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September 26, 1951
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at Cit~
Hall Wednesday. September 26, 1951, at 7:30 PM. with the following members present:
.':j",%, . . .,
j - - ....
"'..1' ,.....' .,;~
IIerbert M. Brown
Herbert M. Blanton
Thomas H. I31a.ok" Jr.
, .'
1 .
Garland D. Lynn
Joe Turner
.COl1lll1i ssioner
-Conrni saioner
Also Present Weret
}l'. C. Middlet on
S. Liokton
Oeor~e T. HcClamma
-City Manager
-City Engineer
-Chief of Police
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor.
City ManaKer joined City Engineer in rocommending that out of the nine bids
for the storm sewers and Bani tary sewern on Court Street and Chestnut Street tha.t
the low bid from Giuliani and Company of ~l5,103.00 be approved. Connniss10ner
Black moved tha t recommenda tion of the City ~Ianager be f'ollowed in regard to the
sewers on Court and Chestnut streets, and that 10Vl bid of Giuliani Company of
$15,103.00 be approved - this covers:
970 lineal feet of 27" concrete sewer
340 lineal feet of 15" concrete sewer
500 lineal feet of 12" concrete sewer
460 lineal feet of 6" sanitary sewer
1120 lineal feet of 8~ sanitary sewer
1a standard manholes
8 standard catch basins
Cammissioner B~anton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimously
The City Manager joined with the City Engineer in recommending that out of'
the nine bids opened on the Prospect Avenue sewer project that the low bid of
$5_692.50 from Paul Giuliani & Company of Tarpon Spl"ings be approved. Connnissioner
Black moved that bid of' Paul Giuliani &. Company of Tarpon Springs totaling $5,692.50
for sewers on Prospect kvenue be approved~ coverinr, the following:
830 lineal feet of 15~ concrete pipe
365 lineal feet of 12" concrete pipe
4 standard manholes
15 standard catch basins
Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimously
,,"" ,
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On the paving and curb bids on Prospect Avenue five bids were submitted, and
the City Manager joined with the City ~ngineer in recommending that the low bid of
$9_790.30 from the Campbell Paving Campany of Clearwater be accepted. Connnis~ione~
Black moved that the bid as submitted by the Campbell Paving Company of Clearwater
totaling $9_790.50 be accepted and that the paving and curb on Prospect Avenue
commence immediately and the contraot let; this improvement to include:
968 cu. yds. of fill
4830 sq. yds. of pavement
2750 lineal ft. of concrete curb
Cmnmisaioner Blanton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimousl~
City Manager joined with the City Engineer in recommending that out of the
five bids for paving and curbs on Court Street that the low bid from the Campbell
Paving Compa rry of' Clearwater of $10,,5140J.0 be approved. Connnissioner Blanton moved
that the bid of the Campbell Paving Company of Clearwater in the amount of $10,,514.10
be a pproved as recommended by the City Manager, this' improvement to include:
2658 cu. yds. of fill
4660 sq. yds. of pave~ent
2060 ~ineal feet of concrete curb
CO~Bsioner Black seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimously passed.
. -
The City ~~nager joined with the City Engineer in recommending that out of the
nine bids Bubmi tted for drainage improvements on Maria.nne Street that the low bid
of $10,765.00 from the Jack Iawrence Company of Iargo be approved. CommIssioner
Black moved that the recommendation of the City ~mnager be followed and that the bid
of the Jack Lawrence Company of Largo in the amount of $10,765.00 be approved, these
improvements to include the following materials:
420 lineal feet of 21" concrete sewer
290 lineal feet of l8~ concrete sewer
550 J.lneal feet of 12" concrete sewer
1300 lineal feet of concrete curb
11 standard catch basins
2 standard manholes
Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimousl,. ,passed.
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September 26, 1951
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City Manager submitted request from Finance Department for transfer of
$50,000 from ciga.rette fund to the tax fund for use on the projects as awarded to-
night. Commiss-ioner Blaclt moved that the $50.000 from the cigarette fund be tratns-
ferred to the tax fund. Camn1ssioner Blanton seconded the motion, which was voted
upon and unanimously passed.
C1 ty 1I1anar,er asked i'or def'erment of his rocommenda tion regarding bidS' for
trucks for the ~lblic service departmont and truck for engineering department, as
the tabulation submitted to him revoaled Infornation about the equipment on the
truck which requires fu:uther study.
City Manager recommendod tha t embossing machine costing $10Jl7.50 minus rent
paid during the time it was used by the utility Department be purchased. City
Manager recor.mendod that the old machine not be traded in; that it be advertised
for sale instead. Gonmissioner Black moved that the City Manager's reconwendation
be followed and that the embossing T.1Qohine bo purchased Cor use of the Utility
Department at the price of ~~1017.50 "fIith credit beine allowed for the previous
rent. Conunis3ioner Blanton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unan-
imously carried.
City Manager stated that on Myrtle Avenue between Laura and Drew streets' there
is a section of about 615 lineal feet of sanitary sewer tha t is completely deteriorated
in some places - is so thin that it can be stepped on and crushed. The City ia re-
building the storm sewer and having to replaco quite a bit of' that. Mr.. Kane is
handling this repair out of his stOrlIl sewer repair item. The cost of repair to the
sanitary sewer, however, is so r,roat that it cannot COlne out of this same fund. The
pipe there now is 15'1: sanitary sewer, which is entirely too BIl18Jll. There is an 18"'
pipe a t laura Street and lSIt! pipe at Drew ::itreet. The estimated cost of this repair'
is $73"37.00. Commissioner Black moved tha t the City Manalger be authorized to ad-
vertise for bids for the replaceloents of sanitary sewers in the areas' where necessary
and the areas a s designated on Myrtle Avenue between Drew and Iaura. Connnissioner
Blanton seconded the motion, ".Yhich was voted upon and unaniInously carried.
I': '..
", ..
City Manager brought up the rna tter of advertisement for bids and public hearing
for sanitary sewers on Prospect Avenuel at an estimated cost of $5850.00 for 995
lineal feet of 8" sanitary sewer pipe. Oor.nnissioner Black moved that the City Manw-
gel" be authorized to advertise for public hearing and for bids for sanitary sewers
on Prospect Avenue between Park and Court Streets. Connnissioner Black seconded the
motion. Vote was taken a nd mot ion unanimously carried. This public hearing will
be held the third J.1onday in October, October 15th.
Mr. Vasconi, Architect, submitted preliminary plans for Clearwater Marina main
pier Building. He stated that the plans were structurally complete but that details
of the shops would be worked out in the future m en more is knmm about the needs of'
the various tenants expecting to ocoupy them. lIe a sked that approval of this plan
be made to the extent that the work could be started - particularly in relation to
the reinforced concrete :footings, six of which should be poured immediately. Thi5
work has been approved by the Architect, the Building Department, and the City l~na-
ger, is in compliance with NPA regulations and in accordance with our bonding issue.
Mr. Va sconi stated that the NPA regula ti ons provide that the build inr; can be built
if it is commenced before October 1st and i~ necessary critical materials are on in-
ventory prior to that date. He stated that Mr. Muirhead o~ the NPA had stated that
if we have evidence of the faot that the supplier 1ms on hand and can supply upon
request materials necessary that such materials are considered to be within the
possession of the City. Mr. Vasconi stated that there was not enough time to com-
plete the drawings to the final stage and still purcha se the cri tica,l ma terials be-
fore October 1st. ~e stated that the remaining details will be worked out as quickly
as possible when it can be learned what each individual Wl0p will need in the way of
sinks, etc. Commissioner Black moved tlmt City Manaeerls and City Architect's re-
commendation be followed as outlined and that we proceed immediately to ~lt in the
necessary concrete footings to build the building of the new Clearwater Marina. Oom-
missioner Blanton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimously carried.
Mayor Brown stated that he had signed bond validation and that it was filed September
25th in the Circuit Court to validate the revenue certificates. He stated that there
are twenty days to answer the validation prooeedings. The for.mal ground breaking
was scheduled for 1:00 PM Thursday afternoon, September 2'7th.
Commissioner Blanton stated that he wished the reoord to ahow that the Com-
mission have never had since the first of the year and have never before that varied
on point tha. t our plan included and includes launching ramps for aI:IB.ll boats. Just
when and where it is going to be is within the province of tllia City Commission to
. ,.,..~. " . .'.. '"":. . '
There being no fUrther business to transact by the Commission the meeting was
adjourned by the Mayor at 9:00 ~t.
MaY or-Conunis.si . r
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September 26, 1951
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Sept~ber 26, 1961
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Mayor-Oommissioner Herbert M. Brown,
Herbert Blant.on
Garland Lynn
Joe Turner
Thomas H. Black
a special meeting of the City Commission tomorrow night (Wednesday -
1951) at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose at
for City improvements which have been duly advertised and opened and
a previous Oommission meeting. These are:
Sewers on Court & Chestnut Streeta.
Sewers on Prospect ~t.
Paving and curbs on Prospect st.
Paving and curbs on Court st.
Drainage Improvements on Marianne St.
There will be
September 26,
awarding bids
read aloud at
Also the 1'ollowing bids which have been duly advertised, opened and read aloud at III
preVious Commission meeting:
A. Truck tor Public Service DepartMent.
B. Truck for Engineering Department.
O. Embossing Machine for Public utilities.
Any matters not on the agenda will be considered by consent of the Commission.
Yours very truly,
F. C. Middleton
City Manager
Inter-Office Communication
Sept. 14, 1951
To Mr. Francis C. Middleton, Oity Manager
From Frank Abernathy. City Treasurer
Transfer of Funds
~ll you please ask the Commission to transfer $50,000.00 from the Cigarette
Tax Fund to General Fund, to be used for the preliminary work on Court and Prospect
This transfer is made necessary at this time because of low collections in
General Fund.
FA :mh
3eptember 26, ]:y51
The �ity Commisasl.on of the Citg o�' Clearwater rset in special 3e�sion at Gity
Eit�ll tiYedz�esdsya Sepuoinbex 26, 1951, at 7:30 PM, w3th the following members presen�ts:
Iierbert R'i. Brown
Herber� M. Blantor_
Thoma s H . }31a ck, �'r .
Gar7�and D. Lynn
Joe Turner
Also Present Nlere:
F. C. hTiddle t on
S'. Lickton
George T. 1':IcClaTrmia
-Co�rnni s�ioner
_City Manager
-City Engineer
-Chief of Polics
Meet3n� was called to crder by �he �iayor.
City Mar�Uer joined Gity Eng3neer in recormnencling that out of the nine bid�
for the atorm sewers and sanitary sewers on Gourt Street and Chestnut Street that
tha 1ow bid from GiuYiani and Company of �I5,103.00 be approved. Conmiisgionar
Llaek moved tha'c r�commen�atioz� of the City Irtanager be follo�ved in regard to the
sewera on Court and Chestnut Streets, and that lotiv bid of Giuliani Company of
�15,103,00 be approved - this covers:
970 lineal feet of 27�� concr�te sewer
340 lineal feet of 15" concrete sewer
500 lineal feet of 12�� concrete aewer
460 lineal feet of 6�t sanitary sewer
1120 13naa1. feet of 8'" saizitary aewer
12; standard manholes
8 standard cate�. basins
Commissioner Blanton seconded the motiono Vote was taken and motion unanimously
Tha City hf�ena�;er joinecl wi�h the Cit�y �ngineer in recommen�3ing tY�t out of
the nine bicl�. opened on the Pro�pect Avenue sev�er project that the 1ow bid of
�j;5,692.50 from Paul Giuliani & Gompany o£ Tarpon 5prings� be approvad. Coumiissionex�
Black moved tha� bid of Paul Gialiani & Company of Tarpon �prings totaling �5s692e�0
for se�vere on Prospect Avenue be approved, eovoring the f`allavring:
830 lineal feet of 15"`concrete pipe
365 lineal feet of .12° concrete p�pe
4 standard rmanholes
13 standard catcn. basins
Commissioner �lanton seconded the motion, Vote was taken and motion unar_imous�y
On the paving and cur'� bide on Prospect kvenue five bids were submitted, ancZ
the City Ieianager joined with the City Zngineer in recommending that the loFv bid of'
�p9,79003'0 from the Campbell Paving Company of Cleax�ater be accepted. Commis�ioner�
Black moved that the bid as submitted by the Campbell Paving Company of Clearwater
totaling �9,790.;�J be accepted and that the paving and curb on Prospect lvonua
carmnence irrmied3ate�g and the contract let; tY�is 3mprovement to include:
968 cu. ydsa of fill
4830 sq. yda. o£ pavemsn�;
2750 lineal ft. of concrete curb
Gommissioner Bianton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and xuot�ou unanimou�ly
City n7anager joined with tha City �nginser in recor,unending that out of tha
five bids for paving and curbs on Court Street that t11e low b3d frori the Csmpbell
Pav3.n� Compa ny of Clearwater of �10,514.10 be approved. Coimnis•sionar Blanton moved
that fihe bid of tho Camp'�ell Pavin� Company of Clearwater in the anount of �1Q,514.Z0
be approved as recommended by thA City n4anager, t;his improvemant to incl[udeo
2658 cu. yds. oi' i'ill
4660 sqa yda. oi paveraent
2060 lineal feet af concrete curb
Co�missioner I31ack seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unan3r4o�;e1� passed.
The City biana�;er joined with the City Engineer 3.n recor¢nanding �hat out of the
nine bids submitted for draina�e improvements on rlarianne Street that the low bid
of $�10,765.00 fron �l�e JacK Iawrence Company of T�rgo Ue apbroved. Commiss3.oner
Black moved that the reaorranendation of the City NIanager be follo�ved and that the bid
of the J'acl� I,awrence �ompany of Zargo in tlie amount ot $p10,765.00 be approved, these
improvements to i�aclude tlze followi�g materials:
420 lineal feet of 21" aoncrote eawer
290 l�.neal feet o� 18�� concrete sewer
550 lineal feet of 12" concrete sewer
13J0 l:ineal feet of conerete curb
11 standard catch basina
2 standsrd rua�holas
Commiasioner B1.anton seconded the mot:ton, which was voted upon and unsnimousTy passed.
Saptember 26, 1951
City Mana�er submitted request from P3.nance Depar�ment for transfor of
�50,OOQ irom c3garette fund to the tax �ind ior use on the projaots ss aNr£irded to-
nigkit. Comm3s��,oner Black moved tkwt the �50,qD0 from the cigarette funcl be tra�ns-
ferred to the tax fund. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, whiolz was voted
upon and unanimously passed.
City niana�;er asked for deferment of hia recommondat3.on re�arding bids� for
trucks for t1�.e public service department and truck for engineering departr.ment, as±
the tabulation submi�tod to him revealed information aUoui; the equipment on the
truck which rsqu�res fuirther stud�.
City r�tana�er racommenaad that embossin� machine costing $p�iQ117.50 minus rent
p�id ��zring the time it wa•s used by the Utility Departmen� be puxchased. City
Pdan�ge�_r xecorunended that the old mFzchine not be traded 3n; that it be advertised
for sale instead. Conuniss�ioner Bl�ck moved that the City Mana�er�s reconmiendation
be followed and that the embossin� m.achinA be purchaaed for use of tlie Ut:tlity
Department at the price of 4�TOS7.50 wi�h credit bein� allowed for tlle previous�
rent. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion. Voi;e was taken and mot3on unan-
imoualy carried.
City IrIan�ger stated that on i+igrtle Avanue betwean Iaura a�d T.�rew Streets• there.
is a soction oi about 615 1:ineal fset of sanitary sewer tYat�; is completely dete�iora�ed
in some placas - is so thin that it can be stepped on and crushed. The City i� re-
building the storm sewer and ksaving to replace qu3.te a b3t of that. AZr. Kane is
handling this repair out of hia storm sewer repair i�emm The cost of repair to the
sanitarg sewer, however, is so great that it cannot ccme out of thie same fundv The
gipe there now 3s 15�� sanitary sewer, which is entirel�g too small. There is an ]l8°`
pipe at Laura Street and 18��'pipe at Drew Street. The estimated cost �f this�repai�
is �7�37000. Cer¢nis�ioner Black r,iaved that the City Dianager be authorized -to ad-
vertise for bids for the replacements of sanitarg sewers in the areas where ne�essary
and the areas �s designatsd on �4yrtle Avenue between Drew and Iaurae C'orrunissioner°
Blan-ton seconded the motion, whi�.h �va� voted upon and unan3mou�Iy carried.
City Pdanager brought up the matter of advertisement for bida and publie hea�ing
for sanitary sewars on �rospect Avenue, at an estimated cost o� �N5850�00 for 99�
lineal ieet of S" sanitary sewer pipe. Cor.anissioner Black moved �that the City b4anai-
ger be authorized to advertise for public hearing and for b�ds for sanitar�y sswers
on Prospect AvEnu9 betwean Park and Court Streets. Commissioner Black seconded the
motion. Vote was taken and motion ur�animously carried. This public hearing will
be held the �third �Tonday in October, October 15th.
14I�e Vasconi, Architect, sub�itted preliminary plana for Clearwater D'Iarina main.
pier Building. He stated that the plans were stxti:cturallg com�lete but +hat details
of tre shops would be worked out in the future v�.en more is known about the nead� of'
the various tenants expecting tc occupy them. fIa asked that approval of this plan
be made to the extent that the v�ork could be started - particulasly in relation to
the rei�forced concrete footin�s, six of v�hich should be poured immediatelg. Thi�
work has be�n approved by the Architect, the Building Department, and tlie City Mana-
�;er, is in compliance with NPA regulations and in accordance with our bonding iseua.
nSr. Vasconi stated that the NPA regulations provide that the buildin�; can be built
if it is cor�menced before October lst snd if recessarg critica.l materials are on in-
ventory prior to that dats. $e stated that b'Ir, P�tuirhead of the NPA had stated tha,t
if we have evidence of the faet that the supplier i� s on hand and can supply upon
request materials necessa-ry th� t such materials are considered to be within the
possession oi the City. nSr. Vasconi s�ated that there was not enough �ime to com-
plete the drawings to the final stage and still purchase the critica:l materials be-
fore October 1st. �Ie utated that the rer.maining details wi1T be worked out as quick3�
as po�sible when it can be learned what each individual shop wlll need in t2ze way of
sinks, etc. Commissioner Black moved tl�at City P.4ana�er�s and City Architect�s re-
co�nendation be followed as outlined and that we procoed innnediately to put in the
necessary concrete footings to build the building oP the new Clearwater RZarina. Com-
missioner Blanton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and motion unanimously caxried.
TY�ayor Brown stated that he had signed bond validation and that it was filod Septembe�
25th in the Circui�c Court to validate the revenue certificates�. Iie stated that there
are twenty days to answer the validation proceedinga. 'Phe formal ground break3ng
was scheduled for 1:00 Pbi Thursday afternoon, September 27tho
Commissioner Blanton stated that he wiahed the recard to snow that the Cam-
mission have never Y�d since the �irst of tlzP year and have never befora that varied
on point tnat our plan included a:nd includes launching ramps for ��all boats. Just
when and where it is goin� to be is vrithin the province of this City Commissi�n to
There being no iurt�er business to transact by the Cottnnission the meeting was�
adjourned by the h�a�or at 9e00 PIvT.
/ �
d� or-CommissS r
ity Auditor d C1erk
SeUtember 26r 1951
Mayor-Corrmiissioner Herbert Ni4 Brown,
Herbert Blan�,on
Garland T,ynn
Joe Turnar
Thornas H. Black
SeptE,mber 25, 1951
There wi11 be a special meeting af t�e Cit� Corranission tonorrow night �VUednesday -
September 26, 1951) at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of
awarding b3ds for Cit� improvements which have been duly advertieed and opened and
road aloud at a previoua C�rrffiission meeting� These are:
Aa Sevrers on (;ourt & Chestnut Streets�.
B. Sewers on Prospect St.
G. Paving and curba on Prospect St.
D. Paving and curbs on Gourt St.
E. Drainage Improvements on �Sarianne St.
Also the followin� bids �vhich have been duly advertised, �pened and read aloud at a�
previoua Coimnisaion meetin�s
,A. Truck for Yublic Ssrvice Department.
B. Truck for Engineering yepartment.
C. Etnbosain� hSachine for Pu'blic Utilities.
Any matters not on the agenda a�ill be considered by consen•c of tha Coumisaion.
Yours ver� truly,
F. C. b�iddleton
City Iviana�er
Inter-Office Co�rnunication
Sept. 14, 1951
To Mr. Francis C. I�4iddle�on, City P�Ianager
From Franli Abernathy, Citg Treasurer
S�b ject Transi'er of Funds
W311 you please ask the Cozmnission to transfer $�50�OQ0,00 iro� the Cigarette
Tax Fund to Gsneral Fund, to be used for the preliLninarg �vork on Court and Prospect
Th3s transfer is m.ade necessary at this time because of low collections in
^�eneraT Fund.
FA :mb.