03/21/1951 ...., ,..:';' .: .... ; .... :'.\ ,';.~." .'; ~ .~.,! ',' .,.." '(., ".t.".,. '.;.\l....:: , ~t~:.. f - .~::r;;.~. .~.;i:.W~~~~~;~:: [~"tE:t;:;?:;~~::~{~~~;::: , j . \ '. f' ,': ',~"> III 1 I 'Qt'!'i\~~~~l~~'.';',!i~l:'~~:~~~:~~':i~.;~~'\~, ',~"~":'0"4;''''''~''t,~"",: ....~ ',.;',. : .;.,:~.. _ ''''1 ".:;.;~::~. t)'I':;'~<~i-~;';::-~':I",-;:'.:;~:.::~;.~i.Lu.;~"~,;..:.,~,:.,,I.>.~.:':~~':4;~.:.E:,~.~l~.~..::;::,<!~',,, '",".'; j.' ';;';"'_'<":~~~'~"'\ .::'.;:';/. :-,i ~'..;...;": ":,,,,,,~~,::, !I," ~ :. .. ~ ...~\r. ".:~,:;::~d~ils~2~~iddL~;fdJ~:;J;;ij1iSL:2:i~:t:Ij,}!;Jk~:i,(";:"" ,,'. ';iii' '/7'- , CI~ co.a~ISSION ME~INO March 21, 1951 The City Commission of the City of Clea~ter met 1n Special Session at City Hall, Wednesday, March 21st, 1951 at 12115 P. M. w1th ~e following mem- bera present: Herbert M. Brown Thomas H. Black,Jr. Heruert M. Blanton Garland Lynn Joe Turner -~layor-Comm18sioner -Comm.iss1oner -CoD'Dlliss:1oner -Commlssj,oner -Commissioner Absent: Also Present Were: _.."-,~_._, -- '-.. ..:..;.....H,..'.,l... .. If; "';'.--,. ! i ; i I ! I I I I ! ! \ ~ , " \ ! I fl I , I, ",;" t I None 1"'. C. l-llddleton George T. MoClamma C. E. Wa re -City Manager -Chief or Police -City Attorney I,' , , '. ,. , " , , ~ , " The meeting was called to order by the Mayor and the City Manager presented eaoh Commissioner with a tabulation of bids for the construction of a foundation ~or the proposed 1,2506000 gallon stand pipe. City Mana~er reoommended that the bid o~ the Clearwater Construotion Company be aocepted as it was the low bid and conformed to the speoifications. Connnissioner Turner moved that the City Mana- ger's recommendation be followed and he be authorized to enter into a oontraot with the Clearwater Construction Company for the const~ction of the foundation for the stand pipe. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried. Com- missioner Turner then moved that the Commission reconsider the motion to plaoe contract for the foundation of the stand pipe with Clearwater Construotion Company. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and carried. Cammissioner Black moved that the bid of the Clearwater Construction Com- pany in the amount o.f $1'l~584.00, which is the low bid for the erection of the foundation for the stand pipe be accepted and the City Attorney be instructed to inolude in the contract between the City of Clea~/ater and the Clearwater Con- struotion Company provisions protecting the City of Clearwater to t he extent the Clea~ter Construction Compan~ guarantees that the ~aterials neoessar,y for this p~oposed construction are available for the immediate construction or this pro- ject and that a ~enalty c1ause be included in this contract to assure oompletion within sixty (60) calender days provided in their proposed bid and that the City Attorney include any other items that, of course, goes :into the contract, and in- clude the City feels this provision is necessary in the face of the ract that the City is obli~ted to the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company to ~ve this projeot completed by a stipulated date and the contract should be accepted b~ the Clear- water Construction Compan~ within three (3) days. Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion and it carried. The City Manager presented each Commissioner with a tabulation of bids for the purchase of a police cruiser, and recommended with the agreement of the Chief of Police and the Purchasing Agent, the purchase of a standard 1951i Plymouth Fou~ Door Sedan at a cost of $695.00. Commissioner Black moved that the Commission accept the low bid o.f Thayer lv1otor Company and purchase the new automobile -ror the Police Department at a cost or $695.00. Commissioner Turner seconded the mo- tion and it carried. There being no .further business to corne be~ore the Board, the meeting now adjourned. ~ Attest: CITY CObiMISSION btEETING Merch 21, 1951 The Citq Commission of the City oP Clear�vater met in Special Neasion at C:L�y Hall, Wedneaday, D4arch 21st, 1951 at 12:15 P. �I. with the following mem_ bers preaentz Abaent: Also Present Weree Herbort M. Brown Thomas H. Black,Jr. Hexbert M. Bl.anton Ge,rland Lynn Joe Turner rione F. C, hSiddleton George T. IVZcClarr�na C. Eo VJare �Aiayor-Cou¢niss ioner �Cammissioner -Co�missioner -Cormnissioner -Commissioner -C3ty t�tanager -Chie£ of Police -City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the h�ayor and the City Man��er prasented each Commissioner with a tabulation of bids ;Por ths oonstruction of a faundation for the propo9ed 1,250,000 ga'llon s�end p3pe. Gity Manager reeo�unended that the bid of tkie Clearwator Gonstruction Company be accebted as it was the low bid and conPoz�ned to tile specificationa. Gommissioner Turner moved that the City �iana- ger�a recommendation ba .£ollowed and he be autnorized to entar into a contraet with the Clearwater Conatruction Company Por the conatructi�n of the Poundat3on for the stand pj.pe. I�iotion was saconded by Co�nissioner I;ynri and carried, Com_ missioner ti'urner then mc�ved that the Co�ission reconsider the motion •to p1a�e contract for the Poundation o£ the atand pipe with Clearwater Construction Com,pany. blot3or_ wss ssconaed bq Commiasioner �ynn and carried. Commissionar Black moved that the bid o£ the Clearwater Construc'tion Com- pany in the araount of �p17,584.00, which is the locr bid for the arection of the fo-andation for tha stand pipe be accepted and the City �sttorney be instructed. to include in the contrac� between the City oi' Clearvtater and tha Clesrwater Con- struction Cor.mpany provisiona protecting the City o? Cleasnrr.ater to t he sxtent ths Clearwater Canstruction Coripany guarantees thet the rmateria].s necessary for this proposed construction are available for the irmnediate construction of this pro� ject and that a penalty clause be included in this contract to assure completion within sixty (80) calender �sys provided in their proposed bid and that the Cit� Attorney include an,q other items that, of cou�se, goes into the contract, and in- clude the City feels this provision is necessary in the face of the fact thet the Citg is obli�atad to the Chicago T3ridge and ?ron Company to hs:ve ihis projec� completed b� �; stipulated date and the contraet should be aceepted by tlie Clear- water Construction Company within three (3) dayse Co�nissioner Lynn seconded the motion and it carr3ad. The Git� 3+ianager presented each Cos�nis�ioner with a tabulation o:� bids for the purchsse of a police oruiser, and recorr,a�endad �vith the agreement of the Chief of Police and the Purchasing Agent, the purchase of a standard 195� Flymouth Four Door Sed�n at a cost o� �p695o00. Counnissioner Black moved that the Coaanission accept the law bid oi'Tha��er Motor Company and purc3iase the ner� automobile for the Po13ce 1�epa rt�ent �t a cost of �695.00. Co�nissioner Turner saoonded the mo- t3on and it carried. There being no further business tn corie be£ore ti.e Boaxd, the meeting now adjourned. / htayor-Corrnnissi�r Attest: , . � Auditor d Clerk ��