05/04/1950 .' "\'"';t~~~f~;~~~~,!,."".......". i... The City Commission o~ the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at City Hall Thursday, May 4th at 12:00 Noon with the following members present: ',<:..,;., "'TO, ,,' " .'.t.> _""'.. .'.. ,..>..~.~,.~"j.~:.'~:': '-/},,::.. .,": ~:: ...1.._'.,:.'....., /.~.:.. . :: .':,~~'.,. ~~i;. ;;",' ~~:. :\L~:~,,- ;.'.::' ,~~", .' CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 4, 1950 .. :[<)/, , , -:, 'D, ) 'I.. ""'\i.~.' , ..: 1\, , . 'l!. ,it: ,,:,:',:,:,'l:, Harry D. Sargeant Herbert M. Brown Leland F. Drew Joe Turner -Mayor Commissioner ..Co:mmisaioner -Comnissioner -Co1m11ssioner , ; . ~, , '''.' ,,' Po" " <:__ , .', . " " '.' ',. , '/', ,. Absent: E.. B. Ca ale r Jr. -CoDmissioner Also Present Were: Boyd A. Bennett George T. MoClanma Ben Krentzman -City l.lanager -Chief of Police -C1t~' Attorney i ,i 'j' 'J I The Mayor oalled the Dleeting to order and aslced for suggestions of a name for the buildinf~ recently cor.lpleted on the site of the old fish pJ.ant. Com- missioner Brown moved that the building recently oompleted by the Sea Scout Comnittee be named t'The Youth Maritime Center". COJl1IJliasioner Turner seconded the motion and it oarried unanimously. The City Attorney read the dra~t of a Resolution, recognizing the donations in thle~ services and material, or those persons oontributing to the new building. The Attorney said he would make certain changes in the Resolution, setting ~orth tlle City's contributions as well as those or indiv1dt~lB, and also designation of the building and site as the Youth Maritime Center. Commissioner Brown moved tl~t the Resolution be adopted as amended. The motion was seconded by CommiBs~oner Turner and carried unan1nlousJ.y. Approval of a plat o~ "Oak Acres" submitted by lass Gladys Dunoan, was denied on a motion by Co~issioner Drew which was seconded by Commissioner Erown and ca rried . The City Manager recommended the expenditure or $200.00 to cover the cost of oonneoting a Sanitary Sewer to the New Youth Maritime Center. On a motion by Commissioner Brown, which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and oarried, the City Manager's reoommendation was approved. Commissioner Drew moved that the City Manager be authorized to attend the state City Managers meeting at Gainesville on May 8th~ 9th and 10th. Com- missioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried. Oommissioner Drew moved tha t the of:fer by 1I1rs. lIiartrJ.8 N. Lamphear to settle Improvement Lien No. 17741 for the prinCipal amount of ~228.00 be acoepted. Comn.issioner Turner seoonded the motion and it oarl'ied unanimously. There being no fUrther business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. AT TEST: ~. 0 City AUd~nd ~~~~ Mayor-Co Bsioner Clerk . 't y- " . . ::t ~. i," ";:. '., ..,.:: , ,.1 '. ~ '. Y':~~(i~:"""':':':"': ....~. .~~t:'I.. '?~~i;~~:\;:S)1~\'~~:t!?t~ii) , .' .~..., '.' .....'.:,.. ;Jt~~~I;~.fIF':~"-- -,. ..............1..' 'I"" .. f 'i~~~:~~)i{1}f~~\~:r~n . :.<n/'i:~/,:: ~('::HI J' ~~J:::/,';,~;.'.;;;:.":;..l'. "1 ,'I .' .. ", , . . .. ...';"~;""''C';_'~ib;"",~l;,,,~j~2!J;~~~:'M CITY COMMISSION" MEETING MaY' <i, 1950 J/ [;;, r AGENDA 1. Conaidera tion of a resolution and nama for tho new build1np; replaoing the old fish house. Consideration of a plat presented ror approval by Gladys Duncan. Consideration of the approval of ~200.00 to cover the cost of connecting a aanitary BeVier to the new buildinr,_ replacing the old fiah house,. with the new sewer on Clearwater street. . Request of the City Mana~er for the consont of the Conwission to attend the state City }'lanager's I\IeetlnF~ in Crainesville ~lay 8, 9 and 10. Consideration of the offer of Martha Nichols Lamph3ar to pay the paving assess- ment cost on Laura street in f'ull, exclusive of intorest. Any o the l' business the Conmission muy wish to consider. .",' '.' " 2. 3. .i , ,.', ;. .. ~ ..',' '; ,,' ,'-'.' KJ' j : j ; '. ' ; "'.'- . If' :,' '''-..,~- ~. :( 4. 5. I: ~'" (. 6. May :IL, 1950 \ I I j Hon. City Commission City of Clearwater Glearwater~ Fla. ~ I 't.. '. , ..}';~;~j, , .. .._\, : :~;~,l,'~ {~\, i I Dear Sirs: Wish to advise that when paving improvements were assessed a~ainst aur property tha t we were not in a. position to pay anything on same at the time due to the fact that we completely remodeled this property which cost us more than what money we had for this purposev I believe you will agree that we did im- prove the property to the point that it gives a better appearance to this city street. I 'j 1 We are now in a better position to handle this matter. I am inclosing with this letter a check for $223000 as payment in full ror this assessment which I hope you will accept as Einal settlement of this matter. Your favorable considel~tion of this matter will be appreciated. Respectfully yours~ 1Iartha Nichols Lamphear By (Signed) H. F. Lamphear RES 0 L UTI 0 N --- ----... --- WHEREAS the City building known as the SEA SCOUT BASE on Clearwater Beach was destroyed by fire aome t~ne ago, and, WHEREAS said buildln~ bad been used by the youth of the community as a oentor for worthwhile activities and it was desired to replace said building, and WHEREAS the funds avaiJ.ab~e from f'ire insurance and other sources available to the City Commission were not sufficient fC'r said purpose~ and fd""" .,:E~:';~;~~- t'. t' "':'" ~~ .... '. .. '1~' :~"'..."'.., WHEREAS a group of public-spirited citizens, under the leadership of' the Optimist Club of Clearwater and the Ki~nia Club of Clearwater sponsored and pro- posed the ereotion of such a buildin8 through public help and subscription to supplement the amounts available, and VffiEREAS a committee appointed by this Commission, consisting of H.ll.Baskin, J. J. Eokhart and R. R. Orcutt assumed the active supervision or the construction of such a buildinr, and secured the gratuitous service of a local citizen and builder, John Segelken~ and WlIEREAS many loca~ citizens and business firms have contributed substantially of their th16 and money to the construction or sald building and there is now a vailable for the use of' the youth of this Oi ty a splendid building which is a credit to the City and to all those who helped in its construction~ for which this Commission is deep~y grateful and wishes to express ita appreoiation NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Olearwater, Florida~ in session dulY' and legally assembled, tlmt on behalf of itself and the citizens or Clearwater it hereby expreases appreciation for the contributions of time, effort and money toward the oonstruction of the said building by the following ind.ividuals and organiza tions: H. H. Baskin~ J. J. Eckhart and R. R. Orcutt John Segelken~ Supervising builder Kiwanis Club of C~earwater Optimist Club o~ Clearwater Aoe Roofing Co. of st. Petersburg Pau~ Ambrose Hugh Coil and W. W. Blackburn Co. (Continued next page) ..:;.;'t.....'+';r:<_.!'"i~......"......... r-'I'(~ _...~., .~.......-.,. ~. .~,. ~-' !iii" CTTY COrII��7TSSTON IJ[EETING 114Hy 4, 195Q The Ci�y Qoraniasion of the City of Clearwater met in Sp�cial Session a't City Hall Thur�da,y, n'[ay 4bh at 12q00 Noon v�ith the followin� members present; Absents Also Presant Harry IJ, Sargeant Herb$rt bi. Brown Leland F'. Dreat, Joe Turner E. B. Casler Jr. YJe ra : Boyd A,. Bennett Geor�s T. hlcC].amn�a Ben Kren��man -Mayor Co�mnissioner - Cormnis s ione r -�ormnissioner -Coirnnissioner -Corarnissioner -City Dian�ger -Chief of Police� -�ity Attorney The Mayor called th� meeting ta ordQr and asked for suggestions of a r_ame for the building recentl;� coxnpleted on the site o� the old fish plant. Com- missioner- Brown moved that the build3ng recently completed by the Sea Scout Con¢n;ttee be named i�The Youth P+taritime Center�t. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion and it ca.rried unanimouslg. The Cit� Attorney reacl the draft of a, Resolution, recc,gnizing the donationa in tirae, servicos and matErial, of thos� persons contributing to the new building. The Attorney saia he would make certain changes in the Re�olution, setting forth the City�s contributions as ere11 as those of individuals, and also designation of the building and site as the �.'outh h4aritime C6x�ter. Corrmlissioner Brov�n moved that the Resolution be �dopted as amended. The motion vras secondad by Corr�nissioner Turner and carried unan3.�ously. Approval of a plat of R�Oak Acres�t submitted by bSiss Gladys Duncan, was deniec� on a motion by Cor�issioner Drew which was seconded by Commissianer 3rovm and carried. The City I�lanager recommer_ded tha expenditure of y200,00 to covar the cos� af connecting a Sanitary Sewer t;o tha Idew Youth Marit3:me Center. On a motion by Corrmissioner Brovrn, which was seconded by Co�nissioner Turner and carried, t�ie Cit;* IuIanager� s recommendation was approved. Counnissioner Drew moved that the City Nianager be authorizad to attend the State City hIanagers meeting ai Gaines�ille on hlay 8�h, 9th a�.d lOth. Com- m3ssioner Turner seconded the motion and 3t carried. Conmiissioner Drew moved that the ozfer by h?rse I�iartha ri, I�mphear to settle Improvement Lien No. 17741 for �he principa� anount of �228.00 be accepted. Cozmnissioner Turner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. There being no iizrther business to come before the Boa:rd, the meeting adjourned. '`�► � � � - / ���/.�. a .,� i'. . � . • � u��i'f • - �, � ATTEST: / dL i�4'_�' • � C g ,9udii;a��nd er � CTTY CQb'IN[ISSION hiEETTIvG Niap �, 1950 AGENDA l. Consideration of a resolution and name for tho ne�v buildin� replacir_g tho a].ci fish houseo 2. Considerat3on of a plat presented for approval by Gladys Duncan< 3. Consideration of the approval of �200.00 to covar the cost o� connectin� a sanitary sevrer to the new buil�in�, replacinp; the old fisYi lzouse,' with the new sewer on Cleaxtivater Stroet. �. Request of the City Manager ior ��e cox�sent of the Cor�miis�:�on �o attencl tYxe State City R4anager►s Iiiestin� in Gainesville nlay 8, 9 and 10. 5. Consideratien of the offer of Pdartha I�T.i,chol� LampY�ear to pay �he paving assess- mant cost on Laura �treet in fu11, e�clusive of intarest. 6. Any other busine�u the C07lYrii991011 mav wish to consider. I�faY 1, 1950 Hon. �it� Co�unission City o.f Claarwater Claarwater, Fla, Dear Sirs: Wish to advise that v�rhen pavin� impravement� were assessed a�a inst our pr�perty that we were not in a: position to pa� anything on san�e at the time due to the fact tha� tive complataly remocleled this property which cost us more tYian what money we 2zad for this purpose. I believe yau will a�ree that we did 3m- prove the property to the point that it gives a better appearance to this city streeto l"7e ars nom ir. a better position to handle this matter. I am inclosing with this lettar a cn.ec� for �p228o00 as payment in full ior this assessment which I hope you wi1}. accept as final settlement of this matter. Your iavorable aons�deration of this matter will b� appreciated. Res�ectfully yours, DIarthe. Idichols Lamphoar By (5i�nad} H. }.�. Lamphear R E S�O�L�UrTlI 6 N YJHEREAS th� City building knorrn as the SE� SCOUT BASE on Clearwatar Beach was destrc�yed by fire some time ago, a�ds WHEREAS said building had been used by the youtr of the co�nunity as a center f'or wo.rthwhile activities and it was dasired to replaca sA3.d building, a nd VVHE�.S the funds available frorn fire insurance and ether sources avaiJ.abTo to the Cits� Commission were not su£iicisnt ior said purposa, ancl 1rirIiERe�AS a group of puolic-spirited citizsns, under the leadership of the Optimist Club of Glearwater and the Kiwani� Clu"n of Clearv�ater sponsored and pro- �osad the erecti�n of such a building through public he].p and subscription to suppTement the amounts availabZe, and V7HEREA.S a counnittee appointed by this CorrIlniasion, consistin� of H.Ii.Baskin9 JD J. Eokk�art and R. R. Orcutt assUmed the act�ve supervision of the construction of sueh a building and gecured the gr�tu3tous service of a local oi�izen and builder, John Segellsen, and iNiiEREAS �ny local citizens and business firms have contributed aubst�ntially of their time and money to the construction of ss3d buildin� and there ia nnvc available for the use oP the youth oi' this City a splendid build:Lng v�ahich is a credit to the City and to a11 those wno helped in its construction, for which thi� Coimniasion ia deeply grateful and wishes ta e�e�reas its�appreciation NOW THEREFOR� BE TT RESOLVED by the City Commiss�on of the City of Cle�rviater, Florida, in session duly and le�all� asse�bledT that on behali of itself and the citizens of Clc�arvrater 3.t hereby expresses appreciation for the cont�ibutions of tirae, affort and xnone,y towaz�. the construction of ths said building by the f ollowi�g inclividuals and organiz�.tions: H. Ii. Baakin, J. Je Eckhart and R. R, Orcutt John Segelkon, Supervising builder Kiwanis C].ub oF Clear�r�ater 'Optimist Cl.ub of Clearwater Ace Roofin� Co. of St. PP�ersburg Faul Ambros� Hu�h Coil and W. VJ. Blackburn Co. (Conti.nued neYt page) CITY COIat2+iISSI0T1 MEETITdC� May a, 395Q FtESOP�UTTON-----�a Qnti nuad Don E. Brand and D. E. Brand Ec S.on, Inc. K. 0. Finch and The Finch Whe61 Aligrnnent & Welding Worka J. Stewart Carav�, Gardiner F'uller an�l the F1.orida Building Products, Inc. Gle�� Eo F'underburke Gus Smith and Genera� fteady-M:taeed Goncrete, Inc. ETenry N1. George Guli' Coast Iiardware Co, J. Frank Hamrick and Hamrick Lumber Vsrd Harbison Supply Coo Hovey Brothers of Clearwater C. R. Kilbourne S. A. Korones and Korones Jerveler� Robert H. Levison Nall Lumber Co, Guy Parker and Parker Electric Co, E. C. Marquardt �nd J. E, Penney Co, Pinellas Lumoar Co. Ca�,t. Ao B, SmitYb Standard tlumbing Co„ Pran1P Tack, George Warren and Tack 8c VJarren Roofing & Sheet t+Tetal I�iilton Kenyon, h2aurice Thayer and Thayer I�Iotor Coo P1a11is-Johnson Pl?zmbing Co. Ro� V`�. YVakeZing BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVED that said buildinF� i� hereby accepted on baY�alf of the cit3zens of Clearwater anci is named and desigr_ated as YQUTH MARITII�riE CEDiTER, by which it shall ba henceforth known. BE IT b'`URTN�R RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be furnished to representatives of the nress. PASSED AND ADOPTED this �:th day of Niay, A. D,, 1950. A,ttast: h. G. VJin�o Ci�y Auditor and Glerk i Harrq D, Sar�ean t NIayor>Com�issioner