11/21/1951 .:::'f.: " . ,-; ~ ,':: "1: 'I , '.1 '! . , 1 . I ,'- , ::;;~ ...~', ~~ I ,I I \ '1 r 1 J 1 1 I 'j :{ ,.,..... r\ '/ ~ '~: < ; " of, ':,? w,'~:: ~." "ll'" , . . ~., . '\'-:;.1.. I CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 21, 1951 , -~l'~ > -"') : ':S]J":" . ~"v7 ....:,.:.;, . I; ::: :.:: ':,";:-:'.. i:, . : :!;\,f'{;\~;'~~/?!~":' . ~ ; " .. ..: ~".' ': ";" "; ," . ". .." ~---_ -...,.. "'f .1"" The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Speoial Session at City Hall, on Wednesday, November 21st, at 12:00 PM, with the following members present: Joe Turner Herbert M. Blanton Thomas H. BlacK, Jr. *Garl!:lnd D. Lynn Aoting Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner I r \ I \ \ I Absent: Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Also present were: F. C. Middleton C. E. Ware s. Liokto n Donald S. Genung City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Capt. Polioe Department ;I Meeting was called to order by the City Clerk. Commissioner Blaok moved that Commissioner Turner be appointed Acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor Herbert M. Brown at this meeting of the Commission, and that suoh appointment shall stand until the return of Mayor Brown to Commission meetings. Commissioner Blanton seconded this motion, ~ich was voted upon und unanimously carried. Commissioner Black moved that all of the acts, deliberations, decisions, and Resolutions of the city Commission taken and had at its meeting ot November 19th, 1951, be and the same are hereby validated, ratified, and confirmed as the official aots of the City Commission ot the City of Clearwater, Florida, as at the date o~ the 19th at November, A. D., 1951. Commissioner Blanton seconded this motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Aoting Mayor Turner stated that City Manager had report on sidewalks on Greenwood and Seminole Streets. City Manager stated that the low bid awarded to Peul Giuliani was a~arded provided he could produce evidence that he could get concrete and start the work within ten days. He said that he and the City Engineer have been checking and that this morning the City Engineer talked to two local oompanies furnishing ready mix cement to this area and that they told him that they would be able to deliver cement and do business with Mr. GiUliani as well as any other oontraotor doing suoh work for the City. He said that the contraot can therefore be awarded to Mr. GiUliani and the 'Work started within the next ten days. Commissioner Black moved that the City Manager's report be acoepted. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Acting Mayor spoke of the approval of expenditures for emergency repairs on the City drawbridge connecting with Clearwater Beach. City Manager stated that it is in serious condition. He said that the State Road DePlrtment inspected the drawbridge some five years ago and promised certain improvements or maintenance which they have oompleted, such as replacing some of the rollers and lifts on the drawbridge and adjusting the draw attachments on each side ot the main part of the bridge, cutting baok in and putting in reinforoing. He stated that they did a good job, according to the City Engineer and Mr. Paul Kane, of the Public Works Department. When that job was completed, three ot their engineers said that they had finished the work which they had agreed to do in addition to securing the gates for whioh the City will probably get a bill, as they did not agree to furnish them, but did agree to seoure and install them, and they are now installed and operating in a satisfactory manner. He said that the City should give serious consideration to maintenance of the dra.wbridge, as it was in bad shape. The fact that the state Road Department had come in and done some major repair jobs on the bridge would no doubt affeot their coopera- tion wi th tb.e City in the future as to lIB intenance. He said that Mr. Kane had said that it v.o uld do so, and that Mr. Lickton agreed, though he has not had time to put much study on it. He said that the bridge is rusting badly on the underside, that oolumns and channels supporting the bridge are in bad shape. He said some of the girders are in bad shape. He said that since there is only one bridge to the Island, and knowing what the Island means to the City of Clearwater that he felt that the matter is in the nature of an emer genoy. He said that two companies have inspected the bridge to make proposals for bids on it, and both feel that it is under the emer- gency category. He said they have inspected it from the water line up, inoluding the railing on the drawbridge above the roadway and have made a proposal to the City. He stated that one is an out of town company and one a local oompany and either are capable of doing the work, and that he oould personally reoommend either one, as both have done work for the City in the past. As to securing the iron, he said that he oould not answer that for either company. He said that the City Engineer and Mr. Kane have been ~orking with the two companies in making up their proppsal to present to the Commission. He said that with no reflection on the maintenanoe crews in the past, and having listened to budget conversations of Commissioners and Committees, he telt 'that the Department Heads have been a little too money consoious in bringing the absolute facts to the Commission so that they oan aot and have money plaoed in the budget to oover items which are abSOlutely necessary, and whioh should be major jobs rather than temporary ones. He said that from the present appearance ot the bridge it has had innumerable temporary jobs done on it, which probably aocounts for its oondition today_ A major Job on the drawbridge, he said, would cost into tb.e thousands of dollars to get it done fI) that 1 t wo uld be safe for two or three years to come, rather than having to have repairs every year. He said $1000.00 to $3000.00 has been spent every year for various items on the bridge, whereas if a major repair Job ot some $5,000.00 or $6,000.00 were done every ten years there would not be suoh a condition as ther e 1s 'today. He said there is better paint on th e .lIB rket now than there was ", ~,' . " ,'\ " -.... .. I t, . . ',:, :,' f1~,:.::,,> . " ':c...- /~' : ; ... -:,", ',~,...:::. <:.. ,::': .~'~ ;' '. .' ',",) .....:~ ,"f d ;.\ , ~ , [I ~, ? . ~ , ." '_"_'-C~~~'"'_~~'.''~''''' <1';}1;;i;';"';;i;~;!'~ ''''. '. : ".. . ~ .. ... ..' .~" -,. . . .,,~'.. * "... . ~ . . -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 21, 1951 . in the past, and that that has been taken into oonsideration. At this point Commissioner Lynn arrived at the meeting. City Manager stated that the Cornell Construotion Company, which operates out of 1725 Bay street, S. E., Pawtuoket. Rhode Island, and St. Petersburg. does work in this area, and that tind1ngs ot their inspection of the bridge are reported in communication and proposal which they have sUbmitted. Mr. Paul Kane felt that brakes should be fixed on the bridge, also. He said that this item was not listed by either 01' the two companies making the proposals. The city Engineer said that he had inspeoted the bridBa with Mr. Kane. and that some- thing must be done or a new bridge will be needed. He said when the cbipping down is done the repairs may oost more than either of tb.e proposals now set 1'orth, and that the companies oannot be blamed for incomplete figures as one oannot know ho~ muoh work needs to be done with steel ahead of time. He said that he is a1'raid the bridge will fail struoturally and that it ttle girders don't hold up there will be no bridge. Be said the draw would cost about $150,000.00. Commissioner Lynn said that be felt it would not be very long before the bridge will have to be dedica~ed to the state Road Department because it the highway oomes up trom Indian Rocks the Causeway and Bridge w1ll have to be dedioated as a state road and. a new bridge will h~ve to be installed. He said he did not teel that the City shOUld keep spending money on the bridge and still arrive at no answer on this question. City Manager said that he felt the Commission has bt:en so money conscious that they have jeopardized the e1'fioient operation of the City. He said that the City has done $1,000.00 Jobs every year and if $5.000.00 had been spent at one time it would last ten years. Commissioner Lynn said that a man from the state Road Department had told him reoently that all 'the Oi ty wo uld need to do to put in a fo ur lane traft ic highway and a catwalk on the bridge is to dedicate the bridge to the state and connect it with the Indian Rooks Road. He said if this were done all traffic from the South could be funneled into Clearwater. He soid that he felt it \\Quld be the best investment the City could make. He said Little Pass is widening at the rate of 180 feet per year oaused by washing. He said that it would take only a week to put the Causeway over there, and that the man he talked with from the state Road Department had said that it the City dedica~ed the bridge that it would take only two or three weeks to complete the deal. Co~ssioner Black said that if a bridge is put over Belleair Beach that people will leave Clearwater Beach and settle in the County area for tax purposes and ease of aooess. Comndssioner Lynn said that it would work both ways. He said that people coming trom the South get as far as Indian Rocks and then turn back to st. Petersburg beoause they can't come on through any farther toward Clearwater. Commissioner Blanton said that if the new secondary highway 1s built it will bring people in to Clearwater. Commissioner Lynn said that a new bridge will be needed at some time in the future, anyway. Acting Mayor Turner asked that proposal from Cornell Construction Company, Inc., be read, and this was done by the City Clerk as follows: "City of Clearwater. Clearwater, Fla. "Gentlemen: trIn regard to our inspection of your Memorial Causeway Dra~bridge we find the fOllOWing: t'No. 1. The Pipe Railing on both the southeast and the northwest side must be replaced. "No.2. The Main Girder under the bridge on two sides of apron will have to be replaced with an 8 x ! in. plate this will have to be welded to the old structure to strengthen it, as it is in very bad condition. . "No.3. The entire bridge from top to the water is to be all Steel .hammered. wire brushed down to the bare metal. "No.4. Then we will apply (1) One Coat of Sacony Vacuum Red Lead Paint. This will also include the Grill Work on the roadway of structure. "No.5. Apply two Coats (2) of Sacony Aluminum Paint on the entire struoture including Grill work. "No.6. The final application will be (2) two coats of Rust. "Preventative Compound which 1s a 80cony Vacuum Rust Compound to proteot the steel from further corros~9.~ due to salt water condition. "This compound will save the City of Clearwater 40% maintenanoe oost. "We the Cornell Construction Co., Inc.. will inspect this structure a~ter it is completed every year as to its condition at no cost to the City 01' Clearwater. the same as we bave maintained the Gas Holder, Gas Plant Stack for the past 15 year s . "We estimate cost of .this work oomplete job for the swn o~ .5,787.21. "This price includes all material, labor, truoking, and insurance. "Thanking you kindly, we hope that we may be favored with an order ~rom you. /s/ "Charles C. Cornell, Pres." A~ request ot the Acting Mayor, joint proposal from Clayton F. Ogles and K. o. Finch, Olearwater, Florida, dated November 21st, was then read by the Oity Olerk as tollows: ""': ..~. 1<1..' -, 1.--........... ..,' ~ ';'. ;,' ",: "".. , .,.... :.;. ,"" r I f ." :" ~ "...~ I' ~ ( , ! r I' t' t !: t' ~ t, t. ..... , "steel to be used Cutting and welding Additional labor $754.23 1280.00 400.00 $2434.23 " ;\:. , ,';': ':.... : ; ,~,:.>;l._.":<, , .' . . ~!.::;'~;:~::i~~~ilitill(~;;~'~,.i1~~~,~~;"';'L;;.,~"., .~..,.,".. , . . ."~. , . ..,:.,.:, . ",' ,~ ,.,.. '.' ".' " 't ',':', ",". " .' ,. .-.,.... ...~.' '".~, ...."..~ . . . . .' ',~'~~/; :'J~'; ~. ~.:..' .t,~1\? ~.i."}~~~~~~.~~'~:rf:.~:~~~r;.}. . -. . . -.. 'c': :}/:~ ':l i':\:; '" 'i"~ .. ......, .... ".,. 'i,,","~,',j,:;.;i,';2~~~i:1Ji?i$~~7' I -)- CITY COMMISSION MEETING Nov~ber 21, 1951 "City ot Olearwater, Olear~ater, Florida "Gentlemen: "I submit the following proposal for material and labor to repair City owned drawbridge as tollows: .', Total "Repairs to oons1st ot the following: "1. ~o out out and replaoe all pipe on guard rails, all lattioe and angles neoessary, "2. ~o out out and replaoe one beam on west side of draw, 4. x 8 I Beam 24' in length, "3. To out out and replaoe as muoh machinery suppor~ as is necessary, "4. ~o cut out anQ replaoe all rusty, side panels. "Respectfully submitted, It/sf K. o. Finoh" i ~ t I, , i:", ..':.~ . ~~i;~~~~j~~ j ''''''''''''''''''(.<'1'' "~~~f~~~l\ ' .~~. t ~,." . "City of Clearwater Oleanater FloI.'ida "Gentlemen: "I sllbmit the following proposal for oleaning and painting drawbridge located bet~een mainland and beach: "1. To clean all XllSt and soale from all parts of drawbridge by ch1pping, sOaling and wire-brush; "2. To paint all parts of drawbridge with two (2) coats o~ red lead and one coat of alwminum paint or other ES designated by Ci~y; "3. I will furnish all paint, labor and equipment necessary for a complete Job, all paint furnished shall meet u. S. specifications and be approved by the City Engineer, Total - - - $3,794.00 "4. I am covered by all necessary Insuranoe and all wo rk mall be open to inspection by the City at all tines. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ "Clayton F. Ogles" Oommissioner lUack asked ~ the work to be done by both oompanies is basically the same. Mr. Kane said that on the Cornell bid a little more steel work 'Will be done J and on the other addit1ona~ painting \'ii 11 be done. City Manager asked City Eng~eer if he was fwniliar w1tb protective painting. City Engineer said he.had had experienoe with it several years ago in Hollyviood and in the short time he had to observe it it was all right. Oi~y Manager asked if it ~u1d preserve the paint well. City Engineer said it wO\lld for a good number of years. Oity Manager a sked if the work is done whether it should last five years. 0ity Engineer said it 'Would last trom five to ten years. Commissioner Black said that there is a desperate need tor repairs to the bl'idge and the repairs must be made D,y the Oi ty, as the State has gone as tar as it will and since the Commission is in accord 'that the work m.ust be done and as quiCkly as poss1ble he re~t it would be best tor ~. Kane, the City Manager, and City Engineer to prepare specifioations for work actua11y necessary to be done. He then asked the City Attorney if legally it is necessary tor bids to be advertised and obtained in this lIlanner. City Attorney stated that in the past two ~eeks he has searoh.ed thJ.'ougb. 'the City Code and Charter and finds no provision of law requiring the Oi ty to let th is contraot 01' anything else out on bids. He said that there may be some item som.ewhere in some administJ.'ative document, but that it is not a part ot the Code. Commissioner Turner said that he felt that Mr. Kane, the Engineer, and city Manager should itanize eve,rythlng 'Which needs to be done, and aho\1ld th.en request the persons to give bids rather than running the possibility of additional work turning l1.p atter t.b.e work is started, at additional expense. He felt that 'the City orew should be sent down to do some caipping to find ou.t exactly \'bat needs to be done. Commissioner Blaok felt that this should be done immediately, as the work should be done wi thin 'the Jlext fifteen or twenty days as the peak traftic ~ill be \'/1 thin the next month. The City Manager said t.1lat this had already been done and tbat bids were obtained from two reputable fir.ms vm.o have inspected t.b.e brldse as much as 'they dare. Resaid that both oOJn}>anies teel their inspection is adeqlla'te MQ that tile Engineer .andJlr. lene have mde a complete inspection. Commissioner Blanton telt that the ~...--- . .' " .. c,,,, i .,... " ,.', . ..i.e: .' . ," .. , ....' ,.~, . ,.,.. ,'/, ." '. ;,;"...." .;"'~';,':':~it"~1'1:i;;:;';11!t ~\~.; . ita~~':~~~;l;.~:':j:.:tI,,"~l...tt.:.;....~.):_...~;~Kir;~n;.:,f.!.~;~~~,~iill:....d~~\:::.7..'.V.a"t~u.\:<<~ll'.....~....'\..m..t;>.. ~;..r:t..~;,,:\(lf.~~t....~~.tW:"~~~"'.:. ~;')'+~~~~:....J'r4l~~ , -4.- CITY COMMISSION MEETtNG Novenber 21, 1951 Manager and Engineer should set up speoifioations and tb.e people bid on them. Be said he was opposed to taking aotion on it in the absenoe ot the Mayor. Oommissioner Blanton then moved that the Engineer be instruoted to bring baok detailed speoitioa- tions and reoommendations as to what is needed to be done on the bridge at his earliest oonvenienoe. Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion, whioh was voted upon and unanimously oarried. City Manager requested that he be allowed to be out ot the City trom tomorrow to Monday. Permission was granted by consent. Meeting was adjourned by Aoting Mayor Turner at 12:50 P.M. ?~~~~ Attest: November 20, 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert Brown Commissioners: Joe Turner, Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland Lynn, Thomas H. Blaok Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in speoial session Wednesday - 12 Noon - November 21, 1951, in the City Hall Auditorium for tb.e purpose ot awarding bids for construotion of sidewalk on Greenwood Ave. and Seminole street also approving an expenditure for emergency repairs on the draw bridge. Very truly yours, F. C. Middleton City Manager FCM: gg 'C'22'i` COMMTSSION N;LETIIdG November 21., 1951 The City Commission oP the Gity of CTearwater met in Special Session at City HalZ, on Wednesday, November 2].st, at 12.00 PM, with the Pollowiug members pxesent: Joe Turner Acting Mayor-Commissioner Herbex t M. Blanton Commis�ioner ' Thomas H. Slack, Jr. Commissioner *Garland D. Lynn Commissioner Absent: klso presen,t were; Herb�xt M. Brown F. C. Middleton C. E. Ware S. Lickto n Donald S. Genung Mayor-Commissioner �ity Manager City Attorney City Engineer Capt, Police Department Neeting was called ta or der by �he City Clerk. Commissioner Black moved that Commissioner Turner be appointed Acting Mayor in the absence of Ma�ox Herbex t M. B�own at th is meeting oP the Commission, and that such appointment shall starid until the returtt of Mayor Brov�ln to Commission mee�zngs. Commissioner Blanton seconded this motion, vahich. was voted uDon dnd unanimously car�ied. ��� Commissioner B].ack moved that a11 of the acts, de].iberations, decision�, and ResoL�tions oP the City Commission taken and had at its meeting o� Novem.ber 19th, 1951, be and the same are hereby validated, ratiPied, and coniirmed a3 the of�icial ac�s of t�e Ci�y Commission of the City oi' Clearwa�er, FZorida, as of the date oi' the 19ih of Novgnbex, A. D., 1951. Comm_issioner Blanton seconded �this �otion, which was voted upon and �zttanimously carried. Aetin� Mayor Turner s�ated that City Manager had report o� side�r�alks on Greenrvood and Seminole Streets. City Manager stat�d that the low bi.d awarded to Paul Criuliani was awarded provided 'ne co uld produce evidence that he could get concrete and start the work v;ithin ten days. Ha sai@ that h.e and the Gitq Engineer have been checking and that tJiis morning the Citq Engineer talked to two lccal companies �tzx nishing readp mix cement to v0.is area and that they told him that ..hey rvould be able t� deliz;ex cement and do business with Mr. Giuliani as v�ell as any other contractor @oing s�ch Work for the City. He said that the co ntract can therefore be awarded tU Mr. Giuliani and the �York started within the next ten days, Commissioner Black moved that ttie Ci�q Manager's report be accepted, Gommissioner 131an'ton seconded the motion, which was voted upon �nd unanzmously carried. Acting �dayor spoke o� the approval of expenditures Por emergency repairs un the City drawbridge connecting with Clearwater Beach. City �Ianager statad -th�z it is in. serious condition, He said that the Sta�e Road �e�rtment inspected the drswbridge so,me Pive years ago and pxomised certain improvements or maintenance which they have completed, such as repTacing some of the rollers an� li%'ts on the clrswbridge anfl a,3justing the �raw attaahments on. each side oP the mai.n part o3 the bridge, cutting back in and putting in reinforc�ng. FIe stated that t�ey did a g�od job, accorcling to th� City Engineer and Mr. Paul I�ane, oi' t,tie Public �llorks Department. G'Vhen that job was c�mpleted, tihree pP their engineers said that they had finished the work which theq had agree�C to �:ir� in addition to securing the gates �or which the City will probably get a bill, as they did not agree �to furnish them, but did agree to secure and install them, and they are now installed and operating in a satis�actnry mannex. He said th at the Cit� should give serious consideration to main�Genanee of the drawbridge, as it �vas in bad shape. The Pact that the State Road Department had come in an� done so me major repair joY�s on the bridge would no doubt aifect t�eir ceopexa- iion with f,l�e City in the futare as to u�intenance. Fie said that h�tr, Kane had said that it � uld do so, an d that Mr. Lickton agreed, tho ugh he has not had time to put much study on it. He said that the bridge �.s rusting badZy on th e underside, that columns and channels supporting the bsidge are in ba@ shape. He said some oP the girders are in bad s�ape. He said that since there is only one bxid�e to the Island, and knowing what �the Island me�ns to the City of Glearwater that he felt that the matter is in th e nature of an e.�ier gency, $e said that two co mpanies have inspected the brtd�;e to make proposals Por bids on i�, and both feel that it is under the emer- gency ca�egory. He saicl they have inspected it from �he wa�er line up, including �he railing on tbe dxawbr3dge above the roadway and have made a proposal to the City. He s�ate� tl2�t one is a� out oP town c�mpany and one a local oompany and eitner are capable of dQing the work, and that he could personallg recommend either one, as both have done work for the City in th e past. As to securing tlie iron, he said that he could no� answer that for either company, He sa�.d that the City Enganeer and Mr. Kane have beer� work3ng �vith the two companies in making up their proposal to present �o the CQmniission, He said that with no reflection on the maintenance exews in the pas�t, and hav�ng listened ta budgot co nvexsations of Commissioners and Committees, he �elt that tk�e Department Heads have been a I.ittle too money co nscious in bringing the absolu�e �acts to the Commission sa that they can aet and have money placed in the budget to cover itsms which are absolutely necessary, and which shauld be maj�r jobs rather than temporary ones. He said that Yrom the present appearanee of the biidge it has had innumerable tem.porary jobs clone on it, which prob�bly accounts Por its condition today. A majox job on the drawbridgE, he said, wo uld cost into the thousands of dullars �o ge�t it done so fi,hat it would be safe Por two or threa years to come, rather tb.at�: heving to have repairs every year. He said �1000.00 to �3000.00 has been spent every year Por v�irious items on the bridga, whereas i� a majos repair job oP some $�5,000.00 or �6,000.00 were done every ten ye�rs there would n�t be suah a co,�dition as �here is today, He said there is better pafnt o.n the nnrl:et now than th.ere was � -2- . CTTY' CONIMISSION MEETING November 21, 1951 ��� in t�e p�st, and that that has been taken into considera�Gion. A�t �this point Commissioner Lynn arrived at the meeting. City Manager stated that y�,he Cornell Construction Company, which operates out of 1725 Bay Street, S. E,, P�wtucket, Rhode Island, and St. Petersburg, does work in this area, and that Pindings o3 theix inspection o� the bridge are reported in �ommunication and proposal which they haae submitted. Mr. Paul Kane Yelt that brakes should be �ixed on th e bridge, also, He sai.d that this item was not listed by either of th e two companiea making th e proposals. The City Engineer said tha� he had inspected th e bridge with Mr. Kane, and that some- �in� must be 3one or a nerv bridge will be needed. He said when the chipping dawn is done tLie repairs may cost more than either oP ttze proposals now set Part,h, and that the companies cannot be bla.med for incomplete figures as one cannot know how much wo�k needs to be done with steel ahead oP time. He said that he is afraid the bridge will iail structurally an.d that i� the girdera don't hold up thexe will be no bridge, He saiii the draw would cost about �150,000.00. Cont[nissioner Lynn said that he felt it wo uld not be very long before the bridge will have to be dedicated ta the State Road Department because if the highway comes up �rom 1`ndian Rocks the Causeway and Bridge wili have to be dediaated as a sta�e road and,a new bridge will ha�ve to be installed. He said he did not 3ee1 that the City should keep spending mouey on the bridge and still arrive at no answer on this questian. City �rianager said that he Pelt the Commission has bean so moneq conscious that they have jeopax�dized the ef�3cient operation of t,tie City. He said that the. City has done �1,000.00 jobs every year and if �5,000.00 had been spent at one time 'it would last tan years. Commissioner Lynn said that a man from the S;�ate Road Department had told him recentlg that all'the City wo u7_d need to do to put in a Pous lane traff ic hi�hway and a ca ::,�1k on the bridge is to dedicate the brid.ge to the state and �on.aect it with t�e Indian Rooks Road. $e said ii this �ere done a11 trafPic from th e South could be funneled int•o Glearwater. He seid that he felt it vx�uld be the best investment the City could m.ake. He said Zittle Pass is widening at the rate oi' 180 feeL prr yeax caused t�y washing. He said that it va�uld talce only a week to put tlze Causeway over there, and that the man he talked with �rom the State Rosd De� rtment had said that 9.Y the City dedicated the bridge �hat it would take anly two or three weeks to co mplete the deal. Commissioner Black 5aid tuat if a bridge is put over Belleair Beach that people will le�a.ve Clearwater Beach and settle in the County arsa Por tax purpoaes and ease oi �cc�ss. Commissioner Lynn said that it would work both ways. He said that people coming Yrom the South get as far as Indian Rocks an� then turn back to St. Petersburg beoause they cantt come on through any �arther toward Clearwater. Commissioner Blant�n said t�.at iP the new secondary highway is built it will bring people in i;o Clearwater. Commissioner Lynn said that a nzw bridge w i'l1 be needed at some time in th e Puture, anyway. P_eting Mayor Turner asked that proposal from Cornell Construction Company, Inc., be ready and this was done by the City Clerk as �ollows: "City of Cle arwater , Cleaxvlater, Fla. ��Gentlemen; "In regard to our inspeetion oP your �emoriai Causeway Drawbridge we iind the follo�ving: "No� 1. The Pipe Railing on both the southeast and the northwssi s?de must be replaced. "No. 2. The Niain Uirder under the bridge on two sides of a,pron will haee to be replaced with an 8 g� in. plate this will have to be welfled to the old structure to s�ren�then it , as it is in verq bad condition. "No. 3. The entire bridge from top to the water is to be all Steel hammered, wire brushed down to the bare metal. "No, t{.. Then we will apply (1} One Coat of Sacony Vacuum Red Lead Paint. This will also include the Gri11 Work on the roadway of structure. "No. 5. Apply two Coats (2) oP Sacony A.luminum Paint on the en.tire structure including Grill work. "No. 6. The Pinal application wi11 be �2) two coats of Rust. '*Preven�tatise Compound which is a Socony Vacuum Rust Compound to protect the steel �rom Purther corrosion due to salt wate� condition. "This compound will save �he City oP Clearwater l�Oo maintenance cost. "We the Cornell �onstruction Co., Inc., will inspect this structure after it is completsd ever,y year as to its condition at no cost t4 the City of Clearwater, the samr: as we have maintai.ned the Gas Holder, Gas Plant Stack for the past l$ years. "We est``�ate cost oi;this work complete job �or the sum of �5,7g'1•21. "Thie price includes a11 material, labor, trucking, end insurance. "Thanking you kindly, we hope that we may be Pavored with an order Prom yau. /s/ "Charles C. Carnell, Pres.n At requesic oY the Acting Mayor, �oint pxopoeal from Clayton :F. Ogles and K. 0. Finch, Clearwater, Florida, dated November 21st, was t.t�en read by the City Clerk as Yollows• 0 -�� 9 -3- CITY CODfi2ISSI�N �,ETING NovA^.�er 21, 195�. "City of Clearvaater, Clearwater, Florida 'iGentlemen• "T submib the Yollowing proposal PA� material and labor to repair City owned drawbridge as Pollows: "Steel to be used Cutting and welding Additional labor Total "Repairs to consist oP the following; �754.23 1280.�Q 400.00 �z434.23 "I, To cut out and replace all pipe on guard rails, all lattic8 and angles necessaxy, "2. To cut out and replace one beam on west side of draw, 4 x� I Beam 2Wt in length, "3. To cut outi and replace as much machinery support as is neeessary, "4, To cut out an.3 replace all rusty, side pane�s. 'pRespectfnlly submitted, ",/s/ K. 0. Finch++ "City oP Clearwater Clearwater Florida "Gentlemen: "I submit the follov�ing proposal f or cleaning and painting drawbridge located between mainland and beach: "1. To clean all rust and scale from a11 parts of drawbridge by ch3.pping, scaling and wire-brush; "2. To paint all parts o� drawbridge with two (2) coats o� red lead and one c�at of aluminum paint or other fis designated by City; "3• I will furnish all pain.t, labor and equipment necessary Por a complete job, all paint Purnished shall meet II. S. speci�ications and be approved by the Gity Engineer, Total - - - �3,794.00 "k. I am cover2d by all necessary Ittsurance and all�vork shall be open to inspection by the City a� all ti�s. "Respect�ully submitted, /s/ "Clayton �. Ogles" Commissioner Black asked iY th e work to be do ne by both companies is basically the same. B�Ir. Kane aaid that on th e Cornell bid a little more s�eel work w3.11 be done, and on the other additional painting �vill be done. City I�ianager asked Oity Engineer ii he was fsmiliar with protective painting. City Engineer said he had had experience with i� several years ago in Hollywood and in the short time he had to observe it it was all right. City Manager asked if it wo u1.d pxeserve the p�int well. City Engineer said it would Por a good n�n.ber of years. City Manager asked 3f th�� work is done whether it should last fi�ve yeaxs. City �rigineer said it �vould last Prom five to ten years. Commissionex Black said f;hat there is a desp�rate need fox repairs to the bridge and the repairs must be made by the City, as t,h� �tate has gone as Yar as it will and since th e Cammission is in accor d t,�at the work must be done and as �uickly as possible he felt it would be be�t fo r Mr. Kane, the City Manager, and City Engineer to prepare specitications far work actually necessary to be done. He then asked the City Attorney if legally it is necessary 3or bids to be edvertised and ob-tained in this .manner. City Attorney stated that in the past two weeks he has seaxched through the City Code and Charier and fY.nds no provision of law requir3ng the City to let th is contract or anything else out on bids. He said that there may be some it�n somewhere in some administrati�e document, but that it is not a gart of the Code. Commi�sioner Turner said that he ielt that I�Br. Kane, the Engineer, and City Manager should itemize everything which needs fi,o be done, an d should then request the pe�sons to give bids rather than running the possibility oY additianal work turning u,p afi:er the work is started, at additional expens�. He felt that the City erew should re sent down to do s�me chipping to �ind out exactly r�at needs to be done. Commissioner Black felt that th�s should be dane immediately, as the worl, should be done wit�in the next fi�teen or twenty days as the peak traffic will be within the nnxt month. The City M�na�er said that this had already been done a nd that bids were obtained from two reputable firms who have inspected the bridge as much as the,y dare. He said that both cnmpanies feel their inspeetion is adequate and, that the Engi.neer and Mr. Kana b.ave made a comp�ete inspection. Commissioner Blanton Felt thRt the .�'�o , -4- CITY CONI�4ISSTON MEETING November 21, 1951 Manager and Engineex should set up spec3Pications and the people bid on: them. He said he was opposed to taking action on it in the absenoe of the Mayor. Commissioner Blanton then moved that �e Engineer be instruotect to bxing baok de�ailed speci�ica- tions and recommendations as to what is needed to be do ue on the bridge at his easliest convenience. Commi3sioner Ly�n seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried> � City Manager requested that he be allowed to be out oi the City from tomoxrow t� Monday. Permission was granted by consent. B�feeting was adjourned by Acting Mayor Turner at 12:50 P.M. �� � / �-`�-----�� Iayar-Commiss �1'er Attest: r C ty Audit r Cler k November 20, 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert Brown Commz$sioners: Joe Turner, Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland Lynn, Thomas H. Black Gentlemen : The Ci�y Commission will meet in special session Wednesday - 12 Noon - November 21, 1951, in the City Hall Auditorium.Por the purpase of awarding bids for construction of sidewalk on Greenwood Ave. and Seminale Street - also approving an expenditure for emergency r epairs on the dra.� bridge. Very truly yours, �'. C. PJliddleton City Manager FCM:gg 0 �� � � � � � � j� �