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February 22, 1950
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The City Comm1ssion of the City of Clearwater met in Spocial 8ess10n at City
~ll Wednesday, February 22, 1950, with the fOllowing members presentt
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Le 18 11d F. Drew
Ilerbert M. B2'own
E. B. Casler Jr.
Joe 'l'urrJe:zo
-Acting lllayor-Cornmissioner
- CO!lll11iss ione r
Harry D. Sargeant
I\.lso Present,
Boyd A.. Bennett
George McClamma
Ben Krentzman
-City Manage]!"
-Chief o~ Police
-City Attorney
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~e meeting having been called to order, the minutes of the Special MeetingB ot
February 7th and l<'ebruary 13th Vlere approved.
f.he City Attorney read Ordinance #591, an Ordinance regulating the parking ot
traile~s, the second time. A number of persona were preaent to proteot the pasaage
of the Ordinanoe in the fonn presented. Attorney Edward Castagna. representing those
opposed, requested that final passage or the Ordinance be deferred and that the
Ordinance be modified. Mr. W. S. Shannon stated that trailers parked in a neighborhood
had a ,bad affeot on real estate. Reverend Chastain and C. Rowland also addressed
the Commission. On a motion by Comm~ssioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Casle~
and oarried~ the Ordinance was passed on the second reading. Con~iasioners Brown,
Casler. Drew and Turner voted Aye. There were no negative votes. Aoting Mayor Drew
appointed a Committee composed of Co~1ssioner Brown, Commissioner Casler and the
City Attorney to study the Ordinance and make their recommendations to the Commission.
The City Attorney reported that Sections 1 & 2~ Chapter 12609 (#804), Special
Acts or the State Legislature for 1927 provided for the creation of a Drainage
Commission and creation of Drainage Districts; the Drainage Commission to be composed
or two or more members of the City COII11Ilission, together with the City ~'ianager and
Engineer and two responsible property owners of the proposed district, which Commission
is to determine the proposed boundaries of proposed districts, which shall inolude
prope~ties either directly or indirect1y benefitted by the proposed improvements and
certify its findings to the City Commission. Mr. Ralph Richarda, John C. Polhill and
Ernest Green addressed the Commission relative to the proposed irnprovement--Stor.m Sewers
en Prospect Avenue and Pierce Street. The Mayor suggested the following as member~
or the Drainage Commission: W. W. Blaokburn~ Ernest Green, Commissioner Joe Turner~
Commissioner Herbert M. Drown, City Manager Boyd A. Bennett and Engineer William Lee;
the C~t, 1~nager to be the C~ir.man of the Commission. On a motion by Commiasioner
Cas1er, seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried~ the Commission appointments, as
suggested by the Mayor, were approved.
The City Manager submitted s letter from the Clearwater Beaoh Association
~nfornllng the Commission that the Assooiation was protesting to the Army Corps of
Engineers against the granting of a per.mit to Cosmos Gaillorakis to construct a 90 ft.
Pier intc the Gulf from 840 Eldorado Avenue. Mr. Charles P. Day stated that individuals
could base their protests on danger to navigation only, but that the City could protest
effectively wi thout statinr. it's rea,sons, and suggested that such a protest be f'i1ed.
Conmiss1oner Casler moved that the recommendation of the Clearwater Beach Association
be accepted and the City's objection riled with the Corps of Engineers. The motion
was seconded by Commissionor Turner and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney submitted Ordinance #592~ an Ordinance regulating signs. Mr.
Alan C. Drew of the Bayv1ew Civic Club, told the Commission he thought the same ruling
as to signs, should be applied East of Duncan Avenue on Gulr-to-Bay Blvd. as is proposed
ror that part West of' Duncan Ave,.. Mr. H. M. Blanton suggested that that part of the
O~iDanoe pertaining to Real Estate Signs be deleted. On a motion by ~ommissioner
Brown, seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried~ Ordinance #592 was passed on the
first reading. Commissioner Brown, Casl!.er, Drew and Turner voted "Aye". There were
no "'Naes".
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Mr. J. W. Hinds, Chalr.man or the L10ns Club Building Comnittee, appeared before
the CODmission proposing that the Lions Olub and the City Commission make same
agreement permitting the Club to exc~nge its property adjacent to Coachman Park
p~operty for City owned property on Court street. By consent, the natter was referred
to the Appraisal Committee and the City Manager for study and a report.
The City L~nager submitted ror the consideration of the Commission a request by
the S. P. C. A. that the Society be paid six cents per mile on animal pick-ups~ plua
$1.00 per hour for a truok driver, board ~or animals at 50 cents per day# 35 cents per
aninal for animals disposed of by medication and 65 cents for disposition and burial.
On a motion by Conmlissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the City
Attorney was instructed to bring a oopy of the dog Ordinances now in effect to the
next nee~ing of the Commiasion.
The City 1~nager submitted the request of the Episcopal Church of the Asoension
t~t Lots 3, 4 & 5# B10ck 5, Starr & Saverys Addition, be zoned 8S R-2, as a hardship
oaS8 to pe~it use by the Churoh, together with the Zoning Board's reoommendation that
the request be granted. Commissioner Casler moved that the matter be referred to the
. C1tyAttorney to be advertised ~or 8 Pub1ic Hearing March 6th. The motion was seconded
by Conmiss1oner Turner and carried unantmausly.
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February 22, 1950
The City Conmission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at City
Hall Wednesday. February 22, 1950, with the following members presentt
Leland F. Drew
lIerbert 14. Brown
E. B. Casler Jr.
Joe Turner
~cting Mayor-Commissioner
Harry D. Sargeant
Also Present:
Boyd A. Bennett
Ge orge lilcClannna
Ben Krentzman
-City Manager
-Chief 01' l)olice
-City Attorney
The meeting having been called to order, the minutes of the Special Meetings o~
February 7th and February 13th were approved.
The City Attorney read Ordinance #591, an Ordinance regulating the parking or
trailers, the second time. A number of persona were present to prateot the passage
or the Ordinanoe in the form presented. Attorney Edward Castagna, representing tnoe&
opposed, requested that final passage of the Ordinance be dererred and that the
Ordinance be modified. Mr. W. S. Shannon stated that trailers parked in a neighborhood
had a bad affeot on rea~ estate. Reverend Chastain and C. Rowland also addressed
the Commission. On a motion by Commissioner Brown, seoonded by Commissioner Ca81e~'
and oarried, the Ordinance was passed on the second reading. Co~nissioners Brown,
Casler, Drew and Turner voted Aye. There w~re no negative votes. Acting ~ayor Drew
appointed a Connnittee oomposed of Cor.nnissioner Brown, COlllITl1ssioner Casler and the
City Attorney to study the Ordilwnce and make their recommendations to tho Commission.
The City Attorney reported that Sections 1 & 2, Chapter 12609 (#804), Special
Aota of the state Legislature ror 1927 provided for the creation of a Drainage
Commission and creation of Drainage Districts; the Drainage Commission to be composed
of two or more members of the City Commission, together 'With the City J{LSnager and
Engineer and two responsible property owners of the proposed district, which Commission
is to detenline the proposed boundaries of proposed districts, which shall include
properties either directly or indirectly benefitted by the proposod improvements and
certify its !'lnd1ngs to the City Commissiono Mr. Ralph Richards, John C. Polhill and
Ernest Green addressed the Commission relative to the proposed improvement--Stor.m Sewers
on Prospeot Avenue and Pierce Street. The Mayor suggested the follow~ng as membera~
01' the Drainage Commission: W. W. Blaokburn, Ernest Green, Commissioner Joe Turner.
Commissioner Herbert M. Drown, City Manager Boyd A. Bennett and Engineer Willirom Lee;
the City Manager to be the Chairman of the COIIlD1ission. On a motion by Commissioner
Casler, seconded by Co~issioner Turner and carried~ the Commission appointments, as
suggested by the Mayor~ were approved.
The City Manager submitted a letter from the Clearwater Beaoh Association
inrorming the Commission that the Association was protesting to the Army Corps or
Engineers against the granting of a per.mit to Cosmos Gaillorakia to const~~ct a 90 ft.
Pier into the Gulr rrom 840 Eldorado Avenue. Mr. Charles P. Day stated that individual.
could base their protests on danBer to navigation only, but that the City could protest
effeotively without stating it's reasons, and suggested that such a protest be filed.
Commissioner Casler moved that the reoommendation of the Clearwater Beach Association
be acoepted and the City's objection riled with the Corps of Englneersg The motion
was eeconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unan~ously.
The City Attorney submitted Ordinance #592, an Ordinance regulating signs. ~lr.
Alan C. Drew of the Bayview Civic Club, told the Comraission he thought the same ruling
as to signs shoul.d be applied East 01' Duncan Avenue on Gulf'-to-Bay B1vd. as is proposed
for that part West of Duncan Ave. Mr. H. M. Blanton suggested that that part of the
Ordinance pertaining to Real Estate Signs be deleted. On a motion by ~ommissioner
Brown, seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried~ Ordinance #592 was passed on the
first reading. Commissioner Brown, Casler~ Drew and Turner voted "Ayeh. There were
no IIlNae s".
.', .'f
Mr. J. W. Hinds, Chairman of the Lions Club Building Committee, appeared before
the Commission proposing that the Lions Club and the City Commission make some
agree~ent per.mitting the Cl.ub to exchange its property adjacent to Coachman Park
propert~ for City owned property on Court street. By consent, the natter was rererred
to the Appraisal Committee and the City Manager for study and a report.
The City Manager sub~itted for the consideration of the Commission a request by
the s. P. C. A. that the Sooiety be paid six cents per mile on animal pick-ups, plus.
$1.00 per hour for a truck driver, board for animals at 50 oents per day~ 35 cents per
animal. ~or animals disposed of by medication and 65 cents for disposition and burial.
On a motion by Commissioner Casler, seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the City
Attorney was instruoted to bring a copy of the dog Ordinances now in effect to the
next meeting of the Commission.
The C1ty Manager submitted the request of the Episcopal. Churoh of the Ascension
that Lots 3, 4 & 5, Blook 5, St~rr & Saverys Addition, be zoned as R-2, as a ~rdship
case to permit use by the Churoh, together with the Zoning Board's recommendation that
the request be granted. Comnissioner Casler moved that the matter be referred to the
City Attorney to be advertised for a Public Hearing ~~rch 6th. The motion W8S seconded
by Comm~ssioner Tur.ner and carried unanimously.
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February 22, 1950
The City Attorney reported that he did not have the Ordinance on garbage and
trsSll collections ready at this time, and the matter was deferred, by consent.
The City Attorney read ~rdinance #590, an Ordinance establishing rates for
gas, when used for space heating only, in full. On a motion by Co~1ssioner TUrner,
seconded by Commissioner Casler and carried, Ordinance 590 was passed on the seoond
reading. Commissioner Brown, Casler, Drew and Turner voted "Aye." Tl~re were no
negat1ve votes.
Commissioner Casler subm1tted a request that lots 2 & 3, Block 13, A. C. Turners'
Sub. be zoned as R-2, as a hardship case. The Zon1ng Board's reoonnnendation was that
the request be granted. Commissioner Casler moved that t~ item also be advert1sed
f'or a Pub110 Hearing Maroh 6th. The motion wa s secol1ded by COI:lll1issioner Brown and
oarried unanimously.
The City Clerk reported that 1t would cost approximately $225.00 to have an
entire Ordinanoe Book copy made, but that that part pertaining to "Of'fenseslt had
already bean typed and delivered to the Police Department.
The City Manager reported orally that progress was being made on re-negot1,atlng
the contract with the Clearwater Flying Co.
The City ~mnager reported that Kennedy and Striokland had been the only fir.m to
submit a bid for supplying the special heavy duty type Police Cruiser; the amount of
their bid being $1780.00, less an allowance of $680.00 for 2-Door Ford Sedan in
exchange, making a net bid of $1100.00. Commissioner Turner noved that the b1d of
Kennedy & Strickland be accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and
oarried unan~mous1y.
The Oity Mana,ger reported that the Sea Wall at the end of"Engman Street, as
requested by ~m1or Sargeant, would cost approximately $2500.00, and that this item
had not been budgeted. On a motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Comm1ss1oner
Turner and carried, the matter was deferred for further oonsid&ration.
The City Manager reported the following Gas and Water Main extensions:
165 rt. of 2" Water Main on Queen Dane at an estimated cost of $125.00
125 ft. of 2" Vmter Main on Missouri Ave. at an estimated cost of $80.00
On a motion be Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried, the
City Uanager's report was accepted.
Commissioner Casler moved that the lease of the Clearwater Ri~le Club and the
01earwater P1sto1 Club be extended for a period of five years. The motion was
seoonded by Commissioner Turner and carried.
The offer of Faul Randolph, Inc. to purchase eleven 25 ft. lots in Block D,
Navajo Park at $1100.00 for a cl.ient, the City to furnish title insurance and to pay
brokers Commission, was referred to the Appraisal Committee by consent, together with
an offer submitted by Mr. Ralph Richards for a client in the amount of $1100.00 for
the same property with no brokers connnission to be deducted.
The City W~nager recommended the construction of a six inch water main on MarBl~ll
Street to serve the Sewages Disposal Plant. He estimated the cost at $3500.00. On a
motion by Commissioner Casler, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unan~ous1y carried,
the City Manager's recoramendation was approved.
The City Manager submitted a Resolution which would require 4 persons to clean
their lots of grass, weeds, and underbrush. On a motion by Commissioner Casler,
seoonded by Commissioner Turner, and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
The City ~~nager presented the copy of a letter addressed br Oounty Engineer,
W. A. MoMullen, to the Honorable Alfred A.. McKethan, Chairman of the State Road Board,
in which letter Mr. McHullen requests that the Clearwater Urban area be g1ven priority
on a 8urvey of trafric oonditions. Commissioner Turner moved that receipt of the
letter be acknowledged with thanks. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it
carried unannnously.
The City Manager recommended the construction of 500 ft. of 2 inch gas main on
Betty Lane and ~1oholson Street at an estimated cost of $450.00. On a motion by
Cammissioner Brown~ seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried, the City Manager's
recommendation was approved.
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Atte at:
~ Eav1ng adjour.ned 8S the City Commission and acting as Trustees ot the Pension
FUnd, the Commission approved the admission of Jack Peters of the Gas and Water
Department and Jim Li1es of the Parks Department into membership in the Pension Fund,
on a motion by Connnissioner Casler which was seconded by Connnissioner Turner and carried.
o/.LJ --..CQ 5? [)~J
Acting Mayor-Oommissioner
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Fe brua ry 22, 1950'
Approving of minutes of Special meetings of February 7 and February 13.
Consideration of amendment to the garbage and trash ordinance relative to tho'
increasing of collection charges.
Second reading of an Ordinance relative to trailers within the Oity limits'.
City Attorney's report on whether or not other than abutting property owners, can
be assessed for the cost of a storm sewer on Prospect and Pierce Streets.
Consideration of an Ordinance on its' second reading, fixing gas spaoe heating
ra te only.
Report of the Zoning Board on the request of the Episoopal Church - Q hardship
oase - to uae the property across the street from the prCDent churoh for religious
Ci ty Clerk's report on the cost of having another complete set of Ci ty ordinances'
typed - for use of the Municipal Court.
City Manager's report on re-negotiation of the contract with the Clearwater
Flying Co.
Consideration of proposals received for the purchase of a cruiser for the Police
Depa rtment .
Consideration of a seawall and fill at the west end of Engman street, requested
by Mayor Sargeant.
City Manager's report on the approval February 9 of 165' of' 2" water main on
Queen Lane at estimated cost of ~~125.00 and on February 9, the approval of 125'
of 2n water main on Missouri Avenue at an estimated cost of $80.00
Considers tion of the request of Clearwater Rifle Club for the renewa,l of i te:
lease on the northeast corner of the airport property.
Consideration of the offer of Paul F. Randolph, Inc., for the purchase of lot~
in Navajo Park Subdivision.
Consideration of correspondence rrom the 01earwater Beach Association relative to
the application for a 90 ft. pier to be extended into the Gulf of Mexico from
840 Eldorado.
Consideration of a letter from S. P. C. A. relative to payments to them to cover
the cost of animals being cared for by the Association after being picked up by
the Police Department.
Consideration of a 6" water line on Marshall Street to serve the Sewer Disposal
Plant which is necessary because of the incre~sed anlount of chlorine necessary,
also because of the BLlOunt of water necessar~r in repairing the digester.
Resolution requesting property O\mers to clean their lots of weeds and gra!sa.
Request of Fire Chief to receive bids and placing an order for 1000 gal. per
minute fire pumper and truck.
Presentation of a copy of a letter from Mr. VI.
addressed to Chairman of' State Road Department
Clearwater urban area.
Consideration of ordinance relative
Consideration of 500 ft. of 2" gas
cost of $450.00.
Consideration of Lions Club matter pertaining to their lot in Coachman Park.
A. McMullen Jr., County Engineer,.
relative,~traffic survey in
to advertising signs.
main on Betty Lane and Nicholson at estimated
Commission acting as Trustees for the Pension Plan.
February 17, 1950;
Mr. Boyd A. Bennett,City },lanager,
Ci ty Ha 11,
Clearwater, Florida.
Dear Mr. Bennett:
Enclosed is a copy of a letter dated February 17th addressed to the Engineer in
Charge of the Tampa Sub-Office of the Corps of Engineers relative to an application
for a 90 ft. Pier to extend into the Gulf from the seawall at 840 Eldorado Street,
Clearwater Beach.
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As you will note, the letter contains the navigation reasons why such a pier is
not desirable. Further, ir such private piers were up and down the beaches, there
could be a sanitary problem involved and recreational activities definitely interferred
with causing the Whole beach area to be less attractive to winter visitors and our
local residents.
Will you p1aoe this matter on your agenda for your very next regular or special
meeting for the attention of the City Commissioners as to whether they wish to lodge
a protest against such a pier with the Corps of Engineers.
Very truly yours~
Ralph W. Carson, Prese
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February 22, 1950
February 17, la50
lilr. W. A. Reed
Engineer in Charge
Tampa Sub-Office--Corps
P. o. Box a'71
Tampa, Ii'lor1da
of Engineers
Re: ao Ft. Pier into Gul~ at 840 Eldorado st., Clearwater Beach, Fla.
Dea r Mr. Reed:
The undersigned association hereby protests the const~lotion of tbe abovl-namsd
pier as an impediment to navigation in that it would interfere with aquaplaning and
water skiing during fair weather, and it would be a hazard to the snipe raoing whioh
takes place almost weekly and in which aa :cmny as fifteen boats oontend, tacking
sometimes within 20 to 20 ft. off shore. Further, s~11 boats with outboa~ motors
daily use the area within 40 feet off shore and frequently dock their boats on the
beaoh, as do oommerial fishermen when they spread their nets from shoreJ also pleasure
boats with little d~ft and inboard motors hug the shore when the Gulf waters become
rough. Most of the above oocurs during daylight h~\rs, but frequently at nigbt.
If this applioation were granted, it would establish a precedent for other piers
to extend into the Gulf and thus multiply the aforesaid navigation hnped~ent~.
Very truly your8~
, .
" ~ .~, ~ .
. '. " :!~ ',1 ~::';;,\'.}i:::
By: Ra lpll W. Carson, Pre s .
Boyd A. Bennett, City Mgr.
WHEREAS: it has been detern1ned by the City Oommission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the property described below should be cleaned of weeds, grass and/or
underbrush, and that after ten (10) days notice and railure of the owner thereof to do
so, the City should clean such property and charge the costs thereof against tho
respective property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the following desoribed property, situate in said Oity, shall be cleaned
o~ weeds, grass and/or underbrush within ten (10) days after notice in writing to
the owners thereof to do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the
City shall perform such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against the respecti ve
properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter or. the City of Clearwater, 8S
Bert J. Goula:1t
31st Fighter Group
Turner Field, Ala.
John T Ba i1ey
6 Burns street
Forrest Rills, Long Island, N.Y.
Marigold L. Davis
Box 3088, City
Wm. S. Wightman
926 Mandalay Rd.
~ts 15, 16, l?, Blk E
Oaks Hills S\lbd.
~ts 4, 5, B lk ~ ( Estimate Lot 4,$30.00
Breeze !Iill Sub. " " 5" 20.00}
Lots 6, 8, Blk A " " 6" gso.oo
Breeze Hill S'db. " n 8" -:30.00
Lot 7, Blk A., tt.
Breeze lIill Sub. n '7 ~ (p50.00
PASSED AND ADOFTED by the City Commission or the City of Clearwater,
Florida, this day of , A.D. 1950.
Leland~ Drew
Acting 'ayor-Commisslonsr
H. G. Wingo
C1ty Auditor and Clerk
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February 22, 1950
February 21, 1950
~^ '.:,..'
,- '~,,' ~
City of Clearwater,
'Clearwater, Florida.
It 1s the earne::lt desire or this Society to cooperate with the City in conneotion
with the enforoement of dog and c~t laws and in so doing it suggests the following
charges be paid to the Society for: the 'Work it does in oonneotion with animals turned
over to it by the Police })epartnlent.
llli1eage on our truck to piclt: up the animals -----------~? .06 per mile
P1us - Truok Driver ---------------------------- 1.00 per hour
Med1cation to put ani~l asleep ------------------------ .35 eaoh
Board for the animal at our pond ------------------------ .50 per day
(for three days)
Labor for disposition and burial ----------------------- .65 per animal
Yours very trulr,
By ~ay F. Russe1~
I', "
, '
:. ~ti:
, .\ .
February 6, 195Q
Hon. Alfred A. McKethan,
Chl1I'D18n, state Road Board,
Brooksville, Florida.
Dear Sir:
Re: Tra~f1o Survey o~ Clearwater urban area
1.he Board of' County Commissioners of Pinellas County are urgently in need of' Q
master plan of hif,hways of the County which Vie would like to have prepared by the
state Road DepartlJl6nt, but reaJ.izing that your deport:ment is now over-whelmed with
work we readily agree to a postponement of the County wide survey necessary for
suoh a plan, however~ we feel that the situation in the Clearwater urban area is
so crit1cal that we would like to have a survey of this area made inunadiately.
I anI attaching resolutions passed by the City or Clearwa ter, by the Town of
Largo and by the Town or Be11eair urging BUch a survey ss we will greatly appreciate
having you give this your prompt and favorable consideration.
Thanking you for your cooperation, I am
Yours very truly,
w. A. L1cMul1en Jr.
County Engineer
WAM gw
February 14, 1950,
To the Honorable Commissioners
of the City of Clea~ater.
The Clearwater Rifle Club herewith makes application for a renewal or the lease
on the li. E. Corner of the Airport propert'Y now in use a's a 'Rifle Ramge.
Clearwater now boasts one of the best equipped small-bore Ri~le Ranges in the
southeast and attraots shooters from the eastern seaboard as well as the winte~
v1s~tors. Same 80 shooters and their r~ilies attended registered Tournaments at
the CJ.earwater Range during the past 'Year. We expect to hold these same Tournamenta
during the coming year if this range is still available.
S1noere1y yours:,
L. W. Abrams, Secretary
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February 22, 1950
Proposals received by Boyd A. Bennett, City h~nager, Clearwater, Florida, in the
office of the City Manager, at 10:00 A. M., February 20, 1950, for: One 4 door
sodan autolllobilo for City Police Dept. having a min1mum engine H. P. of 110,
heavy duty olutoh, olean-out plate in 011 pan and combination vaouum fuel pump;
heavy duty front shock absorbers, heavy duty rear shook absorbers, heavy duty
front springs, heavy duty rear springs, heavy duty front seat, heavy duty rear
seat, heavy duty interior trim, heavy duty arm rest and door pull, heavy duty rear
door pull, heavy duty front rubber mat; five 6:50 x 16, 4 ply tires and tubes.
Kennedy & Strickland:
4 door sedan, deluxe trim
va 110 hp engine
Heavy duty front & rear shook absorbera
Heavy duty front & rear springs
5-6:50 x 16 - 4 ply tires & tubes
10" heavy duty clutch, clean out plate in
and combination vacuum and fuel pwnp
Heavy duty front & l'ear seats, green duck
Heavy duty 1nterior tr~, green duok
Heavy duty arm rest & door pull
Heavy duty rear door pull
Heavy duty front rubber mat
oil pan
; ,
iff :,:")~t.~r
, ,tl
,". , :',..
Total cost
Less estima ted
F1cderal Tax
Trade in credit 1947,
2 door sedan - Ford
Het Exchange Price
Feb. 7, 1950
:Mr. Wingo--
With reference to item 13 on the Agenda, Mrs. Jlona B. Sharp Ylould like a chance
to bid on these lots in Navajo Park. In her behalf I am wil11ng to offer $1100.00,
Cash for 11 25-foot units, with no real estate corllmiss10n to pay.
If this offer 1s not acceptable, I would like to suggest that an opportunity
for competitive bidding be afforded before these lots are sold.
Ralph Richards
!t'eb. 7, 1950
Mr. Boyd Bennett,
City of Clearwater,
Clearwater, Fla.
Dear Boyd:
Pursuant to our letter of January 6th relative to the following lots:
lots 37, 38, 39, 40~ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, Block D, Navajo Park,
I wish to advise we hold a deposit and our c11ent has authorized us to offer
you $1100.00 for the lots in their entirety, eleven lots of 25 foot frontage each~
the price to include Title Insurance to the Purchaser, as well as a co~iss10n to
this off'ice. Deed to be Fee Simple Deed.
Inasmuoh as time is of the essenoe, we respectfully request that you advise us
of acceptance or rejection of this offer on or before February 22, 1950.
Very truly yours,
Paul F. Rarrlolph
ptr; m
, " ~
,<:' '
F'ebrus ry �2, 1950:
The City Corrnnission oP the City af C]�ear�rater met in Speeial Session at City
Hall Wednosday, February 22, 1550, ��ith the fol�.owin� membera pr9sent;
LelAnd F. Drew
ilerbert bl. Brown
E. B. Casler Jr.
Joe Turne�
Harry D, SF,:r�ean�
Also Present:
Boycl A. Bennett
Geor�e h�ICC�.A21]TqQ
Ben Krentzman
Actin� Mayor-Cosrunissioner
-Ma yor-Corrnnia si oner
-City Manage�r•
-Chie£ of Police
-City Attorney
The meeting having been called to order, the minutos of the Special �aetinga of
Februarg 7th and February 13th were approved.
The Cii;y Attorney read Ordinance #591, an Ordinance re�ulating the parktng of
trailers, the second tixee, A number oY persona were preaent to pr�tect the passage
of the Ordinance in the form presented. Attorney Edward C�stagna, representing those
opposed, requested that final pas�age af the Ordinancs be deferred and that the
Ordinance be modiPied. Mr. 19'. S, Shannon stated that trai.lsra parked in a neighborhood
had a bad aYfect on real estate. Revexend Chastain and c;. Rowland also addressed
the Commission. On a motion by Co�missioner Erown, seconded bg Couunissioner Casle�
and carried, the Ordinance was passed on the second reading. Commissioners Brown,
Casler, Drew and Turner voted Aye. There v�ere no xiegative votes. Acting Mayor Brew
appointed a Co�mnittee composed of Cor.nnissioner Brown, Commissioner Casler and the
City Attorney to study the Ordinance and �nake their reco�mendations to the Coannission.
The, City Attorney r.eported tl�ai Sections 7: & 2, Chapter 12609 (#8c�4), Special
Acts of the State Legislabure for 1927 provided for the creation of a Drainage
Commission and cre�tion o£ Drainage Distriets; the Drainage Cormnission ta be compcsed
of two or more members of the Qit� Co�ission, toget�er with the r,ity Aianager and
Engineer and two rasponsible prope,rty ownera of tha proposed distriet, a�hieh Cormnission
is to determino thff proposed �oundaries af propased c:istricts, vrhich ahall include
properties either directly or indireetl,y benefitted by the proposed 3.mprovements and
certiff ita £indings to the Gity Commission. L4r. Ralph Richards, John C. Po1hi11 and
Ernest Grean addressed the Commission relative to the proposed improversent--Storm �ewers
on Prospect Avenue snd Yierce Streeto The &iagor suggested the following as membexs
of the Drainage Corrsiission: Pl. TlY. Blaekburn, Ernest Green, Commissioner Joe Turnera
Commissioner Herbert ni. Brown, City I�Tanager Boyd A. Bennett and Engineer Willian Lee;.
the City A4anager to be the Ch�irnan of tha Corrunissic�n. On a motion by Conunissioner
Casler, seconded by Coxnnissioner Turner and carried, the Commission appointments, as
suggeated k�y the Mayor, were approved.
The City b�anager submitted ra letter from the Clearwater Beach Assoc3ation
informing the Commission that the Association was protesting to the Army Corps of
Engineers against the granting of a permit tn Cosmos Gaillorakis: to construct a 90 £t.
Pier int� the Gulf frorn 840 Eldorado l�venue. hir. Charles P. Day stated that individuals
coulcl base their protests on dan�er to navigation only, but that the Gity could protest
effactively v�ithout stating it�s reasong9 and sug�ested that auch a protest be filed.
Connnissioner Casler moved that the recoirnnendation of the Clearwater Beach Assoc3ation
be accepted and the City�s objection filed with the Corps of Engineers. The motion
was seconded by Coimnissioner Turner and carried unanimouslye
The Gitg Attorney subriitted Qrdinance ,-�592, an Ordinanca regulating signs. Rir.
�lan C. Drew of'the Bayview Civic Club, told the Commission he thought the srame ruling
as to signs. should be applied East of Duncan Avenue on Gulf-to-Bay BTvd, as is propoaed
for thet part West of Duncan Ave. Mr. H. M. BYantor suggested that that part of tYie
Ordinance pertaining to Real Estate Signs be deleted. On a motion by Go�ntssioner
Brown, seconded by Commissioner Casler and casried, Ord3nance #592 was passad on the
first reading. Coiranissioner Brovrn, Casl•er, Dresr and Turner voted "A e'!. There were
no �^NQes°. 9
Mr. J. �y, Hinda, Chairman of the Lions Club Buildin� Conunittee, appear.ed before
the Commi�sion proposing that the Lions Club and the City Coruiiasion �ake some
a�reement germittin� the Club to axchange its property adjacent ta Coachman Park
propert5 for City owned proparty on Court Street. By consent, the matf�sr was rePerred
to the Appraisal Committee and the City hlanager for study and a report„
The City Nlanager surmitted ior the consideration of the Co�ission a request by
the S. P. C. Ao that the Society be paid six cents per mile on animal pick-ups, plus:
��1.00 per hour for a truck drive�, board for animals at 5Q cents per day, 35 cen�s per
animal for animals disposad of by medicat3on and 65 cents for dispos3tion and buriala
On a motion by Cor,�issioner Ca91er, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the Cit�
Attorney was instructed to bring a copy of the dog Ordinances now in effect to the
next meeting of the Connnissiona
The City hlane.ger submitted the request of t.he Episcopal Church of the Ascension
thst Lots 3, 4& 5, Block 5, Stasrr & Saverys Addition, bo zoned as R-2, as a hardehip
case to permit use by the Church, to�ether with the Zoning Board+s racommendation that
the request be granted. Com�issioner Caaler moved thst the matter b� referxed to the
City Attorney to be advertised for a Pubiic Hearing I�iarch 6�th. The mot3on was seconded
by Corrnnissioz�er Turner and carried unenimousZy.
February 22, 1950
�'he City Attorney reported that he did not have +�he Ordinaince on garbago a�d
trasYi collections ready at ihis time, and the ma�ter was deferred, by consent.
The City Attorney rsad €lydinance �590, an Urdinance est�blishi�g rates for
gas, when used for space heat:Lng onl.y, 3n ,fu11e On a motion by Car,miissioz�er Turner,
seconded by Commissioner Casle� and carried, Ordinan,ce 590 P�as pctased an the second
reading. Corrmiissioner Brown, Gas:ier, Drew and Tus•ne�r voted °Aye." Thero were na
negative vota�.
�I �
Coannissioner Casler submitted a request that lots 2&�', Blook 13, A;. C. Turnera�
Sub. be zoned as R-2, as a hardship case. The Zoning Board�s recommenclation vras that
�he request be granted. Commissianer Casler moved tlzat this3tem also be advert�.sed
for a Public Hearing niaroh 6th. Th� motion was seconded by Comnissionar Brocvn and
carried unanimously.
The Cit�r Clerk reported that it would cost approximately $�225.00 to have an
entira 0-rdinance Book copy:nade, but that t�at part pertaining to '�Offenses�� had
slready been typed and delivered to the Police Department.
The City AZanager reported orally that progress was being made on re-negotiating
the cantract wit2z the Clearwater Flyin� Co.
The City hianager reported that Kennedy and Strickland had been the only firm to
submit a bid i'or supplying the special heavy duty type Police Gruisar; the amount o£
their bid being �1780.Q0, less an allowanre of y�"680,00 ior 2-Door Ford Sedan in
exchange, making a net bid of �1100000. Commissioner Turnar r.�oved that the bid of
Kennedy & Strickland be accepted. The motion was seconded by Counnissioner Brown and
carried un�nimously.
The Citg �ianager reported that the Sea Wall at tlie end of Engmsn Street, as
requested by Tqayor Sargoant, would cost approximate�y �p2500.00, end that this iteru
had not been budgeted. On a motion by Coznmissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner
Turner and carried, the inatter was deferred Yor further considerationo
The City hianager reported the following Gas and Watar Nlain extansions:
165 ft� of 2" Water h4ain on Queen L�ne at an est3.mated cost of �p125.00
125 ft. of 2�� Water Main on. Missouri Ave. at an est.imated co,st oP ��80.00
On a moti�n be Connuissioner Brown, seconded by Commiss3oner Turner and carried, the
City aianager�s report was aacepted,
Connniasioner Caaler nov�d that the lease of tha Clearwater Rifle Club and the
(3lear�uater Pistol Club be extended for a period oY five years. The motion was
secondad by Corrmissioner Turner and carried.
Tha oPfer of Paul Randol.ph, Inc. to purchase eleven 25 ft. lots 3.n Block D,
Navajo Park at �110�.00 Y�r a client� the City to furnish titla insurance anc, to pay
brokers Commission, was re��erred to the Appraisal Committee by consent, together �vith
an offer submitted by rrir. r.slph RicYiards ior a client in the amount of yp1100.00 for
the same propert� with no brolzers comniasion to be deductad.
The City iY?anager xeconnnended ihe construction of a six inch water main on A4arshall
Street to serve the Sew�ges Disposal Plant. He e�timated the co�t a� $�3500,00. On a�
raoti.on by Coirnnissioner Casler, s�Gonded by Cozmnissioner Brown and �.znan�snouslg carried,
the Cit� T�Ianagerrs reponm!�nclation was approved.
The City irianager submitted a Resolution whic:n would require 4. per�ona to clean
the3r lots of �rass, weeds, and uriderbrush. On a motiott by Corrunissioner CasTer,
seconded by Commissioner Turner, a.nd unanimously carried, the resolutiori was adopted.
The Ciuy Llana�er Aresented the copy of a letter addressed by County Engineer,
�1. !�. tvlcP+Iullen, to the Honorable Alfred A. I�icKathan, Chairrnan o£ the Stata Road Board,
in which lettar �vIr. hicPlullen requests that the Clearwater Tirk�an area be givsn priority
on a survey of traffic conditions. �ommissioner Turner moved that receipt of the
letter be ac���::��ledged v�ith thanks. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it;
carried unani�: r;asly.
The City 2,ianager recoimnended the constr�:�ction o.P 500 ft. of 2 inch gas main on
Betty T.,ane and. Nicholson Street at an estimated cost of �450,p0. On a motion by
Commiasioner Brown, seconded by Coirunissionar Turner and carried, the City Nianager�s
reco�nendation was approved.
� H�ving adjourned as the City Gousaiasion and actittg as Trustees oP the Pension
Fund, the Cormreission appraved the admission of Jack Petars of the Cas and Y�ater
Depart�ent and Jim Liles oY the Parks Depsrtment into rnembership in the Pension Fund,
on a motion by Commissioner Gasler vrhich was seconded bS* Co�3asioner Turner and carried>
`-� �G..a.c� � '� n �---�• �.." _
vl � x,[ J
�,c ing mayor-Cormnissiuner
Ci � Audi or d Clerk
February 22, 1y50
1. Approvin� of minutes of Special meetings of February 7 and Februar� 13.
2. Conaidaration of auxenciment to the garbage and trash ordinance relative to the>
increaeing of collection c}aarges.
3. Second reading of sn Ordinance relative to trailers within the City limit��.
4. City Attorney�s report on �vhether or not other than abutting property ov+ners.can
be assessed for the cost of a storm sewex on Prospect and Pierce Streetis.
5. Consideration of an Ordinance on its•.second reading, £ixing gas space heating
rate onlg.
6� Report o:P the Zoning Bo�rd on tho request of the Episcopal Church - a hardship
case - to use the property across the atreet frox: tl�.e pra3ent church f�r religious.
7. CYty Clerk's report on the cost of having another complete set of Ci�ty ordinances:
typed - for use o� the P+Tunicipal Court.
8. City bTanagerts xeport on re-negotiation of the contract with the Clearv�ater
Flying Coe
9. Consideration of proposals received for the purchase of a cruiser for tha Police
10. Considaration of a sfla�vall and fill at the west end of Engman Street, requasted
by Mayor 5argeant.
11. City Mana�;er�s report an the approval February 9 of 165� oi 2" water m.ain on
�een T,ane at estimated cost of y�125.00 and on February 9, the approval of 125�
of 2�z water main on NIissouri Avenue at an estimateci cost of �80.,00
l�, Consideration of the request of Clearwatex Rifle Cluh f�r the renewal of it�
lease on the northeast corner of the airport propertg.
13. Consideration of the offer of Paul F. Randolph, Inc., for the purchase of lots�
in Navajo Park Subdivision.
14, Consider�tion of correspondence from the Clearwater Beach Association rolative to
the application for a 90 ft. pier to bs extended into the Gulf of Mexico from
840 Eldorado.
15. �onsicieration of a letter fram S. P. Co A. relative to payraents to them to cover
the cost of animals being cared for by �ha Association after Lein� pioked up by
the Police Departman•� .
T6. Con3iderstion of a 6�� ;qater line on P�Iarshall Street ta serve the Seti4er Disposal
Ylant which is necessary because of the increaseci amount o£ chlorine necesaary,
also because of the a�ount oi vrater necessary in repa.iring the digestero
1'i. Resolution requasting property o��rners to clean their lots of weeds and grass.
18. Request of Fire Chie£ to receive bids and placing an ord.er for 100U gal, psr
minute fire pumper and truck.
19. Present�tion o£ a cogy of a letter i'rons �Ir. 4J. A. B1cLiu1len Jr., Gounty Engineer�
addressed to Chairman of state Road llepartment relative�traPfic survey in
Clea�r�vater urban �rea. ��
20. Consideration of ordinance relative to advertising signs.
2:10 Consideration of 500 ft. of 2" gas main on Bett� Lane and Ir�icholson at estimatsd
cost o£ �'450.00.
22. Consideration of Lions Club matber pertaining to their lot in Coachman Parko
A`�d j ournment
Coimnisaion acting as Trustees for the Pension Plan.
February 17, 1950:
Lir. Boyd A. Bannett, City Planager,
City Hall,
C1eArwater, Florida.
Dear b2r. Sennett�
Enclosed is a copy of a letter dated February 17th addressed to the Engineer in
Charg6 of tha Tampa Sub-Office of the Corps of Engineers relative to an application
for a 90 ft. Yier to extend into the Gulf from the seawall at 840 Eldorado Street,
Clearwater Beach.
A,s you wi11 note, the lebter contains bhe navigation reasons wh� such a pier i�
not doairable� Further, if such private piers were up and down the beaches, there
could be a sanitary problem involved and recreational activities definitelg interferred
with causing the whoie beach area to be less attractive to winter visitors and our
local residents�
Will you place this matter on gour agenda for your very next regular or special
meeting for the attention of �he City Cormnissionera as to whether they wish to lodge�
a protest against such a pier with the Corps of Engineer�.
Very truly yours�
By RalF'1 V`J. Carson, Pres.
F'abruary 22, 195Q
Febz�uary Z7, Z95Q
Air. 1N. A. Reed
Enginear in Charge
Tampa Sub-Office--Corp:a of Engineers
P: 4. Box 2:7I
Tampa, Florida
Re: 90 Ft. Pi�r into Gulf at f340 �za�raav St., Clearwater 13each, Fla.o
Dear rtr, 1?eed:
The undersi�gned assoc�.ation hereby protests the canstruction of the above-named
pier as an impediment to navigation in that i� would interfere with aquaplaning and
water sk3ing dur3ng fair weathar, and it would be a hazard to the snipe racing which
takes place almost �veeltly and in which a:; r.lany as fifteon boats� contend, tacking
somet�mos within 20 to 40 #'t. off sY�ole. Further, smc�ll boaL•s with outboard motor�
dailg use the area within 40 feat off shore and frequently dock �heir boats on tho
beach, as do coaunerial fishermen when they spread their nets �rom sh�re; also pl,easure
boatrs with Iittle draft and inboard motors hug the shore when the Gulf waters becoma
rou�h. biost of the above occurs during d�yli�ht hours, but fraquently at night.
Ti' this app7ication were grante3, it would establish a precedent for othor piers
to ex�end into �the Gulf and thus multiply the aforesaid navigation impedim.ents�..
Vory truly yours,
F3y. Ra1pYi W� Carson, Presa
Bo�*d A. Bennett, City ?�;gr.
VJHEREAS': it has bean deterr.iined by the City Com�ission oi the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that �the property described below should be cleaned of �t�eds, grass and�or
unclerb�uslz, and tnat after ten (],0) days notioe and failura of the ovrner thereof tc do
so, the �ity should clean such property and charge the costs thereof against the
respectiva property.
NOW TfIEREFORE BE IT FFSOLVED by the City Cas�ission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, that the foll.owing described property, s3.tuate in said City, sha1T be clea ned
of weeds, grass snd�or undertarush within ten (10) days after notice in writi.ng to
tha o�rners ihereoi -Go do so and that upon failure to comply with said notice, the
City shall perforrs such cleaning and chargs the costs thereof agttinst the respective
properties in accordance with Section 128 of the Charter of �ha Gity of Cleartivater, as
a�end�d . -
Bert J. Goulait
31st Fighter Grczup
Tur.z�er Field, Ala.
John T Bails�
6 Burns Street
Forrest Hills, Lon� Island, N.Y.
Tilarigold L. Davis
3ox 3088, City
iNm. S . V�ightman
926 Iviandalay Rd.
Lots 15, 16, 17, Slk �
Oaks Hil].s Stzk�d.
Lots 4, 5, B 1k A
Breeze H3.11 Sub.
Lots 6, 8, Blk �,
E�reeze Hill Smb.
Lot 7, Blk A,
Breeze HiZl Sub.
(Estimate Lot 4,�30.00
�� �' S, 20.00 )
n ir g � ��;30 .00
�� �' 8, .�30.00
° �� 7, �30.00
PASSED AND ADOPTED by bhe City Commiasion of the City a� Clearwater,
Florida, this tiay of , A.D. 1950.
Leland . Drev�
Actin� uiayor-Commiasioner
�"ebruary 22, �950
C�.ty of Cleax�water,
'Clearwate,r, Florida .
February 21, 195Q;
Tt is the earna3t desire u� this Societ� to cooparate with the City in connection
with the enforcemen� of dog anc� cr�t l�wa; and in so doing �.t suggests the follov�ing
chargeg be paid to -�he Society fo� tho �rork it doea in connec�ion with animals turned
over to it by the Police Department. ,
IvIiTea�e on our �ruck to picl, up tho animals ----------_� .06 per m�.le
�'fius - - - Truck Driver --- -------.-- -----______ 1.00 �er hour
r;edical:ion to put anima�. asleep -.---______ ____________ 35 each
Board for i:�e animal at our pond ------------------------ .50 per day
(for three days)
Tabor far di3position and burial ---------------..-_-____ ,g5 par aniraal,
Hon. AZfred A. TZcKethan,
Ch�9.rman, 5�ate Road Board,
�rooksville, Fzorida.
Dsar Sir;
Yours very truly,
CI�F�RWA7'ER S. P. C. A.
By Fay F. Russel.7l
February 6, 195Q
Res Traffic Survey of Clearwater urbsn area;
The Board o� County Commisaidners of Pinell�s CQunty are u.rgantly in need of a
master plsn of hi�hways of the County tirhich v�e would like to have prspared by the
State Roed Department, but realizing that your departmen:t is novr over-whelmed with
work vre readily a�ree to a pos�ponement of tne County vride survey necessary for
such a plan, hoFrever, we feel that the situation in tlze Clearvraier urban area is
so critieal that rve woul@ like to Y�ave � survay of t12�s area made i�mediately,
I am attachin�; resolution� passed by the City of Clear�rater, by the To�vn of
I,argo and b� the Tawn of Belleair urging such a survey as we wi�l greatly appreciate
having you give this your prorapt and favorabla consideratian.
Thar.king you for your cooperation, I am
Yours very truly,
1N, A. 2dc�Iu].Zan Jr.
Count� �nginear
WAM gw
To the Honorable �ommissioners
of the C3ty of Clearwrater.
Fabruary 14, 1950
The i,learwater Rifle Club herewith makes application for a renewal oi the lease
on the N. E. Corner of the Airport property now in use as a Rifle Range.
Cle�arwater now boas•ts one of ihe best equipped small-bora Rifl.e R�nges in the
southeast and attraets shc�ters fxom the eastern se�board as r�ell as the winte�
visitora,, Some 80 shooters and tlieir fam.ilios attended registered Tournaments at
the Clearv�rpter Range during the past year. 44e expact to hold thasr� same Tournaments
durin�; the co�i:�g year if this range is s�ill availableo
Sincerely �ou�s,
L. i�V. Abrams, Secretary
H. G. W1n�a cc�
�ity Auditor and Clerk
��. .. . � 1 . . . . '
February 22, 1950
Proposala received by Boyd A. Bannett, City� b�anagar, Clearv+ai;er, l+lor�.da, in tl�e
office o� the City rTanagor, at ]10;00 A. hl., Febru�ary 20, 7,950, fox; Une 4 door
sadan automobile for City Police Dept. havin�; a minimurs on�,ine H. P, of 1.10, -
heavy duty clutch, oloan-out pTate in oil pan qnd combination vacuum fuel pump;
heavy duby frcnt shock absorbers, h,eavy du4y rear shocli absorbers, heavy duty
#'ront springs, hesvy duty roar springs�, heavy duty front seat, iieavy duty rear
eeat, heavy dutg in�erior �r3ni, heavg duty arm rest and door pull, heavy du�ty rear
door pu11, heRvy du�y front rubber mat; five 6;50 x 16, 4 ply tires An@ tubas.
Kennady & Strickland:
� 4 door sedctn, deluxa trim
V$ I10 hp engine
Haavy duty front & rear shock absorbers;
Haavy duty front & rear sprin�s
5-6:50 x Z6 - 4 ply tires & tubes�
�0�' heavy duty cTutch, claan out plate in oil pan
and combination vacuum and fuel pump
Heavy duty front & rear seats, gr�en 3uck
Haavy duty interior trim, green duck
Iieavy daty arm rest & door pull
Heavy duty rear door puT1
Heavy duty front rubb�� mat
TotaT cost
Less astimated
Foderal Tax
Trada in credit 1947,
2 door sedan - Fo�cl
Tdet Exchange Pric�
hir. VJingo_m
�7l, 865 .00
�il, �00. UO
Feb. 7, 1950.
LVith rei'eronce to item 13 on tha Agenda, Alrs. Ilona B. Sriarp v�rould Zikz a chance
to bid on these Zots in Navajo Park. In her behalf I am willing to ofPer �7.100.00,
Cash for T1 25-foot units, with no real estate cor�ission to pay.
If this offer is riot acceptable, I would like to suggest that an oppnrtunity
for competitive bidding be afforded be,fore thase lots are sold.
Ralph Rich�rds.
AI�. Boyd Bennett,
City of Clear�nater,
Clearwater, Fla.
D$ar Boyd:
Feb. 7, 1950
Pursuant to our letter of January 6th relative to the following lots:
lots 37� 38� 39� 40p 4.'St 44� 45� 46� 47� 48� 49� B1oCk D� N�vajo Park,
I wish to advise vre hold a deposit and our cl.ient has authorized us to affe�
you �;1100.00. for the lots in their entiretg, eleven 7�ots of 25 foot fronta�ge each;,
the prica to fnclud.e Tit1e Insurance to the PurcYiaser, s:s we31 as a commission to
this off3ce. Deed to be Fee Simpla Deedo •
Inasmuch as time is of tha essenca, we respectful,.ly requsst th�t you advise us
of seceptance or re�ection of this offer on or beforo FebiYuary 22, 1950.
Verg truly qours,
Faul F. Randolph
pfr; m
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