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-Ci toy lwlanager
-Chief of Police
-City Attorney
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November 27, 1950
Ha rry D. Sa rgean t
Herbert M. Bl"olm
E. B. Casler Jr.
Leland F. Drew
Joe Turner
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The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met 1n Special Session at
C1ty Hall Monday, November 27th at 7:30 P.M. with the following member~ present:
.,' .'
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Also Present Were:
Boyd A. Bennett
George T. McClamma
Ben Krentzman
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The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. It was moved by COt1Dlissioner
Drew that the minutes of the meoting of November 20th be approved in accordance
with the copy thereof .furnished each member in writlng_ and that their reading
be dispensed with. The motlon was seconded by Comm1ssioner Turner and carried.
Commissioner Casler called attention to the fact that a street 1n Grand
View Terrace had been named Casler Avenue at a t~e when there were no residents
on the street. He said that now that homes were being built he thought it waS'
possible that the residents might prefer another name. It' so he would be glad
to have the na~e changed to whatever name was preferred by the people residing
on the street. COlmnissioner Casler moved that the City ~~nager inquire among
the residents as to their wishes regarding a name for the street. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried.
Ttem #12 on the Agenda, consideration of the Contractors Ordinance on
itS' second reading, was deferred by consent.
The following bids for r&laying the storm sewer on Myrtle Avenue between
Maple Street and the Seaboard Railroad were opened:
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Mariani-O'Brien $3a18.00
Sidney P. Stansfield $2971000
Commissioner Drew moved that the low bid
by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The City Manager submitted Hovey Brothers Tractor Co. bid for supplying
a tractor-mower in the amount of $2118.00, stating that this was the only bid
received. He recommended that the bid be accepted. COmQissioner Casler moved
that the Manager's recomnendatlon be approved. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Turner and carried.
Comolete in 45 days
It It 30 days
be accepted. The motion was seconded
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The Manager reported that no one had bid on repairing the roof at the
Sewer Disposal Plant in accordance with the specirications. He said that part
of the work could be done by City labor; that extra termiting would cost approxi-
XI1Qte1y $250.00, and that tho roofing contract could be let separately. He
estimated the entire cost at fr~l $600.00 to $700.00. After some discuss10n,
the matter was deferred by unanimous consent.
The Manager submitted a tabulation of bids received for painting City Hall
a s follows:
H. H. Freidt $2420.00
Jos. J. Simmons 2590.20
W.R. Truluck & Son 1879.00
John B. Tucker 2273.25
He stated that about $1300.00 was available for this work and suggested that the
~econd floor, stair well to first floor, stair well to balcony and balcony be
pa1nted at this time. The bids on this item were:
be accepted.
H. H. Freidt
Jos. J. Simmons
W.R. Truluck & Son
John B. Tucker
Brown moved that the bid
The motion was seconded
$ 925.00
of Truluok & Son in the amount of
by Commi9sione~ Drew and carried.
The City Attorney reported that he had carefully checked the City Charte~
relative to the rilling of vacancie5 in the Commission for unexpired ter.D1S} that
if Commissioner Drew should resign now, it would be necessary for the Commission
to appoint a meml)er to serve until the next general election, December 19th.
However, he could rind no charter provision for electing a Commiss10ner for a
one year ter.m. At this thne, Commissioner Drew tendered his resignationJ to be
erfective the first Monday in January~ 1951.
Attornay Charles Phillips addressed the Con~lss10n relative to the zoning
ot the SRi of the NEi in Section 13"29-15. He said he believed that the S. 280 ft.
ot th1s property was zoned for business, which would leave a fifty toot strip
immediately to the North zoned as R-2 within the corporate limits. He requested
that this fifty feet be inoluded in the '~usiness" zone. During th6 disoussion
1t developed that this forty aores had probably been 6rroneously omitted from the
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November 27, 1950
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Zoning Ordinance adopted in 1949 and actually may be unzon&d at this time.
Commissioner Brown moved that the City Attorney have the map checked as to
the zoning of the Constantine property (the S.E.-: of the N.E.i, Sec. 13,
Twp. 29 S, R. 15 E). The motion was seconded by COl/missioner Drew and carried.
The City Attorney submitted Ordinance 11601, au Ordinance to amend the
Zoning Law 0 Comm1ss1onm?_Prew moved that the Ordinance be passed on the :first
reading. Connllissione~onded the motion a nd it carried. COI:lII1issioners
Brown, Casler, Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted "Aye". There were none opposed.
Connnissioner Casler moved that the Ordinance be read the second time "by title
only". The motion was seconded by Connnissioner Turner and carried. Com-
missionerS' Brown, Casler, Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted "Aye". Thore were
no "'Nays". Commissioner Drew moved that the Ordinance be passed on the
second readinR by ti tle only. The motion was seconded by CODlD1issioner Casler
and carl"ied. Commissioners Brown, Casler, 1)1"ew,Sargeant and Turner voted "Aye".
There were none opposed.
The City Attorney now submitted Ordinance IfflOa, an Ordinance providing
for a Special Election to be held December 19th, to subject Ordinance #601 to
a re:ferendum to be participated in by "free holder3" only. Commissioner Drew
moved that Ordinance ~oa be passed on its first reading. ~le motion was
seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Commissioners Brown, Caslerp Drew,
Sargeant and Turner voted ItAye". There were none opposed. Carumissioner Casler
moved that Ordinance #002 be read the second time by title only. The motion
was seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Commissioners Brown, Casler,
Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted "Aye". There were no negative votes. Commissioner
Casler moved that Ordinance #Gaz be passed on its second reading by title only.
The motion was seconded by Coomissioner Turner and carried. CommisBioner~ Brown,
Casler, Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted ItAye't. There were none oPPos'ed.
The Clerk BUbMi tted the following naI11eS of persons' who ha ve agreed to
serve as Clerks and Inspectors' in the Municipal Election Tuesda y, December 19th:
Garden Avenue Fire
S. H. Lowe, Clerk
IsIrs Margaret Dunn
l.1rs. Herbert Duval
Mrs. J. A. Hope
Mrs. Mollie Shearer
Mra. Bert Brady
Mrs. Sallie Guzman
J. R. Thomas
Mrs. Marion Rousseau
Sta tion
508 G1enwood Avenue
511 East Turner Street
515 East Rogers Street
808 Eldridge St.
613 Ma l"ahB.ll st.
1775 F~.l.lton Ave.
803 S'. !<'ort Harrison Ave.
500 S. Fort Harrison Ave.
1008 Jones Street
Beach Fire Station
Mrs. Callie W. Burton~ Clerk
Mrs. Lyda D'Armand
Mrs. J. D. Parrock
Mrs. D. L. He. sbrouck
39 Baymont Street
39 Bay.mont Street
944 Bruce Ave.
28 Acacia Street
Commissioner Drew moved that the Clerk's recor.1IT1endations be accepted. The motion
was seconded by Conmissioner Brown and carried.
The Mayor again brought up the proposal to increase the salaries of' those
employeea whose salaries are less than $250.00 by 10~ and an increase o:f 5% for
those employees who earn $250.00 but less than $300~OO per month. Commissioner
Casler moved that the matter be deferred f'or a full committee report. Com- '
missioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried.
Item #9 on the Agenda, the report of the Coramittee on the request o:f the
Philadelphia Baseball Club's request to set back the fence at the Baseball Park,
was defer~ed by consent.
The Committee on purchase of property :for extending Grand Central Street
had no report at this time.
The City Manager reported that he had contacted cp~rter boat ownera
relative to their preferences in gasoline; that two favored Sinclair Gaa, rour
Gul:f Gas, none Standard and none City Service gas. Conmliasioner Drew moved that
no franchise be given to any company to install pumps, but that any de~ler be
allowed to solicit business at the dock in :front of the Municipal Auditorium.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The City Manager recommended that $100,000.00 of the funds received fram
sale of Utility Revenue Certi:ficates be invested in U. &. Treasury 2:1% bonds,
maturing JUne 15, 1962. He stated these bonds would be available :for purchase
by banks on June 15, 195H and should increa se in value at tha t t:l1116. Com-
missioner Casler moved that the Managerls recon~endation be followed. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The City Manager reported that he- had authorized the following gtl>eJ main
extensions costing leas than $300.00:
(a) Nov. 22# 1950, 260 :ft. o:f ]It Gss Main on Third Ave., end 150, ft.
of litt ga s nsin on Coronado Drive. Estima ted cost $150.00
(b) :Nov. 21# 1950" 475 :ft. of 2'" Gas Main on Pierce st. and
Prospeot Ave. Estimated cost
(0) Nov. 21, 1950, J.OO ft. ot 21t Gas Main on Druid Road It It.
Coma1ssioner Casler moved that the extensions be approved. The motion
seoondod by Commissioner Turner and carried.
$ 70.00
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November 27, 1950
The City 11ana~e~ submitted two resolutions which would require property
owners to clean their lots or grass~ weed& and underbrush. The rirst reso-
lution would aff'ect 13 property owners' who had requested that their lota be
clearled. The aecond would ei'fect the property of 38 persona, where the clean-
ing had been l'equested by non-owners. Commissioner Brown moved that the
resolutions be adopted. The motion was seconded by COMmissioner Drew and
carried unanimously.
The City 1-.1anager submitted a request by the Recreatlon Department that
500 bloacher seats be purchased for use a t the ba seba 11 pa rk a t a cost of
$1700.00. Commisslonel' Drew movetl that the City Manager be instructed to
contact the authorities of the Baseball Club and that he be authorizetl to
contract with the Club along the lines of the existing contract. The motion
~us seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried.
A report by the Barbers EXEl1luning Board i'or the period NOVOlrlber 21at,
1949 to August 8, 1950 showed a total of $81.00 collected in examina tlon teeS'.
It WBS moved by Conunisslorler Casler that the report be accepted and the Clerk
make a report on the receipts. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown
and carried.
~le City Manager presented a report by James A. Hamilton & Associates
of results of the recent Hoapi ta 1 Survey of Hillsborough and Pinellaa Counties,
tosether with a refund check in the amount of ~44.36 for the unexpended portion
or the City's oontribution toward the cost of the Sttrvey. Commissioner Brown
suggested that the l1anager give an analysis of the report some day at noon.
COllID1issioner Ca3ler moved that the report be accepted. Conmis3ioner Brown
seconded the motion and it carried.
Considers tion of' tho appointment to the Zoning Board to succeed lKr.
Andrew Horton~ was def'erred by unanimous consent. '
The !-.layor told the COllll!1ission that the Chief' of the Pire Department had
requested the opening of Bay Esplanade and Eldorado Avenue through the fence
separating the Carlouel Development fron the other part of the Beach. Com-
missioner Casler and Commissioner Brown stated that sone of the Carloue1 resi-
dents were opposecl to the opening of the streets, and they knew of none ot
them who favored such a nove. On a motion by Cammissioner Brown, which was
seconded by COlilInissioner :rurner and carried, the matter was tabled.
The City Manager reported that the Lincoln-Mercury Company had made
satisfactory progress in !:loving o:ff a portion of the Cleveland Street Right of
Way according to Officer Cason" who had made periodic inspections'. He stated
that moving had been completed except for the wall.
The City Manager reported that he had contacted Leo lol. Butler relative
to the proposal survey of LDts 17~ 18 and 19, Block F, First Addition to
Sunset Point~ nnd the establishment of a Right of Way ror the street crossing these
lots. He stated that this would be more than an ordinary survey" due to the fact
thB.t certain lots platted in this block did not show any dimensions North and
South. He esti~ted the cost at $175.00. Commissioner Drew moved that the
matter be tabled until a more satisfactory arrangement for a survey can be made.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried.
The City Attorney reported the t 1 t we. s his opinion the t the County Tax
Collector could not be required to collect lot cleaning charges in connection
with the collection of' City taxes. He stated that lot cleaning charges were
more in the nature or improvement liens than taxes. Commissioner Casler moved
that the City Attorney prepare for use of the City Clerk, a proper lien for.m
for filing liens for lot cleaning and that no lien be filed without public notice
being given. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried.
The Chief of Police requested a special appropriation or $700.00 to pur-
chase nine (9) parking meters to be installed on the West side of' Waterson
Avenue between Cleveland and Hendrix Streets. He stated that there are no park-
ing regulations in efrect in this area now. On a motion by Commissioner Brown,
which was seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried, the matter was deferred.
The City Attorney reported tbat he had met with the Zoning Board and that
the Zoning Board will cooperate fully with the Commission. He said the Board
had not been aware that each sign had to be considered as an individual item~
but that applications for the erection of signs w01\ld be more carefully con-
sidered in the future. On a motion by Commissioner Drew~ which was seconded by
Commissioner Brown and carried, the City Attorney's report was accepted.
The City l~nager presented the report by H. M. Turnburke, C.P.A., o~ the
Audit of the City's accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950. Com-
missioner Brown moved that the report be accepted. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Turrler and carried. ~
Commissioner Drew moved that the expenditure of $400.00
cost of re-s1.\rfacing Grand Avenue, as requested by the County
approved, and the cost charged against the maintenance fund.
seconded by Commissioner Brown and carriede
for one half the
Commission, be
The motion was
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November a? 1950
Relative to the City requiring the oleaning of lots under the Nuis.ano'e:',>
Ord1nanoe, the City Attorney stated that eaoh oase would have to be handled on. '
its own merits; that it would be necessary to show that the condition ot ,th~'.',
lot was Buch as to be aotually detrimental to the pub1io health, publio morala.. '.
or public welfare. in eaoh case* Comm~flsioner Drew moved that the Attorney's .
report be accepted and the C1 toy Manager bring in proper roports, with. requests'
for lot oleaning. The motion wa s seconded by c.;ornniss10ner Brown and oarriod.
The Chief of' Police requested tha t a special appropriation be made for
the purcl~se of' seven parking meters to be installed at Oourt Street and South
Garden Avenue adjacent to the new Magurno building, at an estimated oost ot
$525.00. Commissioner Drew moved that the appropriation be made. The motion
was seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried.
The City Manager reoommended that a speoia1 appropriation of' $700.00 be
made to oover the cost of preparing and produoing new zoning maps.. Commissioner
Casler moved tha t the request be gran ted. Conmiss ioner Brown seoonded the
motion and it carried.
Commissioner Turner suggested that stenoils be out tor the Agenda, so
that extra copies will be available for the newspapers or anyone else desiring
Mr. Mac Nevanan requested that he be peI'Initte<l to build a small offioe at
the dock in front of the Aud1toriml1, so he might have a telephone. Commissioner
Drew moved that permission to ereot a temporary booth be granted. The motion
was seoonded by Cor~lssioner Casler and carried.
COl11n1issioner Brown moved tha t a sign be' ereoted at the Auditorium dook
to show tha tit is a terJlporary loce tion f'OI' the Imperial Dook. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
November 24, 1950
Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Leland p. Drew
E. B. Ca sler Jr.
Herbert M. Brown
Joe Turner
f -- t
, l
A special meeting of the Commission will be held Monday. I~ovember 27, at 7:~
P. M. in the City Hall to consider the items on the attached Agenda.
Very truly yours,
Boyd A. Bennett'
City NiS.nager
, BAB:gg
Reading of. minutes of N'ove:cnber 20, 1950.
C1 ty Manager's report on the bids reoei ved for the Traotor-Mower.
City Manager's report on the repairing of the roof' at the Uispoaa1 Plant
for which no bids were reoeived.
4. Heport of the City Manager on bids reoeived for painting the City Hall.
5. City Attorney's opinion relative to the resignation of' Commissioner Drew
as Commissioner - as to timing of saMe.
6. Conslde~tion of ordinance amending the Zoning law to be presented to the
voters at the next regular Municipal Election.
!;;.,: 7. Appointment of clerks and inspectors f'or the munioipal eleotion Tuesday,
:i:.t Deoember 19.
t~?\e'> 8. ~~P~~~l~;~:' :h:a~~~;~:ee appointed by the May or to oonsider the 1ncrease
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Consideration of Contractor's ordinance on its seoond read1ng.
Report of the City Mllnager on suggestions for the investment of $100_000
Revenue Certificate money in Governncnt bonds.
RepOl't of the City l.tanager on water and gas IlJ8.ins approved" costing lesS"
than $300.00 as follows:
(a) Nov. 22, 1950 - 260' of 1" gas maln on 3rd
Avenue and 150' of li" gas main on Coronado Drive,
to se~ve one customer at estimated cost of ~~150.00.
(b) Nov. 21, 1950 - 475' of eU gas maIn on Pierce and
Prospect Streets, to serve one customer at estimated
cost of ~260.00.
(o) November 21., 1950 100' of 2ft gas main on Druid
Road to serve one new customer at estimated cost of
Conslderatton of resolution request,ing property ownors to clean their
lots of weeds and grass.
Consideration of the purchase of 500 bleacher seats at the base ball park
at a coat of $1700.00 suggested by the Recreation lJopartment.
Report of the Barber Examining Board for period of November 21, 1949 to
August 8" 1950.
Receipt of the roport of Mr. Jamea A. Hamilton and Associates on the
hospital plan for Hilleborough and Pinellas area. .
Considez"Sl.tlon of the appointIlIent to the Zoning Board to fill vacancies
created by the resi6natlon of Mr. Horton.
Consideration of the opening of a f'ence at thru streets, which was con-
structed in 1933 from Glearwstel' 13ay to the Gulf' of Mexico - 3eparatlng the
Carlouel Deve10~lent from the other part or the beach.
Report of City Manager on progress of Lincoln-Mercury Co. in moving off a
portion of Cleveland street, which thoy are noVl occupying.
Cit~T Manager's report on the cost of making a survey on the preparing of" a
plat for the dedication of a street, together with the description of' the
street to be dedicated and all of tile lots with markers on each corner -
part of Lots 17, 18 & 19, Block F, 1st Addition to Sunset Point - for which
Lots Mr. John Segelken has made an off'er to purclwse the lots not used f"or
City purposes.
Report of the City Attorney on the collection of charges for the clearing
of lots by the County Tax Assessor.
Request of the Chief of Police for special appropriation 01" $700.00 to
cover the cost of purchasing nine (g) parking meters.
City Attorney's report on a meeting with the Zoning Board, He: Signs.
Presentation of Certified Public Accountant's Audit of the City books for
the fiscal year ending June 30. 1950.
Request of County Cmronission for the City to pay half' the cost of re-
surfacing Gram Avenue, westerly from Drew StreetJ - ea'timated cost of
about $400.00.
Report of" the City Attorney on clearing of lots under the nui~ce ordinance,
requested at the meeting of Oct. 2~ 1950.
Consideration of request of Chief of Police for special appropriation for
the purchase of seven (7) parking meters for installation at Court street
and South Garden Avenue, adjacent to the new Megumo Building, at an
eBtirr~ted cost of ~525.00.
Request of City Manager for specia~ appropriation of $700.00 for preparing
and producing new zoning maps at estimated cost of $700.00.
Report of City Manager on Seminole Dock.
City Manager's report on the Connnlssion 's' Bugf~estion that the Physician's;
Association name a Doctor to periodically act as City Physician.
City Manager's report on the State Road Department repairing the draw
bridge on the Causeway and their o~fering to erect electrically operated
ga tas on a force account basis - at estimated cost of $4,900.00.
Opening of bids on the relaying of starIn sewer on Myrtle Ave. S'outh from
Maple Street to Seaboard R.R. track.
Request of" Attorney Cooper on beha~f of the lessees of the Bowling Alley
to use a portion of the street east or the Bowling Alley on Cleveland St.
to erect an addition to the Bowling Alley building on the east side of same,
which will extend about 4 ft. into the City public street.
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November 27, 1950
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City of' Tampa
Tampa" Florida
November 17th, 1950
Contributing AgenciesJ
H oapital Study Committee of
IIillsborough-Pine1las Area.
All expenses in connection with the survey made by 3arnes A. Hamilton and Asso-
ciates, under the auspices of your committee, imve been paid and I am attaching
hereto a statement of receipts and disbursements of the !Und~ contributed by
the various Agencies.
You wiil note that there remains an unexpended balance of $1,021.95 which" under
the terms ot the ag:reement, is to be refunded on the same pro-rat8.t basis a~ the
original contributions were made, and a check covering your portion of this
retund, as set forth on the attached statement~ 1s enclosed.
Yours very truly.
Signed: Hobert D. Pelhank
City Comptroller
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OITY 001v1MISSION :MEETING ., ," ,,', '..
November 27, 1950
\l[EREASr it has been deter.mined by the City Oommission of the Cit~ or Clear.
water Florida that the property described below should be cleaned of weeda, grass
and/o~ underb~sh, and that after ten (10) days notice and failure of the owner
thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof
against the respective property.
NOVl THERE}l'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comm1ss10n of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the following described property, situate in said City. shall be
oleaned of' weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and tha t upon failure to oomply with said
notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and oharge the oosta thereof agains~
the rospective properties in accordance with Section 128 or the Charter of the
City of Clearwater, as amended.
Ed. H. Adams
509 No. Fit. Harrison
Clearwater, Florida
Vincont Sourto
Gulf to Bay Blvd.
Clearwater, Florida.
Et of l~i of NW~ of
swi - Sec. l3-ae..15
E1t of' wi of NW! of wi
of swi - Sec. 13-29-15
Mrs. Janet Haviland
309 N. Osoeola Avenue
Clearwa ter, Plorida.
Harvey hlartin
1217 Reynolds St.
Clearwater, Florida.
Lot 13, Elk A
lo'10r1dena Subd.
Lot 15, Blk A
lo'loridena Sub
Lloyd L. Wa lke r
Fleetwood Apts. Bldg. 19,
Apartment 1, Clearwa ter, Fla.
Geo. E. Lacher
416 Riohmond Street
Dunedin, ~lorid&
Theresa V. lIa18ey
1432 E. Park Street
Clearwater, E~orida
Lot 1, B1k :;
Kno11wood Subd.
Lot 2;, B1k 3-
Knoll.wood Subd.
Lot 8, Blk 3
Knol1wood SUlld.
Rbt. E. Lawler
808 Main Street
Richmond, Ind.
Ronald O'Hara
Quintard A~ve. Apt. 2,
Anniston, Ala..
E. G. Weber
102:8 Monmouth St.
Newport, Iry.
Charles A. Bassett
118, W. Bagby Rd.
Berea" Ohio
Lewis E. Harwood
311 st. Highland
Clearwater, lo~orida
Helen C. Golden
Box 1167
New Port Richey, Fla.
G. Gilmore Reynolda
OsgoodJl Ind.
Hazel Beckham
Lon-iS', N. C.
M.F.W. Weidemeyer
Box 38?, Windsor Mill Rd.
Baltimore, Md.
Lots 9,10Jlll, Blk 3
Knoll'wood Subd.
Lot 1, Elk A
Pea.le Park Subd.
Lot 2, Blk A
Peale Park Sub.
let 45 & Ei of 46,
Baysides Subd.
Lots 10, 11, Blk C
Keystone Manor
165' x 100' or N.330' of th
w,i of the E.3/41, of the MY';
of' S.E.~ of 18.29-15
Lots 16, 17, Blk D
Bassadena Subd.
Lot 18. Blk D
Bas sadena Subd.
Lot 26',
Glenwood Estate~
J. S. Fornara
1226 Springdale Rd., N.E.
Atlanta, Ga.
Lot 27
G1enwood Estates'
Box 387,W1ndsor Mill Rd.
Baltimore. Md.
Lot 30
Glenwood Estates
Mrs. C. B. Hopkinson
, 1560'E. Drew St.
C~ea~wQter, Florida.
'.. ..,......,'.. '.
Lot 3a
Glenwood Eatates
'. i.., \
., . ". .;. ~;, ",. ~.. "~."" ._.;. . ~ . ,'\~" .~ :";'~. --=- . t(
Mowing only
, .
.S~~t~l '
'/" ,;;:,;::.0<:~,(~::;:i:: .
, ' "I ", ,"
'1,,':::;;::~iWi~~Wt ,
t "., " ,I'r
, .< :".,' .,\.'''.tl' '
,': ":,.';~';>I:ir' ,
I" ,. {.I....,
\ ':.;::::,:,)~;;ifYt \
" .,.,.Jor~......'l4"Vt'b
'~1:j'~~F~~~' .~.t~i}1i.n~::' .,'
Mowing only
Mowing on1~
to mow front of
this l.ot only
Mowing only
Mowing only
Mowing only
Mowing only
Mowing only
lio"ing only
Mowing only
Mowing only
~lowing only
Mowing only
Mowing only
lltowi ng
lIold. ng
$2.50 '
Resolution, Lot Cleaning---Cont1d
.Prol1~er.t'Y :
Paul Henneson
21? Orangewood Ave.
Clearwater, Florida
R. W. Joutter
1409 N. Ft. Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida
Edith Homer
505 Cleveland st.
Clearwater, ~~orida
Margaret C. Shannon
Box 1352-
Clearwater, Florida
Hillcrest Development COe
0/0 Ed. Whitson
1611 Maple st.
Olearwater, Florida
Lot 62
Glenwood Estates
Lots 10,11, Blk I,
Hillorest ~~ Subd.
Lot 12, Blk !
Hil10rest Me Subd.
Lot 22:, Blk B
A vonda le Sub.
[. " '
Lots lZ,14"Blk I,
Hil10rest #2 Subd.
lJ:>t 15, Blk I,
Hillcrest No.2, Subd.
Mr. R. G. Key
618-20 Fla. Nat'l. Ek. Bldg.
St. Petersburg, Florida
Nona B. Sharp
P. o. Box 333
Clearwater, Florida
George G. Springer
2820 Granville Ave.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Jame s W. King
Maryvil1e, Tenn.
Lot 12, B100k D
Avondale Subd.
Lot 23, Blk A
Avondale Subd.
Lot 24, Blk B
Avondale Subd.
J. W. Frost;
1110 stevenson Avenue
Clearwater, Florida
Lot 10, Bll: G
Sunset Point Subd. 2nd.
I.R. &: Cora M. Quimby
P. O. Box 7175
Houston, 8, Texas
Grace B. Haley
Box 492
Clearwater, Florida
B .A. & Ia ure. E. Mograw
470 Poinsettia st.
Clearwater, Florida
Henry Henerqu1ez
Clearwater Beach, City
R. V. Barden
1615 No. Ft. 1~rr1son
Clearv~ter, Florida
A1da & Laura :M. Chambers
R. D. 14, Box 646
Indianapolis, !Ind.
A. Waller Smith
c/o Bank of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Sarafem Derveoh
30 Id1ewi1d St.
Clearwater, Fla.
Lot 11, 12 B1k G
Sunset Point Subd. 2nd
Lots 28,29,30,51, Blk C
Bassadena Subd.
Lots 29,30,31, Elk A
Barbour Morrow Subd.
Lot 33, Elk A
Barbour ~Iorrow Subd.
Lot 34, B1k A
Barbour-Morrow Subd.
Lot 7, B1k D
Highland Groves
Ni of Lot 20, Lota 21,22,
23,24, 8.16' of Lot 25,
Blk B, Hillcrest Subd.
Lot 26, B1k B
Hi11cre st Subd.
$ .'75
Lots l,2,3,4,5,6,Blk 2
Y~ollwood Replat
"towing only
$10.00 .
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission of the City of
Clearwater~ Florida, this 27th day of Novenilier, A.D. 1950.
Ha rry D. Sa rp;ea nt
H. G. W1pgo
City Auditor and Olerk
: :~~]0~Gk~~~;;;.::~~'.'
November 27, 1950
Resolution, Lot Cleaning---Conttd
,~roperty. :
Es:tima ter
Owne r:
Paul Henneaon
217 Orangewood Ave.
Clearwater, Florida
R. W. Jeutter
1409 U. Ic1t. Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, ~~orida
Edith Homer
505 Cleveland st.
Clearwater, Florida
Margaret C. Shannon
Box 1352,
Clearwater, Florida
Hillcrest Development Co.
c/o Ed. Whitson
161J. liap1e St.
Clearwater, Florida
Lot 62:
G1enwood Estates
'~. >;'"'" "i\','" . ,.~
Lots 10,11, Elk I,
Hillcrest I~: Subd.
Lot 12, Blk I
Hillcrest #2 Subd.
Lotff 13,14,B1k I,
Hillcrest #2 Subd.
wt 16, Elk I,
Hillcrest }To. 2, Subd.
Mr. R. G. Key
518-20 Fla. Nattl. Ek. bldg.
st. Petersburg, Florida
Nona B. 8ha rp
P. O. Box 33:;
Clearwater, Florida
Lot 12, Block E
Avondale Subd.
Lot 22:, Elk B
A vonda 1e Sub.
$2 .00
George G. Springer
2820 Granville Ave.
Los Angeles, Cali~.
James W. Ring
Maryville, Tenn.
Lot 23, Blk A
Avondale Subd.
Lot 24, Blk B
Avondale Subd.
J. W. Frost
1110 Stevenson Avenue
Clearwater, Florida
I.R. & Cora !ti. Quimby
P. O. Box 7175
Houston, 8, Texas
Lot 10. Blk G
Sunset Point Subd. 2nd.
Lot 11, 12 Blk G
Sunset Point Subd. 2nd
Grace B. Haley
Box 492
Clearwater, Florida
B .A. & Laura E. l.logro'W
470 Poinsettia st.
Clearwater, Florida
Henry Henerquiez
Clearwater Deach, City
R. V. Barden
1615 No. Ft. Imrrison
Clearwater, Florida
Aldo & Laura :lit. Chambers
R. D. 14, Box 646
IndianapoliS, !rnd.
A. Waller Smith
c/o Bank of C1earwa ter
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Saraf'em Dervech
30 Idlew11d St.
Clearwa ter, Fla.
Lots 28.29,30,31, Blk C
BasBsdena Subd.
Lots 29,30.31, B1k A
Barbour Morrow Subd.
Lot 33, Elk A
Barbour Morrow Subd.
Lot 34, Blk It.
Barbour-1iorrow Subd.
Lot 7, B1k D
Highland Groves
Ni of Lot 20, Lots 21.22,
23,24, S.16' of Lot 25,
Blk B, Hillcrest Subd.
Lot 26, B1k B
Hillcrest Subd.
$ .75
Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,Blk 2
Kno11wood Replat
Mowing only
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE 01 ty COD1IT11ssion of the City of
Clearwater, Florida. this 27th day of Nove:lllber. A.D. 1950.
Harry D. Sargeant -
,H. GlJ W1~o
O:1~ Audito%' and Clerk
'!t~w.~'" ." '
f.'.i': J. ",> ~;~<~(~"""~:."
WHEREAS: it has been deter.mined by the City Comm1ssion ot the City of Clear-
water, Florida, that the property desoribed below should be cleaned ot weeds,
grass and/or underbrush, and that at'ter ten (10) days notice and failure of the
owner thereo~ to do so. the City should oloan such propert1 and charge the costs
thereof against the respeotive property.
NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City ot Cl~arwater,
Florida. t~t the fOllowing described property, situate in said City, shall be
cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notioe in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to oomply with said
notioe, the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the cost~ thereot agaInst
the respeotive properties 1n accordanoe with Seotion 128 of the Charter of the
Oity of Clearwater, as amendod.
(OWners request~)
wi- of Ei of NV/t of
swi 1n Sec. 13-29-15
November 27. 1~50
M. :I. Beasley
1865 Gulf to Ba y El vd.
Olea rwa tel', Florida.
Mrs. Ba rker
1024 Charles Street
Clearwater, Florida
Ei of 4 and wi ot 5,
Blk A, Pealo Park Subd.
Mr. Minor
1415 So. Groenwood Ave.
Clearwa tel', Florida
Lots 3,4. A.lI.Dunoan Subd.
of \"I1J of NEi of SVI~ Sec.
Lind & Mapes
612 Franklin St.
Clearwater. ~~orida
Lots 2,3.14,15,16, Blk 7
Magnolia Park Subd.
Mr. W. C. Henrion
604 N. Osceola Ave.
Clearwater, Florida
Lots 4, ~O. Blk B
Belleview Court ~ubd.
Mr. John Meok
llBl N.E. Cleveland
Clearwa tel', Fla.
Lot 5 &: Vii of 6, Blk I,
Keystone Manor Subd.
J. F. Murphy
1406 N. Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, Florida
Lots 13.. 14,
Sharps Subd.
Mrs. Charles Crowley
1725 Fulton Avenue
Clearwater, Florida
Lot 11, Blk B,
A vonda 1e Subd.
Lot 9, Elk G,
Keystone Manor Subd.
Lot 18, BUt B
La Jolla Subd.
Edwin C. Brown
J.117 Granada St.
C1earwa tel', Fla.
Mrs. Caroline Gough
J.124 Howard St.
Olea rwa ter, Fla.
Lots 11,12, Elk 24
Marymont Subd.
rrrrs. Poln:tl1
207 No. Missouri Ave.
Clearwa tel', Fla.
N. 75' o~ Lot 1, and N.75'
of 10t 2, Alk 4..
Country Club Addn.
Lot 15, Blk 22'
Magnolia Park Subd.
Mrs. Joe Russell
803 E. Turner St.
Clearwa tel', Fla.
~Ir. Hoberson
1469 Jacaranda Circle
Clearwa tel', ~'lorlda
Lots 2,4.
Roberson Subd.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Comnission of the City
of Clearwater, Florida, this 27th day of November. A.D. 1950.
Es tima te :
Mow ing
Mowing only
$25.00 (O.K. with
property owner)
Mowing only
$10.00 (O.K. with
property owner)
11 owing
Mow ing
Mowing $2..50
Mowing $2.50
Mow 1ng
$2 .00
Harry D. Sargeant
H. G. Wingo
CIty Auditor and Clerk
. '., :;
November 27a 1950
The C1ty Commission of the C3.ty of Clearwater met in Special 8assion at
City Hall Monday, rtov�rnber 27th at 7.30 P.N:, with the following members �re�ax��;
Ii4rry D, S�rgeant
Herbert D�. Bro�rn
E. B. CasTer Jro
Leland F. Dretv
Joe Turner
No ne
Also Present V�ere,
Boyd A. Ber.nett
George T. McCla�na.
Ben ILrentzman
..City hIanager
-Chief oF Police
_City A.ttorneyt
The meot:ing was calle� to order by the b2ayor. It was moved by �o�nissioner
Drew tha� �he minutes of the mee�3ng of November 20th be approvod in accordance
with the copy thereoi',furnished each member in writ:Lng, and that their reading
b� dispenss� with. The motion v�as seconded bq Commissior.er Z'urner and cax=:ied.
Commissioner Casler called attentj_on to the fact that a atreet in Grand
Viev� Terrace had baen namod Casler Avenue at a t:tne when thex�e tiyera no residents
dn the streoto He said that now tha� homes were being built he thou�ht it arra�
possible that i:he resiaanta migY�t pre£er anotkier name. If so Yae would be glad
to have the na�e changed to whatever na�e wae preferred by the people re�idirag
on the street. Commisaioner Casler'moved that the City ManageL inquira among
the residents as to their wishes regarfl ing a name £or the street. The motion
was secor_ded by Co�nissioner Bra�rn �nd carried.
?tem y�12 or_ the Agenda, consideration of the Contractors Ordinanee on
its� second reading, vias dePerred by cansent.
The following bidg for re-Za�ing the storm sewar Qn hSSrrtle 4venue b�tween
Maple Stree� and tho 8eaboard Rai7.road were opaned;
hRari.ani..O�Brien �32r18,00 - Com�lote in 45 days
Sidney P. S�tansfie,ld �2971a00 - " 30 dz�ys
Cor.uuissioner Drew moved that the low bid be accepted. Tha motion was seconded
by Cormniss3oner Turner anc3 caxried.
The C3.ty h7anage� submitter3 Hovey Brothers Tr�ctor Co. bid for supplying
a tractor-incwer in the amcunt of ��,'2118.0�, stating that this was the onlg bici
received. He recor.¢nanded that the bid be accepted. Cozvaissioner Casler moved
that the Pvianager� s recovnnsndatian be apgrove+3. The motion wa,s seconded by
Comnissioner Turrer and c�rried.
The hYanager reporLed that no or.e had bid on repairing the roraf at the
Sewer Disposal Plant in accordance with the speci�icationso He said that part
of the work could be done by City ].abor; tha't extra ter�iting �vould cost a��proxic
mately �250.00, and ti�at the roofing enntract could be let separatelg. FiA
e�timated the entire coat at fram �600.00 to �700.QG. After so�o discussion,
the matter was deferrea by unanimou�. consent,
The Nianager submitted a• tabulation of bids rece3.ved for painting City Hali
as follocvs:
H. H. Freidt y�2420.00
J`os. d. Sirmnons 2590.u0
1Y.R. Truluck & Son 1879,�0
John B. Tucker 2273.25
He atated that about �"1300.00 was available for this work and suggested that the
socond i'�oor, statr well to first floor, stair well to balcony and balcony be
pain�ed at this time. The bids on this item were:
Ho H. Freidt �; 925.00
Jos. J. Si�nons 987.20
W,R. Truluck & Son 600.C�0
John B. 2'ucker 873.5Q
Co�issioner Brown moved that the bid of Truluck & Son in the ar,�ount of �$600.00
ba accepted. TYie motion was seconded by Conmissioner llrew and carried.
The City Attorney reported th�t he had careiully checked tho City Charter�
relative to the filling of vacancieg in the Commission for unexpired tezais� that
if Commissioner Drew should resign now, it would be necessary �'or t�e Commissian
to appoint a member to sarve untiT �ha next general election, December 19th.
However, he could find no chartar provision for electing a �omm�ssioner for a
one year term, At th3s time, Commissioner Drew tendered his resignetion, to be
effective -the first hlonda� in January, 1951,.
Attorney Charles Phi7.lips addressed the Conffnission relative t;o the zoning
of the SEg of the NE4 in Section 13��9-15. He said he beliaved that the S. 280 ft.
of th3s property was zoned for business, yrhi�h would leave a fifty foot strip
immediately to the North zoned as R-� within the corporate limits. He requested
i:hat this fifty i'eet be �ncluded in the °business19 zona. During th� diseussion
it devel'oped that this forty acres had probably been erroneously omitted from the
Noaember 27, 195L1
�� �
Z'oning Ordinsnce adopted in 1949 an�s actually may be unzpned at this time.
Commissioner F3rown Lnoved that the Cit� pttorney have the map checked as to
the zoning of the �onstantine properta (tlie S'.Eo� of the N.E.¢, Sec. i3,
Twp. 29 S, R. 15 E). The motion rva.s�, seconded by Conmiasioner Drew and carried.
The City Attorne�* subniitted Ordinance �{601, an Ordinance to amend tlie
tioning Iaw. Ca�nissi�rew inoved that the Urdinance be passed on the first
reading. Connnissione on�.ed the motion ancl it carried. Comnissio�ere
Brown, Casler, Drew9 Saxgeant and Turrier voted "Aye��. There were none oppoaed.
Commissioner casler moved that th�s Ordinance 'be read the second time °by title
�nl���. The motion was aeconc�ed b� Conmiissionex Turn�r and carried. Com-
missioner� Brown, �asler, Drev�, Sargeant and Turner aoted 1PAye�t. There were
no �"N�ys«. �orrmiissioner Drew moved that the Ordinance be pa�sed on the
seUo�id read_n� by title only. Tlie motion was seconded by Co�miissioner Casler
and c:�rried. Corrmiissioners Brown, Casler, Drew,Sar�eant and Turner voted °Aye�'•
There were none opposed.
The City Attorney now subniitted Ordinance #&0&, an Ordina nce providing
for a Special Electiors to be held Dece�ber I9th, to subject �rdinance �601 to
a referendum to be par�icipated in by �'free holdars" only. Corrnnissioner Drew
moved that Ordinance �}60� be passed on its fimst reading. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. �omriissionexs,Brown, Casler, Dre�u,
Sargeant and Turner voted ��Aye��a There were none opposed. �canmissionea Casler
moved that Qrdinance ,�602 be read the second ti.me by title only. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Commissianers Brown, Casler,
Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted ��A;9e°`• There were no negative votes. Commissioner
Casler moved thrzt Ordinance �60� be passed on its seconci reading by titlo only.
The motion was seconded by Co�unissioner Turner and c�rried. Commissioner� Brown„
Casler, irew, Sax*geant and Turner voted �'Aye'�. There rvere none opposed.
The �lerk subrlitted t?ze follow3ng naneg of persons� vrho have a�reed to
serve as Clerks and Inspectors in the Municj.pal Election 2h:iesdav, December 19th:
Gardsn Avenus
S. R. I�cawe, CZerk
hlrs� bta rga re t I1unn
AZrs. Herbert Duval
Mrs. J. A. Hope
h'irs. Riollie Shearer
lrirs. Bert Brady
P�irs. Sallie Guzman
J. R� Thomas
Ivirs. I�arion Rousseau
Fire Station
508 Glenwaod Avenue
511 East Turner Street
515 Ea:st Rogers Street
808 Eldridge St.
61� Marshall B'ta
1775 Fulton kveo
803 �. For.t Harrison Svs.
500 S. Fort Harrison Ave.
1008 Jones Street
Beach Fire Stat�on
Mrs. Callie 1'�. Bur�on, Clerk
nirs. Lgda D*Armand
?�4r•s. J. De Parrock
Irirs . D. I,. Ha sbrouck
39 Saymont Street
39 �3ayr�ont StreeL
94� Bra.ce Ave a
2£3 Acacia Street
Co�issioner Drew moved that the Clarkts recor�nendations be accepted. The motion
was seconded bg Cor.nnissioner Brown a r�i carrisd.
Tlze Iviayor �gain brought up the proposal to increase the salaries of those
employee� whose salaries are less than �p250.00 by 10� and an increase oP 5� for
those employeea �vho earn �250m00 but less than �p300.00 per month. Coimnissioner
Casler moved that the matter be deFerred ior a f`ull committee reportm Com-
miss�oner Tu.rner sec�nded the motion and it carried.
Item ,-�9 on the Agenda, the report of the Corariittee on the request of the
Philadolphia Baseb�ll Club�s requesL to set back the i'ence at the Baseball Park,
was de�erred by consent.
Thz Couanittee or. ourcha�e of property for extending Grand Central St�eet
Yaad no report at this time.
Th_e City I��Ians�ger reported that he had contacted charter boAt otivners•
relative ta their prefereno-es in gasoline; that �wo Pavored Sinclair Gas:, f'ou�
Gulf Gas, none Standard and none Qity Serv3ce ga,�. Co�cunissioner Drew moved that
no franchise be given to ar_y company to install pumps, but that any dea,ler be
allowed to golicit business at the dock in front of the alunicipal Auditorium.
The motion was seconded by Commiss3oner Turner and carriedo
The C=ty Dtanager recommended thrat �1U0,00Q,00 of the i�ands recoivad from
sale of Utility Revenue Cerbii'icates be invested in U. Sc. Treasurg �f bonde,
maturin� June �.5, 1962. He stated. these bonds would be available for purchasa
by banks on June 15, 195u and should incre�se in value at �LY�at timsa Com-
missioner Casler moved that tho Managerts reconunendation be followed. The
motion was seconded by Corrnnissioner Turner and carried.
The City b'tanager reported that he� had authorized the following ga�a ma3.n
extensians casting less than �300,00:
Ca) Nov> 22, 1,�50, 260 ft. of l��` Gas L4ain
o£ 1�'�' gas xr�in on Coronado Drive.
(b) Novo 21� 1950� 475 ft. of 2��' Gas Main
Prospect Ave.
(c} IJov. 21, 1950,, 100 i't. of 2t° Gas IJiain
Comr�issioner Casler moved that the extensions b�
seconded bp Commissioner `.L'urner and carried.
on Third Ave., and 150; �t.
Estimatod cos-c �7.50.00
on Pierce St. and
Ea�imated cost �F260e00
on vruid Road �� "` � 70,00
approved. The motion was
Iv"ovemb�� 27� 1Q50
The City I�4ana�;er submitted tti�o resol�u�ions, vrhich vrould require property
ownex�s� to c1eF�n the3r lcts of grasa, weeds�and underbru�h. The firat r.esa-
lution would affect 13 property awners• wiio had requested tha� their lotss be
cleaned. The secand would afiect the property of 38 persons, whera �he clean-
ing had baen requasted bq non-ovrners. Cemmias3oner Brown moved that the
reaolutions be adoptedv The motion was seconded by Corinissioner Dre�v a:nd
carried unanimouslq.
The Gity lt7ana6er submitted a request by the Reareation Dapartment that
500 bleacher seats be purchased for use at the baseball park at a cost of
��1'700.00. Commissioner Drew moved t�at the City I+ianager be instructed to
con�act the author�.ties of the Saseball C1uU and that he be authorized tti
contract �vith the Club along the lines of the exiating contract. The mation
was secondecl by Commissioner Brov�n ancl carried.
A report by the Barbers Exarnining Board �'or the period November 21st,
1949 to August 3, 1950 shov�ed a total o.£ �p81.00 collected in esamination fee�.
It was moved b,q Coxnmissioner Casler that �he report be accepted and the Clark
mr�ke a rsport oz� the receipts. The motion v7as seconded by �oimnissioner Brown
and carr3ed.
The City Manager presented a report by James g. Hamilton F� Assoeiatas
of resulta of the recent Hospital Survey of Fillsboraugh anc� Pinellas Counties�
together with a reflznd check in the amount of �44,36 for the unexper_dsd pox�tion
of the Qit��s contribution toward the cost of the Surve�. Commissioner �rown
�uggested that the 2+ianage-r give an anal�sis of the report some day at noon.
Conunissioner Caslor moved that the report be accepted. Gorrmiiasioner Brovrn
seconded tha motion and it carrieci�
Consi�erat�on of the appointment to the Zoning r�oarci to succeed Mro
Andrew Horton, was dePerred by unanimous consent.
The P.layo�r told the Co�nission that the Chiez of the Fire Department had
requested the opening of Bay Lsplanade and Eldoradn Avanue through the �ence
separatin� the Carlouel Development iro� the other part of bhe Beach, Com-
misszoner Cas3er and Corrwiissioner Brown stated that so�a of the CarloueS res3-
�ents were opposed {:o the apening of the streets,, and they kne�v of none oP
theri wY�o favo:.�ed such a�ove. On a motion by Counn:Lssioner Brown, v�hich_ was
seconded b5* Cor,unissi�ner Tur�er and ca rried, the natter was table�o
The City P�ianager reported that the Lincoln-NIereury Conipan� had made
satisfactory progress in rioviz�g off a portion of the Clevaiand Street Rigrt of
Way according to Ofi`icer Cason, v�ho had made periodic inspections�, He stated
tYu�t moving had been co�pleted except for the wall.
The City NIanager raported that he had contacted Zeo ni. Butler relative
to the proposal survey of I,ots 17, 18 and 19, Block F, Pirst Addition to
Sunset 'Point, and the establishrrient of a Rigkt of 1'iay for the street crossing these
lots. He stated that this would bo more than an ordinary survey, due to th.� fact
that certain lots pla�ted in this block did not shov� any dimensions North and
South. He estimated the cos� at �175000, Qomnissioner Dre�v moved that tha
matter ba tabled until a more satisfactory arrangement for a survey can be mede.
The motion was soconded by Co�nissioner Brovun and carriede
The City Attorney reparted that it was �is opin�on that the Countg Tax
Collector cauld not be required to collact 1ot claaning chargea in conneation
witYi the collection of City taxes. He stated that 1ct cleaning char�es r�are
more in �the nature of improvement liens than t&]�8.gs Conunissioner Casler raoved
�nat the City Attorney prepare for use of the Cit�* C1erk, a progpr lien for�
for filing liens fa,: Tot cleaning and that no lien be filed without public no�ice
being given. The m�tion was seconded by Counnissionex Brown and carried.
The Ch:tef o£ tcliee requested a special appropriation af �70Q,00 to pur�
chase z�3rae {9) pas�ing maters to be installed on the S'lest side of Waterson
Avenue betrveen Clevaland and Hendrix Streets. He stated that there are no park-
in� regulations in effect in this� area now. On a rnotion by Counnissioner �rown,
which was saconded by Commissioner Ca�1er and carried, the �iatter was deferred.
The City Attorneg reported that he had met wi�h the Zoning Board and that
the Zoning Board will cooperate i'ully ccith tl�e Cor.nnission. He said tne Board
had n�t been aware that each s3gn had to be aons3dered as an individual item,
but that applications for tha erection of si�ns would ba more aareful�.�r con-
sidered ir the £uture> On a motion b�* Commissioner Dre�v, which was seconded by
Coznmissioner Brown and carried, the Ci�y Atterney�s raport was accepted.
The City Manager presented the report by H. �i. Turnburke, GrP.A., of the
Audit of the City�s accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950. Com-
missioner Brown meved that the report be accepted. The �o'�ion was seconded by
Commissioner Turner and carried.
Coimnissioner Drew nioved that the expend3ture of �400v00 for one half the
cost of re-s�trfacing Grand Avenue, as requasted by the County Commission, be
approved, and the cost charged against the maintenanca fund. The motion was
saconcled by Conrmissioner Brow,n and carried,
Nove�ber 27, 1950
Relative to the C:tty roquiring the cleaning of lo�s under the Nuistance
Ordinance,the C3ty Attcrney stated that each case would have to be handled ot1
its� otivn merits; that it would be necessary to show that the Gondition of the
lo� was such as to be actuslly detr3mental to the puUlic health, public moral's
or public weYfare, in each case. Comm�asioner �revJ moved t2iat the Attornay�s
report be accepted and the Gity I�ianager briz�g in proper reports, with requests
for lot cleaning. The motion tvas seconded by Conmliss3.oner �rown and oarried.
The Chief of Police reques�ed that a speaial appropriation be made £or
the purcr�ase of seven parking meters� to be installed at Gourt $treet and South
Garden Avenue adjacent to the new Atagurno building, at an estimated cost of
�525.Q0. Coir¢nisaioner Dretv moved that the eppropriation be made. ThA motion
was seconded by Commissioner Brov�n and carriad.
The City rSanager recouffiended that a spec3al appropriation of �p700,00 be
made to cover tlie coat of preparing and producing new zoning maps. Cor.uniss3oner
Casler moved that the request b� gran ted. Connnisuioner }3rown seconded the
motion and it carri9d.
Conuniasioner Turner auggested that stancils be cut for the �lgenda, so
that extr� copies�. will be available for the neti+spapers or an�*ona else desiring
t��em .
p�ir. hSac Newman requested that he be permittecl to build a small office at
the dock in front of the Au�iitorium, so he might have a talephoneo Commissioner
Drew moved tl� t perntission to erect a temporarg booth be grantade The motion
was seconded by Co�nnissionar Casler �nd c�rried.
Co�niss�oner Brown moved that a sign be�ereciced a+ the Auditorium dock
to show that it 3s a te�porary location for the ImperiaT Dock. The �otion was
seconded 'ny �o�nnissioner Drew and carried.
The meeting adjourne� at 10:45 P.�:6
.f!.tL�.���1w<w��� ��.�
• � � r
City Auditor nd Clerk
Nouember 24, 1950
ritayor-Coimnissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Leland F. Dreva
E. B. Casler Jr.
Her�ert h7. Brown
Jos 7.'urner
A special meeting o£ the Cormnission will be held RZonday, Idove�ber 27, at 7:�0.
P. 2vI, in �he City Hall to consider the items on t�e sttaehed Agenda.
Ver�r truly yours,
Boyd A. Bonnet�
Cit� Manager
1. Reaciing of minute3 of Idovember 20, 1950.
2. City P+Ianagerts report on the bids raceivefl for the Tractor-D4�wer.
3, City bIanager's roport on the repairing of the roof at the llisposal Plantt
Por �rhich no bids vrere receivedti
4. Eeport of the City P�ianager on bids received for painting tha City Hall.
5. Citzf Attr�rney�s opini,on relative t� the rssignation of Conmiissioner Drev,c
as CorrIIn3ssioner - a:9 to t�!ming of same.
6. Consideration of ordinance amsnding the �'oning law to be presented to the
voters at the nex.t regular T��unicipal Election.
7. Appointmant of clerks and inspectors for the municipal election Tuesrlay,
December 19.
80 �ieport from the committee appointed bq the P�Iay or to consider the increase
in employee�s salaries.
9. Report of the committee on the requost oP the Philiiee to sst the fenco
Y�ack 30 or 40 Pt. at the base ba11 park.
10. Report of the committee for the purchase of propert,q f�r *1�e opening o�
Grand �entra7. Avenue.
11. Report of Git.y rdanager on tempora ry gaso].ine tanks and pumpe at the dock
west oF the auditorluw.
Novoraber �7, 1950
12.. Consideration of Contraci�or�s ordinance on 3ts second reading.
13. Rerart oP the City nIttnager on suggestions for the investment of �100,000
Revenue Cer�ificate money in Goverruaent Uonda.
l�o Report oP the City bTanager on water and gas mains�approved, costing leas
than �3'00.00 as follows:
(a:) IJov. 22, 1950 - 260� of I" gas main on 3rd
Avenue and 150� oP �i2° gas main on �oronado �rive,
to sex�ve one custor�ier at estimsted cost of �'p150.00.
(b) No�r. 21, 1950 � 475:i of 2" gas main on Piaroe and
Prospect Streets, to serve one customer at est�ted
cost of w260,00.
(c) November 21 , 195�1 - 100t of 2�!' gas main on Druid
Road to serve one new cus�omAr at estimated cost of
15. Considera��i,on of resolution requesting property owner� to clean the3r
lot� of weeds and grass.
16. Consideration ef the purchaae of 500 bleacher seats at the base ball park
at a coat of �1700.00 suggested by the Recreation 1�epartment,
17. Report of the Be; rber Examinin� Bqarci for period of November e 1., 1949 to
Auguat 8, �950.
18. Receipt of the ropor� oF Mr. James A. i3arnilton and ks•soeiates on the
hoapital plan for Hillsborough and Pinellas area.
19. Consideration of th� ap�ointment to the Zoning Eoard'to fill vaca:�cies
cre&ted by the resi�nation of Mr« Horton.
20, Consideration o£ the open3ng of a fence at thru straets, which was con-
s�ructed in 1933 from Clearv�eter T3a� to the Gulf oi 2��Iexico - separating the
Caslouel 7�evelo�nent from tha other part of 1�ho beaeh.
21, Report oF City d�Ianager on progra�s of T,incoln-nIercury Co, in moving off a
portion �s Cl9veland Street, which �ha;g are now occupy3ng.
22e Cit,y Iilanager+s report on the cost of Lnaking a survey on the preparin� of a
plat for the dedication oP a street, together v�ith the description oi the
street to be dedicated and all of the lots with �arkers on each corner -
part of' Lots 17, 18 & 19, Block F, Ist Addition to Sunset Point - for which
T,ots bir. John Segelken has msde an oPfer to purchaso the lots raot used fo�
City r,urposes.
23. Re�ort of the Citq Attorney on �he colleetion of charges for the clsaring
of Iots b� tha County Tax Assassor.
2`4. Request of the Cniei' of Police fcr spacia7. appropriatiion of N700.00 to
cever the cost oi purchasing nine (9) park3ng meters.
25. Gity Attarney's report on a�eeting v�i�1i the Zoning Bosrd, Re; Signs.
26. Prasentation of Cert�_fied Public Accountant�s Audit of the City boo'as for
the fiscal �ear ending June 30, 1950.
27. Reque.st of Countg Cormnission for the City to pay half the eost of re-
surf�ci:�g Gra nd Avenue, westerly from �rew Street, - es�imated cost of
about ��}00.00.
28. Report of the City Attorney an clearing of lot� under the nuisan ce ordinance,
raquestsd at the mee�ing og Oct. 2, T950,
29. Consideration of request of Chief of Pelice ior special appropriation fox�
tihe purchase of aevan (7) parking ma�ers:for installation at Court Street
ancl Sou�h Garden Avenue, ad jacent to the new h4agurno Building, at an
estimated cost of :�525eD0.
30. Raquest of City D4anager for spec+.al appropriation of �700.00 For praparing
arid producing new �oning maps at estimated cost o£ w700.00.
3'1. R�port of City aTanager on Seminole Docko
32. C3.ty hianager�s report on tha Commission�s suggestion that the Physician'�
Association name a Doctor to periodically act as Cit� Ph�sic3an,
33. City Manageras report on the State Road Departmezit repa3ring tlie dra�v
bridge on the Causeway and the3r of£ering to eract electrically operatad
gates on a force account basia - at estimated cost of �49900,00.
34. Openi:�g of bids on the relaying of storm sewer on niyrtla Ava. S'outh fro�
Maple Street to Seaboard R„t�. track.
35. Reqaest of Attornev Cooper on behalf of the lessees oP tha Bowling Alle�
to use a port�on of. the street east of the Bowlin� Al1ey on Cleveland St,
to erect an addition to the Bowlin� A11eg building on tne east side of same,
which will extend about 4 ft. into the City public street.
City of Tampa
Tampa, Flarida
November 17tn, 1950
Contributing Agencias,
H ospital Study Committee of
Iiillsborou�h-Pinellas Area.
All expanses in connection with the survey made by James A. Familton and Asso-
c3ates, under i:he auspices of your cormnittee, Yiave been pa3.d and I sm attaching
here�o s statement of receipts and disUursements of the funds contribut9d by
the various Agencies.
Y"ou will note that there rema3ns an unexnanded balance of �1,021.95 vohich, under
the terms of i:he agreement, is to ba refunded on the sa:�:e pro-.ratar basis as the
original cont�ibutions were made, and a check covexing your portion of th3s
refund, as set forth on the attached statentsnt, is encloead,
Yours very trul�*,
Signesi: Hobart U. Feli�ankc
�ity Comptroller
Novembex 2?, 1950.
5ifiiEREAS: it has been detes�nir�ed by �he ��ty Commission af the Gity o� Cleaz�-
wa�sr, F'lorida, ths� ths property described �e�.ow sholzld ba cleaned of weede, grass
�and�or underbruah, and that after ten (10) days notiae and �ailure of the owne�
thereoi` to do �o, the Cit� should claan sucFi property and ciaar�e tr�e costa thereof
&gain�t tYze reaosctive prapext3*.
RTOV7 THEREN'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by tYie City Cozmnission of tha City o.f C1,earw�tar,
F2arida, �ha�t the fol;�.owing de�cribsd propert�y �ituata in said Cityg shal.l be
cleaned oi' weeds, graas and�or underbrush v+ithin ten (5.U) days a��er not3ce in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failura to aomply wi�h s�3:c1
notic�, the City sha 1�. perform such clean3,n� az�d charge the costs thereof againat[
the respective ;�ropertie� in acoord.ance w,tYs Seeti.or. 12i3 of �he Charter af the
City of Clearwater, as amended.
Cwner� Pro,�ert�: �stima.te:
Ecl. H. Adams �7� of Ny�'4 0� NW� oi' niovri�g only
509 Noe F�� Harrison SPT� - Ser. ].3-�:�-15 �lOaQO
Clearr�ater, Floriaa
ZTincent S'cur';.o EQ of VV� of NWg of NVY� I�Zowing on2�
Gu�f to Bay Blvde of SW4 - Sec. 13-2'�..55 �7e50
Clearwater,, F1or�.d�.
Mrs. Janet Haviland Lot �3, B1k A. N�ow3ng only
309 V. Gscaala Avenue F'lorid:ena SuUcl. �p2,�p
Clearwate�, Florida.
fiarvev Afartin LoL 1�, B�k A to mov�� i'ront og
1217 Raynalds �t, Flaridena Sub this lot only
Clearwater, Florida. �2��p
Z1oyd L. V�'alka� Zot 1, B�.k .� P,Iawing only
Fleetv�ood kpts. Bldg. i9: �nollvaood Subd. �1m��
:9.partment xY Clearv�ater, FZa.
Geo. E. Iacher
416 R3ci�nond Stre� � Lot 2;� BIk � Movring only
Duned3n, F•lorid� Knollwood Subd. �p2e5Q
Theresa 1, fia�se�* Lot 8, Hlk �> n4owing only
T432 E. Park Street ifnollrrood �ubd. �3.75
Clearwater, Florida
RBt. �. Ia�rler Tots 9,1�sI3, Blk 3 riioaring only
$08 fy,ain Street I;nollvrood SuZ�d. �g�,�
Richmond, Inde
Ranala Otfiara
�uintard A j�ve . Apt . 2, Lot 1., Blk A Ntowir� only
Annistons A],a � Peale Pa�k S.�u�.bd. y�;2,�Q
E. Gs Weber i,ot 2, BIk A Nlowing only
10&fl I��onmauth St, Peele FarY Su'�. �2.5�
IV'eWpOrti, Kf.
Charles A. Bassett Iat 4u & k7� of ?8, b4owing only
118 ��, Ba�by Rd. Bayside�s Subd. �2.50
f�erea � (ihio
�ewis E. fIar�y.00c�
311 St. Iiighland Lo�ca 10, 11,, B�,1i C bin�r�;�g onlg
Clearwate�, �].oridr� Keystane nienor yk7a50
Helen C. C�olc2en 1.65� .r 100' oi' NQ3�0+ of th h4owing only
Box �167 4Vg oi the E63/4:of the NW� �ZpQpp
�'3ev� 1'ort P,ichep, Fza . of S.E. � of 18.�28-1.5
G. Gilmore Reynold� T�ots 16, 17, BSk D &towi�g onZy
Osgo�d, Inda Bassadena Subd. �p2.50
Iiazel Backhan� S,ot 18, B7.k D Mow:Lng only
T,or•i�, N'. C. Bassadena Subd. �2e50
2vi.b'.W. Vleidameyer
Box 3'87, Windsor �i11 Rd. Lot ^�6', Mawtn�
BaZ�imore„ Ivad, Glenwaod Es�ateg 2,5G
Je S. Fornara I,ot 2'7 Riowing.
�226 Springd�Ie Rd., N.E. Glenwaod Eatatds �2���
Atianta, Ga.
Ai.F'.W.P,eideme�er Lat 30 blowing
$ox 387,V7indsor Mill Rd. G1Anwood �sta �es �;2ev0
$& ��ZiriO.i'8 s i4�d, o
r�ir�. C. B. Hopklnson T,ot 3� hiowln�
Z560 E. Drev�a St. Glenwoocl Esta�es �2.50
Clearl�atexs �'lorida,s
Npvember 27, �.950
Re�olut3.an, %ot C�eaning---Cantfd
Owner: Propert;��
Paul Tiex�neaon
217 Orange�vood Ave.
Clearwater, Floridq
R. W. Jeu�ter
1409 Td. F�. Harrison Ave.
Clearv�ater, F'I.oridq
Ed�.�h Homer
505 Clevelar�d St.
C].earwater, Flor3da�
Margaret C. 8hannon
Box 1�5�
Claarv�atar, Florid&
Hillcreat Development Co.
c% Ed. Whitson
16T� Maple Stm
Clear��ater, F'lorida
Mrp i�. G. Key
518-28 F7.a . Nat � 1. Bk. �ildg 4
St. Peter�burg, Fltir�.da
Nona ii . SYia rp
P» 0. Box 333
Clearvrater, F]�oridq
George G. Spri.nger
2820 Granville Ave.
I�os Angeles, Calif.
James W. King
I+taxyville, Tenn.
J. Vl, Fros�
11Z0 Stevanson Avenue
Clearwater, Florida
I.R. & Cora hS. �u3inb�
P, 0. i3ox 7175
Hous�on, 8, Texas
Grace B. $aley
Box 492
Clear��ater, FJ.or3da
B.A. & T,�ura E. Diogre�
470 Poinsettia 8�.
C].eax�Arater, Florida
Henry Hanerquie�
Gleaxc���er T3each� City
R. V. Barden
16Z5 Na. Ft, Harrisoz?
Glsarvrater, F'I.orids;
Aldo & Laura hi. Ghambers
R. D. 14, fiox 646
Tndianapolis,, 7nd.
A. Weller Smith
c/o Bank of C1eArwater
Clearwater, Florida
City o� Clesrwa�er
Clearwater, Florida
Sara�em Derveoh
30 IdZewild St.
C7.earvrater, F1a .
7�0� 6�
Glenwood Estates
Lots 10'11� Blk I,
Hy].lcrest �2r, Subd.
Lot 12, Blk I
Hillcrest � Subd,
Lot� 13�14�B1k Ii
HilZcra�t {�`2 Su'bd.
Lot �.5, Filk 7,
i�il].cres� �To, 2, Stzbc�.
I,ot 12, I3�.oek B
Avondale Subd,
Lot 22;: Blk B
Avondale Sub.
Lot 23, Blk A
Avondale Subdo
Zot �4,, Blk B
Avondale 5ubd.
I,ot 10* BL G
Sunset Point Siibde 2nd,
zc�t 11, 12 B1k G
Sunset Paint �ubd. 2nd
Lots 2$,29,30'31, B1k C
Baasadsn� Subd,
Lots 2g,30931, Blk A
Barbo�.ir I�:orrow Subd.
Lot 33, B1k A
Barbour hiorrow Subd�
I,ot 34, Blk A
Barbonr-D:orrow Subd,
I,ot 7, Blk I�
EighZand Grove�
N2 af I,ot 20, Lots 2J�,22,
23,24, 5,16� of Zat 25,
Elk B, Hillcrest Subd.
Lot 26, Blk B
Hi11c-rest Subd.
Lots 1,2,3,4,5,&,HZk 2
Knollvrood Replat
PASSED AND ADOPTED SY THE Gity Comm:Lsaion oi' the Citg af
Czear*rrater, F1orlda, this 27th day of November, A.D. 195C�.
H, Q�„ 1Yin�o
Zity Auditor and G1e,rlc
�� �
�n ^' in
�,2 o Q0
�2. s 00
T�i owing
� .75
i��owing only
Harry D. Sar�eant
A1�yor-.Co�nis s ioner
November 27, 1550
WHERF.�1S: it has been determinad by the �%ity Commissian af the city of Clear-
�ater9 Fsorida, that the proporty descrlbed below should be cleaned of weeds�,
grass and�or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notiae and fai].ure of the
o�t;er thereai to do ao, the Gi�y �hould cloan such property ancl ehargg the costs
thereof against �the respective prapexty.
NOW THEREFOREBE TT R�SOLVED bq the City Colmniss�on oP the City of �learwater,
Florida, 'that the following descrihe� property, si�uate in sa1.d Qity�, sha17. be
clenned of ereed�, �rass and%or underb�ush witlzin ten (10) days after notice in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon �ailure to comgly with said
noti.ce, the Gity shall parform s�xeh clsaning and eharge the eos�� tkxereaf against
the respec�ive properties. in aacordanee tivith Section ?28 of the Chsri:er of tk�e
City of QZearwater, as amended.
(Owners requeat�)
D+rrner � Propertv : Es'cimate :
Die J. Beasley �Y�^ of E�g of NWg of N�owing
1865 Gulz to Ba� Blvd. Stht4 in Sec. 13-29-15 �p7.50
Clearwa�er, Floridas
Rirs. Barker
1024 Charles Streev
Clearrvater, Florida
h4r. P�Sir�or
2415 Sa. Green�rooa Ave.
Clearwa�er, Floridea
Lind & Kiapes,
812 Frar.klin St.
Clearvaater, Flor�.da
Mr. W. C. Henrion
604 N. Os.ceols Aves
Clearwater} F`lorida
hir . John Rie ei€
1181 2i>E. Clevalanc!
C?earr�ater, F1a.
J. �'. biurpla.y
1406 N. asceo�.& Avenua
C1e�rtivater, Florida
i�4rs. Char].es Cro�rley
1.725 F'u].ton Avenue
Clearwater, Florida
E�win C. Brown
1117 Granada Sta
Clear�vater, F2ae
Mrs. Caroline Gough
I12a Howard St.
Cleare�ater, Fla..
Dirs � Po1hi1T
207 No. bZissouri Ave,
Clearvraterp Fla.
b5�s. Joe Husae�l
803 E. �,irner S�. �
CZeax�vrater, F].a.
bix. Roberson
1469 Jacaranda �ircls
Clearwater, k'lorida
� af 4 �tnd {"d2 af 5,
Bll: A, Pealo Park Subd .
Lots �,4, A,H.Dunce,n Subd,
of 1VQ of NE� of SPIQ Sec.
Lots 2,3,19;,15,16' I31k �
hi&grtolia Park Sti1bd.
Lo�� �, Z0, Blk H
�elleview Court �ubd.
Lo� 5 Bc V�f� pf. 6, Blk 2'
Fieystone Bianor �ub@�
Lots 13s 14,
Sr.arps Subd.
T�ot 1Z, BZk B,
Avondale Subd,
Lo� 9, $Zk G,
Ke�sto;�e NI�nor Subdm
Lot 18, i31k B
I� Jolla Subd.
vo�s 11s12, Slk 2�
Idaz�mont Subd,
N. 75+ of Lot lg a�nd NorS�
o£ I.ot 2, Alk 4,
Caun�ry ^lub Addn.
Lot 15, B1k 2S'
Llagnolia Park Subcl>
Lf31'i8 `�y2�y
Roberson Subdo
FA5SED A2dD ADOPTED BY THE City �oirnraisaion of �he City
of Clearwater., Florida, this 27th day o£ November, A.�. 1950.
H. G, VJingo
�{ty Auditor and Clerk
n: owing
Mowi:ng only
�y256QD (O.If. t�i�h
propertp o�vnea)
Mov�ing only
�10e00 (OoKm wi�h
propertg owner)
A4 orring
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Ha rr�D . Sa r eA nt