05/28/1951 . ". .' "..,,:", \'fit,;~>>!;I~L'::':"'- . "':.:'.:'j :,<,:.:,~\::,< '<iF ::.::.';..:i;;::.'~ .',.,j~ . '.n; . '_ ' - ". ~'_. " ,.~. '.'~ .; ," '.', "....,. ...,_ OITY OOM)lISSION MEETING MaY' 28, 1951 I'.' -.-.,.-.-- The Oity Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special 888s10n at the City Hall, Monday, May 2B, 1951, at 7:30 p. M. Wi~l the following members prosents ., } .... .t~ .;, -Mayor-CoDmissioner .CoDDlissloner -Commissioner -CoDlInissioner Herbert M. Brown Thomas H. Blaclc~ Jr. Herbort M. Blanton Joe Turner )1 ,L r--... ,~ ! , ,;:;.lj'..t> \"":l:~'/ Absent: Garland Lynn Also Present Were: F. C. Middleton George T. McOl.amma C. E. Ware -City Manager -Chief of Police -City Attorney ..~ .~ ;1 :j 'j :j 'I .~ . ~ :I The meeting was oalled to order by the Mayor. Oommissioner Turner reported for the Oommittee on the Master Plumbers License for Mr. Saxon and stated the Com- mittee had studied all the ramifications of it and after due consideration the Com- mittee recommended that Mr. saxon be given his l1cense. Commissioner Turner moved that Mr. Saxon be gr&nted his Master Plumbers License. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Black and it carried. The Oommittee reported it was their recommenda- tion the t there were a number of thinp;s in the p1UI!1bers examination tha t could be revised and improved and suggested a oommittee be appointed to work up revisions of the plumbers, electrical and contraotors codas. Comnissioner Blanton moved that the City Manager and the City Attorney be authorized to look into the question as to whether the open toilets used on construction jobs, or otherwise, are 1n violation of the sanitary la~ and if they are the Ohief of Police be author1zed to see that they are discontinlled. Motion was seconded by Connnissioner Black and it carried. Oommissioner Blanton then moved that a comm1ttee be appointed to make a study of the three ordinances; plumbers, eleotri~al and contractors, and 1n collaboration make such chanp:es as theY' think is necessary. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Black and it carried. I . i ] j j " " . .~ . f ~ .1 .l 1 .. J j t j ... i . :1 ", 1 The Mayor made a report for the Beach Laase Oommittee on beach improvements. The Mayor proposed a Marinus building 200 ~t. lonp: which would house a grocery store, meat market, lunoh oounter, taokle shop~ etc.; the upstairs to have an observation deck~ restaurant and cocktail loun~e, and the build1nK to be ~ediately adjacent to the area where fishing boats were tied up. The Mayor stated that this project would be finanoed by revenue certificates which were to be paid from the revenue derive~ trom the operation of these facilities. The Mayor stated that the Committee had selected plans submitted by Walter H. llallorle and Associates as the plans they want to use and might possibly add a pier to the Mar1nus. Mr. R. W. Spragins of the R. W. Spragina & CompanY', investment seourities, has been selected to be the bond house ~or the new proposed Marlnua. The Mayor then stated that this project has been the resu~t o~ a very e~ustlve investip;ation. Commissioner Black moved that Walter H. Ma~lorie, AlA, be approved as the arohitect to be employed by the City to draw the plans and specj~1catlons and to supervise the construction of the mainland extension of the Clearwater Marinus with the understanding that a written contract on standa~ fo~ will be entered ~nto between the City and Mre Mallor1a to cover his profess~onal services on this project, such standard ~orm to be approved by the City Attorney and submitted to the City Commission for their final approva~ and execution and the rees to the architect will be paid from the monies made avail- able through the ~lnanc1ng arrangement. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and it carried. Commissioner Black then moved that the oontract of R. W. Spragina, Inc.~ as read and approved by the City Attorney be entered into immediately by the City of Clearwater and properly executed by the proper c~ty officials. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and it carried. The City Manager recommended the installation of 315 ft. of 6"' water main on Lake Drive at an estimated cost of $980.00. Comm1ssioner Black moved that the recommendations of the City t~nager be ~ollowed. The motion was seconded by Cam~ missioner Blanton and it carried. The Clerk read a letter t"rom Vlolfe~ Wightman and Rowe relative to the Thomas property on South Osceola in which a proposal was made to the O:1ty for the City to pay to Mr. Thomaa $.3000.00 and pay for the cost of moving the garage apartment back 15 ft. and to make no assessment for the ~provement against the property. The City Attorney stated it was to the best interest or the City of Clearwater that this proposition be accepted. Commissioner Turner moved that Oommissioner Blanton and the City Attorney prepare the necessary contracts and deeds to carry out the pro- visions o~ the proposal submitted by Mr. Wolfe on behalf of Mr. Thomas, which pro- posal 1s ~ound acceptable to the C1ty and authorize the proper oity officials to exeoute the agreement. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Black and it carried. The City ~mnager then read two b1ds for moving of the garage apartment as follows: James Holly Monroe Building Movers, Tampa $45?50 $.1~242.38 Comm1saioner Turner moved that the City Manager be authorized to have the building moved back using Mr. Holly's services and the City Manager negotiate with Hr. Holly tor any additional coat for the removal of the shed on tho Thomas property. The motion was seoonded b1 Commissioner Blanton and it carried. The Clerk read a letter from Ross E. Windom, City Manager or the Clt~ ot St. Petersburg. Florida, relative to the expansion of the water sJ'stem and asking that . definite answer be given him by ~ly 1. 1951 as to whether the City of Olearwater will PU?chase water f'X'om them. The Oit:y llanap;er then reported that it was still his -:"""f" ..- .1'''' \:~ " . , ;"". <i ~:, 11/ Ti,\,,;b ,t,.. ...._..,{.... ~,f ..' I.,., J>,,!j]iC1~l; \.:}".,,:/;:<:"~; , \',; 'r. ' ; ;. . , t ',' I. I. ,. , .:)).~'::,<. . ". , .' .,. ~'~i+r ~~'" -: ';;-- " ,. ~. '. ~. . .. ;2~:~'J:~~~;~i0~"~_":"'~="""K~'C' .. , ;,.', ~~,::"~':j;"':~/.J:{!."-;~::.,~;..., ' : '" -.f ~~".~~ ",......:...;{:.::~'.:::; ,. ;~'..:; 't. '<; :;.,. ,.:,,;....:...'~. ....~ ,',", OI'l'Y OOHllISSION MEETING . May 28. 1951 I. . recanmendatlon tbat he does not recoJntnend the purchasing of water tr02l1 St. Petera- bu:rg under the tenns 8S previously proposed. Ccmmtissioner Blaok moved that 'the C1t~ Hanagerls recommendations be fo110wed and a letter be sent to the Oity of St. Peters- burg immediately. Notion was seoonded by Oommiss1oner Turner and it carried. The Clerk read a letter tromA. R. Traoy, Secretary ot the North Shore Asso- ciation requesting a resolution tor 8 traffic light or stop sign on Ingman Stre~t and N. Ft. Harr1son. Co1tm11ssioner Blanton moved the Clerk be instruoted to write tbe North Shore Association a letter stating that the Commission already has under consideration ths installation of poss1bly one or not more than two lights on N. Ft. Harrison Avenue. The motion was seoonded by Oommissioner Turner and 1t carried. Commissioner Blanton, reporting ror the Court Street Extension Committee, stated that the Oommittee has chosen Mr. W. R. Kabrioh 8S the person they desire to secure the rights-of-way tor the Court Street Extension, and that Mr. Rabr1ch be hired to obtain the rights-of-way. Commissioner Black moved that the OitY' Managor be authorized to hire Mr. W. R. Kabr1ch on a temporary basis at a oompensatlon to be r1xed by the C1t~ Manager, to negot1ate tor the acquisition ot the necessary r1ghts- ot-way tor the Court Street Extension going eastward to Missouri Avenue with the submitting ot these agreements to the C1ty C~ission tor their approval in each in- stance. The mot1on was seconded by Commissioner Turner and it oarried. The City Attorney read a resol~tion of dedication of Lake Drive. Commissioner Black moved the adoption of this Resolution 8S read by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and it carried. Commissioner Turner s.tated that Mr. W. R. Kabrioh had 1nformed him that he would be willing to deed some of hie property on the south side of' Cleveland Street. one block east of Greenwood, so that the City can widen Cleveland Street to conform to the west curb line. Comnissioner Turner moved that the City Manager and the City Engineer be authorized to get up data and estimates on cost 01' setting back curb 4 ft. on north and south side 01' Cleveland Street, one block east of Greenwood to make the curb conf'orm to the curb line west of Greenwood. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blaok and it carr1ed. There belng no further business to come before the Board, the Oommission now. ad j ourned . ~~-~ Mayo1'- ODmlls s 0 ~r Attest: 1.,_: ' /' " " . . . , ;,'" "",.' . , ", '~,,' ~" f .' '. : . '. . ,I ,. ;"," i l ,.. i . !,,, ," :::~. y ,.-~: . ..., ~",,'.'.,.': , ~', ,;:~ . '. ,,:- , :... " , '~m~'~';i~.l:~~');"'."'~~O':~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 28, 1951 May 25, 1951 .f;~ "~'. .'S:."'.'.il' .';., tf)....~...:~<:...:J~ ,,~",\ .. l . . " , ,.. I ! I i i ! I i ( I. ~. .'1 I .,1 ...:...~ " ~~-\....~~.,....;~,..: Mayor-Commissioner Herbe~t M. Brown Commissioners: Herbert Blanton. Sr. Joe Turner Ga~land Lynn Thomas H. Black ~ ,\ Gentlemen, A speci8.l1 meetinp; of the Ci ty Cormnission will be held Monday evening - lt1ay 28, 1951 - at 7:30 P. M. in the Cit~' Hall 'to consider the .following: 1. Report of the Commission's Committee on Master Plumbe~'s exar.1inat10n. 2. Report of Deaoh Lease Committee on beaoh improvements, 3. Installation of 315ft. of 6" wa ter ~in on Lake Drive - at estimated coat of $980.00. '...; :1 . . , " I . " . , ~ ,.".'" ., . . ...1 " ,..1 . ' '.' ",:} FClh ~R Yours very truly, F. C. Middleton Ci toy Manap;er ., ' ~--------------------------------------------------- NORTH SHORE ASSOCIATION To the Hon. Herbert M. Brown, Mayor and the City Commissioners:- Gentlemen: May 25, 1951 May 24, 1951 At the regular May meeting of the North Shore Civic Ass'n. held at the Chanwer of Commerce Bldg. on May 24th a Resolution was passed asking the Sec. of the Ass'n. to write the Mayor and Commission to have either a traffic li~t or a stop-sign 1nstal~ed at the corner of N. It't. Harrison Ave. and Engman St. in order to curb the notor1.ous speeding on this particular section of Nil Ft~ Harrison.Ave. The Engman.. N. Ft. Harrison corner has been seleoted by the Ass'n. as being midway between Sunburst Court and Jones St. and on account of the diversion o.f traffic between Ft. Harrison and the one-way traffic on North Osceola is the busiest intersection along this stretch of N. Ft. Harrison Ave. Respectfully submitted, /s/ A. R. Tracy, Sec'y. --~-~-~----~--~-------------~--~-- CITY OF ST~ PETERSBURG.. FLORIDA , Honorable Herbert M. Brown, Mayor of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida. Dear Mayor Brown: In order to protect the interest of the City of St. Petersburg, it is necessary that we authorize our engineers to begin working drawings for the expansion of ou~ water system. As you know.. our program is in two parts: One plan is to expand our plant and facilities sufficient to meet the requirements of the City of St. Petersburg and the second plan is to inorease our facilities sufficient to take care of the re- quirements of the City of St. Petersburg, as well as other municipalities and can- munities within the County that might be interested in obtaining a water supply from the City of St. Petersburg. With the above in mind, the City Council has authorized me to write the municipalities and communities within the County infor.ming them that it is neoessary for us to have a definite answer by July 1, 1951 at which t~e we will authorize our engineers to proceed and must define the scope of the project. An expression of the desire of your municipality or community to obtain, or not to obtain, water supply from the City of St. Petersburg should be in writing in order that our records and files will be complete, as well as yours. We w111 appreciate receiving the decision of your municipality or community on or before July I, +951. Yours very truly, /s/ Rosa E. Windom City Manager ...;, , . <,,: . . " , '. .,' '(' :.',' _...~ ~~- .... . ',', .' ~ . ,..,. . " . .~ .... ,. . ". ' ,i. \..~, ':.. . ~!. ... .:. .'. . '., ........ ".:.t....". ,,' '.. " CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 28, 1951 Ilf Jriay 25, 1.951 , " f Honorable Board ot City Commissioners, City Hall, Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen: For sometime now the writer has been, di~ect1y or indirectly, in oommunication with the Spacial Committee 1n connection with the condemnation ot the property on Osoeo~ Avenue owned by Walter Thomas. At the first conrerence with the Special Connn1ttee I made an otter which I telt was reasonable, and that was that Mr. Thon8s be paid $4000.00 for the 15 x 135 feet which the City planned to condenlO, that the City move the garage apartment to the rear of the lot, and that there would be no assessment aF,ainst Mr. Thomas by virtue of the widening of the street. The conmittee turned this proposition down~ and after contacting my client I made a supplemental pro- position that Mr. ~lomao would accept $3000.00 for the land Wllich I figu~e wou~d in- clude any attorney's fees which he would be entitled to in the condemnation suit. In connection with this $3000.00 the same proposition was made ae to ~e City moving the apartment and placing it on the rear of the lot in ae good condition as it now is, and also that there would be no assessment. I was prompted to make this proposition to the City because walter ~lomaB, who formerly practioed law in 01earwater but who is now retired and living in Greensboro, North Carolina, has not been well and if a fair agreement could be made with the City, it would save him the expense and worry of a trip down here as well 88 not affeot1ng his health. Mr. Thomas has been a semi-invalid sinco he left here in 1932. He has retained his legal residence in Florida and he has no desire at all to dispose of the property he owns. He 1s receiv1nR $600.00 a year rent for the garage apartment. It is noted the City has already started clearing the sidewalk and, apparent~y, desire to go ahead with the paving. As I explained to the members of the Speoial Committee, and also to the City Attorney, Mr. Thoma s has no desire to hold this matter up. In tact, in the event a condemnat1on Buit is filed I have authority to enter an appearance and to immediately flle the necessary- answer in the suit, but it is felt it would take considerable time to have a jury determine the value of the land and the building. I,~i~:.l{?!,~,,~j\\ , I : ,~;". , '1. ;::' . :' ~ . I I I , .. '" , ,). , ,I "'j 1 " "I ,l-.......;~ -~:...:.;..\ '~ \ I I I t '. !.l I .,' ,~ " 1 I 4 i :I i I '" I ":,', '. c,". , ! I < "\' ! \" ! / t ", ~ " ~l'" ",.;., , As far as I know, Mr. Thomas has never been sued and he baa no desire to be sued now if he can arrive at a satisfaotory agreement with you gentlemen. For the reasons above outlined and beoause I have fe1t Mr. Thomas' proposition to the City was more than fair, I have checked the public records at the Oi ty Hall and find the following situations with reference to reoent adjustments when the City acquired property: On the Myrtle Avenue extension at the corner ot Drew Street the City acquired from Ur. Hughey 30x225 feet, or 6750 square feet. The City also aoquired to the East of Mr. Hughey's property a piece of property that was given to Mr. Hughey. This propert~ cost the City $3000.00. The 0ity then paid Mr. Hughey, in full settlement, $6375.85, or a total cost to the City of $9375.25. The City acquired 110x25 feet, or 2?50 square feet from Homer Properties, Ino. and paid Homer Properties, Inc. the Bum of $.2500.00. This property had no buildings of any type on it. Mrs. Homer benefited substantially as she owned the property on tne other side of the 25 feet and there was no street where she deeded the 25 feet. .),,')}., .',"/ ", ":.,..;" " .', I " j , J \ , ,! ....... ..~- ."'.... ....................--. It is felt that inasmuch as Mr. Thomas' property is located in R-a, the only ultimate use of the property would be tor a large apartment building and that with l35x60 feet, Which he now has, the property would have real value. On the other hand, if the pro- perty were reduced to a 40 foot frontage it is felt no one would want to buy the property for a large apartment building and that no one would want to buy the property for a residence with only a 40 root frontage and, consequentl~, the value or this pro- perty would be reduced by at least one-l~lf. In view of all the above facta I felt it my duty to present this matter to the whole Commission because it is my frsnk opinion that any condemnation suit where the City would possibly be required to pay additional fees to its attorney and also be requ~red to pay the costs of court and, 1ikewise, attorneys' fees for Mr. Thomas, it would be to the benefit of the City for this to be handled on a non-condemnation suit basis. WHW:fg Very truly yours, WOLFE, WIGHTMAN & ROWE By /s/ W. H. Wolfe .', ',,". . "."/....,,,:, "". . T.',. ..' :':r:;J:~;(;"!"~:::':)Y"~;f:,-";' . ';;}J~#' ,,\~';~~~.~i';f;~Ji:~~,;~~~~j~~;(i~;~: ?~,;~.,;\,~~,f,,~,:.~,i.~..\t..(.;,\}~,:..~,~.,:.~..':.;_~,.;~,.,".~_'.','.C"':"."'~;';:_~':"~"~"'{'''~.~...'.'..:.;.c.'..:'~,,".:,..'.::':.:.'.,.'~.:.-..~.'.":'~"_""""";"",,,,~,,,,,""'" ....:..,...,...........,.."..,.. '.'" ,.;...11'3-. " ' ' ". " " . .... .. <" ., . . ." "<i.;c.,;.~ . -.~."" - ,..;...,. .. .... . .,._ '. ,.".,",.,~,...'J;,:,';.,,;,L: . ""Ii,.;,;. "". ..,~:.,_;~,~:,..,~,: ,;.";,;:._",:;";,,...,;'.::;<,'t:.Q;';~i:~.~~.~....;~L~.,,,.,...~:~,~~,::..~4~t@~*~. '\ ., V>' ., . ,1" -': ",..' , , '., ',l_ CI'rY OOldMISSION MEETING' :May 28, 1951 ,- ,-,~..., .. ' RESOLU'.rION RESOLUTION OF DEDICATION OF IAKE DRIVE - -- WHEREAS, the City of Olearwater, Florida, is the owner ot the lands herein- after desoribed, which is suitable and necessa~ ror street purposes in the widening of a street known as Lake Drive in the City of Clearwate~, Pinellas Oount,y, Florida, AND WHEREAS, after due deliberation, the City Commiss10n has dete~ined tbat it is for the best interests of the City that suoh lands should be dedioated tor street purposes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Oommission of the City of Olear- water, Florida, that the folloWing deeoribed land situate, looated and being in the City of Clearwater, Pine1las Oounty, F10ridal Be~inn1ng 30' West and 50' North of the Southeast corner o~ Northwest Quarter of Seot1on 14, Township a9 South, Range 15 East; thenoe run North and pa~11e1 to the half section line and 30' West thereof to a point whioh 18 the intersection of aforesaid line and the South 11ne of Exeter Street, extendedJ thenoe Northeast to a point where the north line or Exeter Street, extended, would intersect a curve whose ~ = 4?O 30', D = 60 20', R = 854.2; said curve being the West line o~ take Drive as shown on revised plat of Keystone Manor, Plat Book 14, Page 46, Filed in Pinellas County, ~~orida; thence South- west along the arc o~ the same curve until it interseots the half section line; thenoe South along the half Seotion 1ine to the North line of Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., thence West 30' to point of beginning, be~ and the same is hereby dedioated, set aside and established as a part ot ~e public street known as Lake Drive. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Oity Commission of the City o~ Clearwater, FlorIda, in meeting assembled this 28th day of May, A.D. 1951. ... Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: H. G. Wingo ~1ty Auditor and Clerk , :1.' C�'IfY COMNIISS:ION MEETING May 28, 195� The City Commission of the Cit�* oP Clearvrater met in Special Sessian at the Citp Hall, Monday, May 28, 1951, at 7s30 P. M. with the folla�ving membara presentt Absont:. Also Present Preret Iierbert M. Brown ThorLas H. Ble.�k, �Tr. H�rbert M. Blanton Joe Turner [3arland Lgnn F. C. Middleton George T. MeClamma Ce E. Ward -biayor-Cor�nis aioner -Commisaioner -Co�niasioner �Co�issia�ex -City Managsr �ChieP oP Police -Cit�r Attorneg The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. Coumissioner Turner reported Por the Covnnittee on the Master Plumbers Licenae for Mr. Saxon and stated the Com- mittee had atudied ell the ramifications of it and after due considerat3on the Com- mittee recognnended that Mr, Saxon be given his 13.cenae. Comnissioner Turner moved that Mr. Saxon be granted his Master glumbera Licenses The motion was aeconded by Cormnissioner Black and it carried. The Cormnittee repo�ted it vras their reco�nenda- tion that there wore a ntunber o£ thinga in the pluribers exa�ination that cou13 be revised and improved and augg�ated a covmxittee be appointed to work up revisions. of the plumbers, o].ectrical and contractors codes. Coumiseioner Blanton moved that the City Manager and the Ci�y Attorney be authorized to look into the queation as to whe�her the apen toi�.eta uaed on construction jobs, or othervrise, are in vi�lation of the sanitary law and if' they axa the Chiei' of Pol�.ce ba �►uthorized to see tlaat they are discont3mied. Mation was socondad by Commissioner Black and it carried. Qormnissionex Blanton then moved thst a committee b� appointed to make a study of the three ordinances; plunbers, electrical and contractors, and in collaboration make such chan�es as theq think is necessary. The motion v�as seconded by Com_ miasioner Black and it carried. The Mayur made a report for the Beach Leasa Couanittee on beach iraprovements. The Mayor proposed a Marinus building 200 �t. long which would house a grocerp store, meat market, lunch counter, �ackle shop, etc.; the upstairs to have an obsern�tion deck, restaurant and cockta3l loun�e, and tha huild3n� to be immediately adjacant to the area where i'ishing boats ware �ied upv The �iayor• stated that thia project would be financed by reveriue certificates which were to be paid frora �he revarnze derived Prom the operation og these faci3.i�iese Tha Mayor stated �hat �h� Committee had aelected plans submitted by tiYalter Ha Itia].lorie and Associates as the plans they want to use and might possibly add a pier to the Merinus. Afir. R. W. S.pragins oP the R. Yd, Spragina Ec CompanyD ;nvestment securities, has been se�.ected to be th� bond house for the new prop�sed riaririus. The �tagor then stated that this project has been the resu].t of a very exhaustive investigation. Coirnnissioner Bl.ack maved that VJalter H, h,allorie, AI,4, be approved as the architect to be emploged by t}ae Citg t� dravr the plans and spacifications and to supervise the construction of the mainland extension oP the Clearwater Marinus ntith the understanding that a written contract on standard forin will be enterad into between the City and Mr. �allorie to covex� hia professional services on this project, such st�ndard farm to be approved by the City Attorney and submitted to the C3�,p Gormiission for �their final appro�aT and execution an� the fees to the architect wil2 ne paid from the monies made avail- abla through the Pinancing arran�ement. The motion was seeonded by Commiesioner Blax,ton and it carried. Commissioner Black then rsoved that the conzract of R. W. Spragins, Inc., as re�d and approved by the City A�torney be entered into immediately by the City of Clearivater and properly executed by the proper city offieials. The motion was secondeci bq Commissioner Blanton and it carried. The City r2anag�r reconnnentx�ad the instalZation of 315 fte of 6�t` water main on Lake Drive at an estimated coat ai �p980.00. Commissioner Black �oved th�t the recoa�mendations o� the City P�Ianager be follorvc�de The motion �ras secondad by Com- missioner Blanton and it carried„ The Clerli read a �Lett��r from Vdolfe, Wightmen and Rowe relative to th� Thomas property on South Osceo.ra in which a proposal was made to the City for the City to pay to 14ir. ThomRs $�30Q0.00 and pay for the cost of moving the garage anart�ent back 15 i'i. and to make no assassment for the improvement against the property. The City Attorney stated it was to the best interest of ihe Gity of Clearwater that this propoaition be accepted. Counn3ssioner Turner m�ved that Car�issionex Blanton and the City Attorneq propare the necessa,r� contracts and aeeas to carr� out the pro- v3sions of the proposal submitbed by Mr. li�olfe on behalf of hir. Thomas, which pro� posal is found acceptable to the Ci�q and authorize the proper c3ty officials to execu+e the agreomen�< The mnti�n was seconded bg� Co�issioner Black and 3t carried. The City Nfanager then read two bids for moving of the garage spartnient es follows: James Holly $�457.5Q blonroe Building h4over•s, Tampa �1,242.Sf�3 Commissionar Turner movod that the City hia,n�ger be authorized �o have ths bu�lding moved back using Rir. Holly�s services and the City Manager negotiate with IvIr. Hally for any additional cost for the removal of the shed on the Thon�as property. The m�tion was seconded by Co�nissioner Blanton and it carried. The Clark read a letter from Ross E. Windom, Gity Msnager of the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, relative to the expr�nsion of the vrater aystam and asking that a definite answer be ginen him by J'uly 1, 1951 as to whether the Gity at Clearvrater will purck�asa water from themo The Gity blanager then reported that it was still his /// CTTY COlv�ftzSSIUN &IEETING Mag 28, 1951 reco�nendation th�t he doe� not recoimnend the �urchasing of water from Sto Petars,- burg under the terms as previously proposed. Cou�nissioner Black moved that the City Manager�s rscommendat3.ons be follovrad and a letter be sent to the City of s�. Paters- burg irnnediately. Motion was seconded by Coimnissioner Turner and it carriedv The Clerk road a letter from A. R. Tracy, Secretary of the North Shore Asso- ciation requesting a re�olution for a traffic li�ht or stop sign on Tngma.n Street and N. Ft. Harrison. Co�issioner Blanton moved f,he Clerk be instruotod to write the North Shore Association a letter stating that the couunission already has under consideration the installation of possibly one or not more than two light� on N» F't. Harrison Avenue. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tixrner and it carried. Coimnissioner Slanton,reporting for the Court Street Extension Co�nittee, stated the,t the Counnittae has chosen Mxo UV. R. Kabrich ae t3ze person they desire to secure the rights-of-way £or the Court Street Extension, and that Mr. Kabrich be hired to obtain the r3ght�-�f-way. Co�nissioner Blaok moved ti�at the City hianager be authorized to hire ':rr. W. 8. TCebrich on a�emporar� basis at a compensation to ba Pi�ed by the Gity�Manager, to negotiate for the acqnisit3on of the necessary rights� of-wey for the Court Street Extension going eastv�ard to It'[issouri Avenue with the submitting oP these agreements to the City Co�mission for i:heir approval. in each in- stance. The mo�ion Svaa seconded by Commissioner Turner and it carried. The City Attorney read a resolut3on o� dadication of Ialce Drive. Coimnissioner Black moved the adoption of this Reso�ution as read by the Cit3� Attornev. The motion was secon3ed by �omnissiorier Turner and it carried. Cox�nissioner Tu.rner g;t�t�a tr�t nsr, W. R. I�brich had informed him that he would be willing to deed some of hie propert� on the south side of Cleveland Street, one block east of Greenwood, so that the City can w3den Cle��eland Street to conform to the west curb ].ine. Co�anissioner Turner moved that t2ie Gity Manager and the City Engineex be authorized to get up da'ta and estimates on coet of setting back curb 4 ft. on north and south side of Cleveland Street, one block east of Grsenwood to xnake the curb confor.n to the curb line west of Creernvood. The motion was seconded by Coirnnissionar Black and i�° carried. There being no further business to cone 'before ths Board, the Cormnission now• a�journed. ' Ma or-Gorrnniss o er' Y n Attest: U ' C3ty Auditor Clerk CITY COMPdISSTON 2dEETING �Iay 28, 1951 Mayor-Commiesioner Herbert ni. Bro��n Conunissionere: Herbert Blanton, Sr. Joe Turnex Garland Lynn Thomas FIa B1ack A spaci�:1 meetin� of the City Cormnissi�n *n�i17_ be held ASonday evening - I�Say 28, a•t 7t30 P. b4. in the Cit� Hall �c consider� the foll.o�ving: T. Report -of the Co�nissionTs Committee on Ivlaster Plumber'�s exanination. 2•. Report of Beach Lea se Coimnittee on beach improvements' 3. Installation of 315 ft. o� 6° wa�er riain on Lake Drive - at astimate3 cost oi �980.00. Yours very trul„ F. C. P�tiddleton CYt� nr�+�a�er NORTH SHORE ASSOCIATION To the Hon. Herbert N. Brown, Iviayor and the City Conmlissioners:- At the regular hiay meeting of the North Srore C3.i�i.c Ass�n. held at t;he Chamber of Corranerce Bld�, on P�iay 24th a Resolution was passed asking the Sec. of the Ass�n. to write the n�Iagor and Cor�nnission to have ei'ther a traffic light or a stop-s�gn installed at the coxner of N. Ft. Harrison Ave. and �ngman St. in order to cur3 the notorious speeding on this particular section of N. Ft. Harrison,�l.ve. The Engman, N. Ft. Harrison corner• has been seZected by i;he Ass�n. �z� being midway between Sunburst Court and Jones St. and on account of the diversion of traffic between Ft. Haxrison and the one-way trafiic on North Osceola is the busiest interseotion along this stretch of N, Ft. H�rrison Ave. Reapectfully submitted, /s� A. R. Tracy, Sec+9• CITY OF ST� PETERSBURG, a Honorable Herbert h1e Brown, �fa5or of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida. Dear IvIagor Browrn: In order to protect the interest of the Cit� oi St. Petersburg, it is ne�essarg that we authorize our engineers to begin �vorking dra�tings for the expansion of our �rster system. As you knov�, our program is in two parts: One plan is to axpand our plant and facilities su=ficient to meet the requirements of the City oi St. Petersburg and the se�ond plan is to increase our facilities su�ficient to take cere of the re- qu3remsnts of the City of St. Petersburg, as well as other municipalities ar_d con- imznities with3n the County that might be interested in obtaining a water supplJ from the City of St. Petersburg. With the abnve 3n mind, the City Gouncil hsa authorized me i;o write the municipall•ties and coi;ununities within the Countg informing them that it js necessary for us to have a dePinite answer by July 1, 1951 at �rhich ti�e �ve wi�l authorize our en�ineers to proceed and must define the scope of the project. An expreasion of the desire of your municipality or conanunit3* ±:o obtain, or not to obtain, water supply from the City o£ st. Petersburg should be in writing in nrder that our records and files will. be complete, as well as yoursv We will appreci�te receiving the decis3.on of your municipality or community on or before July l, �951, Yours very truly9 js/ Ross '_�'. Windom City nianager CITY COB�IIr4ISSTON MEETTNCr bi�;t 28, 1951 M�y 25, 1�951 Honorable Board of City Covanissioners, Citq Hall� Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen: For sometime now the writer hsa been, directly or indirectly, in communication with the Special Coimnittee in connect3an �vith �he candemnation of trie �roperty on Osceola _ kvenue owned by Walter Thomsse At the first conference with the pea3:a1 Conunitt;ee I made an offer wliich I felt was reasonable, and that was that Mr. Thomss bb paid ��OOD.00 for the 15 x 135 ieet whic.h the City planned to condemn, that �he City move the garage apartmant to tre rear of the lot, and that there tivould be no aasessment against I�Sr. 2homas by :�i.rtue of the eridening of the street. The co�unittee turned this proposition do�vn, and after contacting my client I made a supplemantal prn- posi�ion that &�r. Thoma3 would accept $�3000.00 for the land which I i'igure would in- clude any attorney►s fees which he would be entitled to in the condemnation suit. In connectian with this �300Q.00 ti:e same proposition was made as to the City mov3ng the apa�rtment and placing it on the rear of the lot in as good condition as it now is, and also t�at there wo�zld be no asseasment. I was prormpted to make this propoaition to the Citg because VPalter Thomas, who formerly praaticed lacc in Clearwater but who is notiv retired and living in Greensboro, North Carolina, has not been �ve11 and if a�air a�reament could be made vrith the City, it would save him �he expense and warry of a trip dosvn here as well as not aifeating his health. Dir. Thema� has laeen a semi-j.nvalid since he l�ft here in 1932. He has retained his legal residence in Florida and he has no desire at all to dispose of the propert� he owns. He is receiving �600,OQ a year rent for the garap;o apartment. Tt is nated the City has already started clearing the sidewalk and, apparently, dasire to go �head with the paving. ?�s I explained to the members of the Special 4o�ittee, and also to t he City Attorney, irfr. Thomas has no desire to hold this matter up. In fact, in the event a condemnation suit is ftled I hAve authority to snter an appearance and to immediately file the necess�r� answer in the suit, but it is felt it vrould tal.e considerable time to ha�re a jury determine the value of the land and the building. As Par as I know, Itiir, Thomas has never been sued and he has no desire to be sued now if he can arrive at a satisfactory agreement w�th you �entiemen, For the reasons above outlined and because I have felt h2r. Thomasi proposition to the City was more than fair, I have ch9cked the public records at the City Hall and find the following situations �rith re�erence t;o recent adjustmants when the Gity acqulred property: On the hi�rtl.e Avenue axtension at the corner of Drew Street tha City acquired from NIr. Hughey 30x225 Peet, or 6'150 square feet. The Gity also acquired to the Esat of I�r. Hughey's property a piece of pra�ert� th�t was given to A7r. Hughey. This property cost the City �300Qo00. The City then paid hirs Hughey, in ftiill settler�ent, �;637�.85, or a total cost to the Citg of �9�75.2�. R'he City acquired 110x25 feet, or 2750 square feet from Homer Properties, Inc. and paid Homer Froperties, Ine. the sum of �2500.0�. Tris property had no buildings of an�r type on it. A'Irs. Homer benefited substantially as she owned the propert� on the other side of the 25 feet and there was� no street where she deeded the 25 feet. It is felt that inasmuch as Mr. Thorr�st pro�erty is located in R-2:, the only u2timate use o� the property would be for a large apartiment builciin� arid that with 135x60 feet, which he now has, the property wo�ald have real value. On the othsr hr�nd, if the pro- perty were reduced to a 40 foot frontage it is felt no one avould want to buy the property for a large apartmen�c building and that no one would want to buy the pra�erty far a residence with onlg a 40 foot frontage and, consequently, the value of th�s pro- perty would be reduced by at least one..half. In vievs of all the above facts I felt it �fiy duty to present thi� m�tt�er to the wk�ole Commission because it is mg f'rank opini�n that ang condemnation suit �here the C3ty v�ould possibly be required to pa� additional fees to its attorne� and also be �equired to pay the costs of court and, likewise, attorneys� fess for I�Zr. Thomas, it would be to the benefit of the �ity for this to be hanaled on a non-cc�ndemnation suit �a�is. rvxw; f� Very truly youra, WOLFE, WIGHTMAIJ & ROVYE By /s/ VJ, H. Wolfe CITY COMM7.�SSTON MEETING N?Qy 28, 1951 RESOLUTION RE80LUTTU21 OF UEDICATION UF TAKE D'RIVE :"hIERh�P.S, the City o£ Cl.earvaater, Florida, is the owner of the lands herein- after dosarihed, v�hich is suitsble and necessary for street purposes in the widening of a street known as I,ake Drive in the City of Cloarwater, Pinell�s County, Florida, AND lh'HEREAS, after due de�iberation, the City Cor.unission has dete�minecl that it is for thf best interests of the City �that such lands should be dedicated for street purpos�s, NOVJ, THEREFORE, B� IT RESOLVED iay the City Coiraaission o£ the City of Clear- wat9r, Floridr�, �hat the followin� d.escribed land situate, located and being in the CiLy of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Flor3da: Beginning 3'Q+ West and 50� North of the Southeast corner of Northwest C�uarter of Section 14, Township 2;9 South, Range 15 East; thenca run Nor�h and parallel to the half section line and 30� West thereoP to a point which is the inte�section of aforesaid line and the South line of Exeter Street, extended; thence Northeast to a point �here the tiorth line of Exeter Street, sxtencled, would intersect a curve whose 4= 47° 30�, D= 6° 20►, R= 854.2; said curve being the '�Jest line of Iake Drive as shown on revised plat of Keystone Manor, F1at Book 14, Page 46, Filed in Pinellae County, F.'lorida; then�e South- west elong �he arc oP the same curve until it intersects the hslf section line; thence South along the half Section 7Line to ths North line of Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., thence West 30� to point of beginningp be, and the same is hereby dedicated, set aside a:?d est�blished as a part oP the public atreQt known as I,ake Drive. PAS3ED AND ADOP'i'ED by the Citg Corrnnission of the City oP Clearraeier, Flprida, in meeting assembled thj.s 28th day of IvIay, A.D, 15510 ATTEST: H. G, ti"lingo �ity Auditor and Clerk Herbert 2v1. Browra bIayor�Cor�issioner �`�