12/19/1951 , :1".,' " ..1. . . .,. I ~ . " ,.....:". . .' . , '}It{~~tJH;;;~il~:~'i'J.:~'' ,,,~,,;..,,~\.''''',, :, ',:.:,-,~__.",;,.:..::.;. ',",; .... . ;::;~'..:;ii;.",,:~.~:-:,:.;~::,:.. :.....;C~;"'"'....,."....:7 .":..:i,J.e......";.;,...,:. ,:,;,:,"',:~'''l. ~ ..;.,;.."" ~r~~~i~:i~ .'~"......~, . .',' ' '~&~~ '.-:; ': ','..', ,.'.;.:. ;.~'-:"".,'~" j,'<:~~p" I . ..1 d . I I ., " '. .1 ...1 I I j , " ~~ 1 ~,. ' ,'. 38r CITY OOJ.Th1ISSION MEETING 1>ecenlber 19, 1951 The City COlTm1iosion of the City of Clearwllter net in special session e t City Hall on Wednesday, December 19, 1951, at 12:00 Noon, with the .following members present: .' '., t:~f~li:;~r 1':"" ..,', ,; t.....'.:." ~ : '. l.',. Herbert M. Brown Joe Turne r Herbert N. Blanton Thoma s H. Hla ck, .Tr. Garland 1>. Lynn Mayor-OoIrIr.1issioner Corrmiss ioner Corumiss'ioner Oor:uni sa ioner COJ:'U11issioner Absent: None , . . ~ " "',l Also present: It'. C. Middle ton C. B . Via re Georp;e T. 1.lcClamna Meeting \/llS callod to order by lllayor Brown. f . t ! City 1,lanager Oi ty J\ ttorney Chief of Police . ,f" ; Mayor Brown s ta ted tha t the principa 1 busine 8S to be taken up a t this meeting was the canvassing of returns of the special election hold Tuesday, December 18th, 1951. This report V/El s made by the City Clerk as folloW:3: I,. '.'\ l Clearwator F'ire Station on Horth Gllrden l\venue 'l'otal Number of BI:1llots Cast Orrlin~nce lro. 614 - F'or 117 Against - 943 1,266 COllunissionel'S to :..Jerve for a William B. Crown, Jr. .Tack Hunnell Edw. If. Smith Term of 2 years: 765 1,011 629 Clearwa ter Bea ch ]i'ire Sta tion Tota 1 Nurnhe r of Be llots G& st Ordinance Ho. 614 Por - Aga Inst - 25.7 20 183 COl,lI".1issioners to Serve for a Terra William E. Grown, Jr. Jack Russell Edw. H. Smith of 2 years: 147 188 148 TOTAL ORD nU~HCE no. 614 lilOR AGAIHST 137 1,126 TOTAL VOTES ON COl.U,lISSIOJlEHS: \l'illiam E. Crown, Jr. Ja ck Russell Edw. IT. Sni th 912 1,199 777 Cor;nnissioner Lynn moved that report made by the City Auditor and Clerk pertaining to result of the votinr; at the special election held December 18, 1951, be accepted, and the results declared official ~j t this time. Conmissioner Black seconded the motion" which was voted upon and unanimously carJ'ied. City l\ianager reported on utility improvewents. CorlJniss ioner Lynn moved tl'.lat City Menav.er's recoJln:1ondation be followed to install 730 f'eet of 2" gas l':1Bin extension on Ridgewood u t ~?440 .00. Cor,1Jl1is sioner Bla ck seconded the motion, v/hich wa s voted upon and unanimously carried. Connissioner Black moved tha t City l'.lanager' s recoJ:ll"1endution b e followed to insta 11 550 feet of 2" water nuin extension on Cfilbert Street at ~~400.00, v/ork to proceed immediately. Cor~issioner Lynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unani- mously carried. Connnissioner Black moved that City l'.lanap,er's recoIllmenclotion be followed to install 440 "feet of 2" gas main e;~tenslon on J?ranklin Street at ~p330.00, work to proceed innllediately. COli'lJ11issioner Lynn seconded the motion, vh ich was voted upon and unanimously ca rried. COJ:l!:lissioner Black moved tha t City l.lanager' s re cOnIl'.1enc1a tion be fo llowed to in:Jtall 220 .feet of 611 water l'.18in extension on Baker Boulevard at ~p375.00, work to proceed innnediately. Commissioner Lynn seconded the r.'lotion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. City Manager reported that sixteen applications have been received .for mowing lots of' weeds and grass, amount ranginp, from $2.00 to $8.00, average about ~p4.00. Comnissioner Lynn moved adoption of Resolution for Inowing lots of weeds and grass on lots o.f sixteen property owners. Commissioner Black seconded the motion, which waa voted upon and unanlllously carried. City Manager presented tabulation of bids for paving of Myrtle Avenue. The low bid was from the Campbell Paving Company o.f Clearwater in the sroount of ~~7,,400.00. Commissioner Black flloved that the City Engineer and City lianar,er' s recollm1endation be followed, and that bid be awarded to the Campbell Paving Company of Clearwater .for paving of Myrtle Avenue in the amount of ~7,,400.00. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. ,..:-..... , ' " ..... ~ur--_... ,'" .. ., ",,",, ,,,_.,, ., ..". "".",e,.,' ....1..;~.;;i:,:.'k:'1. 3 :8 2. L~:j.,>?(,:2~~J~;" !:;. 1\; :/<\/\:::~;;\;~':I~ij{;;:" ., , .'. " ,I '_ . ~l. <..}.., ~ . c:Yi~~.'~rtf~: ,".. ~,l ~,: ..~, ..' '> . ~'~'~~l1~~t:~~LL;~~:'~J.:,;~~;,,~;~::.. :~.:. ,., ....,i...:....;-....... -2- CITY UOlIUIlISSIOH I,1}o;ETIHG December 19, 195~ 1 City Manager reported on trans:fer o:f franehise for the 'llransit Company. He said that a moeting was held that Inorning as directed by the CorrlMission" with Mr. Wir;htman, ~lr. Rowe, ~1r. Thayer" City Attorney and himself' present. He ntated that Mr.. Thayer 11a d sa iet tha t he hael a ssurcd the grollp u t the 001:1'11il1s ion mee tine on Monday night tha t he did not wish to go ar,ainst the t'runchise being nef~otiated, but that his group did want to assure good service for the City, and that as sODn fiB the franchise is completed that the new OWntlrS would irnr.lediately 1.10et with lllr. Thayer's (~roup and p;et together on the bost 011 the hest possible service 1'or Olearwater. lIe said that residents of the areaB which need service could work out schedules, rates, etc., vlhich would best serve the i1" need s . Ci ty Attorney C orrobDrElted the cDnn:lents made by the City Mnnager. He said that Mr. Thayer seeMod to be absolutely satis- fied, and that he and the new owners discussed a VCr'll uefinite plan for eettlng this matter before the various Civic ASDociatlons who are concerned with this transportation problel'1 ond that iMmediate moves w1.1l be mde to put these plans into operation. A llleetinr; of tho various C1.ty orf~anizatjons ~nd the new owners will be arran~ed immediately" and a transportation cOll'lmittee for each organization will probably be appointed, and each orr;anizlltion can then work out with the bus line owners the propoaec1 transportation schedllles, :fees, etc.. He aaid that l,~rll Thayer had repeated several times that he hod no objections to tho approval of' the franchise at this tiL1e" and that he called attention to the fact that he had said so when he appol.1recl before the Uorl1T:1ission. COI:mlsB ioner DIeck lrlOved tha t Ordinance Ho. 616 be considered on its l'irst reading. 001,.il11iHOioner Lynn seconded the motion, which Vias voted upon and unanimously cHrried. Mr. nOVle COl,U1fmted that he am 1,11'. Wightl:J8n will il!1I1lediately go into con:fflrence with Civic orf~anizat~ons regarding proper trans- portation schedules. 111ayo1" Brown said that the new owners undoubtedly realized that now routes would be l1eces:3ary for the cOlapany to 1.1ake l'lloney. Ordinance Ho. 616 approvinr; a.9 signnent of franch ise of Glea r'\Iater 'fransi t, Inc., via B read on first read lnf\ by the City Attorney. Cor.misa ioner 131e ck }(loved adoption of Ordinance No. 616 on its f irBt readinr;. Gor,1r.lis sioner Turner seconded the Inotion, which Via s voted upon and unanimously carried. Cornmissloner Black rnoved that Ordinance No. 616 be considered on its se cond readin~ by ti tle only by unall irnous consent. COlrrnissioner Turne r seconded the Il\otiDn" which W/;J s voted upon ana unan inlOusly carried. Ordinance No. 616 was read by title only. Commissioner Black 1:1oved adoption o:f Ordinance No. 616 011 its second reading by title only. Connnissioner Turner seconded the l11ot1on~ which \"/a s vo ted upon and unanil1lou sly carried II COll1Il1j, ssioner Bla clc moved consideration of" Ordinance :rJo. 616 on its third and final reading b;r uneni1nous consent of the Comr.lission. Corill".lissioner Lynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unani- 1I10usly ca rried II Orc1 inance no. 616 HS s ~Hd its third and :fino 1 time. COlrnnisaioner Black moved pass8f;e of' Ordinance No. 616 on its third and .final readinr, by unanimous consent. C01:ID11ssioner Turner seconded the notion, which Via 0 voted upon and unanimcu s- ly ea rried. .1 'i 1. ~., . "" ~I ,~;".."" \>, , :i ,...... .... A ..,~~ 1 ~ .1 ., ,1 ;J j l 'j 1 1 1 I 1 1 I ! 1 . ., City Attorney said that he had a Tf18tter of extrerr.e urr;ency to brinfS before the Commission. lie s aid that on .Tanuary 2nd of this year a man by the name Df Shehyn filed suit against Clear\-.,ater on oJ.d interest couponn going back to the eurly years of' Clearwater. The case has gone through Da ny legal battles, and ha s reached a star,e where a s a result of la te decisions which he ve CaIne out the Oi ty Attorney stated tlmt he has been able to eliminate interest after r~turlty on a large number of' these coupons. Two of' the interest coupons vmre barred by the Statute of Limita- tions as to bond" principal, and intero st. lIe said tha t recently the Supreme Court 01' Plorida in a Pinellas County case reported in 52 So. 2d ruled that in all instances in the suits based on interest coupons 'wherein the City is not able to prove that at the time the interest coupons beca:me due they had on deposit 'with their paying agent the r,lOney with which to pay such coupons the City would be liable for interest af"ter maturity :from their clue date until payment" at such rate of interest as was the legal rate of' interest prevailinr, at the tir,1e the llond intel'est coupons vlere issued. Recop,nizin~ that deci sion he sa id tha t he wrote tD 1\11'. Lea I Attorney i'or the Plainti ff' in this case" on DeCeI.1ber 15th" ~s follows: ltAnswering your recent letter relative to above case, I Vlould say that in view of the decision renclered l>y the SUpreI!1e CDurt of l"lor1da in the case of' Panal!iB Cit~l Versus lilree 52 So. (2d) 133, I would be willinl-~ to ro cOlmnend to the Gi ty Cor.:tr.lission Df the City of Clearwater that they pay the principal of all interest coupons invD1ved in the above suit except interest coupons Ho. 32 on Town of Clearwater street Paving Bonds l!os. 6 and? dated IloveIlIber 1, 1914, 'which & re barred by the Statute of Limita- tions, and that they further pay 6% interest af'ter ~aturity Dn all of these interest coupons which fell due after November 12, 1931. "It is my construction of the above cited case and other cases that under the law I am in a position to defeat interest after neturity on all coupons Wl11ch f'ell due prior to Uovernber 12, 1931, b~T the simple process of tendering into Court the principal of such coupons and pleading and proving that on the dates these coupons i'e1l due and for a reasonable period thereaf'teJ" the City of Clearwater had the money on deposit with its Payine Agent to pay such coupons. "I hope you can ~i ve I:1e an ir:lIuedia te ansvler on this propDsi tion a sId 0 not expe ct to be with the City 8 fter Janua ry 1, a nd I \'v'ould like very nruch to olD se this matter at the earlient possible datel theT'eby obviating the necessity o:f my trying the case after my resi~nation January 1. ttThankin~j you for an early reply, I am" City Attorney then read l.1r. Lea's reply to this letter, dated December 17" 1951, as f'ollows: "This acknowledges receipt of your letter of lJecelllber 15th. "This ~etter will serve as an acceptance of' that of'ter provided payment is l"flsde dur~ng the year 1951. Please advise at which bank the coupons should be sent. I expect to send them, draft attached, to the bank yon designate.". ~:::!';''';j~,~ '~:~.:,:.;~'i:.:"', . I~I~~);:~; .... -',- , 'I .f.~ ','. : I'. _.' .....~ ..'. "~. ~1~~~~:~i~~~~~~;~"~~;'"~'~''''''''~''7~C'~''\~'\''''' ,::,~:,,;':.,X';'!?':'l'. '.' :-,.;' ..'............ ~ ,i:,.'};'.:~" J ,. .,' '\;j ~ . :.... '..,.". .: " .: .' ... i ", . ". ",: :". . 'I '. "j ,', .:' .,. . ;! ~, , ." :.:.' '." .... t:: ~~\,;.. ~.~ .... ~. ...:{.;:. ':.... 333 -3- CITY COMl,IISS ION ~nm'rING December 19, 1951 , ". fJ.hl~,\ .- t :~:~~l.: ~ . ~ft~,~~:j . l,."" ",I,,,", ,;J:} "',:t' f,'. . >,~~~~:.:~ . ',t'" 't";' "',,.{ '\ Fr..,;, "I ~"'~\ _, ,\ , I" t;<'~l'"f" , 1~~;i~~%\~~!1~;' I,,";'ft;(~l'f! . . ~ ,:'~:,?: \: 1 . \,. I . .. f , i 1 i. . i City Attorney stated tha t the principal amounted to ~~2, 930.00 J interest ~~3, 112 .19, total ~~6,042.19 approxi~lately. Oormnissioner Black a sked if the City Vlould be Buccess- 1'\1.1 in defending the ca se. Ci ty Attorney replied tht:l t the Oi toy ha 8 pa rtially succeed- ed now - that probably ~2,()OO.OO has been eliminuted, and that the !'loney Vlould corne from bond and intere st funds. Cor.nnissioner Bla ck then l!1oved tha t the City Attorney be authorized to settle the case of Shehyn Versus the City of Clearwater by the payment of principal and interest, totaling approximately ~6,04? .19, and that a report of fina 1 settlement be broughtback to the GOl.1ll1ission at fHI oarly da te. Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Mayor Brown asked the City Attorney if this Vias his studied lep;/;ll opinion that it is the best offer that could possibly be brought back to the COl:U',lission. City Attorney said that he has foup;ht the case hard and .felt that it is a sharp in,1ustice to the City, and ht:ls C01.111ec1 the 1Elw of the United States over it. He said that the City of st. Petersblu'g loot a case on this sanle point - that Hon. Harry Young said that there was no hope of having the decision reversed. lIe said that the City COl1nnlssion there has Ol"dered him to appeal to the Supreme Court, and he is doing so in spite of the fact that he ha s informed the City C01:1mission that he has no chance of winning the C/;lSE). City Attorne~ said that if the ~>heh'Yn case goes to the Supreme Court it would cost an additional ~500.00 to ~lOOO.OO with l~ybe only one ch/;lnce in a r:lillion of its being successful. ".". ',' I' , , ::;'1':...: , ",", ,-. , 'I '.' Meeting was ad.iourned at 12:40 PM. '~'.:' ~ ,:t.:', ' . ; '..~ . ,,' , ".i> ' Mr. Hen l~rentzL~n, Attorney, presented application for zoning exception on behalf of the H.oyal ];Jalm Uote1. He stated that this application was presented some time ago, was referred to the Zonin~ Board, and \ms refused. He stated that if the Zoning Act had passed, the request VJould have been unnecessary. He said that they own a lot 212.46 feet deep from Cleveland South, llU feet of which is zoned for business, and there is no set back from Lincoln as e xtendec1 - that it is not now a street. lIe said that the North 102 feet of it is zoned R-2 now" and a twenty foot set-back, and that in their proposal they want Ule set-back to be made to ten feet. He stated that under the Zoning proposal the business zone would have been Moved ba ck 51 feet, and then new lot lines would hs ve hael a set-back of ten feet. The new I;onin~ law would have caught it North 50 feet. COlrImissioner Black I:1oved that the City Clerk be authorized to publici~e puhlic hearing on this matter for a meeting to be held the third Honday in January. Gor;l111isaioner Blanton seconded the motion, which vias voted upon Bnd unanimously carried. Cor:IInissioner Blanton said that he fel t that the CorlMission has devoted a r;reat deal of time to the City COl:lmission Vlork /;lnd that at the beginning of the New Year he is going to leave meetinr;s at the end of discussion of whatever item is tal::en up before 10:30 P.JII. Corrmlissioner Lynn said that often there are eight or ten items on the Agenda, but tha t rr.any others are also brought up which are not on the agenda, which lengthens the r.leetings. He said the t hereafter he intends to leave meetings at lO:30 PM, and thlt he objects to such frequent meetinr,s as he expected when he was elected to the posit:l,on of Cor.unissioner that he would he expected to attend only two meetings a month. / d ~ ///- /'./. /. . / 7"/7/ ~ ,.', /~ . >~' . .> ".,(,.t---. . , ............ . . p,-,-,-,,-, . Ma'y 0 r- G or:ll"11 s s i 0 n~ r At te s t : City '.:", .. .. ,,' ',.,' . ."'-, ..~.....~.'."~.J.,~..' ~ . .II i'" .~..~, , ~/ o .'~ ..., 'C/!,;::"';;;;W;i$t:i';'1'IT[~~_~~".'.'~~~4~~,;,~~j~"'~,,*#>>Jkj;"i~'~i~~""O" ..' .... . ", :-",. : "":.:,':1:'>;" " ,"'. '''':'''ir:~:D i ~ " :~.~ .:: : ~ ~H#Y state of Florida County of Pinellas City of Clearwater We the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the Ulearwater Municipal Election to hereby cflrtif~l t}~at voting 1;18chines enll.ueI'ated below were ir.1Med1ately lockod and sealed upon the closing of the Polls at li'1re Sta tlon. Mach. Protect i va Counter Seal Ho. 1;'01"" City COMmissioner W. E. Grown .Tr .Tack RusAoll Edw. H. Smith 6$4 - -g5~ :;)37' , Ci <6-S- c;. tI~ cL- ---- 0'6 73 S-~ .' ", <;f;'ii . . .;.,. r I I / v .-" / / I o ;), 7 ,'" . , . . I ~~. . ~l~~~~;jl~:~: "_ ,,)<4 li>..~ ~\u ~~~A~~t :.l~ . ':f~~j: Mach. Protoetive Counter Seal No. Ordinance G 4 For A'Binn~ 3;.. . 5" ,- L/ S'" :1 --- ~'\ , ~---:x I / '7 ",,, ;& ~7 / . .y ------ .. I /.,;Z ' . /(! - " :-i~OJ ~1~/ ' l/~~ ~ ~/ (/ 7?1 ~ JJuzC1/LtVL-- IJtluzL ~/-cEL c; {/ .=~.&~d~ I'Y)A<l ~. Gl. ;:;fr:~, ( ~ .. J . ,', "j ~~.. ;..~ " ~:; ! "'1. i",- ~) \.l,\ ....a'..' ., ." :::'U1' -",),. ,,', ,~j\~1 sts te of }l'lorids County of P1nellas City of Clearwater We the l.mderoigned Clerk and Inspectors of the Election to hereby certify that voting machines enluuerated uelow 1r.unediately locked ~nd sealed upon the closing of the 'Polls at Clearwater Beach Fire Station. Clearwoter Municipal were 'on Seal Ho. w. E. Crown 1. or Oi ty Cor:U"1issioner .Tr .Tack HUBsell Edw. H. Srllith Gt5 , . '1'>'; '-'.J'" . " '" :.',:~:~ " :;:.:}?}j.: 't \ .," ...:. " " jt!~;ji~~~, , ~- J1. 9 ). Orc inance }1'o r' 6 4 Against ~o I 3 I ~,\:..; ~:~~~i ~~ ..... t'. , . ," " " )~. ,..... . ". : "':"."~"'''''''\''''Ii'~'ij . ],:{i;~;~~~~Jj)j! :]) ..;f]~:~:1?;;~!~~: ; .. :.:,.: ~ }}"/;/:: : -'. f~ ;lA- jA " "..' ..', ~ STA TE OF l<1J~ orUDA COUl,ITY OP PINBLLAS CITY 01<' CLJ~RWAT1R ." ,;, .' ,,~ ." :" ;: 'l!:;)"'.,:" ,":'! .~::.: -'. :,~.:~:!t;.}.:.1,~.f:~:~ ','.11 .." ..,::. '. f.;'\':':: '2'~:'.' \,....:....,::0:...>:.. 1/," Of f, I ";;.' :',. I I { I ,. j I We tl~ underainned Clerk and Inspecturs of the City General Election held on December 18, lH51, pollinp, place at the Clearwater Beach Fire sta tion, do herelJ'~r ce rtify tho t we he ve conducted sa id election according to law and l.tpon counting the ballots find the result of saie! election to be as follo'ws: Total numl)er of llal10ts cast Total number of ballots r.mtl1ated Ordinance # ~ I 't. for against '-0 / ~~3 " '.,f '.' ," t' votes votes For COI.unissloner to serve l'or a terln of two years Qp~ tu~~c ~~--Le ~C1.eAe ~~H received lif) votes received I g g votes received ! Lf& votes received votes rec:eived votes Given under our hands at Clearwate~, Florida, this 18th day of December, A.D., 1951. '~~w . ~~ ~ Clerk /J ~,,-~ Inspector Inspector. Sworn to and s'llbscribed before rae a t Clearwater, l~lorida this 18th day of" DeCeDlber, A.D., 1951. .':' r . .. '.~'.-. . . ;"".,. '." .~. J'.: ~ . . \ . i'- -:.::;.~............., ,,}j).~~ r;r :1)~: -....~ .i~'y 'Jltjw)j1i~l. ... ,."A"'~"'J" ','" ',~I CJ) STATE OF PLOHIDA COUJlTY 0Ii' PINELLAS CITY 01i' GLEARWA'l'EH We, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspectors of the City General Blec tion held on Decelllber 113, HJ5l, polling pIa ee a t the Glea rwater I-'ire StaticJn on Horth Gurden Avenue, do hereby cert1.f'1J that we have COl1ducted SJd.d aooording to law and upon counting the oallots,find the result of the sald election fo be as follows: Totul mUllber of ballots es st Total number of hallots Mutilated Ordinance #6 Ii for 1/ 7 votes aga inst 9 .1(5 ,. .,.., . ' ;j1tfi~1;~ld~f . ;: :\;j:j?A:~e!W~f;:: . l"';;';!?(: /-Z 6 b X' For COlfIDlissioner to se rve for a term of two yea rs 't; ~-~ n naL1?'l!t7J! . 'I' .. /~/, {I)/l'-! f /k'7/ (?lCk J~~' ./ . ~ ~/&/?< ~ " xt~n;6f~ <../ rece ived 766- I ,. . t:i,~J~~;;. l-c .' ,,'''''''fl:' j' ". jt:;~;l(.;\~" ',,,,' ~~; "1',"<'"'' '. ,:.:,> '" f. ..... .', ". l ,-;, ' .~ votos votes received /(J// , 6 ~tj f votes received votes rece ivec1 vo te s received vo te s Given under our hands at Clearwater, l"lorido, this 18th day of December, A.D., 1951. '",...".. .... .. 'l~ ;~;;":::~il J fl~cg/l4O#~ Inspector 'm~ tlPaAb! ;" - Inspector 'Jl,"lAL f/-rn-~' Inspector rg tic! ) a7/ /1/-/i' ,t !IlL Inspector ~~/~J ~c.?~ ~ ~ ~:~or I ", ~ I~ector Sworn to and subscribed before ne at Clearwater, It'lorida this 18th day of December, A.D., 1951. , .! H...l<<..:'I'.;}....{'e..; L., '. L'. J '. . '. .~. .t,..... ,;.~._.... '.:'../ ...,;.......':.:...))!~'.'~.:.'.\ ,. ..~'''~..t!!I~l'i'''?ll\'$t\'!1;r~",,~~.'''''''''i'~'''i''''''~.~,~''''"""'~,...;~;(l.&.,i",,;,,;~,';, ;c;:;:L.+~"7":i;~,~#;d)~l' ,'. Tota1 number ot ballots cast /~6~ X . ' S'.f'A'l'E OF' FLORmA COUNTY OF PlNELLAS C I'l'Y OF' OLEARWA'l'1m " ,,,;-"\ '\~ We, the undersIgned, 010rk and In8pectors Gt ~e City General Election beld on Decezllber 18, 1951, polling place at the Clearwater F1re hl. )":: I~~~~~~~V~ 1', 4 ; .' ) ~ ; " : ,',' ,I '....' <:::~"t - /' I'..':' . .! St&tion on North Gflrden Avenue, de hereby certity that we have oonducted aal4 eleotion aocording to law und upon oounting the ballots we find the result of the eleotion to be as tollowa: , :1 Total numbel' ot ballots IlIUt11ated Ordinance #~ror ( / ~ votes P 1/;5 , , '. . +..;.\'~r'~ ( " against votes Fer Commissioner to serve tor a term of two years received 76,j.- 1011 6 :?vf votes _received votes received v.tee ~receIved votes receIved vates Given undel' our hands at Clearwater, Florida. this 18th day e~ Deoember. A.D., 1951. Inspector J~9A~~ nspector '1'11-/(/L ~. ' Q, ctfvt;) l I~sp otor i1Z,~~ Inspector. /J? ~#- ~J t:i A f ^ 7fftL~ !0A'~/-a/e Inspector I~ ~ -o./J 17('1'4:-<- J ) .0 Inspector c;(?(';l/w.-L/ ~peotor 7/;rvtl' ~~ ~ , . Sworn t. and subscribed before me at Clearwater, Pler1da this 18th day or 'December. A.D., 1951. ~.: .' ~_.._- ,',' > ' " ~ ~\ tJ :: :', . I .,.... ,~~. '1"\ ....,.;.' ,".' -',l'. .<,ll., '':-';:'.1" -... . . .. . ;', """~~k~J*~~"L'~'~i?;::::~t:.7"'~t.~.c~~;;,~~,~:'-~,~~~~':;..:';':i:';::;:~~(::l~~V.U>i~~j~~..:,,~~,~,.~Ii.~";t;~.;.;.,~.:;L'~o..i}!,0 ~':;;'~';;'~';J:i~~"9:;;/;!;i/~'~~ " , fA- ~.~ ~g received 1~7 votes ~~ -d+~ J~Uk received 1~8 v.tee 3/1 ~L1 eiv. t$ rece1ved 1L/-8 v.tea rece1ved votes rece1ved vetea " ",' '.. ::"-}, '....... '.', .. . . ,'~ "I . :~:.;.,::.:/~:: /~.:.'~::~E<' ~~.~.~. :. . ~ ';::.. . . l~i~~: :t: ..'~ ,. .. '" :: ...../'r,.; ". ).~;:,:P: "'...., ',,... "; STATB OF FLORIDA COID1'1'Y OP PINELLAS 1;\I?;;~f! I,.., .........\'". '1':,\::,'i::.i~tI\,::l' , ,',,'/.-" .'." ..... 1 ~f\'9i?!i;~ 'j1;;Ut~il: ).';'h." ."..,\;,4 '1. ,r"",''i'_''-'''l'~ oI~.( ,~(;~r"'-~~';I' - ~< , ,fC> CI'lY OF CLEARWA THR We the und1ars1gned Olerk end Inspectors ot the City Gelleral Election held on December 18. 1961. pol11ng place at the Clearwater Beaoh P1re Station. de hereby oert1t"y that we have conducted said election acoGrdi:ng .... ~..... , ,.~. to la. and upon count1ng the ballots find 1:he result 01 said e1ect1op t. be " , 8S tollows: Total number of ballots cast ~ S7 t Total number of ballots Ord1nan ce iI -'-h!- for against Ii1ut1la ted ~o I~~ votes votes For Conmlsa1oner to serve for a terro of' two )'ears r G1ven under our hands at Clearwater. Florida, this 18th day or December. A.D., 1961. ~w _ UJ flt/iA fL ~.~~ ~~J(L ~ ~ rJI~ctor ;,~ ,8t1'~ctor. ~ Clerk ~~ Inspector i" " Sworn te and subscribed before me at Clearwater. Florida th:1s 18th. da~ of "t .r December, A.D., 1951. erk _.1. ...-.. ',; ~;/;~'J',", . . . " . '\ 'r, ,,>:; '.- ',:'c.:, '. . (.'; ,;"U" . , ,.:, . ,'d ;'~::;i\,~,::~,;:~,:,::,~:~::;;::~'~,;,~':,:~;,~;~1i,~~~':::~~~ ':lrt~;f~;I?:J~~~~~;~< . '.' '.;;:'>~~;~,k.~.~'~,~..~;'_.':.~~.t~~~.~,-':.i.~,~.~.'.~.'.;':"~"..~,,>.'~.,i~~~.,,~~,'. :~L.:,,;:~~~~.,::.'.",.;:.:~L~.'.""'~''4.~:t~~.'ct~.1~L.~...:..:~t..{~~;~,~~~~,~tk.:,i~~~.:.{:G~.'.if;r;',::,c:L:u,~' :~':'~.;~. "/1J'00.'.:':.~;~~~,~:~C~Si..;~.:~!~.~{1".;':' ""'~'~';lii'I~~~\':;;.'t":,,,~,\ .' . . '., . ~., " I ~~:~~r~;;;;} . . , " 3' ';'.9. '.~."O"" .:........'!,". .: "', . .~:J" ",./, '" " ", ,-.' ., . . STATE OIi' It'10HIDA COUHTY O}<' PINELLAS CITY OF CLl~AHWATER We, the l.mdersigned, Clerk. and Inspectors of the Oi ty General Election to be held on Tuesday, December 18th, 1951, polling pl.ace at the Clearwater Fire Station on Horth (}ardan Avenue, do herel}Y' solemnly swear that we will well and faithfully perf'orm the duties of Clerk and Inspectors at the said Election. ~~~ eLl .. ~L~, INSPECTOH ' I~~~~r4-rl- O-,dZ~Y'~~~, IN~ECTOH ~JUu~, ct. J~~, nm'PECTOR\] ~ ~~ ~ -lffEGTOR .JEJ~ IHSPECTOH 0rtl illS l:rt(fT t-/..... 4(,c,{>,~~,,'G INSPBCTOR - Sworn to and subscribed 1.Jefore LIe, at Clearwater, l<'lorida~ this t<< / ?\J' day of December, A.D., 1951. H. G. Wingo Ci ty Auditor 'r.~.:"'~~",,\".}:~.t ../"..,. ,1 I" ~'" ./'-':"'--:';i i/l~~T:'1or~}~';~~"t~N+i.~:wry;r.:'~f"'~"'51l~ 1.\ ./,'\\.~. ' ,~'.'" . ....;".~:.,.7. ..~;'~ . :/ t~,C:';:;€)r.' " ':;. ':?V(';~~":; ':.- . . C'":' ,'.' ;~r::; ; , " '.;:.':0 ': "",. ',','. '" \, .~. ...~".,;;Vr.'""t5l#....' """~J"';~~~~~~l4;i;"~,;";~;~;;,,,~"~&;;.,""",~~,,",=.=~;,,~~,,,",~.;.~,~~~~~~t?:";;;:;""r, " \. " /~ . STATE OF }t'LORIDA COlmTY OF PINELLAS CITY OF CLEARWATER. We, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspectors for the City General Election to be held Tuesday, ])eceIllber 18th, 1951, polling place at the Clearwater Beach !<'!re Station, do hereby solemnly swear that we will well and faith- fully perform the duties of Clerk anel Inspectors at the said Election, that we will endeavor to prevent fraud, dec~it or abuse in conducting the same. ~ ' CLE~ w~ IHSPECTOH ,J/hi:ot7tt.. If~6M-:!, ~~ h4ft- p~~ Hrsl.lBCTOR r}mPBGTOH flr4-~ lIT GTOH IllSPECTOR IllSPlWTOR HISPEC'l'OR Sworn to and subscribed before me, at Clearwater, Florida, this day of December A.D., 1951. H. G. Wingo City Auditor ". ~~', .h~ '. .; ..... ~i.. " . ; ,j~.4 . t ,~""l. ._:' ' . . "~:JJ;!~ji~ifi~':(I>;L~"~.;,;,~",.. .... .... ;"'. "..... ,....,.. ."..."."",.,~,,. w."'''''' ,,,,,,,;,: WHEREAS: it has been deterloined by the city Cor1l11ission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the property described beloYl should be cleaned of weeds, gratis and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner theI'eof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof against the respec- tive property. now THlmEl"OIlli BE IT RESOJ~VED by the City Commiscion of the City of Clearwater~ Florida, that the foll()win(~ described property, situate in said City, shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) dnys after notice in writing to the owners thereof' to do so and that upon failure to COl,lply with said notice, the City shall perform such 01e9nin(; and charE~e the costa tl1ereof against the x'espective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Churter of the City of Clearwater, a s amended. PASSED AIID ADOPTED by the City Co~~ission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this 19th day of December, A.D. 1951. ".:" 1111111' ~~!!"!!11!;jbo .. 'I . ,,".,~: ". :. ,....,.. ',' .: <.:'. ....;. ~::.,. ~T" ", ..: r, .'..' ...." '. '. r.". .,::' "::. ..../: '.....~: No. - Hequest No. 1. A-204 2. A-205 3. A-206 4. A-207 5. A-208 6. A-209 7. A-210 8. A-211 9. A-212 10. A-213 11. A-214 12. A -215 13. A-216 14. A-217 15. A-218 16. A-219 ATTEST: ~ .:;'.\ ....~~t .\:! : ..n, ~.",' , :';'1" :" :::i'...\;r:_"'-/"}!:'tl'.':'r '.! :.1:-t:>...,....1 CITY COMMISSION MEETING December 19, 1951 '3'.QZ': RES OLUTIOlJ {~ " , ;. .. f' , . j f '~, . ',' . Property Owner Dr. Raymond H. Center 1210 Cleveland St. ~scription Lota 13, 14, 15 & 16 Block 16, Magnolia Pk. Lots 1 & 2, Block A Pea le POl'k Mowing Estill18 te $8.00 4.00 E. G. Weber 1020 ~lonr.lOuth l>Iewport, !~en tucky .Tij~5rjJ~r , \..... .,. ,'..l,.o< I ;,:.~~, t~~;~ }t.i::~:,~,~ ,~~\< ". >.: '" ;" 1}.'..\" ,.~,. ,.1:,... }{;,~r.Y*~0.1~1:. \'1. , f;>oj; J. W. Jeutter 1409 1J. !<'t. Ha 1'ri son Lots 10 &11, Block I Hillcrest #2 Lot 12, Block I Hillcrest #2 Lots 13 & 14 Block I Hillcrest #2 Lot 15, Block I Hillcrest #2 2.00 ea. Edith Horner 505 Cleveland st. 2.00 IlIa r~a re t Sha nn on 108 1-1. Jefferson St. City 2 .00 ea. Hillcrest Development Co. c/o Edmond S. Whitson Davey-McMullen Bldg. 2.00 11ias lIa zel DeRemer c/o Morton Plant Hospital City Lot 19, Block J Boulevard Heights 3.00 Uatalie Bradford 2100 Watrous Ave. Tampa, Fla. Lot 5, Bloc}: 49 Nandnlay Sub. 3.00 Aldo Chambers R.U. 14, Box 646 Indianapolis, Ind. Bessie Ste....l8rt P. O. Box 341 Sa fety Ha rbor Lots 7 & 8, Bl. D Highland Grove Sub. 3.00 ea. Lots 1,2,3 & 4, Bl. A Highland Grove Sub. 5.00 Nr. A. Gordon Swan Parsippany Blvd. Boonton, N. J. Lot 13# Block H Keystone Manor 3.00 :Mrs. Nona B. Sha rp P. O. Box 333# City (Notify Mrs. Sharp tha t the lot will have to be Lots 1 ~ 2, Gulf View 3.00 ea. trees which a re down and lying on removed before the lots can be mowed) l\linnie S. Engle 326 - 3rd Ave. St. Petersburg, Fla. h'ustace Willia1.1s 200 H. 11ain St. She1byvil1e, Tenn. Elr:ler H. Smith Sale Creek, Tenn. Lot 1, Block 11 Country Club 3.00 Lots 1,2,3,& 4 Block A, Crest Lalce 2.50 es. Lots 5 & 6, 131. A. Crest Lake 2.50 ea. The Rev. Thos. A. Colreavy 811 Druid Rd. Lots 10, & 11, 131. 19 Mil ton Pa rk 5.00 ~s/ Herbert l-l. Brown Mayor-Commissioner . Ole rk =---=. . : .. .,~ ',! ~'l I .' . '.., .~..'.'. . t , ..,., ..:.- , . '-;.,..,.;~~l~~~~::::1~~:IL,~,~""~',._",,,.~,I::. :.';'j , . ." ..... .,., . "<~/':':'I:' ..~ .,:'l .f'.' ": .' :.: .'l~" ." .,.:;p.~_O~. :':".':'l~::t' ;" " /..:: :':;';,'> , , ,,' ,....:; ~';'...:.:.;.:;:A<~.~';;.:':"I-j.::.:,,:o;..;,.: ~~:...~ ~ ~.' ;>~~;:'~4.:" ,~.-.~.~ ~:~t(,~.......~~~,':"':':1 '..'~ :.;,:.:.':.~~' .:,1': . . ," : ..,,,...-.......-.'-..,,,'..... . .......,:~~,i:::::;;~::.;:;:~'1r:i~,.,~ ", '3,c"3';,'\ .'x OHDDfANCB NO. 616. '/. AN ORDDlAlfOB ACOBP'rING AND APPROVIlfG AS ASSIONllBN! . } , J 0' A '1'RANSPOR'fA'l' ION FRAHCHISB GRAlr.l'BD sr mB CI'1f' OF OLEARWATER, FLORXDA, TO CLBARWA':rBR ~RANSI'l'. IlIO., ;... OORPORATION, SAID PRAUCHISB BEINO OIIDIHAflCB NO. 618 DB I'1' ORDAINED BY: 'l'HK CIT!' COllMISSION OF THE OX'l'X OP OLRAR\VATBR, FLORIDA: SRCTIO!! I. 'rJ1A'l WUBRBAS on the 18th da~ ot FebruBr')', A. D.. 19"6, the 01t7 Oommlsslon or the 01t~ or Olearwater passed on t1n81 reaclng and approved Ord1nano. 110. fi16.. salDe belng Il transportation trenohlae g1'llnt:ed ~ the Ci~7 ot Clea:rwa'tor to Clearwater Transit, Inc.. 8 oorporetionJ . Aim mmRRAS there ia no prov1slon 10 the arore.aid ()rdlnanoe 110. 518 restricting 1n an7 wlso the right of BlIslgnmont or sald 1'l'IlnohlseJ Am> WlIBRKAS W. S. WIGH'l'MAN AJfD J. W. ROWK have app11ed to the 01tJ' Oommlsslon or the C1tJ or C1sarwater, Plor1da, rore appro'Val alld aoceptance ot an assignment or the franchise aforesa1d, trom Clearwater 'l':ranait.. Inc., to W. a. WIOH'nIAN ANI) J. W. ROWE, co-partners doing bualness as CleaMilter '.(Iran.it, Il true copy of oald assignment being riled wl~ the CItl Audl~or and Clerk. BE IT ~KRBPORB ORDAINED b1 the Clt,. Oox:alss1on in Jneetll18 clulJ' aaaembled this 19th da,. of December. A. D., 1951.. tha~ the C1t,. of 01eal'1Nlt;el' doeo hereb)' aocept and approve the atoresald Bsa1gnm"I'\'t or the tranch1ae oreated bJ Ordinance Ho. 616. and does hereb7 reoognlze W. S. WIGRl'lCAH AM> J. W. ROU, co-partners dolng bus1ness 8a Oloazwwater Translt B8 the present ownera or ..1d rrsnchlse. . .. '" '~'.' ~ .' .i;;~:j!ill~" SBC'1.'ION II. !hat all other Ordinances and lawa 1n conrl1ct herewith be and the ~U1e aN herebf repea1ed. PASSED ON FmS!l' READING UPON UUANDlOUS CONSENT OF ALL COUlt1ISSIONERS PHBSEN'l' AND VO'l'IUG BEING FlRST OB'l'AINJID SAID ORDlNA1WR WAS PASSED Ol~ 1 T8 SEOOlW AllD THIRD READING December 19th,A.D.. 1961 December 19tm.A.D., 19&1 /S~Herbert M. Bro~n 1or-Comm18a1one~ Attest: /S/ H. G. Wingo . 01t,. Auditor and Clerk ':: , " CITY.' C01�u�1IS�zQN bTEET;LIIG Ueaember 19, 1951 The City Cormnission of the City of Clearwater �et in spec:l.�1 session �� City Hall on ldedneaday, Iiecember 19, 1951, at 12:00 T7oon, with tkie follo�ing members presenfi: Herbert n7. Brown Joe Turner Herbert IVt. I3lanton Thoma s H. I�lack, Jr. Garland U. I,ynn Absent: No ne Also present: F. C , nIiddle ton C. �. 4�are George T. I�.icClarrana Rleeting was called to order by I�layor Brown. Mayor-Corrmiissioner Co�niss3oner Corsnis�ioner Cor.aniss3oner Corrnnissioner City filana�er City kttarney Chief of Pol.ice ��i i�Iayor Brown etated that th.e principai business to be taken up a,t this meeting was the car_vasoing Af returns of the special elect3on hela Tuesday, December 18th, 1951. This report was made b� the City Clerk as folloPrs: Clear�vater Fire Station on llorth Garden 4venue Total Nurnber of B�allots Cast 1,266 Ordinance r7o. 614 - For - 117 Against - 943 Corffnissioners to Serve for a Term of 2 years; '�Ji�liarn E. Crown, Jr. 765 Jack Russell 1,011 Edw. Ii. Smith g�g Cleariaater F3each Fire Station �'otal Number of Ballots Csst 25,7 Undinance No. 614 For - 20 A�ainst - 183 Conwiissioners to Serve for s Term of 2 years: V�illiam E. Crovrn, Jr. 147 Jack Russell , 188 Edw. Fi. Smith l�g TOTAL URDIZZE,iiCE PTO. 614 POR - 137 f�GA12dST 1,126 TOTkL VOTES ON CO2:II;IISSIOTIERS: �"Jilliam E. Crown, Jr. g�2 Jack Russell 1,199 Edtv. A. Sraith ��7 Coznnissioner Lynn moved that report rs�de bg the Cit� Auditor and Clerk pertaining to result of the votin� at the special election held December 18, 1951, be accepted, and the results declared official at tllis time. Cormiissioner Bla-ck aeconded the motion, which tivas voted upon and unaniznously carried. City S�Innager reported an utilit� irnprove�ients. Cor�iissioner L�nn moved that City P,iana�;er � s recar!¢aenda-cian b e �'ol� orved to install 730 i'eet of 2° gas r.�ain extension on Ridgewood at �440.00. Coyunissioner B�_ack seconded the riotion, v�hich �vas voted upon and unanimously carried. Comnissioner Black moved that Gity t;Iana�er's reco�endation b e followed to install 550 feet of 2° �vnter r�ain ex�tension on Gilbert Street at w400.00, r�ork to proceed iimned3ately. Cor•unisaioner Lynn seconded the motion, rvhich was voted upon and unani- mously carried. Corrunissioner Black moved that City nTana�;er�s recor�iiendn-tion be follovred to install 440'feet of 2" gas main extension on Fra nklin Street at �330.00, s�ork to proceed irrmiediately, Cormnissioner T�ynn seconded the mation, v�ich was voted upon and unanimously carried. Cor,unissioner I�lack moved that Cit,y h7ana�er�s r�cormnendation be followed to install 220 feot of 6�� �vater riain extension on Baker Boulevard at �375.00, work to praceed immediately. Commissioner T,ynn seconded tYze ssotion, v�hich ��as voted upon and unanimously carried. City lliana�;er reported that sixteen apPlications have been recoived far �owing lots of weeds and grass, amount rangin� .from �2.00 to $?8.U0, raverage about �p4.00. Cormiissioner Lynn movad adoption of Reso"lution for rnowing lots of tiveeds and �rass on lots oi' sixteen property owners. Commissioner F31ack seoonded the motion, vrhich v�as voted upon and unanimously carried. City hIana�;er presented tabulation of bids for pav3ng of P,Zyrtle Avenue. The low bid rvas frora the Gampbell Pavin�; Company of Clear�vater 3.n the ariount of �;;7,400.00. Conunissionex $lack rloved that �he City Engineer and City 2,ianager�s recormnendation be iollowed, and tY:at bid be aw�rded to the Cam�Uell Pavin� Comp�ny of Clearerater for pavin� oi' Iti4yrtle Avenue in the ariount of 4P7,4�0.00. Conmissioner Blanton secondEd the motion, rvhich was voted upon and unanimoualy carried. �� _2_ CITY CO2situTSSIUN T�(1�:ETTIdCr vecember 19, 1951 �� City nlana�er reporteci �n transfer of francliise for i;he Tra�Z�it Comp�ar�y. He said that a meet�.n� rvt�s held that ni�rnin�; as clirr�eted btr ��e Conmtission, w3.th nir. 1Vi�;litman, nIi . Rowe, 11'Ir. Thayer, Gity Ai:�orney and tiirlsolf pxesont. Fie 3tated tha G hTr. Thager had said that he had assured tl�e �roup at tl�e Cor,�riise3on meeting on n�Ionday ni�;ht tllat he did not ti�isti to �;o a�;ninst the f'rai'�c1�.3se being ne�;otiated, buL that his �;roup did want trc, assure �ood service for the City, and th�at as soon as the franch.;,se is complated that the novt owners v�iould im,�acliatoly raeet �vith T;Cr. Tliayer� s group and �;et to�ei;her on the best on the Uest poasibla sarvice for Cl�arwater. IIe saicl that residenta of tho areas yrhich neecl service could rvork out scheciules, rates, etc., which �vould laest serve their needs. City Ai;tornev coxrobora�Ged {:he cor.�:�enta made by the City ninnap;er. He said tr�At A;r, T2iay'er seemed to be ab�olutely sat3.s- fied, and that he and the neeu o�vners discussed a very def3.nite plan for gettin� this matter before tYxe various Civic Associatians �vho are concerned with this transportation problem and that irnnecliate ruovas tivi],1 tae r.�de to }�ut these ��lons into operation. A meetin� of the vario�-� City organizat�ans and the new owners will be arranged 3snr.iediately, and a�transportat?.on coirmiittee for each or�;anization will probably be appointed, and each or�ani�ai:ion can �hen wark out �vzth the bus line owners the proposed transportation schedulea, fees, e tc. He said that T�;r, Tfiayer had repeated several times thAt he had no abjections to the appxoval oi` the franchiae at this tizle, and that he called attention to the fact that he had 59�.C1 so whon he appeared beTore tl�e Conm�iission. Cor,�iissioner l�lack x;ioved that Urdinance T1o. 616 be considered on its first readzng. Cozs�iissioner L'S�nn seconded the motion, rvhich v�as voted upon and unanir:iouslg carried. n,r. Rovre cor�mented that he and. R:r. tiJi�;htr.ian rvill iumiediatelv �;o into conference v�ith Civic or�anizat-::ona reF;arding proper trans- portation scfiedules. Diayor Brown said that the new ovrners undoubtedly realized that nenr routes rvould be necessar,y for the cora�any to raake rnone�r, Ordin�nee No. 616 approvin�; aseignrient of iranchise of C1eaM�ater Transit, Inc., ca�s read on fj,�st readinF by �1�.e Citg Ai:torney. Cor,miisaioner I3lack rnoved adoption of Ordinance Pic. 616 on its first readin�;. Corn2issioner Turner seconded the motion, t��hich was voted upon and unanimously carried. Corm:�iasioner Black moved that Ordinance rro. 616 be considered on i�s second readin�; by title only b5* unanimous consent. Cci,miissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and. unanimc�usly carried. Qrdinailce IJo. 616 ��ras read by title on1;T. C�rmnis�ioner �slack moved adoption of Orclinance No. 616 on its seoand reading by title on1y. Corrnnissioner Ttirner seconded the riot_on, �vhieh tiaas voted upon anc� unanimously carried. Cormnissioner Blaclt moved consideration of Ordinance PTo. 616 on its third and final readin�; b;r unan3mous consent of the Corr,�iission. Com�iis�ioner Lynn s�uond�d the inotion� tivhichw as voted upon ancl unatii- mously carried, Orciinance rio, 61� �ras read its third and fin�l time. Cosmnissioner Black moved passage �f Orclinance No. 616 on -�s third ancl f'j.Yl&�. T°eAd_in�; by unan3mous consent, Cor:uniesioner Turner second�d the �otion, �ahich was voted upon and u.nanimcus- ly carr3ed. City Attorney said that he had a�atter of extrene urgenc� to bring bef.ore the Cormnission. He � aid that on January 2nci of this yeas a man bSr the name of Sheh�yn filed suit against Clearr�ater on old interest coup�ns �oin� back to the early qears of Clearwater. The case has �;one thr�u�h raany legal ba�:tles, and r�as reached a sta�;e tiyhere as a result of late decisions which ha ve come out the City bttorney stated that he has been able to e1is,�inate interest after maturit� on a 1ar�e number of these coupons. Two of the interest coupons were barred by the :3tatute oi Lirnita- tions as to bond, princ�pal, and interest. He said that recently the Supreme Court of b'lorida in a Pinellas Count� case reported in 52 50. 2d rtiled that in all instances in the suits based on interest coupons lvherein the City� is not able to prove that at the time tYze intereat coupons became �.ue the� hact nn deposit tivith their paying agent the rmoney rvith vrhich to pay sl,.ch coupone �he Citg tivoulcl be liable for interest after maturity fron tY�eir due �ate until pa7ment, at such rate of interest as ���as the legal rate of interest �revailin�; et the ti�1e the k�ond interest coupons rrere issued. � ecognizin� that decision he said that he tivrote to Tuir. Zea, �lti:orney for the Plaintiff in this case, on Decez�ber 15th, as fallows: "knsrvering �our recent letter relatiz�e to above case, I v�ould eaq that in view oi the c�ec�sion rendered i�y the Suprer�e Court of Floricla in tYie case of Panar.�a Cit�� Versus l�ree 52 So. (2ci) 133, I tivould be rv�llin� to rocorrunend to the Citg Coi�ission of the Gity of Clearwater that thef paf the principal of all interest coupons involved in the above suit except interest coupona T�to, 32 on Tovm of Clearwrater Street Paving Bonds Ptos. 6 and 7 dated 2�overnber 1, 1914, rvhicli a re barrad by the Statute of Limit�- tions, and that they flzrther pay 6� interest after �aturity on a1l of these interest coupons which fell due after T7over:iber 12, 1931. �'It is �y cons�truction oi' the above citecl case and other casea tliat under the lavr I am in a position to defeat interest after Maturity on ail coupons vahich fell due prior to I1ove�ber 12, 1931, b�� the simple procesa of tencierin�; into C�urt the nrincipal of such coupons and pleaclinK and provin�; that on the dates these coupons fell aue and Por a reasonable period thereafter tl�e City oP Clearwater hsd the money on deposit �aith its Payin� A�ent to pag such coupons. ��I hope you can give r,ie an ir:unediate ans�ter on thzs proposition a s I do not expect to be ti�ith Lhe Gity after January 1, and I rvould like very rmzch to close this rnatter �t the earliest possible date, thereby obviatin�; the necessity of my trying the case after ray resi�nation Januar;/ l. °nhankin�; you for an early�r eply, I am�' City Aitorney bhen read P,ir. T�ea � s repl,y to this letter, dated llecenlUer 17, 195�., as f.ollovrs: ��This acknovrled�;es receipt oi' four letter of vecember 15th. �`This letter �,vill serve as an acceptance of tr�at offer provi�led p�ymen� is made during the ��ear 1951. Please advise r�t ��hich baz�k the cou�on9 should be sent. I expect to send them, draft attached, to the bank fou c?esi�;nate.", 3�� -3- CI�iY. COA'��i:tSSXQN 3�:E�LTIPIG December l9, 1951 City Attorney ata�ed that ths principa7 arzounted to ��2,93U.UU, interest $�3,112.],9, total $�6,0�2.19 approxirzately. �orunigsioner B1ack a sked ii' the City ��rould be success- fu1 in defendin�; the case. Cit� �ttorne� repliefl that the Cit� has partiallf sueceed- ect now - that probabl�g ��2sUU0.Q0 has been eliminated, and that the r�oney vrould corne from 1�ond anst interest iunds, Gorrmiissioner Black then raoved �hat the City Attorney be auth�r�,zed to settle tYie case of Shehyn Versus the City of Clearwater by the paymant o#' principal and interest, totaling appr�ximately N6,042.19, and •that a report of final settlemerrt be broughtback to the Cor�nission at an early date. Comraissioner Lynn seconded the motion, which �vae voted upon and unanirmousl� carried. I�layor Brovm a�ked the Cit� Attorney if this vras his studied legal opinion that it is the best ofi'er the� cauld possibly be brou�,ht back to tlie Cor�r�ission, Gi.ty Attorney gaid that he has fou�;ht the case ha rd and felt tha� it is a sharp injustice to the City, and k�as cor:lbecl the law of the United States over it. He said that the City of St. Peterslsur� lost a case on this same point - that iion. Harry Xoung said that there was no hope of ha�in�; the d ecision reverseci, fIe said that the City Cormnission there has ordered him to appea]. to the Suprerze Court, and he is doing so in s;;ite of the �'aat that P�e has informed the City Cor:u�nission that he has no chance oP v✓inninf; the caso. City Attorneg said that if the Shehyn case �;oes t;o the Supreme Court it v�ould cost an additional �p500,00 to �1U00,00 v�ith rna�be c�nly one chance in a r.iillion of its bein�; successi'ul. T�ire �3en I:rentzz�an, kttorney, przsented application for zoning excep{;ion on bel7alf of the Ro�al Yalm Itlotel. He stated that tlzis applicAtion w�as presented some time ago, v�as referred to the Zonin� i3oard, and tivas reiused. He statsd that if the Zonin�; Act had passed, the request vrould have been unnecessary, He said that they oti�tn a lot 212.46 i'eet deep frori C_leveland :�outh, 110 feet of tirhich is zoned for Ui.tsiness, and there is no set back fror,z Lir.coln as extended - that it is not now a street. iie said that the tforth 102 feet of it is zoned R-2 nor✓, and a twents foot set-back, and that in their proposal the� ��ant the set-back to be made to ten feet. FIe stated that under the �onin�; proposal the business zone r•roula have been raoved back 51 feet, and then new lot lines tivould hA ve had a set-back o� ten feet. The new ronin�; lav� would have caught it 2dorth 5U �'eet. CoTrm?issioner �lack zloved tY�at the City Clerk l�e authorized to publicize public hearin� �n this �natter for a meeting to be held tYie tYzird i:.onci3y in Januar�. Cona�iissioner �ilanton secon�ed the �iotion, tivYxich vras voted upon and unaniriousl� carried. Cozmiissioner Blantan saict that he felt that the Co�ission has devoted a great deal oi time to the City �or.�iission tirork and that at the b��;innin�; of the I,ew Year he is �;oin�; tc leave rneetin�;s at the end of discussion of taha�ever iten is -taken up beiore 10:30 P.n1. Cor.�miissioner ��nn said that oz"ten there are eight or ten ztems on the s�enda, but that rnany others are also brnu�ht up whieh are not or_ tlie agenda, vJhich lengthens the z;�eetin�s. He said i;hat hereafter he intends to leaue meetings at 10:30 i'I�?, and tl�tt he ob jects to sueh frec�uent meetin�;s as he expected when he was elected to the position of Co�issioner that he tiF�otzld be expected to attend only two meetin�;s a r,ionth. I+ieetin� �vas adjourned at 12:40 PItii. Attest: . City Auditor a C1erl� .__..�,� ;f` .:�`i.� ' ��i' `�i� . G ;� - �-�--_ s .�, � .'l,ia`�or-Cpr.�issioh�r a � m � •- _ � . - -.--- •--- __- : ��_ .. .� � /?�'� St�ate of Florid� County of Pinallas City of Clearvaater t"Je the undersi�;neci Clerk and Inspea�ors of the Clearw�ater Riunicipal Election to hereUy certifg trat votin� �:i�ch�nes eizur,ierated belov� vfere imrmediatel� lockod and sealed upon the closir.g af tho Polla �t Pire Sta�ion. P1ach. Protective Seal b'or City Cor�issioner Caunter No. tN. L+'. Crotvn Tr J�aok Rtxssell Edw. H. Smith �:�, "'' (�b "'`��s' / / / b � / �'" � � ��� � � 3 s � �.�.� � �s" � �� �.� � r� _ ��-� o � � �S � % � �-" � 1 �-,� � s �' � f �, � I Diach. � Protective Sea1 Ordinance 614 Cour,ter No. For A ainst- c�- � _ - 5 �� _ � `�Sf _ � �� _ . � 1 / � - r�� � � u � � , �, ��� ,�.,�.���� �� .�.� Cl r � ���_v �' , , - ,, t� ., � , � , �� . � , � , n �� � � �g5 St�ate oP k'lor�.cia County of Yinellas Cii:y oi' Clearvrater 1de the uncter�i�;ned Clerk and Tnspectors o£ the GlearvJ�ater P,funicipal �:lection to hereby certify that votin�; macYiines enunerated Ualow were irsnediai:ely locked and sealed up�n the closin�; of the �o11s aL Clearwater Beaeh flira Station. � , �,.�� � . ,.�_ 71�+,,t� — - � �a�i�-.��,,..di ,� r�� . . �., _ . . .�:.� „....,. . ..��. ... . ,...: _..._.... _ . . . _... . � ..�4-._....-. _.....�...✓� m � � J � STATk� OF FT,ORIUA COTTI�,T�'' ON' PIIdELLAS CI�Fi' 0�' CLEAffiVAT�R 4Je the undersigned Clerk and Tnspectors of the City General �lection held on Decer.tber 18, 1951, p�lling place at the Clearwrater 33each Fire Station, clo hereb� certifsr that tve h�ve conducted said eleation accordin� to law and up�n ecuntring the ballots find tYie result of yaid election to lae as follc�cas: Total number of' 'ballots cast Total number of ballots �utilated Ordinance # � for �_votes against��',l� .� vote�s For Con�issioner to serve for a terrn of two years / ( /' � �'-'�''�✓��✓1., ( ��{c-�w� � received / � votes GL received � � � votes �����__.��t�_�received f �� votes received v�tes receivod__ _ votes Given under our hands at Clear�v�ter, Florida, this 18th day of December, A.U., 1951. -? � r ► � � , /� ' � � % • .- . ' �a*�.. _ � ;1�...�c �:/ � � . � •- . //.� _ _'// �7 / i ; � -.- . Svyorn to and subs�ribed before zie at Clearvrater, Floricla this 18th day of' Der,ember, A.L., 1951. � City Au tor a�c1 (, rk Q 3 R G� I� aT��m� c�r r,L�Fzma aotrrr�T or �zrrFzzas CITY O.P CLEAR4JtiTEft lNe, the underai�;ned, Clerk and Inepectors of' the Git�r General Election held on veceraber 1$, 1951, pollin� place at the Claarr�ater Fire atati.on on Ilorth G�arden Avenue, do hereby certifz that we have eonducted s�aid according to law and ugon counting the ballots,�ind the result o� the said �lection;tq be as follows; Total nurnber of bellots cast Total nurnber oF rallots mutilatied Ordinarce ��far f/'r` votes against � �� votes Por Con�nis�ioner to serve f'or a term of t�vo years ���U7�7 7� ' ((��) f/l�D�%, (�7, received ��� votes � received_ / Q � � votes � �`' � f��� ��l% received---- V oC� � votes � ce ive votes eived v�tes Givan ur�der our hands at Clearwater, rlorida, this 18th day of December, A.D., 19510 � r' ^/_ �'��'�� , � y � � f /! ���_.. Inspector "" � � ,e�Yn p �it oi� � ._�` r�l'J�iQ C... , Inspector !I�s ector. (/J C.�i �' !1 (/�'� �.�X� � ��2�I/�c�-��/f Inspector Inspector '/�14 -� 9�-i/��..�CPtit/ Inspector � '�i �i c���� /�. In ector Sworn �o and subscribed before rie a� Clearwater, Florida this 18th daJ of Dece�ber, A.U., 195Z. , � �ity kuaito �n rk � S7 . . . STSTE 4I� k'L(�RIDA COUN'PY OP PIT�P.:l;LA3 C�'Y OF CI,E4RL�A3'F.�i S9e, the unders3gned, Clork and Inspactors a� the Ci�y Qener�l Elec�ion 3ield �n Uecaniber i.8, 3951, p�llin� plsae �at the Cloarc�ater �':Ire Stqtion on I3urth Garden Avanue, d� heraby certi.Ey tha�G t�s have r.onduoted aaid election according to law and upon co unting the ballots we �ind the result of the eleetion to be as iollows: '�o�al nw�ber o� ballo�s cr� st � 2[� C� Tmtal numbsr of ballot� r•niici.latad % Ordinanc� x'�f��for � /„� vs�tes against �� votos I�or Co�nnissione� �o serve fmr � ters� ni t�a ;rearg / �/ ,'� roceived �U�.r �Qtg� ' ' /�I� rec�iv�d nm��9 / ��y�'��� '�'===�� raceived (% N,/ �sta� �--�----- ' x�ece iaed va�e s recoivod - - - votes Give�a unde� our hands st Glea�aater, Florida, this �s��, aQy a� Decer,�ber, A.D., �951. C.� � �� � ` � . � �����, Clerk./ �lnspector _ c n .� a n , `��- ` "�,,' �z� Inspector I}�sp ctor ( /% ��� �! _a� � �� ��G�-�� Inspector � Inspector. /i����i „%������o� Tnspector -�-r'v - �/�1� pector S�or°n �a a�d aubscribed bePore rse at Clear�rater, Florida th1� lE3�h, day oP D�co�bar� AoD., �:951. � Git�r ud�tpr e Clerk — STATE OF�' FL�FtII3A. �QUTd7.'7C Ol� PT2TEI.LAB GI'1'�� OF CI,EARtYAThR 19e th� underaigned Clerk and Inspectars r��' tns G3�� Gana.ra7. �lection held on I]ecenibar �8, 1957., polling plr�ce at tTae Cle�rarater $each �'ire Station, da hareby cert3Py thet ,�e �,ve Gonauotga s�id el.ection According to l�t� anci v.pon oountin� th� be1.�.ota �'ind ttie result oP said el,eetion te ba. as Pollogrs• �ai;aZ nusnber oP ballot� eas� Total number o� ballots r1utS3.ated Ordinance � � ,�fl� � � votea ag�inst ��votea For Commissqon�r �n aerve far m tezma oP t�ro y�ars r � � '� ,�,� L received _ GL/�, vote s � � � � / � recaived vc�te a � � �=..;1—u- =.�=�.�.�il�_,.,���� /!� a eceived'���vot�s . received votea received n�tea G3ven ux�dor oux� hAnds at CZe�rs7ater, k'lorida, �hia i8th day €�f December, A,D.y 1.9�1. .., � �; � � � .:, �. .. / ` ' .�[:.��. _1 � , � . . . /'� � G. �..i..:.�. � �.:�Li•:.a, � ' � � . .- . 1 ' '/ ;i.s�/ /,.�i_�!/�' -.- . . Sworn to and atxbscribed before me at Olearwater, R�.orida thia lSi-.h deg oP Decotttbea�, AaD., 1951. � �;itv Auc�itoi� �n' Glerk �Y w s �� �� v �. �. STATE OF FLOR�A COLTTJTY QF PI�TELLAS (; ITY Ob' CLEARvJAiER ti9e, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspectors of the City GenerAl Electi�n to be held on iuesday, llecemt�er 1F3th, I951, polling place at tkie Clearr•�ator I'ire Station on Siorth C;arden �venue, do hereby solemnly srvear that we will well and faithfullg perfornt the duties of Clerk and Inspectors �t the said Election. /�s�a�l.r� / � CLi�Hfi IIdSPECTOR • �-Y,�Q► `� . Q, • ��1-a-r%..Q_ � IN$�'� TU `,j— v ��� ,f.�� IP1S ECmOR �i�I � .;CJ/h D a/�P/'t-/ iPiSFECTOR i l?� �C� ���L.-e',-^zS `L.l' �� . , Q r �..�..-� ��.-- ziTs Lc�ro�t �� r-i�t-�s2/1--�� zN �;c�ox ITJSPECTOR I]dS ECTOR � ' / S�rorn to and subscribed before r.ie, at Clearwater, Florida, this ��j� E�%U day of Deeenber, 9.D., 1951. 0 7 � A. G. YYingo City Auditor a �1erk � � Q m s2�aT� or i��Lo�t=DA COiT�i�".T. OF' PIT���LAS CTT'l 0�' CLEAR4�ATETi. 6+e, the undersi�ned, Clerk and Inspectors for the City Cxeneral Election to be tield Tuesday, vecer,iber l8th, 1951, polling place at the Clearwater Beach b'ire Station, do hereby solernnl� swear tha•t we will 1ve11 ancl faith- �'u113* perform •the dtzties of Clerk and Inspectors at the said Election, that vJe will endeavor to prevent Yralzd, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. �— „� U.ititit.f VU + L"LLRK :CitSP�CTOH I-� �,r- TP?S EC^QR I2�tSYECTOR ��� � � IT�S �, TOR � IIv'SY�,CTOR ��� � � I2T �,CTOR �� Ti7�PECTOR �'?S2'r;C i0R �?SPEG'1'OR Stivorn to and subscril�ed l�efore me, at Clearwater, F1orida,. this �d'aZ daf of December A.D., 1951. � v� v • '3� � . � H. G. FJingo Citg Auditor anci Clerk �� � 'i ;I � cz� conti,t2ss zart rvt�Ea�zrrrr � � '� Deaamber l8, 1951 RESALUTIQPd �i�f3EREAS: it has been determined by �he L'it5* Cor.unission o�' tkie Ci�y of Cleaxvucri:er, Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of r•�eeds, �roys and�ox underbrush, aiid that after �ten (10) da;�s not3ce and failure o� the owner �Yiereof to do so, tha Citv should clean such property and c2�rge �he cost� �hereof a�;ains� the raspec- tive property. I1(21Y TEiEREE�'ORE B� 2T RES�LVED by tlla Gity Corrmiission of the C�ty of Clearwater, Flprida, that the following described property, aituate in 9A3.C1 Ci�y, skiall be Cleanod of 1ve�ds, gras.: andjor under'Urusri tivithin ten (10) days a�ter no�ice �n wr�,ting to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure ta caxzyly wittz said notice, the City sha11 perforra such cleAnin� and charge the costs thereof ag�inst �he reapective properties in aecordanca rvith Section 128 of the Charter �f tYxe City of Clectrwater, as �ended. Re que st ntowin�r i3o. IJo. Propert,y Owner Deacrip�ion Estima�e 1. A-204 Dr. Raymond Fi. Genter Lots 13, 14, �5 & 16 �p8.U0 121�J Cleveland St, $locic 16, niagnolia Pk. 2. A-205 �. G. 1;feber Lot;� 1& 2, �lncl: A 4.00 1020 Aionnout� Peale Park Ne�vport, ?ientucky 3. A-206 J. '�V. Jeutter Zots 10 &11, Block I 2.U0 ea. 14Q9 SI. �'t. Harrison Hill.crest �{2 4. k-207 Edith Homer Lot 12, Block I 2.00 505 Cleveland St. Hillcrest �2 5. A-208 Blargaret S:iannon Lots 13 � l4 2.U0 ea. 108 N, Jeiferson St. B1ock I Gity Hillerest �2 6. A-209 Hillcrest Development Co. Lot 15, �ilock T 2.OU c�o Edmond S. l•Vhitson Hillcres•t �2 llr�vey-.I�SeLfullen Bldg. 7a l�-210 23tiss Haze1 DeRemer Zot 19, B1ock J' 3.00 c/o I�iorton Plant Hospital 73oulevarci. Height9 Cit� 8. A-211 Iiatalie Bradford Lat 5, Block 49 3.Q0 2109 lVatr�oas Ave, bIandalray Sub. Tarapa , F].a . s• A-212 A1do Chambers Lots 7€: 8� B1. Z) 3.U0 ea. R.R. 1�, Box 646 Highl.and Urove Sub. Inclianapolis, Ind. 10. A-213 Bessie Ster�art Lots 1,2,3 �. 4, Bl. A 5,On P. 0. Box 341 Aighlancl Grove Sub. Safety Harbor lI• A-214 bir. A. Gordon Srvan Lot 13, Black H 3.00 Parsippan;� B1vd. ILeystone hIanor Boonton, Id. J. 12o A-215 P�irs. I3ona B. Sl�arp �,ots 1 E: 2, G�zlf View 3.00 ea. P. 0. Box 333, City (Notify bTrs. Sharp that trees which a re down and ],ying on . the lot will have to be �emoved before tha lots can be mowed) 13. A-21& itTinrie S. �ngle Lo� 1, �31ock l:t 3.U0 326 - 3rd C�ve. Country �lub St. �etersbur�, Fla. 14. A-217 h3zstaee 1Villiarng Lots ].,2,3,8: 4 2.50 ea. 2U0 21. niain St. B1ocY A, Crest Za1ce Shelbyville, Tenr_. 15. A-218 E1r.�iPr H. Smith Zots 5� 6, B1. A. 2.50 ea. Sale Creelc, Tenn. Ores� Lake 16. A-219 The Rev. Thos. k. Colroav� Zots 10, &].1, B1. 19 5.00 £ill Druid Rd. Milton Yark PASuED k2iU ADOP�L'D by the City Cor,mission of the CitJ o� Clearv;�ater, Florida, this 19th clay of L�ecember, A.D. 1951. /� Herbert I�l. I3rown h7ayor-Cor,unis sianer ATT�ST: %s% H. G. VVin�o �it3� Auditor and Clerk � � �� DHDZPrAI3CE N0. 6].6 ' A21 ORUINANCE ACCFsPTII�rG AIdD ,A,PPItQVIIiG AS ASSTC,AID�f:PsP�`I' � OF A Ti4APd5PQRTA�':CObi FRAPtGHiS� GRA2��'II.1 T�t TiiE �Z�1 OF G"�il.�',1�iRL�lATERa �LORIDA, TO %I;f:E�RINATFR TRALT3iT, iHC.� A. C�RP4RA'�I01d, SAiT3 FRAIdCIiTg� BLx3dG OIiUI2dA2�CT: N0. 5�.6 B3`s iT DR�AIId1:U i3Y` TI3L Cii'3'' C(52,iSi�SZ0i7 OF 'I.'HE CITY UF C�R�YAT�R, I'I�OFtIDA: 3ECTIOYt I. ',['IiA'!' 1YHERF.,�lS oY1 the �.8tki day' oP Febrit&iiy� A. D.y 1946� the C3.t� Commias3on p.� tho G�t� oP CZ�erwater pasaed •on; f`2na3, x�sadS.ng �xnd appro�ed Ordi.nenc� No. 516, same bein� a transportation �'rapch2a� �x�nte@ by �he City oP CSeareeater �o Claazry�a�er TransS.t, ;[nc., � coxparation; AP�I7 1�lIi,�TtEAS ��iere Sa no provisS.on in bhe afbrossid Orciinance tio. 516 xea�rioting in any w�.sa tho xgght oP esslgnment af said Pranchise; AI�ID IiJH�R�AS V�. �. t�IIGFiTb�A21 A�tD J,, �Y, ROti� have appl3od to �he Ci'Ly �o�niasion oP the Cgtq oP C�.ear�ater, Floritla, �or approval and �acceptance o�' an as��.gtunent of the Prcinchi3e sf`oreaaid, f'rom Clearwa�e� Trans�.t, a.nco, to t�. 3. WTGFiTLiHPI APtI7 J. VB, xOWE, co-partners doing busineas as C].ear�ret�r Tr�attat�, a�rue oopy o�' sa3d asslgnment be3n� Pi1ed w?th the Ci�y Auditor and C�:erko BE I'� THER�FQRE (7RDAiNID by th� C�t j Cor�ttission in meet3ng dul.y asaembled this 19th daq oP Deesmberr, A. D., 1�51, that the Ci�y of Cloar�rate� �oeo herebg accop� and appre�ve the af'uresa9,d ssaigruncen� a� the Pranchise created by Ordinanc� ito. 51C, and doea hereby rscogniza kw. S. i�I��P'`i2ri�ri AND J'. �Y. RO�i3's, ao-partnera doing bus9.nesa as Clearvsa�er Tranagt as tha present o�nara nP said Pranchise. SI�C�'TOPd 2�. That e13. other Ordinancas end I�aws 3n emnP7.iat here�ith bs and tha same �re hereby repealed. PASSFD ON �TR�'� P�DIPdG T)ecember 19th,A.D., 7.951 Ui'OF7 UIdAHIhi0t7S L'OiTSE�tT OF 6I,I� COFdP1ISSI0NERS PRESh'teT A�iD UOT:CiiG BE?Y�G �'IRS`� OBTAiI��I3 SAID ORDT3�A2dC� �'16iS PAS3I;D OPd ITS SFsC07a'T) ApiD 2'iiIRD �D�� Deaember 19th,A.D., 1951 � Atteat; �s/ H. G. 1Jin�o Oity Audi�or and �ierk v �sf Herbert hI. Brotivn L4eyor-Comni as iolner