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February 12, 1951
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The City Co~mission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session, Monday,
r'ebruary 12:th, 1951 at 7:30 P. M. with the follo"in~ members presantr
.'......:....; ',' '.
Herbert M. Brown
Thomas H. Black, Jr.
Herbert M. Blanton
Joe Turner
Garland D. Lynn
Also Present Were:
F. C. Middleton
George T. McClamrna
Chas. E. Ware
-Act1nr. City Mana~or
-Chief of Police
-City Attorney
, '. 'I:..
The ~1ayor called the moeting to ortler and announced a public heari~ on
the petition of A1wil, Inc. for a 10 ft. set back on Coronado Drive, as to
Lot 57, the South 20 feet of Lot 56j Lot 10~ and the South 20 feet of Lot 103
of LIo:yd-White-Skinner Subdivision as an exception to the Zoning Act under
the 11a rdship provia1 ons. 111'. Willianl lioza addressed the GOJ:IJ'.lission on behalf
of the petitioner. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission by
Mr. Chsa. S . Lowry, ob ject1ng to any exception as to the set back requirements.
Mr. E. B. Casler, Attorney, presented the ob.1ections of Mr. A. If. Notopo~oull'
and Mrs. Freida Fiahotta. During the discussion it developed that the Alwil,
Inc. petition had not been submitted to the Zoning Board for its oonsideration
and reconnnendation prior to the hearing. It was moved by Com!llissioner Turner,
seconded by Commissioner Black and carried, that the nmtter of the Alwil, Ino.
petition be postponed indefinitely.
The Mayor now announced a public hearing on the petition or JaIlles A.
and Anna Novotney, for an exception, as a hardship case, to the Zoning Or-
dinance for a permit for a 10 ft. set back on Coronado Drive on the following
described property: Lot 55, the North 40 ft. of. Lot 56, the South 20 ~eet
of Lot 101; Lot 102 and the N. 30 ft. of Lot 103, Lloyd-White-Sk1nner Sub-
division. ~rr. Novotney addressed the Conmission relative to his petition.
Conmlssioner Blanton moved that the public hearin~ on the petition of James A.
and Anna Novotney be continued until such time as the other Co~ssioner can
be present. The motion was seconded by COMmissioner Black and carried.
The ~layor :now announced a public hearing on the petition of Andrew P.
Nichols for permission to erect a one family dwelling on Lot 2, less the West
80 ft. of Block 28, Mandalay SubdiVision, as an exception to t he Zoning Law,
the matter having been considered by the Zoning Board and the Board hav1n~
reconnnended that the petition be denied. Mr. Ben Krentzrran, Attorney for
1.1r. Nichols, addressed the Commission. Mrs. De. vid Milne, IIIr. Milne and 11rs..
John Matthews voiced their objections to any exception be1ng granted. 1'lr. Walsh,
owner of an adjoining lot, spoke in fa VOl' of granting the petition. Commissioner
Turner moved tr~t Mr. Nichols' request be granted. The motion va,s seconded by
Commissioner Blanton and carried. The City Attorney submitted a resolution
granting an exception to the Zoning Law and authorizing the ~rantin~ of a pennit
for the construction o~ a one family residence on the described property. On
a motion by Con~issioner Black, which was seconded by Commissioner Turner ~nd
unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
The City Manager subL'1itted the followin~ estimates of cost for paving,
sanitary and storm sewer .for Bay Esplanade from Royal Way to Soraerset Street:
Sanitary Sewer at $3.40 per assessable foot, Paving with shell base at $5.7a
or with ~r1 base at $4.94 per assessable .foot, including storm dr.ains. Dis-
cussion disclosed that approximately $5.000.00 toward cost of installing Sani-
tary Sewer bad been deposited with the City. Commissioner Turner moved that ~
public hearing be held on the request for Sanitary Sewer and the City Manage~
be authorized to advertise for bids as soon as possible. The motion was
seoonde~ by Crunmissioner Blanton and carried.
The Connniss'ion took under consideration the request of' Truman H. S'1mB'
for permission to erect a sign on East Ave. and Laura Street to direct attention
to hie place o~ business on Laura Street, a short distance 'Yest of the sign
location, together with the Zoning Board's reconmendation that the petition be
denied. It was the consensus of opinion that the requested sign was not a
Itpoint of 10aat1onlt or an "owner identification" sign since the proposed sign
location was not the exact business location. It was moved by Commiss10ner
Turner~ seconded by Con~iBsioner Blanton and carried, tl~t the request be denied.
Reporting for the Appraisal Committee, Commissioner Blanton said it was
the Comnittee's recommendation that the offer made by the Black Realtl Company,
on behalf 01' a client to purchase all of' Block 31, Magnolia Park for ~3.000.00
be aocepted as a base or minimum bid~ the sale be advertised ~or one week, and
the property sold by public a'uction. Commissioner Turner Inoved that the Com-
mittee's report be accepted and the property be advertised for sala, after 7
days notice. subject to a min~ bid of $3,000.00. The motion was seconded bl
Commissioner Blanton and carried. Cammissioner Black did not vote.
Commissioner Turner, for the Committee on Railroad Crossings. said that
the Committee had found several crossings. where warning signals were badlJ' needed:,
and suggested that the Chief of Police check for such crossings, oontact the
railroads fo~ their cooperation and Jlske recommendations for CitY' marking where
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Februsny 126 1951
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he deems it advisable. Commissioner Blaok moved that the Oommittee's report
be accepted and the recocmendations rollowed. ~le motion was seoonded by
Commissioner Blanton and carried.
At the request of the two oommittee members, the Mayor appointed Cam-
missioner Blaok a member of tho Coramlttee on Coaohman Heights Replat and
Court Street extension.
A letter addressed to the Commission by L. B. Dupree of the Dupree-
Turner Sign Company, requested permission to ereot a banner on Cleveland Street
near the Florida Powor Company, advertising the Philadelphia ~tional Baseb~ll
Team. Oommissioner Turner moved t}~t the requested permission be granted. The
motion waD seconded by Con~issioner Black and carried.
It was moved by Commissioner Blaok that itens on the Agenda numbered
4, 6, 7, 86 9, 10 and 11 be deferred to the next meeting. The :motion was
seoondod by Commissioner Blanton and carried.
There being no fUrther business to cmme before the Board, the meeting
was adjourned.
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February 9, 1953.
Mayor-Conmissioner Herbert M. BrownJ
Herbert M. Blanton
Joe Turner
Thomas Black, Jr.
Ga ry Lynn
S'pecial meeting or City Commission will be held 1tonday evening, February 12,
1951 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall to consider items on the attached agenda.
Very truly yours,
Francis C. Niddleton,
Acting City Manager
!t'CM: gg
1. Public Hearing on the application of Alwill, Inc. for a J.O' set ba,ck 1'rom
Coronado Drive as to Lot 57; the south 20' or Lot 56; Lot 104 and the south
20' or Lot 103, Lloyd White Skinner Sub.
2. Public lI~aring on the petition of James A. :Novotney for a 10' set ba:ck on
Coronado Drive as to Lot 55; the north 40 ft. of lot 56; the south 20' of
lot 101; lot J.02~ and the north 30' of lot 103, Lloyd White Skinner Sub-
S. Public He&ring on petition or Andrew P. Niohols for exception to the
Zoning Act on Lot a, less west 80' of Block 28, Mandalay to allow con-
struction of' a house on east portion of said lot~ which is approximately
60x85 ft. in area.
~. Considera,tion of resolution requesting property owners to clean their
lots of weeds and grass.
s. City Manager's explanation of the costs covering paving, sanitary and
storm sewers on Bay Esplanade, south 01' the present paving on Bay Esplanade
near Acacia Street to Royal \1a'1 and Royal Way- to Mandala,. Avenue.
6. Report from City Attorney with reference to dedication 01' the extension
ot Overbrook Road relative to the sale or property to Mr. Segelken.
.7. Request of Mr. D. W. Swan, Mana~er of Mathera Furniture Co. for considera-
tion of parking meters on Garden Avenue, south of Pencon Building.
80 Request ~rom the Audubon Society of Clearwater fo~ the erection of signs
to enforce the Federal Law, prohibiting shooting of migratory birds in
this area.
9. .The .following gas :main extension costing lesa than $300600 was ap:provea
by theC1ty Manager:
300 ft. of l..i" gas main on Jefferson Street for
domestic and heat service - $175.00.
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February 12 ~ 195JL
Agenda, Cont'd.
10. Tabulation of bids for uniforms for Fire Department for oons1deration of
City COlmniesion.
11. Tabulation of proposals for five-hundred (500) gas meters for oonsideration
ot the Commission.
An7 items not on the agenda will be considered by oonsent of the Commiss1on.
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C1earvmter, Florida
February 5, 1951
The Honorable Board of City COL~iB8ioners
City Hall
Clearwater~ Florida
On behalf of the Negro Civic League I want to thank you for the putting in of
the sewer and filling the ditoh between Greenwood Avenue and Pennsylvania Ave.
This is indeed a great improvement in our community and we appreciate your
interest in our welfare.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Charlie Phillips
Cha irman
Negro Civic League
It'eb. 10 ~ 1951.
To the City COl11I!lission of the City of Clearwater:
With reference to the attached notice I, the owner of lota 48,49,50, 51 ~nd 52
in the same block, object to any change in the zoning ordinance for anyone.
Beca use:
1. Present owners of lot 55 and the N. 40 ft. of #56 are not entitled to
1000 more feet of building space than other owners in this section.
2. You cannot in fairness to all make this allowance for them without
making it for all property in this section thus decreasing the space between
buildings on Coronado Dr. by 20 ft.
S. The zoning board was right in visualizing the need for a wide Coronado
a. Right now there are many times when cars of people
going to the beach cannot find parking space on
Gulfview Blvd. What about 10 years from now?
b. Beside present development in 10 or 15 years we
will have a bridge across Little pass and Coronado
will get additional traffic. Coronado Drive should
be a wide street.
c. Five years from now at our present growth Coronado
should be wide enough for normal traffic plus
diagonal parking in this area.
4. If present owners are so pressed for building space where are they going
to park cars of their guests? There is a city ordinance against all night street
parking. Is the city going to be asked next to provide car parking space for
this address!
5. Vlhy have citY' planing? Why a zoning board if any individual or group
of individuals desireing 1000 feet more building space can get an exception?
Gentlemen I say this exception should not be allowed. Rather we should
keep the South Beach from becoming another congested area.
To destroy It'lorida r s beautiful open spaces is to destroy It'lorida for most
tourists that come to this section.
We need a wide Coronado Drive for both beautification and parking and the
ttme to assure it ia be~ore buildings are placed nearer than the present
o~inance per.m1ts.
Thank you~
Cha s. S. Lowry-
: '~,'
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: '......,
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February la, 1951
VmEREAS the property hereina~ter described is zoned as R-l unde~ the
Zoning Ordinance ot the City of Clearwater; and
WHEREAS the preaent owner of said. property has appea led to the Oit,.
Connnission of the City ot Olearwater, Florida, sitting as a Board ot Adjuatt-
ment and AppealL requosting said Board to aot under the provisions ot Section
l? of the City uoning Ordinance and to vary the striot letter ot the P~OV181cn.
of said zoning aot by allowing a one family residenoe to be oonstruoted on the
hereinafter desoribed property, which is a portion of a lot on the remaining
portion o~ whioh a one family residenoe has already been oonstl"Uoted; and ',' '
WHEREAS the City Conunisaion, si ttinp; as a Board ot AdJustment and Appeal, .
has duly and legally givon notice of and held a publio hearing on this matte~,
8S provided by law, has made the necessary investigations to properl, appr".se
itself of the faotB and has duly considered the objections presented to said
Appeal and has determined that said objeotions are not sufficient and that
said Appeal should be granted;
NOW THEREll'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City CO:tTDnission of the Oity of Olear-
water, Florida, in its oapaoity as a Board of Adjustment and Appeal, in sea- .
sion duly and legally assembled, as ~ollows:
1. That due and proper notice of the publio hearing held this dQte'in
oonnection with the Appeal of the owner of the following described property has
been given:
Lot two (2), leas the west eight~r (80) feet thereof, of
Bloclt twent~'-eight (28), l1andalay SUbdivision, 8'OCOrd-
ing to the map or plat thereo~ reoorded in plat book 14,
page 32, Pinellas County recorda
2. That there are practical difficulties and unnecessary hardBhip& in
oarrying out the striot letter Qf the zoning act with regard to said property,
and that it is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the City Zon-
ing Ordinance, and the t the public health, sa~ety and general welfare will be
seoured and substantial justice done if said Zoning restrictions' are var1e~
by allowing the construction of a one-family residenoe without detaohed ser'Va-nt's
quarters on the above desoribed property.
3. That the City Building Inspector is hereby authorized and instruoted
to issue a building permit for the same, subject to all other applicable
PASSED A~ID ADOPTED this 12th day of February, A.D., 1951.
Herbert M. Brown
H. G. \'lingo
City Auditor and Clerk
, ,
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~; '. '..,
�'ebruary 12, 1951
The City Corrnniseion of the City of Clearwater met in Spe�ial Session, I3onday,
Febsuary S2th, 1951 ai: 7:30 P. M. with the follotrin� members present;
Herbort Na. Brown -Ma�or-Corrimissinner
Thornas H. E31ack, Jr. -.Coim.nissioner
Herbart I�i. Slanton -�o�nnissioner
Joe Turner -Co�rimiasioner
Also Pre�ent
Garland D, i,ynn
1Nere :
F. C. Ididdleton
Gaor�{e T. I�IcClamma
Cha s. E. VJa re
-Ac'ting City D4ana�er
-Chief of Police
-City Attorney
The I�lsyor ealled the meating to oraer and announced a public hearing on
the pet3tion of �lwil, Inc. for a 10 ft. set back on Coronado Drive, as to
Lot �7, the South 20 feet of Lot 56; �ot 104 and the S ou�h 20 feet of Lot 1'0�
of LToyd-�°1h.ite-.Skinner Subdivision as an exceptic:n to the Zoning Act under
�he hardship provisione. Teir. Will:ia� Uoza addressed the Co�lission on behalf
of the petitioner. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission by
A4r. Chas, S. Lowry, objecting �o any exception a� to the eet back requirements.
hSr. �. B. �Casler, Attorney, presar.ted the objeetions of bir. !�. No Notopolou�
and h1rs. breida gishotta. Ihzring the discuesion it developed that the AlwiT,
Inc. �etition had not been submitted to the Zoning Board for its consideration
and recorrnnenciation prior to the hearing. It vras raoved by Co�issioner Turner,
seconded by Couffnissioner Black and carried, that the r.iatter of tne Alv�il, Inc.
petition be postpaned indefinitely.
The T�Iaqor now annour,ced a public liearing on the petitia� o£ Jantes A.
and Anna Novotne�*, for an exception, as a hardship ease, to the 2oning Or-
dir_ance for a permit £or a 7_0 ft. set back on Coronado Drive on the following
deacribed proporty; I,ot 55, the North 40 ft, oi' Lot 56, the South 20 feet
of Lot 101; Lot T02 and the N. 30 ft. of Lot 103, I,loyd--YJhite-Skinner Sub-
diyision. DIro Novotne� addres�ed the Co�nission relative to his petition.
Co�missioner Blanton moved tY�at the public hearing on the petit3on of James A.
snd Anna Novotney be continued until auch tirae es the other Co�miasioner ean
be presenta The motion Zvas seconded by Cor.unissioner Blsck and carriad,
The niayor now announced a public hearing on the petitian of Andrew P'.
Nichols for permission to erect a one family dwol�ing on Lot 2, less the Ydest
80 it. of Block 28, I�andalay 3ubdivision, as an exception to t he Zoning Iaw,
the matter having been considered b5� the Zoning Board and the Board havin�
recorcmiended that the pe�ition be denied. i�ir. Ben Krentzm�n, Attorney i'or
Ntr. Nichols�, addressed the Cor.miission. �frs. David biilne, �r. P��ilne and P�irs.
John I�9atthev�s; voiced their ob jections to any exception being grantecl. P3r. Walsh,
owner of an adjoining lot, spoke in favor os granting the petition. Co�issioner
Turner moved that Pdr. Nichol�� request be �ranted. The motion rras seconded by
Corvnissioner Blantan and c�rried. The Citg Attorney submitted a resolution
granting an exception to the Zoning Zaw and authorizing the �ranting of a perrnit
for the construction oP a one family residence on the described property. On
a mo�:ton by Coimnissioner 31ack, v�hich was aeconded by Corunissioner Turner and
unanimously carried, the resolution cras adopted.
The City 2�ianager sub�it�ed the following estimates of cost for pa�;ing,
yanitary and storm sewer for Bay Esplanade frors Royal 4iiay to So�erset Streat;
Sanitar5r S'ewer a� �3.40 per assessable i'oot, Paving with shell base at �5e7�
ar with marl base at �4,94 per assessa��le foot, including storm dra,ins, Dis-
cu3sion disclosed that approximately �5,000.00 tov�ard cost of installing 8ani-
tary Sevrer had been daposited �vith tha City. Commiss3oner Turner moved that a
public hearing be held on tha request for Sanitr�rv Sewer and the City �anage�
be authorized to advertise for bids as soon as possible. Tha motion was
secondec� by Commissioner Blanton and carriede
The Conunission took under consideration the request of Truman H. Sims
for permisaion to erect a sign on East Ave. �nd Iaura Street to direct attent3.on
to his place of business on Iaura S'treet, a short distance SYest of the sign
lccation, together with the Zoning Board�s reconmiendation that the petition be
denied. It was the consensus of opinion tbat the requested sign was not a
�rpoint of location�R or an �t�osvner identification" sign since the proposed sign
�ocation v�as not the exact business location. It was moved by C'o�issione�
Turner, seconded bg Co�nissioner Blanton and carried, that the request be denied.
Reporting for the Appraisal Co�ittee, Counnissioner Eilanton said it v�as
the Coimnittee's recomsnendat;ion that the offer made by the B1ack Realt�p Company,
on behmlf of a client to purchase all af Block 33, hlagnolia Park for y�3;000.Q0
be ac;nepted as a base or minamum bid, the sale be advertised for one weel�, and
the property sold by publ3c a4uction. Cozmnissioner ^urner �oved that tha Com-
mittee�s report be accepteci and the propert� be advErtised for sale�, after 7
daFs notice, subject to a minimum bid of ��3,000.00. The motion �vas seconde3 bg
Coimnissioner I3lanton and carried. Conanissioner Black did not vote.
Corrm�issioner Tiarner, ior the Cormnittee on Railroad Crossings, said th�t
the Committee nad found several crossing� �chere warning signals were badly needed,
and suggeated that the Ch3ef of Police check for such c;�GsQin�;s, contact the
railroads for their eooperation and �take reconnnenda'tiona �or City marking where
cz� conmzs�szorr nir.�TzrzG
T'ebruasty 7.2', 1951
he deams it advisable. Commissioner Black moved that the Conmiittee�s report
be accepted and the rscomnendationa followed. The motion v�as saaonded by
Coimnissioner Blanton and carried.
At the request of tha two corun3ttee members, the 1�Zayor appointed Com-
missianer Black a mer,lber of the Cor�riittoe on Caach�an ileights Replat a,nd
Court Street extension.
A letter addressed to the Cor.nuission b� L, E3. Dupree of the Dupree-
�urner Sign Company,. requested perr.i3.ssion to orect a b�.nner on Cleveland Street
near the �'lor3da Fower Companys advertising the Philad�alphia Nationa�. Baseba�ll
Team. Commissioner Turner moved �hat the requested porn3ssion be granted. The
motion wa3 seconded by Commissioner nlacic and carried.
Tt was moved by Co�unissioner B1ack that ite�s on the A�enda numbered
4, 6, 7, 8, 3, 10 and 11 �9 dsferred to the next r.neet3ng. The �otion was
seconded by Cor,�missioner B'lanton and carried.
There being no i`urther bus3ness to come before the E�oard, the meeting
was adjourned.
i y' u i cy, and Clerk
� �,
NIayor-Conmiissioner Herbert ni. Brown,
Herbert ht. Blanton
Joe Turner
Thomas Black, _Tr.
Gary Lynn
t� �
Dia �or-C ommi s s ion
FabruarRf 9, 1951
S'pecial meeting of City Co�ission will be held nlonclay eveniizg, February 12,
1951 at '7:30 P. P�I. in the City tIall to consider itenis on the attached agenda.
FCpd: gg
Very trul,q yours,
Francis C. ltliddleton,
Actin� City 14Ianager
----- --------------------------
T, Public Hearing on the application of Alwill, Inc. for a 10� set back from
Coronado Drive as to Lot 57; the sou�h 20t of Lot 56; Lot T04 and the south
20 � of Lot 103', Lloyd VJhite Skinner Sub.
2. Public Hearing on the potition of James A. TTovotney for a lOT set back on
Coronado Urive as to Lot 55; the north �0 ft. of lot 56; the south 20� of
lot 101; lot 502, and the north 30� of lot 103, Lloyd l�Jhite Skinner Sub-
3. Public Hearing on pot3tion o� Andrew P. Nichols for excaption to the
Zoning Act on Lot 2:, less cfest 801 of Block 28, Mandalay to allow con-
struction oP a house on east porticn of said lot, whicri is a pproximately
60x8s ft. in area.
4. Considera:tion of resolution requesting property owner� to clean their
Iots of weeda and grass.
5. C3tq Manager�s explanation of �the costs covering navin�s sanitary and
storm sewara on Ba� �;snlanade, south of the pre�ent �avin�; on Bay Esplanade
neAr Acacia Stree� to Royal 1�Jay and Royal 4Vay to Aiandrzlay Avonue.
6, Report fro� City kttorney with rei'erenee to dedication of the extension
oP Overbrook Road relative to the sale of property to rdr. Segelken.
7. Requ.est of Idr. U. Vl. Swan, 2vIanager of biather� Furniture Co. for considera-
tion of parking meters on Qarden Avern�e, south oP Pencon Building.
8. Requeat Prom the Audu.bon Society of Clearraater for the erection of aigns
to eniorce the Federal Iaw, prohibiting sY�oc�tin� of migratory birds� in
this area.
9. The following gas main ext�nsion costing Zess than �3'00.00 was approved
b f tha City I,ianager�
300 P�o oP 1Q�� gas inain on Jefferaon Street for
domestic and heat sarvice - �$Z75.00.
�'ebru�ry 12, 195�
Agonda, Cont�d.
10. Tabulation of btds far unifarma Por b'ire T3ep�rtment for conaideration of
City Commi�sion.
11. Tabulation of proposals for five-hundred (500} �ras rnetors far consideration
of the Commission.
Any items not on the a�snda will be considered by consent of the Cornniasiono
Clearv�ater, �'lo�ida
F'ebruary 5, 1957:
The Honorable Board of City Gor.missioners
City Ha11
Clearwrater, Florida
On behalf of the Negro Civic T,eague I want to thank you for the putting in of
the setver and filling the a�t�r_ between Greenwood Avenua and Pennsylvania Ave.
This is indeed a groat improvement in our corRrmznity and we appreciate your
interest in our welfare.
'Yours ver� truly,
�s/ Charlie Phillips
Cha irn�an
2degro Civic League
Feb, 10, 195I.
To the City ComLnission of the City of Clear�+atei ;
t�ilith reference to the attached notice I, the ovmer of lots 48,49,50, 51 and 52
in the sar.�o blocic, object �o an� change in the zoning ardinance for anyone.
I. Present owners of lot 55 and the N. 40 ft. of �56 are not entitled to
100Q more feet of building space than other o�vr_ers in this section.
2. You cannot in fairness to all mako this allo�,cance for them vaitrhout
niaking it for a11 property in this section thus decreasing the space between
buildin�s on Coronado Dr. by 20 f�.
3'. The zoning board was right in visualizing the need for a�ride Coronado
Drive. •
a. Right notiv there are nany times when cars of people
�oing to the beach cannot find parking space on
Gulfvisw Blvd. ti'Vhat about 10 years from now?
b. Beaide present development in 10 or 15 years s�e
will have a bridge across I,ittle pass and Coronado
will get additional trafi'ic, Goronado Drive should
be a wide street.
cs Five ysars fr9m now at our present growth Coronado
should be wide enough for normal traffie plus
diagoizal parking in this area.
4, If present owners are so pressed for bui].ding space Rhere are they going
to park cars of their gueats? There is a city ordinance against al1 night straet
parkin�;. Is the city� �oing to be Asked next to provide car parking space for
this address?
5. YJhy have aity planin�? ti'Vhy a aoning board if any individual or gruug
of individuals desireing I000 feet more t�uilding space can �et an excaption?
• Gentle�en I say this exception should n�t Ue allnwed. Rather we sYzould
lceep the South Beach fror.� becoming ano�ther con�ested area.
To destroy Florida�s beautift�l open spaces is to destroy F'lcxrida for most
tourists that coma to tkiis section.
4Ye need a wide Coronado Urive for 'aoth beautifieation and parking and the
time to assure it is before buildings are placed nearer thAn tkr.e preseJat
ordinance parm3ts.
Thank you,
�s� Clza s . S . Zowry
February 1�� 1951
�ifHFaREAS the property hereinafter described is zoned as R-1 under the
Zoning Grdinance of the City of Clesrwater; and
FJHEREAS the present owraer of said property ha.s appealed to the City
Commission of the City oi' Clearwater, Florida, aitting as a Board of Adjuss^t-
ment and Appeal, requesting said Board to act u��cier the provisions of Section
17 of the �ity Zoning drd�nance and to vary tho strict lotter of the provisians
of said zoning act by allowin� a one family rasidence to be coz�s�ructed on the
hereinafter descri'�ed property, vrhich is a portion cf a lot on tYie rema�ning
portion of which a one family residence has already been constructed; and
�VIiEREAS the City Commis�ion, sittin� as a Board of Adiustriez3t and A�pea1,
has duly and legally� given notice of and hel& a public heari*�� an this matter�
as provided by larr, has made the necessary investigatians to proparly apprise
itself of the facts�and Yias duly considerad the objections presentad to said
Appeal and has deterrxined that said objections are not sufficient and thet
�aid Appeal should be �ranted,
NOCJ THEREFnRE BE TT RESOLVED by the City Coimnission oz the City of Clear-
water, Florida, in its capacity as a Board of Adjustment and Ap�esl, in ses-
sion dulg and legally assembled, as follows:
l. That due and proper notice of the public hearing held this date in
connection vrith the Appea]. of the ov�ner of the fo7.lo�ring described property has
been �;ivent
Lot two !2)S Iess the west ei�ht3* (80) feet thereof, of
Block t�r�ent5-oiglit (28), niandalay Subdivision, accord-
ing to tha raap or plat thereof recorded in plat book 14,
page 32, Pinellas County records�
?. That there are practicsl difficu'lties and unnecessary 1�ards�hips� in
carrying out the stric� letter pf the zoning a.et with regard to said propert�,
and that it is in Y�armony �rith the general purpoae and intent of the City Zen-
ing Ordinance, and that the public health, safotg and general tvelfare w311 be
secured and substantial justiae done if said Zoning restrictions are varied
by all�vring the constructior_ of a one-family residence without detached servant�s
quarters on the above described property.
3. That tho Citv �uildin� Inspector is hereby authorized and instrueted
to issue a builditig pernit for �he samc�, subject to all other applicable
PASSED AND ADOPT�II this l2th day of Febr•uary, A.D., 1951.
Iierbert hI, Bro�an
H. G. Y7in o
ity Auditor and Clerk