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oatober 30~ 1950
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~e City Commission or the City at Clearwater met in Speoia1 Session at
City 8811 Monday, Ootober 30th, at 1:30 F.U. With the following members present:
Harry D. Sargeant
Herbert J4. Brown
LeJ.and F. Drew
Joe Turner
E. B. Casler Jr.
Also Present Were:
Boyd A. Bennett
George McClamma
Ben Krent zman
-City Manager
-Chief' ot Police
-Clty Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the l4ayor. It was moved br CommissioneJl!'
Drew ~hat the mInutes of t~ Speclal Meeting ot October 23rd be approved in
accordance wltn the copy thereat turnished each member in wrIting and that the1r
reading be dispensed wIth. The motion was seconded b1 Ccmmllssloner Turner and
Tho Comm1ttee on the opening of Missouri or Jetferson Avenue across the
Seaboard Railroad had no report at this t1me.
.The Oity Manager announced that he had received tour bids tor supplying
1;.0 1-1 ton trucks 'Wi th 800W bodies for the Public Service Department. It was
moved by Commissioner Brown that the bids be announced and turned over to the
City Manager for tabulation and a report at tbe next meeting. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried. The bids are set out below:
02445.10 each
2495.00 "
3212.35 "
Thayer Motor Co.
Kennedy & Str10kland
Orange state Motor Co.
1es8 special fleet disc.
on two $612.20
IarX'1' D12mnitt. Inc.
The City Manager submitted a letter tram the Count~ T.ax Assessor certifying
to the rollowing assessment valuation tor the Cit1 of Clearwater:
Tax $81.500 .4'7
" 362,550.69
" 3,444.26
.. '78..999.72
It was moved b~ Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried
that the report be acoepted.
Homestead Exsmption
R.R. & Tel.
Commissioner Drew reported that it was the recommendation ot the Insurance
Committee that insurance pOlicies be oarried 8S ~,propo8ed;' but that 50% be
equaJ.ly divided among the agencies in the City; the remaining 50% to be wrl tten
by agents according to the number of fire insurance companies the,. represent, who
were licensed ~or 1949. Commissioner Turner moved that the Committee's report
be accepted. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried.' it
was moved b7 Connn1saioner Dre'W that a letter of thanks f'or the splendid work
done be written to each member of the CommIttee of Insurance Agents, who pre-
pared their report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The Mayor's report on his attendance at the Fire Prevention Conference
was deferred, by consent.
the Oroinance adopting a Oode for the City, as, com-
Commissioner Turner moved that the Ordinance be
The motion was seconded by Caromissloner Drew and
Drew, and Sargeant voted "Aye". There were none
The City Attorney read
piJ.ed by li1oh1e and COlnpany.
passed on 1ts seoond reading.
ca rried. COJllll1.i 5S ioners Brown>>
Commissioner Drew moved that Item #5:,on the Agenda, consideration ot an
Ordinance relative to Building Contractors, be deferred to the next meeting, due
to the absence ot Commissioner Casler. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Brown and carrIede
The Chiet of Police submitted a list of 41 streets where parkIng is per-
mitted on one side only. He stated that he did not recoJlDl1ond one side parking,
as a general pollo,.. It was moved by Commissioner Brown that the recommendation
of the Chief' of P01ioe be f'ollowed. The motIon was seconded by Commissioner
Turner and carried.
The Chlef ot Police reported that there was no parking now on the South
side of Drew Stree1i West ot 14rrtle Ave. It was hIs rec0lll11endat10n that thIs one
aide parking be extended from Osceola Ave. to Greenwood A. va. Canmissioner Drew
moved that the report be accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
~el' and carried e
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October 30, 1960
The City Manager reported that Mr. Pietro Re, owner ot the property
1Dunediately South ot Aster Plaoe, would aocept any portion ot the street if 1t
were vaoated by the Commission, and would install a Sea Wall. He said he had
received no reply to a oommunication addressed to Mr. G. C. Spioola~ the owner
of the property adjoining Aster Plaoe on the North. Commissioner Brown moved
that the City Attorney report on the legality ot assessing the cost ot Sea Walls
against adjacent propert7-ownera. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner
and oarried.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Cummlssion by Mr. A. C. Drew,
President ot the Bay View Civic Club, 1n which it was suggeated that a member ot
that organIzation be appointed as a member ot the Zoning Board to succ,ged ),Sr.
Andrew Horton. The MaJor reterred to the qualitioations ot Mr. Edmund"'MaoCollln.
Whom he had previously recommended tor appointment. Commissioner Drew su~gested
that the Clerk write to Mr. MacCollin that due to the short time he has been a
resident, the Commiss10n did not oonsider his appointment approprIate and that
the failure to appoint him was in no way a retlection on his ability or experience.
Appointment ot a successor to Mr. Horton on the Zoning Board was deferred, by
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A letter addressed to the Commission by Attorney John C. Polh1ll
acknowledges receipt of a notice to the Clearwater Lincoln Mercury CompanJ to
vaoate the RIght-ot-Way ot Cleveland Street bJ October 30th. Mr. Polhill states
that his clients are complying with the Commission's request as rapidly as
possIble. but that It will take several weeks, and requests that sufficient time
be grantad. Commissioner Brown moved that the matter be reported on from time
to time and the letter be acoepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Turner and carried.
The C1tr Manager submitted tor considerstion 8 work order oovering a re-
tanding agreement to supply water to Oak Acres Subdivision 8S requested by M1ss
Gladys Duncan. The Man&.ger estimated the cost at $2600.00, of which Miss Duncan
was to par $816.00. The agreement provided tor 526 .ft. ot 8 Inch main on Druid
Road, at an est1mated cost of $2100.00. Commissioner Brown stated that he
thought this was an unnecessary expense .for a subdivision in which there were no
housesc> Mr. Bruce TSJYlorJt who was present, told the Commission that his .f1nn
had had eight applications tor loans in this Subdivision. Commissioner Drew
moved that the City run a two inch water line into Oak Acree Subdivision and
negotiate a contraot with Miss Gladys Duncan. The motion was seconded b1 Com-
missioner Turner and carried.
On a motion bJ Commissioner Brown, which was seconded by Commissione~
Turner and carried, It8l1 #14 on the Agenda. "Consideration of a request or James
T. Singleton to withdraw his offer for lease of property on South side ot Cause-
WIll Bou1evardtt so 8S to substitute a joint otfer with Mr. Langtord, was detel'red.
The City Manager reported that $150.00 in repairs had been expended on
Laura Street between Duncan Ave. and Keystone Ave.; that needed repairs belng the
result ot the interlor quality of the orlginal paving laid by developers due to
the tact that the City had no control over speci.fications. The CitJ Attorney said
it was his opinion that the City could set the standards, at the time paving is
installed. Commissioner Bl'own moved that Mr. Bennett am Mr. Krentzman give the
matter further stud,. and submit their recomnendations at a later date. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission by the Clearwate~ Beaoh
Association relative to beach erosion, in which it was suggested that surplus
conorete boats be purohased, .filled and sunk tor use as jetties. The Manager read
a letter trom the Department ot Commerce, stating tha t the department does not
have any further vessels .for sale; that at the last sale nine concrete ships were
sold tor approximately $28,000.00 eaCh. Another letter addressed to the Commission
by the Clearwater Beach Association, recommended certain action to be taken,
relative to removal ot S88 weed trom the beach. Commissioner Drew moved that the
letters be acknowledged with thanks tor the mlggestions. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Brown and carried.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission br Floyd A. Dow. Com-
mander of Clearwater Chapter Number 11, Disabled Amerioan Veterans, in whioh the
Post expressed its appreciation tor aid given in furthering the cause o~ the dis-
abled veterans. It was moved b1 Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner
Turner am carried tha t the letter be reoe1 ved.
The MaJor submitted an uDsigned post card which was addressed to him. The
card suggested a 5 daJ week with 44 hours pay in lieu ot the suggested 8alarr
raise tor CitY' employees. The Mayor stated that he hoped to submit a plan for
tinancing the proposed salary increases by next meeting.
Two post cards (mimeogrsphed) addressed to the Comnission by the Xu Klux
Klan were read.
A letter addressed to the C01l1JJlission by the Florida Municipal Utilit;lell aDd
Plorida REA Coopel'8.tive# Associations requested that this city join in the fight
a88inst the "so-oalled" regulatory bill to place electric utilities under the
Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Comnisslon. It was moved by Comnissloner
Drew that the letter be received. Th~ motion was seconded by CommIssioner Turner
and carried.
. The Clerk submitted an offer b,. )b9. John Segelken to purchase for $500.00
that part ot lots 18 and 19. Block P ot Sunset Point Firat Addltlon. O~1BBIone~
Brown moved that the ofter be turned over tio the Appraisal COlDD1ttee tor a report;
and the 01t,. Bnglneer bet 1nstru.oted to prepare a propel' survey ot the lots In
. ,qt1$st10n. together with the abutting street. !he sbt1oa".was seconded b,. OCll1lD1ss1oaer
. .TUmer and carried.
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Ootober 30. 1950
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'!'he Chief of PolloG reported tha t he had investigated the matter ot
possible designation of Oak ~nd Bay Avenues as one way streets and that he d1d
not believe suoh a change needed at this time, but that 1t such a need should
arise he 1fould recommend tbat BaY' Avenue be made one way South-bound and Oak
Avenue one wa~ Nortbubound. On a motion br UO~is81oner Brown, whlch was
seoonded by Canmissioner Turner and oarried, the report ot the cn1et ot Pollee
was acoepted.
Tone Manager presented a not1ce of a meet1ng or ~e Flor1da League ot
Munic1palities at Lakeland on November 12-13-14. Commiss1oner Drew moved that
the Mayor be authorised to a ttend the meeting as the duly authorized of.tic11lJ.
delegate and that the City Manager, Cl~ Attorney and any Commissioners who
wlsh to do so be authorized to attend. The mot1on was seoonded by Comm1ssioner
Brown end carried.
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A letter addressed to the Comm1ssion br N. M. Faulds, Prino1pal o.t Clear-
water Junior High SchOOl, requests the opening of Isura Street trom Booth Ave.
to Myrtle Ave. Commlssioner Brown moved that they be informed that the matter
is 1n the hands ot a Coxmn1 ttee at this t1me. The >>lot10n was seconded by Com-
~1ssioner Turner and carried.
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A letter addressed to the Comm1ssion bY' Walter J. Paterson, whose address
is 40~ E. Shore Dr1ve, pet1tions the Commission to pave a road rrom Somerset
Drive on Bay Esplanade and Royal Way to Mandala,. Boulevard. Commissioner Brown
moved that the I18tter be re.fer~d to the Oi tY' Marw.ger ~or an estimate o~ the
oost the property owners are willing to par and the number to be assessed. The
motion was sooonded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
Commissioner Brown. for the Beach Lease Committee, reported that the Can-
m1ttee felt that the Charter boat fleet should be given a place to tie up while
the Yacht Be.sin is under construot1on. He suggested the installation of
additional pil1ng.at the Municipal Dock in ~ront of the Auditor1um for ouCh use
at a nominal al!lount to cover cost of paring a dook master who would handle dock-
ing and loading. A rental of $50.00 for a 3 months perlod was suggested. No
present tenant at the dock would be affected. A telephone would be installed at
the dock. No soliciting would be perJnitted. Mr. }dac Newman would be dook master
and Mr. Brown said that Captain Fred Wright had offered to serve on a part t1Jne
basis at no salary. Commissioner Brown moved that the Clearwater GuIdes Asso-
ciQt~on and all affected boat men be requested to have a meet1ng and elect a
spokesman to present a plan to the Commission. The motion was seconded by Com-
miss10ner Drew and carrled.
, .';,
A letter addressed to the Comm1ssion by Ball Productions of Miami. re-
quested t~t the City contribute $350.00 toward the produotion of color shorts
advertising Florida. CO~mlissloner Brown moved tha t the matter be re~erred to
the Chamber of Canmerce Advertis1ng Comm1ttee for their conBlderat1on. The
motion waa seconded by Commissioner Turner and oarried.
A letter addressed to the Commission bY' Mrs. D. Dort Smith, 1142 Sunset
Po1nt Road, protests aga1nst the proposal to grant later clos1ng hours .tor
places selling alcoholic bevereges. Commissioner Brown moved that the ,letter
be acknowledged and that Mrs. Smith be advised that no petition for later closing
hours ha s been presented to the Commission, but in the event the matter shou1d
come before the Commission in the future, her letter will be given every con-
sideration. Tone motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
Tone Oity Manager estimated that cleaning up the park on the beach between
Clearwater and RockawaY' Streets. opening street, instal11ng base, replaCing side-
walks, etc. would cost approximately $2500.00. Commissioner Turner moved that
the necessary expense (estimated $500.00) to cover repairs due to the recent
storm be authorized and that the City Manager contact Mr. Jesse Smith and the owner of
,g~~!I~~nd see i~ they would pay for part of filling the street. The motion was seconded
, by Commissioner Brown and carried.
Tone mnie~ of Police recommended one side parking (on East sIde) on North
Osceola Avenue_ and that Osceola Avenueg North of Seminole Street, be made a ona
way street, used tor North bound traffic. It was moved by Comn1ssioner Brown
tha t the recoJll!1enda ti on be followed a s amended. The motion wa s seconded by Com-
missioner Turner and carried.
~e Oity Manager submitted four Resolutions whioh would requ1re property
owners to clean lots of grass, weeds, ete.; one resolution a t the request of ~
property owners, one covering 20 owners' requests and two resolutlona for mowing
lots or 15 and 16 persons respect1ve1y~ On a motion by Comm1ssioner Brown,
seconded by Commissioner Turner and unan~ously carried. the resolutions were
A letter addressed to the Commission b~ W. S. Wightman, Herbert Blanton Jr.
and Berbert Blanton, owners of Lots 8, 9 & 10 respeetively of Block 16, M8~nolla
Psrk. petitions the City to open. clear, and gX'8de Chesnut Street Westward trom
Greenwood Avenue so as to ~ke their properties acoessible. Commissioner Brown
moved that the matter be l~ferred to the City Attorney; the matter to be reported
on at the next meeting. The motion was seoonded by Comm1ssioner Drew and carried.
On a motion by Comm1~sioner Drew. which was seoonded by Commissioner Turne
and carr1ed.. the meeting adjourned at 10,:45 P.K.
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October 30, 1950
October 28, 1960
J4ayor-Comm1tisioner Harry D. Sargeant
Leland P. Drew
B. B. Casler, Jr.
Borbe r1: J4. Brown
Joe Tumer
Gentlemen I
A spec1al meeting of the City Commission will be held at 7130 P.M., Monday.
October 30, 1950 in the City Hall to consider the items hereto attached.
Very truly yours,
Boyd A. Bennett
City Managex-
BAB t jd
1. .Approving of the minutes of the speo1al meeting held October 23.
2. ~ayor'8 report on the Governor's Conference on Fire Prevention in Orlando
October 26 and 26.
3. Report of the comm1ttee on the opening ot Missouri Avenue or Jefferson St.
across the Seaboard Railroad tracks.
". Cons1deration of the second reading ot an ordinance adopting the new c1t1
code 8S compiled by Michie am Company.
5. Consideration ot the ordinance relative to building contractors on its
second reading.
6. Cons~eration of the report ot the committee on tire insurance covering c1ty
7. Report of the Chief of Police on genera1 parking on one side ot the street
throughout the city.
8. Report of the Chief ot Police on parking on Drew Street between Greenwood and
Garden A.venue.
9. Consideration ot the construction of a sea wall at the east end of Garden1a
Street and the west end of Aster Place.
10. Consideration ot the appointment on the Zoning Board to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of Andrew S. Horton.
11. Consideration ot the opening of the tence at thru streets which was constructed
In 1933 trom Olearwater Bay to the Gulf of Mexico separating the Carlouel
Development trom the other part of the beach.
12. Receipt ot 8 letter trom Attorney Polh111 rela tive to t he application of
Lincoln-MercU1'7 Co. to lease a portion ot Cleveland Street.
13. Cons1del'lltion of a work order covering a refunding agreement tor more than
six years to supply wa ter to Oak Acres requested by Gladys Duncan.
14. Consideration ot a request trom James T. Singleton to withdraw his otfer for
propany on the south side ot the Causeway known a s Sinclair Service Station
as he and Mr. Langford wish to prepare a joint proposition to 118ke to the city.
15. Report of the City Manager on complaint of Ed. Burk of the condition ot Laura
Street between Duncan and Keystone. This straet was rough but not ~passable,
County road oquipment was not readily available et the time and it was nec-
essary to harrow and blade the street into ahape with city owned equipment at
8 cost at about $150.00.
l~. Receipt of a letter trom Clearwater Beach Assoc. relative to beach erosion
prevention by jetties.
l~o Receipt of a letter from Clearwater Beach Assoc. regarding sea weed remcval.
18. Reoeipt of a letter from the Disabled American Veterans tt.nking all of those
who have been ot service to them in furthering their cause tor tne disabled.
19. Consideration ot the Mayor's suggestion to increase city employees' pay.
20. Reoe1pt of correspondence trom the Florida R.E.A. Cooperative A.ssociation
concerning the so-called regulatory bill introduced at the 1949 session of
the Florida legislature to place electric utilities under tne Florida railroad
and public utility commission.
21. Consideration ot the offer ot John Segelken to purchase part of Lots 17, 18,
and 19, Block P, First Addition to Sunset Point.
22. Report of the Chief of Police on the designation ot Oak and. Bay Avenuee a.
one way streets.
23. Receipt of a notice ot the meeting ot the Florida League of Municipalities to
be held in Lakeland November 12, 13 and 14.
24. Receipt of a letter addressed to the Mayor and City Commissioners from N.U.
Faulds, Principal of the Clearwater Junior High School. requesting the open-
ing ot Laura Street trom Booth street to Myrtle.
25. Receipt ot a letter trom Walter J. Paterson, 403 E. Shore Drive, requesting
~e oonstruction and paving ot a road trom Somerset Drive on Bay Esplanade and
ROTOl Way to Mandalay Avel1Ue.
26. Receipt of a letter trom Boll Productions regarding the production ot a series
o~ 13 S,ound and color movie shorts designed to sell Florida requesting a con-
tribution by the city supporting the production and distribution of these ti1m.
27. Receipt of a letter trom Mrs. D. Dol't Smith representing several sroupa ot
churoh women and Woman's Christian Temperance Union regarding thooloa1J1l; hours
o~ liquor houDes. .
28. Report of the City Hanager and estimate of cleaning up the park on the beach
between Clearwater and Rock-a-way Streets and opening up a street betwe6D the
two above lI1ent1oned streets by the plaoing ot a base, replaCing sidewalks,
e~c._ .t an estimated cost of $2.500.00.
29. Cona1deration ot resolutions covering 6; property owners clearing their
property of weeda and grass.
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Presentation of a report by the Florida state Board ot Health or . polution'
survey ot the waters ot Clearwater Harbor and st. Joseph's Sound.
Receipt o~ a pet1tion from Z property owners requesting tne opening or
Chesnut Street weater11 troll Greenwood Avenue to serve their lots 8, 9 and
10, Blook 16, Magnolia Park Subd1vision.
Report ot tho C1ty Manager on water and gas main extension~ approved oosting
les8 than $300.00.
a. Ootober 26 - ~5' ot 2M water main on Park street west ot
Evergreen St. to serve one re.,idence at an
esttmated coat ot $55.00
Cona1derstlon ot plats of two units presented by the Bkycrest Subdivision
tor approval.
C1ty Manaser's report on tho State's repairing the drawbridge on the Cause-
way and the estimated cost ot the State's construoting electrically operated
ga t.ea.
, . ;,.,/~i'fi'\r',-}?
The application or 0u1 McMullen to construot a s8rv1~e station on Gulf to Ba1
Boulevard and Sky View Ave. I Lot 1 and west 36' ot :~t 2 in Block A of
Boulevard Pines Subdiv1sion.
Reoeipt of two comnun1oations from the Grand Dregon or the Klu Klux Klan.
Report o~ the Chler ot Police on one s1de parking and one way trattic on
No. Osceola north ot Seminole Street.
October 24_ 1950
Mr. Boyd A. Bermett, City hnager,
City Ha ll~
Clearwater, Florida.
Dear S1r:
This w11l certifY that the Board ot County Commissioners, have this day, certified
the Tax Roll tor 1950.
The tollowing is a summary of assessed val.ues and taxes assessed apply1ng to your
. 81,500.47
Yours very truly,
Homestead Ex.
Ry. & Tel.
Signed: H. H. Sterling, Assessor
October 11, 1950
~e City Comm~8s1oner8;
C1t~ of Clearwate~
Gen tlellen:
The Bay View Civic Club is interested in having one of its members appointed
to the City Zoning Board, to 8ucceed lIr. Horton, recently resigned trom the J:Soard.
It is obvious, 1n v1ew of the recent developments in bu11d1ng and the
1Jnportanoe ot the Coastal Highway 1n connect1ng with the Gulf to Bay Blvd., one
o~ the ma1l1 traff'ic highnys into the city extending thru the ent1re 15ngth of
the Ba~ View Community that representation on the Board ot the latter ommunity
should prove an important tactor in the future planning of Clearwater.
Ver:r truly yours,
Signed A. O. Drew_ President
i!.Q!!!! .Q.. POLHILL
October 26, 1950
Mr. Boyd Bennett,
City Manager,
CleBrwater_ Florida.
Dear Mr. Bennett:
. Reoeipt i8 aoknowledged of your letter of' October 24th. 1950 1n which you
advised that the C1ty Comm1ssion w111 not lease any part ot the r1ght-of-way 1n
the v1cinity or 745 Cleveland Street. and that the Oi t,. Comm1ssion desires tor
the :r1gbt-nr...way to be vacated by October 30th.. 1950
You w111 recel1 that my letter containing t~ ,proposition of' leasing this
!e: Clearwater Lincoln-Mercury Co.
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~" Ootober 30, 1950
Letter trom John Q. polh111, Cont'd.
property was wr1ttt>n on September 22nd, 1950 and prOtlptlr mailed to 7Oll. Po.'
some reason, unknown to the writer, the matter was not presented to the ql't7, ' ,
Commission until the meeting on October 23rd, 1950. I assume that tb.lsoame,': .:.
about by reason ot the heavy calendar which always prevails tor the COSDll1aslon
to oonsider. Never-tbe-less, I wish to into~ you that it w111 be impossible
tor my client to vaoate th1s property by October 30th, 1950.
'!'he aotion ot the Oi ty Comnission if! working an extreme hardship on my
olient, as in order to move fram the property it will take several weeks time.
I trust that this 1:ill be agreeable to the City Commission as long as they
realize thnt my olient will as soon as it is possible to do 80 oomply with the
request of the City Commission.
Very truly yours,
Signed: John C. Polhi11
September S, 1960..
C1ty Caamissioners of Clearwater
City Hall
Clearwater, Flor1da
Re: Erosion Prevention by Jetties
At a meeting ot the Beach Association on September 26th, the Board or
Directors were requested to take aotion in the light ot the recent damage to the
beaoh by the high water and tides. At that meeting it was suggested that there
are available certain ooncrete boats which are surplus property with the U. S.
Government or the Maritime Comm1ssion, and that these boats be procured tor the
purpose ot tilling them for use as jetties. This matter was re~erred to the
Board ot Directors ot the Association for action, and consequently this letter
to your Commission.
Most ot the residents and business inte~ests ot the City recognize the ~-
portanoe of the beach to the community 8S a whole, and most interested persons
know tbs. taU. S _ Government survey is pending. Therefore, it is recoJDnended
that your Co.mmisslon appoint a oommittee of its members to expedite the U. 8.
Government survey report and exploit the possibility and practioability or using
the surplus ooncrete boats for jetties to be located oonsistent with the survey_
This Association stands ready to render Whatever assistance it can to your
Commission or its Erosion Committee toward the end that some immediate action
be taken in the light of the above suggestions and recommendations,.
Cordially yours,
Clearwater Beach Associ&,tlon
By (Signed) Ralph W.Carson
~.S.Department 2! Commerce
October 3, 1950
City at Clearwater
Post Office Box 1348
Clearwater, Florida
Attention: Mr. Boyd A. Bennett
City Manager
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of SepteDlber 29, 1950, making
inquiry in regard to the availability tor sale of concrete vessels.
Thf) Maritime Administration does not have any further vessels ot this type
tor sale. At the last sale for ooncrete ships on JUly 80. 1948_ nine ooncrete
shipe were sold. for an average price of approximately $28,000 per vessel. These
vessels have been sunk tor jetty purposes.
For your further information, only a limited number ot concrete ships and
barges were oonstructed, approximately seventy in all. Of the few remainIng
vessels most all are in the Pacifio areas, and all are in use and. hence, no~
for sale at thIs time.
Very truly yours.
Signedr J. H. Rorke
Chief" of Vessel Diaposa 1 B1'81'1 ch
Division ot Vessel Custody
. . Clearwater Chaptel"_ No. 11
~ . . . ...
,;';~!,l;~;;;;'}N~", ... . ...... .. . . Clea rwa ter , Florida October a, 1950
'V;l"'~"'~;""" . . Honorable HarM D. Sarg<aant.
h~!'F;\~:~;l\:~;?:;\:_>)::::,::_;?2~.':~,:'.:. '.-:; ;:,Kajor.ofOleam tel"_ Olea nil tel", Florida.
,:;..", "1~,l,~.:~y,~~:~il);;:::';~':<::.:' ::': ,', .'.,. . . .' ,
'i;'''''i;\/~~;<;',i:i'.i<'\''De.r' MaJor Sargeant.
"J~~~~~~t~~lf;ii"'ij;,,'~~reek< at October bt to the 7th bas been set adde b7 the Disabled.
Ootober 30, 195>
,., .
~,. ....
:b,~ ,~{:'
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: ~':
Lettexa t'rom
A1nerican Veterans 1n Clearwater a8 DAY' Appxaeciation Week ror the purpose of' ex-
pressing our appreciation to th~se who have given us special help in turthering
the cause ot the disabled.
We wish to take this occasion or DA V Appreo1at10n Week to thank 'You and
your atart' tor the service to the diDa bled veteran in th1s cOJUnun1'tJ. Onl.,.
~ough the assistanoe ot' pub1ic spirited c1tizens 11ke yourself and 'Your statt
i8 it possible for us to carry out our program ot rehabilitat10n tor the disabled
In expressing our thanks to you 'We do so with the hope ot your cont1nued
Many, many thanks for 'Your splendid work.
Sinoerely yours,
51gned: Floyd A. Dow
.;" -!
. ~ ';.: ,I'
. :.
Mayor Har~y Sa~geant
Dear Hayor:-
In regards to your pay raise for the City Employees, foxa which no one seems to
ha ve an idea whex'e the money is coning from, It seems to me, and a 10t other
City EnploY8es that if they would give us 5 day a week, 'With the 44 hour pay,
then they wouldn't have to tigureout any way to get the money from the budget
as it would mean all the same.
Oat. 24, 1950
\i~.!~r~t~ .
September 29. 1950
C1ty Commissioners of Clea~WBter_
C1 ty Bal.l,
Clearwater, Floxa1de
Seaweed Removal.
At a ~eeting of the Clearwater Beach Association held Tuesday, SepCember
26th, the Board of Directors or that organisation were authorized to tak~
appropriate action to carry out the thoughts expressed ~ the residents and
businessmen at that meet1ng. Accordingly, the Board ofD1rectora or tae
Association held a meeting on ThurSday, September 28th, and drafted ~e f01low-
ing letter to be forwarded to ~ou.
It is again pointed out tha t the area of the beach between h1gh water mark
and low water ~rk 1s public property~ regardless ot the ownersh1p of the land
adjacent to the high water mark, to which the public have access through o:1t'Y
owned areas and street ends.
Consequently, it is the recmnmendation of the Association that whatever
aotion your City Cmmmission sees fit to take w1th respect to the unusual sea-
weed accumulat1on~ the whole area of the beach between high and low water mark
be given the same treatment regardless or the ownership of the upland land
adjacent thereto.
Heretot'ore the City has had considerab1e expense by way of advertising the
beach and replacement of the sand - 811 for the purpose of making the beach as
attract1ve as 1ts importanoe ie to the tourist trade.
Cordially yours,
By (Signed) RalPh W. Carson
Oity Employee
Inter-utrice Canmunication
To City Manager Bennett
From Ch1e:t IIcOlal!Dl18l
October 30, 1950 .
Subject: One-Way streets, Oak & Bay Avenues
Have investigated the matter o~ possible des1gnat1on of Bay & Oak Avenues &s
one-way streets, and in ~ op1nion this change is unwarrm ted at this time.
However, if in the future a definite need for such arises. ~ recommendation is
that Bay Avenue be made one-way, South-bound~ and Oak Avenue be made one-nY', NorthboUDC4o
Resp8cttl11ly youre,
Georse T. WcClaD1lJ1a1
. ',' ,,:1 ",I;
Mr. Bennett
403 Best Shore Drive .
C1efl rwra tel' Bea oh, Fla e
Oot. 10th, 1950
· ....,..~;j~~~t~~i~;:;~B~S~.,,:...~~.'<~2~"."...
'.'., " ~ ': ;.
Ootober SO. 1950
City Commission,
City ofOl earn ter, Fla.
Dear 8ir:-
Would you please acoept this letter, as a request, to ask tor the building, and
oonatruotion, and paving ot a road tram Summerset Drive, on Hay Bsplanade, and
Royal Way, to Mandalay Blvd., on Clearwater Beaoh.
I would like for you to give this your tmmediate attention, as I have contaoted
s8'veral ot the property owners on Bay Esplanade, and they are in favor of having
the project started as 800n as possible. I am the owner ot lots, #7, 16, #5, on
Bay Esplanade, and we are building on same lots at the preaent time.
Thank:f.ng you for your kind co-operation, I am
".: ::: I ,)':'~'
. :.. ,':
" ',.",
":", t r'\
. ,', 1 '~~.t~y
" '
, ,
. :. . ~ . . i " .. , . I
. I -. ," ~
Yours truly,
, ,
Signed: walter J. Paterson
1142 Sunset Point Rd.,
C1ea Mia ter, Fla.
Oct. 13, 1950
. '<'".:" "
," " ;:......
N. M. FaUlds, Principal
October 5, 1950
Hon. Harry D. Sargeant
Mayor of City of Clearwater
Commissioners of City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
I w1eh to call your attention to a rather bad tra.f'flo condition near the
junior and Senior High Schools. Th& busses that carry the children to and from
the schools, load and unload on Laura street, the street south ot the two schools.
The traffic on this street is one way, headed west and dead-ends on Booth Avenue.
In other words the traffic must either turn south and go out on Cleveland or turn
north and go out to Drew Street. This makes an extremely congested area at Laura
and Booth and also on Booth and Cleveland and Booth and Drew.
As Booth Avenue 1s a narrow street and there 1s no stop light at Booth and
Cleveland or Booth and Drew, it presents quite a traffic hasard on Booth, morning,
noon~ and evening, especially in rainy weather or if there 1s some ente~tainmen~
at the schools. This condit10n as anyone might observe is very bad right now and
after the completion of the Florida Power Building 1t will become increasingly worse.
My suggestion of a possible remedy of this situation would be to open Laura
Street from Booth Avenue to Myrtle. Myrtle Avenue is a w1de street and as there
is a traffio light at Cleveland and Myrtle the school traf'fic could go oval' IaUX'al
to Myrtle. Since Myrtle 1s being widened to ~rew, this opening would be a help
in north bound traffic entering Drew Street. It is my understanding that the City
Commission is working on this problem and I hope the opening of this street can
be accomplished. I am quite sure all the patrons of the two sohools would be
heartily in favor of this project and should you want an expression from the Parent-
Teacher Association in favor ot th1s matter, I am sure they would be glad to
cooperate by endorsing this project.
We certainly would appreciate it tram the school standpoint and be glad to
give you any assistance in our power. It this condition is not corrected I am
very- much afraid we will have some very serious accident as there are around 1200
children in the two schools and traffic tacilities are very limited at the best.
I wish to thank you very much for anything you can do to remedy this situation.
Very sincerely.
Signed: N. M. Faulds,
Clearwa tel' Junior High School
". .,.~;.tNl':":';.JJ
................ .."1
We know you men do not like to be told but how w111 you know what people want
unless they do tell you.
Regarding the Closing hour ~or the liquor houses at 3:00 A.M. you should know
that the majority of the Olearwater c1tiaens, and the winter visitors not to mention
the respectable business men and women, would oppose it if they were consulted.
The liquor business 1s over-worked in this town and the 25 11quor men who com-
plain about their short hours should wake up to that tact. It they can't make s
living keeping o~n until midnight, they Should quit, and go into bett8r busine.s
that w11l build and not destroy the city.
You should oonsider other essential business :rims and think of how muoh more
,.,';, '
;;;l;...--... _,__..
, ,
· ""c;.~d~~i~~.i2.~;~L'J.
, .,\1--
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. ,. . . ,',
" ....... ":,. ,'" ..,-...,....~.... ; <. j .,:, ". '" '.J' "'"
Oc'l;ober 30, 1950
letter tram Mrs. D. Dort Smith--cont'd
money they cou1d take in it it were not a11 spent on 11quo:r. Wh,. encourage the
lIquor business and g1'8nt theIr every request? Ir they want tb&t late Tampa
business tell them to move to Tampa. We think Clearwater could tip the scales
just a little h1gher than Tampa 11' everybody tried to olean up morally as well
as materiall,..
Mrs. D. Dort Smitn, Scribe
Representing 8evoral groups or
Church Women and the Woman'.
Christian Temperance Union
October 25, 1950
To the EonorQble CIty Commissioners
Cit~ of Olearwater. Florida.
The undersignod owners of the lots fronting on Chestnut Street_ herein
desIgnated, respe ctfUll7 report they ~ve no means of ingress or egress by
:reason of the fect that Chestnut Street is the only street touching said property,
and tha t Chestnut Street 1a covered with a jungle-like growth of underbrush that:
nakes it impossible to reach said lots with any type of vehlele, O~ even on toot.
We,. th.eretore, reapectfull)' request that your honorable board w111 cause
Chestnut Street, to be cleared, opened and graded fram Greenvood Avenue westward
in front 0 l' said lota.
Lot 8. Block 16. HagnoliB Pk.
Lot 9. B10ck 16. l~gnolia Ple.
IDt 10, Bloclc 16, Magnolia Plt.
~. s. Wi~tman (S~l1eE)
Herbert Blanton Jr. (Signed)
Herbert Blanton (Signed)
Inter-Office Communication
October 19, 1950
To Chief McCla~
FrOll Sgt. l~c~lullen
(City ltlanager)
( Chie f MoClamma)
Subject: One side parking on ~ew sto
There 18 "No ParkIng" on Drew st. on the South side, from N. Osceola Ave. to Myrtle
Ave. and there is "No Parking" on the North side from Garden Ava. to East Ave.
The Margaret Ann Grocery Store 1s on the North side ot Drew St., along wIth Alfred
WYllie's Office and two other offices in the same bUilding, being located on the
same side of the street.
There 8:re .foux- fire plugs on the North side or Drew St.~ located at Fern st.,
Vine Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., and in front ot 1014 Drew St., whioh w111 oocuPY
only four spaoes wIthin four blocks.
Since about one-half of the South side of Drew St. 1s already marked off "No
Parking" it 'Would be to a grea ter advantage to extend the signs on out to Green-
wood Ave. on the South side of Drew St.
Sgt:. Mcllullen
RES OLU'l' I ON (Lots requested to be cleaned by their
owners Co~iss10n Meeting,Oct. 23 1950)
WHEREAS: it has been deter.m1ned by the City Commission of tbe City o~ Clear-
water, F:J.or1d.a, that the property described be10w should: be cleaned of weeda,
gras5 and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and. failure of the
owner thereof to do 80, the City should clean such property and charge the costs
thereof 8ga~nst the respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Oommission of" the C~ty of Clear-
water, Flor1da, that the following desoribed property, situate in said City, shall
be cleaned of weeds, grss~ and/or underbrush w~thin ten (10) days atter notice in
writing to the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to co:mply with said
notice, the Oity ahall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereot against
the respective propertIes in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter ot the City
o~ 01earwater, as amended.
Janice Grider
501 No. I4ad1son Ave., C1earwater,Fla.
.. "
DalJ.aa Young
151e So. MissourI Ave.,Clearwater,Fla.
141S8 Edith Peck
P.O.6ox 584. Clearwater, Fla.
Lot 14, B k 0
Country C1ub Addn
Lots 3,4,5.Blk C
Carolina Terrace Sub
Lots 7,a.Blk 0 and
Lots 26,27, BIk C.
Blvd. Heights Subd.
Est1ma te
mowing ,
Lots '7-8 _.60'.
Lota sa, 2'1 ,
t5 .00'
, .
~ .\
. --_ trll"t'~_
:>";1~~~~1;~ '
I,; :3 ~."l'. "\;J:;F.\~::::-
:./' ,.!} ~~ _.i.I~,.. '"{V.~:;'4\ ,
~ ~ \.~~ (,?~.;; :j~~;~,~~"ljf, '~f'
r" .,- ". ,':-10"''>; ,r,",
l~f~i:~' - , ':
'. ..., ".:,- .
October 30. 1950
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'" " J . I, ,
,:);;~A~i&\ .,
'~""'JJ"x':";,,,. ....,..1
Resolution--re Lot Cleaning, cont'd
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission ot the City of Clearwater,
Florida. this 30th day or October, A.D", 1950.
H. G. Wingo
Cit7 Auditor ai1Cl Clerk .,-
Harry D. Saraeent
WHEREAS I it has been determined by the C1ty Oommission o~ the City ot Clea~-
water, Florida, that the property desorlbed below should be cleaned o~ weeds, grees
and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and tailure of the owner
thereot to do so, the City should clean such property and oharge the costs thereof'
against the respeotive property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission or the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the following described propertYf situate in said City, sbBll be
cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days arter notice in writ-
ing to the owners thereot to do so and that upon fa1lure to comply w1th said notice.
the City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costa thereof' against the
respective properties in acoordance with Seotion 128 or the Charter of' the City of
Clearwater, as amended. (Lots requested to be oleaned Cammisa10n Meeting Oct.23,1950)
W. E. Mundall
216 Mirror Lake Dr.
st. PeterSburg, Fla.
George 18 cher
1111 So. Myrtle Ave.
Clearwater, Fla.
Bert D. Shortett
R.F.D. Ik>
M1dd1eton, N. Y.
Aldo Chambers
R.Dc. 14, Box 646
IndianapoliS, Ind.
L. C. Mandeville, Est.
c/o Adm. J. R. Newell
Carroll ton, Ga.
Bessie I. stewart
P.O.Box 341
Safety Harbott, Fla.
Ds vid Brown
2247 Pierce Avenue
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
City of Clearwater
City Hall
Clearwater, Fla.
. . "
Roy W. Gar1
Routs 2, Box 18a
East Akron, Ohio
Louise D. Moore
300 Turner st.
Clearwater, Florida
Martha p. Mo:rse
Box 157
Kirkland, Washington
Mr. George Bigby
Anderson, s. C.
Geo. C. 'rillman
850 Narc1ssus St.
Clearwater, Fla.
Walter S. Henderdlot
265 Bd~eW&ter Dr.,Dunedin,Fla.
Mrs. Geo. C. Lewie
408 washington St.,
W. tertowb, Wis.
JUnnid S. Engle
326 - 3rcl Ave. So.,Apt. 19
St .,P.etersburg~Fla.
:;.'~ ,,0 ,"~;'.
J .' ...' "", <, '.
. \:
- -.,-
Lot 21, Blk 23
Magnolia Park Subd.
mowing $2.50
Lot 2, Blk 3
Knol1wood Subd.
Mowing .2.50
Lot 13 & i or 12, Blk. J
Boulevard Heights
Mowing $2.50
Lots 7,8, Blk D
Highland Groves Subd.
Mowing $2-.50
Lot 27, J. M. Moores Subd.ot
Padgetts Lots 11 - 15
Mowing $2.50
Lots 1,2,3,4,Blk A
Highland Groves
Mowing $3.25
Lots 14,15,16,17,18~ Blk 3~
Knollwood Subd.
Mowing $6.25
Aoreage to rear of Lots
1,2,3,Blk H, Country Club
Mowing $7.150
Lot 11, Blk F
Plaza Park Subd.
Mowing $2.50
s. 116' of Lot 1 and Lot 2;.
Blk 8, Turners 3m Subel.
Mowing $2.50
Lot 15, Blk 14
Country Club Addn.
W.l0' of Lot 128 & E.60'
of Lot 130. Harbor Oaks Sub.
Mowing $2.50
Mow:ing $3 . '7 5
W.36' of Lot 7 and E.37' of
Lot 9, Harbor Oaks Subd.
w. 35' of' Lot 132 and E.65' of
Lot l34,Harbor Oaka
W.20' of Lot 130 & B.50' of
Lot 132, Harbor OElke Subd.
Mow 1ng $5.00
Mowing 03.75
Mowing 6&.7&
Lot 2. 1st Addn. to Palm
Mow1l3g ,~..50
I" '
, '.<1-
t ~l~"v .
"I."~;~l,,:\j l~:.
/ ....'],.. 'I'l'i<
. k;~5i~;ti F~";
If";, .,,,,.1,,,9;;,, ~~,~ ..;
I , ~.. '., .
~ ...
,- . ~ ",: ~ , ... ..' - . t,..~
October 30, 1950
Resolutlon--re Lot Cleaning, Cont'd
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE 01 ty Connisslon of the 01 toy or Clearwater. Florida
thIs 30th day or Ootober, A.D., 1950.
H. G. WIngo
lht1 Auditor and Clerk
WHEREAS: it has been detennlned by the City Cammiss10n of the City of Clear-
water_ Florida, that the prope~ty desorlbed below should be cleaned o~ weeds.
gras8 and/or underbrush, end tha tatter ten (10) daY's 'notice and failure ot th.e
owner thereof to do 80, the C1t1 should clean such property and charge the costs
thereof against the respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Clt3" CommIssion of the C1ty of Clear-
water, Florida, that the following described property. situate in said City. shall
be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush w~thin ten (10) days after notice in
writing to the owners thereof' to do so and that upon failure to comp17 w1th said
notice, the City shall perrorm such cleaning and charge the costa thereor aga1nst
the respective properties 1n accordance w~th Section 128 of the Charter ot the
City of Clearwater, as amended. (Lots requested to be cleaned by owners for CommIssion
Meeting October 16, 1950--mowlng onl~):
Ownerr PropertI: Bst1~te:
:< (~;..:....;:\.:~'/:.";.;~~ ']:'>1
HIlrry D.. Sa rgeant
I"" ~"~
, .- . '..'.-.',
." "~.'...'
"':;fQ!;\'i~t;, :
Mrs. J. B. Paine
1141 Sunset Point Drive
Clea rwater, Florida
Wm. R. Adams
3'17 Vine Street
Glen Ellyn" Ill.
Lot 2r/, Bloclc C,
2nd Addn. to Sunset Point
Mon ng $2.50
Lot 19,. Elk A
I.a Jo11a Subd.
loYing $2.50
Mr. James Jackson
1045 Sedeeva St.
Clearwater" Fla.
John P. Coll1ty
3511 2l2th Street
Bayaide" L.I.,N.Y.
Lot 8, Blk A, Floridem
]pts lO,~l.lBlk B..
Flor1dens ~ubd.
Howing .6.50
Lots 17,18,Blk A
I.a Jolla Subd.
Mowing $2.50
Hauling 2.50
Mrs. Irene Richardson
1143 Sunset Drive
Clearwater_ Florida
Mrs. Myron Wells
410 Hilltop Avenue
Mr. H. E. Spe1cer
01'8ngewood Ave.
Clearwa ter, Florida
Mr. G. Spoor
312 No. Glenwood Ave.
Dr. J. Austin Furfey
222 Bet ty lane
S. li. Cykenda1l
So. Myrtle A va ~
Clearwa ter,Fla.
Mrs. E. Sohrechtat
701 Ii. Ft. Harrison
Mr. Reade T1l~ey
608 No. Oace01a Ave.
Clearwa tex- ,Irla.
Mr. W. F. Shurtleff
105 No. xe~stone D~.
Oleana tel", 1411 orida
Olevela nd Street
Mowing G2.50
Lot 10 ~ BJ.k a
North Shore l'&rk Subd.
si ot 6 end Lot ?~Blk F,
Hillcrest #a Subd.
Mowing .2.50
Lots 64~65
Glenwood Estates Addn.
Mowing t4 .00
Lot 32
Glenwood Estates Addn.
Mowing $2.50
Lot 5, Elk '1
Country Club Addn.
Mowing 12.50
Lot 6
P.C.Wel1.s Subd.
Mowing 03.50
Lots 19,.20, Blk R
Bay Terrace Subd.
Mowing t5.00
Lot 4. Blk .,.,
Count~ Club Addn.
Lots 1.l'?,20,B~k D
Key-stone Manor Subd.
L10wing $2.50
Mowing $.7.50
,.Jlra.>R. B. .JloKel'!7
, '201 Pierce St .,Clearnter,
Lota 6.7,10.ll~B1k 11
Plne C~8t Subd.
Lots 15,l6,Blk 1
Pine OJ'8st Subd.
Lot 11 & wi 01' 12,Blk B
North Sbcre Park Subd.
Oerts1n parta o~ 60' w. or Oaceo1a Mowing $6~OO
w. on P1erce to OUl! atar1; 1351 8e
o~ Plero$ tor 300.5' and trom that point
to Gulf'
Mowing $5 raOO
Mo1d~ $2.50
lIow1ng ~.?'5
. '. i-:'
.\. .
Lot 1, Blk 11
Countr,y Club Addn.
,~'rc+".t'~:~'~'?;'i~i;i;;~.Ji,L"' C~,",.~,:.:;,"., ,:.c ,c.,";;'''~~i'~';~.~;;, ~.;;"'~""'"i,".b .,:,'~ ,""",~.,~~C;i ,:,c;;~::;X;L2{l\i(t~i~i~%~~t;!;;=~;;)~~~'%''''~''''
October 30, 1950
Reaolution--re Lot Cleaning, Conttd
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission of the City ot
Clearwater, Florida, this 30th day of october, A.D., 1950
WHEREAS: it has been deter.mined by the City Oommission of the City of Clear-
water, Florida, that the property described bolow shou1d be cleaned of weeds , grass
and/or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and. failure of the owner
thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereot
against the respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cmmnisslon of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the fOllowing described property. situate in said City, shall be
cleaned of weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in
writing to the owners thereot to do so and that upon failure to comply with said
notice, the City shall perf OrIn such cleaning and cbarge the costs thereof against
the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter 01' the City
of Clearwater, as amended.
Lots requested to be cleaned for Commission Meeting, October 16, 1950
Owner: Property: Eatimate:
': ....~
~'\ .
iorfli ~~:~g%ve.
Clearwater, Fla.
Rev. Colreavy
Catholic Church
Clearwate:r, Ph.
Paul P. Stratitt
189 57th st.,
Niagara Fal1s~ N.Y.
Mrs.'R. H. Dudley
601 S. Myrtle Ave.
Clearwater, Fla.
Mr. C. Victor NYlen
105 N. Lake Drive
CleaMJster, Fla.
H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and Clerk
A & W GladB~ Inc.
Clearwa tel', Fla.
J. L. Graham
636 Franklin Street
Clearwater, Florida
w. L. Cunmons
315 Main Street
Huntington, W.VaG
Miranda B. Fuqua
222 Desha Rd.
Lexington, Ky.
Barney Ha 11
No.1, Causeway Blvd.
C1ea rwa ter I Fla.
Peter Falaoni
807 Vine Avenue
Kathleen H. Loughridge
221 Edge.ood Ave.,
Clearwa tar,.Fllll.
Kro Lester Dicus
Sunset Point Hotel
Clearwa tel', Fla.
:"~ ''7 . _
Albert H. Ball!
1605 N. Gilbert St.
:;;.:. "
;. .,':'.~ '
Mowing $3.50
Lots 1,2.9,10,Blk 40
Magnolia Park sub.
140~ing $7.50
l:;~;:' . if\\~,:',
. >", 'd"v" ". "f~:"" '
B. 25' of Lot 19, and lota
10,11, Blk B, La Jolla Subd.
140wing $.8.00
Lot 16, Blk 22
Magnolia Park Subd.
Mowing t3.50
Lot 19, Blk C
Keystone Manor
Mowing t5.00
Harry D. Sargeant
The E. 100 x 150 ft. of the
N. 280' of the S. 330' ot the
W. 870' of swt or the mv.;
ot 13-29-15
Mowing only
Lot 7, B1k G
Keystone Manor Sub.
Mowing only
$.2 .50
Lot 6, Blk G
Keystone Manor Sub
Lot 12~ Blk B,
la Jolla Sub.
Mowing only
$4 .00
Mowin.g only
Lot 14
Merritts Replat
Mowing onl,.
$2 .50
Lots 6, 5, Blk B
Highland Groves Subd.
Mowing only
Lots 28 and 29
Glenwood Estates Addn.
Mowing only
Lots 4,5, Blk A
Floridana Sub.
Mowing only
$.5 .00
Lot 17 & Ei- of 18,
Blk G, Keystone Nanor SUb.
Mowing only
$.5.00 ,
, ~~~;~r~1~~g~i~I~::~~P'::~,(~:: .;I"~,;;~ ~::~:'}~'~~,~;' :;.~' t(f'-r ./: ~'
"..~,,~. ,<
.::,>',>:.~; :'. '!:!:.,',
October 30, 1950
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at
City Hall Monday, October 30th, at 7s30 P.�.4. with the Pollom3ng niembers prnsent:
Harry U. Sargeant
Herbert td. Brov�n
Z,eland F. Dre�
Joe Turner
E. B. Caeler Jr.
Also �'resent 41ere:
Boyd A. Bennett
Cieorge IvtcClamma.
Ben Krentzman
�Ivlayor-Commi s s ione r
-Ci�ty P,4anagar
-Chief' oP Polic�
�Citg Attorneq
The meeting was called to order by the DSayor. It was moved by Cottmiissionea
Drew that the minutes oP the 3pecial �tee�ing oP October 23rd be approved in
accordance with Ehe copy thereoP furnished each nember in writing and �hat their
reading bs dispen�ed w3th. The motion wa•s aeconded bg Cc�miiasioner Turner antl
The Committee on �he opening of b4issouri or Jei'ferson Avenue across the
SoQboard Railroad had no regort at this time.
.The City Manager announaed thst he had received four bids Por supplying
t�o 3.Q ton trucks with acosa bodiea Yor the Public Service Department. It was
moved by CouBnissioner Brown that the bids be announced and turned ovsr to the
City h4anager for tabulation and a report at the next maeting. fihe mot3an was
seconded by Coiarniss3:onar Drew and carrisd. The bids are set rnit belo�r:
Thayer i��tor Co,
Kennedy & Strickland
Orenga State L�Iotor Co.
less spe�ial flee� disc�
on two �612,20
iarry Diffinitt, Inc.
�24�5.10 each
2495.00 '�
3212a35 i0
2495.00 n
�he City Mansger submittad a lettar from the County Tax Aasessor certiPying
to the �ollowing asssssment valuation Por the Citg� oP Clearraater:
Hamestead Exemption
R.R. & Tel.
Value �510,516,190
n 19,081,615
�! 181,277
« 4,157,880
TaX �$81,500�4'7
t° 362,550.69
'� 3,444.26
� 78 999.72
52�, 495 .3.�
It vra.s moved by Cammissioner Brown, secondsd by Commissioner Turner and carried
that the report be eeceptad.
Coa�missioner �re�v reported that it waa the recoannendation oP the Insurance
Co�ittee that insurance policies be carried as 'proposed; but that 50� be
equally divided among the agencies in the City; tYie remaitting 5� to be written
by agents according to the number oP fi.x� insurance ccunpanies they repre,�ent� t4ho
were licensed for 1949. Coamiisaione'r Turner move�l thet the Coaun�tteeas report.
bo acceptad. The motion was secanded bg Commissioner Brown and carried. It
was maved by Gommiss3oner Drew that a letter oi thanks for the splendid work
done be written to each member of the Committee of Tnsurance Agenta, who pre-
pared their repor�. The ffiotion cras saconded by c�missioner Turner and carrierl.
The Mayor�s report on his attendance at the Fire Prevantion ConPerence
was deferred, by consent.
The City Attorne�r rsad the Ord3nance adopting a Code for the City, as.com-
piled by Michie and Gompany. Ca�issioner Turner moved that the Ordinance be
passed on its second reading. The motion wsa saconded bq Couuunissioner Drew and
�arried. CoiarnissionersBro�n, �Jrsw, and Sargeant voted ��Aye'�. There �rere none
Commissioner Drew moved that Itam �5 on the A,genda, consideration oi �n
Ord3nanee relativo to Building Contractora, be de�erred tn the next mee�ing, due
to the absenae oi Commisaioner Casler. The motion was seconded by Coumiissi:oner
Broevn and carried.
The Chief oP Police submitted a list of 41 streets where parking is per-
mi�tted on one side only. He stated that he did not reco�nend one side parking,
as a getteral polic9. It was moved by Commissiotaer Brown that the recommendation
of �ha ChieP oP Police be fo�lowed. The motion was seconded by C�nmissioner
Turner and carriad.
The Ch3eP oP Police reported that thare was no parking now on the South
side of Drew Streat Wea� o�'R4yrtle Ave. It rras h3s recommendation that this one
side parking be extrended Prom Osceola Ave, to Greenwood Ave. Co�missioner Drew
moved that �he report be aceepted. The motion v�as seGondad by Coam►iss3oner
Turner and carr3ed.
b ��
October 30, 1950
The C3ty &tanager repo�ted that T4r. Pietro Re, owner of the property
immediately South of Aster Plsce, would accept any portion of the str6et i� it
�vere vacated by the Coimnission, and wouZd in9tall a Sea 1Va11. He said he had
rece3ved no •reply to a co�nunication addrease�i to Mr. G. Co Spicola, the owner
o£ the property adjoining Aster Place on the Nox�h. Commissioner Brown moved
that the City kttorney report on the leg�lity of ass�ssing the coat oP Sea Walls
agsinst adjacc�nt property.ownera. The mot�oz� was seconded by Commissionex^ Turrier
and aarried.
� j,�
The Clerk read a letter addresse� to the Coxunissian by Aire A. C. Drew,
President of the Bay Vi.ava Civ1c Club, in vehich 3t w�s suggested tlzat a member o1'
tha't organ2zation be appointed as a member of the Zaning Board to succeed A4r.
Andrew Horton. The tdayor referred to the quelifica�ions of B�r. EdmundNMseCollin,
�hom he had previously reco:hauended i'ar appoin�ent. Goamxissi�ner Drew suggeated
that the �lerls �rrite to Mr. :riaeCollin t�at drze to the shori: tiine he iias been a
a�sident, the �ozmnission did not consider hia appointment sppr�priate and that
the Pailure to appoint him was in no way a reflaction an his ability or experiance.
A�po3ntment of a successor to Mr. Horton on �he Zoning Board was deferred, by
A latter addressed �o the Counnission by Attorney John �. Polhill
eacknowlsdges rece�pt of a not;ice to the Clearwater Lincoln Biercurg CompHr�y to
vacate the Right-of-Way oP Cleveland Street by October 30th. Mre Polhill s�ates
that hi� clients are complqing with �the Coramission�s requeat as rapidly es
p9asible, but that it will take several weeks, and requests that auffici.ent time
be granted. Corun3ssioner Brown moved that the ma�ter be repor�ted on Prote tirae
�a time and the letter be aco�Pted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Turner and carriedv
The City b�anager submitted Por conside�st'�on a wor1c order covering a re-
funciing agree�en� to supply water t� Oak Acres Subdivision as roquested bq Miss
Gladya Duncan. The Diarssgar estimat�d th� cos� at �2600.00, oP which I�iss Ihincan
was to pag �815.00. The agree�ez�t ��•ovided Por 526 ft. oP 8 inch a�in an Dru3.d
Rcad, at an estimated coat of �2IQ0.00. Coa�mmissioner Brown gtated that he
thaught this was an unnecessary eapense iar a subdivision in which there wera no
houses. Mr. Bauce T�ylor, who was present, tolc the Commission tha� his P3rm
had had eight epplication� for loans in this Subdinision. Caunnissionar Drew
moved thttt the C3t� run a two inch water line into 0ak Acres Subdivieio;n and
negotiate a contract with Misa Gledqs Duncan. The motion was seconded by Com-
�iasioner Turner and carried.
On a motion by Cor�issioner Brown, which was seconded by Coamiissioner
7.'urner and carried, Ite�u ,{#14 on the Agenda� nConsider�tion of a request of Jamee
T. Singletott to wi�hdraw his oPfer for leese of propert�r on South aide oP C�use-
osaq Boulevardt° so as to substitute a joint offsr �v3th Mr. Langford, rvas dePerred.
The City &Iar_�ger reported tha� �150e00 in repairs had been Axpended on
Iaura Strest between Duncan Ave. and Keystone Ave.a ti�at needed repairs baing the
resul� of the inPerior quality of the original pav3ng laid by deveZupers due to
the Yact tha� the City had no aontrol over specifications. The City Attorney said
it was his opinion that the City could set the standards, at th� time paving. is
installed, Commisaioner Brovrn moved that i�r. Bennett and A�ro Krentzman giva t4�e
matter Purther stud9 and aubmit their recouanendations at as la.ter datee The anotion
vras aeconded by Commissioner Turner ar,d carrieda
The Clerk aAead � letter addressed to the Gottnnission by the �laarwater Beach
Associatior� relative to beach erosion, in wh�.eh it was sugge�ted that r�urplus
conerete boats be purchased, Pilled and sunk for use as j��ties. The Manager r�ad
a letter from the Department aP Coirunerce, �ta�ing that the dep�rtmen� does net
hav� any Purther vessels Por sa7.e; that at the leat sale nine concrete ahips tivere
sold for apprnximately �2�,000.00 aech. Another 1eic�er eddressed to the CoYmnission
by the Ciearrrater Beach Associations recoffiuended cArtain action �o be taken,
relative to renov�l of se� weed from the beaeh. Commiss3oner Dre�r moved thet the
letters be acknosvledged with thanka for the suggeationso Th� mo�ion Was second�d
by Commissioner Brown and aarriede
The Clerlc read a letter addressed to tho Cormnission bg Floyd A. Do�, Com-
nander oi Gleaz�wrater Chapter Number 11, Dis�bled Amerioan Veter�ns, in which the
Post expressed 3ta appreciation for aid given in Purthering the eause of the d3a-
�bled �eteran�, It v�as moved by Commiasioner Brotivn, seconded by C�mra3ssioner
Turner and carried that the letter be received.
The b4eyor submitted an unsigned post eard which cv�a addrer�sed "te hime `Pha
card auggeated a 5 day week with 44 hours pay in lieu oP the suggmsted selarg
raise for City employeea. The �Iayor stated that he hoped to su�rait a plan Por
Pinancing the proposed salary increeaea ty next meeting.
7.`v�o posti card� (mimeographed) addressed ta the CornnZssion by ths Ku Klwc
K1an v�ere read.
A letter eddresaed to the Coamiiasion b� the ��orida Pdunic3pal Ut3.lities and
F`lorlda REA Cooperative�i Associationa reques�..ed tha� this city join in the fight
�gslnst the nso�ealled�� regulatory bill �o plece electric utilities undor th�
Floride Railroad and Public Utilities Commission. It wae moved by Cormnisaianer
Urecv that the letter be received. The motion was seconded b� �ommissioner 2'urner
a,nd casried.
7.`he Clerk submitted an afPer bq Mre J'oYxn Se�elken �o pus�chass fox� �500.U0
that part af lots ].8 and 1,9a B].ock F oP Sunset Point Firat t�dc13t3on. Cammiss3oner
Brocrn moved that the ofPer be tizrned over to the AppraieaJ. �onuuittee. for r� repor�
and the Cit� Engineer be inatru�ted to pregare a pnoper eurvev o1' t�� lota in
question, toge�her with bhe aYnztting atrset. �'he motios� v�as seconded bq Co�ran3ssionier
Turner and carried.
October 30, 1950
The ChieY' oP �olice reported that he h�d investigaterl the matter oP
pnssible designation of 0ak and Baq Avenues a� one way �treete and tiza� he did
not believe suoh s changa needed at t,hia time, but that if auch a need ahould
arise he would recommencl �hat Bay Averiue be made one way �outh=bound and Oak
Avenue oxae wag Ptorth-bounel. On a motion by �o�nnissioner Brovm, which vras
s�conded bg Cammissionex Turner and carried, �ho report oP the ChieP of' Palice
was acaepted.
T'ne hfanager presented a notiee oP a meeting oP the F'lorida League of
MunicSpalities at Zakeland on Idovember 12>13-14. Counnissioner Drew m�oved that
tha D4ayor be authoxized to attend the mseting as the dul,y authorized oY'Piaiel
delegate and that the City Manager, Citg Attorney and any Commissioners who
�riah to do so be authorized to attend. The motion wss seconded by Cormniasioner
Brovm and c�rrS.ecT.
A 3etter addressed to the �ommission by N. N:. Faulds, Principal oP Clear-
water Juniox Hi�h School, requeats the opening of Iaura Streat Prcm Booth Ave.
to b3yrtle Ave. Corrnnissioner Brown moved that they be inPormed tha't the matter
is in the hands of a Coimnitteo a� this ti�e. The motion was seconded by Gom-
missioner Turner and carried.
A lette� sddressed to the Commission by WaZtex J. Paterson, whose address
ia 403 E. Shore Drive, potitio.�s the Cpirunission to pave a rosd Prom Sozneraet
Drive on Bey Esplanade and Rogal 49ay to Mandalay Boulevard. Co�iasioner Brown
moved that �ha matter be rePerred to tihe City Manager for an estimate of the
coat the property owners are willing to pay and the number to be ssseased. The
inotion was aeoonded by Cozmnissioner Turne�r and carried.
Comm3ssioner Brown, tor the Beaeh Lease Co�uni�tea, rego��od ti�at the Com-
mittee felt �hat the Charter boat fleet should be given e�lace to ti� up while
the Ya�ht Bas3.n is under construottone He suggested the installation of
additionsl pil3ng•at the Municipal Do�k in front oP }hs Auditoriwm for sueh use
a� s nominal amoun� to cover cost oP gaqing a doek master who would handle dock-
ing and loading. A rentaZ oi'$�50m00 Y'or a 3 montha period was suggeated. No
present tenant at the dack vrould be affected. A telephone �sould be installed at
the dock. No aolictting would be pe2�nitted. Mr. B4ac Newman would be dock master
and bir. Brov+n said thst Captain Fred Wright had oPfered to serva an a. part tim�
baai� at no salary. Comaissioner Brown moved that the Clearwater G,�ides Asso�
ciation and a11 �ffected. boat men be requested to have a maeting and �leet a
spokesman to present a plAn ta the Comnission. Tkie motion was seconded by �om�
missianer Drew and carried,
A letter addressed to the Commission by Ball Productions of E4iami, re-
quested that the Ci�� contribute �350,00 toward the productio�i of co�or ahorts
advertising Floridao Conunissioner Bravm moved that the matter be referred to
the Chamber oP Coznnerce Advertising �a�ittee for their cansiderat9.on« The
motion �aa� seconded by Cormnissioner Turner and carriedm
A letter addressed to the Coxanission by birs. D, Dor� Smith, 1142 Sunset
Point Road, protests against the proposal to grsnt later closing hours Por
places selling alcoholic beverages. CouIInissioner Brown moved tha� the.l.etter
be acknowledged and that btrs. Smith be advised tchat no petition Por later closing
hours has been presentad to the Cos�nissiori, but in the event the matter should
come befbra the Co�ission in the Puture, her letter «ilI bs given every con-
sideration. The motion was seconded by Corrnnissioner Turner and carried.
The Citq P�anager estimated thet cleaning up the park or_ tY�e beac�� betwaen
Clearwatcr end Rockaw�y Streets, openir.g street, installing base, raplaeing side�
walka, etc. would cost approximatel� °.�'c500.00. Cormnissioner Turner noved that
the n�cessary expense (estimated �500.00) to aover repairs due to the xecent
Rockawa 8torm be authorized and tha� �he City Manager aontac� bix. Jesse Smith and the o�wner of the
Pavilio�"'Qnd see 3f lthey would pay £or part of filling �he atreet. The motion was seconded
'by Goimni�sioner �rotivn and carriad.
Thd Chief of Police recornnez�ded one side parking (on East side) on riorth
Osceols Avenue, and thst �sceola Avenue, Ydorth of Seminole Street, ba made a one
way street, used for North bound �raf'fic. It was moved by Co�issioner Brown
thst the recouanendstion be followed as amended. The moicion vras seconded by Com-
missioner Turner and carriecl.
The City Manager submitted four Resolutions which would require ;roperty
o�sners to elean lots of grase, rreeds, etc.a one resolution at the request of 3
property owrxier9, one covering 20 owners� requests and two resolutions Por �or�ing
lots of 15 and 16 persona respective�.y. On a motion by Cos�issioner Brawn,
secanded by Coramiasioner Turner and:ananimously carried, the� reaolutions were
A letter addressed to the ComMission by W. Sm Wightman, herbert Blanton Jx.
and Herbert Blanton, awners of �ts 8, �J Ec 10 respectinely oP Block 16, Magnolia
Park, petitions tne City to opea�, clear, and grade Chssrnzt Street West�ard from
Greenwood Avenue so ss to make their properties acc�asible. Commiasioner Brown
moved that the matter be referred to the �ity Attorx�eq; the matter to be reported
on at the n�xt meeting. The motion was ssconded by C�z�issionex Drear and carried.
On a motion by C�uunissioner Dra�, which was �econded by Co�niasinner Turne
and carried, the meeting edjourxied at 10.45 P.I�.
Ci�y Audito�r i�Clerk
` � L..a..[� �� -�inl -►,'�' � �
� . . , ���; � . - �
ci� co�h�zsszorr ntr.��Trrc�
Octobsr 3�, 1950
Magor-Cmmud.ssioner Harry Do Ssrgean�
CouIInissioner� a
(�entlemen r
T.eland F. Drew
P. B. Casler,J'r.
Herbert M. Bro�rn
Joe 25zrner
Octobar 28, 7,950
A special meeting of the City �ouunission �vi11 tse held at 7;30 P.B�., P�Ionday,
October 30, 7,950 in �he C3ty Iia11 t o consider the itema hareto attachad.
Vezy truly yours,
Boyd A. E3snnett
City AZanager
T. Approving oP the :ninute� of the special 3neeting kield Octob9r 23.
2. Mayor's report on the GovernorQs ConYerence on i�i.re Preven�ion in Orlando
October 25 and 26.
3. Report of the coimmit�ee ott the apening oP Misaouri Avenue or Jeffersan St.
across th� Seaboard Railroad ta�acks.
4. Consideration of tha second reading of an ordinance adopting th.s nsw city
code as compiled by Michie and Company.
5. Consider�tion oi the orclinance relative to building contractora on i.ta
SeCOrid reading•
6d Cona3der�tion oP the report oP th� coannittee on �ire insurance covering aitg
7. Report of the Chiei of PoTice on genex�xl garking on one s�de oP the street
throughout the city.
8. Report of the ChieP of Police on parking on Drea�r Street �etwaen Greenvrooct and,
Garden Avenueo
9. Qonaidera�ion oP t�e conatruction oP a aes wail at the east end of Gardenie.
Stree� ancl the west end of �,ater Y'lace.
10. Cor,aiderstion of the appvintment on ths Zoning Board to fill the v�csncy
areated by the resignetion of Andrew S. Horton.
11. Gonsideratioa oP the opening of the gence a� thx>u stseets which �oas cons�ructed
in 193�i:from �learwater Bay ta the Gulf of Mexico separating the CarloueT
Development from the other part of tho be�ch.
12. Receipt of a letter Prom Attor�ey Poihill relative to t he application of
Lincoln-biercury� Co. to le�se a partion oP Clevelsnd Street,
13. Conaider�tion of a work order covering a refunding agr�ement Por more than
six years to supply water tc Oak Acres reguested by Gl�dya Duncan�
1a. Considex�ation oP a request fraa� JaLnes T. Singleton to withdraw 2�.is aPi'er for
propexty on the sauth side oP the Causewey known as Sinclair �ervice Station
as he and Mr. Langford wi�h to prepare a joint proposition to make to the ci�y,
15. Report of the City Maneger en complaint o¢ Ed. Burk oP tti:.e condition of Iaur�
Street b�tween Duncan and Keystone. This street was rough but not impassabl�,
County road ec�uigm�ent �as not re�d.ily av�ilabls at the time and it wa� nec-
essAr; to barrow and blade the atreet into shape with city owned equipmen� at
a cost o� about �150.Q0,
16a Recei�i oP s l�ttsr from G1ear�ete� Beach Asaoc., relative to beach oroaion
prev�ntion by jetties.
17. Receipt of e letter �'rom Glearvaater Beaah Assa�c. regarding aea weed removal.
18o Reeeipt oP a letter from the Disabl�d Americsn Veterans thanking all of those
who hava been aP ssrviee to them in f"urthering their ceuse for the d3sabled.
190 Consideration �f the hlayor�s suggeation to increase cit� emp�oyees� pay.
20. Receipt oP correspondence fron the Florida R,E.A. Cooperative A�so�iation
conesrning the aomcalled regulatory bill introduced at the ].949 s�asion of
the Florida legislature to place electr3.c utilities under the Fl.orida railroaci
and public utili:� c�mmi�sion.
21. Connidex�ti.on of the oFi'er of JoYin Sege],ken to purchase par� of Lots 17, 18,
and 19, Bloek F, First Addition �a'Sunset PoSnt.
22. Report aP bY�.e Ch1�f oY Police on the de�igne,tion of O�Zk ar�:l Bay Avenus� ae:
ana �aay streets.
23. Receipt oP a notice oP tYx� meeting of the F'lorida League of Municipalities �o
be held in Lskeland No'vember 12, 13 and 14,.
2�. Receipt of a letter eddr�ased �o �he Meyor and �ity Commissionera Pxom N.P�.
Faulda, Frineip�l of �he Clearvratei Junior H3gh Schoo7., requosting th� open-
ing of I,aura Straet from 3ooth Street to Myrtle.
25. Receipt of a letter Prom W�lter J. Pater�on, 403 E. Shor� Drive, requost3n�
th� conatruction and paving of a road P�om Sornerset Drive on Bay �splanade snd
Royal Way to Mandalaq Avsrnle.
26e Receipt of a letter Prom Ball. Prod.uctions rmgarding tl�e pro�uct3.on of` a seriee+
oS' 13 sound and color movie shorts deaignt+d to aell Florid�a requeating a con-
�rihution by the city supporting the produation araci distribution of these 8'ilm.
27. Recsipt of a letter trom Mr�. D. Dor� 5mith repreaenting sevor�l groups oP
church women and woman�s Chriatian Tempertsnee IInion regarding t22e �loaing hourrs�
of liquor hou�es.
28. k�aport of the City �tana�gr and estimate of cleaning up the parl'�c on the beeah
betrr9en Clea�arater and Rock-a-waq Street� anc$ opening up a street between the
tQra above mention�d streeics by the placing of a baae, replacing si�l�aaalke,
etce, at an est9.mated cost of �2s5U17.00.
290 Consideration oP resolut3ona covering 69 property owners clearing the3r
property of weeds and greasm
Oetober 30s 1950
,30o Preaentation of a report by the Flor2da State Soard c+f Hoalth of a polution
slirvey oP the waters af Clearrvater Harbor Qnd St. J'oaepY�'s Sound.
31. R�ceipt oi' a petition Prom 3 proparty owners requesting the opening oi
Chosnut Street westerly Prom Qreenwood Avem�.e to sarve the3r lota 8, 9 and
�0, Block 16, Magnolis Park SubdivisSon.
32o Report of the City B�nager on water and gag main e�etensiona approved cos�ing
less th�n �300.00.
a. October 26 - 75 � of 2" water mair� on Park Street wes�C of'
Evergreen 3t. to serve one rasidence at an
estimated cost aP �55.Q0
33. Consideration oP plats of two unita presented by the S]tycrest Subdivislon
�'or approval.
34. City Managerts report on �he State�s repairing the dr�wbridge on the Cause-
wag and the estimated cost of the Statefs oana�ruc�ing alectrically operated gatea.
35. The application oi Guy b4cn4ullen to conatru�t a service stat�on on (iulP to Bay
Bouievard �nd S�y View Ave., Lot 1 and erest 36't oP Lot 2 in B1ock A aP
Boulevard P3nes Subdiyision.
35. Raceipt oP teao casrm�uniaations Prom the Grsnd Dragon of fhe Klu K1ux Klan.
37. Report of' the ChieP oP Poliae on oi„� aide parking and one wey traffic en
No, Qaceola north of Semincle Streei.
Mr. Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager,
City Ha ll,
�learwater, FlArida.
Dea*� �ir:
October 24, 1950
This wilZ certiPy that the Board of County Co�nis�ianers� have this day, cestified
the Tax Rall Por 1950.
ihe following is a su�ary of assessed values and taxos assessed appl�3ng to your
niunicipali �9a
Homestea3 rx.
Ry. & Te1e
To: The Gity Comml.asionera;
City oP Gl�arwater
G9n tlemen:
Ya-, 516 ,190
�$ 81,500.47
78, 999 .'T2
Yours ver9 truly,
Signed: H. Iio 8tarling, Assessor
OCtober ��, 1350
The Bay View C3.vic Club is interested in having one of its members appointed
to the City Zoning Bo�rd, ta aucceed bir. iiorton, recantlg resigned from the �oard.
I� ia obvious, in view oi' the xecsnt deve3opments in building and the
3mportsr�ce of the Caastsl Higheay in connecting with the Gulf to Ba�* Blvd., one
oP the mair� tra�'Pio h3ghvray�s into the city eatending thru �,he antire langth of
iciie Bay Giew Comacunity that representation on the Baard o1' the la�ter �'o�unity
should prove �n important factor in the flzture planning of Cl�erwater.
VeryT truly yours,
Signed A. C. Dre�i, President
roxx c. POLFiILL
Mr. Boqd Bennatt,
City Manager,
Clearv�aterr F`lorida.
Dear Mr. Benn�tt:
Res Clearwater Linco].n-Mer.cur.Y Co.
October 26, 1950
Receigt is �cknoarledged of your letter of October 24th, 1950 in arhich 9ou
advised �hat the City Commission vJill not 19ase eny part of the right-af-��y in
th6 vicin3t� of 745 Cleveland sbreet, and that the City Commiasion desires fpr
the right-ot-�ay to 'b� vacated b� October 3Qth, 1950
You will recall that my letter containing the proposition oY leasing this
October 30, 1950
Lettar from John C. nolh3.11, Cont�d.
property wss written on Septembar 22nd, ].950 and prozzptly mailed to yau. For
so�o reaaon, unknowa to the writer, the matter �as not presentod to the City
Commission until the meeting on October 23rd9 1950. I assume thst this came
abaut by reason of the heavy calandar Qvhich always pravails ior the Oox►mission
to consider. Never-the-less, I wish ta inform you that it �vil1 be impossible
for my cliaz�t to vacete this property by Oc:,ober 30t1�x, 1950.
The action of ths City Comaission is working an extreme hardship on my
client, as in order to move from the property it tvi11 icake several weeka timee
T trust tha� this will be agreeable to t�ie City �ommiasion as long as they
realize that my client will. as soon ae it is poasible to do so comply with the
request of the City �oimnission.
Very truly youra,
Signed: John C. PoZ.hill
September 2.B' 1950
City C'anunissioners of Clearwater
(:ity Asll
Clearr�atar, Florida
Re: Erosion Preventlon by Jettie$
At e meeting oP the Beach Association on September 26th, the Board af
Directors were reques�ed to take �etion in the light of ttze racent damsge to i;he
beach by the high water and tides. �tit that meeting it was suggosted that there
are available certa3n concre�e boats which are surplua propert� �i�th th� Ue S':.
Government or the Maritime �or,unission, and that these boats be procured for the
purpose of filling them for use as jatties. This matter was referred to the
Board of Directors o� the A;ssocia�ion for action, and consequently this lettes
to vour Commission.
Mo�t of the residents and business interests oP bhe Ciby recognize the im-
portance oP the reach to the ca�nunity as a�hole, and most interested persona
know that a U. S+. Government surve9 is pending. TherePore, it is recoaunended
that ,our commission appoint a co�nitWea= of its members to expedite the U. S.
Government survey report ancl exploit the pos�ibility and practicability qf usin�
the surplus concrete boats for jetties to be located consiatent wit;h the survay.
This C�ssociation standa ready to render whetever assistanee it can to your
Cosrffiission or 3ts Ero�:'-3n Corr�nittee toward the end thet some irr�ediate action
be taken in the light of' the above stzggestions and rscorunendations.
City oP �learsuater
Post OfYice Box 1348
Clearwa�er, Florida:
�ordially yours,
Clearwater Beach /�ssociation
By (Si�ned� Ralph W..Carson
U.S.Departnent oP Gozmneree
Attention: Mr. 13oyd A. Bennett
City Fdanager
Qctober 3, 1950
This will sc1rnowledge receip� of your letter of September 2�, 1950, uiaking
inquirq in regerd to the availsbility Por sale oP concrete vessels.
The Maritime �dministration dae� not have sny Purther vessels oP bhis t�pa
Por sale. At the last sale for concrete shipe on J`ulg 30, 1948� nine concre�e
ehips were sold Yor an average price oi'approx3:mately �28,000 per vessel. These
vessels have been sunk Por jetty purpose��
For qour Purther inPormation, only a limited number of concrete ships and
bsrges wer� c�nstructed, approxfmateZy seventy in all. Of the few rem�ining
vesaels most all are in tha PaciPic areas, and all are in uae and, hence, not
Por sala at this time.
Very truly yours,
Signedr J. H. Rorke
ChieP oP Vesssl Disposal Branch
Division oP Veasel Cus�ody
Clearwater Ck�apter, No. 11
Clearv�ater, Florida
Octaber 2:, 1950
HonorabJ.e Harry D. Sargeant,
Mayor of Clearrvater, Clearvrater, Floridae
Dear Mayar Sargeant:
The eaeek of October lat to the 7th r�as been aet asiae by th�e Disabled
�� d
6etober �0, 19�
Letter Proffi
tnmesican Veterans in Clearvrater as DAV Appreciation Week for the purpose o£ ex-
pressing our appreciati.on to those who have given ua Hpecial help in furtherin�
the cause of the d2sabled.
W� wish to take this occssion of DAV Rppreciation Week to tY±ank you and
your ataf£ Por the service to tihe d3sabled veteran in this co�unity. anly
through tk�s assistance oY public spirited citizena like yourself and your staPP
is it posaible Por us to carrq out our program oP rehabilitation Por the disabled
In expressing our thanks to you we do so with the hope oP gour continued
support .
Many, many thanks for your aplendid wor3c.
Sincerely yours,
�igned: Floyd A. Dow
City Cor�nissioners oP Ciearwater,
City Aall,
Clear�vater, Florid�
Re; Seaweed Remova,l
Gentl �az�en :
Septembar 29, 1950
At e meeting oP the Clear�vater Beach Associat3on ha�cl Tuesdsy, September
26th, the Board of Directore of' that organization were euthorized to take
appropriate action �o eQrry out the thoughts expressed by the residents and
businessmen at that meeting, Accordingly, the Board oP Directors of' the
Asaociation held a meating on Thursday, September 26th, and dra£ted tha follow-
in� letter to be Porwarded to y,ou.
It is again pointed out that the area of the beach bet�vaen high watsr raark
and low water mark is public proper�y, regardless of the ownarship oP the land
adjacent to the h3gh water mark, to which �he pub].ic have access through citg
owned areas and street enda.
Conaequently, it is the recomxnendation oP tl�e Asaociation that wha�ever
ection your City Commission sees Yit to take with respeet to the unusual sea-
weed accumulat�on, the whc,le area oP the beach betwean high and lo�' water mark
be given the same treatment regardless oP the ownership oP tha upland land
adjacent thereto.
HeretoPore the City hes had considerable expense by way oP adverbising the
beach end replecement of the sand - all Por the purpose of riaking the beaoh as
attraetive as its importance is to the tourist trade.
---------------- -
Mayor Harrq Sargeant
Dear Mayor:-
Cordislly yours,
Bg (Sisnedj Ralph 1�. Carson
Oc� . 24, 1950
In ragards to your pay raise for the City Elnployaes, Yor which na one seems to
have an idea wh.ere tha money is coming Prom, It seems to me, and a lot other
City �npls�yaas that if they would give us 5 day a Reek, with t he 44 hour pa�,
then they woulein�t h��ve to f3gure out any way to get the money fro�n the bud��t
at� it would mean all the same.
Cit� E�iployee
Inter-UfPic.s Communication
To City Mar,ager Bennett
From Chief MeCTamina�
Subject: One-Wey Streets, �ak & Bay A,venue$
Octaber 30, 1950
Have investigatod ti�e matter o� possible designation of Bay & Oa]cL�venues as
one-way streeta, and in mg opinion this change is unwarr� ted at this time.
Ho�vever, if in the future a dePinite need for such arisea, mg recoiarnandation is
that Bay Avenuo be made on�e<wa ya South-bound, and Oak Avenue be made one-wa�r, Northbound.
Respecti�Zlly grours,
Signedt Gearge T. �IcCla�msa
October 30, 1950
City Commisaion,
City ofCleax�wrater, Fla.
Dear Sirs-
Attn: Mr. Bennett
403 Ea�st Shore Drive
Clearvrater Besch� Fla,
Oct. lOth, 195U
Y1[ou].d you please accept this letter, es a request, to ask for the bullding, and
construction, and paving of a road from Summerset Driva, or, Bay Esplanede, and
Royal Waq, to 1vlandalay Blvd., on Clearwater Beacha
I�ould like for you tr� give this your immadiate attention, as I have contacted.
several of the property owners on Say Esplanade, and they are in favor of having
the projeci started as eoon as possible. I am the owner of lota, `�"l, �`6; �5, on
Bay Esplanade, and we are building on same 1oi:s �t tho presant time.
Thanlcing you for your liind co-operation, I am
Yours truly,
Signed: 'Walter J. Psterson
N. �IA F�ulds, Principal
October 5, 1950
Hon. Harry D. Sargeant
biagor oi Gity of Clearwater
�aimnissioners oP City of Clearvrater
Clearwater, Flori�ia
I wish to call your attent�on to a rather bad traf�ic comlitioa� near the
junior and Senior High Sehools. 'Phe bussea tYiat ca rry the children to and from
the schools, load and unload on Laura Street, the s�reet eou'th of the two achools.
The traffic on this street is one wag, h�aded west and dead-encls on Booth �4venue.
In other words the tra�Pic must either turn south and go out on Cleveland or turn
north and go out to Drew Street. Tiiia makes an extremely congested area at I,aurs
and Booth and also on Booth and Cleveland and Booth and Draw.
i4e Booth Avenue ia a narrow 's�reet and there is no �top ligh� a� Booth and
Cleveland ar Booth and Drew, it presents Qu3te a tra�PPie hazard on Booth,, morning,
noan, and evening, espee3.ally in rain.y weather or iP there i� some entertairnnen�
at the acnoo�s. This condition as anyone might observe is very bad rigrt noar and
�fter the compTetion of the Florida Power Building it will become 3ncreasingly worse.
�iy suggestion of a possible remedy of. this situation wauld be to open Laura
3tree� from Booth &venue to Myrtle. D4yrtle Avenue is a wide street and as there
is a traf�'ic lig�t at C7�eveland and My.rtle the school icraPfic could go over I,aura�
to Myrtleo 3'�?nce Myr�le is bein� widened to #�raw, this open3ng would be a help
in norih bound trafPic entering Dre�v 3.treete It is my understanding that bhe City
Commission is working on tkiis problem and I Ysope �the opening of this streat can
be accomplishede I am quite sure all the patrons oi the two achool$ would be
heartily ix► favor of thia project and ahould you want an expression from ihe Paren�
Teacher �ssQciat�on in Pavor oP this metter, I am sure thay would be glad to
cooperate by endorsing this grojecto
YY.e cgrtainlv wauld appreciate it grom the aehool st;andpoin� �r�d be glad to
give you any assiatanca in oux pcswer. If this condition is not corrected 3 am
very much afraid we will have some ver� serious accident $s �here ar� around 1200
children in the two schools and traf�ic facilitiea are vex�y limited at the best.
I wish to thank you ver�* much Por an�thing you cen do to r�euied�r this situetion.
Very aincerely,
Signed: N. bi. Feulds,
Clearwater Junior High School
7L142 Sunset P6int Rd.,
Clearwater, Fla.
Oct. 13, 1950
4Ye know you men do not like to be told but haw will you Ynow wha� peopZe w�nt
unless they do toll you.
Reg�srding tYxe closing hour Par �he liquor housea at 3a00 A.1�. you ahould know
that the majority o�' the Clea �vater citizens, and tne winter visi.tora not to mention
the respectable businesa men and women, would oppose it if they were conaulted.
`r'he liquor business is over-worked in thie to�un and tha 25 liquor men who co�-
plain about thair short haurs ahould wake up to tha� fact, IY' theg cantt make a
living keeping open until midnight, thsy ahould quit, and go into bettar business�
that vrill build anc� not destroy the city.
You should consider other es�ential business fis�s and think oP how much u�ore
October 30, 1950
letter fraxn Mrs. D. Dort Smith--cont�d
moneq they could take in iP it were not all spent on liquore Why encourage the
liquor businesa and grant theix avery request? IY they v�ant that late Tampa
business te11 them to inove to Tampa. We think Clearwater could tip the acalea
juat a little higher than Tampa if everyboeiy triad to clean up morally as weii
as materi&lly.
Si�ned: Mra. D. Dort Smith, Scri'be
Repraaentin� several groupe �f
Church 9Vomen and the G�toman � g
Christian Tomperance Union
October 25, 1950
To the Honorable City Commiasionera
City of Clearwater, Florida.
The underaigned owners of the lota Pronting on Chestnut Street, herein
ii�si�nated, respe etfizlly report they have no �eans oP ingress or e�resa by
rseaon oP the faet that Oheatnut Street �a the on19 street tQuching said property,
and that Ghestnut Street is covereci with a jungle�like gro�th of underbru�h �ha�
makes it impossible to reach said iots wi�h any type of vehiele, or even on :£oot.
Wo, therefore, re�pectPullg request that your honorable board will cause
Chestnut Street, to be cleared, opened and graded from Greenwood �versue westscsrd
in front dP said lots.
Lot 8, Block 16, N�agnolia Pk. YR� S. Wightmen (Signed�.
Lot 9, Block 16, Aiagnolia P:�. Herbert Blanton Jr. (Signed)
Lot l0, Block 16, Iriagnolia P�. Herbert Blanton (Si�ned)
Inter-Office Communica;tion
October 19, 1950
To Chief �IcClamma ( City Ivlanager)
From Sgt. �;cbiu].len (Ch3ef MeGlamma}
Subject: One side parking �on Drew St.
There i� �'No Parking" on Drew St. on tha South side, from Z7. Qac�ala Aee, ta I�yrtle
Ave, snd there is 'iNo Parking�� on the I3orth side from Garden Aveo to �ast l�ve.
The Ma:rgaret Ann Grocer� Stoxa is on the North side of Drew St., along with Ali'rec�
Vt[ylliets OffiQe and tvro other offices in the same btrilaing, being 2ocated on the
sama side of the streetc,
2'here are faur Pire plugs on the North side oP Dre�v St., locsted e� Fern St.,
Vine Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., and in front of 1014 Dresv St., vrhich tvill occupy
only four spaces within four blocks.
Since about one�half oi' th9 South sida of Dra�r St. is alreadg marked off '*Na
Par]iing" it c,rould be to a gr�ater advante�s to extend the signs on out to Green�
�¢ood Ave. on the South side oi Drew St.
Sg�. DScuullen
IiE�OLUTI01d (��s requested to be cleanad b �their
owners Com�ission Maeting,0et. 23, 195�j
WHERI;AS: it has been determined by �he City Cormnission of tla.a C3ty of Clear-
water, Florida, that the propert� deserib ed balow shoulci be cleaned of vreeds•,
grass �nd�or und�rbrush, end that aPter ten (10} day� notice and failura of the
owner thereof to do so, the City should clean such prop�rt;g and charge the costs
ther9oP against the raspective property.
NOV� THEREFORE BE IT RE�QLVED by the �ity Comniasion of the City of Clear-
wAter, Florida, that i;he Pollowing described proper�y, situa�s in saic� City, shall
be cleaned of v�esds, graas�and�or ur.derbrush with3n ten (lo� a�y$ after notice in
�eriting to tha owners theraof to do so and that upon failure to comply with saici
notice, the City shall psrform such cleaning and �harge �he c�sts thereoP again�t
�he respectivs properties in accordsnce with Seetion 128 of the Charter cP �he Cit�
of Clearwatar, as amendade
Owners Pr�pertq_; Estimate
Janice Grider iot 14, Blk 10 movring
501 i�To. Iviadison Ave,, Clearwater,Fle, Country Club Addn �3,75
Dallas Young
1516 S?o. Missouri Ave.,Clearvaater,Fie.
Miss Ed3th Peck
P.0'.fiox 584, �laarrvater, F1a.
Lots 3,4,5,B1k C
Caroli�na Terrace 8ub
Zats 7,8,B1k C and
I,ots 26,27, B11t Cs
Blvd. IieigYtts� Subd.
Lotg 7-8 �2.50
I;ota 2�, 27
October 30, 1950
Resolutioa�--re I,ot Cleaning, cont'd
FASSED AND ADOPTFD IIY TFIE City Cosmniss�.on of the Cit�* of Clearwater,
Florida, this 30th day of October, A.D., 1950.
FTer D. ��r eant
eyor-C oamni s si oner
�H. �G. Y�t_i_�n a_�
itC —y Au3itor and CTerk
V�HEREAS: it hae been deternined by the City Connnission of the City oP C1ear-
water, Florida, that the propertg described balow ahould be Eleaned of weeda, �rass
snd�or undorbrush, and that after ten (10) dags notice and failure of the op�ner
thereoi to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof
agaittst the respoctive property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES6LVED by the City Commission of the City of �learwater,
Florida, that the i'ollowing ciescribed property' situate in said �itgs shall be
cleaned of �reeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (ZU) dsg�s after notice in writ-
ing to the o�vnera thereoP to da so arid that upon Pailure to coaiply with said noWice,
the City ahalT per�oxmi such cleaning and chsrge tha cost� tkiereof against the
respective properties in accordance with Section I.28 of the Charter of the City of •
C�earwater, as amendedo (Lots requested to be cleaned.Comu:ission I�eeting Oct.23,1950)
Owner� Progertg: Estimate:
V�. E. i�,:undall Lot 21, Blk 23 �owing �2.50
216 Diirror T,ake Dr. Magnolia Fark Subd.
St. Petereburg, Fle.
George Iacher
1111 So. Myrtle Ave.
Glear�vater, Fla.
Bert D. Shorter
R.F.v. �i
Middleton, N, Y.
Aldo Chasnbers
R.D. 14, Box 6�6
Indiana�olia, Ind,
I,. C. Mandeville, Este
c�o A�im. J. R. Nee�ell
Carrolltons Ga.
Bessie I. Stewart
P.O.Sox 3�1
Safety Harbor, FZa.
David Brown
2247 Pierce Avenue
Niagara Fa3.ls, NmY.
City oP CZearwater
City TiaZl
Clear�vater, Fla.
Roy 1Bi. Garl
Route 2, Box 18�
East Akron, bhio
Z�ouiae D. Moore
30d Turner St.
Clear�yater, Florida
Martha P. Morse
Box 157
Kirkland, Y�ashington
Mr. George Bigby
Araderson, S. G,
(3eo. C. Tillman
S50 Narciasus St.
Clearwratar, F1.a e
Walier S. Hendersh ot
265 Edgewater Dr.,Dunedin,Fls.
Mrse Geo. C. I,ewie
408 Plashington St.a
Watertawn, Wis.
Minnie �e Engle
326 - 3rd .�ve. Soo,Apte 19
St. Pete�sburg,Fla.
�ot 2, Blk ��
Knollwood Subd.
Lot 13 &$ aP 12, Blk. J
Boulevard Fie�?ghts�
Lots 7,8� Blk I7
Highland Grovea Su'bdo
I,ot 27, J. M. Moores Subd,of
Padgetts yots 11 - 15
Lots 1,2,3,4,B1k A
Highland Groves
Lots 14,15,16,17,18, Blk 3,
Knollwood Subd.
Acreage to rear af Lots
1,2,3,B1k �, Countrq Club
Lot 11, Blk F
Plaza Park Subd.
�. 7.16 t of Lot 1 a�nd Lot 2;,
Slk 8, Turners 3sd Subd.
I,ot 15, Blk 1�
Country Clta.b Addn.
W.IOt of Lot 128 & E,60+
of Lot 1:30, Harbor Oaka Sub.
W.35t oP Lot 7 and E.37� nf
Lot 9, Harbdr aaks Subd.
Y�f. 35 t of Lot 132 and E.65 � oP
Lot 13�,Harbor Oaka
W.20� of Lot 130 & E.50� of
La� 132, Harbox 0aka Subd.
Lot 2, lst Addn. �o Palm
biowing �2050
Mowing �2.50
Mowing ��.50
Mowing �2,50
alowing �"3e25
bio�ving �p� .25
A2owing 9�7,50
Moeving �2 050
Miowing �,2.50
Mowing �2e50
Mowing �3m75
Mowing �5.00
Mowing �3.75
Mowing �3.7�
Mow117g �2 050
Octoba� 30' 1950
Reaolution--re Lot Oleaniz�s Conttd
PA�SED AND ADOPTEp BY �fiE City Commissi��n of the 4ity of Clearwatarg Florfda
this 30th day oP Oatober, A<;�., 1950,
H. G. Wingo _
ity Auditor a�d Clerk
Iiarry D. Sargeant
—` e6�� or-Co�niasionar
------- ----�----------�
WHEREA�: it has been determined by the City Conunission of t'na City oP Clear--
water, F'lorida, that the property described below should be cleane�� of weeds,
grass and�or underbrush, and that after ten (10) days�not3ce and fai?.ure of �he
owner thereoP to do so, the City should clean such property and charge the coata
thereof against �the r�spective propertya
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Gity Counniasion of the City oP Clear-
water, Florida, that the Pollowing deacribed prop�rty, situate in said Cityy shall
be cleaned of �aeeds, grass:and/or underbruah 4rithin ten F10) days after notice in
v�riting to the owners thereoP to do eo and that upon Yailure to comply with said
notice, the City shall perform such cleaning and eltiarge the costs.thereof againat
the respective propertias in accordan:ce with Section 128 oP the Charter oP the
City oP Clearwater, as amer.ded. (Lots raquasted to be cleaned by owners Por Co�nission
Meebing October 16, 1950--mowing ox�lya:
Owner: Yropertq: Estimate:
Mrs. J. E. Paine Lot 27, Block C, Moyr�ng �2a�p
1I47 Sunaet Point Drive 2nd Addn. to Sunset Point
Clea rwater,Florida
Wm. R. Adam� Lot 19, Blk A 2dovring �2.50
377 Vine �tre�t La Jolla Subd.
Glen Ellyn, I11.
Mrv James Jackson Lot 8, Blk A, Floriderse� Mowing �`6.50
1,045 Sedeeva St. I,ots IO,lI Blk B,
Clearv�ater, Fla. Floridena �ubd.
Jahn Pa Gollity Lots 17,18,B�.k A, Mowing �2.50
35Z7 212th �treet Ta Jolla Subd, Hauling 2.50
Sa�aide, L.T,,N.Y.
Mrs. 2rene Richardson Lot 10, Blk 8 Mow3ng �2.50
1143 Sunset Drice North Shore Park Subd.
Clearwater, F`lorida
D4rs. A�Iyron YJella SQ of 6 and I,ot 7,Blk �', B�Ioveing �2v50
410 Hilltop �vernze Hillcrest '�`cTc Subd.
Mr. H. E. Speicar Lots 64,65 Mo�ving �a.GO
Orangewood Ave. Glenwood Estates Addna
Mr. G. S`poor Lot 3� Biowing �2.50
31� Noo Glenwood Ave. Glenwood Estates Addn.
Clea r�sa t e r, Fl orida;
Dr. J. Austin FurPsy Lot 5, Blk 7 Mowing �2.50
222 Betty Lana Country Club Addn.
S. H. Cqkerzdall Lot 6 Mowinr �3.50
�o. Myrtla Ave. P.C.Wells Subtl.
Clea rtiva te r, Fla .
Mra, E. Schr�cht�u
701 N. Ft. Harrison Lots 19,20m Blk F �ioti7ing $�p5-.00
Clearwater,Florida Bag Terrace Subd.
Mr. Reade Tilley
608 No, Osceola �ve. I,ot 4, Blk 7 I�owing �2a50
Glearwater,Flr�. Countsy Club Addn,o
I�x�. W. F, ShurtlefP Lots 1,17,20,B1k D &Iowing �7.50
1.05 No. Keystone JDr. Keystone �Zanor �ubd.
VP.V7.Blaekburn Lots 6,7,1OD11,Blk 11 �Iowin� �5.OA
Clevelend Streat Pine �rest Subd.
Clearrla ter, F'lorida
AQr9. R. He 2rlaKelvy
201 Fierca St,,Clearwater,
Lo�s 15,16,B1k 7 Moc�ir� �2.50
;Pine Crea� Subd.
Lot 11 Ee WQ of 12sB1k 8 Bhowing �3,75
North Shere Park �ubd.
Certain parta oP 60� JY, oP Oac�o�.a Morvin� �6.00
We on Pierce �o Guli' atart 135r S,
o.f Pierce �or 300.5� and Prom that paint Cont'd
to Gulf
Oatober 30, 1950
Resolution--rs Lot Cleaninga Cont4d
J. E. Eldridge
North Gaa�l�n Ava.
Clea �wva te r, Fla o
R�v. Colreavy
�athoZic Church
Clearwater, Fle.
Paul F. Str�tiff
189 57th St.,
N�agara Falls, N.Yo
Mrs. R. H. Dudley
601 S. Myrtle Ave.
C�earwater, FIa.
I�r. C. �'ictor :Yylen
105 N. Lake Drive
Cl.earwater, Fl&.
I�ot 1� Blk 13�
Country Club Addn�
Lota 1,2,9,10,B1k 40
Magnolia Park Sub.
E. 25� of Lot 19, and lots•
lU,ll, Blk S, Ia Jolla Subd.
Lot 16, Blk 22
�agnolia Park Subd.
Lot 19, Blk C
Keystone Manor
PASSED AND ADOP�'ID BY THE City Counnission of the City of
Clearwat�r, Florida, this 30th day of Oct�bsr, A.D.j 1950
Aarry_D. Sargesnt
Mayor-�`onani9 s ioner
H. G. Win o
City Auditor and lerk
Mowing �3.50
�Iowing �'; �50
htowing �8.A0
Nlowing $�3.50
Mawing �5.00
YdHksFiEp.S: it has been determined by the City Connnission oP the Gity of C1ear-
water, Florida, that the property described below 9hould be cleaned �f weede , grass
and%s underbrush' and that after ten (10} da�s notice and gailure of the ovmer
thereoP to do so, the �ity shou�d cZean such property and charge the costs thereof
againat the respective property.
NOW THEREFOR� BE IT RESOLVED by the C3ty Co�nission of the City of Clearwater,
F'loride, th�t the Pollowing dascribed property� situate in said City, shall be
cleanad of weeda, grass-and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in
�riting to the owners thereof to do so and tha�t upon failure to comply with sa�d
notica, the City shall perforai such cleaning and charge the costs thereoP agains�
the respective properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City
of Clearwater, as amended.
T,ots requested to be cleaned for Commission Meeting, October 16, �950
Owner: Property; Estimate;
A& W Glads, Inc. The E, lU0 x 150 Pte of the
Clearwai�ar, Fla. No 280� di the S. 330e o� the �iow�ing only
W. 870� of SYY.g of the NWg 5.U0
of 13-29-15
J. Lm Graham
636 Franklin Street
i.learvra ter, Florida
W. L. Cu�nona
315 Mair. Straet
Huntington, VJ.Va e
Mir$nda B. Fuqua
222 Desha Rrl.
Lexin�ton� Kye
Barney Hali
No. 1., Causeway Blvdo
Cles rwa ter, F1.a .
Peter Falaonl
807 Vine �venue
Kathleen H. T;oughridge
221 Edgewood av�.,
Cl�e a zKva te r, F1aa.
Mr. Tsater Dicue
8unse'� Point Hotel
Clear�rater, Fls .
�lbert AT. Ball!
1605 N. Gilbe�t St.
C1ea rwate r, Fla .
Lot 7, Blk G
Kaystone Manor Sub.
Lot 6, Blk'(3
Ke�stone �+Ianor Sub
Lot 12, Blk B,
sa Jolla �ub.
Lat ].�
bierritts Replat
Lot� �, 5, B1k B
iii�hla nd Grove s uubd .
Lots. 28 and 29
Glenwood Estates Addn.
Lots 4,5, 131.k A
Floridena Sub.
7�ot 17 & EQ of 18,
BIk G, Kevstane Manor Sub.
hiowing onlg�
$�2 e50
Mowfng only
biowing only
Mowing onl9
biowing onl,y
biowing only
Mowing only
".�'S . 00
Mowing only
October 30s 1950
Reaolution--ra lot cleaning, Cont+d
Mr. Reade F. Tilley
c�o TiZ7.ey Jewelry Co.
Cleveland St.
Clearwater, FZorida
John H. JefPeriea, Est.
I�ke Alfred, Fla.
Otto Nehrenst
76� Eyzclaire Ave.
Colwnbus, Fla.
Mi�s Wg113e Brown
Meridian� Misse
YVm. H. Vslentina
Clearv�ater, Florida
R. Lo Rogera & Co,
119 So, Ft. Harrison
Lots 13,14,B1k F,
�:�ystone I�anor 5ub,
Lot 9„ Blk B
Sunset Paint 2rx1 Addn.
Lot 7, Blk B
T� Jolla Subd.
W. 45t of 1Q7 and E. 25�
oP ]:09, Harbar Oaks Sub.
Lot 72:
Drutd H3118 Sund•
Lot 3, Blk D
Peqstone Manor Subd.
PASS'�D AND ADOPTED BY THE City Commission oP the City
o� Clearrvater, Florida, this 3Qth day oi' O:c�ober A.D., 1950.
H. G. �Vin�o
City Auditor and Clerk
A;owing only
�6 .50
Nlowing only
�4owing only
Mowing only
Ltowing only
Mowing oniy
Iiarry_ D. Sar�eant
�ta yar-Corarnis sioner