02/27/1950 . ...., .:.. . .":';"".'E")~F If- f ",.""",>4" , , ~. , I'~,t~.~~~!..~,',i~ f~.~';i;:;~ l' ,;i;:,:: :,' ~ .':, \:. . I >:'r>;:<~~,':':;';:':'\ . I' : ",", ",., l' :,:" ':'/;"" t " f t I' f [ !, f ! i I t ! , I {, " '~::~l:~~~;'~::-.J~:':~' .' ..'$ti .;':\lx~iI~i1~:f23LJ;";;.,,;,~,,, .;"" ...... ,.....' ...;'~~fi~[li!;"}?, ....'e.;""..J9 "".",:':'ii,:S":"'::2;>.;)1 ,'; ,.' ,,} ".' ., ' .' .. ,', I ' ,.;i,:: '" I , '1 I , i i I , l~r-'\ . ~~~~~~\. '..,.1..." > ., .:.: : -, ,< ;..>.; ...;.:..,~' ",.:~ .; .,;.,";;"..:"..:..r',; .. -, ,- .:.:,,~.~... ~~.)..- .'..,~'.. , .~~ :'" <'.: ' " "'.~'h'~' .:. '.'" .', CIIJ.'Y COMMISSIon MEETING February 2?, 1950 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater :met in Speoial Session at City Harl, Monday, February 27, 1950 at 7:30 P. M. with the following membe~B present: Leland it"'. Drew Herbert M. Brown E. B. Casler Jr. Joe Tu~ner -Acting Mayor-Commissioner -Commissioner -Commissioner -Commissioner ".1. : . I I j I \ I , , Absent: Harry D. Sar~eant -Mayor-Commissipner Also PreB~nt Were: Boyd A. Bennett George-MoClaIlUYla Ben Y~entZD1an -City Manager -Chief ot Police -Ci ty Attorney I I .' j \ j J I j l I ../ ' I , ' j I , 'I ,,:I , . l ( :~ I Commissioner Brown, reporting for the Real Estate Appraisal Committes_ re1ativa to the exchange of Lots North of Court Street and East of Prospect Avenue for lots in Edward 11ills Subdivision, belonging to the Liona Club, said it was the Committee's recommendation that the City expend ~~2500.00 for fi1ling the Court st~eet p~o~erty and provide oonnection to the Sewer Line; the expenditure to come out or the $5000.00 appropriated for Park improvement. Acting Mayor Drew said that the Lions Club should .be comnlendod for its action in providing additional park space by giving the lots in the park area in exchange for City owned p~operty in another location. Com- missioner Casler moved that the report of the Comnittee be accepted and the City Attorney be inatructed to take the necessary steps to accompliall ita recommendations. The motion was seconded by COI:unissioner Turner and carried unanimously. Commissioner Brown moved that the City Manager be instructed to revise and submit a replat of Coaclunan Park for approva 1. The motion was seconded by COll1rnissioner Tu~ner and carried. The City Attorney now read Ordinance #59a, the Sigh Ordinance, in ~ll, for the second time. Mr. William L. Alley, representing A11ey, Rehbaum & Capos, and pau1 F. Randolph, Inc., Buggested that Real Estate Signs be prohibited altogether. Ml"'. Condon of Cantrell & Condon, Mra. Grant of Merrill & Grant, and lire VI. S. Shannon of Shannon & Fi8"he~, expressed their approval of the Ordinance as submitted. Mr& Herbert M. Blanton and J. S. C~ibbs stated their opposition to tl~t Section of the Ordinance pe~ taining to Real Estate Signs. After oonsiderable discussion, Cor~isBioner Casler moved that O~dinance #592 be passed on the second reading and that Section 8JJ that Seotion pertaining to Real Estate Signs be deleted. The motion was seoonded by Com- missi oner Tu~ner and carried. Connnissionel's Brown, Ca sler and Turner vot,ed "AY0 ". Commissioner Drew voted ""No." Commissioner Turner moved that Ordinance #592; be passed on the Third Reading, as amended. Commissioner Cas1er seconded the motion and it carried. Comnissioners Brown, Casler and Turner voted "Aye.... Conmissioner Drew voted ttNo." Commissioner Turner moved that Arthur W. Jordan Jr. be appointed as Assistant Associats Judge of the Municipal Court. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and oarried unanimously. , , .. ':. ;":",.:., Mr. Maynard Barney of 408 Jeffords street, Secretary of the Clearwater Guides Assooiation, requested that the Guides Association be notified when the question of Beach Dock Leases would oome up for discussion. It was suggested to Mr. Barney that he take up the ~tter with the City Manager at his earliest oonvenience, as the proposals would be in the completed form when p~esented to the Commission. There being no further business to corne before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ':", " .' . .1"" ....\ ..; ".~ . ~~e1ion{2~Ar- Attest: ...., AGENDA Special meeting fo~ the purpose of considering the Sign Ordinance on its second reading and any other business that might need prompt attention. . ",' ,.: " J' . "," ..- ,I':.. ,". ..' .. 14... '.'I'~_~'. :~. ! !. aafety, convenience and general welfare require the regulation and/or prohibition of the erection, use and n~intenance ot ligns' within the City Limits of Clearwater, Florida as herein provided . _".~ 1:,'-" ~'. ..... ,.: . '.; ~. '~. ,.~ '0 h ~"..'....:... 7.J.+'.~ ',,,,,: ..:...:':... ......:. ......,... "~" ,..-._' ....., '. ~...'.;..;_ ,I ,...~.., ," ~:,~:;,:~:_,..:,~.;;,;~.:..:;,,',".:".."n'~:.;,~,.2~~,,~,,;:L::i.L.:::, :,<:...:_)ri,<:~~';:::rJS<':,~,~,:;;;o.' :> ' ':;' (L{L 1 ,', ,.,. ,.1" ","<" ' " . 1~'ltl,{~:' t ." "~,I ,.., \, ",... !)'I(!,'fii%~tl~"0 : I,,:'!':"X' { ; ',' ' L !.' " CITY COM~1ISSION MEETING Februar7 27. 1950 ORDINANCE NO. 592 AN ORDINANCE REG1JLAT ING AIm/OR PROHIBITING THE ERECTION, USE AIID lfA.INTENANCE O~' SIGNS WITHIN THE C lTY LIMITS OF CLEARWATER; PRO- VIDING DB~'INITIONS; PROHIBITING CO~IMERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGNS, AS DEFINED HEREIN, IN AHF.AS STATEU HEREIN, EXCEPT AS PROVIlJED HEREIN: PROHIBITING SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROP- ERfn EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEIlliINj REQUIRING AND PROVIDING FOR PEWMITS IN CONNECTION WITH DIRECTIONAL SIGNS; PROVIDING CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING THE El"lt'ECTIVE DATE HEREOF A11D PENAVl'IES I<'OR NON-COMPLIANCE HEREWITH , : WHEREAS it is hereby declared that the public order. f t, f ! I I I i i . '..' I . ',' . . : ,~' . ~.' ..' , ,.....,..::i.". cmU.IERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGN shall mean any structure, displa.y board, billboard. poster board, bulletin board, screen, surface or wall, with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto~ thereon or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matte~' displayed would be used for any purpose other than that of advertising to the publio the legal or exaot firm name or the name of tho business carried on therein or thereat, or for advertising any service or product or products actually and actively being offered for sale therein or thereon, and shall not inolude street or d:1,rectional signs;, owner identification signs and point of purchase signs as defined herein or real estate signs as defined herein having an area of six (6) sq. ft. or less. SNIPE SIGN shall mean any small sign of any material, inoluding paper, cardboard, wood and metal, when such sign is tacked, naile~ or attached in any way to trees or other objecta. OWNER IDENTIFICATION SrGN shall mean any structure, device, display board~ screen, surface or wall with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thoreon or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed is used only to indicate to the public the legal or exact firm name or the character of the business carried on therein. '/, ' :-!>~',':::.y:::.':' NOW THERE}'ORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City COI!Ill1ission of the City of Clearwater, Florida: Section 1. DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Ordinance, certa in tenus. and words a re herein defined as follows: (A: ) ( B) ( C) (D) (E) FOINT OF PURCHASE SIGN shall mean any structure, device, display board, screen, surface or wall, with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon, or thereunder, by any method or means, whBtsoever, where the matter displayed is used for advertising a product actually or actively ofrered for sale thereon or therein. ~L ESTATE SIGN shall mean any structure, device, display board, - screen. surface or wall, with characters, letters or 11lustr.ationa placed thereto, thereon or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed thereon sha11 be used solely for the purpose of offering for sale, for lease, or for rent the exact property on which sign is placed; said sign, surface, device. etc.;, having an area not exceeding six (6) s~. ft. A real estate sign having ~n area in excess of six (6) sqo ft. shall be classified as a Commercial Advertising Sign and shall be subjec~ to regulation as such. (F) STREET OR DIRECTIONAL SIGN shall mean any sign having the purpose or giving instructions as to the location or a place, event or meeting within said City and/or the direction thereor ~rom the sign location. Section 2. IN OERTAIN AREAS. COAfl1ERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGNS NOT PERMITTED (A) That hereafter no commercial advertising sign B~ll be permitted 1n any residential district Wllich includes R-l, Residence Distr1ct and R-2, Multiple Dwelling District, as defined in the C~ty Zoning Ordinance <I (B) That no Oommeroial Advertising Sign shall herea~ter be constructed in < ~ t, .': ' .1<0., . , , . . ..... d '" :~t.<. " ' ~ ~~'J1"';~lr;'tl ''''' "'. ,,', I <. -~ ,..i:f/,~ ,.~t.: ) ',S':'.t' ' " '-" - .r'" ~':~;:\~~,;'::z~~t,:W:;~?~I':,:~i"t:i:~.~'~~: --.,J'IMI~ ,,__......~.. ~ ..... ...., , ~...,~1,",i~=,,,~,{;;::'.~~,, ",. Ll'MI.f;j:;i 1\;<,' f5tJ ,...,.,',".- '.,~;;;;,i');l\~f.~ti~::, ,., I..... '.. r.J, " (t~\;\\. },q , [?~~;~f~f.\ 1 .', " i' " ..' ;'.:. . . " . . f" . f f ;, . , I ~ ' " ". i '. :'.' '. > ' . '. . . : . <:::.: "'-'./,~: '~I ' ";t . ' . :i1 (; ., , .', ,::.:",~ " .." ~ ,'.'. .t, "",' 1 .,:~"'",.,:)~ ,':~ \<~~;.t/ ~1 ;'1 H ;1 j :1 , .~ i :1 I OITY COlThlISSION MEETING J..'ebruary 2!7, 1950 ORDINANCE NO. 592~DOontinued a B-Business District as defined in the City Zoning Ordinanoe, until a special permit therefor has been obtained from ~e City Conm1seion of said City. Berore granting the application for such a permit the City Co~nission shall consider the reoommendation8~ either favorable or unfavorable~ of the City Zoning Board, and the effect suoh B sign will have on the public health, morals and safety in the partioular location requested. (C) That Commercial Advertising Signs now existing sl~ll not be materially or substantially altered or repaired unless n permit as provided in Section 2-B hereof ia first obtained. Section 3. SNIPE SIGNS, SIV},;wALK OR SANDWICH SIGNS NOT PERMITTED. That hereafter snipe signs. except when used 818 real estate sign. as defined herein, sidewalk or sandwich signs shall not be permitted within the City of Clearwater. Section 4. POSTING OR TACKING SIGNS PHOHI13ITED. No person shall paint~ paste, print or nail any banner, sign, paper sign or any advertisement or notice of any kind whatsoever or CQ11Se the same to be done on any curbstone. flagstone, pavement or on any other portion or part of sidewalk or street or upon any tree, lamp-post, telephone or telegraph pole, hydrant or bridge within the limits. of any street or public right-af-way within the City of Clearwater; provided, however, that this Section shall not apply to regular notices required by law to be so posted. Section 5. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS OF SIGNS'. That all signs; located in co~p1iance with this Ordinance shall first be constructed or erected in compliance with the Official Building Code of the City of C1earwater. Section 6. LOCATION OF SIGNS WITBIN OR UPON PUBLIC PROPERTY AND RIGHTS-OJl'-WAY PROHIBITED; EXCEPTIONS. Tha t except as provided herein" no sign shall be located in or upon any P, Public District, as defined in tho City Zoning Ordinance~ or in any street or railroad rlght-of-~y. That this Section shall not prevent any operating railroad from placing traffic signs which are necessary and proper in the operation of said railroad. That this Ordinance almll not prohibit the erection of reasonable and necessary street and directional signs by the City of Clearwater and State and Federal authorities. (D) That this Ordinance al~ll not prohibit the location of street and directional signa when a permit therefor haa been secured as hereinafter provided. (A) (B) (C) Section 7. PERMITS FOR STREET AND DlRECTIOllA.L SIGNS. That the City Building Inspector is hereby authorized to issue annual permits far the erection of directional signa under the following conditionsl (A) Said signs shall not exceed four (4) sq. ft. in a~ea and shall be of a reasonable size and design with due rega~ to its purpose, proposed loca tion and the t ra f1'io and sa 1'e ty condi ti ons' existing thereat. (B) A written application for each such perndt shall be riled with the City Building Inspector indicating the size, type and design of the desired directional sign and its proposed location with particular rega~ to street and right-of'-~y linea. e C) The City Buildil1g Inspector, with the approval of the Oi ty Manager, may issue pernita for street and dlrectiona1 signs to be located upon public property where the applications therefor oomply with the provisions of this Ordinance. (D) The City Bui1dillg Inspector shall charge and collect for the use of the City an annual permit fee for such signs of One Dollar and Twenty Cents ($1.20). All suoh perrai ts shall a utoma tically expire on December 31st of the year in which issued. Suoh permits shall be for the remainder of the calenda~ year in which issued, but for the purpose or collecting said permit fee the same shall be prorated for the nearest quarter of the year remaining in the year in which application 1s made. Section B. SIGNS AT LOCATIONS WHERE BUIWING IS IN PROGRESS. This Ordinance shall not prevent the erection of one sign on property where build~ng " .. ',,, , , :.~. ~. i " . . ( I I ~ '/';""" " ,,' ':, . ;"\ .,;:', ',. ~ ' . ~ ~' :" ~ '~;l.::' ':.,;:.'~'.<"./.;:\:: ',\ ;,<~''/j!~';1*' ' ,i. ~ '~~t];;:;z:~:~,."._" _, ". t.~ .. ':;\".>." " 'f~:;, ,"' . I I ~~ i , J .', , . ", . ~. "C ' '-, i, ,," ',," 't",-", ":''1''j,~.,':.o;''''''')i''~wS~' ~,.' ~~. .~ ._ ;-,~:~ _* ~ :..\:::.~:.~:~,..-:~:~~:~;>.t~,t:~.t " '.;..,",.:..". '" '~_'~":"'''' ,. " ~ .I.a . >. _'.'~~"'" _ I.,' ~ .,., , ,_ ,"-'.~ CITY C01IMISSION :MEETING February 27, 1950 '14 ' ", :",,:r,',j','.:.,:',' :'". ~,'." ,':'~,,\ ORDINANCE NO. 59a--oontinued , " is aotually in progress under a ourrent building permit. Th1s sign may be large enough to inolude the namea of persons performing labor or supply1ng materials to the premises, and such sign must be re~oved before the Certificate of Oocupanoy sha 11 be is sued. S.eotion 9. Er'FECTIVE DATE. No sign shall be ereoted contrary to the prOVisions of this Ordinanoe after March 1, 1950; and on and after April 1, 1950 no sign now existing or hereafter erected shall be permitted to be maintained anywhere within the City of Clearwa ter contrary to the prOVisions of this Ordinance. Section 10. REMOVAL Oft' ILLEGA.L SIGNS. Should any sign exist in the area where such s1gns are prohibited by the provisions of this Ordinance afteJ!' the effective da te hereof, the City Building Inspector is hereby authoriz.ed a,nd directed to remove such sign from said prohibited area. Section n. CONSTRUCTION. Each word, phrase ~ sentence 01' S'action of this Ordinance shall be severable, and the invalidity of Biny word" phrase~ sentence or Section shall in no way or degree impair any other part or parts hereof. Section 12. REPEALING. All laws or parts of laws in conf11ct herewith are hereby repealed. Section 13. PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not to exceed One Hundred Dollars C$100.00) or im- prisoned in the City Jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days or both said fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Municipal Judge. Each day the violation is permitted to exist almll constitute a separate offense. PASSED on first reading February 22~ 1950. PASSED on second reading, as amended, February 27" ]950. PASSED AND ADOPTED on third and final reading, as amended, February 27, 1950. Le land F. Drew, Acting 1~yor-CommisB10ner A.ttest: H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk ': � CSTY CC1IviPJ:ISSI011 bI�ETING F'ebruary 2''/, 1950 The City Com�ission of the City of Clearwater met in Snecial Session at City Hall, Ir7onday, Pebrua.ry 27, 1950 at '7:30 P. M. with the follov�ing merabers present: T,eland i� . D•rew Herbert Ivf. F3rown E. B. Casler Jr. Joe Turnar Abaent: Harry D. Sargeant Also Preaent V7ere: Boyd �. 3annett George McClamma Ben Y�rentzman -Acting tdayor-Commissioner -Comnissioner -Coxmnissioner -Co�nissioner -hlayor-Commtssioner -City I�lanager -Chief of Police ..Gity Attorney ��� Commissioner Brov�n, reporting for the Real Estate Appraisal Committee, relative: to the exchange o� Lots North of Court Street and F�ast of Prospect Avenue for lots in �dward hIills Subdivisioll' belan�ing to tha LioX�s Club, said it vras the Committee�s recorrmiendation that tha City expond ��2500.00 Por £illing the Court Street pro erty and provide connection to the Sewer Line; the expenditure to come out o£ the �5000.00 appropriated for Park i�provement, Acting P�Iayor Drev� said that the Lions C1ub ahould be cora�ended for its action in providing additional park space by giving the lots in the park area in exchange for C3ty owned property in another location. Com- missioner Caslar moved that the report of the Gommittee be a.ccepted and the Ciby Attornoy be instructed to take the necessary stepa to acco�plish its recouunendations. Tne motion was seconded by Co�unissioner �'urner and carried unan3.mouslg. Commissioner Brown moved that the City P�iAnager be 3nstructed to revise and 4ubuiit a replat of Coar.hman P'ark �or approval. The motion v�as aeconded by Coramissioner Turner and carried. The City Att�rney now read Orclinance ,�'59�, th.e Sigh Ordinance, in fti11, for the second time, I�Sr. Ytilliam L. Alley, represanting Alley, Rehbatun & Capes�, and Paul F. Randolph, Inc., sug�asted that Real Estate Si�ns ba prohibited altogethere i�:��. Condon of Cantrell & Condon, n7rs. Grant og IvTerrill & Grant, and Rir. V�1. S. Shannor of Shannon & Fisher, expressed their approvaT of the Q�rdinance as submitted. i;ir. Herbert Ir�i. Blanton and J. S. Cr:Ibbs stated their opposition to that Section of the Ordinance per- taining to Real Estate Signs. After considerable discuesion, Corrmrissioner Casler mot�ed that Ordinance #592 be passed on the second read3ng and that Sectior 8, tbas Section portaining to Real Estate Signs ba deleted. The motio� c�as seconded by Com- missioner Turner and carried. Comnissioners Brov�n, Casler and lh.irner voted "Aye". Commissioner Drew voted °tNo." Corrmiissioner Turner moved that Ordinance #,�592� be passee� on the Third Reading, as anended, Coimnissioner. Casler seconded the motion and it carried. Coimnissioners Brown, Casler and Turner votad t�Aye"'. Co�rnnissioner Drew vote,c� «Noe« Co�unissioner Turner moved that Arthur VJ. Jordan Jr. be appointed as Assistant Associate Judge of the� I�Iun3cipal Court. Tho motion r�as seconded by Cottunissioner Brown and carried unanimot;slye Mr. I4ia:ynard Barney of 408 Jeffords Stree�t, Secretary of the Clearwate.r Guide� Association, requested that the Guidea Association be notified tivhen the question of BeacY� Dock I;eases would come up for discussion. It �vas suggested to I�Ir. Barney that he take up the rnatter with tho City biana�er at his earliest convenience, as the proposals would be in the completed f orm when prese,tted to the Coz�nission. There being no further business to come beiore the Board, tlze meeting v�s.s adjourned. �1�.-.a � Actin� biayor-Cornmi s oner .4ttest: �ud to` and C er y k AGENllA 5pecisl meating for the purpose of considering the Sign Ordinance on its second readi�g and any othor business that r.iight need prompt attontione _ __. CITY COn�IIISSION �Y�E'1'ING FaUruaxy' 27, 1950 OFiDINANCE N0. 592 1#N ORDINkNCE REGULATTNCr ANt7�OR f'ROHIF3TTING THE ERECTIOTT, IISE ANv EtAINTENANCE OF STGNS PJ�THIN THE C ITY LI:�tITS -0F CL�AR�YA�F'R; PRO-- VTDING DEFINITIONS; 1'ROIIIBxTxP7U COhiI�IERCTAL ADVERTISING SICrNS, AS DLFINFIa HERElN, TN AREAS STATEU Fi�REIN, EXCEPT AS PROVIVEU HEREINq PROHIBITING SIGNS OA1 PUBLIC PROP- ERTY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HERETN; REC�lJTRIAIG AND PROVIDING FOR PERMITS TN CONNECTION VJITH DIRECTIONAL SIGNS;, PRO�/IDING CERTAIN EXCEPTIQNS FRONI TfiE PFc�VISI0IJ8 AEREOF9 PROVIDIriu TiiE Eb' +� GTIVE DATE HEFtEOF APID PENALTIES TOR NON-COn�PI,IANCE HEREWITH WHERF�A� it is hereby declared that the puUl�c order, safetg, convenience and general welfare require the regulation and�or prohibition of the e�ection, use and niaintenance of signs� within the City Limits of Clearwater, Florida as herein provided N04V THEREFORE BE IT ORDATNED by the City Coz�nission of the City of Cle�r�rater, Florida: Section �. DEF'II3TTIONS: For the purpose oi this Ordinanes, certain terma and word� are herein defined a� followss: (�) CODIIdERCS?6L RDVERTISING �TGN :�ha11 mean any structura, disple,y boarci, billboard, poster �oard, "oullotin board, screen, surface or vrall, rvith characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon or thereunder, by any method or �aans v�hatsoever, vohere tho matte�� displayed would be usad for any purpose other than that of ad�ertisinp to the publie the legal ar exact firm name or the nam� of the business carried on theroin or thereat, or for aclvertising any service or product or groducts actually and actively being o£fered for sale there3n or thereon, and shall not include street or directional signs, owner identification signs and point of purchase signs as defined herein or real estate signa as defined herein having an area of six (6) s.q. ft. or less. (B) SNIPE SIGN shall mean any small sign of any raa�eriaZ, including paper, eardboard, wAod and r,iataT, when such aign is tacked, nailed or attached in anv wap to treas or ather object�. (Cj OWNER IDENTIFICATION SIGN shall mean any structure, device, d�aplay board, screen, surPace or wall with characters, lotters ar il3.ustrations placed thereto,, thereon or tYiereunder, by any method ar means whatsoever, where the matter displayed is used only to indicate to the public the Tegal or exact firm nanre or the character of the business carried on therein. (D) P�INT OF PURCHASE SIGIZ snall rriean any structure, device, �lisplay board, screen, sur£ace or tivall, :>>ith chr�racters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon, or thereunder, bf any method on means, vchatsoever, where the matter displayed is used f.or advertisin� a product actually or actively �ffered for sale thereon or therein. (E) REAL ESTATE SIGN shall mean any atructure, device, display board, acreen, surface or v+all, with character�, letters or a.11ustration� placed thereto, thereon or thereunder, by any methad or means rvhatsoever, where the matter displayed thereon shall be used solely for the purpose of offering for eale, for le�se, or for rent the exact property on which sig+.� ia placed; said sign, aurface, device, atc., hnving an area not exceeding aix (6) sq�. ft. A rea�l estate sign having a�n area in excess of six (6) sq, i't. shfall be claesifisd as a Counnercial Advertising Sign and sha11 be subjec� �o regulation as such. (F) STREET OR DTItECTIqI3AL SIGN shall mean any aign having the purpose of giving instructions as to the loc�ztion of a place, event or meeting witinin said City and�or the direotion thez�eaf from the sign location, S'oction 2. COP,�,2ERCTAL ADVERTISING SIGNS NQT P�RI4TI�'TE� IN CERTAIN AREAS. (A) That hereai'ter z�o commercial advertisin� sign _ .: be permitted in an�r .residenttal district wr�.ch includea R-1, Residence District azid R-2, Multiple 1Tnelling �iatrict, as defined in the City Zontng ardinance. (I�) That no Comrnercial Adverti5in� Sign shall hereafter bs canatructed in �`"��'f / CITY COn1A1ZSul'ON b�EETIIVG February 2:7, 1950 ORDTNAPiCE A70. 59Zr-COrit131ued� a B-Buainess District as defined� in tha City'Zoning Ordinance, until. a�pecial parmit there#'or has beEn obtai�ed from the City Caiarnission oi 8aid G3ty. Beiore granting the applic�tion i'or such a permit the City Cormniseion a}.�l'�. consider the recoimnendations, either iavorable� or ur�favorable,of the City �oning Board, and the effeet such a sign wi11 2�ave on the puqlic hea ltlz, morals and safety in the parti�ular locatior_ requestec3. (C) That Conmiercial l�dvertising Signa now ex,isting sl�all not bo materially or substantially altered or repaired unless a permit as provided in Section 2-B hereof ie first obtained. Section 3. SNTP� SIGIJS, SIDEWAI,K OR SkNDVdICH SiGIJS NOT. PEI�MITTED. That hereaftcr snipe aigns, except when used as� real eatate signa� as defined herain, sidewalk or sandwicn signs sha11 not be permitted within the City o£ Clearwa�ter. S'ection 4. 1'OSTI2dG OR TACKING SIGNS PROHIBSTED. No person shayl paint, paate, print or nail anq banr_er, sign, paper sign or any advertisement or notice of any kind whatsoever or cause the same to be done on any curbstone, flagstone, pavement or on ang other portion or part of .sidev�rzll� ur street or upon a�ny tree, lamp-post, telephone or telegraph pole, hgdrant or bridge� within the limits�, of any street or public right-of-way within the City of Clearvrater; provided, however, tha� this Saction sha11 not a�ply to regular notices required by law t� be so posted. Section 5. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREIvtENTS OF SIUNS'. That all signa� located in co�pliance with thi9 Ordinance shall first be construeted or erected in compliance with the Offic3al Building Code oP the Git�r of �learwater. Section 6, LOCATIOPi OF BIGNS 1JITHIN OR IIPON PUBLIC PROPERTY AAiD RIGHTS-OF-I"lAY PROHIBITED; EXCEPTIQNS. CA) That except as provided herein, no sign shall be ].ocated in or upon any F, Public District, as defined in the Gity Zoning Ordinance, or in any street or railroad right-of-way. (B) That th3s Section shall not prevent any operating railroad from placing traffic signs wh3ch are necessar� and proper in tlze operatian of said railroad. (C) That this Ordinance shall not prohibit the erection of reasonable and necesssry street and directio:�al signs by the City of Clearwater and State and Federal autharities. (D} That this Ordinance snall not prohibit the locstion of street and directional signs when a permit therefar has been secured as hereinafter provided� 5e�tion 7o PERttITS FOR STREET AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. Thaic 'the City Bui'!ding Inspector is hereby autY�.orized ta issue annual permits fcm i;he erection of directional signs: under the follovring conditions: (A,) Said signs shall r_ot exceed four (4) �q. ft. in area and shall be af a reasonable s3ze and design with dus regard to its purposa, proposed locatio�z and the traffic and safety conditions� existin� thereet. (B) A tivrittan application for 9ach such perinit shall be filed with the City Building Inspectos indicating the size, type and design of the desired directionaT sign and its proPased I.ocation rvith particular regard to street and right-of-rgay lines. (C) The City Build3.ng Znspector, with the approvaZ of the City Blanagar, may issue per�its for street and directional aigns to be located upon publ:tc property where the applications therefor comgly with the provisions of this 0-rdinance. (D) The City F3uilding Inspector sh�ll char�e and collect for the use of the C3tg an annual permit fae for suoh signs of Ona Dollar and Twenty Cents• ('�1.20}. A11 such permits shall a atomatically expire on December 31st of the year in wh3ch issued. Suc?�: parmit� shall b9 f.or the remainder o£ the calendar ye�r in which issued, but for tha purpose of collecting said permit £ee the same shall be prorated for the nearest quarter of the year re�aining in the year in which appTication is mada. S'ection 8. STGNS kT LOCATIONS VJFiERE BUILDING IS IN PROGRESS. This Ordinance sha11 not prevent the erection of one sign on property where building �a � ITY C ObIDi I: S T�N I�SEET ING February 27, 1950 ORDINANCE N0, 552:--continued is actually in progress under a aurrent building perr.iit. This sign may be lar�a enough to 3nclude the names nf persons perforriing labor or supplying materials to the premises, and such sign must be removed before �he Cextii'icate of Occupancy shall be issued. S'ecti,on 9. EFI'ECTIVE DATE. No sign s11a11 be erected contrary to the provisions of this Ordinanc6 a£ter n?arch 1, 1950; and on snd after April l, 1950 no s3.gn no�v exis�ing or hereafter erected shall be permitted to be maintained an3nvhere within the Gity of Clearwater contrary co tlle prov3sions of this Ordix�ance. S'ection 1:0. REfi?UVAL OF ILLEGAL SIGNS. Should any sign exist in the� area v�here such signs are pra it�ited by the provisions of this Ordinance aftep the effecttva date hereoi, the City Building Inspector is hareby authoiized and directed to remove such sign from said prohibited area. �'ection ]1. CONSTRUCTION. Each word, phrase, aentence or S:ection of this Ordinance shall be s:everable, and the invalidity o�' any w�rds phl�a.se� sentence or Section shall in no way or de�ree impair any otYier part or parts hereof. S'ection ?2. REPEALING. All laws or part3 of lav�s in oonflict herewith �re hareby repealed. Sectis�n S3. PENALTv'. Any person violating any px�ovision of this Ordinance shall be fined not to exceed One Hundred Doa.lars C��100.00) or im- prisoned in the Cit�* Jai.l for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days or both sai3 fine and imprisonmen�, in the discretion of the �iunicipal Judge. �ach day �he v3olation is permit�ed to exist shall constitute a separate offense. pASSED on fi�st reading Fabruasy 22, 19�0.. PASSED on second reading, as amended, I�'ebruary 27, 1950. PASSFD AND ADOPTED on third and £inal readin�, as amended, February 27, 1950. I,eland F. Dravr Acting n7a�or�-Commissioner Attest; H. G. Kringo City Auditor snd Clerk ✓°�`0 0