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t0 s I® G +. n .:. ? s X l' r v ,r ,, ?y';'4} i t ?+? 4?rc"yes r' :s: r i', a ny ?+ i .:? •,:. I? J i ":,.r, '. s"'?jj' -l s•a, ?:¢ r r r /,., t. ;?,; f 1. ; •* , ?,<?,? :.i'.w(S.k'r`G-4;+?•yi''?i1????Ir?Cy ' r3..y '?w,t?,..,dN1??[ ?y,.e,tt„hG?wr,?.?,., .....,i?.w.. w.?. .. ... ,,n ., ..?......?. .... i.w..v,.axuin:,.r4r .., ._. . .??. lr. .. c .u.?. .as,. ?....., ., ?r. .v.... t?+Yurhf t" ? ??r?4t}? `d cu.+aar ?7 ,??, ?r??r$i ???'??) 1?{,?'??S .S.I r?'??°?'??? .m? M.d..,ti ?., w.?.w.. ?.taa°,h.9. ,?1CNw??yGnvr,.aw' d9e,?7A?'# `? yi . jr,x .?• ? t ?I? ?t ? '.... .. ? ?!? p ? _ ''??? ,?1u`'e ?? t $f ? Air ?i ? ? ? ? ,?i?. r r7, ??Y(, f y t>ti??i r 3,. Ja'i s CITY COI+HdISSTUN Iu1LL,TTNG ??"?' ` ? r ???`? ??t: ,{ h Fr?:X { ? M1. ? fJ,?4 I . t { ar l " t ? ' ?????,.?,i?a'?',? June B ].950 ,???????? tit ? ..f?r C1' 2ra h +pr ?, l.ft u??. € f j .? f yp fry:ry,J k }W?? I... a ;'fir{?lK.?? i.: 1'?, t J t 1. F Q '4 ;n y?., ? r i ? ,f ? , 7 ua,r?,t r'lr`,{ ,! ?i???, i+?5 it 1'Y $?, i , ?rI" ?? `?, ra??> y. The City Commission of the City of Clearwater niet in Special Session, at City ?M°?'?;????x°`? '` "? r ,yt ?; > Hall Thursday, ,Tuna 8th, at 7:30 P. N,. with the fol].owinn mRr,hnrn praaent: ,?iwA'?,?°?'?? M'? S y'4F M1i ?d 1' '. ?? } t ;?? , `; ? Hard P. Sari-;eant -1+?a?'Or-CorIIi]isSiAner ''.,'•wt a'?a ;S?r';' '? ?' Herbert Iii. Brovrn -Commissioner ?',,'?Kr ?' ,:.? s;, `;'? 7. B. Caslar Jr. -Convnisaionar ? ? ? s, '? Leland I?', lirew -Conmrissionor ? ,??' "r `',, 'j. Joe Turner -Commissioner ?!'; ' ,?cc : .. , ? ? ?. ? ? Absent: { ' • ,? IFone ?,<.?,?,? ? ?? ?. ;. ? :? : ? ?? `' i Also Present Were; y ? :? ?' , ?? ? ? ? Doyd A. )3ennett -City biana?;er ?? ' ? ?, ?'? ` ,n `?.,?; Capt. Glenn Proctor -i'olice llept? ?,?'.? ?;?, { ' ;,, ? ? ban hrentzrnan -City Attarney ? ? - >. ' ;? ??"` >. ,; The meeting having; been called to order, the f'ollowinE; Resolution was read by ? - , ?? , `!° , , , ,;,} the City Attorney: j ` ?" ? , ? , ?. 'x" ? ,i RIJSOLUTI ON ? , ; _ ,}, itt{. try h , ?` fflHEREAS C]?arles Everinl;ham is now occupyinN certain property of the City of ;`?r?4q r,'`?a 1 ?,.i ?irr??14? C: i t 1 Fr ?d?.}i ? ??? ? ? r i`( Clearwater, Florida, lieroinafter described, under t2re terms cf a Lease AF;reement ,;?rst?r?t`?,`?' .? '? r' S?wG'?t. ', , between him and said City, dated Liay 23', 1935, and ? ?i5,?????.I, ??w;u?a??????;,;?., , : ; VlIIERLAS the Ci1;y of Clearwater, Florida ras a population of over 20,000 and' ???.???,t;?t?., ,Y ? ?. ,lla,F dN?rt$ f- ? rr , annually entertains additional thousands of visitors, al.l of whom should have the ?°,?:'Y "??i; j S J "tY + ?µ ??tr??rr `, t ??? opportunity of en joyir?I, swirmninf, and related recreational activity, and ,??? ,,. jh ?'(bl ?.'? s ? ?'?. 1 t ? h????? }. ?r •, '"? ?, ; YIIiLRLAS said property is located contiguous and adjacent; to the Gulf of r? ti ? ? ' y 17 }'r , ???'i-?sk ' ''t ' `, ? Mexico on Clearwater Beach, Florida and is needed by the City* for Municipal pur- ??'????`? + ??? ? ?'?? '}?z?,S °4':? "` ?,+,<<W, ?"?? poses, to bo used by the City as a beach recreational area for the use of the ^????tz,in'.?; ,?. 1 i` '? A .r ' r ,4 ? r r.r. i, t, ?? ?c„'tB,.?,li ', . .i?,p'v( 1?YA ?? . ?? ? , '?; gene??al public, and x?r,?'s?? ?;,;????; ? i 4 ? ? ' ??' i 'r"YES ?,'W?? Y?: ; . ' r , ?,,'. l ? VJIiLFih'AS it is deemed necessay? desirable and to the best interest of the '?*???+u,s ??°?? ! ? `J f Pr"{ ppfi t,,,? '?? Cit;y and the general public that said lease sr?all cease and determine, and ????c??',°. ?. .? a '" yr??,r?y'r?,"11p?.. ,;;;, ,, ?iJIILRNAS it is desired to follow t]ie procedure preacribad in said lease for its ????k'`t???+;`•? ??''??1 termination for this purpose, NOPI TFIEIIEb'0 ?' BI; 1T ItESOI?VEU by the City Conmrission of the City of Clearwater, u?'.''{ . ?`?'?-"` ' Florida, in session duly and legally assembled, as follows: ???<?yi ?';,:.^?? ???;r ?.. T]rat the follovrinF; described property of the. City of Clearwater, r''lorida bS'Y;Na. a . >?.r?Yn' . now occupied by Charles Everinghan under the terms of said lease, to-wit; 'k?; r?:??N4E Be?;inninl; at a point 93 feet I;a st of the highvrater ruf;.? mark in the Gulf of Itiloxico, on the Nast and tiYest ??r,; canter line of Section 8, Tavrnship 29 South, Range ?j ?d?'?? ?" ? 15 East, said point being the center line of Gulf ' ? n ?,??. ` iliew Boulevard, run thence P?arth at an anF;le of 90 `+? ? ?,???. degrees from the said East and test center line of _ ??r ??; Section 8 a distance of 105.92 feet fora oint of r p ??#? beginning, run thence South 89 degraos 54 mirutea ??? ??,t Y East 153.69 feat t , hence Ilorth 6 de?;reas ten minutes } ?.?.;?; East 425.98 feet, thence Ilorth 80 degrees 27 minutes ;?'? ; ???' ? Flest 249.23 feet to tree high ureter mark of the Gulf ?? of Mexico, thence South 4 deF;rees 36 minutes ti"last ?i??`. along the hilr,Yi water n?arlc of the Gulf of b:exico ??",,,;' ' ' 465.85 feet, thence South 89 degrees 54 miruttes East ? 83,78 feet to point of beginning;, is needed by the City of Clear?,ratar, Florida far b?unici]?al purposes to be used as al ?? ?_y?:;'? . beach recreational eras far the use of the general public. '??? 2. That in accordance with the provisions cf said lease relating; to its term- ination where the property is to be used by the City for municipal purposes, said °,'..'_ lease shall be terminated sa of Jane 26, 1950. ':r. ?:;.. ,:: ?;'?;:????.:,?:;? ? ?? ? ? 3. That the City Manager is "hereby authorized and directed to notify said , ?rz ?• ?n?,,.;r ????, 4: xk , 4 y ++?,yfi .i.r, r ? , ?? xr r ?rM7??? i ?t? ,{ 5 ! ?,?} ?t 111 ?( ??4?,4 1 {G ! t f! . ? , ) F,, ':. ? , _., 1:?? r.7r.-.? ,,,.. Jf ni... a. ., ?r [.,{. ?,.? .. .. ? __ ?1.?{FYtYaii:u?,?. .i ... ,__ ., _.. .t' ... ??...? i.T''?." :i. a.:.t J,. LLx ll •I I• I• ?? ? r ,r t ?, . * '..,N.wiNrrr ? ??'?S]` ip?W>n?Jx r , . i:: r.ye ?* .,? ,?? ??14??x"?r. ?.wvrilv,y, A } ?.. ; u??? „ru/ ????? /???'?";^ ? ? ?:z.+a ? ;y J ?r,. ?. ..?r.? Y,T. rrv'?t ?';, ?i ?s,???C?k?a?a ?'? "?? ?. ! a ? ? ;? ;???? ? .?f t:; rtJ r'§ a ? .2' ??s ?h,'r-;'"' - ?; ? r?L, ???t?, ?J,? ? 9 ? .9`,:;h4:+?r '?. a . :" t ? x y p . ? ?. ???? i? +? n ?Fi?Mwfi.?Fwe??«nitxiv...4.ww;+,?l,..+J 1..°w ,:i:W.?4....4..:t«.wl n.'t".C....."?. ?u. r?w:<'i:law.t.«n...+?.L,..?k•?..i.?++..w?.:?..+S,..r?s?iw?.w ,??:cJ+r?`".r1.s+?'afma.Y?1i?'»vt?i..sd?"??t4?r ? 1'?' ,tii?7 ? ?r°y? ? ? ..J k ? , ? ? e"?.. ': i t?'+si1 '. ? t ? a' ? ', 1I CITY CDI?J?tISSION Rl ? ?TI d(I I a ?? 9e l,.S `? June 8, 1950 ? ?,?` {;. ?, r. . ''?yy?'` ? ?? Resolution continued ? ` ? ?4Yy' '!' ? s ..,, ,??}i'T+fk ,N?S i ?r ??? ?ii'1 ?? ??? ? ?? ?? "n ' . +;''?k i'??,?,4°` Charles Everingl?sm of the passage of this resolution, and to tape the necessary y?????.?, ???/!tl ` ??,??r? ..sue :?,?.? ,?;5..???:iG? , 2°?????it`?`J?1. steps to terminate said 1'eaae ap;reetnont in accordance with the provisions thereof. ???,???',,. ` ?i??u r,?d?pplt4?"J ? !T? ?'7?5`X????CL?/9p??`, .• }; rev ,?1 ?1 k ;a? ? ?!w t? t F i ?.+'; ? r *? ?. '??r?,?'????{?? PASSEli AIdD ADOPT);U this 8th day of Jane, A.D., 1g5G ?¢?, y" r???` ?'. i?t rJ ?P ,??? ?aitTM r ? ,? r a7 y?!? ,? ,?? ? ? ? lr ? .'r f 6 v 4c5 :? 5 ) + 111 } t?Yr 7 r ?..? i 4 '??` ?'???'v\???Y$?k.. harry 1) Sar16?, ant s'?ti? a????'. '?'`r='?? ?,,? ? harry U. Sargeant, Priayor-Cor:?iasioner + ?`'? ? ???°, ? J' pia 114i...i,5?*A; i = H ayl ?? fJ ?f ? '??M°1}i?gCl???91?g,y?q? .• ? 1 r a. ?`(t+t a<A?'??,? , c .-?,t ++ p s > 1 zN;; a"??;??>">?"?' ? ?? ? Attest; ??j vk `??j?., 7 ld?p .s ? ?' ?' t? ??'i taV?>??'?rXrr ?? ? Il• C7• ti??j.n ?o ?+????y??n?a???,?„ + r ° ' ?' ? } ? H. G. ?' nF;o, City Auditor & lerlt ? ,? ?..? ' d s}? 7y?? 1 ,,,i {(a y t ?v'.;,?a?t??r'??? ? a? d c ? u Iy/ri4a r`9' c¢? r= r t ?} ? y 37 G???a Ai? , •? °?+h`rf y s+ ??'' Commnissioner Urevr moved that the Resolution be passed. The motion was seconded by ??A???? ?;r,° !t ,; ,?? ,A,R ?? ? ;? Com?niaaioner Turner and carried. 1Jpon roll call the following Cornniasionera ?°', +4 i°M,, /?}xt ;??z,?'?;,; voted 'Aye"s 3ar?;eant, Brown, Casler, Drew and Turner. There wore no negative votes. a! '?? ???,, r1 ?nw ' ?? `? LNx, '' There being no further business to come befor© the L'oard, the meeting was adjourned. I'?. ": ?, ?? : ,, r N , ??? . r,° r ? ??} .! _?? 1 r?"j d D ?t? e. ?? zrt I . ? it - ?? 4 J?1 ?t ? T? ?'?' +?? + F ?? ?:? ,. K,`r?^. u;.ry tip, ?k?R ?Ti '?i?? t°rt 4r ? "mil ' ? ? ;,??????si??? .? Dtayor- onmissioner ?? ,????????, ? r{ Attest: --.?r rrwr--...-+r-? June 8, 1950 I?iayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant Commissioners: Leland F. Drsx, $. B. Casler, Jr., Herbert M. Hrown, Jos Turner aentlomens There Brill be a Special meeting oP the Citq Commission tonight (J?ne 8, 1950) at 7s30 P. ld.' in th® Citq Hall Por the purpose of discussing the Eneringham Lease. Very truly goura, Bogd A. Bennett City tdanager BAB:gg ;:;;;; ?{,,? -?;; s",?i? k'F,'y +?.e {? f? •: i ' .. la.?' ?l'?J ? +. . ?11 1 ?? 1 l S ? ? , y4/ ,, y ??? c [4 ?s SG . ?` 1 ? t M ? ? ' t i qyr F ' ,.Ian ."?<< 4, t a? 4J?????? k?? r ? d? ? ? f' ? r ? z ? ? ,j ' 7 ? ? i ? ..' ' ? ? y I 1. .? ..,.. ..? .. i .. . ,? ?, ? j .?Y ?r . ? . '?.;Ay a ? ?? L ? ??? ? ? r?.. 5 t ? 0 CITY COP�,zz�ssazl r����,�ziaG Jur�e $ � 1950 The City Commiasion Gf the �ity of ClearwatQr met in Special Sessia�i, at Gity Hall Thure�day, Juno 8th, at '7:30 P. N:. with the fal].owing menbera prosent: Abserit; Iiarr�,� D. Sar�;eant Hesbext P�i. T3rov�n �. B. c� �isr, Jx�. Leland F'. Lretiq Joe murner Idone -1�1a� or- Cor¢n i s a i oner »Corr�nissioner -Commissioner -Cosmnis s ionor -�Commis�ioner Also Present VJore: Boyd A. Bennett -Gity rdana�;er Capt. Glenn Proetar -Palice Uep't. F�ez� I�ren�zrnan -City Attorney The meetin� havin� beAn called to or�er, the follotivin� Resolution was read by the Cat� Attorney; RESOLUTION 44HEREAS Char7.es Everingham is notN accupyin�; c6rtei� praperty� of the City of C�eas^nater, Florida, b.ereina.fter deseribed, under the terms of a Ir �se A�greement betvreen him and said Ci.ty, e�ated Iriay Z3, 19353 and VIIiEfiLAS the Cit3 of Clearauatei:, Florida has a popuTation of over 20,00� and annaally entertains &daitional thousand� of visitors, a11 of whom sh:oulcl have tha oppor�unity of enjoying swirmning and rela�ed recreational. ec�ivit�, and VtrI3EREA5 said proper�y is locatecl cantiguous and adjacent to the Gu1f of Y�iexico on Clearwater Beach, Floriaa and is needed by �rie Ci�y^ for i�;urlicipal pur- poaes, to be usetl by the City as a beach. rocre�tional area for the use oi the �;eneral public, and VkiEREAS 3.t is deemed necossary, desirabls anc� to the best interes� of the Cii:g and the �eneral public �hat said lsage shall csase and determine, and 1�Ji�R�AS it is desired ta follora the procedure prescribed in said lease for its terniination for tris purpose, NOFl TFi�,REFOf?�, BE IT RESOL�,�;D by the City Gonunission oi' the City of Claas�water,. Fl.orida, in sesa�ion duly and legally assembled, as �ollov�s: T. That the follov�in�; descr'_bed property of the City of Clear�vater, Florida, now occupied b� Chr�rles Everi���ham undar the �arms of saicl lesse, to-vaits Be�;inning at a point 93 feet �ast of the highv�ater mark ir_ the Gulf o� l�toxico? on the East and 4+�est center line of Secti.on 8, To�vnship 29 South, ftanga 15 East, said point bein� the center line of Gu1f 4i.ew Boulevard, run thence Nortr at an angle of 90 degrees from the said £mst and West center line oi Section 8, a distance of 1Q5.5� teet far a point of beginning, xun thence South 89 degree� 54 r�i:nutas East 153,69 feet�, the�ce Idorth 6 degrees teiz minutes Eas� 425.98 fe�t, thence 2Forth 80 de�;rees 27 rainu�es VJest 249.23 feet to the hi�h tJater mark of the Gulf of Atexico, tihence South 4 ue�;r.eos 36 minutes 4Jest a1�n� the high water mar�: of �he Gulf of hiexico 465>85 feet, thence South 89 de�;reas 54 mirnites �at 83.78 ieet to point oi' beginning, is n8eded by the City oi' C1ear�vator, Floriela for P�:unlcipal purpose� tp be used as a beach recreational area �'or the use ai thd �eneral publice 2. Tl�tt 3n accorc�ance wi th t�le pi ov3sions of ga id lease relating to it� term- iz�ation ti^rhera tlie �ro�erty is to be used by the Citg for municipal purposea, sa3d lease ahall be termiriated as of Juzze 2F, 195(�. 3. That thn Qit3ri,iana{�er is hereby authorizsd and directed to notify said ��/ CITY G02:S„15STilN I�lL;�'TTI3G June 8, 1950 Resolution, con-�inued Charles Everin�;ham of the passa�e o� this resolution, ancl to talte tYie necossary' stsps to terminate said 7:rase a�;reement in accordance with t2ze �rovistons th�xeofo FASSED Al`+D AVOPsED �his 8th day oi June, A.D., 1�35Q Harry D. 3ar�;eant �Iarry IJ. Sar�ear_t, P;iayor-Cor.m�3ssioner Attest: H. G. FJin�;o Ii. G. VJin�;o, Gity Auditor �; Clerk Cor!,missioner Drerr raoved that the Resolution be passeds �l'he motion tivas second�d by Co�nissioner Turner �nd carried. Upon roTT oaTl the follotvin� Cor�miasioners voted "Aye"; Sargeant, Bro;vn, Casler, Drev� and Turner. There were no negative votes. There being no flxrther k�usir.ess to co�e before the Board, the nieeting �vae. adjourned. �.�� ���.�- n1a for-Corrniissioner Attest. _____��L • C3ty Au itor a,d Clerk Jun� S, 1950 Mayor�Cou�missionar Harry A. Sargeant Commissioners• �I,eland F. Dxew, E. B. Ca�ler, Jr„ Herbert M. Brown, Jae Turnar Gentlemen: There �eill ba a Spacial meeting of the Cit�r Conmiission tonight (June 8, 1950) at 7;30 P. hf. in th� C�ty Ha11 �'or the purpose oY discuasing the Everingham I,esse. Vory tri:�ly yours, Boyd A. Bennett City B�anager HA�egg '� 7�J� ■ �