06/01/1950 . -,~"'~" ',;/. ,:"i'<$tl;,:C,:':OC'.:. ..... . '\';:h;::r;:i',> ' 'i , >- . ,j . 1 'j I I \ ~ . I ./ . ,'~., I I j ~ 1 1 , j 1 1 ;J ~l i I J , 4 ;1 i i;,'j '~ "1 ( ',\ ..: " ., " , '~ , ;; . " l'! '.;1 'i .~t ~~ ':- ~ .. . . . I _ '. . . ~...,,_" ,:..;.,;\ '.. ...,'J:, OJ:. :..'~;;ji:"';\';;;'r':' ""'8B', ". :, ~~b/ ,:,"'i/:',::":':,;,,; :,:::, .' /.,.., "...','.;,'>,.; , ';.:..~t.::..:~ ".:..' ',:~\: j::: . .. ..... .'.... 1:', ':,';\';:) :~~,~:: ~"": , . . ,I." . . , ' ' j "< i' . CITY COMMISSION ~lEETING .June 1, 1950 The City Commission of the City of' Clea.rwater met in specia-lS6ssion at City Hall Thursday, June 1st, at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: .',;, " :., ," Harry D. Sargennt He rbe l't M. Brown E. B. Cnalor,Jr. Leland 1<'. Drew Joe Turnor -Mayor-Cor.unlss loner -Gof:unias loner -Cor-nnis sionor -C o11unl s slone r -CoHunia aioner Absent: None Also Present Were: Boyd Ao Bennett George T. McClanuna Ben Krentz:man -Oity Manager -Chief' of Police -Cit~r Attorney ".- The Mayor called the meeting to order and stated the f'irst item on the Agenda would be the receiving of bids for purchase of ~;115,000, ~ interest, Yacht Ba.sin Certifioates, and $125,000, 3% Utility Revenue Certificates. Fisher-Hawes & Company, Knoxville, Tennessee, and R. W. Spragins & Company of Memphis, Tennessee, submitted bids. The City I..lanager said the r'isher-Hawos. bid did not confor~m to the advertised specifications in that they requested the pledging of f'\.Ulds other than rentals, in the event revenue from rentals was' insu:fficlent to carry the Yacht Basin Revenue Certificates. R. W. SpraE;ins f~ Company ofi'ered to pay par and accrued interest to de. te of' deli very and to pay all costs, with the exception of the City Attorney's feGo As compensation they ask a fee of $2,9?6000 to he pa id on the delivery of the certificates. Conunissloner Dre'W Dloved that the proposal of R. VI. 5pragins &. COMpany be accepted. The Dlotion WEl.a seconded by COOI- missioner Brown and carried. / The Cit~r Manager sublllitted the follow:tnp; sUlcmary of bids received for furnish- ing a Fire Truck with a 1,000 Gallon Punper: " ...., ,,-:.., :. l,.'......,":..,.,....".. t:<~~:tf;V/~f,{('~: : i'--"..<'~'} I'<)<~,:,t::;''': , I.!,~;~~f~,' .,. '" '" '" .,'~" '. fll~1~~~4 F"..." ;\~~;~f:! American -I.a France Mack Oren Peter Pirs'ch Seagl"a ve ~?14,449.00 l4,265.~5 15,227.87 13,685.00 l4,2?3.50 The Chief of the Fire Depen'tment expressed a preference to the American La France truck due to the Cab ahead of the en~ine constnlction, and the seating capacity for 5 men. The City Manager recommonded the purchase of' the Seagrave at $14.273.50. On a motion by Con~issloner Drew, which was seconded by Con~iss1oner Casler and carried, the bid of tho Seagrave Company was accepted. Mayor Sargeant recOIlUl1encled the re-appointnlent ot: H. H. Baskin, R. R. Orcutt and J. J..Eckhart as Boy Soout Trustees. Cormnissionel" Brovln 11l0ved that the lI1ayor's recommenda tion be approved. The motion was seconded by COI:1InisBioner Turner and carried. The Mayor recor.1l'l1onded the re-appointnent of' John R. Burke to the EJiectrical Contractors Examining Board. Comm1ssionul' Bro'wn moved tha t the Mayor's reconmendation be followed. Comm:l.ssioner Drow seconded the motion and it carried. lJ.'he Mayor recommended the re-o.ppointment ot' Hel"bert M. Blanton and Webb Hopkins to the Zoning Board. On a motion by Commissioner rrurner, vUlich was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the Mayor I s recOl~menda ti on wa a approved. The Ma.yor recomnended the appointment of Andrew Horton and Cleveland Insco to the Zoning Board. Commissioner Drew moved that 1I1e88ra. Horton and Insco be appointed to the Board and the Boa rd be requested to nomina. te a Chainnan and send its recommendatj on to the Com:r~ission. The motlon was seconded ~r Commissioner Casler' and carried unani.mously. The City Manager read the draft of' a proposed contract between Briley-Wild and Asaocia tes, El?gineers~ and the Oi ty. Commissioner Casler moved that the necessary' formalities for executing the contract be approved. The notion 'Was aecomded by Com- missioner Drew and carried. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the COl7'.mission by the Board of County Cotnmiss-ioners, in which the Count~r Board requested tha t the C1 ty Commission adopt a Resolution similar tc the Resolution adopted by the County COll1rnisoion on May 16th, and forwa~ copies to Senators Pepper and Holland and to Congres sman }>eteraon. The Resolution requests authorization by Congress and construction by the Corps o-r Engineers of a.n Intracoastal Waterway extension frml Anclote River to St. Marks. Com- missioner Brown moved that tIle letter be acknowledged and the request be complied with at the earliest possible time. The motion was seconded by Coomissioner Casler and carried. .. t~ ....---..... ': .' c,' . ,::,. . "'-::i~ .:1.' ': '.' j: ~j" ~. :. . . .7;....~':. ,:.>, .....~. '. ' . .. ,'} .. ';';'" '.,. CITY COMMISSION MEETING June I, 1950 ",'j The City Manager reported that he had authorized the main extensions costing leas than $300~OO: May 18th 120ft. of 21t Wa tel' I\~a in on So. Lake Dri va 80ft. IV It If It It Hibiscus Street 80ft. "It" Gas l\lain on Hibiscus Street following gas and water $80.00 50.00 45.00 Est. Cost .t II It It, '. , .\. ..r;{~t~\:.t{ I' .., , ,"','" , ,...... ...... {{j;!;.~~" , , :,,:,\,,~\::;;::;.:;<. I . i" ,\," I"" I.',' ,''J:.':/''?'i'.:.,'.' "a. "I.... ,: ,.\..~,:,lt~:.." May 22 180ft. of 2" Gas Main on Poinsettia Street It It 100.00 r.iu y 23 250ft. of 2" Gas Ivla in on Bay Esplanade 115ft. of 2" Via ter Ma in on Druid Road It It II .. 150.00 75.00 Conanissioner Casler moved that the City Manager's action be approved. The motion waB aeconded by Commissioner 'rurner and carried. , ' , . ,., . , ~ The City Manaf:er recorrnnended 540ft. of 2 inch (;as main extension on Bay Esplanade at an estimated cost of $340.00. Comiss:1oner 'llurner moved that the extension be authol'izad. The motion was seconded by CormnifHllonor Brown a'nd carried. The City Manager reconmended 240ft. of 6 inch water main on Bay Esplanade at an estimated cost of ~62S.00. On a motjon by Con~issioner Drow, which was seconded by Conroissioner Turner and carried, the extension was approvedo !. :::.' ~~ :':~:>'" . :' ,f: The City Manager reconnnenLiect installa tl on of: 300 ft of' 6 inch V{9. tar main on Pine Brook Drive at an estimated cost of ~~7?5.00. Conunissioner Brown moved that the City l,tanager' B reconnnenda tion be followed. COD~issioner Drew and Oity Manager Bennett reported on the results or the COJIlII1i ttee' s efforts to ha va the trat"fic haza rd created by the Hew Gulf Coast High- way at Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard el1rnina ted. Conunias loner Drew has been advised by a letter frOtl the Assistant to the Governor th.at the 8.1rea had been inspected by the state Road Department and a dei'inite polic~ established, and that the State Road Department followed the A.A.S.H. off'icitll regulations, rules and standards, and 8J Tra f.fic Circle a t this intersection \lias; not l'eCOlrJJllended. , , .'..~.:..~,: ':.'.' :..~... ~'i"'~ There being no further business to corne before the Board, the nleeting was adj ourned. AGEnDA 1. The receiving of sealed bids for the purchase of ~p1l5.000. 3~ interest Yaeht Basin Revenue Certifies. tea and $125,'000. 3% utility Revenue Oertifiea tea. 2. Consideration of bids received for fire truck equipped with ]000 gallon pumper. 3. Consideration of the Mayor's suggestions as to appointment of Trustees of the Boy Scouts, Electrical Examininr, Board and Zoning Board. 4. Consideration of Engineering contract between BrileYJ Wild & Associates and the Cit~. 5. Consideraltion of a letter and reso1utlon f'rom the County Commission relative to Intraco~stal Waterway. 6. Report of the City Manager on the installation of water and gas mains ~osting less than ~p300.00 nhich have been approved: May 18, l~~ 1201 of' 2" watel' main on South !.ake lJrive to serve one customer at an estimated cost of $80.00 80' of' 2" wa tel' r.lain on Hibiscus Street to serve one customer at., an estima ted cost of ~;50.00 80' of' 1.krt gas ma in on Hibiscus to serve one customer a t an estimated cost of ~45.00 MaY' 2..2.11 .19Sq 180' o.f 2" gas main on Poinsettia Street to serve one customer at an estimated cost of $100.00. .,.;: ~fay 23, 19Sq 250' of' 2" gas meln on Bay Esplanade to serve one customer at estimated cost of $150.00 lIS' or 2" water main on Druid Road to serve one customer at estimated cost of $75.00 Consideration of installation 540' of 2" g~s main on Bay Esplanade to serve one oustomer at estimated cost of $340.00. - Consideration of 240' or 61t. water main on Bay EspJ..anade to servo one customer at an estimated cost of $625.00. Consideration or 300' or 6ft, water main eetlnated cost of $775.00. . .Anry other business the Commission may "'1. 8. "'''~i!'i~L,i;". L+ ~.~'. .' "."i"'~"I,,"-'i;. 10.- r)~~~~~:l~;i~,'~:.~:::'..,.~ '.:..:' :l,' ..., I' ,;'_\, ,;,<3:~..;,~":-i'.':;','~ ,p..' "..',',": on Pinebrook to serve one customer at an wish to consider b~ unanimous consent. "...., '<II -.-- .-"'...-.... lof... ......................., s,;, < . '.' ,'" . .....,...' . . .,,,-- '. ~. .. .". ,_ - ,'~ .;..1,' .." _ . _. ~'. d.". " ".' . ",. ..... . .., .' ~..' ',".' ... ~:. . >',' ......."............ .,~,.. ~...~ CITY C~mISSION MEETING .J'u.116 1, 1~50 June 1, 1950 Mr. Boyd A. Bennett, C1 ty IlIa nagar, Clearwater, Florida. Dear Mr. Bennett: );4'01" ~115,OOO.OO 3ti YACWll BASIN CER;l'I1~ICATES, proposed to be issued by the City of' Clearwater, with interost payable S6111i..anflually and maturing over e. period of two to fiftoen yeEu'[j, we will pay 7rou pa r a. nd acorued lnteres t. These b011ds al'e to be callable fivo yea.rs from date of' issue, at 103, with a: graduated downward scale to mat"\..:~'ity. They are to be secured by cortain leases, with an estimated present income of ~~l:...,OOO.OO anm.lo.l1y" a1.1 of which is lnore fully set out in Official Notice of Sale, Wllioh iD herewith made a part of this proposal. The bonds are to be additionally secured to the extent necessary for the paYl'llont of principal and interest when due by pledge of: a. sufficient amount or revenue from either the General Fund 01"1 your utility Ta.:r.., or s.ny other Pund sutisfactory to both parties'. We are to be allowed the S11111 01' ~~l.,OOOoOO for the expenses incurred in having the bonds issued and approved. For $125,OOO.OO~ 3% UT~LITrES REVENUE CERTIFICATES, proposed to be issued b~ the City of Clearvv!,l tor.. we will pay you par and accrued intere st, plus Si premium of $125.50. Said Certificntes are to "be in the denomination of Cl,OOOcrOO, with prinoipal and intere at payable sem.1..anm..la 11y, and are to nw. tl.lre serially over a period of one to fifteen years, in such amounts a.s principal llnd interest will be approximately the same each yearo ThEl~l are to be optional in 1955 at 105, 1960 at 102, 1963 at 101, and thereafte:r at par. Said Certifica.tea ar6 to be issued on a parity with your outstanding Revenue Certificates and are to be secured by a. first lien on tIle revenues of your City OWned utilities:. and in accordance \'lith provisions of the resolutions authorizing other issues of Revenue Certificates; these are to have revenues pled~od for their payment which will be not Ie ss than one and one-half times pl"'incipal and interest requirements of a11 of the issues outatanding. f '1 I ,; }: " :t ..,' 'I ' ~ - , ; ,", ..' " ~' . " '~ . , ,~~ ,j] :1 This offer to purcha.se the above two issues of Revenue Certificates is subject to our receiving the unqualified approving opinion o:f our Bond Attorney, as to legality and enforceability of pledees o:f revenue for their payment. This proposal is made on the condition that the Certificates will be delivered to us wi thin sixty days of date, and if not by th8 t ti lr.e, then a t our option for a period of six nlonths from date of acceptanceo The City of' Clea.rwater is to pay all costs of' validating both issues. We hand you herewith our certified ~ood ~aith check No. for $5,000.00 to be held by you uncashed al1d to be for:t'eited as full liquidated danmges if we fail to comply with the terms of' this agreementl' otherwise to be returned to us on delivery of bonds or if our attorneys decline to approve the issuance and sale thereof. Respectfully submitted, Fisher Hawes & COlilpany, Inc. L. H. Ghorr.lley &. Co. J. C. Bradford & Co. By (Sif)ned) Pisher Hawes Accepted and agreed to by Resolution duly passed this the day of 1950 June 1, 1950 Mrs Boyd Bennett 01 ty Manager Clearwater, Flo:r'ida Dear Mr. Bennett: We realize alld apprecia te the desire of the governing body of the 01 ty of Clear- water that all bond issues "stand on their own f'eet.'" It is evident, however, that default on any issue will affect adversely not only all outDtanding bonds, but all bonda to be iSBl.led in the future. Future issues will, of necessity, bear a muoh higher rate of interest, and of cost many thousands in additional interest--this: additional interest being passed on to tho tax pa~ers. For this reason it is incon- oeivable that a default would be permitted if funds were avai1able from any source even if not pledged. Our bid on the YACHT BASIN CERTIFICkTES is made with this in mind and. consequently, at a lower rate than oalled for in the Official Notice of Sale. ~'., ' .; ;\;;~::;';:',. ., t~~~~i{;~i~:"'i\);,:, 'E.j!;~i~:~~:~~~;~~~:i~~I~~a;E!L ~t~~~::g:mt~~~~:~~a~i~m~~~~1r. ";td;~:()\::;;<:'.: ,..,.'.'... Our tee ,,111 reme1n at $l,OOO--the City agreeing to deliver to us si% bonds as! , ,'j~~<!:~:!.;j;;N::""A~,~~'~ned1n:; the .O~1'1c ial Notice of Sa 1e . ~~~;~~;;;.;!}i~~~ ' " .', ;,., ."'" ',', . ,", ' ~~:~:~t:;~~ your.. .. -""~~-- i" .~: j:~t. :'. , ,....,.' ii I , \ i I I i I I '..:::." .: ..:' \i ':'::"~: ;:.', {:-,:i:,::L;{k\;t:~/ci:,. CITY COMMISSION MEETING June l~ 1950 ~ :: ;':.. ", ,\",.. ,:;':~,~~~i;~/'i,-,,,,,;,;,,"~,i",,_ '.' " " . " , >, I .....~~cl~~>lo...o'~J...-:....(_.".oI..~.,J.~"".._.^ ...)....... ......~h ... \~~j:~ _~~7;::~::~;t1~:~)'~." ' , ":~\!~~'i-~..'..l'-l I ,',~~tii~;i:!^lI,' " ' ..t):t'l i I . I '. " ' . ~ :L() I '"'....'" t r: , ! . .. . . . . _ ,.,~._ '." ,. .. u June 1., Ul50 . , .~. ~ " Mr. Boyd k. Bennett, City Manager" Clearwater, Florida. Dear Mr. Bennett: In anDv/er to your request for bids on revenue certificates to finanoe certain city projects, including ~115,000.OO Yaoht Basin 3-l-% revenue certificates, and $125,000.00 3% Utility Revenue Certificates, wlth the exception of interest rates, more fully desoribed in the attachod Notice to Dic1dero, wo w.:J.sh to mako the following proposal: ! \ " " i: Subject to tho bonda being propor1y validated and securing a final lega.l opinion from Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble c.. 1I1itchell, attorney~ of New York, N. Y., as to the validity of said bonds', and suujoct to the bonds being delivered to us not later than 90 daY'S frolil the da te of' this af~reer.lent, we will pay the C1 ty par and accrued interest to date of delivery of sa:td cort ifica ten, and we will pay the cost of aecurlng the lep;al opinion and delivery of suid certificates, with the exception of the fee of the City Attorney in connection with the valldatlon of snid certifioates. ; ,'; . t~ ) \ J In order to compensate us fo):' our services in connection with the issuance of the said cart iricn tes and to reimhurse 118 for the expenses which are necossary to complete delivery or the bonds, \'Ie ask that the City pay us a fee of .~~2,97~6.00, such fee to be paid simultaneously with tho deliver:)'" of. the certificates to us. '. , ~':: <", . . .' ..: . ~' , \ -.:. . . '. ~ Attached hereto is a certl.fied chec]{ for $5,000.00 evidencing our good faith in this proposal. i l- Very truly yours, R. W. SPRAGINS & COMPANY RWS(L BY (Signed) R. VI. Spra&!!!s: NOTICE TO BIDDEHS' Sealed proposals w ill be received by the C1 ty of Cloa rwe. ter.. F'lorida ~ at the City Hall, Clearwater, Plorida at 7:30 P.i-l., Thursday, .June 1, 1950~ for the purchase of $240,000.00 serial revenue certifica te s as hereafter described ~ at which time and place the proposa 1s will be publicly opened and !'ead aloud. $115,000.00 Yacht Basin 3i1b Revenue Certificates l~turing in 15 years' and callable after the first five years at 103' and r,mduated at downward sca.le to maturity. The debt service charges for both interest and retirement to be paid for from the lea,ses of' land with dock facilities: on the South side of the CausevlaY and leases of land and buildings on the North side of the Causeway. The portion of the Causeway referred to is tha t woa:ter1y of the west Bridge and easterly of ~lande.lay Avenue and Coronado Drive. The estimated income from all above leases should be approximately $15~000.OO per year. In connection with and in addition to the abo.Je ~~115,OOO.OO Yacht Basin - 3'-li% certificates - $125,000.00 - 3% utility Revenue Certificates secured from the revenue~ of' the Public Utilities owned by the City (water, gas and sewer), this issue to be covered by" the present lilortgage known us the Municipal Utility Revenue Certifiea tes-- Series 194'7 - City of Clearvlater, in the a'];101..mt of ~~525~OOO.OO which is an open-end mortgage with In times earn~.ng clause to cover debt service; this new isaue of ~~125, 000.00 to be for 15 yea rs. Municipal Utility Revenue Certifica tea - SerieS' 1947, now outstanding: $473~OODeOO. All of the necessary cost of ha.vi.ng the bonds validated, printed" including the cost of secl~ring the approving legal opinion of a well-known attorney and all other expenses in connection with the r16cesflsry ordinances, validation and delivery of bonds to the City to be paid for by the Purchaser. The City will pay its own Attorney. Each Bid must be accompanied b~r a certjfied check in the amount of ~l;5~OOO.OO. Bids will only be con:Jidered for both issues and not one of the issues alone. The right to reject any and ~ll bids o~ to waive any, if any infornalities in any bid, is reserved by the City of Clearwater. Boyd A<t Bennett City Ns'nager P. O. Box 1348 C1esMvater, Florida . " .: ,..' . " j':.:'< . I''''. ...."\"""'-'0.,,..,.. :{. '::".Y:"~':~';"! " 'i,', ..(;: I "', \. .~:}:;IJ ,.; :.;",-' ',.'ji .::"', ',j , , .. .. '''/ ' " " , , , ,f' ", "' .,,::' ~r."",~ '" ~ ..' .:, ""'-. ,~" , . .. "~4'~ ..... ~. '" ~.. . ,'... '~'"'''''' _....:.. ,t.... ." .~ I , CITY C011J.1ISSION MEETING June 1, 1950 Mr. Boyd A. Bennett, City Manager,. City of Clearwator, Florida. June 1, 1950' Dear Sir: After caref'ul otudy of the several bids roce 1vod for the neVi Pire truck and equipment, I herewith submit my preference as' follows:- Preference No.1 American-LaFl~nce ~~ 14,449.09 Preferenco N"o. 2 l4,2?3.50 -- Seap;ra va My reasons for Preference No. 1 are as follows:- I like the Cau-uhead of the Engine on the Arr.erican-Lalilrance, because it gives bettel' visibility to the lJri vel", that means botter Gafety for the men, also in case of a head-on collision with an object - i,t, is' cheaper to repair and strnighten out a piece of metal, than to repair a radiator or a motor. B. It has a seating capacity for five (5) men. (Compared to three (3) nlen on other trucks.) A. C. It has a shorter turnlng radius. (Which llleans easier to turn in narrow streets.) D. Horse power of the motor is 215. (Which is better than SOl'ile of the others.) E. It has a Pressure gauge for ever:r outlet, or a total of five (5) with the mastel' gaur,e. (While the others has only the r,19.ster !Jrensure gauge. (1). F. The Gua.:rantee is for l'ive years compAred to one year on the other makeB'. G. Tho del1var:,r will apparently be quicker. (100 calendar days or 3 months and a, week. (VJhile the nee re st one is gO V1orJ{ing days - or 4 months and :3 days.) H. It is made by a Cor;1pany tha t specializes in the makh1g of Fire trucks and all kinds of lnre Apparatus; Therefore, their Guarantee for matel'ial and workman- ship on truck and all apparatus is' backed up by one Company, and if anything goes wrong, you do not have to send allover the country for parts and replacements. Whereas, in an assenblo job, different parts of the fire apparatus are made by var1.ous concerns, and it is sometimes difficult to obtain parts and replacements. I. To nlY personal knowledge" the City of Clearv/a tor bas used this kind of apparatus for the past 30 years, and it has proven satisfactory both as to performance and durability, and when it comes. to eetting factory service and parts, you could not ask for any better. J. Individually I have asked all the Dlen in the Pire Department what fire apparatus they like and think is tho best for our department, and it is 100% the American-IaFrance. My reasons for Preference No. Z are practically the same as for preference No.1, except; A. That; the Seagrave does not have the Ca.b-ahead of the Engine, which I considen the additional saf'ety feature, less horse power, only 3 men seating capacitYJ- outlet Pressure gaur,es (Only one master.) Submitting the above ~or your approval, Respectfully,. (Signed) Peter Treols~ Pire Chief Honorable Leland lJrew Member, City COImnission Clearwater, Florida May 25, 1950 Dear Pop: T discussed with Chairman Alfred McKethan the matter about which you telephoned. He had extensive knowledge of the situa tion and had personally inspected the particular- area. Various and sundry officials have been consulted and studies have been made and a definite policy has been established. Mr. McKethan advised me further that if it can be shown in the need for a change, tile matter will be further studied and considered. Pop, that if you or others who are interested in effecting any changes it directly with Mr. McKethan. future there is. I would suggeat, tha t you ha ndle With kindest (Signed) regards, I am Most Sincerely, Frank S. Wright Assistant to the Governor m:kh 'cc-Mr~ 'MoKetllan '. '" '.. , " ";, . . ,. .' of' . .... ....~ ....~'t?r'_ , . I" , -....................... ':';'. '"1,,.1;,. is~ ~ , :'~~, !Wiif,. " . -r'{'!\'I\{ 'I ~,.!#.j. ""'I~" : ;~;[~v~~~(ft: '. ! ' I I \ I I ;' I ,. ," t'. . ~ ,",t ',. , '. I", , , 1 \ I ..' ~:.i<:' ~',~ J j,..: . , ';' , ,',~, "'y.' E',I..,;' , '.~.,:;,}.~., ;"""i.~".~.:, '.... ~ . -_._~....-.... " .j:.: l~: . _~" ' - ;-. ':.'.. '~-. ,~'l. ,.. .'. '. .,. '. 'C,"";, ,~~<?:::~ :~;,..;: i~'.~;;;;';oJ~~c~~;~:;:2,~;~:r~;~:~~ L'~ ::r,;.,:~:;~},~~:.ilii },;i::}~!:b:;~'; ,; '... ;,,"'.,;.; ~J / ";'\':)~!<\';';;:;;i;~:';':;t~:i'i h . . I~~rl~i'i~ i:;I'z'I;[v:n~i,~.~, 1,!a~ 19, 1950 :t~lJ~~~:~LL;:j.~;::,'.,;:,. , ".: ."..., ~-. CITY COMMISSION'MEETING June l~ 1950 city af' Cleams ter~ Clearwater, Florida. Attention: Honorable Harry D. Slll'f,eant, MU-:/Ol' Gentlemen: t '.' "...,,! C) .," " ......... , ",' ,;~>t;:"" ",i I ....", .. _;_, '_l..,t At e. regular n',eetinf~ of the lJOl-::lrd of County COlnrllisD3,ol1ers under date of J,lE,\y 16th, the Board adopted Eli Heaolution sttlJportlni'. the authol'iza.tion of an Intl"s- coastal Watervla.y from A.nclate laver, 'l'arpan SprineB, to ~t, Map1\s, Florida. We attach hereto a certlf'ied copy of this Resolution for YO"llr infol"rnstion end files'. This project 18 of vita,1 klportance to P1nellas Count~' llm1 the Board would apprecia te it ver~r much if you would adopt a simIlar Heaoluti on in this connection~ mailing same to Senator Claude Pepper, Serlator Spessarcl L. lIollf.l21d and CongressInan J. Hardin Peterson, as 'well as to the WeBt Coast Inland Navir;ation District, at 1615 d'Upont Building, 1~isrni, Plorida. We 'Would appreciate heol'ing from you reearcUng this matteI', Very t~lly yours, I' t....,,: , .. CK/vd Ene. - 1 WI1LIA~! CRAlflFOHD, Clerk By -..u> igned) Cla 1M J~iI.gare D,C. ~ '. I' I " , I 'I ':', 11 " ..; I . <I I I i ~' , RESOI,UTlon 511PPOlZT lIW ':PHE A UTHOHlZA. '111 ON 01<' AN INTRACOASTA.L 'NArrElWJAY FHOhl ANCLOTE RIVER, TARPON SPHJ:NGS, TO ST. I..lA.m:S, l"LOHllJA. VmER~S~ the Feder~l Intl~coastal Waterway System extendin€;, with certain interruptions, a.long the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States from Boston to Brovms'ville has proven of great value to the peoplo of tIle United states by re- ducing the cost of transportation of' :man'J1 conunodities" by increasinlj the nation's supply of' edible fish, and oy a.ffording better opportunities f'or the people of th1~ nation to engage in the health-t.;jvine; recr'oations of' boatin[~ and fishing; and WHEREAS, the usefulness and value 0.1' this Waterways System is greatly reduced by the fact tha t it 11as' not yet been completed alone; the Gulf Coost of' l"lorida fronl the Caloosahatcllee River to st. Harks and tl1at sect:lon fror.1 Anclote River to St. 1Ial'kfr has not even been authorized by Uongressj and WHEREAS, the lJ. So District Engil'leel:' in .Jacksonville has been authorized to :make a preliminar~t examinatton and survey and to make a report and recormnendation whether or not it is advisable that Congress authoriz.e the construction of an Intra~ coastal.Waterway f:roI!l Arlclote Hiver to St. l\larks; and WHEF.EAS, the authorizatIon and constructj.on of this' waterway, together with the construction of the watervlay already authorized by Congress, between the Anclote River and the Caloosaha tchee River, and the cOPlpletj,on to full pro ject dimensions of the existing water\"lays between ..Tacksonville and llliB.m:t~ Key r/e3t and the mouth of Caloosahatchee River V'lo"llld be of' f~reat benefit to the people of' the United States and Vlould confer the following benefi ts to the people of south l"lorida: (a) It would. reduce the cost of truilsportlng fuel oil" gasoline, Diesel oil and other liquid petroleum pl'oducts from the sources of supply in Texas to all points along the Gulf coast of F'lorlda fl'om the Suwannee Rivel:' to Na.ples and inland as f'ar as lake Okeechobee, thereby reducinf: the cost of olectric powe:r, automobile" tractor and motor boat opel'atjol1~ and of pumping for irrigat::"on and drainage throughout that area; (0) It would :reduce the cost of b:ringlng; .sulphur from Louisiana to Tar.lpa whe:re it is extensively used for the manufacture of fertilizer and insecticides thus cheapening the-se essential agricultural !i1a terials; (c) It would :reduce the c Qst of bl'inginr; grain and gra in produc ts from the Miss is s:1.ppi Valley to Tampst, thus benefitting the extensive d.air~'ing and grazing industry of south- '(lest and south lJent:ral }'lorida and increasJng the i'ood SU1)ply of the nation; (d) It would reduce the cost of bl'ingin[~ tin pla te frODt Birr.linghar:, Pittshurgh or Chicago to T alllpa vl11ere it is manufactured into cans t:'or citrus products alld vegetables ra~sed in southern Florida; (e) It would afford cheapel" trans porta tion to Tampa of 8 tructura 1 ste el., trae tors'~ marine engines and heavy products of all sorts; (f) It \"lould af'ford cheaper distribution i'rom Tampa .factories' a.nd warehousEls' of' oil, steel cement, fertilizer, building' Ina teria 1 and heavy consumers goods of' all sorts' to the area between -l~ples, Lake Okeechobee and Tarpon Springs, thereby reducing the price 01' thsae COlllr.10di ties in that area., (g) It would af.f.ord lower rates 1'01' the westwarc11110Vement of canned citrus, vegetabJ.es and meat products .from the entire trade area centering on TamI~; (h) It wou1d great11 faci1itate the operations of the spongers, commercia1 fishermen , ' I~ :0<:' -, ,.:~ ~~1'::~::;iff{?:~{f}11'{.::~;ilf;~',;,: ~;w:,~:,:"".:,~;:.:',:~,' , >' .:: . "~~~~~~1i\~~~f}~~rtt.tt:;:k~~~,~~::,::"~~i~~'~~l.~~'~i.~;. " . ': C,;"'''""" '~''"''''","""""v"".","~,,,=~~;;~;:1;r2r!:;~~:~~"'' CITY CO~mISSION MEETING June 1, 1950 *It I ~~, ~J'''i '\~I~~~'~~irL~ ': "~',.::.!,;., ""(,.~# jt\,;t;),' -"' ' ?,!I'\l"jl\~~ . "'('''f "l~.,~.,"1f'__'''''fj ". ~!:?~\~::~~'~~.!:;{?:~.~7tf;':-; :"''''''''.''''''. ""'1 1;(1,:, :~j0: f"-' [' ,{ Res,olutlon on Intracoastal Wa terwa.y--contiI1ued and shrulIpers, not only of thoge ba {led on harbors be tween Tarpon Springs and St. Marks but also, those based e13ewhore and fishing in these waters; (1) It would save many lives and much property among :fishermon and plea.sure boaters c&ught by bad weather in the adjaGent wa ters; (j) It would add greatly to the sheltered waters within the cruising range of yachtsmen and pleasul'e boat owners everywhere in l"lorida, thereby enooura[~ing the developnent of this }~alth-givlnB sport and oontrjbuting to the prosperity' of ship chandlers, lllarina opera tOI'S, boat uullderlJ IUld others; (k) By facilituting the access of recreational oraft from the motol' boat centers of the Mississippi Valley and Lal::o J,lichie~an to south !<'lorida it would increase perhaps fivefold the seaaonal migration of suoh boats betwoen the Middle West and all Florida: resort areas; these benefits would extend to all the resort operators located on navigable waters anywhere in the peninsnla, particularly to those in the Palnl Beaeh- Miami-Key West area on the east u~d to those between the Suwanna~ River and Naples on the west; this increase in the nUlilber of' boats and their passengers visiting the winter resorts would stimula te all varieties of retall business a nd service industriea-jand WHEREAS, when the Distl'1ct Enginoer held publlc hearings on this project, the opinions of this organize. t ion and those o:f the people of' this, COIImul1ity were not presented to hi~m; and V/Hl~REAS, the Board of COlI~nissionors or the \vest Coast Havigation District, a body politic and corporate set up by the state of Plorida to cooperate with the United Sta tes in waterway developll1ent on the Vlest coant af' l~lorida, is now engaged in oI'ganizing the presentation by residents of' this area of opinions and evidence in support of the authorization of an Intracoastal Waterwa.y from Anclote IUvor to St. Marl{sj NOW, TI-IEHEPORTI, IJE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ot: Pinellas County, Florida: THAT the authorization by Congress and the construction b~l the Oorps of Engineers of an Intracoasta.l VIa terwa:J extend in€:; alone; the Vlest coas t of !<'lorida from Anc lote River to st. IlIa rks Vlould be of ~rea t vulue to the people of this vicinity ~nd to those of tho whole United states; and THAT the Board of' County Commissioners of I'inellas County~ Plorida, hereby expresses its wholohearted S1tpport of this project and urges the 11. S. District Engineer in Jacksonville to submit an early and favorable report thereon; and TI~T the Secretary is directed to transmit copies of tnis resolution to Senator Claude Pepper, to Senator Spessard L. Holland and to Congressman J. Hardin Peterson, and to send s'ix copies to the agent of the West Coast Inland Navigation District, at 1615 duPont 131..1ildinF;, Miami 32, Florida, for delivery to the U. S. District Engineer. ADOPTED this 16th day of May~ A. D. 1950. ATTEST: A lID Rli.'Vl POTTER --Chairman WIL1IA1.1 CRAW!<'OIID, Clerk By (Signed) CIa lre Ki l€~ore D.C. :......:.:,;;..:...: '. '. .'", "., cx� coi�ar,2�sszorl nt��TzrrG June 7:, 1950 The Cit� Commiss:ion of the C�.ty of Clearvrater met in Special Session st City Hall Thursday, June 1.at, at 7:30 Pa tJi. with tho following member� grese�t: A'bsent : Harry D. Sa-r�eant Herbert Iv2. Brown E. B. Caslex,Jr. Leland F. Drew Joe Turnor None Also Present YJere: Boyd Ao Bennett George T. DZcClamrna Ben Krentzman -i�,3a;�or-t;o�unis s ionor -Co�:missioner -Commias�.onar -Commissionex -Commieeione� -t%ity tvlanager -Chief of Police -Cit;� Attorney i The Mayor called the meeting to order and st�ted the f3.rst 3tem on the Agend� would be the recoiving af bids for purchasa cf �115,000, �� inierest= Yacht Basin Certificates, and �;:125,000, 3j' Utility Revenue Certificates. F3911ei�-Iia�,ves & Company, Knoxville, Tennassee, and R. W, Spra�ine &: Compw�zYy of Memplzis, uennessea, submittad bids. The City I�,?an�ger said the Fisher-Hawe� bid did nat conform to the advertised specif ications in that they rPquested the pledging o�' funds other than rentals, in �he even� revenue irom rentals v�as insu_i'iciant ta carry the XacYxt Basin Aevenue Certificates. R, VT. SprE,gins E� Compan� offered to pa;� par and aecrued interest to date of delivery and to pay al1 costs, with the , exce�tion of tha City Attorney's Pe�o As cornpensat3on the� ask a fe� o� �2,976000 to be pa3.d on the deliver� of the certii'icr;te�. Commissioner 17re� movec� tl�t the propasal of R. VJ. Spragins �: Co�pany be aeceptoci. The motion was secondad by Com- mis�ioner Broivn and carried/ Tlie Cit;� I�tanager submitted the Tollowin� surr.�nar�r of bids� racaived for furnish- ing a Fire Truck vaith a 1,000 �iion I'ursper: American -La F�ranee �14,449.00 Aia ck 14, �65 . �J5 dren 15,227.�7 Peter Pirs�ch I3,68b.OQ Sea�;rave Ia,273o5C The Chief of the Fixe Department e�pressed a prezerence to the 4�nerican Ia France truck due to the Cab ahead of the engine construction, and the seating c�pacity for 5 nien. The City Z��ana�er recc�¢nonded the purchas� of the Seagrave at �I4,2`73.�0. 4n a motion by Coimnissionsr Drew, which was secor,ded b3 Corunissioner Caeler and carriea, the bid of the Seagrave Gompany z�as accepted. h�agor Sargeant recommended the re-.�Fpointnipn� of H. H. Basl.irs, R. R. Oroutt and Ja �JrEckhar� as Boy Scout Trustees, Co�iiasioner Brovtn movecl that the n=ayar�s rocomnenda�ion be approved. The motion was seconded by Cor�nissi�ner Turner and carried. The nlayor recor.unended the re-appointnenL of Jo�x� Re Eurka to the E:iec�rica.l Contract�rs E�aminin� Board. Qorr�issioner Brovrn rnoved that the Ikia�or's ree�r.anendation �e fol.lavved. Connnissioner Drava seconded the rnotion and it carr�ed. 'The P�a�ar recor.miended the re-appointmant of Herbert �:, Blanton anci PJebb Hop�ins �Go the Zonin� Board, On a�otion bg Comcnissioner fiurner, wl�ich was seconded by Gouun3.ssionor Brown anci carrieds �he T.iayor�s recornnendation was a�proved. - The I;Iayor s��cor,�ended the appo3ntr.ient oF Andretiu Hortoa and C].eveland Insco to t12e Zaning �3oard. rommis�ioner �irew �ovad that L�Issars. Horton and Insco b� abpointed to the Board and the Board ba requested to nominste a Chairman and sexid its recormnendqtion to the Corr,iu:tssiono The motion ivAs seoondecl i�* Co�rnuis�ioner CasTe� and carried unan3.mouslyo Tho Cit� h4antt�;er read the draft oy a pr�posad oontract bet5veen Br33ey-V�ild and Associates, Engineers, and the City. Cor�ni�sioner Casler movod that tha necessar.y formalities for or,ecutin�; the coritraet be apbroved. Tha riotion was secox7ded by Ccmt_ missioner Draw and carriedo The Clerl: read a letter addressed to the Cor.imission by the Bnard oi' Coun�y Cemmissioziers, in which ttia County Boerd requested trat the Cii;y Comnission adopt a Resolution aimilar tG �he Resolution adopted bv tha CounLy Comsnission on P,iaS 16th, and forr�ard copies to Senatazs Pepper and I£olland and to Confiressman Petersbn. The ResolLitiori requeats authoxization by Con�ress and construc�ion b� the Corps of En€;ineers of an 1'ntra.coasta.T VJaterPia,q extension frovz Anclote River to St. Narks. Com� miseioner Brovrn moved triat tha l.e�c�er tae ackno}rled�;ed and tha request be complied with at the e�rlies� poas�.ble time. Tl�e motion vras seca�ded by Cor.�rnissioner Casler and ca rrie�3 0 i CITY COh'IIdISSTON n1��TTNG ,.ruz�e I., 1360 The City htanagsr reported that he had authorized thA �ollowing �as and water main extensi.ons costing le�s than �300,Q0; 11Iay 18th 12Of.t. of 2" Water niain on So. Take Drive Est. Casi; �p80.00 80ft. ° «' �� te �� Iiibiacus� Stree� �� �� 50.00 SOft. �� la° Gas h2ain on H3viscus 5treet �� �� 45.00 n7sy 22 1.80it. of 2�� Gas h4ain on Painse�tia St�eet �,iay 2� 250ft. of 2'� Gas 2rlain on F'ay �splanade 115ft. of �" VJata� 114ain on vruid Road u u u u n n 100.00 150oQU 75000 Cozrunissioner Casler wc:��� that the Gity Ri�nager's actio� be a�provad. mhe motion was seaonded by Co��nissinner Turner and cArried. The Cit;� rlanager recottm�ended 5�Oft. of 2 inc]i gas mr�3.n extens�on on Bay Esplanade at ar_ e�tim�ted cost of �340.00. Corxnisgioner Turner moved that the exten�icn 'be authori�ed. The motion was seconded by Co�rsiisaioner Brown and carried. The Citg DZanag;er recom.�nended 240ft. of 6 inch water main on Bay Es�lanade at an estimated cost of 5�625.00. On a mot� on by Gonunissioner Drec�r, which �nas seconded by Con�nissioner Turner and carried, the axtension wes approvedo The City f,�anager rsea�ended inst�llation of 300 fG oi' 6 inch vr��or ma3n or_ Pine Brook Drive at an estimated cost of wp775o00. Cor,nni�sianer �3rovm moved that the City Riana�er�s recosmnendat3on be followed. Cor�nissicner Drew and City hlanager Bennett roported on the results of the Com�nittee►s efforts te have the tr�ff3c hazard created by the Nerv Gu1F Coast High- �ray at Guli-�o-P�ay Bou�ev�rd. elim�.natedo Corrmiissioner Drev�c ha:s been advisecl bg a letter frori the As�istar_t to the Govornor tYlat the mrea had been inspected by the State Roa�d Departmen� and a defin�te poZicy established, and that the State Road Deg�rtment follo�rrecl the A.AeS.H. official re�ulations, rules and standards, and a+ Traffic Circle at this intersection tva� not recommet�deda There being no flzrther buszness to come before the Board, the nleetin�; was adjournedo ATTESTe , � Git� ud. tor d C e� r�= Ze 2. A G�'PIDA. The receivin� of sexl:od bids for the purcnasa of $�11�,OQOo :� � interest Y�eht Bsgin Rovenue Certifieates and ypI25,000. 3f IItillty Revenue �artificate�. Con�ideration of bids reeeivad for fire trucI� equlpp�d with �1000 �allon pumperE �-� 7 3. Gonsideration of the xdayorTs suggestions as to appointment of Trustaes of the Boy Scout�, Electrical Examin3.n�; Board and �onir.g Board. 4. C�nsidsration of �nginaering cor_tract between B'riley, �^J.i1d €c Associates and the City. 5, Considera+tion of a letter and resolution from �h.e Coun�� Cornm3.ssior� relative to Intraco�stal 'Jlatervra;y . 6. Report of the City Manager on the �.nstallation of water and ga� mains c,ost�n� less than ��40,00 ti^thich haz�e besn approved: T�iaq ZSt 1950 120� of 2�° v�rater main on South Ialce yrive to serve one custome� at an eatimated cost af ��',�'80.00 80� of 2�t water raa:Ln on HiUiscua Street to serve one customer a� an �stimated coat oi' ��50000 80+ of I2'� gas main on Iiir�iscus to �erve one custpmer at an estimated cost of y;;45v0�J 2�Sa,q 22, 1950 18Q� of 2° gas main on Poinsettia Stroet to �erve one customer az an est3mated cost of �100,00. I�ta,y 23, 1950 2501 of 2'� �;as main on Bay Esplanade to aerve one customer a�t estimated cost of y�150o00 115� of 2�' water main on Drui�. Road to �erve one cus�nraor at eatim�ted ct7st of yr75,00 Consideratio:r of installation 540� oi' 2�� �as mai.n on Bay E�plAnadd to serve one customer at esti rr��Ce� cost of y�340,00. Conaideration of 240� oP 6�� v�ater main on Ba,y �;splanade to gerve one customer at an eatimated cast of $p625.00, Cons3deration of 300� of 6�� water main on Pinebraok to aerva one customer at an est3�,ted cost oi $p775,000 Any other busine5s the Cormni�sion ma; wish to consider by unanit7ous conaent. CTfi:z COt�4P.�ISST0:1 i��EETING Ju1ne ly 1�350 F�2r. F3oyd A. Bennett, C3ty Man�gex, Clearwater, Florida. De�r n4r. Bennet�: June ]., 1�35Q �'or y�115,000.00 3� YACHT BASI2d CERTIb'IC�iTES, proposed to be issued by �he City of Cloarwater, �^�ith interest payable semi-annually and maturin�; over a period of tvio �o fi�teen �I0ft19� �r�e wi11 pay you per ancl ac�rued intsrest;. These bonds are to be cal.lable five years from date of issue, at 103, vrith �, �;radua�tad downtivarcl aaale to maturity. They are to be securad 'b� cartain leases, with an eat�matecl present inco�le of �15,000,00 annuall�, all of v+Y�ich is more fizlly set out in Ofiicial idotice oi' Sale, which i� herewith made a part o� th3.a propos&1. The bond� are �a be add3tionall� socured to the extent necessary for tha paynient of principal and interest vrhen due b� pled�;e of a sufficient amount oi revenue from either the General Fund or your Util3ty �a�,, or any other rund satisfact�ry �o both partias. G'Ve are ta be allo�r+ad the sum of wS�000o00 for the expenses 3ncurrzd in having tfle bonds issued and approved. �� For �125,000.00, 3a UTILITIES I�VE2NE CER7.�IFICAT�S, proposed to pe iasued by the City of Cles��ater, we v�ill pay gou par and aecrued intarest, plus a premium of �12:5�50, Said Certificates are to bs in tha denomination of w1,000,00, �ith pr9.ncipal and intarast payable semi-annually, and are to mature serially over a period of one to £ifteen fear�, in suc'�.amounts as principal and interest will be approximate3y the a+�nte each yearo They ara to be optional in 1955 at 103, 1960 at TOu, 1963 at 101, and thereai'ter at par. Said Certificates are to be issued on a parity s�ith your outstanding Revenua Certificates and are to be secured b� a�'irs� lien on the revenues of your Cit� O�vz�ed Uicilities, and iz� accord.ance with prqvisions oP the resolu.tions auth�rizing othe� issues of Revanua Certificatas; theae are to have revsnues pledged for tlieir payment which will be not less than one and one-ha1= t3mes prineipal and interest requirements of all of the issues outstan3in�. This offer to purchase the aTaove ttiva issues of Revenue Certificates ig subject to our receiving the unqualified approving opinion of our Bond Attarney, as to legality and enforceability of pledges of revenue lor their pay�ent. Th3s proposal is riade on tha condition tl�at 'the Certificates vri'll be deliyerad to us within sixty days of date, anct ii not b� that t�ms� then at our option for a period of six months from date of.r�cceptanceo The City of Clearvrater i� to pay all c�sts of val3datin�; both issues. V4e hand Srou rere�vith our certified guod faith checl� No. for y�5,�00000 to be held by you uncashed and to be forfeited as full liquidated da�ages if we fail to coriply ,vith the terms of this agreemen�, otherwise ta be returned to us on delivery of bonds or if our abtorneys decTine to approvo the issuarzce and sale thereof. Respectiully subrnitted, Fisher Hawes 8: Coxipany, _Tnc, L. H. Ghornilay &: Co, J. G. Bradford & Co. Bg (ai�ned) Fiaher 23a�ves Accepted and agreed to by Resolution duly passed t2iis the c3ay of June l, 1950 N1r. Boyd Bennett Cit,y IiIanager Clearwater, Florida Dear n7r. T3ennett: 95Q CVe realize and appreciate the desire of the �ovarning bod� oi the �ity of Clear- wate� that all boncl issues °stand on their own xeet.�t' It is eviclent, liowever, that default on any issue will affect adversely n4t on13* all out3tanding bonds, but all bonds to be issued in the iutuxe. b'uture issues will, of nacessity, bear a muah h3ghe,r rate of interest, and of cost many thousands in addi�ional interest-�this: additionAl interest being passed on ta the tax payers> For this reason it is incon- ceivab].e that a default wauld be pexmitted if fl.inc�s vrere availabla irom any sourca even if not pledged. Our bid on the YAGHT BkSIN CERTIFICAT�S is �ade �vith tlzis i.n mind and, consequently, at a lower rate than eal'led fox in the Off3.cia1 IZotice of Sale. However, if. tha.s bid is re�ected, vre shall be glad to let our original 1�id stand on the $p7125,,000 UTILITIES RE��''NUE CERTIFiCATES, and if granted a thirty-day option oi� the w�115,Q00 YACHT BASITJ CERTTi�'IG9TES, we sha11 at our expensa brin� progpect3ve buyers to Cler�rwater �znd andeavor in a11 ways to secura sale satiaf�c�or,y to the City. Our fee will remain at �1r000....the Ci-Ey a�reeing i;o deliver to us � bonds as outlined in the Ofi'ic3al Plotice of Sale, Respectifully yours, �_� . b'i�her Havres CI'1Ti' COII9DST5STUN I11F�'ETING June 1, 1950 It4r. Boyd A�. Bennett, Qity Mariager, Cleartivater, Florida. Dear Mr. Bennatt: June T� 7,950 In answer to your request for bids on revenue certificates �o finanoe cortain c3t,q projects, including �115,OOO.C10 '�&cht Basin 3`-� revenue certifica�es, and �;125,Q00.00 3o Utility Revenue Certificates, with the exception oi.' 3nteresi; ratos, more fu11y descr.ibad in the attached Notice to Bidders, we wigh to mal�e tho follow3ng proposa7:: Subject to the bonds be-?ng properlg va��idated and securing a final lega]: opinion from Cald�vell, Marshall, Trimbla & D4itchell, attorneys of Nev� York, N. Y., as to the validity of said bon�ls, and subject to the bonda be3n� delivered to us not l�.ter than 90 day� from tlze date of this agreement, we will pay the C3.ty par and accrued interest to date of d6livery of said certifa.cates,, and we will pay the cost of s�ecurin� the legal op3nion and cleliver,y oz said certiPicates, w:tth tlle exception of the fea of the City Attorney in connection w�.th the validatian of said certificates, • In order to compensate us for our services in connection with the issuance of the said certificatss and �o reimburse us for the expense� which are necossarv to complete deliverg of the bonds, vre asI€ that the City pay us n£ee of $$2,9'7�a00, such fee to b� �aid simultaneously with the delivery of the certificatas: to us. Attacried hereto is a certified check for $5,OOOmUO evidencin�; our good i'aith in this propasal. Very truly yours�, A� 1Y. SPRAGTI�IS Fa CO?�'IPANY' BY (Signed) f�. 4'1. Spragin� R�J�/L NOTICE TO BIDDERS S:ealed pxoposals wi7.1 be received Y�y the City of Cleaz�vater, Florida, a„ tlle City Hall, Clearwater, Florida at 7t30 P.1�i., Thursda�, June I, 1950, for the �nzrchase of �240,00�.00 serial revenuA certificates as hereafter des:c•ri�,ed, at which time and pl.ace i;he proposals r�i11 be publicly opened and read aloud. �pI15,000e00 Yacht Basin 3�o Revenue Gertifi�ates xuaturing in 15 yeara and callable af�er the first five years at 10� and graduated at downward s,cale to maturityv The debt service char�ea for both interest and retirement �o be paid for from the leases of land �vith dock facilitieg on the South side of the Causevray and leases of land and buildings on the North s�ide of the �ausew��. The portion of the Causeway referred to is that v�e�terly of the west Bridge and easterly of lYland�lay Avenue a,nd Coronado Urive. The estimated inco�le Pram a11 above leases should be approximately �15,OOQ.00 per yearo In connection v�itn and in addition to the above �p115,000.00 Yacht Basin - 3'20 certif.i�ates -�p125,000.00 - 3'� Utility Revenue Cert:tficates secured from the revanues� of the P���3ic IItilities ov�ned b� the Citg {water, gas and sewer), this issue to be covered by tne present mortgage knorrn as the h�unicipal. U�ility Revenue Certificatee-- Saries 1947 - Cit� of Clearvrater, in the a�riount ot �5.?r5,000v0� which is an open-end mortgage with Tz times� earning clause to cover clebt service; this nevr issue af 4p125,000.00 to be =or J.� years. n7unicipal Utility Revenue Certiflcates - Serie� 1947, now outstanding: �4'73,00O,OOo Al1 of the necessary cost of having the bonds validated8 pri.ntedr including the cost of securing the apgroving legal. opinion of a well-known a ttorney and all other Expenaes 3n aonnection vrith the necsssary ardinances, validation and delivery o= bond� to the City to be paid for by the Purchaser. The City will pay its own Attcrnay, E�ch Bid x:usL be accompanied bv a certified check in the amount of �p5,000.00. Bicis will only be consiaered for both isaues and not one of the issues alone, The right to reject any and all bids or to waive �ny, if an� infor�alities in any bidf is reserved by the Cit� of Clearwater. Boyct P_. Benne�t City hiana�er P. G. Bc:t 13�a Glearwater, Florida CITX COR°a;��5SI0Tl PIEETT2dG' June ]., 195Q I�Ir. Boyci A. Bennei;t, City I�Zanager,, C�.�y �f Cl.e�arwatQr, Florid�. Dear Sir: Juns 1, 1950: After aare.Pul atud� oP the 9evera�. bicls rec;eived ior tYa.e ne� Fire t-ri.lck and equipment, I herewith aubmit my pre�erenee as� �a1lov�s�- Prei'orence No. � -- Amorican-Lab'rance Pre�'erance ?�. 2� -- Sea�;ravo -�-- � �.4,�49.C�� --- 14,273'.50 My reasans for Prefarence No. � ar�s as. follov�s:- A. I like the Cat�-ahead of tr�e En�;ine on the Am�rican-�France, because it gives better v:Lsibilit� to tlz6 Driverr th.�t mea�s better safety i'or the men, alsa 3n case of a head-on coJ.lision vrith an �bjact -. it is eheaper. to rapair ancZ straiglzten out a piece of inetal, than to repalr a radiator or a rsotor. B. 2t kias a aeating capacity for five (5) nen� (Cor��ared �o three (3) rnen on other trucks.) 0 ��� C. It has a sharter turnin�; radius. (VJhich means easier to turn in naYmova streets.) II. Iio�se gower of the motor is 215. (VJhich is better �han sorne or the others.j E. I� Y�as a Pressure �auge for ever� 4utlet, or a total Of five (5) with the master gauge. (VJhile the others has� only the ��aster Pressure gauge. (1). F, The Cnzarantee is for f:ive years eompared to one yeft r on the other make�, Ge Tre delive�y �rill apparentZy be qulekero (100 ralendar days or 3 months and a weak. (YJhile the nearest one �.s 90 u�orking days - or 4 mon�hs and 3 daye.j H. It is mads by a Cor:ipany that specializev i.n the makxng of Fire tru�ks and a.1 kinds of Fire Apparatus; Therefore, their Guarani:ee for �aterial a�d wor�nan- ship on truck ancl a11 anpa�^atus is� backed up by ane Comnan�*, and if ariything goes v�rong, you tlo no� hav� to send a11 over the countr? for parts and rep].acements. NJhereas, ir� an asse�ble job, d3f.ferent par�s oz the i'ire apparatu� are mada by varxous concerns, and it is sometimas d3.£iicult �o ob�ain parts �nd replacements. I. To my personal knov��ledge, the Cit7 of Clearv�a�or r,as usea this kind of apparatus for the past 30 years, ar_d it has proven satisiactory both as ta performance snd ciurability, and vrhen it comes to �etting factor� service and parts, you could not ask for a�7� oetter, �. Individually I have asked all �he nien in -�Yse f�ire Departmant �vha�: fire apparatus the� liYa And think is the besb for our depari-raent, and i� is 100g; the Americar_-L�rrance. P,Iq re�sors for Pref'erence 250. 2 are practically �he sar.ie as for preierence No. 1, except; A. `�'hat the Seagrav� does not liave the Caq-ahead ai the Engina, v�hich I consider the acldit�onaZ safetg feature, less r�orse power, only 3 men seating capacitg, outlet Pressure gau�;as (On?y one �aster.) Subz�ittin� the above for �our approv�l, Respectftia.115,, (�ignecij Feter TraoTa:,, b'ire Chief :IIay 25, 1950 Honorable T,eland Lrew I��ember, Gity Cos�miission Glearwater, Florida Dear Pop: T discussed vrith Chairman A7.fred P,�c�ethan �he matter about svhich you telephoned. He had extanaive l�notivled�;a af the situation and had personaTly inspected t�a.e particular araa. V�rious and sundry of�iaials have been consulted and stud3as have been in2de and a definita poTicy has U�en established. nir. I��cIiethan advised me furtYser that if it can be �horvn 3.n the future there is need for a chan�e, the matter will be iurther studied and considered. I would sugges�, Pop, that if �rau or others �v�o ara interested in affecting any changes that you hrindlo it directl� vrith N1r. I�lcliethan,, With l.indest re�ards, I am T+ios� Sincerelys (Si�necl) FrAnk So �M1'ri�ht Asaista nt to the Governor FStiV.: kh cc -nlr. NicIfethan QT'lY COng�iISSTON 14tEETTNG June T, 1950 117ay 7L9, 1950 City of Cleax�vaater, C1easRvater, Floxida> Attention: FIonorat�le Harry Z). 5argeant, Mayor Gentlenzen: r�t a ro�ular meetilna of t21e Boaxd oz' �ounty Comra3ssioners undei dRte of - t;,ay 16th, the Board adopted a Resolution supportin� the autlzc�r3.zat3on af an In�ra- c�astal C7ater�vay from Anclote Rivsr, Tarpon Spring�, �o St, n4arics, k�larida. VJe attach nereta a cer�i�'ied copy of tizis Resolution tor your iniormation and fi1e�. Tlzis projec�t 3s of vitaT importance to Pinellas CountS* ar�cl �he Board v�oulcl apprea�ate it ver� much if you would ado�t a s�tilar i�esolution in this aonnection, mail�,ng sanie to 5snator Claude Pepper, Senator Spessarcl L. fIollarid al�d Congressman J. Hardin Peterson, �s ctell as to the 1°Jest Coast Inland Navi�ation D3striat, at 1615 duFont Building, It:iami, Florida � We tivould appreciate hear3ng froni you regarding this ma�te�, CP��vd Enc. - T Very truly yours,. WILLTP.h: CRAVlFORD� Clerk By (Signed) Claire I�il�;orA D.C. RE50LUTI02d SLiYPURTITdG THE I�,UThORTZATTOrT Ub' Ai�I INTRAGOAS`Z'A�, ti'JA,TERFJAY FR011i ElNGLOT'r7 RIVI�;R, TARPODI SPRITdGS, TO ST� Iri.4RI:S, FLqRTIJA. v,IHEREAS, tre Federsl In�racoastal 4Jatersvay System extending, with certain in�erruptions, alon� the Atlantic and Uulf Coasts of the TJnited States from Boston to Brownsvil�e has proven af �rea� value to the peoplo of the United States bg re» ducing the cost of transportation oi' many conu±toditie�, by ix�creasin� the z�ation� s supplg of edible fiah, and by affos�lin�; better opportunities for the people oi' th.is natio� to enga�e in the healtlz--givin� recreations af boatiz��; and f9.shing; and ti"Ji�ER�AS, the usefulness an� va].ue oi �his 't�aterwa;�s System is greatly reduced b� the i'ac-c t�at it ras not ye-t been completed along the Gul� Coast af N�lorida. from �Ehe Ca}.00saratehee River to �t. hZarks and that section froLz Ancl�'te River to St. Niarlts� has r_at even been autharized by Congress; and � yJHEP.EAS, tLe TJ. 5. District Et�gineer in Jackaonville has been authorized ta x�.ake a nreli�iinary examination and surveq and to make a report and recorr�endation �vhetY!er or not it is advisable that Congress �uthoz�izo tl2e cansti�.lcti.on of an Ini;ra- coastal.Vdaterv�a� irom Anal.ote River ta 5t. biark�; and • 1"JHEREAS, the authorization and constructi.on of this� waterv�ay, to�;etnex v�ith the construction o�' the vratervray alr�ady aut;horized i�y Con�ress, betrveen the Anclote Riv'e� and the Caloosahatchea R3ver, and the cor�pletion to :ful1 project dimensions of tYxe exis�ing vaaters�ays betvreen �"acksonville �,nd nZianr�, Key 4-lest and the noutr,. of CaZoosahatchee River �tould be of �;reat benefit to the people of tha U��ited States and nrouZd can�'er the follov�rin� oenef'its to tr�e people of aouth Florici�. (a) Tt v�ould reduce the ccst oi' transporting f.uel oil, �agoline, Diesel oil and othe� liquid t.e�roleum prpc�uc�s froni the sources. of supply in Texas to all points along the Gulz coast of r�lorida frorn the Sutivannee River to naples and inlan�i a� iar as Lak� O�eechobae, tl�ereby reducing the cost oi el,ectric power9 automobile, tractor ard motor boat operation, ancl ef pumpin�; ior irrigatyon and araina�;e throu�;hout that area; �� � (b j Tt r�ould reduee tne ecet of bringing .s?.�� phur from Zou:Lslana to Tampa where it ia extons�vely used for the manufacture of �ertiliaer and insecticides thus cheapening th�se essentia'! agricu?tural materials; (c) Tt v�ould reduce the cost of bri.ngin� �rain and. grazn prac�ucts Srom the Tatiesissippi Valley to Tanipa, thus benefitting the extenaive dair�in€; and graztn� industry of sou�h- vreat and south �entral �'lorida and ir�ereasing tize foocl supply of th.e natiorz; (d) It would reduoe the cos-� of bringin� �tin plate from B3r�iinghmr., Pittsburgh ar Chica�o to T ampa vrhsre it is manufaci:ured into cans for citrus prociuots and vegetable� raised in soutY�exn Florid�; (e) It would afford cheaper transportation to Tar?.pa of ptrizetural. ateel, tractare, marine en�iries and heAvS praducte of all so�ts; (f ) I� v�ould afford cneaper distribution from Tampa factories� and v�arehauses af oil, steel cer;ent, fertil3zer, buildin�; material and h6av�* constu�zers �;aods of all s��rts to the area betvaaen 3daples, Tal�;e Okeechobee and Tarpon 8prin�;s, thereby recluc:i.ng th� price of thens cor.n.iodities, in tYat area. • (g) It woula aFiord lower rates for the vaes�ward mover�zent of canned c3tz�z�, ve�etaUles and �ieat prodncts from the entire trade area: centering on Tara��a; (h) It trrould kreatl.y fac3litate tne operatio�s of the apongers, corr�aerciall i'isherinc�i� CITX COI�I�IISSIdPT Iy:��;TiNG Juize 1, 1950 Rego7.u�ion on Intracoastsl'4Jaterway--continued and sh��3mpers, no� only of thoae based on harbors batvreen Tarpon Springs and St. iriarks but a1�o those Y�ased elsewhere and �ishing in these waterg; - (1} Tt v�ould save niany li�ros and much property araon� fishermen �nd ple�aura boaterw cau�,ht by bacl weath�r in the ad jacent wai:ers; . Cj) Tt would add greatly to the �heltered waters� within the cruising range of yachtsmen and ple��ure boa� c,tivners ever,vrhere in b'lorida, theroby encouragin� the develo�nent of thie YzeAZth-�;i'vin�; s�ort ancl coni;ributing to the prasperity of ship chandlers, marina opera�ors, baat builder� and others; (k} Sy facili-L-ating the access af recreational cra�'t fram the motor boat centers of the n;igsissippi Valley and Iake Itiiichigan ta south Floricla it vrould increase perhaps fivafold the seaeonal m3graiio� o�' such boats betvreen the I�iiddle 4'iest and all Florida resort areas; tlze3e benefits� would extend to alT {;he resort operators located on navi�able s+�aters an3where in the peninstila, particularly to those in the Palm Beach� 2r2iami-Key VJest area on the east and to tho�e betti�son the Suvrannee ftiver and Naples �n the vrest; �his increase in the nurnber of boats and their passen�ers viaitin� tl�e w3ntor resorta would s�imuTate a11 varieties of retail buainess and service industries;and WHERT�AS, wllen i:he Ii3str2ct �ngix�eer held public hearings on this �ro ect the opinions of this organiz��ion and those of the people of this cox�unity vrere3not' presen�ed to Yiim; ancl 41HL�?EAS, the Boarcl of Corr,rnissionera of -the 'tJeat Coast IdaJigat�an District, a body po7:itic and corpo�ate set up by �he State of �'lorida to cooperate �r;.tY�. tre IIr�ited 5tates in watera�a� developr,lent on tre west coast cF Florida, is novs en�a�;ed in or�;anizin� �the presentation by residents of t12is area of opinions and evirience in support of the ���+llorization of an Intracoasta]. tilatervaay from Anclo�e River to St. I,Iarl:s, IdOtiJ, TIi'�;t',�b'OR�,, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count� Corfmiisuioriers of Pinellas County, Floridas THA.T if�e autY;.orization by Con�;resa and �the construction �� the Corps of Eri�;ineers of an Tntracoastal VJatertiva;� ex�end�in�; al�ng tre vrest c�ast of rlcric�a fxom Anclote River to St, hiarks wpuld be of areat value �o �Gt-�_e people o� this vicin3t�T �nd to t�ioae of �he SVYlOI.B United States; and THAT tYie Bosrfl of Caunty Commissioners o�' PineZlas County, r'lorida, herebg axpresses ita wY:olehearted support of this project and urgas the II. S. District Engineer in Jacksoz�ville to sukm�it �n early and favorable report thereon; and TIiAT the Secretary 3s direGtea to transr.iit capiea of t�is rasoi,ution �c Senator Claucle Pepper, to Senator Spessard �,. Holland and to Con�ressman S. Harflin Peterson, and to send six copie� to the agent of the t'Iest Coast Inland i4avigation Listrict, at 1615 duPont Buildin�, 2::i�mi 38, rlorida, �'or de7.iver� ta the U. S. Uiatric� En�;ineer. ADUPT�U tr is 16th day of I�:a f, A. D, 1�J50 , ATTEST: b�l1LI�J:A.$i CRA.1tF(,.�, Clerlr. Sv (Si�ned) Claira I:il�Zore v.C. Ai'3�Ris'F� PO^m�R Cha zrr.ar_