C~tty 1'lanac;er during the dav. The COl,.u:Lsn10n received the revised l)id. I,ir. Spl"'f1gins, of R. VI. Dpragins Co;,1puny, ~wic1 thflt their' proponul is: '.:_.'.:<, . .:, 3),cf HI:J f 3-3/45" 4cf I' f A t the lega 1 r ute of 955, for lU5G ID60 Thereafter the bonds. :/ I,ll". Spra[~ins sa 1d the t t:w qnes tion is \'lhether or not the inteI'C 3t ra te j11 stifie s the City from. a sound ntandl10int selling the securiticn. lIe saiel that they know that there io no other bid, !;.Ind that he felt 1t would oe unfair to !\ir. Hanhauer to lea vo the bid open. He s t8 tad t:la t this bid a ~'ford s the only opportunity to develop the J,If1 rina prof~ran. Be fore the door is clo sed the opDortllni ty is 0 va ila hle to f,;ive the City the pier it has bnen \'I[lntinf~ for 130 long. Corulis~lioner Blanton said he didn't Dee hO\'1 both could be built uncler this set-up. Mr. Spr8gins cOrnIl1ented that to be snre that the City is r;ettinr; the bent (leal it can ~et and to be further sure that proper notice hus been sent to the denlers, nny of the other companies could be called at his expense. He said that onl:r four cOlapanies have bid on Cleorwater securities in the lest ten ~rears, but that if the City Vlents to leave it open until tomorroVl at l:UO Pl.l it is a11 rif~ht to do so. He said that he would like to see the City r.et the best deal possible. He said that he had 25 copies of the Prospectus sent to the vario11.s c1eolers by the City Hannger" and sent out the same number hi: lself. He sa id th8 t he tried flu rd to r:et a bid froll somebody" and thot 1111". HanhEiUer W8S '\'I1l11n/; to participate and ou:r the securities because he would join hil.1. lIe said that vlith the estimated revenues frol1 1960 or 1961 the City would hove retired everythin(~ Vlith the exception of ~~40"OOO.OO worth of bonds, and if there is any (,ebt left they \'1111 have nn earninr, records and could refund it ut a trelnendous saving. City Attorney ns},:ed how that \"ISS poslJi1Jle \Jithout recalline " features of the Ortlimmce. l.lr. Spragins replied that the bonds were subject to call on or ofter .Tuly 1, 1960; that any bond r:lOtul'inr, after that clute is subject to redemption. OtherB nature in 1879, and that under the debt schedule in 1961 there will be ~~75,000.OO "/orth of bonds subject to call. He naiel it is a lot of noney" and extremely difficult to raise. He nar:led several companies to "Jhon he had submitted the proposals, w1th the result that it vms turned clovm. l.lr. Leonerd Hanhauer said that he received the proposal fT'Ol:1 the City direct. He ::l8id he felt that others would have Vlanted it if it had se81:J.ecl nrofitable. Having known 1;11". Sprar;ins for many yea 1"8 and he vinf~ filect the proposD 1 \'111en it cone in, without too I:mch intere st, he considered 1.11'. Spragins' proposal. He said he represented fraternal buyers - that the interest on these bonds are oxenpt fl'OI.l F'ederal inCOlne taxes. He snid there is a wide delinea tion between the type of seenri ty }1urcho sed by individuals for investments. lIe said that a revenue prOducing bond not bacJwd \lith ad valorem taxe s with no ea rnings to speol:: of is the t~rpe of bond which is usually ha I'd to market, thnt bonds of this ch8racter ore not readily 1:1or1:etoble" not widely known or distributed ond that they 8re usu~lly bour.,ht b;r private investors who are will- ing to take the accOl:J.pany1ng rislcs in return for the benefits they carry. He said that this is a project contemnlated without proven l'ecord of earnings. He said that since the issue of 3~~t Yacht 131:1sin Certificatos there has ueen a wide change in intere at r:larkets, and tha t issue is '00 clcecl from a 11 revenue from the property except these contempla ted ir.1})rOVenents. Gross revenue to be derived fron this overall project is obout double that \'it.ichwas orir;inally contemplated under the first certij'icate issued, and this issue is r.10re than three tines the ali10unt of the original issue" that the overall ~ij325,OOO.OO vlOrth of bonds is slightly less secured than the orir;inal ~~115,UOO.00. Interest rate r.18rlcets depend on the law of supply ::lnd denand. loloney and interest 1"'9 tes are controlled in order to control inflation. Money is tight and 'it ill be tif~hter - that a period is being entered into of higher interest rates. 1,Jr. Hanhauer said that he is expecting to leave town tomorrow 0 fte rnoon. He sa id he did not know there would not be other bidders. He said he Nade his original oid 0 s the minirmlIil required under the bond ad 'Jertise- ment" keeping the limitation at 4%. If the terms had included the legal interest rate the City \'ICluld have 1" eceived other bids, he felt, and that his bid waD filled out without knowing that no one else had bid. He said that if the City wished to check with representatives of the other hond firms as to why they did not bid that this could be deferred until norning. He said ttwt in r;ood faith he submitted a legitimate bid and would li!<e to know hoVl he ntands - whether he gets his certified check back or acceptance of his offer. I\layor Brown said that he i-md sugr;osted .;{~./~. ',"--., ;}.: ~~- ~~'-.~ .~.~;,j,,,'~::;.:!:~(,~:Li:;~:i:~::: i~~:, ;:0i!.;,:.:i;,~:;;~:L;i::0l~~t~~.;:.;;; :.'- . . , : {F:'~;~l. 3 CJ ~ ,~,?;,tr ii., ~~~i!l\fl~, [:l'!i,'i:r'I~;;[ c' ,," ..:'.:;1.. ~ .: ",;,.~.~,:~~;'.c~t::: ~ .~. -3- CI'l1)~ GOJ.ll.lISS IOn 1.IEErrnIG DOCel:lber 20, 1951 '., j "1 '1 I ,l \ ~.>.~: .'.. .,t...., .......r- "", . ,,; 1 ',.0 1 I . 1 I I I , I I that I'lir. JIanlu,mer lower the interest rute os much as possible. 1,lr. 1Il:inhauer said thut the City had linked thern to shurpen their pencils, ond thut thoy tried to work it onto He saic1 thut the difference in the intere~jt rHte on ~~325,l)()O.UO worth of honds is very ninute - thut in J;1oney it; did not COllie up to a groat deal, that per- ha ps psyehologica lly it IlU ttl '1's. I.l8yor Brown fol t thu t thin off'e I' shonld not be octed upon until tor10l'roVl noon, uefore '/hich th1e the Cit~r can 8 seertnin whether the other bond hounes hBve hael sufficient noticfJ. He naid thut he lmow:l that the l)oncl cOl'l}mnies hact they wonted to hid W011ld 1l1..1ve htlcl their llids in, Imt that if there io (\C1111lt us to whethor they hud IHlfficient timf-! to I~ot them hore thut the City flhnuld lit leHst lIvnil itself of a telephone cull or no and find nut if this hus 1wen clono, uncl that 11nfHlw)lilo tho oi'for can t e t u1,:en nncl the fil~\1rAIl gone into. He noie! he thmwht thut the colleetivo t}dnklnl~ and rp.Bnoning 01' tho Con.1isslon r'1iI~ht work out ::Jornotlllnl~ bettor, tlnel tlwt lw lInd tHll:ed with Btlnl{(~rs ciurinp: the day and that they lire of tho opinion thut this 8 little ntoop. Mr. Spr[l{~ins askod Mr. ,Tf:ick Hns~Jell, City COl.1I.liuslol1or olect, to muko :101:10 corulcnt. Mr. Russell replied thut he folt thut ho had no riJ'11t to l:llll{e eOUIient ut this ttme. :Mayor Brown said he felt in fuvor of' the pro.fect unci Uh/ll:!8 liun lJOOll, and thut thHnl:s to the fino vlOrl{ of tho C()J::raitlBioll it hJB rouchoo thia :JtI,t/~e, lmt t)1Ot he believed it should be held over for one nidlt. GOlir.i:ts~Ji(lner Lyn1l mdd thut he felt thut if I,ll'. Sprar,ina ha s e ontu cte(i the peoplo to whOl.'J the Ilropo~w 10 \lOl'e sent he should knoVl the answer. I\luyor Brown asked 1111'. t)pruf:in:J if lw had contuetcd these peo})le /Jinee they received their propoHuls, or whether tlley hoC! beon c:(ll1tactod b:~ t1euns of letter or prospectus. l.lr. Spr(tf~:'-n3 tloic1 thu1; the:r hml beon contactec1 by u,til. lIe said he wrote 1.11". Van Enf~en, ond f?O ve u lint to the C1 t:T l',i~,nH(~el' to send copies of tho Prospectus, a s it would be better cOl1inl': 1'1'01:1 thon froJ:l I.lr. Sprol,:Jns. He said he v/rote each a letter hirlwelf, and \'/rote .Tohn Levine 8nc1 Conpany in Chicu~o, sent Bob Cook a copy, Shields a copy, D copy to f'lOo<l:r'~J Inciustriul SE:lles. He :loid he sent copies to anyone he thonght might be interestod in this type of cjebt. He said he is not a financial agent, l.inc1 tha t lw wcould 111:e to bid on seeuritie:J if ho co n find a partner, tha t he ]mO\/s the vDlue of this security /;Ind os fa l' us he in conc:ernecl if he were :reody to re tire he \lOulcl do llothin(~ but put his Doney in it, 1m t t1.8 tone een' t convince Ton Jones, in Toledo, Oh::'o, thnt it is 0 sound necurity. lIe naid that they 9 re fortunute in gettinf~ the naney, but thut he vlants the COl:ll1iasion to eto \/hot they \'Iant to do, aml cloes not \lant eri ticisrn for 1'ecor.nending it. He cQJ,ll'lOnted that Sflrosota back in ln2B SI)ld their electrical cor.'1pany for a 1'1il1ion c1ollors, took the !'loney and cleepe neel the channe 1, tha t the chunnel filled up, the million .La gone, anc1 thot if the~r had kept that l1ont~y they could huve retired the whole debt. He said that he had hopnd that this property \'Iould hove enou,~h valu!:ltion to retire the dett. l.lr. JIDnhEluer said that it flll boils down to the now rlllin(~ interest rate. He said that the City is on the trend of hif'her interest rates, and that this is not new. He so id the t he enterod into this W8 t tel" nnly be co Hse 1-.1 I' . Spra~ina vm a Vlillinf~ to take pa rt of the ri sk. Cor:rr.li ss ioner rrul'ner COl'il'lelltec1 tha t the interest on regular (Iovernr.1ent bonds is not tux free. Ur. Eonhauer stElted that that ia correct, Dnd that it spl"'inl~s frOl,1 the oriGinal Bill of Hif~hts, technically sovereien rir;hts from thf~ titH te to the Federal '.;0'lern1:lent. Conlliss:i.oner Blacl: moved that the City 11anager contact bet\'lf!en nml ~1llc.: noon tOlilorrOYI apprOXir'18 tely five of ~he list - that his sur~f,;enti()n is to contoct those with \"/horn the City ])as had experience in the past on bonds with fjnanej,nr~ Hl'J~8nf".:~nts, sncll fi1~ms AS Levine COl,1pan~r, Allen &. Oonpony, Van Engen t: CorlTmny: Sllielcln (: Cr'r,]1)any, and Allyn Cor1])any of Ghicar,;o, and that the Cit:,r I\:HnBI~er call a noon noctinr for 12:00 Noon tOl'10rrOW to report hoek his findings so that the Board con make a decision at that tine in re~ord to the Clea rwu tel' IIi8 rina proposal. Cornr1is sioner Lynn ~leconclec! the noti on, 'lilhieh wa s voted upon and unaninoHsly carried. Mr. 3pral~ins said that Van Engen has a I.:iami office, and that in order to f~et quicl( /:lction that the City could c"ontect Bob Cook there. He said thElt rather than have them ex})ect to eOl;ie in on 6~; bonc;s or something they shonld be told that the City hos E:l bid ~,l1 I:lCCOrclbrlc:e with IJrospectus r,lailed to ther.l. IIII'. Han111:luer said t11l::lt he didn't thin).: it \'I8S fair to him to reveal that he has a bid or what the bid is, th~t the nrir;101'"'J purpose is to learn whethel' they received Prospectus, and what their reason WE.lS 1'01' not bidding. City httorney stoted that a legal r:1eetinr; l1ust be culled flt the tine the sale is 118de. Cor.ll:1issioner Black cor:unented thnt sHeh l'leetinf~ require[3 six hours' notice. ;. , i I 1 I , , I 1 i I I '.'t.,,; . ..:...... "1" ,I " i I Resolution \'Ian read by City Attorney vacating a public alley in connectlon with I.lisBouri Avenue r'if~ht-of-mIY (8ir:1on Iiar}(s). CorrrliBsioner 131anton novec1 adoption of this Renollltion. Corirlissioner Lynn seconded the motion, '\/hie11 '\"/a s voted upon and unflnh10usly <:8r1'ie(1. Cor,missioner rrurner asked if this was an exchanp;e. City Attorne~r replied thut the~r are r:ivinf~ the front end off.' six lots in exchange for the alley. lIe said that the easeIlent will be on the end the Count;T 1s cloing. oR 1.355 pAG €. If 17 Heport \/8 s given l)y 01'<1 inEll1ce Cor,JI,ii ttee in C 011ne ct ion ,,/1 th l)uileling Ord inance of' the City of ClearwatAr. City httorne~1 st8tecl thut severol r.no';ingn were held inves- tigatinf~ this Ordinonce, and that it \'IllS found tJ:wt it '\IUS antiqu.ated and much in need of revision, Elnd that after con:dderuble reno(;Jrch the City 11flS prepared an Ordinance. l.la~Tor ljrowl1 [I s].:ecl if con13i(1ero tion ha n been given to the Sta te Plumbing la'\v in this connection. City Attorne~r repliect thot it c10es not appl';T to cities with the popula tion of' Clea 1"\'18 tel' - tho tit a pplie s to sma ller e i tie s only. COL1!r1issioneI' 13la ck sa iel the t the 3outhel'n Buil(llnr~ Coete \,'/8 s studied a nd the Su ra :Jota Ordina nee \"/0 a used . ~Ir. Ben I:rentzman, Attorney, s to ted tha tit wi 11 he the 110:3t impol~tant thin~ the City Cor.mission he s clone in the wa~r of adopting a genera 1 Gode, since it ad opted the recodified Ordinance altof~ether. He said that the eif~ht par;es rovises three existing Ordinanees, incluc1ing e1ectrical, Dlunl)il11~ and contractors, and also sets forth regulations pertaininf~ to e~ch. He said they are ver~.r complex and that when you consider all the val'ious contractorn that there may be a lClrge percentage of contractors in the City. He sf:iicl he knows the COlIUllittee has apent a great deal of time working on this l,ltttter. He stated that he represented plul:lbers in the City, and that they Vlould like to r:19ke this sugf~estion: that each of' the fip.lds are alir,htly different froll the others, and that regurding plumuers there is 1:1 ~tote law regarding the Ii191mer in which phullbers shalllJe exaninecl, \/ith a series of' interpretations and cf:isea, and that there is a general law passed hy the last Session of the Legialature affeoting pltu:lbing in this City and County. lIe said that he vIas surprised to learn . __ . ~.t,""orr-....,. .._._.~_ .. ." ,- - _L'.,&JI...L1, .. ., I ::~..' .' ' '. ,. : ~ '. . .' :,<}~;;)::" :2':~, ";~:~{:'fr;%;X:';!;'[~:~f;:i:.:"';""""""""'" :';"'. " :'1: J<, .':1, , ,:! :' ~n ,,;.t,."\ " . '. - ,I .... ..~.,,,, --'.\ I I "I I ,- :':. ,:.,',. ......:. "...,:... ,'.\ '"'' ,-";;'h' " "..,..,' ",.. ,.."".,"""~;~l,,~~~;;,~~~~;~~~~i,;,; -4.. C I'l~~ COllIoi ISS Ion I':1EET IHG Decell1ber 20, 1951 that it did not apply to cities sHell af] Clel:!rwnter. In Affect, it provides that while they leave to the T.nwicipalitien of:' oVe:r' '7..5()O, the:r :reserve the right and power to COTl1e in fJncl :tnnpec.t the work l;1nc1 req'uirewents of' the technical codes of ci tie s such 8 s Clen rW(I te r.. and if tl18'Y find tha t D1lr provi sions Ii re not a 8 high a s those of the stute rJIUlilbinl~ Code or if our inapectoro ill'S not nnf'orcinr regulations which are U3 otrict as theirs t}Hl~r con cone in beh:tncl us I.Inc.1. inspect thOln. 111". lJu.rkheart h~U3 told tIw plulIllJers tlwt tho,:! IJlt~oncled to fl)lOt eh<lc}: bohincl them ane see what kind of Job they tll"O cloinl';. Locl.Il con1:rol is lJoin{: tul':on uwuy fror:1 the City, ond ho no i([ thu t he do can t t I:! PPl"OVO" but thu t tlla t 1a the If..} \'I. He su id the regula- tions of the ClourwElter Uodo rn,wt ue ~ln utl'ict IUJ OW ::.itate Plu1:llJin[~ Coele. He noicl it is a (Joc[e oc\opted in uc(:ord~mee \"Iith t.hj,s J\l~t, una tlmt th(IIJ() Ul'O availBble at the Court HOllse. He nHid that his COJIJllttee WUB 91)10 to I~et H f1et (lUOllt five clllYS uf~o, uncl tlwt tl'Hl71 118vo had two eonferencen I~o:tn/~ ovor thl~ toehnieol provisions. lie said thut the Cit7T Pl\1rabln/~ Code })[I(\ly nped~ l'eVi3ion Oll oflonlficut1.ono, ond thut tho phu:1bers foel that the strIte Uo<lo is 1';00<1, unel l:oocl for Gloul'r:uter, and that if it is r.horollf~hly eXfllllillod thut the Cit'Y could adopt by l'o.1'OT'Onco the SUl'1e Code. He naid there would hf: 110 confu:Jj on about (;Oll11t:r unci City ror:'l11u1iio113, tluJt thoy would be 1I11i1'or1'I tbrolll,:h01t1; tho tll'EHIS 1I1so. H(l :laic! the~r huve inclucloel u pl'ovlu~.on S1111ilur to the ~urnsot& Orclil\l1n~o which 1,11". blBl1ton udvo(\titecl, unll tllllt the~.r do not rosist . the City if" it iu in !;llut clJrect5.on, unu. thut ufter t.he City 11(13 oxw~d,nell this the~~~,,~ will J'elllize tl-l9t it \/Oll1c1 1J() n(~ttnr to hove one Ol'clll1l:!l}(~e r(}latin{; to~"Oleetrical(~nu.-r. , nontra c tors and one re 1at inr to I~en(lro 1 eontru ctOT':J . Tho umw provisions could be in relation to rociprocity, snlJstant1!111y the sane. He said thut he ntrOl1f;ly felt that there sho11lcl b(: throe lleparute ordinunces. Ho said he felt tlmt people would get bc(~ged down in an omnibus ol'dinflnce - thut ~liN1)lici ty is n .1e\'lel, and hir:hly to be valued. Oor:rrnissioner Turner soid that h.e felt that three sepurate Ordinances would he good, but thf;Jt in this one OT'c!inance the thl'r~P. lire 1~ept ~eparate, and thBt techni- cally they ure three SelJDrate ordimlnces - he said SOl'1e perts can 9PPJ.~, to aJ.l, the ber;ilmj,nr, and endinl~, for in~tance. COf,U'nissioner Blanton r.oT!1'lented that the Sarasota Ordinance has been tested, step 1J~ step.. every point b7' the Suprer,1e Court, Bnd that evidently it stands the te:=3t. I\;Ir. l:rentznlan cOJ'nnented that h1s llndeT'standin~ is not complete, as he u17l not have rClJd the decisjon. One point "IaS tnsted 83 to whether because of the i'act tho t there is a State Plur'lbinr~ law tha t they could change the manner in which e8 ch r:lun:Lc:ipal i ty shall eXBllline its o\'ln plul'IberG. lIe said they tool'.: that case up because theysl.lici that Sur&sota (lid not nllo\" plur:lbers to be examined, and 30lllEl other C:"1..ties. Il'he dllprene COHrt sustained Bnrasot8 on that principle alone. Mr. ](rentzman then uslced if the City has all the f'eetnre3 of the Sarasota Ordinance. Cor.unissioner Blaclc repl lAd tha tit cloe IJ not. hr. J:rentznan Bll id that if' the Ordinance is good for Surusota it does not necessarily llean that it is {~ood for CleaI'\'wter. COl1'T.lissioner Dlack said thElt the Attorney \!H3 to rebd it tonir,ht Jor the first time and then throw it open to the public to cor.1e in and disCH~S or eriticize it before it is p8nsed on its third Bnd final ref.lcJin{:. 1,11". J~rentznan )"epeated that it is a compliC:Elted sl1b.1ect - that perhaps t:he other ne:r.1.bers of U1e UOllT,lisnion have not had a r.hance to reael it. He said that the sense of heurinr; is the poorest sense - that he has a copy which h.e \Iill I~ive to each nember of the COl'1!nission and let them read and stnd:v it, and brin!; it bacl{, so that theY'vw11ld ue hetter Dule to pass on it than if they heard the eil~ht po(\es of tho other read tonight. He said vJl1en it is passed on the first time it is given D ~ert!:l in au thori ty it does not h8ve otherv/ise. He sa id that this COllInission ha s done r,1ore than a ny other Cor-:niss ion in tI ttcI!lptinr, to tackle the problern, but that a r,DOC.: thing should not be spo ilecl due to ha ste. Oor,'Jnissioner Turner sugF~e8tecl that the Cor.:mlssion be r,iven copies. I,Ir. KrentzI1lall said he had seen one, but that his l~r01.1p ha<.1 not. Cor:T'linsioner 13lonton Haiti that the voters should not vote for the off:'ice of COl uilisB ioner a nyone they did not feel to "be intelligent enoup,h to r.la].:El the la\'/S of the City. He :laid it is as:n,med that the Gor-mission is able to do the joh. He sa id that it f'orr,1111a ten the la\'ls of' the City" and does not delegate to a. group Vlho Vlunts a pal'ticular thin.r~ any" ta sle which should be their own. He said if tile City uere dealin~ w1th Bcinini3tratinn of real estate laws it should not be turned over to the real estate boerd to !lal:e the rules and perhaps the plumbers would feel the 8a1l1e. He said that they were VJork~nt~ not .11lst for the ~ood of some one trade or organize ti on, but are workinf; for the r;ood of' all the pe opl e of the Oi ty. :l\ir. KrentzD18n saie: that a s to the ad1:lin:istr~lti ve l)J'oceeclinr,s COJiJr:lins:Lone:r Inanton is on f'irrn ground, lJUt on a technical btlsis the I)lUl.1l>ern would 1,no\'1 nore than anyone else. He sa id tha t the City he s acioI)ted b;! 1'0 feren<h,uI1 SOlile electrical code s, plunlbinp; code s, etc.; he bs]..:ed if they had 'been carefull:! read. Cor:ll,1issioner Blanton said that he has read thel1, together vlith the Southern Duilding Code. l'.ir. Kl'entzlnan said that in re~fJrd to the technical provisions, plHTiloers aml electricians should be consulted. He said that notice for })llblic heEirinf~ should be [;iven - thRt it wou.lci help in the Cit~rl s public relations and \'1oul([ l~ee}J the public inforHed. City Attorney said that he did not 1-::no\"l the Orc1inDnce vIa s going to be intro(~uced on first reading tonip-.)lt, and that it coulc1 not lJe po ssed on i'ir~t readinr: [l t this tir'le because one section is not in it which deals \'/1 th fees, which he had requested f'ror,l the Building Inspector,. Bnd that he has not yet gotten it ready DS it is a techn:tcal and difficult jolJ. He. saiel that Bince this section was absent fror:1 the Ordinance it could not be passed. l.tayor Brm'm sugl:estec1 that the Corurlit;t;ee illstruet lilr. J:rentzJ.1an to f'urnish the COr.1- rniss1.on \'Iith copies of it Dnd then bring it back and pan~~ it on first reading at the 11ext Cmunission u€leting. C itJf h ttorney cOI,nentecl tho t the re will probably be a lneetin[~ next week. Ci ty hlflnaf~er sa ia that the~' \Vo1.11d like to have one ~vednesday or l<'riday night. City AttorneJ said that if' the City is boing to collaborate Vlith the people Mr. Krentzlilan represents that there '\JOn't be tir,1e bef'ore the end of the year. COl'llr.lissioner Black a sked the City ),ianager to s end copies a round to the COl'.1missioners. Commissioner 'l\urner su id that when the r;roups cone to the COr:D':lission that they can :point out to the ComHi ~IS ion sor:le te cl1nical point 3 'ilhich the C or:u:1ission would know nothinp; about. Cor'1Tllissioner J.3lanton said tha t he is not tr~,inr, to po ss it hurriedly wi thout proper notice, but tha t on the plur:loing ordinance he sent that an article was written in the paper wh.ich sounded l11;e the public was bein~ hoodwinked. Mayor Brown said that there are no laVls which have not had technical advice f'rom the peop~e to whom the law refers. Cor~lissioner Turner said that the point of hiring a con- tra ctor Ita do the work and paying him and he ve hila pa ~T a n employee ha 8 been ironed out, that you can now hire a licensed journeytnan to do the pluLlbing work or e licensed contractor, and pay es ch clirectly. t.layor Brown sugBe steel the t the rna tter be referred to the City Attorney to be d:1str1buted to the Co:nmtittee, and that groups concerned be notified that hearing will be held, and that Co~~ittee report between now and the , ' < "',> < ,',. t':' " ,'" ", I ,; ,~. .'" , ,.\." t /., ~~.-... :1~~r~~~f*:j\~~"!.~ftf:i:::ii;.;r:;,t;';:~i~"i;~,,;~.:(,,-, ," :; ;~' ":;'i' . , . ,~-;' " . . ," . ""';'(~';~'J;:,.L:..",."c;,L':':L;.,.,;C.;".",._~,.,,,,,,,,,;.""""";;"i';;'C,,',.c;.i.s,,"; '"'i' ,..,.",;,L"..~w.=.~~:.,,,i;~'2.;i~'r;"~"'r~'i&r ' '. '."' . ~ .~l.~. 0 > ',:"" ":" '. . . . .' ..... ,.: -5- CITY CotlMISSION MEETING December 20~ 1951 first ot: the year. City Attorney said that conference could not be held with the plumbers between now and the first of the year. He said that he had told the plumbers than on their special problem that they should be represented by Mr. Krentzman' rather than"start comingdown to the meetings and getting bo~ged down in aiscussions. Mr. Krentzman said that he represented an Elssociation to which Don Cochran, lIr. Ernet, and two or three others belong. The only other group intere sted a l'e the e;eneral contractors. He said there Is a good electrical ordinance, and that the reciprocity provisions are excellent. City Attorney sur;r;ested that the l:lOtter be deferred until the Conmittee lJl'ings in another report on the IJattor, and that copies bo sent to the Corn1l1issioneNI. UOll!llissiollor 'l'urner secomlod the uotion, which Yo as voted upon and unanimously carried. City Attorney stutecl that ull through negotiations \Iith the t)hell Oil Company the question of insurunce was novor rained, and that tile City in all of its leases now in force ha ve en insurance clause requiring the Lossee to carry inntirance for the Lenoor's benefit. He said that tho Shell Oil Cor:l}Jony had [wid that it would represent a subatantiul .finul'lcial outlay. City httorney was inotructed by the COl:1l11isoion that the cltltlsfJ should be incll1C1ccl, thut leuse could be 6s~igned with written peruission of the Lessor, onel that ri~~ht of refusal was clininuted. An additional section was sngr~ested providing that any auuatuntiol oltel'ution of the lmilcting:J shall be approved by the City of Clearvuterj tlwt the buildinr, must conforr.l architecturally, und that there 1,RlSt be a provision in the len se to provide thu t they l'::oep ther.l tha t v/ay. He added tho t whon the City tri(ld to use the lea se of the Shell Oil Uompany and adopt it it vIas alr.1ont h\possible to do. COIlrlissioner .Blanton ~laicl that at un eurly elate the lea se on the Closrwater Beach property should nrovicle tho t if tho Oi ty \'/ants to take that proporty the:'l set a value of' ~~20,OUO.OO on tho buildinr,s, and that on the other hand they rH'ovic1e thut the Lessee's keop it in the insurance with loss than ~~20,OOO.OO. He felt thot the City ought to take out nore insurance if the Lensee does not want to do so; he aclded that the In.1ildinp; should be kept up inside and out to\"lord the end of the Lease. Mayor Brown egrp.ecJ thllt thiB should lJe done, and City Uonager Vias appointed to go over and inspoct it. There be inl~ no further busine 8S to c one before the Cor:lniss ion, rneetinr, Via s ad j ourned by 1,'lS ~ror 131'0'\'111 9 t 10: 15 P .1Il. /J k /:. ,-#t"........ ~.. or .' ATTEST: Clerk c' j' '. "1- " {- , ~ ,f.. i , . " ;~:':.~; b'" :~J:fi'i "N.:;} !;,., ',""" (;',',1,-,,;. f,~ft~~f~t ./. ", ,..,' " ..' II" " . /,: ::,:~~;\;i:~~~:t:W, ("i':~~~"f: ' , , . ,~;...." , 'r:" '. "";"~U;;,;;;"",i;"cL.~"",,,~,"",C"'" ,".. ,_.~,,,~'''';'",'i~,,'''',,,,,;,j,,i"",,;,,.~,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,;,,,',",,,,,, ,j";,~"",-,;;;;",,,,"-~{i?1.~ii3if!t~iJ:i;~~i,j~~4f!~~' ' . >"~'O~'a.':;,";.:','d':\i:'.~\: ~. /,-:"." :.:.J,;.~~:~. t' t CITY OOMMISSION MEETING December 20, 1951 Deoember 20~ 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert Brown Cor.wisaioner Herbert Blanton, Sr. II Thoma s H. Black II Joe Turner II Garland Lynn Gentlemen: There will be a speoial rneetin~ of the City COl'lIllis8ion held in the City Hall Thursday evening - December 20, 1951, at 8 P.III. for the purpose of: 1. Reviewing proposals presented for the purohase of ~~325,OOO.OO Yacht Basin Revenue Certificates - Series lH5l of the City of Clearwater, and to consider awardin~ same to the highest bidder. 2. Report from Ordinance COlilrnittee with l'eference to Building Ordinance of the City of Clearwater. 3. Report from the Traffic Committee. /s/ }'. C. Middleton City Manager :' ,',' ....- '''/JJ.i 11~~t~rit Yours very truly, FCM,:g~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearwater, Florida December 18th, 1951 The Honorable City Comrrrd.ssion City of Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: We, the lmde rsigned property owners and tax payers, owning and opera ting commercial property along and ad.1acent to the proposed construct:i..on of sanitary seYler along Papaya Street, Poinsettia Street and Ea st Shore Drive, hereby re spectfully, but most erlphatically protest against the construction of said sanitary sewer at this time, or at any time within the nonths of January, February find March. We, as property owners enga~ed in COI1r'lercial enterprise as above Bblted and as public spirited citizens of the City of Clear\later, are heartily in favor of the construction of this sewer, or an;r other improveri1ent that may benefit the whole, or any part, of the citizens of the city. He !:'lust, hov/ever, respectfully request that this improvel:lent be postponed until after the so-called Season is over; to wit, after March 31st, 1~152. The construction of said sanitary sewer during the three I.1onths of January, Februa~J and March would render a tremendous hardship and financial 108s on us inasr:1Uch as it would render it inconvenient for tourists seoldng accommodations to inquire for same along said streets. Inasmuch as the onl~r revenue we derive by reason of our invcstr-lent is from the business we receive during those three months, Vie consider that it would be unfair, unjust and oppressive for you to deliberately, and without a .1ust reason or cl:luse, deprive us of the income that we are justly entitled to by reason of our in"estl11ent in the City of Clearwater. Respectfully submitted, Signed by twenty-nine persons. " ".. " ,~ .. ( ... :: .~~", ' ...-:. . ',; . '.,,1, lIJlllillf' ____r: ",."."",.";,_,,,*,:~;.;,~il;~~;j~~~ft~~wtiv~~~~~,\~~,~*,~~},~~>' ';, :..'.......:..'.:...''1-'... :,::",>,::.,,:1:-:;;' .. 0' ,,' '.',.. '.0'..... . . . . . . ..' , ,. . , ~;;.4:gf,~~:;.~ :.~~'t~#; /:~;? , '. .jl:t:.~Jf~~I( '~'. " '.:,.<":, ":":.."f ;....).....' ....\.,. ",:. " .; ~.f';' r .- .; i '~.:..;..' :-", .\';'~"~ ..',~....;:~,'::;'~:l~';';'~ :":';.,,:'~~::'~':t: y..;:.....: ~.:.:.:~J~..~',;.,.,~. ..." ,'. .~-'". .,'~"'~;'.". . .".~:..... "......... ,../. ..', ~~.: ~ :. "; : > .' CITY COMI\lISSION MEETING December 20" 1951 RESOL1JTION VACATING A PUBLIC ALL~"Y DIEE.D /355 p*,*, art: ~17 WHEnEAS Simon lilarks and his wife ~'annie Uarks are the owners of Lots 6 to 20, inclusive, of Turner street Groves Subdivision, as reoorded in Plat Book 15, Page 91, of the }nlb11c records of l)lnellas County~ Florida, and WmmEAS there Via s plotted in said plot of Turner Street Groves Subdivision a certain fifteen (15) foot public alley running North and South between the aforesaid Lots 6 to 10, inclusive, on the East and the aforesaid Lots 11 to 20~ inclusive, on the VIe st, and WHEREAS because of' ita location said public alley could only serve the owners of Lots 6 to 10 of' sa 1d Sul)di vision lyinr; to the Ea at thereof a nd Lot 11 lying to the We st there of, and WHBREAS it appearin~ to the City Comrllisaion that said Sinon Llorks aId his wife ~ li'annie I-larks own /;Ill property which could possibly be a f,fec ted or served by said public alley and that they have as the owners thereof applied to the City COliU'lliasion to va ca te sa id fifteen (15) foot alley 0 S a publ ic alley and WHEREAS aaid public alley serves HO useful purpose to the seneral public at large in the City of Clearwater, NOW 'rHEHEPOHE BJi: IT HESOL'IED by the City G0I1ll1ission of the City of Clearwater in meeting duly and rer;ula rly as aCl'abled thia 20th day of December ~ A.D., 1951, the t the' public alley above cleserllJsd be and tli.e aanIe is here 'b1J vacated a rx:l abandoned as a public alley of the City of Clearwater and the said City does hereby quit claim the land occupied by said fifteen (15) feet of public alley unto the present owners of the lands lying to the East and West thereof, to-wit, Simon Marks and his wife, Fannie :MI:;I rks. ADOPTIOlI Olil ~l]lli }t'OlillGOING m~SOLlTTIOlr wa s moved~ pa saed, and adopted this 20th day of December, A.D., 1951. / s/ Herbert M. Brovm Mayor-Commissioner AT'rnST: /s/ H. G. \Hngo City Auditor and Clerk . ".'''' ,,', . ,;' ~, . '~lfi~~tl; ('I "I" ,I.v I.- 'iK' .' :~:;~?f:~~.'~ ;J~'l" . t ! .' ",.f,,". .,r, . r:';f':':::'~:;Y'':;:(f:'~'5:l);; r' ""'1' J'X<.(" Ji';;{JJ;~~;~[, .1:,:;;'\':;" _ 3 q ,� . CTTY COL4T�11SS20N I�ZIs'E?'IIJG , Dece�t�er 20, 1951 The City Qor:mtission 'of tlZe C3i:y' of ClEaruvater r;iet �, �, , in �pecial �ession at Cit;� Hall on Thurgclay, veceraber �Oth, o.t 8:C70 pRt, w�ith, tk�e i'ollati��in�; members present: ' Herbert r�: i3rown R1a�or-Cor�nn�.ss�.ofier _ 7aA '�urner Carnni:ssioner Herbert ni. }�lanton ' CorrnnissionPr _ Thnrnas I�. Black, Jr. Corrmlissioner - Garland D. Lqnn Commiss3oner AUsenb: Idone Also presen�t: , ' F. C. IaTidcileton City ItianaE;er C. E. }7are City Attarney , _ (�eor�e T. T�IcClax��ia Chiei' o#' Police P�eetin�; vaas called to order by 111ayor isrorvn, , _ nlayor Brovvn stated �hat public hearin� de�errecl until toni _t �,h for E3arbour- t�Torrow Subdivision vrould be continued at tklis tir.ie. He said that a petition has been presentecl to t}ie Ooruaission that the City have bicls srithdravvn and worl� deferred until the tour.ist season is over. Cor.�unisszoner L'ynn said i;l�t he has talked to : quite a fer-r people on the Beach, and feels that the� are justiiied in tt�eir request, and that he �'avors the postponeraeni� of ti�ork: on this iriprover:ent. He said tY3.ey are all 3n �'a vor oi the i.mprover.lent but cto v�ant to v�a it . Ite ihen r,�oved tha� the Cits A�torney anQ L'ity �?ana�;er be instructed to reject the bids received on this' project ancl that the vrork be postponed until bettveen the lst and 15th of kpril. mhis motion was seconded by Car?missioner Bl'anton, votecl upan, and unanir�ously carried. Cor�issioner I,yn�1 .9ta{:ed thai: havin� 'this �r. ojeet cleierred Z�aould r.iske a g,reat deal of diTference in the ineomes of pro�erty owners durin� the season. Co��issioner : Black a sked if it rvoulcl be nore feasible to reconsider the iraprove�ent later a s an entirely new nat�er. Rla�or F.irov�n saicl it ��oulcl have to bs re-acl:vertised and a netir public rearing called. Cor:�nissioner Lynn cor.eiented that t�,e Enp;:�neer''s data could bs ttsed later. P,1a�ro� Bro��n said that the project woulcl stand a:� it is excent for new fi�;ures, rSr. Kerekes, property owner, etatecl that the season starts on �anuar� , lst, and that the con3truction wi,ll inter�:ere with business ac�ivities there, He said that at any ti�e aiter ��ril Tst theg would be ��ad to have it. He cor�iented ' : that r:at'erials nacessary for the work ehould be scqzired at the price they are no�^r a s they niay be hi�her in t he future . City Clerk read application for 3icense to sell intoxicatin�;'liquors from '"" , - Donald Beath, who proposes �;o operaLe a restaurant called 4tToivn House�� at the loca- ' tion of the o]'d Iuarine Grille, 416 Gleveland Street. Cozzr.tiissioner Blanton s;tated that he did ��ot believe triere Y�s been 1ic�zor sold at t1�at location in the past. : T�ir, tJilliarn Goza, l�ttornev fox I�r. 33eath, statecl that CitST Code, Chapter 15, Aro- vicles tha{; a�lace reay l�e licensed if it 'is not y�ithin 200 feet of a cYsurcYi, �Fe st�tted that he hacl hacl Leo I3utler, Civil En�;ineer, survey the d_stance bet�reer_ the proposed Tov�rn House and the Calvary �3apti:st Church:,r follov�ink the shor�est route of ordinary pedestriai� travel i'ram nearest point of the ^ot�rn ?+ouse to the nearest point of �he B�aptiat Clnzrch. He said it is clearly outs�cle the distance s�ecifiea = 220 - �eet from the corner by �;oin� �cross and ciown the street, 14.5 zee� over the minimu� rec�izirements. :FIe said t��at P,tr. 73esth Fras General I�fanager for i:iie Charles Restaurants at Torc�nto, Canada, ancl does not plan to tisve any si�n on she f�ont o� the buildixi� to refer to 1ic�uor bein� served, that Y!e has had the interior redecorateci �ost attractively, �hat tllere is 4,�UU scll,iare feet oi' floor space, no 4ance �loor, s carpeted �'loor, raith a small �ar, that the k�usiness is pri�larily a restaurant bttsiness, which he said lle r�as sure tvould be a distinet �tsset to Glearv�ater, and that liqrior �vill be served raainl;� in c�nnection tirit}i dinr�ers. Iie added �cYhaL Sta�e and Count� lieenses have 1�een secnrecl and paid i'or. Citv Attorne� stated that the CorSniission is in positi�� to e�;ercise its disc.ret:;.on in dengin�; this rigrt, but �hat in doin�; so their only accomplishr�ent tznder the utate liguar larv ar�t the Stipreme Cotzrt decision rendered in a hliar.ii, case is to iorfeit the 4�750.OD license whicli tlie Cit;� ���ulcl othertivise be entitl.ed to collect. He said that zf the City - deniea it on any otiher re�;ulation than that s�ov�n in the City Cocle the license fee is paid to tYae St�te. lje then quotecl from the Riiani case as Jollorti�ss �'City of TuIiami Va. l�ic7iinko 22 So 2d 627 at 630 °Urdinance ldo. 21Fi1 oz the Gity oi 1Fliami, insoiar as it stten�pts to erercise any pov�er o�er those v,rho obtain S�ate s.nd County licen3es to en�a�;e in the businesses cief3ned in the Strate lieverage Lac✓, Cha�ters 561 an� 562 �'.S.S,, . is invalid; except those �rovisions lvhich (l) re�;ulate the hours of business and �2) :re�;ulate the loc�tian of places of �usiness, �ana (3} prescril�e sanitary re�;ula- tions for such places ai t�t.siness."` Cit� AttPrrzey iurtizer stz�t�ed that tiie Si:ate I3evera�;e Las-+ �;oes into certa�n re�ula- tions with ref.erence to l�icairion �•�hich are r�tlies broad. The Cities can regtilate locai;ion Vtith rei'erence to churches and sci�ools and o�rt:s3de of i;hat they can re�ulari�e no �urther. Cor:miissi�ner Blanton conffnentec� tY�at if the �estalzrant harl taeen v�ith�,n ' 150 feet o£ the C;hlirch tlie City could denV it and stop it, �ut t2z�at under i:re present vet-iip t;he,y cannot be atoppecl fror.t dainq k�itsiness iii such a location. Prir. - ('=oza said that they had rnore than complied' vTith the Ordinr�nce, and'are not tryin� to do other th�an concluct a decent bus3.ness, h;ayor 13ro�-m saicl it undaub�Ledly yrould _ , be passecl on fa�;orably, k�ut that he clid thin'�� the Qity hi�n��;er 3ltoulcl render a re��ort, tof;etlzer v�i�Yi the City Attorne�, to let the Go��ission knovl exactly v�hat - the sit�za�ion i:g, just as an investi�;ation. Corm�issioner Lynn askecl wYiy there has ' never been A lic�uor license ttiere bet'ore, and that he i'elt �;he ovrners ��ere hasty in �;oin�; i:o, the Sta�:e anci Count,y t�efore cor.�in�' to the Gitya 1`,Ir. Goza statecl th�t the _�_ 3 � � , � CT�`X CqA��CTSSIOI� LIY�F�TTTdCr _3_ / `�' ' DecemUar 2�, 1951 CT91Y COI�1I',iISSTQrT I,II�E�PIITG first thin tl•ie T cli a e c �ea •: Cit - Ordinat cas and '�tiile tho aid nUt see an of Decer,z'�er 20, 1951 , 1 d vr 7' l y � , _ � 'y J th� Cormiissioners rer;ai^din�; the mr�l:i;er tYie 1aw 3.s se1:�:1od an�l ha s�id i�hfat hH ; _ , , tha� .hTr. :Iianh�uer lawer the interest r � • . ; - wis ed t r.ia ce tlze re u.est th t it t�e ass:e n a� th r,1PAi:i» f: Itiat or 13rav��n . ate as much �ts poas�.hle. rnr. I�anhauer s h o l c� a p d o is �, ,I �hc� t�he Citz had a alced them to s . „ _ a id .� J k�ax�en their penczlg nricl that Lhe t corm�tented tfl�tt neithex the U�ate or Count�t* aut;lzariaed the;Lr licotises w�.tllqu . ,, , , y ried to work . ii, out. %!e yaid that 1,Yie dii'ference c• . -- • : _, , t e lo�satre o� tkze Coi.unission 1,hey in the interes� rate on 325 0 _ , invest,i�ata.on. ➢ir. (Toza said th�t i� tha�L ��as h p boncl3 is ' . . y� , UO.CSU �rorth of r e� st a x�otz� �;o o en very r;�inute - tl�at in mo:ney it dic� not eorne u to � r �d Uo lad �o cor.2 1 ��i'�h it even i:hou�,h tYie o�vners rar z a 3� P P a�,reat neal that per- �ou_ �; }? y , kiaps p3 cholo �ic.All ' it r.istt�>r „ , . , - . . . �l � - ho ia i�i:er Ue r�ferred to 'bhe Ci�y y E�_ y s� ItiIdyor Bro�vn felt that this offer theix busineas. Comniis3ioiler �.l�c. c x..oved tl�ai, t a shoizld not be eetln* �.n orc�er Ac�?cl upon until torlorro�v nppn, bei'ore vvhich tisne the Git� • ; T,tana�er rand Cit,q A1;torne�r for report bacic +�t 'the ne.;t- Cor.mti�s3on r:l �„ � cran ascertain tvhether '�`` not to inconvenience nlr. 'and 1�Irs. BE�th a�i� rnore thA� is necea3nry. Cornnis3ionei� the other bond houses have haa su�'�'ic�ent notice. He said that h � e knor�a thnt the �riecl. lllr. Uond companies had the�g ivanted to bicl would have h�ci their '�' ' Turnez seconded the i-�otion, �vhich vtas vo�ed upon and unaiaxr,iousl,y cni ' ids in, 'but that if --: Beat�� statac� that he �iacl invested w40,000.00 ;Ln �a-«provei.tents, h�acl hia coo};ii1� 3�sf#' there is doul�t as to whether they ha�i sui"ficient time to et t e a Citg ahc�uld at least avAil itsel#' o� a tele h ne e � h rn he�e that the ead i and the rest o� the enpl� ees coi.iin�; in tha day a�'ter CY1ri:stl�ay, ancl p p all or so ancl find out if this alx' Y �a � , . na s been done, �ncl tY1a t meanwhile �bhe offer can b' e t a e that it tivill �e a F;rerat expense to fum to 1-iave- thr�t iaany em�loyees on iiia p�ayroll k n and the fi�;ures gone intea. �ie aaid he thou�;ht that the collective thinkin • e t o er te. �Ie said his se�ztin' ca ac3ty '�+ould be �boufi ��5, �ha{; ��and reasonin�; of f.he Cor�iseion and not be a}�l o }� �a � P , mi�;ht vtork out sornethi,n�; better and that he a- • tlzere v�ill be accorrmodations for •.�riotis civic` and ather �;roups, anc� j�hat tk�e , . 1� c� tal�ed with Bankers durin� the da restaurant feai:ure of it wi11 be t�h.e main fea{�izie - that thero are i�o rlirrore, And ancl thfat they �re of the opinion thAt this a little s:�ee . nir. S` � . �, Jack Russell, Gi�Ey (:o��zissioner elect to rnake so e p pra�;ins asked TrZr. that the bar looks like somel<Yiin� a r.�illion�ire tvould l�ave in tzxs o��n Yiorte. , � m cor:mient. hir. Russell replied that he felt that he had no ri�.ht to make co�r2ent at this �ir�e • z Commiss3oner Turner comnented �that tY�ere �axa r.�ar,� re�;ulax t��rs in town, '�ut that nIafor Brown said he Telt in favor o� the projeet and always haa been and Lhat thanys to t ` from the descriptio>> it s�tinds �s thou�;h it �•��11 � e tt nice restAux�ai�t servin�; �rorl� oi' the Goinnission it ha ' ..he fine s reachea this stage, but that he believed zt siioultl liquors with raeals: : l�e hold o�er For one ni�;ht-. Cor.n-nissioner Lynn said i:liat he £elt that ii' I,ir. S ra ins has contactPd tkie �eople to p�nor.i the ro osa � p � Disctission v��s initiated oia proposals pre3ented for 1;Yie purcria-se oi' ��525,O�U.CIU P p ls ��ere sent he should knov� the anss�er. Ir1a nr I3rown asked 1�Ir. S ra ins i�' he had contacted these eo le since t e ' `Tacht Basin Revenue Certiiicates - 5eries lt)51, of the G�t�T of Glear.vt�ater, to consider y � � P p h� received . ' ��: e bidder. I�lr. Hanh�xtier said he vrould li�.e to l�ave a bid ttieir proposals, or whether they had been contacteel by r,ieans of letter or ros ectus. awardin€, sanie to tne h_�kl st _ P_ P �' C�u±iissiori o-L-hes than that vihich :he leit v�ith the Cxty I,iant��er durin�; the Plr. Spra€;�ns said i.hat the� had 'been contacted by t�ail. He said he ivrote P+Ir. Van trith the o _ Engen, and �;ave a Iist to t;h� Cit Aiana er to send co ' f � •' da . The C�i;�is�ion received the 'revised bid. P1r. Sp����gins, o�' R. VV. 5��r�€;ins . �" � pies o_ the Prospectus, as xt - _ '3r yould be better coraxn�; fror.i than frora I;Ir. Spra�;ins. He said 11e vmote ea�h a letter Corx��any, said th�at the:ir` i�ropo's�l is: ' rimself, and viro�e �Tohn Levine and Gornpan� in Chicago, sent 13ob C�ok a cop Shizlds �, 3z�, 1356 a cop,y, ta copy to nioody's Industrial Sales. He �aid he sent copzes to an�one he thou t mi lit be interested in this t�pe of deUt. FIe said kie is not a fa,nancial 3-3�4 a 1960 F'•h" � 4�; Tkzereafter a�;ent, ana that he v�nuld like to bicl an securities if he can find a partner, that At the le,�al rate of 95�' sor tlle bonds. he knovrs tiie value of th�s securlty a,nd as far as he is conrerned if he s�ere ready to ret�ire he crauld clo nothin�; but put his zione� in it, 'bu:t tY�nt one can't convinee •, , . ' . � � - e intesest rate 'izsti.fies Tor.i Jones, in Toledo, Ohio, that it is a souncl securit . �ie said t z� l�ir. 5pra ins said �t21at the uestion is ti+hetliei or not i,h � , Y hat' the re - � �' e lin the securities. He sa:id tYiat the knovu forLunate in �ettin� the r,roney, t�ut that he vaantis the C'orarzission to no srhat t e h � the City fror.� a sound standpoznt s 1 g y v�ant to do and cloes not ti��nt criticism for recoximiendin�; it. iie corsnented th�t that there is i10 ot?her Uid, and thrat he felt it tvoulci t�e unfair �o I�Ir. �Ian7iauer to � ' leava the k�id open. He stateci �L'tiat tnis bid a:.'forcls tYie onl�r o��portunity to S�rasota Uack in 1928 sold their electrical 'aornpany for a�illion dolla�s took . �he money and deepened the chanrYel, tha� the cr.annel filled up, the million is one dej�elop the I;Iarina pro�;rar3. F�e:;:ore the door is closed the ot�poitiinity is ava�lable to �3ve the Git the ier it �as bzen r�antin�; for so lon�. Cor.�iissiener Blanton and that i= the� had keut that_money tYtey coulci have retirecl the whoie debt. L�e � � �Y p said �hat he'had ho ed that this nro e said he dicln't see hovr �oth could '�e biiilt under this set-up. I4Ir. Spra�;ins cdn�nented p 7 , p rty Zaould have enou�;h valuation to retire the tha � to be sti.tre thai: tre C� ty is gettin� t'_�.e best deal it can �et anci to' be fla.rth�:r dek�t. I:ir. �Ianhauer s�ac, that iti all Uoils down to the norv rulin�; interest rate. sure tha� proper notice has been sent to the dealers, any of the otYLer compal�ies He aaid that the Cit�T is on the trend oi ri��er interest razes, and trat this is not netiv. He said that he entered into this matter pnl� because Iiir. 5 ra ins v�a3 could be ca?led at his e�:pense. Fie said that or_ly f�ur companiea have bid on � �; willin�; to take part of the risk. Gor.�issioner `!'urner' cora:rented that: the interest ' Clearcrater securities in �he last ten year3, bu� that if the Cit� vranta to leave on re ular Gove it open until tomorrov� at 1:U0 PP,T it is aIl ri�;ht to do 90. He said that he woulcl � rnnent boncls is not tax free. DTr. Hanhauer stated that that is , '• see the Cit :et the best cleal ossiple, He said that he had 25 co ies of correct� and that it springs fron the ori�inal Bil� o= Ri6hts, technicailq 'soverei.n li�e to y�; P P ri�hl,s lrorn the State to the Pederal CToT�ernr,tr�nt. Cor.�sissioner Blac� moved 'that t31e i;he Prospectus sent to the v�rious dealers bv'the City IIi�nA�;ers and sent out the Cit nIana er conta �rise�f. Ne said that he tried h�rd to ,et a bid #'ror•1 so�ebocl and 5 . � ct.betivPen nov� and noon tomorrotiv approkirlatel five of the list - sarie number h__ _ P' Y, tlzat his su;;�;e3tian is to contact those �vith S�hom �he Cii has had ex e ' that uir. Hanhauer u�ras ��i11in� to participate and bu� the securities becau:se he ast on bo d ' Y p rience in the • ' i ' ��it the estir.iated revenues from 195� or 1961 the Cit p p s vrith financin�; arran�;er:�enbs, such firms as Zeuine Cor�nanv A11en & would �oin hzra. Fe said Lha� h . i y Cor�pany; van Ln�en &: Cnnpan . Sl�,ields �. Cnr:�� a ` "�'� would have retired everything vr�th the exception o�' y�40,O�O.�U worth oi' Uonds, and that i;he Ci Pi� ��' ,_ tany, nd A11vn Corapany of �hicago, and ' ii there is an cteb� left the raill have an earnin records and could re�ir,d it at . , t5 =�nar,'er cal_ a noon meetiin�; for 12:U0 Noon tormorrovv to �epor� back his Y � � finds,n�s so �hat the B�ard can maize a decision �at that tirie in re a�d t t a tremendous savin�;. G�ty Attorney asked how that caas pos3ible tLLritliout recallin� , , g; o he Cleare�ater I�iarina �rcpr�sal. Com�issioner Z�rnn seconded the r,iotion wvhich Fv fEatures oi the Ordinance. P,Ir. �pra�;ins replied that i;he bonds were subject to ' as voted ul�on and unanir,sously cr�rried. IiIr. Spragins saicl tt�zt V�an �n en ha,s a IoLa�i o caL on or aiter :Tuly 1, I960; that an,y bond rsaturin� after tYint date is subject sncl that in orde . � ffiee, to redera tion, Others �ature in 1979 and that under the debt scheclule in 1961 there r to �;st quick action {;hat the Gity could contact Bob Co,ok �here, p " b�e t t c 11. �Ie sa3c1 �_t is a lot o�' raone: He said thr�t rathar than have them expect to coi�e in on 6o boncs or sometY:in the vrill be �75,0(70.00 �•�orth o� bonds su � c o a 9, shotild be told that Lhe Cit rws a Ui ` � � and extrenel difficult to ra�se. I3e naz�ed several cornp�nie3 to v�hor.� be had sttbnittecl Y d an accordance rrith Yrospec�us �:ailed ta ti�ext. y nIr. Haz�h�uer saic� that �ie didn't thirLk it �Jas fair to hara to reveal t'Y?at he lias a the proposals, ti�rith the result that it v�.�as iurned dotivn. RIr. I'.,eon�rd Iianh�uer said t t he reeeivec� the ro osal from the Cit direct. He saicl he ielt that others �ia or v�hat the t�id is, t17at the prirtiary purpose is to learn ivhether the�r receiveci � - - , t p p� Y . ,• � . - }?rospectus, and �vvhat tlZeir rea son i�� s for not biddin . C? t bL-�o e tvauld have v.�anted � � if i� Yi�d seeraed pra�'itable, IIavin�; knozvn Dir. �pra�;ina for ,r f _ . €� y rn ,y stated that ,a le�,a,l rneetin�, r.lust be call.ed at the t�r1e the sale is r�.ar�e. Co�¢niss?oner Blac �-,any �ears and hauing filed the propos�l tvl�en it car,ie in, �ithout too r.�n.tch interest, . , , , k he considered T�ir. Spragins' proposal. He said he represented fraternal bu�yers - ' cor:u;iented that such meetin�; rec�uires six hoixrs� not�,ce. that the interest on these bonds are exeii�t fi°�ra F'ederal incorae taxes. He said . Resolution tivas read Uv City A'ttorney vacatin� a public allez in connection with there is a wide delineation bet�rEen the type of securittf �urch�ase� by indivicluals IIi,ssou ��" _ • �- - '� . ri Avenue i.��;ht of-tiray (Siinoi� i.iarl�s). Qorx�issioner t3lanton noved adoption of ior iYivestrnents. Iie said that a revenue proclucin� bond not backecl ��ith ad valore.rn this Resol�ztion C �' t , ormiissioner T,fnn seeondecl the rnotion, `�YJ?ch uias voted upon an1 tases �vith no earnin�s to speal� of is the t��e of bond �vlych is usually hard to " unt�ni7no�;tsl cari�iecl. Cor; ' ^ - �- - market that boncis oP this chaxacter are no�; reaclil r,�arketable nat �videl known t y . 'mtissianer lurner as�ec� if this ti�as an exc�lar_ge. Gity , y, _ � � Attorne,y repllec� �Y�at the� �re �-ivin,r the froni: end oi'z six ' t ' - or c�istribut�d ancl that they are tisually bcu;�ht b;� �rivate investors ivho are wil1- alle - . . lo s in exchsnse f,or the in to take tre aceor.�panyin�; risks in return for the benei`its they carrv; He said y• He said tha� the easerient tivill ne Qn i�l:Ze end the Countf is ctoin�.Q(�� �.3$S � �n�E Y/7 that this is a project contenmlated without nroven record �f earnin�;s, He saicl Re �or� tras iven b 0 ' � � that since the issue oi 3� S.Tacht F3asin Certi�icates there has Ueen �a vlide chan e � (; y y rdinarice Gor:�iittee in cor�nection ��ith biiilclin� Urdinance of hi , ,� �he City �f Cleartivq�er. Gaty Attorney st�itecl i�h�t several x;eei,in �s tive . _ in interest narkets, ana �hat issue is Uacked frozl all revenue from the properiy ti atin tl' ' •. , (, re helc? inyes. exce: t the3e contem lated ir,l rovemez�ts. Gross revenue to be derived from this � � �is Q'rdinance, and tlzat ?t ilas �'ound thai; it }+as antiqtia�ecl and much in p p p need of revision, �and th�t �iter considersble research e' overall pro'ect is about doubTe that vi��icnw a3 ori�;inall,y contem�lateci under the th City has nrepared an � , , Ordin�ance. nia�y,or 13ro�m �rs�:ed if consicieration �:as t�een -iven to the State P mb first �ertif.icate issued, and this issue is r,iore tran tliree ti�es the amount o�' y_� . . , _ �; lu in� ls in this connection. City �ttorney replied that i� does not a T�1t to cities rvith the nri�;inal issue, that the overall �325,000.00 r�orth o� l�onc�s is sli�;Yitly less the ' * �� • • � �r secured than the ori inal 4'l15 UUU.UO: Interest rate marl;:et3 de end �n tlae law of popnlation af Gleai�rater - that it applies to smaller cities only. Coziniissioner � a� s n Blacl� a�icl i�hat the Soixthern I3tiiilcline� Gocle '�vas studie • su� lv and ciersai7a. l:tone arnd in�erest r.ates are controlled in order to control ,. •� ci and tlie Sarasot� �rdinance ta,s i p• T� � . . ^ . e , ,� usecl. P.Tr. I3en I.rentzman, A'ttornev, stated triat it dvill t�e the r.lost im ortan� thin _n�'lation. Illone� _s ti�;ht and will '�e ti�ter that a p ri�� is Ue3n� ente�ed the Git Corar.�ission Pias fl e' � �' into oi hi her intexest rates. iar. Hanhauer' said that rie is ey actin to leave �, ,_. on in the wav o�' aclopt3�ng a�;eneral Code, since it ado ted the recodifieci Orninance alto ethe - p � �• ' � w e e vu i �i` l�e � e ders. . _. . � r. ile saici that �he ei{;h'c na �;es revises �hree town tomorro�� afternoo�l. Fie said he did not kno tk� r o ild no , otll r bid . .�' - e:czst�.n�; Ordinances, incluc�ing e7.actr� caI Ultuslain and contrar.t '" He said he r7ade his orif;inal '�id as the rainirm�n requireci uncler ttre k�ond ad3ertis:e- ,. .. _: _ t� ors, anct also sets . . �, . �'orth reFi�lai.Zons pertainin�; ta er�cYl. he said the„ are v.r - - , , rnenL keenin�; the 7.imitation r�t 40. If the terrns had includecl the le�al interest . , Y F-y �oi.zple.,� and that vrhen � - � � yolz aons�.cler tall tlie various contractors that tl�er� rna rate tY:e Cit ti�r�uld havereeeived other bids he felt ancl th�i: l�is bid v�a� ii�.l.ed , ,. , y be a:1�r�;e percentage oi Y , , coritrrctors 3n the Gz� . He sr�ict he knozvs the � rcu � ' ' out eaithout knowin that �o one else had bid, Tie said �hat iE �kte Ci{; vJished to . ., . _. y o.i�.�te� llas spent � great deal of � � 'Y tizne �var��ir��, on t,17is rar��Lter. Iie state�a tha� Yis re resea�-tecl 1i b ' . eheck tirith :re resentatives of the other bond firns as �o vah� i;he ctid not 7�icl �that : , . , , I� p i� ers Yn the City, and ' P J 'Y th�� i,ho� woulc� lilze to ra�ke Clzis stz,�r'estion: that e�tch of th� 'e ' this eoulcl be dei'erred until �orn:in . He saict ti�at in �c�acl iaith he su�rn3tL-ed a . , �' � , fi lds �re s1i�;htly i� � difforent �`rorl the othe s ,o r , , ,, . ,_ r r, a�d t2iat x,..�,ardin� ��lumueis there is a State lativ re �ardin le itin�te bict and ,voulcl 1i`�e to ltnov� hon� he �tands whether xie E,ets 1Yis CertifiQcl ,• • . . � � � tlie iaatanei i�a whicYi lurnb�rs shall l�e e:�airrined vr �_` � • checl� bac;Y or acc:e tance of llis off.er. nia or I3rovJn 3aid {:hat 1' e d su ust�d p , ith a Nei ies o�' intsi �retatlons and P _ y, � kla �;�> c�se�, an�i thrat there is a f;eneral lrav� passed Uy {;lie last Session o� �he Le�islature ` �affect�n�; �lu�li�in�; 3,n tPiis Cit and Colznt . fIa said tli�at lze �ras su . e a 'Y y rpr�.s d to learn ` �,: _ _ r':iit . c�.� cors,rT� Decembei tr t it did n t a 1 �o ci ies si. ri a a o pp 'Y � xc �vhile �he leave tq the �iznicipalitie; � �oti+er to come in an� in�pect the tivork cities such a� Clear�v�atqr, and if tYiey thos� of the State Pltu:tbin� Code or ii �vllzch are as strict as theirs 1;hey car. , Burkheqrt has'told the plumbers that t .._. tivlzat kind of job they a�e cloiia�;. T,oca aiaa he said tllat ha r3oesn�t ap��rove, � tion3 of the Cleqrr•�ater 'Code s�ust be �a � it is a Code tadoptad in acaordance tvit - . �. . , . � �. . .. � .. . � � +L.-e �nr,,,,:.+ '[7n„�e Ao....�,�,�iA �!-Y.o-F-� Yii:o. f?�nw : , .. _. ., _ r� � � ' _ ,� y - ,� _ ,� ; 397 3 q � . �� �rr rE��mz�rcr , _5_ ; • CTTi COt��IISSIOrT 1vILETIPIG ); 1951 vscember 20, 1,951 . :learw�t:ior. In e�'3ecc, 1t prov�.des t1�A1; f.irst; of the e r, Cit �' � � A ��Gtorne� said �hat conference could not be held vr3.th the � ' over '7,5t)0, they xoseruo thA r�f;ht and plum'�ers Uetwee� now and the �'irst o#' the ea'r. He ' i ro u3rai�en�s of tho tec nical e Y seid tk�.at he had told �he s o�' plumber� than on their speclal problem that the� sriould be re resented b ftT q � h cocl . . P , , r. Krentzman :nd �hat our rovi�ions sjre not as ]�i,h a s . . P �' rather �han start comin down to the n�eetrin r9 and et�in ho .ed o�vn in �isc rr ins e to s are not en o ' T � €, � � t§F� d u�sions. : _ p c r #' rcin�; re�,ula��.ons `IMIr. Krontzman said i;hat he re resented a assoc P n iat3.on to which von Cochran, nir, Ernst ��e in Uehxnd us and 3,ns7zect thoin. h1r. , anc� two or thres others belong. The only other �roup interested are tlie eneral . r i,ntended �;� spoi; c�zecls behincl theri r�nc� see contract - � ors. He s�3d there is a�ood electricaT ord:i:nancP, snd that the-rec3 rocit :ontrol is l��in� taken atvay from i;lie Cit'y, ' ro i' � ; n � p v sions are exceZ�ant. Citf Attorney su��;ested that the �atter be deferre� until. t3ia� tfiaL• .;.s the 1r�tiv. Fie said the ra�ula- the Cor:�an3.ttee brin=s in r�no�lier re ort on tlie • ;trict as i;2ie State P1ur:�Uin ' Coc1e, IIe said . _ ,�. . � �atter, and that eqg2es be sent to the � .- Corrml�,ssl�r�ers. Gox�rcniss�oner Turner seconded the ��otion, v�nichvt as votec� u on ana :his kct;, ancl tha� �Lr�,ese are �vail�Ule at unanimously carried. � '�'CG ..1110�a .01�1 Cf..-"�'.n t�.o:i' fl o�t]�- �']�'.�nl't� '�.`;.tiG� �.��.1rc� � . � . � � . . . . . . . . .. . . � . . ' . .. . .. . � . . . . � . . . . . � . . � . . � . . .. .. . •�- ��-.. � �.+� .+:iav yt �vy1 v lJ1LL cl ll e sai a i f u, � ,, a s c ca ois, a. a the uestion of insurnnce ��as never raised d . . � ' the lur.�Uers feel that the State Code is �;ood and �*ooc� for Cle�artvai;er �nd that if q , ,&n that the Cit� in all of rts_ leases �' � ? � now in force have an ins�rance cicluse requirin�; the Lessee to carr in�urance for the ' zt is th�rou€;lrly eaflminecl that the Citv cottld adopt by rej.'erence tho e�m.e Code. fIA Less' r� b ' y id the e v�ou a be no con�'usion abo�st Gount and Cit. re lat`ons tiat t e tiv 1 o s anefit. He said that the Shel1 Oa,l Company had saicl that it y�ould represent sa r 1 y y p,�.�. Z , Y h y ou d a 3ubstantYa], �'inanci�l outlay. �it� Attorney �vas in3trnzctecl b the Cor.�raissi be uniform throu€;hout �he areas also. He said they hravo included a provis7on sixnilar . � on that the clause should be included that lease c�uld be sss-i s�r' � •• to the Sarasota Ordinan�e whiclz Trlr. Iilanto� acivocated and tha� tlie do not �esist , � �;n d ztti: tivr�tten perraa.ssion - � y z • oP the Lessor, and that rigYit oi' refusal tvas elirainated. An additional section ra s the Cit� if it is in that cii,rection, ana that ai'tei the City li�s e�;.ar,iined tlais the , .• • . � - W slx�,�;ested �rovic7.in� that any 3ubstantial alteration o�' the buildin rs shall be ZRill r. ealize that it ��rnilc� be petter to have one (7rdinance rel.atin to electrical a.�a�w�.� 0 . ,. . . . €� apProved � n � by the Gity of Clear�tater, ihat t}a.e buildin�; r.nzst confor� archZtecturaL and that contraetors and one relatin�* �to �;eneral contractors. Tlie sar�ie �a� ov� sions could be in • • y� ' re1 tion to reci�roait substantiall t11e sar.ie. Eie sai that he stron*1 i'e' th t there rnzst be �a provisian in the lease to Provide that the3 keep tkrera that vray. t3e s � y, y a � y 7t a added tha:t tvhen the Git� tried Zo u� � the lease of tlle :�hell Oil Cornb -� ' there should Ue three sep�rate ordinances. F3e saicl he felt that people ��rould �Pt , q . . . _ _anJ and adopt it - it ��as a].x1o.,t inrpossible to clo. Coz�tissione.r I3lantan sazc� tha� at an eerl c:a�e tYie bo��ed dotivn in an omnious ordinanCe - that simplicity is a je�rels ancl hi�;hly to be . . . p valuecl, Conuni,ssi�ner '!'urner said that �e felt that 'three se �arate Orciina ce �' d lea-se on the C1Far�vater I3each property shoul�l �rovide that if the Citg �rants to take � _ p n s�^oul that propertv they set a value of �p20,�OQ.UO on the buildin s and that on the other tae �ood, but that in t2�i.s one Ordinance t.?ze three �re kept separate, �and th�t techni- �� hand tZa.e;� nrovide tllat the T�easee � s keep it in the insizrance jvith less than ��20,000.00. call'� they are three separate ordinances - he said sa�e parts can apPly to a11, the He felt t2iat the CitT ourht t ` •� � be�;innin� and endin�, for ins�azzce. Cor.miissionex Blanton cor.,ruented tllat the Sarasota J �, o take out inore insurrance i� the Lessee does noL rrant to do so; he added that the buildin� should b� kept up ins;de and out t�vrard the enc� of Ordinance has been tested, step by step, everv point Usr the Siipreme Court, and tl�at the Lease. tiTa �r I3rotin�n a reed that this s • `' e:u?dently it stands the test. AIr. Iirentzman cor.mient�� that his �inderstandin� is not �, _� hould be done, and City i,canager vras ap�ointed conplete, as Y�e raa� not'have read the clecision. One point i�as testPd fls to rvhether to �;o o�er and inspect �:t. because of the fact that there is a Statz Plursbin�; lay� that they could change the There l�einF' no ,further business t � • rflanner in which each r.nzn�'cipality sYiall examine its orvn plumb�rs. He said the� took d'o • Yl .> , , o corae bef'ore t1�e Cor.niission, z�eatin�; l�ras' that case up because thef said that Sarasota did not allow plumUera to be exaniinecl, a � urned by I s�or lsrov�n at 10.15 P.bI, and sorae other Citzes. 'The Supreme Court sustainecl Sarasata on thai: princi�le alone. I�Tr, FLrentzr�n then asked if the City h�s a11 tYie fe�tures of the Sarasota Ordinance. �, ✓-- � � ,� Cov¢nissioner Black replied that it cioes not, rhr. Iirentzr�an s�aid that if the Ordinance � � % -7 �� � t /�, G.t.Y�s� i:s �ood fon Sarasota it does not necessari�� mean i;hat it is �;ood for Clear�vater. ! fif�`'� ' ' Corimissioner Black said that t�e Attorney ���as to read it toni�;h`:, for the iirst time I�rayor-Gor.�issi� and �lzen th.row it open to the public to co�1e in ancl ciiscizss or criticize �,t befnre it ;is p� ssed on iis third and final readin�;, P�Zr. I�rentzman rebeated tlzat it is a' ' compiica�ed sub ject - �?hat perlaaps the other riemUers of the Cor.mliseion have not Yiacl a A�+�7;�m: chance t� read it, He said that the serise oi hearin� is the �oorest sense = that he has a copy vahieh he r�i11 �ive to each �tember of the Cor.�mission and 1et them read and � , study it, and brin� it baclf, so tYu�t they viauld be Y�etter rak�le to pa ss on it tl�an' if � ' they heard the ei�ht pa�es of the other read toni�ht. He saicl vJYien it is p�:�sed on the Tirat time it is �;iven a cer�ain autharity it does not' have otherti�ise. He said Aucli r arid Glerk that this Coruaission has doile �1ore than any otYre:r Gorsziseion in €atter.lptin� to tac}sle, -- the problem, bu-� that a good t't�.in� should not be spoiled due to haste. Co�unissioner Turner sug�ested that the Co�iission be �iven'copies. IlTr. Iirentzman said he had. seen " one, but that 2iie �roixp had not. 'Cor,msissioner i3lar�i�on said thrat the voter, s` should not vote �or the oi'f,ice �f Commissioner a�tlone they clid not feel to be ini:elli�ent enou�;h to ��ake the lavrs of: the City. Fie .�:aid it is assuried that the Corr�ission is ' able to do the joh. Ne said that it forr.nilates the lavas of the City, and does not dele�;ate to a.�;roup �R�ho ttants a particular thin�; any tasl� t�rhich should be their orvn. ' ' Ne said if the City zaere dealin� tvi,th adrninistra�ion of re�l estate laws it' should no1; be �-urned over to the real estate Uoard to n�al.�e the rules ancl perhaps the �lumUers , would feel the sa�e. He :said that they were workin� not jttst for the �;ood of some one _ t-rade or or�;anization, bu� are workin�; ior the �;ood of al7_ the pegple of the City, 147r. Krentzm�zi said that as to the ad�inistrative �roceectin�� Gosrmlissioner F3lanton is on . firxn �round, �ut on a teehnical basis the plu�ib�rs �r�ould �.novr �nore than a�yone else. ' ' $e said tYa.at the City has ado�ted b;� re.ferendum some electrical codes, nlunil�in�; codes, etc.; he Qskecl if they had been carefullg read. Cormiissioner i�lanton �aid i;hat he has rea�l ther.i, to�ether ti�ith the Southern �3uilain�; Code. ATr. Krentzman saicl 'that in re�;ard to the technical provisions, plumbers aricl electricians should be consulted. �e saicl that notice ior �ublic hear•in�; should be �iven - that it would help in the City � s public relations and v:�ould keep the public inforrnecl. City F,ttorne,y saia that ' he did not Y.no�•� the Ordinance 1Fras goin�; to be introclucec? on first reaclin�; toni�;ht, and that i.t �ould ngt be �ass'ed on first readin�; at this �ime because oize section is not in it vrhich deals with fees, »Lich he liad req�ae�ted irora the 13ui1ding In:spector, ancl that he has not yet �otten �;t ready as it is a techni,cAl anci diificult job. He", - saict that sir�ce this section �as absent f.rom the Ordinanee it could not be passed. �ia�or �ro�^rn su�;�;estea that the GorTmittee instruct LIr. I:rentzrnan to i'urnish the Com- ' �ission �•aith copies oi it ancl then brin�; it back ancl pass it �n first r�adin�; at i;l�e next Cor�mlission rseetin�;, Git� l�ttorney c�r�iented i:hat there tivill �robaUly U e a : meetin�; nelct wee�n. City I4AanaFer said thqt thef �;vou.ld like to have one YVedne�da� ox - ' Friday night. City Attorney 3aic1 that if the City is �oin�; �to collaborate vrith �ho people nir. FCrentzraan repr;e�ents that -�here r�on't he tirse k�efore the enc� of the year. - - ,% : C.orrs�issioner Blac'a aslted the City I+Iana�er to s encl copies around to the Cor�iissioners. ' Gor.ani�sioner Turner said that vrhen the �;roups co�e to the Cor�rnissian that clxe� can .: point out �o the Corvnission some technical points vrh,':ch the Cor,mlission ��mauld know - nothin�; about. Corlr�lissionex Blanton saicl that he is not tr;/in�; to p�se it hitr.r3edZy vrithout proger notice, but that on the plumbin�; oraznqnce he sezit thqt an prtic7.e was written in the paper v�hich souncled lil�e the public waa beiri� hoodrvinked. AQa^�or Brown saici that there are no laws v�Yiich have not had technicql adv�.ce f'ram the peopls to who� the lavr reiers. Cor.mlissioner �urner saic] that the pdint o�' hirin�; a con- tractor to do the work an� �ayinfi him �rncl have l�.im pa� an emplo�ee has been ironacl ' ' ' � out, that �ou c�n now hire a licensed journeymFzzl to do the plvs�ibin�; wor�. or a 1`Lcensed contrac�or and , _ . , pay each c�irectly b4ayor Brov�n 3u�,�;esteQ that {,he mati,er be reierred , to th� City Attorney �o i�e distr,ibuted to the Uor,m�tiittee and that �r'u s concernod be notified i;hat hPasin�; ti+ill be held, and that Cor,nnitt�e report bei;�een now ar�d the - „ : � i , , � ��� ; , . ._.. � _ _ � �A� , i� � 3 �' �! , , `� o 0 CIZ'x GOI�;�tTTSSIQrI hiE'ETING' CTTX COD4AiI'SSZO�t Ii9E�TZIIG ' Deaembar 20, 7.951 DepeniUer 20� 1.951 _ : Dec�n�Uer 20, �951 RESQ'LiTTT0i1 VACATTPtG � PiJ}3LIC AI,LEY b��Q I35S i�A��c y/7 Iti4ayor-Gommissioner F3erbert Brown ' Coaanissioner Herbert Blanton, Sr. , VVH�R}_.A.S Simon TtIarks �nd his wife k'annie P,4arks are the o�vners o� Lots 6 to 2U �' `�iiomas H. �31ack ' inclusive, of Turner Street Groves Sttbc�ivision, as �ecorded in P1at Book 15 Pa e� F' Joe 2'urner 91, ot' the puhlic rec:ortls of Pinella� County, Florida, ancl � g _ �� Garland Lynn _ 1�FIPRPAS �here �rrae pl�atbed, i,n said plat o� Turner Street Groves Subdivis�on 'a Geni.lexnens' certain .fi�'�een (Z5) £aot. �ubTic alle f running �torth and 'South betv�een the aforesa3d � Lo�s 6 to 10, incluaiv�, on the �ast arad the aforesaid Lots 11 to 20 inclusive ,�� There will be a special m�eting of the C3�y Conmtission hold in �he Gity Iia11 ...- on tkie V`lest, ana ' ' ' Thursdav evenin� - Deceniber 20,,' 1951, at 8 F.I1T. for the purZ�ose oF: ;� i1 4'fiiEREAS Uecause of i�s location said pualie alleg could onl�'serve the owners sal resented ior the zirchase of d?325 U00.00 % ai' Lots ��0 1Q af said Subdivisi n l in t e 7,. Rev3etiving_�ropo s p P � v a, o y g o th East thereof and Lo� 11 lying to ;' Xacht B�sin Revenue Ger�ificate� - Seriea 1.351 of tho City of - tho West thereoi, and Clear�vater, and to consider awardin�; saine to the 7ii�hest bidder. , ' tiJHEREAS it a�pearin� to the City Cott�nission that said Sir:on T�'larks and his i Ordinanee Corr�it�:ea with'r.eference 'to 13uilcling Orc'iinanca - wife �''annie Priaxks own all ro ert vfhich cQuld ossi 1 be 2. Re�ort �'ron , � P y p b� a�'fected or served bg of the City of Clearc��ater. 5aid public a11eg and that the� have'as th� owners trereoi ap�lied to the City , Cos�nission to vacate said fifteen (15) foot alley as a public a11eJ ar_d 3. Report from the TrafFic Coirn,iittee. �y1�I�,F�S sa:Ld ul�lic a11s+ ae;ves no useful ur o e t e kAurs very truly, 1ar�e in the C3.ty of Clear�°�ater, p P s o th general publie at �s� F. C. I�7id�leton N�1V `.CIiEI2EPOR� BE IT Fi�SOL1lED by the City Corcmiission of the City of Clearvrater ' ' City Aiana�er in meetizi� duly and re�;ularl� as`sembled this 20th day oi Deceraber, A.D,y 1951, . FCAZ�.gg that the publie a11eg above described be and tkia same is herel�T vacated and abandoned as a�nzblic a11ey of the City oi Clearvtater ahd the said City does herebg ___..___..___�__----��_�---------------..---�----- quit clairn t11e 1,and occu��ied by said �ifteen (15j �'ee� of public a11e� un�o the --------------------------..------- ; present o:vners of the lands lying to the East and 1Jes� thereof, to-vrit, Simon. I+tar�ss Glearwater, k'lorida and his wife, Fannie Ai�rks. ' December i£ith, 1�51 ' ADOPTIOPJ OF � b'OR�G(?TT1C, �ESOL'CTIOi1 wa a rnoved, �a ssed,: and adapted this Ttie Honorable Citf Conun3ssion 2Q�h day of I7ecernber, A.D., 1951. City of Clearr�ater, Florida Gentlemen: , Z'le, the undersigned property o�vners and tAx payers, owning �nd operatin� conmtercial ls/ Aerbert I�I. Brown property along and adjacent to the proposed construction of sanztas� sev�er alon� &Iayer-Cornnissio�er Papa�a Streeti, Poinsettia Street and East Share Drive, hereby respectfully, but most eznphatically protest a�;ainst the construction of said sanitaxJ sev�er at this tirne, or at any time within the months of Januar�, Fsbruary-and Ieiarch. AT�:I�52': - iYe, as property o�Yiiers en�;a�acl in carmte�cial enterprise as aUoye statecY and as public spirited citizens of the City of C1ear��ater, are heartil� iri favor of the construction oi this seti�er, or any ather improveraent that may benefit the /s/ H. G. 1Jin�;o whole, or any part, oi the citizens of tYie c�.tg. Dde must, hovrever, ,re�pect�ully Citg Aucli:tor and C1�rk request that this improvei;lent be postprned until after the so-called ueason is , over; to ti•r,it, aiter PiFarch 31st, 1952. The constrz.iotion of sai;d sanitary se��er during the three r.ioYxi.iis of 5anizary, Februar� and P�iarch r�ould render a treniendous hardship ancl financial loss an us , inasr.zuch as it would render it inconvenient for tourists seClting accommodations to inquire for sarae alon� said streets. inas�uch as the onlj� revenue v�e der?ve b,q reason of our investnent is from the business we 'receive d.urin�; those thre'e - months, ti��e consider that it would be uniair, un�u:st and o���ressive for �ou to _ deliberately, and vrithout a just reason or cause, de�rive us of the income that _ v+e are justly entitleci to by reason o� our in�Testment in the City o� Clearwater. ' Respectfully submittad, _ , ' _ _ Si�ned by twenty-nine �ersons. , _ _ . �.. _:_ , _.: . .. . ... _ _ .. _ ' _ _... r�_ .