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February 26, 1951
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at City
Hall, Monda,., Februa17 26th, 1951 at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
Thomas H. B18ck.Jr.
Herbert M. Blanton
Joe Turner
Garland D. Lynn
Also Presont Were:
F. C. Middleton
George T. MoClamma
C. E. Ware
-Acting City Manager
-Chiet' of' Police
-City Attorney
, i
The Ma~or called the meeting to order and announced a Public Hearing on the
construction of a 8 inch Sanitary Sewer on Royal Way trom Mandalay Avenue to Clear-
water Harbor and t'ram Royal Way North on Poinsettia Avenue, a distance of 171 ft.
and on Bay Esplanade trom the intersection of Bay Esplanade and Royal Way East and
North - a dlstance of 6?8 feet. There were no objections ~de to the propose~
project. The City Attorney read a resolution authorizing the proper officials to
proceed with the Sanitary Sewer installat10n. Comm1ssioner Turner moved that the
Reso~ution be adopted. The mot10n was seconded by Commissioner Black and carried
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission by the Thomas H. Blaok
Realty Co. oftering, on behalf of a olient, to purchase a tract in Coachman Helghts
fronting 310 ft. on the East side of Prospect Ave. and 216 ft. on the North side
of Chestnut Ste and bordered on the North by the proposed Court Street extension,
tor the sum of $2500.00. Commissioner Turner moved that the matter be referred
to the City Attorney and the City Manager tor investigation and a report relative
to the present lease or any agreement the City may have with the County with res-
pect to the Fanners Market. The motion was seconded by Comm.1.ssioner Blanton and
carried. Oommissioner Black did not vote.
The City Attorney read the proposed contrsct between the City and R. W. Spragins
and Company relative to the legislation for and issuance 01' securities in connection
with proposed drainage district No.1. Mr. John C. polh111, Attorney tor Spra~ns
and Company, addressed the Commission relative to the need tor early aotion due to
the ~indtation or time. Commissioner Black moved that the matter be continued
until the full Commission is present to vote. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Blanton and carried.
By unanimous consent, Mr. James Singleton addressed the Commission, calling
attention to a proposal made by himself and his associates to assume the In!lnagement
of rentals trom the New Yacht Basin on its completion and to payoff the indebtedness
trom the proceods trom rentals. He presented a copy of the proposal which was
originally submitted last fall for the Conmisslon's conslderation. By consent, the
matter was referred to the Beaoh Lease Committee.
'y ,
Commissioner Black reoommended that the salary ot the Chief of Police be made
$400.00 per month effective March 1st and that the salaries ot other department
heads be investigated. The Mayor suggested that an addition811 bridge tender (part
time) be employed in order to per.mit bridge tenders one day off each week. Both
o~ the foregoing recommendations were referred to the City Manager for his study
and report.
Mr. w. H~ R. K~brough appeared before tne Commission to protest having been
dropped trom the pay roll, having been employed for the past 18 years as caretaker
ot the rest rooms at Oi ty Park. He submitted a cOfJY ot an offioe memorandum from
tor.mer City Manager Bennett to the City Treasurer in which the City Manager stated
that no 'budget appropriation had been made for Mr. Kimbrough's sa1817. By consent,
the matter was referred to the City Manager.
Coumissioner Blanton inquired as to the reason for the delay in widening
Osceola Avenue between Haven Street and Pierce Street. The City Attorney reported
that one of the deeds needed for the right of way was belng held in escrow untl1
tbe end of the tourist season and that a deed to another sma 11 frontage had not
yet been received.
The Mayor requested that the City Manager make a report on the present budget
position ot the City so the C0ll111is810n may know what funds, if any. are available
tor the purchase ot needed equipment.
Commissioner Blanton moved that the matter ot development of the City owned
propertr North of Calumet Street and East of Fort Harrison Ave. be referred to the
Planning Board to lnves~igate the possibility of development and to report at their
conven1once. The motion was seconded by Commissioner 1~rner and carried.
Conmlssloner Blanton recommended the widening of Turner Street fram Myrtle
Avenue to Bay Avenue and that other streets be checked as to the need for widen1ng.
CODm1ssioner Turner suggested the possibility of' creating an additional traffic
lane on the Memorial Causeway Bridge by lowering the South sidewalk it such a plan
should prove feasible tram an engineering standpoint. The additional lane would be
used tor traff1c coming from the Boach.
The City Manager submitted three reaol.ut10ns which would require property owners
to clean their lots or grese i weeds and underbrush. On a motlon by CODll1issioner
Tarner~ wh1ch was seconded by Commissioner Black and unanimously carried, the reso-
lutions weN adopted.
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Pebruary 26, 1951
Februa1"1 24, 1951
l4a~or-Comm1S81oner Herbert M. Brown
Oommissioners: Joe ~rne~. Herbert Blanton. Sr.
Thomas H. Black, Jr., Gary Lynn
Speoia~ meeting ot the City Commission will be held Monday evening -
February 26, 195~ at 7130 P. H.- Cit~ Ball to considerr
Publio hearing on the oonstruction ot 8" sanItary sewer
on Ro,al Way tram Mandala, Avenue to Clearwater Harbor
an approxi~te dIstance ot 246 teet and from Roya1 way
north on Poinsettia Avenue a distance o~ 171 teet and
on Bay Esplanade trom the 1ntersection ot Bey Esplanade
and Royal Way east and north - 8 distance ot 6?8 teet.
Any 1tems wIll be considered by consent ot the Commission.
Ver'f truly yours,
Franols C. Middleton
~cting City Manager
WHEREAS the City Oommission, by motion dul:v passed on the 12th day of
Februar'f, 1951. deemed it advisable, necessa~ and to the best interest of the
0Ity of Olearwater, Florida, to do certain work and make certaIn improvements
as hereinatter desoribed within said City, and
WHEREAS proper and legal notice of its Intentions to do such work has
been publIshed, 8 copy of said notice, a~ong with the publi~er'8 atridav1t as
to its date of publication being hereto attached and by re~erence belng made a
part hereof, and
WHEREAS the public hearing thereIn descrIbed has this date been he~d and
the objeotions there presented to said lmproveDlents have been 1\1111 considered
and deemed in8uff~cient by the Commission
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the C:tty Gonnlssion of the 01ty of Clear-
water, Florida, 1n session duly and lega1ly provided:
1. That the objections to sald improvements are deemed insurf1c1ent
and it is deemed advisable, necessary and to the best interest ot
said City that the ~0l.low1ng work and improvements be done therein:
:I:nsta~l a" Sanitaxoy Sewer on Roya1 Way from
Manda~a:v Avenue to Cl.earwater Harbor an
a:pproxima te distance of 246 ~eet a nd from
Ro~l Way North on Poinsettia Avenue a dIs-
tance of 171 ~eet a nd on Bay Esplanade from
the intersection of Bay Esplanade and Royal
Way North and West, a distance of 6?B feet.
a. That the proper o~fIc1als and employees sha11 forthwith proceed with
said improvement under app1icable provisions of the Ci'ty Charter.
3. That whon said improvements shall have been completed the cost thereot
shall be assessed against the property abutting said street or avenue.
PASSED AllD ADOPTED thla 26th day of February. A.D., 195~f\
H. G. Wingo
dl ty Audl tor and C1erk
Hex-bert M. Brawn
Februal"Y 24. 1951
The C1ty Commissioners,
Oity of 01earwater.
Olearwater. Plox-lda.
Gentlemen I
" ' . ,', ,On behal:t of a client in Clearwater, please find enclosed a check for $250.00
""", , a, a deposit on the to11ow1ng described plece or property I the tract ot land front-
",1ng310 teet on the e8s1; side or Prospect Avenue and 215 t'eet on the north s1de ot
'" d: ':..',,',," " ',', .,:'. , , Chestnut street. This property is bordered on the North by the new proposed Oourt street
~+::i:\~):: :If;;':)i~;:''~''';'''>': \", ;,',111 client 111 1nterested in purohaa.1ng allot this tmot and submits t'ar ,our
~):;~~~i",~;~,;H<",;~~.::~,;,:>,:',:':':':::::,,~~l;lo~b18 B081'dts oonsideration a price of 02500.00. net to the Oit,., tor this pro-'
"':'i;';l';~'~i:;,;;'~':::,::';'.:,:,,:~1't1., 'At' the })l"eaenti time, there are no improved atree'ts in connection with this ..
" .; :! 1~~\r::;~:(;l'ropertl.' , " '
'::;e:i/.~~i;~~::~';:::<';,?'bnk~Ou, to~ T~ kind and prompt attention
'~~;:~fi~i~f1~i~'//jL"i/\,::>;'.' ':," ;, '
,::i~"""1fttY1::I"; DBa" 'C "~I,
.'.(:~~~~{~~~~~,,~:~>: ':1' ~;/)\<~':..:~ .': '.:<
to this matter. " , "
VeJ.7' t~ly Youl-II_,," " '::,<r:,;'~'>::::'."\:~!.
)sj'l'ho.aB.BJ.ack Jr... ~,'Pri,14'n~";i~:J:'
,:TK<11A8 :]['BT AOK JR.' RBU4'!'.:.;ao.;':'~.a~:,:
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t:.~."" ^...., . . ';',;......,:. ,. l 'I
FebruaX7 26, 1951
WHBRBLSa it has been deter.m1ned br the Oity Commission o~ the Oity or
Clearwate~, Florida, that the property desoribed below &hould be cleaned or
Wfutda. gress and/or underbrush, and that atter ten (10) days notice and rall-
ure or the owner thereot to do so, the City should clean such propert'!' aM
chal'ge the costs thereot against the respeotive property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission ot the Cit~ ot Olear-
water. Florida, that the rollo.ing described property, situate in said Clt7,
lIball be oleaned ot weeds, 81'8sS and/or underbrush with1n ten (10) da,!,s after
notice in writing to the owne~a thereo~ to do so and that upon failure to com-
ply with laid not1oe, the City shall pertor.m suoh oleaning and charge the costa
thereat against the respective properties in accordanoe with Section 128 or the
Charter ot the C1ty at Clearwater, a8 amended.
Jack Moss,
No. Ft. H8rr1son Ave.,
Clearwater, Florida.
I :., ';, '" .
l,', .
t, , " " ", " ; ',.' :'
J .' ._< .,~ ." .
Lots 1, 2, Block A,
lA Jolla Bubel.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE 01tr Commissi.on of the Cit'1 ot
Clearwater, Florida, this 26th day of February, A.V., 1951.
Herbert M. Brown
H. G. Wingo
~lt;y Audl tor and Clerk
WHEREAS: it has been determ1ned by the City Canmission of the City of Clear-
water. F10rida, that tlle property described below should be cleaned of weeda,
grass and/or underbrush~ and that after ten (10) days notice and failure ot the'
owner thereof' to do so, the City should olean such propertY' and charge the cost.
thereot against the respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City o~ Clearwate~,
Florida, tbat the following described property, situate in said City. anal1 be
cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said
notice, the City shall pert'orm suoh cleaning and charge the costs thereof against
the respective properties in accordance with Sect10n 128 ot' the Charter of ~e
C1tr of Clearwater. as amended.
Sa1'e.h E. Hahn~ Est.
c/o Georgiana McLean
115 Devonshire St.
Boaton, :Me 8S .
Estala te:
Lot 8, Block 12,
Oountry Olub Addn.
Belen Priest Hall
17 George St.
Wa tertown, Mass.
Lot 8, Block 12,
Oountry Club Addn.
PASSED AND ADOP'l'ED BY THE City Commission of the Oity of
Clearwater, Florida, this 26th day of February, A.D.. 1951.
Herbert M. B~own
H. G. Wingo
elty Aud1 tor and Clerk
............. """'...
, ,y, "~"
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:; ..":hT';':','
Februa1'1 26, 1961
!,,,ropertt t
Bi of wi ot swi
8'eo. 12-29-15
. '."1
, ,
WHERFASI it bas been determined by the City COIllllission ot the City ot
Clearwater, Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned at
weeds. grass aniJ./or underbrush, and that atter ten (10) days notice and tail-
ure or the owner thereat' to do BO, the Oity should clean such property and
charge the ooats thereat against the respective propert1.
NOW THKREFORB BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission ot the City ot Clear-
water" Florida, that the following described property, aituate in Baid 01t,.,
shall be oleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) day" after
notioe in writing to the owners thereot to do so and that upon failure to
oomply with a.iel notioe, the City shall pertorm suoh oleaning and cba~e the
costl thereot against the respective properties in accordance with Seotion
128 at the Charter ot the City of Clearwater, as amended.
Roy Ahlgrim
1875 Drew Street
Olearwater, Florida
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission ot the City ot
Clearwater, Flor1da, this 26th day at February, A.D., 1951.
Herbert M. Brown
B. G. Wingo
0ity Auditor and Clerk
'" I,
" ,
, .
" ,
February 26, 1551
The �9.ty Coirunisaion of the City of C1e�rw�ter met in Special Sesaion at City
z� zi, �onaQ�, Febrivary 26�h, 1951 at 7:30 P. M. �uith the Pollowing members present:
Herbext M. Brown
Thomas H, 31ack,Jr.
Herbert M. Blanton
Joe Turner
Garland D, I,ynn
Also Preasnt Wsre:
F. C. Middlet�n
C�eorge T. McClarr¢na
C. E. Ware
-Acting City Manager
-ChieP �P Police
-City Attorney
Thg Drleyor called the meeting to orcler ar.d anna%nced a Public Hearing on the
construa��on oY a 8 inch Sanitaxy Se+rrer on Ro9a1 Way i'rom �Iandala;y Avenue to Claar-
water Harbor and Prom Royal VYay North on Poinsettia l�,veznze, a diatanae oP 171 �t.
and on Bay Eaglanade from bhe interaectlon oP Say Esplanade and RoyaILVliay East s-nd
North - a distance oi' 678 feet. There ware no objec�ions r�de to the propo�ec�.
pr��ect. 2'he City Attorney read a resolution authoriz3ng the proper ofiicia].s to
praceed with the Sanitary Sewer installstion. Commi�sioner Turner moved that the
Resolution be adopted. The motion was secor.ded bg Co2�iasioner Blac� and carried
The Clerk read a lett�r addressed to the Cormnission by the Thomas H. B1eck
Realty Co. offering, on behalP o� a client, to purchase a traet in Coachman Heights
fronting 310 ft. on the Eas't side of Prospect Ave. and 215 Pt. on the I�orth side
of Chestnut St. and bordered on the �Torth by the prQposed Court Street ex�enaion,
for the aum o� �25D0.00. Cormnissioner Turner moved that the matter be referred
to the City Attorney arttl the City Manager f.or inveatiga#;ion and a report re3a*,jve
to th� present leaae or any agreament the City msy have with the County �ith res-
pect to the �rmers Market. The motion was seconded b� Coffia3.ssioner BZanton and
carried. Comonission�r Black did r�ot vote.
The City Attor.ney read tk�e� propoaed contract bet�rsen the City and R. �(. Spragins
a�d Company xelative to the ].egislation Por ansi issua:�ce oP securitiea in cannectit _
�rith proposed drainage district No. l. 2�r. John C. Polhill, Attarneg* for Sprag�in�
end Comgany, a�ddresaed the Commission ralative �o the need Por early act3.on due tc�
the limitation oP tirns. Comnissioner Bleck moved that the matter be continued
until the iiz1l Commission ie preseni: to vote. The motion was seconded by Commisaioner
Blanton and c�rried.
By unanlmous consent, ;:r. James Singleton addressed the Commission, calling
attention to a propasal znade by� himselP and his associat�s to asswne th�3 management
oP rentals from the Nevr Yacht Easin on its campletion and to pa�r o�P tha indebtednesa
+'rom the proceeds from rentala. He praeented a copyr oi' th� proposal v�hich. was
originallq �ubmi�ted last g'all Por the Cos�ission*s con�ideration. By consent, the
matter was referred to the Beach Lease Committee.
Cos�i9sioner Black recommended that the salary of the Chief of Pol.ice be mada
�400.OQ per month ef�'ective D4as�ch lst and that the salaries oP other dep�rtment
heads be inveatigated. The �Iayor suggested that an additiona�l bridge tender (part
time} be employed in order to persuit bridge tenders one ciay off each week. Both
oP the fore�oing recoumlendatiAns ware referred ta th� Citg Aianager for his study
and report.
Mr, W. H. R. Kimbrouglz appeared befors the Co�nission to prot��st having been
dropped Prom tY:e pay roll, heving been employed Por the past 18 years a� caretaker
oY the aey� rooms at City Park. He subYnitted � copy oP an oPfice memorandum Prom
PormAr City Manager Bennett to the Gity Treasurer in which the Citg bianager stated
that no budget appropriation had been msda Por Lir. Kimbrough°a sala�yy. By consent,
th� mattar was rePerred ta the City rdansger.
Coffinissioner Blanton inquired as to the reason for the deley in widening
Osceola Averrue betvreen Haven Street and Pier�e 3treet. The Cit�* Attorney reported
that one of the deeds needed Por the right oP way w�s being held in:escrow ixntiS
tn� end of the tourist season and that a deed to another smal? frontage had not
�e� been receiv�ede
The Aiayox requeated that the Gity A�anager make a report on the present budget
posl.�ion of th� City so the Goimnlsaion may know �vhat f�znds, iP anq, are availabl�a
i'ar the purchase oY needed equlpmant.
Coumiissioner Bianton moved that ths matter of davelopment oi' tr�e Citg ovmecZ
property North oi Calumet Strea� and East of Fort Hsr•rison Avea be referred to the
Plann�ng Board to invegtiga�te the posaibility oP development and to re�ort at their
conveniance. The motion was soconded bg Commiss3oner Turner and carried.
Co�nissioner Blanton recomnonded the �videning o.� Turner Street from Niyrtle
Avenue �o Bay Avenue and that othsr streets be chacked as to the aeed for v�idening.
Commissioner Turner suggestad the possibili�y oP creating an addit2onal traPfic
lsne on th� Memoriel Causeway Brid�{e b�* loe�ering �he South sidewalk if such a plan
ahould pxove feesible Prom an engineering standpoin:. 2`he additiana7: lana would be
used for traf�ic con3iz� from the Beach.
The City &tanagar subm3tted three resolutions which would require property ownara
to clean their lots of grasa9 wseds and ur;derbzusha On a motion bq Couanissioner
Turner, which was seconded by Comunisaianer Black and unanimouslg carried, the reso-
lutians were adopted.
Februarg 26, 1951
The C3,ty Manager recommended th�t he be authorized to advertlse for bids
on a police cruiser to replace a Z949 Ford whi�ch has been driven 50,000 miles�and
which has been requiring consistent major repairs. Coimnissianer Turner moved tha�t
the Y,�n�ger be authorized to advertise £or bids Por an sutomob3le Por the Policd
Departmento The motion was aeconded bg Commisaioner Blanton and carried.
There being no flzrther business to come before the Boarcl, the meeting novr�
a�or�Coimnisaio e
� Aua�. r ana Clerk
February 26, 1951
Febru�ry 24, 1951
Mayor-Gouaniasione�r Herbert M, Brown
Cormnissionerat Joe Turner, Herbert Blanton, Sr.
Thomas H. B1ack,Jr., Gqry Lqnn
Special meeting oP the City Covnnisslon will be held Rionday evening �
Februarg� 26, 1951 at 7:30 P. M.- C1t9 H�11 to consider:
FC&I: gB
Public hearing on the construction o� �n san:ltary sewer
on Royal tiNaq Prom �tandalay A.venue to Clearvrater Harbor
&�n approximate dis ��nce oP 246 Peet and .i'rom Ro;�al 47ay
north on Poinsettia Avernze a distance of 171 Pest and
on Bsy Esp].anade Prom the intersectian oP Bay Esplanade
and Royal Way eas� and north - a distance oP 878 Peet,
Any itema will be conaidered b9 consent oP the �ovm�i�sion.
Very truly yours,
Francis C. I�iiddleton
kc�ing City Maneger
WHEREAS the Ci�y Coamission, by moti�n duly pass�d on the 12th day of
February, 1951, deemed it advisable, necessary and to the best interast oP the
City oP Clear�a'ter, Florida, to do certain work and make cer�ain improvomerats
as herainsPter �escribad within said City, and
WHEREAS propei and legal notice of 3ts intentions to do such �rrork has
been publishad, a copg of said notice, along with the publisher4s aPfide:nit as
to its date of publication b�ing hereto attached and by reference being nade &
part heraoPy and
SNHEREAS the public hearing therein deseribed has this dato been held anc�
the obfections there presented to � id improvements have bean iizl].y considerad
and daemed insuPPicient by the Coimnission
NOW THEREFORE BL IT RESOLVED by �he City Coaunission of the Cit9 of Clear�
water, F'lorida, in sesa3on dulg and legally pro�ride@:
l. That �he objections to said im�rovements are deemed insufficien�
and it ia doemed advisable9 necessery and to the beat interest oP
said City that the follo�ing v�ork and improvemen�s be done therein:
Install B" 5anitary S�wer on Ro�al YJsy from
11'fandalay Avenue to Clearwater FIarbor an
approxS.mato distance of 246 ieet and from
Royal Way North on Poinsettia Avenue a dia-
tance of 171 feet and on Bay Esplanade Prom
the intersection oP Bay Espls.nada and Ro�ral
Way North and Wsst, a distarice oP 678 Peet.
Z. That the proper officials and empZoyaea shall Por�liwith proceed with
sa3d improvement under applicabZe proviaions ofl t:�e C3.ty Charter.
3. That when said improvements shall have baen completed the cost theraoP
shall be assessed again�t tiie proQerty abntting aaid street or avenue.
PASSED AND ADOPT�D this 26th daq oP rebruary, A.A., 1951.
Herbert Me BraaJn
H, G. 6V3nF�o
3�y�Auditor and Clex�
The City Coirnnissionera,
City of Cleaxwatera
Cle�x�water, Floride.
- -----------
r Februaz*y 24, �951
On behalf of a client in Clearwater, please fittd ena].osed a chsck for ;�250.00
as a depasit on the follosving described pieco of pr�party: the tract of land Ps�ont-
ing 310 feet on the esst sidc� of Proapect Avenue and 215 Peet on the north s3de o�
Chestnut Street, This property 1s bordared on the rlorth by the new proposed Court Streat.
biy client is interested In purchasing all of this tract and submits �or your
Honorable Board�s cona3.deratian a price of' �2500.00, net to the City, far this pro-
perty. At the present t3me, there are no improved atraets in connection v�ith thia
Thank you Por your kind and prompt �ttention to this mattar,
Verg truly yours,
THB:BT3S /s/ Th�mas H. Black Jr. Presidant
THObtl,5 H. BLACK JR. �EliLTY CQ. , INC .
Febx�uary 26, 13b1
WHEREAS: it has been determined bg the Gity Commias3on oP the Citq of
Clearwater, F�orida, tlzat the property dascribed belosv s.hould be clesned of
weeds, grass and�or underbrush, and that after ten (SO) days notice and fail-
ure oP the owner thereo� to do so, the Ci�y shoulc7. clean auch property end
charge the aoata thereoP against the respect3ve prapert�r.
NDW TIiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by th�s C3tg Commiasion of the City oP Clear-
wAter, Florida, that the Pollo�ving desaribed uropertg, 8��11&L9 in said City,
shall be cleaned oP weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days afte�
not�ce in writing to t'r�e owners thereof io do so and �hat upon failure to com-
ply vr3th said not3ce, �he City shsll perform such cleanislg and char�e the casta
bhereof agAinst tkie respective properties in accordance with Section l28 of the
Charter of the City oi Cleerwater, as amendedo
Jaak NIoss�,
No. Ft. Harrison Ave.,
Clearwater, Florida.
Loba l, 2, Block Ag
Ias Jo13a Subd.
PASSED AND ADOPTFP BY TFIE �ity Co�nission of the City oi
Glearwater, Florida, this 26th day of rebruaryA A.�., 1�51.
Herber� DZa Brown
H. G. iNinRo
Ci�9 Auditor and Clerk
VYiIEREASs it haa been determined b� the City Commission oP the City oY Clesr-
�veter, Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weed�,
greas and�or underbrush, and that after ten {i0) days notice and failura aP tlie
o�sner •�hereoP �o do eo, the City should elean such property and charge the cosit�
thereoP against bhe respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by tlae Cit� Comniasion of the City of Cl.earwater,
Florida, that the foll.owing descrtbed propert9s situa�e in said City, shall be
aleened of �r�eda, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after raotice in
�rr3�ing to the owners thereof ta do so anc� that upon Yai.lure to comply with said
notice, the City shall. per£orm such cleaning and charge the costs thareof againsi�
the respectivtj prop�rtiss in sccordance with 5ection 128 ox' the Charter of the
City of Clearvrater, as amendedo
Sarari E. Hah.n, Est.
c/o Georgian� Mci�ean
lI5 Devonshire St.
BOS�Oris MA88.
Hel�n Priest Hall
17 (ieorge St.
Water�ov+n, ARass.
Lot 8, Block 12,
Countr� C1uU Addn.
Lot 8, Block 12,
Country Club Addn.
PASSED AND ADOPTID 13Y TI� Ci'cy Commiasion of �ho City o�
Clearwater, Florida, this 26th da9 of February� A.D., 1951.
He G. Win�o
City Auditor and Clerk
Herbart M. �Rrown
$�5 ed0
Februazy 26, 195].
VYHEREAS: 1t has been determined by the C;Lt� Cor.nr►iasion oP the City of
Clearwater, Florida, that �he property dea�ribc�d below should be cleaned of
weede, grass sndfor underbrush, and tliat after ten (10) days notice and fail�
ure of the owr�er thereoP to do so, the City should c�.eArl such property and
charge the cos�s thereo2'againat the reapective proparty.
NOW THEREFoRE BE �T RES��LVED by the City C��niasion oP the Ci�y of Clesr�
water, Florida, that the :£ollowing des.cribed property, situate in said City,
� $hal7. be cleaned oP weeds, �rass and/or underbruah �vithin ten (10) days after
not3ce in zvriting to the owners thareof to do so and that upon Pailui�e to
comply with said notice, the City ahall perform such cleaning and charge the
costs thereoP against �the .respective properties in accordance with Section
' 128 of the Charter ofl the C3ty of Clear�vater, as amended.
I Oavner: Property: Es�imste:
Roy Ahlgrim EQ of ��Q of SW�- Mov�ing
1875 Drew Str�et Sec. 12-29-15 �13.50
Clearwater, Florida
PASSID AND ADOFTED BY Tii� Citg Connnission oP the Cit3 of
Glearwater, Florida, this 26th day of Februe„y, ,AeD., 1951.
Ho G• W1n O
i�y Auditor and C1erI�
Herbart b1. Brown