05/14/1951 '.~ '. {',::r~_::","/ ......;::',' . <'f1~~ill~~G"'"'''''''' .... . "I"".',' 'q,; ""n ?")'(l-",j(i;111 ", .",. ":..~,: ,".', ,.1 r-' "~ >.,~~I~ . \-<l~'~.i " Herbert M. Brown Thomas H. Blaok, Jr. Herbert M. Blanton Garland Lynn Joo Turner -Mayor-Commissioner -Commissioner -Commissioner -Commissioner -Connnissioner . .' ' '. . . '1'.."",,..:.;.,.0' . 1'/;'.';':<;; f. " . r I I I ( I 1 ( I, J I I ,. <" ...\.',~. I I ;,' .' .......,.....; CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 14, 1951 The City Commission of tlle City or Cl~ar1fater met in Special Session at the City Hall, Monday, May 14, 1951 at 7:30 P. M. with the rol1owing members present: j " " '~ '1 ;1 ;\ ~ ~ 1 I J I I I I Absentz None Also Present Vlere: F. C. Middleton George T. McClamma C. E. Ware -City Manager -Chief ot Police -City Attorney The meeting was oalled to order by the Mayor. Mr. Ouss Wilder and Mr. Striok- land appeared with referenoe to the paving of Laura Street and requested a delay of twelve or rifteen months or to permit the west end of the new paving for Laura Street to stop at Prospeot. The lmyor stated that negotiations with Kennedy & Str1ckl.and had ceased. Commissioner Blanton moved that the COIlll1ission, as a com- mittee, take Laura Street opening under consideration and report at the next Com- mission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and it oarried. i ,; '.'1 Mr. E. B. Casler spoke requesting an extension of the W TAN Broadoasting Station Lease. He requested a lease of five years ~or the station. On a motion by Commissioner Blanton, whioh was seconded by Commissioner Turner and oarried, W TAN lease was extended for a period or five years and that the rental be $75.00 per month for the first thirty months and $~50.00 per month for the second thirty months period and it be incorporated in the new lease, that the premises be kept 1n ~irst olass condition and well painted at all times during the term ot the lease. A letter was read ~ram Mr. D. E. Lame of Lame's Forge & Ornamental Iron Works concerning the widening of Myrtle Avenue. Commissioner Turner moved that the matter be referred to the Commission~ as a committee, for their study and report at the next commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Black and it carried. I Mr. H. C. Beoker of Remington-Rand Corp. spoke about the merits of the new acoounting system for the Utility Department. City Manager Middleton recommended the purclmse of two of the Remington-Rand units at an approximate cost of $5,980050. Commissioner Black moved that the City Manager's recommendations be followed and he be authorized to purchase two or these units. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Lynn and it oarried. ~/ ;'~ --. I... "',c".',",'i"'" . ("\,,, ~"h~, ' 11f'; ": .1 "'.,.1. I .J t~t: '; " r~~ !~t ('en r. r ~;;;,l~' f~~i . '. . , . . , , . , A request was presented for the transrer of Crest Lake Fishing oontrol tram the Pinellas Conservation Club to the Lions Club. Commissioner B1aok moved that the present lease between the City and the Conservation Club be rescinded and the City Attorney, after receipt of written request for transfer of Crest lake F'1shing control from the Pinellas Conservation Club is received, be authorized to imme- diately prooeed to draw up a new lease with the Lions Club. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion and it oarried. /' The proposed street dedication or Lake Drive was discussed by the City Manager and he recommended a resolution be prepared for the dedication of this street. Comm1ssioner Black moved that the C1ty Manager's recocmendation be followed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and it carried. The Clerk read a resolution from the County Cc'.nnnissioners pertaining to the widening and ~proving of U. S. Alternate 19. Commissioner Black moved that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a stmi1ar resolution and to present ~t at the next commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and it carried. ;1' _ The City 1~nager reported on Missouri Avenue crossing and est~ated the cost of this projeot to the City at approximately $3.000.00 and stated the initial cost will be to the City to have the sidetracks raised so that the crossing w111 be ~evel. The Mayor appointed a conmittee, oonsisting of Commissioners Turner and Lynn, to meet with the railroad company. The City Attorney read a resolution to establish a north and south route through Clearwater to ~ac1litate the movement ot traffic through Clearwater. Com- missioner Turner moved the adoption of the resolution as re~d by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Commissioner ~nn and it carried. The C1 ty Manager recommended a curbing set back a t Sunburst and North Fort Harrison Avenue at a cost of $610.00. Commissioner Black moved that the City Manager's recommendation be approved for the curbing set back at Sunburst and North Fort Harrison Avenue. Motion was seoonded by Commissioner LJDn and it carried. The Oi ty Manager reconmended 8. curbing set back at E1dl'idge Street and Garden Avenue at a cost of $260.00. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Manager's recommendation be aocepted and he be authorized to prooeed with the curbing set, back at a cost not to exceed $260.00. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Blaok and it carried. -J r~.~'''' ." '.., '.. '. , ,,' "" .......<t'.1..~ . ,. ..' ~.. ,,';' ','::} ';\I;e;'/:>:,':~~\~~~\r~~!!:~~rj,. , . , CITY C~U1ISSION MEETING Ha1 14,. 1951 ';.;" . '.rhe C1t7 Manager recommended a curbing set baok at Seminole Street and GaJ'del'1 " Avenue but stated he preferred thls matter be deferred due to a new propoaal. This matter was deferred by unanimous consent ot the City Commission. A resolution was presented by the C1t, Manager which would require seven pro- perty owners to clear their property of g1"888_ weeds and underbrush. On a motion b,. Commissioner Turner, which 'WaS seoonded by Oommissioner Lpu1 and carried, the rssolution was adopted. The Clt7 Manager re<}u8sted the Comnission approve the drilling ot a new well at an estimated cost ot 19..500.00. C01l1m1ss1oner Black movod that the Comn1as1on awalt the report trom the Engineers coming to Clearwater and discUS8 this' matter 1Jmnediately atter receipt ot that report so that the Cit,. Manager oan be authorized" or not authorized, to proceed with the new well. The motion was seco~ed b,. Oam- missioner Turner and it carried. j:;~... ' A letter was read tram 141'. G. W. Wh1te, City Clerk o~ Tallahassee, conoerning . Joint Resolution betore the Legisla tUN o~ Bill 993. C0JnD11ss1oner Black moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorn81 to oontact the attomey tor the League or Mun1c1pe.lit1es and report back to the Comnission. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried. The Commiseion now adjourned as the City Commission and aoting as Trustees tor the Penaion Fund approved, on 6 motion by Commissioner Blaok whloh was seconded by Commissioner ~nn and carried, the admission to the Pension FUnd ot Wil11e B. Bra8s, Richard J. Swift, Cli1'ford Trombly, Ha1rlon Curby and Char1es H. Hawthorne. There being no :further business to come bef"ore the Board, the Commission now adjourned. ;k; '1 . ,,~. ~, ;f .,:.) ~~ / /r." 'Yor-Comm 88' 0 e ATTESTr ---------------------------------------------~----------------~ l4ay 10, 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Oommissioners: Joe Turner, Herbert Blanton, Sr. Garland Lynn, Thos. H. Black Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in special 8ession'~onday evening - lwy 14, 1951 at 7130 P. M. in the City Hall to oonsider items on the attached agenda. Felli gg Ver-y tzru1y yours, F. C. Middleton, City Manager ------------------~---------~~ AGENDA 1. Mr. Striokland of Kennedy & Strickland will appear before the Commission with reference to the paVing of Laura St. W TAN Broadcasting Station' a request f'or extension of 1e&88. Consideration of the transfer of Crest Lake Fishing control from Pinellas Con- servation Club to Lions Club. Proposed street (Lake Drive) ded~oatlon on East side of" Crest Lake Park. Resolution from Oounty Commissioners, concerning the widening and improving ot u. S. Alternate 19. City Manager's report on Missouri Avenue Crossing. Proposed ourbing set back at Sunburst and North Ft. Harrison Avenue. Proposed ourbing set back at Eldridge Street and Garden Ave. Proposed ourbing set back at Seminole Street and Ga~8n Ave. Resolution requesting property owners to mow their lots ot weeds Bnd grass. Oity Manager's request to drill new well. Any itmms brought before the Oommission will be oonsidered - by their consent. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. Adjournment. Oommission acting 8S trustees ot Pension FUnd on application tor memberShip in Pension Plan. (This was de~erred trom meeting of Hay 7) ~~ y-or-Comm s&lo e . ,_:,;,,~_,,:.,..,i~";';':~;~4';~.~.iJi;.,~;^;:.::1.~~l:i:s,;.~J~~~~~,,;~~~,ii~~;;&S~~~:~!i\:;;;~::;,::_,.::; ,;:; d. ." ,'.. ,,-,"', 7~' "'.;',:~,.,"J:_\ :,~t; , ~'g:.\: "'~;~ f" . '-'~;I~~~'!ij~t\i:.~~:..~:,::.~;;::o.'P~'>'-""'" ,,:"'''':':';'';';;';':':'''''';:'':''':;''':';;;'''~''';'4 '.:',,',. :; "" .....,:;~~:~<~:j,..,:'::.:.:.- :: ',.':'., "".:='::''';w':~:.:': "1.'" . .'~' '.. . ~"".,. ... '. "'''_,...:.:.', ....,<' ...~(. aITY COM!dISSION MEETI:NG Ma~ 14, 1951 !he Ci~y- Manager recommended a curbing set back at Smminole street and Garden Avenue but stated he preferred this matter be deferred due to a new proposal. This matter was deferred by unanimous consent of the City Commission. A resolution was presented by- the City Manager whioh would require seven pro- perty owners to c1.ear their property of gress. weeds and underbrush. On a motion b~ Commissioner Turner. which was seoonded by Commissioner Lr,nn and carried, the resolution wao adopted. The City Manager regueeted the Commission approve the drilling ot a new we1.1 at an estimated cost 01' '9,500.00. CommIssioner Blaok ~loved that the Commission await the report' from the Engineers ooming to Olearwater and disouss this matter ~ed1ately- atter receipt 01' t~t report so that the Cit~ Manager can be authorized, or not authorized, to proceed with the new well.. The motion waB seconded by Oan- missioner Turner and it oarried. ~j b" ,,:", t' I" :;, t' ..' ::' ~.. ~. l. I,:: r I I A l.etter .as read ~rom Mr. G. W. White. City Clerk of Tallahassee, concerning a Joint Res01ut10n before the Legislature o~ Bill 993. Commissioner Blaok moved that the natter be referred to the City Attorney to contaot the attorney for the League ot Municipalities and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried. The Commission now adjourned as the 01 ty- Commission and aoting as Trustees tor the Pension FUnd approved, on a motion by Oommissioner Blaok whioh was seoonded b~ Commissioner ~nn and oarried, the adm1Bsion to the Pension Fund of Willie B. Brase, Richard J. SwIft, Olifford Trombly, lJairlon Curby and Charles H. Hawthorne. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Commission now adjourned. ATTEST f -------~---------------------------------------~--------------- May 10. 1951 Ka~or-CanmdBsloner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Joe Turnerl He~bert Blanton, Sr. Garland Ly-nn, Thos. H. Black Gentlemen: The Oity Commission will meet in special session Mondar evening - May 14, 1951 at ?&30 P. H. in the City Hall to consider items on the attached agenda. FCl1 : gg Very truly yours, F. C. Middleton, City Manager ---------------~-------------- AGENDA 1. Mr. Str~ckland of Kennedy & Strickland w111 appear before the Commission with reference to the paving ot' I.eura St. 2. W TAN Broadcasting Station's request for extension of' lease. 3. Oonside~tlon of the transfer of C~est Lake Fishing control fram Pinellas Con- servation Club to Liona Club. 4. Proposed street, (Lake Drive) dedication on East side of Crest Lake Park. 5. Resolution from Oounty Commissioners, concerning the widening and improving of U. S. Alternate 19. 6. City- ~nager's report on Missouri Avenue Crossing. 7. Proposed curbing set back at Sunburst and North Ft. Harrison Avenue. 8. Proposed curbing set back at Eldridge Street and Garden Ave. 9. Proposed curbing set back at Seminole Street and Garden Ave. 10. Resolut1on requesting property- owners to now their lots of weeds and grass. 11. City Manager's request to drill new we11. 12. Any i~~s brought before the Oommission wi1.1 be eonsidered - by their consent. Adjournment. Comn18s1on acting as t~stees o~ Pene10n Fund on application t~r membership in Pension Plan. (This was deterred f'rom meeting ot Ma,. 7) " .. " .,t .; . ,.' ':.", \. .,-~..... " .~';.,. .'..:!, , i"~' ,;;' "';.';.;:r~~l~\:::'i?;~l~<~" _ ' , ': " ~~, . .~,.'\l:t""..rt\. '..~"l."'rlf',.,yi.",.~l;,""'-.Al..~...l_'" . \W,,: ,-' "J,:;,',,'i fro ,~"~ I:,' ,',; '~ ~']B~it~~~:~!"l -' "fg:~~P~&~\~t::~:~:;<..,;,;:, .,1,' ,'....',..",.-', ''"1 ~)iJt;'~~i2;, .....:i '. . ,;, '''''.: ,~" ~,:.; .,~,;',:,; ;.~,:~~ll=;;;:.:-.:.:;0;;:::;:~;~":",,':;;1~!"'~t~~i~!EiIlY CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 14, 1961 May 14, 1951 Honorable Board of City Commissioners, City of Olearwater, Clearwater, Florida. , " ',' ': ~ . Gent1emen: Concerning that portion of Laura street whioh you propose to open and pave from Myrtle Avenue to Booth Avenue. we hope that this may be presently postponed. We feel t~t the necessary cost of the grading,paving and drainage would involve a sum of money substantially dis-proportionate to the amount of good accruing to the City as result of the improvement. The portion o~ Laura Street from Greenwood Avenue to Booth Avenue that is along the South side ot the publio school is rarely now available to publio use, especially during sohool hours and when it is available it is just a one way street beoause the Bchool has veI7 properly used lts permission to barrioade the street along the high sohool for the past two or three years. To open the remaining por- tion ot that street through to Myrtle would inoreaae the hazard at one of the most dangerous spots, namely the Bchool grounds and the Westerly end orosses one rail- road and ends in another, thus giving two additional extraordinary hazards. West of Booth Avenue Grove Street continues open and in use to Myrtle Avenue and an alley in between Myrtle and Booth opens into Grove. That alley con- tinues South from Grove. although not fornall, declared or dedicated, is in aotual use to Cleveland. In fact there are two such passageways North and South between Booth and Myrtle practioally paralleling those two streets. They are just dirt roads but they are passable and seem presently sufficient. It semns highly pro- bable that we are now at the peak of high costs of supplies and materials for this form of ~provement. At the time the City sold the McMullen property to us in 1939 and reserved a right of way for Laura Street the greater portion of the property sold was under water almost all the tnle and the entire vioinity was an unsightly mosquito bog and general unhealthful liability to the City and its progress and the City'a tax revenue on it was nothing. By the expenditure of more than $20.000.00 in fill work, grading and paving of the property we have changed that condition so that it 1s now a definite asset to the entire surrounding area and brings to the City a very substantial annual tax revenue. OWners of adjaoent properties have also been thereby enoouraged to make substantial additional ~provements which have meant, of course, an increase in the City's annual tax revenue. Praotically every cent of our profit we have earned 1n Clearwater. plus a substantial portion of our anticipated future earnings has been put into these bnprovements of our Clearwater property, which ~provements, of oourse, now Show up in inoreased assessment and tax revenues to the City. We have other develop- ments planned which we hope to put through within the next twelve or fifteen months and if this Laura Street proposed improvement should go through now it would definitely handicap us in that development. If the owners of the property facing Laura Street East of Prospect Avenue want Laura Street paved in front of their property, we offer no objection to it so far as we are personally oonoerned if the abuttirAg property owners want i't done. (Although we would still be very doubtful whether the benefits warrant the expense.) We feel that having developed this property thus far and having oom- mitted ourselves to plan to put back into it everything we make out of it, which, of course, must indirectly profit the City, that the Commissioners wouldn't want to hurt us but rather to be cooperative, as we have always tried to be with the City. We. therefore, respectfully request and hope that you maYI 1. Defer the entire matter for at least twelve or fifteen months. or, 2. Let the West end of the new paving ~top at Prospect so that it will not affect our property. Incidentally, we reassure you that if either of these suggestions is followed by the Commission, we stand ready to continue our 100% oooperation with you in the completing of the Myrtle Avenue project as planned among yourselves, us and 'the Lames. Respectfully submitted. KE11NEDY & STRICKIAND By /s/ Roy E. Striokland, Sr. ~" I I I j ~l:""'\, . "~, " , <, '...., ", . '~j~~}~. J~~r: ----------------~-------------- ~.......--.. ~ 'rr~....:,,_ '17 '. ~~:~~~)i~~; G:'.. ~iU l..,.\..:....~..}~ '(.j. I t;'<f;\)~t;~~:~{'~: .~;'~.;:. r,.t; '~~ ,,..or ,i[llt~i i: " , l< H'1' , ~.. <' . I \ ! I, , '. <: ~ ".' ' : " ", '-:,~::~..i ,:,:.:. :'f{"~~~~ I~~~ .-' 3 . :." ,.,' . ..,h.. ... .:. -:), .-.' .:,~ .~; . ."" . ....~~"...... ." . ~ ," . '. - '"., ~",~~,,'."" J ~ "1>~':;'(~':~:f.\~~:'~'~'~:'.:'::~~J;;;~:-/~t:. ." '." ..'," .--,..: r< .... ,.: }..~ .... ,'" .~.;~'.::... _... '.~~:.. __, , , ' ",.,,,.,' .,: '. -,: .;.:,: ,..L:;",,~;, ".0 ;;-~" ;....J~'l;,:.~ ;'::"-"';';';,"I;,~L;.,:,,':\<',. .:.2~~:,~;c::;;~:.'tlf~jK~tc:;:;:: :::::' .~'::, .,)J '1 J> L'I',(," "'P' "'1' , . ";~[~t~. i~ f,f::\. ! t;i~\., l , .. . ......, ,;.'.~... . .: . . , , ,. ., ." ..' -'. ....~,. . ,_. .., " OITY OOMMISSION MEETING May 14, 1951 MaY' 2, 1951 - . May 2, 1951 ,~~~~\ .' ;!,f{i~~~~?! "':':<<~~.i/.:if;" r' I t I l I i , I t ! I t l t. I , I I Honorable 01ty Comm1ssioners Olearwater, Flor1da Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City ot Olearwater Employee8 Pension FUnd, you are hereby notified that Willie B. Brass, in the Police Department, has been duly examined by a local phys1c1an and designated by h~ as a "first olass" risk. The above employee began his servioe with the City on Ootober 23, 1950. He is under 45 years of age and meets the requirements of our Classified Service. It is hereby reoo~ended by the Advisory Oommittee that he be aooepted into membership. Very truly yours, Advisory Oommittee or the EmploY'ees Pension Signed: Paul Kane, Helen Paters Diok Nelson .. Fund , " " ' .~ -~---------~----~----- Honorable Cit~ Oommiss10ners Olearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees or the City of Clearwater Employees Pension FUnd, you are hereby notif1ed that Riohard J. Swift, in the Police Depa~tmentA has been duly examined by a local physioian and designs ted by him as a "first class risk. The above employee began his servioe with the C1ty on February 16, 1950. He is under 45 years of age and meets the requirements of ou~ Classif1ed Se~vice. It 18 hereby reoommended by the Advisory Committee that he be acoepted into membersh1p. Very truly yours, Advisory Committee of the Employees Pension Fund Signed: Paul Xane, Helen Peters Diok Nelson ':;.-. , "~:'I't~ ; ,',.'",'""~ ~flfi~~,r!" 'f~;; --_.~~_._----------._- May 2, 1951 Honorable C1ty Comm1ssioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the Oity of Olearwater Employees Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Clifford Trombly, 1n the Recreation Department/thas been duly examined by a local phys10ian and designated by him as a "first olass t risk. The above employee began his servioe with the City on April 3, 1950. He 1s under 45 years of age and meets the requirements of our Classified Servioe. It is hereby reoommended by the Advisory Committee that he be aooepted into membership. Very truly yours, Advisory Committee of the Employees Pension Fund Signed: Paul Kane, He len Peters Diok Nelson _____~___~.~~___~_w____ May 2, 1951 Honorable City Commissioners Olearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees ot the City of Clearwater Employees Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Hairlon Curby, laborer in the Gas and Water Department, has been duly examined by a local physician and designated by him as a ~flrst class" risk. The above employee began his service with the Oity on September 29, 1950. He is under 45 years ot age and meets the requirements of our Classified Service. It is hereby reoommended by the Advisory Committee that he be acoepted 1nto memberShip. Very truly yours, Advisory Oommittee of the Employees Pens10n Fund Signed: Paul Kane, Helen Peters & Dick Nelson ~------------~---~------ Ap~il 25, 195Jl. Honorahla City Oomrn1sa10ners Clesl'WQter, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees ot the City of Olea~ater Employees Pens10n Fund, you are hereby notified that Charles H. Hawthorne, laborer 1n the Gas and Water Department, has been duly examined by a local Physioian and designated bY' hfm as a "f1rst olass- risk. The above employee began his service with the OitY' on Ootober 4, 1950. He i8 under 45 years ot age and meets the requirements of our Class1fied Servioe. It 1a: '., hereby recODIIlended b,. the Adv1sol'j" Committee that he be acoepted lnto membership. Very truly yours, Advisory Oommittee or the Employees Pension FUnd Signed: Paul !ane, Helen Petera,Dick Nelson ~. . , ".,'" CITY COltMISSION MEETING llay 141 1951 May 1.. 1961 t~~!$;!.il, .. J-j'"",(,,:"'\O': 1 I ' Honorable Herbert Brown !layor Clearwater, Florida Dear Herbert: I am enclosing herewith a copy of Resolution adopted by our Board o~ Oom- missioners on the 17th day of April, 1951 whioh is self-oxplanatory. I hope that you will discuss this matter with your people and let's see if we oan'tl by our oombined efforts, get same action on this as you know we need another road in order to accomodate the traffic. ~", " ' l " , ' /.' '. " . .:;". " With best wishes, I am . ,. ~ ',", "k,", . AC.ka Sinoerely yours, /s/ Arohie Clement . : , ~ ------~----------------------~------------~------.- . ','., ,;.-. RESOLUTION WHE~S: it has been determined by the City Commission of tho City o~ Clear- water, Florida, that the property described below should be oleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notioe and .failure of the owner thereof to do so, the Oity should olean such property and oharge the oosts thereof against the respeotive property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Oommission of the City of Clear- water, Florida, that the following desoribed property, situate in said City.. shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to oomply with said notice.. the City shall perfor.m such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respeotive properties in aocordance with Section 128 of the Charter or the C~ty of 01earwater, as amended. Request No. !4ow1.ng Est~mate $2.50 each Owner Property Desoription Lots 25.. 26, 2'7 Block S Bay Terrace A-15 Mrs. Frances B. Hioks 1122 E. 31st st. Brooklynl New York A-l6 Mrs. M.F.W.Weide1meyer Box 387 Windsor M11l Road Baltimore~ 7, Md. Lots 28.. 29 & 30 Blook S Bay Terraoe $2.50 each A-17 Mr. Jos. Ma lone 1146 E. Ma in st. Lakeland" Fl.a. 10 t 13" Block S Bay Terrace $2.50 each A-1B Mr. John A. Stratis 205 W. Hudson St. Dayton~ 5.. Ohio Mr. L. T. Heil Box 295 Martins Ferry.. Ohio Mr. E. Curtis Earl 312 K1ngs H1ghwa y Hoddonfield, N. J. Lot 23, Block B Crest lake Park $2.00 eaoh A-19 Lots 24 & 25 Blook B Crest Lake Park $2.00 eaoh A-20 Lot 26 & So. 20 ft. of Lot 27 Blook B Crest lake Park $.2.35 A-21 Pasquale Gigliotte 711 Isobe1la Road Oonnellsville" Pa. Mr. R. H. MoKelvey 201 Pierce St. Clearwa ter, Fla. Lot 27 less So. 20 ft. and Lot 28, Block B Crest Lake Park A-22 Metes & Bounds (property of H.R.Howell) $5.00 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE Oity Conmission of the Oity of Clearwater, Florida, th~s ~ day of May .. A.D. 1951. Herbert 11. Brown Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: H. G. Wi~o 01 ty Aud1 tor and Clerk ~~"......:~... ............. ,::.,.',.... . ~~~~~~\~j:hf.~:~~.;:.:..;f~.:. ~'I:;; :'~"~::. ...~'::..;. :;".t<O: ~ .,. " . CITY COMM 15SION MEETING MaY' ]4, 1951 RES OLUT I OlQ I 'I~\ , l-;...<"'. \,' ',. ,/ t -w WHEREAS the Citizens Seoondary Road Committee of P1nellas County have oompleted a study and made reoommendations to the Board of County Comm~ssioners ot Pinellaa County and various municipalities throughout the County of Pinellas that there be established, in accordance with a general plan developed by said Citizens Seoondary Road Committee, a system of improved and mod6rn~zed secondary roads in the County whioh has for its main purpose faoilitating the movement of trarfio along and through the h1gh1y devoloped West Coast and beaoh areas of Pinellas County, AND WHE~S a portion of the system of ~mproved seoondary roads proposed by said Citizens Secondary Road Committee involves tl~ oonstruotion of a North and South trarfic lane East of Douglas Avenue through the City of Dunedin and East of Fort Harrison Avenue through the City of Clearwater; thence turning Westerly in the vicinity of Lake View Avenue or liD" Street along the line of the abandoned railroad right-of-way through the Belleview Biltmore Golf Co~se; thence prooeed Southwesterly and connectin~ with Indian Rocks Road at its intersection with Bellevlew Bou1eva~ and that a new and improved trafrio faoility, for the purpose of faoilitating traffio from the South on to and off of Clearwater Beaoh, be constructed from the intersection or Indian Rooks Road with Belleview Boulevard Northerly through the Be11eview Biltmore Golf Course to oonneot with Hay Avenue at ita intersection with Jeffords Street and then proceeding Northward on Day Avenue by the w~dening and nnprovement thereot. as needed, to its interseotion w~th Haven street in the City of Clearwater. A~ WHEREAS, the C1ty Comm1ssion of the City of Clearwater is oo~niZQnt of the great need of an additional traffio artery running in a North and South direotion through the City or Clearwater for the purpose of rel1ev~ng traffic oongestion now existent on Fort Harrison Avenue. Garden Avenue and Betty Lane which are now the only through traffio faoilities ror the present handling of heavy trarf1c through the City, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comm1ssion in meeting assembled this 14th day of May, 1951 that the City Commission does hereby recommend the construction by the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County, from the City Limits of the City of Dunedin. along such route as may be found to be satisfaotory and agreeable to the Board of County Commissioners, the City Government of the City of Clearwater and the Citizens of tlle area to be served. a North and South traffic lane through the City of Clearwater East of Fort Harrison Avenue, said route to turn Southwesterly ~n the vicinity of Lake View Avenue or un" Street and following along the abandoned rail- road right-of-way through the Be1leview Biltmore Golf Course and connecting w1th Indian Rocks Road at its intersection with Belleview Bou1evard in the City of Bellea1r and that a new and improved t~ffic facility, for the purpose of facilitating traffio from the South on to and off of Clearwater Beaoh, be constructed from the intersection of the Ind1an Rocks Road with Belleview Boulevard Northerly through the Bellaview Bilt- mora Golf Course to connect with Bay Avenue at its intersection with Jeffo~s Street and then proceeding Northward on Bay Avenue by the widening and improvement thereof', as needed, to its intersection with Haven Street in the City of Clearwater. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of C1earwater does hereby propose that the Board of County Commissioners of Pine11aa County at an early date and by proper resolution adopt and proceed with the plen herein outlined and that said Board of County Commissioners forthwith direct the County Engineer, in oo~1a- borati~n with the City Engineer of the City of Clearwater, to proceed with a survey. study and computation or cost data which will be necessary for the City Commission of the City of Clearwater and said Board of County Commissioners to deter.mine under all the racta and circumstances as to the most practical route to be estab1ished t~ough the City of Clearwater ror the public ~provements herein mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Comm1ssion of the City of Clearwater does hereby establish as a lllatter of policy that it will cooperate with the Board of County Commissioners of P1nellas County. in accompliShing the publio ~provements herein contemplated by the obtaining at its own cost and dedication of the rights-of- way necessary for the construct~on of such faci1ities and wi1l direct its engineering department to oollaborate and to cooperate with the County Engineer 1n the assembling of the necessary engineering and cost data and the recommending of Q route to be followed. i I I I , j I . j j , I I ! i I ADOPTION OF FOREGOING RESOLUTION was moved by Commissioner Turner. seoonded by Comndssioner Lynn and upon vote being taken same was unan~ously passed this 14th day of 1~y, A.D. 1951. Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk .... .-~~/.-- '.- ~!. ,: , : , .... '>,' ; :' ", ..', :' . ;'~ " "'. " ,~ ' " . . -'. ':':1.:, I ':: '.',:' "'~<>~;//;; I "'" -;';'.',' czm� �or�zssroil at��TZNa May 14s 1951 Tho Gity Comm3.ssion o�' the Cit� of C1e�rwater met in 5�ec3a1 Session at the City Hall, Monday, May 14, 1951 at 7:3C� P. M. witn the Pollowirag members presents A'bsent: Also Present Harbert M. BroFrn Thomaa H. Black, Jr. Harbert �5. Blanton Garland �,ynn Joe Turner None V3ere: F. C. Middleton George �J.'e MCCJ.&TCIItIQ C. E. Nlare -Maqor-C orn�nis s i oner -Commissioner -Commissioner -Co�nissioner -Co�nissioner -City Manager -Chiei of Police -City Attorney The meeting vras called to order• by the hiayor. Mr„ Guas NJ31dar an3 Mr. 5trick- land appeared vrith re�erence to the paving oP Laura Street and requested a delay of twelve or fifteen months or to perm3t the v�est end of the new paving for Laura Street to atop at Prospect. �e hiayor atated t�nat negotiations vvith Kennedy & Strickland had ceased. Commissianer Blanton moved that the Corunission, as s com� mittee, take Laura Street opening under conside�ation and report at ths next Com- mission meetinge The motion was seconded by Ca�issioner Turner and it carried. Nlr. E. B. Casler spoke requesting an extsnsion o�' the W T A N Broadcasting �tation Lease. He requested a lease of five qeara f'or the station. On a motion b� CAmmias�oner Blanton, which was secouded by Coxmnissioner Turner and caxried, �Y T A N lease was extsnd$d �ar a period of five years ar�l that the rental be �75,00 per month for the firs� thirty months and $�7i50.00 per month for the second thirt�r m�onths period and it be ineorparated in the new lease, that the premiaes be �ept in first class condition and F�e11 painted at aZl times during the term of the Tease. A le�ter was read from Mra D. E. Iame of Lameis k'orge & Ornamental Iron Ydorks concerrzing the wid�ening of Aiqrtle Avernze. Coimnissioner �urner moved that the matter be referred to tha Gorsnission, as a coamzittee, for their study and report et the next commiss�?on meeting, R'he motion wss seconded b�r Corsnissioner Black and it carried. Mr. Hs C. Becker of Remington-Rand Corp. spoke about the merits o� the nevr accounting system £ar the Utilit�* Department. Citv Manager Aiiddleton recornnended the �urchase of two oP the Remington�£�nd units at an approximate cost of �5,980.50. Gommissioner Black moved thttt the City �danager�s recammsndations be foilo�ed and ha be autl�orized to purchase two of these units. The motion v�as seconded b�+ Com_ missioner Lynn and it carried. i A requast �as presented for the tra:�sPer of Crest yake Fishing control from �he Pinellas Conservation C1ub to the Lions Clube Go�su.nissioner Black movsd that the present lesse betWeen the City end the Conservation Club be rescinded and the Gity Attorney, after raceipt oP written request Por transfer of Crest Lake Fishing control �'rom the Pinellas Conservation Club ia rece3ved, be authorized to imme- diately proceed to draw up s nev+ lease �vi�h the Lions Club. Co�wissioner Turner aecondad the motion and it carried. i The proposed s�ree� dedication of Lake Drive was diacussed by the City hianegex� and he xeoo�nnanded a resolution be prepared £or �he dedication of this atreat. Cammissioner Black moved that the City biana�er�a recosu.nendation be followed. The motion was seconded by Comr�issioner Blanton and 3t carried. The Clerk read a resolution fro�r the County Co�issioners per�aining to the widenin� and 3mproving oP U. S. Alternate 19. Coimnissioner Bleck moved that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a sim3lx�r resolution and to present it at the next coimnission meeting. The motion was seconded bg Couunissioner Turner and i� carried. The Citg btsnager reportecl on Missouri Avenue crossing and sat3mated the cost of this pro�eot to the City at a pproxima�tely y�p,3„000.00 and stated the initial coet prill. be to the City to have the sid�tracks raised so that the c:osaing will be level. The Mayor appointed a corunittee, consisting of Co�3ssioners Turner and Lynn, to meet with �he railroad compang, The City Attorney read a resolution to establish a north and south route through Clearvrater to facilitate the movement of traffie through Clearcrater. Com_ misaioner Turner moved the adoption o�' the resolution as read b�r �he City Attorney. The motion was seaonded by Counnissioner Lynn and it cax°ried. Tha Citg I+it�nager reco�aended a curbing set back at Sunburst and i�orth Fort Harrison A�vonue at a cost of �$810.00. Co�mnissioner Black mQved that the City Mansger's recommendation be approved for the curbing set back at Sunbur�t and Nortla Fort Ii�rrison Avenue, hSotion was seQonded bg Ccaumiisaioner I,ynn and it carried. The City Manager recoarnnended a curbing sei; back at Eldr�dge Street and Garden .Avenue at a cost of �i260.00. Corarn3ssioner Turner moved that the City hiansger4s reaonnnendation be accepted and he be authorized to proceed with the curbing s�t back at a cost not to exceed �p260.00. The motion was secsonded by Co�nissioner Blaak and it carried, �� CI'PY CaNIhiI8510N MEETINC� May 14, 195� The City Manager recor.mianded a curbing aet back at Seminole Street and Gardan Avenue but stated he prefsrred this matter be deferred �ue to a new progosal. Th3s matter was deferred �y unan�.mous aonsent of the City Coimnisaion. A resolutian was presonted by the City Managar which would require seven pro- perty owners to clear their property of grass, weada and underbrush, On a motion by Corrmi3ssioner Turnery'which was seconded by Commissinner T,ynn and carried, the resolution wsa adopted. The Gitg Msnagar requested the Go�issiQn �pprove the drilling of a new wel]t at an estimated cost of �9,500.00. Corrunissioner Black moved that the Connnission �wai� the report frora the Engineers coming to Clearwater and discusa this matter irmnad3ately after receipt of that report so that the Citg D4ana�er esn be au�horized, or r,oi authorized, to proceed with the new well. The motion was secondec3 by Cam- missianer Turner and i� carried. A letter �vas read fram Mr. G. 'iY. �fYsits, City C1erk of Tallahassee, concerning a Joint Resolution bef„� the Isgislature of Bill 993o Counnisgioner Black moved that �he matter be referred �o the City Attorney to contact the attorney for the League of 2dunicipaJ.ities end report back to the Co�ission. �ormnissioner Turner s�aonded tha motion �and it carried. The Conunission now adjourned as the City Cor�nission and act3ng as Trustees for the Pansion hland approved, on a motion by Connnisaioner Black whieh was seoonded by Commissioner Lynn and carried, the admissian to the Pez�s3on ISznd of Willie B. Brasa, Richard Jo Swift, Clif£ord Trombly, Hairlon Curby and Charres H. Iiawtla.�rne. There being no ilxrther business to come be£c,re the Board, the Co�ission nosv adjour�ed. Mayor-Comm s�io e ATTESTt City Aud tor and G1 � May 1Q, 1951 Mayor�Commissioner Herbert Df.. Brown Coirunissioners: Joe Turner, Herbert Slanton, Sr. Garland Lynn, Thos. H. Black Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in special session�Nonday evening - h�ta3r ?4, 195Z Qt 7s30 P. M. 3n the City Hall to consider items on the attaohecl agenda. Fca� : gg Very trulq yours, F. G. Middleton, City Irianager AGEPdDA l. biro Stricklend of Kennedy & Strickland will appear before the Conunission with rePerence to the paving of zaura St. 2+ W �' A N Broac3casting Station�s request for extsngion of loase. 3. Gans3daration oP the �ransfer af Crest I�ke �'ishin� control. frori Pinellas Oon- sexvation Club to Lions Club. Qv Proposed atreet (I,ake DrivP) dedication on �aet side of Crest I�ke Park. 5. Resolution from County Commissioners, concerning the widening and improving of U. S. Alternate 19. 6. City r;ianager�s report on Iriissouri Avenue Crossin�. 7. Proposed curbing set baek at Sunburst anci North �'t. Harrison Avernze. 8, Praposad curbing set back at ETdridge Street ancl Garclen Ave. 9. Proposed curbin� set back at Seminole StrePt and Gaxden Ave. 10. Reaolution requesting �roperty owners to movr their lots of weeds and grass. llo City Mana�er�s request to drill new well. 12. Any items brought before the Commission wi11 be cons3.dered - by their consento Ad3aurn�ent. Co�c►lssion acting as trustees of Pension Fund on application Por membership in Pension P1an. (This was deferred Prom meetir�g of May 7) �6 CITY COMMISSION bZ�ETITJCi May 1�, 1951 Honorable Board of City Cormnissionara, C�.ty of Clearwater, Clearwater, Flcrida. Gentlemon: A4�� 14, 1y51 Concern3n� that portion of Laura Street which you pro���se to open and pa�ve Prom My'rtle Avenue to Booth Avenue, v�e hope thr�t thia n�ay be presently postponed. We feel thst the neeessarp oost oP the grading,paving and drainage would involve a aum of money subatan�ially dis-proportionate to the amount of good aecruing to the City as �^esult oP the improvement. The portion of Taura Street from Greentirood Avenue to Booth Avernze that is a�ong the South side of the public achool is rarely now available to public use, eapacially during school hours and when it is available it ig just a ane way atreet baca�.se the gchool has ves�y properly uaed 3.ts permission to barricade the street along tYie high scYiool for the past traro or three years e To open the remaining por- t3.on o£ that atreet throu�h t� Nyrtle would increase the hazard at one of the most dangerous apota, namely the school grounda and the Vltesterly and crosaes one rail- road end ends in another, thug giving two additional extraordinary ha�ardas Weat o�' Booth 4venue Grove Street continues open and in use to Myrtle Avenue and an a7.ley in betweer, Myr�1e and Booth opens into �rove. 'PYsat allay con- tinues South Prom Grove, although no� Pormall� dealared or dedicated, is in actual uae to Cleveland. In fact there are trro such passageway9 North and South between Bnoth and 'Niyrtle practically gar&lleling those two streets. They are just dir� roada but they are paesable and seom presently sufficient. It seems highly pro- babZa that e�e are now at the geak of high costs of supplie� and materials for thia form �i improvement. At the time the City aold the Mc�fullen tiroperty to ua in 1939 and resarved a right of way for Iaura Street the greater portion of the propertg sold �as under vrater almost all the time and the entire vicinity was an unsightly mosquito bog and general unhealthful liability to the City and its progress and the Cit��a tax revenue on it was nothing. By the expenditure oP more than �20,000.00 in fill work, grading and paving of the property we ha ve changed that condition s o that it 3s now� a d.eiinite a�set ta the entire surrot�s�ding erea and brings to the Cit� a very subatantial annual tax revenue. Owners of ad�soent propertias heve also been thereby encouraged to make substan�ial addition�l 3mprovements which have meant, of course, an increase in the City�s annual tax revenue. Practica114 every cent of our proPit we have earned in Cleax�a�ater, plus � aubstantial portion of our anticipated iizture earnixigs hae been put into these improvements af our Clearwater properiy, which improvements, oP course, r.ow show up in ii�creased asseasmenb and tax revernie� �o the Gity. 4Ve hava other devalop- ments planned which we hope ta put thraugh within the next tirrelve or fifteen months and ii this Iaura Straet proposed improvement should ga trrough now it would definitaly handicap ua in that davelops.nent. If the owners of the property facing Laura Straet East of Prospect Avenus want I,aura Street pavad in front of the3r property, we offer no objection to it a.Q far as we are personally concerned if the abutting propertg awners want �t done. (Although we would still be very doubtful whether tha benefits warrant the expense.) We feel that having detTeloped this property thus far and 'naving com- mitted ourselves to plan ta put back intu it ever4thing we make out oi it, which, of course, must indirectly profit the Gity, that the Comnissioners wouldntt want to hurt us but rather to be cooperative, as we have always tried to be with the City. We, therefore, respectfully request and hope that you ma�: 1. Defer the entira mattar for at least twelve or f3fteen months, or, 2. Le� the 1Ye3t �nd of tho new paving stop at Prospact so thrat it will not affect our property. Incidantally�, wa re&ssure y-ou that if aither of thesa suggestians is £aZlo�ved by the Covnnission, tive stand ready to continue our I0� cooperation mith you in the completing of the Myrtle Avenue projecfi as planned among yourselvss, us and tha I��nea. Re�spectfully sub�itted, KENNEDY & S�'RICIiT,AND Bg /s� Ray Ea S�ricklsnd, Sr, �% CITPY COI1iIcIIS520N hiEETING B4ay 1.4y 195I1 May 2:, 195i' fionorable City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City of Clearvrater Employees Pena3on Fund, you are hereby notified that 9Villie B. Bras�, in the Police Depsrtment, hss been duly examined by a 1oca1 physician and des�gnatad by h3m ss a t'first class'� ri9k. T'ne above employee bega7n hS.s service with the City on Ocbober 23, 1950e He is unde�w 45 yeers of age and meets the requirements of our Classi��.ed Serviae. It is hereby rscovnnended bg the Advisory �orrmzittee that he be accepted into membarship. �J Very truly yours, Advisory Co�nit�ee of the Employee� Pension Fund Signed: Paul. Kane, Helc�z� Petera Dick Nelson Mey 2, 1951 Honorable Ci`cg Coimnissioners Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Truatees of the City oP Cleartivater hlnployees Pansion F�ind, you are hereby notified that Richard J. S'�vift, in the Police Department has been duly examined by a l,ocal physician and designated by him as a"first classtt risk. The abnve emplovee began his aernice with the City on February 16, 1950. He is under 45 years of a�e and meets the raqu3rements of our Classified Service. It is hereUy reco�unended bg tha Advisory Cosmnittea that he ba accepted into memberahip. Verg truly yours�, Advisory Carmni�tee of the k�nplo�ees Pension �'und Signed= Paul iiane, Helen Peter� Diek Nelson biay 2, T95T Honorabla City Commissioners Cl�arwater, Florida Gentlemens As Trustees of the City of �learwater Ilnployees Pension Fund, qou are l�ereby notified that Clifford Tromblv, in the Recreatlon Department Ya s baen duly examined by a local phyaic3an and designated by him as a��i'irst class�0 risko The above amplo9ee began h3.s service witn. the Cit�* on Apri1 3, 1950. He is under 45 years of age and meets the raquirements of our ClassiPied Service, Tt is hereby reconnnended bs the Advisory Coumiittee th�t he be accepted inta ms�bership. Honnrabl.e City Commissioners Clear�ater, Florida Gentlsmen: Very truly yours, Advisory Coirnuittee of the �nployae� Pension Fund Signed: Paul T{'ax�e, Helen Peters Dick Nelson May 2, 1951 As Trusteas oP the Citg oP Clear��ater Emp2ayees Pension F'und, you are hereby notiPied that Haia^lon Ctzroy, labarer in the Gas and Water Department, has been duly examinefl by a lo�a1 phyeician and des3.gnated by h3ni as a�riirst class�� risk. '�he above ersployee began his sernice with the Citg on September 29, 1950. He is undar 45 years of age and meets the requirements of our Glassifiad Service. It is hereby re�omm9nded by the Advisory Committee tkiat he be accepted into mambarship. 4ery truly youra, Advisory Corrnni�tbee of the k�nploye�s Pension F'und Signad: Paul K�ne, He1en Petara & Dick Nelson Honorahle Gity Cor¢niasionexa ApriZ 2�, 1951 Clearv�ater, Florida Gentlemen: As Tru�tees of the City of ClearYiater. Einp7�ogees �ensi on bl.ind, you are hereby notified that Charles He iiawthorne, laborer in tha Gas and VYetar Department, has been dul� ex.am3ned by a local physician and designatocl by hirn as a"first class�� ri.sk. The above amplog�ed began hia service with the City oin. �ctober 4, 195Q. He is under 45 years oP Age and meets the require�ent� o� our Classified Service. It is hereby recommendod by the Adviso�* Committee tk�.at he be accepted into memberahip. Ver� truly qours, Advisory Covunittee oP the �3nployees Pension Fund S'3.�rned; Paul Kane, He1en Petere, Dick Nelaon CITY COI�4M7SSION AIEETING Mt�y 14, 1951 Fionorable Herbert Brown Mayor Cleaz�vvabex, F].orida Dear Herbert: May S., I35� I aan encloaing hdrewith a copy oP Resolution adopted by oxzr Board oP Com- misaioners on the 17t�i day of Apr31, 1951 which 3s self-explanatory. I hope :;i1a:t you wi11 discu�s this matter with qour people and let�s soe iP v�e can�t, by our combined afforta, gst some actior. on this as yau kno'�r wa need another road in order to accomodate the trafi'ic. W�.th best wiehea, T am ACoka RESQLUTION Sincerelq youra' /s/ Archie Clement WF�REAS: it has been determined by the Gity Co�nisgion oz the City oP Clear- weter, E�iorida, that the property dsscribed below shoula be cleaned oY weeda, grass and�or underbruah, and that aPter ten (10) days no}ice and failure of thz owner thereof to !:o so, the City should clean such proper;:�r and charge the costa thereof ag�i.nst the i�espective praperty. NOW THEHEFORE BE IT RESOT,VED by the Ci�y Cottnnission af the City of Claar- water, Florida, that the fallowing dascribed prapert,,y, situate in said City, shall b� cleane� of weeda, grass andfox underbrus2i�within ten (10) days af�er notice in writing to the ownera thereof to do so and that upon failure to compl4 with said noticey the City sha1,1 per�orm such cleaning and charge the costs thereoi against the reapectivA proper�iea in accordance �vith 5ect3.on 128 of tha Ghar�e� af the Gity of Clearwater, as arnended. Motvin�?, Re�c_uest Nos Owner Propert,y Aeseriptton Sstimate A-�5 Mrs. Frances B. Hicks Lots 25, 26, 27 �2.50 eacYi 1122 E. 31a� St. Block S Brookl�n, N��rr York Bag Tarrace l�-�.6 BZrs. �i.F.?hl.We3.deimeyer Box 38�/ Windaor Mill Raad Baltimore, '7, 3id. A-'!'T A-1�3 A-38 A;-20 A-21 A-22 ATTEST: bir. Sos. B2alone 1I46 E. Main St. Lakeland, FTa. Mr� Jahn A. Stra�is 205 W. Hudaon St. Dagton,� 5, Ohio Mr. L• �. He3s Box 285 NIartin� Ferry, Ohio Mr. E. Curtis Earl 312 I'iinga Highwe� Hoddonfield, Na Ja �asqusle Gig�'.iotte 711 Isobella Road Connallsville, Pav &Ir. R. H. BiaTtalva�r 201 Pierce St. Clearvrater, Flae Lots 28, 29 & 30 Block S' Ba,q Terrace I,ot 13, Bloc�: � Bsy Terrace Zot 23, Block B Crest I,ak.9 Park Lots 24 & 25 Block B Cres� I�ake Park Lot26&Sa.20�"c. of Lot 27 Block B Crast Iake Parl� I,ot 27 lass So. 20 ft, and 7,ot ?S, Block B Crest Iake Park 1Vletes & Bounds {property of H.ii.Ho�vell) PASSED AND ADO;PTED HY THE City Coannission of the City oP Glearwater, �J.orida, this 14th day o� Ma,'�_, A.D. 1951. H. G. Win o ity Auditor and Cler'.�r Herbert hi. Brown Tiayor-Co�rnnissioner �2050 each $�2..50 eacZ�. �2.04 eech y�2.00 each �2.35 �5.00 f L cr�' cohrn�zsszoN n2��zrrG May ]14� 1951 RESO�U`I'TON WHEREAS the Citizens Seeondary Road Committee of P3ne�.las County Yas►ve aompleted a study and made reconnnendations to the Board of County CoYmnissioners of Pinellas County ! and various municipaliti�s throughout the Count� of Pinell�s that there be estsblished, in accordanca with a general plan developed by said Ci�izens Secondsry Road �oirnn3ttee, a spstem of iu�proved and modernized secondary roads in the County whiah has for its main purpose facilitating the movement o£ traffic along and thr�ugh the highly developed West Coast and beaah areas of Finel].as County, AND WHEREAS a portion of th:� system of improvad seaondary roads proposed by ssid Citizerns Secondary Road Cosrmlittde involves the construction of � North and Sou�h traf£ic lane E'ast of Dauglas Avenue through the City of Dunedin and East of Fort ' Harrison Avenue through the C3ty of Clearwater; thence turning Westerly in the vieinity of Iake View Avenue or ��D° Street along the line of the abendoned railraad right-of-way tizrough the Bellaview Biltmore Golf Course; thence proceed Southwesterly and connecting w�th Indian Rocks Road at its intersection with Belleview Baulevard and that a new and improved traffic facility, for the purpose of facilitating traff3c from the South on to and off oi' Clearwater Beach, be constructed from �he intersection of Indian Rocks Road with Belleview Boulevard Nort2lerly t2irou�h tha BeYleview Biltmore Golf Course to connect with Bay Avenue at its intersection with Jeffords Street and then procaeding Nort��rard on Baq Avenue by the widening and 3mpronement thereof, as naeded, to its intersaction w ith Iiaven Street in the City o� Clearevatere AND WHEREAS, the City Comniasion of the Cit�r of Clearwater is co�nizant o� the great need of an add3tional traffic artery running in a North and S'outh direction through the G3.ty oP Clearvaatar fox the purpose of relieving traffic oongestion now axistent on Fort Harrison l�v�nus, Ga.rden Avenue and Betty iane wh3.ch a re now th.e only through traffic facilities for the present handling of heavy traffic thraugh the C3ty, NOVV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit� Commission in meeting assembled this I4th day of Ma�, 1951 that tre City Coa�isaion does hsreby reoo�nend t2ae construction by the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County„ from the City I;imits of tkie City of Dunedin, along such route as may t�e found to be satisfactory and agreeable to the Board of County Co�nissioners, the Gii;� Go�carnment of the City of Clearwater and the Citizens of the area to be serveds a North and South traffic lane throu�h the Gity oP Clearwater East of Fort Iiarrison:4venues said route to turn Southwesterly in the vicinity of Iake View Avenue or "D" Stree� and following along the aban@oned rail- road r3.g.�.t-of�way through the Belleview Biltmore Goli Course and connecting with Indian Rocks Road at its i.ntersection with Selleview Boulevard in the City of Belleair and that a new and impraced traffi� facility, for the purpose of facilitating traFfia. irom the South 4n to and oPi' oi' Clearrvates Beach, be constructed from the intersection of the Indian Rocks Roaci vuith Be7,levie� Boulevard Northerly through the Belleview Bilt- more Golf Course to connect witr Bag Avenue at its intersection with JefPords Strest and then proceeding Northr,vard on Bay Avenue by the widening and improvement thereof, as needed, to its intersection with Haven Street in the Cit,q oP Clearwatex. BE IT FURTHER RESOZVED that the City Coranission of the City of Clearwater doe� hereby propose tYaat the Board of Count� Co�nissioners of Pinellas County at an early date and by proper resolution adopt and proceed with tiie plan herain outlined and t2zat said Board of County Cavgnissioners iorthwith direct the Goun�y Enginee'r9 in co].1a- bor�tion with the City Engineer of the City of Clearwater, to proceed with a snrveg, study and computation of cost data which will be necessary £or the City Co�nnission oi the City of Cleerwa�er and said Board of County Coannissioners to determine under all tha facts and circi,unstances a� to the most pract3cal route to be established through the C3t4 r�f Clearwater for �the public improvements herein mentioned. BE IT FTJRR'iiER t�ESOLVr.� that �he City Coirnnission of ths Cit� of Clearwater doec� hereby ostablish as a matter oP poli.cg that it will cooperate with tha Board of County Coscnnissioners of Pinellas County, tn acromplishing the public improvements• herein contenplated by the obtaining at �ts own cost and dedication of the rights-af- way necessary Por the construction of such facilities and �ill direct its enginesrin� depart;ment to collaborate and ta 000perate with the County Engineer in the a�sse�nbl3ng of the necessary engineerir�g and cost data and the recomnending of a route to be followed. ADOPTION OF FOREGOING RESOLUTION was moved b9 Con;missioner Turner, seconded by �ounniasioner Lynn and upon vote being taken 4ame was unaniznously passed this 14th day oP �Iay, A.D. 1951. Iierbert M. Brown Maqor-Gorr�nisaioner ATTE�T: g. G. tiiiin�o City Auditor and Glerk /OD