03/12/1951 '\ .; ",~J~~frb~;.""";,"~"'''' .... .. \ ,~r\ ,i~"',...~ ...,,/ 1 1 l< ,i 4 ~ !l I J .~ .1 .! ;1 i~ :j " ~ 1 , I \ I i, ::!. \ i "'tt'" 'l'C;i;M&~; . ....v.! ',i.:/:./;ff;l' (!{"'\~~~~i;l!{ f01,.. ,'" ,',. ",," , I......> . ":;';1:;";; . ! '..: . ,"' ,'---' ,.~ CITY COMMISSION }.1EETIl~G . March 12, 1951 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at City Hall, Monday, March 12th, 1951 at '7:30 P. ~1. with the following J11embers present: Herbert M. Brown Thomas H. Black Herbert M. B1nnton Garland D. Lynn Joe Turner -Mayor-Commissioner -Commissioner -Conmissloner ..Commissioner "CollIDlissioner Abeen t: None Also Present Were: F. C. 1I1iddleton George T. McClamm& C. E. Wa re -City 11anager -Chief of Police -City Attorney The Mayor called the meet1ng to order and presented a letter from the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, relative to some officials of the City of Clearwater attend1ng a water supply conference in St. Petersburg on March 15, 1951 at 2:00 P. M. Comm1ssioner Turner made a motion that the City Manager be instructed to attend the meeting and bring back information to the City Commission relative to the meeting. COIlnniss1oner Blanton seconded the motion and it carried. A letter was read by the Clerk from Mr. W. S. Shannon relative to his re- signation as Chairman of the Planning Board due to 111 health. CODml1ss10ner Lynn made eo motion that l;(r. W. S. Shannon's resignation be accepted with regrets. Commissioner Blaok seoonded the motion and it carried. The Clerk ~s instructed to write a letter to Mr. Shannon expressing the City's appreciation and thanks for his work with the Planning Board. Commissioner Blanton made a report on behalf of the Committee on Mrs. E~ L. Cisar's request for a 15 rt. set-back on Laura Street. The Oommittee recommended that the 15 ft. set-back on Laura street, instead of the usual 20 ft. set-back be not allowed. Comnissioner Turner moved that the Committee's report be accepted and the application of Mrs. Eva L. Cisar ror a 15 ft. set-back be denied. Mrs. Cisar then withdrew her application for a 15 ft. set-back and presented the original request for consideration. Commissioner ~nn suggested that Mrs. Cisar's or~ginal application be presented the Building InBpector. Motion died for want of a second. There was no report, at this time, by the Beach Lease Committee. The City Attorney informed the City Commission that he had examined and approved the Plat of Oak Acres No.2. Commissioner Black moved that the Plat o~ Oak Acres No.2 be approved. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion and it carried. The City Attorney made a report on the plat of Plant Subdivision which had been submitted for approval and informed the Commission the only way he could nake a thorough report is by making an examination of the Abstract of Title for this pro- perty. He said he was unable to deter.mine whether or not the street, shown on the plat, bad ever been dedicated as a public thoroughfare. It was brought out during the discussion that the owner of one of the lots in Bluff View Court Subdivision . had erected a building on that part of the plat which is shown as a street. The City Attorney recommended the City refuse to accept the plat on the grounds that there are legal complications. Oommissioner Blanton moved that the approval of the plat be denied on the grounds that the City Attorney reports that there is an en- croachment upon a public street sought to be dedicated by the plat. Commissioner Blanton further moved that the Hospital Association be advised to clear the en- croachment and report back their doings so that the City Commission can proceed as the matter justifies at that time. Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion and it carried. The Court Street Extension OODmittee reported that on mak1ng an Investigation of the Lease between the City snd the Clearwater Merchants Association of property for use of the Farmers Market the~ felt that the Lease is not entirely clear to the Committee regarding the Farll1erS M.arket location and wanted further time to studY' ahd consult, and the Committee to make a report at a later date. The City Manager submitted two resolutions which would require property owners to clean their lots of grass, weeds and underbrush. Commissioner Turner ~oved that the resolutions be adopted. Commissioner Lynn seconded the motion and it carrIed. The City Manager presented a petition for lot cleaning that would require more work than the ordinary mowing and hand Cleaning requesting the cleaning of the North 95 ft. of Lots 14 and 15 Glenwood Estates Addition. It was moved by Commissioner Turner that the matter be rererred to the City Manager for invest1gation and report. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and it carried. The City Manager presented a petition slp~ed by ten persona requesting the cleaning of the property known as the Webb property 8ituated North of Grand View Ter- race. It was moved by Commissioner Turner, seconded by COLwissioner Lynn and carried, the City Manager make an investigation and report on the matter. City Manager recommended the purchase ~f twelve rain costa for $7.50 each and recomnended that they be charged to a special appropriation ani turned over to the Police Department. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Manager's reconmendations be approved and that these rain coats be marked and properly 1dentir1ed as property ot the Police Department. Commissioner Blanton seoonded the motion and it oarried. City Manager informed the Commission that the State Road Deparbnent represon- tative, who was to work with the CoI!lntission regarding the ItPedeastr1an Walk" on Ste- ,.venson Creek Bridge, did not show up but i8 to come this week and City Manager' .;:. hopes to have something to report at the next.meetlng of too City Oom:nIl!1sion. i I ': '., ,.',. .:',,:~;>. I . .. .,.. ...., "~",,.. I!~g~?~ (~"'f ~ .t.,.. .. ., ';..r...., '. ~.~.: ..' ,....,:' ., .::':)"!;:f::,~r~>'::1..:~~~.":;' . .' " ';;,;'~>:,;),~~t~~;4:~~4"~::;4~'~\"~0l~~~'~:'1~;;m~:,\,d;;J~j~~:j;4~'~i:tiii;;;:~;~~\~i;'~;;;;;;L'~~~~1~~~.X&.S;;;,t~}~~;j,~s;:.::;~.~~~II~' . OITY COMMISSION lfBB'rING ' l4a:rch 12, 1951 :( ,i:.~i [,;., j:; JS !..t', I';~\i.. ~~;: t~;f,:~. ''';~,;.", " ",jiJ\:tKf\ '.'" .{' .~.~ 'r.'''.,l} :"'f'.lt~t:'..;(~~~..~/ ).:::~(,~:~il.< ..,.~ ;'ff.;,~:.f. , r'l ; ,~ , . City AttoMley reported on proposed contact between Cit,. ot Clearwa tel' and: R. W. SpragIns &; Compan,. relative to the leg1slat10n tor Issuanoo of 8ecuri~lea 1n connection with drainage distriots. Commissioner ~nn moved that t~ matter ot drainage districts and the R. W. Spragins & Campany proposal be poatponed In- detInitely. Oommissioner Blanton seconded the motion and it carried. The Oit, Manager made a report on the Engineering Department and state'" they have not hael time to set up an Engineer1ng Department but wi11 give . report on it at a late~ date. Oity Manager aleo stated that ~e depertment 1a now tunc- t10ning as an engineering department and not as a pub11c works department a. 11t had been. Cit'1 Manager made a report on planting a hedge along city property trom the south side of the property occupied by Everingham. south to 5th street, to keep the sand trom blow1ng aoross the street. The Oity Manager recommended tbat the ~, Oity plant a hedge on the west side of the sidewelk on two-thirds of the di8tr1ot~ 1n quest1on. Cost ot plantIng this hedge would be between $550.00 and $400.00. Oommissioner Black moved that the City Manager be instruoted to look further 1nto the matter with the Engineering Department and other interested depa~tments and report back at a later date~ giving his reoommendations and cost rigurea. o am- missioner ~nn seoonded the motion and it carried. Cannn1ss10ner Black moved that Mr. Jl. C. Middleton. in acoordanoe with the Charter provisions be immediately appointed to fill the vacancy or Cit~ Manager'. post and to continue to direct, as City Manager. the Public UtIlities Department and delegate various phases of public utilities work and to retain his Civil Ser- vice status as Director of Public Utilit1es at a start1ng sa1a1'7 at this time ot $500.00 per month ($8,000.00 per year). Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. W. F. Register presented a petit10n to the C1t,. Commission with l6~ signatures, requesting that the City do something about the gas plant rega~ing the smoke and ~es. Comm1ssioner Black moved that the Oity Manager be instructed to look into the matter and contact companies regarding the mwtter and report to the Commission at a late~ date. Oommissioner Turner seconded the motion and 1t carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting now adjourned. /~~"- Mayor-Conmission ,.1,.' ," "~I' . ~,," , .; ,....~ ":("'<:%;(,!?i\i;:t;?'~iC}~:(;?? ',' ;- .:'.1 \.', ':" /';: . ~ .1'.\<;. CITY OOW4ISS'ION MEETING Ma roh 12, 1951 Clearwater, Fla. ~~roh 5th, 1951. Members of the 0ity Planning Board, Cl~arw8ter, Florida. Gentlemen: As a result or a physioal oheck-up a tew months ago, my doctor suggested that I ease up a bit in my work and relax more. He also suggestod that I 1'8- 11nguish all my extra-currioular activities. Membership in the City Planning Board is one the few I have oontinued. I had another oheck-up today and was told by my dootor that I should relax even more. In view of the above I hereby hand you my resignation a B ChaiI'm8n and as 8 member or the Planning Board. I do this reluctantly and wish it were praoticable tor me to continue to work with you. I have enjoyed my association with all of you, and wish to express mJ thanks for the co-ope~tion you have given me since the Board was re-activated. With best personal good wishes, I remain Sincerely, /s/ W. S. Shannon ----~--------------- City of st. Petersburg, Florida March 6, 1951 Honorable Herbert M. Brown Mayor of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida, Dear Mayor Brown: We are propOSing a meeting of the City Council of St. Fetersburg, Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County, County Dudget Commission and represen- tatives of other municipalities that may be interested in obtaining water from the source of supply and facilities of the City of St. Petersburg. This meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, City lIall, March 15 at 2:00 o'olock p. m.# at which time the City's oonsulting engineers# Greeley and Hansen, will outline methods by which wa ter may be supplied to those who are interested and estimates of the cost o~ such supply. We hope that representatives of your municipality will attend this meeting. Yours very truly, /s/ Ross E. Windom Oity la'Ianager . I :.' . ""-'1:' . . . I . . '. . . , " " '. '0, :. ~ 'I " . .. A-1 Wm. S. Millring, Jr. 295 Voorheos Ave. Buffalo, New Yorll! Lots 1 & 2, Blk C Bay Terre.ce lJow:ing ~6.00 "~'," , , " 0 , . l' . r,...... . " ~ ",J ,'" I ' . Jo.< .;,.," . ,. .' ..... . ~ " ,;t...", '.l..'~~: .',:J~f.",:;,::\~~ '.~~';;;2~ ~3;,~~;::'~"L~.;:'~;;;;~.~;.;';_).:;;~~ti':.l.:..i:~'~~~~ ~;.~.?~.'.:' ~:~.1,,,' , , ., ,"" ',: ",~c;;}:\~:0:~(5:,';.<:;:~:,~,::'~::;:'~c~,(i\;:t4j;~~;?;~~{,t:~;,::,::,;~::;;,~,>:~;'{::;:~'~),~."i?I~\2{~;/~?'::;:;,;:;." "''4.,). "'L.;~.~~.,.~':~....j.'i:I..'7'.:~~J"...~.~.b.'\~~~.iJI'J~..4l:~.....t;;btiI"Mr~__.."~"~~"....;:.,.~~._t'..~1,,-,,,,',~h-:'" CITY CO!~1ISSION MEETING Ida rch 12, 1951 RESOLU~ION .t' WHEREAS: :it has been determined by the City Commission of the C1t~ of Clearwater, Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or \mderbrush, and thnt after ten (10) days notice and fail- ure of the owner thereof to do so, the City should olean suoh property and charge the oosts thereof against the respective property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City ot Clearwater, Florida, that the following desoribed property, situate in said City, shall be oleaned or weeds_ grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notioe in writing to the owners thereor to do so and that upon failure to oomply with said notice, the Oity shall perform suoh oleaning and c~rge the costs thereor against the respeotive properties in accordanoe with Seotion 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended. Request No. ; '~ I OWner Property Es U.JIl8 te ! f ,'. '.: t f l t r f ' ., ':'..'" ...... , , .' ~:!> f .... " ,'" > ~ Florida, this ~ day of March _ A.D. 1961. :(;1i~i~1( ""\'.\' )." ~~.~.:tt:~;' "'!ii:' f~~ PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TEE Oi ty Commission of the City ot' Clearwater, Herbert ld. Brown Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: H. G. Wi~o City Auditor and Clerk ----------------------------~---~~------- RESOLUTION VatE~s: it has been determined by the City Commiss~on o~ the City of Clearwater, Florida, that tho property described below should be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and fail- ure of the owner thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and oharge the costs thereor against the respective property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL.VED by the City Commission of the Cit~ of Clear- water, Florida, t~t the following described property~ situate in said City, shall be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within tell (J.O) days a:f'ter notice 1n writing to ~e owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respective properties in accordance w~th Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended. Request No. Owner Property Lot 3, Block A F10ridina Subdivision Mowing Est1ll1B.te A-6 Mr. H. J. Edmonds 110 Jefferson St. $2.50 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission of the 0ity ot Clearwater, Florida, this 12th day of March, A. D._ 195J.. Herbert :M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: H. G. Wi~o City Auditor and Clerk . .... " "'... .. '. .; -,' .''>. . czm�r oop�n�zss=or� nt�E�zrra� March 1�, 1951 Tho City Commission oP the City of Clearwater met in Special seasion e� City Hal1, Monda�, March 12th, 19b1 at 7:30 P. Mv �vith the following members present: Herbert Me Brov�n -A4ayor-Comrni�sioner Thomas H. Black _Coffnnisaioner iier'tiert M. Blanton -Co�cisaiorier G�rland D. Lq� -Co�iiasioner Joe Turnor _Corrunissioner Absetit • None Also Present Were: F. C. biiddleton -City Manager George T� MeClamma -ChieP of Police C. E. Ware _Ci'ty Attorney The bTayo� called �he meeting to order and presented a letter from the C���r of St. Petersburg, Florida, rela�ive to some ofPieials of the Cit� of Clearsrater attending a water �upply conference in St. Peteraburg on A3arch 15, T951 at 2:00 P. M. Co�mnissioner Turner made � motion that the City Aianager be inatructed 'to a�tend the meeting and bring back inYormation to the City Cor�nniseion relative to zhe meet3ng. Commiesionsr Blanton secanded the motion and it carried. A letter wes read by the Clerk fror� Nr. V7. S. Shannon relative to his re- signation as Chairman of the Planning Board due to ill health. Corrunissioner Lynn rnade a motion that 2ir. W. S. Shannon's resignation be accepted v�ith regrets. Coz+nnissioner Black aeconded the motion and it carried� The Clerk vras instrueted to write a letter to Mr. Shannon expressing the Cityos appreciatian and thanl�� Pcr his work v�ith the Planning Board. Co�niss3oner Blanton made a report on behalf oP tb.e Cormnittee on mIrs. Eva L. Cisar's request for a 15 Pt. set-back on Laura Street. ThQ Gousnittee recormnonded that the 15 £t. set-back on Laura Street, instead oP the usual 20 Pt. set-b�ek be not allowed. Cou,missioner Turner moved that the Coimn3tteets report be accepted and the appl3cation oP NIrs. Eva I,. Cis�r for a 15 fb. set-back be denied. Mrs. Cisar then withdraw her application for a 15 i't. set-back and presented the original request for consideration. Cos�nissioner I,ynn auggested that Mrs. Cisar's ori�inal application b� presented the Building Inspecto r. 2+iotion died for want of a second. There was no report, at this time, bg �the Beach Lease Cor.anitrtee. �� The City Attorney informed ti?e C3.ty Conanission that he had examined and approved the Plat oP Oak Acres Nom 2. Cp�nissioner Black moved that the P1at of Oak Acres Noe 2 be approved. Commissioner Blanton seconded the �otinn and it carried. The Citiy Attorney xnade a report on the plat oP Plant Subdivision vrhich had been submitted Por approval and inPormed the Corrmiission the only wav he could make a thorough repost is by making an examination o� the Abstract of Ti�le for this �iro� periy. Ae said he was unable to determine whether or not the street, shovm on the plat, had ever been dedicated as a public thoroughfare. It v�as braught out during the discussion that the ownez� of one of tha lots in Bluff View Court Subdivision had erected a building on that part oP the plat whieh is shotivn as a street. The City Attorney recommended the Ci�y reiiise to accept the pla� an the grounds that there are legal complicationse �ommiss3oner Blanton moved that the app�oval of tha plat be denied on the grounds that the City Attorney reports that there is an en- croachment upon a public street sought to be dedicated by the plat. �oimnissioner Blanton further movad that the Hospital Association be advised to clear tha en- croachsaent and repor� back thsir doings so that the Citg Co�ission can proceed as the matter justifie� et that time. Comm3.ssioner �ynn aecondad the motion and it carried. The Court Street Extension �o�mi'r:te� reported that on making an investigstion of the Lease between the City and the Clearwater bterchants Aissociation oi property for use of the Farmers biarket the� felt that the Lease ia not entiraly clear to the Committee regarding the F�rr,ier� Market locaiion and wanted fu.rther time to study and consult, and the Committee to make a report at a later data. The City ASanager submitted two resolutions which would require property owt�er� to clean t�eir lots of grass, �sreeds and underbrush. Cott�issionsr Turner moved that the resolutions bs adopted. Co�nissioner Lynn seconded the �notion and it carried. Th� City hisnager presented a petition i'or lot cleening that would require mora vrork than the ordinary mow3ng and hand cleaning requestiz�g the eleaning of the North 95 ft. of Lots l4 and 15" Glenwood Estates Addition. It was moved by Co�issioner Turner that the matter be referred to the Citq Manager for investigation and report. Motion wae seaonded by Colmnissionar Slanton and it carried. The City P,4anager presented a getition si�ned by ten persons requesting the cZeaning of the property knoWm as the Webb propert�r situated North oi Grand Vievu Ter- race. It rvas moved by Conunissioner Turner, second�d by Coirnnissioner Lynn and carried, the City 11�Ianagerimske an investigation anc� report on the matter. City hSanager recobnnended the purchase of twelve rain costs for �7,50 each a�d reco�nended that they be charged to a special appropriation a�l turned over to the Poliae Department. Cormnissioner Turnez: nioved thAt the City nianager's recoirmienda;tiona be approved and that these rain costa be marked and properlg identified as property oi' the Police Departnient. Commissioner Blanton secanded the motion and it carried. City Manager infarmed the Commission that the State Rasd Department represen- tat�.ve, who vras to work ��ith the Coruuission regarding the '�Pedestri�n �'ValktP on Ste- venson Creek Bridge, did nnt show up but is to come this week and Citv h4anager hopes to have sonlething to report at the next meeting of tha City Co�anission. CITY CO1dhiISSION biE�TNG D�arch 12, 1951 City Attorney repor�ed on proposed contaat betr�een City of Clearweter and R. i�Y. Spragins & Compang relative to tr,e legislation for issuanoe of aecuritles in aonn$etion with draina�;a di�trict�o Commissioner Lynn moved thac the mRtte�z of drainage districts and the R. 5N. Spra��ins & C�pany pro�7osal be postponed in- dePinitely. �osrmiisaioner Blanton seconded the motion and it carried. The City r�ianager m�do a report on the Engineering Department and stated; they have not hfad time to set up Rn Engineering Departanent but will giva a repart on it at a later datae City ntanager slso stated that the department is now f�nc- _ tioning as an engineering departmant and not as e pub3.ic works department as it had been. City Manager znade a report on plantin� a hedg�9 along eity property from the south side of the property occupied by Everinghsm, �outh to 5th Street, to keep the sand from blowing across the dtreet. The City Manager recounnended that the City plant a hsdge on the west aide oi' the sidewalk on two-thirds of the district in quest3on. Cost of plan�ing this hedge would be between �350a00 and �p400.Q0. Coxmiissionor Black moved that the City Mana�er be instructed to loolc further into the matter with the En@ineering Departmant and other interested departments and report back at a later dates giving his recottmiendations and cost figure�. Com- missioner Lynn s�conded the motion and it carriede Co�issioner Black moved that Nir. F. C. Middleton, in accordance wifch the Chartar provisions be iimnediately appairted to £ill the vacanay oP City n,ana�er�s post and �o continue to direct, es Cit� hianager, the Fublic Utilities Depsrtment snd delegate various phases of publ.ic utilitie� work and to retain his Civil Ser- nice status as Director af Public ITtilities at a starting saZary at this tirse oi` �500.00 per month (�6,000.00 per year). Co�nissioner Blanton sec�nded the �notion and it carried. h4r. W. F. Register presented a patition to the City Co�ission with 16� signatures, requesting that the City do something about the gas plant regarding tha smoke and �unes, Co�ani:asioner Black maved that the City Ivtana�er be instructed to look into the niatter and �ontact companies regarding the metter and report �o the Commission at a later date. Cormnissionex Turner seconded the motion and i� carried. There being no further businesa to corrie before the Baard, the meeting novr adjourned� ATTEST: � . � Git� Auditor nd Clerk �..�,s. _ Ma�or-C om.�ni s si on �� CITY CQLYA3ISSTON M�FTIYG S4arch 12, ]�951: bIayor-CorIInisaioner Herbert �4. Brown Com¢nis aioner�s s Herbert Blanton, Sr. Joe Turner Thornas H. Black, Jr. G. D. T,ynn Gentlemen: �,ia� ch 9, 1951 There will be a special meetin� of the City Com�nission Monday evening, Mar�h 12, 1951 a� 7:30 P. M. in the City Hal.l, to consider items on �he attached agendm. FCM:gB �. �. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8s 9a 10, 11. Vc�ry truly yours, Francis C. Middleton Acting City Manager ------------------- AGENDA Coimnittee�s report on the request of hirs, Eva I,. Cisar for a 15 ft. set_ba,eg instead of 20� set-bacl� to erect a car por�t on Lots 1 to 4, incl. - Highland Gro�e 5ubdiviaion. Repor� of Beach Lease Co�nnittee. Ree��anendations o£ City Attox�neg on the plat of Oak Acres Ido. 2. Presentation oi plat oP Plant 5ubsiviaion. Report from Court Streat Extension Co�ittee relative to lease with Clear- vzater Tlerchents Association on the property occupied by the Fermers Market. Reso3.ution and petition from property owners, requesting City to mow lota of weeds and grass. Gi•ty B4anagerta recomsnendations for purchAse oi' ten (10) rain coats i'or Police Departmen�e Cott�ittee+s repo�t on �'pode�trian walktt on the Stevenson Creek Brslge. Report of City Attorney on proposed contract between the City oP Clea�rater and R. W. Spragins & Co�pany, relative to the legisTation Por iasuance oP s�curities in connection with - drainage districts. C3tq k�Ianager�s report on Engineering Department. City Nianagerfs report on planting of'lhedge along City proparty from the south sids oi' the property occupisd by Everingham, south to 5th s�reat, to keep sand frori blowing across the street. By consent of ths Commission - any items not on the Agenda will be considarea,,, Ad j ourr�ient . PETITION Clearwater, P'le. It�erch 1, 1951. We, the undersigned Citizens and Ta�x iTayers living in the Diatrict affectad by the gas plant, hereby request your Honorable body to do something �bout the conclition caused Pram the gas plant, w?�ich is detrimen�al to the proparty and healtYi of the individuals living in the vicinity, viza From Eldridge Street to Dre� 5treet, and from Pennsylvania Avenue to Ft. Harrison. Thankin� you �'or a quick response to our requeste PETITION Mr. Francia Middleion Aetin� City nlanager Claarwater, Florid� RespectYully, (Signed by 162i persons) �ia rch 1, 1951 Dear Mr. middleton: Confirm3.ng conversation of today regarding the xnatter of having the Webb Estate clean up their proparty adjoining the residenta� yards North of hIaple Street and surrounding the East side of Hobart Street-- This proparty has grown 3.nto in unsightly jungle and, �asides bein� a breed3ng place for insects and snakes, is a bsd fire lzazard, Therefore, VVe, the undersigned resident� oi 1daple and Hobart Streets, respeetflzlly request your cooperation. Thanking �rou and swaiting your advices, we reriain S,incer�ly, (Signed 10 persona) �� CITY COAII�4ISSION' nIEETING h[arch 12', 1�51 �� Clearwater, Flao Idarclz 5th, 1951. Member� of the City Planning Iioard, C1"earwater, Florida. Gentlemen; As a result of a phys3cal check•-t:p a few months r�go, my doctoa� su�gested that I ea�e up a bit in my work and relax more, He also su�gestod that I re- lingu3sh a11 m;P extra-curricular activities. Me�bership in the City Planning Boar3 is one the �'ew I have con�inued. I' had another check-up today and was told by my doc�or that T should relax enen more. In visRc of the above 2 hereby hand you my resignation as Chairman and as s member oi tre Planning Board. I do this raluci:antly and wish it were practicable for me to continue to v+tork with youo I have enjo9ed my association with a11 of you, and wish to express m� thanks for the co-operat3on gou hsvs given me since the Board was re-sctivated. 1Yith best personal good wishes, I remain S'incerely, /s� W. S. Shannon Cit� of St. Petersburg, Florida Nl�rch 6, 195� tionorabls Herbert Id. Brown Mayor oi' Clearv+ater Clearwater, Florida� Dear Pdayor Brown: SYe are praposing a meeting of ths City Council of St. Petersburg,, Board of Count� Conanissioners of Pinellas County, County Budget Co�issiort and represen- tatives cf other municipa�ities that mag ba intereated ir, obtaining water i°rom the source of supplq and facilities of the City o� 8t. Petersburg. This meeting �rill be held in the Couticil Chamber' City Hell, March 15 a� 2;00 o�clock p. m., at which time the Cityts consulting engineers, Greelsy and Hansen, vvill outline mathods by which water may be supplied to those who are interested ancl estimates of tha cost of such supply. We hope that repreaentatives oP your nunicipality will attend this imeeting. Yours very truly, �s� Ross Eo 4Vindom Citg lltanager CITY COA�JIo'fI8SI0I1 IvIEETING b4arch 12, 1951 RESOI�UTION ti'VHEREAB: it l�as• �een determined by the City Coimni�s3.on of the City o�: Clearwater, Ploride, tha� the proper�y described belo�v should be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush, ancl that afier ten (10) days notice and fail- ure oP the owner thereof to do so, the City shoula clean 3u.eh property and ehar�,e the �osts theraof agai.nst the respective property. NOW THFREFORE BE IT RESOI„VED by �he C�,tg Coumiission of tkie Gity of Claarwater, Florida, that the following described propert�, situate in said City, skiall ba clear�ed oP eveeds, gr�sa and/or �underbruah within ten (10) days eftex� notic�: in writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply vr�th said notice, the Citq shall perform such cleaning and aharge the costs thereof against the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of tha Charter oP the City oP Clearwater, ss amencled. Heques� No. Owner Propert.y Estima� �e A1-7 Wm. S. bi311ring, Jr. Lota 1& 2i, Blk C B�Io�ving 295 Voorheea Av9. Bay Terrace �6.00 Buffalo, I�ew YorI� PASuLD AND ADOPTEII' BY TI� City Co�meission of the �ity oP Clearvaater, b'lorida, this �2th dey of �farch , A.Ti. 1951. ATTEST; H, G. �lin�o Citg Audi�o and Clerk ` RESOLUTION Herbert M. Brov�n a9o'•'-�a�iasioner V�RFAS': it has been detern;ined by the Cit�r Gott¢nission of the City of Clearti�ater, Fluxida, that the propertg described below should be cleaned oP weeds, grass and/or undarbruah, and tl�et ai'ter ten (10) daya notica ar±d faii- ure of the owzier thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the coats thareof against the respective property, NOYJ TFiEREFO_RE BE IT R.�SO�,.VED by tha City Comniasion of the City of Clear- water, Florida, that the foliowing described gropert�, situate i� said �it�, shall be cleaned oP weeds, grass and�or underbrugh w3thin ten (3.0) days ax'ter notice in writing to the owners thereo= to do �so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the City ahall perform sttch cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the res,pective properties in atccordance wi�h Section 128 oi' the Charter of the C3ty oP Claarxcatsr, as amendea. Request No. awner A-6 bir. H. J. Edmonds 110 Jefferson St. ATTEST: P� opert�+ Lot 3, Block A Floridina Subdivision PASSED AND ADOPT.ED BY TIiE City Co�mnission of the City o£ Cl�arwater, F3orida, ichis 12th day of btarch, A. D,� 195I, H. G. Wingo t� y Auditor and Clerk I�4omring E�timrzte �",2050 Herbert AS a Bra�rn Mayor-Co�3ssioner `— �D