01/08/1951 " ,.",. :"':..': ';'>: :'t. ;t~"..~ ~'. ::.::: ."; ';, \ ,.: ,; :,: ,:;;, ",;;.;: ~.:':. ':"./'~<,I:;'.; _("t d '. .~.;. J,,~,:"-: .:'..:,' ,:~ ~... .. '.!~;.,':'i,"'''';:'S""'~'l~:',::'l''.;,,.;.., .< . '< . , " ". " " , , . d""~' .~.!.; ~~:;:,:;;~:"c',:,;,~~,~,:~~~;l~?~~~::~~~~f#;!;~~',~~:~':,:;' ;,:,: CI'l'Y COO1ISSION MEETING January 8, 1951l The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met-in S'peoial Session at Oity Hall. Monday, January 8th, 1951, at 7830 P. M., with the following members presentt Herbert M. Brown Herbert M. Blanton Garland D. Lynn Joe Turner -Mayor-Comnissioner -Oonuniss1oner -Oommissioner -Oonunissionor Absent: None Also Present Were: Boyd A. Bennett George T. MoClamma Oha s. E. Wa re -Oity Manager -Chier of Police -City Attorney The Mayor oalled the meeting to order and announoed that the first matter to be oonsidered would be the appointment of a member of the Oom- mission to fill the unexpired term of Leland F. Draw, resigned. It was moved by Commissioner Turner tha t Mr. Thomas H. Black Jr. be appointed a Commissioner to serve the unexpired term of Leland ~. Drew, whose resig- nation was ef'fective January 1st, 1951. The Dlotion was seconded by Oan- missioner Lynn and carried unanimously. The Oa th of Offioe waS! ad- ministered to Mr. Blaok by the City Attorney, whereupon Mr. Blaok took his place on the Commission. At the request of'Mr. Lloyd Phillips, Attorney, Mr. Blanton moved that the applioation of'Dan Iley be granted, that Mr. Iley be allowed to install a 12 toot driveway on the Northeast corner of his property on Oleveland street, with an opening on Missouri Avenue, and that Com- missioner Turner and Commissioner Blanton be appointed as a Oommittee to inspect the premises, with power to aot, in regard to other possible openings. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lynn and oarried. It was moved by Connnissioner Turner tha t the minutes of the meet- ing of January 1st, 1951 be approved in accordance with the copy thereof furnished each member in writing, and that their reading be dispensed with. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried. After discussion of Mr. Al Roger's request for the construction of a storm sewer on Marianne Street f'rom Poinsettia to the Bay, at an es- ttmated cost of $4,420.00, it was moved by Commissioner Black that & Can- mittee be appointed to investigate the fea,aibil1ty of the proposed ex- tension and make a report and recommendations. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried. The Mayor appointed Commissioners Lynn, Blanton and City Manager Bennett to the Committee. The plat of Venetian Point, as submitted by Messrs. Billet and Blakely, was approved on a motion by C01l1Jlissioner Turner, which was seconded Py Commissioner ~nn and oarried. The Oity Manager submitted a list of trailers, prepared by the Police Department, of twenty-one trailers presumably vi~lat1ng Ordinance #591 (the Trailer Ordinance). Mr. S. R. CUykendall and Mr. Sumner Orowell addressed the Ca.mmission, stating that strict enforcement of the Ordinanoe would impose severe hardship in some instances. Oity Attorney Ware stated that it would be possible to amend the Ordinance and provide for a hard- ship certificate to be issued by the City Manager, where oonditiona war- rant such aotion. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Attorney's sug- gestions in regard to an amendment providing ~or a hBrdship certifioate being issued by the Oity Manager. and providing f'or appeals from de01siollS of the City Manager to the Commission be drawn by the Oity Attorney. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blaok and carried. The Cit~ Manager submitted to the Commission the request of officials of the Philadelphia National Baseball Olub f'or additional boxes and seata at the Baseball Park at an estimated cost of' $2?OO.OO; the City to be re- paid by ten per cont (10%> of gate receipts, as collected. Commissioner Blaok moved that the City Manager be authorized to provide the additional seating fa0111tiea as recommended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bla nt on and 08 rr1ed . On a motion by Commissioner Blanton, which waa seconded by Commissioner Turner and unanimously carried, Dr. Vernon Hagan was appointed a's' City Physioian. ' The City Manager reviewed his oorrespondence with Mr. John Segelken~ relative to Mr. Segelken1a offer to purchase part of' lots 18 and 19, Block F~ Sunset Point First Addition. Commissioner Blanton moved that the matter be deferred for further study as to posnible need of the propertw for use tor street purposes. ~e motion was seconded by Oommissioner B1aok and carried. By consent) the matter was referred to Oommissioners Blanton and Turner, appointed by the Mayor as an Appraisal Comn1tteee The C1t,. Manager informed the Commios1on that the P1nellas Count,. T.1tle' Oompany had agreed by letter to permit the Oity to uso ita property at the , . , . .~" :~.'. ~ ' I '.' ,; r ' "i;, '.~~: ~;:i: t ',', " . , ! .', .~; ....,:,.,' .1 . '-', ",,:~/i':'j'::/>':,/; 'L 0" ,.\".,.,~, :) ,': ,t >. 'l ., " .1 \ ,':.:.. .' ',' . ~ .,~: . '. .' ,: ,.....,. "" ,. ~". "::. ,. . .', . .'~ ~. f..' .' . . '.' . ," . :. :>>,,>~::?:~';21 ~\1;j,lii;1r~,~~,;kd~;~li;~~k~f~i~l;~~~1~~~t~;:j~~~~i5~:/;'I~::;i::< ,: " " CITY COMMISSION MEETING January 8, 1951 Northwest corner of Osceola Avenue and Haven street as a pub110 parking lot. if the City would take care ot the taxes. The agreement could be oancelled upon thirty days notioe by either party. Commissioner Blanton stated that he would prefer having the Osoeola Avenue Widening projeot proceed at ~e earliest possible moment. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Attorney investigate and report as to the best method ot prooedure ror aoquiring the ~homa8 property on South Osoeo1a Avenue for Widening Osoeola Avenue, and also find out about the Howell property. The motion was seoonded by Comnissloner Blanton and carried. Commissioner Turner moved that payment ot '400.00 as dues for member- ship in the Florida League of Municipalities be authorized. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Blaok and oarried. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission by Dr. R. H. Center. in which letter Dr. Center requests that the Canmission formally dedicate tor street purposes the East 70 feet of lots 25 and 3~ of R. H. Padgetta Estates Subdivision. extending South Linooln Avenue to Cleveland Street. Com- missioner Turner moved that the matter be rererred ~o the Engineering Depart- ment for a sketch and for a reoommendation by the Oity Manager. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and oarried. On a motion by Commissioner Blaok. which was seconded by Commissioner Blanton and carried, tho Plat of Skyorest Unit #5 WBS' approved. Commissioner Blaok moved that approval of the Plat of Skyorest Unit "C~ be deferred and the Plat be referred to the City Manager for investigation and a report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Consideration of a Plat of Tagarel1i Subdivis~on was deferred. by oon- sent. The City Manager reported that the following gas and ~ter ma1n ex- tensions. oosting less than $300.00 had been authorized by htm. (a) December 27, 1950 - 300 tt. of 2ft 'VIa tar ma 1n on Hobart Avenue -----Est. Cost $190.00 150 ft. of 2ft we tor ma in on Harbor Drive -----Est. Cost $110.00 (b) January 4, 1951 200 ft. of 2ft Park Street It was moved by Commissioner Turner that the by the City Manager be approved. The motion and ca rried . (c) Janual''Y ~, 1951 water main on -----Est. Oost $150.00 wa tor main extensions author1zed was seoonded by Commissioner ~nn The City Manager recommended 350 ft. of 6 inch wate~ main extension on Laura Street to serve the Pinellas County Junior High School Physical Eduoation Building at an estimated oost ot $1200.00. On a mot~on by Commissioner Turner, whioh was seoonded by Commissioner Blanton and carried, the extension was approved. It was moved by Commissioner Turner that Mr. Gerald Tedrick be appointed a member of the Barbers Examining Board. The mot1on was seconded by Commissioner Black and oarried. It was moved by Commissioner Black that Mr. Jack F. Wh1te be re-appointed '5 a memb~r of the Reore~tion Board for 8 two year tenn. Commissioner Blanton seconded the motion and it oarried. On a motion by Commissioner Black. seconded by Commlssioper Blanton and carried. Messrs Lewis H. Homer and Leland F. Drew were appointed members o~ the Zoning Board. On a motion by Oommissioner Turner. which was seoonded by Com- missioner Blanton and carried, Mr. E. C. Marquardt was appointed a member of the Zoning Board. The Mayor appointed the following Committees: Grand Central Street Extension Committee: Mr. ~nn and Mr. ~~rner Seminole Street Dook Oommittee: Mr. Black. Mr. Blanton. Mr. Bennett Park Development Committee: Mr. Black, Mr. Turnerl Nr. Brown Osoeola Street Widening Committee: Mr. Blanton and Mr. ~nn Committee on Myrtle Ave. Widening (Also opening Lau~ Street ~nd Prospeot Avenue:) Hr. Blaok, Mr. Lynn and Mr. Brown Committee on Coaohman Heights Replat and Court street R1ght-or.Way, Hr. Blanton and Mr. Turner Beaoh Lease Committee: Entire Oommission ~. . \, . ,.;.. 'I'" " ~ ,11:':' ~'" '~~IL ."". ".~} ,.l'.,'J".1,...itch'lI'';'i'" f::i!ftf;:;5l:';;:i\' ':;' l~~lff,f{j]" " , ' j" T I' ", I I i , . :..~. 0, j : " , . . ",~ ':~.~. -:?i:< ." 1~~;)\~~tI1:Ij~~':'~~~__, , .. .",..'_ ',. ..,.,:...~~:.,:"i.~~_~;i~,."",,,.,,..-~:,'~.,;,:,,:,.,,.;:_'">"~fu"~~~;f!'~"';'fi!S'" : ' . ....,' . ',' .,">,..,; ";h'."'i~ _ '....< . , CITY COMMISSION MEETING January B, 195] City Attorney Ware informed the Oommisaion that a suit had been filed against the City by C. M. Sheh,m to collect certain old ooupons, some bearing date o~ 1914, that !.Ir. Shehym had tiled the suit without having presented the ooupons for payment. He said it was his opinion that part or all the item" were unco11ectable on aocount of the statute of l~itatIons. It was moved by Comnissioner Turner th!l.t the City Attorney proceed with a defense against the suit tIled by O. M. Shehym Vs the City of' Clearwater. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Blaok and carried. By unan1mous oonsent the Conunission approved the following of~ice hour. tor the City Attorne~r Week Da ys Saturdays 1100 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. 9100 A. M. to 12:00 Noon. There being no further busin6ss to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. ';L~~ Attest: Janua ry 5, 1951 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commisaionera: Joe Turner Gary Lynn Herbert Blanton Gentlemen: A special meeting of the City Commission will be held Monday evening - January 8, 1951 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall to consider items on the attached agenda. BAB: gg Attacblnent Very truly yours" Boyd A. Bennett CITY !r1ANAGER ------------ AGENDA 1. Approving of minutes of regular meeting of Corrmission of January 1, 1951. 2. Appointment of Commissioner to fill vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Leland F. Drew. 3. Consideration of request of Mr. Al Rogers for the construction of a storm sewer on ~~rianne Street' from Poinsettia, easterly to the Bay - deferred at the meeting of the Commission held December 26. 4. City Manager's report on the present violations o~ the trailer ordinance~ requesting a policy from the Commission, with respect to the enforoement ot same. 5. Consideration of the request by the Phillies, Base Ball Team for added aeat- ing oapacity at the Base Ball Field. S. Oonsideration of the request of the Chief of Police for the appointment 'of & City Physician, deferred by past commission. ? Consideration of the ofter ot Mr. John Segelken to purchase lots 17, 18 and 19 in Block F - 1st Addition to Sunset Point, it being necessary to have. survey made for the City to file a plat, dedioating ~ certain portion ot the property at this location for street purposes and at the same time to have the lot lines established so that proper description and deeda can be prepa red. 'S. Re};)ort or City Manager on the offe~ of Pinellas County Title Company,- to let , , tbeCit7 'Use the property located at the North-west corner ot Haven Street .a~ South Osoeola Avenue as a public parking lot providing the Citrcleare~ ".,I8JneandP8~dtaxea on the propertoy during the period it is uaed for a pub':' , li~, ,J2Il rk1ng lot. .' . , ,~~: . y,':': , ~~~;l~;!};i;~;~' \''',',",n'",' rJJ~~tr l, I'. !<'.i:~:t~ ~\'(.' Y~[i~(t~ !::..<?:? :r" , " J_"-' .:::,..o:.,..j-..,