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December 26, 1950
The Oit1 Commission or the City of Clearwater met in Speoial Session at
Oity Hall, Tuesda~, December 26th~ 1950 at 7130 P. M. with the r0110wing
members present:
Harry D. Sargeant
Herbert M. Brown
Leland F. Drew
Joe Turner
-Comm1s s10ner
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E. B. Casler Jr.
Also Present Were:
Boyd A.. Dennett
George T. McClamm8
Ben ErentZIIlE1.n
-City Manag61f
-Ch~et of Polioe
..City Attorney
The meeting having been oa1led to order, it was moved by Comm1ssioner
Brown that tbe ndnutes of the Regular meeting of Uecember 4th and the Speoial
meetings or December 7th and Uecember 15th be a.pproved in accordanco with the
copy thereof f'urnished each member in writing and that their read1ng be dis-
pensed w1th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carr1ed.
The City Manager recommended the installation of 520 ft. of Water Main
on D~1d Road and Keystone Avenue. 340 rt. or 8 inoh main on Druid Road ~nd
~80 ft. of 2 inch nmin on Keystone Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1850.00
ror the entire projeot. It was moved by Commissioner Drew that the installa-
tion be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and oarr1ed.
~e Clerk read a letter addressed to the Co~ission by city Attorney
Ben Xrentzman, in which letter Mr. Krentznan tendered his resignation as City
Attorne~_ to be effective as of January 1st, 1951. Each of the Comm1Bsioner~
made a short talk, expressing regret at Mr. ~ntzman's resignation and oom-
mending him for his exoe11ent work during his ter.m of service. It was moved
by Commissioner Brown t~t the letter be accJpted with regrets. The mot1on
was seconded by Canmissioner Turner and carried. CO~iBsioner Brown moved
that a letter of appreciation be wr1tten to Mr. Kr'entzman. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried.
Relative to the claim or Mr. William H. Wolfe's client, James W. Shep-
ha~, for damages sustained at the present City dump. the City Attorney stated
that he did not be11eve the City could be held liable but that he had sug-
geated to l1r. Wolfe tha t he write a let ter to the CODIDllssion stating just
what he wished the City to do for his client.' on a motion by Commissioner Brown,
~h1ch was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried, the matter was deferred
for further investigation.
The City Manager reported that he, with officials of the Town of Be11eair,
had Dlet 'With the Oounty Commission to discuss the instaJilation of a permanent
traffic light at the intersection of South ~ort Harr1son Avenue and Belleview
Boulevard; that the Oounty had agreed to pay one-third of the cost and the
Town of Bellealr would pay ol1e-third. C0lllD11ssioner Brown moved that: the City
~nager be empowered to act to get some sort of light ~ediately and that
payment by the Oity of one-third of the cost be authorized. The motion was
seconded by Oommiss1onar Turner and carried.
The Manager reported the t the Oounty COJllll1ission had agreed to pay one-
half of the cost of installing a traffic light at the interseotion of State
Roads 60 and 55, provided their one-half did not exceed $350.00. The cost of
the light installation was estimated at $.700.00. Commissioner Brown moved
that the Manager call and find out about the ~ight specifications and that he
be empowered to act. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and oarried.
Commissioner Drew moved that the construction of approxtmately 3000 feet
of -4 inch and 1600 feet of 2 inoh h1gh pressure gas main East on Cedar street
frcmt Betty lane, connecting with IIighland Avenue and Glenwood Avenue. at an
estimated cost of $10,000.00 be a,pproved and oonstruction be started as soon
as possib1e. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Turner and oarried.
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The Oity Manager reported that he had authorized the following water and
gas nmin extensions costing under $300.00:
(a) Dec. 14th, 1950
200 :ft. or 2" water main on Richards St.
(b) Dec. 14th, 1950
275 rt. or 1" ga s ma.in on Laura st.
Est. oost $l~.OO'
It was moved b~ Comm1ssioner Brown that the C1ty ~mn&ger's report be accepted.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried.
The City Manager reviewed his correspondenoe with Mr. DeBa'rto1o, former
ope~tor and lessee of the Bowling Alley relative to the construction of an
add! tioIl to the leased building without securing the p8l'In1ss1on of the Com-
mdesion and without securing a permit from the Building Inspector. It was
bl'Ollght out that tb~ bUilding addition extended into a pub1io street and out-
side the leseed p1.opertr. The Manage~ said the 3ituation was tl\Qt the present
lessee was l'equeating pe~isaion to allow the extension to remain and permission
to oanpJ.ete the structure. It was moved by Commissioner Drew that the request
be denied. The motion 'R8 seconded by COJm!1issioner Brown and carried.
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December 26, 1950
The Ma nager subml tted a sketch &bowing tha t 8lrea whioh would be drained
by the Storm Sewer~ which Mr. Al Rogers has requested to be installed on
Mar~anne Street. He estimated the oost of the installation at ~4422.00f one-
half' of which would be paid bY' the o~ty and the other half assessed against
the abutting propert les, other than C1 tY' owned. CClml1issioner Brown moved tha.t
the matter be dererred for oonsideration by the new Commission. The motion was
seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The "'anap;cr read a letter addressed to him by Mr. Peter Friscia, in
which letter Mr. F'z'isola sug~ests that the City vaoate the \"lesterly extension
of Aster Street (between Eldoredo Avenue and the Gulf) with ~e exception of a
twenty toot strip in the oenter, in whioh event the owners of the adjoining
properties, Mr. Re and Mr. S'picola would P8'Y for the oonstruotion of a sea. wall
between their propertieD and for the necessary till. In oase this proposal
does not meet with the approval of the Comm1ssion, it is requested that the
City build a sea wall at this street end. On a motion by Commissioner Turner,
which was seconded by Commissioner Drown and oarried, oonsidoration of this
natter was deferred.
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A letter addressed to the Commission bY' Mr. Herbert M. Blanton, tendo red
his resignation as a member of the Zoning Board, to be effective ~ediately.
It was moved by Commiss10ner Brown thBt tl~ resignation be aocepted and that
l-lr. B~anton be oomplimented for his rlne work on the Board. The motion was
seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
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The City ~mnaRer reported that the purchase of approximatel~ 1400 ft. of
Gu1r f~ont property from Mr. L. S. Ruder for the total amount of $80,000.00
could be financed as follows: The $20.000.00 down payment would be advanced by
the Utility Revenue FUnd without interest; for the balance the City would
assume 8 $80.000.00 ~ortgage bearinglnterest at 4t per oent payabl~ semi-
annua~ly, and principal payments at $6.000,00 per year. He said that there
would be no restrictions as to the use of ~e property. Commissioner Drew in-
quired as to whether or not the mortgage would be callable at any time prior
to mwturity. The City Attorney submitted a Resolution which would authorize
the transfer of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) from the Utility Revenue
Fund to the Oenera1 Fund to be used a 8 a part of the purchase pPice of certain
Gu1r f'ront property; said SUI:i1 to be repaid to the Utility Revenue Fund over a
period of' ten years without interest. It was moved by Commissioner Drew that,
the ReBo~utlon be a.dopted. The motion ws's seconded by Commissioner Turne~
and oa.rried unanhnously. It was mov~d by Commissioner Drew that the proper
City of~ic1als be authorized to conclude the transaction for purchase of Lots
Ten (10) to Twenty-s1x and one-half (26t). inclusive, and Lots TwentY-Bight (28)
to Th:1rty-two (32'), inclusive, of LLOYD-WRITE-SKINNER SUBDIVISION, in Govern-
ment Lot Four (4) of Seotion Eight (8). Townahip Twenty-nine (29) South, Range
Fifteen (15) East, according to map or plat thereof recorded in the public
records of Pinellas County, Florida.. in P~at Book Thirteen (13). pages 12 and
13; at the purchase price of $20,000.00 subjeot to an outstanding mortgaga of
Sixty Thousand Dollars. <$60.000.00) payable at $6,000.00 per year plus interest,
paya b1e semi-annua11y at 4~ per annum and the mortgage to oontain the best
prepayment privileges obtainable. The motion was seconded by Commissione~
Turner and oarr1~d unanimous1y.
~ere being no further business to corne before the Board, the meeting
was adjourned.
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December 26, 1950
Dec~mber 26, 1950
Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Le 18 nd F. Drn
E. B. Casler, Jr.
Herbert M. Brown
Joe Turner
T'I" '
t. , ,'"
. l~t:t;~' ~..."
The C1 ty CcmuI1iss1on will hold a Speoial Meeting - Tue8d.ay, Deoember 26. 1950
at 7130 P. M. in the City Hall to consider itenlB on the attaohed Agenda.
Very truly yours,
Signedl Boyd A. Bennett
01 ty Manager
BAB r gg
1. ApprOVing or minutes of Regular meeting ot City Commission Deoember 4,
Speoial Meeting Deoember 7 and Spec1al meeting of December IF.
2. Consideration of 520 ft. of water main on Druid Road.
3. Report from City Attorney on matter of damage olaimed by Mr. ShepharaJ
on the City Dump, oalled to the attention of the Commiss10n at its
meeting, Dececber 18, by Attorney Wolfe.
4. Report of the City Manager on the meeting with the P1nellas County Com-
missioners and representative of the Town of Be11eair, re~arding in-
stallation of permanent traffic light at intersection of South FOrt
Harrison Avenue and Be11eview Blvd.
5. Report of City Manager on meeting with Pine11as County Commissioners
relative to traffic light at intersection of State Road 60 and State
Road 55.
6. Consideration of construction of approxi~tely SOOO ft. of 4" and 1600
ft. of 2" high pressure gaa main east on Cedar Street from Betty Lane,
oonnecting with Hir~land Avenue and Glenwood Avenue at estimated cost
of $10,000.
7. Report of following water and ga~ mains costing less than $300.00
approved by the City Manager:
(a) Dec. 14, 1950 - 200 ft. or 2" water main on
Richards Street to serve one customer at
estimated cost of $130.00.
(b) Dec. 14, 1950 - 275 rt. o'f 1" gas main on
Laura Street to serve Vincent Electric Co.,
at estimated cost of $115.00.
8. Report by City Manager on the matter or the building being erected on
the east side o'f the Bowling Alley without 8 building per.mit and ex-
tending into the City street.
9. Report of the City Manager on the request of Mr. A1 Rogera ror storm
sewer construction on Marianne Street.
10. Presentation of letter from Mr. Peter Friscia relative to the con-
struction or a sea wall across the westerly end of a lot 100ated on
Eldorado, which would be the extension o'f Aster Place.
11. Reoeipt of Mr. Herbert M. Blanton's resignation as a member of the
Zoning Boa rei.
12. Report of City Manager on the progress of finanCing the purchase of
Gulf Beach frontage on Gulf View Blvd.
Adj ournmen t.
December 26, 1950
Mayor and City Commission
Oity of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
I hereby submit my resignation 8S City Attorney, effective January], 1951.
I find that my private practice is taking an increasing proportion of my
time and feel that it is to my best interests to take this action.
I consider it an honor to have served with you for the past two year~ and
am glad to have had some part in your many aocomplishments during this period.
I will continue to serve you until such tfme as my suocessor ha,~ been
,appointed and wdll finish all matters now in litigation.
Very- truly yours,
Si~ed: Ben Krentzman
BKr. j
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December 12, 19liO
December 26, 1950
Mr. Boyd A. Bennett,
City Manager
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Mr. Bonnett:
lire Pietro Re of 23 Baymont Street, 01earwater Bee.,ch, b'lorida, waB in my
offioe relative to a letter received from you dated Novenmer 22, 1950. Mr. He
and Mr. Spicola will build a seawall across the wcste~ly end of the lot whioh
would be Aster Place, provided that the City will vac~te the street, reserving
unto itself an easement of 20 feet through the center of the vaoated street.
The Aeawall will be built across the vacated street and they will also rill in
that portion of the street which needs filling.
We will appreciate if you will take it up with the City Commissioners 88
Mr. Re and Mr. Spicola are about to let out a oontract for the oonstruotion or
a Beawall on their property.
In the event the City Commissioners takes unfavorable aotion on this
matter, we would like to have the City build a seawall across the City property
so that as to join our walls. We understand that the City has done this lately
on some of the streets which dead end at the Gulf.
Very truly yours,
;}\0i~~~n: '
I ..,.."',, ,1",
\,;~jft~~;; I
'.,,1; ",
By /s/ Peter Frlscie
Dec6mber 21, 1950
To the Honorable City CODlD1ission
Of the City of Clearwater~ Florida.
T hereby tender my resignation as a member of the Zoning Board of the City
of Clearwater~ efrective immediately.
It has been a pleasure to serve my city in this capacity_
Respectfully Bubmitted:
Is/ Herbert M. Blanton
WHEREAS the .:City of Clearwater, Florida has an opportunity to acquire cer-
tain property fronting on the Gulf or Mexico and~
vnmREAs it is highly desirable and to the best interest~ of the City that
this property be acquired and,
WHEREAS in order to accomplish this it is necessary to transfer the Bum of
$20,000 from the Utility Revenue ~Und of said City to the General Fund and~
VffiEREAS such a transfer can be acoo~plished without prejudice to the
utility Revenue Fund and is in the best interests of the City,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOINED by the City Comnission of the City of Cles.:r-
water, Florida in session duly and legally assembled, that the proper City
officials are hereby authorized and inst~cted to transfer from the Utility
Revenue Fund of said City to the General FUnd of said City the sum of $20,000.00
to be used as a part of the purchase price of certain Gulf front property; said
sum to be repaid said utility Revenue Fund over a period of ten year~ without
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day or December, A. D." 1950.
Harry D. Sargeant
H. G. Wingo
City Auditor & Olerk
"' .,'
"':,:' .'.' .
�C��iTY G4hT&I28S'ION M�ETTN(3
December ?6', 195Q
The Citq Commlaeion of the Citg of Clearwater xnet in Special Seasion a�
City Ha11, Tueeday, December ?6t1z, 1950 a�t 7:30 g, �3. vcith the follawing
membera preser�ts
Harry D. Sargeant
Herbert NL Brorrn
Leland F'. Drevr
Joe Turner
E. B. Casler Jr�
A1so Present iF,lere;
Boyd A. Bennott
GeorgE3 T. riicClemrna
Ben Krentzman
-NMaya-r_Commis sioner
-City Ivian��e�
-Chief oP Police
-City A�icorney
The meeting having been called to order, it wea moved by Co�issione»
Brown that the minutss oP the Fiegular meeting of 1>ecember 4th and the special
meeting� oF December 7th and vacauiber 15th be a�proved in accordance with the
copy thereof furnished each member in writ,ing and zhat their reading be dia-
pen�ed with. 'i'"he mation was seconded by Couunissioner Drew and carried.
The Ci�y Nianager recorrnnended the inatallation of 520 Pt. of Water Niair
on Drinid Road ard Ke�+stone Avenue, 340 P�e of 8 inch main on Druid Road �and
180 i't. of 2 inch main on Keystone Avenue, at �n estimated cost oi" �1850e00
i'or the entire projecte It was moved by Car,miiasioner Drev� tha� the installa-
tion be approved. The motion wss seconded by Coimnissioner Bxawm and carried.
The Clerk read a letter addre�sed to the Conmiiasion bq City Attornsy
Ben Krentzman, in which letter Mr. Krentzman tendered his resignation as City
Attorney� t�o be ePPective as of January lst, 1951. Eaeh of the �ommissioner�
made a short talk, expreasing regr6t at Mr. Krentzman�s resignetion and com-
mending him for his excellent work during his term of service. It waa moved.
bg Commiss3oner Brown that tr.e latter be accepted with regrets. The motion
was seconded by Cc¢�missicnor Turnar and carrieds Cornnissioner Brown �i�ved
that a letter oF appreciation be wr3tten to bir. Krentzman. The motion was
seconded by Commissionar Draw and carried.
ReZ�tive to the claim of Mr. William Ii. Wolfe�s client, James W. Shep-
hard, Por darrages� �u.etained at �he present City dump, the City Attoxney stated
that he did not believe the City could be held liable but that he had sug-
gested to A4r. wolfe that he write a lettar to the Commission statzng �ust
wha� he wished the City to do for his client: On a motion by Qo�wiissioner Brawn,
which was secc�nded by Coimnissioner• Turnar snd carriec�, the matter was deferred
Por �rther inves�tigation.
The City Manager reported that he, with officials of the Town oP Bel�eair,
had �et with the County Corrnnission to discuss tne insbalilation of a pex�anent
trafPic ligh� at the intersaction of South Fort Harr3son Avenue and Bellavietiv
Boulevard; that the County had agraed to pay one-third of the cosi end the
Town of Belleair would pay one-third. Coumiissioner Brown maved thatt the Citg
I�ena�er be empowered to a�t to get some aort of ligh,t immediatelq and that
payment by the City of one-third of the cost be �u�horized. The motion waa�
seconded by CAaunissioner Turner and carried.
The isianagar reported that the Gounty Coa�ission had agreed to pay one-
half oP the cost o£ installing a traific light at the intersection of Ststs
R,oads 60 and 55, provided their one-;r,ali did not exceod �350.00. Th� �ost of
the light installstion was estimated �t �700.00. Couunissioner Brown moved
that the hianager call and Pind out about the lighti speciPications and that he
be empowered to ac�. The motion was seconded by Co�nmissioner Drew and carried.
Cormni�sioner Drevr moved that the coz�atruction of approximately 4000 Pee�.
�f 4� inch and 1600 Peet of 2 inch high prassure gas znain Fa st on Cedar Street
from Betty Iane, connecting with Highland Avernze and Glenvrood Avenue, at an
estiYuated co�t of �T0,000.00 be e�pproved �nd con�truction be started as soon
as poss3.bleo The motion wa3 seconded by Coanmiseioner Tizrner and carried,
The Citg Dtanager xeport�d that he had authori.zed the Pollowing water and
gas main extensiun� eosting under �30Q.00:
fa) Dec. 14th,
200 ft. of
(b) Dec. 14th,
275 ft. of
2" v�ater niain
1° gas �in on
on Riehards St.
I�auxa St .
Est. cost �1�o0Q�
" �115.Q0
Tt was moved by Cozmnissioner f��own that the Citp B2anager's repo�t �e accepted.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and �arried.
The City h4ana�er revie�ved hi� correspondence with Mr. DeBa�rtolo, formar
operator and Ieasee of bhe IIowling Alley r�lative to th9 constructio�n of an
addition to the Ieased building w3thaut securing tho permission of the Com-
miasion and without securing a pexmit from the Buildin� Tnspector. Tt was
brought out that the buildin� ac3di�3on extended into a public street �nd out-
side the leasod proporty. The Mans.ger said the situetion w�s tha t the prasent
lessee vaas requeating permission to allow the extension to rema3n and parmission
to compl�te the structure. It was moved by �onmiissioner Drew that the request
bo deniedo The motiori was secoi�ded by Conmiissioner Brown and carried,
/ 5�
_.__._ _____:_� _,-�--�'
December 26, 195Q
The h"anager stibmitted a sketch showing that a�rea which would be drained
by the Starm Sewex�, which A1r. A1 Rogers has requestad to be installed on
A�srianne Street. He estimated the cost of the installation at �p4�422.Ot7;. one-
haZf of which w�uld be paid by �he Citg ar,d the other half assegsed a�ainst
the abutting propertie�, other than City owned. �ammissioner Brown moved the��t
the matter be ;ie�erred for consideration by the new Counnission. The motion was
seconded by Goirmiissioner Turner and carried>
The Dianagar read a letter addressed to him Uy hi1. Peter Frisc2a, in
v+hich letter h3re rrisc3a suggests that the City vacate� tha We�terly extension
of �ster Street (between Eldorado Avenue and the Gu1P) with the exception of a
twen�,q foot strip in the center, in rvhich event t�e owners of the adjoining
properties, M(r. Re and Mr. S'p3cola would pag for the construction of a sea� wall
bet�ueen thair properties az�d for the necessar� fi�l. In cese� this propasal
doeg not m�at with the approval of the Gozami�sion, it is raquested that the
Gity b�ild & sea wa11 at �;uis street end. -0n a motion by Co�snissioner Turner,
which was seconded by Co�nissioner Bro�vn and �arr3ed, consi�eration o� this
matter �vas deferrede
A letter addressed to the Commission Ug n3rm Herbart ivi. Blanton, tenderacl
his resigr_ation as a member of the Zoning Board, to be effectiv� imntediataly.
It wms rnoved by Commissioner Brown that the resi�nation hA accepted and that
IaIr. B.lanton be co�plimented Por his �1ne work on the Board. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Tiirner and carried.
The City biane�er reported that tha purchasa of spproxim�tel 1400 ft. of
Gulf Pront property from bir. Z. S. Ruder for the total amount of �86,000.00
could be financed as follows: The �p20,000.00 down payment tvould ba advanced by
the *Jtili�y Revenue F'und tivithc�ut interest.; for the balance the City would
assume a�SD,OOU,OC� mortgage bearing interest at �Q per cent payabl� semi-
annua'!ly, and. principal paymants at �6s000,00 per year. He said that ther�
would be no restrictions as to �he use of the proper�ty. CammissionEr Drew in4
quired as to whetYien or not the m:�rtga.�;e would be callabla at any time prior
to raaiurity. The City Attornc�y sL'��mitted a Res�olution whicn would authorize
the transier o� Twenicy Thousand Dollars (4�v0,000.00} fro� i:he Utili�y Revenue
Fund to t]ze Genaral Ftiuzd to �e used as a�art o�f the purc%ase price of certain
Gulf front propartg; said s� to be repaid to the Utality Revenue rund �ver a
period of ten year� vrithos� interest. It was moved bg Gorr,�niss3�ner Drew tha�.
the Rasolution be adopted. The motion wa•s seconded by Com�iasioner Turne�
a� carried unanimously. It tivas moved by Cou�issioner Drativ that tha proper
Cit� o=ficiRls be authorizad to conclude the trans•action i'or purchsse of Zot�
Ten (10) to Twenty-six and one-hm1P (�8Q}a inclusive, and Lots Twenty-aight (2�)
to �'hirty-taro ( 32'), inclue ive, of LEOYD-IN�ITE-SKINNER SUi3DIVISION, in Govern-
ment Lot Four (4) of Section Eight (S), Tov�nship Twenty.�nine (2zJ) Sou�h, Renge
FiPtaen (Z5) F� st, according to map or plat thereoP recorded in the public
records of Pinella� Gounty, Floxidas in Plat B�ok Thirteen (1�), pages 12 and
13"; at the purchase price oP �20,000.00 subject to an outstanding mortgage of
S3xtg Thousand Dollar� (�60,000,00) payable at d�6,000e00 per ydar plu� interest,
pa,yable semi-annually at ��; per annum and the mortgage to contain the best
prepayment pri�ireges. obtainabl.�e The motion was aeconded by Connniasione�
Turner an@ carried unanimousTym
There being no further business i:o come before the Board, the meeting
was adjourned.
City Auditor a� Clerk
�layor- 0 3ssioner —'
December 26, 1950
Decem'�er 26, 1950
A4aqor-Commisaioner Harry D. Sargeant
Commie 3iont�r�:
Leland F. Drew
E. B. Cesler, Jr.
Iierbert Mo Bro�rn
Joe Turner
The City Couu�iission will hold e Special hiseting - Tuesday, December 26, 195Q
�t 7:3d Pe M. in �he City iiall to conaider itema on the atte,ched Agenda3.
Vary truly youra,
Signedz Boyd a. Bennett
City Irlanager
- - ---------------------------
1. Approving of minute� of Regular meeting oP City Counnission De�om�er �F,
S'.peclal h7eeting December 7 and Special u-�eeting of December 15.
2. Gonslderation of 520 fto oP vaater main on Dx�uid Road,.
3. Report from Citq A,ttorney on matter of damage clairnecl. by rur. Shephara�
on the City Dump; ealled to the attention of ths Commission at it�
meeting, Decenbnr 18, 2�y Attcrr_ey V)olfe.
4. Report of the City Manage� on the meeting vrith the Pinellas County Com-
m3asioners and raprasentatine of the Tov�n of Bellesir, regerding in-
s•ta3lation oP permanent trafPic light at intersection of South Fost
Harrison Averrae and selleview Blvd<
5. Report of City lvie.nager on maeting witn Finellas County Co�issionerg
rel�tive to traffic light at intersection of State Fioad 60 and SLate
Road 55,
6. Gonsiderat3on of construction of appraximately �OOQ ft. of 4'� and I600
ft. oi' 2° high pressure ga� main east on Cedar Street i'rom Settg Lane,
connecting with Hi�hlend Avenue Atid Ulenwood Avenue at estinate� cost;
oP �p1Q, 000.
7. Report of £ollowing vrater and ga3�mains costing less than �300,00 -
approved bg the City Manager:
(a} Dec. 14D I95� � 200 ft. oY 2't water main on
Richards Street to serve one custorser at
estimated cost of $p130.�0.
(b) DeG. 14, 1950 - 275 �t. of 1" gas main on
I,sura Street to serve Vincent Electric Go.,
at estimated cost of �p11Sm00m
F.eport by Ci�y Iriana$er on the matter of the building being erected on
the east side of the Boprling Alley without a building per�it and e�-
tending into the City street,
Raport of the City hianau�er on the requ9st oP Rir. A1 Roger� for storm
sewer cons�ruction on htarianne Street.
Presentstian oi letter fro�!hir. Peter Friscia relative to the con-
struction of a sea wall acros� the svester?y end of a lot located on
Eldorado, which arould be �he extension oi Aster Place.
Reo�ipt of hir. Herbert A�. Blantant � resignation as a member of tlle
Zoning Boartl.
Raport oP City hlaneger on the g�o�ress of i'inancing the purchase o�
Gu1f BeAch frontage or. Gulf View Blvd.
Dacembar 26, 1950
Ivlavor and City Conmiission
Cit� of Cle�rwater
Glearbvater, Florida
I hereby submit my resignation as Gity Attorney, effective Januar,q 1:, 195I.
T f�:nd that my private practice is taking an increasing proportion of my
�iu;e and f'eel that it ia to my best interests to take �:his action.
I consider it an honar to have served rvith you for the past two year� a.nd
am glad to have hacl some par� in your many accoiaplishments during �his period.
I will continue to sor�e you uni;il such time as my suecessor has been
appoi�ted� and v�till finish all matter� noe� in litigation.
BIise j
Very truly yours,
Si�ned: Ben Krentzman
l�scembex 26, I�5U�
2�r. Boyd A. Bennett,
City Mana�;ar
City of Clearwater
�3oarwstar, Florida
� Dear hir. Banne�t e
De�ember 12, 1y50
-, I�r. Pietro Re of �� Bayznont Stzeet, Cleax�vater Beach, Florida, ws:s in_ my
office relative to a letter receivad from you dated Noveniber 22, l�J5Q. Air. Re
anc� IvIr. Spico7.a wiil build a sea�wall a�cross tho westerly end of the 1ot which
wauld be Aster Place, pr�vided that the City will vaca+te the �treet, reservi,ng
unto its�elf an easement oi' 20 faet through th� center of the vr�ca�ed street.
The seavrall will be built across the vacated street and they w3Tl a:2so fill in
that por�ion of the strest whicYi needs filling.
We wi11 appreciate i�f y�u wil� teke it up with tho Ci.�g �ommissioners as
Mr. Re and Mr. Spicole are about to let out a con�ract for the cona�ruction of
a seawall on their proper�p.
In the event the City Go�nniasioners takes unfavorable action on this
mattar, we would liko to have the qity build a seawall acro�s the CYty propert�
so thst as to join our wa11s. We understand that the City has done thi� latel�
on some of the streets which dead. end st the Gulf.
Very truly �oura,
By /s/ Pater Frisciw
December 21, 195Q
To the fionorable City Commission
Jf the City of Clearwater, Florida.
I hareby tender my resignation as a�ember of tho Zan3ng Board o� the City
of Claarwater, efiective immediately.
It has been a pleasure to ser�;e my �itp in this capaciR:y,
Raspectil;lly submitted:
�s/ Herber� M. Blanton
--------------- --------------------------------
WHL'R�AS:'che City aP Cloarwaters Florida has an opportunit� to acruire cer-
tair� pro�erty franting on the Gulf of IvIex�co and.,
WHER�AS it is highZy desirable and to tha best interests of the City that
this property be aequired ancl,
ti'JHERT'AS in ox*�er to acc�mplish this it is nece�sary �o transf.er the sum of
�20,000 Prom the Utility Revenue Fund oP said Citg to the General Fund and,
VJHEREA.S such e trsnsfer can be accoriplished w3thout pre�ud3ce to the
Utility Renernae Fund anci is in the beat interests of the Ci.ty,
N04Y THEREFORE B� IT RES(7LVED by tha City Co�nission oY the City of Clear-
water, Florida in sEssion duly and le�all;y �ssembled, that the proper City
officials are hereby author�zed and ins�ructed to transfer from the Utility
Revenue Fund og said Ci�y to the General Fund of said City �he sum of ��0,000.00
�o be used as a part of the purchase p�ice of certain Gulf Pron'� �.roper�y; said
sum to be repaid seid Utility Revenue Furad o�er a period of. ten years� without
PASSED ATiD ADOPTED this 26th day of Decomber, A�. D., 1950e
Harr,y D. Sax�eant
PZayar-Coa¢nies ioner
H. G. Y�in�o
C3ty Auditor & Clerk
. . � . � . � . . � �'�1I1
I V / �
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