11/08/1951 ft~f~ .':~~'.~~~~;~':"\ud"';"~"';;'""'~'_~':CC-"~";'" ,,;.;," .....~,...... :' "\~l};{ ~t . ..l,,:,..n '~IT1{~!~:~~~~ J,~{~t)~t;;'~] 1~ .::~'i':;') .. '.' . '1,' ""Iii~i::'" ;1 "" " . :1' ';; 'j,. 1 I ,".':. .'. ....- . '"~"""'r",.. '"h, .. , ,.",. ' . 'j 1{1'!\fl~ ; '. ;;..~:~-.l~;~~~~).~.. ~,..~:~\.....::, ':, ....' .., ~ :.: .:.::~ ,- ,:....:... ~~,:;.;~... '" :..:..:" :,:~::",:",:,::.:...._;. ~ :.;. :.: CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 8, 1951 The City Commission of' the City of' Clearwater met in Speoial Sesaj on at Oity Hall Thursday, November 0, 1951, at 7:30 PM, with the following members present: Herbert }.t. Brown Herbert M. B1a nton Thomas H. B1aok, Jr. Joe Turner Garland D. Lynn -}.la'Y or- C ouani as i oner -ConlIl1issloner -Connnissioner -Commissioner -Conmisaioner 'r. , Absent: None Also Present Were: 1<'. C. l\l1ddle t on C. E. Ware s. Llokton Georp;e T. J.lcClamr.18 -City Manager -City Attorney -City Engineer -Chief of police :..;.: :'J, Meeting waf) called to order bJr the Mayor. { . City Monar,er reported on Utility improvements costin~ less than $300.00, as follows: " ' (a) 350' of 1" Gaa main extension in eaSel:1enD between Saturn and ,JUpiter - Domestic service, estimated cost - - - - - - (b) 175' of' 2" Water I,lain extension on Yelvington, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - (c) 180' of 2" Water Hain Extension on Harding ~treet, Domestic Service, ~stimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125.00 (d) 700' of 1" Gas Main Extension on Easement between JUpiter and Saturn - Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - - (e) 225' of 2" Vlater Main J.::x.tension on Glenwood, Domestic Service, Estit~ted Cost - - - - - - - - - 190.00 (f) 150' of 2" Gas Main Extension on Harvard, Heat Only, Estinated Cost - - - (g) 425' of' lilt Gas Main Extension in easement East of Hill- crest Drive, Domestic Service, Estimated Coat - - - (h) 220' of 2" Gas Main Extenslon on Narcissus Avenue, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - 190.00 (i) 140' of 2" Gas Main Extension on Kipling Plaza, Heat Only Estin~ted Cost (j) 285' of 2" Water Main Extension on Casler Avenue~ Domestic SerVice, Estimated Cost (k) 260' of 2't Water Main Extension on Franklin Street, Domestic SeI'vice, Estima ted Cost (1) 200' of 2" Vlater Main Extension on Lake Drive,. Domestic SerVice, Estimated Cost - - - (m) 63' of 2" Water Ma in Extension on Hibiscus Avenue, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - (n) 150' of 2" Water Main Extension on Harbor Dr:tve, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost (0) 105' of 2" Water Main Extension on Beckett street, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - - - - - 70.00 Commissioner Turner moved the t the City Manager's report on improver.lents costing less' than $300.00 be accepted and approved. Co~issioner Black seconded the motion. Vote wa s taken and motion unanimously carried. $135.00 ,.' ::', :.:. ..:.~.,:i:~:~,.: .:..; : .!iC.'.....: . .~\;:~~;!:f.: ~t}i~ , ~ ),~/i&: : I~:::~' 125.00 250.00 125.00 205.00 135.00 220.00 220.00 175.00 50.00 110.00 City Manager reported on utility improvement costing more than $300.00, as follows: (8) 310' of 2" Gas Main Extension on }i'airmont Street and 170' of 2" Gas- Main Extension on No. Madison Street, Domestic Service, Est. Cost. - $365.00 Commissioner Black l'lloved that the City Manager's reconunendation be followed, and he be authorized to install these improvements on 1<'a irmont and No. Madison Streets. Com- missioner Lynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. City Manager reported on utility improvements outside the City Limits ss follows: 125' of 2" Water Main Extension on Sedeeva Circle to furnish Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - - - - _ _ _ -_ - _ _ _ 63' of l-t" Gas Main Extension on Grove Circle, Heat Only, Estimated Cost 100' of It'' Gas Main Extension on Mercury Avenue, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - - - - 70.00 Camniss'ioner Black moved the t City Manager's I'ecommenda tion be followed, and he be authorized to install the improvements outside the Cit~T limits in the Sedeeva Circle and Grove Circle aI'ea. Coomissloner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. $ 80000 45.00 City Manager presented matter of request from Florida Council for the Blind~ for the erection of a fire proof news stand to be located where the bus station is now located between Woolworth's and 1IcCrory's for one of their blind students who is just finiShing schoolft ~hey have placed one stand in the Post Office and the County Court House. ~myor Brown stated tlmt this is an alley-way at the present time, and that the City hae finally succeeded in getting a bus stop there. Whenever it ceases to be used as an alley or street it will revert baclt to the property owners. lIe stated that he did not believe either Woolworth's or McCrory's would approve such a stand as it - " ' ..;'li~~~~j![%)tit~~. .!!. ..... .'wJ\~i)ii:~ ':' >i:;-:'L\'; ':'I,.';~ , '..,..'<< ., ' ' ] 1 '.1 ~ I :1 'j i j-../'"~ ,I ; i J j j J 1 , ,1 J } 1 j , ,I i 1 I 1 J 1 ,\ ,I 1 , ~ '~ ;] ;1 J I '1 , ., t -2- CITY C01ll~ISSION MEETING November 8, 1951 .,' ~:oI: :,',:..:;;~.,.,.. .):.....'~l. :. ... :.." '.."ii, "".'..:" .;. ..._, _._. would be in competition to them. He said that he is perfectly willing to have the blind aided in any way possible, and if something else could be worked out he 'Would be glad to see it done. Commissioner Blanton said that the alley will be cold in the winter' and tha tit would be moat uncoDIf'orta ble for anyone to conduct a business there from that standpoint. Mayor Brown aaked if this 1s the same gronp the Liona: Cllw works with as a rule. Commissioner Black said that usually these re~lest come from the Lions Club directly. He mentioned that there are two organizations with similar names - tha t one of them the Lions Club ha s been active with, and one it ha s not. Connnissioner Turner said this was the one set up by the State Legislature through the sponsorship of the Lions Clubs of the Stf,tte of !<'lorida. He said he considered it to be a worthy group, but that he felt it would cause trouble of' one kind or another if the stand is allowed to be installed at that location. Mayor Brown suggested that City Manager write a letter turning the matter back tD the Lions Club so that perhaps a local Committee can work something else out. COllUnissloner Black sa id that perha})s' another site could be found. City Managor said that what they or:1.ginally wanted was to be located at the City Hall, but that he told them there Vias scarcely room f'or the off'ices, much less anything else. He said that they would not want to close the area a t the bus stop, but would lea ve one side open. ,He added tho t he expect s representa- tives of the group to come back in a few days and that when they do he will refer them back to the Lions Club. '-':', . I I Boy City Manar;er spoke of appropriation for the Youth l:laritir.le Centor. He said that it consists of $75.00 made up of small charges li1w light bulbs, new locks on the doors, lights on the outside of the builclinr., tho payinl; up of three months on the lights and water. All these expenditures are for the purpose of puttinr, the building be ck in shape so tha tit can be turned ba ck to the organiza tion who uses it to E!;et back on schedule. Mayor Brown asked if this uama~e Vias due to failure on the part of' the group sponsoring the orp;anization to properly care 1"01' the bllildin~ - a breach of' their lease, and asked if it is operated by the Sea Scouts at the present time. Com- missioner Lynn sta tad tha t the Kiwa nis turned it ba ck tD the City over a month algo. Commissioner ~~rner asked if definite understanding was reached at the meeting a f'ew weeks ago regarding the ~ea Scouts and other orf~anizations who wanted it. City Nanal- p;er stated that they will continue to use the building, but not as much as before. He said that there are a nur.1ber of organizations using it now - the Power Squadron, S'eal Scouts, S:couts, and Prams. He said that the Sea Scouts are now 1movm as E.."Cplorer S.coutS'. Com- missioner Black asked who was responsible for the water and lights up to three months; ago. City Manager said that up to a year and a half ago the orf~anize.t10n paid the bills and kept them up at tha t time. Commissioner Blanton felt the t organize tions should be made to understand that if the City is hoinr, to pay the water and light bills that a close check should be kept by those using it to see that it is kept in good order. He said that the purpose 01' organizations such as those usinr; the building is: to tra in boys along proper line sand tha t gronps of the t kind should not be allowed to be so destructive. Commissioner Lynn stated the t others C01.1e in from off the street, kick the door dOVln and smash light bulbs:. Cit~,r Manager stated that it is not the groups using the building who are doing this damage - that that is why the City put lights up in front of the building. Mayor Brown thought it would be a good idea to have a committee to continue to work with the Manager on the matter 8lnd bring back 8l full and complete report to the City Manager in the next f'ew weeks as soon as it can be obtained from the trustees of the Sea Scouts, who are the ones actually in charge. He said they did a good job of rebuilding, that the City furnished funds end they super- vised construction and rebuilt the builuing after it burned down. He said request has come for more space and some organizations are willing to give up some of their spac~. The Commission should be fully informed as to the use being made of the building Bit this time to see to It that it is used as much as possible because there are many or- ganizations who want space and the City has no space for them. COmI!1isa:ioner Blanton felt that responsibility should be placed on some or~anlzation to be responsible for proper care of it. Commissioner Turner said that he would like to see the CIty ta.ke more direct responsibility for it - the general supervision of it to allow any number of groups to use it and make it as flexible as possible to get the most use out of it, rather than one group having complete control of some part of it and then when some organization wants to use it they cannot because it is assip;ned only to certain organi- zations. He said he felt that any orE!;anization should be able to feel free to use any or all of the facilities, as permitted by the City. Commissioner Lynn said that last year some teen a'gers used it and that they were the ones who took all the lir,ht fixtures down, put paper over the lights and then had a big party and ruined the building. Com- missioner Turner commented that chaperones should be there. Conmissioner Lynn replied that they were not before, and that such responsibility should not be r,iven to the children. Connnissioner Turner asked if' responsibility could not be given to the Re- creational Department for proper a.dministration of the building. He then moved that the City pay the accounts as outlined by the City Manager with rO:Jpect to the Youth Maritime Center on the Beach. COllllnissioner Lynn seconded the nlotion, which via s voted upon and unanimously ca rried. Mayor Brown appointed Cor~lIniss ioner Lynn to \"Iorl~ with the City IvIana;p,er on the I!1Btter of the building and stated that he woulc1 serve on the Committee. also. , :,:\ j { Ci ty Mana.,ger sa id sUEi,p;estion has been made to him to place a crOSB: wa lk on Cleveland Street in front of the West Coast Hardware. He said, however, that Chief' McClar.IDla and the Traffic Department do not think it is a good ide9J. It is quite Bi long block, but they are afraid they cannot control automobiles crossing that lane~ and that it would cause seri ous congestion of tra ff'1c froT:! the c orner of Cleveland and Ft. Ha rri- eon Streets and up and down Cleveland Street. Commissioner Blanton said that in some other places where they have lonp; blocks they have made pedestrian lanes in the middle of. the blocks. If someone is walking across the lane drivers of automobiles must give him right of way. Chief McClannna stated that from the tra,ff'ic light at Ft. Harrison there are only sixty odd feet on up to the point where it is proposed to put the lane. He said when traffic gets in motion and must be interrupted by stopping again 1n the same block it creates a traffic jam. He said when traffic once starts s lot of cars can go through in thirty seconds, but a lot of tinle is loot in stopping and in starting and if they stop for pedestrians he felt the block will be jammed all the time. Chief '.... ~ ."t~.. ...... tl' ., - l' .'\"~:"j :'.:':::'~~>~:; :'-tt'~~f~~.~!~~~?!:'~~i~!{~~~~~i7r -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETIlfG Novamber 8~ 1951 .~.. [ IltcClaJJ1!!1a said he is putting u lane across the street at Brown Bros. and one aoross; Cleveland 8treet from the S.E. corner of the Post Office property. Con1!l1isa1oner B1B.iC'IE asked if' it would help to increase the length of the green light by ten or fifteen' seconds. Chie f J.1cClar.una replied too t the length of the F;reen light on Garden Avenue now allows only about two cars to go through and that if the lenp;th of' the red light were inc rea sod there vlould be a good deal of conple int and lIllpa tience on the part of the drivers of autOloobiles. He said this hud been tl'ied and abandoned for that reason. COlranissionor Turner said that he felt that in the next two or three years coordinated llghtn should be established. He felt there should be a good light at the Post Ofrioa corne r. ,.. ';.1 ! I I J j i I Conm:lssionor BIa cl-: asked if the dri ve-in rna i1 box a t the Post Office is proving satisfactory. Chief McClannna said the voltuae of Dlail has picked up and that motorists' approve the idea. City lIlanap,er said there is still a lot of parl{ing there.. that he believed poople do not notioe the sign. Chief' NcClanuna said he believed they notioe it, but do not want to adhere to it. Corr1l:1j.s sioner Turner fe It l.t we s poorly markedi and ilia tit could be better located. Chief' IvlcClal'l1r.Ul sa id he el1mina tad two parking spaces and locates the 1>oxes where people can pull into the curb and out without back- inp, out. COMmissioner Turner said he fel t a different mal'kinf~ should be used - a heavy d011ble yellow stripe equivalent to the way hi~hways are ~arked for passing to indioate turninr; out to by-pasn a car. Chief McClamna said tha t his marl{in~s are done by regu- lation. Conunissioner Turner felt that it should be indicated :more definitely than a regulation parkinr; space, and that he felt the Post Office would aipprec'iate our work- inr, it out as efficiently as possible. Chief .McClalnrna said he would be glad to go into it. Mayor Brown asked him to advise the Commission what he learns. Commissioner Blan- ton said that his purpose in bringing this ~atter up was ill order to regulate pedea- trians in crossinr; against the red lir,ht. lIe felt that with touri~t sea,son coming on the Cit'Y should take a definite stand regarding the regula-tions for foot trEl!f.f1c across. the street, perhaps pass an ordinance prohibit ing jay wa lkin~ in the downtown a.rea and we 11dnp; af~ainst the red light, a nd a sk a fine of' $1,00 f"or each violation. He felt it would take no time at all bet'ore it is worlcinp; smoothly. Chief licClammfl said that there is no rule well enoup.;h drawn to be workable. }.layor Brown asked if' it was his .feeling that the City should have rep;u1ation lSovernin~ jay vlalldng and thut the police should be empowered if" necessary to give people tickets, etc. Co:nnniss:toner Blanton felt it would save lives if the City did so, and that it W011ld do a lot to overcome traffic con- ~estion. :Mayor Brown said that lrmny lives have been so lost~ and recalled a campaign put on by the Lions Club regarding jaYVlalkinp; a few years ago. Commissioner Blanton felt that a similar campaign should 1>e launched \'Iith plenty of publicity. Commissioner Turner sa id tha t they had something in the Junior Chalnbe r of Connnerce wi th a loud speaker calling people to task for jaywalkinF:~ down on the street. Mayor Brown felt that serne such thing could be done to inauv,urate interest in this campaign. Commisaioner l3la ck sa id he wonld see the t the ma tter is brought up a t the nex.t Director's meeting of the Lions Club to se e if they wa nt to undertake some such campa ign. He then moved tha t the City Attorney be al1thori~ed to prepare an ordinance to cover jaywalking and any other le~islation necessary to cover the subject. Cor~issioner ~urner seconded the mo- tion~ which was voted on and unanimollsly passed. Conun1ssioner Blanton Bugges.ted that Chief of' Police be instruoted to enforce the ordinance pertaining to crosS' walking against the red light and that some appropriate signs be put up at the corner under the traffic lights that one r.1Ust walk on green ,light only. Commissioner Turner said that in connection with this program four-way lights should be installed at the intersections where there are several intersections. Several lights are confusing to pedestrians. I\layor Brown a sleed how much they cost. Chief' IllcClar.una said that he would be glad to bring in the arllount. City Manaeer stated that survey wonld have to be ruade as cable must be used. Commissioner Turner sa:tc1 the7T would be expensive but worthwhile. Mayor Brown sa id tha t perhaps they could be worked up as a budp;et itela for next year. Com- :r.1issioner Black said that the time is coming Et!t the five point intersections that the same sort of lights will have to be installed there that are used in big cities.. Cem- mis sioner Turner :moved that the Ci tJT Manager be authorized to make a survey and bring in a report f'oI' a four-way light systeM f'or all 01' our intersections - Garden Avenue~ Pt. Harrison~ and Osceola. Connnissioner Lynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. " , :~: " -,' , ~. :~. '. i ~ ~~ J " \' .t r .! ., :," ,. ~~ ":; :;; ,I " ; .~ Matter of sand wall on City proper1.~'Y was brour;lrt up by the City J.1ana;p;er, who stated that 1/11'. Kane went over and dressed np the f'iI'st one or two sections o.f the wall and post by smoothing thern out considerably. He said he would lilee to have some members of the COlY1lllission go over and look at it witl1in the next few days. Commissioner Black suggested that color creting would be a good solution to the problem of painting the sea wall as it lasts considerably longer than other :pa int a nd gives a much better appearance - a yellow p,old. He said that it now serves its utility purpose and should next be made appealing to the eye. He suggested that two estiI:lates be made, one to in- clude the entire wall 'on two siues, and the other to include on the street side and the little partition at thr.; opening. City I,ianager said that shrubs will also be installed there, and that this expenditure .will be handled as'a ref.~ull::lr budget item. Progress being nade on tho sea wall being built by Mr. T. R. palIner at the end of CarIouel Drive was discussed. C01'11r.1issioner Lynn stated that there will be one more pouring to complete the Viall - that it is to extend to Carlouel Street. Mayor Brown .felt that :Mr. Palmer should do Bone of this himsel!". City I.iE:tnager said that in the agree- ment Mr. Pelr'ler had with the City that he was to do sone of it, and that he has done more than he agreed to do, all except a very s~~ll part. Widening at:' Turnel' Street was discussed. Connnissione r Blanton recoIIIDlended the t the curb be set back and Turner street widened from Bay Avenue to Myrtle Avenue to eliminate the bad traffic jams they ha ve down there durinr-; the winter and especially on Sunday. He said there are three churches on Turner street in t}~t area - two churches withln a block o~ tl's area, and that the traffic is so bad on Sunday :rnorninga' through there that one can't get through. He said approximately a f'ive block are~ would be involved, and tha t the street could be set back and widened - that it should have been done years ago. COIrl11:lssioner Black moved the t the Ci t~r Ua nar;er be instru.cted to pre- pare a planned estimate incorporating recommendations and cost figures for the widening and resurfacing of Turner Street !"rom Bay Avenue on the West to Myrtle Avenue on the East, and that the estiD\9.tes should be in two separate parts - one for widenina and one for C n, :resllr.faoj,ng. omm1ssioner Blanton seconded the rnot1.on, which was voted upon and carried. . . ~'''i'~':r-'~',<l '1'1':\" \..'fJ1~ .,.,.., '~t ~-J'" r".'" '... . . ~ . " ,.' "...~..- \ ,. I t 1 r. i' r 'I- I. I I i - F, ',', ,.. ,.,. ~;}(~IIJ. ~>i'!;';~#~ . : ~ ",,,,.,,,.J,., ~'{j;~'f,~!~f; I"""'"' ,-', . 1:4:'::'.'. 1~ ~:",.. ~ ' ~.~ u '~ '1 "l- " , ,I"') "t~"-'l\~.,.... 1 ./ ,I ,l,1. ~ ' :1 "I .; I '" j :j I :j :1 I , , ~ :: 1 1 " j J j ~ i1 I l 3 ] " :] accr~fion B J 1 ~ , 1 '.1 ] ,~I , ' 1 u :1 1 I I .... ....,.. ....... ,,;,ij"/~b&~~i,~iij~;i~~:;~~'~~7{1t!!lr!! " '".., - ,,, '';: If' ~ ". - .."~' ~'-'"" CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 8, 1951 Mayor Brown said he felt that the neighborhoods concerned should be contacted to see if they are not willing to r,ive help on estimates, etc. City Attorney stated that that is the onl~T lep,al authority the City has to do the work is by such procedure. Mayor Brown suggested that the contact be made by letter, and that the matter is to be brought up at the next 1'lleetinr;. He said that the letter could state that it is the present plan of the City to undertake this project. Cmra!1isnioner Ulack said that they could be notified that the estimates are to ue prepared and Vie could learn what their ideas are on the 8ub,1ect. 1\1uyor BroVln said it could be in the nature of a hearing. City Attorney stated that thel'e must be a public hearing. Conunissioner Blanton said it is a definitely neoried impl'OVer:1ent und that he did not see why it I:1.ust be thrown into pos i tion whe1'o sm,le one or two who mi ght not Via nt it because they would have to pay the cost of it would cot'le up and object. Mayor Brown commented that you can't keep politics out of politics. Conunissioner Blanton felt that the Com- mission should have the couraf.;e to go ahea(] and do the work. He said that the Com- mission should realize and l,now that an !rllprovenlent is needed before doing it, but that it should not let one or two objectors deflect or form their viewpoint. Mayor 13rown s tl:i ted tha t he wa s not thinldnr: a bou t the rlu). t te r except fror:1 the B ta ndpoint of the help it might be to the Oi ty. Oor.U'nissioner Turner sta tecl tha t if 'l'urner Street were widenecl as far as Bay Avenue then Bay Avenue should be widened as far as Harbor Oaks - that :t t comes up as a double dl'lve and then dead ends, thot if it Vlere widened fror.1 Turner Street to Druid Hoad they C oule: c orne on up Turner Streot. Commiss'ioner Blanton said that that is correct, but that shlce bay Avenue and Oak Avenue have beon one way streets j,n opposln~ direct:l.ons j,t j s not as necesaary as it Vlould have been before. lIe saj,d that Turner street takes tlle tra ffic llOth ways. COIlRniDsioner Turnel' said that he has in Mind tllat when the secondary hi~~hway cones through that lt would be an incentive for the County Secondary Road Connnittee to brin~ the h:t€~hway right on up through Indian Rocks. Comm::'ss10ner Blanton suid that it VJould 1'1al{e it easier for people using the Indian Rocks C~useway to come in to Clearwater. Groins for City pier at ClearvlO ter Beach were discussed. Conunissioner Blanton moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications for concrete groins to be pla ced in the Gulf' a t OlearY/a tar Bea ch a t the end of the Cs useway Boule- vurd, groins to be of sufficient size or specifications to carry necessary timbers and poured concrete caps or sills sufficient to carr~/ a pier should the City desire to place the pier thereon in the future and that when the l!;ngineor Vlor]~s on this he will "confer with the Beach Committee. City Enr,ineer stated that if a long groin is put in -"the wrong place it will cause starvationlon the Beach. Commissioner Blanton said the groins were to be .:tn the n8 t1:re of piers, pos sibly 12" in thickness and maybe 4 t long. Commissioner Bla ok definecl them as lonp; concre te slabs. COI!wlis sioner Turner sa:!.c1 that the Commission should meet with the Engineer and tell him their ideas and draw a rough sketch showing hiln what they have in mind. Mayor Brown stated that the erosion engineer from whom the idea cane could come over and meet with the Engineer and the rest of the r,roup. City 1.1ana[';er statea that he will be in Clearwater in the next two weeks and that a meeting could be arranged with him at that time. City En- gineer stated that he had once designed one, but never had the opportunit~' to see hoVl it would work, and that he Vlould like to give it SOIae study. Commiss-ioner Black seconded Conunissioner Blanton's motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Matter of rerouting traffic through Clearwatel' was discussed. City Uanap;er stated that at this time throu[""h traffic is routed from East to West across Ft. Harrison and then South down Osceola and then back again to Ft. Harrison. He said that sug- gestion has been made to route traffic down Myrtle Avenue thence to Court Street and then back to Fit. Harrj.son. Cornr.1is sioner' Blanton thought tl,a tit would do a great deal to relieve traffic during the wintel' when traffic is heavy and that it would eliminate about six traffic lights. Mayor Brown said that County Cor:unissioner John Chesnut has: told then that u. S. 19 will be opened South fron the intersection in about three weeks. Commissioner 'lurner said that he felt that for thl:1t length of tine traffic should be- left as it is. Conunissioner Lynn said that he felt the Police should be authorized to route it down Myrtle A.venue. Chief McClaruna said he has a truck route established to bypass traffic goinr; down Myrtle to Druid Road, then right on Druid Road to Ft. Harrison. Comraissioner Turner asked if trailers could not be routed the same wa~r rather than come, through the City. Mayor Brown sa id the Merchants ha va asked tha t this not be done. Commis sioner I31anton sa id if the merchants are involved then why not ha ve the route go on OsceOla, then turn North on }'t. Harrison to Drew" then Osceola and then back to Ft. Harrison~ Cammisaioner Turner said that if they are p,oing to be kept on Osceola then they should go to Haven street. After further discussion of this sUh~estion Mayor Brown stated that it was decided that the route would drop down Osceola to Haven Street. Traffic light on N. Ft. Harrison was discussed. Mayor Brown stated that the pro- blem the Commission is concerned with is where the light is to be established - whether at Eldridge or Marshall or Greenwood, and traffic count tal::en by the Police Department was presented as follows: Eldridge st. between Garden and Ft. Harrison 48 hr. count - 1458 cars - Average of 30.3 per hour Ceda I' st. bet1j'leen Ga rden and }'t. Ha rrison 120 hr. count - 2797 cars - Average of 23.3 per hour Marshall St. between Garden & Ft. Harrison 48 hr. count - 237 cars - Average of 4.9 per hour Greenwood at Turner 48 hr. count - 4226 cars - Average of 88 per hour Greenwood between Cleveland and Drew 96 hr. count - 6629 cars - Average of 69 per hour Drew st. West of Greenwood 66 hr. count - 4648 cars - AveraGe of 70.4 per hour According to this survey it was decided that the most feasible location for the light "' ...., '" _ _____~c.~_ : r; __~, I~ . l ! I 1 I I I I :. ( '.'., I: , ",' ':""....f"\ (,< , lrt~~~{ii: I' "';'r..~"'. . . .' . ., . .'. ..~. / V:'~ ,if i:,~;'f'r;',,',",. :\~::<,::(ll'- \- .'. , ',. 8 : ':' ;: .' ,:.I:~ ". -If . " .' " .',: \1 ',.','.~ . -:. :1 ;1 ':J ,~ .'. .' . ,.,' ,', ~A'zliJ.~ft'~ri; ," . . ..'.:'.......".' ..', -5- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 8, 1951 according to amount of traffic should be at the intersection of N. Ft. Harrison and Cedar Street. Commissioner Black moved that City Manager be 1nstructed 1nnned1ate:ty to erect a trat'f'1c li~ht a t the Intersection of N. Pt. Harrison and Ceda r Street8'. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. City Manager stated that the equipment for the light is now in stock, and 1.1ayor Brown Bald that installation of the lif~ht should be given precedence over everytliing else in the Electrica 1 Department. J ,j I ., i City Manager said that the alley running \'loot off Garden Avenue is used almost More as a sidewalk than it 1s as an alley. He said that it is paved with asphalt, which :1s roup;h and hard to wall': on find that many puddles accUl'lUlate in this area, whioh cause poople usinr; the alley to be splashed by cars goin~~ through. He said it should be paved and ulack topped, and that j.t wouln cost about ~p750.00 to pave it in a If-shape from Cleveland to Park and meet the Garden Avenne alley. He said that it 1s a budget item - a capital expenditure. Conunissioner Black moved that resurfacing of the alley running \'~e8t off rrom Ga !'den A venue B nd frorJ Pa rk to (Jleveland street a t an estimated cost of ~~750.00 be done. Cor.ullissioner Blanton seconded the motion, which Vias voted on and unanimously pa saed. C0nU11i ssloner Blanton suggested tha t this work be done :Immediately as there will be a great cleol of pedestrian traffic throuf;h there during the Christr'las holidays and there will be a great det;il of water through there during the t time. Cit~r Attorney stated that the Cit~l is badly in need of a new Ordinance on the subject or garbaf~e CBn lids and keeping cans covered. He said there is nothing to force people to do it. lIe said the SBl:1e ordinance should provide that no one on at lot has a right to put a r,aruage can closer than a certain number of feet from someone else's window. City !,lanager agreed, and said that yard trir;Jl'ilings should not be put in cans. CO!11mi sslone1' Black }.loved the t C:1. ty Attorney be a uthorized to prepare an or- dinance regarding r;arbage and (~arbage can lids and f,rasa and cuttings, to ue submitted at a later neeting. COI'l1r.1issioner Blanton secondecl the motion, which Vias voted upon and unaniMously carried. I l J j J j 1 I " :1 ~ ') C I 1 :1 I !~ rl 1 ~ , 1 . 'I j 1 1 ! I Purchaoo of Lot 8, Block G, F'airmont Subdivision Vias discussed. The City Manager said that there is a dead end street ut this location with a BeVier line running through at the East end of :Fairmont Street running into Washington Avenue. He said that it is the recOITlII1endation of the Public Service Superintendent, Mr. Kane,. the City Engineer, and himself that the City pnrchase this lot. City Attorney said the people who own it bought it about four ~rears ago, obtaining the title by ta,x deed, and that they wa,nt $350.00 for it. Commissioner Turner Moved that the City l,'lanager' s recommendation be followed, and that the proper officials be authorized to purchase Lot 81' Block G~ of ~"'a irmont SubdiVision, for the sum of ~?350.00. COI1lL'1issioner Lynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. City Manager presented tabulation of uida for paving and curbing at Clearwater MarinaI' and stated that he joins wit}: the City En{:ineer in recommending that the low bid of the E. II. Holcomb Company, Cleo rw& tel", lnoI' ida 1 for 550 lin. ft. of concrete curb at ~682.00 and 7,664 sq. ft. of sidewalk at $2,912.32, total ~3,594~3Z. be approved. Commissioner Black moved that the City l\lanar,er's recommendation be followed and that contract he awarded to the E. H. Holcomb Company for :i?3,594.32 for ~aving and curbing a t the Clea rwa ter Marina, the vlOrk to be done .llillnedia tely. CODIDlissioner Turner seconded the motion. Mayor Brown asked I,ll". Holcomb how soon the job could be started. Mr. Hol- comb replied that Vlork could be started at any time next week, but that it will take' about ten days to bet the cement. He said he believed they could start the first part of' the week. Vote was ca lled for and mot ion wa s una nimously pa Bsed. o City Manager said that specialty items for propane gas equipment LlUSt be purchased, and that he must have authorization from the Commission to purchase them. 'l~ese items include: . i I I I 1 1. Miscellaneous high pressure valves, gauges, and miscellaneous fittings for inotallation of Pl>opane Gas System. il02:4.3'7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 - 2" Propane meters and accessories (Por line to 'Gas Plant) fI 2 ~t Propane meters (for bottlinr, and truck platforms) 1 Cor]~en Liquid Transfer pump 1 Corken Vapor pump 1 Gorken Liquid bottling pump 607.2,0 583.00 690.00 724.00 371.00 $3,999.57 Above for purcha se -from L.P .G. Equipment Co., OrlP. ndo, Fla. Miscellaneous high pressnre unions, elbows, couplings, tee reducers, plugs, and 3 way plug valves 286.50 Industrial Supply Corporation $~,286.17 City Manager recOl11l'l1ended that purchase orders be executed immediately for purchase of the tanks. One tank has been unloaded and shipMent of the other will be rnade soon. Mayor Brown said that discussion has been to the effect that this tank will increase the gas: 3Upply in such areas as Clearwater Beach and make added gas pressure available to these people. He said that if thero is another cold winter that this tank will alleviate it 80 that it Vlon't be as bad as last winter. Conunlsaioner Black moved that the City Mana- ger's recom:nendatlon be rOllowed" .and that he be authorized to PU1"chase the items stip.. ula ted in connection with propane ga s equipment. COImnissioner Lynn seconded the motion; it was voted upon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Black stated that Committee met this afternoon with executives of' Shell Oil Station regarding City Marina property on Clearlvater Beach. At the last meet- .ing they were instructed to consult with architects in regard to remodeling of building on that site. They now have specifications and plans and can remodel at an estfmated cost of $8,000.00 to bring the building up to the specifications the Committoe had in mind. ". ~"~-P...", ..:..... ...'7.. t', ~ '-~ ;~ ~ .H!." Ht ~,,. ...-!<'lit,;,"',<:~ .~~ r.r ~'h,;'.!>.'.~!I': ;~.lY/~':, ..,~.~".,. ~'l,;~.~~;...:-,:~ .~:-: ...'r:~."'f :.!:', ..... ........),..<..,... ..~.~.~ .:; .:~~.<~.<'~;~ ~.~~~:. ...' ",.".',^ r'{;\!l!~r: irl~ 1'~~Q:r.<;~'~':,:~:~:';}{;5/'" .1 r. ......, .'.'..1'..."'.. '~l.~'" , {f~.l;J?~~;~l:f~~i ~~ ", ..... "..,. , " . : .. '.. 1 ",.' __,,.. ~_' ~-', -6.. ~~? OITY 001U.IISSION r.1EETING November 8, 1951 " ;; :1. ;1 I , " 'J They would like to enter into a lea se with the City of Olearwater on a ten year basis and their proposal was to pay a ~p75.00 a month minirmun, or 3/4 of a can't per go.ll.on, whichever 1s the greater, 1'01' that month's period. ~1embers present this afternoon had the feelin~ that the Illinimum should be increased to $100.00 per Month, and that the gallonar,e ra te should be increa sed to 1st per ga llon f'or any ga llonage in exceS8, of $100.00 minimum durinp; a monthr~ period. It Vlaa tllo reconrr.lendation of the Com- mittee that the Shell Oil COlilpany bo informed in a lettor frol11 the City I\i&nsKer that the City of Clearwuter would enter into a loase with them for a ten your period on the basis of ~lOO.OO minimUli1 of lj't pOl' gallon, whichover is the ~reutor, with the under- standing that they are to ber.in immediately to modernizo tlwt station aecordinp; to plans and specifications as prepared by the Bl'chitecta which have lJeon oMployed in re- lation to the Clearwater Marina. The Committeo also felt thut theno l11odern:1zationn and renovations should be completod not later than January 1_ 1952. '1'h6 Shell Oil. Company o.fficials th0111~ht they could hovo the buildlnr~ cOJ'llpleted within th.at t:1me - that it would take ther.1 about thirty clOYD, barring unforeseen circw:lstances, of course. It was al~o their statement thflt tllorc vlo'll,l bo 10S3 of operation of only twenty f'our hours as far as servicing of' pooplo in ClOl;trwf:ltel' Bosch uwl ~l'ea. Cowllissioner Blaok stated that their basic rec01I111endotion is that tho City Mana(~or and City Attorney pre- pare a lease on the basis of ton 'j'Ol:il'S ut $lOU.OO per 1110nth ninimum of 1st per gallon_ whichever is the r:reater, with the under.9tandln,r.~ thut they ore to cor.1plote 111odern1zation of station by Janua~r 1, 1952; that they pay the architects' reea, us v/ell as all costs in rele tion to the renodel! nl~ of tho t part icu10 r building on tho ai t:; property;: and all taxes a re to be pa id by ther.l, both oi t~T and Connty. 'llho Gi ty- At torney a skeel if' this lease Vias to be prepared after the company sir;n1fiea its intention to comply with the stlpula tiona a G outlined. Cor:rr'1iss ioner Black 8 ta terl tha t the City A ttol~n6yl sunder.. standing of' lease preparation vms correct. Ma~ror Brown stated that the standard fonll of lease will be used with amendments as outlined. City ~ianager atatcd that it had been his understnndin{~ tha t the former lea se wi th this company had been on a, standard lease forl'l, but upon investlg~ltion 11e 110S found that it is not, and that he has re- quested the cOr.lpany to f'umish hin vlith such form irunediately. Con.miasloner Black moved tha.t his report be accepted as jllst rendered. COlnrnissioner Lynn seconded the mo- tion, which was voted upon and unanimoualj" carried. '. ',' . Mayor Brown suggested that & I.leeting be a rranp;ed for next week in connection with the Sinclair COlllpany lease. Cormnisaioner Black said he wished to have the City Manager and City Engineer make a report at the next meeting as to what prof~ress is beine uade in regard to set back of' property at Greenwood and Cleveland streets. City Attorney said that deeds have been received - that there was an e'""ror in the descripti on and the. t both parties have been contacted and a re to sign them. City 1lanagel' said that an estimate of figures will be given at the next meetinr- and also on Druid Road and So. Greenwood. " ) ao:mr~issioner I3lanton presented amendments to Paragraph 4 of the previous pre- liminary report of the COrlrni ttee on Revision of Ordinances, and new paragraph which was added to the report. City Clerk read complete report as revised, as follows: ''Your Commi.ttee on Revision of Orclinances of the City of Clellrvlster B'llbmits the following preliMinary report of reco!!1Inendations for amendnents to be Illade to the Zoning Ordinance of the City. "1. T11at the City Engineer be il.mediately instructed to prepare a new off'icial zoning map of the City of Clearwa tel" to be known a s "Zoning ~!ap of" the City of Clearwater, Florida, of 1951rtj that the City Engineer in preparing sa id map shall collaborate with the undersigned cornnittee on the 111atter of changes to be ~~de in zone classifications. "2. Tha t Sec t ion 3 of' the Zonl ng Ord ina nee be a Ir.ended so tha t the same will refer to and incorporate into the Ordinance the City of Clearwater Zoning ~1ap of 1951.. "'3. That Section 11 of the Zoning Ordinance be amended: (a) So as to refer to the zoning map of 1951 instead of the zoninr, map of 1939; (b) That paraF;raph 3 of said section be amended so a s to increase the size of lots \'/hieh may be used f'or build- ing purposes in R-J. zone froIn an area of' 500 square feet to 2,500 square feet and further increase the mininnun ground floor area of buildings which may be erected in R-J. froLl 300 square feet to 750 square f'eet inclusive of' porches and breezeways. t~. That Parar,raph 9 of Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance be a~ended to read as f'ollowa: Parking facilities, accessory buildings and 'Uses necesnary to or customarily inciclenta.l to any of the uses permi tted in R-2'- Zones~ when loca ted on the same lot or plot or other lot or plot within an R-2 zone, o~ned or controlled b~ the owner or operator of' the principal use, including private and/or storage garage; provided said garar,e shall be located not nearer than 40 feet from the front street line nor less than 20 1'eet from side street linea nor nearer than 3 feet from any and all lot lines: to permit non commercial (not operated as a business within itself for profit) public parking lots or spaces on vacant lots or portions thereof in R.2 zones. It5. Zone ''13" Busine ss the following described a rea: For point of beginning start at a point where the South line of '~~.~"_.- J: '. "i,.': :i:' ' , .: ". . 1:'. ~ '..' ./::Pi~ , .. ~, I ' < ,~' . ....\'.,.,; '\ ,.., . ,~ : . ,\1.1 .. ~1~' ~ ,~':~1:i~...-:~:2j,:.. 4 f;~lf~Cf i... ""..'I".."'....'}., ~ \ ,;, :1 ..l"i J ,;,j i '::' '.l.....~ ;1lf>.o"~ .] . ... ~....... ;..... '\'1 .I 1 4 j 1 I I I I 1 1 " I 1 '; 1 ; , ; . .I l I j ,'~ 1 :1 "'\f"'~ 'to. '.'1,." -'7- .80/ l'::,:;"" "',. Int!,'ii;0'di,l" 1"" ',"". "<,,,,',,' ','." "," ~i(~tJ.~~iI,;: l't!J;,;:f\d;!i'~?> CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 8. 1951 Court Street Extension Hip;ht-of-Way intersects the East line of Greenv/Ood Avenue and run in a Southerly direction a10n8 the East boundary line of Greenwood Avenue 150 feet to a point thence Filsterly parallel to and 150 feet South of the 50uth boundary line of' Court street Extension Hight-of-Way to t he West Boundary line of Missouri Avenue thence Northerly alonr, the West line of Missouri A venue to a point where it intersects the South boundary J.ine of Brown (Brownell) street thence Westerly along the South boundarv line of Brown (Brownell) Street to its intersection with the East boundary line of G:reenwood Avonue thence Southerly alollg the gost uoundt:lry line of (}:reenwood Avenue to point of beginning less tho t Gl'ea wi thin tho Right-of-Way of Court Street Bxtenaion. ItS. ChBnge frOlI "B" Businoss to B-2 all that area between Clearwater Street and the S'outh boundal'Y of the pl'esotlt B-2 Zone as it extonds from Clearwater Bay Westerly alon(~ tho Horth line of }Jlocl~ 76 and along the North line of Lots 1 to 7 inclusive of Bloc},:: 03, lying and lJolng between Clearwater Ba~r and the alley runninj:~ North and South f:rom Clearwater Street to SOI:1orset street, immediately Vle3t 01' the Iota facing Bes't on Poinsettia Avenue. "? '1'ha t Sec tion 18 of the Zoning Ordinance be amended to read a a follows: In interpreting and appl~Ting the provisions of this Ordinance they sha 11 be held to the minimum l'equirerJent s fOl" the promotion of health, safety. mo:rals, and general welfare of the cerranunity. It is not intendeci by this Ordinance to interfere with, abrogate, or a nnul any ea smaents, covenants, or other agreer.lents heretofore ex- i~ting between parties provided, however, the jurisdiction and authority of the City Government of the City or Clearwater to en- force building and zoning restrictions shall be con.fined to the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance, and neither the Cit~r nor any Department or employee thereof shall in any wise in- volve the City in the enfo:rcerilent of any privEltely created ease- ments, covenants, :restrictions, or agreements between such parties. It is pointed out tha t this Comnd. ttee' s worl-: on the Zoning Ordinance is not complete in that it 1s conter.mlated that as a result of their work in collaboration with the City Engineer they will have several rE!co:r:nnenda tions to make relative to the zoning 01' areas of the City which now appear as unzoned areas on the zoninG map of 1939. "'Respectfully subrni tted this 8th da y of Hovember ~ A.D., 1951." I' i >,' . A I ! I ! ' ~ ::. .\:):/~~~~,:' i ,. .'," " " .- ,"'., \:::,: :~; \;;;:'~>;(; ;'\:~~Ii~', . ~ ,"" ""..' \ ' .. , Ii.. ';b.\;~~. t~ )i~;:~t ..'.'. Cor.unissioner I31ack moved adoption of' the prelhlinar.y report of the Zoning Committee, and tl1at the Engineer, City Manar;er,t and Cit~r Attorney be prepared to follow through vdth the recommenda tions of this report. Corll11is sioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Turner stated that this matter needs to he expedited before the election. Commissioner Turner also commented tha t on the Edp;e\Ya ter Drive situa tion per- haps the Corrnnisslon could rezone the back section as R-l a.nd leave the Drive as R-2'. It was decided that the Coromi ttee should further discuss the :ma tter and bring their recommendations back. In regard to construction vv'O:rl{ at 11andalay Unit no. 5, City llianager saId that he and the Engineer ha ve been in contact with a pipe company in TarJpa, and tha t since the cement situation is critical and will be for another thirty days that the promise ha s been given tha t they will ha ve pipe ready this week. He sa id tha t the City is hoping to get started on the job right away. He said it is out of the hands of the Ci ty - tha tit is just impossible to get cer:lent. He sa id tha t the layout work on the part of the Engineer is conplete - that they are just waiting for the cement. He said the Sherman Pipe Company is handlinr; it. Col. Steuben said he had two problens to present f'or consideration of the Com- ~ission. He said that the first one related to inadequate play space for children at Clearwater Beach play area. He asked that the CO!Jl71ission give consideration to some space for play_ 11a:ror BroVln suggested that the Beach Association taJee the initiative on this in oreler to coordir.a.te their efforts vlith the Conrrnission. He said that at one time there was an area which could have been designated as play space. Commissioner Lynn said that there are six lots which are beinh cleaned off and can be used for a plsyr;round until a perr:ranent solution can be found. Col. Steuben sa id tha t the other ma t ter he wished to pre sen t re la ted to groins at the Beach. He wondered if it Vlould be feasible to lay them inside the lines to stop sand from blowing. He said at the present tilne he had two feet of sand in hiS' yard. Mayor Bro\'1n sa id that the wall would be completed out there in only two more pourings - that in ten o:r fifteen days it would be completed. Corilrnissioner Black moved that Ordinance to ar:1end Section 3 of Ordinance No. 609 be taken up by unanimous consent on all three read:tnp,D. COnIl'1issioner Turner s9conded the motion, which was voted upon and carrJ.ed. City Attorney read this Ordinance in full on its .first reading. Commissioner Turner moved passa~e of nrdinallce on its first :reading. Commissioner Black seconded the motion, which was voted upon and carried. Corrnnissioner Turner moved that Ordinance be read by title only on second reading. Com- missloner Black seconded the rl1otion, which wa s voted upon and unanimously carried. City A.ttorney read this Ordinance by title only. COIllmissioner r.rurner moved that Ordinance be passed on its second reading by title only. Conunissioner Black seconded the. motion,. wh:l.ch was voted upon and unanim01.l.s1y carried. City Attorne~T read this Ordinance for the third and final time. Commissioner Turner moved tl~t ~t be passed on its third and final reading. Commissioner Black seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously ca:rried. Meeting was adjourned by }leyor IJrown at 10:05 P.~/ / A-1~ ~er ". .....".... -. "-:' "'.~~Jl:'," !;"~,':r.,v.~:.~...n""'ft-~rtJl~~s\t?""u~;Jll.:;.r1~J1.t;~11.U*J';~.\1;!.r~i;1~'V~\~;~'r;(t.t'r-:;'.i?-ilJ1.7t':~.t?'r-\'"7t~r':"~II~"~:r~"""\l: .._-~:.:r.~ _.., ., >. ., .'......':t'7-~:..'t.~j.;t~_.;.j... ..~,,~.':.H;I,":l.A,')...._~..,..;>.'::~I"'1,.~~..:..!"'"l\\: '1;~i~~~:":~~}.:;:f~~;{~[i'Xi~.~<~~,,,":j;i:':~"" .;,-. "", '. , , ~";';~(':;\;",:""""~t;tf" .., .,,?#, ~ .. ~~~,~ ?{, , i~__~~~~_~~~~~'~ CITY C()}1MISSION MEETING November e, 1951 November 8, 1951 Mayor-Oommissioner Herbert M. Brown Comnissioners: 'l'hOrnBS H. Black, Jr., Herbert M. Blanton, Joe Turner, Garland D. !Unn Gentlemen~ The City Commission will meet in Special Session 'llhursday evening - llovember 8, 195JL. 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall Auditorium to consider items on the attached agen~. Yours very truly, Ifl. C. Middleton City Manager FCM:gg ----------------------------~ AGENDA 1. CO~is8ion.s consideration of: A. Public Utility improvements. B. Request from Florida Council for the Blind. C. Appropriation for Youth Uaritime Center. D. Public Improvement items. (8) Regulating pedestrian traffic. (b) Sand wall on City property - Clearviater Beach. (c) Widening of Turner Street. (d) Groins for City pier at Clearwater Beach. (e) Re-routing of Highway U. S'. 19, through Clearwater. (f) Traffic Light on North Fort Harrison Avenue. (g) Re-surfacing of alley running West off of Garden Avenue between Cleveland and Park Streets. (h) To purchase Lot 8 - Block G - F81r.mont Subdivision. 2. Commission's consideration of report on liability insurance from Mr. Roger O. Bouchard. 3. Any items not on the agenda will be considered by consent of the Commission. ,..1_" :, h,,:J ..: '.' ~."~.;,,,;...,:... ".............;"...:;..~ . ,;.,.,...~. ...~...'.:'.'_,-<o.,,~,. CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 8, 1951 ORDINANOE NO. 61a AN ORDI1~NCE TO AMEND SECTION 3, OF ORDINANCE NO. 609, THE SAME BEING THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE Olil THE CITY OF CLEARWATER FIXING THE Al.WUNT OF CERTAIN OCCUPATIONAL, BUSIllESS, AND PRO:F'ESSIONAL LICENSES FOR THE CITY Oli' CLEARViATER, FLORIDA, PROVIDDIG 1<'OR THE !l1ANHER AND CONDITIONS 01<' 'l'HEIR ISSUANCE: PROVIDING A PENALTY l"OR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREVlITH AND PROVIDING li'on THE E1<'PECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C<J.1MISSION 01" 'lIHE CITY OJ? CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, that Section 3 of Ordinance No. 609, the same being an oooupational License Tax Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended sa fol1owa: Section 1. The catep;ory, "LOAN AGENTS OR COMPANIES, Other Than Pawn Brokers, It is hereby amended to read as follower "With loans outstanding f100.00 to $50 000.00 With loans outstanding p50,000.00 to l75,OOO.00 With loans outstanding 75,000.00 to ~100,000.00 With loans outstanding over $100,000.00 $50.00 '75.00 100.00 150.00 Section 2.. The category, "THl<~TERS,u be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ItTHEATERS, Including Concessions Located therein: 1 to 400 Sea t s $ '75.00 4/01 to 500 Seats 100.00 501 to 700 Sea ts 150.00 701 to 1200 Seats 300.00 Over 1200 Seats; 350.00 Drive-In Theaters 250.00 Section 3. That all laws or l~rts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect on the effective date as provided in the aforementioned Ordinance No. 609. Passed on first reading November 8, 1951 Passed on second reading November 8, 1951 Passed on third and final. reading and adopted November 8. 1951 Herbert M. Drown Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: H. G. Wingo Oi ty Auditor and Clerk ., ,.., ... ....,....~.'."..;.........." ~.......,j~ '::~ ~':' ,.....--: 1......p~..~'?'..~..~~.. .'h/kr{ ~~~.. ,tt>:in/ :' .....", I CITi' COb�iZ5SI0N MEETIIv'G Navember 8, 1951 The City Commission ef the City o£ Clearr•aater rnet in Special Soasion at City Ha1]. Thursday, ldovember f3, 19571, at 7;30 PM, with the following members present; Absent: Also Present Were: Herbert M. Brovrn -hiagor-Coirnniss;ioner Iierbert r�I. Blanton -Connnissioner Thomas H. Black, Jr. -Commissioner Joe Turner _Convnissioner Garland D. I,ynn _Corrrmiasioner None F. C. M2ddleton C. E. Wa�e S. Lickton George T. McCl.anuna -City h4ana�er -City Attorney -City Engineer -Ch3ef oP Police nZeeting was called to order by the idayor. City I�ianager r.eported on Uti1.3t� improvementa costing less than �p3'00.,00, as follows: !a) 3501 of l�� Gas main extension in easemen� between Saturn and Ju�iter - Domestic service, estimated cost - - - - - .. _ _ _ - �135.00, (bj 175+ of 2�� VJater A7ain extension on Yelvington, Domestic Service, Estimateci Cost -- - - - - - _ _ - 125.00 (c) 180+ of 2°t VJater P.4ain Fxtension on Hardin� Street. Domestic Service, Estirr�ted Cost _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 125.00 (d) 700� of 1° C7as Irtain Extension on Easement between Jupiter and Saturn - Domestic Service, Estima•ted Cost - - - - - _ _ _ _ 250,00 (e ) 225 � af 2" 4'�ater hiain Extension on Glanwood, Z�omestie Service, E�tinated Cosb - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 190.OQ (f} 150� of 2t° Gas I�;ain Extension on Harvard, fieat Anly, Estir.�ted Cost - - - - - - - 125oC�0 (g) 425f of 12�t Gas b�ain Extension in e�sement East of Hill- cresi Drive, Domestic Service, Esti�atecl Cost - - - - � _ _ _ _ 205.00 (h) 220T of 2�� Gas Main Extension on Narcissus Avenue, Domestic Service, Estiraated Cost - - - - - - _ _ _ 190000 (i) 140+ of 2�� Gas nIain Extension on Kipling Plaza, Heat Only Esti.mated Cost - - - - - _ - _ .. 135.00 (j� 285� of 2�' Water Main Extension on Casler Avenue, Domestic Servfce, Estimated Cost _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ 220,00 (lt) 260► of 2�" 1Jater I�4ain Extension on Franklin Street, Damestic Service, Estimate� Cost - - - - - - _ _ _ 220,00 (1) 200+ of 2" V,iater h7ain Extension on Lake Drive, Domestic Service, �stimated Cost - - - - - - - - _ 175.00 (m) 63� of 201 Watei irIain Extension on Hibiscus Avenue, Domestic Service, Estimated Cost - - - _ - _ _ _ _ 50,00 (�) 150� of 2° VdAter Main Extension on Harbor Drive, Domestic Ssrvice, Estimatscl Cost - - - - - - _ _ _ 110.00 (o) 105� of 2�� Water n7ain Extension on Beckett Street, Doraestic Service, Esti�ated Cost - - - - _ _ _ _ _ '70.00 Cormnissioner Turner moved that the City I�Yanager�s repor� on improve�ents costin� less t1�an �p300.00 be accepted and approLed. co�issioner Black seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimously carried, City hlanager reported on utility i:apr�veuiant costing more than �3UU,Q0, as follo��s: (a) 310� of 2�� Gas t�Iain Extension on Fairmont Street and T70t of 2" Gas n4ain Extension on No. R'Iadison Street, Donestic Service, Est. Cost. -�u365vOQ; Corrunissioner Black moved that the City Is7ana�er� s recommendaticn be follo�ved, and he b� authorized to install these i.mprovements on Fairmont and Noe P.iadison Streets. Com- missioner Lynn seconded the motion, �vtlich vtas voted upon and unaninously carried. City hianager reported on utility improvements outsjde the City I,i.iuits as follov�s: 125► of 2" 1Jater I:iain Fxtension on Sedeeva C3rcle to furnish Donestic Service, Estimated Cost .. - _ - - - _ _ _ -_ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ � 80,00 63� of 14�' Gas nlain �xtension on Grove Circle, Heat Only, Esbimated Cost - - - - _ 45oQQ. 100� of lu" Gas hiain Extension an NIercur� Avenue, Domestic Serv3.ce, EstimRted Cost - - .. _ - _ _ _ 70.O�J Commiss�ioner Blaek moved that City A4anager's recorrunendation be follov�ed, and he be authorizod to inatall the improvements outside the L'it�* limits in the sedeeva Circle and Grot�e Circle area. CoL�nnissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was vo.ted upon and unanimously carried. City Mana�er presented matte,r �f request from Florida Council for the Blind, for the erectinn of a fire proof nelvs stAnd to be located tivhere the bus station is now located botween 4Yoolworth�s and nIcCroryls for one of their blind students �vho is just finishing school. 7.'hey 11ave placed ane atand in ths Post Office and the County Cour� I3ouse� hiayor Bro�vn atated that this is an a•lZey-way at the p�esent time, and that the C�.ty Y�as finally succeeded in gettin� a bus stop there. VVhenever it ceases to be used as an alley or street it will ravert b&,ck to the property ov�ners. He stated that he did not believe either WoolwortYz�s or h4cCror��s� cvould approvA such a stand as it -2- CI'P�' CE2�RIISSION n�iEL'TTNG November 8, 1951 .�D,� would be 3n competition to them. Ha said that he is �erfectly v�illing to have the blind aided in any way possible, and 3f something elso �ould be worlced out he would be glad to see i� d�ne. Commisgioner Blanton said tl�et the alleg wi11 be cold in the v�inter and that it would l�e most uncomfortable fox an�*one to conduct a business there fron that standpoin,t. Atayor Brotivn aslted i#` this is tYie same �;roup tha Lions� C1ub v�orks a+ith as a rule, Cozmnissioner Black said that usually the�e request come from the Lions Club direetly. He mentioned tl�at �hor,e are t�vo or�anizations tivith similar names - that or.e of them the Lions Club has been active with, and one it hA � noto Conunissioner Turner said this vraa the one se� up by the State Loglslature through the sponsorship af the Lions Clubs Qf the State of �'lorida. fIe said he cons3,dered it to be a worthy group, but that lze felt it would cause trouble of ona kind or another if the stand is allowed to bo 3n�t�lled at that locetiono I�Tayor Brown su�;gested that City Nianager write a l.etter turnin� the matter k�ack to the Lions Club so that pexk±aps a local Coirnnittee can work s�ornethin� e1s�a out. Conunissioner Black said �that perhaps another site could be found. City n7anagar said that what the,q o�i�inally wanted VJ$ 3 to be located at the Cit�- Ha1T, but that he told them there vras scarcely room for the off.ices, much less anythin� e1se. He said �hat they would not want to cZose the area at the i�us stop, but tivould leave one side open. He adcied thrzt he e�;pects representa- tives of t;he �;roup to come back in a: �e�v davs and tha� when �hey do he will sefer them back to the Lions Club. City Mana�er spoke of appropriation for �he Youth P,�aritir.re Cer,tor. He said that it cons3sts of $�75.00 made up of smal'1 cnarges like light bulbs, new locks on the doora, 1i�;hts on Lhe autside of the building, the payin� t�p of three months on the lights�and rvater. All these expenditures are for the purpose of puttin�; the �ua.lding back in shape so that it can be turned back to the organization rrho uses it to ge� back on schedula. ASa�or F3rovm asked if this damage was due to failure on the part oi' the group sponsorin� the organization to praperly care for the buildin�; -• a breach of their lease, and asked if it is operated by th�� Sea S'couts at the preseni- time. Com- missioner Zynn stated that the $iwaziis turned it back to the City over a month argo. Commissioner `i'urner asked if d9finite understanding was reached at the meetin..g a fe�v. weeks a�o regarding the Sea Seouts and other or�aniz�tions who �vanted it. Cit� hTan�:- • ger stated that theS F�rilT continue to use �he bu�lding, but not as much a.s before. He said that thera are a nur.iber of organizations us�n�; it now - the £�ower S'quadron, S'ea� Scouts, Boy S.couts, and Frams. iie said that �n.e tiea Scouts are now l�nown as Explorer S'couts�. Com- missioner Black asked �vho was res�unsible for the water and li�hts up to three month� agoe City T�Zanager said tkiat up to a year and a half ago the organization paid the b311s and kept theni u� at that time. Co�ru,�issioner Blanton felt that organizations should be made to u:�derstand that if the City is goizig to pay the water and 1i�Ytt bill� that a close check should be kept b�* those using it to see that it is kept in Uocd order. He said tha t the purpose of or�anizations such as those using the buildin� is to train bo�s alon� proper lines and that groups of that kind should not be allowec� to be so destructive. Conunissioner Lynn stated that others corae in from off �he street, kick the door do�Jn and smash light bulbg. Cit� I�4Ariager stated that it is not the groups using the build�ng who are daing thig damage - that that is why the City pu� li�hts up in front of the buildingo D4nfor Brown thou�;ht it wnuld bo a good idea �o have a committee to continue to work �+ith the Manager on the matter �+nd brin�; back a� full and complete repart to the City nlanager in the next few weeks �s soon as it can be: obtained from the trustees of the Sea Scouts, who are the ones actua.11y in charge. H� said trey did a good job of rebuilclin�, that the City furnished funds and they super- vised construction and rebuilt the building after it burned doa�n. He said request ha� come for more space and so�e organizations are willing to give up some of their space. The Go�unission should be i�:illy inPormed as to the use being rnade oP the building ait this ti:me to see to it that it is used as much as possible bocause there are many or- ganizations who v�ant space and the C�ty has no space for t;nem, Commisssioner Blanton felt that r�sponsibility should be placed on some or�anization to be responsible for propes care of it. Comrnissioner Tnrner sa3d i:hat he would like to see the City ta+ke more direct respensibili�y ior it - tha general supervisir�n of it to allow an� number of groups tq use it anfl make it as flexible as possible to get the moat use o�zt oi it, rather than one group having complete control of. some part of it and then when some organization v+ants to use it theq cannot because it is assigned only to certain organi- zations. He said he felt tnat any or�anization should be able to feel free to use any or all of the facilities, as permitted by the Citya Commissioner Lynn said that las� gear some teen a�ers used it and that they were the ones who to�li a1T the light fixtures dov;n, gut paper over the lights and then had a big party and ruined the buildingo Com- missioner Turner cozamented that chanerones should be there. Coxmnise,ioner Lynn repl3.ed that thoy vrere not before, and that such responsibility should not be given to the childreno Con�¢nisgioner Turner asked 3P responsibilit� could not be given to the Re- creational Department for proper administration of the buildin�. He thon moved that the: City pay the accounts as outlined b� the Qity Iulanager with reapect to the Youth Aiaritime Centar on tha Beaeho Commissioner I,ynn seconded the motion, v��hicYi vras voted u�on and unaniraousT� carried. b2ayor Bror•,rn appointed �oranissrioner Lynn to vrorl, vvith the City I�iana�ger on the rsatter of the building and stated that he would serva on the Co�nittee: a1so. City h�iana�ger saicl sug�estion has been made to him to place a cross� walk on Cleveland Si�reet in front of the V7est Coast Iiardware. He said, ho�tever, that Chief McCla�a and the Traffic Department do not think it is a good idea. It is quite a; long block, but they a re afraid they can.iot control automobiles crossin� that lane� and tha� it would cause serious congestion of trafPic f.roz� the corner of C�eveland and Ft. Harri- son atreets and up and down Cleveland Street. Co�missioner Blanton said that i� some other places wYiere they have lon� blocks they have made pedestriar� lanes in the midrlle of the blocks. I� someone is walking across the lane drivers of automob:Lles must give� him right of vray. Chief b2cClamma stated �liat irom the trafiic li�*,ht at Ft. Iisrrison there are anlq sixty odd feet on up to bhe point where it is proposed to put tk�e 1�ne. F% said when traffic �ets in mot�on and must be interrupted bf stoppin� again �n the same block it creates a traffic jam, He s�id wren traf�ic once stArta a lot of aars can go through in thirty seconds, but a 1ot of tirne is los-� tn stoppin� Ana in starting and if t2iey stop for peclestrians he felt the block will bs jammed all the t�.me. Chief � 3.. C ITY C OMIt4TSS IO2� MEET IIdG November 8, 1951 hlcClamma aaicl he is pu.ttin�; a lan� acrosa the street at Brown Bros. and one across Cloveland �treEt i'rom the S.E. corner of the Po�t OfPice propertyo Commiss;ioner B1ac� askad if i.t woizld help to increase i;he 1en�th of the greert lighi; by ton or fifteen seconds. Chief bZcClarruaa replied that tkie len�th o£ bhe �reen liglit on Garden Avenue now alTows� only abou� two cars to �o throti�;h and that i#' the len��h of the red Tight were increased there would be a�;ood deal of complaint and impatience on the part of the dr3.vers of. autornobiles. He sAid this had been tried and abandoned far that xea son. Corarnissi�ner Turner said that he �eli; that in the next tv�o o,r three �*ears coordinated ligh�;3 should be established. Iie felt there shauld be a goocl li�ht at the Post �PPice corner. �J •'-;'- Corrnnissio�er Blnck asked if the drive-in �nail box at the Pos� pffice is proving satisfactory. Chie� McClamma said the volurne of mail has p3eked u� and that motqrists approve the idea. City lriana�;er sai.d there is still a lot of parking there - that he believed people do not notice the sign. Chief 2,icClarrnna gaici he believed they n�tice it, but do not want to adhere to it. Comr;missioner Turner felt it vras poorly markec� and t:��t it could be better loc&ted. Chlef TvlcClarr�:ia said he eliminated ttivo parking spaces ancl locates tYie boxes rvhere people can pull into the curb and out r•�itnout back- ing out. Cor.imissioner Turner said he felt a different markin� should be used - a, heavf double yellotiv stripe equivalent to the way highs�ays are Marked For �assing to indicate turn3ng out to by-pass a car. Chief McClarra�a said that his markings are done by regu- lation. Commissioner Turner felt that it should be indlcated more dafinitely than a re�ulation parkin�; space, and that he felt tha Po9t Of£ice v�rould apprec�iate our work- ing it out as ef#'iciently as p��ssibTe. Chief IvIcClamma said he woulcl be �lad to go int� it. P,�ayor Brown aaked him to advise the Commission vrhat he learns. Commissioner Blan- ton said that his purpose in brin�ing this r�atter up was in order to regulate pedes- trian� in crossin�; against the red li�ht. He i'elt that �rith touriyt season comin� on the City should take a definite stand regardin� the re�ulations ior foot traffic across the street, perhaps pass an ordinance prohibiting ja;� tva1.1�3n�; in the do�ntown srea and wall�in� a�;ainst the red light, and ask a fine of �p1e00 for each violation. He felt it would take no time at all bei'ore it is worl�ing smoothlp. Chie£ I�cGlamma said tr,at there is no rule well enou�;h drawn to be wor•kable. Iilafor Broti�n asked ii it was h�s feeling that the City should have re�ulatian governin� jay walLing and that the police should be empowered if necessary to �ive people tickets, etc. Commissioner Blanton felt i,t would save lives if the City did so, and that it would do a lot to overcome trr,.�fie con- �;estiono l�iayor Brown sa:�d that many lives have been so Iost, and reealled a ca�npaign put on by the r,ions �lub regarding jayvral�in� a few �ears a�o. Couunls�ioner Blanton felt that a similar campaign should be launched svith plenty of publicitg. Coxnnissioner Turner said t7�at they had samethin�; in the Junior Cha�ber of Cox�unerce tivith a loud speaker calling people to task for iaywalking dovan on the street� I;iayor I3rurvn felt that s�ue such thing could be done to inaugurate interest in this campaign. Coannissioner ]31ack said he would see that the matter is brought up at the next Ilirector�s meeting of the Lions Club to see if they �vant to ttndertake sorse such campai�ne He then moved that the City Attorne� be authorized to prepare an ordinance �o cover jay��alking and any other le�islation necessary to cover the subject. �o�tissioner Y�zrner seconded the mc,- tion, which tivas voted on and unanimously passec�. Commissioner Blanton au�gested that Chief of golice be instructed to en=orce the ordinance pertaining to cross tivalking a�ainst the red Ii�ht and that sarne appropriate si�ns be put up at the corner under ths traffic lights that one �ust walk on green_light only. Commissioner Turner saici th�t in connection v�itn this pro�ram four-�ray light� should be installed at the intersections where there are several intersections, Several lights are aonfusin�; to pedestrians. T.4ravor BroV�n aslced how much thep coat. Ch_ef 11icCla�ua sazd that he would be glad to brin� in the arnaunt. Gity hianager stated tY�at survey ���ould have to be �ade ae cable must be used. Comraissioner Tizrner said the� tivould be expensive but r•�orthwhilee I��ay or Brown said that perhaps th�y could be worked up as a budget iterrc for next year, Com- r.�issioner Black said that the tir.ie �s com3.ng at the five point intersectiong tha� the saine sort of li�hts will have to be installed there that are used in big cities, un�_ missioner Turner moved that the City I�,1ana�er be authorized to make a survey and brin� in a report �or a four-wag light eystem for all of our intersections - Garden Avenue, k't. Harrison, and Osceola. Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion, tivhich was voted upon and unanimously c�rried. n7atter of sand wall on City property �vas broug2it up by the Git9 2.fanag;er, �vho stated that rllr. Iiane went ovsr and dressed up the first one or two sections of the wall and �ost by smoothin� ther.i out considerably. Ee said he would liYe to have aome members of the Co�nission go over and lool�t at it within the next fetiv days. Cp�;B�i�ner Blar,k aug�ested that colar creting would be a�;ood solution to the problem of painting the sea wa11 as it lasts considerably longer than otlzer paint and gives a rnuch better appearance - a yellow �old. He said tha t it now serves its utility purpose and should next be mada appealin�; to the eye. He sug�;ested that two estiraates be made, one to in- clude the entire wall on two sic�es, and the other to include on the streei; side and the little partition at i;kie opening, City Bianager said that shrubs will also be installed there, �nd tllat this expenditure _will be h�nflled as� a regular budget ite�, Progress being riade on the sea wall being built by hir. T. R. Palmer at the end of CarlioueZ Drive was d?scusssd, Commiasioner L,qnn stated that there ra1.13 be one more pourin� to coLnplete the wall - that it is to extend to Carlouel Strea�. Playor Brorvn felt thnt Mr. i'almar should do so�e ef this himself. Ci�y I.:anager said that in the agree- ment T�Ir. Palrner had �vith the City that he vaas to do some of it, and tfiat he has clone more than he ra�;reed to do, all except a vary sraall part. VVidenin�; oi Turner Street �vas discussed. Commissioner Blanton recarr,mended that the curb be set bacl� and Turner Street widened from I3ay Avenue to n4yrtle Avenue to eliminate the bad traf�ic jams they hay�e dovrn there durin�; i:he w?nter and aspecially on S'unday. He said there are three churches on Turner Street in tha� area - tvJo churches rvithin a block o�' tYe area� and tl�at the ti•aific is so bad an Sunda f mornings through there that one can� t�ot througki. He sa3d a�proxir.nately a fiva block area would be involved, and that tkie atreet cotzld be se� back and widened - that it should have been done yerars a�o, Corrunissioner I31aok r.moved that the Cit� T.ianager be instr�zcted to pre- pare � pl.annad estimate incorporating recorriendations an� cost figures for the widening ana resur#'acin� of Turner Street from Bay Avenue on the i:dest to hiyrtle Avenue on the East, an�l tlsat the estimates shoi�ld Ue in tvro separate parts - one for �videning, and one for resurfacin�. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, whicki1vas voted upon and carried. aecre�ion ��� Q2TX GOirID3ISS"TON MEETIlIQ Novomber E3, 1351 Yfayor Brocvn said he felt tlzat the nei�;hborhoods concerned should be contacted to aee if they are not willing to �;3ve help on estimates, etc. City E1t�orne;r stateci �hat that is tha onl� legal aui:hority the Gity kias to do i;he work is b,y auch pracedure. Isayor Bro��7 su�gested that the contact be macle by letter., and that the nlatter is �o be brou�ht up at the next meetin�;. He said that the letl;er could stAte that it is the presFnt; ple:n of the City to undert�ke this project. Cor.unissioner �31ack said thAt the,y could be noti£ied that tlze estima�es are 'co be nre��ared and v��e could learn wkiat their ideas are on the suUject. Iaiayor Brov�n 9AlC� it caulci t�a in the nature of a hearing. City Attorney stated that there niust be a public hearin�;. Commis�ioner Blanton said it is a de£initelp ne�ded improve�ent and that he did not aee �^rhy it �ust be thro�vn 1ni;o posit3on �vhere �orae on� or two �t�ho might not ���ant it becanse they would have to pag� the cost of it would come up and ��b ject. DZayor F3rovrn commen�ecl that you can�t keep poTitics out of politics. Commissioner Blanton felt i:hat the �or.i- mission should have the coura�e to �o ahead snd do the wor}c. Eie said that the Gom- mission should realize and l�now that an improvoment is needed Uefore doin�; 3.t, btzt that it should not let one or ttivo objectors deflect or form their vietxgoint. I�Tayor Bro�vn et�ted that he was not thinl:in� aUout the �satter except i'rorn �he standpoint of the help it mi�ht be to the City. Comrnissioner Turner stated that ii' Tizrner 5txe�t v�ere �videnecl as far as Bay Avenue then i3sy Avenue should be lvidened as far a� Har'�or Oaks - that it comes up as a�ouble drive and t.h.en dead ends, th�at if it were tividened frurs �i'urner Street to Druid Rcad they cauld come on up Turner Street. Co�nniss>ioner Blanton said that that is correct, but that since Bay Avemxe and Oak Avemie have boen one �aay streets in opposin� directions it i.s nat as necsssary as it �^rould have been bef ore. He said that Tu�ner Street takes the traffic l�oth wayse Conffniss3oner Turner said that he has in riind ti2iat when tlie secondary hi�hway cories throu�T,h that 3t would be an incentive �'or tYie Countv Secondary Road Gorrmiittee to brin�; the hi�;hway ri�ht on up through Indian Rocks. Goimn::ssioner Blanto;� said that it vaould nialce it easier for people using tre Indian_ Rocks Causevray to come in to C1.earwatera Groins for City pier at Clearwater Beach were discussecl. Conuniss3.oner Blanton moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare spe�ifications for concrete groins to be placed in the Gulf at Clearwater Beach at the enct of. tkie Cauaeway Boule- vard, groins to be of sufficient size or specif ications to carry nece3sary timber� and poured eoncrete caps or sills suificient to carry a pier should the C7ty desire to place the pier thereon in the future and that ivhen the �ngine r worl.s on this he vrill confer �ith the Beach Cammi�tee. CitSr Engineer stated that if a long groin is put in the v�rong place it rvill cause s�arvation on the Beach. Go�nissioner �lanton said the groins tvere to be in the nature of piers, possibly 12�' in thickness and maybe 4t Ian�. Commissioner Black �efined th�m as long concrete slabs. Cor�nissioner Turner said that the Commiss�ion should meet with the En�ineer and tell him their ideas and draw a rough �ketch shov�ing h� what thef have in mind. n4ayor F3rown atated tY:at the erosion engineer from whom the idea cane coul� come over and meet vritli the Enginse� and the rest of the �;rou�. City P�Ia na�er 3tated �hat he wi11 be in Clearwater in the next tvro v�eeks and that a meeting could be arranged with him at that time. City En- �ineer stated that he had once designed one, but never had tha opportunit,y to see hov� it tis�ould �iark, and that he vrould like to give it sor;ie studyo Corrm�is�ioner Black seconded Qonunissioner Blanton►s motion, which cJas voted upon and unanimouslg cai3�ied< .��..,`! �l7atter of rerout3ng traf£ic through Clearwa,ter vras discussed. Citg P,1an��;er stated that at this tirne through traffic is routed �'rom East to 1Vest across Ft. Harrisan and then South dotivn Osceola and then back a�ain to Ft. I�arrison. $e said that sug-- gest3on has been made to routa traif'ic dov�n DIyrtle Avenue th�nce to Court Street a�nd then back to Ft. Harrison. Commissioner Blanton thought that it would do a great deAl to relieve traffic during the r•�inier when traffic is heavy and that it vJould eliminato about six traf£ic lights. I,Iayor Brown said trat County Cu�unissioner Joh.n Chesnut has: told the� that U. S. 1�3 will be opened Soutr from the intersection in about three weelts. Commissioner 1'urner said that lie felt that for that length of tirie traTfic should b� Tei't as it 1se Commis�ioner Lynn said that he £elt the Police should be authorized ta route it down h?yrtle Avenue. Chief I�IcClar�a said he �� a truck route established to bypass trazfic �oing dotivn PdJrtle to Druid Road, then right on Druid Road to Ft. Harrison. Comnissioner Turner aaked if trailers coulcl not be r�uted the same rv�af rather tha�n com� through the City, n�Iayor Bro�vn said the r.nerchants have asked that this not be doneo- Commissioner Blanton said if Lhe nierchants are involved then whg not have the route go on Osceola, then turn North on Ft. Harrison to Drevr, then Osceola and then back to Ft. �iarrisono Commis�ioner Turner said that if the� are �;oing to be kept on Osceola then thev should go to Haven Streeto After i'urther discussion of this su��estion ii�fayor 3rov+n stated th�xt it was decided that the route would drop down Osceola to Haven Street. Traffic li�ht on N. Ft. Harrison vras discussed. hIayor }3rown stated that the pro- blem the Commissaon is concerned with is vahere the li�ht is to be established - whetl�er at Eldridge or h�arshall or Greenv�rood, and traffic count tAken by the Police Department ��as presented as follours: Eldridge S:t. between Gasden and Ft. Harr3.�on 48 iir. ecunt - 145t3 cara -,Average of 30.3 per hour Cedar St. bet�reen Garden and Ft. Harrison 120 hr. count - 2797 cars - Avera�e oz 23.3 per hour biarshall St, betvueen Garden & Ft. Harrison 48 hr. count - 237 cars - Average of 409 per hour Greenvrood at Turner 48 hr. count - 4226 cars - AveraF;e of 88 per hour Greenwood betvaeon Cleveland and Lrew 96 hr. count - 6629 cars - kvesage of 69 per hour Drev� St. �Jest of Greenva�od 66 hr. count - 4648 cars - Avera� P of 70,� per ?-�.our �� According to this survey it vras decided tha� the most feasible location for the li�ht -5- CITY COh1MISSIION b4EETING November 8., 1951 accorclinE; to amount of. traf.fic should be a�L the izitersection of` N. Pt. Harrison and Cedar S�reet. Conuniasioner E31ack mo�.�ed tYiat City hianager be inatructed immediately to erect a traf£ic li�ht at the in{;ersection of N. Ft. Harr3son and Cedar Streets;. Commiesioner B3antan seconcled the motion, which was vo�ed upor� and unanimousTy carried. C3tg Mana�;er st�ted that the equi�imen� far the light is now in stock, and biayor Brovra said L-ha t in�tallation of the li�;ht should be �iven precedence over everything else in �he Electrical Department. City Mana�;er said that �he al1eJ runnin�; 1PJest off Garden Avenue is used aSmost more as a sidewalk than it is as an alley, He �aid that it is naved �tvitYL aspllalt, whicri ig rou�h a--d hard to wa11t on and tha� many puddles accurnulate in this area, whicii cauoe people usizl�; the alley i;a be splashed by cars �oing throu�*,h. He said iZ should be paveci and black topped, and tha� it would cost about $P750,00 to pat�e it in a 2f-shape from Cleveland to Park and meet the Garden A�enue a llef, He said t?�a� it is a budget item -. a capital expenditure. Co�runissioner Eilack raovefl that resurfacing of the alley running Vleat oif from Gardsn Avenue and frora Park to �7,eveland Street at an estimated cost of ��750,00 be done. Cor.miissioner Blrni:on seconded the motior_, which vaas voted on and unanimously passed. Commissioner Blanton sug�ested that this work be done immediately as there vrill be a great cleal of pedestr3an trai�ic through there during the Christrnas holidays and there tivill be a great deal of vrnter through there during that time. Cit�7 Attorne;� stated that the Cii;�y is badly in need of a new Orciin�nce on the subject of �arbage can licls and keeping cans covered. Iie said tr,ore 3s nothing to force people to do ii:. Iie said the same ordinance shoulci provide that no one on a, lot has a r:i�ht to put a garbags cen closer than a certain numUer o#' feet from someone else T a window. City P�ian��;er agree&, and, said that �ard trizmiings should not ba put in cans. Commissior..er Black rioved that City Attorney be authorized to prepare an or- dinance re�;ardin�; garb��ge and garba�;e can lids and grass and �uttings, to be sub�it�ed at a later r.meeting. �orm:�issioner Blanton seconded tkie motion, v�hich v�as voted upon and unanimously carr�ed.. Purchase of Lot 8, Block G, Fairmont Subdivision was discussed. The City bianager said that there is a dead end street at this location vTith a secrer• line running through at the East end of E'airmont Street running into Ydashingtcn Avenue. He said that it is the reeoirmiendation of the Pu.blic Service Superintendent, bir. Kane, the Cit� Engineer, and himself that the Cit� purchaee this lot. City �lttorney said the people vrh� o�vn it bought it about faur years ago, obtaininc; the title by tax deed, and that they v�ant �350.00 for it, Cozmniseianer Turner moved fih�t the Cit� Iuianager� s recomraendation be follawed, and that the proper o£ficials be authorized to purchase Lot 8, Block G,, of Fairmont Subdivision, for the stiuu oi ti?3�Q,U0. Comnissioner �ynn seconded the motion, which was voted upon ar_d unanimously carried. City fiianager presented tabulation of bids for Aaving an� curbing at Clearv�a�er n4arina, and stated that he joins with the City Enginee, 3n recommending that the loti;r bid of the E. H, INolcornb Company, C�earv+ater, Florida, for 550 lin. ft. oP concrete curb at �682.00 and 7�664 sq. ft. of side�ralk at �p2�912.32, total �53,594,3� be approned. Commiss.ioner Black moved that the City Elanagerts reco�vnendation be follo�red and that contract be arvarded to the E. H. Holcomb Company ior N3,594032 fqr paving and cur�,ino at the Cleartvater htarina, the vtork to be done irrunediately. Conunissioner Turner seconded the motion. nia,yor Brown asked I�ir. Holco�b hov� soon �he job could be started. l;tr. Hol- corib replied that work could re started at any time next week, but that i� vrill tak� abou-� �en days to �et the cement. He said he believed the� could start ths first par�. of the �rreek. Vote was called for and �otion v�as unanimouusly pasaed. C�ty Ivianager said that specialty iterns for propane gas equipment niust be purcY�ased,. and thAt he must have authorization frors -the Cornmission to gurchase tlzen�. These i�ems include: lo Miscellaneous high pressure valves, gauges, and niscellaneous .fitting� fa� in�tallation oz Propane Gas System, �10�4.37 2. 1- 2�' Fropane meters And accessories ;For line to G as Flant) 607a2.0 3. 2'- 14�Propane meters (for bottlin�; and truck platforms) 583,00 4. 1- Corl;en Liquid Transfer piamp 690,00. 5. 1- Corken Vapor pump 724oQ0 6. 1- Qorken Liqu3d bottlin�; pump 371,00 $���999.57 Above for purchaso �frora Lai'.G. Equipment Co., Or1��do,Plae h4iscellaneous high pressure unions, elbovrs, couplings, tee reclucers, plugs, and 3' way plug valves 286.6'0 Tizdustrial Supply Corporat.ion �4,2g6.17 City 1ltana�er recoinmended that purchase or3ers be executed immediately for purehese o£ the t�nits. Qne tank has baen unloadad and shi�ent oi' the other tivill be made soon, 2+Sayor 73rov�,n sa id that discuasion has been to the effect that this tank vri11 increase the �as; �upply in such areas a s Clearv�ater Beach and make added �as pressure avr�ilable to these people. He said that ii there is another cold rvinter t;hat thi� tank wi11 alleviata it so that it v�on�t be as bad as last winter. Conunissioner Black moved that the Cit� h�ana- �er�s recorr�nendation be folTovred, and that he be authorized to purcha�e the item� s.tip- ulated in connection witYi propa,ne gas equipmenta Cor�unissioner I,ynn seconded the motion, it was vot;ed upon and unsnimously carried. Commissioner Black stated tlz�t Coimnittee met this aft;ernooiz rvitn executives oi' Shel1 Oil Station regardin� City nlarina property on Clear`raater Beach, At the 1a.st meet- in�; they ��ere instruct�a to consult with architects in regard ta renadeling of building on that site. They now 1� vo specifications ttnd plans and csr_ re�odel at an estimated cost of $�8y000,00 to Urin�; the builciing up to the specifications the Corrmiittee had in mind. ! _�_ CTTX COA�I�Il'SSTON n7EETTNG Novc�niber S, 1�51 �Q� They would Tike to enter into a lease �vitYi fihe C�t� of Clear�va�er o�7 a�en g�ear basis and thei� proposal was to pay ��p75.00 a month minimum, or 3�41 of a cent per �a1Zoz�, whichever is the �raater, �'or that month�s pariod. riembers present th.is af�arnoon had the feeling th�tr tha minimum should be increased to �100.00 per rton�h, and that the gallonage rrate should be increasod to 1¢ per gallon ;for any gall'ons�;e i.n excea� of �100s00 minimum during a month�'s por3od. It vras the recorm:zendation pf t$8 Com- mittee that tlze Shell Oil Cor,lpang be informed in a lotter froni t2ie C3ty I�Ianaf�ez� tlzat the CitS oi Clearv�a�er rvould enter into a lease with them for a ten year per3.od on the basis of y��"100.00 minimiun of l� per gallon, �vhichever is �rie greator, witll �lze •under- s�anding that they are to be�in immer2�ataly to moder.nize �hat station accord3,ng io plans and spAcifica�ions as prepared by the architects v+hich 3zavo hoen eriployed in re- lation ta the Cleartvater hIarina. The CoYmnittee also felt t$at �hese modernization� and renavations should be completed not la�er th&n January 2, 1�J5�, The Shell Oil CompAny offic3.als thon�;ht the� could have �he bu3.ldin� compl,eted within that time - that it tvould take then about thirt�* days, barriz�g unforaseen circumstances, of course. It was also tlzeir statement that there �vould be loss of operation of only twenty four hours as far as servicin� of peopla in Clearwater Beach and area. Conmiiseioner I3ltaclt stated that their basic reconanendation is trha-L- the Cit� Manager and City Attorney pre- pare a lease on the basis of ten years at $;100.Ob per month minimum of ly� per �allon, �vhichevar is the �;reater, with the under�tanding that �hey �are to c�riplete moclernization of station by Januai� 1, 195�:; that the� pay the axchitects� fees, A9 we.11 as a11 costs in relation to the rer.iodeling oi' that partzcular build3ng on the City property;; and all taxes are to be paid by ther.i, both City and County. lhe C�:ty A�torney asked if this lease r�as �o be prepared aiter the company si�ni#'ies its intention �o compl.y �vith the stipulations aa outlined. Cor:�nissianer Black stated that the City Attorneyos under- standing of lease prepara�ion vres correct. Ivla�or E�ror�n stated th�t the standa�rd forni of lease wil� be used vriti�. amenclmen�Gs as outlined. City IFlanager atated that it hatl been his understAnding that the former lease with this coz�pany had been on a� standard lease forsi, but upon inveatigat3�n he has f�und tl�at it is not, and tiiat he has re- qizested the corspany to furnish him with such form ir�r,iediately, Co�:nnissioner Black moved that his report be accapted as j�ist rendered, Commissioner Lynn seconded the mo- tion, which wAs voted upon a nd unanimously carried, IvIayor Bro�m suggestsd tYiat a raeeting be arran�e@ for next wesk in connection with the Sinclair Company lease. Conimis�ioner Black said he wished to have the City 1lanager and Citq Enginear make a report at the next meeting as �to vrhat progress is being �ade in regard to set baek oi propert� at Greenvaood and Cleveland Streets. City Attorney said that deeds have been raceived - that there was an error in the description and that both parties hav�: been contacted And are to si�;n them. City htana�;er sa3d tha•t an ,est3ma'te of z3.gures �NiTl be �;iven at the next meeting and a lso on Druid Road and ao. Greenwood. Commissioner Eilanton presentpd amendraents to Paragraph 4 of the prenious pre- liminar� report of the Cormiittee cn Revis3on of Or�.inances, and new par�graph whick�. wa.s- added to the report. City Clerk read complete report as revised, aa followse '�Your Cozmni�tee on Revision of Ordinances oP the Cittf of Clearwater submits. the xollo�ving preliminary report of reconunendations for amendnents to be made to the Zoning Qrdinance of the City. "T. TY�at the C�ty Engineer be ir�znediatel� instructed to prep�are a new ofiicial �oning map of the Cit� of Clear�vater to be knorvn as �'Zoning n2ap of the City of Clear�rater, rlorida, of 1951�'; tba t the Citb Engineer in preparin� said map sha1l. co7.laborate with the undersigned cor�m.ittee on the matter of changes bo be made in zone classifications. 't2. Tnat Sec�ion 3 of the Zoni,ng Ordinanne be amendec3 so tkiat tl�e same w31T re�'zr to and incorpo:rate into the t?rd3nanae the C;ity of Clearwater Zonin� n7ap of 195Z. �"3. Th�t Sec�ion 11 of i;he Zonin� Crdinance be amended: (a) So as to refer to the zoning map of 1951 instea� of the zoning map oP Z939; (b) That para�;raph 3 of said sec�tion be amended so as to increase the size of lots v�hich ma� be used for build- ing purposes in R-�. zone frorn an area of 500 square feet to 2,500 square #'aet and further increase the minimum �round floor area of buildin�a which ma� b� erected in R-I� fro� 300 square feet to 750 square feet inclusive of porches�and breezeways. ��`4. ^hat Para�;raph 9 of Section 5 of the u:oning Ordinance be amendecl to read as follows: Parkinp; facilities, accessory buildinga and uses necessary to or custor:iarily inoiclental to any of the uses permitted in ft-2 Zones, when I.oca�ed on the sar.+� 1ot or plot or other lot or plot within an H-2 zone, otivned or controlled by �he owner or operator of the principa7. use, including private and�or storage �arage; provided sa3d gara�;e sYzal7. be Zocated not nearer than 40 .feet �'rora the � front street Tine rior less th�n ?,O �eet from side street line� �"` � nor nearer than 3 feet from an� and all lot linc�s; to permit non `,, corunercial (not operated as a business within itself fbr profit) public parliin� lots or epaces an vacant lots �r portions thereof in R-2 zonea. 'r5, Zone ��H'� Busines� the foZlov�in� ctoseribed araa: b'or point of beginning atart a� a point where the South line of ,; . ,: ''�� '1 � _ �7.. CIZ*I C0�1bZTSSTON P�IE�TIIJG November 8, 1951 Court Str.eet Extens3on Ftiqht-of-V'�Ay intersects the F�ast line of Greenwoocl Avenue and run in a Southerl�y direction alan� the FaSt boundary 13.ne of Greenwoocl Avenue 150 fee{; to a point thence Easter2y paralZel to and 1�0 £eet �outh of the 5outh 'boundary line of C�urt S�re�t I;xtension Rj.ght-of-Y�ay to t he YJest Boundary line of 114issour3. Avenue thence IJorthe.rly alon�; the ti�est line of Ivliesouri Averiue to a po�nt where it intersecta the South houndary line of Brown (l3rownell) Street thence 1Vesterly alon� the Sauth boundary line of i3rown (Brownell) Street to its intersection with the East boundaxy l;Lne of Greenwood Avernze �hence Southsrly a1on� the �ast boundary line of Greenv�ood Avenue to point of be�inning less that area withzn the Right-of-Way oi' Court �treet Extension. �''6. Chanf;e frori °B" Bu�ineas to R-2' all that area between Clearivater Street an@ the S'outh boundary oi' the present R-2 Zone as it extends� from Clearwater Bay Westerly alang tho 27orth line of Bl�ck 76 and alung the North line of Lots I to 7 inclusive of Blocic 83, lyin� and being bet�veen Clear�iater Ba� and the �Il.oy running IJorth and S'outh from Clearwater Street to Sor.ierset S�reet, innnediatel.y VJeat o� the lo�s facin� T�as;t on Poinsettia Avenue. ��7. That Section 18 of the Zoning Ordinance be amended to read, as #'ollows; In interpreting and &pglying the provi.sions af this Ordinance they shall be lield to the minimum require�ents for the promotion pf health, safetys morals, and general welfare of the community. It is not intended by this Ordinance to interfere with, abro�ate, or annul any easements, couenants, or other agreexaents hereto£oxe ex- isting bat��een p�riies provided, hnwever, the jurisc�iotion and authority of the City Goverr,�ent of the City of Glearcvater to en- £orce buzldin�; and zoning reatrietions shall be conf3ned to the en£orcement of the provisions oz this Ordinance, and neither the Cit�r nor any Department or employee thereof shall in any wise in- vol�e the Gitg in the enforcement of any pr�.vetely created ease- ments, covanants, restrictions, or a�reement9 between such parties, It is pointed out that this Committeets work on the Zonin� Ordinance is not complete in tY�at i� is contemplated that as a result of their tivork in collaboration with the City Engineer they v�ill have several recor.miendations to make relative to the �oning of areas of the City ��hich now appear as unzoned areas on the �oning raap oi 1939. �r�Reapectfull� submit�ed this 8t$ da5 of Idovember, A.t�a, 1951,° Cor.unissioner Eilack moved adoptian oz tlZe preliminary report of the Zoning Committes, and that �he Eng3neer, Cit;� �Yanager, and Ci�u Attorney be prepared to follovr through raith the recomrnendations of this report, Coimnissioner Turner seconded the motion, v�hich was voted upon and unanimouslq carried. Cormnissioner Turr_er stated that this matter needs to be expedited before the alectiono Conunissioner Turner a].so conmented tYiat on the rdgetvater Drive sitizstiori-per- hans the Cozrmiission could rezone the back section as R-1 and leave -�ha Drive as R-�'. It was decided that the Committee should further discuss the matter and bring their reco�cnnendations baek. � �. 2n regard to aonstruction work at nlandalay Unit ido. 5, Cit� nianagar said tlzat he and the �n�;ineer have been in contact tivi�h a pipe company in Tazapa,, and that since the cement situation is critical and svi11 be for another tliirtv days �hat the promise rias been given that they v��ill have pipe ready this week, Ee said that the City is hopin� to get started on the job right awag, He said it is out of the hands of the City - thAt it is just imposs3ble to get ce�ient. He said that the lafout vrork on the par�G of the En�3neer is coraplete - that they a re just waitin� ior the cement. Ae said the Sherman gipe Company is l�andlin�; it. CoI, S�euben said he had t��o probler,is to preser_t for consideration of the �om-. unission. He sasd that the first one related to inadequate play space for children at Clearwai;er Beach play area. He asked that the Conm�iasion �ive consideration to some space for pla?o 1;layor Br��^�n suggested thrat tha BeAch Association ta'_fe the �ni�iative on tkxis in order to coordinate their efforts vrith the Commiaaion. He said that at on� time there was an area rvYiich couZd have been designated as play space. Commissione� Lynn said that there are six lots which are Uein�; cleaned oi� and can be usad for a pla��;round unti� a perr,ianent solution can be found. Col. Steuben said that the other mai:ter he vrished to present related Lo groins at the Beaeh. He wondered 3f it vrould be feasible to leq them inside t%e �ines to stop saixl from blowing. He said at the present time he had �t�ro feet of sand in hig ,qard. Ivls�ar Brovrn said that the �vall would be completed out there in only tNo more pourin�s - that in ten or #'ifteen days it �vould be conipleted. Corunissioner B1acY moved that Ordinanee to ar.zend Section 3 0#' Ordinance Dioe 609 be talten up by unanimous consent on all three reading3. Coiuriiasioner Turnar se�o�a�a the motion, v�hich wAs voted upon and carried. City Attorne, read this Ordinence in full on its firs� readin�. Coznm3ssioner Tiirner r,loved passage oz (T+xdinance on its first read:tng. Commissioner Black seconded the motion, which was vo�ed �ipoi� and carried. Coimnissioner 'i'urner n�oved �hat Ordinance be read by title only on second reading. Com- missi.aner 131.acL seconded the ntot�.on, r�lzich rvas voted upon and iinanimously carried. Gity Attorney .read this Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Turner moved that Ordinance be passecl on its second reading by title onl�. Commissioner Blacl� seconded the•raotion,. which was votect upon and unanimouslg carrted. City Attorne� read this Ordinance for the third and final t3ma. Commissi�ner Turnar moved that it be passed on its third And fi.naS reading. Coirnnigsioner Black seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimousl.y carried.. Meetin�; v�ras ad�oizrned by N4ayor Brown a� Td:O� P.IiS. Atte � � ty Auditor a Clerk � L�-z...� Ivtayor-Comnissi e� CI'PY COnIMTSS'TON n4EETING Novembe� 8',, 1951 Novamber 8, 195T Mayor-Conmiis�ioner Herbert M. T3rown CouBniss��.oners: �'ho�as H. B1ack, Jr., Herbert h4. Blanton, n Joe Turner, Garland D. T{qnn Gentlemen: The Citg Commis�ion v+ill meet in Special Session 7.'hursday ovenin� - rlove�tbar 8, 195IL - 7:3'0 P. M. in the City Hall Auditorium to consider items on the �ttsched tzgenda�. Yours very truly, F. C . n2iddleton Ci�y Mana�er FCTZ : gg ----------------------------- AGERIDA, I. Couanission�s consideration of: A. Public Utilitq improvenient�. B'. Request from Florida Gouncil for the Blind. G. Appropriation for'Youth Pdaritime Center. D, Public Iniprovement items, (a} Regulatin� pedestrian traffic. (b} S�ar.d �vall on City property - Clearv+ater Beach. (c) Widening of Turner Street. (d} Groins i'or City p3.er at Clear�ater Beach. (e) Re-routing of Sigh�rag U, S. 19, through Clearwater. (i) Traific Light on North Fort Harrison Avenue. (g) Re-�urfacin�; oi' alley running Y�est off of Garden Avenue - betvreen Cleveland and Park Streets. (h) To purchase Lot 8- Block G- Fairmont Subdivisione 2. Counnission�s consideration oz report on liabili:�y insurance f'rorn h�r. Roger 0. Bouchard. 3. Any items not an the agenda will be considered by consent of the Conmiissiono f CITY CON(b2ISSI0N NiEETIIQG IZovember £i, 195T QRD�NANCE N04 61� AN ORDINANCE TO AMEPID SECTION � OP ORDII�iA,I�CE N0. 6U9, THE SAI�1E BEING T"tiE OCCUPATIONAL ZICEPTSE ORDINA,riCE OP TI-� CITY OF CLFARVJA�'ER F2YING THE A1d0UNT QF CERTAIN OCCUPATIONAL, I3USINFSS, ArTD PROFESSIONAL LICENSES FOR THE CTTY OF CLEARVJATER, FI,ORIUA, PR(SVIDIPIG FOZ? �'HE NtAIdTJ�R ANv COIQDITIQNS OF THEIR ISSUAPdCE: PROVTDiPTG A PENIiLTX FOR FAILITl�, TO COI�IPLY THEREV�ITIi AND PROVIDING F�R THE EFFECTIVE D'ATE OE�' SAID ORDIISf�NCE. BE TT ORt7AIbTED BY 'I'HE CIT'.L C�'fIS:>ION OF THE CITY OE` CLEARVJATL'ft, FLORIDA, �hat Sec�ion 3 of Ordinance Ydo, G09, the same being aa� Occupation�l License �'ax Ordinance be and the same is hereby smended as Pollov+�: S'ec�ion 1. `J.'he cate�org, �tLOAN AGENTS OR CObtPANIE�, Other Than Pawn Brokers," is hareby &mended to read as follows: �'Y7ith loans outstandi.n� TOOo00 to �50 QOOQ00 -- �5Qa00 V'Jith loana outstanding �50,000.00 to �75,000,00 -- 75,Ot� Y�iith 1'oans outstanding yp75,A00.00 to y�100,000,00 _- 100.00 tNith loans outstanding over �100,000,00 -- 150.00 S'�ection 2;. The cate�ory, ��fiFiF.ATEI�,S, �� be and the same i,s hereby �mended •to read as follovra:. ��'PHEA^lERS', Includir� Concessions Loce.ted therein: 1 tb 400 S'Bat� 401 to 50Q. SAats 5Q� to 700 Seats 701 to 1200 S'eats Over 1200 S'ea�� Drive-In Theaters $¢ 7�a00 lOQaOQ 150.OQ 300,0� 35�.OQ 250.00 Section 3. That ali laws or parts of lavcs in confliot herewith are hereby repealed. 8'ection 4, This �rdinance sha11 take eifect on �he effectiue date as provided in the �forement�oned Ordinance No. 609. AT T.EST :. H. G. VYin�o City Aud3.tor and C]_erk Passed on first reading November 8, T95� Passed on second reanin� November 8, i951 Fassed on third and finaT reading and adopted November 8, 1951 Herbert ni. Brown Ivia yor- G ommi s a i one r