06/16/1950 ~ ''''~.~~J:fh~t1l .~.l'f:" :?~~:"" 'ii':~:.' ~, ",:.' ~;:..:.,,: ',1~. t.' .r.~~.;.'t:':{::'~.:'~',)~~,i'.:",:~ .,::~..t '\f~ ", t' ... . . ' ., '; .;:. ~ .~ , M" . t"':";ii~;:';.'.'_",;"",'" ";,:,' .". "::'i,',.,,';:,':::. :,.; ",'lC::',.:: . ., 1''''''')~~;iidj.;i:;{'';'~';:i,~,~~,,;';;j.'!,'''j'.';':':::;"'''''",,,,;;,,,,",~""''''.., J.. ',.. ....2fCC,;.C.". .....C........ ,:c.. "'",""""';'''i.3lJ.cih;~~~~;Jfjf ""U"'!I". ';"'8.~ · :' -.,-1;'*\ ~ i' . I; , .~ J " . ,?: j ',~, ::)1 ;: .;:' OI'l'Y COMM ISS I ON MEET ING June 16, 1950 ~-.- ~.~t ;i~i "" ;'c, ": \~ . ":: :;}. ':," ",., " { :;" >,',' The City Cmnmission of the City of Clearwater Illet in Speo1al Session at City Hall Friday. ,Tune 16th at 7130 P.li. with the following menlbers present: . '.. '. (. . . .~ .; ::, ' ,'" /' ;.,: '. . . ~ ,~'::" " ."::-- ':;i':-:':',:,\~ '.',;:'," ,",' . \::(pl1J4:iJiP <:'i;::;\/:,:; .', f , .. >;~ !,: :' . ,'~';,,:.'\\'\:.. ';, , ':':~'\,~~'::}.>{,::;"" . ." .;: ' ,., i:, : ",> ;:..,::,' ,,::: c.:,::'i:):;; ':' , ',;- '.".'.'. ., ':';.n:;;{,;;;: ':' ;'. '. ','. ~" ~\'.~ \::;;'}; ;.:: ..., ..;,:.:,"....,.... .c"\\. ...,; p~S"3H(::i,:... >"': :,::,r'~>:":i L "":," ".:", .' :;,i';':",:;' ',. ,:',:.:';'" c:::,,', ';"':':', :;,'/: ,,". :<, :,:" .' Herbert )t. Brown Le J.a no F. Drew Joo Turner .Oonm1saioner .Oommiss1oner -Conu111sB1oner .:', :', , ",: ,l , ',' Absent: Also Present Vlere: Boyd A. Bennett George l\oClamma Ben KrentZ!J&n -Oi ty l\anager -Chief of Police -Oity Attorne,. . P,,). ::'/ :- I', +:\r";j .;,;, ),.\: ;,: "'" . ',-;;:,: ;.,: '.;', f- ",; c.' :,' ii" ;:;.'" '.".. <...... .' {>:;:,:;,' ~ ., , " ',; , ,:,.'....".'" ' ',,;:: "fl,', :<~"c' . '." ...':'.,....', ,.,.':.... ....'. .." '...'.', , ~::'<.",< 'J > . f, .,'",';/,' J ,~.;. ; .:.... :i<r'., 'j:',;;' ;':',;:,{:,:;;; 'i',' . Harry D. Sargeant E. B. Casler Jr. -Mayor-Commissioner .Comm1soioner - The Mayor being absent. Commissioner Turner moved the appointment of Com- missioner Brown as Temporary Chairman. Upon taking the ohair, Mr. Brown called tor nominations for Acting Mayor. Com- missioner Turner naminated Cor.~iss1oner Drew ~or Aoting Mayor. T.he nomination was seconded b~ Commissioner Urow and carried. The Mayor announoed that the meeting had been called for the purpose ot adopting a budget and sett~ng the rate ot taxation ~or the fiscal year 1950-51. , c,' ~;' ; !i', : '. I .. 'i,",,,,,' . \'''",1, Commissioner Brown moved that the debt service tax for the 1950 Tax Roll be set at 7.75 mils and that the operating millage be set at 11.25 nils, making a total ot 19 mils. The motion WAS B~conded by Commissioner Turner and carried. Tbe Oity Attorney read a Resolution adopting a budget of $950.631.00, providing for a tax rate of 7 3/4 mils tor bond debt requirements, a tax rate of 11 114 mils for operating expenses, and setting Friday, JUne 2Srd as the date for a public hearing on the budget tor fiscal year 1950-51. Commiss1oner Turner moved that the Resolution be adopted. The motion was seoonded by Oommissioner Drown and carried. On roll call Commissioners Brown, Drew and Turnor voted "Aye". There were Do,negative votes. Absent and not voting, Mayor-Commissioner Sargeant and Commissioner Casler. The City Attorney road a Resolution requesting the state Legislative bodiea to extend the Inland Waterways from Anclote River to st. V~rkB. On a motion by Com- missioner Turner, whioh W8S seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the Resolution was adopted. Thore be1n~ no further business to come betore the Board, ~e meeting was adjourned. :-': ,i" ':":"'" </;,. :.-<":' i:.'. " ',; ;i' \:. :~ . , i .',1 L~ ::, ,;; :~'i9 ;,>:;YMI ....'::; ':;;."}' " '", ,~/ . ,(;:;\,. ~" ;:;-<},' i:"'" ,;;::':',~' :',.:, ',:;, ,; ,j "}: .:.i . ,1 .> , i' f ,.' .(" ~, 'r: ;l ;:,call - . ;jJ)~ cIJ t [)~- 4- - IIsyor-ColJllli ss10ner :rl '-;oJ i:? : 1 \j il .. J 1{ ATTEST 1 :l.0~j~J"'A 01',. .UCli/and O~erk . " " "~ ',.i~ , J , . ,"' 'J :,'~ , , \ !~-1 -----~----------~---- :~ l :J June J.4, 1950 .d n Maror-OommiAsioner HArry D. Sargeant Oomm1aa'1onerll 'j I.e land F. Drew B. B. Caaler Herbert M. Brown Joe Turner ,. ',.1' '{ J , , ",' ' Gentlement A special meeting o~ the C1 tr Commission will be held Friday evening. June 16. 1950 at 7130 P. M. in the 01ty Hall tor the purpose ot a Public lIea2'1ng of 'the 1950-51 Budget .n~ consideration ot a resolution adopting the budget tor the fiscal ~ear ending June 30, 1961 and ~lx1ng the amount of the m111age. Fixing the da te together with a notice wnen objeotions oan be heard to1lowing the ~b11cation of the Budget in the loaal newopapor. . ~;~ , :{ : ,1 ", .' , . :1:"': " ..,",' I ~ Signed: Very truly yours, Boyd A. Bennett, C! ty' 118m gel- :.~ 'I :,,~ l-";,. ,':: ',:' '.;, ''''~)i}:\''':~::h " ; "';.),::,;,,;. ";;:, , , , >:,... '::;,,', ",,' ' ,'":,'" ,,),,"',\ . .<.. 'n .' :{"i.:",:!,' " 'if,,',:>.'..,,: " ~~ ",.,;: :~;;~:':;>,>I, ,~.-;:<.ii. '::';~i-i",,,'.., , . . " ," 'J )Ii ;,~ ,. BABa 00 .~, , " f '/", 'i "'" ,.; '" .(.;" " ,..... " ..:';:' .: ' ..',.. " . ;\::;" " ," ,,'~~;':,:;};';; .' , " ":' ~~;:' '., ' . '.. ,'.; ":,~:,> ".;:: ['" ",,';, ~'.. 'e. ":t." .> " .' ,,:' ')>,~:?,\~~',,::'" ,: . . . . " , .' ,.,' '. , ,'."':...:'.,. ,,', '.. .'.,:',c.:.".. :.''' ......, , .. :i ~ _.._~..-.. ...;\.....:. ." I, ,: ~~'I'.:Ji/.;.; :.:;."\ ; '" . .. I" ~...\. ,... ~;:;:,,::'~i;,;\k~:~/,>,;,~;,v ,!I ;'r;~.iit, .,1 J.., ,..,', ,. .j ~1~i'"7'~~~:';:,;::;~;:\V';;~~i;~;~iJLi~;"1.3D1l",3:_~._6i!ts:"';'~.::;~^.d;~iA..j:2g::d~~~' CITY OOMMISSION MEETING June 16. 1950 lUI:SOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOfISSION OF THE OI'l'Y OF CLEARWATER ADOPl'ING A BUDGET AND FIXInG THB RATE OF TAXATION. WHEREAS the City Manager o~ ~e City ot Olearwater, Florida has subm1tted an 8st1mate ot the amount ot money neoeSB8l",y to carryon the C1ty Government tor the ~iscal 1ear beg1nning July 1st, 1950 and end1ng June 30, 1951) and WHEREAS, the 01t~ Oommission has, in meeting duly assembled, exam1ned carefully, considered, and approved the same) and WHEREAS, the tax assessment roll bas been submitted to the City Commission 1n correct tom) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMI8SIOl~ OF THE OITY OF OLEARWATER , FLORIDA, in regular meeting assembled. First: That the City Manager's Annual Report and Budget tor the fiscal leal" beginning July 1, 1950 and ending June 30, 1961, a oOPY at which is on tile with the City Au1itor and Clerk and 1s by reference made a part hereot, and of which the f'ollowil~g schedule is a summary, 18 hereby adopted as the Ope1'Bt1ng Budget tor the City at Clearwater tor said period: ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION $423,700.00 Clerioal and Admin1strative Expense tor Mayor and Oommission City Manager Purohasing Agent 01ty Attorney Insurance Department of Finance Department at Reoords & Taxation Employees Pension Municira 1 Build1ngs &00 lands Pol1oe Court Civil Service Board Publio Welfare &: OUtside ChAritY' Eleotions 2,000.00 7,630.00 2JjBOO.00 3,800.00,- J.3,700.00 13,250.00 7,450.00 8,300.00_ 7,000.00 1,700.00 . 2,825.00/ 6,400.00 500.00/ ADVERTISING PROMOTION Chamber at Commeroe 24,000.00 INSPECTION SERVIOES Building Eleotrioal Plumbing PUBLIC SAFETY 5,J.80.00 4,625.00 4,575.00 ,/ Po11ce Department Traffic Indicators, Signs, Parking Meters Parking Lot Fire Department Fire Trucks Ele c trio Bureau Street Lighting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT $.105,120.00 13,500.00 500.00 68,475.00 1,000.00 8,000.00 14,500.00 Administrative and Engineering Streets & Sidewalks Dooks and Bri dges Draw Bridge Tender Parks Cemeteries 13,000.00 32,400.00 8,000.00 5,900.00 39,070.00 6,100.00 PUBLIO SERVIOE DEPARTMENT Ad.minlatNtion Street Oleaning Garbago Collection Trash Collection San1tary F11l storm Sewers 8,200.00/ 2,500.00 59,256.00"""'- 24,150.00 9,000.00 6,500.00 15,260.00 2,200.00 Library Oolored Library REOREATION Operat1on, Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds, Reoreation pu~oses ' 43,665.00. . cont1nued . -next. page .,' ....., . '\'" " " .'f . '. : ;.',1.., .' ",r.:' OI'lY OOlrmUSS ION MPEr ING June 16, 1950 "'~"';':"'.'r'-::'. : "'.'., ::.<' ...... .f'...' " . '," ",' ". " '..... ;'. "" l .', . . . , . .' , ,'" RESOLU'l'ION , oontinued MORTGAGE -- CONTRACT PAnmNTS Beach Rec~ation Building Cleveland street Property Operating Budget CAPITAL EXPEIIDlTURES DEBT SERVI CE TOTAL 1,000.00 9.600.00 612,631.00 93,000.00 245.000.00 $,950,631.00 ~f"Htl~'I~J."r!tZ "f;> . ~,/,~~\:~,jr~~k~ :~~f.'.1'r.' . :,~,~'~~~:!:\~:'~~<{7i~~1~\::.: t." "1..'.. ',r.,~,,". ,..8'.;".,1.,." !:t~li~~~jKi . r .",,:' \.". ~~?':! I' ,:.',":'.',"". ".' '. ....,l.;' .. "'. ,., l~l!~~f~i~,' : second: That it is hereb7 deter.mined that a tax of lltmills upon all real property and personal property within the City, not exempt trom taxation by law, shall be necessary to raise the said sums appropriated for operating purposes, and ~e said rete ot millage 1s hereby assessed on all real and personal property upon said tax assessment roll not exempted by law from taxation. 'l'hI~: That it is hereby deter.mined that the tollowing rates ot millage shall be necessary to raise the necessary SUMS for debt service on the CIty's outstanding bonded indebtedness, and said rate of millage is nereby assessed against. the property included in said tax assessment roll, 88 followSI A11 real estate and personal property within the City of Clearwater 7 3/4 mills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the toregoing Schedul.es and tax rates be published 1n the Clearwater Sun and that the City Commission shall meet in the Cit,. Hall. City of Clearwater, at 7:30 P.M. June 23~ 1950 for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon said intended tax 1ev,y, and tlle City Auditor and Clerk is hereby required to publish a notice of such publio hearing, setting forth the time and place aforesaid for holding such meeting, together with ths proposed budget and tax levy 8S herein set fortn, and unless suf~ic1ent objections shall be made at the time and place stated in said notice, said budget and tax levy shall stand for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1950, and ending June 30th, 1951. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City CODll1ission of the City ot Clearwater. Florida this 16th day of June. A.D., 1950. Leland F. Drew Acting Mayor-Commissioner Attest: ~ .~. ' '.~ ;',;, '/" i :;,~.: .' "', ' ""1\' , , . ' " CTTX COPI(IJITSSION MEETTNG June 16, 1950 The City Commisaion of the Cit� of Cldsrwatex met in Special Session at City Hall Friday, June 16th at 7:30 P.ai. with the following members present; Abaent: Herbert bi. Brown Leland F• Urew JoQ Turnes Harry D. Sargeant E. B. Casler J�. Also Pre sent V7ere : aoyd A. Bennett George blcClamrr�a Ben Krentzman -Coimniss3oner -Commissioner -CommS.ssioner -b4�yor- Commi asionei� -Commissioner -City btanager -Chief oP Police -City Attorney , �—`/� , � The P,Zayor being absent, Commissioner Turner moved the appointment of Com- ffiissioner Brown as Temporary Chairman. Upon taking the che.ir, Ai��e Broem called for nominations Por Acting 2riayor. Com- m3saioner I'urnar nominated Cor�issioner Drew for Acting Ir4ayos�. The nomination �+as seconded by Co�issioner T�roM and carried. The biayor announced that the meeting had been called �or the pux�pose of sdopting i� budget and setting �he rate oP taxatian f or the Piacal year 1950-51. Cc�aniasioner Bropn moved that the deb�t service tax Por the 1950 Tax Roll �.A sat at 7.75 mila and that the operating millage be set at 11.25 mils, �caking a tatal oY 19 mi1s. The motion was ssconded by Commissioner Turner and cars�ied. The City Attcrney re�d a Resolut3on adopting a budget oP ,�950,631.00, providing for a tax rate of 7 3/4 mils for bond d�b� requirements, a tsx rate oP 11 1/4 mila for operating expenses, and setting Friday� �'une �3rd as the date Yor a public heariz�g on the budget for �iscal year 1�950-51. Corrnnissioner Turner moved that the Reaolu�ion be adopted. The motion was seconde@ bg Covnnissioner Broxrn and carrie�. On roll call Coiruniseioners Brown, Drew and Turner voted ��Aye�'v There were no negat3ve votes. Abaent and na�t vot�ng, D4ayor-Cox�nissioner Sargoant end Co�issioner Casler� The Ci�Cg Attorney read s Resolution requesting the Stats Legislative bodie� to extend the Inland V�aterways Prom Anclote River to 5te M.arke. On � mot�on by Ccm- missioner Turner, whieh wss aeconded by Coimnissioner Brovna and carried, the Resolution vias adopted. There being no flzrther business to coma before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: / � ty Aud�to a nd CTerk Mayor-L'ommissioner Harry D� Sargeant Co�nmis�'ioners: Leland F. Drew E. B. Casler Iierbert M. �ro�vn Joe Turner �Gentlemen: a�%C.XC�-�-t � '� ../'L,('�"'�-_. ���%1� f Mayor-Co�nissioner June 14, 19�0 A special meeting of the City Cormnission v�ill be held Friday evening, June 16, Z950 a� 7:�0 P. M. in �;�e City Iia17. for the purpose of a Pu'blic Hearing of the 1950-51 Budget and consideration of a resolution adapting the budge� for the i'is�al yea� e�nding June 3Q, 1951 and fixing the anzount of the millege. Fixing the �ate together with a notice when objections can be heard followin� the publi.cation o.�' the Budget in thd local newspaper. Ver,y truly yours, � Signad: Bo�d A. Bennett, Ci t� h2anager BAB: GC� CITY CC�tn2TSSr0I3 N�E�`ING June 16, 195U RESO�U`Z'ION RESOLUTION SII�PORTING THE AUTI�ORTZATIO�' n� AN INTRACOASTAZ Tn�A'TERWAY FROAI ANGLOTE RIVER, fiA$PON SPRINGS TO ST. R�[ARKS F'LOR3DA WHEREAS, the Federal Jrxtrscoastal Waterway Syatem extending, wi�h cextain _ intsrruptioz�s, �.1ong the Atlantic and Gulf Goasts oi' the Un3ted S�stem from Boston to BrawnsviZle has proven ai' gs�eat va�ne to the people of ti2e Uni�ed St&tes 'by ra- ducing the cos� of tr�nsportation. of many connuodit3es, by increasing the natian/a supply of ed3'b1e i'ish, and bg a�farding bet�er oppoz•tunitiee for �he psople of this nation to engage in the health-g3.ving recreationa of baating and fishing; and Y,►HEREAS, the use�llneas and value of this Waterways S�stem �s greatly reduced by the fact that it haa not yot been completed along the Gul� Coast of FZoriaa fram the C�laosahatchee River to St. aiarks an@ that section from Anelote River �o St. Diarka has no� even been authorizad by Congress; and WF�t'�EAS, the U. S. Distriat Engineer 3.n �'acksonvilla has been authorized to maks preliminary exanination and survey and to make a repar� a�nd recouunendation whsthsr or not it is advi�able tha� Congrass authorize the constructior_ of an Intra- coastal 1Yaterwey fron Anclote Ri�er �o St. Nlarks„ and Wf�REAS, the authorization and construction of this 4Vs�erway, tvgether with the canstruction of the �iJaterway al.ready authorized by Congress, betr�eeil the Anclote River and the C�loosahatehee River, and tha completio7n t;o full proj'ect dimensions of the existing Waterways between Jacksonville and N[iarixi' Keq West and tha mouth of Caloasahatohee i?iver woul@ be of �reat benefit t� the people oP the United States, of the State of Florida, the County o� Pinellas and the Citg of Clear�aater, Florida NOV�' 7'HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coumiission of the City oP Clear- riater, F1or3.da, in sesaion duly and legally assembled. 1. THAT the suthorizatian by Congress end the construetion by the Corps of Engineers of an Intracoastal Water�ra�r extending along t2ie v�est coast oP Flarida from Anclote River to St. Marks would be of great value to the poople �P this vicin3ty and to thosa oi the vvinole United States; and �� THAT +,,his Comnission her8by expresses its whoa.ehearted support o.� thia project and urges the IIo S. Diatric� �ngineer in Ja�;ksonville to submit an early and fsvorable r•eport thereon; and 3. THAT the CiNy� Clsrk is direeted to transmit copies of thi� Resolution to Senator Clauda Peppar, Senator Spessard L. Hollar�d, Congresaman J. Hardin Petersan and to the Agent of tha V�eat Coast In]and Navlgation I�istrict at 16I5 duPont Building, Miami, 32, FZorida. PAS�ED AND ADOPTID thia l6 th day of Junea A.De, 1950. Attest: i?;y Audito and Clerk ����.Lt� ,,�,�. Mayor-Co�runiss oner ,� ^��- 0 CI'fi'' COMMTSSTON N[EETING �e 16 � 1.950 RESOLZ7TIQN FiESOLUTION OF TFI� CITY GOMilIISSION OF TiI� CI'FY OF CLEARWATER ADQYTING A BULGET AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATTOPd. iNfIEREAS, �he City a�anag�r o� �he Ci�y af Clearvrater, Florida Yzaa submitte@ an eatimate of` the amoun� of maneq necessarg to carry on the City Governmsnt Por the Pi�cal �ear beg3rming Ju].y ].st, 7.950 and ending Juns 30' Z951; a�d NIfiEREA3, th�e Cit� G�nnnisgion has, in meeting duly assembleda examined carefully, coneidered� az�d approved the same; a�d WHERFAS, the tax aasessment ro12 hea baen submitted to tha Cit� Commiasion in correc� Poxsn; ��� NOW, TH;EREFOiiE, BE IT RESOY,VED SY' THE CITY COMb'IISSION OF TiiE CITY OF CLEARI(�ATER , FLLFRTDA, in regular meeting assembleds Ftrst: TY�at the City Manegerts Annual Repart and Budgeb Por the fiscal year b�ginning J'ulq 1, I95Q and ending Jun� 30� ].951, a copy oP which ia orz file with the Ctty Auditor and Clerk and is by reference made a part hereof, and of tshich ths following schedu7,e is a suYmnary, is herei�y adopted as the pperating Bu�iget Por the City of Clearwater for eaid period: ESTIMATED MISCELT,ANEOUS REVENUES GENERAZ AD�IIN7STRATION Clerical and Adminiatratine Expense Por Tiayor and Co�nission City Manager Purch$sing Agent City Attorney Ittsurance Department of Finance Department of Reaords & Taxation bnployees Psnsion Municipsl Bu3ldings and Ieands Police Gourt Civi1 Service Board Publics WE1Pare & Outside Ch�ri�y Elections ADVERTISING PAOMOTION Ghamber of Conlmerce INSPECTIOPi SERVICES Builfling El,ec�r3ca� Plumbing PUBL2C SAFETY' Palice i?epartment Traffic Indicators, P&rking Lot Fire Department Fire Trucks Electria Bureau S�reet Lighting P'UBLTC V�ORKS DEPARTI�iENT Signs, Parking Meter� Aclministrative ancl Engineering Streets & S�clevralks Docks and Bric2gea Draw Bridge Tender Parks Cem�tarie� PUB�,IC SERVICE DEPAH`.l'I�ENT Adminiatration Street Cleazzing Garbage Qal.lectian T�ash Collection Sanitary Fi12 �torm Se�vera L3brary Colored Librar,g HECi3r ATI ON Operation, Ncaintenance of Bui].dings, Graunds, Recreatiot� purpos�s continued nex.� pa ga �423,700,00 2, OOQ ,00 7,630.Q0 �,80Q.00 �,SOOe40• ].3, 700 .00 13,25d�00 7,450.00 $,300.00_ 7,OOO.QO 1,700.OQ 2,825.00r 6,4CO.Q0 500.00 ,% 24,000600 5,180.00 4,&25s00 4, 5'75 e 00 ��05,120.00 13,500.00 50C1.00 68,475.00 �,000,00 8�OQ0.00 14� 500,,00 13�000.00 32,400.00 89000.00 5,900.00 39,07d.0� 6�100.00 8,2Q0.00,. 2,5U0.00 59,258.00' 24,150,00 9�000.00 6,500,OU I5,260.OQ 2,200aA0 �3,665,00 CITY COI�111iISSION MEETTNG J'une ].6, 1.9&0 RESOLUTTON9 c,ontinued hiORTGAG� -- CpNTRAGT PAYNIENTS Beach R�creation Building Cleveland Straet Property Qperating Budget CAPITAL EXPEFJDITU�ES DEBT SERVTCE TOTAL l,000.00 9 y600 oQ0 6I�,631000 93,000.00 245,OOA.00 �p950, G31.00 �scond: That it is hereby determined that a tax of 11� mills upon all real property and personal property �vithi�? �he Gity, not exempt from taxation by law, shall be necessary to raise the sa3d sums appropriated for operating purposes, and the said rate of millage is hereb� assessed on all real and person�l proper�y upon said tax a�sessuent roll not exempted by 1aw from taxation. This+d: Tl�at it ia hersbp detexmined that the Pollowing rat6a og millage sha11 be necessary to raise the necsssary sums for deb� service on the C3tp�s outstanding bonded indebtedness, and said xate of millage is hereby assessed ags;inst the property included in said tax asseasment ro119 as followa: A11 rael estate and personal pro�er�y within the City oP Cleareuator 7 3/4 mills. BE TT Fi7RT�ER RESOLVED thai: the foregaing Schedulea and tax ratos be published iu the Claas7vater Sun anfl thet the Cit� Commission ahall meat in the City Hall, Gity o� Clsas�rater, at 7:30 P.l�. June 23, 1450 Por the purpo�e oP holding a pubJ.ic hearing u�on said intended t�x levy, and fihe City A�siitor and Clerk ia herehy requirad to publ3sh a x�otice of sueh publi� hsaring, setting forth the time and p3ace aPoresa3d for holding such meeting�, together with the proposed budge� and tax levy as herein sat �'orth, and un7.ess sufficien� ob�ections shall be nLade at the time and placa stated in said noti.ce, said budget and tax levy sha11 stand for the i':tscal year beginning J'uly 1, 1950, and errling June 30th, 1951. THIS RESOLUT�ON PASSED 4ND ADOPTED by ths City Cou�ission of the Citf of C�.earr�ater, F].orida this Z6th daq of June, A,D., 2950e Attest: __���C • ' O citq eua�to na czer� m Leland F. Drew Act3ng I�ayon� offinissioner G