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October 23, 1950
The City Commission of the City or Clearwater met in Special Session at 7:30
P. M. Monday, October 23rd. at City BAll, with the following members presentt
Harry D. Sargeant
E. B~ Casler Jr.
Leland F. Drew
Joe 'furner
t' .
Herbert M. Brown
Also Present werez
Boyd A. Bennett
George T. McC16mma
Ben Krentzman
.Oi ty Manager
.Chief of Police
-City Attorney
The Mayor called the meeting to order. There being no alterations or
correotions, it was moved by Commissioner Turner that the minutes or the meeting or
October 16th be approved in accordance with the copy thereof furnished eaoh member
in writing, and that their reading be dispensed with. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Drew and carried.
The Mayor reported on his trip to the meeting in Orlando relative to Natural
Gas !does tor this section of Florida. He said that a line f~om Jaoksonville south
to Clearwater, St. Petersburg and Tampa was discussed, but that the project was no~
assured; that in any event, it would be two years at least before such a project
oould be completed. It was moved b~ Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner
Turner and carried, that the Mayor's report be accepted.
The City Attorney said he had requested an opinion from the Attorney Genera]
as to the possibility of placing lot cleaning charges on tax bills h1 the County
Assessor, but had not received the requested opinion at this time.
Commissioner Drew reported that he had the engineer's report relative to open-
ing Missouri Avenue across the Seaboard Airline Railroad tracks and that he would
call a meetIng of the Committee in the near future.
The City Manager reported that a delivery or a Special Police model automobile
could not be made for rrom thirty to ninety days, due to change over for 51 models.
Commissioner Drew moved that all bids be thrown out and new bids asked for. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
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The City Attorney submitted an Ordinance adopting the new City Code as oompilec
by Michie & Company. It was moved by Commissioner Turner tt~t the Ordinance be
passed on the first readinge The motion waa seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried.
Commissioners Sargeant, Casler, Drew and Turner voted "Aye". There were none opposed.
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Mayor Sargeant, at this time. again brought up the question or salary increases
fer those employees earning leas than $300.00 per month. Commissioner Casler in-
quired about the method for financing such increases. saying he did not want to make
a Upo1iticul football" of the issue. Commissioner Drew said a concrete plan should
be presented with the recommendation so that the cost of such salary increases could
be a8certaineda Oommissioner ~lrner said he would favor salary increases if some
feasible financing plan could be worked out.
The City Attorney reported that he was working on the proposed plumbing Ord1nanc&
but did not have it ready to present at this ttme.
Relative to the proposed Ordinance to prohibit the moving or earth moving equip-
ment across streets on the Beach. the City Attorney reported that that portion or tha
Beach between the high and low water marks on the Beach was the property of the State
Internal Improvement Board and was not under the City's jurisdiction, for that reason,
the City could not regulate the removal of sand trom that area. He stated he was in-
vestigating the possibilities and wou~d try to get this matter on the leg1s1&t~ve
agenda .
The City t~nager submitted a cert1ried copy of an order passed by the County
Commission at the regular meeting of October 3rd, 1950, granting the City permission
to use the County Marl Pit as a dump site for a period of one year from October 1, 1950.
It was moved by Commissioner Casler that the report be accepted with ccm~endations.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The City Manager reported that the hedge across the North and South alley in
Block 25, Bellealr, had been removed so as to permit Mr. J. S. Harmon access to his
property at 417 Corbett Street. Commissioner Drew asked the Manager if he reoommended
the opening of the alley ror usa by the City's garbage and traSh collection trucks.
The Mana~er's rep1y was negative. Mr. Anthony FrIgo1etto, who resldea on the South
side of BW Street, complained of junk yard conditions on the property used by J.
Weyman Becker for automobile repairs. It was moved b1 Commlssione~ Turner that proper
steps be taken to open the alley. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and
carried. Mr. Arthur Hopkins, who resides on the North side or "Bn Street, and Mr.
Js Weyman Beoker, addressed the COIl11Ilission relative to the forego:1.ng :matter.
The City Manager preaented a 1etter from Francis De Bartolo requesting that the
Commission approve the assignment or his lease on the Bowling Alley to Mr. Gus Drullas.
C~1saioner Drew moved that the request be granted, subject to ~e moving of th~ shed
trom the side of the buildings payment or ~150.00 rent ror the month of October, a~
that assurance be given to the Clerk that the mortgaget'ls satisfied. The motion was
seconded by Camm1ssioner Casler and carried.
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October 23, 1950
Commissioner Casler reported that the City Manager had contacted the Geodetln
Survey Department in conneotion with the beach erosIon matter_ and that when the
matter or a tide gauge was mentioned the Department inrormed him it ~ould build a
tIde gauge here and that probably Federal sid could be secured on acquiring othe~
weather instruments. It was suggested that the Cownisslon wait and seo what the
Federal Government will furnish. It was moved by Commissioner Drew that the ~eport
be aocepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner a'nd oarr1ed.
Tha City Attorney read an Ordinance which would amend the Ord1nance regulating
General Building Contractors. The Ordinance was compared 'With the existing Ol"dinanoe
and various deletions and amendments were suggested. Comm1~sloner Casler moved that
the Ordinance be passed on the first reading. The motion was seconded by Oamm1sc1one~
Turner and oarried. Commissioners Sargeant, Casler, Drew and Turner voted "Aye".
There were none opposed. Con~iBsloner Drew requostod that a Fire Zone Map be made
availablo at the noxt meeting.
Commissioner Casler suggested that consideratIon or the InsurQnce Oommittee'.
report be deferred to the next meeting and that the agent's commltt6~ and the inouranoe
agents be notified. By consent the matter was deferred.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Commission by Andrew P. NiChols, owner
of Lot 2 less the We~t 80 ft. in Block 28, ~~ndalay, requesting that he be permitted
to erect a building on his property, under the hardship provisions, in the Zoning
Law. Commissioner Drew moved that the letter be referred to the Zoning Beard for 1ts
oonsideration, particularly 1n l~eapect to any restriotions. The motion was seoonded
by Comm1ssioner Turner and carried.
The Clerk read a letter frool H. R. Danford accepting his appointment by the
Commission as its representative on the Governor's Safety Comm1ttee and thanking the
Comm1ssion for the appointment. It was moved by Commissioner Drew_ seconded by Com-
missioner Turner and carried, that the letter be received.
Reporting tor tne OOmmittee, the City Manager presented the fol10wing letter
from Mrs. Edith Homer, owner of Lot 11 of R. H. Padgetta Subdivision:
Ootober 6th, 1950
After a: conferenoe with Mr. Drew and Mr. Brown, I ha va agreed to take $2,500.00
with no improvement assessments in the form of sidewalks, streets 8:od curbing, ror
the west twenty five (25) feet of' Lot Eleven (11) R. H. Padgett Subdivision.
BY: Edith W. Homer, President
Commissioner Casler moved that the report be accepted and that the work on Missouri
Avenue go forward. The motion was seconded by Comnissioner Turner and carried.
After hearing a recommendation by the Chief of Police that a City Physician be
appointed, it was moved by COI!lIl1isaIoner Casler that the City Manager and the Chief
of Police present this matter to the 10ca1 Medica1 Association and ask them to
des1gnate a dootor for each month, and a report be made to the Commission. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried.
A 1etter addressed to the Commission by J.1r. John O. Po1hIll, as Jlttorney :tor
the Lincoln-Mercury Company, Inc." requests that the City l.ease to the Company that
part of the street r1ght of way the Company is usIng. Oommissioner Turner moved
that the request be denied and the Lincoln-Mercury Compan" be not1fied to remove
their used oar lot from City property by October 30~. The motion was seoonded by
Oomm1ssioner Casler and carried.
The City Attorney submitted a Resolution ratifying the award of $125,000.00
Municipal Ut11ity Revenue Certificates, Series of 1950 and $115,000.00 Commercial and
Yacht Basin Revenue Certifioates to R. W. SpragIns and Company. On a motion by
Commissioner Drew, which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and unanImously carried,
the Resolution was adopted.
On a motion by Commissioner Drew, which was seconded by Commissioner Casler and
carried, the report of the County Service Orficer for the month of September~ was
The City Manager reported he had approved the rollowlng gas and water main ex-
tens10ns costing less than $300.00:
September 252ft Water Ma1n on Be11eview Blvd. ~ E. of So. Ftll Harrison -$.85.00
Ootober 4 190 ft. of lit Gas Main on ~..adison, 160 ft. on Pierce St. 115.00
October 5 225 f't. of' 28 Water Main on l!1chigan Ave. 135.00
OCtober, 5 180 ft. of 2" Water Main on N. Railroad Ave. 115.00
October 2 - 700 ft. of 1" Gas Main on Saturn Ave~ - 185.00
October 13 - 650 f't. of 1ft Gas Main on Ridgewood 81;. - 250.00
It was moved by Oommissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Turner and oarried that
the aation o~ the City :Manager be approved.
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OCtobe~ 23, 1950
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The C1ty Manager submitted a notice of app11cation for a Department ot the
Ar.my permit by the Florida Power Corporation to place a submarine electric power
cable in Clearwater Harbor from the foot of Seminole Street to the transtor.mer room
at the drawspan ot Clearwater Causeway. It was moved by Commissioner Drew, seconded
by Commissioner Turner and oarried, that the notice be filed.
The City Manager ~ubmitted a request by Miss Gladys ~lncan that the City enter
into a water main extension refunding oontraot for a period of ten yeara instead ot
the customary six year agreement. The proposed water maino would furnish water tor
Oak Acres Subdivision. The matter was deferred on a motion by Commissioner Turner,
whioh was soconded by Commissioner Drew and oarried.
The City ~mnager reoomnended the installation of 900 feet ot 2 inch water
Dillin extension 1n Grand View Terrace SubdivIsion on Richards street to serve :5 cus-
tomers, at an estimated cost of $550.00. Commissioner Casler moved that the ex-
tension be granted. Commissioner Drew seconded the motion and it oarried.
On a motion by Commissioner Casler, wh1ch was seoonded by Comnlssioner Turner,
the expending of $,390.00 for 190 teet of 3 inoh water main extension on Clearwater
Street west of Mandalay Avenue was approved.
Commissioner Turner moved that the offer of Mr. James T. Singleton relat1ve
to lease on the property known as the SInclair S'ervice Station be referred to the
Beach Lease Committee. The motion was seconded by Comm1ssioner Drew and carried.
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The Manager submitted a request by Mr. W. A. Walker that he be permitted to
move a mlplex residence fran 4BO-482 Mandalay Boulevard across the Causeway. In the
request Mr. Walker stated it would be possible to cut the building into two seotions,
mak1ng each piece about 20 feet, 6 inches by 33 teet, four inohes. Commissioner Cas-
ler moved that permission be granted on condition that the house be moved in two
seotions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The City Manager reported on his trip to Washington, stating that the tinal
report by Ar.my Engineera on beach erosion, would be ready by June. He said the
Geodetic Su~ey Department would furnish a tide gauge for Clearwater,and Government
aid might be obtained on the instruments.
A letter addressed to the Commission by Floyd A. Dow~ Adjutant for the local
post Veterans of Foreign Wars, requested that the City waive collection of a license
fee tor Wrestling Bouts to be held during the coming winter by the V. F. W. The
Clerk read a petition signed by twelve persons residing on property adjacent to the
v. F. W. Hall, protesting against the holding of Wrestling Bouts, at this looation.
Mr. W. M. Hagood, one of the petitioners, was present and suggested that the bouts
be held only on Saturday nights and not later than 11:00 P.M. Mr. C. E. Asbell.
Commander of the local post. stated he would gladly work with the petitioners to
eliminate unneoessary noise and trespassing on private property. Commissioner Drew
moved that the license be waived with reference to the V. F. W. and they be requested
to confine their activities to Saturday night and have their events close by 11:00
o'olock. (Mr. Hagood and the Post Commander expressed their agreement as to the
11:00 o'clock closing hour). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Casler and
The City Attorney reported a bill to list the legality of the City's Sign
Ordinance had been filed on behalf of Daniels Brothers and Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, and
that he was prepared to defend the City's position. It was moved by Commissioner
Turner. seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried that the City Attorney be authorized
to defend the City in the suit.
On a motion by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner TUrner and carried,
the meeting adjourned at 11:10 P. M.
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Ootober 23, 1950
Ootober ZOi 1950.
Mayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Le land };<'. Drew
E. B. CAsler, Jr.
Herbert M. Brown
Joe Turner
f: . ,"
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A speclQ1 meeting of the City Commission will be hold at 7:30 P.M., Monday, Ootober
23~ 1950 in the City Hall to consider the items hereto attaohed.
Very truly yours,
Signed: Boyd A. Bennett
City Manager
Approving of the minutes of the regular meeting held Ootober 16.
Report of the Mayor on the meeting held in Orlando on Thursday_ October 19~
attended by the City Manager and Director of Public Utilities re~ative ta
natural gas being served in the State of Florida south of Jacksonville.
Report of the City Attorney on his opinion as to how the cost of bills for
lot clearing can be placed on the tax bills.
Report of the con~ittee on the opening of Missouri Avenue aoross the Seaboard
He. ilroad tracks.
Report of the Chief of Police on general parking on one side o~ the street
throughout the city.
Report of the Chief of Police on the parking on Drew Street betweeXl Greenwood
and Garden Avenue.
Report of the City Manager on the delivery date by Kennedy & Strickland for
Special Police Ford Car.
Consideration of a resolution or an ordinance covering the codification of
City laws or ordinances.
Consideration of the Mayor's suggestion for increases in the salaries of City
Report of the City Attorney on a proposed plumbing ordinance.
Report of the City Attorney on an ordinance relative to the use of earth mov-
ing equipment on Gulf beaches.
Report of the meeting with Pinellas County Comnlissionel.s relative to a definite
trial period for tho use of the County marl pit south of Largo by the City of
Clearwater as a trash dump.
Progress report of the City Manager on the request to open an alley para11e~ to
South }~rrison between Corbett street and B Street.
Report of the committee composed of Commissioners Casler and Brown on the city
purchasing a tide gauge ~ wil1d gauge ~ and barometer.
Report of the committee on the ordinance presonted by Attorney Goza on behalf
of the contractors' association.
Report of the committee on fire insurance covering city property.
Consideration of a sea wall on the Bay side at the east end of Gardenia Street
at an estimated cost of $1,100.00 and a sea wall on the Gulf side of the Beach
at the westerly end of what would be Aster Place at an estimated cost of $3_670.00.
Both matters being deferred from the meeting of Ootober 2.
Receipt of a letter from H. R. Danford accepting the Commission's appointment
of him to serve on the Governor's Highway Safety Conference.
Report of the committee on obtaining property from Edith Hooler at the northeast
corner of Missouri and Cleveland Street for the purpose of widening Misscuri Ave.
between Cleveland and Grove Street.
Consideration of the appointment on the Zoning Board to fill the vacanoy created
by the resignation of Andrew S. Horton.
Consideration of the opening of the fence at thru streets which was constructed
in 1933 from Clearwater Bay to the Gulf of Mexico separating the Carlouel Develop-
ment fran the other part of the beach.
Consideration of Chief of Police McClamma's request for the appointment of ~
City physician.
Consideration of the request of the Lincoln and Mercury Coopany located on Cleve-
land Street to lease from the city the property they are now using on Cleveland St.
Report of Pine11as County Veterans Service Officer for the month of September.
Report of the City Manager on water and gas mains approved costing 1esa than $300.00.
a. September 25 - 2't water maln on Bellevlew Blvd. east of South
Ft. Harrison to serve one customer at an estimated cost of $85.00.
b. October 4 - 350' of 1" gas main, 190' on Madison, 160' on
Pierce, to serve one customer at an estimated cost of $115.00.
c. October 5 - 225' of 2" water main on Michigan Avenue to serve
four customers at an estimated cost of ~135.00.
d. October 5 - 180' of 2" water ma;in on Uorth Railroad Avenue to
serve one customer ~t an estimated cost of $115.00.
e,a October 2 - 700' of 1" gas main on Saturn Street north of Gul1'-
to-Bay Blvd. serving one customer and three vacant lots at an
estimated cost of $185.00.
1'. October 13 - 650' of 1'" gas main on Ridgewood street to serve two
customers at an estimated cost of 3250.00.
26. Notice of application of Florida Power Corporation made to the Corps of
Engineara of the U. S. Army for a permit to place a submarine e1actric power
cable in a trench in C1eam ter H2rbor from the south of Seminole Street to the;
transf'o1"t1er roam at the drawbridge spen ot Clearwater Causeway.
2"1. Report ot the City Manager on' complaint of Eel Burk of the condition of" laura
Street between ,Duncan and Keystone. This street 'was rough but not impassable.
Oount)' road equipment was not readily a vai1able at the time and it was necessary
to harrow and blade the street 1nto sha.pe with city owned equipment at a cost
.... of about .150~OO.
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Ootober 23, 1950
Agenda, C ont 'd.
Reoeipt o~ a lette~ from Clearwater Beach ASSOC. relative to beach erosion pre-
vention by jetties. ~
Receipt o~ a letter from Clearwater Besch ASSOC. regarding Bea weed removal.
Gladys Duncan's request ror an extension longer than six years on a refunding
oontaot for water mains to serve oak Acres Subdivision.
Consideration of 900' of 2" water main extension in Grandview Terrace Subdivision,
to furnish water service on Riohard Street to seJ;tve three oU8tomel~8 at an
estimated cost or $550.00.
Consideration of 190' of 3" 'Water main exterlsion on Clearwater street west ot
1~ndaley Avenue to serve a new hotel at an estimated cost of $390.00
Reoeipt of a letter from James T. Singleton ~king an orrer on the property on
the Causeway known as the Sinclair Service Station.
Request of the Veterans of Foreign Wars that the City Conm1salon wa1ve the
occupational tax covering wrestling bouts to be sponsored by the V.~.W. during
the coming winter.
Receipt of a letter froD! the Disabled Amerioan Veterans thanking all. of'those
who have been of service to them in furthering their cauae for the disabJ.ed.
Reoeipt of correspondence from the Florida R.E.A. Coopel~tive Aosooiation oon-
oerning the so-called regulatory bill introduoed at the 1949 session o~ the
Florida legislature to place electric utilities under the Florida railroad and
publio Utility oommission.
Consideration of the of'fer of John Segelken to purohase part of Lots 17, 18~
and 19, Block F, First Addition to Sunset Point.
Report of the Chief of Police on the designatIon of Oak and Bay Avenues as one
waY' streets.
Receipt of the notice of the meeting of the Florida League of Mun101pa1it1es to
be held in Lakeland Nove~ber 12,13 and 14.
Receipt of a letter addressed to the Mayo~ and City Ca.mnissioners from N. M.
Faulds, Principal of the Clearwater Junlo~ High SChOOl, requesting the opening
or Laura St~eet trom Booth street to hiyrtle.
Receipt of a letter from Walter J. Paterson, 403 E. Shore Drive, requesting the
oonstruction and paving of a road from Somerset Drive on Bay Esplanade and
Royal Way to Mandalay Avenue.
Report of the Cit,y Manager on his trip to Jacksonville and Washington relative
to beach erosion.
Request of Francia DeBartolo to transfer the lease for the bowling alley on
Cleveland Street to Gus Drullss.
Receipt of a letter frODt Ball Productions regarding the production of a series
of 13 sound and color movie shorts designed to sa11 Florida requesting a con-
tribution by the City supporting the production and distribution of these film.
Receipt of a letter from Mrs. D. Dart Smith representing sevel~l groups of
church women and Women's Christia.n Temperance Union rega.rding the closing hours
of liquor houses.
The City 1tanager'a report and estima te of clean.1.ng up the park on the beach
between C1~arwater and Rockaway Streets and opening up a. street between the two
above-mentioned streets by the placing of a base, replacing sidewalks, etc., at
an estimated cost of $2,500.
Consideration of resolutions covering 36 property owners Clearing their property
0.1' weeds and grass.
Consideration of the acoeptanco of John Segelken's remittance of $150.00 cover-
ing the rent ot the bowling alleY' on Cleveland Street.
Presentation of a report by the Florida state Board of Health of a polution
survey of the waters of Clearwater HaI~or and St. Joseph's Sound.
Ad j ournmen t
Bart's Bowling Center
Clearwater, Florida
October 18, 1950
The Hon. City Cornm1ssion
Clearwater, Florida
Re: Barts Bowling Center
I am desirous of selling the business known as Barts Bowling Center to one Gus
Drulias presently operating Bay Drive-In, and in accordance with the prOVisions of
the lease with the City pertaining thereto, request the approval of this City Com-
m1ssion o~ Gus Drullas ss new assignee of. said leas8 to resunle operations o~ the
premises as a Bowling Center.
Thank you for your kind oonsidera tion8
Sincerely ~
Signed: Francia DeBartolo
City of Clearwater
Inter-Offioe Communication October 21, 1950
To City Manager Bennett
~~om Chief McClam~
Subject Gus Dru11a~
At your ~equest, I have conducted an investigation relative to oharacter and reputation
of ~bjeot, Gus D~~lias. I have personally contacted the following:
Ct~rles Castagna, 33 No. Fort Earrison Ave.
Mr. Dervich, Sunburst Apartments
Paul Jollns_ 483 East Shore Drive, Beach
C. ltIarmaredes, owner ot State Cafe, No. Garden Ave.
Each of the above pa~t1e8 reoommended Mr. Drulias very high~Y' &s to honesty. trust-
worth1ness and good citizenship.
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October 23. 1950
Ootober 23" ll950
, ,
". .':,,' ,"1 ,-
Mr. Boyd A. Bennett,
Ci ty Manager,
Cle,arwater, Fla.
Dear Sir:
We hereby make applioation tor a permit to move a duplex residence from 480-482
Mandalay Blvd., Clearwater Beach to a location on north side of east Turner st.
near interseotion of Madison Ave.,the said bUilding is 34 ft. long by 33 tt. f'our
inohes wide, with a porch aoross front six ft. six inches wide.
Building could be cut into two pieoes midway botween front edge of~ porch and
rear of building thereby making each piece about 20 ft. six inches by 33 ft. f'our
inche 8' .
We the undersigned do hereby tender our oamplaint and objection to the continuance
~f any future wrestling bouts, to be given b~ the Veterans of Foreign Vmra at their
Legion Hall on Court St.
This ia most objectionable not only toward Iowering the standard of ~e neighborhood,
but 18 detrimental to the nervous system of two small children who live right next
door and are unable to sleep with such a racket6 as well as we adults, who have long
continued to put up with the noise during ~~eir meetings of juke box and etc.. way
arter m1dnight.
", Th1s as mentioned above" we did not render complaint of, considering it one of
:;:h~';':;,'~';,,'," '.'.',. . 'i:':' ~ene~e8sary evils of such. a place" but this wrestling is just something that we
itq'i~::::';l:;;'>:;:::,:;':>:X~::,~. "c<>.C),a~n~t8ubmlt to without letting you - the men to whom we look for 1aw, order and
.\i ).:~;:(;;,~,:.;?:,~>.:~,.,:,.:':;;p~tec~1on, know what 1s going on. To further acquaint you with our complaint, .we
~(t/,~f~;:H~~~X~:',;>:.:';:,'::~~~Jt:,you~,to ~tte~d one. of these bouts 0
;':~f;~:.~;';~{':?;i1/;~~;);',.;;::;:,\/,:..>Thank1ng you gentlemen tor your 1mmedia te conBideration ---We Bre---
~'!;ll'.i-;':'-f&~?ft~"f>,~'.t~'~'~':..;'~<::~'/g'..'.::': \.< '.-:,"\' , , .' '. .
'r!1';'t~.t~;:S'~N'~i~;:;,;.:l/;"::/:.':"", ',,' . ...' (Slened by 12 persons)
:,:.ff,.,.f,..~~,'~~~.:~..7~.~.~I,,~,,!.;~.~.,...:,',:~;;~~r;,~i~~;!~;t:""> ",", ',' ':,' , "',
'7 "_ ,.,. "'~").'" '. ;.;::,~' .: ' ,,\~, "~",,,; .___....
I . ".'
i ". , .,' . , .' ;:./~ ~
! .
Yours v~ry truly,
Signed: ~4. A. Walker
October 3, 1950
The Honorable Mayor;
Clearwater, Fla.
Dear Mayor:
This Post wishes to sponsor Wrestling Bouts in the VFW Hall, Court Street during
the coming winter and respectfully requests that the City Commission waive the
occupational tax to the organization.
Thanking you" I am
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Floyd A. Dow
September ~, 195Q
Honorable Mayor and
City Commission,
City of Clearwater, Florida
I, as the holder of the lease on the property occupied by ~e Sinclair Servioe
Station on Clea~ater Beach, more particularly described as follows:
~egin at E. line of property under lease to Everingham run Easterly to this line
150 ft. to opposite side or street right-ot-way, the Northerly and along said street
right-of-way to its interseotion with a line ~5 ft. S. of south edge of concrete high-
way approach reserved for street purposes frrnm Causeway to p.o.b., the 200 ft. Easterly
parallel to said concrete hip,hway approach, th Southerly on a line p8ra1l1eJi to street.
right-of-way on West to Channel in Cove or waters of Clea~vater Bay, th.. Westerly
200 ft. to street right-of-way on West~ tho Northerly along said street right-of-way
to p.o.b. less and except the W. 100 ft. of the said N. 75 ft. of above described
property upon which is located a barbecue stB~d, previously released from the term~
of aforementioned lease.n
together with all all improvements, do hereby submit an offer for a tenancy at
sufferance in the amount of' $200.00 per month and submit check for the month of
October rent herewith in the amount of said ~200.00. for said property.
In the event that you see fit to ask for f'urther bids, I would expeot you to
give me the notice of such intention in order that I may be able to have an oppor-
tun:t.ty to 8ubmit such bid.
Very truly yours.
Oct. 15, 195"0
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October 23, 1950
September 22, 1950.
Mr. Boyd Bennett,
Oity Manager,
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Mr. Bennett:
Your letter of September 18, 1950, addressed to the Lincoln Mercur, CompQny,
Ino., has been referred to my attention. In this letter you state that my client
18 us1ng 17 feet and 7 inches of the right-of-way of Cleveland Street and that you
would like for my client to oease using the City property.
In view of tho fact that this property i3 situated a considerable distanoe tram
the main business district of the City I do not see what use the City will have for
this property a t the present time. Furthermore, 1n order to determine the exact
amount of encroaohment, if any, it will be necessary for a survey to be had ot said
Regardless of the above situat10n my client is w111ing and now requests that
the C1 ty lease to them tha t part of the property which they are using and which the
City owns. My c11ent will be willing to pay a reasonable rental for said prem1sa=
and I wll1 appreoiate you taking this matter up be:fore the next meeting of the City
Commission and advising me of their decision.
c.c. Lincoln Mercury C~lpany,Inc.
Clearwater, Florida.
Yours very truly,
Signed: John C. Po1h111
Board or County COIl1Il1~SS 10ners
October 18, 1950
Honorable Boyd Bennett, City Manager,
City of Clearwater,
Clearwater, Florida.
Dear Sir:
We are transmitting herewith enclosed a certi~ied copy of an order which was
duly passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners at their Regular Meet~
ing under date of October 3, 1950, for your information and riles.
Very truly yours,
By(Slgned) Claire Ki1~ore
Deputy Clerk
Enc. (1)
Mayor Harry D. Sargeant, Commissioner L. F. Drew, City Manager Boyd Bennett
and City Attorney Ben Krentzman of the City of Clearwater, appeared before the Board
and requested a de~inite time for the use of the old County marl pit in Section
12-30-15 for use by the City as a dump for their trash, stating that they had re-
oeived the former order of the Boal~ giving them per.mission to use the p1t on a trial
basis but that they desired to have a definite time so as to justify the expense which
they might go to to make the long haul which was necessary.
After discuss1on~ it was moved by Commissioner W. H. Belcher, seconded by Com-
missioner Edward II. LaVoie and carried unanimously, that the City be granted use of
the old marl pit for a dump for one year from October 1, 1950.
I, WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Clark of the Circu1t Court and Ex-officio Clerk to the Board
of County Commissioners in and for the County and State'aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY
that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an order regarding City of
Clearwater Officials He:
Old County Marl Pit in Section 12-30-15 for City Dump, Which was duly passed and
adopted by the Board at their Regular Meeting on October 3, 1950, and as the swne
appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and officials seal this 18th day of
October, A.D. 1950.
Clerk of the C1rcuit Court
and Ex-or~lcio C~erk to the
Board of County Commissioners
By~1gned) Claire Kl1~ore
D.C. -
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Clearwater, Florida
October 19, 1950
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October 23, 1950
City Commission
C1ty of Clearwater
lawn Lot 2, leaa the West 80 reetl of Block 28, Mandalay subfd1vision. The
entire lot i8 plotted with a depth of 160 feat on the South side and 170 teet on the
North side, end runs through from Bay Bsplanade on the East to Lantana Street 01'1 the
West. One-half of th1s lot is larger than aost of the other lota in this particular
b1ook, and therefore it 1s suita~lo for use 88 & 8ite for two dwellings. One dwell-
ing has already been built on the Lantana Street frontage, and is owned by an indi-
vidual othe r tr.lQn my se 1 f. The property immedia te 1y to the north of my porti on or
the lot in question is :1mproved with a house f8oine; on Bay Esplanade, which adjoining
lot is 30 feet leas in depth than the portion of the lot I own 0
For the reasons enumerated it works a hardship on I:1e not to be Roble to build
tl house on trry' portion or the lot, particl1lar1y since the part I own is larger than
many lots in the same block upon which houses have been built.
For these reasons request is hereby made for a change 1n the zoning of this
particular lot as a hardship case, so that I may be per.mitted to build a house on
my portion of the lot.
Yours respectfUlly,
Signed: Andrew P. Nioho1s
I. ":.
~ .:/:,~.; ',~:, ~:/"f:: .
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Ootober 6. 1950
Board of Public Instruction
P ina11e 5 County
Mr. H. G. Wineo,
City Auditor and Clerk,
City of Clearwater,
Clearwater, Pla.
Dear Mr. Wingo:
Thank you very much for your latter of October 4th regarding my appointment as
represontative of the Clearwater City Commission to the Governor's Safety Committee.
I sincerely appreciate the privilege to represent the City of C1aa~vater on thi~
i~portant Committee.
Please convey my thanks to the COD~issioners.
Sincerely yours,
H. R. Danford, Supervisor
~ys1ca1 Educ~tion, Recreation,
Heal th & Safety
HRD/ ft
SERIES OF 1950 AND $115.000 C01mERCIAL
WHEREAS, the City Conmission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, did under date
of June 1, 1950, accept a proposal of R. W. Spragins &: COl'llpany for the purohase of
$125.000 three per cent (3%) Municipal Utility Revenue Certificates to be dated
June 1~ 1950, and $115,000 three and ona-quarter per cent (~) Commercia1 and
Yacht Basin Revenue Certificates to be dated July 1, 1950, at the price of par and
accrued interest from the date of said Cert:i.ficates to the date or delivery and
payment therefor, and
WlIEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater did on the 17th d~ of
August, 1950, enact an ordinance, which said ordinance was amended by ordinanoe
enacted A.ugust 21, 1950, authorizing the issuance of said $125,000 Municipal Utl11ty
Revenue Oertificates, Series of 1950, and prescribing the 1"onll and details thereof
and did on the l?th day of August, 1950~ enact an ordinance, which said ordinance
waa amended by ordinance enacted on the 21st day of August, 1950, authorizing the
issuance of ~115.000 Commercial and Yacht Basin Revenue Cert1~icates and prescribing
Section 1. That the acceptance of the proposal of R. W. Sprag1ns & Company
for the purchase of the $125,000 Municipal Utility Ravenue Certificates, Series of
1950, dated June 1, 1950, and said $115,000 Commercial and Yacht Basin Revenue
Certif'icates. dated July 1, 1950, authorized to be issued pursuant to the o:rdlnances
roferred to in the preambles hersof', 1s hereby ratlr1od, oonfirmed and approved and
se1d $125,000 Municipal Uti11ty Revenue Certifioates, Series ot 1950, and said
0.115,000 Oommercial and Yaoht Basin Revenue Cert1ricate~ are hereby sold and awarded
,',:~. :,
. .
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:"; ,....
Ootober 23~ 1950
Resolution, Cont'd..ft....
to said R. W. Spragina &. Company f1 t the price of par am accrued interest from the
date thereof to the date of de~lvar,y and payment therefor.
Seotion~. That the City Auditor and Clerk 1s hereby authorized and directed
to delivor said G~25.000 Municipa1 Utility Revenue Certificates and said $115,000
COIIllllero1al and Yacht Basin Revenue Certifioates to R. W. Spragine &: Company on pay-
ment of the purcl_so price therefor.
Section 3. That in accordanoe with the provisions of tha proposal of R. W.
Spragins &: Oompany s'ooepted bY' the City C01Tll11ssIon or the City of Clearwater. on
June ~, 1960~. the proper o.fficera of the City are hereby authorized and dIrected to
pay to said .tt. W. Spragins & Oompany a t the time of delIvery of and payment for
said $125,000 Municipal Utility Revonue Certificates and $115,000 Commeroial and
Yaollt Basin Revenue Certificates the sum of $2,976. as its oompensation for servioes
rendered and disbursementa incurred in oonneotion with the authorization and
issuanc.e of said Certificates.
Seotion 4. That this resolut~on shall take effect 1mned~toly.
H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and Clerk
Harry D. Sargeant
The Honorable Board or County Comrnissionera,
Pinellas County, Flor~da.
Memo to
o entlemen:
There are submitted herewith the following reports for the month of
September, ~950:
Financial report covering receipts and disbursements ~or Clearwater Veterans'
County Service Office.
Report of activities of CleaM1ater & St. Petersburg Veterans' County Service
Trusting you will find these reporta in order, I ro~in
Yours truly,
Signed: J. A. Preedool,
County Servioe Office~.
JAP / 11
11emo to The llonorable Board o.f County Commissioners"
Pinallss County~ Florida.
Subject: Financial Report
The following is n statement covering receipts and disbursements of Clearwater
Veterans' County Service Office for the month o~ September, l~SO:
Pine1laa County.................... .$~50.00
City of Clearwater............. ..... 50.00
City of Tarpon Springs......... ..... 9.00
CIty o~ Dunedin. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 9 .00
Total..... ~218.00
J. A. Preedom,salary..........$93.90
Se c re ta r:r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 .00
Car Operation................. 25.00
Postage & registrations....... 8.30
ptg. staty. of~lce expense
and inoidentals........... 14.90
Telephone and long distance-.. 7.90
" ".!., .~...A...:.' ;'':t....,~;~~J!i:~~/;. 1\~~~l1=1t~-::-~~l;:t\~~:rlf~~~,4K~
.'I:~{ .~
October 23, 19bQ
The Citq� Co�iasion of the City of Clearwater znet in Special Seasion at °7:30
P. M, Monday, October 23�d, at City Hall, with the Pollowing members preserit:
Also Prasent
Harry D. Sargeant
E. B, Gasler Jrs
Leland F. Drew
Joe Turner
Herbe.rt M. Brown
Boqd A. Bennstt
George T. �IcClarrana
Ben Krentrman
-Concni9 sioner
-Corrmiiss ioner
-Citq N�enager
-GhieP of Police
-4i�y Attorney
The Mayor called the meeting to orcler. There being no alterations or
corrections, it vras moved b� Commissioner Turner that the minutes of the meeting of
October 16th be approved in accordance vrith the cop� thereoP furnished each member
in writing, and that the3r reading be dispensed vrith. Tha motion z�as seconded by
Commis�ioner Drew and csrried.
The lvlayox reported on his trip to the meeting in Orlando reletive �to Natur2l
Gas Lines Por �h3s sectian oP Florida. He said that a line fro� Jac;caonville south
to Clearwater, St. Peteraburg and Tampa was discussed, but that the project was not
�ssured; that in any event, it e�ould be two years at least baPore auch a project
could be completed. It was moved by Conuniasioner Drew, seconded by Coamsissioner
Turner and carried, tY�at the Ivleyor�s. report be accepted,
The City Attorney said he had requested an opinion from the Attorney General
es to the possibility of placing lot cleaning cr�.rgea on tax bills by the County
A�ssessor, but Y�ad not rsceived the requested opinion at this time.
Comniasioner Drew reported that he had the en�ineer�s report relative to open--
ing Misaouri Avenue across the Seaboard Airline Ral.lroad traeks and th� t he would.
call a meeting of the Corrunittee in the nesr iiz�ure.
'Phe City P,fanager repor.ted thet a deliverg o£ e Special Police mode� autdnobiZe
could not be made for from thirty to ninety dags, due to cl� nge over for 51, models.
Comnissioner Drew moved that all bids be thrown out and naw bids asked £or. The
motion was seconded by Coimnissioner Turner and carried.
The City Attorney submitted an Ordinance adop�ing �he new Cit� Code as compiled.
by Michie & Companym Tt vras moved b9 Coirunissioner Turner that the Qr3inanee be
passad on the first reading. The motion tivse seconded by Car,�nissioner Draw and L.arried.
Covnnissioners Sargeant, Casler, Drew and Turner voted "Aye°m There were none npposad.
:�ayor Sargeant, at this time, egain brought up the question of aslary inerease�
for those employees earning loss than �300.Q0 per month, �os�i�sioner Casler inm
quired about tho method for financing such incre�sesm saying he did not wan t to make
a t4political football'� o�' the issue. Comnissioner Drew said a concrete plan shculd
be presented w3.th the recommendation so that the cost of such s�].ary increases could
be aacertsinod« Commissioner Turner said hie would fav�r selarg increasas if some
feasible financing plan cauld be vror�ed out.
The Citg Attorney reported that he was working on the proposed pl.umbi�ig Or�inanc�
but did not have it ready to present at this t3me.
Relative to the proposed Ordinance to prohibit the moving oi earth moving equip-
ment across street� on the Beacha the Cit� Attorney raported trsat that portion of th�
Beach between the high and low water marks on the Beach eras ti2e property af the �tate.
InternaT Improvement Board and was not under the City�s 3urisdictionq Por that reason,
the City could not regulate the remova�. oP sand from t-.hat area, He stated he was in-
vestigating the possibilibies and �vauld try to get this metter on tha legislative
The City R�Isna�er submittad a cer�ified cop� of an orciar passed by the County
Commi�sion at the regular meettng of October 3rd, 195Q, granting the Citiy permission
to use the County Marl Pit as a dwnp sita for a period of one year from October 1, 1950.
It was moved by Coirnnissioner Csaler that the report be accepted with commendations.
The motion was seoonded by Co�unissioner Turner and carrisd.
The CitS Manager reported that the hedge across the North and South alley in
B1ock 25, Bzllea3r, had been removed so as to per�ni� Mrv J. S. Harmon access to h3s
propertg at 417 Gorbatt Street. Comnissioner Drew saked the 2rianager if he recormiended
the opening of the alley Por use by the City's garbags and trash coll�ction truck3.
Tha Pdanager�s replg w�s negativae hir. Anthony Frigoletto, who resides� on the South
side of nB�� Street, oomplained of junk yard conditions on the properts used by J.
YVe;nnan Beaker i'or automat�ilo repairs. It was movad by Co�mnissioner Turner t�st propar
steps be taken to open the alleg. Tho motion was secanded by Cormnissioner Drew and
carried. Mr. Arthur Hopkins, who resides on fihe North side of ��B" Streetr and Mr.
Jo Weym�� Becker, addressed the Commission ralstive to the Poregoing mattera
The City lYianager presented a letter fxom Fr�nc3s De Ba.r�toZo raquest3ng that the
Cammission approve the assignment of his lease on the Bowl3ng Alley to �1r. Gus Drulias.
Comm3ssioner Dr9w moved that the request be grtt�tod, subject to tha mov3ng of the shed
from the sida of the builfling, payment of �,�150000 rent for the month of October, anc'G
that assurance be given to the Clork that the mortgage�i� satisfied. The motion was.
secondecl by Commiesioner Casler and carried.
October 23, 1950
Co�anissi4ner Casler reported that the City r�ane.�er haci oontact�d the Geodetic
5urvey Department in connection with �he beach erosion mattes� and that when the
mati:er of a tide gauge �ras mentioned the Department informecl him it would build a
t�.de g&uge hare and that probably Federal aid could be sect.red on acquirin� other
weathar instruments. It �vas suggested that the Connnissiozl wa3t and see what t;he
FederaS Government will furnish. It was moved by Counniss•3oner Drew that the report
be accepted. The motion vras seeonded by Commissioner Turner a�nd carried.
Tha City Attornsg read an Ordinance whieh would amend tha Ordinanae regulating
Ganeral Building Contractors. Tha Ordinance was compared with the existing Ordinance
and varioua deletians and amendments were suggested. Corrunissionar Caslar movad that
the Ordinance be passec� on the first rending. The motion was seconded by Conmiissioner
Turner and carriede Co�nissioners Sargeant, Caslerr Drew �nd Turner voted �'Aye�'.
There were none oppoaed. Gommissioner Drerv requastad tha1; a Fire Zone Map be made
available at tha next meetir,�.
Co�nissioner Casl,er suggested that cons3deration of tha Insurance Conunittea�s
report be deferrad to the next meeting and that tho agentts committee and the insuranc�
agen�s be not3fied. Ey consent the mstter tivas deferred.
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Gommission by Andrew Po Niehols, owner
of Zot 2 less the West 80 ft. in Block 289 hTandalsy, requesting that he be perraitted
t� arect a building on his propesty, under the hardship pro�isions, in the Zoning
I�w. Counnissioner Drerv moved tha� the I.atter be referred to the Zoning Board foz it�
consideration, particularlg in respect to any restrictionse �Phe motion was saconded
by Cottunissionar Turner and carried.
The Clerk read a• letter f'rom H. R. Danford accepting his appointment by tha
Commission as its representative ��n the Governor�s SaPetr Co�ittee and th�nking the
Commission for the �ppointmant. It was rsoved by Co�issioner Drew, seconded by Com-
iuissioner Turner and �arri�d, tllat the letter be received.
Renorting for the Ci�ittee, �i_� �i�y Mat,xager �resanted the following letter
fro�: Mrs. Edith Homerf owner of Lot li of R. H. Padgetta� Subdivision:
October 6th, 1950.
Gent ]. eme n:
Aftar a. conferance vrith Mr. Drew and nir. Brown, I have agreed to take �2,500,00
with no improvement assesamants in the form of sidewalks, streets a:nd curbing, for
tYie west tv�enty five (25) feet o� Lot Elevan (11) R. H. Padgett Subdi�viaion.
BY; Edith W. Homer, President
Commissioner Casler moved that the report be accepted and that the work on Missouri
Avenue go for�raxc�. The motion was seconded by Coimniasianer Turner and carried.
Alftex hearing a r�co�nnendation by the Chief of Police that a City Physician be
appo3n'tsd, it was moved by Comnissioner Casler t}sat the City &Ianager and the Ghiei'
of Polica present this matter to tha local Medieral Association and ask them to
desi�nate a doetor for each month, and a renort be made to the Coirnnission, The motion
was secanded bg �o�nissioner Dre�v and carried.
A ietter addressed to the Qoimnission Y,y T.�re John C. Polhill, a.s Alttorney for
the Lincoln-Mercury Carnpany, Inc., requeats �chat the City lease to the Compatiq that
part of the street right of wa� the Comgany ia using. Commiasioner Turner moved.
that the request bs deniad and the Lincoln-Me•rcury Comparry be noti£iad bp remove
their used car Zot fromi Citg propertg by October 30th. The motion was saconded by
Cozmnissioner Casler and carried. '
The City A.ttorns� submitted a Resolution raiifying the award of �125,000.00
Municipal IIti3.ity Revenue Certificates9 Series oP 1950 and �115p000.00 CormnerciaT and
5.'acht Be.sin Revenua Certiiicatea to R. W. Spragins and Company: On a motion by
Commissioner Drew, which was seconded by Commissioner Turner ancl unanimously carried,
the Reso2u'tion was adopted.
On e motion by Corraniasioner Drew, which was secondecl b�* Com�nissioner Casler and
carried, tha rapart oP the Count�� Service OfPicer fox the month of September, was
The City fdanager reported he had approved the following gas and tvater main ex-
tensions costing less than �300.00;
S'eptember 25 - 2�t TNater 2rlain on Bellevieqv Blvd<, Ee of So. r^t. Harrison -�85e00
October 4 - 19d ite o£ l�� Gaa Main or. Iladiaon, A60 Pt. on Pier�e St. 115.U0
October 5 - 225 ft. of 2�� Water Ma3n on P�ichigan Ave. - 135.00
October 5 - 180 ft. o£ 2'� 'Nater Main on N. i�ailroed Ave. - 115.00
October 2 ,_ '700 ft. of 1t9 Gas b4a1.n on Sa-tuzm Ave, - 1,85e00
October 13 � 650 ft. of l�f Gas hTa:in on Ridgewood Sto - 250,00
I� was maved by Corrmissioner Casler, seconded by CQ�nissioner Turner rz�nd carried that
the action of the City Manager be approved.�
�ctober 23, 1950
The Citq R4anager eubmitted a notice of application fbr a Deparbmen� of the
Army permit by the Florida Power Corporation to pJ.ace a aubmarine electrie power
ce:ble in Clearwatar Harbor from ihe Poot of S�minole Streot to the transformer raom
at the drawspan of Clea��v�ter Causaway. It was movad bq Corrauisaioner Drew, seaonded
by Co�nissioner Turner arrl carried, that ths notice be s^iled.
The City Manager auYrmitted a request by Mias Glady� Duncan Lhat the City ente�
into a vrater msin extension reFunding contract for a peri al oF ten yearg instead of
the customary six year agreemento The proposad watsr ma3.na wau:ld furnish watar for
Oak �tcree Subdivisi�n. The matter wa� d�eferred on a motion by Commissioner Turner,
which was seconded by Comnieaio�zer Drew and carried.
'i�ha City Ivlanager recoarmiended the installation of 900 Peot o.� 2 inch water
main extension in Grand �/ie�v Terrace Subdivision on Richard� Street to sorve 3 cus-
tomers, at an eetimated cost of �550.00. Corrnnissioner Casler moved that the ex-
tension bb granted. Comml.ssioner Drew seconded the motion aixl it carried.
On a motion by Co�nissioner Casler, which was saconded by Co�nissioner Turne�,
the expending oP �p390.00 for 190 feet oP 3 inch water main extension on Glearvrater
Street west of Mandalay Avonue was apprcved.
Cozrunissioner Turner movad that the offer of LIre Jameg fi. Sin�leton relativa
to lease o�n the property lmovm as tne S'inclair S'ervice Station bd refarred to the
Beach Lesse Cotmnittee. The motion was aeconded by Corm ias?oner Drew and oarried.
`i'he hianager submitted a request bq hira W. A. V11�lker that he be pornitted to
mova a duplex residence Prom 480�482 b7andalag Bqulevara acroas the Ceussway, In the
r�quast I�r. Wa7.ker sta�ed it would be possible to cut the building into tvxo sections,
making each piece about 20 Peet, S inches by 33 ieet, four inchea. Cozmnissioner Cas-
ler moved triat permiasion be granted on condition that the house be moved in tv�o
seotions. Tha motion ti7es seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried,
The Cit�rIvIanager reported on his trip to Washington, stating that the f:�nal
report bg Army Engineer� on beach erosion, would be ready by June. He sa id the
Geodatic Survey Departmant would furni.sh a tide gauge for Clearr�ater,and Governsnent
aid might be obtained on the instru�nents.
A letter addressed to the Carmnission by Floyd A< Dow, Adjutant for the local
post Vetaxans o� Foreign ;Vars, requested that the City waiva collection of a license
fee for Wrestling Bouts to be hsld during the coming vrinter by the V. F. W. The
Clerk read a petition si�ned by tv�elve pArsons residing on property ad3acent to the
V. F. W. Hall, protesting �gainst the holding oP Wrestling Bonts, at this location,
h?r. W. I�7, Hagood, one of tlia petitionors, w�s prasant and sug�eated that the bouts
be held only on Saturday nights and not later than 11:00 P.;rI. hir. G. E. Asbell,
Conmiander of the local post, stated he vrould glsdly �srark with tha petitioners �o
eliminate unnecessary noisa and trespassing on privata property, Gomnissioner Drew
movad tl�at the license be e�aive� v�ith reierenee to tlze V, F. YJ, ancl they be xequested
to confine their activities to Saturday night and have their events close b�* 11:00
o}clock. (Mr. Hagood and the Post GoTmnander expreased their agreement as to the
11:00 o4clock clo�ing hour). The motion was seconded b� Corrnnissioner Casler and
The City At�orney raperted a bill to list the legality oP the Gity�s Sign
Ordinance had been Piled on behalf' of Daniels Brothers and �3rs. �sliaabeth Adams, and
that 1ie v�as prepared to defend bhe City�s position. It was moved by Cammissioner
Turner, saconded by Commissioner Drew and carrisd that the City Attorneg be authoriaed
to defend the City in the suit.
On a motion by Commiesioner Drew, secondad by Comnissioner Turner snd carried,
the meetine adiourned at 11:10 P. M. �
City Audi or and lerk
IvIag�or-C mmissioner
Oatober 23, 1950
OctoUer �0, 1950.
hiayor-Conm3saioner Harry D. Sargeant
Commissioner: Leland 1�'. Drevs
E. B. C�sler, Jr.
Herbert A�I. Rrown
Joe Turner
A spscial meeting of the City Commission will be held a� 7:30 P.N., Monday, Octobem
23,, 1950 in the �ii;y Hall to consider the �.tems heret� attached.
24 .
Very truly yours,
Si�nad: Boyd A. Bennett
�ity uanage�
Approving of the minutes of the regular meetin� held Octobe� l6.
Report of the niayor on the meeting held in Orlando on Thur�day, October 1.8,,
attended by tYze City h4ana�er and Director of Public Utilities relative ��
natural. gas being served in the State of Florida aouth oP Jacksonville<
i�eport of the Git� Attorneti* an his opinion as to horv tha cost of billa for
Iot cZearing can be placed on the tax bi11s.
Report of the co�ittee on the opening of �Ziss�uri Avenue across the S'eaboa.rd
Railroad tracks.
Eteport oi the Ch3ef of Polic� on general Farking on one side of the street
throughout the city.
Re�ort of the Chief oP Police or the parking on Drerv Street betrveen Greanwo�d
and Garden Avenue.
Report of the City Manager on the delivery date by I�ennedy & Stricklsnd for
Special Police Ford Care
Considerat3.on o£ a resolution or an ordinanee covering the codifica�ion of
City laivs or ordinances.
Considsrat3.an oP the �iayor�s suggestion for increases in the salaries of City
Repor� of the City Attorney on a proposed plumbing ordinaz�ce.
Report of the Cit� Attorney on an ordinence relative to the use of ettrth movo
ing equipment on Gulf beaches.
Report oi the meeting with Pinellas Co4nty Co�miasionors relative to a de^inita
trial period for the use of the Connty marl pit south of Largo by the Cit�r of
ClearwatEr as a trasih dump.
Frr��ress report of the City hianager on the reques� to open an a11ey para11e31 to
South Harrison betv�een Corbett Strset az�d B Street.
Report of the co�ittee composed of Co�miesionera Casler and Brovm on the city
purchasing a tide gauge, wind gsuge, and baro�e�ter.
Report of the ca�i�tee on the o:�dinance presented by A�torney Goaa on beha'..r'
of the cnntractors� association.
Repor� of the eouanittee on fire insurance covering city property.
Consideration o� a sea wall on the Bay side at the east end of Gardenia Strest
at an e�timated cost of $�Is100.00 �nd a sea wall on the Gulf side of the Beach
at the westerly end of vrhat would be Aster gl.ace at an estimated cost of �3,670.00.
Both matters being deferred f'rom the meeting oP October 2m
Receipt of a letter from H. R. DanFord accepting the Connnission's appoint�ent
af him to serve on the Govarnor�s Highway Safety Con?erenca.
Report of the committee on obtaining property from Fdith Honier at the raortheast
corner :,f biis�ouri and Cleveland Street for the purpose of widening Missouri Ave.
bet�veen c�.�vQiana ana Grove Street.
Conside.�,a�ion of th.e a�pa3ntment on the Zanin� Board to fill the vacanay created
ly the resignation of Andraw S. Horton.
Cansideration of the opening of the fence at thra atreets �shich was constructed
in 1933 from Clearwater Bay to tYie Gu1P of blaxiao saparating the Carlouel� Develop-
ment fr� �he other part of the beache
Consideration of Chief of Police MeClamma�s request for the appointment oP a�
City physiciano
Gonsideration of the request oP the Lincoln and Idercury Co�pany located on Cleve-
lend Street �o lease fram the cit?� the property they are no'w usir_g on Gleveland St.
Report of Pine].las County Veterans Service Officsr for t'Ze m:onth o£ Septembero
Report a£ th� City 2vianager on water and gas mains approved cos�ting 7.ass than �3�0.00.
e, September 25 - 21ti watar rnaj_n on Belleview 131vd. eaet of South
Ft. Harrison to s�jrve one customer st an estimatPd co�t of �p85.00.
b. October 4- 350� of 1'� gas main, 190r on ivIadison, 160� on
Pierce, to serve one customer at sn estinated cost oF $�115.00a
ce October a- 2�51 of 2�' water main on Michigan Avenue to serve
four customera at an estimated coat of �p135.00.
d. October 5� 180s af 2'E water main on Tdorth Railroad A.v�enue to
serve one custonsr �t an estimatad cost of �i1I5�00,
e. October 2- 700' of 1�� gas main on Sa+,.-urn Street north o� aulf-
to-Eay Blvd. serving one customer and three vr�cant lots at an
estilnated cost of $p185.00.
f. October 13 - 650� of 1"� gas main on Ridgev�ood Street �o �erve two
customera�.at an estimated cost of �250,00.
26. Notice of application oi Florida Power Corporatien made to the Corps of
Engineera oP the U. S. Army for a permit to place a� aubmarino electric power
cable in a trench in Clearv�ater Harbor frrnn the south of Seminole Street bo th�
transformer room at the drawbridge a�n oP ClearvJater Cause�vay.
27o Report of the City DZanager on complaint of Ed �3urk of' tha condition o£ Laura
StrePt betvreen Duncan and Keystone. This street�was rough bu� not impassable.
Countq road equipment was not readil5 available a� the �ime and it was necessary
to harrow and blado the street into ahape vrith city owned equipment a� a cost
oP about �150.00.
October 23, I950
Agenda, Cont�d.
2a. Receipt oP a letter from ploarwater Beach Assoc. relative to beach eroaion pre-
ven�ion bg* jettiea,
29. Racaipt of a lettex irom Clearwater Beach Assoc. regarding ffea weed ,removalo
30� Glad�s Duncan�9 reque�t Por an extension ]:ongar than six years an a refunding
contac� for water mains to aerve Osk Acrea Subdivistun.
31. Consideration of 900� o� �1° water main extensicn in Grandview Terrace Subdivision,
to fuxnish water serviae on Richard Street to serve three custorrers at an
eatimated cost nf �p550e00.
32. Consideration of 190� of 3° vrater main extension an C1.aarwat�r Streei; west 4�
Mandalay Avenue to serve a novr hotel at an estimated cost oP �390.00
33. Reaeipt of e��: ;ter from James T. Singleton making an offer• on the propert� on
the C�useway known as the Sinclair Service Station.
34. Request of the Ve�erans o� Foreign V�ars that the City Cott�raiseion v��aive the
occupational tax covering wrestling bouts ta be sponsored by the V.F.W. during
the comin� winter.
35. Receipt of a letter from the Disab].ed American Veterans thanking all oP those
tivho have been of servics to them in �zrthering their cause for the disabled.
36. Reaoipt oP correspondence from the Florida R.�.A. Ccoperative �asociation con-
cerning the so�called regulatory bill introduced at tho 1949 s�asion of the
Floricla legislature to place electr%c utilities under the Florida railroad and
publlc Utility corrnnission.
37. Consideration of the oPfer of Jahn SeF;,alken to purchase part of I,ots 17, 18,,
and 19, Block F, First Addition to �unse:t Point.
38. Repor� a� the Chief of Police on the de�ignfztion of Oak and Bay Avernxes a� one
v�ay streets.
39, Receip� oY the notice of th� meeti+�g of the 'Floricla League of Municipa.lities to
be held in Lakelsnd Navember 12,13 and 14.
40. Receipt of a letter adclressed to t�e Mayor and City Couunissioners Prom N. A4.
Faulds, Priileipal of the Glea.r�aater �unior High School, reauesting the opaning
of Iaura �treet from Booth &treet to l�iyrtle.
410 Receipt oP a letter from Plalter Je Paterson, 403 E. Shore Drive, requesting the
construction and paving o� a road from Somerset Drive on Bay Esplanade and
Royal VTa� to biandala�g �venue.
42. Report of the City b'[anager on his trip to Jacksonville and PTashin�ton relative
to beach erosion.
�3. Request oi' Francis DeSartolo to transfer the lease for the bo1a�i.ng alle� on
Cleveland Street to Gus Drulias.
44. Receipt of a letter f'roni ball Productions regarding the production of a ser�es
of 13 sound and color movie shorts designad to sall Florida requesting a con-
tribution by the C3t� supporting the production and distribution of these fi]in.
45. Receipt of a letter Prom �irs. D. Dort Smith represen�ing aevaral groups o�
church svomen and Women�s Christian Tsmperance Union regarding the cl�sing hours:
oP 13quor houses.
46v The City nSanagerts report and estimate of cleaning up ths park on tne beach
be�ween Clearwatar and Rockaway Straets and opening up a street between tha tRo
above-mantioned stree�ts by the pla�ing oP a base, rap].acing sidewalks, etc., �t
an estimated cost of' 4P2,500�
47. Consi,deration of raso?utions covering 36 property owners claaring their property
of v�teeds and grasa.
48m Conaiderat3.on of tha sccap�ance of John 5agelken�s ra�ittance of �$150.Q� cover-
ing the zent of the bowling alley on Cleveland 5treet.
49� Presentation o£ a repert by the Florida 5tate Board of Health of a polution
survay of tha tivaters oi' Clearwatex Harbor and St. J'oseph� s Sound,
Ad jo�urnmen�
Bart►s Bcswlin� Center
Clearwater, Flex�ida
October 18, 1950
The Hon. City Commission
Glearivater, �'lorida
Re: Barts Bowling Centsr
I am desirous ot' selling the business known as Barts Bowling Cen�er to ona Gus
Drul.ias presently operating Bs9 Drive-In, and in accordance wit�,the provisions o�
the lease with �he City pertaining thereto, request the approval of this City �om-
mission of Gus Drulias as new assignee of said 1eas�r to reaume operations of the
premiaes as a Bowling Center.
Tlaank you fo.r your kind consideration.
Signed: 'r'rancis DeBartolo
�ity oF Clo�r�vater -"'---""_____.._.._
Intar-0f�ice Cozmiunication October 21, 1950
To Cit9 Itiianager Bennstt
k�rom Chief hicClamm�,
Subjoct Gus Druli�s�
At your request, I have conducted an inve�tigation relative to character and raputation
of subject, Gus Drulias. I lzave person�lly contscted the follow3ng:
Charles Castagna, 33 Nos Fost Harrison I�ve.
Mr. Dervichs 8unburst A�paxtrncnts
Paul Johns, 4a3 East Shore Drive, Beach
C. T�Iarmaredes, owner of State Cafe, No. Garden �.ve�
Each of the above par�ies recommended nir. Dru].ias very highly as to honesty,, trust-
worthiness and gaod citizenahip.
October 2�9 Z950
Airo Boyd A. Bannatt,
C3.ty Mat�ager,
Clearwater, Fla.
Daar Sir:
Octobex 23', ;L�J�O
PJe hereby make application for a permit to move a dup7.ex residence fro�n �80-�h��
htandalsy B1vd., Clearwater Beach to a locat3on on z�orth side Qf eas� Turxier St.
nsar intarsaction of Diadison Ave.,ths said building is 34 ft. long by �3 f'L. fo�r
_. inches wid.a, �rrith a� porch aoross :front six f�. six inches wida.
Bu�lding could be cut in�a two piect�r midivsy between i'ront edge af, porch and
rasr af bu3ldin� thareb� making each piece about aU ft. six inches by 33 ft. four
The Honorable niayox;
Clearwatar, Fla .
Dear Mayar:
Yours ver� truly,
Sigr�ed: �d. A. Walker
October 3, 1950
This Post wishes tc sponaor Wrestling Bau�s in tha VFW iI�ll, Cour� Street during
the coming winter and T89}J9CtS�iZ1q reques�s that the C1t� �osmnission waive tha
oecupational, tax to the organization.
'i'Y�nking you, I am
Honorable �layor end
City Commission,
Gity of Cle�r�vater, Florida
Sixlcerely yours,
Signecl: b�loyd A o Dow
�eptember 30, 1.95Q
I, ms the holder oT ths lease on the property occupied b�r the Sinclair Sez�vice
5tation on Cleas�va�er Beaoh, more part3,cu7arly described a� �ollo�rs:
�Begin r��c E, l�na of propert� under lease to Everin�Y�am run Easterly to this line
150 i't, to opposite s3�e of street right-of-way, th. N�rtherly a nd along �aid street
ri.ght-of-wa� t� its intexsection with a lina ].5 ft. S. of sou�h edge of conerete kr.igh-
way approach reserved for street pur�oses fror.i Causer�a,y ta p.o.b., th. 200 �t. Eastei+ly
paralZa� to said cranerete highwQy appraaa2a, th SoutherZy on a Iine para�IleT to streets
right-o�-way on 1Jest to Cr�nne� in Cove or ;tiaters oF C;.eart��ater Bay, th. Westez�ly
2Q0 �t. to street right-oftlway on West, th. Northerly along said street righ�-of-eray
to p.o.b. less and except the Y�. l00 ft. af �Ghe said N. 75 i't. of abave desaribed
property upon which ia located a barbeaue stand, previously released from the �erms�
of aforementioned lease@1t
together with all all improvements, do ht;reby submi't a;n oFfer fur a tenancy at
sufferance in the amount c+f �p200.00 per m�nth and submi� check for the month cf
October rant narewith. 1n the amount of ea3d $�2QO.00p i'or said propertyb
Tn the event that qau see Pit to ask Por further bids, I�r�ould expect you to
give me the notice oi such intention in order that I may be able to h�ve an op�or-
i�znii� �o submit such bid,
JTS'/m j
Vary truly yours,
rrPEI'ITIc�N~+ �
Oct. 15, I9S0
47e the underaign�d �o hereby tencler aur camplaint and objaction to tha cont2nuance
of an� flxtura wrestling bouts, to be given by tlie Ve�erana of F'oreign PJ�rs at their
t,egicn Hall on Court St.
'Phis is mogt objectionable not on�y to�vard lowerin� �he atandard of the nei�hborkiood,
but is detr�.men�al to the nervous system oP two small children who live right rioxt
door and are unable to sleep with s�zch a raeket, as �rrell as vre adultas who have long
cantinued to pu� up with the noise cluring their meetin�s of juke box and etc., way
aPi�r midnigl�t.
Thia as mentioned abave, wa dic3 not render cor�plaint aP, considerin� it orie of
the necessary evila o� such a place, but this vrrestlin� is just' somathinp; that we
canno�t subr�i� to without letting you - the men to whcNn vice look for 1aw, order and
prdtections lmovr what is going on. To furthor acquaint goia with our complmint, vre
ask you to a�tend o�e o£ these bouts.
Thanking you gentlemen �'or youx irmnec�3atc� conaidez�tinn ---YJe are--..
�Signed by 12 peraong)
Mr. Boyd Bennett,
Citv Msnager,
CJ.earwator, FZoridm
Dear Mr. Belnnett;
tDctober 23, 1950
Septamber 22, I950
Your letter of Septamber 18, 1950, addrsssed to f.he Lincoln Mercuzy Company�
Inc., has been rsferred �o my at�en�ian. Tn this letter you atate �hat my client
+i is usin� 17 feet arid 7 inches of the right-of-�ray �P Cleveland S�reeb and that gou
wotz7.d l�.ke for my c3ient ta cease ustng the City property.
In view of the faet th&t tlzis property is situated a nonsiderable diatance from
th,e main busineas district of the C3ty I do not see wh�t use the City will have for
this prqperty at the present �ima. rurthermore, in order to deterr,iine the exact
amount o� encroachment, if any, it will ba necessary for a survey to be had of said
premi.se a ,
Regardleas of �Ehe Above situation my client ia willing and naw requests that
th,e G3ty lease ta them thst part of t�e propertg which they are using and whic2z tha
City owns, r4y client will be Willing to pay a reasonsble rental for said premise�
and I wil]. apprac3ata you. t&king ttzia matter up be.fore the next meeting oP the C3ty
Co�v¢niasion and advising me of th�2r decision,
Yours ver� truly,
Signed: John C. polhill
c.c. Lincoln Iti2er�1,'.ry Co�bany,Incv
Clearwater, h'lor3.c3a.
: ----- - -------
Boarci of Count� Co�nn3.ssioner�
October 18, 1950
Honorable �3oyd Bennett, City �llanagar,
City of Clearwater,
Clearwatery Florida.
Dear Sir:•
We are �ransmitting herewith r�nclosacl a ce�tiFie� copg o� an ordar arhich was
duly psssed and ac3opted. by the Board o#' County Cormnissioners at their Regular Eieet-
in�; under date of Octobar 3, 1980, for your information ar.d fi1e�,
Very trulg yours,
By(Si�nad} Glaire Kilgora
CIC:bm Denuty Cl.erk
E�ca (1)
Mayor Harry U. BaY�geant, Coimnissioner L. F, Draw, City hl��agex I3oyt� Bennett
and C3ty Attorney Ben Krentzman of the C3t,y oz Clearwater, appeared before the Board
and requested a definite time for the use of the o�d County marl pit in Saction
12-30-15 fnr use by tne City as a dump for their trash, stating that �ixey had re-
ceived th� former order oi the Board giving them permission to use the pit on a trial
basis but that tiiey desired ta have s def3nite tima so as to justii�j the expen�a whicn
they might go to to make the long haul wh3cn :va� necessary.
A�ter discuasion, it was moved by Commissioner W, g, Belcher, seeondad by Com-
missioner Edward H. LeVoia and carried unanimously, tha� the Ca.t� be grante� use oP
the old �arl pit for a dump for one year �rom octiober l, 1950,
I, INILLTAPd CRl�WFOR.D, Clerk of the Circu3t Court and Ex-o�'�3cio Clzrk to t�e Board
of County Commissionexs in and for the County and Stata a�oresaid, D0 HEREBY CERTIFY
that the above and foregoing is a true and correc� oopy of an order rogardi�g Citp of
Clearwater Ofiicials Re:
Old County hiarl Pit in Section 12�30-15 for City Dump, tiehich was du�y passed a-nd
adopted by the Boaxd at their Aegular Aieet3ng on October 3, 1950, and as the same
appears of record in zny offico.
TN VJITIVESS WHEREOF, I hereunto sat my hand and o�Sicials seal this 18th dey of
Oetober, A.D. 195Q.
Glerk of the Circu3t Court
a�nd Eac-officio Clerk �o the
Boa+rd of �ounty Commissioner�
Bg Si ed Cla3re Kil ore
� D.�
OctoUer 23, I950
Ci4y Commission
City of alearwster
Clearwat;er, 7P�.orida�
Oatober 18, 1950
I own I,at 2, less the VJest SO feet, of B'lock 28, Ttandalay Sub�'c13v'ision. Tha
entira lot is plotted with a depth of 160 feet on the Sou�h side and 170 feet on 'the
North sicie, and runs through fron Bay Esplanade on tha East to Imn�az�A Stree� on tha
19est. One-Ylalf of this lot is larger than �nost oi the other lots in thia particulax
block, and �herefore it is suits�b2e for use as a �site for two dwel.Zin��. Ona dwe7.'1-
in� has slreadg been built on the Iantana S�reet fronto�e, and ia owned bv an indi-
vidual. �ther than myself. Tl�e property imn�ediateZy ta the ldorth of my por��.on of
the lot in question is �mproved with a house �'s�c�.ng on IIay Esplenacle, which adjoi�ing
lot is 30 feet ].ess in de�th thaz� the portion of the lot 1 qwn.
k'or the reasons enumerated it worl�s a hardship on ne not to ba able to build
a house on my portion of the Zotp partit��larly sinca the pa�t I own is larger than
man� lots in the sa�e block upon which houses have been lani'lt.
For these reasons request is hereb� made for a crange in tYie zonin� o#' �his
particular Iot as a Y±ardskiip case, sa that I ma�' be permitted to bui7.d a house on
my portion ox the lot.
Yours respectfla.11y,
Signed: Andre�� F. Nichol�
Board of Public Instruotion
P inella s Coun ��*
Nir. H. G. Win�o,
City �uditor and ClerIt,
City of Glearwater,
Clearwater, �`la.
DEar blr. �ingor
October f, 1950
Thank �ou very much for �our letter of October 4�th regarding my appoint�rent as
representative o£ �ha Clearwater City Co�issian to the Governor°s Safety Conmittee.
I si�cerel� appxeciate the privilege to represent the Git� of Clearwater on thi�
important Coumiittee.
rlease conveg my thanks to �he Corrunissioners.
Sincsrelv �ours:,,
H. 2'�. Danfard, Supervisor
Pl;iysical Educmtion, Recreation,
HeaZ�h & Safat�
SERIES OF 1950 AhTD $p115, 000 Cpi`lIISIERC7AL
WHER�,4S, the Citv Gott�is�ion of the Ci�y of Clearwater, Floridas did unde� date
oP Sune 1, 19a0, �ccept a proposal oP H. W.� Spx�a,gins & Company for the purchase of
�Z�25,000 three per cent (3O) Mun�cipal ITtility Revenue Certif3cates to be dated
Sune 1, 1950, end �115,000 three and one-quar�er per c�:;:1t (�a) Corrnnercial and
Yaeht Bae�.n Revenue Cert3ficat�s to be �ated July l, ].950, a� the price of par �xad.
acc�u.ed interest from the date of said Certii`icaies to the date of delivery and
paymen� tk�erei`or, and
Vi�iEREAS, the Ci�y� Cormn:tssian of the City of Clearwater ciid on �h�s 1'7th d�y af
Au�zst, 1950, enact an ordinance, wh.ich said ordinan�e waa amended by ordinanca
enactec� Auguat 219 1950, authorizing the issuance of �Aid �;125,Q00 IvTunicipal Utility
Itevenue Certifics�e�, S'eries o� I850, and �rescribing the �a rni and detailr� thereof
and did on the ].'7�h da� of August, 1950, enact an ordinanea, c�hich said ordinance
was amended by ordinance enacted on the 21st day of Augus�, 1950, �utharizing the
issuance of �115,000 Commercia]. and Yacht Basin Revenue Ceri�iiioates and prescribing
the form and details thareaf; NOVJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RL+'SOLVr�. BY TIiI7 C2'I'Y_' CQnibiISSION
S'eation Z. That the accep�anee of the proposaZ af H. Vi'. Spragins � Company
for the purchase of the �125,000 biunicipal Utility Revs rnie Certj.ficatea, Series of
i950, dated Juna ]., 1950, az�d sa3d �115,000 Cotr�narcial and Yacht BAs3.n Revenue
Certifiaatsss aatea �u1� ].s 1�50, �uthorized to be �,asued pur��zant ta the orclin�nco�
reierred to in th� preamblas heroof, is hereby ratiFie4, Confirmed and approved ana
said w�25,OQO hTunl.cipal Utility Revenue Certfficats�, Series of 295t}, and $aid
�pZ15,000 Commercial and 'Yacrt Basin Revenue Cextif�.cate� are re.e?rg sold and awarded
6 �/
czm� canu�xsszorr rnE�TzrrG
October 23, 195C3
�J,; Ra�rolution, Cont'@.......
to s�aid R. W.. �p�+a�ins & Corripar�y at tha pr3.oa of gar and accrued interest from the
date thereof �o iche dAte of deZivery a�d payment therefor.
Section 2�. That the G3,ty Auditor and Clerk ia hereby authorized and. diraeted
to delivar said $�125,000 Municipal Uti].itg Revenue Certificates and said �p115,000
Co�unercial, anc� Yacht Bagin Revanue Cartificetes to Ft. 1iJ, Spragirts & Company on pag.�
mont of the purchase pr3ce therefor.
S'ection 3. That in accordanCe with the provisions of the proposal o� R, W,
Spragins & Company a�ecepted by tre City Cr�rr�nission oi tre Cit� oi' Cl,eerwater. on
J�rr_e 1, 1950, the proper officer� of the Git�r are hereby auth�rizsd and airaoted to
paq to said R. W. S'pra�ins P� Company at tYi9 time o� deliverq oi' and paym�nt for
arzid yP125,000 b7un3c3pa1 IItiZity Ftevenue Cert�,ficates anci y�115,0U� Gormnercisl an.d
Yaoht Basin Revez�ue Certi�icates the sum of �p2,976. as its ccnrcpensa�ion for ser�rices
rendered nnd disbursements incurred 3n conncctian t�ith tha authorization and
issuance of said Certificates.
Soction 4. ''i�hat this resolution shall take effact 3rrnnad.i.s:talg.
Harr.p D, Sarge�n�
I�ia�or�Cc�mis sioner
H. G. Wingo
City Au@itor and lerk
I+4erao to The Honora�le Board af Counts Co�issioners,
Pi.nellas Gounty, Florida.
Subjsct Reports
G entlenon:
There are sut�mitted herewith the Pollowing reports for ihe month of
September, 1950:
Financial xeport covering z�eceipt� and diabursements for Cleax�water Veteranst
Coun4y Service Office.
Report of activitieg of Clearwster & S�. Peters�urg Veterana+ Gaunty Service
Txusting you vrill find these report� in orcler, I re�ain
JA P�il
A'temo to
Yours truly,
Signed: J. A. Preedoms
County :�srvice Of�ice�.
The Honorable Board of County Commissioner�,
Pinellas CountS, Florida.
SuUject: Financial Report
The fol].osiing is a statement covaring receipts and disbursenents of C�earwater
Vetsranst County Service Office for the month of 5eptembex, 1950:
Pinellaa County .....................�150,00 J. A. Pxeedom,sal.ary..........��3.50
Citvof Cleare�ater .................. 50.Q0 Sacretax�. ............. ... 68.Od
City o� Tarpon Springs .............. 9.00 Car Operation.. . ....,... 25.00
City o� Dunedin ................. .. 9.00 Posta�e & registrs,tions....... 8.30
P�G�, staty. office expense
and incidentals. ..... 14<90
Taiephone and long distsnce-.. 7.90
Tota1..... �p218.00