09/10/1951 ~ ;."'. ',' '.f" -':,. -;,;'",',\ '. ~ ' .;, ~ .':, . " i. " ' . .. , ',:I'l ' '/;' ':~,! . '~l 'I i ,,--., '--.. " u " :'.~"~'~.j, '1 .1 ,', " ':, :j , " 1 i .I j I ,j , j I 1 j I 1 .~ j :1 :;, 1 1 !. ":', ; .'1' ~f. ,. ,," . .t: " '; { , . . " ',', ',} i-.' , ~ .1~ , i~ ':.:;f , ,:":, f , " '"".': ..... .: ~ ,"1.' . " ",.,'. .,,';.:.., ,. . 'H_'HI."' '.;'. ..,: ,", . ...;,:.,..~)"; ';~I' ,~".. 't)' 1 . ,'"...".;.,;.', " ,". ,.'. ',... ' . . <-.."',. " . ..,...,...".), , .';t~!f%~~1! .';'.,.;\ CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 10, 1951 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, September 10, at 7:~O P.M., with the following members present: I I I ! ! I , Herbert M. Brown Joe Turner Thomas H. Black, Jr. Herbert M. Blanton -Mayor-Commissioner -Commissioner -Conunissioner -Conunissioner Absent: Garland D. Lynn -Connnissioner Also presont were: F. C. l.l1dd1eton C. E. Ware s. Lickton Geol~ge T. lIicC1amma -City Manager -City Attorney -City Engineer -Ohier of Police ,_ ~,,.' .,~,....."-rc The meeting was ca lIed to order by the 11ayor. Report was p,iven by City 1I1anager on the exponses involved in 11r. Kabrich's work on the Court streot extension. City Manar,er sta ted thn t everything is clea red up ex.. cept for about four cases, and that the expenses amount to approximately t;657.00. Map was presented by City Attorney showing what propertieu have been purchased within the ri/~ht of way by the City; what properties made deals with the City in which a certa'in amount of money was paiel to the property owner plus cancellation of :improvement assess- ments or cancella tion of improvement aSSASSInents plus the af~reel'l10nt on the part of the' City to move certain nuj1dings; and propertios traded directly for cancellation of the assessments. The City Attorney stated that of the few who are left all except two appear to be very close to settlement, and that it may be that condemnation proceedings will have to be brought at;ainst these two property holders. Mayor Drown requested the Com- mittee to continue to function and see that the rest of the right of way is procured and to bring back another report when there is ~trther information to add. Mayor Brown also spoke of the Missouri Avenue right of way, and requested that the COl1unittee give serious thought to the employment of Mr. Kabrich on this project innne- diately. Other members of the Commission agreed that II!r. Iilibrich's retention for this work was advisable. City Attorney stated that County Engineer's Office has turned OVer to him all title searches for properties on which title must be obtained in that area. He stated that deeds will be prepared in advance so that only one contact need be made by Mr. Kabrich of property holders in this right of way. He stated that the Missouri Avenue people are very ar,reeab~ toward giving property in that area as they want the right of way and are glad not to be assessed for it. He stated, however, that any special prOblems will of course show up on investigation by tlr. Kabrich. Connnissloner Black made motion that expenses incurred in connection with acquiring of the right of way nece Bsa ry .for the Court stl"eet extonsion, namely $657 .00" be pa id to Mr. Kabrich. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion. Vote was cast and motion unan- imously carried. Mayor Brown called for motion tha t Ur. Ka brich be employed on Missouri Avenue ex- tension. Commissioner Blanton moved that Committee be appointed for procuring properties for right of way from Be11eair Street North to Druid Road and the t hiring of Mr. Kabrich be authorized as right of way a~ent. Commissioner Black seconded the motiono Vote was taken and motion unanimously carried. i I I t ! l I ..':';-,':',, '. .". ,,:;'~:(:::1< l' r . : "': ! '::.'. .:i..'"" :(, ' -~:. ,;{ ,-:'. ,., . ! " ,;',:~H\}i~~tf.f ~ Li1j)~IIi.t~ t,. "'..,...tij:;"..,j'. . '(1'1 Report was given by c~ty Engineer on Mandalay Unit #5 improvement project. City Engineer stated that the proposal is to take the entire subdivision and charge the drain- age against the entire area of the subdivision as shown on map he presented. He stated that he could justify from levels taken that all areas from the crown of the road in Manda1ay do add to the problems of drainage in this area. Pa'\Ting will be charged against front footage. Since the curb and gutters, especially the gutters~ are taking care of drainage" he recommends that curb and glltters be charged against drainage and not against paving. If curb and ~tters are not charged against drainage same lots will have to pay drainage plus curb only. He did not consider that fair but stated it could be done tl~t way. Commissioner Blaclc moved tha t the City Engineer's report be accepted and tha t the City 1mnager be authorized to publish notice of public hearing; that from Mandalay to the Bay and Clearwater to properties involved facing Somerset inclusive be included in this project; that basis for assessment be on an area basis as pertains to curb and storm sewers and that the assessment for paving be on a front foot basis; and that City Manager be authorized to advertise ror bids covering this work so that it will run simultaneously with notice of public hearing, which will be held the first Monday in October - October 1st; bids to be opened only if worle is authorized at the public hearing. Commissioner Black stated that the latter part of his motion was made with the thought that time would be saved for the property owners after the long delay in getting this project under way. Com- missioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously ca~ried. Mayor Brown asked if there was a report on the lmrinas Project. The City Manager requested that Committee go with the City Engineer and him tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 PM to make final inspection of the Marinas property. It was agreed that this be done. Mayor Brown stated that Mr. Al'Dlston ia waiting for final payment. He stated that City Mamger would like to have some authorization to pay this account if the inspection proves that this work is properly done. Commissioner Blanton moved that City Manager be authorized to make final payment atter inspection by the Committee and if the work is found to be completed in a satisfactory manner. Commissioner Black seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously passed. Mayor Brown brought up the matter of the reading of Ordinance No. 608 pertaining to the issuance of Yacht Basin Revenue certificateso The City Attorney submitted amend- ments to ~i8 Ordinance, some of which he stated originated with the Commission and some with the City Attorney. Commissioner Black moved adoption of amendment amending Subsection (al ') ....... _...._~;'fIi..._ i~ """'--..-- , . ' '1:iz;~k:;~J{::~~;0:'<i;;::..~:.",.:,..., ,..,:...', ' .,':,~ "<~~ ..: 'i.""J :,..J, :1:: 1,.....10: ' " i ". ,\ .:) J ~ , .~ ;, '. '; i : , of Section 1 of Article 1 by striking all of Subsection (a) and inserting 1n place thereof as read by the City Attorney. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion, which wa& voted upon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Black moved to amend Supsection (f) of Section 3 of Article 1 of Ordinance No. 608 by striking all of Subsection (f) and inserting in place thereof as read by City Attorney. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously passed. Commissioner Black moved to amend Subsection (g) of Section 3 of Article 1 by striking out all of said section and inserting in place thereof amendment as read by City Attorney. Commissioner Turner seoonded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously passed. Commissioner Black moved to amend Subseotion (h) of Section 3 of Article 1, Ordirnmce No. 608 by striking tlle item noted by the City Attorney and inserting the words noted by the City Attorney. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which wafJ voted upon and unanimously passed. Commissioner Black moved Subsection (c) of Section 13 of Article 3 by addition in the fifty line of the words read by the City Attorney. Cammisaloner Turner seconded the motion, Which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Black moved to amend Paragraph 1 of Subsection (d) of Section 15 of Article 3 by insertlnr, in the second line thereof the phrase noted by the City Attorney. Commissioner Turner aeconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Black moved to amend Subsection (j) of Section 6 of Artlcle 3 of Ordinance No. 608 by inserting in Subsection (j) the phrase as read by the City Attorney. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Mayor Brown asked whether thero has been any expression from the Clearwater Beach Association on this projeot. Tlle City Attorney replied that Mr. Carson~ Freaident of the Association, read over a oopy of the Ordinance end raised two or three questions regarding it and seemed to bo fully sa'tisfied with it. Mayor Brown stated that Mr. Carson had said that the Asso- ciation did endorse the project and fully approves it. Commissioner Blanton moved that an additional $30,000.00 be added to the issue of revenue certificates and that the payment of said additional sum be provided by adding two more additional maturities of $15,000.00 each at the end of the pay period specified 1n the Ordinance. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. C1t1Attorney then read Ordinance No. 608. Commissioner Black moved pasasge of Ordinance No. 60B as amended on its third and final reading. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, whiCh was voted upon and carried. Consideration was given to amendments to Occupational License No. 580. Commissioner Turner moved passage of Ordinance No. 609 on its first readinB. Con~missioner Black seconded the motion~ which was voted upon and unanulously carried. City Attorney read Ordinance No. 609, which was discussed during the reading by all Commissioners. Com- missioner Turner moved that Ordinance No. 609 be taken up at second reading by title only by unanimous consent. Conmissioner Black seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. City Attorney read Ordinance No. 609 by title only. Com- missioner Black moved passage of Ordinance No. 609 by title only on its second reading. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon and unanimously carried. Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Brown at 12:15 AM. ~ layor- ommiss r --------------------------------------------------------------------~--- September 7, 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown, Connnissioners: Joe Turner, Herbert Blanton, Garland D. Lwnn, Thomas H~ B1aclc Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in special session Monday evening - September 1.0, 1951 - 7:30 P. M. 1n the City Hall - to consider items on the attached agenda. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yours very troly. F.C.Middleton, City ~mnager. Improvement Project. City Engineer's report on Manda1ay Unit #5 - Third and final reading of Ordinance #608. Consideration of wmendments to Occupational License Ordinance #580. Report from Mr. Kabrich regarding Court street Extension right-of-wEV . Items not on the Agenda will be considored by oonsent o~ the Con~isBion. Adjournmento ".:' " 11"\ ,,' , ~. ,.,'/,:; I, i ' I t I .' f ! I, I: I ! , \ I, , " '~;'~~iHtlri , "I' ".,..",.~ 111~i1~.;'\ , ' :~." " . ._, ,..; .~ :' &~.;' . ".,. , ,:: ,~', .. :' _4 '\ ,I. " : .,...< ,\ - . .....- & . ~~. '., _..,,_ ;,.."l:.' .J., ... ......,;,:,..". ., ". ,,:.L CITY OOM11ISSION MEETING Sept~ber ~O~ 1951 ORDINANOE NO. 608 , ,',.. Co' " . ~I .':?.:":.:....:}:.;:~f ";".\' .';~ , < ...,: : .;j ~j ~ .,~ . ; ~:.\...,.,y.~\ .l;~~;:j/ ;:1 "j :,~ :~i ,q '1 .~ :;} . il 1 1 i I AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE OONSTRUOTION, IMPROVDfEN'l' AND EQ,UIPMENT or A COMMERCIAL AND RECREA'.rIONAL BUILDING AND A PIERJ AUTHOR- IZING THE ISSUANOE OF $:325,000.00 YAOH'l' BASIN BE:VENlJE CEB'l'IFIOATEB; AND PROVIDING FOR 'mE EIGHTS OF 'l'HE HOLDERS THEllEOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OO!MISSION OF THE OI'l'I' OJ' CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: 1. provisions amendments water, and ARTIOLE I STATtrrORY AUTHORITY, FINDINGS AND DEFINITIONS. AU'l'BORI'rX' OF THIS ORDINANOE. This Ord1nanoe is adopted pursuant to the ot Obapter 9710, Speo1a1 Aots ot the Leglslature ot Flor.1da, 1923, and thereof and supplements thereto, be1ng the Oharter ot the Otty ot Olear- other appl10able prov1s1ons ot law. It is hereby tound and determined as ~0110ws: (A) !hat the 01ty or Olea~ater 1s now the owner ot 1and, premdees and vater rights 1n sdd 01 ty ,known as Land Lot 2, the West one-halt or Land Lot 5; allot Land Lots 7 to 13, inolusive, and ~ater Lot 1 ot the 01ty Park SubdiVision, Clearwater Beaoh Island, Clearwater, Florida, and that the revenues to be derived trOB the tees, rentale, or other charges tor the use o~ said land and water r1ghts and taci11tles oonstruoted and to be oonstruoted thereon, as here~n authorized are not p1edged or encumbered 1n any manner. (B) That the oonst:root1on, 1mpx-ovement and equipment at a Commero1a1 and ~oreat10nal Build1ng and a pier (hereln oalled "Yacht Basin Faoi11t1es') ae here1n- after described, are tor a proper munioipal purpose, and it is 1mperat1ve in order to preserve the publio health and prov1de proper reoreat10nal facl1i~ies tor the lnhabitants of the 01ty or Clearwater that sald Yacht Basin F~cl1ities shall be construoted, im- proved and equipped in aooordanoe with the provis1ons ot th1s Ord1nanoe. ! " (0) That the revenues to be derived trom the Proj eot hereinafter desor! bed, 1noluding the Yaoht Bas1n Faoi1itles, ~1l be suffioient to pay the principal or and interest on all of the Yaoht Basin Revenue Certif10ates 1ssued pursuant to this Ordinanoe and to make all reserve, s1nking fund and other payments provided for in this Ord1nanoe, and to pa7 the neoessary oost at operating and maintaining said ProJeot. (D) That the pr1ncipa1 of and interest on the Yacht Basin Revenue Certlt10ates to be issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe and all o-r the reserve. 81nlt1ng tund and other payments provided t"or 1b this Ord1nance, will be pdd sole17 trom the Revenues de 1'1 ved by the 01ty ~rom the operat10n of said Projeot, and it w111 never be neoessary or author- 1zed to use the ad valorem tax1ng power or any 0 ther tunds or said 01 ty to pay the principal of and interest on said Revenue Cex-t1fiaates to be issued pursuant to this Ord1nanoe, or to make any ot the reserve, sinklng tund or other payments prov1ded ror in thls Or1dinanoe, and said Revenue Certitioates issued pursuant to ~ls O~1nanoe shall not oonst1tute a 1ien upon any of the propert1es o~ sa1d Projeot or upon any other property whatsoever 01 ~e City. (E) That there has been 1ssued under date ot July 1, 19~O, $11S,000 Oommeroial and Yacht Basin Revenue Certlt1oates, to -r1nanoe the oost ot the construot10n, 1mprove- ment and equipment of a Yaoht Basin, and that 1t 1s expedient end advantageous to the City, to refund the outstand1ng oertificates of said issue by the sale or exchange ot the oert1tloates hereinafter ~thorized. (F) That oonstruction, improvement and equipment ot said Yaoht Basin Facil1tles shall be undertaken and oomp1eted ln acoordanoe w1~ the plans and speo1f1cat10ns pro- posed by the Oity1s Engineer. and heretofore f1led in the of~ice of the Oity Aud1tor and Clerk, at an estimated cost ot $32~,OOO. SUoh cost shall be deemed to include the refund1ng ot the outstanding oerti-r1cates ot sa1d issue or Oommero1al and Yacht Basin Revenue Cert1~ioates, dated Ju~y 1, 1950, issued to finance ~e cost ot the constructlon, ~mprovement and equipBent ot the Yaoht Basin and the oost ot the oonstruction, 1mprovs- ment and equipment of sald Yaoh:t Ba.sin Fac1li ties pursuant to said p1ans end speoif1oa- tions. ino1uding the aoquis1tion of any lands or 1nterest there1n and o~ any r1xtures or equlpment or p~pertle8 deemed neoessary or convenient theree6r, 1nteres~ upon the Yacht Basin Revenue oer'titloates lssued pursuant to th~s Ordinance prior to, and during and tor six mantas atter the comp1et1on and placing ln opex-at1on of said Yaoht Bas1n Faoi1ities; engineering and 1egal expenses; expenses tor estimates o~ oosts and ot revenues; expenses tor plans, specitications and surveys and ~oh other expenses a8 m8.1 be neoessary or ino1dent to the f'1nano1ng authorized by this 0l"'d1nance, and the oonstruct1on, improvement and equ1pping of' such Yaoht Basin Fao111ties and ~a plac1ng o'f same 1n operation. . "~. , . < , oj '0 , " .",.1.:1 , '. " , ,~;, ' , -. . ','" ' 2.. ORDINANCE '1'0 OONSTITU'l'E CONTRACT. In oons1dera tlon o:t the acoeptanoe of the Oertitloates autho:r1.zed to be issued hereunder by those who shal1 hold the same trom ~ime to time, this O~nanoe shall be deemed to be and shall const1tute a oontract between the Oity of' Olearwater, Flor.1da. and suoh certificate holders, and the oovenante and agreements here1n Bet ~orth to be perto1'Dled by said 01 ty shall. be tor the equal benet1t, protect1.on and Beour1 ty of the legal holders ot any and allot such Cert1f- 10ates and the ooupons attaohed thereto. allot wh10h shall be ot equal rand and ld th- out pretex-enoe, P~cr1t7 ord11t1notion ot anT ot the Oert1f1cates or ooupons over any other thereot eJtcept QS exprea 811 prOvided thereJ1n and herein. . .,~ - ,...... - .. ;~.'\ ::::.::..~t~~:t .~'i\t:?~!1~~~:1.: ", ' . ) i I i r I ! I ~ r, " . "... ,., 'i'~)g~( z~~vt~lj, : ~~t" , J ~,\ " '.. oJ:' :_ ~ .. :', . ~ . '. .', ,. ,......, ".......'~~..."...;,:,.. ~.:..~.., ~; 1 -",' ~.., :".~_;\.::;', ;'., ,; ::\: ,.I~L_..',;~.:.~:;....:~.-::~>~,~-;:-:;~,.:.~, ;~..~<:..'-~~~.;'<~.~~;; ~;'..~': .~;..,:; .,~-, ,,: ,.,.;:-." ' -.. "'-: , " ' , . . . - , . '.' .,.. ' .. ,,' ','.co c:::;;';.";~i.;'~~';;~~:;';~~";;'i,.'~;i.":~1.;;~~;~;,~~;t!<~;tiii.~i":lc;",~',;i$":;~':";'_;";\~!. ,,',. ". ,,';'" }:'~':;~;.!i, ::"'. r,: ',: ;!t I-z.., ;':';.i\::"(;'~:;,;, :;', , . :',,: ~l"),:::~-/~.:(.:, I~ i) , ~~ ;11 i~ ! ,~ 3. DEFINITIONS. The following terms shall have the toll owing meanings in this Ordinanoe unless the text otherw1se expressly requires: (a) "Oity. shall mean the Clty o~ Clearwater, Florida (b) "Aot" shall mean the Charter ot the Oity of Olearwater, oonstituting Ohapter 9710, Special Aots ot the Legislature of Florida, 192', and amendments thereo~ and supplements thereto. (0) .Oertifioates' shall mean the $325,000 Yaoht Basln Revenue Oertifioates authorized to be issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe and any additlonal Certlfioates hereafter issued pursuant to subseotion 13 (t) hereot in the manner therein provided and the interest coupons attaohed to said Certit1oatee. (d) 'Holder of Oert1fioates. or "Certitioate ho1der-, or any similar term, shall mean any person who shall be the bearer or owner ot any outstanding Certif- ioate or Certitioates registered to bearer or not reg1stered, or the registered owner of any outstanding Certitioa~e or Certifioates whioh shall at the time be registered other than to bearer, or of any ooupons representing 1nterest aoorued or to aoorue on said Certifioates. (e) "Yaoht Basin Faci11ties. shall mean the oommeroial and reoreationa1 building and a pier oonstructed and to be construoted in the area of the ProJeot pursuant to the above mentioned plans and speoif1cations of the City's Engineer. (t) 'ProJeot- shall mean land, premises, water rights, and areas within the City known as ~d Lot 2 and the West half ot Land Lot 5; Land Lots 7 to 13, in- olusive, and Water Lot 1 of the Clty Park Subdivision, Clearwater Beaoh Island, Olearwater, FlOrida, and all improvements or fao1lities now or hereatter looated or oonstruoted thereon, includlng the Yaoht Basin fao1lities, together with all buildings, tixtures, equipment, and all property, rea~ or personal, tangible or in- tangible, now or herea~ter owned or used by the City 1n connection with suoh proJeot or suoh Yaoht Bas1n faoilities. (g) ftRevenues" shall mean 111 rates, tees, oharges, rentals, or other inoome received by the Oity, or aocrued to the Oity or any Board or agenoy thereof 1n oontro1 of the management and operation of the projeot, all as oaloulated in acoordanoe with sound aocounting praotioe. -Revenues' shall be specifically deemed to include, wi thout being lim1 ted to, any and a1l rentals or other payments recel ved bY' the Oi ty from lessees, lloensees, or other persons tor said project, or any part thereof; pro- vided however that whenever and wherever the Oity shall 1ease or lioense any portion of said proJeot under terms providing that such licensees or lessees have made or shall make oapital 1mprovements to said project or a part of parts thereof, which capital improvements shall accrue to and the title to which improvements will vest 1 n the 01ty only the net rent or l10ense tees so paid or acorued to the Oity shall be oonsidered as "revenues" under the terms of ~is Ordinance. (h) 'Operating Expenses" shall mean the current expenses, paid or aocrued, ot operation, maintenance and repair ot said Project and shall include, without limiting the generality o~ the foregoing, taxes, insuranoe premiums and administrative expenses ot the Oity properly chargeable to the Project, labor, the cost ot materials and supp11es used tor ourrent opera~ion, and charges tor the accumulation supplies used tor current operation, and oharges for the aocumulation of appropriate reserves not annually recurrent but which are suoh as may reasonably be expected to be in- curred in acoordanoe with sound accounting practioe. "Operating expenses" shall not inolude any allowanoe for depreoiat1on, renewals or extensions or any charges for the accumulatioh ot reserves for capital replacements, renewals or extensions; pro- vided however, that whenever and wherever the Oi~y shall lease or l1cense any portion ot sald ProJeot under terms providing for the payment of net rentals to the City ani whereby the lessee or licensee pays part or all of the costs ot operation and ma1n- tenance, then the part of such costs of operatlon and maintenanoe paid by suCh lessee or license shall be included under the term "Operating Expenses. as used in this subsection (h). (i) Words importing singular number shall lnolude the plural number in each case and vice versa, and words lmporting persons shall include t1rms and oorporations. '\ ;, J I f , ! I r I I i I l \~. ~ , I, .. ~ i " ~ ~ " 'A 1 i 1 ~ i '~ ) " '." ~: ::~'.~., . ' ':~~~~:{{: ':, ,. " 'i , ,,' ~ ARTICLE II AUTHOm ZATION , TERMS, EXECUTI ON, REGI STRA TION AND ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES 4. AUTHORIZATION OF CERTIFICATES. Subject and pursuant to the provlsions of this ordinance, Oert1fioates ot the Oity ot Clearwater to be known as WYacht Basin Revenue Oertifioates" are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate princ1pal amount ot not exoeedlng Three Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($325,000) for the purpose ot refunding the outstanding certifioates of said issue ot $115,000 Oommercial and Yaoht Basin Revenue Certifioates, dated July 1, 1950, and to finance the oost ot the oonstruction, improvement and equipment ot Yaoht Basin Facilities as provided 1n this Ord1nanoe. -_.~,.".._. ':,' , ,~, .',. ;' ;',', I' '...' I .~ <... ;. ....:.,. S,: . ':' , ,,~ ~.;,~/ ) '''-: 4.., ' I I 1 I i ; " ' , '~ :' . , ,.... . ....:., ... , ,';,' ,. ..:::;,," ~;\:,!.~:;;.:::,.:;;..J :,~;U:~;; ":;:L~:!$:;;'.r;f.l;i;:;\:'::';;;::~d;;':;";"'~~~~}.J~;ij~:::.,,:.,~ ': .' ,:i' ,:!, l.5f'" " ", " . .';111~;' :);\;ir~f~;( ,'" L 1..., ,.",," ,.' ." ,. ."~ ,',J.:' .. . _ ' S. DESORIPTION OF OERTIFIOATES. The Certifioates shall be dated July 1, 19;1, shall be in the denomination ot $1,000 each, shall be numbered trom 1 to '25, inolusive, shall bear interest at a rate not exoeeding the legal rate payable semi-annually on January 1 and July 1 of eaoh year, and sha11 mature serially 1n numerioal order, lowest numbers f1rst, on July 1 o~ eaoh year, $5,000 in eaCh at the years 1952 to 1956, inolusive, $10,000 in eaoh of the years 1957 to 196;, in- olusive, and $1;,000 in eaoh ot the years 1966 to 1979, 1nc1usive. The Oertifioates maturing in the years 1952 to 1960, 1nolusive, shall not be redeemable p~ior to maturity. The Oertitioates maturing in the years 1961 to 1979, inolusive, shall be redeemable prior to matur1ty, at the option ot the Oity on July 1, 1960, or on any interest payment date tberea~ter prior to maturity, ~s a whole or in part, in inverse numerioal order, at a redemption price ot ~ar and aoorued interest to date of redemption, plUS a premium dF1ve per oent (5%) of the par value thereot it redeemed on or before July 1, 1963; or a. premium ot Four per oent (4%) ot the par value thereof it redeemed thereafter but on or before July 1, 1966; of a premium ot Three per oent C,%) ot the par value thereot 1t redeemed thereatter but on or betore July 1,1969; or a premium or Two ~er oent (2~) ot the par value thereof if redeemed thereafter but on or before July 1, 1972, and ~thout premium if redeemed thereafter; provided that a notioe ot suoh intended redemption shall have been pub- lis~d by the Oity at least onoe, at least thirty days prior to the date ot redemption in a t1nanoial paper published in the City of New York, New York, and provided further that if lees than all of said Oertifioates subject to redempt10n are 80 oalled tor re- demption, the notioe of redemption shall state the ident1fYing numbers ot the Oertif- ioates to be redeemed. Bald Oertitioates shall be issued 1n ooupon form, shall be payable with re- speot to both prinoipal and interest in lawful money of the Unlted states ot Amer10a, at the prinoipal otfioe of the Chase National Bank of new York, new York, N.Y. and shall bear 1nterest trom their date, payable in aooo~ance with and upon surrender ot the appurtenant interest ooupons as they severally ma~re. 6. EXEOUTION OF OERTIFIOATES AND COUPONS. Sa1d Certifioates shall be ex- eouted in the name of the 01uy by its City Auditor and Clerk and 1ts City Manager, and oounters1gned by its Mayor-Commissioner and shall have impressed thereon the oorporate seal of the Oi ty. In oase anyone or more of the off1oers who shall ha V8 signed or sealed any of the Oertitioates shall cease to be suoh offioer ot the Oity betore the Certifioates 80 signed and sealed shall have been aotually sold and de- livered, suQh Oerti~ioates may nevertheless be sold and delivered ss herein prov1ded and may be issued as if the person who signed or sealed suoh cert1~ioates had not oeased to hold suoh otfice. Any Certifioates may be signed and sealed on behalf ot the Oity by suoh person as at the aotual time of the execut10n of suoh Certificates shall hold the proper offioe in the City, although at the date of euoh Oertifioates suoh person may not have held suoh offioe or may not have been eo authorized. The Coupons to be attaohed to the Cert1~laates shall be authentioated with the taosimile signatures of the present or any future City Auditor and Olerk, City Manager and Mayox-Commissioner o't said Oi ty and the 01 ty may adopt l!lnd use for the purpose the faosimile signature ot any of sud persons who mall have held suoh offioes at any time on or atter the date of the Certit1oates, notwithstanding that he may have oeased to hold suoh otfioe at the time w.nen said Oertifioates shall be aotually sold and delivered. 7. NEGOTIABILITY AND REGISTRATION. The Certif10ates shall be, and have all of the qualities and inoidents of, negotiable instruments under the 1aw merohant and the Negotiable Instruments Law of the State of Florida, and eaQb suooessive holder, in aooepting any of said Certifioates o~ the ooupons appertain1ng thereto, shall be oonelusively deemed to have agreed that suoh Certificates shall be and have allot the qualities and inoidents of negot1able instrnments under the law merohant and the Negotiable Instruments Law of the State ot Flor1da, and eaoh suocesslve holder shall turther be oonolusively deemed to have agreed that said Oertificates shall be inoon- testable in the hands of a bona tide holder for value in the manner proVided herein- atter in the torm of said Certifioates. The aert1fioat~s may be registered at the option of the holder as to prinoipal only at the offioe of the Oity Auditor and Clerk of the City, such regis- tration to be noted on the baok of said Oertifioates in the spaoe provided therefor. After suoh reg1stration no transfer of the Certifioates shall re valid unless made at said offioe by the registered owner, or by his duly authorized agent or represen- tative and Similarly note4 on the Certifioates, but the Certif1cates may be disoharged trom registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer and thereupon trans- ferability by delivery sh~ll be restored. At the option ot the holder the Certif- icates may thereafter again from time to time be reg~8tered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration as to principal only shall not affeot the negotiability ot the ooupons which shall 00 ntinue to pass by de11very. 8. OERTIFIOATES MUTILATED, DESTROYED, STOLEN, OR LOST. In oase any Cer- titioate shall beoome mutilated or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the Oity m~ 1n 1ts disoretion issue and daLiver a new Oertificate w1tn all unmatured ooupons attached of like tenor as the Oertificate and attached aoupons. it any, so mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost, in exchange and substitution tor suoh mutilated Oertifioate, upon surrender and oanoellation of suoh mutilated Oerti~loate and attached ooupons, if any, or in lieu of and substitution tor the Cert1ficate'and a~taohed ooupons, it anT, ~:"':~.._,_. if' , , ~., ,. , . J ; , " ; ". ;; ! ,. J.:</ ~ - I'" r;" [)~~ ~~W'. I~ :,~,,;',:\v$-~/ . I{:~flk~~:~;:' }~,)~~ ' h' ~; ,\ ~ t: . ., , ' , "',,. . "..'"....'.'d. , ..,: ~ I ,':;\;. ~-!';':~i;'~\w~~~:.:;"i.t:~.;;~:;...;~~:\~i;~~~~..:'.;.'~>"~"i:, ~ ;}.~~,i} ~i~':: , tZ! f- .1 " .'... ~-'It:,}:,\:" ~,;:,j,};:,~(;~//~'.,:,~;!~;;;::~~:~::~:~'~,.;~~;-.;~:'i,..",~.; " , ,I'~ "',$"." ~"'/''''''''fSI ':j#,{t{~~11Jl ~'i,:;(li'l}'-""" '",(' , i ;II~I~[(',' <";/;;'jY,'\{.:;~:";"" i Ii destroyed, stolen or lost, and upon the holder furnishing the Oity proof of his ownership thereot and satistaotory indemn1 ty and oomplying w1 th suoh other reaSon- able regulations and oond1tions as the City may presoribe and paying suoh expenoes as the 01ty may inour. All Oertifioates and ooupons so surrendered shall be oan- oe11ed bT the City Aud1 tor and Clerk and held tor the aooount ot the City. It any suoh Oertifioate or ooupon shall have matured or be about to mature, instead ot issuing a subst1tuted Oertitioate orooupon the Oity may P87 the same, upon being indemnitied as atoresaid, and if suoh Certitioate or ooupon be lost, stolen or destroyed, without surrender thereot. Any suoh dup1ioate Oert1tioates and coupons issue1 pursuant to this seo- tion shall oonstitute original, additional oontraotual obligations on the part o~ the 01ty, whether or not the lost, stolen or destroyed Oert1t1oattes or ooupons be at 811Y time found by anyone, and suoh dup1ioate Oertif'ioates and coupons s~al1 be entitled to equal and proportionate benefits and rights as to 11en and souroe and seour1ty tor payment trom the Revenues of the Projeot with all other Certif10ates and ooupons issued hereunder. " "I ,. >' '1' >/'f) 'f/"'''''''\: ) ~ ""., .. "'1 " '..\, ,. J ,1 ',I ~1 .~ .~ .~ i 1 9. FORM OF OERTIFICATES AND OOUPONS. The text ot the Oertifioates, oou~ons and provisions tor registration shall be of substantially the tol1owing tenor, with suoh omissions, insertions and variations as may be neoessqry and desirable and author- ized or permitted by this Ordinanoe, or any subsequent Ordinance or Resolut1on adop~d prior to the issuanoe thereot: '..: i: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF CLEARWATER YACHT BASIN REVENUE CERTIFI CATE '1,000 1 i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the C1ty 01" 01earwater, in Pine1las County. Florida, tor value received, hereby promises to pay to ~e bearer, or it th1s Certifioate be registered,to the registered holder as here1n provided, on tne f1rst day 01" July 19 ,from the revenues and speoial funds hereinatter mentioned, the pr1no1pal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) wi th 1nterest thereon at the rate ot per oentum (.' '. ~) per annum, payable semi-annually- on 'the 1st day of January and the 1st day of J'u1y 01" eaoh year upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed ooupons as they severally fall due. Both prinoipal ot and interest on this Certitioate are payable 1n 1awtul money o~ the Un1ted states of Amerioa at the prinoipal otf1oe ot the Chase National Bank at the City of New York, New York, N. Y. This 6ertlfioate 1s one of an author1zed 1ssue ot Certif10ates in ~e ag- gregate prinoipal amount of $325,000 of 11ke date, tenor and etteot, exoept as to number and date of maturity, issued to refund the outstanding Certificates ot an issue at $115,000 Oommeroial and Yaoht Bas1n Revenue Certif1oates, dated July 1, 1950. and to finanoe the oost of the oonstruotion, improvement and equipmen t of commerc1al and recreational building and a p1er in the Oity of Olearwater, under the authority of and in full oomp1ianoe with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Flor1da, the Charter 01" the City of Clearwater, being Chapter 9710, Special Acts ot the Legislature ot Florida tor the year 1923, as amended and supplemented, and other applicab1e statutes, and an Ord1nance duly adopted by the City Oommission ot said Oity on Septem- ber lOth, 1951, and is subject to all the terms and condit1ons ot said Ordinanoe. This Certifioate and the ooupons apertainlng hereto are payable SOlely trom and seoured by a lien upon and pledge ot the net revenues derived from the operation of the ProJeot descr1bed 1n the Ordinance authorizing this issue of' Oertitioate8 in the manner proVided in sald Ordinance and does not constitute an indebtedness of the C1ty of Clearwater within the meaning 01" any constitutional, statutory or oharter provisions or limitation, and it 1s expressly agreed by the holders ot this Certit- icate and the coupons appertaining hereto that suoh holders shall never have the right to reauire or oompel the exeroise of the ad valorem taxing power o~ said Oity, or the taxation ot real estate in said City, tor the payment of the prino1pal of and interest on this Certificate or the making ot nny sinking tund, reserve or other payments provided tor in the Ordinance Quthor1zing this issue ot Cert1fica~es. It is further agreed between the City ot Clearwater and the holder ot th1s Oert1ficate that this Certitioate and the obligation evidenoed thereby shall not con- stitute a lien upon the aforesaid projeot, or any part thereot, or on any other property ot or in the Oi ty o-r Clearwater, but shall oonst1 tute a lien only on the net revenues der1ved trom the operation of' said Projeot in the manner provided in sald Ord1nanoe. . ,'.,. The 01 ty 1n sa1d Ordinanoe ha~ covenanted and agreed with the holders ot the Oert1fioates ot this 1ssue to tix and establ1sh and maintain suoh rates and oollect such tees, rentals or other oharges tor said ProJeot and each and every part thereof and to revise the same trom t1me to t1me whenever neoessary (subJeot to the provisions o~ anT oontra6tB with lessees or lioensees of Buoh ProJeot, or any part thereot) as will always proYide revenues suff10ient to pay and out ot said revenues shall paT. as the same shall become due, the prinoipal ot and 1nterest on the aert1~loates ot this , l.ilsue, '~1n add1tion to PaJing, as the same shall beoome due, the neaessarT expense. ',', . " ; ~ ' ',~ .' '. :;', .:',}/ ";:,,.,'i';;/ , , , . ~', '\'.,_ '~, ':#~',_' :'~. .:~;\ ~ .:..:.::::..~. ~';::~); ~:.;:'::"~;.;.";:::~~:I,.~~:;j.~~:~;i ':<.C'.~,. ~.l~~ :.~_.:;.~~ij~~~:l;~'~:.~~:;;l':.:;~ '. ..., ':. '" ' , ~ /.' c- h>i;\,~;}Y; ;~, '. tJ1fi ~ f.; "\ q!; .~~.' "," i :::! :~..:(~.'.: ':~,:,>!.'" . I :"";:.:'::" o~ operating and maintaining said Projeot, all reserve or sink1ng fUnds, or other paY'D1en ts prov1ded for in said Ordinanoe, and all other obligat1ons payable out ot the revenueS or said Project and that suoh rates, fees, rentals or other oharges sbal1 not be reduoed so as to be insuffioient to provide revenues tor suoh pur- posee, and said 01ty has entered into oertain further oovenants w1th the holders o~ the Certif10ates of this l~sue for the terms ot whioh referenoe is made to sa1d Ord1nanoe. ";,',', . . ," '. The Certit10ates maturing 1n tbe years 1952 to 1960, inolusive, are not re- deemab16 prior to maturity. The Certifioates maturing in the years 1961 to 1919 1n~lusive, are redeemable pr10r to maturity, at the option of the C1ty on July 1, 1960, or on any 1nterest payment date thereafter pr10r to maturity, as a whole or 1n part, in 1nverse numerioa1 order, at a redemption prioe ot par and aoorued 1nterest to date of redemption, at a redempt10n prioe ot par and aoorued 1nterest to date ot redemption, plus a premium ot five per oent (5~) ot the par value there- or 1f redeemed on or betore July 1, 1963; or a premium of tour per oent (~) ot the par value thereot it redeemed thereafter but on or betore July 1, 1966; or a premium ot three per oent (3%) of the par value thereof if redeemed thereafter but on or be- ~ore July 1, 1969; or a premium of two per cent (2%) of the par value thereot' it redeemed thereafter but on or betore July 1, 1972; and without premium if redeemed thereatter: prov1ded that a not1oe of suoh redemption shall have been pub11shed at least enoe at least thirty days prior to the date of redemption 1n a f1nanoial paper published in New fork Oity, New York. It is hereby oertified and reoited that all aots, oonditions and things re- quired to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and 1n the issuanoe ot this Certifioate, exist, have happened and have been performed in regular and due ~or.m and time 8S required by the statutes and Constitution ot the state ot F10r1da app1ioab1e thereto, and that the issuanoe of this Certifioate, and ot the issue of Certificates of whioh this Certifioate 1s one, does not violate any oonstitutional, statutory or oharter lindtat1on. This Certifioate, and the ooupons appertain1ng thereto, is, and has all the qualities and inoidents of, a negotiable instrument under the law merohant and the Negotiable Instruments Law of the state of Flor1da, and the or.1ginal holder and each suooessive holder of this Certitioate, or of the ooupons appertaining thereto, shall be oonolusively deemed by his aooeptanoe thereot to have agreed that this Oertitioate and the ooupons appertaining thereto shall be and have all the qua11ties and inoiden~s o~ negotiable instruments und.er the law merchant and the Negotiable Instruments Law ot the State ot Florida. The original holder and eaoh suooessive holder ot this Cer- tifioate, and of the ooupons appertaining hereto, shall be oonolusively deemed to have agreed and oonsented to the following terms and conditions: (a) Title to this Certifioate, unless registered as herein provided, and to the annexed interest ooupons, may be transferred by delivery in the manner provided ~or negot1able instruments payable to bearer in the law merohant and the Negot1ab1e Instruments Law of the state of Florida; (b) Any person in possession of this Certitioate, unless registered as here- in prOVided, or of the interest coupons hereunto appertaining, regardless of the manner in whiCh he shall have aoquired possession, is hereby authorized' to represent himself as the absolute owner hereot, and is hereby granted power to trans~er absolute t1t1e hereto by delivery hereof to a bona tide purchasert that ls, to anyone who shall purohase the same for value (present or anteoedent) without notioe o-r prior defenses or equities or claims of ownerShip enforoeab1e aga1nst his transterror; every prior taker or owner of this Cert1fioate, unless registered as here1n provided, and o~ the annexed interest ooupons, waives and renounces all of his equities and rights here1n 1n favor ot every suoh bona fide purohaser, and every suoh bona fide purchaser shall aoquire absolute title hereto and to all rights represented hereby; and (0) The City of Clearwater may treat the bearer ot this Certifioate, unless reg1stered as herein prOVided, or of the interest ooupons hereunto appertaining, as the absolute owner hereof for all purposes w1thout be1ng affeoted by any notioe to the oontrary. This Certitioate may be reg1stered as to prinoipal only ln aocordanoe with the provisions endorsed hereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF SAID City ot Clearwater, Flor1da has issued this Cert1f- 10ate and has oaused the same to be signed by its Oity Auditor and Olerk and its City Manager, oountersigned by its Mayor-Commissioner and its oorporate seal to be artixed hereto and has caused the interest ooupons hereto attaohed to be executed with the taosimi1e signatures of all of said offioers, all as ot the f1rst day ot July, 1951. " " I I I I ! I I , I '.j ',1 ! i CI'rY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA BY_ City Auditor & Clerk (SEAL) BY C1 ty M8A-1ager Counters1gned: Mayor-Commissioner ',} ..... - ._~----'-- ,"... - ...........-. ;'": ;. , ! , ,~:' .' ;,.....,. " , ,. \ . 1. . ~ . i '. DATE OF !; REGISTRATION IN WHOSE NAME REGISTERED SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR . ~,:. ., , }~t~1~;ii~ii*t~K .,.,'1-..:&.,...1. "~"'l~l~j"f' I;~~;!'\.; 1:':J1;) , ,.',' ,: ,',:>),y:': t'~\.}:;[{t:;> ~ '. ':';:':. :', . I', .. ',i " . .',."., ',;"'! .:1. " .<:.:;.;~~>~'.\~;:" '~'.. '\..~ ~:,~~,t.~.;("",.... ,,/}'~;~~~~k~~~, ' ",:.:";:r,; '.~ , .A;: ~.', ..: ~'" ,. ~ ",. c,,",'_,c,,~,/.~ 'c"""""""""""~""'"","""'~'~"~"""L'"""',".2.JD"~i"O"';~.,~~~1~~t:",,~~ " .",:- :;: .'1-1 lY:':\' i:~:; . '':;:~/~/; ,;'\ \' .., '. '''i~~~\~\'~;~''.i:'-!.:_l.~k'''''':;'~_:_.. ,,~ ~~ ..:.-.,:t,...~~" :- ;, ,;,.,.~(.. "J~0J\ :/. .'1'_.;, :." ~> ,r:'- 1. ,:.' ,; '.' , i!W:!;i'iiji'~,(:i:\ . ,';- '," ., ..<::. ",' "" FORM OF OOUPON No. On the day ot ,19 ,(unless the Oerti~ioate to whioh this coupon is attached shall have been duly oalled tor redemption and prov1sion tor the payment ot the re4emption prioe duly made) the Oity ot 01earwater, Florida, w11l par to the beare~ at the prino1pal otfioe ot Obase National Bank of the Oity ot New York New York, N. Y. t'rom revenues and speoial funds desoribed in the Certifioate to whioh this ooupon is attaohed, the sum ot Dollars ($ ), in lawful money ot the United States at Amerioa upon presentation and surrender of this ooupon, being six months interest then due on its Yaoht Basin Revenue Oertitioate, dated Jul7 1, 1951, No. OI TY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA BY Oity Auditor and Olerk BY City Manager COUNTERSIGNED: Mayor-Commiss1oner (FORM OF VALIDATION CERTIFIOATE) Validated and oontirmed by deoree at the Cirouit Court ot the Sixth Judioial Cirouit ot Florida, in and tor Pinellas Oounty, rendered on the dar ot Clerk of the Cirouit Court ot Pinel1as Oounty, Florida (PROVISION FOR REGISTRATION) This Certifioate may be registered as to prinoipal on17 in the name ot the holder on the books to be kept by the Cit,y Auditor and Clerk as Registrar, or suoh other Reg1strar as may hereatter be duly appointed, suoh registration being noted hereon by such registrar in the registration blank below, atter which no transter shall be valid unless made on said books by the registered holder or attorney du1y authorized ,and Similarly noted in the registrat10n blank below, but it may be d1s- oharged trom registration by being transferred to bearer, after whioh it shall be transferable by delivery, but 1 t may be aga1n registered as before. The registra- tion ot this Certifioate as to principal shall not restrain the negotiab1lity of the ooupons by delivery merely. ARTICLE III aOVEN'ANTS, REVENUES AND APPLICATION THEREOF. 10. aERTIFICATES NOT TO BE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE OITY. Neither the Oertifioates nor ooupons shall be or oonsti~ute an indebtedness ot the City, but shall be payable solely trom the Revenues of the ProJeot, and other speoial funds, as herein provided. No holder or holders of any Certitioates issued hereunder, or ot any ooupons appertain- ing thereto, shall ever have the right to oompel the exeroise ot the ad valorem taxing power ot the 01ty, or taxation in any torm ot any real prope~ty therein, to pay said Certifioates or the interest thereon, or to be entitled to payment ot suoh prinoipal and interetlt from any other funds ot the City exoept the net Revenues ot said Projeot, as provided herein. 11. CERTIFICATES SEOURED BY PLEDGE OF REVENUES AND SPEOIAL FUNDS. '!'he pa)'ment ot the debt service ot allot the Oertifioates 1ssued hereunder shall be seoured forthwith equally and ratably by a lien on the net Revenues derived ~rom said Projeot. The net Revenues der1ved from said ProJeot in an amount suftioient to pay the prinoipal ot and interest on ~e Oertificates herein authorized, and to make the parmente into the re- serve and sinking tunds and all other payments prov1ded tor in this Ordinance, are hereby irrevooab!y p1edged to the payment o~ the Principal o~ and interest on the Certificates herein authorized as the same become due. -,"','; . I", ./IJIH1.___t '. '>" ".;,; ,;',;~;,~\~,,~\\.\1'~'1".)~\~~;'J~"1~P': ~( '. ':'.,."." '-:;:::.'/\~: :,':'c;~'~"'\':"~~~l!;i, .,,;;.~ ..:'--;,.,)\,~-;'". .;..,:i":"~:';<}';,i~:~~~!~c;.~i~~~k~~~fu~i~iti~~~~i~E0:~~~ii{/,:::.:.:~"L': ;~~~ -")17" 'F"';:"i~'~'W ';,;";.', f?(I' tZ,!'; ~Y(i': ~~?q, t ;f1~!,~t~!.~~~ ,..".\.l:v;"A.'/"'i. .it~tJ;f:~[.~}~[:~~:". t" '< ','. ".',)'".,,',1,..., ;..: ~ .:.);i::;~:;~i?. ",' ,,,.',!'.,,, '?,: "1:' ~ ".r . "";. ~'.,' , .. ~) ", . . .~.<_ ,;,,.1.' . . '.. . ,.,,~ , '.. ..\.~~, 1"" ~ 12. APPLIOATION OF CERTIFIOATE PROCEEDS. All moneys reoe1ved ~rom the sale ot any or allot the $325,000 Certitioates orig1nal11 authorized and issued pursuant to th1s Ordinanoe shall be deposited by the Oity 1n a speo1al aooount, and shall only be used for, and applied by the Oity solely to, the payment ot the oost of the oonstruotion, improvement and equipment ot said Yaoht Basin Faoi1ities, the retund1ng of sa1d outstanding Certifioates ot an 1ssue of .115,000 Oommero1a1 and Yaoht Basin Revenue Certif1oates, dated Ju1~ 1, 1950, the estab11shing of a Reserve Aooount in the amount of $15,000 wh10h is hereb~ oreated; and other purposes prov1ded 1n th1s Ordinanoe, and for no other purpose whatsoever. It for any reason any portion or suoh prooeeds of sale ot the Oert1f1oates are not neoessary for, or are not to be applied to, the aforesaid purposes, then suoh unapp11ed prooeeds shall be depos1ted by the Oity in the Reserve Aooount hereinabove oreated, 1n the S1nking Fund to be estab11shed pur- suant to subseotion D ot Seotion 13 of th1s Ordinanoe and shall be used on1y ~or the purpose of the parment of matur1ng prino1pa1 ot or interest on the Certit- ioates when the other moneys 1n the Sinking Fund are 1nsutfioient therefor, and ~or no other purpose. All suoh prooeeds shall be and oonst1tute a trust, fund tor suoh purposes and there 1s hereby oreated a 11en upon such money, unt11 so applied, 1n favor of the holders of the Cert1fioates. Moneys deposited in the speoia1 aooount pursuant to th1s Seot1on 12, may, pending the1r use 1n the manner in this Ordinanoe prov1ded, be temporarily 1nveeted in d1reot ob11gat1ons ot the United States of Amer10a maturning not later than s1x (6) months trom the date of purchase or must otherwise be mainta1ned in oash. I : I I I I I I I ',... 13. COVENANTS OF THE CITY. So long as any o~ the Cert1tioates shall be outstanding and unpa1d, or until there shall have been set apart in the Sinking Fund herein established a sum sufficient to pay, when due, the entire prinoipal of the Certifioates remain1ng unpaid, together with 1nterest aoorued and to aocrue thereon, the Oity covenants with the holders of anyand all of the Oert1t- icates 1ssued pursuant to this Ordinance as follows: A. RATES. That the City will ~ix, estab11sh and mainta1n suoh rates and col1eot suoh fees, rentals or other oharges for the servioes and fao11it1es ot said ProJeot (subJeot to the terms ot any valid leases or 1ioenses then in foroe), and revise same trom time to time whenever neoessary, as will always provide Revenues suff10ient to pay, 1n the manner speoified 1n Seotion 13 ot this Ord1nanoe, and out of said Revenues shall pay, as the same shall beoome due, the prinoipal of and 1nterest on the Certifioates, in addition to paying as the same shall beoome due, the neoessary expenses of operating and maintaining suoh ProJeot, all reserve or sink1ng fUnds or other payments prov1ded tor in this Ordinance, and all other obligat1ons or inaebtedness payable out ot the Revenues ot suoh Project, and that such rates, fees, rentals and other oharges shall not be reduoed so as to be in- suff1c1ent to prov1de Revenues tor suoh purposes. B. REVENUE FUND. That the entire gross Revenues der1ved ~rom the oper- at10n of said Project sl~l be deposited in a speoial fund in a bank or trust oompany whioh is a member ot the Federal Reserve System, whioh fund is hereby designated as the 'Yacht Basin Revenue Fund" (Herein called "Revenue FundI). Said Revenue Fund shall constitute a trust fund to r the purposes provided in this Ord1nance and shall be kept separate and d1stinct from all other funds o~ the C1ty and used on11 tor the purpose and in the manner provided in subseotion D of this Seotion 13. C. OPERATION AND MAINTENANOE. That it will ma1ntain 1n good oond1 tion said proJeot and will operate the same either d1reotly or through lessees or lioensees in an eff1cient and eoonomioal manner, making such expenditure tor equ1pment and tor renewal, repair and replaoements, taxes and insuranoe as may be neoessary for the eoonomioal operation and ma1ntenance thereof trom the Revenue Fund. j D. DISPOSITION OF REVENUES. That all Revenues at any time rema1ning on deposit in the Revenue Fund shall be disposed of in the following manner and order of priority: (1) Revenues shall f1rst be used tor the payment of all ourrent Operating Expenses of and taxes levied upon the Projeot as herein def1ned, to the extent that the same are not paid by lessees or lioensees. (2) Thereatter trom the moneys remaining 1n the Revenue Fund, the City shall not later than the first day ot June and the first day ot De oember in each year apportion and Bet a part out of the said Revenue Fund and depoeit in a fund to be known as the WYaoht Bas1n Revenue Certiticate S1nking FUndI (Herein called .S1nk1ng Fundi), which is hereby oreated and estab11shed suoh sums as will be suffioient to pay one-half ot all the pr1ncipal and interest on the Certifioates issued hereunder which shall mature and beoome due within sllch ~1soal year. In the event any withdrawals are made from said Reserve Aocount, heretotore oreated out o-r cap1 tal , suoh w1 thdrawals shall be restored to said Reserve Aocount from the first available Revenues whioh are available a~ter all payments have been made ~or matur1ng principal of and 1nterest on the Cert1fioates. The 01ty shall not be required to make any turther payments into said Sinking Fund or into the Reserve Aooount in said Sinking Fund when the aggregate amount of funds 1n both said Sink1ng Fund and said Reserve Account are at least equal to the aggregate pr1ncipal amount ot Oertifioates 1ssued pursuant to this >. '..' ' \. ~ ". " .' . ..... ~"I'IlI__, r-""".,b,..~.;/:'~ ' : i. ',;:.,,', ,~ l ," ',' !., .:'.)L:,:z:'~:-:, 11 , ,"I...." ,lll.}'~ ..,t.", f:.':>'.~"f-~j.~ ~~i"\~:J"':1 ..~.\::'I;.(~.~~~J,\-"~~~~;:~ ., f' '" .....~\ ",,'< " '. ~ ' i" '. . M~:~!~!lir0f~~~it~~:""C~~~ . .'~'.'~.'{'I'f!\,};;'~t~(; ,. ," ',;,', ': /. ~.. '... ,~ '. ,"',. ." . ".,.,..,. .",' ....\:'/i:.:.,;.,;,:.., , ,(;",<:..::::.,>~, " Ordinance then outstanding, plus the amount 01' interest then due or thereafter to beoome due on said Certiticates then outstanding. t~) Thereafter trom the moneys remain1ng 1n the Revenue Fund, the 01 ty shall establish and set up a Renewal and Replaoement Fund and shall pay annually into said fund trom the Revenue Fund on the tirst day o't June ot eaoh year an amount equal to three per oentum ()%) ot the Rwvenues aotually reoeived and oolleoted trom the operation 01' the Projeot during the preoeding twelve (12) mon~h period. The moneys in suoh Renewal and Replacement Fund shall be used only tor ~be purpose 01' paying the cost 01' extens10ns, improvements or add1~10ns to. or ~he re- plaoement 01' cap1tal assets of, said ProJeot, or any part thereot. (4) It on any semi-annual payment date the Revenues, together with other ava1lab1e tunds, are insuftioient to plaoe the required amount in any o't the tunds as hereinbetore provided, the detio1enoy shall be made up in the subsequent payments in addition to the payments whioh would otherwise be requi~d to be made into the Funds on the subsequent payment dates. (,5) Thereafter, the balance of any Revenues remain1ng atter all other required payments 1nto the funds provided above have been made, may be used by the City in any manner required or permitted by law. (6) The Revenue Fund, Sinking Fund and Reserve Account therein. and the Renewal and Replaoement Fund, and all other speciaJ. funds eat up and oreated by this Ordinanoe shall 00 nstitute trust tunds for the purpose provided herein tor suoh tunds, and shall be depos1 ted and maintained in a bank or trust company in 'the City 01' Clearwater, Florida. All of such funds shall be cont~nuously seoured in the same manner as State and municipal deposits of tunds are requ1red to be seoured by the laws 01' the State or Florida; provided, however, that the obliga.tions seouring such ttunds shall be at all times at least equal in market 'Value to the amoun~ of money in said funds. The moneys in the Re serve Aocoun t 1n the S1nUng Fund and in the Renewal and Replaoement Fund may be invested by the City in direct ob11gat1ons of the United states 01' Amerioa or must otherwise be maintained in cash. E. SALE OF PROJECT. That said Projeot, or any par"t thereof', may be eo 1d, mortgaged or otherwise disposed 01' only if the net prooeeds to be realized shal1 be sutf10ient fully to retire all of the Certifioates issued pursuant to this Ordinance and all 1nterest thereon to their respective dates o~ maturity or ear11er redemption date. The proceeds trom suoh sale, mortgage, or other disposition ot said ProJeot shall immediately be deposited in the Sinking Fund and shall be used only tor ~e purpose of paying the pr1ncipal 01' and 1nteres t on the Certif1cate s 1 ssued pursuant to t h1s Ordinance as the same shall beoome due, or the redemption or callable Certi~ioates at a prioe not greater than the redemption prioe thereot. Atter all ot suoh prinoipal and interest shall have been dulY' paid a.nd retired any balanoe re- main1ng in said tund shall be remitted to the C1 ty. The leas1ng or lioensing of said Project, or 01' parts there or , shal1 not be deemed to be a sale or disposition of suoh ProJeot as 10ng as the Oity reoe1ves reasonable and tair rentals or income under suoh leases and licenses and the same are payable into the Revenue Fund. ~~~/) ....":.:.:.....,,.1 1 I I I 1 I 1 . i I i i , ~ f I i ,.,. , "",'\ " , I .1 ,..' I .,:....,:.j , , ,1 .1 F. ISSUANGE OF OTHER OBLIGATIONS PAYABLE O~ OF EEv.ENUgS. That the City will not issue any other Obligations. except upon the oond1tion~ ~nd in tne manner provided here1n, payable from the Revenues derived from ~e operation of said Projeot, nor voluntarily ore ate or cause to be created any debt, lien, pledge, assignment, encumbrance or any othe r charge, hav1ng priority to or being on a par1 ty with the lien or the Certitioates 1ssued pursuant to this O~lnanoe and the interest thereon, upon any of the Revenues at said Projeot pledged a.s seour1 tY' ~herefor in this Ordinanoe. Any other obligations 1ssued by the Oi tY' in addi tion ~o the Cer- tificates authorized by this Ord1nanoe shall oonta1n an express statement that such obligat1ons are junior and subordinate 1n all respeots to the Oer~lt1cates issued pursuant to this Ordinance as to lien and souroe and seourl ty tor payment trom 'the Revenues 01' said Project. G. INSURANOE. That the C1 ty will carry, or cause to be carried tor 1 ts benefit, suoh insuranoe, and 1n suoh amounts, as 1s ordinarily oarried by private oorporations owning and operating similar improvements and fao1lities in the area wi th reputable carriers against loss or damage to the Project, and 8aid proper~1 loss or damage insul'anoe shall at all times be in an amoun"t or amounts equal to the fa1r appraisal value or the buildings, properties, f'acili ties, improvements, turni ture, fixtures and equipment of said Projeot. In time of war, the C1~y shs.~l also oarry in said amount such 1nsuranoe as may be available ap;ainB~ 10se or damage bY' ~he risks and hazards or war. H. BOOKS, RECORDS AND INSPECTION. That ~he Oity will keep books and records 01' said Project which shall be separate and apart: from a~l other books, records and accounts of the City, in which oomplete and correct entries shal1 be made 1n accordance 111. th standard pr1no1ples ot accounting or all transaotions re- lat1ng to said ProJeot, and any holder 01' a Cert1'ticate or Certif10ates 1ssued pursuant to this Ordinanoe shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspeot sald ProJeot and all parts thereor, and all reoords. aooounts and data ot ~he 01ty relating thereto. --- '.',1 ' -, , :\ " i' ." t ., ~.' I ,::>_...;,. " ""';';,/::i,;~:,<. ,"",::-;~i~f){i~~l;;~::' : , ,""'X' . . . '. ""'""""='''"'''''''"';''''~;;;''1f,i~,;. ;}, I.'..'."..,..." .;,::" . :<~.. ,~. .~ ~.,:...~ \.':: :'~~:/'" ~. .., :-. ~., .: ~ ! ",< I I ! ! ;' ~...I' :',: .,_ "_. .. '...,' '~.' ; - " , . . , "..... ,,-'>" .,-. '.:., ,,1\ , !he C1 ty shal.1. at the end ot eaoh f1scal year, oause the books, reoordll and accounts of said ProJeot to be properly aud1ted by an independent oertified publio aooountant of recogn1zed standing and shall, upon request, make available ld. thin 90 days atter the end ot each suoh year, the J'eport ot said auditor at all reasonaDLe times to any holder or holders of CertitioatGB lssued pursuant to tb18 Ordinance. Promptly after the reoeipt ot such audit report a copy thereot shall be mailed b1 the 01ty to any Certifioate holder who shall have ~iled h1s address with the City and requested in writing that oopies ot suoh reports be l"umished llm. .~'"' I. OONSTRUOTION.AND MA!NTENANCE OF YACHT BASIN FACILITIES. That the 01 t;,y will oomplete the construction, improvement and equipment ot the Yaoht Basin Faoili ties proVided 1'or 1n this Ordinanoe wi tb all praotlcable dispatoh, snd will .lIB.1ntain said J?roJeot in good con<~i tlon 8ld oontinuously operate the same in an e~~10ient manner and at a reasonable oost. I 1 J. SERVIOES RENDERED TO '!'HE CITY. That the C1 ty Will not render or cause to be rendered any tree services or 1'aoili t1es of any nature by sud ProJeot, nor allow any use or oocupation thereo~ without reasonable oharge therefore, nor wi11 any pre- ferential rates be established for users 01' the same olass, provided however the Oity shall not be requ1red to oharge ordinary pedestrians who do not maintain a business or occupation at or in said fao11ity tor the privilege of going 1n and upon sald tacility or any part thereof; and in the event the City, or any department, agenoy~ instrumentality, o1'f1cer, or employee thereof. shall ava11 1tself or themselves of and use such ProJeot, or any part thereot, or occupy said Project, or any par~ there- 01', the same rates, rentals, tees or oharges applioable to other parties using like tac1l1ties under similar oiroumstances shall be charged the City and any suoh depart- ment, agency, instrumentality, otficer or employee and all such rates, rentals, ~ees or oharges shall be r~aeonab1e. T~e Oity shall require any lessee or licensee to observe and enforoe the proviSions ot tM.s subseotion J. Suob oharges shall be paid as theyaoorue, and the City shall transfer from its ~eneral fUnds suffioient sume to pay suoh charges. The inoome so rece1ved shall be deemed to be Revenue der1ved ~rom the operation of the Projeot, and shall be depos1ted and acoounted tor in the same manner as other Revenues derived from the operat1on ot the Project. K. OPERATING BUDGET. That the 01 ty shall annually, at the same time and in the same manner that it prepares its annual munioipal budget, prepare and adopt by resolution of 1ts governing body a detailed budget of the estimated expenditures tor o~ration and maintenanoe o~ the Projeot dur1ng suoh sucoeeding tisoa1 year. No ex- penditures for the operation and ma1ntenance of such Projeot shall l:e made j,nl any f1soal year in exoeS8 of the amounts provided there~or in suoh budget without a written ~inding and reoommendation by the general man~er ot' such Projeot or other duly author- ized offioer in charge thereOf, whioh tinding and recommendation shall state in detail the purpose of and neceSSity for suoh inoreased expenditure for the operatlon and maintenanoe of suoh Projeot, and no such 1noreased expendituree shall be made until the governing bo~ ot said Oity shall have approved such f1nding and reoommendation by a resolution duly adopted. No inoreased expenditures in exoess ot ten per centum o~ the amounts proVided for 1n suoh budget shalJ. be made without the further oertificate ot an independent reoognized oonsulting engineer that Bucb increased expenditures are neoe8sary for tne continued operation and maintenance o~ said Projeot~ ~he Oity shall mail oopies ot such annual budget and all resolutions authorizing inoreased exPendi- tures for operation and maintenanoe to any holder or holders ot Certificates who shall tile his address 'Wi th the Oity and request in wri t1ng that ooples of all such budgets and resolutions be furnished him or them, and shall make ava.t1s1il.e such budgets and all ~esolutlons authoriz1ng inoreased expenditures ~or operation and ma1ntenance ot such Projeot at all reasonable ti~s to any holder or holders of Cert1f1cates 1ssued pu~ Buant to this ordinanoe, or anyone aoting ~or and 1n behalf of such Oertif1oate holder or Certiticate holders. .. j L. ISmJANCE OF ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS. That no addi t10nal ob11gat10nl!l, as in this subsect10n detined, payable pari passu out of the Revenue Fund shall be oreated or 1ssued after the issuance of any Certifioates pursuant to th1s Ordinanoe, except under the oonditions and in the manner herein provided. No suoh addit10nal pari passu obligations shall be issued or oreated unless the ~net earnings. of such ProJeot during the preoeding ~elve oonseoutive months shall equal at least one and one-halt times the highest aggregate principal and 1nterest requ1remen,ts f'or any sucoeed1ng twelve oonseoutive month period onr'all suoh addl t10nal obligations to be 3.ssued, and unless the proceeds derived from the sale 01' suoh ad- ditional obligations shall be used solely for the purpose 01' making repa1rs, 1mprove- ments, additions or extene10ns to the ProJeot. "Net earnings" as used in this sub- section L are hereby de~1ned as Revenues less Operating Expenses. The term UAdditiona~ par1 passu obligations~ as used in this subsection L shall be deemed to mean additional ob1igat1ons evidenoed by Certifioates 18sued under the prOVisions and within the 11m1 tatlons o't this Ordinance parable trom the Bavenue Fund par~ passa with Certificates origlna1l~ authorized and issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe. Suoh Oert1fioates shall be deemed to have been issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe the same as the Cert1tioates or1ginally author1zed and issued pursuant to this Ordinance, and all of the oovenants and other provis1ons ot this Ordinanoe (exoep't as to details of such Cer't1fioates evidenoing such add:1 tional. ob11- gations 1noone1s'tent therew1tn), shall be tor the equal benefit, protection and . seour1ty of the bol~81's of any Oertifioates originaJ.ly author1zed and issued ~ursuant to this Ordinanc~ ~d the holders ot any Certi1'1oates evidenoing additional pari passu ob11gat1ons subsequentll created within the limitations ot and 1n oompllanoe w1~ this 8ubseotion L. Allot suoh Certi~ioatea, regardless of the time or times ot their 188uanoe. Ihal1 rank eque1ly wi th respeot to iheir l1en on the Revenues ~nd their .ouro.. aud 8C!Jourl ty tor payment tram said Revenues Y1 thout preterenoe of anr Certif10ate or ooupon, over any other. ... . :,. J. _.'._. '. _,': ,..'" "'~;~.. . I , ,'- '<'1.., ~!;' I ! ! , !: ~. t,;~',,(c . , f. "....'.'..'.,\. ~ : ,",,-:.''-., ~:;i,/f~;:~.' . ..y 'I- 1 ,,' " ,\ , . The term 'add1t1onal par1 passu obl1gations' as used 1n this subseotion L shall not be deemed to inolude bonds, notesp 'oert1fioates or other obligations subsequently issued, the l1en ot whiCh on the Bevenues of suoh ProJeot 1s subject to the pr10r and superior lien on suCh Revenues ot Certifioates issued pursuant to thi s Ordinanoe, and the Oi ty shall not issue any obl1gations whatsoever payable trom the Revenue" ot said ProJeot whioh rank equally as to 11en and souroe md seourity tor payment trom suoh Revenues with Certlf10ates lssued pursuant to this Ordinanoe exoept in the manner and under the oonditions provided in this subSeotion L. No additional obligat10ns, as in this subseotion defined, shall be ereated at any time, howevar, unless all of the payments into the respeot1ve tunds prov1.ded tor in this Ordinanoe on Certifioates then outstand1ng, and all other reserve or sink- 1ng funds, or other payments prOVided for in this Ord1nanoe shall have been made in tull, and the Oity shall have tully complied with all the oovenants, agreements and terms or this Ord1nanoe. M. REMEDIES. Any holder of Certifioates or ot any ooupons pertain1ng1bereto, issued under the prOVisions ot this Ord1nanoe, or any Trustee aoting tor suoh Oar- titi ~te holders in the manner here1nafter provided, may, either at law or 1n eqult7, by suit, act1on, mandamus or other proceeding in any oourt of oompetent Jurisd1ot1on, proteot and enforoe any and all rights under the laws o't the State of Florida, or granted and ~ontained in this Ordinance, and may enforoe and compel the performance ot all duties required by this Ordinance or by any app110able statutes to be pertormed by the Oity or by any offioer thereof, 1ncluding the t1xing, oharging and oolleoting ot rates, rentals, fees and charges for said Projeot sUbjeot to the provis1ons ot any valid leases or licenses of said ProJeot, or any part thereot. In the even t that detaul t shall be made in the payment ot the 1n terest on 01' the prinoipal ot any ot the Oert1ficates 1ssued pursuant to this Ordinanoe as the same shall beoome due, or in the making of the payments into any reserve or sinking :tuna. or any other payments required to be made by this Ordinanoe, or in the event that the City or any officer, agent or employee thereof shall fail or refuse to oomply w1th the provisions of this Ordinance, or shall default in any oovenant made herein, and in the further event that any such detaul t shall continue for a period of thiety \30) dars, any holder of suoh Certificates, or any Trustee appointed to represent Certificate holders as hereinafter provided, shall be entitled as ot right to the app01ntment ot a reoe1ver of suoh Projeot 1n an appropriate Judioial prooeeding in a oourt ot oompetent jurisd1otion, whether or not suoh holder or Trustee 1s also seeking or Shall have sought to enforoe any other right or exeroise any other remedy 1n conneot1on wi th Certi'tioates issued pursuant to this Ordinance. The reoeiver so appointed shall forthwith, directly or by his agents and attorneys, enter into and upon and take possession of such Projeot and eaoh and every part thereOf, subject, however, to the righ~ of any lessees or licensees, and 1n the name the City shall exeroise all the rights and powers of the City with respeot to such Projeot as the City itself might do. Suoh receiver shall collect and reoeive all Revenues, maintain and operate suCh Projeot 1n the manner provided 1n this Ordinance, and comply under the Jurisdiction or the oourt appointing suoh receiver, with all of the proviSions of this Ordinance. Whenever all that is due upon Certificates issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe, and interest thereon, and under any covenants ot this Ordinance for reserve, Sinking or other funds, and upon any other obligations and interest thereono having a oharge, lien or encumbrance upon the Revenues ot said Project shall have been paid and made gOOd, and all defaults under the proviSions of this Ordinance shall have been cured and made good, possession ot suoh Project shall be surrendered to the 01ty upon an entry ot an order of the court to that effect. Upon any subsequent detault, any holder of Certificates issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe or any Trustee appointed tor Certifioate holders as hereinafter prOVided, shall have the same right to secure the further appointment of a reoeiver upon any suCh subsequent default. Such reoeiver shall 1n the performanoe ot the powers hereinabove oonferred upon him b~ under the direotion and supervision of the court making suoh appointmen~, shall at all times be subject to the orders and deorees of' such oourt and may be removed thereby and a suocessor receiver appointed in the discretion of such court. Nothing herein oontained shall limit or restriot the jurisdict10n of suoh court to enter' suoh other and further orders and decrees as suoh court may deem necessary or ap- propriate for the exercise by the reoeiver of any tunction speoif1cally set torth herein. t, '," , 1,1~'.ll. ,"{:~;tjl'\ ,./ ., ... . ..-- , '" '~J" ] Ij , \ , , " . , J , ,:' ...". . ~.' . . '. p ',' Any receiver appointed as provided herein shall hold and operate such Projeot 1n the name o't the Oity and for the joint protection and benefit ot the City and holders of Certificates issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe. Suoh rece1ver shall have no power to sell, assign, mortgage or otherwise dispose ot any assets ot any kind or oharacter belonging or pertain1ng to such Project but the author1 ty of such reoeiver shall be limited to the possession, operation and maintenance of such Project, sub- Ject to the rights ot any lessees or licensees, for the sole purpose of' the protec- tion ot both the Oity and Certif1cate holders, and the curing and making good of any default under the provisions of this Ordinance, and the title to and ownership ot such ,roJeot sbaJ.l remain 1n the City, and no oourt shall have any Jurisdiot1on to enter any order or decree permitting or requiring suoh receiver to se11, mortgage or otherwise dispose ot any part of suoh ProJeot. .. . ... ...r:o'.\ ,..-"..~--.......,. -"'.:. ':',~ "',' .'....,~_...:'~...-...... :",c" :.~'."t,... '''~''''''''''''''''''''''_; r: .,... , 'l' 'J.':.-+ _.~-_. ~..y"llrr_,_- ,.,',.. I ! i I " " , I f. ;:ii[ti~f, """,~J~ ,j~fj~~:\ ,;~~t!. '.:, '.:.. ... - \,.,.. ~. .' ,~, ,....- ..,..~..~... -.. ,.....>.:.... :,. ....'2;.'" .;:~~'..'~ :;;,........ ,.j,..:;l.:..'......_.',-'o... '" .w... q !he holder or holders of Oertifioates in an aggregate prinoipal amount ot not less than twenty-tive per oentum ot Oert1f1oates issued under th1s Ordinanoe then outstand1ng may be a duly exeouted oert1tioate in writing appo1nt a trustee tor holders ot Certifioates issued pursuant to this Ordinanoe with author1t:r to represent suCh Certifioate holders in any legal prooeeding for the enforcement and proteot1on of the rights of such Certifioate holders. Suoh oertifioate shall be exeouted by suoh Certif10ate holders or their duly authorized attorneys o~ representatives and shall be tiled 1n the otfioe ot the Oity Auditor and Clerk. N. ENFORCEMENT OF COLLECTIONS. That the Oity will diligentlY enforoe and oolleot all fees. rentals. rates or other oharges for said Projeot. and take all steps. aotions and prooeedings for tbe enforoement and oolleot1on ot suoh tees, rentals, rates or other oharges whioh shall be oome delinquent to the full extent permitted or authorized by the Charter ot said City and by the laws ot the State ot Florida. I !.~;"~:,:,l\\, > ' i.' .' ..'", " i ARTICLE IV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. I ! t ! I I i I I i I I' i , .. . " .. 14. MODIFIOATION OR AMENDMENT. No material modifioation 'or amendment ot this Ordinanoe or ot any Ordinanoe or resolution amendatory hereot or sup- plemental hereto. may be made without the oonsent in writing ot the holders of two-thirds or more in prinoipa1 amount ot the Oertificates then outstanding; prov1dedp however, that no mbd1t1oatlon or amendment shall permit a ohange in the maturity o~ suoh Oertificates or a reduction in the rate of 1nterest thereon, or in the~ount ot the prinoipal obligation or affeoting the unoonditional promise of the City to maintain rates and rentals for the Project, as herein provided, or to pay the principal of and interest on the Oert1ficates as they shall oome due from the Revenues, without the oonsent of the holder ot such Certificates. 1S. SEVERABILITY OF INVALID PROVISION. If anyone or more ot the oovenants, ~reements or provisions of this Ordinance should be held oontrary to any express provi s1 on of law or oontrary to the polioy ot expre ss law, though not expressly prohibited, or against publio poliCY. or shall ~or any reason what- soever be held inva11d, then such movenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remainin~ covenantsp agreements or prOViSions. and in no way affeot the validity of all the other provisions ot this Ord1nanoe or ot the Oertificates or coupons issued thereunder. 16. REFUNDING OF CERTIFICATES. If the City shall at any time hereatter issue Oertifioates. by sale or exohange, to fUnd or refund any of the Oertit- 10ates 1ssued pursuant to th1s Ordinance, the Ordinance or other proceedings author- 1zing the issuance of such funding or refunding Cert1ticates may provide that the holders ot suoh funding or refunding Certif10ates shall have the same lien and all the r1ghts and remedies of t~e Cert1f1oates so funded or refunded; prOVided," however, that suoh funding or refunding Certif1cates shall be in 11ke principal amount and shall bear the same dates of maturity as the Certificates :1'unded or retunded by tile issuanoe thereot. 17. That Charles E. Ware. Oity Attorney, be and he is hereby author1zed and direoted to institute appropriate proceedings in the 01rcuit Court of the Si~~h Judioial Circuit o~ Flor1da, 1n and for Pine11as County, Florida, for the val1dation of sa1d Certifioates, and the proper offioers of the City are hereby authorized to verify on behalf of the Oity any pleadings in such prooeedings. The Certificates hereby authorized shall be sold and del1vered in suoh manner and upon such terms as shall be determined by subsequent action of the City Commission. 18. That it is necessary for the immediate preservation ot the public peace, property, health and safety of the C1ty of 01earwater and 1ts c1t1zens and inhab- 1tants that the oonstruotion, 1mprovement and equipment o~ said Project, as author- 1zed here1n, be undertaken and oompleted with the least poss1ble delay, and this Ordinanoe is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect upon its passage as provided by law. 19. That all ordinanoes and resolutions of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, or parts thereOf, in oonfliot with the prOviSions of this Ordinanoe are to the extent of suoh oonflict hereby superseded and repealed. PASSED ON THE FIRST READING Au~st 13. 1951 PASSED ON THE SECOND READING August 20. 1951 PASSED ON THE THIRD READING September 10, 1951 Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commiss10ner A'l'TESf: H~ G. W1np:o , Oi ty Aud1 tor and olerx CT'PY COP�4P,4TSSTODJ MELTIIJG ueptember 10, 19b1 The C:Lty Coxmnission of the Citf oi' Clearvratar met in special sesa3.an at Ciiy Iiall, Mondaf, September 10, at 7s30 P.t,7., with the Pollowin� membflrs present: Absent: Also present were: Herbert bS. gxown Joe Turner Thomas H. Black, Jr. Iierbert M. Blani:on Garland D„ Lynn P. C. �4Iiddldton C. E. SYare S . I,ickton Geor�e T. T�icClamma -Mayor��omm3ssioner -Commia t�i onar -Commis3ioner -Commisaioner -Cormnis sioner -City n�anager �Cit� Attorney -.City En�ineer �Chief of Pol3ce The meetizi� was called �o order by the btayox. Report P�as p;i,ven by City Zianager on the expenses involvecl in hlr. Kabrich+s work on �he Court Street extension. Gity ItiSana�er atatad thav everything is cleared up ex- ce�t fox about four cases, and that the expenses amount to ap�aroximately �;657.00. n4ap vras pxesented bq City Attorne�r shov�ing whet propert3ea have been purchased within the rif,h� of rray by the City; what properties made deals v�ith the Gity in which a c6rtain amoun� af money was paid to the prop�rty owner plus cancellation of improvement assess- ments or caneellation of 3xnprovement assessments plus the a�;reernent on the part aP the City to move certain b�zildings; and properties traded directly for caneellaticiz of the assesaments. The City Attorne� stated that of the Pew mi�:o axe left all except tv�a appear to be very close to settlement, and that it may be that condemn�ttion nroceedings v�ill have to be brought a�;ainst �he3e 'tP�6 property holders. Mayor Brown requested the Gom- mittee to continus to function and see that the rest of the right o.f vray is procured and to bring back another report w2ien there is further inforriation to add. Maqor Brown also apo]�e of the hiisaouri Avenue right o�' ti,iay, and requested that the Corunittee give seriaus thought �o the ar.lployment of P,ire Ksbrich on this project iirnne- �iately. Other mambers of the Co�unias3on a9resd that iur. �brich�s re�ention for this �vork was advisabled Cit�* Attorney stated that County Engineerls 0�'fice Y?as turnad over �o h3m all title searches for properties on v�hich title �ust be obtained in that area. He atated that deeds �vi11 be prepared in advanoe so that only one cantact need be made by �Sr. Itabricil of praner�y holders �n this ri�h.t oi way, He stated that the N3.ssouri Avenue peaple ara vex� a�;reeab]E to�rd giving propert;� in that area as theg vrant th_e right of way and are glad not to be assessed for it. He st�te&, hoti�ever, tY�� any special problema vvill oP course sh.ov� up on investigation by Rir. X�briche Comuiissionor B1acY, made motion thxt expenses incurred in connection with acquzring of tho ri�ht of vray necessary �pr the Court Street ex�ension, narsely �657,J0, be paid to I�Zr. I�abrich. Cormnissionc�r Blanton secondad the motion. Vote VJAS cast and niotion unan- imously carried. rlayor Brosvn called i'or s�otion that ;.Zr. Sabricli be amployed on NIissour3 4venue ex� tension. Com�issionar Blanton moved that Cammitt�e ba anpointed for procuring propertieg for ri�;ht of wa,p from Belleair Street Nortii to Druid Road and that hiring of bir� Ifabricn be aubhorizad as right of way agent. Cosranissioner Black seconded the motiou. Vote was talten and motion unanimously carried. ��9 Report was �iven by C�ty Engineer on blandalay Ur�it � improvement prajec�. City Engineer stated that the proposal is �o take �he entire subdivision and charge the drain- a�e against the entire area af �Yie aubdivision as sho�vn on map he presentFd. He stated �hat he eould �ustif'g from levels taken that all areas fron the crov�rri of the road in 111andAlay do add to the probleme of drainage in this area. Paving will be charged against front foo�age. Since tlie curb and gutters, especially the gutters, are taking care of draina�e, he recormnends ti�at curb and ���tters be charged against drainage and not against paving. If curb and �ut�ers are not char�ed against draina�e some lots will have to pay drainage plus curb onl�, $e did not consider that fair but stated it could be done that vtay. Corumissioner Black moved that the City Engineerts report be accep�sed and that the City ri7ans�er be authorized to publish notice of public hearing; that from hlandalay to the Bay ana Clearwater to proper�ties involved facing �emerset inclusive be included in this project; that basis for assessment be on an area basis as pertains to curb and stos� sewers and that the assessz�ent for paving be on a front foot basis; an� that City &I�r�ger be authorizod ta advert3se for• bids covering this tivork so that it will run simultaneously with notice of public hearin�;, which will be held the first n7onday in October - Oc�Gobar lst; bids to ba npened on1J i£ work is authorized at tho public hearing. Comin�ssioner Black stated that the latter part of his motion was made tvitYi the thought that ti�e �vould be saved for the property owners after the long dela�y �.n �etting this project under way. Com- miasioner Turner seconded tha motion, vrhich was voted upon and unanimously carried. Mayor Brov�n aslsed if there was a report on the AZarinas Project. 'i'he City rYanage� requested that Cor,nnittee go �vith the City Engineer an�l him tomorrow �£ternoon at I:00 P� to make final inspection of the hTarinas proper�y. It waa agreed t11at this be done. NIagor Brown stated that Mr. A.i�rston is walting for final payment. He stated that City Nar�ger tivould like to have some authorization to pay this account if ths inspection proves that this work is nroperly done. Cormniss3oner Blanton moved t11at cit+� bianager be authoritied �o make final payznent ai'ter inspect3.on by the Gormnittee and if the work is found to be completod in a satisfactnry manner. Cou�missioner Black ssoonaea the motion, which was� t��ted iipon and unanimously passed. Mayor Bro�vn k�roup;ht up the matter of the raadin� o.f Ordinance No. 608 pertraining to the issuance of Yacht Basin Revenue certificates. The City Attorney submitted amend- ments to this Ordinance, sor.ie of which he stated originated with the Comnission and soma with the C3t9 Attorney. Commissioner Blsek moved adoption of amendment amending Subsection {a) CITY COMIufI,SSION MEET�NG S'ep�ember Z0, 1951 o£ Section 1. o� Article 1 by strik3ng all of Subsec�ion (a} snd inserting in place thereo� as read by the City Attorney. Corr�misnion�r BZ�nton seconded the motion, whicl;�. was voted upon and unanimously carriad. Covmiissioner Blaek moved to amend Subseation (f} of Section 3 of Article 1 oi Ordinance No. S06 by strik3ng all of Subaeation (i') and �nsertin�; in place there��f as read t�y City Attorney. Commissioner Turner seconded tlie motion, which was voted upon and unanimously passed. Co�nissioner Black moved to amend Subseotion (g) of Section 3 of Article 1 by striking out all of said seation and inserting in place thereof amendment �s read by City Attorney. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon end unan3moualy passod. Commissioner F31ack moved to amend Subsection (h) of Section 3 of Axt3cle 1, Ordinan ce NU. 608 by striking the item noted hy the City Attorney and inserti�n� tho words notad by the City Attorney. Co�issioner Turner seconded the motion, which was �tated upon and unanimously pas3ed. Conmissioner Black movad Subsection (c) of Section 13 of Article 3 by addition in the fifty line of tlie words read by tha City At�orney. Co�miss3oner Turner seconded the motionR which was voted upon and unan3mously carried. Commissioner Black moved to e�end Paragraph 1 of Subsection (d) o.f Section l� of Artcicle 3 by insertin�; in the sec�nd Iine thereof the phrase noted by the City Attornay. Goimni�sioner Turner �econdad the motion, which was vo:Gu. upon and unanimoualy carried. Commissioner Black moved to amend Subsection (j) of Sec+ion 6 of Axticle 3 of Ord3:nance No. 608 by inserting in Subsection (j) the plzrase as read bg the Gitg Attorney. �o�unissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was voted upon end unanimously carried. h4ayor Brotvn asked whether there has been any expression from the Cle�rwa�er Beach Asso�iation on this project. The C3ty Attorney repZied that n'Ir. Carson, President of the Association, read over a: copy of the Ordinance and raised two or three queations regard3np; it and seemea to be flzlly satisfied with it. N:ayor Bro�vn stated that Mr. Carson had said that the Asso- ciation did endorse the project and f`ully approves it. Comnisaianer Blantom m�ved that an �dditional ��.'30'000�00 be added to the issue of revenue certifieates and that the nayment of' sa3d additional sum be provided by adding two more additional maburities af �15s000.00 eacYs at tha end of the pay period spec3fied in the Ordinance. Coimnissioner Turner seconded the motion, which was vo�ed upon and unanimously carried. City Attorney then read Ordinance No. 608. Co�nissioner Black moved passage oi Ordinance No. 608 as �nenasa on its third and f�nal reading. Caimniss3.oner Turi�er seconded tha mot3on, which �ras voted upon and c�rried. �/D Consideration �vas given to amendments to Occupa.tional License hTo. 580. Corrunissioner Turner moved passage af Ordinance I��. 6Q9 on its firsi; readin�. Co�uniss3.oner Black seconded the motion, wh3.ek�:�vas vatec� upon and unanimously carried. City Attorney read Ordinanee No. 609, which wa� diecussed during the reading by all Corr�n3.ssioners. Com- missioner `1`urnex movea that Ordinar_ce No. 609 be taken up at second read3ng by title only by unanimou3 consent< Gor.�nissioner Black seconded the z2otion� whici5 was voted upon and knarz�ously carried. City Attorne� read Ordinance No. 609 by title onl;�. Com- missioner Black moved passa�e of Ordinance No. E09 by title only on its second reading. Gommisa•ioner '1'tirner seconded the motion, which �+ras voted upon and unan3.mously carried. Maeting was adjourned by riayor Brovm at 12:7.5 AI�I. ATTEST� , City Auditor Clerk Iviayor-Carrnnissioner Herbert Pd. Erovms Gonnn:tssioners � Gentlemen: � Iayor� o�niss: r Joe Turner, Herbert Blanton, Garland D. Lpnrls Thorr�se H. Black September^7, 1951 The City Commission v�i1Z meet in special session Ni�ndr,� evening - Sepi;ember 109 195I - 7:30 P. M. in the Gitg Ha11 - to consider iteras on the attached a�enda. Yours very truly� F.C.Nitldl,eton, Cit9 NTar.a�er, �. Gity Engineer� e report on ivlandalar Un3t �f�5 .� Improvemen� Pro ject. 2. �'hird and final reading of Ordinance �608. 3. Consid�ration o� amendmentg to Oc�upational Licsnse Ordina nce �5$0. 4e Repart from Mr. Ksbrieh regardin� Court Street Extension rignt-of-wqy . 5. Items not on the A�enda v�ill be considered hy consent o�' the Conunlss�.ono Adjournment, CTTY COD'Ih1ISST.OT1 MEETIiiG September l�, 195�. OF{DTNANCE N0. 608 AN ORDIPIANCE PROnDING FOR TiiE CONgTitUCTION, IMPRO'VEMEIJT AND EQITTPMENT OI' � CO2+IMER�TAI., AND RECREATIONAL SUrLDING AND A PIER; AUTHOR- IZIP7(3 THE I9$UANOE OF �325aU00.00 YACHT BASIII AEVENPJE CERTIFICATEB; AND PROVIDIN(� FOR THE R'�GI�TS OF 'PF1E HOLDERS THEREOF. BE iT ORDI�INED BY TFIE CITY COM�iT88I�N OF THE CITY OF CLEAFiWATER, FLQRIDA: AftTI CLE I STATUTORY AiJTHORTTY, FINDIN(�8 AND DEFIAIITIONB. 1. AUTHORITY OF T�iIB ORDINAN�E. Thia Ordinance 3s adapted pursuant to the proviaione of' Chap�er �710, S�eoial Aats of the T,egielature oP Flori.da, 1923, and amendmente thereof and eupplementa there�o, being the Char'ter oP the Ctty af C1ear- water, and other applica�le provisions oP lawo It 1� hereb� found a.nd determined as followre: (A) �hat the C1ty of Olearwater ia now �hs owner of land, preraises arid water rlghte in said City,knowm as Lac?�l Lot 2, the �Teat one-half oP Land Lot �; a1Z of Land Lote 7 to 13, inclusive, and Water Lot I, oP the Oity Park Subdiviaion Glearwater Beach Tsland, Clear*aater, F].orida, and that tha reven�tee to be derived fram� ti� �eee, rental.e, or other che.�^gea for the uee of eaid land and water rights and faciZi�ties eonstrucied and to be construeted thereon, as herein authorized are not pledged ar eneumbered in any manner. (B) 2'ha.t the aonatruotion, improvement and equipment of a Commereial and. Recreational Huilding and a pier (hereln called �'i'acsht Basin Faeiliti.es") aa herein- after deacribed, are Yor a proper municipal purpose, and 1t ie imperative in order to preserve the publics health anci provide proper recreational facilltiea for the inhabitants of the City oP Cleartvaber that said Ya.cht Basin Fscllitiea ahall be conetruuted, i�- proved and equipped in accardance wl�h the provie3one oP thie Ordinance, (C) That the revenues to be deri�ed from the Projeot hereinaPter deacribed, including the Yach� Baein Faciliti�e, will be eufi`icient to pay the prineipal aP and interest on all oi the Yaoht Basin Revenue Certificates iasusd purauan� to this Ord3.nanee and to make all reaerve, sinking �'und and other paymenta prov�ded for in this Ordinancse, and �o pay the neoeeaary eoet o� operating and maintaining eaid Project. {D) T3�,t the principal oP and intere�t on tlie Yacht Basin Revenue Certificates to be lssued pursuarit to thia Ordinancse and all of the reserve, einking fund and other payments provided for i'i� this Ordinanee, will be paid aolely from the ReQenues derived by the Ci�y irom the operatian of said Project, and i� w1I1 neeer be n2cessary or author- ized to uee 'the ad valorem ta,xing power or any other funde of eaid Clty to pay the prinolpal of and intereat on sald Revenue Gerti�'icsatee to be iesued purauant to thi.s Ordinanoe, or �o make any oP the rese rve, sinking iurtd or other paymente provi3ed fnr in this Oridinanoe, and eaid Renenue CertiPioates issued purauant to this Ordinanae shall not constltute a Zien upon any oP the propertiea of sald Project or upon anp oth�r p�roperty wha.tsoever of the City. (Ej That there has b�en issued under date of July l, 1950, �11�,000 Commercia3 and Xacht Basin Reven�.ze CertiPioatee, �o Pinanee the coat of the construcstion, improve- ment and equipment of �. Yaaht Basin, and that it 1s �xpedient and advantageaus to tha City, to refund the oui;standing certificatca of said issue by the eale or exchange oP 'the aertiPioatea hereina#'ter authorized. (F) Tha.t construazlon, improv�ment and equipmen'� of sald Yacht Basin Faeil3ties ehall be undertaken and aompleted in accord.ance v�ith the platis anci epecificationa pro- posed by the City�s Engineer, and heretvPore filed in the oPfice of the Ci�y Audi�or and Clerk, at an eetimated cost aP $325,OOOe Such cos'� ahall be deemed �o include th� reftinding oi th� outetanding o�rti�'3catea of said iasue of Commeraia]. and Yaeht Basir� Revenue �er'tif9.oatee, dated July l, 1950, issued to finance the cost of the construotion, improvem�nt and equipment of the Yacht Basin and th� csost of �he eonatruation, �mprove- ment and equlpment of saicl Yaaht Basin Facilities pursuant to said plans and epeoi�iea tlons, 1naluding the aesquisition of any lartda or interea�G therein ar�d of any fixttiY^es or equipment or properties deemed necessary or esongenien� therei�ors intei�°Ps'� upon the Yacht BaeSn Revenue oertiY'icates issued ��xrsuant ta thie Ordinanae prior to, and during and for eix montha aPter the completion and placing in operatlon of said Yacsht Bas1n �'aai�.itiee; engineering and legal exper�ees; expensee Por eetir,ateg oi aos�s and o� revenuea; expenaes for plans, speoifications and aurveye and such other expensea ae may be neaessary or inc�ident �o �the Pinan�ing authorized by this OrdinaYxoe, and tha consts°uetion, improveme;�t an�i equSpping oY such Yac�.t Baein Faeiiitie� and ths placing of same 3n operati.one 2ek ORDINANCE TO �ONSTITUTE CONTRAC�v In oonsicieration of th�� aocep�anoe of the Cer�SYioatea authorized to be lasued l�ereunder by thase wha shall hold the same fron time to t1me, thie -0rdinance shall be deemed to be and shall constitute a cantract between thQ City oP Clearwater, Florida., and such certifioate holders, and the oovenanta and agreements herein set forth to be p�rformed by said City slza7.1 be for the equal b�nefit, prnteo'Cion and �eour9.ty of the legaZ holdera of any and a7.1 of auoh Cert3f- Soates and the aoupons �.ttaaixed theretoa a:11 of whicsh ahaYl be of equal. rarid and �d. �ii� out preferenc�e, priorlty or dietinotian of any of the CertiPioatea or coupone over any other thereof exoept as �xpresaly provided therein and hereine 3. DEF'INITIQNB. The fo3l�wing terme ahall have the following meaninge in this Ordinance unlese the text otherwise expresgly recquirea: (a) °C3tg" ehall mean the CSt3P aP CZearwater, Florida ('bj ��Acst�� ahall mesn tY�e Charter of tlie City o� Clearwater, conetltuting Chapter g7Z0, Speoial Aata of the LegieZature of Florida, 1923, and amendment� thereof and aupplements thereto. (o) uCertifSaates" ahall mear the �32$,p00 Yacht Basin Revenue Certifiastes authorized to be iss�zed pursuant to this drdinanoe and arzy additiorial CertiPloatea hereaPter lasued pursuant to aubseation 13 (�) hereo� in the mannei^ thsrein provided and the interest coupona attached to aaid Ceritifiaatea. (d) ��Holder of Certifiaates" or ��Certifioate halder�'', or any similar term, ahall mean any person who shall be the bearer or owner of any ou�Cstanding Certii- ioate or Certiflcates registered to bearer or not regiBtere�i, or the registered owner oP any outstar�ding Certifloa�e or Certificates whioh ahall at the time be re�istered other than to bearer, or of any csoupona representing intereat aocsrued ox� to accrue on eaid Certificates. (e) ��Yaah� Basin Fac111tiee1° shall mean the aommeresial. and recreational bu11d1ng and a pier aonstructed �.nd to be conetrucsted in tlie area of the Pro�eot purauant to the above mentioned plana and s�eciiicatione of the City�s Engineer. (P) "Projectu sha11 mee.n land, premisea, water rights, and areas within the City known as L�and Lot 2 and the S4eat half oi' Land Lot �; I,ar�d Lots 7 to 13, in- clusive, a.nd Water Lot 1 of the City Park Subdiv3sion, Clearwater Besoh Ieland, Clearwater, Floxlda, and all improvements or �aailitiea now or herea#'ter 3oaated or oonstruofied 'thereon, including the Yaaht Basin Pacilities, togeiher with a11 buildinga9 fixtures, squip8ent, and all property, real or personal, tangi'47.e or in- tangible, no�r or� heresfter owned or uaed by the City in eonneation with sueh projeot or auch Yacht Baein facilitiea. (g) ��R�venues° ahall mean s.�l ratee, fees, ohargee, rentals, ar other ineome received by the City, or accrued to the Ci$y or any Board or agenay thereof in oontrol of the management and operation of the project, a11 as calcUlated in aceord�.nee with sound aecounting praot3ce. �+Revenuesu shall be apecificaZly deemed to include, without being �.imited to, any and all reni;als or other payments received by the City from lessees, 13censeesa or oiher peraons for eaid project, or any pari thereof, pro- vided however that whenever and wherever ihe City sr�aZl 3:ease or 13cense any portion of said pro,�ect under terms praviding that auch licenaees or lessees have made or aha11 make capit�7. improvementa to said pro�ect or a part of parte thereoi', whlch capita.l impro�rements shall accrue to and the tltla to which improvements will tree$ 9. n the C7.ty only the net rent or 2icerise fee� so paid or acsarued to the City ahall. be eone3dered ae ��revenuea�� under the terma oP this Ordinanoe. (h) u0perating Expensesn ehall m�an the current expenee�, paid or acorued, of operation, maintenance and repair oP said Projeat and shall inelude, without Iimiting the generality of the foregoing, 'Gaxes, .ineurance prem3ums and adminis trative expenaee of the Ci�y properly chargeable ta the Project, labor, the cost of materials r3,nd euppl'.lea used for aurrer.t operation, and chargee for the acaumulation 8upplies used for current operation, and ahargtl� Por th.e accumulation oP appropriate resernes not annua.11y recurrent but which are such as may reasonably be expected to be in- curred in accordance with eovnd accounting practice. '�Operating expeneea�� eha11 not inolude any allowance fnr deprectis.tion, renewale or extensiona or any eharges for the accumulat3on of r�aerves for capital replacements, renewale or exteneions; pro- vided however, that whenever and ��herever the Citg shall lease or license any vortion of said Projsct under terma providing for the payment of net rentals to the City aral whereby the le�see or licensee pays part or all oP the cogte oi operation and ma.in- tenance, then the part oP such coste of operation ar�d maintenanae paid bg such Zeeeee or lieen�e �ha71 be SneZuded under the term ��Operating Expenses° as used in t�is aubseetion (h). (1) Worde impopting singular number a3hall include the p].ural number it� each case and vice verea, and worda importing peraons shall include firme and corporations. ARTICLE II AUTHORIZATION, TERMB, EXECUTION, RE�I3'1'RATION AND ISSUE OF CERTIF'ICATES 4. �UTHORIZATION OF CERTIFICATES. Subject and pureuant to the provisions oP �hia ordinance, Certifiaates of the City of Glearwater to be known ae �'Yacht Bas1n Revenue Certificates� �,re hereby authorized to be iseued in the �ggregate principal amount oP not exceeding mhree Hundred Twenty P'ive Thoueanci Dollare (�3z5,000) Por the purpoee of reYunding the outstanding certilPlca�ea of ssld ieaue of �11$,000 Commercial and Yaeht Baein Revenue Certifica.tesy dated July l, 1950, and to Pinanae the cost o�' the conetruction, improvement and equipment oP Yaeh't Basin Faeilitiea as provided in thie Ordinanee. ; z' 5. DESCRIPTION 0�` CERTIFICATES. The rertiiicsates sha11 be dated July l, 1953, sha11 be in th� denomination oP �¢1,000 each, shall be numbered Prom 1 to 92�, inclusive, ahall bear interest at a rate not exceeding the legal rate payable aeml-annually� on January 1 and July 1 oP each year, ar� shall mature aerially in nuu�rioal order, lo��est numbers first, o:� July l of each year, �5,�00 in ea.ch oP the yeare 1952 tu 19�6, incluelve, �10,00(J in each of the �+eara 1957 to 1965, in- clusive, and �15,000 Sn each of the years 1966 to 1979, inclusive. T3ie CertiPicatee maturing in the �ears 1952 to lg6o, inclu8lve, ehall not be re�eemable prior to maturlty. The Cer'�iPicates maturing in the years 1961 to 1979, inelueive, eha11 be redeemab3e prlor to ma.turi�ty, at the option oP the City on July 1, �960, or on any intereet payment fla�e thereafter prlor to mat•uM ty' as a whole cr ln part, ?n inverse numerical order, at a redem�tion prioe of par and aaorued interest to d ate of redemption, plua a premium af Five per cent (5�) oY the par va7.ue thereof if redeemed an or before July ls 1g63; ar a premium of Four per cent (4�) oP t}ae pax value thereoi' if redeemed thereafter but on or'before July 1, 19b6; oi' a premium oP Three per cent (��) oP the par vFalue thereoP iP redeemed the�eafter but on or be�ore July 1,1969; or a premium o� Two per aent (2�) oP the par value thereoY' if redeemed thereafter bu'� on or before July 1, 1972, and without premium iP redeemed thereaPter; provided that a notioe o#' sueh intend2d redemption shail have been pub- lished by the Gity at leaet �nce, at least thirty da,ys prior t�o the date of redemption in a finaneial paper publiehed in the City oP New York, NeVr York, and provided Yurther that if 1 eea than a11 of said Certifieatea aubjeet to redemption are so called f'or re- demptic�n, the notice of redemption sha.11 etate the identiPying numbera aP the CertiP- icatea to be rsdeem�d, Said Certlficates shall be issued in coupon formy ehall be payable with re- apeot to both princi�al and interest in lawflxl noney of tiie Uni��ed States of America, at the principal oPfiee of the Chaae National Banl� oP Y�ew York, Nes� York, N.X, �,nd sha.11 bear intereet Prom '�heir date, payable in aceordanee with and upon surrender of the appurten�nt interest coupons as they severallg ma:ture. 6v EXECUTION OF CERTIFICATES AND COUPONB. Said CertiPicatee shall be e:Y- ecuted 1n `bhe name oY the Ci�y by its City Auditor and Clerk and ita Cit�r Manager, and counierelgnerl by 1te Mayor-Commiseioner and shaZl have impreased thereon '�he corporate aeal oi the Ci.ty. In case any one or more oP th�a ofPlcera who shall ha.ve aigned or eea3.ed any oi the CertiPicates eha1.1. �ease to 3e suc� oPficer of tY� Cit� be�ore the Certii'ieatee ao signed and sea7.ed ahall have been act�zally sold and de- Iivered, such CertiPicates may neverthelesa be sold and d2livered as herein provided and may be iseued as if the pereor who signed or sealed auch certificates had not ceased to hold such office, Any Certificates may be signed and sea�.ed on behali oi the City by such person as at the actual time oP the execution of such Certificates ehall hold the proper �ffice in the City, althou�;h at the date of sueh Certificates euch peraon may not have held such ofPice or m�� not have been $o authorized. The Coupona to be attached to the Certipieates ena.11 be authenticated with the faoaimile eignaturee of t�e present or any Putrlre C3�ty Auditor and �lerk, Cit� Manager and Mayos�Commiseioner of �sid City and the City may adop� e.nd uae for �he purpose the i'acsimile eignature of any oP sai d persona who sh all have he7.d auch officsee at any tine on or after the date of the Certifioatea, notwithetanding that ;ze may ilave ceasea ta hold such offioe at the time wPien said CertifiQatee si�a.11 be aotually sold and delivered. 7. NEGOTIABILI TY ANA REGISTRATIONo The Certificatea sha11 be, and haqe all of the qualitles and incidenta of, negotiable inetrumen�s under the law mereshar�t and the Negotiable Inatruments Law of the State oP Florida, and each aucceasive holder, inraaoepting any oP said C�rtiPicates oP the coupons appertaining thereto, Bha11 be oonolusively de�med to have agreed �hat suoh. Certi�icates ah�,ll be and have all of the qualities and incidents oP negntiable inetruments under the law merchant and the Negotiable Inatrumente Law of the State of Flor-ida, arid each auccessive hol�ler ahall further be aonclusively deemed to have agreed tha.t said Certiflcates shall be inaon- teatable in the hande oP a bona Pide holder for value in tl� manner provicied herein- after in the form of said Certifioates. The Certificatis may be reglatered at the apt2on of the holder as to prinaipal. only at the offiae of the City Auditor and Clerk of the City, such regis- tration to be noted on the back o� said Certificate� in tYle gpace provided thexePor� After such regls�ration no tranafer o� the Certificatee Sr�azi ta valid unleae made at said offiae by the registered owner, or by hia duly au�horSzed �gent or repreeen- tative and aimilarly n4ted on the Certificates, hut the Certificates may be discharged from regietrat3on by being in like manner tranaferred to bearer and thereupon trar.s- i'erability by delivery sh�ll be restored. At the option of the holder the CertiP- lcatea may the�eafter again from time to time be registered or trans£erred to bearer as befora, Such regiatration ae to principal only shall not affeot the negotiability of the coupona tahich ahall co ntinue to pass by deliver�*. 8. CERTIFICATES MUTILATED, DEBTROYE77, STOLEN, OR LOST. In csase any Cer- tifioate sha11 becsome mutilated ar be destroyed, stolen or lost, the City may in its disaretion lssue and cle7.iver a ne��r CertiPicate wlth a7.1 unm�:tured ooupone attached of li.ke tenor as the Certif3cate and attached oottpoils, 1f an,y, so mutilated, destroyed, s�o].en or ingtr in exvhange and subetitution for auch mutilated Certifieate, upon surrender and oaneellation of suoh mutilated Certifioate and attached couponaa if any, or in lieu �f and substitution �'or the Certi�ieate and attaohed couponsr if an3*, deatroyed, stolen or lost, and upan the holder furniahing the City proof oP h1e otrnership thereof and satiafaoto•ry indemnity and aomplying wlth suoh other reason� able reguZatlons and canditions as the C1tq may presaribe and paying auoh expensee as the City may incur. Al1 Certii'loates and ooupons so surrendered �hall be aan- aell�d by the City Audi$or and Clerk and held for the acoount of the City. If'any guoh Gertiflaate or coup�n ehall have matured or be about to mature, inetead af isauing a substitu'ted CertiPioate or aoupon the City mQy pay the same, upon being indemnified as afoxesaid, and if such Certiiicate or Qoupon be 1ost, atolen or destxoyed, without surrender thereoPe An� such slu�licate Certifiaatea and ooupone issized pursuant to thie seo- tlon shall conatl$ute originaZ, sdditional aontraatual obli�ationa on the part of the City9 whether or not �he Tost, atolen or destroped Certifioattes or oounone be at any time iound by anyona, and auoh duplicate Certifioates and ooupone sha?.1 �a entitled to equal and proportionate benefits and righta tta to lien and eauree and eeaur3ty for payment �'rom the Revenuae of the Projeat HrSt1z all other Certifioates and ooupons issued hereuncter. 9, FORM OF CERTIFICATE5 AND COUPONSe The text of the Certificatss, ooupons and provisions for regiatration sha11 be of aubstantlallq the �ullowing tenor, with such omissiQns, l.nsertiona and variations as may be necese�ry and deairable and author- ized or permitted by thia �rdinanae, or any subsequent Ordinance or R�solution adopted prior �o the iesuanae thereo�'; tTNI TED STATES OF At+IERICA STATE OF F'LORIDA CITY OF CL,EARWATER YACHT BASIN REVENIIE CERTIFICA`I'E �1,000 KNOT4 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS �that the Qity of Clearwater, in Pinellas Conntg, Florida, Por value received, hereby promi�es to pay to the bearar, or if thie CertiPicate be registered,to the regiaterecl holder as herein provided, on the Pirst day oP July 19 ,�rom the revenues and speaial funds hereinafter mentioned, the prinoipal sum of -0NE THOUBAND D(3'�LARS (�l, 000) wi'ch interest thereon at the rate oY per aen'�um ( per annume payable aemi-annually an the lst day of January and the lst day of Julq oP eacsh year upon the presentation and surrender oi' fihe annexe@ oou�sons aa they eegerally Pall due. Bo'th principa7. of and interest on thta Certifioate ase payable in lawful money of the United States of Ameriaa a.t the principal oPfiee oP the Chase I�ational Bank of the City of New Yor�, New York, N. Y. This Eer'tificate ia one of an autharized issue oP Certifiaates Sn the ag- gregate principal amount or �325,000 of 31ke date, tenor and ef�'ecta except as to number and date oP mattzrity, issued to refund the outstanding Gertificates of an issue of �115,000 Cammercial and Yacht Basin Revenue Certificatea, dated July 18 1950, � d to Yinance the ooat of the csonstruction, improvement and equip�ent of commercial and recreationa], building and a pier in the City of Clearwatera undEr tl� �,uthos�.ty of and in Yull complianee with the Conatitution and Statutea o� the 3tate of Florida, the Charter of the City oP Clearwater, being Chapter 971Q, apeci.al Aeta oP the Legi�lature of Flori@a �or the year 1923, as amended and supp:.ementect, and other applleable statutes, and an Ordinance duly adopted by the Clty Commiasion oi ea,id City on Sep�em- ber lOtn, 1957., and ia subjeet �o all the terma and conditiona of said Ord3nance. Thie Certificate and the �oupone apertaining hereto are pa.yable solely from and eecured by a lien upon and pledge of the net revenuee derived from the operation of the P�aject described in the Ord.inance authoriz9.ng this iaeue ai Certifica�es in the manner provlded 1n sa9.d Ordinance and does not conatitute an indebte@ness oi the City of Clearwater wlthin the meanin� af any csonatitutional9 st��utory or oharte� provieiona or limitation, and it is expresely agreed by the h�ldere of thie Cer�iF- icate and the cnupons apper�aining hereto t�:at such Holders ehall never have the right to reo_uire or compel the exercise of the ad valorem taxing pos,�er of said City, or the �a�.tion of real estate in said Git�, Por the payment of the princinsl oP and interest on thie Certiflcate or the making of any ainking ftiznd, reserve or other paymenta provided for in the Ordinanoe authorizing thia iasue of Certificaies, It is further agreed between the City of. Clearwater and the h�lder of thls CertiYieate that �hia CertlYicate and the ebligation evidenced thereby shall not con- etitute a lien upon the aPoresaid projeet, or any .pp.rt thereof, or on any other proper�ty of or in the Ci�y �P Clear�rater, but ahall cone�i�ute a lien only on the net revenues derived Prom the aperatian: of eaid Pro,eet in the manner� provlded in said Ordinanese The City in said Ordinance hae csovenanted and agreed wlth the holders df the Certlficates oP this issue to f1x and eetablish and ma.intaln such ratee and oolleet such fees, rentale or oth.er cha.rges for sald Projeot and each and every part thereoP and to reviAe the same fram ti.�e to time whenener necesaary (aubject ta the prav4elons of any contracts with lesaeea or 1lceneees oP euch Projec't, or any part thereoP) &s will alwaya provide revanues suPfielent to pay and ou't oY aald revenuea shall pay, ae the eame shall become due, the princl,pal aP and intereet on the Certlficatea of this 1Baue, in add�,tion to paying, as the sa.me eha3.l become due, tha neceaeary expensee oP operating F+nd maintaining sai.d Projeat, all reserve ox slnking Yunds, or o�her paymente prov3.ded for 1n sald Ordinanee, and a].1 other oblS�ationa payable out oP the revenuea oP said Pro�ect and that euch ratee, fees, rentals or other eharges sha11 not be reducsd eo as to bo Sneu�fieient to provide revenuea for such pur- posee, and eaid City hae entered into eertain 2'urther oovenanta with the holdere af �the Certiiioa�be oP this 4#�sue Por �he terme oP whlcsh referenee ie made to eaid Ordlnance. The CertiPicates maturing in the yeara 1952 to 1960, inclu�i�e, are no'� re- deemable prior to maturity. The Certific�.tes maturing in t':e yeara 1961 to 19?9 in�luelve, are re�eem�b7.e prlor to maturity, at the option of the City on Julg 1, 1960' or on a�y interee't payment da�e therea,fter prior 'to ma.turity, ae a whole or in part, in inverge numerical order, at a redemption prlce of par and accrued interest to date oY redemption, at a redemption price o�' par and accrued interest to date of redemptlon, pl�us a premium of five per cen�t ($�) of the par value there- oP if redeemed on or bePore July 1, 1963; or a premium of four per cent (4�) oP the par vaZue 'thereoP iP redeemed thereaf�er but on or bePore July 1, 1966; or a premium of three per oent {3�) of the par value thereoY iP redeemed thereafter but on or be- fore �7'uly 1, 1969; or a premium of two per cent (2�) oP the par value thereof if redeemed thereafter but on or before July 1y 1972; and without pre�ium if redeemed thereafter; provided that a notioe of such redemption shall have been publiehed at leaet onee at least tial.rty days prior to the date oP reden�ption in a f�.nancial paper published in New �ork City, N�w Yorls. It is hereby certified and recited that al]. aata, eonditions and thinga re- quired to exiet, to happen and to be perPormed precedent to and in the iasuanoe of thie CertiPicate, exiat, have happened and have been performed in regular and due Porm and time as required by the at�.tutes and Conetltution oP the State oP Florida app�,'�-•�.ble thereto, and that the isauanee of this Cer�a�ioate, and oP tize isaue of Ceri;y;�lcates af whioh this CertiFicate ia one, does not violate any conatitutianal, statutory or ohar$er limitation. This Certi�icate, and �he poupong appertaining thereto, ie, and hae all the qualities and inaidents of, a negotiable instrument under the law merchant and the Ne�otiable Instruments Law of the State oP Florida, and the origlnal holder and eaah successive holder of thia CertiPicate, or oP the coupons appertaining thereto, ahall. be oonclusively deemed by his acoeptanae thereof to have agreed that this Certi�icate and the coupone appertaining thereto shall be and have all the qualitles and inoidante of ne�otiable instrumenta under �e law merchant and the Negotiable Ins'trumenta Law of the S�ate oa' Florida� The origin�l holder and each sucaesaive holder of thia Cer- tiiiaate, and of the coupons appertaining hereto, ehall be conclusitrely deemed to Yi�ve a�reed and conaented to the Pollowing �erms a.nd conditions: (a) Tit1e to thia Certificate, unless regis�ered as herein pravided, and to the annexed interest eoupons, may be transferred by delivery in the manner provided Por negotiable instruments payable to beax*er in the lar� merchant and the Negotiable Inetrumente Law oi the Stste oi Floris�a; (b) Any pereon in gosseasion of this Certificate, unlese registered as here- in provided, or of the intereat coupons hereunto appertainings regardless of the manner in whioh he eha11 have aequired posseesion, ie hereby authorized to represer.'� himself ae the abaolu�e otdner hereoF, and ia hereby granted power �o tran�Per absolute title hereta by delivery hexeof to a bona f9.de purchaser, that is, to any une who aha11 purclaase the eame for val.ue (present or antec�dent} withou� notiee of prior defenses or equitlea or claims of ownership enforeeable against his tranei'error; every prior taker or owner oP this Certif3ca�e, unleea regietered as herein provided, and oP the annexed interest cnupone, waives and renounees a17. oi his �qu�.t�.es and righ�s herein in Pavor of everp euah bona fide purahaser, and every surh bona Pide purc�haser ahall aoquire abeolute title hereto and to all rights represented hereby; and (c) The City a� Clea.r�ra'ter may treat the bearer oP this Cer'cifica'te, unlesa registered as herein provided, or of the interest eoupons hereunto aptaertaining, as �Ghe abaolute owrisr hereof for all purpoaes witliout being aifeoted by any notice '�o the oontrary. Thia Certifiaate may be registered as to prinoipal on].y in aacordancs with the provisione endoraed hex°eon. IP1 WITI�IESB WFIEREOF SATD City of Clearwater, Florida ha;s issued this Certif- iaate and has oauaed the same to be signed by its City Auditor and Clerk and its City Manager, countereigned by ita Mayor-Commieaioner and 1�a aorporate eeal to be affi�ed hereto and has oaueed the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed v�rith the faaaimile eignaturea of a11 oY said oPficers, all ae oP the Pirst @ay of July, 1951. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA BY City Auditor � Clerk BY City Manager Counteraigned: Mayor-Commisaioner �/6 FORM OF COUPON No. On the dag of '1} ,(unlese the Certifiaate to whlch thie coup�n is attached eha11 have been duly aalled for redemptlon ancl provlelon for the payment of the rr:dem�tion price duiy made) the Gitg of Clearwater, Florida, will pay to the bearer at the principal oPi'ioe oi Chase National Bank Af the C1ty of New York New York, N. Y. from revenues and special funds deacribed in the Certifioato to which thia coupon is attached, the aum of Dol.lare �� j, in lawful money of the United States of America upon preaentation and surrender of this coupon, being aix montha interest 'tiien due on ite Yacht Basin Revenue CertiPioate, dated July 1, lgsl, No. CITi' OF CLEARWATER, FLOR?DA BY City Auditor and Clerk BY Oity Manager COUNTERSIGNED: Mayor-Commission�r {FORAi OF VALIDATTON CERTIFICATE) Validated and eonfirmed by decree of the Cirouit Court o�' the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in r�nd for Pinellas County, rendered on the day of Glerk af the C1rcu1� Court oP Pinellas County, Florida (PROVTSION FOR REGISTRATION) This Certif3ca�e may be regis�ez�ed as to principal only Sn the name of the holder on the books to be k2p� by the City Auditor and Clerk as Registrer, or ettch other Regis�rar as may herea�'ter be duly appointed, such reglstra;tion being no�ed hereon by such regiatrar in the regiatration blank be2o�ry after whiah no tranafer sha1Z be valici unlesa ma.de on said booke by the reglstered holder or att�rney duly authorized and similarZy noted Yn the registratioa bZank below, but 1t may be dia- eharged from �gistration by being trar.s#'erred to bearer, after whl.ch it ehall be transferable by delivery, but it may be again registered as beforem The registra- tion oP thia Certificate ae to principal shall not x�estrrain the negotiabillty of the coupone by delivery merely. DATE 0�' � RFGI3TRATION ZN PlHOBE Np.ME REGISTERED ARTICLE III SIGNATURE OF RECISTR9R COVENANTS, RE'4ENUES AND APPLICATION THEREOF. 10, CERTIFTCATES NOT TO BE INBEBTEDNESB OF THE CITY. Nelther ti�e Certiflcates nor coupone ehall be or constitute an indebtedness oi the Cit�, but eha.11 be payable so3.ely Prom the Revenues of the Pro�ect, and ot3aer special funde, as herein provided. No holder or hoidera of e.ng CertiPioa�ee lsaued hereunder, or oi any coupone appertain- ing there�so, sha11 erer have the right to oompel the exerclse oP the ad valorem taxing power o�' the City, or taxation in any form of any real property therein, to pay said CertiPioates or 'the inte�est thereon, or to be entitled to paymen't of euoh prinoipal and intereat from any other funda of the C1ty except ths net Revenuea oP aald Pro,ect, as pravlded herein� 13.. CERTIFICATES SECURED BY PLEDGE OF REVENUES AND SPECIAL FUNDS. 2*h,e paymeat oP the debt aerviee of all oP the Certifloatea i.seued hereunder siza,ll be aecured forthwith equally and ra:�ably by a lien on tla� net Revenuea derived from aaid Project. The net Revenues derived from said Project in an amount eufficient to pay the principal of and intereet on the Certificatee hereln authorized, and to m�.ke the paymente into the re- serve and ainking funds and all other payments provided Yor 1n thia t7rdinance, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and intereet on the CertiPicates hexein suthorized ae the same beQome due. �/� 12. APPLICATION OF CERTIFICATE PROCEEDB. All moneya reaeived from bhe sale of any or aii oP the �325,000 CertiPioa'�ee originally a.utharized ard ieeued purauant to thie Ordinance ehall be depoeited by the Ci.ty in a epe6ial account, and ahall onlq be used Por, ar_d applied by tne Cit� �olely to, the payment of the oost oP the construcstion, lmprovement and equipment of said Yaoht Baein Faoilities, the rePuncYing of aa�.d outetanding Certlfiea$es of an iseue of �ii5,000 Commerclal and Yacht Basin Re�enue CertiPicatee, dated J'uIy 1, 19�0, the establiehing of a Reserve Accsount irt the amount of �15,000 which ie hereby oreated; and other purpoees provided in thia Ordinanc�, and for no other purpose whataoerer. If �or any reason any portion of euah proceeda oi sale of the Certifioatea are not neaessary for, or are not to be applied to, the aforesaid purpoees, then such unapplled proceeds ahall be depasited by the City Yn Zhe Reserve �Lccount herelnabove created, in the Sinking Fund to be eatablished pur- euant to eubaeat3on D oP Section i3 oY this Ordinance and ehall be ueed only for the purpoae oP the payment of maturing principal of or in�tereat on the CertS.P- ioatea when the other moneys in the Sinking Fund are insufPic9.ent therefor, and for no other purpoee. All suoh proceede shall be ar.d oor�atitute a truai•Pvnd for such purpoaes and there is hereby created a lien npon eueh mon.ey, until so �.pplled, in Pavor of the holdera oP the CertiYicates. Moneys depoaited in the apeoial acoount purauant to this Seotion 12, ma.y, pending their use in the ma.nner 1n: this Ordinance provided, be temporarily inv�a�ed in direet obligat�.one of the United 8'Gates of America maturning not later than eix (6) months from the date of pureshaae or mue� other�wiae be maintained in csash, 13. COVENANT3 OF THE CITY. So long as any oi the CertiPlcatee ahall be outatanding and unpaid, or until th�re shall have been set apaxt in the Sinkiag Fund herein establiened a sum suPficient to pay, when due, the entire principal of the Certificates remaining unpaid, together with intereat acerued and to �.ccrue thereon, the City covenante with the holders of �y �a �i of the Certif- icatee issued pursuant to this Ordinance as followe: A. RATESe That the C1ty will f�.x, eatablish an�. malnta3n such rates artd collect sueh feea, rentals or other esharges for the servicses and i`acilitiea of said Pro,�ect (subjec� to the terma oP any galicl leasee or licensea thpn in goroe), and revise same from time to time whenever necessarg, �.s will always provide Revenues aufficient to pay, in the manner epeoified in Seotion 13 of th�.s Q�dinance, and ou� of said Revenuea aha11 pay, as the same shall become due, the prinaipal og and interest on the Certificates, in addition to payi.ng as the same ehall become due, the neaessary expenses of operating and maintaining such Projeot, all resa�e or sinking Punda or other payments provided fo� in this Osdinance, and aIl ot%er obligations or Sndebtedness payable out of the Revenues of such Projeat, and tha.t such rateg, Pees, rentals and other eharges shall not be reduced so as t� be in- sifficient to provide Revenues for such p�zrpoeee, B. REVENUE FUND. That the ent�.re grose Revenues derived from the opex5- ation of said Project shall be deposited in a speaial f'exnd in a bank or trust company whtcsh is a member of the Federal Reser�re System, s;r�i.ch ilznd is hereby desi�n�ted as the ��Yacht Basln Revenue Fund" (Herein called "Revenue Fund"), Sa3.�1 Revenue Fund ahall constitute a truet Fund Po r the pus�posea pro�ided 1n this Ordinance and sha11 be kept eeparate and distinat from all other it�nd� of tne City and u�ed only Por the purpose and in the manner provided in aubseotion � of thia Seation 13• C. OPFRATION AND MAINTENANCE. That it will maintain in �ood condi�ion aPid projeat and will opexate the same either direotly or through leaseee or licenseea in an Officiant and �conomical manner, making such expenditure for equipment and for renewal, repa:l.r and replaaemente, taxes and inaurance as may be necessary for the euonomical operation and maintenance thereof irom the Revenae F�nde De DISPOSITION 9F REVENUES. That all Revenues at any time �emaining on deposit in the Revenue Fund ahall b$ diapoaed oP in the folloVring manner and order of prioritys (1) Revenuea ehall flrst be used ior the payment of all csurrent Operating Expensee of and taxea levied upon the Project as herein defined, to the extent that the same are not pald by lessees or liaensees. �2) Thereafter from the �►one$s re mai.ning in the Revenue Fund, the City ehall not later than the first day of June and the Pixst day oP De cember in each year apportlon and set a part out of the eaid Revenue Fund and deposit in a i'und to be known as the ��Yaeht Basin Renenue Certificate Sin�cl.ng F'und� (Herein callec3 °Slnking Fund"), wh�.eh ie hereby oreated and established auch �ums as will be euffi�ient to pay one-half of a1�. the principa:7. and intereat on the Certifieates lseued hereunder which shall mature and become due within euch Piscal year. In the event any� withdrawals are ffiade from aaid Reserve Account, heretofore oreated aut o� capital , eu�h wlthdrawals eha11 be reetored to seid Reserve Aceount from the first availab].e Revenues which are available aiter a11 payments have been made for maturing prinaipa.7. of and in'terest on '�he Certifioatsa. The Ci'�y ehall not be required to mslce any further paymente into aaid Sinking Fund or into the Reaerve Aocount 1n said Sinking Fund when the aggregate amount of i'unds in both said Sinkin� Fund and eaid Reserv� Account are �t least equal, to the aggregate principal amount of Certifioatea issued purauant to �hie 6rdinance then outstanding, plus the amount of interest then due or thoreafter to beoome due on sa3a C�rtificatea then outstanding. (3) Thereafter from the moneys remalning in the Revenue Fund, the City ahall esta'Llieh and set up a Renewal and Replacement �nd and shall pay annua��y into said f�znd �'rom thz Revenue Fund on the firat dap df June of eaoh year an araount equal to three per oentum (�) of the Revenues aatually reoeived and colleated from the operation of the Proleat dur9.ng the preceding twe].v� (12) month periodo Tiie moneye in auch Renewa7, and Replac�ment Fund shall be ueen only :for the purpose of paying the Qost of extensions, improvements or additions to, or the re� plaoement o� aapital assets of, sald Project, or any part thereoi'. (�:) If on any semi-annual paqment date the Revenues, to�ether with other agailable #'uncis, are insuf�'iQient to place the required amount in any of tha Punde as herainbeYore provided, the deficienoy shn11 be made up Sn the subsequent payments in addition to the paymen�s whiah would o'�herwise be required �o be made into the Funda on the subsequent payment datea. (�) Thereafter, the baZanee of any Revenuse remaining after a1Z o�ther required paymenta into t;he it�nds provided above have been made, may be used by the City in any manner requix°eci or permitted by I.aw. (6) The Reve:cue Fund, 9lnkin� Fund and Reserve Account therein, and the Renewal and Replaoement Fund, and a7.1 other special funde set up and oreated b3* this Ordinanee aha11 ao netitu'te trust iunda Por the purpose prov�l.ded herein for such f'unds, �.nd shall be deposi�ed and maintained in a bank or trust oompany in �he City oP Clear�ater, Florida. AZ1 of �uch i`unda ehall be continuously secured in the eame manner as State ac�d municlpal. 3eposits oi' fund� are required to be aecured by the laws of the State of F].orid�.; provided, however, that the obligations seeuring such 8unds sha1l be at all times at least equal in ma:rket �alus to the amount oi money in said fundse The moneye in the Reserve Aceount in the Sinking b'und and in the Renewal and RepZacen�nt Ftind may be invested by the City in direct obligatiena of the United States oP America ur mus�i otherwise be maintainsd in caahe E. SALE OF PROJECT. That eaid Projeot, or an� part thereof, ms.y be so 1da mort�aged or otherwiae dieposed of oriZ� if the �et prooeeda to be realized shall be eui'fiolent i�Ily to retire a11 of the Certifiaates iaeued pursuant to �1�.te Ordinanae and all intereat thereon to their reapective datee of maturity or earller redemption date. The proceede Yram sueh sa1e, mar'tgage, or other dlepoaition of said Pro9ect sua11 immediate3.� ba d�poeited in the Sinking F`und and aha7.1 lae used only for the purpose of paying t�ae principal of and interest on the Certii9.omtes iseued puranant to t his OrdinanCe as the aame �ha:ll beesome due, or the redemption of oallable Cer'�ificates at a prioe not greater than the redemption pM oe thereof. After all of euch principaZ and lnterest ehgil have been dulq paid and retlred any balance re- maining in said fu.nd shall be remitted to t�e Gity. 7.'he leasin� or licen�ing of said Projeet, or of parts thereoP, eha11 naic be deemed to be a aale or dispositian oP suah Pro,�eet as long as the Citp receivee reaeonable s?nd fa.ir rentals or income und�r such leases and 1lcenaes and the same are payable into the �.evenue Fun@. F. ISSUAN.�E 0�' OTfiER OBLIGATIONS PAYABLE OUT OF REZ�NUESa That the City will not i�sue a.ny other obligations, exaept upon the aonditions:and in the ma.nner proviaed hereizs' payable irom the Revenuea derived from the opera.tion oi' said Project, nor Qo3.untar3ly create nr cause to be created any debt, 13en, pledge, a.asignment, encumbrance or any othe r eharge, having pri.ority to or being on a parity r;rith the lien of the Certificates iesued pursu�nt to thle Ordlnanee and tha interest thereon, upon atiy of the Revenues oP said Project pledged as aecurity therefor in thie Ordinance, An� o'�her obligations issued by the City in addition to 'the C�r- tiiicatea authorized by thia Ordinanoe ehall contain an exprees statement that euch o'bligations are ,9unio.r and eubordinate in all reapecta to the Oertificates iesued pursuant to this Ord.inance ae to lien and eource and security for pay�ent from th�s Rev�nues oi said ProJect. G< INSURANCEa Th2t the City will ca.rry, or cause to be carrled for its benePit, such insurance, and in auch amounte, as is ordlnarily carried by private corporatians owning and operating similar lmprovemente and facilitlea in the �.rea with reputable carriers against loss or damage to t2xe Project, and said property loee or damage insura,nce ahall at aZl timee be 1n an amount or amouzits eqna7. to the �'air appraieal value of the buildinge, propert3ee, facilitiess improvements, f4arniture, iixttu�ee and equipment oP said Projecte In time of war, the C1ty ehall aleo carry in said amount eucii inaurance as may be availab�e a�ainet loes or damage by the riak� and hazarda of war. H. BOOKB, RECORDS AND INBPECTIOId. That the City will keep books and re�ord� of �aid Project whieh sha11 be eepaxate and apart from al1 other �ookap recorde and ac�ounta of the City, in which complete arxi oorrect entriee ehall be made in aecor�.ance with atandard ps�3.nciplea oP aocoun'ting oP all �ransactione re- lating� to aaid Projeet, and any holder of a CertiPlcate or Cer�Elfioates iesued purauant to this Ord.inance shall have the right at ali reasonable timee to inapeot said P�oject and s],l par'�e 'thereo�', and all recorde, accounte and data of the City relating thereto, ��9 The C1ty eha1.1, a� the end nf each f].ecal year, cauee the books, recorde and accounts of said Projeo� to be �roperlp �.ud?ted by an lndependent certiPted publia accountant of recognized standing and ehall, upon requeet, malie available within 90 days after the end oP eaoh gucsh year, the report of sa.id audltor at a11 reasona'l�77.e 'timea to any holder or holders oi C�rtl�iQatee issued pursuant tcr thte drdinance. Promptly �,fter tlze reeeipt of euch audlt report a copy thereof sha11 be mailed by the Ci�ty to any Cert9lf3cate holder who sha7.1 he.ve i'11ed hie address with the City and requeeted in writing that copiee oP euch reporta be Purnished him. I. CONSTRUf1T20N AND MAINTENAIJCE OF YACHT BASIN FACILITIESe That the City will complete 'Ghe construetion, lmprovement and equipmenic of the Yaeht Basin Faeilities pro�r�.ded �or in thte Ordinance with all praeticable dispa�ch, and will ataintain eaid :Ero,jeat in good Qondition aid csontinuously operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost, J. SERVICES RENDE�tED T0 TAE CITY. Th..at the City will not render or cauee to be rendered any �re� sergices or Pac311tiea of any nature by aai.d Project, nor all�vr any uee or oacupatian thereof without xeasonable charge therefare, nor will any pre- ferentia], rates be eetablished for ueers of the eame class, provided however the City sha,ll not be r�quired to charge ordinary pedestrians who do not maintain a bueineea or occupation at or in said iacility Yor the privilege of going in and upon a�.id Pacility or arty part thereoP, and in the e vent the City, or any depertment, agenoy, instrumentality, offieer, or employee thereof, ahall a�rail itaelf or themaelves of and uae auch Project, or any part thereoP, or occupy eaid Project, or ang part there- of, the same rates, rentals, feea or eharges appl�.cable to other parties using ltke Pacilities under si�illar circumgtances shall be char;3ed the City and any such depart- ment, agency, instrumentallty, oPPicer or employee and all such rates, rentals, feee or charges ahall be re�.eonable. The Citg ahall require any Iesaee or lieenaee to ob�eree and enPorce the provieions oP this suueeetion J. Such eharges ahall be paid as thay accrue, and the City ahall tranefer irom ita general f'unds suf�icient sume ta pay auah chargea, The ineome eo recei�ed shall be deemed to be Rev�nue derived from �the operation oP the Project, and eha1� be deposited and accou�fred Par in the same manner as other Revenues derived Pram the operation o� the Pro�ect. K. OPERATING BUD(xET. Tha.t the City shall annually, at the eame t? me and in the same �nanner that it grepares its annual municipal budget, prepare and adapt by resolu'tion oP its governing body a detailed buage� o� the eatimated expen8:ituz�ea for operation and maintenanee oP the Projeet during such euceeeding fiscal year, No ex- penditures for the aperation and maintenance oi sueh Project ahall be made 9:n:any fi�cal year in exaess of the amounts provided thers�or in such budget witho•ut a written finding arid recommendation by the general manager o£ such Pro,9ec� or other duly author- ized officer in charge thereoP, V�hich finding and recommendation c�hall ata�Ge in detall the purpose of and neceseity for euch increasad expenditure for the operation anci maintenanae of such Project, and no such in�creased expenditurea eh�.11 be made until the governing body of sai,d Cit� ehall have approved auch finding and recommendation by a reaolut3on dul� adopted. No inareased exper.ditures in exceas oP ten per cen�um of the amoun°Gs prpvided �or in such budget shall be made without the Purther certii'icate oP an inc�ependent recognized conaulting engineer that sueh increased expenditures are nocessary for tY+e continued operation and maintenance aP'said Projectv mhe City sha1Z mail coples o� euch annual buaget and a11 reao].utione authorizing increaeed expendi- turea ior operation and maintenanee to aazy holder or holdera o� Certii'icates who anall filQ his �ddre�s with the City and request in wrSting that copiea oY all sueh budge�s an� reeol.utions be furnieked him or them, and ahall make avatT�b7.e sueh. budgets and a1? �eaolutiona authorizing increased expenditures ior operation and ma.intenance oi auch r�jec� s� all rea�ona.ble timea to any holder or holdera of Certifi.catee lasued pur� auant to this ox3inttnae, or anyone ac�ing f�r and in behalf of sueh Certi�icate hoZ�er or Certificate Y�oldere, Lo 23�€FJANCE OF ADDTTIONAL OBLIGATIONS, That no additional obligatione, aa in this s�.baeation dePlned, payable p�ri passu out oP the Revenne F'�znd sha7.1 be created ar iseued after tP�e i.sauanae oP any Certificates pursuant to thi.a Ordinanae, axeept under the conditions and in the ;nanner herein provided, t10 such additional pari paasu obligationa sPiall be iasued or creatzd unlesa the ��net Qarningep of sueh Project dux�ing the precading 'twelve aoneecutive mot2the sha11 equaY at least one and one-ha1P times the higheat aggregate principal an3 interest requSrements for any auc�aeeding tvrelve oonsecutive mor��h period on�a.Zl such additional obllgationa to be 3ssued, ana unleea the preceed� derived from the sale of auoh ad- ditional obligations shall be used solely for �he purpoee of maJsin� repairs, improve- ments, additiona or extenaione to the Pro�emt> ��Net earninga° as �eed in th`.Ls auo- seetlon L are neraby defined as Revenue� less Opera�ing Expensee. The term ��Additional pari passu obligationa�� as uaed in thie subaection L aha11 be deemed to mean add.ition�,l obligations evidencecl by Cer�ificates is�ued unaer the pronislons and within the litnitat3ona oi this Ordinanoe payable fz�om the Etevenue I'und parl paaeu with CertiPicates or�ginally authorize3 and isaued pureuant to thie Ordinr�.nee. Suah Gez^tifi�catee shall be deemed to have been iseued pursuant �to this Ordinanoe the same �,s the Cer�ifioatee originally authorized and iasued pureuant to �h1s Orclinance, and a11 of the co�renanta and other pr�visions uf this Ordlnance (except as tfl dei,ails o� such Certiiicatea evidenalr� �uch additiona3 obli- gations �,naona�atent therew3.th), shall be for the equal bene�lt, protectian and seaurity oP the liolders of any Certiiicatee origlnally au�thorized and issued pursuant to thie OrdinanGe and the ho3ders of any Cer�lflaatea evidencing additional pari pasau obligat9.ons eubsequently created witri9.n the limitationa o� and in csompliance with thia aubesctl.on La All o�' such Certii'Zc�.tes� regard.less o�' the time or times oP tYielr. j.esua,ncse, shall rank eq�zal.ly wi�h respe�u to tlieir lien on the Revenues �nd thelr eouraee and �eQurity Por pay�ent f'x�om said Revenuee witha�t preferencse oi an� Certiflaate or ooupon, over any other. a2r.`ti t� The term ��additional paxl passu obliga�ions�� as uae�. 1n thle subeeation i� shall not be deemed to incslude bonds, not�s, eertii'icates or other obllgations aubsequently issued, the lien ot' whiah 4n 'the Revenuee ot' such Pro�eot is subjeat te the prior <.nd superior 11en on suoh Aevenuea of Cericifioatee isauecl pursuant to thls Ordinance, and the City shal.l not i�sue any obligatinne whatsoever pagable from the Revenuee o� sa1.d Projeot whioh rank equally as to lien and s8urce azd eeourity for paymen� from euch Rev�enuee with Certlficatee ieaued purauant to thia Ordinanoe exospt in the manner and uncier the condltiona pxovided in this aubseotion L. No additianal obligatione, ae in this subseotion defined, ehall be orea�ted at any time, however, unle�s all of i�he paJ�ments into the reapeotive funde provlded for in thie Ordinanoe on Certificates �hen c�utstanding, and all otY�er reaerve or aink� ing funds, or other paymente provided fc>r in this Ordinanoe sha11 have been made 3m full, and the dity ehall have fully com�>lied with a11 the aovc�nante, agreementa and tprms of tYiis Ordinance. M. REMEDIEB. Any holder oP C2rt�iPiaates or oP any eoupona pertaining4hereto, iesued under the pravieiona oi this Ordinance, or any Trustee acting for sueh Ces� tifi os.te hol�iers in the manner herelnafter provlded, may, e ither at la� �r in equity, by suit, action, mandamus or other grocseeding in any court of aomp�tent jurisdiotion, proteat and eni'orae any and all rights under the laws of the State of rlora.da, or granied and oontained in thia Ordinance, and may enforce and aompel the performa:�oe of all duties required by this Ordinance oi•by ,sny applioable stat•ates to be performed b� the Ci�y or by any offioer thereof, incl�uding the Pixing, charging and colleeting aP rates, rentals, fees and chargee i'or said Pro�eat aubjeot to the provieions af any valid leases or licenses oP said Projeot;, or any part thereof. In the even't that deiauli shall bi� made in the payment of the intereet on or the pz°1na3pal of any of the Certiiicates issusd pursuant to this Ordinance a� the same sha11 b�csoma due, or• in the malsing of the payments into any x�aerve or siriking iund or any other na,ments required to be made by this Ordinance, or in the event that the City or any otfie�r, agent or employee tl%iereaf ehall fall or reflzae to compl9 with �he provisiona af this Ordir�anoe, or shalY d��fault in any covenant ma.de herein, and in the fhrther even't that any suv� dei'ault ehal:t continue for a period of thi�ty (30) d�zye, any holder oi such Cer�ificatea, or any '.�ruatee appointed to repreeent Certificate holders as hereina#'ter provide@, shall be enti$led as of right to tk�e sppointment of a r�caiver oP aueh Projecs� in an appropriai;e �udicial proaeeding Sn a court of oampe'tent jurisdiation, whether or not su�h holder or Trastee 1s also seeking or ahaTl have sough� to enforce any other right or exerciae ar�,y otner remedy in cannection wi�h Certificatea iesued pursuant to thie Ordinanee. Ths receiver ao appointed shall Pc�rthwith, directly or by his a�enta and attorneys, enter into and upon and take poasassion of �uch Projeet and eaoh and every part tY�s�eof, at�bject, however, to t�e r3.�ht� of any leasees or licensees, and in the name oi the Ci�y ahall exerclse a11 the rights and pob�er� of the City with respect to such Pso�ect as t3�e Cit� i ts��t' might doe Such receiver ehall oolleet and reoeive all Revenues, matnicain and operate sueh Projecst in the manner provided in this Ordinance, and csomply under the �urisdiotion of the eourt appointing suoh recs�lver, t�ith a�l of the provisions oP thls Ordinanceo Whenever all. that ia dua upon Certifica�Ees isaued purauant to this �rdin�.nce, and lntereet thereon, and undar any cocenanta oP thia f2r3inanae for reserve, ainki.lg or othe r funda, and upon any other obligations and in;Gerest thereon, having a oharge, lien or encumbranee v.pon the Revenues a� said Pr�jeot ahall have been paid and made good, and all ciefau3,�Ge under the pro�riaioas ai this Ordinancse ahall Y�ave been cured and m�,de good, posseua�ion of auoh Pro,jeot ahall be aurrsndered to the City upon an entsy oP an order aP t;he co+art to that ePfeet. IIpon a.ny eubsequent defaul.t, �.ny holder of CertiPicat�ea iesued pursuant to thie Orciinanee or any Trustee appointed for CertiPicate ho2ders as hereinafter provided, shall i^�ave the same right to secure the fur�her �ppointment of a receiver upan any sueh subsequent defaul.ta 3uch receiver shall in thE performance of t;he powera hereinabov�e oonferred upon h9.m b� under the dixeotion and eupervision oP the court �aking auch appointmen'�, shall at all times be subjee't to the ordere and decreee of sueh court and may be removed thereby and a saccesaor receiver appointed in th� dlacretion of auch court. Nothing herein containe8 ahall iimit or restriot the jurladietion of such court to enter �uch other and Purther ox�ciera and decrees sa euah court may deem necessary or ap- propriate Yor the exercise by the receicer of any function apeeifically aet forth hereine Any receiver appointed as provided herein en�li r�oia and operate such Pro,eot in the name oi the Ci�y and fox the joint proteotion and benefit of the City and holdera oP CertiPicates iesued purauant to thie Ordinance. Suah receiver shali hane no power to sell, aseign, mortgage or oth�rwise dispoee df any assets of any klnd or charaeter belonging or pertaining to �uch Projee'c but the arzthority of euch reoeiver ahall be limited to the posseaalon, operatinn and maintenance oP such Projeat� sub- ject to the righta of any leeseea or licenasea, Por the eole purpose of the protea- �tion of both the City and Certifica�e holders, ancl the curing anc7. making �ood of any default under the prov3�slons of this Ordinance, and the title to and ownerehip oP suc� �ro�ect ahall remair_ in t he Clty, and no court shall have an y juriedic�ion to enter any o�ler or decree permitting or requlring such reoeiver to sell, mortgage ox other�riae dispoee of �ny part o� such ProJect. The holder or holders of Certifioatea in an a�gregate principal amount af not lesa than twenty-�ive per centum of CertiPicates iasued under this Ordinance then outatanding may be �, duly exeeuted aertiPicate in writing appoint a�Gxu�tee for holders af Certificates iseued pursuant to this Ordinance with authority ta repreeent euch Certificate holdare in any le�a1 proceeding Por tiie enPorcement and proteation oY the righta of sueh Certlficate holders. Such aertii'lcate ehall be executed by aueh Certificate holdera or their du7.y autharized attorneys or repreaentativea and ehall be filed in the ofPias oP the City Auditor and CTerk. N. ENFORCEME'NT OF COLL�CTIONS. That the City will diligent;Zy enfaroe and oolleot all feee, rentals, rates or other charges for said Projeet, and take all etepe, �etions and procseedinga Yor the enPorcement and ooileetion of sueh Pees, rentala, ratee or other chargee whioh ehall. be come dellnquent �o the full extent permltted or authorized by the Chartbr oY sald City and by the lat•�s oP the State of Florida. ARTICI,� IV NSISCELLANEOU5 PROVISIONB. 14, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT. No material modiPication or amendm�nt of thie Ordinance or of any Ord.inance or resoTution amenda�ary hereof or eup- plemental heretof may be made without the consent in z�rriting of the hold�re of two-thirds or more in princlpal amount of the Certificatea then outatanding; pravlded, however, tlaat no mbdl�'ieation or amendment shall permit a change in the maturity of such Certificates or a reduc�ion in the rate oP intereat thereon, or in the anount of the prinelpal obligation or aPfecsting the unconditional promiee of the City to maintain ratea and rentala for the Project, aa herein pz�ovided, or to pay the principal of and interest on the Certificates as the� ehall come due from the Revenuee, without the consent oi the holder of auch Csrtificates. 15o SEVERABILITY OF IHVALID PROVI820N. If any one or more of the covenante, agreemente or provisions of thie Ordinance should be held oontrary to any express provision o�' law or con�rary ta the policy of sxpress law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or eha1Z for any reason what- saever b�e held invalid, then auch eovenants, agreementa or provisions ah�.11 be null and void and ahall be deemed se�arable from 'che remainin�r covenante, agreementa or provlsione, and ln no way affect the validi�g of a11 the other provialons of thts Ordinance or oP the Eertificates or coupons isaued thereunder. i6, REFUNDING OF CERTIFICATES. Ii the City ahall at any time hereaPt2r isaue Certiiica�ea, bg sale or exchange, to ftxnd or reftiind any of the Certif- icates iasued pursuant to thie Ordinance, the Ordinance or other proceedings author- izing the issuance of such i'unding or rei'�inding Certifiaatea may provide that the holders oP euch funding or refunding Certificates shall have the same lien and all �he rights and remedies of t�e Certificates eo funded or re�unded; provided, however, that auoh f'unding or reflznding Certificates ahall be in li�e principal amoant and shall bear the same dates of maturity ae the Certificatea 'funded or refixnded by the isauance thoreof. 17. Tha� Charles E. Ware, City A�torney, be and he is hereby au�horized and directed ta institute appropriate proceedin�s in the Circuit Court of the �ixth Judicial Cireuit oP Florida, in and for Pinell�s County, Florida, ior the validation of eaid Certificates, and tne proper oi'i'ioera oP th� City are hereby authori7ed to verify on behalP of the City any pleadings 1n such proceed.ings. The Certii'icates herebu authorized ehall be aold and delivered in such m�nner and upon auch terms as ahali be determined by aubsequent action oi the City Commission> 18. Th�.i it is neceasary for the immediate preaervation of the pubiic peaae, proparty, health and saiety oP the City of Clearwater and ita citlzens and inhab- itanta that the construction, improvement and equipment of said Pro�ect, as author- ized he�ein, be undertaken anct conpleted with the leaet possib3.e delay, and thia Ordinanee is herebg aeoiaxea to be an emergency measure and ahall take affect vpon its paesage as proviaed by law. 19. That all ordinanaes and resolutions of the City Comruission of the City of Clearwater, or parts thereof, in conflict �vith the provisione o#' this Ordinance are to the extent of auoh oonfllat hereby superseded and repealed. ATTEST: H. G. Win�o City Auditor and er PASSED ON Tf� FIRST READING Au�uat 13� 1957. PASSED ON THE SECOND READING Au�us� 20, 1951 PASSED ON THE THTRD RF�P.DING 5eptember 10, 1g51 Herbext M. F3rown N�ayor-C omrai s ai ona r �� �