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,? ?, April l8 1960 (spooiaT meeting) / ?,
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4u??///?? The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Speoial Session at City `???;?
??'??'?'?? I , 'Hall Tusadayy April 18thy x.950 at b=Oa P. ?. with the following members present= R???
Harry D. Sergeant -?[agor-Caaanisaioner
Leland F. Drex -Commissioner
_ Joe Turner -Commissioner
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Herbert ?. Brown -Commissioner
H. B, Caslor Jr. aCammiasionor
Also Present: """"~--
Boyd A. Bennett -City Manager
Ben Krantzman -City Attorney
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The Mayor Dallas the meeting to order and explained that the purpose of the
meeting xas to hear Mx. Charles W. 9ub]?ett, representative, explain the i9iohie
Publishing Counpany?e proposal for re-codifying and printing the City?s Ordinances.
The City Attorney introduced Mr. 3ublett, who explained that due to the faot
hie firm hew oontracte with several Florida Cities, he was able to make the
following proposal. His company would classify, edit and index the City?s exist
ing laws, suggest new ordinances where needed, and oorrelate the City?s Ordinances
with State statutes and furnish 200 bound volumes for 4500.00 if the book ran
leas than 300 pages; if in excess of 300 pages, the coat would be X7.00 per page;
however, the total ooat would not be over X5000.00. On being questioned, he eaiet
the company would acoept the City?s note for X2500.00 at 4? for the down payment,
the balance to be payable on delivery of the 200 volumes. Commissioner Drea+
moved that the matter be deferred to Thuraday?s meeting, and a definite answer
given at that time. The motion was aeoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
There being no further business to come before the ?3oard, the meeting was
Mayor- om? aioner
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ApriI. I8, 19b0 (speclaT meeting) �` �/
The City Counn3.saion oP tla.e Citq of Clearvrater met in special Session at City
Hs11 Tuesda;p� Apni.l 18tri, 195Q at 6:OQ P, 2�. yvith the following membera presen�:
Iiarry D. Sargeant -Mayor-Commissioner
Leland F. Drev�r -.Cor.,miss3oner
Joe Turner -Cormnissioner
Herbert M. Brnwn -Connniasionex
E. B. Casler Jr. _Corrmi3ssioner
A.lso Present:
Boyd A. Bennett _C3ty Manager
Ben Krentzman _City Attornsy
The T�Ia,qor called ths meeting to order and explained that bhe purgasa oP the
mee�ing was to hear Mr. Charles W. Sublett, representative, bxplain the �ichie
Pizbl3shinfi Company�s �roposal for reocod3fying and printing the Citv�e Crdinan ces.
The C3ty Attorney introduced Mr. Sublett, who explaiaed that due to the fact
his Pirm has con�raat� with several Flo:ida Citiee, h� �vas able to maka the
following propasal. His company would classify, edit and index the Cityrs exist..
ing laws, su�geat ne��r ordinances where needed, and correlate the Cityts Ordinances
with State atatutea and Purnish 200 bound VOlillri@S for �4500v00 iP the book ran
l.ess than u00 page�; if in excess of 300 pagos, the coat would be �7.00 per page;
however, the tote2 coat would not be over $�5000,�0. On being questioned, he saic�i
the Qompany vrould accept the C3ty�s note for �2500,00 at 4;b for the down payment,
the balance to be payable on deliuerg of the 200 volume�. Commiasioner Drev¢
moved that the matter be de�erred to Thursdav°s meetin�, and a definite ansrrer
giwen at that tinie. The motion was secondsd by Connnissioner Turner snd carr�ed.
There bein�; no flzr�hor bus3ness to come before the BQai'da the meeting wa�
a4ayor-Gorrm sioner
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City Audito�d Clerk