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Deoember 16, 1950
T.he City Commission o~ the City o~ Clearwater met 1n Speoial Session at City
Hall, F'rida,., December 15th at 12100 o'clook Noon with the following member.
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Harry D. Sargeant
Herbert 14. Brown
E. B. Casler Jr. .
Leland F. Drew
Joe Turne r
. ..Commissioner
Also Present Were:
Boyd A. Bennett
George McClamma:
Ben Krentzman
-01t,. Manager
-abier ot Police
-City Attorney
': '
The J.iayor called the meeting to order. There being no one present to
request any correction to the lists of qua11fied voters, it was moved by Com-
missioner Casler, seoonded by Commissioner ~urner end oarried that the list
of qualif1ed electors as cert1r1ed b.r the County Supervisor of Registrat10n be
The Mayor read the report of the Committee of proposed salary raise tor
City Employees as set out below:
Clearwa ter, Florida
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~oember 15, 1950
Ma yor and Commissioners.
City of Clearwater, Florida
At the request ot your committee appointed to stud~ the salaries and wages of
the City employees, the following report 1s submitted:
Comm1tteels suggestion that & cost of living and adjuotment be paid
to every City employee in the amount of '15.00 per month for full time em-
p10~eElI!I and one-halt this amount - $'7.50 per month for part t1me employees -
to be mode effective Jrum.ary 1, 1951 - "i11 inorease the City's expenditures
tor th1s purpose approximately $21,B06.18 covering the six month period ending
June 30, 1951.
The increase in general rund expenditures will be approx~ately
$3.6,380.ea for the six month period, co wring 185 full time employees and
fcur (4) part time employees. These figures do not include the City Attorney,
Police Judge or Certified Public Accountant.
An increase in the Ut11ity ~partment expenditures will be approxi-
mately ~_425.50 for s1x month period covering fifty-nine (59) full ttme em-
ployees and two (2) part time employees.
The amounts are approximate - because the hourl, pay. weekly pay and
monthly pay, when used to estimate the increa se, vary in fractions. and even
amounts have been used - for example; $15.00 per month 1ncrease for twenty-six
weeks on weekly payroll would be $3.46153 per week and $3.50 per week was used
in the above figurss.
No full time employee will receive less than G15.00 per month adjust-
ment and a few may exceed this a maximum of $.1.00 for the six month period and
no part time employee will receive less than ,7.50 per month with a ~ew exoep-
tions will exceed this - a maximum of 45Ji for a six month penod.
This increas~ in expenditures can be met in three ways:
First - from increase in the various revenuea above the amount es-
timated at t~e time the budget was approved la st Spring.
Second - bY' all Department Head t s eff'orts and d1~igence in decrealS'1ng
the expend:t.tures below the amount set up 1n the budget am not to any great
degree decreasing the services to the public.
Third - by the City Comnission carefully screening all expenditures to
be f'1nanced :tram Genere.3. Fund income.
Respectfully submitted,
Boyd A. Bennett,
The Mayor 2!lurrendered tho Chair to Connnissiomr Turner and upon Co:rmnlssions1"
Tu.rner taJdng the Chair moved tha t tho Ccmmittee' IS report be Qccepted. The'
mot:t.on was seconded by Ca.mmiasioner Brown and carried.
~e Mayor thanked the Commission tor its action.
There being no further buslnes s to come bet'ore the Board, the meeting
. now adjOLlrnedtt
:/'!~:"'" ,',.b\',
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Deoember 14., 1950
Mayor"-Comm1ss1oner Harry" D.' Sargeant
~land F. Drew
E.B. Casler, Jr.
Herbert'M. Brown
Joe Turner
Speoial Meeting ot
in the City Hall
the City
to consider
Commission will be
the follow1ngz
he ld 8 t
1. To review the list ot qualified voters
:tor the City eleotion to be held Deoember
19, 1950, and oorrect this list if any
names have been bnproperly added or omitted.
2. Report of Ma1or's Committee on City
lWployee' 8 pay.
Very truly yours,
Signed: Boyd A. Bennett
Oi ty Manager
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December 1b, 1950
The r,�,ty Gomnissian oP the Cit�r oP qlearwatar met in Special Session at City
Ha1Z, F'riday, Ueosmber 15th at 12.00 o�c].ock rTcon w3.th the follov�inp member�
pr�aant: `
Alao Present Were:
Hs�ry D. Sargsant
Iierbert NIo Brawn
�. Bo Casler J'r. '
Lelar.d F. Drew
Joe Turr� r
Boyd A. Benne�t
George NcC].anmia�
Ben Krentzman
AM�yor-Cosranis �ioner
-Citg Rian.ager
-Chief af Pol'ice
-City Attorney
The Mayor called tY1s meeting to order. There being no one present to
request an�r correction to the listg of qua2ified voters:, it was moved by Com-
missioner CasZer, s�conded bg Couu�nissioner �.'urner a nd carried that the list
oF qualified ale�tors as certified bg the County Supdrvisor of Regiatration be
71he biayor read. the repoxt of the Conunittee of propossd salary raise .f'or
City Employe�s sa set out below�
Clearv�ater, Florid�
Mayor and Commissionara,
City of Clearv�atar, Florida
December 15, 1950
At the requeat of gour coirnnittee appointed to study the salaries and vrages of
the City employ�es, the Pollowing report is submitted:
Coirunittge�s eu��estion that � cost af living and adjus�mont be pa3d
to every City employee in the amount of �15v00 per month for ft�ll tis�e em-
plogees and ona-half this emount -�7.50 per month for part time employees -
to be mad� ePPective Jazivarg 1, I95�. � will increase the City�s ezpend3tures
for this purpose approximately $p21,806.18 covering the aix �onth period ending
June 30, 1951.
The increase in ganeral Pund expendituras will be approx3mately
�16�3FOs68 fOT the six aion�h period, covering 185 f�ill time emplovees and
faur (4) part time employer�s. Thess figures do not include the Cit� Attorney,
Police Judge or Cartified Public Accountant.
An increase in the Utility Department expenditurss will be approxi-
mateZ�r $p5,425.5U for s3x month period covering iifty-nine (59) 21i11 tirue �n-
playees and tvt� (2) part time employeesv
The euiounts r�re approximate - becauae the hour7�y pay, weekly pay and
manthly pay, when used to estimate t hs increase, vary in frsations, and even
amounts have been used - for sxampEe; �15.00 per month increase for twenty-aix
weeks on wesklg payroll would be �,3.46i53 per vreek arxi �3.50 per vreek was ueed
in the above figuros.
No ilill time employee will receive leas than �15.00 per month adjust-
ment and a�ew may excee� t2iis a maacimum of �1e00 for the six month period and
no part time employee will receiv� lass than �¢7.50 per montln v¢ith a few excep-
tions will sxoeed thia - s maximu� of 45iC for s s3x montka period.
This increase in expenditunes can bs me� in three ways:
First - from incz>ease in the varioua ravar�uea s�bove the amount ese
tiu�ted �t tY�e 'cime the budget was approved last Spring.
Seeond - by sll A�partm�nt Head�a e�'Ports and �liligence in decreas•ing
the �xpenditures below th�i amount set up in the budget arxl nAt to any great
dagree decreasing ttie ser�rices to th� publia,
Third - by �he Gity Co�niss3on carefully screening alI expenditures to
be financ��l �'rom General Fund incoma.
Res;peotf`u11� submitted,
Boyd A. Bennett,
The ATayor surrendered the Chair to Commissioner Turner and upon Co�nnissioner
Turner taking the Chair moved th�t the Coumiittee's report be acce�ted. The
motion was seconded by Connn3ssioner Brown and carrieda
The TRa�Tor �hanked tho Co�tssion for its action.
There being no flzrther busines9 to come before the Board, tho meeting
now ad3rnzrned�
Atte �
it Auditor e Clerk
� -+��
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,� � . . .�� „ . - �:
llecember 14, 195Q
Magor-Conunissioner Harry A< SArgeant ' '
Commissioners: ,
I,eland �". vrew
�, B. Casler, Jr. `
Herbert E�. Brown ' ' '
Joe Turner '
A Special A4eeting of the Citg Consiission will be held at 12 noon - December
'��„ in the City Hall to considex tYie following;
1. To review the list of quelified voterg
�or the City electloz� to be held Decembex
39, 1950, and correct tris list if any
names have been improperlp added or omitted.
` 2. Report oi hiayorts Committee on Citg
�iployee � s pay e
Very tz�uly yours, `
Signed: Boqd A. Bennett
City P+1ana�er
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