06/11/1951? ' ?5' ? T114N '?if r?.?1 j ` .' ,?r tf ?,>F ???? zn?; .? Y,..,:r>. r CITY CabtMISS'ION MEETING ??? 7 +?F 31?ne 11 1951 ,? '' '??' ?? 1 5 r?53d?. ?? ? ... __??? The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at the City Hall, Monday, June 11, 1951 at 7s30 P. M. with the following members presents Herbert M. Brown Herbert M. Blanton Oa rla nd Iynn Joe Turner Absents _.:?., ? Also Pre sent V?ere s 'yam,,.-., ayor- oimmia oner Y \? y' ???,? ? ?PC9?sgg. <?'; Thomas H. B1aok, Jr. F. C. Middleton George T. MoClamrra C. E. Ware -Mayor-Commissioner -Commissioner -Coaunieaioner -Commissioner -Commissioner -City btanager .Chief of Police .City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. Reporting for the Tax Settle- ment Committee, Commissioner Dlanton stated that the Committee had investigated the proposals of btrs. L. D. Cladding and Mr. Dave Caruthers to settle taxes against lots in Kniphte Aorea on a basis of 2b,? of the face value. The Committee reoommended that the offer of settlement be declined and that the Commission establish 50? of the face value of the taxes ea a basis for settlement for taxes against properties removed from the City. Commissioner Turner moved that the Committee's report be aocepted and that the City aooept the delinquent tax settlement on property now removed from the City on the basis of 50y? of the face amount of the taxes as recommended by the Com- mittee. The motion woo seconded by Comunisaioner Lynn and it carried. It was the Committees recommendation that the offer of Gilbert E. Hall for the settlement of 1927 improvement liana against certain lots in Yd. S. Cash Sub- division in the amount of ?p104.00 be accepted. Commissioner Lynn moved that the Committee?e report be accepted and that the settlement of ;100.00 be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and it carried. The btayor now announced a public hearing on the proposal to pave, curb and in- stall ea nitary sewers in Mandala;? Unit 5, the area between Mandalay Avenue on the West, Clearwater Bay on the East, Clearwater Street on the South and Acacia Street on the North. The C1ty Manager estimated the total coat of the proposed improvements at X74,825.00 or approximately ?p7.00 per front foot fora 30 ft. street. Mr. John G. Llewellyn announced that he was opposed to the project. Mr. Robert J. Hansen, bir. Jack Ransom and others addressed the Commission relative to the project. It was moved by Commissioner Lynn, seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried, that the matter be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney to confer with Mr. Jack Ransom to obtain the names and addresses of the property owners concerned and to bring back their recommendations and to adjourn the hearing to Monday, June 25, 1951 at 7630 P. M. The btayor asked the City Attorney for a report of the status of the negotiation with Kennedy & Strickland for necessary right of way for Laura Street Extension. The City Attorney stated that all points of difference between the parties were agreed upon except two; nwnber one was that Kennedy & Strickland reQuested that the right of way for Laura Street Extension be made 45 ft. instead of 50 ft., and number two, that the City specify in its contract the width of the pavement to be installed on the Laura Street Extension between Myrtle Avenue and Prospect Avenue. A genez?l dis- ausaion of the matter took place between the City Commission and Idr. Roy Strickland and his Attorney, bir. Goss Wilder. Commissioner Blanton moved that Laura Street be put through 50 ft. wide continuing due West from Prospect Avenue to Myrtle Avenue with the line being co-terminus with that part of Laura Street k'ast of Prospect and Vest of btyrtle and that the pavement be the same width that it is on that portion of Laura Street between Myrtle and East Avenues and that the City agrees not to construct a sidewalk on the south side of portion of said street lying between Myrtle Avenue and Prospect Avenue for a period of 20 years. The motion was seconded by Comunissioner Lynn and it carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Commission now adjourned. . rn rrmn m . June 8, 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. brown, Comtnissionerss Herbert Blanton, Sr., Garland Lynn, Joe Turner, Thomas H. Blaok Gentlemens A special meeting of the City Commission will be held Monday evening -June 11, 1951 at 7x30 P.b?. for the purpose of hearing from the public on petitions presented to the. City of Clearwater, with reference to paving, drainage and sanitary sewers in ` ?dandalay Subdivision and btandalay Replat. ".?' , . Very truly yours, F. C. Middleton City Manager ,1t?n .? S u? ? .., ? ?.. .ark ?,, ,?. i .?7i:?,,'','?r.'', i?;° ,y,, ?1 r ; ?.? .4??`? a 4 ?. . .. ra.:;?.?. I' :5??? ' .;;??;: ?????'??,"?'Fr'r"'?4 a,.. "x , ? ?'4 ?t4k.? , ?. . x ;: ? ?, ?3fi. ,, ey ?; . 1 :`` 1? ?}f ?+ i ?' 7't' i CITY COIVVIMTSSI02d MEETING J'u.ne 11, 1951 The City Commiasion of the City of Clearv+ater met in Special Sess�.on at the Qitg Fiall, Monday, June 11, 1951 at 7e30 P. M. with the following members present: Absents Also Present ti'Jere: Herbert M. Brown Iierbert M. Blanton Ga rla nd Lynn Joe Turner Thomas H. I31ack, Jr. F. C. Niiddleton George T. McClarr�na C. E. Wara -Mayor-Garrunissionor �Corrnnissioner -Commissioner -�oimnisaioner -Commis�ioner -City 2vYanager -Chief oP Police -City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the Pdayor. Reporting for the Tax Settle- ment Connnittee, Cozmnissioner Blanton stated that the Co�rnnittee had investigatsd the proposals of Mrs. L. D. Gladding and Dsr. Dave Caruthers to settle taxes against l,o�s in I{nigh.ts Acres on a basis of 25� oP the face valu�. The Gouunittee recoamiended that the offer of setl:lement be declinad and tY�at the Commission establish 50� of the face value of the taxes as a basia for settlement for taxes against properties removed from the City. Commissioner Turner moved that the Committeets report be accepted and that i:he City eccept the delinquent tax settlement on property now removed from the City on t�e baais of 500 of the Paco amount of the taxes as recommended by the Com- m3ttee. The motion was seconded by Cnimnissionar Lynn and it carried. It was the Coumzittee�s recounnendation that �he offer oP Gilbert E. Ha11 for the settlement of 1927 improvement liens against certain lots in Y�. S. Cash Sub- division in the amount o£ �100.00 be accepted. Conmiissioner I,gnn moved that the Committee►s repor� be accepted and that the settlement of $�100,00 be ap�roved. The motion was seconded by Corrmiissioner Turner and it carried, The T4ayor now announced a public hearing on the proposal to pavs, curb and in- stall sanitary sewers in Z�Zandalay Unit 5, the area bettveen Tiandalay Avenue on the West, Clearv�ater Eay on the East, Clearwater Street on the South and Acacia Street Qn the North. The City P�Sanager estimated the totaT cost of the proposed improvementa at �74,825.00 or approximately �p7.00 per front foot for a 30 £t. street. NIr. �ohn G. LZevaellgn announcad that he vras opposed to ti�.a pro ject. Ivir. Robert J. Hansen, 37r. Jack RQnsom and othera addressed the Covsnission relative to tha pro3ec�. It vvas moved by Commissioner L�nn� aeconded ey Cormnissionex Blanton and carr3.ed, that the mr�tter be referred to the Citg I�2anager az�d Citg Attorney to confer with Air. Ja.ok Ransom to obtain the names and addresses oi the property ownar� concsrned �nd to bring back their recommendations and to adjourn the he�ring to D�Ionday, June 25, 1•951 at 7t30 P, TvL ��� The hZayor a�sked the City Attorney for a report of the status oP the negotiationg with Kennedy & Strickland for necessary ri.ght os way f or Laura Street Extenaior. Th9 City Attorneg stated that all points of difference between the parties vrere agreed upon except two; number ons rvas that Kennedy & Strickland requested that the right oi way for I,eurz Street Fxtension be mQde 45 ft. instead of 50 ft., and number two, that the Citg specii`y in its contract the width of' the pavenent �o be insta'lled on the Laura Street Extension betwaen Biyrtle Avenue and Frospect Avenue. A gener�l dis- cussion of the m�ttar took place between the Cit� Commission and i�ir. Roy Strickland and his Attorne, , bIr. Gusa Wilder. Corrmissionar Blanton moved tha� Iat�ra Straet be put through 50 ft. w3de contiuuing due West froni Prospect A;venue to P,lyrtle Avenue with the lina being co-terminua with th�t part of I�ura Street Ez�st of Prospect and W.est of r�iyrtle and that the pavement be the same width that it is on t�at por�ion of Iaura Streat betw�en A4yrtle and East Avenues ancl that the Cit;� agreae not to can�truct a sideesalk on the south side of portion of said street ly3ng between hiqrtle Avenue and Prospect Avenue for a period of �30 gearse The motion was seconded by Comr�issianer Lynn and it carried. There being no further business to come Uefore the Boa�, the Commis�ion no�v adjourned. / '"'"-,3��� i��'1�-� fayor-uoirmii� o� ATTESTa � City Audii:or ' Clerk June 8, 1951 AZagor-Commissipner Herbe'r� n4. Brown,, Gorrmiissionersc Herbert Blanton, Sr�, Garland Lynn, Joe Turner, Thon�as H. Black (�entlemetz: A speoial rse9ting of the C3.ty Commission wi1T be held hionday evening - June 11, 195T at 7:30 P.b�. for the purpose oi' hear3ng from the public on petitions presented to the City of C1eax�wRter, rvith refarenee to paving, draina�e and sanitary s�wer� in Mandaley Subdivi�ion and ntaz�dalag Replat, PCM:�g Very trul� yours, F. C. Middleton Citg hlana�;er