09/25/1950 '" ... .:",", , '.. ",'1 " " :, ,~ ' d I ,. ~:; :,:':.', .: >/~~'::~;::;':> ~'. . <:. .~, w. . ~ \: ,:;: . , ,,' ~ ~......,.:" . . ':'.:':-- . '", r,'" .' "i:' ::.~..~i~;tt~)f~;: I .' :' ~" : ~ '1: " ; . :;. :;". . ;.....:.:..,:1:. ~ ' . . :",(" ,. . ~ " ;.' ~~: . . ' ,; :~.,:';,~::;,:;\(;.,::i;l~~;~~~~J.;blittj~~~i~~ti~\~~r0~~~~j~i5~(~tf~~~}~tt::'.'. ' ~;~!,.:...,A..l) :.~'.:.;.~ ; .,' "".:~~":~. .. .,,', '. '.' :.. OlrY OOMMISSION MEETI~G Septe~be~ 25~ 1950 The Cit~ Commission of th6 City of Olearwater met in Speoial Session at City Hell~ Monday, September 25th at ?:30 r.M. with the following members present: ;'1 , .\......n '~, '/ 'j '0" .' ,~...~ , I , i I , H.a rry D. Sargea nt Herbert 14. BroWll B. B. Casler Jr. Leland F. Drew Joe Turner -Malor-Commissioner -Oommissioner -Commissioner -Oonnniasionor -Oommissioner .~ " '.. . . . ," . Absent: None ----------.._~ Also Pr6sent Were: ,}',:"" ! f: .'.1 Boyd A. Bennett George T. McOlamma Ben Krentzman -Oity Hanager -Ol1ief of Polioe -Oity Attorney .' " , , . I" ..:~:~,~;~~.;,:. .: ' , . ;' : , " .., ; ~ .:i. The meeting was oalled to order by the Mayor. It was moved by Commissioner Brown that the minutes of the moeting of September 18th, 1950 be approved in aocor- dance with the coP.1 thereof furnished each member in writing, subject to the oor- reotion of paragraph #7 to show that the Coaohman Estate 'Would be willing to pay '2500.00 toward the cost of improvements on Prospect Ayenue; and that the reading of ~e minutes be dispensed with. Tone motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. ~., ~ . . . "\ . , ~ I The Hayor now announced a Public Hearing on the installation of a Sanitary Sewer on C-ypresa street and inquired whether there were any objections. There being no objeotions, the City Attorney submitted the following resolution: RESOLUTION . ":"l : . ..)./,;\, ': .\' . .::' .;~: "~.: ~:~:i~r, ::, . ... ~~" ;r '" I ::. ~.~ .. :\:~):;.rT:;;~~~ 1\.-". ,~.." ", / ,.... "h..1}".. ~ '~[\tt11~iil;' . 'f~f~i~~~ : WHEREAS the City Commission6 by motion duly passed on September 11, 1950, deemed it advIsable, necessary and to the best interest of the City of Clearwater, Florida to do certain work and make certain inprovements~ as hereinafter desoribed, within said Oity, and WHEREAS proper and legal notice of ita intention to do such work has been pub11sh6d, a copy of said notice along with the publisher's affidavit as to ita date of pub1ication being hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and WHEREAS the public hearing thereirl desoribed has this date been held, a:nd the objections thereto not being sufficient, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Oity at Clearwater, Florida in session duly and 1egal11 provided: (1) T~t there being no objections to said bnprovements and it being deemed adY1sable, neoessary and to the best iptereat of said Oity that the following work and improvements be done within said City: Insta1l an a-inch sanitary sewer on Cypress Street on Clearwater Beach, begiruling approximately 103 feet northerll from Clearwater Street at the inter- section with the existing sewer, and running approx- imate1y 497 feet northerly therefrom, together with one manhole and other appurtenances. (2) That the proper officials and eDlployees shall forthwith proceed with said ~provements under applicable provisions of the City Charter. (3) ~t ~hen said ~provements shall have been completed the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property abatting said Street and Avenue~ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September, A.D., 1950. Attest: H. G. Vl1n~o Oity Auditor and Olerk Harry D. Sarp:eant Mayor-Commissioner It was moved by Commissioner Oasler that the Resolution be adopted. The motion wBS seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. The Hayor now announced a Public Hearing on the request of Mrs Eva L. Ciaar tor permission to erect oar ports on Lots 45 and 46, Block RC", Highland Grove Sub- divi8ion~ as a Hardship Oase under the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. K. B. Thayer of the Orest lake Civio Association, objected to tho permit being granted, and submitted a petition signed bY' 44 persons requesting that tho permit be denied. Mr. Thomas Hamilton addressed the Oommission on behalf ot Mrs Cisar; Mr. Andrew Horton acted as Attor.ne7 for the objeotors. Commi8sioner Cas1er moved that this hearing be ad- journed to the next meeting of the Commission October 2nd, to determine if the 12fsue Jna'Y be settled amicably. The motion was 8econded by Canm1ssioner Turner and carried. . ,'" ') ...c'V......""'Y"-P_ ..-....,:, .~_.;~, . . .<,>:.~:y>:/>..;,:,:~i~ i;:':;:: " ',.. . .' .. _, '~,.''". ",., .._"'.~......"~.V_'A""',,,,,",,.,,.,,- '/~:,II,:Sf~;.j';;t~l~~l ,... 1. t" ~ ~ ' ~ '" < .. '. , :~ ."::';1:;{;;.;::::\\;<;~.:\ y~- ?:..~ ,.,..,,,..,,.!t H . ..:.:..:-:.:,~}';\}::'.:~;.:'il.,...,...l ,.d....,' I ".' .' ", . .:l " ',"..' ,.\ '.. I . 1 . , . J r-\ --....' I . ...........~ ; I I j j 'j ~ 1 ':1 ,. ! . . . ...... .... ",_:;;!':!:';Hli!J'(f.~~~;~~':.;~:'?'t'!Y~'*~' ..... ",' OITY COMMISSION MEETING S'eptember 25, 1950 The Chief of Police reported that his department had made a survey ot tl,rtio oonditions at Bel16~ir School tram 7:45 A.M. to 3:45 P.M.; that the survey Showed 721 cars on Lakeview Street, during the period and 2010 cars passing the intersection of LakevIew streot and South Greenwood. The Survey showed 426 students attending tho school. Conmissloner Drew moved that the Commission authorize the necessary ex- penditures to place an officer at the Belleair School during school h~urs. The mo- tion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. The City Attorney reported that he did not have prepared amendment to the plumbing Ord1nance relative to construotion and installation, Item 34 on the Agenda. Tho City Attorney reported that the agreement with the Lions Club relat1ve to the exohange ot properties had been delayed by the re-platt1ng ot COBc~n Heights; however, he thought it would be possible to work out a property descriptioD that would .llow room for a building without contlicting with the right ot wa1 ot the proa posed Court Street extension. He agreed that he would conter with Mr. J. W. Hinda ~~esday, September 26th, to d1scuss the matter. Commissioner Drew, reporting tor the Insurance Committee, said that the Com- mittee had met with representatives of the Insurance Companies and that the Committee recommended that a date be set for a joint meeting with other members of the Commiss1on. Commissioner Turner moved that the Committoe's report be aocepted. The motion waa ,- seconded by Commiss10ner Brown and oarried. It was agreed that the meeting would be at noon, Thursd&y~ September 28th. Commissioner Casler had no report at this time, on the matter ot acquiring a part ot the Walter ThOJ!l8S property for widening Osceola Avenue. The matter was do- ferred, by consent. The City Manager submitted the bid of the Chicago Bridge & Iron Company tor a 1,000,000 gallon \~ter Stand Pipe at $54,660.00, and an alternate bid or $64,725.00 tor an ornamental Stand Pipe, plus $850.00 for painting. These bids would not in- clude the base. Commissioner Drew moved that the bid ot $64,725.00 tor the orna- mental design 1,000,000 gallon storage tank, plus the $850.00 for painting, be approved. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried. The City Manager reported that he had been informed that a certified cOPJ ot the County Commission's minutes pertaining to use of the County owned Marl Pit as a City dump, would be furnished the City, and that the County Attorney thought that would be the only oontraot neces88I7. The matter was deferred, by consent. Commissioner Drew moved that the request of Daniel Brothers tor permission to ereot a sign on the property of Elizabeth Adams on ~-to-Bay Boulevard be denied. Canm1ssioner Turner seconded the motion and 1 t carl'led. CommissIoner Tumor moved that the request of the Martin Outdoor Advertising Company for per.m18sion to erect a sign on the South side of Gulf-to-Bay Bouleva~, one half mile West ot Baskins Replat be denied. The motion was seconded by Can- missioner Drew and carried. Commissioner Brown moved that the roregoing motion be re- considered. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Ccmmissione~ Brown moved that the matter be referred to the Zoning Board, together with the Martin OUtdoor Advertising Company's request for per.mlssion to repair a sign for the National Bakery Company, and a report made at the meeting October 2nd. The JIlotion was seconde/! by Commissioner Turner and carried. The Chief of Police reported that the McGee Electric Company wanted no parkIng meters unless the policy of having alternate meters and parking spaces is continued along the East side of Garden Avenue. Commissioner Turner moved that one of the tif- teen minute tree parking spaces adjacent to the McGee Electric Company, be eliminated. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and car~ied. Commissioners Sargeant, Drew and Turner voted "Aye". Commissioners Brown and Casler voted "No". The City Manager reported that he had conferred with Mr. Rowe relative to hie request for use of the City Hall Auditorium and that Mr. Rowe had informed him that arrangements had been made for another location. The Manager X"Oconnended that two parking meters be installed on the EBs" side of Garden Avenue, North of the Jail. It was moved by COJllJlissioner Brown. seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried that the Manager's recommendation be followed. Commissioner BroWD moved that the Coaahman Park Plat be placed in the hands of the Park Committee tor study and a report. The motion was seconded b1 Commissioner Casler and carried. The City Ka~ger reported that he had investigated the matters complained of b~ Mr. James Harmon, 417 Corbett Street; that he had given the Police Department orders to stop parking on Corbett Street and that the matter of opening the alle,. 1s in progress. Commissioner Turner moved that the Manager's report be acoepted, sub- Ject to further report. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carriedo The Manager recommended that the dead Sea Weed on City owned property be raked up, and hauled away and kept clean~ but the t the sand dunes not be disturbed; that the st~et ends on the beach be oleaned also, if the adjoining property owners w111 do the same. On a motion b7 Commissioner Brown, which was seoonded b1 Commissioner Turner and carried, the City Manager's report was approved. Commissioner Casler moved that the City A ttornoy be instructed to prepare an Ordinance making it un- lawful to move a bulldozer, dragline or other vehicle west ot the most Wester11 streets on Clearwator BeaCh without a per.mit tram the City Manager and the Chie~ o~ Police. 1be motion was seconded b7 Commissioner Brown and oarried. ~ The City Manager reported that the EngineerIng Department had inspected Lots 3_ ~, 6 &nd 13 o~ F1rst Addition to Palm Blurt; that there are vinea, brush.. aorub Oak and ~allen trees on the lots and. the wwk would have to be done by hand. He -\'''' , :~. .' _~r~,"",.-- . ,- ~i!l~f; . ,.... ',;,::.'r, ,. "', . .' .. . ~("!ff~, . :;;/;;~!Ii'.: . \' .,... ~::-",.t." 1,.',- \<........ f ;.;~\f~~~~\~~j:: " i~:~~f~~;~f)~j> ! r;'-.~"")." 1 i"ll: I' ".. .,'.v." f)'?:~~k:&;.t~~;:~1~. '. . V 1 .."....,:) ".,<i......_..,.. <.t~f~;~~;:~~:~:~\~'.~ .. . fc' ...-,........ tl,cJ,: f'"." "'. ..."". ,. i"~I" : 1'0" .. I ','," ',' f, ../ . ,., , .; . I ,~'. ~:: I "'::j.':i':{':' ~:. :, .... ,:.' '. ;hji.'~,:~t&i~rb~)1S~~;:I.:;';L~~.';i;;";';' .;,.;,'", . ,1: , , ,. . . . ,..,;.. .v ,',.., . . ,.~.'~'...-o _... "':' .;, :., ~- CITY COMJ.1 ISSION MEETING September 25, 1960 (I:' (/ .U,tLU;.t1Y~ fJ~&tt:il<): 71ltJfP.-/) . estimated the cost at $90.00. Commissioner Drew moved that the Resolution requiring the oleaning of lots 3,4.6 and 13 or First Addition to Palm Blurf be adopted. T.be motion Was seconded by Comm18sioner Turner and oarried. '\1, . ,I ,. 'I( ',} .~ l~ ,. ~ .~~ . ~ ",e" Relative to the City Mansger's request ~~r instruotion on the pol101 to be followed relative to the cleaning of lots! Commissioner D.rew moved that the Cit7 Manager be 1nstruoted to follow the City Charter to the letter. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Turner and oarried. Oommi8sioner Casler moved the adoption ot a Resolution which would require Lot le, Sue Baroo Subdivision to be mowed and the coats assessed against the ~/ propert,.. The lIlotion was seoond6d by Commiss1oner Brown and. oarl'led. The Chiet' of Pollce reported that Mr. . '-mee F. Magurno had requested the plac- ing ot one hour parldng meters on the East side ot Garden Avenue and on the South Side ot Court street adjacent t. his buildIng now under construction, and that the Hart Oleanere ~1Bbed two 12 minute meters in front of their building on the South aide ot Court Streeto The Chief of Police reoommended that a total ot 3' metera be ordered. The order would inolude meters for installation on Haven street trom Palm Ayenue to Fort Harrison Avenue. C0Jml11ssioner Drew moved that the Chief of Police be authoriled to install stanchions t'or r~rking meters 1n sidewalk next to the Magurno and Hart properties tor the future installation of J1eters. The motIon was seconded by COD1lI1issloner Brown and carrlad. C0JlJI11ssioner Brown moved that 12 parkj,ng metera be purohased and installed forthwi th on Haven Street between Palm and Fort Harrison Avenue. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Drew and OB rr1ed . ;~; '. .l:j '~'1. . i 'j:. " :'1 ,) ,.:1 :, .., ~~. ..j. :~ ,:~ :'~~ /';', ,1'( '. The Clerk WaS instruoted to report on unpaid Lot Cleaning assessments. Commissioner Drew J!loved that the Jn8tter of making Bay and Oak Avenues one way streets be 1nYestigated and brought before th~ Commission. The motion was seoonded b.1 Commiss1oner Turner and carrIed. The request by Mr. Frank Photladls fot' one parking space. without a meter, adjaoent to his restaurant on South Garden Avenue, wus referred,by consent, t. the Oit,. Manager and the Ohief ot Police. The C1 t)" Manager reported that replaoement of wooden sheetIng at the West eneW of Cambria Street would cost $2,000.00, the replaoe.ment being due to storm damage. He reported that replacement of wooden sheeting at We st end of Somerset Street and Xd~ewI1d, and the tilling would cost *800.00. Co.mm1ssioner Drew moved that the City Manager's report be accepted. CommIssioner Casler seoonded the mot1on and It carrIed. 1; "': ".1 .t >l .~. , .:,{,~:; ~~ ~ :; " '.. ,~ , .:'~;'.,'. 1 Oonsideration or the request by the Pinellas County Health Department that the City till a pool of water on the un~proved section ot Turner Street at Glenwood ATenue at an estimated cost of $350.00 was deferred on a motion by Comm1ssioner Drew, which was seoonded by Ccmmiss10ner Turner and carried. The Clerk read a, letter from Allen K. Henry of the P1nellas County Health Deplrtmenti' stating that Mr. Lester Harn of Hams Feed Store had refused to comply with Ordinance ~66 by rat-stopping his building as he bad been notifIed to do by the County Health Department. Commiss1oner Drew moved that the City Attorney be instructed to write Mr. HaF.n a letter relative ~o h1s non-compl1ance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried. Commissioner Brown voted "No". After cons1derable discussion relative to the Sinolair Lease~ it was moved by C01l1l1liss10ner Casler that the present lease be terminated and Mr. Herbert Iangf'oI'd be pe:nnItted to continue as a tenant at suftrance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Drew and carried. Mr. Jack Russell announced that he would like to subJn1t a bid, at suoh time as a new lease comes up tor discussion. The City Manager submitted a letter from Mr. W. H. Wolte, 1n whloh Mr. Wolfe offers to finance In the amount of #4900.00 for gas and water mains for Venetian Point Subdiy1slon, b~ means of gas and wate~ maln extension contracts, but requests that the contract be tor a ten year period 1nstead of the usual six yeara. Com- .1ssioner Brown mO'Yed that the proposal be approved, 1n pl'1nclple, and brought back to the Ocmmission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Oonslder.atlon of the purchase of weather instruments as requested by the Amerioan Red Cross Society was deferred, by consent. Oo~18sioner Brown movad ~~t ~e City Attorney, the City Judge, a representatlye of the Eng1neering Dept.. '., Chief of Police and the Conmissloners who w1shed to attend the Governor~s Safety Council in Tampa, be authorized to attend and that the1p expenses be paid. Commissioner Casler seconded the motion and it carried. The Ci1ly Attorney :read a Resolution designating the City Manager a8 the official having authority to approve the rom~ amount and the surety of 8 bond ~or the OountJ Tax Collector, 8B requ1red by Chapter 26l60~ Special Acts of 1949, Laws of Florida. On a motion b7 Commissioner Brown, which ~s seconded by Comm1se10ner Drew and unanimously carried, the Resolution was adoptedo The C1t~ Attorney submitted a Resolution au~orls~ng the tiling of an appli- oa1;ion wi'th the Federal. GOV81'mnent for en advance to provid.e tor the advanoe plann1Dg of Non-Pederal pub11c works under. the terms ot Public law 362, Blat Congress of the united States, approved Ootober 13th. 1949. It was moved by Oammlasioner Drew, se~onded bT Camm18sioner Brown and unanimously carried that the ~801ution be adopted. On a motion bl Comm1ss1oner Brown, seconded b1 Commissioner Drew aDd carried, the meet1ng _8 d30urned. ~YlJil__ ;'4:' ;~,,"' MtM~ !~~;JI~~~~ (j~~fl/ffi~ ~,;,',.. , " .~":; t 1~fJ-Jv I: '.r' r I. , ;. I~ " ,', : " . .. ""'.. : .'.....,.". '., t ' , .: .'t,: ~'..' ,,"','<' , .", .":';:'~"(;>//'~:tt ': :\/;l;}~~t~ ;;J'~! : '~i,;~~~ - . ~.": ., '.',., ~' . '. . ., -'.:..' ,:_,- l .:.. .c, .: "'. ",:,~,::'~:..;.':.\;:k':';:~'~f~;;tl,r':\~i;.~::ij;i~i:,:~\Oi:~~j':~'~";J:.I~~~,;J,.,;~ri8~~1~;";f;;Lt~..~~:;;1. !- /c7.'.....,.,..",.....'... . 'b v .' }~?(.,,';{?~!', ~t: . \;,....., . "'. . ~ ..... ... ~1. . ~' i~~~~~il;; . t, .,.t. ,..7""'p.. ;\ifjiJ0:~1~:f:; }/,~;;~; ~.:tf.~.~~;~:f.~.:;:..'~ . :.:;:;.'..j:,..,;,'.,. ; /';,:?~\~.::;r~:.:. September 22, 1950 OI'J.'r C0m4ISSION IlEETING September 25, 1950 MaJor-Oommlssioner Harry D. Sargeant CommIssioners I Le 18 nd F. Drew B. B. Casler ~(r. Herbert M. Brown Joe Turner f r [: .' . :i Gentlemen. A Special Meeting of the City Commission will be held 1n the CIt7 Hall, September 26. 1960, at ~I~ P.M. tor' consIderation of 1tems l1sted on the attaChed Agen~. Verr truly yours, Boyd A. Bennett, Ci ty- Manager mBI gg . :;: . .. . . " ',' .. .,'t' ;, ~l .j ~----~--------------~-~-------~ AGENDA ,'.\ 1. Approv1ng of M1nutes ot meeting ot September lB, 1960. 2. Public Hearing on the installation of a sanitary sewer on Cypress Stree~. ~. Public Hearing as a hardship oase under the Zoning Ordinance tor oonstruotion ot car ports on Lots 45 and 46, located on Highland Avenue and Laura Street. 4. Report of oommittee composed of Commissioners Drew and Brown on pe~iss10n tor Daniel Bros. to erect a sign on the property- of' Elizabeth Adams on Gult-to-Ba'1 Blvd. 5. Report from G.hIef ot Police on the survey tor police offIcer at the Belle.ir S~hool. 6. Report ot the City Attorney on the matter ot exchanging property w1th the Lions Club. 7. Report o~ committee comp08ed of Commissioners Drew and Casler on fire insurance covering City property. 8. Report of tne co~ittee composed ot Commissioners Casler and Brown on the acquiring of property from 141'. Thomas tor the widening ot South Osceola Avenue. 9. C~Dslderation of bids received tor the erection ot water standpipe. lO.Report of CIty Manager on appearing betore the County Commissioners September 19. in connection with the lease for the use of the old narl pIt south ot Largo on Belcher Road. 1l.Report of committee composed of the comm1ssion as a whole on the applicat10n of the Martin OUtdoor AdvertIsing Company to erect a sign on Gulf to Bay Blvd - 300 ft. east of West corner of Baskin Replat - also on the request of Martin Outdoor AdvertIsing Company for the reconstruction of a sign on the north side of Gulf to Bay- Blvd. 12.Report of Chief of Police on the installation of parking meters on the aast side ot South Garden Avenue between FranklIn Street and Parle Avenue. l:5.Report of tho City- Manager on the request of the Democratic Part,. to use the auditorium for the entire month of Ootober and first week in November. 14.Report of City Manager and Chief of Police on the request tor parking space - msde by North Garden A venue Liquor Store. l5.Consideration o~ revision of CoaChman Park Plat. l6.Report of City Manager on the matter of encroachment on business streets, called to the attention of the Commission ~ Yr. James Har.mon. living at 417 Corbett Street. l~.Report ot the City Manager on the matter of sea weed along the beach propertr. owned by the CIt~. 18"Report ot CIt3" Manager on the lot at Southeast corner or Palm Blutf' and North Ft. Harrison Avenue, to be cleaned ot weeds and grass. 19.Request 01' the City Manager for instructions as to poliCies ot the City relative to cutting of weeds and grass, in lieu o~ instructions of City Attorney to NOT cut anr weeds and grass unless a detailed survey- and estimates have been made of each lot - then report back to the Comm1ssion. 20.Cons~e~tlon of Mr. JaEes F. Magurno's request for one-hour parking meters cn East side ot South Garden Avenue and South side of Court Street, adjacent to his new building. 21.Cons~eration of request from Mr. Frank Photiadis for one space without parking meters on the east side of South Garden Avenue, adjacent to his restaurant where he can park hIs car which he uses during the day. 22.City Manager's rerort on the estimated ooat ot replacing the wooden sheeting at west end of Cambria Street - recently destroyed by the stor.m - $.2,000.00. 23.0ity Manager's report on the replacement of wooden sheeting at westerly end of Somerset Street or Idlewild and tilling same; $BOO~OO. 24.Clty Manager's report on request of Pinellas County Health Department to till 1n a pool of water on the untmproved section of Turner Street at Glenwood Avenue. Estimated cost $350.00~ 25.Raceipt of letter fram Plnellas County Health Department relative to Ordinance 566, Typlms Control 08se- Lester Harn and Tom Brown. 26.Rece1pt of' letter from Mro Genn Berni relative to damage done by- recent storm to his paVilion between Avalon and Kendall Sts. . 27.Receipt of letter from Oounty Tax Collector relative to bond required by the State I,eg1slature in oonnection with oollecting municipal taxes. 28.Conslderatlon of ordinance presented by Attorneys McMullen and Gosa on behalf o~ the Clearwater General Contractor's Association. 29.Requ8st ot FlorIda League of Munio1pa11tIes relative to specifio recommendations of the C1t~ might have to be m~de to the State Legislature. 3O.ComnissIoner Casler's requl'st tor consideration of pu%'chase of wind gauge to be installed on the fire station. 31.Conside~tion of application to the Federal Government tor ad~nce ot tunds to oover tbB engineering coats tor plans tor the construotion of sto~ sewers. 32.Jlanager's request tor 1nstruotiori8 from the COllln1ss10n 8ft to the lease on what 1. 'j... . ;:.. .'.'.~/.~ ~. ;. ..~/ i' \. ;~ -.. . . .' ':[f.f~~~E~~~'~'S1i(~~'{..'~.r{:~:".":'."5':'>.: .. . ,;:,.- . '. '. . <;";{; (;~~*~~~~~;~1'::.::;I.~it~::jL~,i;'.l;;;;';, ,_L...:.,~~;;."~: iJ::~~~>'; ;'2;i.~>:;;;,,; "...,,-'.;.~;_":_,". .:~~^"; ,;;;{;.~:: ~;~,:;. :,; ;,." ,. .#,,:;, ..:.,~.".:,; . .';';, , _,., .;,;" ..._: ,',: O~TY COMMISSION MEE~ING September 25, 1950 Agenda--Cont'd. Item 32. cont'd Known 88 Sinolair FillIng Station on the Causeway. which expires September 30,1950.".: 33. C1ty Manager's suggestion to appropriate 010.000. at Oigarett~ Tax tor pur-' chase o~ equipment for sanitary r1ll. 34. Presentation by City Attorney 01 ordinance amending plumbing ordinance relative . to oonstruction and installation. Ad j ournment --~~.~---~~._---.-~-~~---~--~---- PB'l'I!l'IONS (Re Car Porta on Lots 4! and 45, Block "C. H1ghland Grove) September 19, 1950 CleQrwB ter TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, the underB1gned property owners in the bnmed1ate vicin1ty at Clevelaad St. and B1gbland Ave., reg1ster serious objeotions to the ereotion or garage buildings tor pub11c use or apartment house use on the property adjaoent to 1486 B. Cleveland St. (Signed br 42 property owners) -------_....~_...., Petit10n Sept. 21, 1950 I strong1'7 objeot to the 81'ection of garage buildings on the lot noxt to mine. Mrs. Haael D. Overdor1t, 1486 E. Cleveland St., Clearwater, Fla. ---...--.................. Petition We protest an7 change 1n zoning laws. Richard A. stevens Cora s. stevens 1482 E. Cleveland St. Clearwater_ Fla. ~~~--~----~-----~_._-~~.~.~ Pet1tIoJl ClearwaterL P10rida Septembe r 20, 195GlJ The Crest lake Association wishes to go on record as' opposIng the petitIon ot Eval L. C1ssz- tor erection of garages on Lots 45 and 46, in Block "Cn, ot Highland Grove. Subd1vlsion~ Clearwate~, Florida, and wants to make known the desire of the Asso- ciation that the zoning on tne property in question remain R-2 and that no exception be gl'8nted. CREST lAKE ASSOCIATION Br Signed: Andrew S. Horton President ---------~----------.----~~~--~---~------._--- - Mr. E. B. Casle~ Jr., c/o Casler and Douglas, Davey-McMullen B1dg., Olearwater, Flor~da. Deal' Hr. CaSleI-f September 25, 195Q Clearwater, Florida At the last meeting of the Disaster Preparedness. am. Reliet Oommittee it was brought to the attention or the members, o~ this COJrmi ttee tba t it would be a great means ot protection and 8ssursoce 1~ the C1t} of C1earwater could manage to seoure an accurst. barometer" a wInd gauge instrument for determining the velocity at w1nds~ and also a guage that would measure tIdes. I am not .f'aJ:li11ar w1 th the names at these particular 1natrwmenta. but I suggest that you b~lng this to the attention of the Oity Commission at 1ts next meeting. '!'he Plrcmee of these instruments wou.ld be a cheap investment~ and could be located at ~e Beach Fire Station and checked pe~1odIcally by Fire Chief Treola. Thanking you tor' ,.our cooperstlon in this DBtter, I am Sinoere1y yours, Signed: John W. LaPioe, Execu t1ve Seoretary mE AKERICAB RED CROSS. .":::::"':;., '. '\~~i'ik"'if~u;:;~;i!.;:::;::.~:~~~'~,~::,,1.'.. "':..C;;>('~'i .;;:;;.,.~~:.",,~, ~ . " C)"\...,.' "...~.,:!',:.. o'W,...o,o.J$onltrentsmaXl, Cit;7.AttorJle1 . .. ';~ ..~.y~}!tJ~~:~{~;i{;W~'~;~l;:.?:~~~:~.~,'ne~~.":.' ..~~ t~ .J.Ia r'Ill8eJ.O .,. '.: " ' , " ' }." . . ~""''''I. ._' ,. ,.~"'~.:.' ~,j.";o; .~:' ;;.<r....:r....~.";, ' ." .,.... ~'",.;. ..C:, ,:' ....... ' CITr OOMMISS~ON ~EETING september 25. 1950 September 25, The Honorable Menbers ot the City C01l1niss1on City ot Clearwater Clea~ter, Florida Dear Sirs: On beh$lf ot' J. R. Billett Co. Inc. and Myself, I w1eh to br1ng up betore the Oom- mission the question ot the water main and gas \txtenaion Ggreement in oonneot1oll with the proposed s~bdiv~.10n known as Venetian Point, located at the 1nter3eotloD of Hor~ Port Harr1son and 8tepnenson Street. As 1 underatand th6 situation, Mr. B~nnett, tba City Manager, has proposed that the cost or 1nstal11ng the water and gal' mains "Which togather approximate "900.00. be advanoed b, the company under Ordinance 1551, whereby $'75.00 would be refunded tor eaoh .ter conneotion and 50 per cent. of the monthly gas billa be returned. both to be 11mited for a period of six yeara. The polic,. Hems to bave been to make two .gresnent8~ one in oonneotion with water and one in connection with gas, I am personal~y trying to make an agreement with the Billett COIl1pany whereby I would put up th1s money 1n order tor the gas and .ter to go into the subdivision. 'You possibly leno.. that the stOrJll caused oonsiderable damage to the installatIon re- 8luting in extra pumping and Mr. Billett ~nto to make a deal with me to put up this money and 1t would be returnable to me. Your Ordinance #551~ in mw opinion, was never meant to apply to land 100ated In the City o~ Clearwater where 1t was immediately susoeptible to belng bui1t on fOr res1denoe purposes. One house has already been started on the new pumped-in land. In other words. it the City had the funds. it should be the policY' to furnish to furnish water and gas to anY' property located in the town w~thout the owner putting up large sums for the 1nstal1ation. However, \1'e know that the C1t~ doea not have these t"unds but, in mY' opinion. the principle should be established that whoever does put up the funds should ul~1matel'Y be reimbursed and the City lShould not profit on the in8ta~lation but only protit on the water and gas after tue In- sta11atlon was paid offG I would appreciate this ~tter being brought up tonight as Mr. Billett 1s anxious to have me enter into the agreement at an early date T71th the City so that the mains Da~ be 1natalled. Inasmuch as the funds to be advanced, 8:(?prox1matel,. t4900.00, will not draw an1' interest. it 18 my thought that until the 14900.00 1s returned there should be no 11mi t ot tme on the agreement. If you gentlemen feel that there DUst be 8 l1m1t o~ t~e. surely six years is too Short. I suggest a minimum of ten years. Also, 1n view of the war conditions. it i8 telt that at any time during Which. because o~ W8r priorities, it will be impossible to construct home, ~t that time should be el~inated from the ten-year period. I txuat that you w111 author1ze the City Manager to enter into an agreement that would return the tunas to the plrty who advanced them. Very truly yours, W. H. Wolfe WHW: kmo -~--~------------"-----~---- September 15.. U~5.0. Mr. H. G. Wingo, OitY' Auditor & Olerk City ot Clearwa ter City Ball Clearwate~, Florida Dear Mr. Wingol This w11l acknowledge your lette~ or September 2nd, regarding the cases ot Mr. Lester Earn and Hr. Tom BroWD ln conneotion wIth City at Olearwater's Ordinance No. 566 ~~Pbu8 Control." Mr. Douglas Brown partner w1th Tom Brown has signed a contract with the Pinellaa Count, Hea1th Department on September 13th to rat-stop the building concerned. This work w111 be started by the Health Department on or abo~t September 18th. Mr. Lester Hem was contaoted on SepteDlber 14th and still ~ef'uses the rat-stoppage work by yom- OrdIJULnce No. 566. Mr. Me rshall' 8 1nspection o~ Mr. Harn' s teed store showed evidence of past rat 1nv88tat1on, rat droppings and rat tracks were observed throughout Mr. Ham's teed stOr8e. Mr. Barn adm1tted to 141'. Marshall that he bad mice in his teed store and that he had trapped approximately 40 last week. The attached copt of the letter addressed to Mr. Ham Febrllary 22, 1950 was sent registered JI1Q11~ return receipt requested. I feel that this letter would constitute legal written notice for Jar. Ham to campl'1 'W1th Ordinance No. 566. I:' you desire f"urther information regarding !dr. Harn's case please do not hesitate to callan me or Mr. Marsball. .',', . VS%7 trulY' Jour_. Slgnech Allen K. Ren""., Sax11ta17 Engineer PIHBLLlS OOU1lrY HBA.IIm DEPARTIlBtftl ~,~ .,... i.: Tha t ho is the duly appointed water, Florida, That he haa this day deposited a copy of' the above am foregoing legal notice in connection with the applioation 0 Eva L. Oisa!' tor an exoeption to the Zon1ng Act 1n the mail. w1 th the required p stage affixed thereto, to each of the per- sons hereinafter listed, addressed a indicated, and that said address is the address of eaoh said person as is indicated n the records o~ ~e County ot Pinellasl ADDRESS . ,.'~ .. ,~, "'~;.1i. 'h':.?)~'f~ ;:\~~.~/?,.',j\:t'~ ~~:~~,:~t:;~~'';:J; '~.:;, .. ..:~' ,.,';:.:,"",'.,: . .., ,',',.<> "".; '". ...:...i:I......,'1...;:.:":. ".".':" \ '-.,'''":- . . . .' ..~~t7~~iJij;1;:~:~;}):;i{~i~,i,Ci;;;h:"i:~:;.t:;l...::J; ~,';;:,~.:i:;i;.:;:;!'".;".:~~;;;~~:.;~.;,;..i:.~~L~~:.~~;;;:-~;:,,:.,~,~~ ,..~'.;;:::":::J.~.,";;~" ,,!,.;.;~~;....;:,_;~: >.~~"L:;i2L:';~~i:;l0:~f~~b:lf.:.~:,'.;\' .,..,:.., OITY COlWI SION DM'ING Septembe 25, 1950 ~ .-I NO~IOB IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Cit, Oommission ot t e Oity ot Olearwater. Florida. sitting a~ a ' board of adjustment and appeal. and ct1ng under the author1t,' of the Clt,. Zoning Ordinance. w111 hold.. public hear1n at the City Ball 1n said Oity on Monday, September 25th, 1950 at 7145 o'oloc P.M. to consider and act upon the petition at EVA L. CISAR for an exception to the soning act oonoerning the following described propertYI DATED at Clearwater, Florida r the hardship provisions of the Zoning Aot 60 ~eet ot the above desoribed propertr ot ccomodate six oars pr10r or before tbe oon- 11ding on said premises. 12th day of September,A.D.,1950. H. G. WINGO CIt~ Auditor & Clerk :;~"',"! ~ :~}Jr~ ;;. ..... Lota 45 and 48, Block "C" HIGHLAND GROVR SUBDIVISION, Cl arwater, Florida. acoordlng to the map or t thereot as recorded amons the public reco s ot Pinellas County,F1orida said property tront1ng on the north 8ide ot Cleveland Street approximately 100 teet west of Highland Avenue in Clea ater,Florlda. PetitIoner requests eD exception und to allow the construction on the nor carports or garages large enough to struction at a main or residential b Please publish onoe each on September lath & September 14th. ---~~~-~--- -~~--~-------~-- 4FF DAVIT STA TE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PlNELIAS) Before me. the undersigned aut orlty" personall,.. appeared BBN lCRENTZMAN, who first being duly sworn, depoees and ays: C1~~ Attorney for the City ot C1ear- PROPERTY Blook "C" Lots 5 & 6 R1cha rd A & , Cora S. Sevens Block .C", Lota 7&8 John ]4. C Y Block .0" ~ts 47 &: 48 Ira R. Ta er & . l4arJ L. T nnaI' Block "C. lDta 43 &: 44 Basel D. verdortt &: , "0", Bertha M. McConnaughe'1 Blook Lots 41 & 42 R1chard A Stevens &: Cora S. S evena Block "D". Lots 1 &: 2 Thomas M. Jones & Caroline , . Jones Block .Dq Lots 3&4 Burgess P Starr &: . "D"~ Ma1'1 S. S arr Block lDts 5 &: 6 James A. obinson & "D" Ma1'1 B. R b1nson Block Lots 7 &: 8 Alao Oham ers & , Laura !dab 1 Chambers Further, the affiant 1482 E. Oleveland St.. Olearwater,Florida Route 1. Richmond, Kentuclq. 16 Bw Ft. Harrison St., OlBarwater, Florida 1488 E. Cleveland St., Clearwater, Florida 1482 E. Cleveland St Clearwater, Florida Clearwater, Florida. 1496 K. Oleveland St.. Clearwater, Florida. 148? Oleveland St., Clearwater, b~orlda. Clearwater, Florida. Ben Krentsman Sworn to and subscribed before me tbis 16th day ot September, A.D., 1950. Florence M. Gra7...&, Hotarr Pub11e .,.'.,. ",. ,......-- RESOLUTION -...- q~~!~~~=::~~'i"":'~'i;'"t.\";;;;C>~;}""~";;:""'"~","';~";"";~O"'C;;.~:.~".;.:;C";'i<;""0.""..~~~~\~~ CITY COJDlISSION MEETING September 25, 1960 WHEREAS the City OOmmission, by motion duly passed on September 11; 1950. d~med it advisable, nec6sS8r,y and to the best Interest ot the 01tr ot Clea~~.r. P10rIda to do certain work and make oertain improvements, as hereInatter descrIbed, within said C1ty. and WHBREAS proper and legal notice ot its intention to do such work haa been pl1blished, a cop)' ot aald notioe along wlth the publlsher's aftidavIt as to it. date ot publioation be1ng hereto attaohed and br reterenoe made a part hereot, and WHEREAS the pub11c hearing therein desoribed has this date been held, and ~e objeotions thereto not being suff1cient, NOW 'l'HEREFORB BE I'l' RESOLVED by the Clty CommissIon ot the Cit,. ot Clean. tel', Florida in session duly and legally provided: (1) That there being no objeot1ons to said imprQvementa and It being deemed advisable, necessary and to the best 1nterest ot SAid CItr that the tollowing work and ~provementa be done withIn &a1d City: Install an a-3.nch sani tal'1 sewer on C,.prus Street on Clearwater Beach, beg1nning approx1mate17 lOa ~eet northerly trom Clearwater Street at the lnter- section with the existing s8wer, and running approx- 1mately 497 feet norther17 therefrom, together with one anhole and other appurtenanoes. (2) That the proper otfioials and employees ahall torthwith proceed with said improvements under applioable provisions 01' the City Charter. (3) That when said improvements shall have been completed the cost thereot shall be assessed against the propert~ abutting said street and Avenue. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day 01' September, A.D.,1950. H. G. WittO 01ty Aud or & b~erk Harry D. Sargeant Mayor-Com1as1oner t11JJ~f, '{. ''':''~ ~..}:~~\.~i:~'~'. . f.'. '. '11::..;1}~~ :.' '::"~-~':~~)'~~Y'{ ; ,.....".'\.:1, r . ;,::'",.,.;, I ' , I . .... ".f,~,~Ii~; ";"1" t:;;'! ,''V".: Attest: ---~--------~-----~-----~-~~-~---------~~---~----~---- RESOLUTION WHEREA.S by virtue or Chapter 2e160, Speclal Acts of 1949, laws ot Florida, the Tax Colleotor 01' Pinellas County, Florida was desIgnated as the collector of' taxes for the City of' Clearwater, and WHERFAS by virtue of said Chapter it is provided that the Tax Colleotor of' Pinellas County, Florida shall enter into an additional bond wlth good and Buffi- oient surety, conditioned to dul,. and taithfUlly acoount for all taxes collected ror each municips1it:r at the time and in the Ilanner provided b:y law, and WHE~S said Chapter provided that such a bond be entered into in favor ot the Oity or Clea~ter~ Florida in the prinoipal amount of $.lO~OOO.OO, the premiums -roI' whioh are to be p&id by the Oity ot Clearwater, Flor1da~ and WHERFAS said Ct-..apter prOVides that the fol'Z'l, amount and suret,- as oontained in each bond sha~l be approved by the Mayor or other exeoutive head or each muni- cipality~ or by some person designated in writing b~ the Mayor or other executive head 01' each municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE I~ RESOLVED by the 0Ity Commission 01' the City of Clearwater~ Florida in session duly and legally provided: 1. That Boyd A.. Bennett as City ltlanager of the City ot Clearwater, F10rida 18 hereby' designated 815 the person having authol'1t'1 to approve the 1'orm~ amount and Burety as contained in each such bond. 2. That the principal amount of aaid bond above described 1a hereby approved by th1e Commission. PASSED AM) ADOPTED this 25th day of September, A.D.~1950. Attest: H" G. Wi~o Oity Auditor and Olerk Harr~ D. Sargeant Mayor- omm1ssioner , .. ).. ' ~. " :(J~\~tr.)f.\:~~r:;i':'i):.~;>'':'~'(::.[i\';.}..: . .. , ".:0 i.. ~..' , ' '. CITY COHMISSION MEm'IltO Soptember 25, 1960 R&SOLUTION Author1a1ng tiling ot applicat10n with the United st.tes of America for an advance to provide tor the advance planning of non- Federal public works under the terms ot ~blio Law 352, Blat Congress ot the United States, approved Ootober 13. 1949. WHEREAS, The 01tr ot Clearwater, Florida, heroin oalled the -applioant-, atter thorough cons1deret1on of the various aopects 01' the problem and etudJ ot ava1lable data has hereby deter.mined that ~e construotion 01' aertain pub110 workll. 8snerally descr1bed all the extension and enhrg8JllEtnt o~ el:1ating atom sewer S1st0B8 in said 01tr, including oolleotors and outtall aewera, 1n the business and adjacent watershed erea, 111 deslrable and in the publio interest and to that end 1t 18 necessary that action prel1minary to the construotion ot aaid works be taken 1mm~cUatel"J and WHEREAS, under the terms ot Pub11c 14. 352, Slst Congress, approved Ootober 13, 1949, the United States 01' America has author1zed the making or advances to pub110 bodies to a1d in de~ray1ng the. cost ot arohitectural, en- gineer1ng. and economic investigations and studies, surveys, designs, plana. w02'k1J1g dra'Wings, specifications, procedures. and other aotion prelim1nary to the construct1on of public works (exclusive ot housing); and WHEREAS, the applicant has examined and duly considered suoh act and the app1icant oonsiders it to be in the publio interest and to its benetit to tile an application under said act and to authorize other action in connection there- with; NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by The Oity COJlUIlission of the City ot Clearwater, Florida. in sesslon duly and legally prov1ded, the governing body o~ said applioant, as follows: 1. That the construction or said publio works is essential to and is to the best interests of the applloant, and to the end that such publiia works ma, be provided as promptly as praoticable it is desirable that action preliminary to the construotion thereof be und~rtaken immediately; 2. That Boyd ~. Bennett, a8 City Manager, be hereby authorized to rile in behal.t 01' the applioant an app11cation (in rom required b,. the United states and 1n contor.mit7 with said act) tor an advance to be Dade b7 the ~nited states to the applioant to aid in defraying the plaming cost preliminary to thB construotion of such pub110 works, which shall. consist generally of the extension and enlargement of ex1sting stonn sewer systems in said City, inclUding colleotors and outfall sewers in the business and adjaoent waterShed area; 3. 'l'hat if suoh advance be made the applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to prov1de such funds, in additIon to the advsnce. as Jlla1 be required to defray the cost of such action pre- liminary to the construction or the public works; 4. 'll1e said representative 1s hereby authorized to furnish suoh in- format1on and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualify for the advance; 5. TIm t the o.f'.f"1cer designated in the preceding pe,ragraph 1s hereby designated as the authorized representative of the applicant for the Pllt-pOS8 of furnishing to the United States such information, data ~ and. documents pertaining to the applios t10n tor an advance as may be :required; and otherw1se to act as the authorized re- presentative c~ the applicant in connection with this application. 5. That certified copies ot this resolution be included as part of the application fer an advance to be submitted to the United States. . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September,A.n.,1950. A.T'lEST: Ha~ D. Sargeant Mayor- omm1ss10ner B. G. Wingo Oity Auditor and CJ.81'k ,....:.,/...~fI :::./. ''I" ", '. l' J ) 41 : ~ ..... .' '>.~; ~~, ':~~\~i? ~\~:iY~;: ij]/j:.'.> ~'~ }~fir,\~ G.~\~tt ?~.~:.~: 'r" ~. ,. '..: ;" ,'". ':,\,~'\:;'::~1:,' {.-<.:~ :.~!","','r . , .', ~~~~~ . . .. .' OI'l'Y COMMISSION MEETING September 25, 19tsO CERTIFIGA TE OF REOORDING OFFIOER v rT I, the uDdersigned, the dull quall1'ied and aoting Clt7 Ole:rk or the 01t,. 01' Olearwater. Florida. (herein oalled the uapplloantW) and the keeper of the recorda 01' the app11cant. Inoludlng the. journal 01' prooeedings of the. 01t, OanmIaslon 01' the 0Ity 01' Clearwater, Florida, (herein oelled the 'Oovel"l'11ng bod,.-), cio hereby oertlfyf 1. ~t the attached resolut1on 1s a true and corNct ooPT o~ the resolution as tInally adopted at a meeting ot the governing body held on the 25th der 01' Sept~ber. 1950. and dulJ recorded in my office; 2. That said meetIng was d\'.lr l;Jonvened and held 1n all respects in acoordanoe with law and to the extent required by law, due al1d proper notice of such meeting was given; and a 18g&1 quorum was present through- out the meet1ng, and a legal11 sufficient number 01' members or the govern- ing bod,. voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of saiel reso- lut10n; that all other requirements and proceedings under the law ino1dent to the p~oper adoption or passage of said resolution, including publi- oation, 11' requirod, have been duly fulfilled, carried out. and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to exeoute this cert1ficate; :5. That if' an 1mpression of a seal has been aff'ixed below. it OOD8~ltutea ~e official seal of the applicant and this cert1ficate i8 herebT executed under such official seal; but if no seal has been aft1xed~ ~e applicant d08S not have an orfic1al 5eal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hflnd this 26th da~ of Sept~ber, 1950. H. G. Wingo H. G. Wingo, C1t, Clerk. C1ty ot Clearwater, Florida .,' . . ,.' ..." ; , ~ " ,> '.:. ,"'. . '," ....' ...- ' '~...,' ..;.. l' :, .,. .... ," 'l ,," CITY COMNIISSION MEETINa 8'eptember �5s 195(3 The City Commiss3on oP the Cit� oP Clearwater met in Special Session at City Ha].l, Rlonda y, 5eptember 25th at 7:30 P.�. with the Pollowing members presez�t; �iarry D. Sargearit Tierbert N;. Brown E. B. Caaler Jro Leland F. Drew � Joe Turnbr Abaent: N one AZso Present Were: Boyd A, Bennet't George T. IricClamma Ben Krentzman -Mayor�Commissioner �Couunissioner -Commissioner -Co�nissioner -Commissioner �City Alanager -CkiieY oP PoZica -City Attorney 'i'he meeting was called to order by the Mayor. It vras moved by Coum�issioner $rotivn that the minutea of the meeting of September 18th� 1950 be approved in sccor- dance with tY:e copy �hereoP fta.rnished each member in cvriting, sub ject to �he cor� rection of paragragh ,�'7 to shoti� that the Coachrnan Estate would be willing to pay �¢2500.00 toward the cost oi improvements on Prospect Avenue; and that the reading oP the minutes be dispensed with. �he motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carriedo Tha Magor now announced a Public Hearing on the installatian of a Sanitarg Sawer on Cypress: Street and inquirsd whether there were any objections. Thers being no objections, the City Attorne� submitted the follovring resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the City Co�niasion, b� motion duly passed on September 11, 1y50, dee�ed i� advissble, necessary and to the beat interest of the City o£ Clearwater, Florid� to do certain wor� and make certain improvements, as herel.nafter describea, within said City, and Wfi'EREAS proper and le�al notice o£ its intention to do sT.zc� work has been published, a copy oP said z�otice along with the publisher's aPPidavit as to its dato of' publication being hereto attaehed and by rePerenca made e part hereof, and �REAS th� public hearing therein describad has this date been he1d, a:nd the objections therato not being suf�icient, NOVP THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED b� the Gitg �ounnission of tha Ctty of Clesr�ater, Florida in session du1.y and legally provided: (1.) '�ha � there beir.g no ob jections to said �mpraver�ents an� i� being deemed advi�sble, necsessary and to the best interest of said City that the following work and improvements be done within ssid City; Install an 8�inch sa*�itary,sewer �n Cppress Street on Clearwater Beach, beginning a�,proximatelg 103 feet nor�therly Prom Glearwater Street at the inter- section with the existing sewer, and running approx- imately 497 feet northerly therePror.i, together with one m.anhole anci other appurtenances. (2) That the proper oPficials and employees shall farthwith proceed with said Smprovements under applicab3e provisions of the City Charter. (3) That when said improvem�nts sY�all 2�s�ve been aor,�p�.eted the cost thereoP sh�ll be assessed against the prop�rty abutting said Street and Avenue. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day oi September, A,�., 1950. Atteste �Harr U.� Sar�eanv H' �° Y�inga ayo� r-Cos�nissioner Cit� Auditor and Clerk It was moved by Commiasioner Casler that the Resalvtion b� adopted. The motioz� was seaonded by Commissioner 2'urner and carried unanimously. Tiie Mayor nove announced a Pub13c Hearing on the request of Mrs Eve L. Cisar Por permission to erect car ;�orts on I,ots 45 and 46, Block "C", Highland Grove Sub. division, as a Hsrdship Case under the Zoning Ordinance, bIr. M. B. Thayer of the Crest I,ske Givic Associat3on, objected to the permit being granted, and submitted a pet3t3on signed by 44 persons requesting that the permit be denied. 2dr. Thom�s Hamilton addressed the Commission on beYu�l� oP birs Gisar; l;ir. Andrew Horton acted as Attorne� for the objeators. Commi�sioner Casler moved that this hearing be ad- journed to tiz� next meeting of the Cornm3ssion Oetober 2nd, ta datermine iY tho iesue may be settled amicablqs The motion was seconded by� Coximissioner Turner and carried. �� � �J�.� CITY COb1Iti3TSSI0N A4EETINC� S'ep�ember �5, 1950 The Chief of �oliae reported that 3�is depar�nen� had made a survey of traffio eond3tiona at Belleair .�ahooJ. 1'rom 7:45 A.M. to �:45 PoM.; tha� the survey ahowAd 721 cars on Lskeview Street, during the period and 2010 osrs passing the interae�tion uf Lakeview Street and South Qreenwood, Tiie Surveg shawed 426 studente att;enti�.ng th� ochool. Couaniasioner Drew mov�d that the Coir¢nission authorize the nacesssry ex- per�ditures to glace an �Pficer at the Belleair Sch�ol dur3n� snhool hours. The ma- tiAn 'was 9econded by Commissionor Turner and oarried, The City� �.ttorney reported that he did not i�ave prepared amendment to �he plumbing Ordi.nance relative to eonstruoti�n arxi 3nataZlstioa� Ttem 34 on the Agen�ls. The City Attornsy reported thet the agreemex�� �1.th the L:Lona C1ub relative to the exehange o�' properties had beeas delayod by the re-•platting of Coaciunsn Heights; however, he f,hou�ht it would be possible to �vork ou� a property desaription that would all.ot� xoom �or s builciing without canflic�ting with the right oi way� of` the pro- poaed Court Street extenaion. He agreed that he wauld con£er with Pdr. J. W. Hi:nds Tuasday, September 26th, to diseuss the mfztter. Commissioner Drew, reporting for t;t�� Insurance CQmmi�tee, said that the Com- mittee had met vrith representativas of �ha rnaux�ance Cor�panies and that the Co�nittee reco�mended that a date be set for a joint meeting w3th other members oP the Coimnission. Co�issioner Turner moved that ths Corsnittee�s report ba accepted. fihe motian was seconded by Commissioner Brorrn and carried. It vvas agreed that tYi.e meet3n� would be at noon, Thursd��, Septe�ber 28th. Co�mniss3.oner Ca91sr ?iad no report at this time� an the matter of ao�:;tiring a: part of the K'alter Tho�a property for r�idening OsceoZa Avenue. The ma�ter ivas de- ferred, be conaent. The City fi�ianager aubmitted the bid of the Ch3cago Brid�e & Iron Gompany for a 1s00Q,000 gallon Water SL:and Pips at �54,56�oG0, and an alternate bid oS' �64,725.00 £�r an orr.amental Stand P�pe, p�ua �850.OJ Por painting. These bids woul.d not in- clude the base. Coamiissioner Dre� mot*ed that the bid oP �64,725.00 �or the orna- mental d9sign 1s000,000 gall�on atoz�ge tanks plus the $p850.00 Por painting, be appr�vedm The ma�ion was seconded by Cc�panissioner Turner and carried. �'h� City Manxger reported that he had been inPor�ed that a eextiPie� copy of tha County Co�nisaioxs's minutes pertaining to use of tha County owned Mar3 Pit as a Cit� dump, t�ould be Purnished the Ci�y' and that the Count� A�torney though� that would be �he only contract neceasarya The matter �raa deferreci, �y consen�. Ccazuuissioner Dre�c moved that the r�queat of Dan3el Bro�hers �or permission to er�ct a sign on the proper�y of Elizsbeth Adams on �ulf-t�o-E�� Boulevard be deniedm CGmmission�r Turner seconded the motion and it earriedm , Co�nisaiQner Turner moved ihat the reques� of �he h4�ar�in Outdoor Adverti�ing Com�any for permission to erect a sign on the Soubh aide Af tiulf-to_Bay Boulevard, one ha3� mile YYest of BasYins Replat be denied. The motion was seconded by Ca�- missioner Drew and carriede Ca�unissioner Brotian movecl that the foregoing motion be re- cr�nsidered. The motion �as. seconded by Coiruniasioner Turner arxl ca�rie@m Cosmn3ssione� Brov�n movod t}�t the matter be rePesred to the Zaning 8carde tagether vrith the �tar�in Outdoor Advertiein� Compan;rs request f�r per�ission to �egair a sign for the National �akary Carapany, and a report made at the aieeting bctobex� 2nd. ThA m�otion w�s secondedi by Commissioner Turner and carried, The Chi�f oF Folice reporied that the �SeGee Electric Company wanted no parking meters unless the policy oP having a3ternate moters and parking spaces ia continued along the East side oP Gaxxien Aveauea Commissioner �zrner movad that ons of th� fif- tsen 7ni.riute free parking sgacea ad jacent to the MeGee Electric Company, be e].iminated. The mo�ion was seconded by Commissioner Iirew and carrie�l. Conmi3ssionera Sargean�, Drew az�d Turner voted tPFiye��. Commias�oners Brotisn and Casler voted "No�°. The City Rianager x^eport�d thst he had conPerred with �ir. Rowe relative to his raquest Por use of the Cit� �ia11 Auditorium and that �ir. Rowe had ir.Pormed him that ar�s�angements had been mada for another locatione T'he Managar reco�anended th�t t�o parking me�ers be inatalled on the Eas� sicl.e o�£ Garden Avernze, North of �he Jail. It was maved by Corarniasioner Brawn$ seconded b� Commtssioner DreA �nd earried thst the Maz�ager�a reco�mendation be followeda Caimniasioner Brov�ra moved that the Coachman Park Plat be placed in the hands o1' the Park Co�ittee PoF atudy and a report. The moti'on was seconded b� Comnis�ione� Caalex and aarried. The City Managex repor�ed that he h�d inves�igat�d the mattera complained og by B.r. James H& �10Fis 417 Corbett S�ree�� that he had given the Police Department order� tu a�op �axuing on Corbett Street and tha� �he m�ztter of opening the al7.ep ie in prograsa. Co�issioner 2'urner� movefl tYiat the aianager� s report be accopted, aub- jact to #'urther rsport. Coffinissior.c�r BroR�n aecondec� the motion and it carried, The bianager recoumzgnded that the dead SeA iNeed an City ovmed prnperty be rakad up, and h�uled avaay �nd kept cleans but tha't the sand dunes not be disturbed; �1�.e�� the stree� ends on the beaeh be clQaned e,1so, iP the adjoinin� proporty ownars will do �he s�me, On a�otion b� Coramissiorier Bro�ar.,, which was seconded by Coirmiis�ioner Tszrner a:�d c�.rried, the Citg bi�snsger�� report was approved. Coumiiasioner Casler maved that the Citg Attorney be inatru�,.ted to prapare axi Ordinance making it un- law.ful to move a bullaozar, dragline or other vehicle {�(fea� of th� most Westerl� atroe�s on Cle�i�water Beach without a perm3t fxom the Ci{,y Ma�ager and tYso Chief of Police. The mo�ion was aeconded 'by Coarmiiasioner Brown �n�d carrieda yc The Citg Msnager rep�rte� tr.at the Engineering Departmex�t had inspacted Iats 3, �, 5 and 13 of firs� Addition to Fa1m Blu�`f; thKt thare� are vines bruah acrub og�c and fai2en triees on the 7Lots and the �rork would have to be done by hand.� HE CTTY COMIrtIS�ION NiEETING �'Sb Septem}aer 25, ].250 �. „ {� ' q ' „� 1�;; i ,(���t.�„�L�.r?<i /G�k`1,<(%i�;. ;�n�� ,l estim�,ted the coat at �90.OU. Commissioner Drew moved that the Resalution reqairing the cl�aning of lots 3,4r5 and 13 of First Additlon to PaYri Bluff be adoptedy The motion wae seconded by Commieaioner Turner and carried. Relstive to tho C�tg Mana�er�s request for instx�uction on the palicy to be followed relative to the clgan3ng of �ots, Conuniasioner Z::�ew moved that the City Mana�er be instructed to falloe� the City Char�er t� the letter, 'I'he motion wae seconded by Coirnnissioner Turn�r end carried. Commissioner Cealer movecl the adoption oP a Reso3.ution whicYa. would require Lot 16, Sue Barco Subdivi�ian to be mowed �.nd the coata asseased ageinat the --� property. The mo�ion w�a� secorzded by Co�rcissioner Brown ar•cl aarried. The Chief oP Police reported that� �:r. - Jam�s F. Msgurno had re�qu.e�ted the plac- in� of on� Yiour parking meter� on the East sicie oP Garden Avenue �nd on the South Side of Court Straet ad�ecent ta Y�As buiid3ng nov� under con�truction, and that the Iiar� Cleaners wished two i2 minute materg ir. front of their buiZding on the South side oi' Court Street. The Chief' of Police reconenenfled that � total af 34 meters be ordered. Ths order �rould in_clude gcetorm far installation on Iiaven Strest froffi P�lm Avenue �o Fort Haxrison Avenue. Corr�ni9sioner Drex moved that the Chief of Paiiee be authorisad to inatall atanchion� :Por parking metera in sidewalk next �o the Msgurno �nd I3art proper�ies Por the �ture installatian of ineters. The motion was seconded b�y Conunissioner Brovrn and carried. Coffinissioner Brown moved that 12 paxking meters be purehased and inatal.led PorthwitYi on Iic�ven Street betweera Palm €�rad Port iiarrison Avanue. The motion was se�conded b� Coa�nissioner Drea+ and carriedo The Glerk was instructed to report on unpaid T,ot Cleaning assassments. Cazmnis�iQrier Drevr moved that the mattar og making Bay and Oak Av�nues one �ay streeta be inveatigated anci brou�t bafore the Coffinission. 2he niotion �sa ssconded by Coffini�sioner Turner and carri�d. The rsquest by Mr. Frank Plzotiadis �'rsr one parking ap�ce� wi�hout a meter, e�djacent to hia r�ataurant on South Garden Avenue, wa� refer,red,by consent, to the Citp hians6er aad the Chie� oP ]Police. The Citg Ntanager reporiad thet replacement of wooden sheeting at the YV�st ex�cT o�° Cambrla Street vrould cost �2,OOO.QO, the repl�cement being due to stor� dsm��e. He rsported �hat replacement af aooden sheeting �t West enzi o� Somerset Strset and Idlevrild, and the Pilling wou�.d cost �800.00. Commiasioner Dre�w moved that �he City�a4anagerfs repart be �ccepted. Commissior�er Casler se�onded the motion and �.t carried. Conaideration of the request by the Pinellas County Health Dopartaisnt tha� the Cit� fill a poal oP watar on the unimproved section of Turner street at alenv►ood .A�venua at an estimated co�t of �350,00 was deferred on a motion by Coamiissioner Drew, which wea seconded by Gommiasioner Turner and carried. The Clerk re�d a� letter �'rom Allen K. H�nry �f the P insllas County Health De�r�ment, stating that Mrv Lesber Hsrn of' Harns Feed Store had refused to comply eaith Ordinance �566 bp ra�-stopping his buildi�g as ha had been noti�ied to do by the Cour.ty Heslth Department. Coma:is�ioner Drs�r man� d that the City Attorney be instructed �o cvrite hir. Harn a letter relatine iyo his non�conpliance. 2'h� motion vras seconsled by Cos�nissioner Casler and carried. Co�issioner Brown voted �'No". After cons3derable diacussion relative to the Sinclair Lease, it was moved by Com.�nissfoner Gssaer �hat tk�a present lease be terminated and Mr. Herbert I�ngPozd be pexsnittad ta continue as � tenant �t suP�rance. Tha notion w�a secQaded l�y Coaunissioner Drew and carriede Mrm Jack Ruass7]. annaur�ced th�t he wou3d like to guhmit a bid, $t aizch iime as a new lease comes up for di��cussionm The City Mana�er submitted a letter �£rom i�ro �f. H. Wo13'e, in which I�r. �Volfe oi'Pera to Pinance in the amount of $��900.00 for gas and �vater mains Por Vene�eian Point Subdivieion� by meana of gas and water ma3n exteneion contracts, bu� requ.eebs that the contract ba Por a ten y�ar period inste�ad a� the usu�l ai�.gear�a Gom� missioner Brown maved that tha propos�l be approveci, in principla, an� brau�t back to the Co�vniasian. Th� motion was seconded by �oumiissianer Turner and csrriedo Consideration af the purcY�ase of �aeather instruments a� requ�s�ed b�r the American Red Crass Soci�tq was deferred, by consen�. Coum►issioner Bro�n moved that tkie City Attortaey, �he City JudgB, s representativc� oi' the �ngineering D�pt..", Chief oP Police and the Coamiigsioners �vho wished to attend tne Governoros Saiety Council in Tampa, be authorise� to attend anc? that thei� expenses be paid. Co�nissianer Casler seconded the notion and it carried. The City Attorney read a Resolution designating the City bisnager as the officiel havring �uthority �o apgrove tSe foxm, amount and the surety of a bond for the County Tax Collectar, as required bg Chapter 2626CJ, 8pecial Aot;a oP 1949, I,aws of Florida. On a motion by Corrmiissioner Brown, which eras second�d by Coimnissioner Drew anri unanimously carried, the Resolution �+as adoptede The Cit� Attorney submitted a Resalution aut;horizing the filing of an appli� cation with �he Federal Goverrmient for an ad�ence to provide for the advanee planning of Von-Federal public works under the �erms of Public Isw 352, 81st Congresa of the IInited Statea, approved Ocstober i3ths 1949. It was moved by Commisaioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unan3mously c�rried ths►t ths Resolntian be adopted. On a motion by Covmiissioner Brown,, seconaed by Co�nissioner Drew snd �arriedp the� meeting �as ,djourned. Attest: , � �yor- asianer '� cz� co�u�asszori ra�TSNa September 25, 1950 Sep'tember 22, ].950 Maqor-Commiasioner I3arry D. Sargeant Commisaianers: Le].e�..nd F. Drew E. B. Cafller Jr. Herbert bi, Brown �ce 7.'urner Qentlemens !� Spo�ial �iesting o� the City Co�ission will be he],d in �he Citg Ha11, September 25� 1950, st 7:30 F'.M. for consideration o� items listed an the attached A,g��daa. BA.B : 8g Very truly yours, Boyd A. Benneict, City D�na�er ---------�--�------------------ A QENDA �5� 1.. A.pproving of' Liinute� of ineetittg of Septembcsr 18, 1950, 2. Public Hearing o;� the installation oP a sani�ary sewer on C,ypreas Straot. $. Pub3ie Hasring as a hardship case under the Zonin� Ordinance far construction �3' caP ports an Lots 45 and 46, lacated on t"ii�.hland Avenue and Iaura Streeto �. Report of co�nittee c anposerl oP Commias3oners Drew and Brown on permission for Daniel Bro�, to erect � sign on ihe propervy of Elizabeth Ada�s� on Gulf-to-Bag Blvde 5. ?eport from Chie� oY Police on �ha surv�y fo� police oPficer at •:he B�lleair 8�chool. 6. Report a� the Cit� Attorney oa �he matter oi exchanging property w�ith the I,ians Clnb. 7o Report oY coimn�ttee compo�ed of Commiasionera Drev� snd Caeler on fire insurance covering �ity propextg. 8. Report of ttxe ec+x�unittse composed of Commissioners Casler and Bro�cn on the acquir3ng oi pxopertv from �flr. Thomas Por the widening of South Osceola Sverivao 9. Consideration of bida rece3ved �or the execti,on oi srater st�nclpipe4 lOeFeport og City Mansager on appearing bef�re the Qounty Conmissioners September 19s in connoetion w�.th tha Iease for the uae of the, o1d marl pit south of Largo on Be].�her Raad. " �' aReport o� aauani�tee co�npased of the co�ission a3 a whole nn th� applicrxtion og the Martin Outdoc�r Acive�tisin� Compsny �Eo erect a sign on Gul�' �o say $ina � 300 ft. east of �test carner of Baskin Replat - als� on the raquea� of DHartin Outdo�°�r Advertising Company .for the reconstruction oP a�ign on tha nor�h side of Gulf t:o Bay Blvd. �2.Report oi' Chief oP Po13ce on the installation oi parking metex^s on �he eeat side of South G�rden Av�rru� betrveen Franklin Street �nd Park Avenue. 13.Report oP the City M��aager on the request of the Democratic Party to uae the auslitorium for the en�3re month of October and Pirst �eek in Novembere I4.Report o� Citg R4anager and Chief o� Poliee on the request for parking space - mad� by Ndrth Garden Avenue I,iquor Store. 15aConsideratian of revision of Coachman Fark Pl.at. 16oRepor� of C3ty �.snager on the matter o�' encroachxn�nt on byksiness str�ets, celled to the attenbion aP the Ca�saiasion b� �ir. James Harmon, 2iving at 417 Corbett Street. 17.Report oP the City bIanager on the m�tter of sea �reeci along the boeok� propert�.o ownsd by the Cit3r. 18eRepo�t o3' Cj$y M�r�a��r an the lot at Southeast corner of Pa1� Bluff �.nd North Ft. Harrison �.vernzey to be cleaned o#' weeds and graeso 19.Requas� of the City Manager for instruction� as to pollciea ot' the City ralative to cutting of waeda and graas, in 13�u oP inatructions o�' City Attorney to NOT cut an� weeda and grass unles� a detailed suxvey �.n�i estime,tes have been made af each lat - ther� report back �o the Commission. 2fF.Conaideration of &!r. Jas�ea F. �fagurno*s requeat for one-houm parking meters on East �ide of South Garden Avenue and South side oP Court S�reet,, ad�acent to hi8 new building. 21.Consideration o�' request from 2�r. Frank Photiadis for one spaca without parking meters on ths east side oP Sr�uth Carder, Avenue, adfacent to hia restaurant where he can park his car �nich he usas during the day. 22.City blanage,r.ps report on tho est3mated coat of replacing the woaden sheeting at west end of Cambria Street � recently destroyed by the storm -�2a000m00e 23.City Pdanager's report on the� replacement oP wooden ahee,ting at westerly end oP Somerset Stree� or ldle�reld end Pilling saz�e; �800000. 24.City Marsager�a report on request of Pinell�s �ounty $ealth Department �o Pil1 ixi a pool of water on the unimproved aection oP Turner Street at Glenmood Avenueo Estimated cost $�3500000 25.Receipt o� letter from Pinel�.as County Hea1tY�. Department relaf�ive to Ordinana� 566;, Typhus Control case-. L;,ster flarn and Tom Browne 26.Re�ceipt oP letter Yrom �Sr. Gean Berni relative to damage done hy recent storm to hia pavilion between Avalon and Kendall Sts. 27eReceipt oP letter Prom �Caunty Ta�e Collector relative to bond. requll*ed by the State Legislatux�e in �onnection witl� collecting munieipal taxes. 28.Consideration oP ordinan�a pr�3aented by Attorri�y� MeMullen and Goza on be:�aZf oP the Cleararater General Contr�ctoros Asaociatione 29.Request oP Florida Leagtze of' Itiiunicipalitiga relative to speciPic reco�mnendati�n� oP the City might have to be made to the 3tate Legislature. 30eCo212mj:es30rie2+ Csaler�e res�uest for cons3daration of purchaee of wind gauge to be it�atallecl on the Yire s�ation. �1.Consideration of appllca4;ion to the Federal Goverrnnent Por sdvance o� flxnds to co�er the engineering costs for plans Por the cons�xucbion of atorm sewers., 32.DHana�er's requast for in�txuctions Prom the Comrnisaion e�a to the lease Q�x what i� czrn�r car�r�zssrnrr �ETaNQ S'eptembe� 25y ].950 Agenda--Con��d. Itern 32, cont�d n�own as Sinclair F1113ng Statlon o� the Cauaewaq, whioh expires September 3Q,1950. 33. City Manager9s suggestion to appropriate �10,000. oP Ci�arette Tax Por pur- chase of equipment Po� sanitary :eill. 34. Presentation by City Atto�ney oP ordin�nce amending plwnbing ordinance ralative to conatr+�etion and installatior�. Ad jourrmient PETITI�NS (Re C�r Ports on Lota 45 and 4B„ B7.oek "C°t Highland Gro�A) TO WH'ONI IT M�SY CONCERN: September 19a I950 Clearwater �lie, the undersig�ed prop6r�� ownars in the 3mm�diate vicinity oP Clevel�ad 3t. and. Hi�h3and Ave,, reg3star ses�ious ob�ections t�o the erection of garage 'tnz3ldings Pos public nae or apartment house usa on the property adjacant to 1486 E. Cleveland St. ('Signed by 42 progarty own�rs) �Petition + Septa 21� 1950 I atrong:[y ob�ect to the ereat3,on oi' garage lauildinga orl the lot next to mineo Mrs . Ii� ael IJ. Over3orPP9 1486 S. Cleve3snd 5�., Clearv+a�er, Fla. __"Petition +tl Wa protes� �nq change in zoning Iaws. Richarci A. Stevsns Cora S. gteven� 1482 E. Cleveland S�. Clearwater, F1a. _ _-----Fetition ______�___ Clearma ter, Florid� Sep�ember 2.0, 195CL �iae Csest Lske Association wiahas to go on record as oppasing the petition of Eva� L. Ciaar for erection of garages on Lats 45 and 48, in B1ock °tC", of H3ghland Groves Subdiv3sion, Clear�vater, Florida, and wants �o mrzke known the desire of the Asso- c3ation that the zoning on •bhe propertg in qu�stion remain R-2 and thmt no �xception be grant�d. CREST IAKE `,SSOCIATION By SSg;ned: 9ndrecr �. Hortan. Presiderit � Mr. E. B. Casler Jr., c% Casler and Douglas, I3avey-�ic&[u11en Bldg., Clearwater, Florida. Dear Mr. Casler: S'eptember 25, 19�Q Cl.earwater, Florida At the last meeting of the Disas�er Preparadn:�ss ar�d RelieP Committee it w�s brought �o the attention of th� menbers.o� this Cottmr,ittee that it would be a grsat means of protectton and assurance if the City oF Clearprater could manage �o secure an nccurate baromet�r9 � wind gauge instrument for determining the velocit� of winds, a nd alsQ �; guage that would m+��sure tidea� I�m not fa�iliar with the names oP thase particular inatruments, but I auggeat that gau bring thia to the sttention oP the City Coimnission at its x3�xt meetin�., The purchasa of' theso instruznents �sould be a� cheap invaetment, anc� could be 16caied �:t the Beach Fire S�a•£;ion and ehecked periodically by Fire Chief Treola. Thanking you ior your cooperation in this matter, I am JW.�,seb Sinaeroly yours, Si.gnsd; John W. T,�Pice, Executive Secr�tary TAE AMERICAN RE.D CROSS� � , � ' CTTY COMMIS3ION MEETINQ Septe�ber 25, 1960 The Aonorabla Mem'bers of the City Comnission City of Clearsvater CZearwater, Florida Dear Sirs• Septembor 25, 19b0 On behslf of J. R. Billett Co. Inc. and myself, I wish �o bring up before the �om- mission the question of the water main and gas extension sgreement� 3a aonneation with the propeaed subdivision known as Venatian Po3nt, loaated at the intex�section of North Fort r"Iarrison and Ste�ahensott Streetv As I understand the situation, Mra Bennett, t�e City A3anager, has �roposed th�t the cost oi insta113ng �he wa��r and gaa ma3ns vrhich together sppraxima�e �4�300.00, be asivanced by tha� company under Ordinance #551, whereby �75.00 cvould be refunded for each wx�e:� connect3on and 50 per cent. of the monthly gas bill� be returnod� both to be limi:ted �or a period of s ix years. The policy s+eems to ha've baen to make tvro Agrecunents, one in connection with �rater and one in connection with gas, I am personally trgring to make an agreement with the Billett Company whers�by I srould put up this monay in order Por the ges and w��ar to go into the subdivision. You possibly know that the atorin �aused considerabls damaga to th� installation re- sulting in extra pumping and Mr. Billett �sants to make a deal with me to put up this money and it wou3.d be returnable to me. Your Os�clinancs �551, in my apinion, was never aneant to a�ppZy to land locat�d in the Gity oi Clearwster wher� it was ivunediately susaeptible bo be3ng built on for residance purposes. One house has a].ready been star'ted on the new pu.^nped-in landa In other words, if the C3ty ha,d the fund�, it should be the policy to flzrnish te i'urnSsh vuater and gas to any property located in the town w3thou� the �wn�r putting up large sums for tha installation. Hoerever, we know �that the Cita does� not have thase f�a.nda bu'c, in my opinion, the principla should be establ3shed tha�t whoever doe� put up the i'unds ahoulc? ultimately be reimbursed and tF3e C:E.tp should not profit on the inatallation but only pro�it on the �vater and gas aPt�sr tF�.e ia�- sta�lation wss paid ofP. I�ould appre�ciate thia ffiatter being bx�ought up tonight as Mro Billett is anxious ta have me �nter into the agreement at an esrlp date with the City so thst the m�ins may be installado Inasmuch �s the Punds to be �dvanceda a proximately �4900.00, will na� draw any interest, it is my thought that until the �49QOo00 is returned thare should be no limit oY tSma on th�e agreemento If you gen}lemen Peel tk�t there mus� be a�3.m3t o� times surely six years is too shorte I suggest a minimum oP ten years3 Also, in view of tha tt�ar conditions, it 3s felt that ait any time auring which, because oP war priorities, it vsill be impossible to constructt hom�, that tlzat tim� should be eliminated �rom the ten-voar period. I trust that you will �uthorize the City Mana�er b� enter into an Qgreement that rvould return the i`unds to the party who advanced them. 1^1H1R0 kmo MFe H• Gs W1rig08 City l�udiicor & C1Bl�k Gity oP Clearwater City Hall Claertivater, rlaride Ds&r Mr. Wingo: Very truly youra, �N. H. 4Yolfe Septenbea� 1,5, 195G, This will ac]�ior�ledge gaur Ietter of September 2nd, re�arding the cases of Mr. I,�ater FIara and Mr. T��n Brawxa in conneetion �vith Citq of Cle�rwater�a Ordinance No. 56f "Typhu� Con�a.�oTm'� bire Douglas Brown partnex vrith T�m Brown has sigx�ed a contract with the Pinellas County Heslth Dep�rbment on September 13th to rat-stop the build�.ng conc�rnec�, 2�hia :���k �ill be st�rted �y the Haalth Lepartment on or about September 18tYim Dir. I,ester Ha rn was conb�cte3 un Sep�ember 14th and �till ref`uses the rat-stoppage work by �our Ordinance No, 566e Mr. �ierahall°s inspection of Pdr. Harn�s Peed atore ahawed eoidence oP past rat iaveatation, rat droppings and rat tracks �vere obe�erved thraughout �I�r. Harn�a Peed atore. Mra Harn admitte.d to PSr, Marahall that he h:id mica in his Peed atore and thet he had tz°�pped approxtz�tely 40 last week. �'he at�eched copy oP the lett9r addressed to Mr. iiarza Fe'bruary 22, 1950 was sent registered mail, return racQipt reque�fced. I Pael �hrat this letter would constitute l�gal rvrit�en notice for Mr. Harn ta comply wi�h Ordinance No. 566e If you desire i�rthe� 3nPormation regerding Mr. harti�a case ple€�se do not heait�te to ca11 on me or Mr. Marahall. AKii�nmc enc. act Ben Rrentz�an, City Attorne� Boyd Bennett, C�ty � ��er Very truly youraD Signed: A7.len K. Hanry, Sanitary Engineer PINELT,AS C�iTI�'iY HEAI,TH DEPARTMENT �59 0 CITY COL4r+tIiST021 MEETING September 25e 1950 NO'I'ICE NOTICE I8 HERESY aIVEN: Thab the C�.tg C�mmisaion oP 'the Citiv of C�.eax°ePater, Florida, s3ttin� as a board of adju��raent and a�peal, and acting under the authorit� of the C3ty �onin� Ordinance, will hold � public hearing at the C3ty Hall in eaid Ci�y oz� Monday, September 25th, 1950 at 7:45 o/clock P.M. to conaider and act upon the petition of EVA I,. CTSAR Yor an exception to the zon3ng act concerning the following described pr�perty: Lota 45 and 46, Block ��C" HIGH�ND GROVE SUBDIVISTON, Gleer�ater, F'lorida, accnrding to the map or p�.at thereoP as recorded among the� public records o% Pinellss County,F'lorida said propert�y ironting on the nortli aide of claveland Street approximstely 100 feet west of Highland Avenue in Clearwater,Florida. Petition�r requasts an exception under thA nardship proviaians of the Zoning Act to a1Tow the construction on the north 60 faet of the above deacribad progart� oY carparte or garag�s• l�rge enough to eccomodate six cara prior or bePore the con� struc�ion of a main or resirlentiel building on eairl premiaes. DA�ED at Cleaxrovater, Flna�ida this 12th day oP Sep�ember,A.D.,1950. Please publish once eaah on Septamber 13th & Septamber 1.4�h, 1J50 �F'FIDAV IT STATE OF F'LORIDA } COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ii. Qe WINGO ity Auditor & C1erk BePora ane, the undersigned authoritqa person�lly appsared �EN gRENT7t�A1�, erho first bei?�g dul� s�orn, depasas and sa.y�c That he is the d�ly appointed and act3ng Ci�ty Attorney for the Ci�y of Clear- wster, Florids, That he has this� day dapoaited a copy of the above arsd fo�egoing legal not3ce in connection with the sppliQation oP Eva Lo Ciaar for aza exoept3on to �he Zoning Act in tha raails with the required poatage affixed theret�, to each of iYie per- sona hereinafter Iisted, addressed �s indicated, and thet sald address ia the sddre�s of each said person as is indicated on bhe reoords of t�� County o� Pinellssa PROP}sR2'Y Block �'C1°, Lots 5 & 6 Block �tC19, T�$s 7 & 8 Block �C", I,ot� 47 & �48 BlA�k 1°Ct°, I�ota �3 & 44 Block ��C"�, Lots 41 & 4� B1oCk tPD��' Lo$$ 1& 2 Block °t��',, Lota 3 & 9; Block "D", Lots 5 & 6 Block °D�', Lots 7 & 8 04PNER Riehard A. Stevena & Cora S. Stevena Jahn M. Cog Ira R. TanneP �e Mar�r T,. Tanner Hasel D. OvsrdorY'P & Bert�a M. McGonnaugheg Riclzard A. Stevens & Cora S, Stevens T�oma� �'. Jones & Caroline �. Jonea Burgesa P. Starr & biary S. StaIT Ja�ries A. Robinson & Mary B. Robinson aiao cns�,�er9 & isurs Mabe1 Chambers Further, the affiant sayeth naugkit. Sworn to and subscr:Lbed bePore me this 16th day oP September, A.eD.� 1950• Florence b3, (�rayA Natary Publie ADDRESS 1482 E. Clea�la�3 St.� C] ea sw�a �er, F'Yori�3a Route 1, iitchmond, Kentuckya 16 S. Ft. Harrison 5�., Cle�r�,vater, EE�llorid� 1488 E. Cleveland St.s Clearwater, Florida )482 E. Cle�eland St Clesrwater, Flaride clearwatar, Florida . 1495 E. Cleveland St., Clea rwater, Floridav 1487 Cleveland St,, Clearrv�ter, F`].orida. Clea rera ter, F'lorida . Ben Krentzman ��o CITY COIdNITSSION MEETINa 5'sptember 25, 1950 R�SOLUTION tiiiHEREAS the C3�y Cognn�.ssion, by motion duly ps�sed o�r Septeanber 11, 1950' a��ea it adviaable, neaessary and to tlie bea� int�rc�gt o;f the� City oP Cleaxrwater, F2oriu9 to do certa�.n tiv+oz�k �nd malce aertain 3mprovements, as herein�fter deearibed, within e�id City� anci t�'HEREAS proper and �.egs1 not3ce oP ita intention to do sucl� vrork i�as beera published, a co�p of said no�ice along with the p�a.blisherpa aPf4dat�it as to ita date of publiaatic�n being here�o attachad and by xefor�nce msde a part hersof, and WHEREAS the pu,b13� hear'_ng th�rein described has this date bee n heY�, and t,he ob�eations thereto not being aufficient, NOV�J THEIRE�ORE BE IT R�St??�VED by the City Coa�missi�ri of the City oP Clearwa��r, FZorida in sassion duly and lega�lq provided: (�j 2'h�t thera b+�ing no oTojections t� said impro�►emant� and i� oeing deomed adviaable, necessary and to the best inLez�est oP sa3d Ci�y that the followfng work and iinprovementa be done �ithin said Ci��y; Inata3l an 8-inelz sanitary 4ewer on Cyprus Street on Clear�ater Beach, beginnir�� approximatol�+ 10� Peet northerly from C].ear�vater �trae� at tha inter- �ection �ith the e�isting sewer, a;�d running Qpprox� imately 497 Pe�t norther7.s therafrom, together wi�h on� �n�hole and other appurtenances. (2) That the groper oPficials and �mployees sl�all Par�:nwitii proceed with �aid improvementa under appliceble provi�iona of the City Charter. (3) That when said improvem�nts shall hsne been completed th� cost thereof shall be assessed against the �roperty a'butting said Street and Avenue. PASSFD AIJn ADOP�ID this 25th day oP S�ptember, A.D,,,1950m A�teat: Harry D. Sarg�eant M�yor�Comiaaianer I3e Ga �i o Cit� Auaiitor & Cler RESOLII`I'TON Y�RF„A,S by virtuo o� Cha�ter 26160, Spec3el �1cts of 19�9, I,�wa of Fiorida, the Tax Collector aY Pinellas Count„ Florida �as dea�gnated as the co].lecta� of taxes for the City o#' C2aaxrovater, and WH}sREAS b� virtue of' sa�.d Chagtex� it i� provided tizat the T�Y Collector of Pinellas County, Florids sT�].l enter into an �dditiozlal bond vrith good end anffi- eient surety, conditione� to du�.� and f'�ithft�lly account gQr all texes collected for e�ch municipe].ity at th� ti.me and in the znanner prc�vi�ied by law, and GJHEREAS aaid Gi�ag�er provided that such a�ond be entered into in Pavor of the G3ty o� C]:earssat�r, F'�oride in th� prineigtttl �:nount of �y10,000.00, the pre�iuma Por r�hich ere ta be pt,id by the Citg of Clearela�er, Florida, and 6�REAS said Chap�er providas that ��e aor�, amount and surety �s contain�d in eaeh bond shall ba at�proved bs t�i� Li�iyor mr ather executive head o£ each muni- cipality, or bg aoma parson d�signatad in writing bg the Meyor or othex executive head oP each municip�lit�; NOPJ THEREFORE BE IT RE80I,VEA by the City Co�ni9eion of the City of CT�axwvater; F'lori�la in session dulq and Ie�allg provided: 1, Tha� Boyd A. Bennett as City �Tanager af the City oP Gleax�rra�er, F36�id� i� he�eby desiga�ated aa the person having authoriby to app��oge the £or�, amoun4; snd sura�y as contained in each auch bond. 2. TF;.qt thg prineipa� amount of said bon�i above described is Ys.ereby ap�aoved by thla Co�iasiona. PASSED AND ADOPTED th3s 25th day oP S�ptember, A.D,,1S50. Attesb: H. G. Ylin o City {�udi��r and Zerk Harx� �. Sar�eant a�e.+yo r-Commia s ioner ��� CITY COir�IISSION MEETINQ Septem�er 25, 1960 RESOLiFPION l�uthorizing f3ling oP app2iaation w�.�tYi the United St�te,s of America foa� an ad'�ranc� ta procide fox the advance plc�nning c:P nora�. Federal pu.'blic vrorka under th� ter.�ia o:� Public� Laa� 352, 81st Congresa of ths IIn3�t��. �tates, �,�pproved Oetober 13, 1949. WF�REAS, The Citg� of Cleari,va.ter, Florida, hereiri ca�.Ied �he "applicsantQ°, aPtas� 'thorou�h conaideration oP the various aepecta of' tha prob) em ar.d study oP available data ha� h�r�aby de�erm3ned that the cans�ruction of �ertain pub�ia worka' generslly describ�id as the extension and enlargement o� axi�.+.ing storm sewer ayatems in said City, i�acluding collectnra and out#°a11 aewera, �n �he buainess and adjacent �Eiterahed ar�a, i� desirable and in the public interest snd to tY�at end it ia raecessary that action preliminery to the constructian o�' aaid norka be taken imaned3a�slq; and Wi�REAS, under the terma of Public Lav� 35�, 81st Congres�,, approvad October 13, 1949, the United States o�£ America has �uthoriaed ths making of advances to publio bodies to a id in defra.ying the coat of architectuz�l, et�- g3neering, and economic inveetigatiAna and stu�.3es, aurvsys, des3gns, plansa working drawings, spe�ifications, prac�dures, and other aetion preliminar� to tiie construc�ion oP public worka (exclusive oP houaing}; snd iN�iEREAS, the appliaent has exenined and duly considered auch act and th� app�,icant cons3ders it to be in the public interesi and to its benePit to fil� an application under �aid ac� a�nd to authori.se� other aetion in connsation there- �ith; NOW, THEFiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by The City Comrnission aP the Cit� of Claarwatsr, Florida, in session duly and legally� provicled, the governing body oP sa3d applicant, ae Pollows: l. That the construction oP said public worl�s is es�ential to anr3 is to the best interesta of the appiieant, and to the end that euch pubTi� worka may be provided as promptly �a gracticahle it is desirat�2a tha� action pr�limin�r� to the construction thereoP be undex�taken ��aiatelg; 2. That Bogd A. Bennett, as City Manager, be hareby autizorized t� f'ile 3n bek2alP oP the appl�cant an spplication (ira form required bq the United States snd in �confcsaemt�y wi.th �aid act) for an �dvanee to be mada by the United States to the applic�nt to aid in defr&ying tl�e planning cost prel3minarg to the construction af such public worka, which shell consist gene�ally of tha �xtension and ea�lar�e�ent og existing storm sewer sgsteme in sEid City, including collectora and Qu�Pall sewers in the buainess and adjacent watershed area; 3e That if such advance be made the €�ppZicant shali provide or u�ke neceas�ry arrangements to provida auch ftiind�, in addit3on to the advance, as may be required to dePray the cost oP such aetion pre- limin�ry to the construction of the public aorks; 4, The said representative is hereby authorized to iiz�nish such in- formation and �ake auch ot�er aci�i�n as maq b� necessary to enable the applicsnt to qualif'yy for the advance; 5. That the officer designated in the preceding paragraph ia h�rab,p designated as the authorized rapresentative oY' the appli.cant for the purpose of f`urnishing to the IInited Stat9s such 3n�orynation, data, and documents pertain3n� to th� apg"lication fox^an advance as m�g* be requ3red; and otnerwise to act as the authorized re- p�eaentative oi the appiicant in connec�ion wi•t2z this application. 6. That certified cop3es of this resolution be 3nclud�d As part o� th� spplication fbr an advance to be submitted to the "Unite� Stafies, , PASSED AND ADOPTID this 25th day eP Sgptembar,A.D.,19i0. Harr D. Sar eant ayor- ommiasioner ATTEST: H. G. 6Yingo Cifcy Auditor and �l�rh ��� � r__ _ .._.,.. � , CITY GOMMISSION MEET'�'NQ Sep�ember 25, 1950 CERTIFICATE OF RECORDTNG OFFICER T, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Citg Clerk of the City of Cleas�svater, Florida, (herein ca.11ed the ��applican�t�') and the Yeeper of the records oP the applicant, including the faurna� of prnceeding� of tk�e City Cua�ission of the City of C�.earwater, F].or3da, (herein called thc� �tGoverning body°Q), da hereby �ertii�: 1. 7,'hat the attached resolution is s trae and cor.rect uopy of thg sesalution as Pinally adopted at � meetirag o.i thn governing bodg held on the 25th da� of Septenber, 1950= and duly recorded in my aPfice; 2. That said m�eting was duly canvsned aind held 1n mll rospect� in �ccordance with lavr �nd �o the extent required by law, due and prope�r notice o� such meeting was given; and a legal quo�^wn was present through�. e>ut the meeting, and a legally auFficient number of inembars of the govern- ing body vo�ed in the proper manner and ior the adoption of said reso- lution; that a71 Qth�r requirements and proceed3ngs under the law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resnlution' including publ3- cetiaa, if required, have been duly �i.i:lfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I am auth.orized to execute this certificate; 3. That if �n impre�sion of a seal hes been aPiixed b�loer, it conatitutes the offic3.al seal of the applicant and �his cemtiPicate is hereby eaecu�ed uiader such oPficial aeal� bu� if na seal llas been affixed, the applicant does not haee an oPFicial sealo IN WITNESS �REOF, I have hereunto set m� naz�d th�s 26th day af Septe�bera 1950. Hm G. �Jin�4 Ii. G. �1Vingo, City Clerk, City oP Clearwater, Flor3da �