08/17/1950 '.,. :_'.~~j1~:l~:i~;,~~;/;~:L:~.~~,~.:~,.;j';,i.::" .~}~. ;;: .. :,...." '.' '.:~ " .:.L-. r-'\ . r'" ) . : ";..~' I " <:~ \ ., ".i i :'j i , ,.,',...., i "1 ", t 'I '1 ... . CI~~~li~~I~~~~~: .. ..... .... ..._~."~.'S:b0,ti'i';~;~~'~~~'fii\:j~:;~~1Z~~!it.;.,,\ \ ,~ The 01ty Oomm1ssion o~ the City of Clearwater met in Special Session, at City Hall, Thursday August 17th, 1950, with the following mombers present: :;~r~.M~a~g~:~t :~~~~;~~:;~s1oner ;:':':.:','~<:~t:.:~:~,\ E. Bt Casler Jr. -Commissioner .1 ' ~..,. ,". . ~ ' .'''' I ~ Leland F. Drew -Oomm1ssioner Joe Turner -Oonnn1saioner Absent: None Also Present Were: Boyd A. Bennett George '11. MoOlaJTUna Ben Krentzman -Oity Manager -Ohief of Police -Oity Attorney .1" I . . . ' The meeting having been oalled to ordor, the Oommiscion heard a report by property owners on Somerset street, that they had been unable to contact ~e owners ot three lots fronting on Somerset, relative to the assessments for a Sanitary Sewer extension. The pet1tioners 1nquired 1t the City would proceed with the improvements, provided $2100.00 is deposited toward the cost. Com- missioner Drew moved that the previous action of the Commission in connection with the Sanitary Sewer be amended to authorize the worlt as provided in the Resolution in connection therewith, upon deposit with the City ot not les8 than $2100.00 by owners o~ property abutting Somerset Street, in accordance with an agreement with the persons making deposits. The motion was seoonded by Com- miBsioner Casler and carried unanimously. Commissioner Casler moved that Ordinance #595, an Ordinance authoriZing the issue of $125,000.00 in utility Revenue Oertificates, be passed on the second reading by t1tle only. The mot1on was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried. On roll call Commissioners Brown, Casler, Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted "Aye". There were none opposed. .' ". ~ . .", . , ;:, f;rr~(i]i);~ ~=l:~;~!::i: :~$!~~~~~~:~~~~r::!~]~:~~~~i~!~F~I:r:~=~~r~:~ '~~k~ motion WBS seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Commissioners Brown, ~!;~~t Casler, Drew, Sargeant and Turner voted "Aye". ~ere wore no negative votes. ~/";',:;;U,""" ,::,::, ' The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted ">-'.;~:;:,,..~:$;i:':J"lr:" · The motion was;!ec nded by Commissioner ~z~~i~J~Jr~~; The Cit;'T Attorne;'T now read Ordinance #595 for the third ti . Commissioner .'1 Turner IU'(i;::')"';'>'iiif . Casler moved that Ordinance 1t'595 be passed on the third reading On the question, anc. :(,"~\;:;:~\€~1;' . Ma10r-Coxmn1ssioner Sargeant" and Commissioners Brown, CaSler, Drew and Turner carr1ed'I;','+~.',X:;'7;i~;1 . voted "Aye". There were none opposed; 'Whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance t"~ktr adopted. .~M 't:)f ',\~. '.:~r There being no further business to come before the Beard, the meeting was now adjourned. Mr. Ralph Riohards told the Commission that approximately $17,000.00 was available tor construction or the Negro Swimming Pool, that outstanding pledges would bring the fund to $20,000.00. He said a aurvey of other like projGote indicated that this amount could be spent to the best advantage, if the City would undertake the construotion of the pool w~th City labor. Oommissioner Cas- ler moved that Mr. Riohards' request be referred to the Oity Manager for study and a report at the earliest possible date. The motion was seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Oity Mnnager Bennett reported that Lot 7, Wo F. Hughey Subdivision, needed by the City for widening Myrtle Avenue, had been sold bJ' ll.-eo M. Murphy to Mr. Grover C. Eldridge, that he had o~fered to exohange the assessment for the re- quired land but had not had an answer to the propoaal. Commissioner Casler moved that a Committee be appointed to go into the matter and report at the next meet- ing. Commissioper Turner seconded the motion and it carried. The Mayor appointed Commissioners Drew and Brown to the Committee. Commissioner Casler moved that the City clean a 1ot, located at Northwest corner of Engman Street and Fort Harrison Avenue, of grasB" weeds and underbrush. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried. ........,: , ," 'I"~ ." , . ~. '" &. ,-- .,.'- " , .~;~';.l4\~l<h?~~l'::;:'\"'~"";'~';:';:;~F'::;:;-~t,,<.::i ' " . ,',.. """,., ~,' "...~. , ~1" ,_..", ",,,ry,~*i'i).m~)>liI11 " .. ;: '.',,~, , " ... ... , . ; ..,.." .. ,:". .". . .... ., ..". .... ..... . .....' .. ..'r'.:~'.) :::1"::::;~;:,~:t~~;:':(;::"'.::X)'.' ~~~iit;tiii~~'t~:''7l1~~'';'r~~;[~;{...~~~\:~,Lfl'1lr..~~~~~'U'~;L;:~f~~~~;:--....:.-.1.;.:~~~~.5~14~';::...1:!:~~~'t~,i[<<t~~~~~~ '" ,.~ - .; "', , . '. OITY OOMMISSION MEETING August 17, 1950 August 16, 1950 J4a,.or-Oommlss1oner Harry D. Sargeant C0D1iss1onJtrs r Le 1a rx\ F. Drew B. B. Casler Jr. Herbert He. Brown Joe Turner Gentlemens A Special Meeting of the City Commission w111 be held Thureda~ evening - .ugust 17. 1960 at 7130 P.Mo tn the City Hall tor the rollowing: 1. Consideration or Ordinance #594, author1s1ng the issuing or $115,000.00 in Yaoht Baein Revenue Certificates. 2. Consideration of the Ordinanoe (/1595) authorizing the issuing of $126,000.00 Utility Revenue Certifioates. 3. Anl matters nec6ssary to present the two above mentioned Revenue Certificate issues ror oourt action. 4. 'ro consider the matter of aoqui ring or propertY' for the widening or Myrtle Avenue, known as the Mu~h1 propert~, which has been Bold to tir. Eldridge. 5. Further consideration of sanitary sewer on Samerset st. easterl'Y from Mandala,. Ave. at the request ot one ot the propert)' owners. 6. Attorne'Y Richard's request to cons1der the colored sw~ing pool construction. Yours ver,y trul~, Boyd A. Banne'tt. City Manager Bfl.B: gg ~ . . ",- . . ,'. . " -.' . .. I.' CITY COMh�ISuION MEETTNG Augu�st I7, 1950 The City Counniasion of the City of Clearwater me� in Spaaial Session, at City Hal1, Thuraday August 17th, 1950, with the following members present: Abaent: Harry D. Sargeant Herbert A4. Brown E. B. Casler Jr. Leland F. Drew Joe Turnc�r None Also Pressnt Vlare; Boyd A. Benne�t George T. NIcClemma Ben Krentzman -Mayor-Cormniasioner -Commiasioner -Coxmnissioner -Coimniasionar -Commissioner --City Manager -Chief of Police -Gity Attorney The meeting hav3ng boen called to order, the Corrm�iasion heard a report b;� property owners on Somarset Street, that they had been unabls to contact the owners of three lots Pronting on Somerset, relative to the assessmenta for a Sanitary Sawer extenaion. The petitioners inquired iP the City would proceed with the improvements, provided y�2100�00 is deposited toward the cost. Cum- m3ssioner Drew moved that tha previous action of the Cozrnnission in conneation with the Sanitary Sewer be amended to authorize tre worl� ag provided in tkie Reso7.ution in conr.ection therewith, upon deposit with the City of not less than �2I00.00 by owners of property abutting Somerset Street, in accordance with an agreement with the persons making depo�its. T1io motion was seconded by Co�_ missioner Caslor and carried unaz�imously. CoYmnissioner Casler moved thst Ordinance #595, an Ordinance authorizing the issue o£ �125,OOO.QO in IItility Revenue �ertiPicates, be passed on the second reading by title only. The motion was secondod by Co�rnniasioner Brovm and carried, On roll call Commisaioners Brovm, Casler, Drern, Sargeant and �'urner voted ��Aye". There �ver9 none opposed. Gity Attorney Krentzman now read Ordinance No. 594, an Ordinance providing for the isaue of �115,000.00 in Yacht Basin Revenue Certifi�ates. Co�ni3sioner Casler moved that �rdinance #59a be passed on the third and Pinel reading. The motior, was seconded by Comnission�r Turner ano, carried. Cottunissioners Brown, Casler, Drev�, Sargean� and Turnar voted �"Ayo°. There �vere no nagatine votes, The b7syor declared the Ordinance �dopted. 59/ The motion avas se,�� nded by Commissianer The City Attorney noe� read Ordinance -y,t1595 Por the third ti�:� Gopnnissioner Turner Casler moved that Ordinance #595 be passed on the third reading./ On the question and Mayor-Commissioner Sargeant, and Gommissioners Brown, Casler, Drew and Turner 'carried, voted 'PAye�'. Thers rrerg none opposed; whereupon �he hia�or declared the Ordinance adopted. Mr. Ralph Richards told the Co�ission that approximately �17,000.00 was available for construction of the Negrv Swimining Pool, that out3tanc2ing pladges would bring the fund to �20,000.00. He said a survey of other like projec�s indiaated tr� t this amount could be spent to the best advantage, if �he Cit� vaould undertake the cons�ruction of the pool v�ith City Iabore Commniw3sioner Cas- ler moved that blr. Richerds� request be referred to the Citg hSanager for study and s report at the earl.iest possible date. The motion vPas seconded by Cfl�issioner Turner and carried. City Mana�er Bennett reported thet Lot 7, W, F. Hughey Subdivision, needed by the City for widening �4yrtle Avenue, n.ad been sold by Leo bi. Murphg to Mr. Grovor C. Eldr3r�ge, that he had offered to exchange tha assessment for the re- quired land Liut had not had an answer to the propo�aZ. Co�nissioner Casler �oved that a Committee bei appointed to go into the mattor and report at the next meet- ing. Commiss3oner Turner seconded the �otion and it carried, The Mayor appointed Car�issioners i�rew and Brown to the Qoramittee. Commissioner Casle� moved that the City clean a Tot, located at rrorta�,egt corner of Engman Street and Fort Harrison Av�nue, of gr.a�s, vcaeas and. underbrush. The motion was seaonded by Co�issioner Er�wn and csrried-. There being no i�,irthar busineas to come before the Board, the mse�ing was now adjourned. / ,,.uil j-i�%��'�� . ,i� , - . � - Attest: ty A uditor d Clea^k CITY CONSMISSION MEETING August ].7' 1950 August 16, 1950 I'dagor�Coamnissioner Harry D. Sargeant Co�nnissionera: I,eland F� �rew ,__ E. B. Caslar Jrs Herbert h4. Brows� Jo� Tuxner Gantlemen; A Special Meeting of the �ity Coimnission eill be held Thursday evening — August 17, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall for the fellowing: le Conaiaeration of Ordinancs #594, authorizing the issuing of �115,000.00 in Yach� Basin Fcevenue Certifiaateas. 2� Consideration of the Ordinance (,�vi95) authorizing the issuing of �p125,OQ0.00 Utilitg Revenue Certificate�. 3. Any matters necessary to present the ttvo above mentionad Revenue Certificate iss�es for court action. 4. To consider tlze matter oi acquiring of propert�r for the widening of hiyrtl�q Avenue, known as tha Murphy propertg, vthich has been sold to �Ir. Eldridge. 5< Further consideration. of sanitary sev+er on Someraet St. dasterly from Mandal��r Av��. at the reqnest of one oP the property �wners� 6. Attorney Richsrd�s reques� to conaider �he colored swimning pool construction. Yours very trulya Boyd A. Bannett, City Manager BAB;gg, a 0