02/21/1951 *~ '" . '~:": .... "J ,. .. l~ .,:'~,:.~~~;~ :,,';....;.' J,~:~' " <: <,' :'1 'j. . . . I ~ l' I.' I " .f ,.,..'llln ' \' ~\ .. ., : <!A''ll,';.",.. '., .,f.,,~/ .~ '~ 'f:.. ." ., l:~i .:t. .1 ". .\' ~~ '~c; " ,', \ ~~ . f1: . . ,.. '.~ ;? ::! , :t. 'I':; 1i ~~. " i~ " .~ .~~ '.r. :t , ..\' ': ;'~. 'fl"" ,..:.r\,~:'.. .' ,. :< .:....".... ."~ ,..... ...... ..~:~.......:......; ..~....:..:.:.'\:-~';;~:,:r':~"~':''''';f::~'4...: , . . . :".;, ."..~' .;. , ,'~ " ,:'.;'.. .. . :'.':: ~~;,.;.::...;.;I>~. .. ::~,.:'. u ...~~..~::~;.:~~\i,i~:2" .. ..;:.\" ':". . ., .' .',:. .'. ...,:i:i;x:h;\;;Ui;t. ~:;.}}, S,,!t.. ........",."''',,.<.l~., ~..." CITY COMMISSIOll MEETING February 21, 1951 Tho City COIllD1isaion of' the Clty of Clearwater met in Special Session at City Hall, Thursday, },i'ebruary 21st, 1951, at :3:30 P. U. with the :t'ollow- ing members present: Herbert 1\1. Drown ThoL1Ils H. B1aclt, Jr. Herbert l.t. Blanton Joe Turner -Mayor-Commissioner -Cor:nnlssioner -Co1!m1issioner -Commissioner Absent: -COI:DTli8Sioner AIBO Pr8sent Were: Garland 1). Lynn 1". C. 1.iidd1oton George '1.'. 1.;cC1amma C. E. Via re -Actin~; City Manager -Chief of F.olice -City Attorney The Mayor called the meetinp; to order. The Manager submitted a plat of l3ayside Subdivision f/I2, with his approval and the approval of the Engineering Departl':1ont. COlTl1l1isaioner 13laclt moved that the plat of Bayside Subdivision If;;. as submitted and as .approved by the City l1unager and the Engineering Depart- ment be approved. The motion was seconded by Cormnissioner Turner and carried. Mr. J. A. Novotney was present and requested that the Cor.1Il1ission act a't this tinle on his petition for an exception to the Zonin~; raw. Lir. Novotney was told that the motion r.1ade b'~r Mr. Blanton at the February 12th 1l1eeting was still in effect and under that r.lOtion the COF.Jltliss:ton could not act, due to the absence of one of' the Cor.wdssioners. lIir. Hovotney requested tha t the fo:r.mer action of the COr.ID1issj.on be rescinded and a decision n'.ade today. Commissioner Blanton moved that the action of the City Commission based on the ~otion made February 12th be rescinded and the natter opened for action at this time. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Black and carried. Conooissioner Turne~ moved that AIr. Novotney's request for an exception to the Zoning Ordinance be denied a.nd the Zoning Board's reconnnendation be a.pproved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ulanton and carried unanimously. The City Attorney recOl(lInended the following r.-Is tters: for discussion at the legislative caucus and presentation at the next session of the Legislature: Re-allocation of the duties of the Clerk and Treasurer. Providing a new and additional method of assessing costfi' against property for street i~provements. An act to enable the City to employ a llunicipal prosecutor.. Special legisla~ion for nett1.ng up special drainage districts :t'or assessments for Sanitary and storm Sewers. An Act to prohibit net fishing in Clearwater Harbor or Bay. An act empowering the City to prescribe specifications for public i:mproVeIr'lents. A Special Act empowering the Connnission to regula te and prescribe off street parl<:ing. By unanimous consent, the Attorney was authorized to take up the proposed legislation with the caucus. Commissioner Black, for the CODWlittee, made the :t'ollowing report: February 20, 195Jl PHESENT: Thonas H. Black, Jr., Herbert Blanton, and Jos'eph Turner, representing' the City of Clearwa ter and H _ lane Coachman, representing the Coachr.1an Ests te. In a discussion held this date with the above menbers present, the rollow- ing tentative agreements were reached in regard to the proposed Court Street Extension in Clearwater. (1) The Coachri8.n interests to deed the right-of-way necessary for the ex- tension of Court Street in the vicinity of the :F'arlllers' l\~arket, running on a. diagonal from Prospect Avenue to Chestnut Street. (Z) The City of Clearwa. ter to provide the Coachnan interests with the contra.ct in which the City Guarantees the Coachman interests that they vlill not be assessed :t'or any paving or sidewalks placed through this property_ (3) The plat of the Coachr.1E\n property to relnain unchanged for the present. (4) Prospect Avenue, running North froD Court Street to Park Street, to be paved by the City_ To assist in the paying for this paving, tl~ Coachman interests agree to pay the Stun of ~~]750. to the City or Clearwater, to bo used for this. project (this represents the a ctual cost of their share for the physical pa ving). (5) Court Street and Prospect Avenue to be paved s':1multaneously with no apecl.fio date set for this project. It is the recommendation of the Court Street Cornnittee, composed of Blaok, Blanton, and Turner, that (1) An agreement be 1mmedlatel'1 entered into with the Coaom:lan int~rests of the points specified above. (g) That the 01t~ Attorney be instructed immediately to prepare the neceasa~ _--r.".....--...-.-., .... -....-.. ,.' .' ., ,...., * . i I~ . . , .. 1 I I I , 1 , ( .. , '.,,~ ..... ,~;.. ,."'. \ :~ , !~ ,( :' . ".1: ... :,' } , ,~ ~; . ',1 .1 : ". ~ .~ -; .:r , .~ ,.'. ,:i . -,::'1 . < . . .~1 '.i; ... 2/ . " ..... -~ ,-..' ::~::.:.;".~~.!/, .:,> .' .' '''- ~ ...,. ....- .... ~. ~ l' l" . , " ,.-l ,-,." :""~.'~~"'~;./'" Ii:"!'l:;::;? ~~~~~.~'(',j;.r~7f1/~.1f~,:~'~~ .."; ., .,wcti{", .~~\ :;",:.' . ....:;:.~,.:.." .,..:..:.>.~,,~ ;.::,\;f".:.::,,;, :,;..\./, :.......::_.~..i _:<':::"i":~..':...;;.'.,..:. ,;.: ".:.':.., .:,.:.:....--."_..,--'..,-.;.:;~~:,;;;~;~1i.~~i~ ..:: ......>.....' ;1.*.'.....; , : CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 21, 1951 a satisf'ectorJ' con- reco:tnnenc1a tion of th& executed in this' , .'. papers to consUL,ate this agree~ent. In the event that elusion of this af,reenent cannot be reached, it ia the Committee that oondemnation proceodings be immediately regard by tho City Attorney. (5) Tlwt the City A.ttorney be authorized .to prepare the 'deeds: -:necessary for the Lions Club to Docure title to the property as per the agrcOll\ent attachec'E horewi th and, :tria rked "suppleJ1en t." . . (4) Tho Cit1 Attorney to be ilnr.1ediate1y author1zed to beKin negot1at1oms with propert1 ownerB owninh property on Chesnut Street (Court street Extons1oA) between Greenwood Avenue and Gu1f-to-Bay Boulevaro, a larGe port1on of \~~1Qh he s alread:r been deeded for this purpose.' (5) The prob1oo1 involved in re~ard to Gould StreAt and Pierce Street to be considered aa a special project at ~ lator date. (SUPPLEMENT) A(mEm,l1i;I~T BETWEEN 'l'Hb: CITY 01<' CLEAnW~TER and THE LIOnS CLUb, CITY Ol~ CLEARWATER (1) Lions Club to deed their property locatod in Coaclu~n Bark on an equal basis for a lot f'ronting 60 f'eet, more or less~ on the east side o~ Prospect A.venue and runn1ng East a distance of apprOx.1nlEl tely 212 feet. At this point, the property is appro- x.inately 135 feet deep and fronts on the proposed Court Street Extension ~or a distance of apprOXinlEl te1y 215 feet. (2) City of Clearwater will establish the corners of this pro- perty and place concrete monuments thereon. (:5) Lions Club only to be assessed their prorate share on the basis of a 2?-foot street built along the City's specif'ications ~or cit~ streets. (4) If and when Gould street should be vacated as a deeded street, a str1p 30 feet wide, fronting on Prospoct hvenue and runnin!~ East to a depth of 212 feet, would be deeded to th~ Lions Club. ',J ' . i' . .'1'" . . . '. > ,,: ~ . - ,"'. . .:, j..,. ':f~~t~~~; ; ..'."..<'~."'.i"~: . 3;'ii~:I1~v~~~t~>t 'f~~~;~~~h . .i! ~,; (5) The property being deeded to the Lions Club will be leveled; and 1~ any fill is necessary, proper fill to lle placed on the pro- perty and in turn leveled to such an extent that this property is' ready to ue built upon. It was moved by COIllmissioner Turner that the Committee's' written report be accepted and made a part of the minutes. The Illotion was seconded by Connn1ssionel!' Blanton and carried. COI!lll1iss'ioner l31an ton moved the t the City proceed f'orthwi th with the ex- tensi on and paving of Court street fron the present dead-end at Prospect Avenue to Greenwood Avenue at the intersection of Chestnut street, 1n accordance w1th the blueprint attached hereto, and that the City Attorney acquire for the C1t-,' the necessary land for the right-of-way, either by negotiation and/or br right of' eminent dOll1ain: Also, that the City Attf)rne:.r likewise a,cquire all land necessary for right-o~-way for the extension of Chestnut street from Greenwood Avenue to connect with Gul~-to-Eay Boulevard which has not already been dedi- cated or acquired for this purpose: That the cost of improvements be ass.essed to the abutting propert~ except in cases where land is donated for right-of- way by ownerIS' no a ssess:ment shall be made to the t a butting property, but in such instance the cost of such imprOVelJlenta shall be borne by the City, and that the City Manager procure fi!~llreS on the approximate cost. The motion was: seconded by CODJluia sioner 131a ok and unaniJilous1y carried. There bein~ no ~urther busil:less to corne before the Board, the Illeeting now adj ourned. ATTEST: --~--~-------------~------------ Gentlemenz A special meeting of the Cit, Commission w111 be .held Wednesda7 atte~ . noon - Fe~ruary 21. 1951 at3r30 PeM. in the C1ty Hall to~ oona1dezetlon o~ ~, February 20. 1951 Ma~or-Co~s31oner Herbert M. Brown Oammlss1onere: Herbert Blanton,Sr., Thomas Joe Turner, Gary ~nn H. Black. '."~ .' ",', . . , -~-- :.. ~ - ..,....-... t" . 1 <. I ,~ ',;",'.- "'.,.;.---:.", i.;'~'~:" '_,~; <~:".;>~. ,> )'t.d' 'i ,"';, ;: <.' ~: ;.~~. ," "" , f1\J~~rjf{~t~~;~~~~::t::::;:;""..' .. ,..:', ....,i;;( l ~G.":~;>~~~$~\;;:,f.i~:i;j..t;~~\~~.:y.;~!;~:_.~P':'_ <~; .~ ,.1,' ~ ~'~ :', ;, ," . . '!.; 1. tollowlng, 1. Approval o~ plat or Bayeide Subdi vlsion #2. 2. Disoussion of City Attorney on propoe8d Munlcipal Legis1attoD for 1951 Session or Florida state Legislature. "t 3. Report of Commlssion on applioation of Mr. oaptlon to Zoning Ord1nanoe on Lots Sklnner Subdivislon. Novotne, for ex- looated 1n Lloyd White AD,. It,tlDlI. ,not .on the agenda will be oonsidered by consent C0l!D!11sslon. of the, " FClhgg Very truly yours, F. C. Middleton Acting C1t,. Manager '- ':;1 . ,.... _.:~..,~", '~. . , .... .' :"iiST:;...t' J 'J' '.j': .., r,\#,'. ,\.,',:;... .....:.;~.-\ ;:.. ",,' '":i'{;' " ~:~::.~;,l.t~~t~.; ....: . . ;;.:.... .:~;: ~<; ~'\. '.~,:.::- f" : .. ',' '.:,f;Y:" :' ~', ~'[:: . .'~- 'l L ~.'~. ,,~;.J. ..:; 1'\' !..t!.: ,:.,~ .~..;:~ i '. ~ ",") ~j , ,'" :'''\..:.'.,:,:, c .. .:;.,<;.j;p;;.':' >: .:<.,'. .\... <' ,- , . " 'H ' ~~::e:,\~~~,~~.t~,~:( i~).~,~/}.t~:.;~,::.~' ')~',~ ,.Jo~~~ ,;:t~:..J:s4:~..~~~'I,;~':,~:".J" ,1,~.'::: ,: f~5J,:~ ~ l~.,.:~~,~lj"..\~'.i.~~"'/"~;':;:'~" /,} ''';'l;:. .~~. / ......~~ ~,;.,\; -#"~ ',::::" H t;... > ~S1~t:Q.tr"....,'\i.vJ,q.~.::. t<,...-,.,:"",.~. .... r'","':: .._....1.' +t .,"" '... ; "'"~;i~);~}11i~;fi;~;1;~{:%<;i..:.~.:;d>,;' ..... . :1';:.;" -h): ..,~:~f '~,:::t .~~ ;~',;". ,~. ~,~ 1 t,~ !/''';''~.', ) :.: ',' .' . , .~~ '.. ~.';.:'; c~~~.~ /~~~:'.'~'i ! Y'i\. ....): ~ .. i}1:;"- /,- '/'.-' ,- .":' ',' 'i;!l::~:: . .~'<'%t .. .. 'lit.... . " >", ,,'" ,.... CITY CO�iMISSIOPi MEETIIdG FeLzua:ry 21, 1955 Tho City Crnrmiission of the City of Clearwster met in Special S'ession nt C3ty Iia11, Thursday, February 21st, 1951, at 1:30 i'. 2,9, v�ith. the follow- ing members prosent: Absent: A13o Present l�/are: fierbert P�1. Brovrn Thoraas H. Black, Jr. Herber� P.7. Blanton Joo Turner Garland v. I,ynn b�. C. I�iiddlotor� Gaorge T, uicClamma C. E. Nlare -2ciayor-Commis aioner -Cor,tmissioner -Oorrmtissioner -Coras�issioner -Corrm�issioner -licting City flTana�er -Chief oP 8 olice -City Attorney The Iviayor called the meeting to order. The nIanager su'�raitted a plat of Brr:tiyside Subdivision ,�2:, suith his approval and the approval of the Engine9ring 7)epartmen�. Commissioner Blaek moved that the plat of E3aqside �ubdiviaion � as submitted and as• approved b� the City I,ianager and tlze Engineering Depart- ment be ap�roved. The xnotion was seconded by Cou�nissioner Turner and carried. Aqr. J. A. Novotney v�as present ana requaetecl th.at the Co�aniasion act a� this time on h3.s petition for an exception to the Zoning Iaw. I�ir. Novutney was told that the r.iotzon r��de b5* I�fr. Iilanton at the �'ebruary 12th meeting was still in effect and under that notion the Cor.anissiors could not act, due to tha absence of one of the Co�issioners. �ir, Novotne�* rsque�ted that the iorr.le� action of the Cor,�nission be reacinded and a decision m.ade today. Co�nnissioner Elan�on moved that the action o� the Cit� Cor,m?ission based on the rzotion mads FeUruary 12th be rescinded and the r.tatter opened for action a� this time. Th� motion v�as seconded by Cormnissioner Black and carried. Co�nissioner Turner moved that hlr. Novoi;ney�s� request for an exception to the Zoning Ordinance ba denied ��nd the 2oning Board�s recommendation be a;pprovsd. The motion waa seconded by Corr�reissioner t31a:�tan and carried unanimouslg. The City Attorney recormnended the following rnatter� for discuasion at the legislative caucus and presentation at the nelct ses�sion oi the I,egislature: Re-allocation of the duties of tne Clerk and Treasurer. Providing a nevr and addi�i�nal method oi assessing coat� against properts for street iraprovements. An act to enable the City to ern�loy � hIunicipal prosecutor. Special legislation for setting up special drainage districts ior assessnenta for Sanitary and Storm Sewers. An Act to �rohibit net fishing in Clearwater I3arUor or Bay. An act er:�powering the City to prescribe specifications zor public i�provements. A Speciral Act ompowering the Conr.nission to regula�Ge and prescribe off streat parking. By unan3mous consent, the Attorney was authorized to take up the pro�osed legislation with the caucus. Co�unissioner Black, for the �ommittee, nade the i'ollowing report; February 2D, 19�1 PRES�NT: Thorsas H. B3aek, Jr., HerbArt Blanton, and Jos�eph Turner, reprs�onting th� City of Clearvrater and Fi. I,ane Coacnmen, representing the Coachr�an Estate. In a discussion he.ld this date �zith the above �enbers �aresent, the follow� in�; tentative agraements were reached in regard to the proposed Court Street Extension in Clearwater. (1) The Coachr;an interests to deed the righfi-of-way necessary for ths ex- tension of Court Street in the vicinity of the �'armers� n,arket, runn�ng on a dia�onal from Prospect Avenue to Chestnut Street. (�') T.he Cit� of Clearwater to provide the Coachs�an interests rrith the cantra:e�t in which the City Guarantees the Coachraan interests �hat they trill not be assessed for any paving or side}ra lks placed throu�h this property. (3) The plat of the Goachr�n propert� +o remain unchanged ior the prese+_?t. (4�) Prospect Avenue, running 1Vorth fr�r.i Caurt Street to Park Street, to be paved by the City. To assist in the payin� for this pavin�, the Coachman interests.agreo to pay tha swu of ;$1750, to tha Cit� of C1ear�vater, to be used for this project (this represent� the aotual cost ui the3r share fo� the phy�ical pavin�). (5) Court Street and Pros•pect Acenue to be paved s•irsultangously with r�o specific date set for this project. It is the recoimnendation of the Court Street Cottnittee�, cor:iposed of E31ack, Blanton, and Turner, that (1) An agroement be immediately ex�tered into v�ith the Goachraan interests of the points specified above, (u) That tYle City Attorney be instructed immediatelg to pregare the necessa�ry J�� '+._. .�y� � �; ' r� m a CTZTi' COI�IMTSSIOiT 14TEETTNG I+ebruarg 2�., 1951 papor5 to cUns��unate thia agr�:e�ent. In i;he event that a satisi'actox;y con- clusion oi this �greeraent cannot be reacnad, it is tho recoz�endation of the Comr.iittee that conder.mnation procsodings be iminediately executed in this� re�,ard by the City Attorney. (3) That the Cit� Attarney be �uthortzed to prepare +he deed�'neceasary for the rions Club to �ecure title to the property �a per the a�reement attachec� he revri �h and ma rked "Suppler.�en t.�' - (4) The City Attorne;y� to be imiaediately authorized to be�in negotiation� vrith propert� owz�ers� own3n� property on Cheanut Street CGourt S`treet Extens�ion) between Greenwood Avenue and Gul�'-to-Btty BouYevarci, a large por�ion af wh3ch hae a�lre�ady been deeded for �his purpose.' (5) �'he problem involved in re�ard to�Gould S'traet and I?ierce �treet to be con�idered as a special groject at a� Sater date. � ISUPPLEMENT) ^ �1GR�EtdEIJT �3r.Ti'VEEN TI��: CITY OF CLEARtiYATFR and TIi� LT�IdS CLUIi, CI'i'Y OF CLEARV7�TER (1) Lions Club to deed their property IocatPd in Goachr.an Par� on an equal basis for a lat fronting 60 Pee�, nore or leas, 01� the east side of Prospect Avenue and running East a diatance of appror.iniately 212 feet. At this po3nt, the property zs appro- ximately 135 feet deep and fronts on the proposed Court Street Extensior� for a distance of approxin�atel� 215 feet. (2) C_t� of Clearwater r•aill eetablish the corners of this pro- perty and place concret� monuments thereon. � i�) L3ons Club only to be assessed their prorata share or. tha basia of a 27-foot street built along tre City�s specification� for city streets. (4) If and v��hen Gould Street should be vacated as a dee�ied streeu, a strip 3U feet wide, fror�ting on Prospect L�venue ancz runnin� East to a deptY! of 212 feet, would be deedad to the I,ions Club . • • (5) The property being deeded to the I,ions C1ub wi11 be leveled,• and if ang fill is necessar�, proper f i?1 to be placed on the pro- perty and i.n turn leveled to such an extent that this �ropert� i� reacly to be built upon. It was moved bg Co�nissioner Turner ihat the Coxnnittee�s writ�en report be accepted and made a part of the minutes. The motion jvas secon3ed b� Go�miissione� Blanton and carriedo Commissioner Blanton raove� that the Citq proceed forthwith rvith the ex- tension and paving of Court 5treet fron the present dead-end at Prospect �venue to Greenwood Avenue at the inter.se�tion of Chestnut Street, i.� accordance srith �he blueprint atta,ched hereto, and that the City Attorney acquzre for the Ci� the necessar,p land for the right=o�-c�ray, either by negotiation and/or by right of eminent doniain: Also, that the Cit� Attornev liketivise a•cquire all lar_d necessary fer right-oi-way zor the exter_sion of Chestnut Street froai Greenrvood Avenue to cot�mect rvith Gulf-to-Bay BouTevard which has not already been dedi- csted or rzcquir•c�i for tYiis purpose, That the cost of iniprovemenis be ass�essecl to the abutting properiy except in casea vahere land is donated for right-of� way by or�uners no asses�r.lent sha1T be nade �to thst abutting propert3, but in such instanae the cost of such improve�er.t� shall be borne b� the City, and that the City Aianager procure fi�ures on the approximate cost. The rs�tion v�as� seconded by Conunissioner Blaek rand unaniraously carried. T2iere bein� no fur�her busiziess to come before the Board, the raeetir�g now adjourned. �ia�or-Cenuniss er ATT�STs � Cit;� �u itor a+ C1erk Februarg 20, 1�51 Mayor-Commiasioner Herber� rii. Brown Co�nissianers: Herbert Blantan,Sr., Thomas H. Black, Joe Turner, Qary Lynn (3entlemen: A speaial meeting of the City Comm3�eion will be held '+Yadnesday after- noon - Fet�ruery 21, 195i at 3:30 Pa�I. in t�e City ,Ha11 for eca.i�ideration oP tha (over� Pollowing. l. Approval oY plet of Bayside Subdinis3on #2. 2. Discussion of City Attorney ox� proposed Blunieipal Isgislat3pn for 1951 Sessi�n of Florida State Isgisleturea 3. Report of Ccrmmiss3on on application of �tx. Navo�ney Por ex-- ception to Zoning Ordinance on Lots locatsd in I�].oyd Whitd 5ki,nner Subciivision. � �ny 3�eme.not on the agonda will be cons3dered by conasnt o�' the Comzaission. , Very trtily �aurs, F. Ce Middleton FCbl;gg Acting City D4anager 0 � � .� . , . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . _ . . . � : �. .. , .-. . . ., .' . .. .. . � � . . . . . . . _ . .. , . . . . � - � ' . .. -.. . �. . . _ . _ . � . . . . . - � . . . . . . . . ' . . . � . - . . , . . . ' " , ' . . ' . . , . . . . L ' . . . ' . � . - . . . . � .. � . � � . . � a . . • ' . . . � � . � . . . . . . .