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November 29, 1951
I The city Commission of the City of Clearwater met in speoial session at City
Hall on Thursday. NovEmber 29th, at 7:)0 PM, with the to11owi"'" members present:
Commiss ioner
Herbert M. Brown
Joe Turner
Herbert M. Blanton
Thomas H. Blaok, Jr.
Garland D. Lynn
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
C. E. Ware
S. Lickton
George T. MoClamma
Ci ty Mafit.:.ger
City Attorney
Ci ty Eng1 neeI'
Chief 01' Polioe
Meeting was oal1ed to order by Mayor Brown.
City Attorney stated that the Engineer and the Committee have determined that
the best way to handle reoommendations tor the zoning map 18 to incorporate all
ohanges in one resolution to be adopted bt the time that the zoning map is oompleted
by the City Engineer.
Commissioner Blanton said that the day before in the Clearwater SIlO there was a
misstatemen t ot the facts I' egarding pro posed cll anges in tlle zoning. He said that the
Sun stated that some of the changes in zoning will involve changing the Country Club
area to an R-2 zone tor multiple dwellings instead ot R-1 residential. He said that
that statement al one will kill the zoning aot at th e referendum and nullify all the
hard work that 'tb.e City Engineer has done and the hours 01' work done by the committee.
He said that people from the Country Club and people trom Hillcrest will vote against
the zoning aot. He said that this statement 18 not correct, that none of the sections
mentioned have been changed. He said that the only cb.ange from a No.1 zone to a No.2
zone Us a small area from Bay Avenue to Orange Avenue in the West Turner Street section
where there are already several multiple dwellings, which change was recommended by the
Zoning Board. Be said that he wished to .aRke it cl ear to the papers that none ot the
zones .men ti oned in the pap er as having been cb. anged war e cnanged. Mayor, Brown and
other mem. bel'S of the Commission re quested that the Sun reporter present .make this
change in the paper. He said that the attempt being made on the part ot the Committee
is to l' evise and bring up to date the zoning of Clearwater from it s outmoded state and
that it is to the best interest of the City that it be lEssed by the City in December.
He said that it brings the zoning situation up to date rather than continuing to use
a twelve or thirteen year old map. Commissioner Blanton said that the Building
Department is greatly handicapped at the present time in using that map, and Mayor
Brown added that the Commission is al so handicapped in .many of its deliberations
because of the antiquity of tlle map.
Mayor Brown read letter from Dr. R. H. Center, dated Novanber 29, 1951, request-
ing that Lots 1 through 13, Block E, of Hibiscus Gardens and Lots 23, 24, 25, 33 and
34 of Padgett's Estate Subdivision be zoned to business. The letter stated that the
local telephone company has an option on this plot of ground for a new exohange
wilding, and this building will atford extended telephone service to the City of
Clearwater. Commissioner Black said that similar request has been nade by the
Peninsular Telephone Company dated November 20, 1951. He said that going out
Cleveland street the business area runs approximately 100 to 150 feet deep, and that
this zoning would increase it in that section to approximately 310 feet additional.
and that brings it down into a residential area. Mayor Brown said that there are
many reasons why this area would not be used for residential purposes. and that he
tel t that th e best interests of the entire community would be served to make a large
enough zone for the telephone oompany to get their office off the street with space
for automobile parking. Commissioner Black said that people over on Park Street had
been objeoting to having the zoning so tar back. He said that most of it is an
isolated area yet because the streets are not opened. Commissioner Black moved that
the request for the zoning to business of Lots 32, 33, and 34 in the R. H. Padgett's
Subdivision be granted and that the request tor Lots 1 through 1) in Hibisous Gardens
not be granted. Commissioner Turne~ seconded the motion. (This motion was later
withdrawn). commissioner Blaak said that the line will be provided down the back of
lots rather than the oenter ot a street. Atter a line is baok of the lot line the
purpose the Committee had throughout will be accomplished, provided there is a butfer
zone provided for a street. Commissioner Blanton concurred in Commissioner Black's
statements: that the Committee has vorked all along to keep from division in the
middle of a street. Mayor Brown asked Dr. Center how he feels toward the donation
of footage tor 'property he owns on :Missouri Avenue. Dr. Center replied that he has
been in accordanoe with the Missouri Avenue right-of-way. Mayor Brown suggested
that the City Engineer furnish inform tlon as to \'bat Us needed and how much 1s
needed. Commissioner Turner said that he had asked Dr. Center what property ~e
owned along Missouri Avenue Wl ich might be needed tor the opening of Missouri Avenue
onto Cleveland street. Mr. Le-wis Homer said that tb.e telephone company is trying to
get away from Cleveland Street frontage to avoid noise and interferenoe of higbway
traftio. He said that there is not sufticient property it the corner is not granted,
that many people are concerned aQout lack of telephone faoilities in the East end 01'
town, and this "ould provide a new exchange. He said that the telephone company
wishes to have its letter incl uded in the records of the Co.mm1ssion, which letter is
set forth in tile tollowing pages ot these minutes and .ae.de a part thereof. Mr.
Edmonds I at the telephone oompany I said that th is location was selected beoause ot
the rap.ld growth of the, City J espeoially in the East seotion. The location they
have requested to be zoned for business is the only one they have :round in eight or
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November 29, 1951
or nine months of searohing. He said that this spaoe will give roam tor parking
f~oilities, that 141 applications are being held and 118 people ~tting along with
party lines who need private lines. He said the 200 x 200 toot lot would allow a
100 x 100 three story building on high ground so that it oan have a oable ohute and
have a basement. He said it would open with a JOOO line equipment, and ~ou1d
eventually be the main offioe. He said the building would be looated near the
Southeast end of the property, and th at th e balanoe ot the lot would be used tor
parking taoilities and future growth. Mr. Homer said that the people ot Clearwater
need telephone servioe badly, that oable is unavailable end expensive to lay, and
that the company is ready to buy and build to bring their servioes up to the present
need. Commdssioner Blanton said that they were oftered JOO teet on Cleveland street
tor $J,OOO.OO and ~ould not take it a few years ago at a time when Clearwater
offioials begged them to expand and give better servioe. Mr. Homer said that the
property is higl:l, providing for a well drained basement ott the street away trom
tratfio vibration, the one location offered them which is ideal tor their purposes
and future growth ot Clearwater, that tile Chamber of Commeroe bas adopted a
Resolution endorsing it. He said that if the request is not granted a major industry
and a half million dollar investment would be held up beoause it the telephone
company must looate some plaoe else it would oost hundreds of thousands o~ dollars
more than to build on this property, which money would eventually come out ot the
telephone bills. He said that he felt that their request detinitely came under the
hardship provision of the zoning law. Another representative of the telephone
oompany, Mr. Darling, Baid that it has been impossible to get cable for eighteen
months. Commissioner Blanton asked why a depth of 370 feet would not be suffioient.
Mr. Homer replied that it is toward the back of the lot that the terrain becomes
valuable to the oompany. Mr. Darling said that this wilding is intended to be the
main oftice, and beoause Clearwater is growing so fast it is much needed. He said
they have been trying to get neoessary materials ever sinoe the War, as much as they
00 uld get as fast as they could get it. He said they needed that much property in
order to expand with Clearwater. He said it would be built as soon as JIlE:lterials
oould be lined up and equipment to make up the plant - the building to be built
immediately, equipment to be obtained within a year or year and a halt. Mr. Brorein,
President of the Company, said that the building oan be built some time next year -
the original building. He also stated that it is intended that it be the main office
and it is intended further not only to maintain the equipment in the otfice which is
needed for the purpose of serving the min p:irt of the City, rot also modern teoh-
niques which go with sufficient parking space oft the streets and at least experiment
with a drive-in window. ~. Homer said that there are a lot of properties in the
zones which have been set up, but one must also have the owner willing to sell. He
said that many properties have been offered and the matter of getting an o~ner to
sell a sufficient amount of property in the proper contour and facilities available
for their use is very bard to find. Be said it would be a beautiful building, and a
nice1 quiet enterprise, such as the power company has. He said that as a hardship
gran~ from the City it is a logioal one beoause everyone in the City benefits from
the growth of the town and the additional expansion of the telephone to supply the
servioe now needed and service to be needed in the future helps the whole city.
Commissioner Black withdrew his motion, and Commissioner Turner agreed. Commissioner
Blaok then moved that the business zoning line be extended to include Lots 32, 33, and
34 of the R. H. Padgett Estate's SUbdiVision, and Lots 9, 10, 11, l2~ and 13 Qf
Block "E" of Hibiscus Gardens. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion. vote was
taken and motion unanimously oarried. Commissioner Blanton stated that the Commission
should not in preparing the new zoning map go out and deliberately set a street as a
d1 viding zone line when th e rear of the lots could more appropriately be t.b. e dl viding
line. He said that in th e future if the telephone company or anyone else wants to
apply for a .hardship oase in that particular location i1# v.ould be better to do it and
it would be better than for the Commission to do it by lines on the new zoning map.
Mayor BlOwn said that inoreasing the pUblio utilities to a more desirab1e level is
a matter whioh should be considered later as a hardahip matter. City Attorney said
that from a legal standpoint the application should be made on a hardship basis, and
when it is done it should be done on the basis 01' immediate neoessity.
Commissioner Blanton moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to recondition
and .make ready the gas chamber for destroying diseased dogs and that he be provided
with a truok suitable, and be authorized to pick up all stray dogs in Clearwater which
do not have a license tag indicating that they have immunity from rabies, and that
this be done at the earliest possible date. In support of that motion he wanted to
call attention to the fact that there is an epidemic of rabies thlOughout the area
prevalent on the Beach among racooons and other small animals. He said if it was
allowed to go uncheoked that there may be a lot of children and other people bitten.
Mayor Brown said that the Soci~ty for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has an
ambulance vilicb. is a truok and has machinery for caring for and disposing of the dogs,
but no funds 1D do it with. He said that if th ey were supplied with ne oessary fllnds
they could do the work. City Attorney stated that he is a member of the S..P.C.A. and
that for more than one year an effort has been made by tb.e S.P.C.A. to get ti Committee
working on the question of a dog ordinance to straighten this out. He said he has
heard their requests, sat in at meetings where the County Health Offioer was in
attendanoe, and that he approves of their plan for handling such cases. Commissioner
Black seconded Commissioner Blanton's motion. Commissioner Turner said that he felt
that their efforts have not been suooessful and that apparently people are not in
aocordanoe with their plan if they have not supported it finanCially. Mayor Brown
~aid they have not been effeotive because they have been unable to get an ordinance
so that they oan have funds with which to operate. City Attorney stated that the
801e revenue of the organization is trom revenue donated to the organization, and
that their organization operates hi~ly effectively as long as their funds last. He
said that dogs whioh it was necessary that they destroy are hwnanely put to death
with a shot whioh puts them to sleep and that their death is painless. Be said that
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, November 29, 1951
the gas ohamber m.e'thod ot destroying animals is painful and inhuman. Mayor Brown
felt that the situation should be revived in conneotion with the dog situation.
He said that a meeting sbo~ld be held by the S.P.O.A. and the Committee to wo~k same-
thing out atter the next ~egular Commission meeting, and that notioe should be sent
to eaoh member ot the Committee. Ke suggested that a short agenda snould be prepared
whioh oould be oo.mpleted by 8:30, and that the S.P.C.A. meeting oould be held at that
time. Commissioner Blan~n withdrew his mot1on, with Commissioner B18ok.s consent.
Members ot the Committee appointed by Mayor Brown at regular Commission meeting ot
October 1, 1951, are as tollows: Commdssioner Lynn, Chaitman, Commissioner Blanton,
.member. At this same mee"ti ng Mayor Brown asked City Attorney to work with th is
group, and that Dr. Rober"t Rothermel, County Health Offioer, be invited to attend
mee~ing on the matter.
Survey made by the T~a:rfio Department was presented by the Oity Manager, who
suggested that reoommenda~ions ot the Traffio Committee be follo~ed with reg~d to
outting hedges and otberwise olearing up traffic hazards, as tollows:
'l ,. "
"Railro ad Crossing Survey"
November 29, 1951
"SUNSET POINT DRIVE: Atlantic Coast Line
Rmbankments on each side of track, both sides of street.
Ans: Install eleotrio red light and bell signal, automatic.
H1biscus sb.rubbery on th e East aide of Pennsylvania Ave., South side
o~ traok. Street is upgrade ~t crossing.
Ans: Removal of hibiscus shrubbery.
Visibility approximately 20 feet away from track.
"VINE AVENUE: Seaward Railroad.
Power poles stacked on racks at edge of railroad traok, but visibility
is rather good. Street is upgrade at crossing.
"FRANKLIN STR1!:ET: Atlantic Coast Line
High weeds and grass and one dead palm tree behind Bus Station garage,
West side ot traclc s.
Ans: Removal. of palm tree and cutting of weeds.
street is upgrade at crossi ng.
"COURT STREET: Atlantic Coast Line.
The pirked cars c~ose to the crossing and the car-lot sbed, of the Pinellas
County Rea~ty Co., on North-east corner of interseotion. Vision, only, wi~h1n
36 teet o~ track.
aigh weeds and pa1m trees, besides the closeness of the Hart's Cleaners,
blooks vision up to within 25 feet of crosglng.
Ans: Remove trees and cu~ high grass and weeds on South. side of Court
street, both sides of track.
"CHESTNUT STREET: Atlan tio Coast Line
Hibiscus shrubbery and a holly tree, close to traok, on the East side of 535
Chestnut Street, and a palm tree at the edge at the our bing, on the south
side of Chestnut Street.
Ans: Remove the palm tree and the holly tree, or trim the latter, and
trim the hibiscus shrubbery. .
Vision on~y within 24 feet from track and street is on the upgrade,
a t the cross ing.
"TURNER STREET: At~antic Coast Line
Embankments on both sides 01' Track, but very little obstruotion, othe~wise.
Vision only within 35 feet from the track, on either side.
Ans: Install e~ectric red light and be11 system, au~omatic.
"PINE STREET: A.tlantic Coast Line.
Sign hedge on South. side of street and West ai de of traok. Vision only wi thin
25 feet of t~aak.
Ana: Trim. hedge, or remove.
ttDRUID ROAD: Atlan"tic Coast Line.
Hi@l he dge on Eas~ side of t~ack, North s1 de o~ Druid Road. Vision only w1 thin
30 to 40 feet on eaoh side, ot track. street is on the upgrade at crossing.
Ans: Trim. hedge or ~emove.
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"DRUID ROAD: seaboard Railroad.
Vacant lots could. be trimmed back on eacl1 side of orossing, otherwise, v1sion
very good.
.'JEFFORDS STREET: Seaboard Railroad.
One large oak tree, smallest of the two, on Kenson. s Supply Lot
ADs: Removal of or trimming same.
"JEFFORDS S'l'EEET: Atlantic Coast Line.
Large stacks or ~umber a1; P1nellas Lumber Co., and box-oars parked on the siding.
Ana : '1
"GRAND CJmTRAL STREET: Atlantic Coast Line
High weeds on East side of traoks, East side of Clearwater Laundry.
Ana: The outting ot 'Weeds. Due to the East side ot bUilding, ttle v1sion is
onl, within 30 feet of the orossl ng.
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November 29, 1951
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"GRAND CENTRAL STREET: Seaboard Railroad
View blocked by Pinellas Growers Buildi,ng, and box-oars parked on the siding,
olose to the orossing. Vision only within 25 feet ot orossing.
Ans: Install eleotrio red lisnt and bell signal, automatio.
"PINELLAS STREET: Seaboard Railroad.
High weeds and bushes on Northeast corner vaoant lot.
Ana: Cutting ot same.
"PlNELLAS STREET: Atlantio Coast Line
High weeds on West side of traok, South of Pinellas Street. Street is on the
upgrade at the crossing.
Ana: Cutting of same.
"LAKEVIEW DRIVE: Seaboard Railroad.
Bushes and grass on Northeast corner vacant lot.
Ana: Cutting of same. Vision only within 70 teet of the orossing.
North Betty Lane and Seaboard Air Line
North Greenwood & Seaboard Air Line
Park Street and Seaboard Air Line
Franklin Street & Seaboard Air Line
Court Street & Seaboard Air Line
, ~
"iV~'';;''... ./
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" .' :, \
Sunset Point Drive & Atlantic Coast Line
Drew Street & Seaboard Air Line
Cleveland Street & Seaboard Air Line
Turner Street & Seaboard Air Line
, I
"SUGGESTION'ro BE MADE: That the Florida Railroad Crossing sign, with the
oross-arm and the two R's~ one at each side of sign, be used at the
crossings, and be bougb.t from the State. They are mde out of heavy metal
and are reflectorized, easily seen at night.
sgt. John McMullen
Traffic Sgt.
/s/ Sgt. J. McMullen"
This report was discussed by the Commission, and Commissioner Blanton moved that
the City Manager' s recommendations be followed and that he be authorized to prooeed
to have the work done as outlined. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. Vote
was taken and motion unanimously oarried. Chief MoClamma commented that the first
item listed would have to be done by the Railroad Company. City Manager replied
that he felt it should be discussed with the Railroad Company and if they are not
willing to do so it can be broU€'ilt back to the Commission.
Matter of groins to be erected in Gulf at the West end of Causeway Boulevard
was brought before the Commission. City Engineer said that idea had been presented
to him by Commissioner Blanton for which he presented proposed layout for considera-
tion by the Commission. City Engtneer said that he did not believe it was too safe
a oonstruotion and would be diffioult to construct - that it was not sound struo-
turally. City Engineer then presented layout he had pre pared for groins \'biah he
stated v,ould wor k well f rom an er osion standpoint - concrete slabs set down between
two pilings. Commissioner Blaok moved that report be accepted for an erosion groin
to be erected in the Gulf at the West end of Causeway Boulevard, and that the City
Manager and City Engineer proceed to make the soundings which will be necessary,
and to oontinue his investigations and study into the pro blem of what ty pe groin
will best suit the purposes at Clearwater Beach, and to proceed with tentative ple.ns
for the erection of this groin, to be approximately 20 feet in wid th and to extend
approximately 300 feet into the Gulf. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion,
wh iah was vo ted upon and unanimously carried.
Estimation of cost of painting 200 feet of 'sand wall now installed was given by
the City Manager, who stated that cost to .IB int both sides and top wi th color creting
would be approximately $400.00 to paint the 1,500 feet; to take it down to Fifth street
would cost around $500.00; and to paint one side would cost $175.00. City Manager
presented color chart and Commissioners agreed that gold vould be the best color to use.
Commissioner Black said that the painting would fill in most of the pores in the
concrete and make it look attraotive. Commissioner Black moved that the City Manager
be authorized to proceed with the color creting of the wall in Clearwater Beach at
an estimated cost of $500.00 in the yellow oolor submitted, as per City Manager's
report. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, wh ich was voted upon and motion
unanimously carried. Mayor Brown requested that the City Manager bring baok report
on this work. City Manager stated that he would try to bring it back by December 17th.
In regard to paving Myrtle Avenue between Laura and Drew Streets, the City Manager
said that storm sewer bid been replaoed, sanitary sewers replaced, enlarged contraot
let and 'YOrk to be finished within two days. He said that a few days will be needed to
settle this dirt, and in the meantime the City needs to advertise for paving. In that
projeot the paving of Myrtle Avenue, Laura and Prospect should be included. Between
Prospect and Myrtle Avenue about halfway there is a low spot and a storm sewer should
belnstalled in the center of Laura at the same time 1n a separate bid, to be included
in the advertising. A sanitary sewer should be included also in the Parkway. City
, Manager requested City Clerk to give report on what property has been acquired from
individuals. Report will oover status o.f City'S obligations to put f8vement in on
Myrtle Avenue free ot assessments of all property on both 5i des of Myrtle Avenue.
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November 29, 1951
Paving 01' Papaya Street and Baymont between Mandalay and Gulf View Boulevard was
brought to the attention of the Commission by the City Manager. He stated that the
City has application for sewerage on Poinsettia at about Lot 32 or 3J, and have a number
01' septio tanks in this area 'Wh.ich are g1 ving trouble. City Engineer stated that this work
could be done for approximately $4.90 per front foot. He stated that the assessment I.
should be on a front toot basis as only people who are served should pay tor it. The
City Manager recommended that the City Attorney study the plan and if he approve~ it,
that he should advertise for pUblic hearing and tor bids. Commissioner B~~ok moved
that the City Manager's report be acoepted and his reoommendations followed, and that
the City Attorney's tudy the plan, and it he appro ves it, to advertise for pUblio
hearing to be held Deoember 17th and for bids to be run simultaneously, for sanitary
sewer installations in Barbour-Morrow Subdivision on the Beaoh. Commissioner Blanton
seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously oarried. Mayor Brown said
that there should be one or two more meetings 01' the Commission to investigate projeots
01' this type. He felt that they should be tinished up and turned over to the new
Commdssion as a tairly finished project. Mr. Ernie Barger, who was present, said
that he was the man who started the projeot off. He said that reoently he was thinking
of buying Lot 12 on which to build an apartment house, which is now golng up. The
building involved will be ready for operation the first week in Janual'Y, and has no
sewel'age available. He said that he was informed betore he purchased the property
that there was a sewer line and that conneotion could be .ae.de. He said he has invested
several thousands of dollars and ttlat he \\Quld like to see it moving along rather than
having the revenue from the building lost during this three or tOUl' months of the year.
Mayor Brown said he felt it should be advertised tor bids and pUblio hearing with the
approval of the city Attorney. City Attorney stated that it was just a matter ot say-
ing how assessments should be laid, and that he could go right ahead and advertise
tor publio hearing and for bids.
:'~\' ,}
. ,':.1
, ,
Commissioner Blanton reported on gasoline prices
comparison with the Clearwater area, as follows:
Shell Oil Company, S. Ft. Harrison, Clearwatel'
Standard Station, S. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater
Gulf Station, S. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater
Sinolair Station, S. Ft. Harrison, Cl~arwater
Sunooo Station, (Robinson Bros.,) Clearwater
Pure Oil Company, 100 S. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater
in st. Peter sburg and Tampa in
Premium 3T
Regular 29 ~
Ethyl Jl ~
Regular 29 ~
N. Nox 31 ~
Regular 29!~
Premium. 31 ~
Regular 29 <t
One Grade only 291
Premium 31 <t
Regular 294r;
Premium 30t~
Regular 28 ~
Premium 30i
Regular 28i
Premium JOi
Reg ular 28i
Premium. 30i
Regular 28i
Reg ular 27-9/l0i
Premium. 29-9/10i
, ,
, >,]
Sinclair station, Lafayette & Marion, Tampa
Gult Oil Station, Lafayette & Florida, Tampa
Standard Station, Platt Street, Tampa
Shell Station, Corner Dale Mabry Highway and
Grand Central, Tampa
Pure Oil Station, Corner Dale Mabry Highway and
Grand Central, Tampa
City Manager said that st. Petel'sburg prices were 27~i, 28~i, and 30~i.
Letter dated Novenber 15, 1951, from Attorney Ben Krentzman with referenoe to
gaSOline stations on Clearwater Beach was read by the City Clerk. Commissioner
Blaok said his understanding of the lease arrangement wi th the Shell Station is that
it is taken care of and that the Commission is committed, as per minutes 01'
November 8, 1951, regarding the arrangement made with tb.is company. Commissioner
Blanton felt that whatever company submits the best proposition and pays the most
rent and will build the building according to the City's requirements and sells
gaSOline for what it sells for in Tampa should be considered. He said that he felt
that what had been done so tar with the Shell Oil Company was tentative and that
they were going ahead and preparing preliminary plans at their own risk. Commissioner
Black pointed out that on November 8th the Attorney was authorized to submit a
proposition to them for their consideration. He then quoted from the minutes ot
November 8 t 1951, regarding the proposed lease wi th the Shell Oil Company. City
Attorney stated that letter had been written to the Shell Oil Company as per under-
standing reached at this meeting. Commissioner Turner said he felt that the City
was obligated to oontinue negotiations with the Shell Oil Company. Letter from
Sinolair Refining Company, Tampa, Florida, dated November 26, 1951, submitting
proposal for leasing the servioe station on Clearwater Beach operated by Mr. Herb
Langford was read by the City Clerk. Mr. Herb Langford, who was present, said he
had studied the situation thoroughly since the lease is to be closed, as he knew
what it would cost to remodel and rebuild and had tried to arrive at one figure and
then another until the final estimated tigure was trom $12,000.00 to $15,000.00. He
said he suggested to Mr. Vasconi, the City Architect, that a new building be built.
Counting the taxes and cost of remodeling and other expenses he arrived at a tigure
01' $300.00 per month, so he said he was agreeable to the suggestions in this letter.
He said it is the only alternative now because to pay City rental, amortization ot
a new building and taxes and insuranoe it would be impossible. He said it this
oouJ.d be worked out he could stay in business. It not, he &aid that he saw no way
01' continuing. :Mayor Brown said that he felt that their lease should be granted tor
ten years. City Manager said it was the City' a Architeot who reoommended that it
could not be remodeled to 00 nfol'm to standards set by new Marina. Atter turther
disoussion it was deoided that all propositions regarding this looation would be
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Novenber 29. 1951
oonsidered by the Committee and that the Sinolair letter would be plaoed on tile
and co nsidered along wi tb. the others. Commiss ioner Blaok moved that the me. tter be
deterred and the 01 ty Monager lns truoted to not if y the Oil Companies in this area
that the City Commission is considering the leasing ot the present Sinolair site at
the corner ot Causeway Boulevard and Mandalay for use as a gasoline stat1on, and all
offers will be oonsidered and stipulation made by the City Manager that all otters
be within the hands ot the city Manager by the 17th ot Deoember. Commissioner
Blanton requested that Mr. Krentzman be notlfied by 1et~er and other notioe be made
in newspaper. City Attorney suggested that Mr. Krentzman be notified that the Shell
Oil Company deal has gone too tar and oannot be reoonsidered. Commissioner Blaok
suggested that he be reter~ed to the mlnlltes of Novanber 8th.
City MHnager reported on utility 1mpxov~ents inside the City 1Lmlts.
Commissioner Blaok moved that the 420 feet of 2" gas main on Kings Bisnway, at an
estimated oost of $)80.00 be approved in acoordanoe with reoommendation of the City
Manager. CO~Bsioner Blanton seoonded the motion, whiCh was voted upon and unani-
mously oarr ied.
City Manager reported on utility imp.rovements outside tne City limits:
CoDlJll1.ssioner Blaok moved that )00 feet of 2" gas min extension on North Hibisous
street at an estimated cost of $215.00 be approved. in aocordanoe ~ith .reoommenda-
tion of City Manager. Commissioner Blanton seoonded the motion, whioh was voted
upon and unanimously carried.
Mayor Brown asked City Manager if he received a letter from Skyorest aSking
for a larger water main in that a~ea. Cl ty Manager said he would look into the
matter and see what could be done.
Communioation dated November 28, 1951, from Wolfe, Wightman and Rowe regarding
Clearwater Transit, Inc., franchise was read by the city Clerk. City Attorney
stated that the transfer would have to be made by Resol~tion. Commissioner B1aok
moved that the transfe.r be approved and that the City Attorney be instruoted to
prepare necessary Resolution and have it at the next meeting for action if requested
by the parties involved. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted
upon and unanimously oarried. City .Attorney stated that it may not be ready fo~ the
next meeting as it 1s necessary for Mr. Wightman to close the d eal with Clea.rwater
Transit, Ino., and olose the corporation. After their deal is completed the City
can f!P ahead with the Resolution.
City Manager stated that Mr. Brorein, of the telephone compan3, had requested
that the Commission meet 'Wi. th members of th. eir company to talk over terms of their
suggested franchise next Wednesday night. Commissioner Blaok saId he felt a tenta-
tive proposal should be prepared for them. City Attorney said that on for.me~ fran-
chise they set out oertaln streets in tb.e City of Clearwater 'Which need undergroWld
oables instead of poles. A flexible arrangement should be made so that if other
streets are designated where oables instead of poles need to be installed it oan be
done. COmwUssioner Black said the City should receive a certain wnount of their
profit, such as the City does with the Florida Power Corporation. Commissioner
Black said he wished this suggestion would be bOl'ne in mind when p.roposal is drawn.
He said he felt a thirty year lease is a good idea at 4% on the gross, the same
sort of franchise that Florida Power has, the City to pay for all servioes the same
as is done with electricity.
Commissioner Turner moved that reglllar meeting of December )rd be postponed
until Wednesday, December 5th, at 7:30 P.M., as Mayor and other offioials will be
attending Munioipality Convention at Orlando. Con~ssioner Blan~on seconded the
motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried.
City Manager reported that Coast Guard tender is in Clearwater Bay marking the
new channel.
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City Manager presented picture of new motorcycles and crew assigned to it.
Chief McClamma said that Mr. Tom Moore, 'Who has taken IIp radio as a hobby, has
built a transmitter and reoeiver out of used parts ~ereby the Department can com-
munioate with the motorcycles on a frequency different taan automObiles. Mayor
Brown oommended the work of the motoroycle corps especially dllring t~affio hOu.rs,
and it was recalled by menbers of the Commission that Commissioner Turner was
responsi ble for introduoing th is idea or iginally. '
Commissioner Blanton said that the City has acquired all property between
Missouri Avenue and Greenwood Avenue with the exception of Mack Dixon, who refuses
to deed his footage to the City. He sald it would be better fOr the City to take
it and assess the paving than if he gave the footage to l' tbe assessment ot the ~ot.
Commissioner Black moved acceptanoe of the report and that the City Attorney move
toward condemnation of this property on CourtStreet Extension. City Attorney s't~ted
that there is one other property aoross the street, J. W. Robison, upon vbich he is
soon to consult with Attorney Phillips, and that he would like to defer the oondemna-
tion prooeedings on Mack Dixon until he knows whether oondemnation will be neoessary
in this case, and if s), this case can be included in the same sui~. City Manager
said that County Engineers are putting out OO1'ner stakes for property owners who want
to know just where the line will be in relation to their property,. Good progress
seems to be made, and most of 'the opposl tion seems to be ove:rcome. Commissioner
Blanton said he hopes final repo~t can be .uade on it at 'the end of the year.
Co.mmission~r Blaok's motion was nullified tor lack of a seoond.
CollUUiss1oner Blaok said that the Occll,pational Lioense Committee bas met again
and the theater mtter has been brou€tltup again, and that Page 12 of License
',Ordinanoe is to be revised as tollows:
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Novem ber 29, 1951
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Oommissioner Blaak moved tnat his report be aooepted and amendment to Oooupational
Lioense be done on this basis. commissioner Turner seconded the motion, whioh was
voted upon and unanimously oarried.
City Attorney stated that in regard 'to amending Oooupational Lioense in regard
to speoulative builders that he will meet with the Oommittee and get their sugges-
tions at any time.
City Attorney stated that approval of form ot ballot must be done at the next
meeting of the Cow~ssion for Deoember election. It was deoided that meeting would
be held by the Oommittee regarding this as soon as the Zoning Map is ready.
Oommissioner Black moved tne:t the City Attorney be instructed to prepare ballot
fo~ms for the speoial eleotion to be held on Deoember 18th amending the Zoning
Ordinance and adopting a new Zoning Map. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion,
which was voted upon and unan~ously oarried.
City Attorney said he bas been trying to unravel Civil Service problems. He
stated that the Board asked for legal opinion ot status of present si~uation.
Members of the Board are going to call a speoial meeting and adopt this o~lnion as
the way out. commissioner Blanton objeoted to announoement of salary inorease for
~osition of Haroormaster. He objected to that increase until the Mar1.na is completed.
The present Dockmaster was bired at the salary of $200.00 until the Marina is com-
~leted, and be said in that case he was not in favor o~ giving someone else more
money than that. He fel t that no commitment should be needed as to Vlhat the salary
'Will be. City Attorney stated that canmitme.nt had been made. He said that 'When the
Direotor advertises these examinations the law says it must state salary range. He
said that it Vias published at that figure. City Manager said that an inoreased
salary range was di scussed wi th the Commission but not an exact figure. Be said the
same salary as is now paid will be maintained until the Marina is completed, at
Ylhich time the higjler salary will begin. He stated that the higb.er figure was
arrived at beoause the new job involves duties other than those now being performed
by the Dockmaster. He said that he had in mind adding the bridge operation to the
Marina job as that is oalled a Harbormaster job. The drawbridge should be under the
Harbormaster, he said, as it is found in all other Harbormaster jobs from other
~laoes. He said the man in this position mi~t be called upon to help to control
the net fishing as the matter of purohasing boat has been discussed by the Commission.
With reasons in mind he said he placed the salary range at $250.00 and above. He
said the position would also require property management. He stated that before the
Civil Service Director gives tile examination she will disouss this ma~ter with every
person wbo takes th e examination. He said that there has to be some commitment .made
for a man to come in and take the examination.
Mayor Brown stated that there is a vacancy on the Zoning Board and that there
is an individual by the name of Horace Hamlin, Jr., an architect, ~o expressed his
willlngness to serve on the Zoning Board. He said that J:1e is fairly well known in
arohitectural circles. He said he placed this matter before the Commission for
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There being no further business to oome before the Commission, the meeting
was adjou~ned at 11:40 PM, by Mayor Brown.
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November 29, 1951
November 20, 1951
Zoning Board
City ot Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
The Peninsular Telephone Company respeotfully requests the Board's aotion to
zone the following unzoned tract of land:
Lots One (1), Two (2), Three ()) and the East )8.53 teet of Lot Four (~)
in Block "Ett of Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision; together with the Soutb
93.78 feet of Lot Thirty-two (32) and the East 60 feet ot the South
93.78 feet of Lot Thirty-three ()3) of R. H. Padgett Estates Subdivision,
being in the SW~ of the NW~ ot the NEt of Seotion 15, Township 29 South,
Range 15 East.
Our company proposes to erect new telephone exchange facilities for Clearwater
and surrounding areas upon this tract and he ve entered into an option to purchase
subject to obtaining zoning which would permit erecting and operating our proposed
exchange he re .
This request 1s lIB de under the hardship provisions of th e zoning law on the
grounds tb.at the erection of this wilding in this location is in the general
interest of the publio. Existing exchange faoilities in the east section ot the
oity are filled to capaoity and there are many applioations on file for telephone
service whioh the company is unable to fill due to laok of tacilit ies. The
economical and logioal expansion of the Olearwater Exchange indicates the location
ot a new oentral office in this area which is one of the factors neoessary to
provide the facilities needed to serve those applicants now on the waiting list.
Also to provide for anticipated growth in this rapidly developing seotion of the
oi ty .
In order that you may understand that this one piece of land is the only one
that our company has been a ble to find that would fully mee't our requirements I
would like to point out the following facts:
1. The present exchange building in Clearwater is at full capacity of
its space.
2. At this time there is a backlog of 141 orders tor phone service and
118 desiring to change from party to individual lines in the East
Clearwater area which can not be filled until new exchange facilities
are built.
3. Whet' the company ereots a new building it wishes to build on a
location large enough to provide for the future growth of Clearwater
and the minimum land tract we can accept for the future requirements
is 200 t X 200 t .
4. In addition to size, a location must meet the following vital oonsider-
a) It must be immediately accessible 'to our existing trunk cables and
fit our patterns of cable layout for future development.
b) It must be on high well drained ground to permit underground oable
vaults without undue moisture in the soil - preferably at the
crown of a hill.
0) It must be located so that it will be readily acoessible to the
public in the future.
5. The company has searched for over a year for a location and has
surveyed a great number of sites offered to it before making its final
dec ision.
6. This is to be eventually the main exohange for the Clearwater area
and will not be a branoh locat! on a s was previously oonsldered in
another location.
The telephone company proposes to erect as quickly as possible a building for
ex~hange facilities and for business offices. No manUfacturing or shops are to be
included on this traot and it is therefore requested that it be zoned for commercial
Attached you will find a map of the location showing the traot as (Traot "A").
Yours very truly,
/s/ S. C. Edmunds
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November 29, 1951
November 15, 1951
Hon. Herbert Brown, Mayor,
City Oommissioner, Joseph Turner
City Commissioner, Herbert Blanton
City Coamissloner, Thos. Blaok,
City Commissioner, Gary Lynn,
City Manager, Franois Middleton
I a.m writing on behalf ot Messrs. Che ster M. strater, Jaak Russell and Guy ci...~.
MoMullen of this City, who are respectively looal distri butors tor Cities Servi(~$:.L
,~produots. They represent the only gasoline and oil distributors wnioh have bulk
~~'Plants within the City limits, and whioh, therefore, pay oooupational lioenses and
per sonal property t axes to the City.
For some time these gentlemen individually and colleotively have been interested
in negotiating with tbe City relative to leasing the two gasoline tilling stations
looated on City property on Clearwater Beach. They have been informed that the City
considars itse1f mora11y bound to give the present tenan~s of those stations an
opportuuity to meet the best ofter otherwise obtainable by tile City. While they do
not tully appreciate the necessity for this position on the part ot the City, they
very definitely feel that the City should secure for itself tb.e best possible
proposition based on sound business practices.
My clients have been unable to submit a proposition to the City for two reasons;
first because they have had no speoific information that such a proposition is
desired by the City, and secondly because they have no speoifio information as to the
exaot property or proper~ies whioh would be covered by a lease, and have no specifio
information as to th e term ot lease wh ioh the City would ofter. In or der that a
definite proposition can be made information relative to these two facts is essential.
My olients are informed that you are at this time negotiating with Shell Oil
Oompany and wi tll Mr. Herbert Langford in conneotion wi th the se two stations.
Through the newspapers information has been obtained relative to the Shell Oil
station, but no infc!'lDatlon is available with regard to the Langford station.
They are extremely anxious to submit a proposition for consideration by the
Oommission, and feel that their proposition should be oonsidered at the same time
as are the plOpositions rrom the Shell Oil Company and Mr. Langford. They, therefore,
reques~ that they be allowed to meet wi th you f or the purpose of determining the
exaot properties to be covered and the term of lease desired by you, after whioh
they will be glad to submit to you, in writing, a proposition.
In this connection I want to point out that neither the Shell Oil Company nor
the Sinolair Oil Company have local bulk plants or distributors, and that neither
or them pay an occupational license to this City. While it is true that both of
;~these oompanies have had leases with the city for a number of years, an inspeotion
of those leases will reveal that the-rent the City received under them was tar
below that which should have been received, and that 'they should actually be Obligated
to the City rather than the other way around.
I again respectfully request that you defer any rinal aotion on your present
negotiations until such time as my clients can make an offer. This request need
not delay your plans since they are willing to meet with you at your earliest oon-
ven ience.
Respectfully yours,
/s/ Ben Krentzman
November 29, 1951
To the Honorahle City Commissioners
of the City of Clearwater
Dear Sirs,
I \\0 uld like to request that you ZOlle the following properties trom their
present zoning to business.
The lots are as follows:
Lots 1 thru 13, Blook E, Hibiscus Garden.
Lots 23t 24, 25, 32, 33, 34"Padget Estates.
As you gentlemen probably know, our looal telephone company has an option on a
plot of this ground for a new exohange building and this building will be an extended
telephone servioe to the City of Clearwater. This depends on these lots being rezoned.
Thank you in advanoe for your oonsideration and I beg to remain--
Very truly yours,
/s/ R. H. Center, U. D.
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November 29, 1951
November 29, 19S1
Mayor-Oommissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Joe Tuxner, Herbert Blanton,
Thomas H. Blaok, Garland D. Lynn
There ~ill be a Speoial Meeting ot the City Commdssion toniBnt, Thursday -
November 29, 1951, a~ 7: 30 P.M. in the City Hall AUditorlwn tor the purpose at
the Commission considering:
1. Resolutions prepared by the City Attorney on:
A. Recommendatlons for Zoning Map.
B. Renaming of streets (where streets, avenues and boulevards
Discussion concerning Dog Ordinance.
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Traffio Committee's report with reference to Railroad and street orossings.
Report of Oommittee on proposed groin to be ereoted in Gulf at tne West end ot
Ca~sewal Bouleva~d.
Report ot City Manager wi t.h reference to:
A. Painting sand wall on Clearwater Beach.
B. Paving Myrtle Avenue between Laura and Drew st.
C. Shuffle Boord COUJ:'ts - City Park on Clearwater Beach.
Report and reoommendation on:
A. Sanitary sewer installation in Barbour-Mo~ro~ SUbdivision on
Clearwater Beach.
B. Paving of Papaya Street & Baymont between Mandalay and Gulf View Blvd.
Beport on gasoline prices in St. Petersburg and Tampa in comparison with the
Clearwater area.
Commission's oonsideration of letter from:
A. At~orney Ben Krentzman with reference to Gasoline Stations on
Clearwater Beach.
B. Sinclair Refining Company with referenoe to rebuilding of Sinolair
Station on Clearwater Beach.
Utility Improvements:
Inside City Limits
A. 420' o~ 2" gas main on Kings Hignway -
Estimated Cost - $380.00.
B. 280' o~ 6" ~ater main on Baker Boulevard running North from Drew
Est~ated Cost - $930.00.
Olltside City Limits
A. 300' o~ 2" gas main extension on North Hibiscus Street.
Estimated Cost - $215.00.
10. Any itEmS no1; on tllis agenda will be considered by consent ot the Commission.
FCM: gg
Yours very t~u.1y,
I s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
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November 29, 1951
Novanber 28, 1951
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
ot Olearwater,
01 ty Hall,
Olearwater, Florida.
Re: Clearwater Transit, Ino.
Franoh ise .
The undersigned, as ot Deoanber 1, 1951, will take over the oapital stook ot the
Olearwater Transit, Ino. and all tile rolling stook, and assets ot every nature
and desoription owned by said oorporation. We shall immediately dissolve sa1d
oorporation and operate under the firm and style name of W. S. Wightman and
J. W. Rowe, d.b.a. Clearwater Transit Company.
Aooordingly, we shall appreoiate your considering this as our applioation to
transfer and assign the franohise now held by the Clearwater Transit, Ino. to
the undersigned as individuals doing business as above set forth.
We trust that this oan be ~laoed on your agenda for oonsideration Monday,
Deo~ber 3. 1951.
Very truly yours,
/s/ W. S. Wightman
Is/ J. W. Rowe
November 29, 1951
, T�e City Gommissicsn of the City oT' Clearwater met in special session at Citg
Hal1 on Thuxsday, Nov�mber 29th, at '�:30 PM, with the Pollowing members present;
Herbert M. Brown
Joe Turner
Herbert M. F�lanton
Thomas H. Blaek, Jr.
�arland D, Lynn
Also plesent were;
F. C. Middleton
C. E. Ware
S. Lickton
George T. DHeCla.mma
City I�anuger
City Attorney
Citq Engineer
Cb,iei of Police
Meeting was called to order k�� Mayor Brown.
the bestyvuaytta �handletrecommendati onsiforrthe dzoning m ptis etoaincorporateeallhat
ahangzs in one resolutian to be adopted at th e time thet the zoning map is completed
by the City Engineer.
Commissioner Blanton said that the day bePcre in the Clearwater Sun there was a
misstatenen� oP the facts regarding proposed Cd1811gP.S in thz zoning. He said that the
Sun stated that some of t�e changes in zo ning will involve changing the Country Club
�rea to an R-2 zone �or multiple dwellings instead of R-1 residential. He said that
that statement alone will kill the zoning a�t at th e rePerendum and nulliPy all the
hard work tYiat the Ci�y Engineer has done a�d the hours of work done by the committee.
He said that pF;ople from the Country Club an d people Prom Hillcrest will vote against
the zoning act. He said that this statement is not correct, that none oY the sections
mentioned have been ch anged. �e said that the only change from a No. 1 zone to a No. 2
zone is a small area �rom Bay Avenue to Orange Avenue in th e West Turner Stree� section
where there are already severa� .�ultiple d;�ellings, which change was recommended by the
Zoning Board. He said that he wished to n3ake it cl ear to the papers t�iat none oP the
zones mentioaed in the paper as �aving been ehanged were changed. Mayor Brown and
other members oP the Commission requestefl that the Sua reporter present snake this
change in the paper. He said that th e attempt being made on th e part of the Committee
is to r evise and bring up to date the zoning of Clearwater from its outmoded state and
that it is to the best interest oP the City that it be passed by the City in Decem.ber.
He said that it �rings the zoning situation up to date aather th an continuing ta use
a twelve or thirteen year old map, Commi.ssioner Blanton sai@ that �he Building
Department is greatly handicapped at the �resent ti.me in usiug that map, an@ Mayor
Brown added that the Commission is also handicapped in .nanq of its deliberations
because of the antiqui'Gy oP the map,
Wayor Brown read "letter Prom Dr. R. H, Center, dated Noae�ber 29, 1951, reqnest-
ing that Lots 1 through 13, Block E, of Hibiscus Gardens and Zots 23: 24, 25, 33 and
34 oP Padgett's Estate Subdivision be zoned to business. The letter stated that the
local telephone company has an option on this plot of ground for a new eachange
building, and this building will aP�ord extended telephone service to the Cit� oP
Clearwater, Commis�ioner Black said that similar request has been � de by the
Peninsular Telephone Company dated November 20, 1951. He said that going out
Clevel�nd Street the business area runs approximately 1.00 to l50 f set deep, and that
this zoning would increase it in. that section to approximately 310 Peet additional,
and that brings it do�vn int.o a residential area. �rlayor Brown said t�at there are
mariq reasons wh� this area would not be useri for residen�ial pur�,oses, and that he
felt f.�.at tb.e best intereste oP the entire community would be served to make a].arge
enough zone for the telepho�e compa�y to get th.eir of�ice off the stxeet with space
for automobile parking. Commissioner Black said that people over on Park Street had
been objecting to having the zoning so far back. �e said that most of it is an
isolated area yet because the streets are not openad. Comcaissioaer Black moved �hat
the requesL for the zoning �o business of Zots 32, 33, and 34 in the R. H, Padgettis
Subdivision be granted end that the �equest Por Lots 1 thraugh 1� in Hibiscus Gardens
not be grantsd. Commissio.ner Turner seco nded th e motio n. (This motian was later
withdrawn), Comm3.ssioner Blaek said that the line will be provided down the baek of
lots rather than the center of a street, After a line is back of the lot line th�
purpose t�ie Committee h3d throughoat will be accomplished, p.rovided there is a bufPea
zone provided fbr a street. Com%issioner Blanton concurred in Gommissioner Bl.ack's
statements, that the Commattee has r�nrked a].1 along to keep Prom div3sion in the
middle of a street. Mayor Brown asked Dr. �enter how he �eeZs Zoward the denation
of footage �or property !�e o�vns on Missnuri Avenue. Dr. Center repl3ed '-„hat he has
been in accordance with ths Missouri Avenue si�h.t-oP-v�ay. Mayor Brown suggested
that the Citg Engineer �urnish infor�ration as to vahst is needed and how much is
needed. Cpmmissioner Turner said t.hat he had asked Dr. Center wha�t propesty he
owned along Missouri Aaen�e v� ich migti� be needed for the opening o� Missou�i Avenae
onto Cleveland Street. Nir. Lewis Homer said that the te?ephone company is trying to
get away from Clev�].and Streat �rontage to avoid noise and interference o� hi�hway
txaYfic, He said that there is not sufficie�� property if the corner is not granted,
that ma�y peopl,e are ooncerned about lack of telephone facilities in the East end oP
towu, and thi� would pxovide a new exchange. He said that the telephone companv
wishes to have its letter incluc3Ed in the records of the Gcmmission, wh�ch let-te� is
set Porth in the following pages of these minutes and .�de a part therea�. Mr.
Edmonds, oP �he telephone aompany, said that this locatian was selected becatzse of
the rapid growth oY the City, esp ecially in the East s�etion. The location the;�
.have requested to be zoned i'or business is �the only one t�iey heve found in eight or
Novembar 29, 1g51
33 2
or nine months oi' searching. He aaid tliat this space wi11 give room for parkin�
Yacilities, that l�l applications are being held and 11.8 people getting along with
party lines who need private li�es. He said the 200 x 200 foot lot would allow a
100 x l00 three story building on high ground so that it can have a cable ohute snd
have a basement. He said it would open �yith a 3000 line equipment, and wculd
eventually be the main office. He sa3d t�e building would be located near the
Southeast end of the propert�, and that the bal.anes of the lot would be used Yor
�,rking �aoili�ties and %uture grow'th. Mr. Somer said that the people oP Clearwater
need telephone service badly, that cable is unavailable and expensive to lag, and
that tkte c�mpany is ready to buy and build to bring their services up to the present
aeed. Commissioner Blanto n�aid that they were offer ed 3OO �eet on C1eveZand Street
for �3,000.00 a�� wo uld not take it a few years ago at a tim� when Cleaxwater
offic3.als begged t%hem to expand and gi,ve better servica. I+dr. Homer said that the
property 3s high, providing .for a�tiell drained basement of� the street away from
traPfic vibration, the one location offered them which is ideal �os their purposes
and �uture grorvth of Clearwater, that the Chamber o� Commerce has adopted a
Resolation endorsing it. He said that i� the request is not granted a major industry
and a hali million dollar inFestm�nt would be held up because i� the telephone
compar�q mu.st locate s�me p].ace else it would cost hnnndreds oP thousands of dollars
more than vo build on this property, which mon�y wuuld eventually come out oY the
telephone bills. He said that he felt t,hat their request definitely c�.me under the
hardship provision of the zoning law, Another representative nf the telephone
eompany, Mr. Darling, said that it has been impossible to get cable for ei�hteen
months, Commissioner Blanton asked why a depth oi 370 feet wo uld not be suff icient.
B�s. Homer replied that it is toward the back o� ths lot that the terrain becames
valuable to t,�e compang. Mr. Darling said that this builciing is intended to be the
main oY�ice, and because Clearwa.ter 3s growing so f ast it is much needed. �e said
they have been txying to get neoess3ry materials ever since the War, as much as t�liey
co uld get as fast a� they could get it. He said they needed th.at much property i�
order to eapand with Clearwatea.•. H� said it would bP built as soon as materials
could be lined up a.nd equipment to make up the plant - the buiJ_ding to be built
immediately, equipment to b e obtained within a year or year and a hali'. Mr. Brorein,
President of the Company, said that the building can be built some ti�e next year -
the original buildin�. He also stated that it is intended that it be the ma3.n oi'�ice
and it is intended fsrther not only to maintain the equipment in the o�fice which is
needed f�r the purpose o� serving the �in �urt of the City, but also modexn tech-
niques which go with suff icient parking spaoe ofP the streets and at lsast experiment
w3th a drive-i.n window. Mr. Homer said that there are a lot o� properties in the
zones wh ich have been set up, but one must also have the ow ner willing to sell. He
said that many prc�perties have been ofPered and the matter of getting an owner to
se11 a suf�icient amount of proper tg in the proper contour and �acilities available
for their use is vary bard to �ind. He said it wou ld be a beautiPul building, and a
nies, quiet enterprise, such as th e power company has. He said that as a hardship
gran�t Prom the City it is a logical one because everyone in the City benefits �rom
the growth o� the town and the additiona]. eapansion o� tEie telephone to supply ttie
service now needed and service to be needed in the future helps the whole City.
Commissianer Black withdrew his motion, and Commissioner Turner agreed. Gommissioner
B7.ack then moved th at t�.e business zoning line be eatended to include Lots 32> 33, and
31� of the R. H. Padget�t EstateTs Subdivision� and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 qf
Block "E" of Hibiseus Gardens. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion. �ote was
taken and motion unanimously carried. Commissioner Blanton stated that the Commission
should not in preparing the new zoning map go out and deliberately set a street as a
dividing zone line whzn th e rear of the lots c� ld more appropriately be th e dividing
lin�. He said that in th 2 future iY the telephone company or enyone else wants to
apply for a hardship case in that ,�articular loca�tion it would be �etter to do it and
it would be better than for th e Commission to d� it by lines on th e new zoning map.
B�ayor Brown said that inereasing the public u�ilities to a more desirable level is
a matter which should be considered later as a hardship matter. City Attorneg said
that �rom a legal standpoa.n� th e applicati on should be made on a hardship basis, and
v��en it is done it should be done on i;he basis oY immediate necessity.
Commissioner Blanton moved that the Chief of Police be instrueted to recondition
and make ready th e gas ch.amber �or destroying diseased dogs aud �hat he be provided
with a trucl� suitable, and be authorized to piek up all stray dogs in Clearwater which
do not have a license tag indicating that th eq have immunity f rom rabies, and that
this be done a� the earliest possible date, In support oY tha� motion he wanted to
call attention to the Pact that th$re is an epidemic of rabies th ro ughout the area
prevalent on the Beach among raccocns and other small animals. He said iP it was
allawed to go unch ecked that there maq be a lot of ch ilcixen and other people bitten.
Mayor Brown said that tdie Society for Prevention af Cruelty to Animals has an
ambulance vJnich is a truck and has machin�ry for caring for r�nd disposing oY the dogs,
but no funds to do it with. He said that if they were supplied with necessary funds
theg could do the work, Cit�g Attorney stated that he is a member oP the S.P.C.A. and
that for more th an one year an ef�or t has been made �y the S.P.C.A, to get a Committee
working on t.he question oP a dog ordinance �Go stiraigh.ten this out. He said he has
heard their requests, sat in at meetings where th e Qounty Health Officer was in
attendance, and that he apprQves oP their plan for han dling such cases. C�mmissioner
B�ack seconded Commissione^ BlantonTs motion. Commissioner Turner said that he fe3.t
that their efPorts have not been successful and ih at apparently people are not in
accordance with their platt if th e9 have not supported it financislly. Mayor Brown
�aid they have not been ePiective because th ey have been unable to get an ordinance
so t�.at they can have funds with whieh to operate. City Attorney ati:ated that the
acle revenue oP the o�ganization is from xevenue donated to the organization, and
tlaat �heir organization operates hi�Zy effectively as long as thei.r funds last. He
said that dogs which it was necessary th at they destroq are humanely put tc death
with a shot whieh puts them to sleep and th at their death is painlese. He said that
I�7ovember 29, 1951
the gas chamber method o� deatroying animals i3 painful and inhuman. Mayor Brown
�e�� that �he situation should ba revived in connection with the dog situation.
� He said that a meeting should be held by the S.P.C.A. and the Committee io work same-
thing out after the negt regular Commigsion mee+ing, xnd that notice staould be sent
to eaoh member oY the Committee. He suggested that a short agenda should be prepared
which could be oompleted by 8;30, and that the S.P.C�A, mePting could be helcl at that
time, Commiseionex Blanton withdrew his motion, ryith Commissicner B_'$ ck's consent,
PQembers oP the Committee appointed '�y ABagor Brown at regular Commission me�ting oP
October l, 1951, are as Yollows; Commissioner Lynn, Chairman, Commissioner Blanton,
member. At this same meeti ng �ayor Brown aslsed City Attorney tp work with this
group, and that Dr. Robert Rothermel, County Health Offioer, be invited to attend
�meeting on the matter. -
Survey made by the TraYfic Departmen�t was presented by t�ae City Manager, who
suggested that recommendations oi the Tra��ic Committee be Yollowed with �egarfl to
cutting hedges an3 otherwise clearing up tra�Pic hazards, as Pollows:
'�Railroad Grossing Survey��
P:uvember 29, 1951
"SUNSET POINT DRIVE: Atlantic Coast Line
Embanknients on each �ide of track, both sides oP street.
Ans: Install electric red light and bQll signal, automatic.
"PENNSYLV�NIA AVENUE; Seaboard Railroad
Hibiscus shrubbery on the East side o� Pennsylvania Ave „ South side
oP track. Stree� is upgrade at crossing.
.Fsns: Removal of hib3scus shrubberyo
Visibility anprozimately 20 feet away Prom track.
"VINE 1�VENtTL: Seal�ard Raa.lroad,
1'ower poles stacked on racks at edge oP railroad track, but visibility
is rather good. Street i� upgra3e at crossing.
"FRr�NKI�IN STREET: Atlantic Coast Zine
High. vueeds and grass and one dead palm tres 'behind Bus Station garage,
West side oi' tracks.
Ana: Removal of palm tree and cutiting af weeds.
Street is upgrade at crassing.
"COURT STREET: Atlantic Coast Zi.t,e.
The �a rked cars close to th e crossing an d the car-lot shed, of the Pinellas
County Rea.lty Co., on North-east cornes o�' intersection. Vision, only, within
36 i'eet of track.
High weeds and palm trees, besides the el oseness of the Hart's Cleaness,
bloeks vision un to within 25 Peet o� crossing.
Ans: Remove trees aafl cut hi�h grass an d weeds on South side of Court
Street, both sides o� track.
"CF3ES�N[T'P STREET: Atlantic Coast iine
Hibiscus shrubbery and a holly tree, close to track, on the Eas�t side oi 535
Ghestnut Street, and a palm tree at the edge aP the cur bing, on the �outh
side of Chestnut Stree�t.
Ans: Resove the �alm tree and the holly tree, or trim the latter, anfl
triiu the hibiscus shrubbery. '
Vision only within 24 feet Prom track and street is on the upgrade,
a•t the erossing.
� ��
"TUR�R STREET: Atlantic Coast Line
Embankments on both sides of Track, but ver y little obstruction, otherwise.
Vi9ion only within 35 �eet from i�.e track, on either side.
Ans: Install electric red light and be11 system, automatic,
"PINE STREET: Atlantic Coast I�ine.
High hedge on South side of street an d�Nest aide o� track� Vision onl.� within
25 ieet of track.
Ans: Trim hedge, or remove.
"DRUID ROAD: Atlantic Coast Zine.
High he dge on East side o� track, North si de of �ruid Road. Vision onl� within
30 to 1�0 feet on each side, of track. Street is on t��e upgrade at crossiLg.
Ans c Trim hedge or r emove .
"DRUID ROAD: Seaboard Railroed.
Vacant lots could be trimmed bsek on each si de o� erossing, otherwise, vision
very good.
"J'EFFORDS STREET: Seab�ar d Railroad.
One large oak tree� smallest of the two, on Kenson's Supply Zot
Ans: Removal of or trimming same.
*'J'EFFORDS STREET: Atlantic Coast Line.
I,arge stacks of lumber at P3nella� Zumber Co,, and box-cars parked on the siding.
Ans : Y
"GRAND CIlVTRAL STREE:r: Atlantic Coast Line
High weeds on East side of tracks, East si.de oY Clearw�ter Laundry.
Ans : The cuttinb of weeds. Due ta the East side of building, the v3sion is
only wittiin 30 ieet of the oross:.tng.
November 29, 1951
"GRAND CENTNAL STREET: Seaboaxd Railroad
View lalocked by Pinellas Growers Building, and boac-cars parked on ttie siding,
cl.ose to the orossing. Vision onl� wi�hin 25 feec af oroasingo
Ans; Install electric red light and bell signal, auton�atia.
"PINELLAS STREET: Seabaard Railro ad.
H3gh weeds and bus.hes on Northeas� corner vacant lat,
Ans : Cutting o� same.
"PINELLA,S STREET: Atlantic Coast Line
High weeds on West side o� trac;k, South of Pin�llas Street. Street is on the
upgr�de at the crossing.
Ans: Cutting of same..
TMI�AI�VIEI'J DRIVE: Seaboard Railroad.
Bushea end grasa on Northeast corn�r vacant lot.
Ansr �utting �Y same. Yision only within 70 Yeet of the crossing.
Idorth Betty Lane and Seaboard Air Zine
I3orth Greenwood & Seaboard Air I�ine
Park StrEet an d Seaboard Air Zine
Franklin Stre�:t & Seaboard Air I,ine
Conrt Street & Seaboard Air I,ine
Sunset Point Drive €c Atlantfc Coast Zine
Drew Street Fc Seaboard Air Line
Cleveland Street & Seaboard Air I�ine
Turner Street & Seaboard Air Line
"SUGGESTION TO B� MADE: That th� Florida Railroad Cross3r.g si gn, w3th tne
cross-arm and the two R's, one a"t each side of sign, be used at �the
crossings, an d be bought �rom the State. They are �e de out oY heavy metal
and are re�lectorized, easily seen at ni�,t.
Sgt . J'ahn MeMullen
Traffic Sgt.
/s/ Sgt. �. MeMullen"
This report was discussed by the Comuission, and Commissioner Blanton moved tha�
the Gity Manager's recommendations be f olloNea an d that he be authorized to proceed
to have the work done as outlined. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. Yote
was tr�ken and motion unanimously oarried. Chief MeClamma commented that �the first
izem listed would have to be done by th e Railroad Company. City Manager replied
that he felt it should be d3.scussed with the Railroad Compang and if theq, are not
willing to do so it can be brough't taack to th� Commission.
Matter of groins to be ereeted in Gu1P at the West end of Causeway Boulevard
was brought before the Com�ission. City �ngineer said th at idea had been presented
to him by Commissioner Blanton Par which he preseni;ed proposed layout for considera-
tion by the Commission. Ci�ty Engineer said thati he did not believe it was too sai'e
a construction and v�uld be dif�icult to construct - t,hat it was no�G sound stxuc-
tur?ily. City Enginaer then pxesented layout he had pre pared for groins which he
stated �nuld work well from an erosion standpoint - concre�e slabs set dowr� be$ween
two pilings, Eommissioner Bla.ck moved th a� report be accepted for an erosion groin
�Go be erected in the Gul� at the P7est end of Causeway Boulevard, and that th.e City
Manager and City Engineer proceed to make the sound3ngs whiah wiJ.l be necessary,
and to continue hie investigations and study into the problem of what type groin
will best suit the purpases at Clearwater Beach, and to pra�eed v�3tn tentative plans
Yor the erectaon of this groin, to be approximately 20 feet in width and to egtend
approximately 300 3eet into the Gulf. Commissioner Blanton secanded the motion,
which was voted upon and unanimously carried.
Estimation af cost oP painting 200 �eet of 'sand wall now installed wa� given by
the Gity �enager, who stated t�at cost to pgint both sides and top with color creting
would be approximately �400.00 to paint the 1,500 f eet; to take it d.own to Fi�th Street
tivould cost around �500.00�; and to paint one side would cost �p17�.00. City Manager
presented c� lor chart and Commissioners agreed that gold v�uld be the best color to use.
Commissioner Blaek said that t� e psinting would �ill �.n most of the pores in the
coacrete and make it look attractive, Commissioner Black ma�ed that the City Manager
be authorized to �roceed with the color creting of the wall ih Clearwater Beach at
an estimated cost oY �500.00 in the yello� color submitted, as per City ManagerTs
report. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, wh ich was voted upon and motion
uaanimausly carried. Brfayor Brown requestced th at the City Menager bring back r�port
on this work. Gity Manager stated tha�G he wauld try to bring it baek bg December l7th.
In regard to paving Myrtle Avenue between I,aura and Drew Streets, the City Manager
said that storm sewer had been replaced, sanitary sewers replaced, enlaxged co n�ract
let and work to be finished within two ciay�s. He said that a Yew days will be needed to
settTe this dirt= and in the mean.time the City needs to adve.rtise Yor paving. In that
project the paving of Myrtle Avenue, LauTa and Prospect should be included. Between
Prospect and Myrtle Avenue about halfway thexe is a l�w spot and a storm aewer should
be installed in the center oP I,aura at the same time in a separate bid, to be included
in the advertising. A sanitary sewer should be included also in the Parkway. City
Nianager reques�ed Ci'ty Glerk to give report on what property has been ac:�uired Prom
individuals, Report will co ver status oi City's obligations to put pavement in on
Myrtle Avenue free o� assessments oY all prop�r�y on both si des of Myrtle Avenue.
� -5-
November 29 , 1951
P�ving of Papaya Strest a.nd Baymor_t between Ta6andalay r�nd GulP View Boulevard was
brought to the attention of the Commission by the Cit� Manager. $e stated that the
City has application Por sewerage on Poinsettia at about Lot 32 or 33, and have a number
of septic tanks in this area which are giving trouble. City Engineer stated tha�G this �vork
could be do ne for approximately �4.90 per Pront i'oot. He stated �Ehat the assessmen;,�
should be on a Pront Yoot bas�s as only �eople who are served should pay for it. The
City Manar{er recommended that the City Attor ney atudy the plan and iP he appreves i�,
that he s;t��uld advertise Por public bearing and Yor bid9. Commissioner B;lack moved
that the City Manager's repoxt be accepted and his recomm.endatione P.ollowed, �nd that
the City Attorney study the ,plan, and if he approves it, to advertise Por public
hearing to be heI d Decsnber 17th and Yor bids to be run s3multaneouslg, Por sanitsry
sew�r 3nstallations in 3arbour-biorrow Subdivision on the Beach. Coramissi�ner Blanton
seco nded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Mayor �rown said
that there should be one or two more meetings�of the Commission to inaestigate projects
oY thie type. He felt that they should be Pinished up and turned over to �he new
Commission xs a fairly Yinishec3 pro ject. Mr. Ernie Barger 9 who was present, said
that he was ti�e man who started the project of�. He said that recently he was thinking
oY buying Lot 12 on which to. build an apartment house, which is ncr�u goin� up. The
building involved will be ready ta,r operati�n the iir�t Neek in J'anusry, and has no
sewerago available. He said that he was inPormed before he purchased the property
th.at there was a sewer line and that conneetion could be mqde. �e said he nas invested
several thoqsands o�` dollars and that he would liks to see it moving along rath.er than
having the revenue from the building �ost during this three or Pour months oY the y�rir,
Mayor Brown said he �elt it should be advertised for bids and public hearing with the
approval o� the City Attorney. Ci�y Attorney statEd t,�iat it wa� just a�tter oY say-
ing how assessments stiould be laid, and that he cauld go ri ght ehead and advertise
ior public heaxing anci Por bids.
Co.mmissioner Blanton repoxted on gasol3.ne prices zn St. Petersburg and Tampa in
comparison with the Clearwater area, as follaws:
Shell Oil Company, S. Ft. Harriso n, C].earwater
Standard Station, S. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater
GulP Station, S. Ft. Harrison, Clearivater
Sinclair Stati�n, S. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater
Sunoco Station, (Robinso n Bros,,) C1Earwater
Pure Oil Company, 100 8. Ft. Harrison, Clearwater
Sinclair Station, LaYayette & h'far•ion, Tampa
Gul� Oil Station, I,aPayette 8c Florida, Trimpa
Standaxd Ststion, Platt Street, Tampa
Shell Station, Corner Dale Mabry Highway and
Grand Central, Tampa
Pure Oil Station, Corner Dal.e Mabry Hiohway and
Gxand Gentral, Tampa
N. Nox
Pr emit� m
One Grade only
City Manager said that St. Petersburg prices were 27�¢, 28�¢, and. 30�¢.
31 ¢
29 �¢
I�etter dated November l�, 1951, �rom Attorney Ben Krentzman, with reference to
gasoline stations on Clearwater Baach was read. by the City Clerk. Commisaioner
Black said his understanding o3 tha lease arrangement zx�th the Shell. Stati�n is that
it is taken care of and that the Cammission is r,ommitted, as per minutes af
No�ember 8, 1951, xegarding the arrangement made with th is company. Commissio.ner
Blanton felt that whatevex company submits the best proposition and pays the most
rent e.nd will bvild th e building according to the City�s requirements and seI13
gasoline for wki,at it sells Por in Tampa should b e considered, He said that he ?'elt
�ha� what had. been done so Yar with the Shell 011 Company v�as tentative and that
they were gring ahead and preparing pr eZiminary plans at their aw.n risk. Commissioner
Hlack poin�ed out that on Novemb�r 8th the Attorney w as authorized to submit a
proposition to them for their consideration. He then quoted from the minutes of
Vovember g, 19,��., regardi.ng the proposed lease with the Shell Oil Company. City
Attorney stated that le�ter had been written to the Shell Oil Company as per under-
standing reached at th is meeting. Commissioner Turner said he f elt that the City
was oblibated to eontinue �egotiations with ths Shel1 0il Company. Letter from
Sinclair R�Pining Company, Tampa, Florida, dated November 26, 1951, submitting
proposal Por leasing the servioe sta�ian on Clearwater Beach operated by Mr. Herb
LangPord was read by the City Clerk. Mr, Hexb Lang�ord, who w�:s present, sai� he
had studied the situation thorou.�ls� sinee the lease is to be c�osed, as he knew
w}�at it would coat to ramodel and rebui,ld and had tried to arrive at one ±'iguxe and
then another until the Pinal es•timated 3i�ure was �rom �12,000.00 to �15,000.00. He
eaid he suggested to Mr. Vasconi, the Gity Architeet, t�at a new building be builte
Counting th e taxes and cost o.f remodeling and other expenses he arrived at a figure
oP �300.00 per month, so he said he was agreeable to the suggestions in th3s letter.
He ssid it is �he only aiternative now because �o pay City rental, amortization oi
a new buildi�ng a�d taxes and irsuranoe it woula be impossible. He said ii' �his
could be worked ou�G he could stay in business. If not, he saifl that he saw no way
of continuing. Mayor Brown said that he felt that their lease should be granted for
ten years. City Manager said it was the City°s �lrchitect who reco�rnended that it
could not ba remodeled to cn nform t� s tandards set by new Marina. After Purther
discussion it was decided that all progositi ons regardin� this lccation would be
November 29, �951
considered by th e Committee and that the Sinalair letter would be placed on Yile
and considered along vaith the others. Commissioner Black moved that the matter be
defarred and the City Pdanager instruoted to notify the Oil Companies in this area
that the City Commission is considering the leasing of the present Sinclair 3ite at
tfie corner of Causeway Boulevard and Mandalaq for u�e as a gasoline Station, and al1
of�'ers will be considered and si;ipulation made by the City Mc�nager that all of�ers
be within the hands of t,l�e City �d�nager by the 17th o� Deaember. Commissioner
Blanton requested •Ghat Mr. Krentzman be notiYied by letter and other notice be made
in newspaper. City Attorne� sug�ested that Mr. Krentzman be notified that the She11
Oil Compai�y deal has gone too far end cannot be xeconsider ed. Conunissioner Black
suggested �at he be re�erred to the minutes of November 8'Gh.
City Managzr repoxted on utility improvements :i�side the City li�its..
Commissioner Black moved that the l�.20 feet of 2" gas main on Kings Highway, at an
estimated cost of $�380.00 be approved in accordance with recommendation of the City
iYianager. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, whioh was w ted upon and unani-
mous].y carried.
City Manager reported on utility improvements outside the Gity limitsz
Cammissioner Blaak moved that 300 feet of 2« gas �ain extension on North Hibiscus
Street at an estimated cost of �p215.00 be appxoved, in �ccordar�cie with recommenda-
tion af City Manager. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, �vhich was voted
upon and unanimouslq carried.
Mayor Brown asked City Manager iP he received a letter from Skycrest asking
ffl r a largar water main in that area, City Manager said he would look into the
mat�er and see what cou].d be done.
Communication dated November 2g, 1951, from TNolfe, Wightman and Rowe regarding
Clear�tiater T�ansit, Inc., franchise was read by the Ci�y Clerk. City Attorney
stated that the transfer would havE ta be m.ade by Resolution. C�mmissioner Black
moved that the transfer be approve3 and that tae City A�Gtorney ba instructed to
prepare necessary Resolution and h�ve it at the next meeting for action if requested
by the parti�s involvecl, Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted
upon snd unanimously carried. Cit�* kttorney stated that it may not be ready �or the
next meeting as it is nzaessary �or Mr. Wigla.tman to close the deal with Clearwater
Transit, Inc., and close the corporation. After their deal is campleted the City
can go ahead with the Resolution.
City Pdanager stated that Mr. Brorein, o� t,�e telephone company, had requested
that the Commission meet with members of their com.pany to talk over terms of their
suggested �ranchise next Wednesday night. Commiss3oner Black said he Yelt a tenta-
t�ive proposal should be gr epared for them. City Attorney said that on Pormer Yran-
chise they set out certain streets in the City of Clearv�ater which need underground
cables instead of poles, A�legible arra.ngement should be made so that if othex
streets are designated where cables instead oP poles.need to be installed it can be
done. Comm.issioner Black said ihe City should receive a certain amount of their
profit, such as the City noes with the Florida Powex Corporation. Commissioner
Black said he wished this suggestion would be borne in mind when proposal is drawn.
He said he �elt a thirty year lease is a good idea at !�f on the gross, the same
sort oi franchise that Florida Power has, the City to pay for all �ervices the same
as is done with electrici�,y.
Co�missioner Turner moved that regular me.eting �P December 3rd be postponed
until Wednesday, December 5th, at 7:30 P.M., as Mayor and othe,r officials will ba
attending IvIunicipality Convention at Orlando. Cocumissioner Blanton secondeci the
motion, which was voted upon an d unanimously carried.
City i�anager repnrted that Coast Guard ten der is in Clearwater Bay marking the
new channel.
City M�ager presented picture of new motorcyclss end crew assigned to it.
Chief MeClamma said that t�fr. Tom Moore, who has taken up radio as a riobby, has
built a transmitter and receiver out of used parts whereby the Department can com-
municate with the m�tarcycles on a Prequency dif�zrent than automobiles. Mayox
Browr� commended the work o� the motorcycle corps especially during traPf ic hours,
and it was recalled by members oP th� Commissian that Gommissioner T.urner tivas
responsible for introducing th.3.s idea originally. '
�ommissioner Blanton s aid th at th.e City has acquired all propzrty between
Missouri �.venue and Greenwood l�venue with the exception oP Niaek Dixan, who refuses
to deed his Pootage to the City. He said it would be better Po r the City to take
it and a�sess the paving than iY he gave the �ootage fo r th e assessment of the lot.
Commissioner Black laoved acceptance o:f the re nort and that the City Attorney move
toward conde�nation of this property on CourtiStreet Exter.sion. City Attorney stated
that there is one other property across the street, S. W. Robison, upon which he is
soon to �onsult with Attorney Phillips, an d that he would like to defer the condemna-
tion proceedings on Niack Dixon until he knows whether condemnation wi11 be necessaxy
in this case, and iE so, th is case can be included in the same suit. City Manager
said that Coanty Eng,i.neers are putting out corner stakes for pxoperty owner� who want
to know just where tile line wi 11 Ue in relation ta their property. Good progress
seems to be made, and most of the opposition seems to be overcome. Commissioner
Blanton said he hopes final report can be made on it at t`:e end of the year.
Commissioner Blaek's motion was nulliPied Por lack of a se�ond.
Conimissioner Black said th at the Occupational Zicense Gommitt�e has met again
and the theater r�ti:er has been brou�t up again, and thr�t Pag� Y2 oi' T,i.censo
Ordinance is to be revised a� Pollowst
, _�_
Novem.ber 2g , 1951
0 to t�00 Sea�s
401 to 500 Seats
501 to 700 Se�ts
701 to 1000 Se�ts.�-
1000 to 1500 Seats
Over 15Q0 Seate
200.00 •
Commissionex B1ack moved that his report be aacepted and amendmant to Occupational
License be done on this ba�is. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was
voted upon and unanimously carried.
:.'ity Attorney stated that in regard to amending Occu�tional License in regasd
to specul,ative huilders that he will. lnee� with the Committee and get their sugges-
tions at �ny time.
City Attor ney stated th at appro val oP form oP ballot must be dane at the next
meeting of the Commission Yor December election. It was decided that meeting v� uld
be held by the Committee regardin� this as soon as the Zoning Idap is ready.
Commissioner Bla ck moved �that the City l�t�Lor ney b e ins tructed to pr epare ballot
Yorms for the sp ecial eleetion to be held on December 18th amending t�e Zonittg
Ordinance and adopt�.ng a new Zoning Map, Commissioner Blan+on seconded the mo�tior,;
which was voted upon and unanimously earried.
City Attorney said he has been trying to unravel Civil Service problems. He
�tated �hat the Board asked Yor legal opinion of status oP present situation.
.w.�nbers oP the Board are go3ng to call a special meetir_g and adopt this opinion as
the way out. Commissioner Blanton objected to announ.cement of salary increase for
position of Harbo rmaster, He objected to that increase until the Marina is complete�.
The preaent Dockmaster was hired at the salary oP �200.00 until th e Marina is com-
,�leted, and he said in that case he was not in Pav�or of giving someone else more
money than that. He i'elt tha� no commitment should be needed as to wb.at the salary
will be. City httorney stated that commitment had been �de, He said tha� wh.en the
Director advertises thase examinations the law says it must st�te aalary range. He
said that it was published at that fi gure. City Manager said that an increased
salary xange was discussed with the Commission but not an exact figure. He said the
same salarq as is now paid wi ll be ma3ntained until the l�iarina is completed, at
which time the higher salarq will begin. He stated that the higher Pigure xas
arrived at beca.use the new job involves duties other than those now being per�ormed
by the Dockmaster. He said th at he had in mind adding the bridge operation to the
Marina job as that is called a Hartormaster jobe The drawbridge should be under the
Harbormaster, he said, as it is Yound �in all other Harbormaster ;jobs Prom other
plaoea. He said the man in this position might be called upon to help to control
the aet Pislling as the matter of purchasing t;oat has been diseussed by the Commission.
4Yith reasons in mind he said he placed the salary range at �z5e.A0 and aoove. He
said the position would also require property management, He stated that before the
Civil Servica Director givas th e examination she will discuss thi� matter with every
person who takes th e examination. He said That there has to be some c�mmitmen.t made
�ox a man to co me in and take tue egamination.
Mayor Brown stated that 'there is e vacaneq o.n the Zo.ning Board and that there
is an individual by the name o� Horace Hamlin, Jr,, an architect, who expressed his
willingness to serve on the Zoning Ba�rd, He said that he is Pairly we11 known in
arehitectural circles. He said he placed this �tter before the Conimission f�r
There being no �urther business to come before the Commission, the raeet3.ng
was �djourned at 11:L�0 PM, by Mayor Brown.
�ty uditor Clerk
Mayor-Cammissio �
3 3 �'
Zoning Board
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Nov�ber 29, 1951
November 20, 1951
The Peninsular Telephone Compa�y respeotf ully requests the Board�s action to
zone the following unzoned tract oP land:
Zots One (1}, Two (2), Three (3) and the East 38.53 feet of I,ot Four (l�)
in Block "E�� of Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision; toget;her with the South
93.7g ieet of Lot Thirty-two (32j and the East 60 feet of the South
93.78 feet of Zot Thixty-three (33) of R. H. Padgett Estat�s Subdivisios�,
being in the SW4 of the NV7� of the NE4 0� Section 15, Township 29 South,
Range 15 East.
Our compan9 proposes to ereet new telephone exchange facilities for Clearwater
and surrounding areas upon this tract and have entered into an option to purchese
subject to obtaining zoning which wo u1d permit erecting and operating our proposed
eachange he re .
This request is made under the hardship provisions oP the zoning law on the
grounds tha� the erection of this Uu ilPitng in this location 3s zn the general
interest o� the public. E�isting exchange �acilities in th e eas-t section of th�
city are filled to capacit;� and there are mat�yq applications on �ile for telephone
service which the company is uaable to �i11 due to 3ack oY facilities. The
economical snd lc�gical expansion of the Clearwater Exchange indicates the location
of a new eentral o�f ice in th is area which is one of the �actors neaessary to
provide the facilities needed tio serve those applicants now on the v�aiting lis�t.
Also to provide for anticipated growth in this rapidly deYeloping seetion o� the
city .
In.order that you may understand th�t this one piece oP lan� is the only on.e
that our co�pa�y has been able �to f ind that would fully meet our requirements I
would like to poiat out the following facts:
1. The present exchange building in Clearwater is at f ull capacity of
its space.
2. At this time there is a backlog oP li�l orders for phone service an.d
118 desiring to change �rom party to individual lines in the East
Cleaxwater area which can not be �illed un:til new exehange �acilities
are built.
3. When the company erects a new building it wislzes ta build on a
lacation large enough to provide for th e�uture growth of Clearwater
and the minimum land tract we can aecept for the �uture requirements
is 200' X 200'.
1�. In addition to size, a location must meet the Pollowing vital co nsider-
a) It must be immediately accessible to our �xist ing tr�ank cables and
f it our patterns of cable layout Por future development.
b) It must be on high w ell drained ground to permit wndarground cable
vaults without undue moisture in the soil - prePerably at th e
crown oP a hill.
c) It must be located so that it will be readily accessible to the
public in the �utare.
5. The company has searched �or over a �eai Yor a location and has
surveyed a great number oi' sitea o�3ered to it bePore making its Pi nal
6. This is to be eventually the ma3n exchange Yo r the Clearwater area
attd will not be a branch locati on as was previously co nsidered in
another location.
The telephor�e company proposes to erect as quickly as possible a building Por
exehange �acilities and for bu,5iness off ices. No manufacturing or shops are to be
included on this tract and it is there�ore requested that it be zoned �or commerc;ial
kttached �ou wi11 find r� map of the location showing tJie tract as (Trac� "A") .
Youra very truly,
/s� S. C, �;drn.uhds
:^Tov�nber 29, 1951
November 15, 1g51
Hon. Herbert Hrown, Mayor,
Cit� Commissioner, Joseph '�urner
Citiy Commissioner, Herbert Blanton
City Commissioner, Thos. Black,
Citp Commissioner, Gary Lynn,
City Manager, Franeis M3ddleton
I am writing on behaZ� �Y Messrs. Chester M. Strater, Jaek Russell and Guy
MeMullen of this City, who are respec�ively local distribut�rs Yor Citi�s Servi E�� '
��'�producte. They r epresent �he onls gasoline and oil distributors wh ich have bulk `""`
B plants within the City limits, and wh ich, there�ore, pay occupational Ticenses and
personal propertq taxes to the City,
For scrme time these gentlemen individually and collectively have been interested
in negotiating with th e City relative to leasi:ng the two gasoline filling stations
located on City property on Clearwater Beach. T.hey have been inYormed that the City
consider s itself morally bound to give the present tenants of those stations an
opportunity to meet the best oPfer otherwise obtainable by the City. TNhile thsq do
not Pu11y appreciate the necessity Por this position on the part oP the Cit�, tney
very de�initely feel that the City should secure for itselP the best possible
proposition based on sou nd b4�.siness practices.
My clients have been unable to submit a proposit�on to t{Ze Cit;� ror two reasons;
first because they have had no specific information that such a proposition is
desired by the City, an d seeondly because th ey have no sprvciPie information as to the
exact property or properties which would be covesed by a lease, and have no specii'ic
in�ormation as to the term o� lease which the Gity would o�fer. In order that a
de�inite propos3tion can be made �..nfo rmation relative to these two �acts is essential.
My clisnt9 axe inPo rmed that yoa are at this time negotiating wiih Shell Oil
Company and with Mr. Herbert Lang�ord in conneetion wi th these two stations.
Through th� newspapers ini'ormation has bee.n ohtained relative to the Shell Oi1
station, but no information is available with rsgard to tlle Lang�ord station..
They are egtremely anxious to submit a proposition Po r consideration by the
Commission, s^3 i'eel th at their proposition sh ould be considered at the same time
as are the propositions from the Shell Oa.l Company and Mr. LangPord, They, t;�erefore,
request that they be allowed to meet with you �or the purpose of determining the
exact propertie9 to be covered an�l the term of lease desired bq you, af�ter which
theq will be glad to submit tA you, in writing, a proposition.
In th is connec�ion I want to point out t,hat neith er tb:e Shell Oil Company nor
the Sinclair Oil Company have local bulk plants or distributors, and that neither
of them pay an occupational license to this City. While it is true that both of
these companies have had leases with the City for a number of years, an inspection
o� those leases will reveal th at th e•r2nt the City reeeived under them was far
below th.at which should have been received, and tl�at they should actually be obligated
t� the City rather than the other way around.
I again respecti'ully request that you dePer any �inal action on your present
negotiations until such ti me as my cl ients can make an oPier. This request need
not delay your plans since they are willing to meet with you at your earliest con-
To the Honorable Cit� Commi.ssioners
of the City of Clearwater
Dear Sirs,
Resp ectYully yours,
/s/ Ben Krentzman
november 29, 1951
I would like to request that you zone the following properties from �t;heir
present zoning to basiness.
The lots are as �ollows:
Lots l thru 13, B1ock E, Hibiscus Garden.
Lo�s 23, 2l�, 25, 32, 33, 34, Panget Estates.
As you gentlemen probably know, our local telephone company has an option on a
plot of this ground for a new exchange building and this building will be an extended
telephon� service to the City oP Clearwater. This depends on these lots being rezoned.
Thank you in advance Yor your aonsideration and T beg t;o remain--
Very traly yours,
/s/ R. fi. Center, M. D.
�ovember 29, i951
November 29, 1951
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M, Bn�wn
�ommissioners; J'oe Turner, Herbert Blanton,
T�omas H. Black, Garland D. Lynn
There �yill be a Special Meeting of the City Comm3.ssion tonight, Thursday -
November 29, 1951, at 7;30 PoM, ixi th,e City Ha11 Audi�orium for the purpose of
the Commission considering: ,
l. Resolutions prepared by th e Ciey Attorney on:
A. Recommendati ons i'or Zoning Map.
� B. Renaming of Streets (where streets, avenues and boulevards
2. Diseussion concerning Dog Ordinance.
3. TraPiic Commii�teets report with reference to Railroad and Street csrossin.gs.
1�. Report of Committee on pxoposed groin to be erected in Gulf at the West end of
Causeway Boulevard.
5. Report oY Gitq bianager with r ef erence to :
A. Painting sand wall on Clearwater Beach.
B. Paving Myrtle Avenue between Laura aad Dre�v St.
C. 5huf�le Board Courts - City Park on Clearwater Beach.
6. Report and recommendation on;
Aa Sanitary sewer installation in Barbour-Morrow Subdivision on
Clearwater Beach.
B. Faving oP Papaya Street & Baymon� between Mandalay and Gulf View B1vd.
7. Report on gasol3ne prices in St. Petersburg and Taiapa in com,parison with the
, Clearwater area,
8> Commission�s consideration o� letter �rom:
A. Attorney �en Krentzman with re�erence to Gasoline St�tions on
Clearwater Beach.
B, Sinclair PePining Company with. reference to rebuildi.n� o� Sinclair
Station on �learwater Beach.
9. Utility Improgements:
2nside City I,inits
_'�• 4z0' oP 2" gas main on Kings Highway -
Estimated Cost - �380.00,
B. ?,80' o� 6" water .m�in an Baker Boulevard running North from Drew
Estimated �ost - �930000.
Outside City Li�its
A. 300' o� 2" gas main c�xtension o:;. North Hibiscus Street.
Estimated Cost - �215.00.
10. An� it�s not on this age.nda wi11 be consider�d by con3ent of the Commission.
Yours very truly,
/s/ F. C. Middle�on
City Man.ager
Ncvember 29, 1951
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
o� C].earwater,
City Ha119
Clearwater, Florida.
November 26, 1g51
Re: Clearwater Transit, Inc.
The undersigned, as o� December l, 1951, will take over i;he capital stock of the
Clearwater Transit, Inc. and all th e rolling s�tock, a.nd assets oP every nature
and description owned by said carporation. We shall immediately di�solve said
corporation and operate un�er the firm and style name of W. S. Uli�tman and
J. W. Rowe, d.b<,a. Clearwater Transit Company.
Accordingly, we sha11 appreciate your co nsider ing this as our agplication �to
transfer and assign the �rar.chise now held by the Clearwater Transit, Inc. t�
the undereigned as individ��als doing buszness as above set forth.
L'�e trust that this can be plaeed on your agenda 3or eonsideration Monday,
December 3, 1g51,
Yery truly yours,
/sf 'N. S. Wightman
/s/ J, ih'. Rowe
. __� .._.. a -_ .�. , u:�..,�._ �:,,��__ .s .:: � : _..� ..�. :>.
3 �/