12/20/1950 jY~~;"?'~;;.lJi~~",,&~~!t~~i;}j;~j~~~=j;l"~~~"'.2,:~~jJ~;~;~,~t""" OITY COlrtM ISSIOli )lEETIJ December 20, 1950 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session s,t City Hall, Wednesday, December 20th, 1950 at 11:30 A.~.~ with the fOllowing members presentt Harry D. Sargeant Herbert 14. Brown E. B. Casler Jr. Leland F. Drew Joe Turner -~,or-CommiB8ioner -COII1D1i8sloner ...cOlJ1l'li8sloner -Coxnmissloner -Conunissioner Absent: None Aleo Present Were: Boyd A. Bennett George T. McC1amma Ben Krentzman -City Manager -Chief of Pollee -City Attorney The Mayor called the meeting to order and explained that the purpose or the meeting was to canvass the Municipal Election of December 19th. The oertified reports of the election orflc1als were read by the 0ity Clerk. It was moved by Commissioner Drew tha t the reports. be accepted and de- clared official. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~';;/-- Attest: and Clerk: December 19, 1950 Mayor Harry D. Sargeant Comm1ssionerS'.: E. B. Casler, Jr. Leland F. Drew He rbert M. Brown Joe Turner Gentlemen: A special meeting of the City Oommission will be held at 11:30 A.M., December 20, 1950 in the City Hall to canvass the returns of the Municipal Election Tuesday - December 19~ 1950. Ve'f"y truly yours, Boyd A. Bennett City Manager BAB:gg . .'.' , ' . 1:" ," ...... OOUNTY OF PINELLAS . I.' ~ , .' "'""i",i'''i:..,>r;;\1~jij!;t~:;"""'~'~"''' "',"",,: ."..="~ "..', '. '~"""'"" ..'...t:... '..." ..', "'.' ~. ..:. ", ,""./.: . STATE OF FLORIDA We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspeotors of the City General Bleotion held on December 19, 1950, polling plaoe at the Clearwater Beaoh Fire Station, do hereby oertify that we have oonduoted said eleotion aocording to law and upon oounting the ballots tind the result ot said eleotion to be as to1lows: '~ ~3 t~~\: "!'." ; 'n:'~'(";'j't" ". 1,_, i~i~i!('~~~~~;} - 1 CITY OF CLBA.RWA TER Total number of ballots cast Total number ot ballots mutilated -- Ordinance # 601 to:r~votes against 1- Lf votes For Mayor-Commissioner to serve for a ter.m of two years cJJQ~ M B~ ;t~::p. ~ reoeived \ \~ 9-- votes: 1 S 'J_ votes received For Commissioner to serve for a term of two years received qD votes reoeived~ .}j ~~ p - 'ttVVL received ';A q b votes; votes Given under ouI' hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 19th day of December, A.D., 1950. c~~- W ~ 4~t/ T /U~o'- IP OR ~ "" d:? #_2:-, ~ ~1i"V"~;- . ~ IJ}(~~_J INSP~TCR~ - ~ INSPECTOR INSPECTOR Sworn to and subscribed before me at Clearwater" Florida this 19th day of Deoember, A.D., 1950. Clerk , ( " \ 8'D.lfB OF PLORII>>. OOUB"!r or PIIIJWaAS ,(:' " h \. " ,....:,,;.:.;, <." :>;", , ,.. _:, _~. j. t 1 " I ,.. ~~~~~~t:;;~~;;j:~<:~~~~~~~,~.~:L~~.~,_~:. ~ .~:: ,.; ~ !:'~".\,~;p.'~ ~~;.';.~ '~~~:,:L~~':J..j.. ~~hLt ~ i.:~~~',~~f:::'~~dj.~,,~:-.;..,l.~.,.~ ,..~ ~ 1. ;~,~~.:~.... ..' \"'''~ ~\( ,....... ",,,', . .!::' f,nl~.11~~it~i~;.}.:.;;:,.", ~otal number o~ ballots cast 'rotal atUIlbel' o~ ballot. mutilated 333 'l' ~li~t;;~)t:;0~i~' t., iJi om OJ OL1fARIA'1'BR We. 1ibe undersigned Olerk and ~apeotor. or the 01t7 Oebeal Bloot1on he1cl on Die_bel' 19, 1950. polling place .1: tt. Cl_rwa1ier Beaoh P11'8 Station, do hereby cert1.f7 that we ba~. oo~uated aa14 eleotloD aooo1'd1ng to la. and upon count1n8 tbe ballots .t1nd t:he result or aid eleotlon to be .. rollo.a, ord1D1DOe I 601 tor,"- 'r 0 vote.. agalDat ~cr vote. Pol' ..,.0r-c01llll1saloner to 88rve tor a 'term or two 7e&1'8 ::J~--M ~ F3 ~~ reoelved ~~ ,~ reoeived J.\o'i l ~ '7 vote. 'Votea ~.! ' Por Oommiasioner 1;0 serve tor a term or two ,.ears . No.1 YeQ 9'D vote. reae 1 ved /Cf3 vote. /J~ Q- ~ reaeived ~9~ . Tote. ....... GIven UDder our bal1de at 01earwatera, Pl.ol'lda. this 19th da7 o~ December, A.D.. 191;0. (1 r~ J..)..A:.sL W. ~J'v..... a~ ~/{t~ ~~~ . ~ .~~ (!}t:~ ~~ ~~ :tlfSPBCTOIt IlfSPBCroR SWorn to and subscribed betore me at Olearwater. lP1or1da this 19th Clq o~ December. ACID., 1950. " . , . ':;....,.. . I ,> ,.Jll~t, ' 'fic,.,:,I.\;"",\'dXl '.":;';t;~tJY{:,;;:.!t..A """i'""""""RjfI/ """" I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PI~S CITY OF CLEA.RWATER We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspeotors ot tne City General Eleotion held on Deoember 19. 1960, polling plaoe at the Clearwater Fire Station on North Garden Avenue,do hereby oertify that we have oonducted said eleotion according to law and upon counting the ballots rind the result of said eleotion to be as follows: i. Tota 1 number ot ballots cast /9dtt Total number ot ballots mutilated 0 Ordinance # 601 tor ~ J1~ votes: against .2 ;l. S- votes Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 19th day ot Deoember, A.D., 1960. c~{(~ ~L~ ~PECTOR ~/J~ / ,(J:~, Y J- INS'P TOR ~c/:J." )J'~//1.~ tNSPEh )J i<l-O, f./ ~ .iJrt:/.>.~ 0 .,~ INSrEOTOR r -: .:,r:~ . ll: Ii:: For Mayor-Commissioner to serve tor a term ot two years //;: I~ BE R. r /Jf. Bit p w /Y' LELIT/),Ib f-;7J/?EW race lved ///1 7cf~ votes received vo te III ~~,\::, ': '. }[,,'j~$i .', ',".n"""""""'J ~~I~;rf '.'..,.,.,., "L".,.,.. <>'...,J ~Y~;(~:;:I , "j For Commissioner to serve tor a tenn of two 'Yea 1'8 J A/YlE.s /)/Y.P H Cl/Y ~ received 7// votes I/E/~ lJ E"r~1 Ill/, HI- flN'rA ~received /~2.r votes . ti-17 It LIi/>/ZJ ]), L)I/Y/)/ reo at ved // S-~ vote~ ./ ~~ /7 (], c-JfiJ-J- ~ I S CTORf/ . ~ ...Ct~_tfft4~ INSP 0 /J ." 7 /-) " '-, I '~~ ("...,4.A--~7 INS CTOR ~~~-8-~ INSPECTOR Sworn to and subscribed before me at Clea1'1l'ater, Florida this 19th day of De~e.mber, A.D.I 1950. ,f', " I~ .. ~,'. " '''''1' "'," :::;~:':':it ~'l, Ill" :~~I;fl' , .',,',' '.'.', '..,..,..'..!.," ..; 'i. ..~. ,'..' ,. . '..,},.).';;~ii;! ir-~.'i'" SB'l'B OP PIDRIDA C01Jll.l'X OP PI~.TA8 c:r.rr or CLaRIIl'BR w.. tibe urdera1gne4 CleJ.-lc al14 Xnapectcrl of the 01 tT o.neral Eleotlol1 held 011 DeoembeJ.- 19. 1950. pol11l1g place at the Ole.rater PIre Station on Harth OIlrden Avenue.do hereby o.l'lil17 that .e have ooJducted aId election aooordll1g to 1.. and upon oount1ng the ba110ts t'lnd t:he :resu1t ot sa14 electlon to be a. ~ollcnr.t 'fatal DUI!lber or ba110'ta caat / ~ 36 !fotal number o~ ba1101;s mut1lated t:> 'l; :T., l.~' !..... > ~..;fd~~.t',(, \".'\1~ ,St'\).'I, ,.,.....,.'.:>..'I.'J ";:~~:;'&0~i:tli':;ii~'~I~ ~ '.:".;r, .,.":'.,'" "'.'h""'J Ordinanoe # 60~ t'or age 1D81;_ ~ ;>Z ;Z ,<..r votes votes Par lIa~or-Cc:JllldI81onel' to aerve ~Ol' a term ot two 7ears .,., ''''1 /IF fl ..a & Ii. / /J1. 8/e t!J ;V' /)/' L E.L./!#.I) r ))R1!f)/V l'ecelved //// 'Vote. l'ece1ved . ?cflf" "IOte. 1oJ.- C0IIm118a1oner 'to serve to~ a ta1'Jll of two yea1'lI d/lmEo ff/J/~7? ~W ~ //Eft ~ c/( r /11 f?h.l1Nr'P/fteae1ved / GJ7R)"/tNlJ j) Ly/Y.l)I' , 1"8ae1ved ....- 7// votes /~z...r- , vcte. ream ved IIr6 votes G1ven under our banda at; Clearwater. Flor1da, this 19th Cia,. ~ Deoember, ~.D., lQ50. ~~~ ~~~ ~9Jr~ , ~L .. III ~,J IBS T J!~~ ~q-t2.~)~. OW ~ v ~,~~ XlIS 0 :Cj ~., /J I~,~~ DfSnC'l' OR ' 7n~ )1../ ~ c I'j~~) ~ .:PA/ IlISPBo-.fOR IJB~7~tI~ 11I'S~~O~OR Swam to aD! subsoribed be~OM me at Olearwater. Plor1da th1a 19th day ot J)eC8iJlbe1'_ A.D.. 1960. '...,. '" . .. .:1 · t . ,.,~ ",;' . ";;,~\ ;~'i , '\, "'" ":dt;;;'.., .' . , ,.' ,," . .('.j,., . " ;~~.Vt~~t/.r!{ \"~~il:~."P:'1'(:'1.'\:,;"~::. :\ ,'i ; ~'. ,,:: :(~~.";;~ ~'.' , ;" ,..' ' 'I""'; >', < "'1'\ \':. 'i't..:, <""1,1,, :' . -~ ~~~. 1,..... Sfl'A TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PIlmLLAS CITY OF CLEARWATER We, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspectors tor the City General Eleotion to be held on Deoembar 19. 1950, polling p1aoe at the Clearwater Beaoh Fire Station, do hereby solemnly swear tha t we w1l1 we11 and faithfully perfo11l1 the duties ot Clerk and Inspectors at said eleotion. that we w111 endeavor to prevent ~raud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. ~w.~; 711 L2 ~ ,1/1 ~~ ""~-" INSPE~OR7 ~ INSPECTOR INSPECT CR 4~tt r/~~e~ IN ECTOR /_ , ') ~~ ~/~ S ~ ~~ :j! . INSPECTOR m~CTOR IllSPECTOR INSPECTOR Sworn to and subscribed before me at Clearwater, F1or1da, day or December. lP-50. this /j"J::. . ....., ,: : ";'.; .':.'::~'. ' I", ," ,. .. '. . '.' .' . ;" ',,' --':-." . ..,. ,': '. 'fff:;~;!t"'~';:f: ,:;;y ,,> ,., ,.', .." ", . '. ,,', ",,) " :" ,;'~::;;::,(:~"::~:r"!~~~~~"f';'~~"11~t,:,t' l.:..._~..,~",..1"",^"f'-:~"""" oI:lt:f::,-.... ~f'..~>.{,.~, .~.;;. ,,_t,.... ._....... M~:'~' ,.. _ .. ~~.,.E ~, v..i..I""..t..l....tl~_,...;.._...J,;.j " ';1- ,"C: 1.,' ,,' ~ "',' '\.,.1'~;... .<._,' ). ..,",,,,.r..,,, .~1.'.,~!1.'" ~".~; 'I!"~"'~. . ,....., ~,J'') i";." ',:r ........., " ~'1:'J_!i"!."A-...../".;~_...~~{../ . '<l I ~..11" 'If. ..., ~ ',. .... ~ .......".....'C"r"<."""..,. .......~..."\V......I.1r1'u_....,,_..'".:,.....I'I~I<k.O~'_._.\\.....\,....'-.J..~.~.,.iol""'J>~_it<,r{~ ~~ STATE OF FLORIDA OOtmTY OF PINELIAS OITY OF CLEARWATER We, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspectors tor the 01t~ General Election to be held on Deoember 19, 1950, pOlling p1aoe at the Clearwater Fire Station on North Garden Avenue, do hereby solemnly swear that we will well and faithfully pertonn the duties at Clerk and Inspectors at said election, that we will endeavor to prevent fraud, deoeit or abuse in conduoting the same. curl If ~ ,t.. ), Qt-''''<2-e, yY)~ ~ INSPECTOR ~, )t/.qt7M_i7' l)~ SPECTOR / JM/W- g · (1, J~j~-'- -r s CTOR(/ llJt:; I( ,l~ ~/1rr -t4.iLrr ,;f.-~A/ EcTo . ~d~ " S CTOR ~y {/ 1b ~?G\.C> .,fJ 7 F'.;-., ...,,' I/L- /.';: 'XNSPECTOW , , ~,.--- . 'INSPECTOR Sworn to and subscribed be.fore me at Clearwater, Florida this/f".~_ day of Deoember, 1950. ". .", ',", ~. . l . ,', ....,.. ' ' .,,'. > ". .,~; ". >I'. (' CITY COP�tMISSI021 RtEETINCi Decembar 20, 1950 The City Commissi.on of the City oF Clearwater ruet in Special Sess3o� at City Hall, Wednesday, December 20th, 1950 a� 11:30 A..�i., �ith the follovring members pre3ent: Absentz Also Preaent Vlare: fIarry D. Sargeent Herbert M. Brovm E. B. Casler Jro �oland F, Dreva Joe Turner None Boyd A. Bennett Geoxge T. McClemme Ben Krentzt�an Aia �or-Co�¢nia s ione r -Co�i�sioner -Ca�gn3ssioner -Commissianer -Cammissione� -City bianager -GhieP of Police �Cit� Attorney The Llayor called the me�tin� to order and expleined tY�at the purpose of the meeting was to canvass the hlunicipa� Election oP December 19th. Tho ceri3fied reporta of the election oi'ficials vrare read by the City Clerk. It a�as moved by Commissioner Draw that the reports be accepted and de- cla red ofPiaielo The motion was seconded bq Commissioner Turner and carried unani�ously. There being no further business, the meeting �vas adjourned. At test;r / �.� . � Audit and Clark Magor Harry D. Sargeant Coaimissionerg: E. B. Casler, Jre LeZand F. Drew Herbart I�. Fsrov�n Joe Turner Gentlemen• � �� �L�f//.-�`/ I_. ././i�: _ _ / , � � ;� � = i -- : December 19, 1950 A special meetin� oF tihe City Cor�iission will tae hald at 11030 A.Di., December 20, 1950 in the City Hall to cannass the returns: of the MunicipaT Election Tuesday - December 19, 1950. BAB:gg Very truly ,qours, Boyd A. Bsnnett City I�4anager ��D -, 0 STATE OF FLORIDA CnUNTY OF PINELLAS CITY OF CLFARWATER We, the undersi�ned Clerk and Inspectors of the City Genera.2 �lect3.on held on December Z9, 1950, polling placd at the Clear�rater Beach F'ii-e Station, do hereby certify that nve heve conducted said. electian according to law and upon counting the ballots find the result of said electton to be as follows: Total number of ballots cast 'j �� Total number of ballots mutilated Ordinance # 601 for�votes ag�inst_,�votes For Magor-Co�issioner to serva for a term of two years ���Qr„�t�n�T M ��'W�-�.n..,. received � ��q votea �,! _ � _ ���� raceived 1 S votes For Comm3ssioner to serve f or a term of tvao years `-'�-�-cY''l,l�J�l/1 received votes P received ��� vote� ����^�' ��Yv�,.�iLreceived �rvotea Given under our hands at Glearv�ater, Florida, thfs 19th day of December, A.D., 1950. � ��X�--�. (� - G�RK R � .� � � INSPF�TOR < IN CTOR � �r • Y�. L� NSP�CTOR '� INSPECTOR I�iSPECTOR Sworn to and aubscribed bePore me at Clearwater, Florida this 19th day of December, A.D., 1950. City Aud3tor ��k S`i°AT$ QF FLORID� COIIl�°!7i' OF PIId,�IiLA3 C1"�'Y AF C7�ARY'iATF:R ialeo 9;hB under$igne�i Clerk e�nd In�perstars o� the G3�ty Qen�ra;l Z�lection hsld on I?eaember T�,, 1950, �olling placse at �he qlearevater }3eaah Fir� Station, dn ]aeretry eer�9.fy that �re hava aond.uc�ed saic3 eleat3.on aaaord.ing ta l��v az�d upon c�uxsting tbs ballots Pind the result af :��:id eZe�tian to be as Pollo�as: To�al rnimber a� 3all�ts cast � 3� �ot�l xzu.mber oP b�].7_ot� mutiia�ed Ordiriance � 6Q�. f'or / % (� vates e�ain�t�votas L'or ]�ayor-Co�isaionar �to aerve Por a term oP two years _� �� . � ��,,,,,.. ���e��e� � � � , �ots� .� re�eieed � � ,I votea For Commisaioner to serve �or a term �� tvQo ;�ears C�'L�� xeceived � �_ vo�es race ived � / � vot�� �� �`" � i/ raceived a�- l 4� . votes Q�igez� under our hands a� Glsezwqatsr, Rlor�ris, this I.9�h: day of I}ecember, A.D., Z950. � I ' � W1 :� ,.,•� , ,, ! /. ! , f� --- �.l •• � � �� J . �L. 'i� i ._. /�.I� t%/�-�L�� -_- �. —� � � �tL �% �� NS �GTC� IN3PIst;TOR IPISP�GTOR sxorn to and subscribed bePore me at GZear�ater, Florida �hia 19t]� day oP Detsembar, A,D., I950. C3�g� Aud ar an C3.ark u . . .. .._-,� / �G�s STATE OR FLORIDA COIIRITY OF PINELLA5 C ITY OF CLEAR4YATER We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors nf the City Genaral Election held on �ecember 19, 1950, polling place at the Claarwater Fire Stetion on North Garden Avenue,do hereby certify that we have condueted said election acaording to law and upon count�.ng the ba�lots iind the result of said election to be as followst Total number of ba7.lots cast /�.�� Total number of ballota mutilated a Ordinance # sQ�- for � �.Z votaa against 2 .Z � vates For E4agor-Commissioner to serve far a terni oP two years ��i� � � ('L �,� �/�o v�//Y recei �ed //// vote�. !v � � /�/J/ % / „ � /2 � U�� xece ivecl 7�.� vote� For Commissioner to serve for a term of t�vo years eJ ��yJ�.S /7//}�!� /i c 1/1�S received %1� votss �7' =/? 13� �� f��/ ��C H/1/To �received /�.Z� votes �i� R Lf�/1/,l� L- � recst ved �l �� vo�te� Ginen under our hands et Clearwater, F`lorida, this 19th day oP Decem�er, �o�., 1950. ��� � � �A ���� INSPEGTOR �c�a. �7., �'. ��a--��- :� � �INSPECTON�� � �J �,� � %�I�it/ �.�XX�c,Pi � �L�� 7.NSPECT� i �� J �.�"t.c- ��- � INSPECTOR ��� N� ECTOR (I; Cit �� JlL i �ir.-� _ � ��CT � �i20 . /w• '� • ��/��� : r_,.iC 1 INSPECTOR �?'1'l. �-9 �h-t.��"���; �c.i II�SPECTOi� � INSYECTOR Sworn to and subscribed bePore me at Clearviater, of Aecember, A.D., 1950. . thia 19th day STATE QF FLORSDA COIINTY 6F i'iN&LLLl�..S CI`1'St OIa' CLFAiiWATEFi 1�/e, �:he undersi�ned Clex�k end Inspactora ot the Gity Qeneral }�].eetion helsi an December 39, I950, �Q11ing place at th+s C1ear�ater Fire St��ion on North (rarden Avenuebdo he�reby certi�yy that �e have condue��d eaid e],eation aacoxxiin� to law and upan oo�.�nting the 'ballota Yind �Ghe result; oP said electior� to be as Po11ow�: Total n�ibar o� baZlots cast �93� Ta�s]. �ber a� ballots mutiia�ed o Oxdinance � 60Z Por � �.Z vote� ags3net ,2 ,2S �o�ea Far Me�or-Ca�nmias3oner tc+ aervs for a term �f tea peara /yFfL,��RTi %• ,�/c b l�//i received ///l vote�: ��'�f,�/!/,1� � �/c' �'Y� �eceiaed 7�J� votes; For Comm3�sior�er to serve �'or a term o� tEva gears C/ �l'/jl �� /T>Y,d 1'v �1.�/�S receiged. %/� votes �f 2 13 c' 2 7-" �� �� l.,,A/r/?�a��ceivad / 5� .Z� no�es �A� /Z�fi��y D � �y/Y� x�eoei ved //J—,ro vo�ea: � - - - Given und�r our )zands at Clea�rater, Florida, i;hts I'�th day ot Deaembea, A.D,, 1950. � a _�..z..__ � ��,��-�-� C� I PS TaR _� �1'� �.Q�.�.� .�-�.e.c� /^- �, NSPECTQR � ��'� �'�v ``t - �` � � 1NSPE TOI�j ' ��'� c�.�Q i�;��.�-�- �NSPECTO � II�SPECTOR, ���Gf��� i�� � �JZ'`a -�'' � � ��d-fc�tr7� .�-c� INSa'FsCTOR �C�����'�� ��' INSi'�CTOR S�arn �o and subsar3bed baPore me at Cl��r�rater, F].orlda tixia a9th d��r o� D�Com'�ar, A.D., 1850• q ,Auditar d �lark SfiATE �F FLORIDA Cc�UNTY OF PINELLAS GITY DF CI,EARWATER �le, the undersigned, Clerk and Inspector� for �he City General Election to be held on December 19, 195Q, polling place at the Cleara�ater Beach Fire Sta�ion, do hersby solemnly swear that we will +trell and faithfully perform the duties oP CTerk and Inspectors ai said election, that we v�ill endeavor to pravent Praud, deceit or abuae in conducting the same. � / � � � / s..s �a � / rl� � INSPECTOR �� ���s� _ -�f�' ��' ' � IN ECTOR � �,.- .� �,-�,/�% NS PE T0� � �:�`v1�i I2dSPECTOR INSYECTOR INSP�CT�t INSPECTOR TNSPECTOR INSPECTO'� S�^torn to and subscribed bafore �e ai Clearwater, F].orida, this� dsy of December, 195Q. G����� a O H. G. Ydingo City Audito �nd C1erk STATE OF FLORIDA CQUNTY OF PINELLAS': CITY OF CL�ARWA�'ER We, the undersignecl, Clerk and Inapectors Por �he City Ger�eral Election to ba held on December I9, I950, polling plece at the Clsara�ater Fire Sta�ion �n North Garden Avenue, @o heraby solemnly srrear th�-at we wiZl we11 snd i'aithfully �erform �he duties o�' Clerk and Ina�eetors at sa3d elections that v�e will ez�deavor to prevent £�aud, aecei� ox� abuse in conduc$in� the same. fV ` �� ;� i� + � � ' t � • �� . � .-, � � y...��p+ .� a.s�b,, �. ,. CZERK I�SPECTOR � �ii �9-C.�cz ��Y�:.v !��'`;9�€.�'��?��t,� .i��Go�✓t- INSPECTOR INSPECTOR � ' �, „�.—`_�,• ��I�—� D��e".� �� * :��-, ..F-�,l.� w��.'.�` INSPECTOR� � � SPEC;mOR , ����,� � ��' ��. � �� �::� �� �, h,: . �;: I'�TS CTOR ,� (��' �� ���''�� , t _ . a -_-�, INSPECTa : , �- �i s E'��-! � `���"' � INSPECTOR - - Sworn to and subscribed before me a� Clearvrater, Florida this�� day of December, 195Q. � H� U. Yd ngo Citq Audit and Clerk